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"Crystals": Recursive Structures in Automated Composition

Author(s): Charles Ames

Source: Computer Music Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3 (Autumn, 1982), pp. 46-64
Published by: The MIT Press
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Accessed: 21-06-2016 17:19 UTC

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Charles Ames
Department of Music
Crystals: Recursive
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, New York 14214
Structures in Automated

Background of perceptual aggregates: (1) that of relative prox-

imity in one or more perceptual dimensions and
Crystals is a microtonal, computer-assisted com- (2) that of relative similarity in one or more aspects
position scored for 16 strings. It lasts approximately of shape. Tenney applied these factors to the di-
17 min and is the first in a series of explorations of mensions and shapes of music. He pointed out how
large-scale, intrinsic forms scored for live perform- proximities in dimensions such as time and register
ers. (Other works in this series, all computer- and similarities in aspects of shape such as rhythm
assisted, include Hockets for 9 trombones, 1980 and intervallic contour link not only local details
[approximately 35 min]; Protocol for solo piano, but even global forms into larger structures. Con-
1981 [approximately 17 min]; and a work in versely, distance in these dimensions and contrast
progress.) in these aspects of shape work to isolate the various
I have long held the conviction that music should components of a musical aggregate. When we listen
be able to stand on its own merits as sound, and in to a musical work, the most dramatic changes pro-
recent years I have also formed the opinion that the vide our landmarks-an emphatic cadence upon a
critical test of a compositional approach is its abil- new tonic in tonal music, a great shift in texture or
ity to sustain a work esthetically over an extended color in all music-these are the cues we depend
duration. This attitude has caused me to focus on to discern when one section of a form gives way
much attention on the linkage between the struc- to another. The forces of relative cohesion and seg-
ture of a composition as it exists on paper and the regation thus establish a perceptual hierarchy of
way listeners perceive that structure. If listeners which the total experience of the composition
cannot hear the structure or at least learn to hear it, forms the apex. Moving down this hierarchy, the
it might as well not be there. composition divides and redivides into progres-
My first inspirations for Crystals date back to the sively smaller units until the most elementary
spring of 1979. James Tenney traveled to Buffalo sounds, typically the individual notes, are isolated.
from Toronto several times to lecture on a variety Tenney provided important models for Crystals
of people and topics: Charles Ives, Harry Partch, his in a series of early works including Phases, written
(Tenney's) experiences at Bell Laboratories, his cur- in 1963, one of the first compositions both "com-
rent interests, and his model of how we perceive posed" and realized using the digital computers at
musical structures. My own concerns made me es- Bell Laboratories, and Music for Player Piano, com-
pecially receptive to this last topic. posed in 1964 (Tenney 1969). (What sets Crystals
Tenney had derived his model from Gestalt psy- apart from these works is more a matter of method
chology, particularly its fundamental assertion that than of concept. Tenney's implementation was not
we perceive structure only in relation to context. recursive, although his model clearly is. I have re-
Gestalt psychology was first advocated during the placed his system of averages with the various sys-
1920s by such figures as M. Wertheimer, K. Koffka, tems of nested constraints described in this article,
and W. K6hler. It was Wertheimer (1938) who dem- allowing more coordination among simultaneous
onstrated two transcendent factors in the formation aggregates and greater isolation among distantly
related ones. I have also exploited harmony as an
independent perceptual domain; harmonic relation-
Copyright C 1982 Charles Ames. ships in Phases and Music for Player Piano arose
All musical examples are also copyrighted by Charles Ames. only coincidentally from Tenney's registral proce-

