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Math (Monday)

Ready to Learn The students will walk in and sit on the carpet
in ready position. I will remind them of the
TEAM chart hanging on the window about
how to TEAM on the carpet. I will use the
attention getter “1, 2, 3, all eyes on me”
(Teacher) “1, 2, eyes on you” (Students)

Warm-Up We will start this lesson with a number talk.

It is important that you quickly go over the
procedures for a number talk posted on the
wall (on the window in the form of a team
poster). For today we ask the children how
many different ways they can make 2.


Represent addition and subtraction with

objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions, or

Solve addition and subtraction word

problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.

Lesson Importance Like addition, subtraction is a foundational

skill that children will use for the rest of their
lives on various occasions, so getting a good
basic understanding of it now will greatly help
their future.

I do We are going to look at word problems again

today, but focus on the strategy of using a
number line to solve them. I am going to solve
two word problems up on the board, the first
one will say “Ms. Thomas brought 2 drinks to
school, she drank the first one (tea), how
many does she have left?” I will then solve
this problem by writing an equation and then
solving it on a number line. The second one
will read, “Kyrie has 6 toys to use at recess,
he shared two of them with Nasir K. How
many does he have left to use?” and solve it
the same way.

We do Has a whole class we will solve three different

problems, it will read, “______ has _____
snacks and shares ____ with ________. How
many does he have left now?” Fill in the
blanks with names and children from the class
names and numbers. Draw a number line and
have them come up and solve them using this

You Do The children will then be released to solve

story problems. The on target group will have
to solve two while the higher group will have
to solve 4. All using a number line.

Closure As a whole group try and engage the children

in writing a story problem. Write it on the
smartboard with their suggestions and follow
their directions. Make it difficult. Make it so
they have to decide whether they should add
or subtract.
Math (Tuesday)
Ready to Learn The students will walk in and sit on the carpet
in ready position. I will remind them of the
TEAM chart hanging on the window about
how to TEAM on the carpet. I will use the
attention getter “1, 2, 3, all eyes on me”
(Teacher) “1, 2, eyes on you” (Students)

Warm-Up We will start this lesson with a number talk.

It is important that you quickly go over the
procedures for a number talk posted on the
wall (on the window in the form of a team
poster). For today draw 3 different ten frames
on three different sheets of paper. The first
one should have 4 dots, one in each corner,
the second should have 4 dots, in the middle
of the ten frame, and the third should have 4
dots, 3 on the top and 1 on the bottom. Flash
each card to the children one at a time and ask
them how much they saw and how they know.
Ask them to explain their thinking.


Represent addition and subtraction with

objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions, or

Solve addition and subtraction word

problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.

Lesson Importance Like addition, subtraction is a foundational

skill that children will use for the rest of their
lives on various occasions, so getting a good
basic understanding of it now will greatly help
their future.
We do Students will now have to combine all of the
strategies that we have learned so far for
solving a story problem. (number line, ten
frame, writing equations) As a whole class we
will work on the sheet “tasty Chocolate” in
their seats. I will have one on the board and I
will have the students direct me in how to
solve it.

You do The students will now get a sheet of their own

with two story problems on it and they will
solve it using all of the methods. Each method
will be assessed separately.

Closure Have students as they finish come up to the

board and solve story problems on the smart
board. They can pass the marker when they
need help or when they finish the problem
they are on.
Math (Wednesday Money Review)
Ready to Learn The students will walk in and sit on the carpet
in ready position. I will remind them of the
TEAM chart hanging on the window about
how to TEAM on the carpet. I will use the
attention getter “1, 2, 3, all eyes on me”
(Teacher) “1, 2, eyes on you” (Students)

Warm-Up We will start this lesson with a number talk.

It is important that you quickly go over the
procedures for a number talk posted on the
wall (on the window in the form of a team
poster). For today draw 3 different ten frames
on three different sheets of paper. The first
one should have 4 dots, one in each corner,
the second should have 4 dots, in the middle
of the ten frame, and the third should have 4
dots, 3 on the top and 1 on the bottom. Flash
each card to the children one at a time and ask
them how much they saw and how they know.
Ask them to explain their thinking.


Represent addition and subtraction with

objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions, or

Solve addition and subtraction word

problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.

