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CHAPTER 2 0 SEISMIC DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SS mmc STRUCTURES. _ siticsi Sitesi ston Gardncs TNS Sey 20.1 INTRODUCTION Ground motions during an carthquake can severely damage the structure. The ground acceleration ‘when transmilted through the structure is amplitied, and 1s called the response acceleration, The amplified motion can produce forces and disslacements that can be larger than the motions the structure can sustain, “Many factors influence the intensity of shaking of the structure such as earthquake magnitude, distance from fault or epicenter, duration of strong shaking, soil conditions ofthe site, and frequency content of the motion, A swucture should be designed, depending on the type of structure and its function, to have acceptable levels of response generated in an earthquake. Feonomy of design is achieved by allow- ing the structure to deform above clastic lirat 20.2 SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318) [1] gives the procedure for design and detailing of structures subjected 10 earthquake Toads but does not address the culculations of seismic forces. In this chapter the International Building Code (IBC 2012) 12} will be utilized for ion of seismic forces. TBC 2012, Section 1613, defines six seismic design cetegories (SDC): A, B. C, D, and F. IBC 2012, Section 1613.3.5, also defines four risk categories: I, 11, 1H, and TV. To relate the ‘SDC and the risk category, the design speetral response acceleration S,y. and Sy, are used. Sx isthe design spectral response acceleration coellicient for short periods and Sis the design response eration coefficient for a t-second period. Design spectral response acceleration coefficients are related (o severity ofthe design earthquake ground motions at the site. ‘A seismic design category will determine which type of lateral force analysis must be per- formed and which type of lateral force resisting system must be used. 786 20.2 Seismic Design Category Ta7 20.2.1 Determination of Risk Category and Site Class Defination Buildings shall be assigned a risk category according to Table 20.1 as described in IBC 201 Section 1604.5. The first step is to define the nature of occupancy of the structure according to the risk category. The seismic importance lucter, ,, by risk category is also listed in Table 20.1 and he wilized in a later section. Based on the site soil properties, the site shall be elassitied as either site class A.B, C.D, E and F in accordance with Table 20.4 below. When the soil properties are not known in sulficient detail co determine site class, site class D shall be used 20.2.2 Determination of Design Spectral Response Acceleration Coefficients Earthquake ground motion is usually recorded as an acceleration of the ground at a particular location, The acceleration of the ground generates the acceleration ofthe structure (response accel- ration), which produces earthquake forces that act on the structure, Earthquuke forces generate deformations, internal forces, and stresses in the structure. Ifthe structure is not properly designed to sustained deformations and forces, it will have great damage and may even collapse. ‘Therefore, the first step to design an earthquake-resistant structure is to determine the maxi- mum possible response accelerations that can occur during the earthquake. It is also important 10 Snow that response of the given structure desends on period of vibration and damping character ties of the structure. ‘The IBC 2012, Section 1613.3.4, gives a procedure to determine the design response spec- rum curve, from which the design response accelerations, S,, for any given period of vibration, T are calculated. One part of this procedure is the determination of the design spectral response uceeleration coefficients for short periods. Sos, and for a L-second period, 5 ‘To calculate the design acceleration values for short periods, Sixx, and I-second periods, Si. the following equation can be utilized: 2 Sos = E805 20.1) Su (20.1b) where Sus = mapped maximum considered earihyuake spectral response accelerations for short periods adjusted for site class effect Sy = Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations for L-s period adjusted for site class effect ‘Thus, Sys and Sy, can be determined from Sus = FS, (20.2a) Sw = FSi (20.26) where Som mapped maximam considered earthquake spectral response accelerations at short periods do.ermined frown Fig, ippedl maxinunn considered earthquake spectral response accelerations at [+s period deter- ‘mined from F 788 Chapter 20. