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DECREE (30) 1960 ± WM ©® r— Êu½U


WO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½ —«b


We, Abdulla Al Salim Al Sabah, the ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³Ž s×½
Emir of Kuwait, on presentation to Us by X¹uJ« WËœ dO√
the President of Civil Aviation Department b??FÐË w½b?*« Ê«d?O?D« fOz— ÷d??Ž vK?Ž ¡UMÐ
and the agreement of the Supreme Counci,
wðü« Êu½UI« U½—d vKŽô« fK:« WI«u
have decreed as follows:

ARTICLE ( I ) ©±® …œU‡‡

The Air Navigation Regulations attached W??I?«d*« W??O½b*« W¹u??'« W?Šö*« W??LE½QÐ qL??F¹
to this Decree shall be applied. Êu½UI« «cN

©≤® …œU‡‡
The President of the Civil Aviation
Êu½U?I« «c¼ c??O?HMð w½b*« Ê«d?OD?« fOz— vKŽ
Department shall put this Decree into force
with effect from its publication in the
WOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ XË s tÐ qLF¹Ë
Official gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√

‡¼±≥∑π W−(« Í– s 5Łö¦« w —b

Signed on the 30th day Thil Hijjah 1379 A. H.
24th day of June 1960.
±π∂∞ uO½u¹ s s¹dAF«Ë lЫd« o«u*«

±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
KUWAIT WO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½
w W?K−?????*«  «d?zUD« Èu?????Ý ¨…dzU?Þ q ≠ ±
1 -An aircraft other than an aircraft ô ·uÝ WO²¹uJ« w{«—_«
registered in the territories of Kuwait
(a) Shall not fly over or land in the
U?N?O?? j³?Nð Ë√ X¹uJ« w?{«—√ ‚u? oK% ≠ √
terrirories of Kuwait except under an W?????uJŠ q?³???? s? ÕuM?2 hO?????šdð V?łu0 ô«
authorisation granted by His Highness the ôË X¹uJ« dO√ uL« VŠU
(b) An aircraft other than a Kuwait w  UM?×?ý Ë√ »U??— Í√ ‰eMð Ë√ q?IMð ≠ »
registered aircraft shall not thake on board «u½U???? ¡«u????Ý ¨X¹uJ?« w{«—√ qš«œ ÊU?J Í√
or discharge any passengers or cargo at any
qÐU??I? ÊuKL??×?O??Ý Ë√ «uKL??Š  UM×?ý Ë√ U?ÐU?—
place within the territories of Kuwait, beign
passengers or cargo carried or to be carried Ê«d?OD« …—«œ≈ s hO?šd?²Ð ô« i¹u?Fð Ë√ …d?ł√
for hire or reward except with the «c¼Ë ¨…—«œùU?Ð wK¹ U???L??O??? U??N???O≈ —U??A?¹Ë w½b*«
permission of the Kuwait Civil Air
Administration hereinafter referred to as
v≈ d??O?_« sŽ WÐU??OMUÐ …—«œù« t??×M9 hO?šd??²«
“the Administration” granted on behalf of W¹_ U?I??³ÞË W?ö?F«  «–  «dzUD?« sŽ ‰ËR?*«
His Highness the Emir to the operator of hO????šd???²« «c¼ Êu?J¹ b???  «b?¹b???%Ë ◊Ëd???ý
the aircraft in accordance with any
conditions and limitations to which such ÆUN W{dŽ
permission may by subject. Ë√ W?O?²?¹uJ« w{«—_« ‚u? d?O?Dð …dzUÞ q Ê« ≠ ≤
2 - Aircraft when flying over, landing in
W?LE½_UÐ bO?I?²ð Ê√ V−¹ U?NM qLFð Ë√ U?N?O j³?Nð
or operating from the territories of
Kuwait shall comply with the following ≠∫WOU²«

‰Ë_« ¡e'«
OF AIRCRAFT UNKO−ð sJ1 w²« …dzUD« ≠ ≥
3 - Aircraft to be registered
An aircraft shall not fly over the territories
w{«—_« ‚u??? oK% Ê« …d?zUÞ W¹√ l?OD²???ð ô
of Kuwait unless it is registered in: ≠∫w WK− X½U «–≈ ô« WO²¹uJ«
(a) Kuwai; or Ë√ ¨X¹uJ« ≠ √
(b) a Contracting State; or
Ë√ ¨…bUF² WËœ ≠ »
(c) Some other country in relation to
which there is in force an agreement t???²??uJ?Š 5Ð b??łu?ð d??š¬ dD? Í√ ≠ ‡ł
between the Government of His Highness …c?U½ WO?UHð« ¨d?O_« u?LÝ W?uJŠË
the Emir and the Government of that
 «dzU?D« `M? vK?Ž hMð ‰u????F????H*«
country which makes provision for the
flight over the territory of Kuwait of ‚u? Ê«dOD?«  öO?N?ð tO? WK−?*«
aircraft registered in that country. ÆX¹uJ« w{«—√

