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© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Figure 1 Rectangular patch antenna. [Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at]

CALCULATION OF OPTIMIZED The length L, width W, height h, and feed-point location a for
PARAMETERS OF RECTANGULAR a rectangular microstrip antenna are shown in Figure 1. The fitness
MICROSTRIP PATCH ANTENNA USING function used in GA to optimize the rectangular patch is taken

Shyam S. Pattnaik,1 Bonomali Khuntia,1 Dhruba C. Panda,1 PROBLEM FORMULATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE
Dipak K. Neog,2 and S. Devi1 MODEL
NERIST, Nirjuli-791 109, Arunachal Pradesh
Dhemaji College GA performs its searching process via a population-to-population
Assam, India (instead of point-to-point) search. The most favored advantage of
GA is its parallel architecture, which uses probabilistic and deter-
Received 2 December 2002 ministic rules. A member in a population, called a chromosome, is
represented by a binary string comprised of 0, 1 bits. Bits of the
ABSTRACT: In this paper, the genetic algorithm (GA) has been ap- chromosome are randomly selected and the length of bit strings is
plied to calculate the optimized length and width of rectangular micro- defined in relevance. An initial randomly generated population is
strip antennas. The inputs to the problem are the desired resonant fre- required at first in order to start the methodology. From the initial
quency, dielectric constant, and thickness of the substrate; the outputs population, a child population is born and guided by three opera-
are the optimized length and width. The antennas considered are electri- tors such as reproduction, crossover, and mutation. Newborn child
cally thin. Method of moments (MoM)-based IE3D software from Zea- members are judged by their fitness function values. The fitness
land Inc., USA, and experimental results are used to validate the GA- function is formulated as per the ultimate goal concerned. These
based code. The results are in good agreement. © 2003 Wiley child members act as parents in the next iteration. In GA, the
Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 37: 431– 433, 2003;
iteration is called a generation. A detailed analysis of the methods
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
and process of GA can be found in [3].
DOI 10.1002/mop.10940
The resonant frequency of the rectangular microstrip antenna is
Key words: genetic algorithm; rectangular microstrip antenna; reso-
nant frequency

The rectangular microstrip antenna, due to its simple design fea-
tures, is still currently popular in industrial and commercial appli-
cations. However, due to its inherent narrow bandwidth, the res-
onant frequency or dimension of the patch antenna must be
predicted accurately. In this paper, the genetic algorithm (GA) is
applied in order to calculate the design parameters such as length
and width of these antennas.
GA are search techniques based on biological genetics. In
recent years, GAs have gained popularity in electromagnetic ap-
plications, in which the number of variables tend to be higher, for
their easy searching process, global optimality, searching-space
independence, and probabilistic nature [1]. GAs are capable of
optimizing nonlinear multi-modal functions of many variables.
They require no derivative information and they robustly find
global or very strong local optima. Numerical experiments indicate
that by using GA good solutions for difficult antennas can be
obtained, quickly; comparable even to the time necessary for
analytical methods such as steepest descent. Figure 2 Return loss plot for antenna no. 1

Figure 5 VSWR plot for antenna no. 5

Figure 3 VSWR plot for antenna no. 1

c0 mutation is equal to 0.01. Thus, it is suitable for the calculation of

fr ⫽ , (1) the resonant frequencies for antenna elements with h ⱕ
2共L ⫹ ⌬W兲 冑␧ e共W兲 0.0815 ␭ d . Hence, in this paper, we have used Eq. (1) for design-
ing antennas with thin substrates.
where c 0 is the velocity of the electromagnetic waves in free space Resonant frequency f r , dielectric constant ␧ r , and thickness of
and ␧ e (W) is the effective dielectric constant, which is given by the substrate h are given as inputs to GA, which gives the opti-
mized values for the length and width of the antennas. The opti-
␧r ⫹ 1 ␧r ⫺ 1 mized lengths L obtained using GA are in good agreement with the
␧ e共W兲 ⫽ ⫹ , (2)
2 2 冑1 ⫹ 10h/W experimental results, as listed in column VII of Table 1. Using
these calculated parameters (L, W, h, and ␧ r ) in IE3D simulation
and ⌬W is the line extension and is given by software, resonant frequencies, which almost match the input
resonant frequencies considered, are calculated, thus, validating
关␧ e共W兲 ⫹ 0.300兴共W/h ⫹ 0.264兲 the results of GA. The theoretical results obtained by GA and
⌬W ⫽ 0.412h . (3)
关␧ e共W兲 ⫺ 0.258兴共W/h ⫹ 0.813兲 results obtained by the IE3D software are listed in Table 1 for
seven different rectangular microstrip antennae.
Eq. (1) is used as the fitness function. The two independent
variables are the length L and width W. The population size is
taken to be 20 individuals, and 200 generations are produced. The
probability of crossover is set at 0.25, while the probability of Using simultaneous variation of the length and width of a micros-
trip antenna to obtain optimized length and width, in order calcu-
lating the resonant frequency of said antenna that will match the
experimental resonant frequency, is a computationally tedious and
time-consuming process. As seen from Table 1, by using GA, this
can be achieved without much computational time. In this paper,
only seven antennas are optimized to validate the code developed
using GA. IE3D software and experimental results are used to
compare and validate the results obtained by GA. The return-loss
plot and VSWR plot obtained using the IE3D simulation package
for two antennas are also presented. These results are in good
agreement with those of experimental results. Thus, application of
GA to calculate the optimized length and width of microstrip
antennas seems to be an accurate and simple method. This will
contribute to helping facilitate improved antenna designs, espe-
cially for small pack antenna systems where, due to space limita-
tions, both length and width are to be adjusted simultaneously in
order to achieve the required resonant frequency.

