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Anguished, tess was always alone, she faced life alone, although she was not



Norton I consider that she was to all intents and purposes a pure woman till her
last fall [her final moving in with Alec in phase 7]. Then she was a mere corpse
drifting in the water to her end - an absolutely irresponsible being."-

De la una din cele mai remarcabile fete Tess a ajuns sa fie aratata cu degetul

“He thought that public opinion was probably right in regarding it (Tess) as its

best novel; but he had put too much feeling into it to recall it with pleasure”

Impoverished. Her father drinks to excess

Beautiful beyond description


Unhealable wound

prudishness, emotional coldness, sexual repressiveness, inability to

communicate with one's offspring and snobbishness

Then there is that eternal reticence and repression.



As the time passed, sexual activity bécame less restrictioned, premarital se becoming something acceptable
and frequent

Parintii ocupa locuri importante in amintirile noastre

It is difficult to separate the effects of the gens from those of the environment - for the concl

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection. Sigmund Freud
Read more at:

The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great
subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises. Sigmund Freud
Read more at:
The social pressure to efface/suppress the emotions related to sexuality

Due to the condemnation of passion popularized by the Victorian culture

Silencing the private emotions


The influence of the Evangelical abstinence and the political uncertainty

Cultural consciousness of the nineteenth century

Effort to fulfill socio-cultural requirements

The individual must conform to the rigorous discipline of emotion

Self restraint advocated by the Evangelical doctrine/ outcome of the Evangelical principles/
Evangelism had an impact on the perception of ardent emotions/passion and considered them
undesirable/ inappropriate

Religious devotion/zeal

The focus was on individual and his responsibility towards the community

What Freud called “superego”- the consciousness to monitor her conduct

from the beginning/first day of life the individual

to live up to social expectations

virtues of domesticity

societal pressures to control emotion

the uncontrollable nature of the feelings

emotional outburst/ arduous emotions

is an outstanding novel in the British literature.

Hardy’s preoccupation with alienated human consciousness

the display of emotions was criticized/ uncomfortable with displays of emotions

difference between the sexes in terms of rationality- unpredictable emotional nature, women
were considered/seen as unable to control their overpowering impulses – women were associated
with excessive emotions

the social judgment

Considering his family background, Hardy was familiarized with questions related to passions
and impulses. His mother, named Jemima, was pregnant when she married his father, this was
not the only case in his family. His great-grandmother and both his grandmothers gave birth
before exchanging the wedding vows. They “flouted the rules of sexual behavior as laid down by
the Church and gentry.” (Tomalin 17) Resembling them, many of Thomas Hardy’s female
characters had the same fate and he shows sympathy to his struggling fictional characters rather
than condemnation. He empathizes with them, but does not intervene, letting them be judged by
the laws of the society.
The code of values of the Victorian Age

My analysis was influenced by sbd’s approach

The Victorians had an high sense of morality

obedience to a strict code of morality

Although surprising and contrasting, he supports his Eve who has fallen by attacking the conventional
notions and perceptions of purity and unjust moral standards. Tess should not be judged by her actions
alone, not considering her intentions. She is a young poor girl pushed by circumstances/necessity to leave
home with the desire to earn her living.

The human psyche is governed by passions and impulses Passion and impulses, woman are
strong and capable

Thomas Hardy: Art and Thought

By Frank B Pinion bird imaery

Arguments against a woman’s subservient role were present in the minds of the feminists also
before the nineteenth century.

The desire to break free from conventions and from society’s expectations brings punishment.
Each person fights a fight, firstly with itself and also with the world surrounding us. Her trial and
death are symbolically the proof for her defeat in front of the society, but a triumph for moral

The angel in the house- ideal woman-selfless and devoted

Thomas Hardy emphasized the need for an ameliorating Christian response towards the
fallen woman rather than downright condemnation.

