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Maney Publishing

Artifact Size and Plowzone Processes

Author(s): Robert C. Dunnell and Jan F. Simek
Source: Journal of Field Archaeology, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Autumn, 1995), pp. 305-319
Published by: Maney Publishing
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Accessed: 19-06-2015 20:51 UTC

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Size andPlowzoneProcesses

RobertC. Dunnell
Universityof Washington

JanF. Simek
Universityof Tennessee

Theoretical consideration
oftheformationofplowzone archaeologicaldeposits
artifact as an importantand heretofore
size under-used sourceofinformation. Modality
in sizedistributions suchas low-fired
ofdegradableartifacts, potteryand bone,indicates
theadditionofstratigraphicallydeepermaterialstoa plowzoneassemblage. Thismeans
thatdifferent agesand/ordepositionalcontextsare mixed in With
sufficiently and well-controlled
samples,thelocationand characterization
plowzonedeposits maybepossiblefromtheanalysisofsizedistributions ofsurfacemateri-
als alone.Applicationtoa "worstcase"surfaceassemblage fromSEMissouridemon-

archaeologicalfieldresearchin the lastdecade or so (Am-
A largefractionof the totalarchaeologicalrecordis, or merman1981; Dunnell and Dancey 1983; Lewarchand
has been,subjectedto some formofagricultural manipula- O'Brien 1981a; Redman1987).
tion.From the beginning,archaeologistshave recognized Changes in archaeologyas a whole were necessaryto
tillage as a mixed blessing.On the one hand, it brings alterthese attitudesand allow routineintegrationof the
buried and obscured materialto notice; on the other,it tilled recordin archaeologicalresearch.Most important
impairsinterpretation of the record by alteringartifact werethe shiftto a regionalfocus(e.g., Binford1964) and
form,size, and location.So long as archaeologists
did not recognitionthatfieldresearchhad to be treatedas a formal
seek representative samples of the archaeologicalrecord, samplingproblem(Binford1964; Vescellius1960). Tilled
the tilled portion could be ignored in favorof better areas are not randomlydistributedacross environments.
preservedlocalities.With few exceptions(e.g., Hayden Certainsoilsand geomorphicfeatures areavoidedbymod-
1965; Phillips,Ford, and Griffin1951; Ruppe 1966; ernfarmers whileothersmaybe exploitedin theirentirety.
Wauchope1966), thesurfacerecordwas employedonlyas Similarly,some settingshave receivedlittleor no sedimen-
an indicatorof wheresubsurfacedepositsworthyof inves- tation duringthe Holocene, leavingvirtuallythe entire
tigationmightbe found. The mechanicaldamage from archaeologicalrecordwithinthe reach of tillage imple-
tillagewas obvious; it was assumedthat horizontaldis- ments;othershave receivedmuch sediment,buryingthe
placementduringtillage destroyedany archaeologically- record.If a representativesample of environmental situ-
relevant locational information(Dunnell and Dancey ationsis a requisiteforgood research,thenwe mustmake
1983). Consequently,nearlyall surfacecollections,espe- use of plowed material.The same considerations made it
ciallythose fromplowed fields,were consideredprelimi- clear thatthe kindsof archaeologicaldepositsfavoredby
naryor exploratory. Theyweremade in haphazardfashion archaeologistsin thepastwere oftenunusualsedimentary
and usuallywithoutproveniencecontrolbelow thelevelof ones, and therefore unrepresentative(e.g., deep, stratified
"site." Lack of spatialcontrolreinforcedthe notion that open sites implyingoccupationduringactivedeposition,
plowed surfacesdid not yieldusefulmaterialsforserious or cave and rockshelterdeposits).Such depositsmayhave
analysis.It also effectively
preventedanyseriouschallenge adequatelyservedtraditionalchronologicalinterests,but
to thatprejudice(Dunnell and Dancey 1983: 270). As a alone theycannot addressthe broaderdata requirements
consequence, surfacecollection and the use of plowed of contemporary archaeology.
materialshave only become importantcomponentsof Furthermore, archaeologicalformation-process studies

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and Simek
306 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell

(Schiffer1972, 1987) exploded some of the convenient Reynolds1982), or experimentation (Ammerman1985;