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Table 20.1 Risk Classification of Structures Based on Thoir Nature of Occupancy ‘Seismic Risk Importance Gategory _Nature of Occupancy Factor: /, 1 Buildings and other structures that representa low hazard to human life in 100 the event of failure including, but ne Himited to + Agricultural facilities + Cerin temporary facilities + Minor storage failities 1 Buildings and other structures except those listed in risk categories 1.1, 1.00 and IV m ‘Buildings and other sructures that present a substantial hazard Co humnan 125 life in the event of failure including but not limited 10 + Buildings and other structuns whose primary occupancy’ is public assembly with an geeupant loud greater than 300 + Buildings and other structuns with elementary school, secondary school. or day-care facilities with an occupant Toad greater than 250 + Buildings and other structuns containing adult education facilities such as colleges and university with an occupant load greater than 500 + Group 1-2 eccupancivs with m occupant load of 50 oF more resident patents but nox having surgery or emergency treatment laviliies + Group 1-3 occupancies + Any other occupancy with an occupant load greater than $000 + Power-generating stations, water treatment facilities for potable ‘water, Wastewater treatment fxciltis and other public utility facilities not included in category TV + Buildings and other structures not included in risk category IV cou- taining quantities of toxic or explosive materials that [Excoed maximum allowable quantiies per contro! area as given in Table 307.1(1) of 307.1(2) or per outdoor control area in accordance with the International Fire Code: and are suicient to pose a threat to the public if released wv [Buildings and other structures designated as essential facilities including 1.50 but not limited 40 + Group F-2 occupancies having surgery or emergency treatment facil ities + Fire. rescue, and police stations and emergency vehicle garages Designated earthquake, lntricane, or other emergency shelters + Designated emergency preparedness, communication, and operation centers and other facilities required for emergency response + Power-generating stations and other public utility facies required as emergency hackup facilites for category TV structures Buildings and other structures containing quantities of highly toxie materials that 202 Seismic Design Category 789 Table 20.1 (Continuea) Seismic ee Importance Category _ Nature of Occupancy Factor, le [Exceed maximum allowable quasttes por control rca as given in Table 307-1(2) or per outdoor contol area in accordance with the Iuernational Fire Code and are sulficient to pose a threat to tne public if released + Aviation control owers,aitrafic control centers, and emergency ait- craft hangers + Buildings and other structures havi ceriical national defense fune~ + Water storage facilities and pump structures required to maintain ‘water pressure for fire suppression ‘The parameters S, und S; shall be deternined from 0.2- and [-s spectral response acceleration shown in Figs. 20-la and 20.Lb, Where s, £ 0.04 and S, < 0.15, the structure is permitted to be assigned scismic design category A. ‘The values of F, and F,, are determined from Tables 20.2 and 20.3 and are dependent on the mapped spectral values (S5 and S,) and the site class as can be determined in Table 20.4 in accor dance with Chapter 20 of ASCE 7-10, Where the soil properties are not known in suffi to determine the site classes, site class D shall be used unl data determines si ent detail 3s the building official or geotechnical ¢ class E or F soils are present atthe site (IBC 2012, Section 1613.3.2). 20.2.3 Design Response Spectrum Design response spectrum is used to determine the design spectral response acceleration for a given structure (i.c,, given period of vibration). After calculating design response acceleration coefficients Ss atid Spy from Section 20.2.2, the design response spectrum curve shown in Figure 20.3 (ASCE 7-10, Section 11.4.5) should be constructed as follows: 1. For periods 7 $ Ty, the design spectra’ response acceleration, ,, shall be determined as r S,=Siy (044065 20.3) “ ( * 7) oe where Sion Tt 204) and Tis the fundamental period of the structure (in seconds) determined in Section 20.3.1 (Hg. 20.16). 2, For periods Ty < T- s000 NIA NIA B Rock 2s00'<¥,<500 NIA NIA © Veydonsesoil and 1200<¥, <2500 | W> 50 3, > 2000 soft rock DSi soit so 20 2, Moisture cintem (1) 2 408% ‘3. Unirained shear strength 5, < 500 pst ‘Where any of the following conditions is satis, site shull be elassified as site clas PF anda ste response analyse in accordance with ASCE 7-10, Section 211 1. Soils vulnebie to potential faire or collapse under seismic Load- ing such as lgueliable soils, ick and highly sensitive clays, and collapsible weakly cemented soils Exception F Soil requiring site For structures havin fundamental periods of vibration equal (0 response analysis or ks han 5 se, site response analysis 8 not regired to Heondance ww ASCE. determine yectal accelerations for liguefable soils, Rasher 4-40, Sostion 2.1 site las» permitted o be determined in accordance with [ASCE 7-10 Section 203 2, Peats andr