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What are Factors that affecting Growth?

In general, children have normal growth and development patterns that are the
result of many factors affecting the growth and development of children. These
factors include:
 Factor inside (internal)
 Race / ethnicity or nation
Children who use the race / nation of America, then he does not have
hereditary factors race / Indonesian nation or vice versa.
 Family
There is a tendency of families who have a high posture, short, fat or thin.
 Age
The rapid rate of growth is in the prenatal, the first year of life and
 Gender
Sexual function in girls grows faster than men. After puberty, the growth of
boys will be faster.
 Genetic
Genetic factors (heredokonstitusional) is the innate child is the potential of
children who will be typical cirri. Genetic factors are the basis for achieving
the end result of the child's growth process. The passage contained in a
fertilized egg can be called the quality and quantity of growth. Characterized
by the speed and cleavage, the level of tissue sensitivity to stimulation, age of
puberty, cessation of bone stem. High genetic potential can be done with a
positive environment. The optimal end result. Impaired growth in the country
more can be caused by this genetic factor.
 Chromosomal Abnormalities
Many hereditary diseases are caused by chromosomal abnormalities, such as;
Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, etc.

 External Factors (external)

Environment is a factor that is very determining or not the innate potential. A good
enough environment will enable the achievement of innate potential, while the less
good will hamper it. This environment is a bio-physico-psycho-social that
reinforces the individual every day, from the conception to the end of his / her life.

Prenatal Factors
 Nutrition
Very poor nutrition before pregnancy or during pregnancy, more frequent
infants BBLR (birth weight) or stillbirth and often cause congenital defects.
Besides it can cause fetal brain growth, anemia in newborn, newborn infants
easy to infection, abortion and so on.
children born to mothers who lack nutrition and live in poor neighborhoods
will be disturbed nutrition and easy infection and then will result in adult
women who weight and height less. This situation is a vicious cycle that will
bear from generation to generation that is not addressed.
 Mechanical
Mechanical (amniotic bands, ectopics, abnormal fetal position, trauma,
oligohydrmnion). Mechanical factors such as abnormal fetal position and
oligohydramnios may cause congenital abnormalities such as clubfoot,
micrognathia and bent legs. This disorder is not very severe as it may occur
during the final intrauterine life. Incorrect ovum implantation, which is also
considered a growth factor.
 Toxins / Chemicals
Some medications Thalidomide, phenytoin, methadone, anti-cancer drugs and
others can cause congenital abnormalities. Similarly, pregnant women who are
heavy smokers / alcohol drinkers often cause low birth weight, stillbirth,
disability, or mental retradation.
 Endocrine
Babies born to mothers with diabetes mellitus often show abnormalities of
macrosomia, cardiomegaly and adrenal hyperplasia. The Langerhans island
hyperplasia will show hypoglycemia. The mean age of mothers who give birth
to mongoloid and other abnormalities is higher than the age of the mother who
gave birth to a normal child. This may be caused by some endrokin
abnormalities in the mother's body that increase in old age, that is, other
factors that do not endocrine also take part.
 Radiation
Exposure to radium and X-ray can be published abnormalities in the fetus
such as microcephaly, spina bifida, mental retradation, and deformity of the
limbs of congenital abnormalities of the eye, cardiac abnormalities.
 Infection
Infection in the first and second trimesters is by TORCH (Toxoplasma,
Rubella, Sitomegalo viris, Herpes Simplex) can cause abnormalities in the
fetus, eg cataracts, deaf mutes, microcephaly, mental retradation and
congenital heart abnormalities.
 Immunology Cocks
Fetal Erythroblastosis Occurs in the blood basics between mother and mother.
Mothers form antibodies to the heart membrane, then through the placenta into
the bloodstream and will cause hemolysis which later gave birth to
hyperbilirubinemia and Kern icterus which will cause damage to brain tissue.
 Anoxia Embryos
Anoxia embryo (impaired placental function) The anoxic state of the embryo
may be discharged
 Psychology of Mother
Unwanted pregnancy, abuse treatment for mother hami and others.
 Labor Factors
Complications of labor in infants such as head trauma, asphyxia and dapt
cause brain tissue.

Post-natal Factors
 Nutrition
To grow baby flowers, adequate nutrients are needed.
 Chronic Illness / congenital abnormalities
Tuberculosus, anemia, congenital heart defects result in retrovement of
physical growth.
 Physical and Chemical Environment
The environment often called melieu is where the child lives that serves as
provider of the basic needs of the child (provider). Improper environmental
sanitation, lack of sunlight, exposure to radioactive light, certain chemicals
(Pb, Mercuri, cigarettes, etc.) have a negative impact on child growth.
 Psychological
The child's relationship with the people around him. A child who is unwanted
by his or her parents who always feel depressed, will experience obstacles in
their growth and development.
 Endocrine
Hormonal disorders, for example in hypothyroid disease will cause children to
experience growth barriers.
 Socio-economic
Poverty is always associated with food shortages, poor environmental health
and ignorance, will inhibit the growth of children.
 A parenting environment
In the nurturing environment, mother-child interactions greatly affect the
child's growth and development.
 Stimulation
Development requires stimulation / stimulation especially in the family, for
example the provision of toys, socialization of children, the involvement of
mothers and other family members of the child's activities. Children who get
stimulated and directed stimulation will be faster developed compared with
children who are not stimulated.
 Drugs
The use of long-term corticosteroids will inhibit growth, as well as the use of
stimulants against the nervous system that causes inhibition of growth
hormone production.

Guidelines for the Implementation of Stimulation, Detection and Early
Intervention Growth Flower Anak.Depkes.2005

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