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Diabetic Nephropathy: Diagnosis,

Prevention, and Treatment
JORGE L. GROSS, MD LUÍS HENRIQUE CANANI, MD Denmark (8). In patients with type 2 diabe-
MIRELA J. DE AZEVEDO, MD MARIA LUIZA CARAMORI, MD tes, the incidence of microalbuminuria was
SANDRA P. SILVEIRO, MD THEMIS ZELMANOVITZ, MD 2.0% per year and the prevalence 10 years
after diagnosis 25% in the U.K. Prospective
Diabetes Study (UKPDS) (9). Proteinuria
occurs in 15– 40% of patients with type 1
diabetes, with a peak incidence around
Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of kidney disease in patients starting renal replacement 15–20 years of diabetes (8,10,11). In pa-
therapy and affects ⬃40% of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. It increases the risk of death, tients with type 2 diabetes, the prevalence is
mainly from cardiovascular causes, and is defined by increased urinary albumin excretion (UAE)
in the absence of other renal diseases. Diabetic nephropathy is categorized into stages: mi-
highly variable, ranging from 5 to 20%
croalbuminuria (UAE ⬎20 ␮g/min and ⱕ199 ␮g/min) and macroalbuminuria (UAE ⱖ200 (2,9).
␮g/min). Hyperglycemia, increased blood pressure levels, and genetic predisposition are the Diabetic nephropathy is more preva-
main risk factors for the development of diabetic nephropathy. Elevated serum lipids, smoking lent among African Americans, Asians,
habits, and the amount and origin of dietary protein also seem to play a role as risk factors. and Native Americans than Caucasians
Screening for microalbuminuria should be performed yearly, starting 5 years after diagnosis in (1,12). Among patients starting renal re-
type 1 diabetes or earlier in the presence of puberty or poor metabolic control. In patients with placement therapy, the incidence of dia-
type 2 diabetes, screening should be performed at diagnosis and yearly thereafter. Patients with betic nephropathy doubled from the
micro- and macroalbuminuria should undergo an evaluation regarding the presence of comor- years 1991–2001 (1). Fortunately, the
bid associations, especially retinopathy and macrovascular disease. Achieving the best metabolic rate of increase has slowed down, proba-
control (A1c ⬍7%), treating hypertension (⬍130/80 mmHg or ⬍125/75 mmHg if proteinuria
⬎1.0 g/24 h and increased serum creatinine), using drugs with blockade effect on the renin-
bly because of the adoption in clinical
angiotensin-aldosterone system, and treating dyslipidemia (LDL cholesterol ⬍100 mg/dl) are practice of several measures that contrib-
effective strategies for preventing the development of microalbuminuria, in delaying the pro- ute to the early diagnosis and prevention
gression to more advanced stages of nephropathy and in reducing cardiovascular mortality in of diabetic nephropathy, which thereby
patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. decreases the progression of established
renal disease. However, the implementa-
Diabetes Care 28:176 –188, 2005 tion of these measures is far below the
desirable goals (13). The aim of this article
is to discuss the methods for early screen-
DEFINITION AND amounts of albumin in the urine, not usu- ing and diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy
EPIDEMIOLOGY — Diabetic ne- ally detected by conventional methods, and the therapeutic strategies that pro-
phropathy is the leading cause of chronic were predictive of the later development mote reno- and cardioprotection in this
kidney disease in patients starting renal of proteinuria in type 1 (3–5) and type 2 high-risk group of patients, in order to
replacement therapy (1) and is associated (6) diabetic patients. This stage of renal reduce the incidence of diabetic nephrop-
with increased cardiovascular mortality involvement was termed microalbumin- athy and its associated cardiovascular
(2). Diabetic nephropathy has been clas- uria or incipient nephropathy. mortality.
sically defined by the presence of protein- The cumulative incidence of mi-
uria ⬎0.5 g/24 h. This stage has been croalbuminuria in patients with type 1 dia- STAGES, CLINICAL
referred to as overt nephropathy, clinical betes was 12.6% over 7.3 years according to FEATURES, AND CLINICAL
nephropathy, proteinuria, or macroalbu- the European Diabetes (EURODIAB) Pro- COURSE — Diabetic nephropathy has
minuria. In the early 1980s, seminal stud- spective Complications Study Group (7) been didactically categorized into stages
ies from Europe revealed that small and ⬃33% in an 18-year follow-up study in based on the values of urinary albumin
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● excretion (UAE): microalbuminuria and
From the Endocrine Division, Hospital de Clı́nicas de Porto Alegre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
macroalbuminuria. The cutoff values
Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. adopted by the American Diabetes Asso-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jorge L. Gross, Serviço de Endocrinologia do Hospital de ciation (14) (timed, 24-h, and spot urine
Clı́nicas de Porto Alegre, Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, Prédio 12, 4° andar, 90035-003, Porto Alegre, RS, collection) for the diagnosis of micro- and
Brazil. E-mail: macroalbuminuria, as well as the main
Received for publication 20 May 2004 and accepted in revised form 19 September 2004.
Abbreviations: ARB, angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker; DCCT, Diabetes Control and Complications clinical features of each stage, are de-
Trial; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; RAS, renin-angiotensin system; UAE, urinary albumin excretion; picted in Table 1. There is accumulating
UKPDS, U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study. evidence suggesting that the risk for de-
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion veloping diabetic nephropathy (15–18)
factors for many substances.
© 2005 by the American Diabetes Association.
and cardiovascular disease (19,20) starts
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby when UAE values are still within the nor-
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. moalbuminuric range. Progression to mi-