myths,such as the in situ notion, that served to help Lewarch and O'Brien 1981b; Odell and Cowan 1987;
rationalizethe omission of plowed materials(i.e., they Roirdan1982; Trubowitz1978). These empiricalstudies
were "disturbed")fromseriousresearchprograms.Most establishedthatwhileartifacts certainly are displaced,the
of the archaeologicalrecordwas originallydepositedon amountof displacementis not great.Further,theoretical
the surfaceand subjectedto a varietyof naturaland cul- consideration also suggeststhatspatialdispersionthrough
tural processes that moved objects both verticallyand tillagequicklyapproachesan equilibriumpoint at which
horizontally(e.g., Cahen and Moyersons1977). Despite theprobability ofan objectbeingtransported further away
such small-scalemovement,the bulkof mostassemblages fromits initiallocation approachesthe likelihoodof it
stayat or nearthesurface(Dunnell and Dancey 1983). In being moved nearerthe initiallocation.This should have
fact,tillagemayfrequently have been an importantagent been anticipatedfromthesimplefactthatartifacts are not
of burial(e.g., wherelittleor no Holocene depositionhas or
uniformly randomly distributed within the bounds of
occurred).It is no longerintellectually defensibleto dis- agricultural plots afterhundreds,and in the Old World,
miss "disturbed"depositsand plowed materialsas insig- even thousands(e.g., Bonney1977: 41; Miles 1977: 78)
nificanteither in resource managementor in research of yearsof tillage.Were thisnot generallytrue,"surface
contexts(e.g., Bobrowsky1982). indications"could neverhave led archaeologiststo dis-
As importantas theseintellectualchangesare, the real cover buriedsitesin plowed terrain.That these obvious
impetusto routineuse of plowed materialsand of surface indicatorswereignoredis testimony to thestrength of the
materialsin the United States generally--camefrom a traditionalprejudiceagainstplowed deposits(cf. Cowan
different quarter,culturalresourcemanagement(CRM). and Odell 1990).
In the CRM context,externalconstraints, especiallyEx- A more conservative, and forthatreasonprobablythe
ecutiveOrder 11593, forcedarchaeologists to tryto iden- most influential, approachhas been empiricalstudyde-
tifyand evaluate"all" archaeologicalresourcesin a given signed to demonstrate spatial correspondencebetween
area; even if archaeologistsdismissedresourcesbecause surfacedistributions of artifactsand subsurfacefeatures
theyhad been "plow disturbed,"theynonethelesswere and/or artifactdistributions (e.g., Binfordet al. 1970;
compelled to considerthem. Even more important,the Hoffman1982; Lennox 1986; Redmanand Watson1970;
arealscope of manyCRM investigations precludedtheuse Tolstoyand Fish 1975). Presumably, thecloserthe agree-
of traditionaltechniquessimplybecause theywere too mentbetweenthetwo,thelesslateralmovementtherehas
costlyand/orslow to be appliedto whole regions. been due to tillage.This argumentis, however,specious
Once archaeologistsacceptedthe idea thatplowed ma- (Dunnell and Dancey 1983: 269-270). Tillage moves
terialsmightbe usefullystudied,theybegan to investigate sedimentaryparticles.Consequently,the plowzone is a
thespecialpropertiesof theplowzone.Since themechani- depositionalunit,one in whichdepositionand redeposi-
cal effectswere "obvious," relatively littleworkwas done tion, albeit over shortdistances,take place more or less
withsize and formof artifacts (e.g., Baker 1978; Turner continuously and givetheplowzoneas a unita contempo-
1986). Most new researchfocusedon the supposed "lat- rarystratigraphic age. Because the plowzone is a strati-
eraldisplacement"characteristic oftillageand determining graphicunitin the ordinarygeologicalsenseof the term,
itsmagnitude(e.g., Ammerman1981, 1985; Ammerman thereis no reason, a priorior otherwise,for any corre-
and Feldman 1978; Dunnell 1990; Frink1984; O'Brien spondencebetweenthe distribution of artifactsin a plow-
and Lewarch 1981; Odell and Cowen 1987; Reynolds zone and in other,lower stratigraphic units.Only under
1982; Roper 1976; Trubowitz1978). Thereis, of course, specialcircumstances (i.e., wherean archaeologicalstruc-
no doubt that tillage does destroysome archaeological ture has been bisected horizontallyby a plowzone that
information and thatspatialdistributions in plowed fields lacksotherwisecomplicating materials)can one expectthe
are to some extenta functionof tillage.The thrustof artifactcontentand distribution of a plowzone to corre-
recentresearchhas been that these traditionalconcerns spond to thecompositionand distribution oftherecordin
are,however,muchoverblown(e.g., Lewarchand O'Brien a deeper stratigraphic unit. Thus, spatialsimilarity alone
1981b; Odell and Cowen 1987; Roper 1976). does not warrantinterpretation of sub-plowzonedistribu-
Generally, studiesof lateraldisplacementhave followed tionsbased on plowzonestructure.
one of two lines of argument.One has been the direct Certain aspects of plowed materialsdo have limited
studyof artifactmovementthroughrefitting (e.g., Roper potentialto provideinformation on thecontentand struc-
1976), repeatedcollectionand/or recording(e.g., Am- ture of the immediate sub-plowzone,however.In this
mermanand Feldman 1978; Dunnell 1988; Frink1984; paper we explorethe generalpotentialof plowzone data

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22, 1995 307

forrevealingsub-plowzoneconditions,not primarily as a plowzoneis thuscoterminous withthemaximumextentof

means of prospection(though the potentialis clear), but plowing effectsat any givenlocation and is usually,and
so thatplowed-surface assemblagecompositionand distri- quite reasonablygiven traditionalobjectives,treatedas a
bution can be accuratelyinterpreted. A simplemodel of singlehomogeneousunit.
the plowzone is constructedwhichconsidersthe effectof When the plowzone is viewedas an independentstrati-
tillageon artifactsize. Certain,moreor less fragile,classes graphic unit and source of information, this model is
of materialsare susceptibleto measurablesize reduction inadequate and misleading. The depth to which an area is
(considered a major liabilityof surfacematerialsin the affectedvarieswith each pass of the tillageequipment.
traditionalview) throughthe effectsof tillageuntilthey Some variability arisesfromdifferences in machinery(e.g.,
reacha stablesize. (See Lymanand O'Brien [1987] fora chiselplows, moldboardplows, horse-drawnversustrac-
discussionof thereductionofunburnedbone in theplow- tor-drawnequipment,discs, etc. [Lewarch and O'Brien
zone context.) Consequently,departuresfromthis ex- 1981b; Nicholson 1977]). Even if equipmentwere held
pectedsize distribution mustreflect recentadditionsto the constant,differences would still arise because depth of
plowzone population,eitherfromabove or below. Such penetration is not well controlledmechanicallyand be-
additionscan be detectedby simplestatistical analysisand cause of changes in the physicalnature of the surface
theiroriginsresolvedby spatial analysisin combination throughagentssuch as erosion betweentillageepisodes.
withstandardarchaeologicalanalyses. The familiararchaeologicalphenomenonof "plow scars"
This general model, based on the geometryof the recordsthe uneven contact between the plowzone and
plowzone and the physicalpropertiesof the materials immediatesub-plowzonestratigraphic units.
involved,has numerousimplicationsforusing plowzone These observationsled to a searchforverticaldistinc-
data. The mostobviousimplicationforprospectionis that tionswithinthe plowzone thatwe characterizeas a maxi-
it would be possible,at least under some conditions,to mum, minimum,and minimaxplowzone (FIG. i). The
detectthepresenceof "undisturbed"depositsimmediately maximumplowzonecorrespondsto thetraditional zone of
beneaththe plowzone withoutrecourseto expensive,de- "disturbance"and includestheverticalsectionof all sedi-
structive,and largelyhit-or-miss "testing."Ifsurfaceinfor- mentthathas everbeen moved by tillage.The minimum
mationis acquiredsystematically and the numberof arti- plowzoneis the verticalsectionof sedimentthatis moved
facts sufficiently large,it mayevenbe possibleto map the every time the sedimentis tilled under a given tillage
location of such deposits from plowzone data alone. regime(e.g., discingand moldboardplowing).Because all
Where excavationis warranted,decisionscould be made of it is movedwitheach pass of the tillingimplement, it is
on an informedbasis that would limit archaeologist- verticallyhomogeneous. The volume lying between the
inflicteddamage to the deposit.More importantly, how- lowerboundariesof thetwo,the minimaxplowzone,is the
ever, the model a
suggests significant limitation on the verticalsectionofsedimentthatis movedonlyoccasionally.
analysis and use of plowzone data: the larger sizes of The actual frequencyof movementin this zone is, in
degradable artifactclasses,such as potteryand bone, may general,an inversefunctionof depthfromthe surface.In
have stratigraphicallydifferent originsthanotherkindsof contrastto the minimumplowzone, the minimaxis not
artifactsor different size classes of the same materials. verticallyhomogeneous. Differenttillage regimesobvi-
Withoutanalysisof artifactsize distributions, interpreta- ously produce different minimumand maximumplow-
tion of assemblagesis misleadingand may mix or other- zones as do variablesoil types,slopes,and thelike.The key
wiseconflatematerialsof different ages and contexts. point,however,is thatall plowzones comprisetwo parts,
one thatis moved each timeit is cultivatedand another
The Model thatis disturbedless frequently.
Becausethemaximumplowzoneis a maximalconstruct,
The Plowzone
it can changeonlybyincreasingin depth.Change is most
In the traditionalview,wheretillageis seen solelyas a rapidearlyin a givenregime(combinationsoftractionand
destructiveand disturbingmechanism(e.g., Ford,Roling- tillageequipment,schedules,and soils).Anychangein the
son, and Medford 1972; Hinchliffeand Schadla-Hall tillageregimeand/or physicalconditions(e.g., erosion)
1977), theplowzone is conceivedas a unitary,
homogene- willhave an effect, butdeepeningof theplowzoneis to be
ous, and maximalunit. Guided by this view,the usual expectedunder all but specialconditions.The minimum
intentof fieldworkis to locate the lower boundaryof plowzone,also a maximalconcept(the lowerboundaryis
agriculturaldisturbanceso that subsequent excavation the maximumdepthto whichtillageis effective on every
units are not contaminatedby disturbedmaterials.The pass), likewisewill generallyget deeperover time.Depth