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±
4 - Registration of aircraft å «dzUD« qO−ðò ≠ ¥
1. The administration shall on behalf of
His Highness the Emir be the authority for qO??−???²Ð W?u?<« WD?K« w¼ …—«œô« Ê« ≠ ±
the registration of aircraft owned by Kuwait Ë√ ØË Êu??O?²?¹uJ« U¹U??Žd« U??NJK1 w²«  «d?zUD«
subjects and or operated by them from
Kuwait. ÆX¹uJ« s 5O²¹uJ« ·«dý« X% WOK qLFð
2. A;;lication for the registration of an vK?Ž  «dzUD?« qO???−???ð  U???³K?Þ Âb???IÔð ≠ ≤
aircraft as above shall be made in writing to
Ê« V−¹Ë …—«œù« v≈ WÐU?²? Áö?Ž« —u?c*« u?×M«
the Administration and shall include or be
accompanied by such particulars and ·U?? ËQÐ W?I??d?? ÊuJð Ë√  U?³?KD« Ác¼ qL??Að
evidence relating to the aircraft and the Íc« qJ?AUÐ U??N?²??OJK?Ë …dzUDUÐ W?? U??š Wœ√Ë
ownership thereof as are necessary to
enable the Administration to determine «–≈ U? b?¹b?% s …—«œù« 5JL??² U¹—Ëd??{ d?³?²??F¹
whether the aircraft may properly be W??Lzö?? W??I¹dDÐ …dzU?D« qO??−??ð ÊUJùUÐ ÊU??
registered on the Kuwait register and to
issue the certificated reforred to in —U??A*« …œU??N??A« —«b?? «Ë w?²¹uJ« q−???« vKŽ
subparagraph (5) of this Regulation. ÆÂUEM« «c¼ s ©μ® WOŽdH« …dIH« w UNO≈
3. An aircraft shall not be registered or
w —«d?L?²?Ýô« Ë√ …dzUÞ qO?−?ð sJ1 ô ≠ ≥
continue to be registered under this
Regulation if it appears to the …—«œû `Cð« «–≈ ÂUEM« «c¼ Vłu0 UNKO−ð
Administration that: Ædš¬ bKÐ Í√ w WK− …dzUD« Ê√ ≠ √
(a) The aircraft is registered in some
other country; or s W??OK W??uK2 X?O? Ác?N?? …dzUÞ Ê« ≠ »
(b) That such aircraft is not owned …dzUD 5JU? «u½uJ¹ ÊUÐ 5u? ’U?ý« q³
wholly by persons qualified to be owners of
aircraft in accordance with paragraph (4) Ë√ ¨ÁU½œ√ ©¥® …dIHK UIË
below; or w —«d???L??²??Ýô« Ë√ …dzU?D« qO??−???ð Ê« ≠ ‡ł
(c) It would be injurious to the public
interest for the aircraft to be or to continue
W?×K?B*UÐ d?C??O?Ý ÂUEM« «c¼ Vłu?0 U?NKO??−?ð
to be registered under this Regulation. ÆWUF«
(4) The following persons shall be
qualified to be the owner of an aircraft
«u?½uJ?¹ Ê« 5U?????²?« ’U??????????ýö o?×¹ ≠ ¥
rogistered under this Regulation: ÆÂUEM« «c¼ Vłu0 WK−  «dzUD 5JU
(a) Kuwait Subjects.
ÆÊuO²¹uJ« U¹UŽd« ≠ √
(b) other subjects whose equipment is
fully eperated by Kuwait subjects and rN???O?KŽ o«u?¹ s¹c« ÊËd???šü« U?¹U???Žd« ≠ »
subject to the approval of H. H.
X% rN?ð«dzUÞ qL??FðË d??O??_« u??L??« VŠU??
(c) Bodies corporate established under Æ5O²¹u U¹UŽd wKJ« ·«dýô«
the laws of Kuwait and having their V‡?łu0 WKJ?A*« s‡‡?U‡‡?C??²«  U???d‡?ý ≠ ‡ł
principal place of business in Kuwait.
(5) Upon receiving an application for the U‡NU??L?Ž« e‡‡?d‡‡ rO?I?ð w²«Ë ¨X¹u‡J« 5‡?½«u‡‡
registration of an aircraft under this ÆX¹uJ« w‡ wOzd‡«
Regulation and being satisfied that the
aircraft may properly be so registered, the
U? …dzU?Þ qO?−???² U?³KÞ …—«œô« w?IKð Èb ≠ μ
Administration shall register the aircraft, ÊUJôU?Ð ÊQÐ U??N??ŽUM²??« b??FÐË ¨ÂUEM« «c?¼ Vłu0

