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Veterinary Anesthesia Cheat Sheet Veterinary Anesthesia Cheat Sheet

Vitals K9 Cat NRB (<7kg) RB (>7kg)

HR 60-160 bpm 100-250 bpm O2 Flow Rate >200 mL x BW 40 ml x BW
RR 6-12 8-16 Starting OFR 1.5 - 2 L/min 2-3
SAP 90-180 90-180 Starting GAS Iso: 2-3% Iso: 2-3%
DAP 45-55 45-55 (2x MAC) Sevo: 5% Sevo: 5%

MAP 60-80 60-80 Maint. OFR 1-1.5 L/min 1.0 L/min

Temp 96-98 96-98 Maint. GAS 1-1.5 x MAC 1-1.5 x MAC

ETCO2 35-45 35-45

SPO2% 97-100 97-100 Normal ETCO2 Waveform

Too Deep (Drop in BP, HR, RR, decreased reflexes)

1. Reduce Vaporizer to 1/2 to 2/3 MAC
2. Increase OFR to 2-3 L/min to increase rate of

Too light (Increase in BP, HR, RR, increased reflexes)

1. Check patient > Check Equipment (leaks,
vaporizer setting, kinks)
2. Consider increasing GAS and OFR

Fluid Bolus <-- Give if MAP gets LOW

10-20 ml/kg over 15 minutes

Reflexes Too light Too DEEP!! Surgical

Palpebral reflex Present Absent Absent
Jaw Tone Tight Loose Absent
Pupil Position Central Ventral Medial Central
Corneal Reflex Present Present Absent
Anal Tone Tight Lax Absent

MAC K9 Cat Big 4 Dog Cat

Iso 1.3% 1.6% PCV 37-55% 24-45%
Sevo 2.3% 2.6% %
TP 6.0-7.5 6.0-7.5
Example Starting Maint Reduction
Glucose 80-130 60-130
Oxygen 1 1 3
Iso 3 2 1
BUN < 30 < 30
Veterinary Anesthesia Cheat Sheet Veterinary Anesthesia Cheat Sheet

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