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308 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell
and Simek

Tillage Frequency

0 100


~-.. ~ Maximum
12: ? Plowzone
Po on

Figure 1. Verticalstructureof plowzones.

willincreasemostrapidlyat firstand forthe same reasons beginningwiththe firstplowing.Breakagebecomes less

thatwere cited forthe maximumplowzone. The base of and less pronouncedwith subsequenttillageso that any
the minimumplowzone is determinedbythe depthof the givenclass of degradablematerialreachesa more or less
tillageimplementused at a particulartime, not by the stablesize thatchangesonlyslightly withadditionaltillage
physicalsize ofthetool as is themaximumplowzone;thus, episodes.A numberofobservationssuggestthatthisis the
theminimumplowzonewillgenerally deepenmorerapidly case. First,it is exceedinglydifficult
to imaginehow spatial
thanthemaximumplowzone. In turn,theminimaxplow- distributional equilibriaas noted byLewarchand O'Brien
zone will decreasein volumeover time.In a verymature (1981 b) could occurifthenumberof objectswas subject
tillageregime,the minimalplowzone should nearlycoin- to continuousincreasethroughbreakage.Unlessthenum-
cide withthemaximalplowzone. berof "new" objectscreatedbybreakagewereaccidentally
Long-termchangesin tillageregimes,particularly im- balanced by object losses, distributional equilibriacould
provements in tractionequipment, have resulted
generally not occur.The timeand conditionsrequiredto establisha
in historicalincreasesin the depth of tillage.Thus the spatialequilibriumas suggestedby Lewarchand O'Brien
modernmaximalplowzone has usuallyerasedolderplow- (1981b; cf.Odell and Cowan 1987) would seem to place
zone structures.On shortercycles,however,as for the an upperlimiton thetimerequiredfortypicalassemblages
cultivationof a particularcrop,a minimum,minimax,and to be reduced to stable sizes. Second, as the size of an
maximumplowzone may be "perched"withinan older, object is reduced, the probabilityof its encounteringa
deeperplowzone (e.g., whena discharrowis used in a field tillageimplementis accordinglyreduced.Thus breakage
that is periodicallychisel-plowed).While superimposed fromphysicalcontactshould declinemarkedlyover time
plowzone structureswould certainlyhave a quantitative (FIG. 2). Whethera givenobject will actuallybreakwhen
impacton plowzone assemblages,theydo not affectthe struckor willfracture fromdifferential soil pressuresbuilt
basicrelationsof interesthere.Such "perched"plowzones
may become the rule as Americanfarmers move more to
"no-till"or "low-till"practices. Figure2. Size reductiontrajectories
of degradableobjectsunderuni-
formconditionsof tillage.

ArtifactSize Object Size

Most would concede thattillageof all kindsis responsi-
ble for much of the mechanicaldamage observed on
certainclassesof plowzone artifacts(e.g., bones, ceram- Material A

ics). This occursthroughphysicalcontactwiththe tillage Material B

equipmentor throughsoil pressuresbuiltup in frontof
theimplementas it movesthroughthesediment.For most
combinationsof equipmentand materials, thegeometryof
thesituationdictatesthatdamagethroughphysicalcontact N
will be a comparatively rare eventin relationto damage
fromsoil pressures.
Althoughwe lack empiricalstudies,observationof ter-
minal plowzone assemblages(i.e., those that have been imeUnder illa-ge - -

