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w w w .H y d ro c a rb o n P ro c e s s in g .c o m

PUBLISHER Catherine Watkins

Lee Nichols

What is the solution to comply with the Executive Editor
M anaging Editor
Adrienne Blume
Mike Rhodes
IMO's Global Sulfur Cap regulation? Technical Editor
D igital Editor
Bob Andrew
Ashley Smith
R eliability/E quipm ent Editor Heinz R Bloch
In October 2016, the International Maritime Organization C on trib u ting Editor Alissa Leeton
(IM O ) announced that it will implement a new regulation C on trib u ting Editor ARC Advisory Group
that calls for the sulfur content in marine fuels to be reduced C on trib u ting Editor Anthony Sofronas

from 3.5% to 0.5%. The new rule will go into effect in January MAGAZINE PRODUCTION / +1(713) 525-4633
2020. This action by the IM O will have a profound impact on Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone
the maritime and refining industries worldwide, as well as on Manager, E ditorial Production Angela Bathe Dietrich
A ssistant Manager, E ditorial Production Lindsey Craun
the environment. A rtis t/lllu s tra to r David Weeks
Over the past few years, the use of low-sulfur marine fuels Graphic Designer Andreina Keller
Manager, A dvertising Production Cheryl Willis
has been mandatory in designated emissions control areas
(ECAs). These areas include the Baltic Sea and N orth Sea, ADVERTISING SALES
coastal areas off the US and Canada and the US Caribbean Sea. See Sales Offices, page 84.

The maximum sulfur content allowed in marine fuels in CIRCULATION / +1 (713) 520-4440 /
ECAs was lowered from 3.5% to 1% in 2010. In 2015, sulfur Manager, C irculation Alice Murrell
content in marine fuels consumed in ECAs was capped at SUBSCRIPTIONS
0.1%, the same quality as lower-sulfur distillate materials. The Subscription price (includes both print and digital versions): One year S399,
IM O ’s new sulfur cap regulation is an effort to extend the use two years S679, three years S897. Airm ail rate outside North America S175 addi­
tional a year. Single copies S35, prepaid.
of lower-sulfur fuels in international shipping.
For a detailed look at the anticipated market and pricing im­ Hydrocarbon Processing's Full Data Access subscription plan is priced at S1.695.
This plan provides full access to all inform ation and data Hydrocarbon Processing
pacts from the IM O ’s new marine fuel regulation, see Hydrocar­ has to offer. It includes a p rin t o r dig ita l version of th e magazine, as well as full
bon Processing's February Business Trends article. access to all posted a rtic le s (c u rre n t and archived), process handbooks, th e
Three solutions have moved to the forefront of discussions HPI Market Data book, Construction Boxscore Database project updates and more.

on meeting the global sulfur cap regulation for shipowners: Because Hydrocarbon Processing is edited specifically to be of greatest value to
people w orking in this specialized business, subscriptions are restricted to those
1. Purchase compliant fuel with sulfur content of 0.5%
engaged in the hydrocarbon processing industry, or service and supply company
2. Install onboard scrubbers personnel connected thereto.
3. Switch to an alternative fuel, such as LNG.
Hydrocarbon Processing is indexed by Applied Science S Technology Index, by
Each of these items have benefits and challenges. For exam­ Chemical Abstracts and by Engineering index Inc. Microfilm copies available through
ple, LNG is clean-burning, but LNG bunker fuel infrastructure University Microfilms, International, Ann Arbor, Mich. The full text of Hydrocarbon
Processing is also available in electronic versions of the Business Periodicals Index.
is lacking around the globe. Will enough low-sulfur fuel be pro­
duced to meet demand from shippers? According to OPEC’s DISTRIBUTION OF ARTICLES
World Oil Outlook 2016, desulfurization capacity is expected to Published articles are available fo r distribution in a PDF form at or as professionally
printed handouts. Contact Foster Printing Company for a price quote and details
skyrocket to 2040. Capacity is being built, but it remains to be about how you can customize w ith company logo and contact information.
seen if enough capacity willbe operating in time to meet demand.
For m o re in fo rm a tio n , c a ll R ho n d a B ro w n w ith F oster P rin tin g C om p a n y
As the implementation date nears for the global sulfur cap, a t +1 ( 8 6 6 ) 8 7 9 -9 1 4 4 ext. 194 o r e -m a il rh o n d a b @ F o s te rP rin tin g .c o m .
what do you think will be the most widely used solution by
Hydrocarbon Processing (ISSN 0018-8190) is published m onthly by Gulf Publishing
shipowners? We have posed this question, in poll format, to Company, 2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020, Houston, Texas 77046. Periodicals post­
readers of Hydrocarbon Processing. age paid at Houston, Texas, and at additional m ailing office. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to Hydrocarbon Processing, RO. Box 2 60 8 , Houston, Texas 77252.
Solutions other than those listed in the poll may exis: to
comply with the new regulation. One of these solutions may be Copyright © 2017 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

for shipowners to utilize alternative fuels, such as methanol. An­ Permission is granted by th e c o pyrig h t owner to libraries and others registered
other solution, although unadvisable, is to continue operating w ith the C opyright Clearance Center (CCC) to photocopy any articles herein for
the base fee of S3 per copy per page. Payment should be sent directly to the CCC,
vessels using high-sulfur fuel and hope to avoid prosecution. KP 21 Congress St., Salem, Mass. 01970. Copying fo r other than personal or internal
reference use w ith o u t express perm ission is proh ib ited . Requests fo r special
permission or bulk orders should be addressed to the Editor. ISSN 0018-8190/01.
HP Poll Question: As the implementation date nears
for the global sulfur cap, what do you think will be
the most widely used solution by shipowners? it GULF #BPA W O R L D W I D E

• Purchase compliant fuel with sulfur content of 0.5% President/CEO John Royall
• Install onboard scrubbers CFO Pamela Harvey
Vice President Ron Higgins
• Switch to an alternative fuel, such as LNG Vice President, Production Sheryl Stone

Publication Agreement Number 40034765 Printed in USA

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Other Gulf Publishing Company titles include: Gas Processing™, Petroleum Economist
and cast your vote! and World Oil'“.

4 APRIL 2017 |

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