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Curriculum Vitae

Name : Rachman Hartono

Place & date of birth : Surabaya, 28 November 1969
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indonesia
Marital Status : Married
Home Adress : Perum Griyashanta C 224 Malang 65124
e-mail :
Occupation : Lecturer at Agricultural Socio-Economic Department
Brawijaya University
Office address : Agriculture Socio-Economic Department Building
Brawijaya University
Jl. Veteran Malang 65145 – INDONESIA
Phone : +62 341 580054
Fax : +62 341 580054

Role at Brawijaya University

Lecturer in agribusiness marketing management, agribusiness financing, agribusiness production

management, and managerial economics

Academic History

 Master of Agricultural Economics (Agricultural Marketing) – Brawijaya University


 Bachelor of Agricultural Economics - Brawijaya University 1988 - 1993

Work Experience

 1997-current Lecturer at Agricultural Socio-Economics Department, Brawijaya


 2001-current Secretary of Agribusiness Undergraduate Study Program at Faculty of

Agriculture Brawijaya University.

 2006-current Small Business and Microfinance Development Consultant in Poverty

Alleviation Movement in East Java Province (Program Gerdu-Taskin).

 2003-2005 Assessor in Forest and Land Conservation Movement in Brantas River Basin
(Program GERHAN – Gerakan Nasional Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan)

 1994-1995 Lecturer at Agricultural Faculty, Wijaya Kusuma University

Names of Academic Referees:

1. Prof.Dr.Ir. M. Muslich Mustadjab, M.Sc. (e-mail: or, Work Telephone: +62341580054)

2. Ir. Ratya Anindita, MS.,PhD. (e-mail:, Work Telephone:


3. Prof.Ir. M. Iksan Semaoen, M.Sc.PhD. (e-mail:, Work

Telephone: +62341580054)

Research Interests

 Marketing of farming output and input generally and more specifically mapping
consumer perception

 Contract Farming

 Supply Chain Management

 Production planning and inventory control

 Small and Medium Enterprise Development for Agribusiness

Research projects include:

 Perception Toward Product Attributes Affecting Consumer In Buying Snacks: Work

with undergraduate student Sussy Hapsyahri Ladopurap along with supervisor Budi
Setiawan to analyze what attributes that are considered by consumers in buying snacks
and to analyze consumers perception toward traditional snacks. A case Study at Junior
High School Lowokwaru Subdistrict Malang City was carried out in 2007

 Evaluation of Cash Transfer Program to Alleviate Poverty: Funded by DPP Faculty

of Agriculture Brawijaya University No. 1341/J10.1.23/PG/2006. A case in Argosuko
Village, Poncokusumo, Malang. The research was carried out in 2006.

 Importance Performance Analysis The Visitor Of Pariwisata Inti Rakyat (Pir)

Selekta Agrowisata, Batu: Work with undergraduate student Adi Saputro along with
supervisor Purwohadi Wijoyo to analyze satisfaction level of visitor from each visitor
satisfaction attribute and also to determine the priority of service quality performance increase.
The research was carried out in 2006.

 Efficiency Analysis Of Cananga Oil Distilleries At Household And Small Scale

Levels In Kabupaten Blitar: Work with undergraduate student Ririn Kurnia Suci along
with supervisor Djoko Koestiono to analyze the levels of efficiency of the two distilleries
in regard of profit, Break Even Point (BEP), added value and worker productivity. The
research was carried out in 2006.

 Strategy For Developing “Alen-Alen” Snack Home- Industry At Sumbergedong

Village, Trenggalek District, Trenggalek: Work with undergraduate student Luluk
Puspitarini along with supervisor Budi Setiawan to analyze the advantage, the enterprise
efficiency analysis, and the added value of alen-alen agro industry, to analyze its
conditions of internal and external environments and to discussappropriate strategy to
develop the business. The research was carried out in 2006

 The Performance Evaluation of GN-RHL (Forest and Land Rehabilitation

Movement) Implementation in Mojokerto and Pacitan: Funded by East Java Forest
Office. The Evaluation was carried out in 2006.

 Survey of rice farming in Malang and Blitar: funded by PT Dupont-Pioneer Malang

Plant Office to calculate rice farming cost, revenue and income. The survey was carried
out in 2006.

 The Influence Of High-Yielding Rubber Seeds On Production And Farmer’s

Income: Work with undergraduate student Anne Setiani along with supervisor
M.Muslich Mustadjan to aimed to analyse the influence of the use of high-yielding
rubber seeds to the production and income of rubber farmers. The data were analysed
using Cobb Douglass production and income function. A case study at Dorong village,
Dusun Timur district, Barito Timur regency, Central Kalimantan was carried out in 2005.

 Analysis Of Instant Noodle Competition According To Consumer Behavioral In

Surabaya: Work with undergraduate student Ujang Erwahyudi along with supervisor A.
Wahib Muhaimin to know the relation between profile of demography characteristic with
consumer behavioral to consume instant noodle, to analyze instant noodle competition of
consumer behavioral, to analyze instant noodle classification, to know type of instant
noodle which consumer like and to know attributes would influence consumers
consuming instant noodle. The research was carried out in 2005.