46 Computer Music Journal

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dures. He evidently did not discover Harry Partch entity's other offspring, and a parent to a number of
until later.) entities at the next lower level. No entity will have
Esthetic sympathy was not the only reason I was structural precedence over any other entity at the
attracted to Tenney's ideas. While designing a digi- same level, since such precedence would contradict
tal sound synthesis package for our university, I be- the hierarchical organization. The process termi-
came familiar with recursion. For the programmer, nates along each of its multitudinous paths when it
this technique involves routines that can "call" has refined the total aggregate into a description of
themselves, and it has proved extremely powerful an individual tone.
in diverse applications such as compiling algebraic
expressions, sorting large amounts of data, and
playing chess. It immediately occurred to me that Recursive Levels
recursive procedures were also exactly what a com-
puter would need in order to generate the kind of There is a total of 10 recursive levels in Crystals;
musical hierarchies Tenney's model suggests, since in describing operations as specific levels, I will
the forces of perceptual cohesion and segregation adopt higher numbers for levels approaching the
governing relationships at each level of these hier- top of the hierarchy. Thus, the most dramatic struc-
archies are often very similar. tural division in the work occurs at level 10, while
the operations giving rise to individual notes occur
at level 1.
Overview The six refinements from level 10 down to level
5 are global in scope. Deterministic strategies gen-
The recursive strategies described in this article erally control how offspring inherit attributes at
generated the entire content of Crystals. These these levels to ensure an orderly design for the
strategies implemented a branching process, analo- work as a whole. These six refinements partition
gous in its effect to the process of molecular com- the work into 64 sectional aggregates, or successive
bination in crystalline formations. Its genesis, portions of the score (Fig. 1). Refinements on these
however, is closer to reproduction in living cells, global levels are exclusively horizontal, so that
and it is this resemblance that enables us to apply there will be no simultaneous crystals. I desired
genealogical nomenclature to the hierarchical rela- that each crystal in the temporal sequence confront
tionships in the work. We begin by considering the the listener as a new experience, structurally simi-
entire work as an abstract entity, defined only by a lar to its predecessors but unpredictable in its un-
handful of general limits: the total duration, the folding detail (intervallic relationships, durational
gamut of a small string orchestra, the size of that successions, etc.). Therefore, random procedures
orchestra, and the dynamic and coloristic resources generally control how offspring inherit their at-
of the instruments. This entity is our primordial tributes at the four local levels. I will discuss the
germ. It begets a number of offspring, passing down local strategies first, because they motivate several
refinements of its characteristic attributes to each of the global ones.
one. The generative process binds these new sib-
lings to one another as common elements of a
greater whole. However, to ensure the perceptual Structure of Individual Crystals
integrity of each sibling, the process strongly con-
trasts these refined attributes. Because the process The strategy for generating a crystal originated with
is recursive, each offspring becomes a parent in its an image of a musical texture in which each of sev-
own right and itself begets offspring. At other than eral simultaneous parts, with the passage of time,
the highest and lowest levels of the hierarchy, a had the potential either to join with other parts into
given entity will be an offspring of some entity at a concerted entity or to split into a new collection
the next higher level, a sibling of that higher-level of independent parts. This process of joining and

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Fig. 1. Measures 453-484 The pronounced contrast that its hierarchical rela- t sixth-tone flat
of the score, illustrating between crystal 49 and its tionship to crystals 47 and natural
crystals 47-49. Silences predecessors, most appar- 48 is remote. The notation 4sixth-tone sharp
articulate adjacent crys- ently in duration and uses the following system 4-third-tone sharp
tals; apostrophes also ap- thickness of texture but of accidentals: # semitone sharp
pear as cues at each of also with regard to several
b semitone flat
these places in the score. other attributes, indicates
-, third-tone flat

Crystal 47
STRICTLY J =72 455 460

ff mp p

f mf f ff mp p


S f ff


I _ - - f 6-
m fmp


v a f fm


mf ? mp

48 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 1 (con't.)

Crystal 48

Mf mp f
I"I I: t !


pmp f

mmp f f ff

. " I II
U 0 n.-l I
a mp f

m f pmf "

Ames 49

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Fig. 1 (con't.)

470 475


mf mp

L'I i

m mpm

50 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 1 (con't.)