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
wherever is may be, and shall furnish to the ¨UNK?O−ð v≈ b?LFð ¨ÎU?×O?× ö?O−?ð UNKO?−ð
person in whose name the aircraft is
registered (hereinafter referred as “the …dzUD« q−ð Íc« hA« œËeðË ¨X½U? UL¦OŠ
registered owner”) a certificated of ©åq−???*« pU?*«ò rÝUÐ UM?¼ t??O?≈ —U??A*«® t???L???ÝUÐ
registration, which shall include the
following particulars:
≠∫WOU²« qO UH²« sLC²ð qO−ð …œUNAÐ
(a) The number of the certificate; Æ…œUNA« r— ≠ √
(b) The nationality mark of the aircraft,
and the registration mark assigned to it by
W????ö????ŽË ¨…dzUD?« W????O????Mł W????ö????Ž ≠ »
the Administration; Æ…—«œù« s UN WBB<« qO−²«
(c) The name of the manufacturer of the
aircraft and the manufaturer’s designation
v≈ W«b?« …—U?ýô«Ë …dzU?D« l½U?? rÝ« ≠ ‡ł
thereof. Æl½UB«
(d) The serial number of the aircraft;
Æ…dzUDK qK²*« rd« ≠ œ
(e) The name and address of the
registered owner; Æq−*« pU*« Ê«uMŽË rÝ« ≠ ‡¼
(f) The date on which the certificate was
Æ…œUNA« tO  —b Íc« a¹—U²« ≠ Ë
(6) The registered owner or the aircraft mK³¹ Ê« …dzUDK q−*« pU*« vKŽ V−¹ ≠ ∂
shall forthwith notify the Administration in
≠∫sŽ —uH« vKŽ WÐU² …—«œù«
writing of:
(a) Any change in the particulars which W??b??I*« qO?? U???H??²« vKŽ √dD?¹ q¹b??³ð Í√ ≠ √
were furnished to the Administration upon Æ…dzUD« qO−ð VKÞ t1bIð Èb …—«œû
application being made for the registration
of the aircraft; Æ…dzUD« rOD% ≠ »
(b) The destruction of the aircraft. p?U*« W?????O?JK? s …d?zUD?« Xłd?????š «–≈ ≠ ∑
(7) If the registered owner of the aircraft
shall cease (otherwise than by reason of his «–≈ Ë√ ©tðU?????Ë s?Ž «b?????Ž® V³?????Ý Í_ q?−?????*«
death) to be the owner thereof or if the `³??B¹ …d‡‡zU‡‡?D« qO?−??ð ÊU? ¨…dzUD?« XLDŠ
aircraft is destroyed, the registration of the
aircraft shall thereupon become void and s Ϋ—u? qO?−??²« …œU?N?ý …œU‡‡?Ž« V−¹Ë U‡‡O?žô
the certificate of registration shall forthwith ÆUNzUGô …—«œù« v≈ q−*« pU*« q³
be returned by the registered owner to the
Administration for cancellation. p?U?*« s?‡?‡? VK?D?ð Ê« …—«œû? “u?????????−?¹ ≠ ∏
(8) The Administration may require the qO?−?²« …œU?N?ý UN?O≈ b?O?F¹ Ê« …d‡‡zUDK q−?*«
certificate of registration to be returned to
them by the registered owner of the aircraft ≠∫…—«œû 5³ð «–≈ UNzUGô
for cancellation if it appears to the Èb …—«œû W??b?I*« qO?? U?H??²« s U¹√ Ê« ≠ √
Administration that:
(a) Any of the particulars furnished to p– w? sJð r? …dzUD« q?O???−???ð VK?Þ .b???Ið
him upon application boing made for the bFð r UN½« Ë√ qO UH²« Ác¼ q¦* WIÐUD ¨Xu«
registration of the aircraft did not at the
time of such application correspond or no ÆUN²OJK Ë√ …dzUDUÐ WIKF²*« ozUI×K WIÐUD
longer correspond with the facts relating to …d?‡zU?D« ¡U??????IÐ s?J?L*« s? b?????F?¹ r t?½« ≠ »
the aircraft or its ownorship;
(b) That the aircraft ought to cease to be
W¦U¦« …œU‡*« ’u‡B½ V³?Ð X¹uJ« w‡ WK−
registered in Kuwait by reason of the ÆÂUEM« «c‡¼ s‡