 Production Planning For Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Seed Agroindustry:

Work with undergraduate student Laily Agustin along with supervisor Heru Santoso to
compute and analyze Sales forecasting, Minimized production cost, and Production
planning. A case study on CV Bunga Matahari Blitar was carried out in 2005.

 An Analysis Of Marketing And Correlation Of Internal Factors That Determine

Apple Price Levels: Work with undergraduate student Dian Budiarti along with
supervisor A.Wahib Muhaimin to indentify ‘Manalagi’ apple marketing channels in
Bumiaji village of Batu administrative town, and to analyze the correlations of internal
factors that determined prices at the broker level, wholesaler and retailer levels. The
research was carried out in 2005.

 The Implementation Of Papaya Contract Farming At Ud. Buah Agung Badang

Village Ngoro Subdistrict Jombang District: Work with undergraduate student Nuning
Istiyowati along with supervisor Purwohadi Wijoyo to know about the implementation of
contract farming in the UD. Buah Agung company; and to analyze with comparing the
cost value of investment and production, profit and the feasible of invesment that
company have done through papaya on farm and contract farming. The research was
carried out in 2005.

 Efficiency Analysis Of Fermentated Soya Bean In The Small And Household Scale
In Purwodadi District: Work with undergraduate student Ary Dodit Christyawan along
with supervisor Salyo Sutrisno to analyze the level of efficiency, profit, and the level
added value made fermentated soya bean industry. The research was carried out in 2005.

 An Analysis Of The Profits And The Factors That Influenced The Farmers In
Selecting Cut Flower Varieties: Work with undergraduate student Indra Nurwati along
with supervisor Djoko Koestiono to analyze and to compare the profits obtained from
planting local flower varieties and from planting introduced flower varieties, and to
analyze the factors that have influenced the farmers in deciding what varieties to plant.
The research was carried out in 2005.

 The Prospects And Development Strategy For Eceng Gondok Bag Agroindustry:
Work with undergraduate student Febriyanti Wulandari along with supervisor Imam
Syafi’i to study the prospects of the “eceng gondok” bag agroindustry in the research
area, and to study the best strategy to develop this agroindustry. A case study at Pengaron
Handicraft Pengumbulan Village, Tikung, Lamongan was carried out in 2005.

 Financial Analysis Of Salak Gula Pasir (Salacca Zalacca Var.Amboinensis) Farming

In Sibetan Village Bebandem District Karangasem Regency: Work with
undergraduate student Galuh Rizki Purnama Dini along with supervisor Djoko Koestiono to
analyse of financial grade of Salak Gula Pasir farming compared with Salak Gondok farming and
to analyse the sensitivity of Salak Gula Pasir farming concerning production cost, product price
and total production. The research was carried out in 2005.

 Analysis of Product Attributes that influence consumer to buy sugar: Work with
honor student Isolda Enny PI to evaluate the effectiveness of promotion done by PT
Sugar Group Plantation in introducing new branded sugar “GULAKU”. A survey in
Surabaya was carried out in 2004.

 Analysis of Consumer’s Perception toward Fruit Car Retailers in Malang: Work

with undergraduate student Andi Asnan along with supervisor Heru Santoso to analyse
consumer’s perception toward fruiut retailers in Malang. Accidental Sampling was taken
in the research in 2004.

 Sugar Distribution in East Java Province: Work with undergraduate student Doddy
Oktavianto to analyze the flow of sugar from several warehouse managed by BULOG
with transportation method. The research was carried out in 2004.

 Raw Material Procurement for Banana Rope Agro-industry: Work with

undergraduate student Nikma Yucha along with supervisor Purwohadi Wijoyo to select
the best alternative for raw material procurement based on investment criteria such as
IRR and NPV. A case study in Sooko, Wringinanom, Gresik was carried out in 2004.

 Analysis of Factors that Influenced Consumer to buy packing and branded rice:
Work with undergraduate student Medya Pradita along with supervisor Purwohadi
Wijoyo to analyze factors that influenced consumer to buy packing and branded rice.
Phone interview and direct interview was done. The research was carried out in 2004.

 Analysis of Competitiveness for Florist in Malang based on Consumer Perception:

Work with undergraduate student Lianuri Irawati and along with co-supervison Nuhfil
Hanani to draw position of several florist in Malang. Accidental sampling was taken and
the research was carried out in 2004.

 Clustering Consumer Healthy and Organic Food: Work with undergraduate student I
Komang Indra WDA along with supervisor Heru Santoso to clustering consumer of
healthy and organic food. A case study in Denpasar, Bali was carried out in 2004.