Gross and Associates

cro- or macroalbuminuria was more duration of microalbuminuria, A1c ⬍8%, morning or at random, for example, at the
frequent in patients with type 2 diabetes systolic blood pressure ⬍115 mmHg, and medical visit. This method is accurate,
with baseline UAE above the median (2.5 favorable lipid profile (total cholesterol easy to perform, and recommended by
mg/24 h) (15). After 10 years of follow- ⬍198 mg/dl and triglycerides ⬍145 mg/ American Diabetes Association guidelines
up, the risk of diabetic nephropathy was dl). (14). Twenty-four– hour and timed urine
29 times greater in patients with type 2 collections are cumbersome and prone to
diabetes with UAE values ⬎10 ␮g/min SCREENING AND errors related to collecting samples or re-
(16). The same was true for patients with DIAGNOSIS — Screening for dia- cording of time. The results of albumin
type 1 diabetes (17). This favors the con- betic nephropathy must be initiated at the measurements in spot collections may be
cept that the risk associated with UAE is a time of diagnosis in patients with type 2 expressed as urinary albumin concentra-
continuum, as is the case with blood pres- diabetes (14), since ⬃7% of them already tion (mg/l) (26,27) or as urinary albumin-
sure levels (21). Possibly, values of UAE have microalbuminuria at that time (9). to-creatinine ratio (mg/g or mg/mmol)
lower than those currently used for mi- For patients with type 1 diabetes, the first (14,27,28). Although expressing the re-
croalbuminuria diagnosis should be screening has been recommended at 5 sults as albumin concentration might be
established. years after diagnosis (14). However, the influenced by dilution/concentration of
Although microalbuminuria has been prevalence of microalbuminuria before 5 the urine sample, this option is still accu-
considered a risk factor for macroalbu- years in this group can reach 18%, espe- rate and cheaper than expression as albu-
minuria, not all patients progress to this cially in patients with poor glycemic and min-to-creatinine ratio (26). The cutoff
stage and some may regress to nor- lipid control and high normal blood pres- value of 17 mg/l in a random urine spec-
moalbuminuria (22). The initial studies in sure levels (24). Furthermore, puberty is imen had a sensitivity of 100% and a spec-
the 1980s demonstrated that ⬃80% of an independent risk factor for microalbu- ificity of 80% for the diagnosis of
microalbuminuric type 1 diabetic pa- minuria (25). Therefore, in type 1 diabe- microalbuminuria when 24-h timed
tients progressed to proteinuria over a pe- tes, screening for microalbuminuria urine collection was the reference stan-
riod of 6 –14 years (3–5). In more recent might be performed 1 year after diabetes dard (29). This value is similar to the cut-
studies, only 30 – 45% of microalbumin- diagnosis, especially in patients with poor off value of 20 mg/l recommended by the
uric patients have been reported to metabolic control and after the onset of European Diabetes Policy Group (27). All
progress to proteinuria over 10 years (22), puberty. If microalbuminuria is absent, abnormal tests must be confirmed in two
maybe as a result of more intensive glyce- the screening must be repeated annually out of three samples collected over a 3- to
mic and blood pressure control strategies. for both type 1 and 2 diabetic patients 6-month period (14,28), due to the
In fact, a recent study involving type 1 (14). known day-to-day variability in UAE.
diabetic patients with microalbuminuria The first step in the screening and di- Screening should not be performed in
reported a UAE reduction of 50% or agnosis of diabetic nephropathy is to mea- the presence of conditions that increase
greater in 56% of the patients (23). This sure albumin in a spot urine sample, UAE, such as urinary tract infection, he-
reduction was primarily related to a short collected either as the first urine in the maturia, acute febrile illness, vigorous
exercise, short-term pronounced hyper-
glycemia, uncontrolled hypertension,
Table 1—Diabetic nephropathy stages: cutoff values of urine albumin for diagnosis and main and heart failure (30). Samples must be
clinical characteristics refrigerated if they are to be used the same
day or the next day, and one freeze is ac-
ceptable before measurements (28). Im-
Albuminuria cutoff
munoassays routinely used for albumin
Stages values (ref. 14) Clinical characteristics (ref. no.)
measurements present adequate diagnos-
Microalbuminuria 20–199 ␮g/min Abnormal nocturnal decrease of blood pressure and tic sensitivity for detection of diabetic ne-
increased blood pressure levels (163) phropathy. However, it was recently
30–299 mg/24 h Increased triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol, demonstrated that conventional immu-
and saturated fatty acids (164, 165) nochemical-based assays did not detect
30–299 mg/g* Increased frequency of metabolic syndrome an unreactive fraction of albuminuria, un-
components (166) derestimating UAE (31). High-perfor-
Endothelial dysfunction (167) mance liquid chromatography measures
Association with diabetic retinopathy, amputation, total albumin, including immunoreactive
and cardiovascular disease (168) and immunounreactive forms, and may
Increased cardiovascular mortality (2, 169) allow early detection of incipient diabetic
Stable GFR (82) nephropathy.
Macroalbuminuria† ⱖ200 ␮g/min Hypertension (99) In situations where specific UAE mea-
ⱖ300 mg/24 h Increased triglycerides and total and LDL surements are not available, semiquantita-
cholesterol (170) tive dipstick measurements of albuminuria,
⬎300 mg/g* Asymptomatic myocardial ischemia (171, 172) such as Micral Test II, can be used (14,32).
Progressive GFR decline (83, 84) Another alternative is to use a qualitative
*Spot urine sample. †Measurement of total proteinuria (ⱖ500 mg/24 h or ⱖ430 mg/l in a spot urine sample) test for proteinuria (dipstick) (33) or a
can also be used to define this stage. quantitative measurement of protein in a


