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Ruby Perez

Field Observation Packet

College of Southern Nevada


Assignment One (Observations)

1. The school environment is very warm and welcoming. The staff and students
are friendly and polite. The classrooms are not very organized but you can
tell that it is a kid friendly environment.
2. There is a mixture of Hispanics and Caucasian mostly. There is an even
mixture of boys and girls. There are no students in the classroom with
physical challenges.
3. The classroom rules are
- Get along – we will not argue
- Respect others – we will listen to everyone
- On task behavior – Are you doing your job?
- Use quite voices only your groups should hear you
- Participate – do your part
- Stay in your group – raise your hand
4. The teacher does enforce her rules, they are very important to her and her
students. The teacher has a system if the student does not follow it then they
have to move their name up a color and if they get to the top red then at the
end of the day they do not get a gift from the treasure box.
Assignment Two (Classroom Layout)
1. All parts of the room are being used efficiently. In the morning when they
come in the first thing they do is leave their backpack at their desks and then
they sit on the carpet to review. During AR reading she has various stations
set up so that all parts of the room are being used.
2. She does need a little more space to move around a lot better. Maybe if the
room was a bit more organized there would be more space for her and the
children to move around a bit more.
3. There is one concern about safety but she ended up fixing it. She kept
tripping over one of the wires from the projector so she ended up taping on
the ground and putting a carpet over it before anyone else tripped on it.
Assignment Three (Instruction)
1. Thursdays was the only days I was able to go and she had the schedule up.
8:00 – 9:00 Phonic/Reading
9:00 – 9:50 PE
9:50 – 10:30 Writing
10:30 – 11:00 Lunch
11:00 – 11:10 Writing Continued
11:10 – 12:05 Literacy Stations
12:05 – 12:35 RTI
12:35 – 1:45 Math
1:45 – 2:11 Science
2. She does a little bit of all. For the literacy stations they have centers in small
groups. When doing phonic or readings they to do it as a whole group as well
as math. When doing writing they do it individually.
3. She has a particular teaching style she likes to use a lot of visual aids to teach
her kids and in a very creative way.

5. The students love the way she teaches they are very much in engaged in the
lessons they like to raise their hands and give answers.
6. There is a few students that I seen on different days isolated. Sometimes they
are not feeling good so they sit by themselves. Also sometimes they fight with
their peers and they get mad at them so they do not want to talk to no one.
7. Instructional time is managed efficiently; she uses her time very wisely and
makes sure that she does not go over.
8. She will usually have them clean up and put away stuff from one lesson and
take out their next work.
9. When walking through the hallway if they are being loud she says, “Hug
yourself, bubble mouth” or “stay in your bubble” She also tells them “eyes on
me” “5,4,3,2,1 hands on your head”
10. Another student in the class causes most of the behaviors. There is one
particular student who does not pay attention and during the lessons he will
get up and dance or he won’t want to do his work. He gets mad and tries to
walk out the class or hit the teacher. She has to evaluate this kid and give him
rewards to encourage him to pay attention and do his work and if he doesn’t
then he won’t receive one.
11. For the RTI some students have to line up and go into another class while a
few of those students go on to the next class. Students know what group they
belong in and when to switch groups.
Assignment Four (Culture)
1. It feels safe for young children. The school is gated, there are many
crosswalks, parking lots are few, there is a lot of signs to direct parents and
2. The halls are decorated with students work; it shows what classes are
improving. There is a room within a room that has tiles and sinks for the kids
to get cleaned up. The lighting is a bit dark but not that much. When entering
the office you have to sigh in and get a visitors pass in order to walk through
the halls.
Culture of School
1. Their motto is “Every student in every classroom, without exceptions,
without excess.”
2. They all look very busy in the main office but they area very aware of their
surroundings and who comes in and out.
3. On Mondays her class does not have specials so it is a long day. I am helping
first graders. I believe ages 6-7. Last week they had parents and quest come
in and talk to them for career day.
4. Most of the kids when they go to recess they hang around in the playgrounds.
Some of the girls just walk around in the field. They all get along with each
5. The school is organized by grades. The hallways are labeled with work that
the children have done. Each hallway has a different grade work hung up.
6. As you walk in through the main doors right away they have big collection of
awards and certificates received.
Culture of the classroom

