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Need and status of HRD in Kathmandu University School of Management


KUSOM is one of the best management schools in Nepal and it came as surprise that the

management school as such has a limited coverage when it come to one of the crucial aspect of

management, Human resource development. However, we cannot deny the fact that the

inefficiency of HRD could be the direct result of the fact the KUSOM has no autonomy to make

huge decisions and investing in human resource is definitely a big step. The time taken to

implement the proposed developmental plan for HRD is often elongated because of the

centralization of decision making to Kathmandu University and the bureaucracy involved in it.

This short overview of the general climate of management and decision making

circumstances gives a sneak peak towards the basic inefficiency of HRD in KUSOM. For this

purpose, we have taken responses of four faculties of KUSOM and the conclusion regarding the

HRD situation here are based on their responses. Hence these responses provide the justification of

the HRD plan that we will be presenting in later pages. The following are the condensed form of

the responses given by the respondents: (note: the responses are almost similar)

 The responses show that HRD function is minimally organized within the organization and

there is no specific person looking after the developmental activities of the human

resources. However, the organization conduct training programs like research training

program, which is a part of, developmental activities have definitely increased the current

capacity of the human resources there.

 Jobs are designed efficiently but the developmental aspects have not been pushed in the

design right from the beginning.

 Involvement of employees in managing the organization is encouraged but the actual

empowerment activities are not in place.

 Rewards and compensation are given by considering the performance appraisal but is

connection with skill development is not vivid.

 Developmental opportunities are inadequate and the criteria for the eligibility are not clear.

Also, there is no proper system implemented like HRIS for maintaining the database of the

employees and track their progress.

These are the highlights of the responses. Along with the responses, the faculties have also

given constructive feedback and recommendation, which provides us with rationale of the HRD

program prepared.

 Employees are sent to various training programs on a yearly basis but they do not know on

what basis the faculties are chosen so clear criteria could be one recommendation.

 Employees do not know how much budget is separated for their developmental activities.

The university should provide clear information.

 One of the constructive feedbacks would include the fact that the school should proved the

accessibility to the research papers in order to help the faculties who want to conduct


 Other roles like teaching and service roles are clearly defined in the job but their research

roles are not defined which make the faculties have to squeeze in their personal time to

conduct research.

 The organization should conduct performance appraisal seriously and the feedback should

be implemented as fast as possible. The organization should incorporate the concept of

competency mapping.
Mission of HRD programs:

To provide faculties with enough opportunities to furnish their skills and attain new skills of their

interests especially through clear communication of criteria and adoption of necessary information


HRD objectives and Output Targets of HRD plan

S.N Objective/ Result Area Output targets

1. Training criteria The main concern as recommended by faculty is that the

training criteria are not clearly established. Hence, after the

implementation of program to targeted group of people; the

organization now will be able to set a standard measures from

which training needs will be assessed and can be provided in

more effectively.

2. Best Performance appraisal The performance appraisal currently practiced in the

approach organization is not quite effective. It is done only in a year or

so, which do not have a prerequisite for competency mapping.

Hence, the approach needs to consider the aspect for

competency mapping.

3. Strategic alignment After analyzing the organizational structure, we found out that

the organization itself does not have a HR department of its

own. Rather it wholly depends on central office (i.e. Dhulikhel)

for its HR activities. We can see that the organizational

objectives are not aligned with its HR, which is clear when the
employees are not aware about the budget for HR. Therefore,

the head of organization along with its employees should have a

clear knowledge or idea about the HR practices.

4. Role Clarity The research role should be made clear in addition to tecching

and service role in the job description itself.

5 Improved information The faculties should be provided with the access to the research

technology journals and articles to carry on their research role by bringing

in the intensive access to the related information technology.

Training package for identified training need

After the examination of the data obtained from the survey, the most fundamental problem in the

organization is absence of HR department. As of the organization is not able to perform their major

HR role (such as: accessing the training need, giving the perfect weight to the required

responsibilities the employee must perform, conducting PMS seriously, communicating about the

basics of HR such as HR budget and other factors). An organization has to take an important

decision while seeking out training programs for their employees. The programs can be in-house as

well as out-house.

In this seminar project we tried to link the problem that we have identified from survey with the

possible solution (by training packages) by including both in-house and out-house training

program as follows:

Training criteria:

Objective: After the completion of training, the trainee will be able to:
 Understand the key factors to be considered while evaluating training criteria.