Diabetic nephropathy

spot urine sample (26,28,34). The presence able online ( glomerular basement membrane thicken-
of a positive dipstick (Combur M; Boehring klsprofessionals/gfr_calculator.cfm). The ing among normoalbuminuric, mi-
Manheim) or a urinary protein concentra- Cockroft-Gault equation: creatinine croalbuminuric, and proteinuric type 1
tion ⬎430 mg/l has a sensitivity of 100% for clearance (ml/min) ⫽ [(140 ⫺ age and type 2 diabetic patients (73,74), with
both tests and a specificity of 82 and 93%, (years)] ⫻ weight (kg)/[72 ⫻ serum cre- no clear cutoff to distinguish the groups.
respectively, for the diagnosis of proteinuria atinine (mg/dl) ⫻ (0.85 if female)] is less
(34). An abnormal result should be con- accurate (40). The reference range of GFR EVALUATION OF PATIENTS
firmed by measurement of total protein in a values in young individuals is from 80 to WITH DIABETIC
24-h urine sample. Values ⬎500 mg/24 h 130 ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 1.73 m⫺2, declining at NEPHROPATHY — After the diag-
confirm the diagnosis of proteinuria. Pa- ⬃10 ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 decade⫺1 after 50 years nosis of micro- or macroalbuminuria is
tients with lower values may still have mi- of age (41). confirmed, patients should undergo a
croalbuminuria, since this method is not complete evaluation, including a
sensitive enough to detect small increments RISK FACTORS AND work-up for other etiologies and an as-
in UAE. PATHOGENESIS — Diabetic ne- sessment of renal function and the pres-
Although the measurement of UAE is phropathy develops in, at most, 40% of ence of other comorbid associations.
the cornerstone for the diagnosis of dia- patients with diabetes, even when high
betic nephropathy, there are some pa- glucose levels are maintained for long pe- Differential diagnosis
tients with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes riods of time. This observation raised the Differential diagnosis is usually based on
who have decreased glomerular filtration concept that a subset of patients have an the history, physical examination, labora-
rate (GFR) in the presence of normal UAE increased susceptibility to diabetic ne- tory evaluation, and imaging of the kid-
(35,36). In patients with type 1 diabetes, phropathy. Furthermore, epidemiologi- neys. Renal biopsy is only recommended
this phenomenon seems to be more com- cal (42) and familial studies (43– 47) have in special situations. The diagnosis of di-
mon among female patients with long- demonstrated that genetic susceptibility abetic nephropathy is easily established in
standing diabetes, hypertension, and/or contributes to the development of dia- long-term type 1 diabetic patients (⬎10
retinopathy (35). For patients with type 2 betic nephropathy in patients with both years diabetes duration), especially if ret-
diabetes in NHANES III (Third National type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The main po- inopathy is also present. Typical diabetic
Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- tentially modifiable diabetic nephropathy nephropathy is also likely to be present in
vey; n ⫽ 1,197), low GFR (⬍60 ml 䡠 initiation and progression factors in sus- proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients with
min⫺1 䡠 1.73 m⫺2) was present in 30% of ceptible individuals are sustained hyper- retinopathy. However, diagnostic uncer-
patients in the absence of micro- or mac- glycemia (17,18,48,49) and hypertension tainty exists in some patients with type 2
