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Winona State TPA-Referenced Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate Name: Sara Medin

Grade & Subject Area: 2nd Grade, Mathematics
Date for Planned Lesson: March 7th, 2018
Personal Goal: What lesson delivery skill do you want to improve?
My personal goal for this lesson is to work doing more modeling with my instructions before
sending my students off to do the work.

Lesson Title Place Value – Lesson 3

MN/CC State Standard(s)
- direct quote from MN standards Compare and represent whole numbers up to 1000 with an
documents emphasis on place value and equality.
- if only focusing on one part of a
given standard, underline the part
being focused upon
Central Focus Represent tens or hundreds in a 3-digit number.
- derived from standard,
- communicates general goal
Learning Target for this Lesson Identify and explain each of our four number forms to represent a 2
- concisely says what students will be or 3-digit number.
able to know and do
- start with appropriate language
function (active verb)
Academic Language (AL) a. Digit, place value, ones, tens, hundreds, base ten block form,
a. Domain-specific Acad vocabulary expanded form
b. General Academic vocabulary
(words used in school across many b. Recognize, represent, written form, word form
subject areas)
c. Syntax Sentence Frame: Example c. I can use the first number in the sequence to tell me if the
sentence that students can use number as a whole is a larger or smaller number.
to accomplish target
d. Point in lesson where students will
be given opportunity to use
Academic Vocabulary (Note: It
is important that this appear in
TPA videotape segments
Needed modifications/supports MK and TS will accomplish the stated target with the added
a. Identify how some form of support of a visual anchor chart and a place value chart that they
additional support will be can write on.
provided for some aspect of the
lesson for given student(s)
- visual, graphic, interactive
- reduced text, rewritten text, fill-in the
blank notes, word banks
- graphic organizers, sentence frames
Resources & materials needed Whiteboard, whiteboard marker, place value anchor chart, pencil,
math notebook, empty place value chart, place value puzzles,
empty place value puzzle pieces
Lesson Part Activity description / teacher does Students do
Phase 1 Teacher will write the learning target up on One student reads
State Target & Activate Prior the white board and have a student (one the learning target
Knowledge who has not read it yet) read it aloud to the aloud to the group
a) Post the learning target group.
statement and indicate whether “Identify and explain each of our four
the teacher or student(s) will read number forms to represent a 2 or 3-digit
it aloud number.” Students raise their
b) Engage students in activity to Raise your hands if you can remember hands to share what
elicit / build prior background and share what we were working on they remember.
knowledge yesterday.
Phase 1 Assessment I will note who raises their hands for
Explain the plan to capture data sharing what they remember and if what
from this phase of the lesson they remember is correct.
Phase 2 Teacher Input / Inquiry We have been working really hard with Students share if
- Explain procedures writing our numbers, recognizing our ones, they are okay with
- Demonstration the task tens, and hundreds place values, and playing a game
- Teacher think aloud representing them in multiple ways. I think instead of writing
that it would be fun if we played a little numbers today.
game instead of writing today. Would you
guys be good with playing a game?
Okay, here is how our game goes. I am
going to give you a pile of puzzle pieces
and I would like you to work together to put
all of the puzzles together. Each of our
puzzles has four pieces to them. They
each have a number written in standard
form, word form, base ten block form, and
expanded form. First we will look for our
standard form. It will be our top left corner Students share how
piece. That is the one that just says the they think you should
regular number on it. The second form we go about putting the
will look for is our word form. It connects to puzzle together.
the standard form on right. The third form
will be our expanded form. That attaches
under the word form. Our fourth form will
be the base ten block form. You will find
out very quickly which place that one goes.
Before I dump all of the pieces all over the
table for you guys to do, I would like to do
one with you. (Pull the puzzle pieces out
and place them face up on the table) How
do you think I put the puzzles together? Do
I place all pieces on top of each other?
(Once all students have shared how they
think you should go about putting the
puzzle together) put the puzzle together
and let everyone look at it. Awesome!
Phase 2 Assessment 1. Who can tell me the first of the Students answer
Explain the plan to check for number forms we will be looking for numbers 1-4.
understanding of steps / in our puzzles?
procedures demonstrated in 2. Who can tell me the second
this phase number form we will be looking for?
3. Who can tell me the third number
form we will be looking for?
4. Who can tell me the fourth form
that we will be looking for?
Phase 3 Guided Practice Dump the puzzle pieces out on the table Students put the
- Paired/collaborative work and let the students put all of the puzzle puzzles together.
- Teacher(s) may roam & assist pieces together.
Phase 3 Assessment I will keep an eye out for any students who
Explain the plan to check for put puzzle pieces together correctly as
ability to apply demonstrated well as any students who seem to struggle
steps/procedures during with the idea that each puzzle has one of
guided practice each number form in it.
Phase 4 Independent practice Now that you have each taken turns in Students listen to
- Individual student work putting puzzle pieces together, we are your instruction.
going to do some puzzles on our own.
Only this time these puzzles won’t already
have numbers on them. You will have to
take these empty puzzle pieces, choose a
number, and write the standard, word,
base ten, and expanded forms of that
number on each of the puzzle pieces. First
you will do one for me and next you will do
ones that you can have. Each piece only
has one number form on it. For the base
ten blocks form you will have to draw out
your base ten blocks. Make sure to leave
room for all of the pieces that you need on
that one. If you have a big number than
you will have to draw your pieces smaller
to fit.
Let’s do one together. If I chose the
number 27 I would write that number in
standard form on my first puzzle piece. (do
each of these as you explain them) Next I
would write twenty-seven on my word form
piece. Then I would write 20+7 on my
expanded form piece. And finally I would
draw out two 10 piece blocks and seven 1
piece blocks on my base ten blocks piece.
Once I have done all of those I will have a
completed puzzle of my own. Students make their
Once you have created each puzzle you own puzzles.
will show it to me. If we have time we can
take all of our handmade puzzles and do
the same as we did with our already made

(Give students time to make a few of their

own number form puzzles).
Phase 4 Assessment I will check in with each student
Explain plan to check for ability to individually while they are working on their
apply demonstrated puzzles to see if they understand what
steps/procedures during they are supposed to do and how they are
independent practice supposed to do it.
Phase 5 Restatement & Closure Let’s take a quick look back up at our
a) Restate learning target board and read our learning target again.
b) Explain a planned opportunity “Identify and explain each of our four
for students to self-assess number forms to represent a 2 or 3-digit
their perceived level of number.” Students will answer
mastery for the target. How do you all think we did with using our how they think they
number forms today?” did in meeting their
Give me a thumbs up if you are feeling learning target for the
comfortable with writing our 2 and 3-digit day.
numbers in the different number forms.
Tomorrow we will get some more practice
with this before taking a little test.
Good job with your work today, team!
Phase 6 Summative Next Steps Austin:
Attach a class roster (first names Noah:
only) with space to indicate Timothy:
for each student the needed
next steps of instruction.

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