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Member 100x54x2.5 22727 25.3 2.286 kg/m 57.

8 kg
length = In plane 3.620 m
length = off plane 1.500 m
a= 100 mm
t2 = 2.5 mm
b= 54 mm
t 1= 2.5 mm
A= 745 mm^2
Iz = 998924 mm^4
Iy = 380565 mm^4
Zz = 19978 mm^3
Zy = 14095 mm^3
rz = 37 mm
ry = 23 mm
Member forces
Fx = 2.5 kN
Fy = 0.8 kN
Fz = 1.2 kN
Mx = 0.0 kNm
My = 0.2 kNm
Mz = 0.1 kNm

Calculation of Permissible stress for compression

Effective length factor for compression , considering
effectively held in position at both ends & restrained in
direction at bottom end 0.85 [Ref. to Table 6 of IS:8147]
L/r for compression for in-plane buckling 34.8 OK [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
L/r for compression for off-plane buckling 56.4 OK [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
Design Slenderness ratio 56.4
Permissible compressive stress (pc) 95.0 MPa [Ref. to Fig. 1 of IS:8147]

Calculation of Permissible stress for bending compression

λ = λ1 at = k1at (lf/b)0.5 [whre lf = eff. Unrestrained length] [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
a/b 1.9
t2/t1 1.0
k1at 3.00 [Ref. to Fig. 9 of IS:8147]

lf for in plane buckling of the compression flange 3.620 m

λ for in-plane buckling 25

Permissible bending compressive stress (pc) 120 MPa [Ref. to Fig. 2 of IS:8147]

Permissible bending tensile stress (pc) 146 MPa [Ref. to Table 4 of IS:8147]

Permissible shear stress (pq) 79 MPa [Ref. to Table 4 of IS:8147]

Axial stress = Fx /A = ft 3 MPa OK
Shear stress Vy = Fy /Ay = 2 MPa
Shear stress Vz = Fz /Az = 4 MPa
Resultant shear stress 5 MPa OK
Bneding Stress due to My = 13 MPa OK
Bending Stress due to Mz = 6 MPa OK
slenderness ratio in the direction of bending = 34.8
Stress Checking
Combined bending and axial Tension:
ft/pt+fbt/pbt 0.164 < 1 OK
Combined bending and axial compression:
fc/pc + fbc/pbc(1-fc/pe) = 0.19 OK
fc = 3 MPa
pc= 95 MPa
fbc = 19 MPa
pbc = 120 MPa
pe = pi^2E/(l/r)^2 = 561 MPa
Combined bending and shear:
feq =(fbt^2+3fq^2)^0.5 21.53 OK [Ref. to Cl. 7.5.3 of IS:8147]
fbt = 19 MPa
fq = 6 MPa
Check for deflection
Wind pressure = 1 kN/m^2
effective width = 1.20 m
Wind load = 1.20 kN/m
length of member = 3.62 m
Deflection limit = l/175 = 20.7 mm
deflection = WL/(384EI) 7.80 mm < 20.7 mm OK
E= 68900 MPa
Member 64x57x2 22727 24.9 2.286 kg/m 56.9 kg
length = In plane 1.000 m
length = off plane 1.000 m
a= 64 mm
t2 = 2.0 mm
b= 57 mm
t 1= 2.0 mm
A= 468 mm^2
Iz = 291113 mm^4
Iy = 243231 mm^4
Zz = 9097 mm^3
Zy = 8534 mm^3
rz = 25 mm
ry = 23 mm
Member forces
Fx = 0.0 kN
Fy = 0.8 kN
Fz = 1.2 kN
Mx = 0.0 kNm
My = 0.3 kNm
Mz = 0.2 kNm

Calculation of Permissible stress for compression

Effective length factor for compression , considering
effectively held in position at both ends & restrained in
direction at bottom end 0.85 [Ref. to Table 6 of IS:8147]
L/r for compression for in-plane buckling 34.1 OK [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
L/r for compression for off-plane buckling 37.3 OK [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
Design Slenderness ratio 37.3
Permissible compressive stress (pc) 90.0 MPa [Ref. to Fig. 1 of IS:8147]

Calculation of Permissible stress for bending compression

λ = λ1 at = k1at (lf/b)0.5 [whre lf = eff. Unrestrained length] [Ref. to Cl. of IS:8147]
a/b 1.1
t2/t1 1.0
k1at 3.00 [Ref. to Fig. 9 of IS:8147]

lf for in plane buckling of the compression flange 1.000 m

λ for in-plane buckling 13

Permissible bending compressive stress (pc) 120 MPa [Ref. to Fig. 2 of IS:8147]

Permissible bending tensile stress (pc) 146 MPa [Ref. to Table 4 of IS:8147]

Permissible shear stress (pq) 79 MPa [Ref. to Table 4 of IS:8147]

Axial stress = Fx /A = ft 0 MPa OK
Shear stress Vy = Fy /Ay = 4 MPa
Shear stress Vz = Fz /Az = 5 MPa
Resultant shear stress 6 MPa OK
Bneding Stress due to My = 31 MPa OK
Bending Stress due to Mz = 20 MPa OK
slenderness ratio in the direction of bending = 34.1
Stress Checking
Combined bending and axial Tension:
ft/pt+fbt/pbt 0.351 < 1 OK
Combined bending and axial compression:
fc/pc + fbc/pbc(1-fc/pe) = 0.43 OK
fc = 0 MPa
pc= 90 MPa
fbc = 51 MPa
pbc = 120 MPa
pe = pi^2E/(l/r)^2 = 585 MPa
Combined bending and shear:
feq =(fbt^2+3fq^2)^0.5 53.23 OK [Ref. to Cl. 7.5.3 of IS:8147]
fbt = 51 MPa
fq = 8 MPa
Check for deflection
Wind pressure = 1 kN/m^2
effective width = 1.60 m
Wind load = 1.60 kN/m
length of member = 1.00 m
Deflection limit = l/175 = 5.7 mm
deflection = WL/(384EI) 1.04 mm < 5.7 mm OK
E= 68900 MPa

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