Lesson Importance Like addition, subtraction is a foundational

skill that children will use for the rest of their
lives on various occasions, so getting a good
basic understanding of it now will greatly help
their future.
We do I will pull up the anchor chart that was made a
week or so back and ask the students what
each coin is and how much it is worth. On the
document camera I will then have students
come up and sort each type of coin and tell the
class how many they have of each. After that I
will ask them to do certain things with the
coins, for example I had 7 cents now I have 5
cents, how many pennies did I take away or I
have 9 cents and I buy 3 candies for 1 cent
each how much do I have left over.

You Do I will release the children back to their seats

with a bag of coins and ask them to also sort
and write down how many they have of each
type. Then I will repeat some of the same
problems we did as a whole class (with new
numbers) so the children get used to working
with the coins.

Closure As a whole class we will return to the carpet

and I will try to get them to add quarters to get
to a dollar, dimes to get to a dollar, and
nickels. (Counting by 25, counting by 10, and
counting by 5).
Math (Thursday - Money 10 Frame)
Ready to Learn The students will walk in and sit on the carpet
in ready position. I will remind them of the
TEAM chart hanging on the window about
how to TEAM on the carpet. I will use the
attention getter “1, 2, 3, all eyes on me”
(Teacher) “1, 2, eyes on you” (Students)

Warm-Up We will start this lesson with a number talk.

It is important that you quickly go over the
procedures for a number talk posted on the
wall (on the window in the form of a team
poster). For today ask the students in what
ways can they make the number 7.


Represent addition and subtraction with

objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions, or

Solve addition and subtraction word

problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.

Lesson Importance Like addition, subtraction is a foundational

skill that children will use for the rest of their
lives on various occasions, so getting a good
basic understanding of it now will greatly help
their future.

I do Pull up the pearson realize section for lesson

7-3. I will complete the first 2 problems on
page 379. As I am completing the problems I
will explain exactly what I am doing as I do it.

We do As a whole class on the document camera

have students come up and complete problems
that you tell them for example, you have 7
pennies, and you spent 4, how many do you
have left and the children will have to build
this in the 10 frame with pennies. Use other
coins also so they get used to identifying each

You Do As a whole class we are going to use a ten

frame and coins. I will tell the class to fill up
their ten frames and then I will go through and
have them take away 2, then 5, then 7, then 3,
and so on. Ask the children to tell you what
the answer is when completed. Phrase some
of the problems as story problems and write
them on the board. Ask the students to figure
out what needs to be taken away or put on the
ten frame.

Closure Have the students as they finish have them

start to compare their answers and discuss
how they got to their answers. If they make
corrections have them make them with a
crayon in a bright color so I can see how they
changed their mind.
Math (Friday - Penny Equation)
Ready to Learn The students will walk in and sit on the carpet
in ready position. I will remind them of the
TEAM chart hanging on the window about
how to TEAM on the carpet. I will use the
attention getter “1, 2, 3, all eyes on me”
(Teacher) “1, 2, eyes on you” (Students)

Warm-Up We will start this lesson with a number talk.

It is important that you quickly go over the
procedures for a number talk posted on the
wall (on the window in the form of a team
poster). For today draw 3 different ten frames
on three different sheets of paper. The first
one should have 4 dots, one in each corner,
the second should have 4 dots, in the middle
of the ten frame, and the third should have 4
dots, 3 on the top and 1 on the bottom. Flash
each card to the children one at a time and ask
them how much they saw and how they know.
Ask them to explain their thinking.


Represent addition and subtraction with

objects, fingers, mental images, drawings,
sounds (e.g., claps), acting out situations,
verbal explanations, expressions, or

Solve addition and subtraction word

problems, and add and subtract within 10,
e.g., by using objects or drawings to
represent the problem.

Lesson Importance Like addition, subtraction is a foundational

skill that children will use for the rest of their
lives on various occasions, so getting a good
basic understanding of it now will greatly help
their future.
I do I will draw pictures of rows of pennies on the
board with some being taken away. I will
then show the children how write equations
based on the pictures. I will repeat this 3 times
with the pictures matching the equations, 10-
4, 7-2, and 11-3.

We do As a whole class we will then complete 3 of

the same problems with different pictures and
numbers. I will make the pictures match the
equations, 12-4, 4-4, and 15-9.

You Do As a whole class the students will be given

sheets where they are required to look at
pictures of pennies and then write equations.
The higher group will also be given 2
numbers and be asked to write a story
problem about the two numbers with
subtraction. They will also be asked to solve

Closure As a whole class we will return to the carpet

and I will try to get them to add quarters to get
to a dollar, dimes to get to a dollar, and
nickels. (Counting by 25, counting by 10, and
counting by 5).

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