Anda di halaman 1dari 12

e a d o t her

r n’s
childre inside
look insid
for games
activities and

My family’s
w i l l
thing ter who can
e t b e t I talk to?

If you want more help, see the contact details on the back page
There are lots of reasons
why some parents split up.
Often it’s because one or
both of them is unhappy.
It’s not your fault that
this is happening.

it’s n
my fa ot
It can be very confusing when
parents split up. You could talk to
an adult, like a parent or teacher,
about any questions you have.
will I live?

at abou t
my cat?

do they
still love
why are
mum and
dad angry?

who lk to?
I ta
My family and friends
If you went to space, who
would you take with you?
You can draw your family
and friends here...
When parents split up they
have to think about lots of
things, like where you will live.
Change is not always easy.
But most children find that
things get better over time.

gs w ill
th in r
t b et te
ge im e
over t
What are your three wishes
for you and your family?
You might want to show
this to your mum or dad,
or another adult.
What do you want for the future?
If you want, you can use this page
to write down what you want to
happen. You could show it to your
parents. You might not get what
you want, but it might help to
write it down.
You might feel sad, lonely,
angry or confused. That’s ok.
Talk to people like your friends
and family about how you feel.
Or do something that makes
you happy. You could read a
book or draw a picture. confuse
lonely? angry?
talk t
some o
Sometimes we talk about
feelings and sometimes we there are
keep them hidden. five more
There are lots of feelings feelings in this
to find in this word search. word search – can
Which of these feelings you find them?
are you keeping hidden?

c w e r e t y h i o c
a q d f g h s a d z o
c v p a m q w p r t n
p h i n l k j p g f f
u f z g z v b y m a u angry
a w e r e l y u i o s
k s d y g h s k l z e
c v w o r r i e d t d happy
p y i u l k j h a f s lonely
l o n e l y b n m a s sad
c v b n m q w e r t y worried ✔
d a d s p l it up
h e n m um and lace with my
W a new p o u l dn’t
e d t o t I w
I mov
a s w o r r i e d t h a ore, but
mum. I w my friends any m ee my
e s
get to se it my dad I get to friends
when I vi . Plus I have new u m a n d dad have
oo My m r ry to
friends t living now. d I ’m s o
split up an the better.
where I’m r
say it’s fo ’t get on
They coul d just argued.

Other childr
My friend’s parents are
getting a divorce. She tries
to be ok with it but she
just ends up being mean
to cover up her feelings.
When my
I t h o u g h t mily changed
ruined. Bu y l i f e w a s
o f d i f f e r e n I found lots
me cope – ways to help
the positiv ry to look for
u m a n d dad
My m e d b u t I got
are divor p from my
lots of he the rest of
school an . When my
my famil
y remarried atds ghoatve just
upse"tMbyuptar wndasI groeatloly
noa real
it’s grsepalitt ubp wngI, w hicihse
oun s e
e c
l l i
a use I have
two facm
r e i
a l
l ileysheanpds."I g
spend tim et
e with the to
m all.

dren’s stories...
I thought t
ster are still just dad an t when it was
y si live d
Me and m ith mum. I still the I wouldn’t g me living together
w e
together e house and go t ow
o and her cat t to see my nana
m h B
in the sa ol. I wasn’t sure t upset me. I etty and this
o u s
same sch uld see my dad, b them at we till get to see
o im ek
often I w ut ok and I see h holidays th ends and
o ough.
it turned ds.
at weeke
Childline National Youth
A special help line Advocacy Service
for children Information and advice
0800 1111 0800 61 61 01

Divorce Aid Voice

Advice for children You can call this number
and families going if you are unhappy with
through divorce decisions that have been made about your care
0808 800 5792
It’s not your fault
Advice for children whose
parents are splitting up

Published by Cafcass in May 2008

8th Floor South Quay Plaza 3
189 Marsh Wall, London E14 9SH
020 7510 7000

Further copies of this booklet can be ordered at

ISBN 9780117038479
© 2008 Cafcass Printed on 100% recycled paper

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