 Anticipate the work situation and assess training criteria accordingly.

Place: Mini-conference hall


Time Activities Learning (experiential Approach


10-11 Greeting and introduction about the ---- Presentation

training objectives and discussion

 What is expected from them?

 What they expect from training?

11-1 Trainees are assigned to develop their Concrete experience Discussion &

own training criteria as per their active

understanding. participation

Conduct a round table discussion

incorporating the analysis of components

of training criteria that are to be

considered most.

2-3 Brainstorming sessions. Reflective observation Tools for self-

Individual rating (self-appraisal) by the appraisal,

trainee. discussion

3-3:5 Final note on day 1 progress -- Discussion


Time Activities Learning (experiential Approach


10-10:30 Invite one trainee to reflect on the ----- -----

topics discussed in previous day

10:30-1 Invite an expert to talk about setting a Abstract Conceptualization Presentation,

standard for assessing training needs. case study,

Engage trainees with some case discussion

studies and articles

Discuss the concepts relating to


1-2 BREAK ---- ----

2-3 Provide a real-life scenario from Experimentation Case analysis

which the trainee will perform the

learning points.

Experts will review the result and

trainees are provided with constructive

feedback to improve

Performance appraisal system

Objective of training: After the completion of training, the trainee will be able to:

 Understand the performance appraisal approaches

 Make the participants best apply the performance appraisal in their work.

Place: Meeting Hall


Time Activities Learning (Social Approaches

learning theory)

10-12 Greeting and warm welcome Attention Videos, appraisal

Begin with some brain teasing form

activities (quiz, brainstorming


Show videos on performance

appraisal, which will give the

participants an idea on how to design

appraisal form.

12-1 Invite an expert to give a brief lecture Retention Presentation and

about the current performance active

appraisal practices in Nepal and how participation with

an organization can benefit from it. some

Mainly includes: brainstorming

 Management By Objective session


 360 degree appraisal

 Behaviorally Anchored Rating

System (BARS)

 Critical incident appraisal



2-3 Brainstorm on how to implement the Retention Discussion

performance form in KUSOM that

was presented.

Time Activities Learning (Social Approaches

learning theory)

10-11 Conduct a small quiz on the topics Retention Quiz questions,

discussed in the previous session

 MCQ’s

 Analyzing and critiquing

other appraisal form

11-1 Provide participants with a situation Reproduction Case, discussion,

and ask them to develop active participation

performance appraisal form.

(Start with developing KPI’s and

move forward with other


Trainees list down the mistakes they

have made (run second round of

demonstration if needed)

1-2 BREAK ----- ------

2-3 Evaluate the participants and Motivation

provide feedback on their


Highlight the opportunities for their

career development as a result of

knowledge in performance appraisal

Focus on the importance and

effectiveness in respect to

organizational context

3-3:15 Final note from every individual

regarding the training program

Training on HR being strategic component of an organization

Objective: After the completion of training, the trainee will be able to:

 Know the concepts of HR

 Apply the concepts while performing strategic decisions

 Prove the strategic action they can perform.

Location: Conference Room

Time Activities Learning (social Approaches

learning theory)

10-12 Greeting and introduction to program. Attention Videos, discussion,

short presentation (if

Show videos related to importance of HR
needed in
in an organization. (Which includes both
introduction session),
sides; on one hand it shows how an
organization benefit after having HR

department and on the other hand it

shown the drawback when HR is


Conduct brainstorming session relating to

the videos

12-1 Discussion on importance of HR in an Retention Discussion, videos,

organization and how HR can be aligned presentation, active

with the organizational strategy. participation

Explain and discuss the concepts of HR

through discussion among the

participants and also by watching videos.

Invite and expert to present a format of

HR structure in an organization

2-3:30 Provide a case and ask them to observe Reproduction Case-study,

and critique the HR perspective (The presentation,

case will include both perspective discussion

positive side to align HR and negative

side of isolating the department)

Presentation on the case analysis and

round table discussion between

participants regarding the topics pointed


Evaluate the participants by asking

question, quizzes and case study

3:30-4 Evaluate the trainee and provide Motivation

feedback on the basis of their


Show them their career development

opportunities and rap up the training

program with some insightful quotes.

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