highly organic elays (07> LOA of peat andlor highly onganic clay where = thickness of sill 3, Very high rlisticty clays [F7> 25f with plasticity index (P)> 751 44. Very thick woivinedin sit clays (47> 12089 with 5, < 1000 ps ©. E, and F as deseribed in Table 20.4. To determi ¢ the SDC, the values of Spy and Sp, are ‘utilized and the risk category must be defined. Risk Category [.1T, or IT structures lozated where the mapped spectral response accel ration parameter at I-s period, $}. is greater than or equal to 0.75 shall be assigned to Scismic Design Category E. Risk Category TV structures located where the mapped spectral response acceleraiion parameter at I-s period, 5}. is greater than or equal 10 0.35 shall be assigned 0 Seismic Design Category F. All other structures shall be 800 Chapter 20. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Figure 20.2e _Long-period transition period, 7, (see), for Hawai. ASCE 7-10 Minimum De Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, 2010. With permission from ASCE 20.2.5 Summary: Procedure for Calculation of Seismic Design Category (SDC) Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5. Determine seismic use group as described in Section 20.2.1, (Table 20.1). Based on the location of the buildieg. determine the mapped spectral accelerations for short periods. $5. and the mapped spectral accelerations for a 1-s period, Use Fig. and Fig, 20.2b of Section 20.2.2. Use Table 20.4 to determine site class bused on the soil profile name, and properties of soil Using Table 20.2, determine site coefticient F., based on mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations at short periods, Ss. Also, using Table 20.3 determine site coeificient F, based on mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations at 1-s period, S, Calculate the maximum considered carthquake spectral response accelerations for short periods for specific soil class, Sys, using Eq. 202a. Also calculate the maximum consid- cred earthquake spectral response accelerations for 1-s period for specific soil elass, Sy using Eq. 20.2b, Chapter 20. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures Figure 20.3. Designresponse spectrum, ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Bulld- ings and Gther Structures, 2010. With permission from ASCE Table 20.5 Seismic Design Category Based on Short-Period Response Accelerations Parameter Table 1613.3.6(1) of IBC 2012} Risk Category Value of Sos for tl ut wv Sys $0.16 8 A A A O167y <5. <033¢ B B c 033g $Syy<050¢ € € D 0508 < Sys D D D Table 20.6 Seismic Design Category Based on 1-s Period Response Acceleration Parameter [lable 1513.3.52) of IBC 2012] Risk Category Value of Soy Fort WL wv Sp, < 0067 « ‘ A A 0067 g 5 Sp, <0.133g B B c 01133 g € 5p, <0.208 S ci D 0202.5 Sor D D D 20.2 Seismic Design Category 803 Step 6. Using Eq, 20.1a determine design soectral response acceleration coefficient for short peri ods, Ss, and using Eq. 20.1b determine spectral response acceleration coeticient for 1-8 period. Si, Step 7. Determine SDC according to Section 20.2.4, Utilize Tables 20.5 and 20.6. Fxample 20.1 Determine seismic design category for a mnor storage facility building in San Francisco on soft cock. Solution 1. According to Table 20.1, minor storage facilities buildings are classified in risk category I. ¢ (Fig. 20.14) (0.60 ¢ (Fig. 20.20) 3. According to the Table 20.4 a sive with soft rock is considered t0 be class C. 4, According to the Table 20.2 for the ste elass C and Sy=2,02> 1.25, F,= 1.0, ‘According t0 Table 20.3 for site dass C and 5, =0.60>0.5, F, = 13, 5, Sys =F, Se=(1.0)2.02) =2.02 g (Fy, 20.2a) Syn =F. §, =(1.3K0,60)= 0.78 g (Eq. 20.2) 6 Sos 02)=135¢ (9.20.18) So 2(078)=052 (2y.20.1b) 17. According to Table 20.5 lor Sys = 135 2> 0:50 , risk category I. and since 5, < 0.75 g. therefore SDC is category D. 8, Accorling to Table 20.6 for Spy =0.52 > 0.20, risk catexo SDCis category D, ‘and since $, <0.75 g, therefore ‘Therefore, seismic design category D is assigned to the structure. Example 20.2 ‘Determine seismic design category for a hospital building in Oakland, California, on soit clay soil, Solution 1. According to Table 20.1, hospital buildings are classified in the risk category TV. 2. $,= 2.084 (Fig. 20.14) 5, =0.92g (Fig. 20.20) 3. According to Table 20.4, the site class for soft soil is E. 4, Acconding (othe Table 20.2, forthe site class F and S5=2.08> 1.25. F, “According (o the Table 20.3, for he site class F and S,=00.92> 05. F, (0.92.08) = 1.87 (Eq. 20.2a) 2.21 g (Eq. 20.2b) 20.8 = 125¢ Fy20.1a) i@2)= 147g Bg20.1b) 7. Accouling to Section 20.2.4, for Sy, =125g>0.50 g, risk c SDC is category F 8. According to Section 202.4, for S, SDC is class F ory TV. and since 5, >0.75 ¢, 1.47 g>020g, risk category IV, and since 5, >0.75 e. ‘Therefore, seismic design category Fis assigned (o the structure.

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