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±
provision of the provision of paragraph (3) W????OÐË— ©±μ® Á—«b????I???? rÝ— v?u????²????¹ ≠ π
of this Regulation.
(9) The fee chargeable in respect of the
Æ…dzUDK qO−ð …œUNý —«b ô
issue of a certificate of registration of an åqO−²«  UöŽË WOMłò ≠ μ
aircraft shall be Rs. 15/-. X½U? «–≈ ô« Ê«d??ODUÐ …dzUÞ W¹_ `?L?¹ ô ≠ ±
5 - Nationality and registration marks.
¨UNÐ W²³?¦ Ë√ UNOKŽ WŽu³D W×?{«Ë  UöŽ qL%
(1) An aircraft shall not fly unless it bears
painted theron or affixed thereto, in the XK−??Ý w?²« œö??³« Êu½U?? U??N??³K?D¹ w²« W??I¹d?DUÐ
manner required by the law of the country w²« qO−?²«  UöŽË UN²OMł v?KŽ ‰bðË ¨UNO
in which it registered, the nationality and ÆÊu½UI« UN³KD¹
registration marks required by that law.
(2) The marks to be borne by aircraft U????N?KL????% Ê« V?−¹ w?²«  U????ö?????F« Ê« ≠ ≤
registered in Kuwait shall comply with the lC????ð Ê« V?−¹ X¹u?J« w W?K−????*« …dzU?D«
First Schedule to these Regulations. ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ s ‰Ë_« ‰Ëb'« œuOI
6 - Certificate of airworthiness to be in
ÊuJð w?²« Ê«d??OD?K …dzUD?« W??OK¼√ …œU???N??ýò ≠ ∂
(1) An aircraft shall not fly unless there is å‰uFH*« W¹—UÝ
in force in respect thereof a certificate of
ÊU???? «–≈ ô« Ê«d????O?DU?Ð …dzU?Þ W¹_ `L?????¹ ô
airworthiness duly issued or rendered valid
under the law of the country in which the U?N?²??OK¼√ X³?¦ð ‰u?F??H*« W¹—U?Ý …œU?N?ý U?N?ð“U?O?×Ð
aircraft is registered, and any conditions or Ë√  —b? b? …œU?N?A« pKð Êu?Jð Ê«Ë Ê«d?ODK
limitations subject to which the certificated XK−?Ý w²« œö?³« Êu½U Vłu0ò U?L?OÝ— X²?³Ł
was issued or rendered valid are comlied
with: Provided that the foregoing
 b???O???Ið b??? …dzUD« Êu?Jð Ê« Ë√ U???N??O??? …dzU?D«
prohibition shall not apply to flights, ¡UDŽ« ÊU? w²«  «b¹b?×?²« Ë√ ◊Ëd?A« lO?L?−Ð
beginning and ending in the territories of ô√ ◊dý vKŽ ¨UN W{dŽ U½u½U UN²O³¦ðË …œUNA«
Kuwait without passing over the territory of
U???N½«d???OÞ √b???³?¹ …dzUÞ W¹√ v?KŽ lM?*« p– Íd???¹
any other country, of any aircraft flying
solely for the purpose of experiment or test ‚u?? —Ëd*« ÊËœ W??O??²?¹uJ« w{«—_« w w?N??²M¹Ë
if it flies in accordance with the following qł_ j?I???? h?B?????¹Ë ¨Èd????š√ œö?Ð w{«—√
U??N½«d??OÞ Èd??ł «–≈ p–Ë WÐd??−??²« Ë√ —U?³??²??šô«
(a) The aircraft shall be an aircraft in
respect of which a valid certificated of ∫WOU²« ◊ËdAK åUIË
airworthiness or validation has previously …œUNý ÎUIÐU?Ý …dzUDK  —b b ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ √
been force. —b? Ë Ê«d??ODK U??N?²?O?K¼√ X²?³Ł√ ‰u??F?H*« W?¹—U?Ý
(b) The aircraft shall fly only for the
Æ…œUNA« pKð WOŠöB XO³¦ð
purpose of enabling the aircraft to:
(i) Qualify for the renewal or valiadation sJ?L???²???² U?‡N½«d???O?‡DÐ …d?‡zU‡?D« Âu‡?Ið Ê« ≠ »
of a certificate of airworthiness, after an ≠∫s j‡I‡