subjected to tillage for long periods of time) strongly

suggeststhatartifactsize reductionproceedsratherrapidly S Time Under Tillage

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22, 1995 309

up in tillage is a functionof many variables,including plowzoneon the surfacecan be detectedby the size
material,shape, internalstructure,orientationin relation distributions of degradableartifact classes.Departures
to the directionof the motion/shearplane, and environ- fromtheexpected equilibrium size distribution willreflect
mental conditions,to name but the most obvious. In recentadditionsto the minimum plowzoneassemblage
general,those objects that do degrade under tillagewill (i.e., too littletimehas elapsedfortillageto reducethe
tend to approach sphericalshapes; their diameteris a objectsto equilibrium size).Iftheadditions aresufficiently
functionof the initialsize (thicknessofplate-likeobjects), numerous andoriginate inparent populations significantly
material,and internalstructure.Clearlythisis an area in different in sizethantheminimum plowzoneequilibrium
need of empiricalresearch;however,the significant obser- size,theywillintroduce multimodality intothedistribu-
vationis thata breakageeventreducesthe probability of a tionofartifact sizeinthesurface assemblage.
subsequentbreakage for any of the daughterpieces. Fi- To assesswhether additions arebeingmadeto a surface
nally,and in some ways the most conclusiveobservation,is assemblage thatindicatesub-plowzone deposits, thefirst
the simplefactthatsherds,bones,and shells(amongother taskis to determine thedistribution ofdegradable object
materials),persist in fields plowed for centuries;this sizesbymaterial class.Thispresumes systematic, rigorous
stronglysuggeststhat thereis no simple linearrelation data generation protocolsand executionto insurethat
betweensize and lengthof timeundercultivation. object sizeis not a function ofcollection technique. Many,
ifnotmost,extant surface collectionsareunsuitable. In the
Interactionof ObjectSize and Plowzone
caseofceramics, a commondegradable artifactclass,there
Characteristics oftenis strongcollection biastowardlargersizesbecause
This is an admittedlysimplifiedaccount of plowzone largersherdscan be "typed"whilesmaller sherdstendto
dynamics,butwe believeit approximates theactualcondi- be erodedandcarry less,particularlychronological, infor-
tionsof theplowzone and objectsin it. If so, thenthesize mation.Evenifunintentional, a strong sizebiaswilloften
of artifactsthat undergo attritionin the plowzone as a existsimply becausesmaller, moreroundedfragments are
consequenceof tillagereflects 1) thehistoryofagricultural moredifficult to detectunlessefforts aremadetocounter-
disturbanceand 2) the sourcesof the materialsthatcome act theirlack of obtrusiveness. If distributions do not
to make up surfaceassemblagesin plowed fields.Artifact departsignificantly fromtheexpectations of equilibrium,
breakage,normallyviewedas information loss, becomesa then one can conclude,withinthe limitsimposedby
new sourceof information criticalto the interpretationof samplesize, thatno significant additionsare currently
surfacematerialscollected fromfieldscurrently or once beingmadeto theminimum plowzonepopulation. There
tilled. areno activesub-plowzone sourcesforpotsherds, andthe
Let us assume that the sizes of artifactsas originally minimax plowzonehas beenin placelongenoughforits
depositedare heterogeneousand that theirmean size is artifacts to approximate theequilibrium size ofthemini-
largerthantheirstablesize will be undertillage.As tilling mumplowzone.In short,thenear-surface archaeological
advances,the minimumplowzone will containan assem- recordhasbeenthoroughly mixed,andthesampleobtain-
blage of degradableobjects whose sizes will be normally ablefromthesurface isfully representative ofthenear-sur-
distributedaround the stable equilibriumvalues of the facerecord.
particularmaterials(e.g., potteryof variouspaste types, If,on theotherhand,thedistribution of sizeson the
bone, burned bone, etc.) under the particulartillagere- surfacedepartsfromthe expectedequilibrium value
gime. Any degradableobjects in the minimaxplowzone through skewing toward the larger sizes (againassuming
and in theimmediateunderlying stratumwillhave a mean thattherigorofcollection technique hasprecluded a bias
size greaterthanthatoftheminimumplowzone (byvirtue of similardirection), thenone can concludethatnew
ofhavingbeen tilledless); theywillalso havea less-regular material is stillentering the minimum plowzone.Apart
size distributionmore akinto the heterogeneoussize dis- fromthe introductionof new objects fromoccupations
tributionof the originalpopulation.The differencebe- post-datingthe initiationof tillage (i.e., historicalarti-
tweenthe mean sizes of a particularmaterialin minimum facts),there are two sources for such additions:1) the
and minimaxplowzones will, of course, vary with the minimaxplowzone wherethe historyof tillage(time and
maturity of the tillageregime.The longertillagehas gone equipment)has not been sufficientto reducesherdsto the
on, the closer the two means will be. Only when the equilibriumvalue; and 2) undisturbedmaterialin the
sub-plowzone stratum lacksartifactscan the means actu- immediatesub-plowzonestratumthat is undergoingin-
ally become identical.Thus when a new tillageepisode corporationinto the minimaxplowzone. In eithercase,
takesplace, the appearanceof artifacts fromthe minimax excavationwould yieldan assemblageoflargersherdsthan

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and Simek
310 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell

that found on the surface;however,it is importantto differsfromthe minimumplowzone only in tillingfre-

