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There are many visible, but also certain hidden, uses of timber involved in the construction of a project.
Construction trades are in need of timber for the construction process itself; scaffolding boards are
made of wood, as are the fences surrounding the building site and some of the tools. Even mucking
boards, used for mixing concrete for small projects, are made of timber.

Frame Work

In certain parts of the world such as Scandinavian countries, houses will be entirely built of timber
because it is suitable to climatic conditions. Elsewhere, house builders can choose to support the house
by wooden frames or stud walling. Roof truss rafters are made entirely of wood, and timber shuttering
can be chosen for concrete work. In addition, some construction plans require a massive wooden
bearing beam that will balance the entire structure.


The most visible use of timber is displayed in the finishing process of a construction project. Staircases,
door frames, skirting and floor boards as well as boiler, meter and pipe boxes are wooden. Custom-built
cupboards are also mostly wooden, as are fitted kitchen appliances.

Outdoor Features

Construction of commercial and some private projects will also include exterior work. Outside features
such as patios, porches and decking will be made of wood. Additionally, garden architects will require
timber for raised plant containers and fencing, while garden sheds and garages are often constructed of

Timber is used for the following works:

1. For heavy construction works like columns, trusses, piles.
2. For light construction works like doors, windows, flooring and roofing.
3. For other permanent works like for railway sleepers, fencing poles, electric poles and gates.
4. For temporary works in construction like scaffolding, centering, shoring and strutting, packing of
5. For decorative works like showcases and furnitures.
6. For body works of buses, lorries, trains and boats
7. For industrial uses like pulps (used in making papers), card boards, wall papers
8. For making sports goods and musical instruments.

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