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“A mente que se abre a uma nova idéia jamais voltará a seu tamanho original”.

Albert Einstein

The research also will be carried out especially in Mining Companies, such as Vale
II Coal Processing Plant and Vale I Coal Processing Plant. The purpose of use of the
questionnaire and interviews is to solicit information to support in my final project
proposal. It is anticipated that the completion of this questionnaire and interviews
will reduce delays arising from the project having to solicit additional information.
This information will also be useful during the process of discussion of the results
which it will be undertaken prior to development and approval of hypothesis of the
topic of the project.

As a starting point, it will be searched a literature on the subject under study. At the same
time, information will be collected using electronic media (Internet). After research, it
followed the confrontation of data to provide it with important points and consistent

As any research, the realization of this work will not be linear because will be confronted
with constant alteration, adjustments, corrections and deletions of aspects that do not
relate to the subject under study.

Methodology applied will be qualitative, made by questionnaires, observations, and

interviews with the aim of obtaining data relevant to that proposes study. Finally a careful
reading and review for possible corrections or spelling and grammar.

2.1.Data Presentation

From the results, it will concluded that the studies of “pneumoconiosis” disease caused
by lack of dust control, is very important, but it is not given the due attention it deserves.
That is why, it is continue affecting the workers. It also concluded the workers do not
wear the appropriate equipment do avoid dust inhalation during their activities. If they
had used protection, it should be possible to avoid or reduce this disease and others
diseases, caused by the dust inhalation, produced in the mining activities.


O fluxo de caixa descontado nada mais é do que o valor estimado de uma empresa em
uma análise de fundamentos com base nas perspectivas de facturamentos futuros, onde
também são inclusos no cálculo o risco que envolvem a atividade e o tempo decorrido
necessário para ocorrer essa projeção.

Assim, o fluxo de caixa descontado é uma projeção daquilo que sua empresa poderá
produzir no futuro, com os descontos do tempo que isto levará e dos riscos assumidos.

Por meio desta metodologia, é possível trazer para o valor presente, através de uma taxa
de desconto, o fluxo de caixa futuro de uma companhia, e essa taxa de desconto é
composta por todos os custos de capital e todos os riscos inerentes ao negócio que está
sendo avaliado.

Em outras palavras: o valor de uma empresa no fluxo de caixa descontado é medido pelo
fluxo de caixa que será gerado no futuro, acrescido ao seu valor nos dias atuais, e
subtraindo-se o tempo e o risco associados a essas estimativas futuras.

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