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Brittany Blaska

CEP 805
Tech Evaluation – Spider Match

Spider Match Game


Spider Match is a game on the website math playground. It requires students to quickly combine positive
and negative numbers to create the desired positive or negative number shown in the center of the web.
This is an interactive game that can be played individually against computer opponents or with your
classmates in a private game.

Curator: Brittany Blaska

Name & Link to Tech Tool or Tool homepage:

Math Playground-Spider Match

Brief Description of Tech Tool:

Spider Match is a timed game that has players combine positive and negative numbers to create the
number in the center of the web. The students play against three other people which can be computer
opponents or other classmates in a private game. When an integer is used by a person it is removed from
the field of play, so students need to think quickly before the numbers disappear. After the game, the data
is reported that shows the student’s accuracy, both incorrect and correct combinations, and their score.

Technical & Cost considerations:

This game is free and only requires an internet connection and technology tool in the form of a laptop or

1. Learning Activity Types
 LA – Practice – Students are practicing combining positive and negative numbers.

2. What mathematics is being learned?


Proficiency Strands:
 Conceptual understanding - students need to conceptually understanding that when you
combine positive and negative numbers that they canceling each other out.
 procedural fluency – Since the game is timed and you are versing three other players, students
are required to think quickly about combining positive and negative numbers.

3. How is the mathematics represented?

This tool is represented in the form of a game. Students are repeatedly combining different positive and
negative numbers to create the number in the center of the web. The data at the end of the game provides
feedback about correct and incorrect combinations as well as their accuracy.

4. What role does technology play?

 free
 game – interactive and competitive
 repetitive
 timed
 practice individually
 feedback at the end of game

 timed
 cannot control speed or adjust it depending on your students
 not a high level of cognitive demand

Affordances of Technology:
 Computing and Automating: students click the two numbers and it automatically combines it
for them. They are given feedback about their accuracy in combining positive and negative

5. How does the technology fit or interact with the social context of learning?
This is a game that can be played individually or in pairs. They have the ability to verse other classmates
which I think would be a great way to engage the students.

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