Crystal 49

4 _p




----------- "- -L--

pp im

pp mt


mp _ _

pp mp



p p

12 L?9 ,, " psosm i tFo

Ames 51

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splitting would remain in equilibrium so that the equally between the two simultaneous
overall number of parts stayed fairly consistent offspring in each segment.
while the internal network of alliances between 4. The computer constructs a cell of four dis-
parts evolved in continual flux. As this image ma- tinct but mutually consonant tones on the
tured, it became apparent that the process need not parent's harmonic root. These tones, dis-
apply simply to parts of one voice, but could also tributed among the offspring generated in
apply to collections of several voices, and that these stage 2, become roots in their own right at
collections could join and split on progressively the next lower level. (Within the context of
larger scales, expanding in a hierarchy. Figure 2 this article, I consider two pitches to be in
illustrates the final distillation of this image, as im- "harmony" if their frequency ratio closely
plemented in Crystals. The strategy first defines approximates a quotient of two small inte-
limiting regions for aggregates on the broadest gers. Also within this context, I consider
scale, then takes these regions as constraints for the root of a harmonic interval or sonority
subsidiary aggregates in the hierarchy. as the pitch corresponding to unity in this
integer representation. The motivation for
this approach to harmony is H. Partch's
duality between otonality and utonality
Five Stages of Generation [Partch 1974, pp. 86-94]).
5. Each of the two segments generated in
In the local process of generation, a parent begets stage 2 inherits a portion of the parent's dy-
offspring in five stages. namic range. The program places these new
1. Its duration divides into two subdurations ranges in opposite extremes of the parent's
to create two temporal segments.
2. For each of the two segments generated in Stages 1 and 2 clearly play dominant roles in de-
stage 1, the computer randomly decides termining a crystal's horizontal and vertical com-
whether or not to branch into two simul- plexity, respectively. Any one offspring is either
taneous aggregates. Thus, any parent may simultaneous with or directly adjacent to each of
beget two (branches in neither segment), its siblings; this proximity in time emphasizes the
three (a branch in only one segment), or close relationship between offspring of a common
four (branches in both segments) offspring. parent. Beyond this, the combination of aggregates
3. Each of the offspring generated in stage 2 in vertical and horizontal pairs allows a greater
inherits a portion of its parent's registral number of superimposed levels to be cultivated
span. There are three cases: than larger combinations would permit. (The max-
a. If branches occur in neither segment, the imum number of levels is ultimately bounded by
two sequential offspring inherit registral the number of parts in the orchestra.) The con-
spans in opposite extremes of their par- vergence of attacks and releases at nodal points in
ent's span. the crystalline framework also strongly articulates
b. If a branch occurs in only one segment, the hierarchical scheme. Stages 3-5 are ancillary to
then the parent's registral span divides the preceding stages in that they reinforce the hori-
equally between the two simultaneous zontal and vertical structure generated so far from
offspring generated in that segment, the registral, harmonic, and dynamic perspectives;
while the single offspring generated in yet, their contribution plays an essential role in
the remaining segment inherits a regis- projecting this structure. As each stage corresponds
tral span in the middle of its parent's to an independent perceptual domain and brings up
span. compositional problems unique to that domain, it
c. If branches occur in both segments, then will be instructive to examine the individual stages
the parent's registral span divides in greater detail.

52 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 2. Evolution of a crys- inside the various rec-
tal. The vertical scale indi- tangles indicate harmonic
cates register, while the roots. (Dynamics are not
horizontal scale shows included.)
time. The pitch notations