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
application has been made for such renewal U?N?²?OK¼√ …œU?N?ý W?O??Žd?ý XO?³?¦ð Ë√ b¹b?& ≠ ±
or validation, as the case may be; or
(ii) Proceed to or from a place at which pc U??³?KÞ Xb?? b?? ÊuJð Ê« b??FÐ ¨Ê«d??O?DK
any inspection test or weighing of the t?OC?²?Ið U V?Š ¨W?OŽd?A« XO?³¦?ð Ë√ b¹b−?²«
aircraft is to take place for a purpose
Ë√ ¨WU(«
referred to in sub-paragraph (i).
(c) The aircraft and its engines ahsll be ÊUJ?*« v≈ Ë√ s U????N½«d????OÞ w ŸËd????A« ≠ ≤
certified as fit for flight by the holder of a …dzUD« Ê“Ë Ë√ WÐd−²« h× t?O Íd−OÝ Íc«
licence as an aircraft maintenance engineer,
issued under legal authority, and entitled in
©±® W?O??Žd?H« …d??I?H« w U??N?O≈ —U?A?*« ÷«d?žú
accordance with the provisions of the ÆÁöŽ√
Second Schedule to these Regulations so to UNðUd?×Ë …dzUDK XODŽ√ b ÊuJð Ê« ≠ ‡ł
(d) The aircraft shall carry a flight crew ”bMN?? s Ê«d?ODK U??N?²?O??Šö? X³?¦ð …œU??N?ý
comprising not less than the number and WD?KÝ Vłu?0 t h?šd??? ¨ «d?zUD« W?½U???O????
description of persons specified in any
U?I?Ë …œU??N?A« pKð ¡UD?Ž« t Wu??Ë W??ŽËd?A?
certificate of airworthiness which has
previously been in force in respect of the ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ s w½U¦« ‰Ëb'« ÂUJŠô
aircraft or is or has previously been in force q‡I¹ ô 5O¹uł 5O?Šö‡ …dzUD« qL% Ê« ≠ œ
in respect of any other aircraft of identical
…œU?N??ý W¹√ w 5³? u¼ U??L?Ž rNðU?H?? Ë r¼œb‡Ž
(e) The aircraft shall not carry any cargo W¹—U?Ý U??IÐU?Ý X½U? Ê«d??ODK …dzUÞ W?O?K¼√  U?³Ł«
or passengers. w UN? WKŁU2 Èdš√ …dzUÞ W¹√ ’u?BÐ ‰u?FH*«
(f) The aircraft shall not fly over a
congested area of a city, town or settlement ÆrOLB²«
except to the extent that it is necessary the Æ»U— Ë√ WM×ý W¹√ …dzUD« qL% ô√ ≠ ‡¼
the torritories of Kuwait.
WM¹b w U WŠU? ‚u …dzUD« oK% ô√ ≠ Ë
2. In the case of an aircraft registered in
Kuwait the certificate of airworthiness U?? —«b?I0 ô≈ ÊU?JUÐ WK¼¬ W??IDM? W¹√ Ë√ …bKÐ Ë√
referred to in paragraph (1) of this U —UD w j³Nð Ê« Ë√ s lKIð Ê_ Í—Ëd{ u¼
Regulation shall be a certificate rendered
valid in accordance with the provisions of ÆWO²¹uJ« w{«—_« w
Regulation 7.  «dzUD?« W?O?K¼√  «œU??N?ý W??O??Žd??ý  U??³Ł«ò ≠ ∑
7 - Validation of Certificate of
Airwarthiness. åÊ«dODK
1. The Administration shall designate an w «d?????O?????³????š U?????N 5?Fð Ê√ …—«œù« v?KŽ ≠ ±
Air Registration Expert (hereinafter
d?O?³?Ю wK¹ U?L?O? t?O≈ —U?A?¹Ë  «dzUD« qO?−?ð
referred to as “the Registration Expert”).
2. The Administration may on the Æ©qO−²«
recommendation of the Registration Expert d??O???³??š W???O?? uð vK?Ž ¡UMÐ …—«œû “u???−¹ ≠ ≤
and subject to such conditions as the expert
Ê√ ÎU(U d?O³)« Ád³?²F¹ ◊dý Í√ vKŽË qO−?²«
may think fit, issue a certificate rendering
valid for the purposes of these Regulations qF???& W???L?E½_« Ác¼ ÷«d???ž_ …œU????N???ý —b???Bð
a certificate of airworthiness issued in «–≈ W?O?Žd?ý Ê«dOD?K …dzUÞ W?OK¼√ …œU?Ný U?N?³?łu0

