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means of the development of the capacities of the people, groups and institutions.

term education is understood in the broadest sense of personal and collective formation
and development.

2.-pretend you are talking whit a patient (70 years) He has memory disorder . write an
8 – line using future with will and with going to. (3 points)

In this case the patient is 72 years old, he still believes that his parents live and reside in
the United States.

A: Ok Mr. so then you're planning a trip.

B: Yes doctor, that’s right.
A: where are you going?
B: I’m going to The United States.
A: why are you want to trip?
B: I will travel to visit my parents.
A: your parents live in the US
B: yes. Doctor. My parents will be happy when I get there.
A: And after visiting them, what are you going to do in the US?
B: I will stay there
A: Why will you stay there?
B: I'm going to study medicine at a university
A: and how will you pay for your studies?
B: I'm going to work in a construction company
A: are you sure about that?
B: yes. I will work very hard, every day.

3.-Look at the example and write sentences by using the imperatif for explain to your
patient the therapy. (agrega imagenes para cada oración). (3 points)

example: don’t cry and be patient .

1. Don’t worry, you’re very young.

2. Please, be careful with addictions.

3. take time off on weekends and relax

4. Focus on your studies, is the most important thing for now.

5. Spend more time with your family. they need you

6. Don’t worry too much, you should talk to your partner

4.-write a short paragraph about a problem of concentration in studies. The
characteristics , signs and symptoms as well as their most usual treatment. 10 lines. (3

The problems of concentration are the inability to focus and attend to the stimulus that
we must attend. We may be distracted by the noise, our cell phone, or our thinking
wanders and we stop doing our homework.
Lack of concentration is one of the most frequent problems of students. Concentration is
the ability to direct attention voluntarily in a certain direction and maintain it for the desired
The concentration levels of a person will depend on the following factors:

 Dedication or commitment to the homework.

 Interest in the homework
 The ability to perform the homework
 The physical and emotional state
 A suitable environment with few distractions


 it costs to maintain attention in class

 It is not able to concentrate on homework
 You feel distracted when someone speaks to you
 you take too long to complete tasks
 it costs you to continue reading.
 Do not be able to perform a task for a long time.
 Easily dismisses with anything.

5.-Make a paragraph explaining about the Down Syndrome(3 points)

In every cell in the human body there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in
genes. Genes carry the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped
along rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each cell
contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from each parent. Down
syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome
twenty one.

This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the
characteristics associated with Down syndrome. A few of the common physical traits of
Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a
single deep crease across the center of the palm although each person with Down
syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different
degrees, or not at all.
6.-Write a dialog about education problems in your community. use countable and
uncountable nouns, how much and how many with quantifiers. (3 points)

A: hello yovana, how are you?

B: I’m so-so
A: why, friend. What’s the problem?
B: I'm worried about all the problems in my community
A: And, how many problems are there in your community?
B: There are enough problems, friend. For example, citizen insecurity.
A: too bad! How much insecurity there is in your community?
B: Listen, on average there are four robberies per day.
A: these figures are worrying!
B: Yes… another problem are traffic accidents.
A: Do accidents happen often in your community?
B: Traffic accidents are recorded very frequently, every day.
A: And what about the mistreatment against women?
B: that is a problem that affects us all, in all places.
A: How many battered women are there in your community, according to statistics?
B: And how much help is there for them?
A: There really is very little help.
B: hopefully everything will improve in the very near future!!!

NOTA: 2 puntos podrían ser adjudicados al alumnos teniendo en cuenta la

correcta redacción, ortografía y sintaxis del trabajo presentado.
Adicionalmente puede agregarse, portada propia, dedicatoria,
agradecimientos, índice y referencias a pie de página. Las imágenes para
ilustrar las respuestas en las diferentes preguntas serán consideradas
igualmente favorables para una adecuada presentación.

 La totalidad de los trabajos cargados en el campus son evaluados por

el docente en los plazos respectivos.
 Aquellos trabajos que sean enviados con un desarrollo incompleto o sin
ningún respuesta realizada obtendrán
nota mínima desaprobatoria.
 Los trabajos que sean cargados en el campus y que no correspondan a
la asignatura correcta. No podrán ser remplazados por el alumno, salvo
previa comunicación con la coordinadora de la carrera sustentando las
causas de tal incidencia y solicitando la consideración de su caso.
 Todo trabajo que no se presentó y cargó en el campus en la fecha
indicada. No podrá ser remitido al docente .En ese caso el alumno
deberá comunicarse con la coordinadora afín de explicar dicha
incidencia y solicitar la evaluación extemporánea, qué en caso de ser
aceptada contará con la puntuación que la coordinación estime

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