G E A*


---------------------------------------- ------


Bk C F
E fD1 c B E C '
---------------------------~---------------------- j

G+ -----------------------------

G# Et D$ Et E G+A* G4 Et A
At G E* G A E F D E G DI
A* A C A+t 0

...... . .. . . ... ...... ..... . ..... ...... .----

Ames 53

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Durations Within Crystals segments at level 4, one containing a path down
through the hierarchy with no branches at all, the
In stage 1, the program chooses the temporal divid-
other containing a path with a branch at each level.
ing point, using probabilities so as to cultivate
The result would be two textures of equal struc-
rhythmic variety between crystals and between
tural importance, but the vertical density of one
subsidiary aggregates of a crystal. It is important to
would give it greater emphasis than the other.) In
avoid points at durational extremes. It would not
order to keep the vertical density of a crystal con-
have served the structural organization of this work
sistent, I adopted the following strategy: let B be
if, for example, I had permitted a 20-sec duration at
the expected number of branches assigned to the
level 4 to divide into a 19.75-sec segment and a
current crystal. Then the probability of a branch in
0.25-sec segment. The latter segment would be
either segment at level 4 is the quotient of this ex-
heard only as an ornament, rather than an impor-
pected number of branches and the total number of
tant unit. In order to preclude the worst situations,
opportunities to branch, B/4. Consider the first seg-
I fixed the minimum duration of any individual
ment and suppose that the program decided not to
note, that is, of any offspring generated at level 1, at
branch at level 4. Moving down to level 3, it must
a sixteenth note, the smallest rhythmic division
accomplish the same number of branches, but the
used in Crystals. Consequently, the minimum du-
number of opportunities to branch has dropped to
ration for all offspring at level 2 is an eighth note,
three. The probability of branching should then be
the minimum at level 3 is a quarter note, and so on.
B/3. If, on the other hand, the computer did decide
The range of possible dividing points is therefore
to branch at level 4, then there remain only B - 1
the span of time remaining after the computer sub-
branches to accomplish in three more opportuni-
tracts the minimum duration of both segments
ties, so the probability is (B - 1)/3. For an arbitrary
from the parent's duration. It then randomly selects
segment at level L, the probability of branching
a point from this interval according to a distri-
should thus be B'/L, where B' is the expected num-
bution that is peaked at the midpoint, thus sup-
ber of branches from this current level down. If the
pressing the likelihood of extremes of duration. The
program decides to branch, both simultaneous off-
probability density of a point t in this distribution
is spring in the segment inherit B' - 1; otherwise,
the single offspring will inherit B'. This strategy
L+ 1 ensures that the number of branches leading from
PL(t) = 2 (2y)L, level 4 down to any individual note can deviate by
where no more than 1 from the expected number assigned
to the crystal. It also ensures that for any pair of
t/T if 0 !t t T/2 segments generated from the same parent, the pro-
y portion between the number of simultaneous
(T- t)IT if T/2 t t T. voices will be in the range from V2 to 2.

Simultaneous Aggregates Register

While in stage 1 the major concern was to keep the The foremost concern in stage 3 is to isolate the
two segments of a parent in reasonable balance, the registers of simultaneous offspring, so whenever
major concern in stage 2 is to balance the number the program decides to branch in any segment, the
of simultaneous voices in each segment. Some parent's registral span divides equally in that seg-
thought must be given to this problem, since a sim- ment. One offspring among the resultant parts then
plistic means of determining when to branch could inherits the lower half of this span, while the re-
lead to undesirable results. (If the decision were maining offspring inherits the upper half.
statistically independent at each level of recursion, Register becomes a resource for horizontal con-
for example, it would allow the possibility of two trast only when a decision against a branch leaves

54 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 3. Major and minor
harmonic cells.

1:3:5:7 1 ? Vs: V7

the parent's entire span to a single offspring. Since gives the deviations of their various consonances
this span characterizes a higher-level unit, passing from just intonation. We shall refer to these two
all of it down to a single offspring would give that cells as major and minor in honor of the classic
single aggregate undue prominence in the hierarchi- triads each contains.
cal scheme. The single offspring therefore inherits During stage 4, the program selects one cell or
only a portion of its parent's registral span. If the the other (major or minor) probabilistically. It then
program decides to branch in the opposite segment, transposes its selection to match the parent's har-
then it places this portion randomly within the monic root, yielding four possible roots for off-
parent's span, with a bias toward the center. Rela- spring. Recursive applications of this procedure
tive to the parent's span, we then have a single, establish a harmonic field consisting of the root it-
medium-register aggregate contrasted horizontally self and all of the harmonic degrees derived from it.
with two simultaneous aggregates, one in the high The root assigned to the crystal as a whole thus de-
register and one in the low register. In the remain- fines a field encompassing all the harmonic degrees
ing case, in which the program decides not to that the crystal may possibly exploit, and each
branch in either segment, it places the registral recursion successively refines this field until only
spans of the two sequential offspring in opposite ex- the single degree assigned to an individual note
tremes of the parent's span, with equal probability remains.
of ordering. Again relative to the parent's span, we
have a horizontal jump either from high register to
Placing the Root
low register or from low to high.
Special care in placing the parent's root helps clar-
ify the harmonic relationship between the parent
and its immediate environment. The parent must
Harmony ranks among the most powerful means of have an adjacent horizontal sibling or pair of hori-
linking musical events, so it was desirable to rein- zontal siblings from the next higher level, and by
force both the contrast between offspring and their placing the parent's root in whichever of its seg-
common relationship harmonically. Since each par- ments lies closest to this sibling or pair of siblings,
ent may beget up to four offspring, it was necessary the program acts to support this familial relation-
to provide four distinct but harmonically linked ship. The algorithm for this procedure works as fol-
roots. Four-note cells with this property are not lows. Any aggregate generated at a given level has a
available in standard temperament, but the sixth- horizontal index; if this aggregate occupies its par-
tone temperament used in Crystals enables close ent's first segment, its index will be 1, otherwise, it
approximations to two such cells: the harmonic se- will be 2. When the aggregate in turn becomes a
quence 1 :3:5:7 and its inversion 1: 1/3: 1/5: 1/7. parent and divides into subsections, the program
Figure 3 illustrates these two cells, while Table 1 consults this index. If it is 1, then the program

