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1. A
An instructional unit is a model which shows the inter related effects of different types of

teacher knowledge- curricular, pedagogical content and of student learning (Hill et

al.,2008). The aim of the unit is to support and guide students in reaching the specific

learning objectives. The effectiveness of a unit plan lies in its ability to enhance students

learning and build competence and understanding.

Social Studies can be defined as the study of people and in their environment. This

subject helps students to become active and responsible citizens within their communities,

locally, nationally and globally in a complex changing world. It also helps students to

develop an appreciation for their environment and contribute towards its sustainability. In

keeping with the goals of this subject area I chose the following unit: - The Physical

Environment and I would be looking at the topic: Physical Landforms in Trinidad and

Tobago. This is being prepared for Form 2 Social Studies students and it is the hope that

at the end of the lesson the students would be able to:

(i) Derive a definition for the major physical landforms for example – mountains,

plains, hills, reefs, swamps, oceans, rivers, beaches, bays (Cognitive-


(ii) Name the major landforms in Trinidad and Tobago (Cognitive- Understanding)

(iii) Draw a map of Trinidad and Tobago and locate the major landforms

(Psychomotor- Set)

(iv) Show an appreciation for our natural environment (Affective- Valuing)

Some of the main goals of the Social Studies programme is to gain understanding of the

human and physical environment, understand how environmental factors interrelate to

influence the activities of human beings, and how such activities in turn affect and change

physical environment (Secondary School Curriculum). This topic is of important interest

to our students because they should be aware of the types of landforms that are located

within their country, the impact it has on where people decide to build homes and

communities and also where we choose to grow food. Our physical environment is

relevant to our life sustainability and we should preserve it, landforms are constantly

changing due to climatic conditions and the negative impacts of man through pollution

and deforestation.
1. B

An assessment is a mechanism for providing teachers with data for improving their

teaching methods and for motivating and guiding students to be involved in their own

learning process. Assessments provides feedback to both teachers and students. Form 2

students would be given a summative assessment at the end of the lesson to determine

what the students know and do not know. Summative assessment is used to assess at a

particular point in time the extent to which a student has achieved the course objectives.

They would be asked to make a poster advertising the natural landforms in Trinidad

and Tobago and to list some of the activities that people can do there.

The poster assignment will appeal to students with varying learning abilities: linguistic

since it uses words, spatial /mathematical because it will incorporate measurements and

bodily kinesthetics- movement. Students would be given clear instructions and guidelines

for the poster. The reason for this assignment is linked to the rationale for Social Studies as

a core subject in the lower form curriculum. Students must be given the opportunity to

develop their enquiry and research skills, critical and analytical thinking skills. To create

this poster, they would have to identify, gather, read maps and process their information.

Also, they would have to incorporate their visual and performing arts background to help

with the presentation of the poster, student’s creativity and individuality will also be on

display. While performing this task certain concepts will be reinforced, they would be able

to explain and describe the different types of landforms, demonstrate an understanding of

the importance of the following landforms to our physical environment. One of the main

goals of Social Studies programme is that students should understand how environmental

factors interrelate to influence the activities of human beings, and how such activities in

turn affect and change the physical environment. By completing this assignment, students

would have a better understanding of the types of landforms in Trinidad and Tobago, also
they would be able to accurately name and locate the following landforms like the three

main ranges, swamps, bays and plains. The results from the assessment task would inform

the teacher of strengths/ weaknesses in the instructional unit, the information that the

students mastered and if there is need to develop the activity.


Make a poster advertising the natural landforms in Trinidad and Tobago and list

at least one activity that people can do there. For example -Natural Landform –

Maracas Bay, Activity- Swimming/ Surfing.

Poster must have the following:

(i) A title

(ii) A 2” border right around the Bristol board

(iii) Sub- headings for at least (seven) 7 different landforms

(iv) Clear pictures /drawings of (7) landforms

(v) Named activity

(vi) Marks will be awarded for use of colour on your poster

(Students can use markers, highlighters or colour pencils)

Name and Class must be clearly written at the bottom of poster


Category 4 - Excellent 3- Good 2- Fair 1- Poor Score

Required The poster includes All required All but 1 of the Several required
Elements all the required elements are required elements were
elements (title, included on the elements are missing and poster
border, sub- poster and poster included on the does not clearly
headings, pictures, communicates poster, poster communicate the
facts about the message does not clearly message
landforms) as well communicate
as additional the message
information and
communicates the
Title Title is correct, Title is correctly Title is present, Partial/ incomplete
neat, creative and written in neat but capitalized Title
colourful attractive letters and spelt
Content- At least 7 accurate 5-6 accurate 3-4 accurate Less than 3 accurate
Accuracy facts are displayed facts are facts are facts are displayed
on the poster. displayed on the displayed on the on the poster
poster poster
Presentation The poster has an The poster has a The poster needs The poster needs
excellent design nice design and improvement in significant
and layout. It is neat layout. It is neat design, layout or improvement in
and easy to and easy to read neatness design, layout and
understand the neatness
Mechanics There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than
grammatical errors grammatical grammatical 2 grammatical
on this poster error on the errors on the errors on the poster
poster poster

A rubric is an assessment guide that reflects content standards and performance standards.

Rubrics describe the features expected for student’s work to receive each of the scores on the

chosen scale. Rubrics are important, they provide the criteria for assessing students. When

teachers use this tool, it enables them to clarify expectations to students, provide feedback on

assignments and grade students. I would give my students the rubric to read and explain to

them exactly what is needed on the poster. After posters are completed I would let them share
with their classmates and have them grade each other posters. Lastly, I would collect all the

assignments and give a final grade, taking into consideration peer evaluation as well.

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