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Unit 1 English Workshop

Name: _______________________________ Date: April 11, 2018 Score:

I. Draw.
Church Senior citizen Animal shelter

Walk Red cross Organization

II. Complete using an appropriate modal verb.

a) I smell funny.
You _________________ take a shower. (advice)

b) I have a terrible cold.

You ________________ go to the doctor. (necessity)
c) I study a lot.
I ___________________ get an excellent mark. (necessity)

d) I am taking a test.
You _________________ speak to your classmates. (obligation)

e) Teenagers enjoy too much playing computers games.

They _______________ spend a lot of time playing. (prohibition)

f) I have an excellent voice.

I ____________________ sing very well. (hability)
III. Complete using the correct word from the box.

IV. Write the meaning of these words.

a) Sponsor _______________________________

b) Organization _______________________________

c) Organize _______________________________

d) Volunteer _______________________________

e) Shelter _______________________________

f) Run _______________________________

g) Need _______________________________

h) Should _______________________________
Swimming Walking Going to the cinema

V. Answer the following questions.

a) Do you like broccoli?


b) Are you a student?


c) Do you like K-pop?


d) Do you like watching videos on Youtube?


e) Do you like hanging out?


VI. Underline the correct word to complete the sentences.

a. My mom enjoys / enjoying going to the cinema on weekends.

b. I can’t stand / can’t standing sitting in silence.

c. My father like / likes running marathons.

d. Kim and Kathy love / loves playing basketball.

e. Tom love / loves playing computer games.

f. We hate / hates history books.

g. Franco work / works as a DJ.

h. Ignacio likes / like going out with friends.

i. Josefa watch / watches series on Netflix.

j. David eats / eat French fries at Giro’s.

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