Ames 55

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Table 1. Harmonic intervals in 36-tone temperament
Interval Just Just Interval Approximation Deviation
Name Ratio (cents) (cents) (cents)
3:2 702 700 2

Major 5:4 386 400 14


minor 7:4 969 967 2

6:5 316 300 16

minor 7:6 267 267 0

7:5 583 567 16

places the root in the aggregate's second segment. If siblings (and cousins). After the program has deter-
it is 2, then the program places the root in the first mined where to place the root, it then distributes
segment. the other harmonic elements at random among the
The parent may also have a vertical sibling from remaining offspring, since none of these remaining
the next higher level; if it does not, it will very offspring has any structural precedence over any of
likely have a vertical cousin resulting from a its siblings. When a parent begets fewer than four
branch at an even higher level. In order to clarify offspring, the program discards the excess harmonic
this vertical relationship, each aggregate also has a elements. We can see how the C, E, and G in Fig.
vertical index. Whenever a branch occurs in some 2b appear close together in Fig. 2c.
segment at some level, the program sets the vertical
indices of the resulting offspring to 1 (low) and 2
(high). When no branch occurs, it simply passes the
parent's vertical index to the single resulting off- At the bottom level, the program subjects the regis-
spring. Now, if a branch occurs in the segment ter determined for an individual note in stage 3 to
where the parent's root is to reside, the program the logarithmic transformation illustrated in Fig. 4.
passes the root to the offspring closest in register to A uniform distribution of registers would mean fre-
the parent's vertical sibling or, if no such sibling quent closely spaced intervals in the bass, where
exists, to the vertical cousin with the closest com- they are difficult to hear; an increase in the density
mon ancestor. It accomplishes this end by assign- of high registers at the expense of low ones effects a
ing the root to the lower offspring if the parent's transformation that helps clarify relationships. The
vertical index is 2, or to the higher offspring, other- program determines the final pitch of a note by
wise. In this manner, the temporal and registral placing the harmonic degree produced by stage 4 in
proximities of harmonic roots work to emphasize the octave closest to this transformed register. For
the horizontal and vertical relationships between example, the Db at the left of Fig. 2e has a register

56 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 4. The distribution of scale in Fig. 2e, with 0 rep-
registers. The horizontal resenting the minimum
scale in this figure corre- register and 1 representing
sponds to the vertical the maximum register.