roalbuminuria and retinopathy (37). Al- (50 –52). Other putative risk factors are glo- diabetes since the onset of diabetes is un-
though renal biopsy was not performed, merular hyperfiltration (53–55), smoking known and retinopathy is absent in a sig-
this observation was probably related to (56,57), dyslipidemia (18,50,58,59), pro- nificant proportion (28%) of these
renal parenchymal disease other than teinuria levels (60,61), and dietary factors, patients (79).
classical diabetic glomerulosclerosis. such as the amount and source of protein The presence of symptoms during
These studies indicate that normoalbu- (62– 64) and fat (65) in the diet. urination suggests urinary tract disorders
minuria does not protect from a decrease such as obstruction, infection, or stones.
in GFR in type 1 and type 2 diabetic pa- PATHOLOGY — Diabetes causes Skin rash or arthritis may indicate sys-
tients. Therefore, GFR should be rou- unique changes in kidney structure. Clas- temic lupus erythematosus or cryoglobu-
tinely estimated and UAE routinely sic glomerulosclerosis is characterized by linemia. Presence of risk factors for
measured for a proper screening of dia- increased glomerular basement mem- parenterally transmitted disease may raise
betic nephropathy. brane width, diffuse mesangial sclerosis, the suspicion of kidney disease associated
GFR can be measured by specific hyalinosis, microaneurysm, and hyaline with HIV, hepatitis C, or hepatitis B. His-
techniques, such as inulin clearance, arteriosclerosis (66). Tubular (67) and in- tory of proteinuria and/or hypertension
Cr-EDTA, 125I-iothalamate, and io- terstitial (68) changes are also present. Ar- during childhood or pregnancy may sug-
hexol (38). The clearance of endogenous eas of extreme mesangial expansion called gest other glomerulonephritis. Also, fam-
creatinine is commonly used, despite its Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules or nodular ily history of kidney disease may indicate
limitations (39). In clinical practice, GFR mesangial expansion are observed in 40 – the presence of polycystic kidney disease
can be estimated by prediction equations 50% of patients developing proteinuria or other genetic diseases (40).
that take into account serum creatinine (69). Micro- and macroalbuminuric pa- Imaging of the kidneys, usually by ul-
concentration and some or all of the fol- tients with type 2 diabetes have more trasonography, should be performed in
lowing variables: age, sex, race, and body structural heterogeneity than patients patients with symptoms of urinary tract
size. The recommended (40) equation by with type 1 diabetes (70,71). obstruction, infection, or kidney stones or
the National Kidney Foundation is that of Evaluated by electron microscopy, with a family history of polycystic kidney
the MDRD (Modified Diet in Renal Dis- the severity of glomerular lesions is re- disease (40).
ease): GFR (ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 1.73 m⫺2) ⫽ lated to GFR and UAE (72–74) and to The criteria for renal biopsy are not
186 ⫻ [serum creatinine (mg/dl)⫺1.154 ⫻ diabetes duration (73,75), degree of gly- well established, but in type 1 diabetes the
age (years)⫺0.203 ⫻ (0.742 if female) ⫻ cemic control (76), and genetic factors presence of proteinuria in association
(1.210 if African American)]. A user- (77,78). Nonetheless, there is an impor- with short diabetes duration and/or rapid
friendly way to use this formula is avail- tant overlap in mesangial expansion and decline of renal function, especially in the