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
respect of any aircraft by an authority q³?? s …dzUÞ W¹√ œb?B?Ð  —b? b? Ác¼ X?½U?
empowered in that behalf by the law of any
Contracting State.
WËœ W?¹√ Êu½U??? Vłu?0 pcÐ W????{u???H??? WD?KÝ
3. The Administration amy, on the Æ…bUF²
recommendation of the Registration Expert d?O?³š W?O? uð vKŽ ¡UMÐ …—«œù« W?ŽUD²?ÝUÐ ≠ ≥
and subject to such conditions as he thinks
fit, renew the certificates of validation b¹b?& ¨U(U? Ád³?²F?¹ ◊dý Í√ X%Ë qO?−?²«
issued under paragraph (2) of this ©±® …d??I? Vłu0 …—œU??B«  «œU??N?A« W??O?Žd??ý
4. Any breach of a condition or ÆÂUEM« Ác¼ s ©≤®Ë
limitation of a certificate of airworthiness åW½UOB« …œUNýò ≠ ∏
or validation shall render the certificate
invalid so long as the breach continues. X¹uJ« w WK−?? …dzUÞ W¹_ `L?¹ ô ≠ ±
8 - Certificate of Maintenance. ≠∫ô« wuLF« qIM« bBIÐ Ê«dODUÐ
1. An aircraft registered in Kuwait shall
not fly for the purpose of public transport
l ©U?NðUd?× U?L?OÝ ô® …dzUD« X½U? «–≈ ≠ √
unless: U??I?Ë W½U??B?? ¨W?OJ?KÝö« U?N??²D×??Ë U??Nðe?N??ł√
(a) The aircraft (including in particular
¡UMÐ …—«œù« s? U?N??OKŽ ‚œU??B*« W?½U?O??B« ‰Ë«b??'
its engines), together with its equipment
and radio station, is maintained in pKð v≈ W??³?MUÐ ¨qO?−???²« d?O?³?š W?O?? uð vKŽ
accordance with maintenance schedules Æ…dzUD«
approved by the Administration Expert in
relation to that aircraft. U?L?O U?N?O≈ —U?A*«®  «œUN?ý  b?łË «–≈ ≠ »
(b) There are in force in respect of that œb?BÐ ‰u?F??H*« W¹—U?Ý ©åW½U?O?  «œU?N??AÐò b?FÐ
aircraft certificates (hereinafter referred to
as “certificates of maintenance”) issued in ÂUEM?« «c‡¼ ÂUJŠ_ ¨U??I??Ë …—œU‡ …dzUD?« pKð
accordance with the provisions of this U?IË X9 b‡? Áö‡Ž√ UNM?Ž ÁuM*« W‡½UO?B« Ê√ X³?¦ð
Regulation and certifying that the
maintenance work as aforesaid has been Æ…—uc*« W½UOB« ‰Ë«b'
carried out in accordance with such bMŽ W?½U?O?? …œU??N??ý q ‰u??F?H?? Íd??¹ ≠ ≤
maintenance schedules.
2. Every certificate of maintenance shall
U?« U?N?²O?Žd?ý …b? ¡U?C?I½« bMŽ wN?²M¹Ë U¼—«b? «
come into force upon being issued and shall U?LN¹√ò U?N½«d?OÞ …b ¡U?C?I½UÐ Ë√ a¹—U?²« ¡UC?I½UÐ
cease to be in force upon the expiration of
W½U???O??B?« ‰Ëb??ł w 5?³?? u¼ U???L?? ¨åo?³??Ý_«
the period of its validity in elapsed time or
flying time, whichever may be the earlier, vKŽ …œU???N??A« W??O???Žd??ý …b?? q−???ðË h²??<«
as specified in the relevant maintenance ÆU¼—«b « bMŽ UNH½ …œUNA«
shedule, and the period of validity of the
certificate shall be recorded in the ô« W½U??O?? …œU??N?ý —b??B¹ Ê« l?OD²??¹ ô ≠ ≥
certificate at that time when it is issued. t ÁUDF ‰u?FH*« W¹—U?Ý WBš— qU?(« hA«
3. A certificate of maintenance may be
issued only by the holder of a valid licence W½UO? ”bMN t²H?BÐ ¨WOŽËd?A WDKÝ Vłu0
granted under legal authority, as an aircraft W¾?H« s …dzUÞ wJKÝô W½U?O ”bMN? Ë√ …dzUÞ
maintenance engineer or aircraft radio
maintenance engineer of the appropriate
W?LE½_« Ác¼ s? w½U?¦« ‰Ëb?−Kò U?I??Ë W?³?ÝUM*«
category in accordance with the Second ÊuJð Ê«Ë W³ÝUM*« t²?ł—œ WBšd« qLAð Ê« vKŽ