I i I



F4i I II I I I

F5- I I I I


I I f I I
_ _ I
_ I
_ I

" 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Ames 57

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of approximately 0.5, placing it just below the fifth- 1. None of the notes in the aggregate falls be-
line F on the treble clef. low middle C#, the lower limit for artificial
harmonics on the cello using the node a
fourth higher than the stopped pitch.
2. The maximum dynamic in the aggregate
Dynamics in Crystals not only contrast small-scale does not exceed mezzo forte, as a prac-
aggregates, but also articulate relationships between tical dynamic limit on medium-range
groups of crystals. Global refinements leave only harmonics.
half of the full dynamic range (from ppp to fff) for
stage 5 to exploit. From level 4 down, the dynamic
range contracts by one-half each time a parent Global Structure
passes it to offspring. Since an attempt to con-
trast simultaneous offspring with different dy- In designing the overall form of Crystals, it was ap-
namic ranges would result in severe dynamic im- parent that some kinds of deterministic strategies
balances-obscuring relationships in other do- were necessary to ensure clear evolutions in such
mains- simultaneous offspring receive identical domains as the durations of crystals, dynamics, and
dynamic ranges. Offspring in distinct segments, the various random expectations. In the case of har-
however, inherit dynamic ranges in opposite ex- monic relationships, however, I felt that too great a
tremes of their parent's range, for maximum con- degree of predictability would lessen the impact of
trast. Orderings of dynamics within simultaneous the work. Consider the monotony that would result
offspring remain statistically independent; some di- if, for example, the same progression of harmonic
vergence between simultaneous dynamics is there- roots always linked formal aggregates of common
fore likely at lower levels, but since a single crystal parentage. Such roots therefore progress randomly,
exploits no more than four dynamic levels, such di- according to the strategy to be described later (See
vergence is not extreme. Harmonic Roots of Crystals).
Beginning at level 10, the total sequence of 64
Timbre crystals divides into two smaller sequences of 32
crystals each; at level 9, these sequences divide in
The coloristic palette of Crystals is restricted to turn into four even smaller sequences of 16 crystals
normal bowed sounds played with a minimum of apiece, and the process continues on in this manner
vibrato and, when practical considerations of range down to level 5, which isolates the single crystal.
and dynamics permit, to bowed artificial harmon- As with the horizontal divisions inside a crystal,
ics. The contrapuntal image discussed earlier sug- binary divisions at each level from 10 down to 5
gested to me that all timbres should be sustained in ensure maximum clarity of relationships and en-
order to link the release of each tone to the attack able the greatest number of superimposed levels.
of its successor in an aggregate. The choice of sus- The easiest way to understand the deterministic
tained timbres was problematic because the tones strategies controlling the form of Crystals is to re-
need (1) enough "presence" to counter the type of fer to the four strategies illustrated in Figs. 5a-d, so
fatigue that often occurs with synthetic timbres I will defer discussing crystalline durations and har-
and (2) a fair degree of anonymity so as not to dis- monies until later.
tract from the combined entities. Bowed string tim-
bres seemed most suited to these requirements.
An expected proportion of normal sounds to har- Vertical Density and Proportion of Major to Minor
monics assigned to the crystal controls the choice Sonorities
of one sound over the other. This choice affects
first-level aggregates (combinations of from two to In the strategies illustrated by Figs. 5a and 5b, the
four individual notes) when relative order of extremes depends on the level. The

58 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 5. Six successive re- a given aggregate de- order to maximize the con- (a); evolution of expected
finements, moving down termines the distance trast between the two sub- proportion between major
from level 10 to level 5. between horizontal divi- sidiary aggregates at the and minor harmonies (b);
The vertical scale in an in- sions. In each case, a next lower level, all four evolution of dynamic in-
dividual diagram repre- darkened rectangle indi- strategies place their re- tervals (c); evolution of
sents values of the specific cates the upper and lower spective ranges at opposite values used to determine
attribute involved, while bounds constraining the extremes relative to these expected proportion be-
the number of successive relevant attribute in all constraints. Evolution of tween normal bowed
crystals combined to form subsidiary aggregates. In expected vertical densities sounds and harmonics (d).


_ _ I i I

(a) (b)~


(C) ( d)

