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ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

Radial Basis Function classification
This chapter deals with the classification of sleep stages into three broad classes:
Awake (AWA), Slow Wave Sleep (SWS) and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) and
classification of stress conditions induced by the heat. This chapter is divided into
two parts. Part 1 deals with sleep stage classification and the next part deals with
heat stress classification.

Fig 4.1:- Algorithm for classification of data into various classes using
Radial Basis Function
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

4.1 Data collection and features extraction

The features extracted from the polysomnographic data collected from the Rats
was used to extract the following features

Extracted features Signals used

Alpha Band power(8-12 EEG sampled at 128 Hz
Beta Band power(12-45 EEG sampled at 128 Hz
Theta band power(4-8 Hz) EEG sampled at 128 Hz
Delta band power(0.5-4 EEG sampled at 128 Hz
EMG activity EMG sampled at 100 Hz
EOG activity EOG sampled at 100 Hz

Table 4.1:- Extracted features used for classification

The detailed analysis of each of the features is mentioned in the previous section.
Matlab R2014b has been used here for features extraction. After the data has been
collected and features extracted. The features set are labeled. Since for sleep stage
classification there are three stages so the data has been labeled as 1,2 & 3. The
Table 4.2 provides details about the number of samples taken for all the three
Class Class Label Number of sets
Awake(AWA) 0 300
Slow Wave Sleep (SWS) 1 300
Rapid Eye Movement(REM) 2 300
Table 4.2: - Classes, label and number of features for each classes
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

Similarly for heat stress classification, the numbers of classes used for
classification are only two: Acute and Chronic.

Class Class Label Number of sets

Acute 0 450
Chronic 1 450
Table 4.3: - Classes, label and number of features for each classes

Table 4.3 depicts the labels of different classes for heat stress classification. Now,
from the available feature set, more than 60 percent of the data is used for testing
and the remaining data is used for testing or validation of the accuracy of the
radial basis function algorithm. The following histogram depicts the number of
data used for training and the number of features used for testing.

Fig 4.2: - Number of features used for training for sleep stage classification
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

Fig 4.3: - Number of features used for testing sleep stage classification model

Fig 4.4: - Number of features used for training heat stress classification model
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

Fig 4.3: - Number of features used for testing heat stress classification model

4.2 Training and testing the Radial Basis Network for sleep stage
For sleep stage classification the classification between the three classes has been
done in various steps: firstly the classification was done between AWA and SWS.
Then between AWA and REM. This is done because it is easier to assess the
performance of the algorithm for two classes and Matlab inbuilt function favors
one class in case of more than two classes. Also for the given cases the number of
feature sets used for training is kept equal because otherwise the algorithm has its
weight more adapted towards the dominant class. This would increase the
inaccuracies of the algorithm and thus we have kept equal sets feature sets for
The spread parameter of the radial basis neural network is set to 1. The
larger spread is, the smoother the function approximation. Too large a spread
means a lot of neurons are required to fit a fast-changing function. Too small a
spread means many neurons are required to fit a smooth function, and the network
might not generalize well.

Fig 4.5 Shows the learning achieved when the network was trained for class 1 and
class 2 and Fig 4.6 shows the learning curve achieved when the network for class
2 and class 3.
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

Fig 4.5: - Learning curve for class 1 vs. class 2

Fig 4.6: - Learning curve for class 2 vs. class 3

ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

The following observations were made regarding the accuracy of the two cases.
Classification case Classification accuracy No. of epoch to reach goal
Class 1 vs. Class 2 88.5% 150
Class 2 vs. Class 3 86% 200

The overall accuracy was found to be 87.25% for sleep stage classification using
Radial basis function.

4.3 Training and testing the Radial Basis Network for sleep stage
Since there are two classes involved in this case the data or the feature set can be
directly sent for classification without any segregation. In this case also spread
parameter was set to 1 the maximum value for the spread parameter. The learning
curve for the heat stress classification is shown in the following figure.

Fig 4.7: - Learning curve for class 0 vs. class 1

The accuracy of the algorithm was found to be 90.5% for the heat stress
ANN in Sleep-EEG Pattern Classification

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