Gross and Associates

absence of diabetic retinopathy, have by an experienced ophthalmologist, since bruits (especially femoral), and asymmet-
been used (80). In patients with type 2 retinopathy is frequent in the presence of ric kidney shrinkage on renal ultrasound
diabetes, the criteria are less clear. The diabetic nephropathy and is a clue for its (93). Magnetic resonance angiography is
proportion of nondiabetic renal lesions in diagnosis. Prospective studies in type 2 the method of choice to screen for renal-
proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients seems diabetic patients showed that diabetic ret- artery stenosis in diabetic patients. Other
to vary according to the criteria used to inopathy was a predictor of later develop- options, even though with lower sensitiv-
perform the biopsy and to the ethnic ment of diabetic nephropathy (16,18). ity, are captopril renal scintigraphy and
background of the patient. When absence Retinopathy is probably a risk marker and duplex Doppler ultrasonography imaging
of retinopathy was the biopsy criterion in not a risk factor in itself, since these mi- of the renal arteries. Captopril renal scin-
49 proteinuric Caucasian patients with crovascular complications (diabetic ne- tigraphy has limitations in patients with
type 2 diabetes, only 12% had nondia- phropathy and diabetic retinopathy) decreased renal function (serum creati-
betic glomerulonephritis (79). On the share common determinants, such as nine ⬎2.0 mg/dl), and Doppler ultra-
other hand, other nephropathies, isolated poor glycemic, blood pressure, and lipid sonography is heavily dependent on
or superimposed onto diabetic glomeru- control. Other complications of diabetes, operator experience (94). Rarely does re-
losclerosis, were observed in 46 and 19%, such as peripheral and autonomic neu- nal revascularization cure hypertension,
respectively, of 68 Chinese patients with ropathy, should also be evaluated, since but it may improve or stabilize renal func-
type 2 diabetes. Proteinuria ⬎1 g/24 h, they are seen more frequently in patients tion in patients with chronic kidney dis-
renal involvement in the absence of reti- with diabetic nephropathy (86,87) and ease (94).
nopathy, or unexplained hematuria were are associated with increased morbidity
the reasons for performing a biopsy (81). and mortality.
Patients with nondiabetic glomeruloscle- Patients with diabetic nephropathy, PREVENTION AND
rosis had a better prognosis than those due to their high cardiovascular risk, TREATMENT
with diabetic glomerulosclerosis alone or should be routinely evaluated for the
in association with other nephropathies presence of coronary heart disease, inde- Prevention: normoalbuminuric
(81). However, the real benefit of identi- pendently of the presence of cardiac patients
fying and treating nondiabetic renal le- symptoms. Other atherosclerotic compli- The basis for the prevention of diabetic
sions in patients with diabetes remains to cations, such as carotid disease, periph- nephropathy is the treatment of its known
be established. eral artery disease, and atherosclerotic risk factors: hypertension, hyperglyce-
renal-artery stenosis should also be as- mia, smoking, and dyslipidemia. These
Monitoring of renal function sessed. Radiocontrast agents used in an- are also risk factors for cardiovascular dis-
GFR is the best parameter of overall kid- giography may cause acute renal failure in ease and should be vigorously treated.
ney function (40) and should be mea- up to 35% of diabetic patients, especially
sured or estimated in micro- and in those with decreased renal function
macroalbuminuric diabetic patients. In (88). This can be prevented by prior Intensive blood glucose control
microalbuminuric patients, GFR may re- hydration and administration of an iso- Clinical trials have consistently demon-
main stable, but a subset of patients has osmolar contrast media (89). Acetylcys- strated that A1c levels ⬍7% are associated
shown a rapid decline in GFR levels (82). teine, a free-radical scavenger, has also with decreased risk for clinical and struc-
In type 1 macroalbuminuric patients, been shown to be renoprotective in some tural manifestations of diabetic nephrop-
GFR declines about 1.2 ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 studies (90), but this was not confirmed athy in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients.
month⫺1 without therapeutic interven- in a recent study (91). In the Diabetes Control and Complica-
tions (83). In patients with type 2 diabe- Critical renal-artery stenosis (⬎70%) tions Trial (DCCT), intensive treatment of
tes, GFR decline is more variable. One occurs in ⬃17% of hypertensive type 2 diabetes reduced the incidence of mi-
study reported a mean decline of ⬃0.5 ml diabetic patients (92) and may be associ- croalbuminuria by 39% (95). It is inter-
䡠 min⫺1 䡠 month⫺1 (84), although in some ated with hypertension and renal insuffi- esting to note that patients randomized to
patients GFR may remain stable for long ciency (ischemic nephropathy). In these strict glycemic control had a long-lasting
periods (85). Patients with a more rapid patients, the use of ACE inhibitors or an- reduction of ⬃40% in the risk for devel-
GFR decline usually have more advanced giotensin II type 1 receptor blockers opment of microalbuminuria and hyper-
diabetic glomerulopathy and worse met- (ARBs) could reduce transcapillary filtra- tension 7– 8 years after the end of the
abolic control (82). tion pressure, leading to acute or chronic DCCT (96). In the UKPDS, a 30% risk
Patients should be referred to a neph- renal insufficiency, especially if renal- reduction for the development of mi-
rologist for evaluation and comanage- artery stenosis affects both kidneys or the croalbuminuria was observed in the
ment when GFR reaches 30 ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 sole functioning kidney. A rise in serum group intensively treated for hyperglyce-
1.73 m⫺2, since there is evidence that creatinine ⬎50% after use of these agents mia (97). Moreover, in the Kumamoto
nephrologist care may improve morbidity is a clue for the presence of renal-artery Study, intensive glycemic control also re-
and mortality when patients enter renal stenosis (93). Other suggestive features duced the rate of development of micro-
replacement therapy (40). are renal impairment with minimal or and macroalbuminuria (98). Therefore,
absent proteinuria, absent or minimal di- intensive treatment of glycemia aiming at
Comorbid associations abetic retinopathy, presence of macrovas- A1c ⬍7% should be pursued as early as
It is particularly important to investigate cular disease in other sites (coronary, possible to prevent the development of
retinopathy. Ideally, this should be done carotid, and peripheral arteries), vascular microalbuminuria.


