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Suffering With Digestive Problems?

It Could Be A
Sluggish Gallbladder
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Suffering With Digestive Problems? It Could

Be A Sluggish Gallbladder
Most people attribute digestive conditions to a problem with the stomach or intestines. Not many realize it could be
a problem with bile. Could this be the case for you?

Try our checklist

Do you experience any of the following:

Bloating after eating

Burping after eating
Intolerance to fatty foods

Reflux after eating

Discomfort over the right upper abdomen that may go through to your back

Discomfort in the right shoulder from pain referred from the gallbladder
Irritable bowel syndrome

Stomach cramps after eating

A history of gallstones

A history of gallbladder surgery

If you answer yes to 2 or more of these problems you could have a problem with your bile.

Your liver cells make fluid called bile, which is secreted into the bile ducts and then flows to the small intestine.
Your gallbladder stores bile; when you eat a meal that contains fat, your gallbladder contracts to release
concentrated bile into the small intestine. If your gallbladder is not functioning well, you will not release adequate
bile into the gut. If you have lost your gallbladder you will not be able to concentrate or store bile for the extra spurt
of bile you need when you have a meal.

What does lack of bile cause?

Reduced ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins – these are vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin D and
they need efficient digestion of fats to be absorbed; thus you can become depleted of these fat-soluble
Poor elimination of toxins via the bile (these are eliminated in the bowel actions)
Poor breakdown and digestion of fats
No wonder you will find yourself feeling uncomfortable after eating. You will also find that you have problems
controlling your weight even though you are not eating more than normal. You will also have a higher risk of
developing a fatty liver.

To produce healthy bile you need healthy liver cells and healthy bile ducts. To get the extra spurt of bile you need
during a meal you need a gallbladder that is functioning well.

Medications can upset your liver

If you are taking prescription medications such as cholesterol lowering drugs, pain killers, the oral contraceptive
pill, oral estrogens, cortisone or anti-inflammatory drugs, your liver cells may not produce adequate amounts of
healthy bile. Your poor liver will not cope unless you give it extra help. Toxins will accumulate in your liver and
cause your complexion to deteriorate; you may find that you see the appearance of brown liver spots on your skin.

You can see that your gallbladder is precious! It is worrying that over half a million Americans have their
gallbladders removed every year! In many instances this could have been avoided.

A study reported in the British Journal of Surgery found that 40% of patients who had their gallbladder removed
did not get relief of their symptoms.

Over 60% of gallbladder surgeries are unnecessary and in many patients removing the gallbladder
does not relieve symptoms.

I have seen patients who have had their gallbladder removed and think that they will never have problems again.
Unfortunately, they often grow more stones in the bile ducts higher up inside their liver and the same pain recurs.
Stones higher up in the bile ducts can lead to chronic painful liver cysts.

So you may have been through surgery for nothing! It makes sense to treat the cause.

I have formulated Livatone to give your liver cells and bile ducts the extra help they desperately need. Livatone
contains the most important liver herbs – Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Globe Artichoke combined with taurine,
which is an amino acid your liver cells need to make healthy bile. Extra ingredients are vegetable powders and
psyllium fiber. Psyllium can bind cholesterol and toxins and carry them out of your body via the bile. Livatone also
contains lecithin to help keep cholesterol soluble.

Did you know you can have a Low-Functioning Gallbladder and have no gallstones and that your ultrasound scan of
the gallbladder can look normal? – so it’s hard to diagnose! This condition of low functioning gallbladder is called
“acalculous Gallbladder Disease”

Acalculous Gallbladder Disease is a disorder of your gallbladder without gallstones. In this condition the gallbladder
does not contract properly and its walls may be thickened and inflamed. The most accurate way to measure the
function of your gallbladder is called a HIDA scan, which your doctor can order.

A HIDA scan is a nuclear medicine imaging test that tracks the production and flow of bile from your liver via your
bile ducts and gallbladder and thence to your small intestine. . The HIDA scan uses a radioactive tracer to enhance
the bile ducts and gallbladder and how well the bile is flowing into the small intestine. A HIDA scan can measure
how well the gallbladder is ejecting (squirting out) bile.

It is a very useful test as it shows how well your liver, bile ducts and gallbladder are working. An ultrasound scan
only shows the shape and size of the liver and gallbladder and if there are any stones but an ultrasound scan will not
show if the bile ducts and gallbladder are functioning well. Thus you can have a normal result on your ultrasound
scan but your bile ducts and gallbladder may still be functioning very poorly and indeed may be diseased.
A HIDA scan, which stands for Hepatobiliary Imino Diacetic Acid scan, shows pictures of your liver, gallbladder,
bile ducts and duodenum. The HIDA scan gives a percentage of bile ejection from the gallbladder. Normal ejection
fractions range between 33 and 40%.

A HIDA scan is extremely safe but rarely an allergic reaction to the medications used in the scan can occur or a rash
may occur.

Nuclear medicine tests, such as the HIDA scan, are generally avoided in pregnant women.

The risks of radiation from a HIDA scan are miniscule and don’t compare to the risks of undiagnosed gallbladder

The amount of radioactive tracer injected during a HIDA scan is very small and gives off radiation for several hours
only; it then becomes inactive. The gamma camera that takes pictures of your organs during the HIDA scan doesn’t
give off any radiation.