ascertainwhich circumstanceled to the distributional quency,then the largersherdswill representa random
anomaly. sample of the spatialdistribution of the equilibrium-size
If an immatureminimaxplowzone is the source,skew- population. More simplyput, the occurrenceof large
ing towardslargersizes should be gradual,withoutany sherdscan be predictedas a functionof the density of the
pronouncedmodality.This is to be expectedbecause the equilibrium-size population.Conversely, ifthe presenceof
minimaxplowzone exhibitsa clinalchangein object size largesherdscannotbe explainedas a sampleoftheequilib-
fromtop to bottom(see FIG.i). Eveniftheanomalycan be riumsherdpopulation,then localized sub-plowzonede-
attributed to theage of theminimaxplowzone,thespatial posits are probablyan importantongoing source of the
distribution of largersherdsstillmightbe patternedbe- surfaceassemblage. Again, if the number of items is
cause of differences in the thickness and/or depth of the sufficient, mapping the largestsherdswould locate the
originalarchaeologicaldeposit. Indeed, such of
object-size source(s) sub-plowzonedeposits.
variationmightbe the only remainingevidenceof such It is importantto knowthetillagehistoryof thefield(s)
differencesin deposit thickness.This type of anomaly being examinedifthereis anymarkedtendencyto multi-
would also be easilyconfusedwithcollectionbias. modalityexhibitedby any of the degradables.We have
The anomalousdistribution might exhibit pronounced shown that multimodality is indicativeof differences in
modality,i.e., one or more modes at larger artifact sizes. degradable artifact reservoirs, but such multimodality
This is indicativeof a sub-plowzonereservoirof degrad- alone is insufficient to identifythe source. Changes in
able materials.Such a reservoir ofmaterialmightconsistof tillageregimecan produce a similareffect(Lewarch and
1) localized spatialpatchesrepresenting discrete"point" O'Brien 1981b), at least fora time,as new equilibrium-
sourcesforthelargematerialsuchas features or 2) broader size distributionsare superimposed on (and maybe
patches indicative of fragments of living surfaces or similar blended with) older ones. Since the time required for
archaeological deposits. Alternatively, large sherds lateral-displacement
the equilibriato becomeestablishedis not
might be more and
generally uniformly distributed, repre- clear (Lewarch and O'Brien 1981b; Odell and Cowan
senting occupation stratigraphically earlier than that 1987), there is at presentno meansto predicthow much
represented bythemainsize mode of sherds. The ability to time must elapse betweena change in tillageregimeand
distinguishpatchyand generaldistributions is highlyde- the establishment of new size equilibria.
pendent on sample size, with largernumbersobviously These argumentshave two kindsof implications.First,
making finer distinctions possible. surface collectionsof plowedfieldsmix,or can mix,mate-
The analysisof some multimodaldistributions can be rialsthatmayhave been depositedby different agentsat
refinedonce the modes have been identified.A simple differenttimes; this depends on the relation between
refinement is a comparisonof the ages of themodes using pretillagestratigraphy and depth of the maximumplow-
standardculture-historical types(if sherds were the de- zone. When, but onlywhen,size distributions of degrad-
gradableobjects),treatingthe modes as iftheyweresepa- are
able artifacts normal1 can one assume that the surface
rateassemblages.If no differences existbetweenmodes,it assemblage,as a whole,is representative of the plowzone.
is safe to assume that a singleoccupationor component Size biasesin surfacecollectionwillnot have affectedthe
(sensu Rouse 1955; Willeyand Phillips 1958) is repre- sample's representativeness in termsof the parameters
sented by sub-plowzonefeaturesor fragments of living considered here. If this condition is not met, however,
surfaces.If numbers permit,individualspatial patches then different size classes mayrepresentdifferent occupa-
examinedand pointsourcesof different tions or at least different depositional circumstances. Un-
mightbe similarly
ages mapped. If thereis a difference in age indicatedby der such circumstances, a collection limited to large sherds
analyzing the modes separately,then two (or more) occu- may be more closely related to the immediate sub-plow-
pations are indicated in a sub-plowzone stratum. With zone than to the plowzone. The use of old collections
largeenough samples,identification of complexcombina- needs to be pursuedwithappropriatecaution;new collec-
tionsof bothkindsof distributions mightbe possible.For tionsneed to be madewithsufficient rigorand consistency
classes of material that lack intrinsicmarkers for age, such
as bone, shell, and burned clay,this kind of additional 1. Actually,the size distribution of surfaceassemblageswill tend to
be skewed to sizes because of the differential and higher
analysisis not possible. larger
thesurface(Baker 1978; Turner1986). This
probabilities of intersecting
A more detailedanalysisof the spatialrelationbetween skewingis not, however,deleteriousto the model developed here be-
modes is anotherpotentialsource of information. If the cause it is readilydistinguished fromthe tendencyto multimodality that
large sherdsoriginatein the minimaxplowzone, which lies at the heartof thismodel.

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22, 1995 311

so thatmeaningfulsize distributions can be generatedfor samplesize. The exactsamplesizes requiredare unknown

degradableobjects. Size distributionscontaincrucialinfor- because many of the key parametersin the model are
mationabout the structureof plowed depositseven ifno themselvesunknownfor want of empiricalresearchon
age or occupationaldifferences are detected. plowzonestructure and populations.The particular
Second, given large samples and systematicand care- theminimaxplowzone thatis movedin anygiventillingis,
fully-controlledsurfacecollections,it shouldoftenbe pos- in part,a probablisticfunctionthatinteractswithsample
sible to ascertainthe likelihoodof intactsub-plowzone size. Further,importantvariablesmayhave been omitted
depositssolelyfromthe size and distribution of surface fromthe model or any of its components.Finally,the
ceramicsor other degradableartifactclasses.With large model may be correctand completebut stillfailto be of
samples,it should even be possibleto map different kinds use, because it requiresmeasurement precisionimpossible
of reservoirs,be theyof different age or differentdeposi- undernormalfieldconditions.It is therefore importantto
tionaloriginor both, and to providemuch of the spatial examinethe key parametersof the model in a "typical"
and organizationalinformation thatis now obtainedonly archaeologicalsetting.
throughexcavation.Alternatively, such maps providein-
formation on thepotentiallocationof featuresand deeper The VarneyRiver Project
archaeologicaldeposits to guide subsequent excavation The VarneyRiver Project carriedout by the senior
withoutblind,unnecessarily destructive, testing. authorin DunklinCounty,Missouri(Dunnell 1982, 1983,
1984, 1985, 1986), presentsan ideal testcase. The Varney
Operationalization RiverProjectarea is locatedon theMalden Plain,a distinct
We have shownthatthe size distribution of degradable physiographicprovincewithinthe alluvialvalleyof the
objects can potentiallyprovide much informationon the MississippiRiver(FIG.3). The Malden Plainis composedof
sourcesof thematerialsthatoccuron thesurfacesof tilled Ohio Riverbraidedstreamdepositslinkedto deglaciation,
fields,but thisis onlythe firststep.As alreadynoted,the and dating to the end of the Pleistocene (Fisk 1944;
utilityof sherdsize in thisrole is verymuchpredicatedon Saucier 1974). Because these depositspostdatethe main

Figure3. Location of projectarea.


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and Simek
312 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell

phase of loess depositionin the centralMississippiValley

and because theyare elevatedabove those of the modern
Mississippi,theyhave receivedalmost no sedimentation 0 T
overthepast 12,000 years(Guccione,Lafferty, and Cum-
0; ....."
. . o:]o ..::::.. I
mings1988). Nearly the entirearchaeologicalrecord,save :9
onlysubsurfaceconstructions, thusincorporatedin the
is ! ~
~~........................ i!!i~i i
modernplowzone.Becausetheterrainis flat,nearly90% of .......~
i :!!!i~iii!iii~
i!!i~i!!i!i .......i~ I
i ::::::T :: :: :: :: ::I:
theentireMalden Plainis undercultivation today,mostof ....::::.. :: :..........:::

the remaining10% being roads, drainage ditches,and . .. . . .

............0.. .
........ ne ~ o ,. . .
....: : :: : : : : : :: : : : : : :: : : : : :
towns/residences (Garrett1978). ~~~ ~~
::::::::::::: ::::::::::::.::::: .:: .::: :::::.
The VarneyRiverProject involvedthe collectionand r
4+ ?'* IT
in a 27 ha tractborderingone of the ??r
mappingof artifacts .........::::............................. :::: :::

relicbraidedchannelssubsequentlyoccupied by a slough, z
called the VarneyRiver.The collectionprotocolemploys 4 ""'
4 m x 4 m gridunitsand all observedmaterialslargerthan ]
::: ::::: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 71
?' ":r '? 9I?"
::::::::::::::::::::::::::"? ''
2 mm, save crop residues,are collected.As the natural , .... ........ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
................ . . . . . . . . . . . .
sedimentsonly range up into the middle of the sand
particlesize fraction(0.06-2 mm), virtually all 2 mm and i' ::
i : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::::::::
:: .........
largerparticles are artifacts(a variable fraction,usually z ...,.,. . ..............:
.. ............................ . . .
o ...... .

small, is pedogenic concretions).The use of this field

protocolmade itpossibleto constructsize distributions for I
::: :::: ::: :: :: :: ::: :: :: :: ::: :: : ..:.......

the collectionwith some confidence.(The fraction less ... . . . ..........