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Schedule to these Regulations, and with an ÂUEM?K åU??I??Ë …—«œù« q³??? s W??O??Žd??ý X?KF??ł
appropriate rating included in the licence,
and rendered valid by the administration in Æå±∞Ør—
accordance with Regulation 10. ∫5²??½ vKŽ W½U?O?B«  «œUN?ý —b?Bð ≠ ¥
4. Certificates of maintenance shall be
issued in duplicate. One of the duplicates
…b???? ¡U?MŁ√ …dzU?D« w? kH????% v?Ë_« W?????????M«
shall be carried in the aircraft during the s ©≤® …dI?H«  UO?C²I* U?IË wŽdA« U?NuF?H
period of its validity in accordance with the
…dzUD« d?¹b? l kH??% W??O½U?¦«Ë ¥μØr?— ÂUEM«
requirements of paragraph (2) of the
Regulation 45 and the other shall, during ÆUNH½ …dzUD« dOž U ÊUJ w
such period, be kept by the operator of the WU??Š w Ë√ W?¹u??ł WKŠ— q ¡U??N??²?½« bMŽ ≠ μ
aircraft elsewhere than in the aircraft.
5. On the termination of every flight or, —UD*« fH½ w w?N²M?ðË √b³ð  ö?Š— …b?FÐ ÂU?O?I«
in the case of a number of flights beginning  ö?Šd« p?Kð d?š¬ ¡U?N??²½« bMŽ Âu?O?« fH½ wË
and ending at the same aerodrome on the
same day, on the termination of the last of WB?²<« W½UO?B« …œUNý vKŽ …dzUD« bzU? q−¹
such flights, the commander of the aircraft ≠∫qO UHð …œUNA« pK²Ð WId WIOŁË vKŽ Ë√
shall enter on the relevant certificated of
maintenance, or in a document kept with
ÆozUb«Ë  UŽUUÐ W¹u'« WKŠd« «˜ ≠ √
that certificate, particulars of: w Ë√ …d?zUD« s ¡e???ł Í√ w q?Kš Í√ ≠ »
(a) The duration the flight in hours and
minutes; and
(b) any defect in any part of the aircraft Œ—R¹Ë lu?¹ Ê« V−¹ ŸuM« «c?¼ s b??O?? q
or its equipment. Æ…dzUD« bzU q³ s
Every such entry shall be signed and
dated by the commander of the aircraft. W½U????O???B« ¡U???I?Ð l qK?)« p– `O?KBð b?MŽË
Upon the rectification, while the certificate h²???<« h??A« v?KŽ V−¹ ‰u???F??H*« W?¹—U??Ý
of maintenance is in force, of any such
defect, the person supervising the work
qO?? U??Hð …œU?N??A« v?KŽ b?O??I¹ Ê« q?L?F« W??³??«d0
shall enter on the certificate particulars of ÆbOI« p– Œ—R¹Ë lu¹ Ê√Ë qLF«
the work, and shall sign and date the entry.
U?NÐ W?Id? W?I?OŁË qË W½U?O …œU?N?ý q ≠ ∂
6. Every certificate of maintenance and
every such document as aforesaid shall be l …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR*« bMŽ kH% Áö?Ž√ d– UL
presorved by the operator of the aircraft b?F?Ð —u?N?ý W??²?Ý …b* h²??<«  ö?Šd« q?−?Ý
with the appropriate log book for a period
six months following the expiry of the W Uš WUŠ W¹√ w Ë√ …œUNA« WOŽdý …b ¡UCI½«
period of validity of the certificate and for vK?Ž ¡UMÐ …—«œù« U???N??O≈ ÃU???²???% Èd??š√ …b??? W¹_
such further period as the Administration
on the recommendation of the Registration ÆqO−²« dO³š WO uð
Expert may require in any particular case. å…dzUD« rOdðò ≠ π
9 - Overhaul, repair & modification of
aircraft X¹u?J« w W?K−?????? …d?zUD `?L???¹ ô ≠ ±
1. An aircraft registered in Kuwait being X³?¦ð ‰uF?H*« W¹—UÝ Ê«d?OÞ WOK¼√ …œU?Ný WKU?ŠË
an aircraft in respect of which a certificate
of airworthiness rendered valid under
Í√ ÊU Ê≈ dODð Ê√ ∑Ør— ÂUEM« Vłu0 U?OŽdý
Regulation 7 is in force, shall not fly if any U¹—Ëd??{ ÊU?? ¡«u?Ý U??Nðe??N??ł√ s Ë√ U??NM ¡e??ł