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first of these strategies simply alternates orderings: sonorities. Here its clusters of eight values work to
down/up at level 10, up/down at level 9, down/up counter the fairly large variance between this ex-
at level 8, and so on. Note that in the second dia- pected value and the actual proportion in a crystal.
gram of Fig. 5a, this strategy orients the two inner The vertical scale in each diagram of Fig. 5b ranges
rectangles at opposite extremes. This articulates from total saturation by minor sonorities at the bot-
the division at the next higher level. This contrast tom to total saturation by major sonorities at the top.
persists down through each subsequent refinement
to articulate the distant ancestral relationships be-
tween crystals 32 and 33. Note also that since the Dynamics and Expected Timbre
process is recursive, similar articulations result
(though to a lesser extent) at each lower level. The relative order of extremes in the strategies il-
I provided a mechanism for determining the ex- lustrated in Figs. 5c and d differs from the preceding
pected number of branches in a crystal, in which strategies in that the ones in 5c and d depend on
the bottom of the vertical scale in each diagram of the relative order at the next higher level. The first
Fig. 5a signifies no branch at all, while the top sig- of these new strategies uses the relationship
nifies a branch at all four structural levels of a crys-
(up/down) = (down/up)/(up/down)
tal. This expectation of branches in turn directly
(down/up) # (up/down)/(down/up)
affects the expectation of the number of simul-
taneous voices. The relationship between the ex- between orders at successive levels, while the re-
pected number of branches, B, and the expected maining strategy uses the opposite relationships.
number of voices, N, is Comparison of Figs. 5c and d shows that the results
of these strategies are mutually retrograde inver-
N = (1 + B/4)4.
sions. Further comparison, with Fig. 5a, shows
We can see from Fig. 5a that for two closely related them to be even more effective at isolating dis-
crystals in a dense area of the work, the change in tantly related aggregates than this first strategy. The
the expected number of voices is much greater than strategy illustrated in Fig. 5c controls the dynamic
it is for two closely related crystals in a sparse area. range assigned to each crystal; the vertical scale in
My compositional experience has led me to observe each diagram of Fig. 5c extends from very soft (ppp)
that we perceive the thickness of musical textures at the bottom to very loud (fff) at the top. Half the
on a proportional scale and that, in order to match total dynamic range will remain at level 5 to pass
the perceptual effect of a doubling in the number of down to the crystal. The strategy illustrated in Fig.
simultaneous voices, that number must double 5d partially determines the expected proportion of
again. bowed artificial harmonics to bowed sounds. Practi-
In this strategy and in the other strategies deter- cal considerations forced me to reduce this propor-
mining statistical expectations (illustrated by Figs. tion as the number of simultaneous voices rises,
5b and d), the program chooses its value at level 5 however, so I had the program multiply the result of
deterministically within the final bounds generated this strategy by (1 - B/4) to reduce the probability
by the strategy, with a weighted bias toward the of harmonics in thick textures. Figure 6b illustrates
closest extreme. the final result, where the vertical scale ranges
The strategy illustrated in Fig. 5b begins at level from no possibility of harmonics at 0 to total cer-
10 with the order up/down and uses the alternative tainty of harmonics (a condition never reached) at 1.
order down/up only at every third level from the
top. We can see from Fig. 5b that this strategy is
less effective overall than the previous strategy, Durations of Crystals
since it only weakly articulates formal divisions at
levels 10 and 7. It proves useful, however, in deter- A method analogous to the strategies illustrated in
mining the expected proportion of major to minor Figs. 5c and d determined the sequence of durations

60 Computer Music Journal

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Fig. 6. Expected vertical
densities over time (a). Ex-
pected proportion between
bowed sounds and har-
monics, given practical
constraints (b). Each bar is
a crystal.









for the 64 crystals. Figure 7 illustrates this method. will have similar durations, while two adjacent
Here, the vertical scale represents the relative dura- crystals with distant ancestry (e.g., crystals 48 and
tion of each aggregate at a given level, while the 49) will have widely different durations. As a fur-
length between divisions on the horizontal scale ther rhythmic articulation of the hierarchy, the
corresponds to the number of crystals involved. As length of silence between formal aggregates grows
with other distinguishing attributes, the durational with the hierarchical level. Table 2 presents the si-
relationships between successive crystals reinforce lence associated with each level. The pattern of
their hierarchical connection. Two adjacent crystals growth is approximately proportional (following the
with common parentage (e.g., crystals 47 and 48) Fibonacci series) so as to distribute the effect of the

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Fig. 7. Evolution of crys-
talline durations, starting
at the top and moving

I mII f mFkJ I l flnI -I

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Table 2. Silent articulations between adjacent Table 3. Distribution of harmonic intervals relating
crystals, as determined from the level of their adjacent segments at levels 5-10
closest common ancestor
Level Articulation Small