...... .. .. .. ...
. * ** . ..
. .. . . . .. . . . .
+. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .

than 2 mm in size was assessed fromsedimentsamples

~ ~ ~~r........ ......
~ ~.!!!i!!}!ii~ii~~i.
[Vance 1989] but is not relevanthere.) "''"
i~ ''' ' ""
For thepurposesof thispaper,the 1979 and 1980 data :
::::::::::::" *P:::::::::::

sets,whichare contiguousand constitutethe mostwest- ? ...............0

..'::::::::::::::: 1
erly collection area called the Robards tract,are ideal. T CD
ul "'"" CD.'"
:: "l2
-o 1:::.
:! o....:
.::...... ... .
.]??????~~ T,
While the precisedate thistractwas firstclearedforagri- : ::::: :::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::
cultureis unknown,it almostcertainlytook place in the T4::: : r:. -:
: :::
.. .... .....::::::::I""? ........
... T

late 1840s (Smith-Davis1896: 38-43). The area encom-

, .:::
... ..
.... .... ... ......................... .. . . . . . ....... ... .. ... .. ... ..

passingthe Robardstractis shownas a singleclearedfield

S................. :::::::::::::::::::::: I
on the Frisselmap (Van Frank1894), so it has certainly T

been undercontinuouscultivation and treatedas a unitfor

at leasta centuryand probablya centuryand a half.
:::::: . ..
Artifactdensities,with the exceptionof Euroamerican '....::::.::::.... ::::::: . . ... :::.
. 1
materialsin the Nw cornerof the tract,are low, rather r ??,,.? ???? ::. :.: :

clearlystructuredas a seriesof discreteclusters,and of

:: .:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
relativelyuncomplicatedculturehistory.In addition to
historicalmaterials,thereare significant numbersof Late i '.~~~.................
Archaicbifaces(ca. 5000-2000 B.P.)scatteredthroughout
thetract.The bulkofthematerial,however,is Late Wood-
land and/or earliest ("Emergent") Mississippian.(See
Dunnell and Feathers1991 forthe detailsof thisperiod
and the terminology relevantto it on the Malden Plain.)
Two chronologically-sensitive ceramicpastes,a sand-tem-
peredpaste traditionally treatedas Woodlandand a shell-
temperedone traditionally treatedas Mississippian, allow
thismaterialto be sortedchronologically as well as spa
tially.The two paste typesalso providedifferent classesof
relatively abundantdegradablematerialsso the potential ceramicsin the Robardstract.
Figure4. Densityof sand-tempered
forcomparingthe behaviorof physically contrastive mate-

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22, 1995 313

----?-- ? T--?----
'- L rialscan also be examined.Both paste typesdisplayfre-
quent largesherds,suggestingmultimodality, thoughthis
t is not pronounced.
The sand-tempered assemblagecomprises500 measur-
so ..
p*p 0
able sherdsdistributedacrossat leastsix spatialconcentra-
tions (some of whichare also shell-tempered clusters)as
[8... ....
well as thinlyovermuchof the tract(FIG.4). There are no
.::.::. .
:::*:**::*::...... .
morethan10 sherdsin anygivengridunit.The shell-tem-
S07***** ..* **0

pered assemblage,mostlyred-slipped,is roughlyfour

08 ....... 8:
:::::::..........00.. ::-:1...
.......... 0*........:::::::::::::::...
timeslarger,comprising1960 measurablesherds.Like the

..... 0.0
0. C.0
sand-tempered sherds,theseoccurbothas scatteredsherds
and as sherdclusters(FIG. 5). The maximumnumberof
"O00..- ........*.....'.....0llllllO..'
shell-temperedsherds in a single collectionunit is 61.
i "iiiiiii
0... ..
~~ ?? !
dr? ?????
i .
o . . *c * n
* These two pastesand theirphysicalpropertieshave been
: ::oo : .o:::
::::::::: :: ...... :0
studiedextensively (Dunnell and Feathers1991; Feathers

...... :::::::.......
::: #*::::::.## r
Feathers and Scott 1989). Althoughthese
0 ?? 1989, 1990;
v:*:: **::::::::::::::: :::::::
.... ..........
I .....o ::::::::::::::: 8~GQ~~~~**~~~~nnn~no
* ... ....
PIN::: ..190 *:......i
:::::: numbersmake the collectionssound large,the Robards
.::::"#.............. .....
I :::::::::::::::::::::: f::::: ::::: ::::::: : :::::::: tract presentsa mature plowzone assemblage. Only a
............... . .... : :
... ...... .............
~ -,**#****000080**#~
:887788%..... .....
... handfulof sherdsof eitherkindis largerthan 2 cm on a
i I :?~~00 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
? ?
. . . . . .. . . 1sF:OF:: v::::::
.##. side; thevastbulkof thesherdsare fragments in the 5-10
: :::: .:. II
..:.:: IIII.. :. .. : :
Q. mm range.Untilrecently, almostno archaeologicalnotice
.......... ......::
::::::::::::::::: i
........... ... would have been givento such a deposit.As the ownerof
I I~??~~*
: ...........~ . . ....o.o.... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
e,'n 'o, ...
partof the tractphrasedit, "This ain't no site;an Indian
I [?*~~? ...... ... -.............. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Tooooo~,, carryinga red pot trippedand fell,that's all." Thus, if
~ ~~~C~~
,o??o ........ ,**,
.... ....o ..... :#:,,,::## i
significantdifferencesin sherd-sizedistributions can be
~ '"- ??
OL~''? i??????ii???
. .?'?~~O
...........,,,,, , ...........

detected in this tract,then our approach should yield

< i=
I ............ .. .....:.:...:... ::::::: :: ::::
I ..................::.........::##":::::::T,
usefulresultsover a wide range of archaeologicalsitu-
? i ............................????
i SherdSize
~ ??: ::::iii???????????iiiii?~~??,,??--??
0 4*0000*# ????? i

I ?I~
~~ ???[
~ i???~~~~;;?????
....????????????~?~~~??we we
::: *
"":::::::: .
...... ........ Measuringnearly2500 sherdswitha pairof calipersin
.~?????????????i?? ?
P i ........ ::+* ,onnnoor
!~????????,????????~~~0??? ...I
threeor moredimensionsmultipletimeswould have been
a monumentaltask. However, sherd weight,properly
if) ******nob**...