Diabetic nephropathy

Table 2—Strategies and goals for reno- and cardioprotection in patients with diabetic diabetes who were microalbuminuric at
nephropathy the beginning of the study (95,107). The
Microalbuminuria Collaborative Study
Goal Group reported similar findings (108).
However, these studies (107,108) were
Intervention Microalbuminuric Macroalbuminuric underpowered to detect an effect of inten-
ACE inhibitor and/or Reduction of albuminuria Proteinuria as low as possible sified glycemic control on the progression
ARB and low- or reversion to or ⬍0.5 g/24-h and from micro- to macroalbuminuria. More-
protein diet (0.6– normoalbuminuria over, improvement of glycemic control,
0.8 g 䡠 kg wt⫺1 䡠 especially if associated with lower blood
day⫺1 pressure levels, reduced the renal func-
GFR stabilization GFR decline ⬍2 ml 䡠 min⫺1 䡠 tion decline in proteinuric type 1 diabetic
year⫺1 patients (109).
Antihypertensive Blood pressure ⬍130/80 or 125/75 mmHg† In patients with type 2 diabetes, very
agents few studies analyzed the role of blood glu-
Strict glycemic control A1c ⬍7% cose control on the progression of dia-
Statins LDL cholesterol ⱕ100 mg/dl‡ betic nephropathy. In the Kumamoto
Acetyl salicylic acid Thrombosis prevention Study, a reduction in the conversion from
Smoking cessation Prevention of atherosclerosis progression micro- to macroalbuminuria was ob-
* Low-protein diet: efficacy not proven in long-term studies in microalbuminuric patients. †Goal: 125/75
served with intensive treatment (98). Al-
mmHg with increased serum creatinine and proteinuria ⬎1.0 g/24-h. ‡LDL cholesterol ⬍70 mg/dl in the though the effects of strict glycemic
presence of cardiovascular disease. control on the progression of diabetic ne-
phropathy are not firmly established, it
should be pursued in all these patients.
Intensive blood pressure control MICRO-HOPE (Heart Outcomes Preven- Some oral antihyperglycemic agents
Treatment of hypertension dramatically tion Evaluation) study (106), ramipril (10 seem to be especially useful. Rosiglita-
reduces the risk of cardiovascular and mi- mg/day) decreased the risk of overt ne- zone, as compared with glyburide, has
crovascular events in patients with diabe- phropathy by 24% and the risk of cardio- been shown to decrease UAE in patients
tes. Hypertension is common in diabetic vascular death in patients with type 2 with type 2 diabetes. This suggests a ben-
patients, even when renal involvement is diabetes who were ⬎55 years of age with eficial effect in the prevention of renal
not present. About 40% of type 1 and one additional cardiovascular risk factor complications of type 2 diabetes (110).
70% of type 2 diabetic patients with nor- by 37%. Moreover, ramipril reduced UAE Also, the use of antihyperglycemic agents
moalbuminuria have blood pressure lev- at 1 year and at the end of the study (106). in proteinuric type 2 diabetic patients
els ⬎140/90 mmHg (99). In the UKPDS, Therefore, ACE inhibitors have been shown should take renal function into account.
a reduction from 154 to 144 mmHg on to be beneficial for reno- and cardioprotec- Metformin should not be used when se-
systolic blood pressure reduced the risk tion in patients with type 2 diabetes. rum creatinine is ⬎1.5 mg/dl in men and
for the development of microalbuminuria ⬎1.4 mg/dl in women due to the in-
by 29% (100). Treatment: micro- and creased risk of lactic acidosis (111). Sul-
Blood pressure targets for patients macroalbuminuric patients fonylureas and their metabolites, except
with diabetes are lower (130/80 mmHg) The goal of treatment is to prevent the glimepiride, are eliminated via renal ex-
than those for patients without diabetes progression from micro- to macroalbu- cretion and should not be used in patients
(101). In the HOT (Hypertension Opti- minuria, the decline of renal function in with decreased renal function (112). Re-
mal Treatment) study, a reduction of dia- patients with macroalbuminuria, and the paglinide (113) and nateglinide (114)
stolic blood pressure from 85 to 81 occurrence of cardiovascular events. The have a short duration of action, are ex-
mmHg resulted in a 50% reduction in the treatment principles are the same as those creted independently of renal function,
risk of cardiovascular events in diabetic adopted for the prevention of diabetic ne- and have a safety profile in patients with
but not nondiabetic patients (102). phropathy, although in this case multiple renal impairment. However, at this point,
and more intensive strategies must be sulfonylureas and insulin secretagogues
Renin-angiotensin system blockade used. The strategies and goals are de- are usually not very effective due to the
The role of ACE inhibitors in the preven- scribed in Table 2. low endogenous production of insulin re-
tion of diabetic nephropathy in patients sulting from the long duration of diabetes.
with type 1 diabetes has not been defined. Intensive blood glucose control Thus, most type 2 diabetic patients with
The use of perindopril during 3 years in The effect of strict glycemic control on the diabetic nephropathy should be treated
normotensive normoalbuminuric type 1 progression from micro- to macroalbu- with insulin.
diabetic patients delayed the increase in minuria and on the rate of renal function
albuminuria (103). In patients with type 2 decline in macroalbuminuric patients is Intensive blood pressure treatment
diabetes, ACE inhibitors and ARBs both still controversial. In the DCCT study, in- and renin-angiotensin system
diminish the risk for diabetic nephropa- tensified glycemic control did not de- blockade
thy (104,105) and reduce the occurrence crease the rate of progression to In microalbuminuric type 1 and type 2
of cardiovascular events (106). In the macroalbuminuria in patients with type 1 diabetic patients, numerous studies have


