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Ageing and Society ntnu99 ntnu99

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 00290971 00290971

American Heart Journal MBISRIT MBIS Kun 2 simultanbrukere
American Journal of Clinical Pathology 04079299 universitetsbib
American Journal of Dermatopathology RITBIB ubitrit
American Journal of Kidney Diseases mbisajkd ritbibajkd
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology UBITRIT RIT Kun 2 simultanbrukere
American Journal of Surgical Pathology RITBIB ubitrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i
Anesthesiology MBIS ubitrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 4509282 mbisaorl
Annals of Plastic Surgery mbisaps medbibaps
Annals of Surgery mbis ubitrit
Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology itrondhei 000111385415
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation JANOR ubitmed
ASAIO Journal mbis ubitrit
Circulation MBISRIT MBIS
Circulation Research MBISRIT MBIS
Clinical Cardiology mbiscc
Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology mbis ubitrit
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research MEDBIBLIOTEK mbibrit Bruk sm?
bokstaver i passordet
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics MBISCPT ritcpt
Cochrane trondheim ntnu Maks. 7 brukere samtidig.
Critical Care Medicine mbismse medbibmse
Current Opinion in Hematology ritbib ubitrit
Current Opinion in Infectious Disease MEDBIBLIOTEK mbibrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i
Current Opinion in Ophthalmology MEDBIBLIOTEK mbibrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i
Current Opinion in Orthopedics bibmed2 ubitrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet!
Current Opinion in Rheumatology RITBIB ubitrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet!
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology ntnu99 ntnu99
Development and Psychopathology ntnu99 ntnu99
Diabetes Care mbis ubitmed
Diagnostic Molecular pathology MBISDMP ritdmp
Diseases of the Colon and Rectum mbismse medbibmse
Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary 6GFYZFR
Epidemiology MBISEPI ritepi
European Journal of Gatroenterology & Hepatology MEDBIBLIOTEK mbibrit Bruk
sm? bokstaver i passordet
Fetal diagnosis and therapy MBIS UBITMED
Gastroenterology mbisgastr ritbibgastr
Health Promotion International pickerin1 ntnulib
Heart & Lung RIT MBIS Kun 2 simultanbrukere
Hospital Infection Control 5520508 hic5520508
Human Pathology MBISHP rithp
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 0000001810355055 N?r pdf fors?kes ?
pnet, blir man bedt om ? logge seg p?. Legg inn nummeret i feltet 'subscriber number',
og trykk p? logon-knappen.
International archives of allergy & immunology MBIS UBITMED
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immonology mbisjaci ritbibjaci
JAMA ntnuno Kun en bruker om gangen! Logg ut etter bruk!
The Journal of Arthroplasty BIBR bibmed
The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery(AM) MBISJBJS ritjbjs
Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia mbisjcva ritbibjcva
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism mbisa bibliotek
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry ntnu99 ntnu99
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology RITBIB ubitrit
Journal of Clinical Oncology MBIS MBIS Kun 1 simultanbruker
Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography RITBIB ubitrit
Journal of Current Laser Abstracts untr 148
Journal of Family Practice mbis321
Journal of Forensic Sciences 000219410 jofs
Journal of Hand Surgery MEDTRH UBITRIT
Journal of Hand Therapy mbis123 Logg inn f?r bruk!
Journal of Hypertension MEDBIBLIOTEK mbibrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet
Journal of Immunotherapy ritbib ubitrit
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine MBIS5 ritbib5
Journal of Leukocyte Biology MBISRIT MBISRIT
Journal of Membrane Biology sek713bp cdp938fo
Journal of Neurosurgery MBIS ubitrit
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine MBIS ubitrit
Journal of Oral maxillofacial Surgery mbisjoms ritbibjoms
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition ritbib ubitrit
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology mbis ubitrit
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics mbis ubitrit
Journal of Pediatrics MEDBIB RIT Kun 2 simultanbrukere
Journal of Pediatric Surgery MBISJPS ritjps
Journal of Professional Nursing MBISJPN ritjpn
Journal of Rheumatology 1831 ntnulib1
Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques RITBIB ubitrit
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry mbismse
medbibmse Kun 1 simultanbruker.
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology MEDISINBIB ubitrit
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography RITBIB ubitrit
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery UBITMED RIT Kun 2 simultanbrukere

Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care mbismse medbibmse

Journal of Urology mbismse medbibmse
Journal of Vascular Nursing MBIS6 ritbib6
Journal of Vascular Surgery MBIS UBITMED Kun 2 simultanbrukere
The Lancet interactive USER1
USER3 LANCET Er USER1 aktiv, m? neste logge inn som USER2, etc.
Laryngoscope mbisa bibliotek
L?kartidningen UNIV 953927 Bruk innloggingsbilde i forbindelse med nedlastning av
artikkelen. Ikke logg inn via knapp p? toppen av siden.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise MBISMSE medbibmse
Medicine on the Net MBIS ubitrit Log in via log-in knappen. Velg deretter Medcine on
the Net lenken
Methods for Information in Medicine 700129 Kun passord for oppstart av fulltekst.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology MBISMED ubitrit
Molecular and General Genetics sek713bp cdp938fo
Molecular Human Reproduction human4 molecular
Neonatal Network UNIVERSITETSBIBL. I TRONDHEIM 055835 V?r n?ye med ?
skrive br. navn og passord riktig.
Logg ut etter bruk!
Neurology mbis bibliotek Sm? bokstaver i brukernavn og passord
Neurosurgery UNIVERSITETET 601296 Bruk store bokstaver i brukernavnet
The New England Journal of Medicine mbisadmacc

mbisuser secretnejm

Pancreas mbis ubitrit
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal mbismse medbibmse
Physical Therapy 190489 subscriber Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery MBISDMP ritdmp
Physiotherapy j10116 Logg inn med koden i brukernavnkolonnen.
Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases mbispcd ritpcd
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism mbissah ritbibsah
Seminars in Hematology mbissih ritbibsih
Seminars in Oncology mbissio medbibsio
Sexually Transmitted Diseases mbis ubitrit
Spine MBIS ubitrit Bruk sm? bokstaver i passordet
Surgery RITSYKEHUS rit
Survey of Anesthesiology bibmed2 ubitrit
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring mbis ubitrit
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 7341 Kun passord
Trends in Neurosciences MBIS ubitrit

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