T . . . . o, , ....* .,..
qualified,is a suitablesurrogateforsize withinpastetypes.
Since comparisonsbetweenpastesare not essentialto this
application,the difference in specificgravitiesof the two
materialswerenot calculatedand no corrections made.
CD ! A moreseriousconcernis thatweightobviouslyreflects
:::::::::::::::::::....... . . .
o C.D.
o ..... .................... differences in sherdthicknessas well as in sherdplan size.
:: ..................:
A partialcorrelationbetweenthicknessand weightis pre-
dictedby the model developedearlier.The thicknessof a
sherd,beingthelargestdiameterfora sphericalformmade
t~~~~~~C. ::.. ~ iEiii~i~i
fromthe sherd,is obviouslyrelatedto thestablediameter.
Sn .. ....
Thus whenthickness(the exteriorto interiordimensionof

a sherd)becomesthemaximumdimensionof the sherd,a

correlationbetweenweightand thickness develops.On the
other hand, the largestsherds,those which are recent
introductions accordingto our model,shouldnot display
a strongcorrelationwiththickness.If theydid, we could
ceramicsin the Robardstract.
Figure 5. Densityof shell-tempered suppose thattheyare largerbecause theyare thicker(i.e.,
stronger)ratherthan not yet reduced to a stable size.

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314 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell
and Simek

Sand Temper


4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0

Shell Temper


2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5mm 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5

of sand- and shell-tempered

Figure6. Thicknessdistributions ceramicsfromthe Robardstract.

Althoughtheshell-tempered and sand-tempered pastesare reflectsthe factthatforthe vast bulk of the sherds,the
associated with differentvessel formsto some degree thicknessdimensionis equal to or approachesthe maxi-
(shell-tempered vesselsarethinnerwalledand moreglobu- mum dimensionof the sherd.What is criticalis thatthis
lar whilesand-tempered vesselshave more oblate profiles relation should disappearratherquicklyas the smaller
oftenwith conical bases [Feathers1990]), they display sherdsare removedfromthe comparison.If thereis no
quite similarthicknesspropertiesin some respects(FIG. 6). substantialrelationbetweenthicknessand weightamong
The mean thicknessof the two groups(6.77 mmforsand the largestsherds,those lyingmore than two standard
and 5.66 mmforshell)is contrastive as would be expected deviationsbeyondthe mean, thenweightis an adequate
on technicalgrounds,and the sand-tempered sherdthick- surrogateforsize, and weightreflectsthe lengthof time
ness distributionis somewhatmore dispersedbecause of the sherdshave been in the plowzone.As Table 1 shows,
the greaterstructuralvariationentailed in the conical both groups show a decrease in correlationbetween
forms.Just as predicted,however,both the sand and weightand thicknessin largersherds.The change in the
shell-tempered groupsshowedweak but significant corre- sand-temperedgroup is slight,however,while thereis a
lationsbetweenweightand thickness(TABLE1). An r value dramaticdecrease in correlationfor the shell-tempered
of .4640 was obtainedforthe sand-tempered group,sig- group.We are leftwiththe conclusionthatweightis not a
nificantat thep < .00001 leveland accountingfora little good surrogateforsize in the sand-tempered group,and
less than 22% of the variation.The r value forthe shell- thata significant fractionof the largesherdsare largefor
temperedgroupwas virtually identical:.4635, p < .00001. structural reasonsratherthanlengthof timein the plow-
Similarstrongrelationsbetweenthicknessand weightin zone. Alternatively, giventhe smallnumberof sand-tem-
two physically dissimilarsherdgroupsis strongevidence pered sherdsgreaterthan two standarddeviationslarger
that the relationis controlledby a single process: the than the mean, stochasticeffectsmay play a significant
breakage of sherdsunder tillage reaches a stable point role. In eithercase, based on our modelwe would expect
determinedin largemeasureby the thicknessof the sherd thespatialdistribution oftheselargesherdsto be relatedto
regardlessofpaste. thatofthesmallsherdsbecausetheyare,in effect, a biased
A correlationbetweenweightand thicknessdoes not sample of thatgroup. The largeshell-temperedsherds,on
mean thatweightis not a good surrogateforsize. It only the other hand, meet our expectationsfor object size

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22, 1995 315

Table 1. Thickness-weight correlations.r is Pearson'scorrelationcoefficient;

s is standarddeviationof sherdweightby class; n is numberof sherdsin
All sherds 2s sherds
Temperclass r n r n
Sand 0.4640 500 0.4140 26
Shell 0.4635 1960 0.2161 155

controlledbytimeofresidencein theplowzone.Therefore shell-tempered pottery,theredo appear to be sub-plow-