Gross and Associates

demonstrated that treatment of hyperten- hypertension has a strong beneficial effect pertensive patients with type 2 diabetes
sion, irrespective of the agent used, pro- in reducing GFR decline in proteinuric than either drug alone (121). Other stud-
duced a beneficial effect on albuminuria type 1 diabetic patients (124). This reduc- ies have also demonstrated that the com-
(115). Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) tion in GFR decline was predicted by re- bination of ACE inhibitors and ARBs had
blockade with ACE inhibitors or ARBs duction in albuminuria (125). According a synergistic effect in blood pressure and
confers an additional benefit on renal to the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Re- UAE reduction in patients with type 1 and
function. This renoprotective effect is in- nal Disease) trial, the lower the blood type 2 diabetes with diabetic nephropa-
dependent of blood pressure reduction pressure, the greater the preservation of thy. RAS dual blockade is more effective
(115,116) and may be related to de- renal function in nondiabetic patients in reducing UAE than maximal recom-
creased intraglomerular pressure and pas- (126). Patients with proteinuria ⬎1 g/day mended doses of ACE inhibitors alone
sage of proteins into the proximal tubule and renal insufficiency had slower decline (135). Even though no long-term trials
(117). These drugs decrease UAE and the in renal function when blood pressure analyzing the benefit of RAS dual block-
rate of progression from microalbumin- was ⬍125/75 mmHg (126). Although ade in diabetic nephropathy are available,
uria to more advanced stages of diabetic this study included mainly nondiabetic in nondiabetic proteinuric patients the
nephropathy. A meta-analysis of 12 trials patients, this goal also has been recom- COOPERATE (Combination Treatment
evaluating 698 nonhypertensive mi- mended for proteinuric diabetic patients of Angiotensin-II Receptor Blocker and
croalbuminuric type 1 diabetic patients (127). Addition of ACE inhibitors in pro- Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme Inhibi-
showed that treatment with ACE inhibi- teinuric type 1 diabetic patients (128) or tor in Nondiabetic Renal Disease) trial has
tors decreased the risk of progression to ARBs in macroalbuminuric type 2 dia- shown that dual therapy was superior to
macroalbuminuria by 60% and increased betic patients (129,130) decreased pro- monotherapy at its maximal doses in re-
the chances of regression to normoalbu- teinuria and renal function decline. tarding the progression of renal disease in
minuria (118). ARBs were also effective in Although there was no difference in the a 3-year follow-up (136). The combina-
reducing the development of macroalbu- cardiovascular event rate, a significantly tion of spironolactone, an aldosterone an-
minuria in microalbuminuric type 2 dia- lower incidence of congestive heart fail- tagonist, with an ACE inhibitor was also
betic patients. Irbesartan (300 mg/day) ure was observed among patients receiv- more effective in reducing UAE and blood
reduced the risk of progression to overt ing ARBs (129). The antiproteinuric effect pressure in micro- and macroalbuminuric
diabetic nephropathy by 70% in a 2-year of ARBs has certain characteristics. It oc- type 2 diabetic patients than the ACE in-
follow-up study of 590 hypertensive mi- curs early (within 7 days) after treatment hibitor alone (137).
croalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients is started and persists stable thereafter
(119). Additionally, a 38% reduction in (131), and it is independent of blood Strategies of blood pressure
UAE was observed, with 34% of patients pressure reduction (116) and has a dose- treatment in patients with diabetic
reversing to normoalbuminuria. It is also response effect beyond the doses needed nephropathy
interesting to note that UAE was still re- to control blood pressure (132). An acute A detailed discussion of the agents used to
duced 1 month after the withdrawal of increase in serum creatinine of up to 30 – treat hypertension in patients with dia-
irbesartan (120). In another trial, valsar- 35%, stabilizing after 2 months, might oc- betic nephropathy is beyond the scope of
tan 80 mg/day produced a greater reduc- cur in proteinuric patients with creatinine this article, and recent guidelines
tion in UAE than amlodipine (44 vs. 8%) values ⬎1.4 mg/dl starting ACE inhibi- (101,138) and reviews on this subject are
with the same degree of blood pressure tors. This raise in creatinine is associated available (127,139,140). Therefore, only
reduction (116). These data reinforce the with long-term preservation of renal general guidelines will be discussed here,
idea that the antiproteinuric effect of function, and therefore ACE inhibitors taking into account the special character-
ARBs is blood pressure independent. Al- should not be stopped (133). Greater in- istics of these patients. To reach the blood
though there is no long-term study com- creases should raise the suspicion of re- pressure goal of 130/80 mmHg in diabetic
paring the effects of ACE inhibitors and nal-artery stenosis. Inhibition of the RAS, patients in general (101), or 125/75
ARBs on the progression from microalbu- especially with ACE inhibitors, might mmHg in patients with proteinuria ⬎1.0
minuria to overt diabetic nephropathy, raise serum potassium levels, particularly g/24 h and increased serum creatinine,
both agents led to a similar reduction in in patients with renal insufficiency (134). three to four antihypertensive agents are
albuminuria in a 12-week study (121) For these reasons, albuminuria, serum usually necessary (141). It is more impor-
and a 1-year study (122). Therefore, the creatinine, and potassium should be tant to reach the blood pressure goals
use of either ACE inhibitors or ARBs is checked monthly during the first 2–3 than to use a particular agent, since most
recommended as a first-line therapy for months after starting treatment with ACE patients will require several agents. How-
type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients with inhibitors or ARBs. Recently, Mogensen et ever, due to the known renoprotective ef-
microalbuminuria, even if they are nor- al. (121) developed the new concept of fect of ACE inhibitors and ARBs,
motensive (14). dual blockade of the RAS. ACE inhibitors treatment should start with either of these
In proteinuric patients, Mogensen and ARBs interrupt the RAS at different agents. Patients with systolic blood pres-
(123) was the first to demonstrate, almost levels, and the combination of these sure 20 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure
30 years ago, that treatment of hyperten- classes of drugs may have an additive ef- 10 mmHg above the goal should start
sion reduced albuminuria and the rate of fect on renoprotection. The combination treatment with two agents. An ACE inhib-
GFR decline in type 1 diabetic patients. of candesartan (16 mg/day) and lisinopril itor or ARB and a low-dose thiazide di-
Subsequently, other studies have clearly (20 mg/day) was more effective in reduc- uretic (12.5–25 mg/day) can be initially
demonstrated that aggressive treatment of ing blood pressure and UAE ratio in hy- used, but loop diuretics (furosemide)


