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(1) Standards:

A. MS-ESS1-1: Develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe the
cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses of the sun and moon, and seasons.
B. Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing,
achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning
 Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process
itself to improve learning outcomes.
 Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
C. Creative Communicator: Students communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats and digital media
appropriate to their goals.
 Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the
desired objectives of their creation or communication.
 Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating
or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or
 Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.

(2) Lesson Objectives:

A. Content Area
1. Students will be able to define “waxing” and “waning” and identify each moon
2. Students will be able to identify moon phases in the correct order on their lunar
calendar activity on the interactive website.
i) There are three levels and students will be able to complete each phase.
3. Students will understand the moon phases and be able to know them in the
correct order.
4. Students will be able to put the moon phases in the correct order on their Prezi
or Google Slides presentation and discuss their presentation with the class.
5. Students will be able to match the names of the moon phases to the pictures of
the moon phases.
B. Technology:
1. Students will be able to navigate the teacher’s website with instruction to find
the activities being done in the lesson.
2. Students will be able to set personal learning goals and develop strategies in
technology to achieve their goals and knowledge of the moon phases.
3. Students will be able to receive feedback using technology in the classroom
from the teacher on their knowledge of the moon phases.
4. Students will be able to actively achieve and demonstrate their knowledge on
the phases of the moon in their Prezi or Google Slides presentation

(4) Introduce the Learning Activity

A. I will write on the white board the agenda of what the students will be able to do at the
end of class as well as communicate what is written verbally. I will also write what the students
will learn after today’s lesson. After today’s lesson, students will be able to:
1. Define the definitions of “waxing” and “waning”
2. Know the correct order of the phases of the moon.
B. To get students motivated about the lesson, I will tell them that they will be learning
more about phases of the moon using the computer and participating in activities online. I will
let them know during the lesson that instead of making a poster of the moon phases, they will be
able to use their creativity and putting the phases of the moon in the correct order on the
computer using Prezi or Google Slides.

(5) Provide Information

Students will receive a vocabulary sheet at the beginning of the unit. Students can use
Quizlet to learn the vocabulary terms for this unit. Once the vocabulary terms are learned, they
will then take a quiz on Quizizz. Once that is complete, the students will then receive a picture
of the moon phases. Once the students learn all vocabulary terms and the moon phases, they will
make a moon calendar on their own by checking the sky each night as their homework
assignment. When students turn in their calendar, they will then go to my website and
participate in two activities to also review the phases of the moon. Once those are completed,
students will then make a presentation using Prezi or Google Slides to order the correct phases of
the moon.

(6) Provide Practice

A. Students will log in to their computers and copy the link on the board and the code to
take their quiz on Quizizz. Students will then take their quiz and once everyone has taken their
quiz, they will go to my website and click on the Interactive Moon Phases Activity. Once that is
complete, students will then go to the Prezi link or open Google Slides to start their presentation.
At the very end, students will then return to my website and play the matching game. Once that
is complete, students will either write down or email me what they learned, what their favorite
moon phase is, and why as an exit ticket.
B. Students will be able to practice the exact task by creating their own presentation of
the moon phases. They will then present their work to the class.

(7) Provide Knowledge of Results

A. I will be going around the room checking on students throughout their time on the
computer. I will be giving them feedback on things that are going well and talk to them about
things they may be missing or things to enhance their presentation.
B. When looking at their moon calendar, I will be writing feedback on if they drew or
wrote down the correct moon phases. Their presentations will also be graded using a rubric,
where I will also provide feedback on things they did well and things they were missing.

(8) Review
A. As a review, students will write down the definitions of “waxing” and “waning”, the
correct order of moon phases, and what they found to be the most important part of the
lesson/unit. Before students leave, they will also be able to tell me what their favorite moon
phase is by emailing me or sharing a document using Google Drive.

(3) Methods of Assessment

A. I will assess whether students have learned vocabulary terms by looking at their
progress on Quizizz and see what questions they answered correctly and incorrectly. I will
assess whether students understand the phases of the moon by viewing their calendars and
observing their activities on the computer. I will also assess whether students learned the phases
of the moon by grading their Prezi or Google Slides presentation on whether they placed the
phases in the correct order.
 Questions on Quizizz
o What does “waxing” mean?
o What does “waning” mean?
o The moon phase in which the right half of the moon is lit up is the…
o The moon phase in which there is a small sliver of light on the right side
of the moon is the…
o The moon phase in which almost the whole moon is lit up on the right side
is the…
o The moon phase in which there is no light is the…
o The moon phase in which all of the moon has light is…
o The moon phase in which the left half of the moon is lit up is the…
o The moon phase in which there is a small sliver of light on the left side of
the moon is the…
o The moon phase in which almost the whole moon is lit up on the left side
is the...
Rubric/Scoring Guide for Presentation:
B. I would assess the students’ Tech Skills by seeing if they correctly used Prezi or
Google Slides to make their presentation of the moon phases in the correct order and present it to
the class.

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