10 Perfect Major Minor

9 Level Fifth Third Seventh
10 1.00 0.00 0.00
7 1. 9 0.87 0.12 0.01
6 1
8 0.73 0.22 0.05
7 0.60 0.28 0.12
6 0.47 0.32 0.21
5 0.34 0.33 0.33

silences evenly. The fact that silence articulates a

crystal on both sides means that duration itself is a
readily appreciable attribute, but the effect duration
has on the horizontal density of a crystal is even Implementation
more salient. While the duration of a crystal varies,
its generative process ensures that there will be ex- Implementing these formalized compositional pro-
actly 16 notes in any horizontal path we might cedures as a computer program was a fairly simple
trace through it. matter of determining all of the variables charac-
terizing an aggregate (upper and lower limits in
various domains, vertical and horizontal indices,
Harmonic Roots of Crystals etc.) and arranging these variables in a stack. There
were two recursive routines, one to compute global
As previously stated, the strategy for selecting the relationships and one to realize crystalline descrip-
harmonic root of each crystal avoids monotonous tions as collections of notes. Taken together, these
progressions by employing random selection. At two routines formed the first in a sequence of three
each level, the program selects the interval relating overlays, the other two being a routine to sort the
a pair of aggregates generated from a common par- notes (a partition/exchange sort) and a routine to
ent from three fundamental harmonies: the perfect assign notes to instruments and to create a mne-
fifth, major third, and small minor seventh. Table 3 monic listing.
gives the relative probabilities by which the pro-
gram makes its choice; these probabilities empha-
size the stronger harmonies at higher levels. There Conclusion
is thus complete certainty that the program will
choose a perfect fifth at level 10, while at level 5 all In composing Crystals, I have taken the attitude
three intervals are equally likely. Following this that all compositional expediencies and all esthetic
choice, the parent passes its root to the offspring and philosophical principles not relevant to the
closest to the parent's sibling at the next higher fundamental concerns in question should be recog-
level. Either the ascending or descending version of nized as such and set aside. Any resource or com-
the chosen interval determines the root of the re- positional procedure used in Crystals had first to be
maining offspring. The probability of one version judged by its contribution to the work's structural
versus the other comes from the range of expected integrity. Other criteria could be considered only
major/minor proportions associated with the parent when they did not conflict with this framework.
(see Fig. 5b); it is an average value, weighted toward Not incidentally, this same attitude carries over
the close extreme. into the work's performance, whether by conven-

Ames 63

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tional or digitally synthesized instruments. Players References
are expected to execute their parts with the greatest
possible precision and to avoid bringing anything Ligeti, G. 1960. "Pierre Boulez: Decision and Automa-
not explicitly indicated in the score into their real- tism in Structure Ia." In Die Reihe 4: Young Compos-
ization. Such common interpretive nuances as ers, ed. H. Eimert and K. Stockhausen. Bryn Mawr,
rubato, swells, and related dynamic "shaping" of Pennsylvania: Presser, pp. 36-62.
Mathews, M. 1969. The Technology of Computer Music.
notes have no place in this music because they
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
serve functional or esthetic principles that are irrel-
Partch, H. 1974. Genesis of a Music, 2nd ed., enlarged.
evant to or in direct contradiction to the structural
New York: Da Capo Press.
and perceptual goals of the work. Above all else, Tenney, J. 1964. Meta + Hodos: A Phenomenology of
the essence of Crystals lies in the translation of ob- Twentieth Century Musical Materials and an Ap-
jective and abstract thought into immediate sub- proach to the Study of Form. New Orleans: Inter-
liminal terms of musical perception. American Institute for Musical Research, Tulane
Tenney, J. 1969. "Computer Music Experiments, 1961-
1964." Electronic Music Reports 1(September):23-60.
Wertheimer, M. 1938. "Laws of Organization in Percep-
tual Forms." In A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology,
I would like to express my appreciation to Paul Gal- ed. Willis Ellis. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
lagher, Lejaren Hiller, John Myhill, and Edna Xenakis, I. 1971. Formalized Music: Thought and Mathe-
Sugihara for their many helpful suggestions in the matics in Composition. Bloomington: Indiana Univer-
preparation of this article. sity Press.

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