Diabetic nephropathy

should be used instead of thiazides in pa- total of 108 patients, dietary protein re- g/dl. The target Hb levels should be
tients with GFR ⬍30 ml/min, corre- striction slowed the progression of dia- 12–13 g/dl, and the potential risk of ele-
sponding to a serum creatinine of 2.5–3.0 betic nephropathy in patients with type 1 vation of blood pressure levels with eryth-
mg/dl (101). ARBs are an excellent alter- diabetes. More recently, a 4-year random- ropoietin treatment should be taken into
native if ACE inhibitors are not tolerated ized controlled trial in 82 patients with account (150).
(cough) and are the preferred agents for type 1 diabetes with progressive diabetic
type 2 diabetic patients with left ventric- nephropathy showed that a moderately Use of aspirin
ular hypertrophy (104) and/or micro- or low–protein diet (0.9 g 䡠 kg⫺1 䡠 day⫺1) Low-dose aspirin has been recommended
macroalbuminuria (106,119,129). ARBs reduced the risk of end-stage renal disease for primary and secondary prevention of
and ACE inhibitors can be combined if or death by 76%, although no effect on cardiovascular events in adults with dia-
there is no reduction in albuminuria or if GFR decline was observed (145). The betes. This therapy did not have a nega-
blood pressure target levels are not mechanisms by which a low-protein diet tive impact on renal function (UAE or
reached, even before maximizing the dose may reduce progression of diabetic ne- GFR) in type 1 and type 2 diabetic pa-
of each agent. Additional agents should be phropathy are still unknown, but might tients with micro- or macroalbuminuria
added as needed. Calcium channel block- be related to improved lipid profile and/or (152,153). However, the subgroup anal-
ers have an additional effect on reducing glomerular hemodynamics. ysis of the Primary Prevention Project trial
blood pressure levels. These agents did not show a significant reduction in the
should only be used in combination with Dyslipidemia occurrence of cardiovascular events in
an ACE inhibitor and should not be used The goal for LDL cholesterol is ⬍100 1,031 diabetic patients using low-dose as-
in patients with a recent coronary event. mg/dl for diabetic patients in general and pirin (100 mg/day) (154). Although this
␤-Blockers are especially useful in pa- ⬍70 mg/dl for diabetic patients with car- study was underpowered to analyze the
tients with myocardial ischemia, since diovascular disease (146). The effect of effect on the development of cardiovascu-
these drugs reduce cardiovascular events lipid reduction by antilipemic agents on lar events, these data raise the issue that
and mortality in patients with baseline progression of diabetic nephropathy is diabetic patients could be less responsive
pulse rate ⬎84 bpm (141). Possibly, a still unknown. So far, there have been no to aspirin therapy (aspirin resistance). In
metabolic neutral compound, carvedilol, large trials analyzing whether the treat- fact, a recent study demonstrated a re-
should be used. The combination of ment of dyslipidemia could prevent the duced response of platelets from diabetic
␤-blockers and nondihydropyridine cal- development of diabetic nephropathy or subjects to treatment with aspirin (150
cium channel blockers should be used the decline of renal function. However, mg/day). This phenomenon was associ-
with caution, since both agents have neg- there is some evidence that lipid reduc- ated with higher levels of A1c, lower con-
ative chronotropic effects. Blood pressure tion by antilipemic agents might preserve centration of HDL cholesterol, and higher
treatment could be assessed by 24-h am- GFR and decrease proteinuria in diabetic concentration of total cholesterol (155).
bulatory monitoring in the following sit- patients (147). In the Heart Protection Therefore, diabetic patients might benefit
uations: in patients with treatment- Study, 40 mg simvastatin reduced the rate from aspirin doses ⬎100 –150 mg/day or
resistant hypertension, when there is a of major vascular events and GFR decline use of other antiplatelet agents such as
suspicion of white coat hypertension, or in patients with diabetes, independent of clopidogrel.
to detect drug-induced or autonomic cholesterol levels at baseline, by 25%
neuropathy–related hypotensive episodes (148). Moreover, the results of the re- Multifactorial intervention
(138). cently presented CARDS (Collaborative Patients with microalbuminuria fre-
Atorvastatin Diabetes Study), which quently have other cardiovascular risk
Diet intervention showed a marked reduction of cardiovas- factors, such as hypertension and dyslip-
Replacing red meat with chicken in the cular events in patients with diabetes and idemia. In the Steno-2 study, multifacto-
usual diet reduced UAE by 46% and re- at least one additional risk factor for cor- rial intervention was compared with
duced total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, onary artery disease, suggest that all dia- conventional treatment in 160 mi-
and apolipoprotein B in microalbumin- betic patients should be taking statins croalbuminuric type 2 diabetic patients
uric patients with type 2 diabetes in a ( (156). The targets were to achieve blood
4-week study (142). This was probably pressure levels ⬍130/80 mmHg, fasting
related to the lower amount of saturated Anemia serum cholesterol ⬍175 mg/dl, fasting se-
fat and the higher proportion of polyun- Anemia may occur in patients with dia- rum triglycerides ⬍150 mg/dl, and A1c
saturated fatty acids found in chicken betic nephropathy even before the onset ⬍6.5%. The multifactorial intervention
meat than in red meat. The beneficial ef- of advanced renal failure (serum creati- consisted of a stepwise implementation of
fect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on en- nine ⬍1.8 mg/dl), and it has been related lifestyle changes and pharmacological
dothelial function (143) could also to erythropoietin deficiency (149). Fur- therapy, including a low-fat diet, a three
reduce UAE. A normal protein diet with thermore, anemia has been considered a to five times a week light-to-moderate ex-
chicken as the only source of meat may risk factor for progression of renal disease ercise program, a smoking cessation pro-
represent an additive strategy for the and retinopathy (150). Until the results of gram, and prescription of ACE inhibitors
treatment of microalbuminuric type 2 di- the ongoing ACORD (Anemia Correction or ARBs and aspirin. The intensively
abetic patients. However, long-term stud- in Diabetes) study (151) become avail- treated group had a 61% reduction in the
ies are necessary. According to a meta- able, it is recommended to start erythro- risk of developing macroalbuminuria and
analysis (144) of five studies including a poietin treatment when Hb levels are ⬍11 a 58 and 63% reduction in the risk of


Gross and Associates

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