1. Every morning she goes over the objectives with the students. She speaks to
them as a whole class and they all work together. Her personality is very
outgoing and caring, she is always happy.
2. Mostly all of the kids are ager to participate in the lessons. There is a few
quite ones who are timid and sometimes don’t participate.
3. She does raise her voice a lot when she seems frustrated with a student. But
other than that when interacting with the students, she speaks in excitement
and caring to the kids.
Assignment Five (Cooperating Teacher Interview)
1. A: I love working with kids. I wanted to be a teacher since I was little and I
feel that it is rewarding.
2. A: Behavior, this year that is my main challenge
3. A: Getting to spend time with them everyday, and seeing their progress and
watching them grow. Its fun.
4. A: In the beginning of the year I do it randomly but then once I get to know
them I put them who ever hates the front who ever needs to focus the most.
5. I try to put a high student at each table to help out others.
6. A: We do core phonics assessment and who ever misses three in one section
than that’s the group they will go in.
7. A: We use aims web for progress monitoring for everyone three times a year
but those in intervention it is weekly, common grade level assessment each
week we have an assessment for each subject, and then the common core
assessment, and star test it says their reading level and comprehension they
answer questions and that determines their levels.
8. A: We have progress reports that go out every 3 or 4 groups and other than
that I communicate with parents if something happens or if they are
receiving awards. In first grade there is more interaction because they have
to pick them and they have to drop them off in the morning and ill answer
their questions but usually it will be in parent conferences.
9. Behavior, progress, ways to help your child at home.
10. Daily not really, weekly we do one assessment per subject. It’s not crazy it’s
11. If I were to do every lesson by myself it would take forever. We usually
collaborate with other teachers by grade and split it up by subject. One
teacher will take a subject and then we make the lesson plan for that subject
and we get together weekly to discuss what standards we are going to teach
and how we are going to teach it. It usually takes like an hour.
12. Making transitions go as quick as possible and trying to make sure that we
stay on time with everything so usually my lessons go when they should.
13. What I find really works is that we do table points and that works because it
helps them work together they really get on their friends when they see they
are losing points and I think it just helps point out the good things that others
are doing because then they want you to say their name. But with the really
hard kids that you have to document everything you have to do a behavior
chart, positive reinforcement where you break it up into times so he gets

rewards three times a day because he cant wait until the end of the day like
the others.
14. Are school has a school wide plan so I think the behavior plans that upsets
them the most is taking their recess away but I don’t like to do that because it
then takes way my time too but we have the behavior chart they all try to
stay on pink all day, blue is a warning red is a warning and purple is time out
and yellow I have to call the parents, orange they have to go to the office and
green they have to talk to Mrs. Woolmatt.
15. There are not involved at all.
16. It depends I prose probationary so I only have to sign one evaluation and I
only need to be observed like one or two times per year so its really not a lot.
I think I was observed three times and they evaluate you based on the
academic standards where you have your smart goals and you have one goal
is student based like based in their achievement and then another goal is
based on your profession duties.
17. It depends I think if you have like a few in a row where you get 2’s I think
they can get rid of you if you’re probationary they definitely can but if you
are not I think it is a little harder.
18. We have PLC which are professional development meetings like training that
we do every Thursday, every grade has one and then we have grade level
meetings and then we have strategies we kind of model lessons and then we
attend professional developments on professional development days.
Sometimes you get paid and sometimes you are just required to go.
19. It surprises me how little some parents’ care about their children.
Assignment Eight (Specialist Classroom Observation)
1. They participate a bit differently. They fight more and the girls get into
groups and leave the ones that they don’t like out.
2. Yes was like 3 particular kids they had to run the laps and those 3 were at the
front running really quickly through out the whole 3 laps while the others
jogged or walked.
3. She has her rules up at the front on the white board and if they break a rule
they get points taken off and the teacher gets a note.
4. Her Learning style is Bodily kinesthetic I think she lets them do a lot of
activities. She says that it’s great for them because it is a break from
5. She has kids line up in groups of five and which ever group is not pay
attention she takes off points and the teacher receives a bad comment so it
encourages them to pay attention so they wont lose points.
6. She has to deal with kids fighting when playing a game and being mean to
each other.
7. Their needs are being met because kids need at least 30 minutes of physical
activities and they are receiving that every week, which is good for them.

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