Tips to improve a low functioning gallbladder

Take a supplement of ox bile. This will help to supplement your bile level if you are not producing enough, or if
your gallbladder is not ejecting enough. Ox bile also helps to make your bile more thin and liquid, thus reducing
the risk of gallstones
Take a magnesium supplement such as Magnesium Complete or Magnesium Ultrapotent powder to help the
gallbladder to contract
Drink a raw juice of ginger, carrot, mint, basil and orange each day
Pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a small glass of warm water and sip it before your meals

Sometimes the gallbladder is so diseased that it must be removed to save your life. But be vigilant as after your
gallbladder is gone your liver and bile ducts will need extra support. Otherwise you may get a fatty liver or more
stones in your bile ducts much higher up in your liver.

It is important to remember that your liver is the most important cleansing and fat burning organ in your body-
don’t take it for granted that it will continue to be healthy in this toxic day and age!

The Livatone Formula can help, even if you have lost your gallbladder because it supports the production of healthy
bile and the flow of bile.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any

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Trinity March 8, 2018 at 5:23 pm

I am a bit lost as to what to focus on to improve my health. I have mild fatty liver, gall bladder polyps,
struggled with eczema all my life, and for the last 5 years usually soft unformed or diahrria like stools (I
occasionally have good days with normal stools). I get tired very easily so struggle to do any exercise
as I run out of energy almost immediately, and usually need a lot of sleep especially in winter when I
have to force myself to get up even after 10 hours. As a result of my general unwellness which started
gradually about 10 years ago I can only work part time which puts a big strain on finances.
I did a Colonoscopy and Gastroscopy and they found nothing unusual. I’ve had bundles of blood tests
and again not much out of the ordinary except very recently Anti-nuclear Antibody Titre on high side at
320 (supposed to be <160) so doctor told me to get a repeat ANA test in 6 months, and last liver
function AST test a smidge on high side at 42 (suppose day to be <41), previous years was around 35.
I have a very strong history of overactive thyroid in my family (most women in my family on my mums
side have it, my Aunty got so bad she had to have her thyroid removed, my mum is in remission from
Graves‘ disease, and my sister and other aunties have it at varying degrees) but thankfully so far my
markers are in the normal range albeit on the low side (Thyroid Function Test TSH 1.41, improved
from previous test 0.61 from 2 years earlier (normal range is 0.5 to 5) perhaps as after last test I have
drastically cut down on iodine rich foods)
My dad has high cholesterol, osteoarthritis and an ulcer.
I used to get bronchitis most winters but since I started having a daily fresh juice of carrot, cucumber,
celery, apple, lemon, ginger I have not gotten bronchitis, have not gotten sick as easily in general and
when gotten sick have been able to recover much more quickly with the aid of natural medicines such
as echinacea, but otherwise have not been able to further improve my general malaise.
In the past year or so I modified my diet so that I have very little dairy or sugar and limit gluten, but am
not sure if it has helped much. I have always liked my greens and fruit and I have increased that intake
as well. I have small to moderate amounts of meat and fish. If I have take out I generally pick
something like sushi, stir fried greens or a vegetarian dish. I don’t like deep fried foods.
I recently got a copy of Dr Cabot’s “The Healthy Liver and Bowel Book” but have not read it yet and am
not sure if any of her other books might be more relevant. I also recently started trying the Andreas
Moritz Liver Cleanse which I have done twice now in the last 3 months, but am not sure if this is the
right path to continue with. As part of the liver cleanses I had colonics done and at my last session the
therapist said that what was flowing out looked what what she normally saw in people with no gall
bladders, as there was a lot of undigested fatty deposits.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you!

Jessah March 11, 2018 at 11:05 pm

Hi Trinity,
ANA is not to be ignored, especially when there is a strong association of autoimmune
conditions in your family.
We strongly recommend you focus on this to improve your health, both short and long term.
To most easily accomplish this, purchase a copy of Dr Cabot’s ground-breaking book, ‘Healing
Autoimmune Disease’ and follow the treatment protocol. The female members of your family
are also likely to benefit from the protocol.
To check your thyroid health have both a TSH and thyroid antibody test.
To boost gut health and modulate your immune system, Dr Cabot prescribes
Selenomune Designer Energy – 1 capsule daily for 4 months and then 1 capsule on alternate
days, to increase your selenium levels to lower autoimmune antibody levels.
Vitamin D 5,000iu – 1 capsule daily. Please have a Vitamin D blood test to ensure this dose is
Glutamine Powder – 1 teaspoon in water twice daily to calm, soothe, and heal your gut lining
and resolve Leaky Gut in conjunction with an anti-inflammatory diet.
Floratone – 1 capsule after the main meal of the day to improve your intestinal flora.
To boost liver health and your vitality, Dr Cabot prescribes
Livatone Plus – 1 to 2 capsules twice daily, to improve liver function.
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC 600mg) – 1 to 2 capsules twice daily well away from food, if any
upset occurs take at the beginning of your meals. This supplement works well with Livatone
Plus to get your liver better faster.
MSM + Vitamin C – ½ to 1 teaspoon twice daily in vegetable juice or water to reduce
oxidation, inflammation and boost liver health.
You may purchase these supplements and Dr Cabot’s books at
Kind Regards,
Victoria Taylor
Naturopath for

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