 Perception of Rice Retailer Toward Supplier Delivery Service: Work with

undergraduate student Dias Indrasari along with supervisor Imam Syafi’i to analyze
perception of rice retailer in traditional market toward supplier delivery service. A case
study at Pasar Besar (central market) Malang was carried out in 2004.

 Coconut Sugar Marketing Channel: Worked with undergraduate student Sisilia Marini
along with supervisor Heru Santoso to analyse marketing channel for coconut sugar. A
case study in Sidomulyo, Kebonagung, Pacitan was carried out in 2003.

 Study of Relationship Pattern in Growing Sweet Corn Seed: Worked with

undergraduate student Catur Budi Rusdiana along with supervisor A. Wahib Muhaimin
to compare grower income from several relationship patterns. A case study at PT Sang
Hyang Seri UBD Pujon, Malang was carried out in 2003.

 Analysis of Competitiveness for Local Coffee Brand in Malang: Worked with

undergraduate student Mei Ika Pratiwi along with supervisor Imam Syafi’i to analyze
position of several local coffee brand based on consumer perception. The research was
carried out in 2003.

 Analysis of Competitiveness Mapping for several Varieties of Apples based on

consumer perception in Malang : Worked with undergraduate student Mei Ika Pratiwi
along with supervisor Imam Syafi’i to analyze position of several varieties of Apples
based on consumer perception. The research was carried out in 2003.

 Perception of pamelo orange’s farmer toward relationship pattern with Koperasi

Jeruk Jaya: Worked with undergraduate student Elis Dwi Indrawati along with
supervisor A. Wahib Muhaimin to analyze perception of pamelo orange’s farmer toward
relationship pattern with Koperasi Jeruk Jaya and to determine factors that influenced
farmer’s participation in the relation. The research was carried out in 2003.

 The Development of Small and Micro Enterprise for Banana Sale: Work with
undergraduate student Tri Wahyu Andani along with supervisor Imam Syafi’i to design
the strategy of small and micro enterprise development for banana sale in Ngadirejo,
Pacitan. The research was carried out in 2003.

 The Role of Farmer’s Group in Food Security: Work with undergraduate student
Yusnizar Islami along with supervisor Imam Syafi’i to analyze the relationship between
farmers in order to strengthening the role of farmer’s group in food security. A case study
in Malang was carried out in 2003.

 Analysis of Consumer’s Perception toward Fruit Retailers in Malang: Work with

undergraduate student Kiki Fauziah Bidari along with supervisor Heru Santoso to analyse
consumer’s perception toward fruiut retailers in Malang. Interview in Sawojajar, Malang
was carried out in 2003.

 Contract Farming in Tobacco and farmer income : Work with honor student Erma
Widiastuti LWS along with supervisor Nuhfil Hanani to describe relationship between
farmer and Kopa TTN in Tobacco farming and to compare farmer income. A case study
in Jember was carried out in 2003.

 Analysis of Marketing Efficiency for Blitar Star fruit: Worked with undergraduate
student Wahyudianto Widodo along with supervisor Budi Setiawan to analyze efficiency
of marketing channels for Blitar star fruit. The research was carried out in 2002.

 Consumer Behavior Analysis and Its Implication in formulating marketing

strategy : Worked with undergraduate student Yuniar Setyaningrum along with
supervisor Purwohadi Wijoyo to determine marketing strategy based on consumer
behavior. A case study at Perusahaan Kecap Cap Kuda in Tulungagung was carried out in

 Food Distribution in East Java: funded by Food Security Board, East Java Province to
design food distribution in globalization era in East Java . The research was carried out in

 Food security in rural area through Institutional development: funded by Food

Security Board, East Java Province to design institutional development in rural area in
order to increase food security in East Java . The research was carried out in 2002.

 Stabilization of Food: funded by Food Security Board, East Java Province to analyze
factors that caused instability in both supply and demand for food in East Java. The
research was carried out in 2001.


 Anindita, R.; R.Hartono, and F. Rahmawati; 2004. “Permintaan Beras di Jawa Timur” in
Buletin IMPAS No. 02, Vol.10, ISSN:0853-7771

 Adipoetra, W.; H. Santoso and R. Hartono; 2002. “Analisis Pengembangan Beras

Organik” in Jurnal Agrise, Vol.2, No.1, ISSN:1412-1425

 Hartono, R., M.M. Mustadjab and I. Syafi’i, 2000. “Efisiensi Alokasi Input Usahatani
Benih Jagung Hibrida Pola Contract Farming di Desa Sembung, Kecamatan Pare
Kabupaten Kediri” in Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Wacana Vol.3, No.2, ISSN:

Training and Short-Course

 Short-Course on Policy Analysis Matrix organized by Faculty of Economics Brawijaya

University in collaboration with DAI, Cornell University and Bappenas in 2000
 Training of Tutor (TOT) on Data Management for Rural Development organized by
Faculty of Agriculture Brawijaya University in collaboration with SEARCA and
SEAMOLEC in 2000

 Short-Courses on AMDAL A and B organized by PSL Brawijaya University in 2001

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