The authors are thankful to MHRD, Govt. of India for sponsoring
Figure 4 Return loss plot for antenna no. 5 the project.

TABLE 1 Resonant Frequency Results and Dimensions for Rectangular Microstrip Antennae

II III IV V Calculated Width Experimental IE3D Simulated Resonant
Theoretical Resonant Permittivity of Height (h) Calculated Length (W) in mm Length (L) Frequency (f r ) in GHz
I Frequency (f r ) in Substrate (␧ r ) in mm as (L) in mm Using Using GA as in mm from Using Calculated (L and
Antenna No. GHz as Input as Input Input GA as Output Output [1] W as in V and VI)
1 6.2 2.55 2.0 14.382 8.975 14.12 6.13
2 8.45 2.22 0.17 11.867 9.456 11.85 8.32
3 7.74 2.22 0.17 12.9 19.337 12.9 7.6
4 3.97 2.22 0.79 25.306 13.007 25 3.92
5 5.06 2.33 1.57 18.6 18.4 18.6 4.98
6 5.6 2.55 1.63 16.07 13.34 16.21 5.3
7 4.805 2.33 1.57 19.573 21.696 19.6 4.6

The return loss and VSWR plots calculated using IE3D Simulation Software for antenna number 1 are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively; Figs. 4 and 5
show that of antenna number 5.

REFERENCES fibers is essential for characterisation and the evaluation of splice

1. D.S. Weile and E. Michielssen, Genetic algorithm optimization applied loss, microbending loss, coupling coefficients, and so on.
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tive index profile of the fiber is very close to that of the fiber for
© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. which the exact modes are analytically known, while the WKB
method gives accurate results only for multimode fibers. Among
variational methods, approximation [5] is very simple, but its
accuracy is not sufficiently high, especially for modal fields. Other
IMPROVED RITZ–GALERKIN METHOD analytical formulas, such as the Gaussian-exponential approxima-
FOR FIELD DISTRIBUTION OF tion [7, 9, 10] and the Gaussian–Hankel approximation [8], have
GRADED-INDEX OPTICAL FIBERS been shown to give quite accurate results for both the fundamental
mode field and the propagation constant at low V values. However,
Zi Hua Wang,1 Hui Zhang,1 and Jean Pierre Meunier2 they need two-parameter optimisation and cannot be applied to
School of Communications and Information Engineering
Shanghai University multimode optical fibers.
Shanghai 200072, P. R. China There are numerical methods, for example, Rayleign–Ritz
Universite Jean Monnet method [12], power-series expansion method [13], finite element
Faculte des Sciences et Techniquet method [14], staircase approximation method [15], and so on.
Laboratoire TSI, UMR CNRS 5516
42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex 2, France
Though numerical methods are exact methods, they usually are
cumbersome and take more computation time. The Ritz–Galerkin
method [16] or variational method [17], using Laguerre–Gaussian
Received 29 November 2002
basis function, seem to have both merits of simplicity and accu-
racy. Because these basis functions approximate the electromag-
ABSTRACT: Having obtained the eigenvalue and the modal field by
netic field very well, only a few terms are needed. Besides, finding
using the Ritz–Galerkin method, we quit the cladding-field expression in
the form of a Laguerre–Gaussian function and reconstruct it with a the eigenvalues and eigenvactors can be easily done by a routine
modified Bessel function. The accuracy of the cladding field is thus im- program for a square matrix. However, there is one drawback: the
proved. We also show its application to the calculation of the coupling Gaussian function behavior of the basis function allows the modal
coefficient. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett field in cladding to decay too quickly, thus it is only a good
37: 433– 436, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www. approximation in the core region [18]. Although the modal field in DOI 10.1002/mop.10941 the core region is accurate enough, if a few terms used, the
accuracy of the cladding field is poor. Certainly, we can add more
Key words: optical fibers; modal fields; Laguerre–Gauss expansion; terms, but this will require more computation time and the con-
coupling coefficient vergence of the cladding field will occur much more slowly with
increasing terms.
1. INTRODUCTION In this paper, we present an improvement on the Ritz–Galerkin
In order to properly design and use an optical-fiber link, the method by expressing the core field with a Laguerre–Gaussian
propagation characteristics and field distributions of the propagat- function and the cladding field with a modified Bessel function,
ing modes in the optical fiber must be known. An accurate de- respectively. Having obtained the eigenvalue and the modal field
scription of the transverse field of the mode propagating in such by using the Ritz–Galerkin method, we quit the cladding field
expression in the form of a Laguerre–Gaussian function and re-
Contract grant sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China construct it with a modified Bessel function. In this way, the
(60277025). accuracy for cladding field is improved and the cladding field


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