She distinguishes between flesh and soul. She may not have a pure body, but most importantly her soul is
pure. tess is pure, her fall is part of the past. Pg 255

Victorian society’s rigid social code

Woman should be subservient to man without complaint
LSAhWBHRQKHcYaCoUQ6AEIGDAA#v=onepage&q=tess&f=false – miseltoe tess finds out
hanged270/ the name of the novel first sue... 272/ 277 respingere de catre ed, 283/ 293 critiques

148 carte neagra citat despre fallen body and spirit great for the end

respingerea lui Angel a fost mai devastatoare decat tot ce a facut Alec

Tess seen only through the eyes of man/

Tess’s victimization mulligatepg 268/

Peisajul exterior- ce effect are asupraei -significance in ppl and places- m mulligan 272/
Angel’sname 273 mulligan/

Angel se indragosteste de o iluzie phd1 95

/ Charity and biblical references 276 mulligan/ T

ess esteprinsaintre Alec si Angel, this clash leaving tess devastated Ambiguity pg 281 mulligan /

Rosemary pg 201/

Historical context – th hardy introduction and feminism XIV/ Hardy’s interest in women

/ Th H era intaisaracsiacceptacriticilesimodificarileeditorilo, darapoi a avutbanisi a fostmai liber phd Far

and Fascination pgsandlin 17

Dissatisfaction with the values of the age

Alienation, estrangement changing manners and morals, more precisely stereotypical gender roles
and gendered social interaction.

The beautiful girl from the quiet rural town of Marlott has something special which detaches her from the
others, a sparkle kept hidden inside of her, unseen by many who tend to judge her on the surface: moral
strength, conscience, spirituality. She distinguishes between flesh and soul.

Tess is a victim of wretched circumstances, as it is presented in Oxford World’s Classics.

The changing conditions of rural labour, factional disputes within the Church of England, the
class structure of society, the National School movement, all take their place…to ensure that the
novel bestows a challenging contemporaneity upon its tale of the maiden seduced and
abandoned. (Juliet Grindle XIII)Chapter II (practical)
Thomas Hardy uses his literature as a medium to express his … Through his novel Tess he
attacks the prudery of the Victorian society and the sexual double standard.

which affected him throughout his life.

Comprehend the complexity of Hardy’s interiority

Some aspects from Hardy’s life reveal the general nature of his inner vision which dictated what
and how to wrote / His melancholic dispossiton reflects in his book in the anguish of his / His
life conditions impacted on the creation of characters and situations.

Thomas Hardy’s work is plentiful of moral and ethical dilemmas. His works focus on love
matters. There is a synchronicity between his personal life and his literary output. His internal
reflections and debates are mirrored in his fictional characters’ behavior.

Hardy showed compassion for the underprivileged and for those oppressed by the laws of
religion and state.

The novel highlights how religion has lost its Christian message/

the most controversial social and personal debates are illustrated in his literature

/The novel’s acceptance /

Biblical references can be found in many of his books,

/ Keith Wilson 52 hardy and the religion/

Queen Victoria’s example 576 en history/

The conflict between science and religion

Is Tess a victim of the very strict cannons of Church, of the Victorian society, of her heredity and
of the important persons in her life or is she responsible for her fate?

The critics focused sharply on the theme of sexuality and marriage.

An era when premarital sex was an indicator of flawed character

Hardy understood the complexity of women

Thomas Hardy illustrates in his novel how human consciousness in conflict with itself and with

Hardy’s background and early conditions

Hardy illustrate human problems arising from decisions and

Subservient role

So, is there hope? When a Christian engages in premarital sex, or when one who has lost his/her
virginity comes to Christ, the Holy Spirit will convict of the sin, and there will be grief over it.
However, it’s important—even vital—to remember that there is no sin beyond the reach of the blood
of Jesus. If we confess, He will not only forgive, but will cleanse us from “all unrighteousness” (1
John 1:9). Furthermore, in addition to the forgiveness (which is in itself glorious), God restores. Joel
2:25 tells us that God is able to restore the years that the locust has eaten, and that’s what
premarital sex is—a locust that consumes our sense of self, our self-esteem, and our perception of
forgiveness. Scripture also tells us that, when we come to Christ, we are new creations (2
Corinthians 5:17), so one who engaged in premarital sex prior to conversion is recreated by God into
a new person; the old is gone, the new has come.

Theoretical part/case study

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