a meaningful,possiblycontrastivedistributionmightbe zone reservoirsof sherds,reservoirsthat appear to be
expected between the stable-size,shell-tempered
sherds either"rings"of point sourcessuch as pits or a band of
and thelargershell-temperedsherds. deeper/thicker midden. Much largernumbersof sherds
would be required to differentiate potentialsources in
SpatialDistributions greater detail.
We employedthe averageweightof thesand-and shell- More directevidenceon thecontrastive sourcesof large
temperedsherdsper collectionunitto examinethe spatial sand-tempered and large shell-temperedsherds comes
distribution of sherdsizes. This allowsthespatialdistribu- fromdirectsub-plowzoneexploration.No systematic ef-
tionsto be treatedas densitiesand minimizestheimpactof forthas been made to "test"all thelargesherdconcentra-
a singlelargesherd(exceptwhenit is theonlysherdin the tions;however,a limitednumberof 2 m x 2 m testunits
collectionunit),therebyreducingtheoverall"noise" level have been dug and do bearon theissue.In each case,only
of themaps. theplowzonewas removed.The base oftheplowzonewas
Figure7 showsthe distribution of mean sand-tempered inspectedfortruncatedfeatures,naturalstains,and arti-
sherd weight per unit with the darkestsymbolsrepre- facts.Consistentwiththe geologicalhistory, were
sentingthe areas with mean weightslyingbeyond the discoveredbeneath the plowzone only in burrows,tree
second standarddeviation.WhencomparedwithFigure4, roots,and aboriginalsubsurfacefeatures.
the distribution of sand-tempered potteryby counts,it is In 1980, a singletestunitwas excavatedon the edge of
apparentthatwith the single exceptionof a large sherd a large clusterof both shell and sand-temperedpottery
outlierin the extremesw partof the tract,the largesherd called Cluster5D. The locationwas chosenon thebasisof
locationslie withinthe densestconcentrations of sherds. the shell-tempered sherdsize. The testunit encountered
This is the resultanticipatedifthe largesherdsare simply an aboriginalpit thatcontainedabundantshell-tempered
outliersof the minimalplowzone population.Initialsherd sherds.In 1986, an additionaltestpitwas excavatedin the
thickness,not timein residencein theplowzone,seemsto westernclustercharacterizedby sand-temperedpottery
determinesize in the case of the sand-tempered pottery. and shown as a locus of large,sand-temperedsherdsin
This is the same conclusion reached in the analysisof Figure7. This unitproducedquantitiesof sand-tempered
thicknessand weight.Thus it appearsthatthereare,within pottery,but no subsurfaceaboriginalstructures or other
thelimitsimposedbysamplesize, no substantial reservoirs sub-plowzone sources of large sherds were discovered.
of sub-plowzonesand-tempered pottery. Four additionalunitswereexcavatedin the northernpart
Figure 8 shows the distributionof mean weight of ofthetractin 1988, none ofwhichcorrespondedwithany
shell-tempered potteryper unit.Whilea comparisonwith locus of largesherdsand none of whichencounteredany
Figure (the distribution of shell-tempered potteryby subsurfacedepositscontainingeithersand- or shell-tem-
count) shows the two to be related,it is clear that the pered pottery.Thus the limitedexcavationevidence is
densityof shell-tempered potteryis not a good spatial completelyconsistentwith the sub-plowzone structure
predictorof largesherds.In general,thelargestshell-tem- deduced fromthesize of sherdsalone. The excavationsdo
pered sherdsare foundon the periphery of the shell-tem- suggestthattheperipheralpointsourcesare probablypits
pered clusters. There are occasional single large sherds ratherthanring-like middenaccumulations.
comparable to the anomalous feature of the sand-tem-
circumstances that ariseby chance Conclusions
pered map, necessarily
alone, but the contrastivecharacterof Figures8 and 7 is Tillage certainlybreaksarchaeologicalmaterials,but in
the importantfeaturewe would emphasize.In the case of spite of this,tilledarchaeologicaldepositsconstitutethe

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316 ArtifactSize and PlowzoneProcesses/Dunnell
and Simek

i+ +

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o . U) ..
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E U)
. .. . . . . . . . . :.:.:.:.
. ::. : +++
;!i! ?! I I ",IIII+++ +4
.. . .. . . .....

?????I ~+#
I4-4114 +.?~~~?~?:
41 ..::::: :: '""""""""''6'
r,4::t o
:: . 4:: .4. . ...........
4+++:4444+4~?(~ .. ...
????~~~~~~~+ 0 :

????? '~~? + :4 4...4...4...........
.~~~~~~? .. ..4 ?~~?...
+ . .... ....
............... +++....... ....... .. ... ... .. _..
. ..
... . . . . . .

Figure7. Distributionof averagesherdweightforsand-tempered Figure8. Distributionof averagesherdweightforshell-tempered

sherdsin the Robardstract. sherdsin the Robardstract.

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22, 1995 317

biggest and most significant part of the archaeological Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Davidson not onlyprovidedaccessto
recordin much of the world. Our traditionalpreoccupa- the Robardstractin 1979 and 1980, but also assistedthe
tion with"goodies" (aesthetically pleasingor chronologi- fieldwork in manyotherways.Figures7 and 8 areadapted
callyimportantartifacts)has led to such depositsbeing frommaps originallypreparedby MargaretTrachteas a
ignoredor treatedonlyby themostcursorysortof analy- research assistanton the Varney River Project. Jean-
sis. Here we have triedto show thatartifact breakage,the PhilippeRigaudand MargaretShottreadan earlierversion
archetypical of
liability tillage,carriesimportantinforma- of thispaper,and Mary D. Dunnell made manyhelpful
tion about theformation of theplowzone assemblageand editorialchanges.Donna Pattonand CherylHarristyped
eveninformation about thepresence,character,and distri- manuscripts,and Greg Horak helped with figures.
butionof sub-plowzonedeposits.It is critically important CreightonGabel and severalanonymousreviewers offered
to recognizethatconsciousor unconsciouscollectingde- helpfulcomments.To thesepeople, and to any inadver-
cisionsbased on size mayintroducemajor biasesinto the tentlyomitted,we are grateful.
assemblageproducedbyplowzonecollections.The poten-
tial value of plowzone assemblagesis largelyunexplored.
surfacecollection(surfacecollectionswithhori- RobertC. Dunnell is Professor ofAnthropology at the
zontal control) is becoming more routine,and this is University of Washington. He teachesand writesexten-
certainly a stepin therightdirection.But surfacecollection sivelyon archaeologicalmethodand theory and Southeast-
mustbe treatedwiththe same rigorand care as is excava- ern U.S. prehistory.
He receivedhisPh.D. fromYale Uni-
versityin 1967. Mailing address:Departmentof
tion, or the potentialof surfaceassemblagesfromtilled
Anthropology, DH-05 University of Washington, Seattle,
fieldswillgo largelyunrealized.
Washington 98195.
We hope to have demonstrated thatone of theparame-
tersthatmust be controlledexplicitlyin any protocol is Jan F. Simekis AssociateProfessor and Head ofAnthro-
pologyat the Universityof Tennessee. He teachesand
object size. Size variationin tillage-degradedmaterials, writeson spatial analysisin archaeologyand European
even though a consequence of modern processes,is a He receivedhisPh.D. fromSUNY-
majorsourceof unexploitedinformation on depositstruc-
Binghamtonin 1984. Mailing address:Departmentof
ture. In the Robards tractexample, it was possible to
Anthropology, University of Tennessee,Knoxville,TN
demonstratethattwo ceramictempergroups differedin 37996.
termsof sub-plowzonesourcesand further thattherewere
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