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
part of the aircraft or its equipment, vC??²??I0 tÐ  œË“ U??N?½√ Ë√ U??N½«d??OÞ W??O??Šö??B
whether essential for airworthiness or
provided in compliance with the Fourth «–≈ ÂUF« qIMK …dzUÞ WU?Š wË® fU)« ‰Ëb'«
Schedule, including in the case of public t?Ð  œË“ Íc?« ©w?JK?Ýö?« “U?????????N????????ł ÊU?????????
transport aircraft radio apparatus provided
for use therein whether or not such
3— b? ô Â√ ”œU« ‰Ëb?'UÐ ö?LŽ ‰U?L?F²?Ýö
apparatus is provided in compliance with Ê« U??N `L??¹ ô ‰b??Fð Ë√ `K? « Ë√ ‰b?³??²??Ý« Ë√
the Sixht Schedule, has been overhauled, Ê« 5³ð ‰u?F?H*« W¹—U?Ý …œU??N?ý b?łuð r U? d?ODð
replaced, repaired or modified unless there
is force a certificate that the overhaul, q¹b??F?²?« Ë√ `OKB??²« Ë√ ‰«b?³??²??Ýô« Ë√ rO?d??²«
replacement, repair or modification has W?O? uð vKŽ ¡U?MÐ …—«œù«  U?O?C?²?I* U?I?Ë Íd?ł√
been carried out in accordance with the
requirements of the Administration on the
o«u¹ Èd?š√ W?I?¹dDÐ Ë√ Íu?'« qO?−??²?« d?O?³?š
recommendation of the Registration Expert ÆUNOKŽ
or in a manner approved by him.
WFD? ‰«b³²?Ý« Ë√ `OKBð Ídł√ «–≈ t?½« WÞdý
Provided that if a repair or replacement
of a part of an aircraft or its equipment is w …dzUD« œu?łË ¡UMŁ√ U?Nðe?N?ł√ s Ë√ …dzUÞ s
carried out when the aircraft is at such a ÆUOKLŽ `U dOž q;« p– Ê« `Cð« U q×
place that it is not reasonably practicable:
(a) For the repair or replacement to be ‰«b??³??²??Ýô« Ë√ `OKB??²« t??O?? Íd??−¹ Êô ≠ √
carried out in such a manner that the Ë√ò …œUNA« —«b « tF sJ1 qJAÐ
certificate can be issued; or
(b) For such a certificate to be issued …dzUD« œu?łË ¡UM?Ł√ …œU?N?A« —b?Bð Ê_ ≠ »
while the aircraft is at that place. Æq;« p– w
The aircraft may fly to a place where
such a certificate can be issued, if the tO sJ1 q× v≈ d?ODð Ê« …dzUDK “u−¹ t½S
commander of the aircraft is satisfied that it Ê√ ÎU??FM²??I?? bzU?I?« ÊU? «–« …œU??N??A« pKð —«b?? «
is fit to fly on that flight.
2. The certificate required in paragraph
ÆWu'« pK²Ð ÂUOIK W(U tðdzUÞ
(1) or this regulation may be issued only s ©±® …d??I??H?« w WÐuKD?*« …œU??N??A« Ê√ ≠ ≤
ÆU¼—bB¹ Ê√ lOD²¹ ÂUEM« «c¼
(a) The holder or a licence granted or
rendered valid under legal authority as an Ë√ X×?M W????B????š— qU????Š h????ý q ≠ √
aircraft maintenance engineer or aircraft t?²?H?BÐ t?ŽËd?A? WDKÝ Vłu0 W?O?Žd?ý XKF?ł
radio maintenance engineer of the
W‡?½U????O‡ ”b?MN???? Ë√ …dzU?‡Þ W?½U???O???? ”b?MN????
appropriate category in accordance with the
second Schedule to these regulations, with ‰Ëb?−K U?I??Ë W?³?ÝUM*« W?¾?H« s …d?zUÞ wJKÝô
appropriate ratings included in the licence WKL²A WBš— ÊuJð Ê√Ë WLE½_« Ác¼ s w½U¦«
and rendered valid by the Administration; or
(b) Any firm or body corporate approved
q³? s? W?O?Žd??ý XKF?łË W??³?ÝUM*« tðU??ł—œ vKŽ
by the Administration on the Ë√ å…—«œù«
recommendation of the Registration Expert. o«uð s?U??Cð W???d??ý Ë√ W?????ÝR??? W¹√ ≠ »
3. The certificate shall identify the
aircraft and the repair or replacement to ÆqO−²« dO³š s WO u²Ð …—«œù« UNOKŽ
which it relates and include particulars of …dzU?D« Ÿu½ …œU???N??A« w? d??c¹ Ê√ V?−¹ ≠ ≥

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
the work done. If the aircraft to which the qLF« qO UHðËò UNÐ oK?F²*« q¹b³²« Ë√ `OKB²«Ë
certificate relates is a public transport
aircraft or an aerial work aircraft, the
s U?NÐ …œU?N?A« W?IKF?²*« …dzUD« X½U? «–≈ - Íc«
certificate shall be preserved with the qL??Ž  «d?zUÞ Ë√ W??O??u??L??F?« qIM«  «d?zUÞ Ÿu½
appropriate log book. In the case of any åh²<«  öŠd« q−Ý l …œUNA« kH% Íuł
other aircraft the certificate shall be
preserved by the operator of the aircraft for …œUN?A« kH×?² p– ·öš …dzU?D« X½U «–≈ ô«
a period of two years. Æ5²MÝ …b* …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR*« bMŽ
10 - Validation of maintenance engineers
åW½UOB« ”bMN WBš— WOŽdý XO³¦ðò ≠ ±∞
The Administration may issue a Ê« …—«œû “u?????−¹ò W????L?E½_« Ác?¼ ÷«d????ž_
certificate rendering valid for the purpose b? ÊuJð WB?š— W¹√ W?O?Ždý X³?¦ð …œU?Ný —b?Bð
of these Regulations and licence as an
aircraft maintenance engineer or aircraft ”bM?N??? Ë√ …dzUÞ W½U???O??? ”b?MN??? v≈ X×?M
radio maintenance engineer or rendered Vłu0 U??O?Žd??ý X²?³Ł Ë√ …dzU?Þ wJKÝô W½U??O?
valid under legal authority.
11 - Technical Log books
1. The following log books shall be keept in åwMH«  öŠd« q−Ýò ≠ ±±
respoect of every public transport aircraft q sŽ W?O?U?²«  ö?Šd«  ö?−??Ý kH?% ≠ ±
and aerial work aircraft registered in
Kuwait. w WK−? W¹uł qLŽ …d?zUÞË WOu?LŽ qI½ …dzUÞ
(a) An aircraft log book; and ÆX¹uJ«
(b) A soparate log book in respect of each
Æ «dzUD«  öŠ— q−Ý ≠ √
engine fitted to the aircraft; and
(c) A separate log book in respect of each „d?×?? q sŽ …œd?HM  ö??Š— q−?Ý ≠ »
variable pitch propeller fitted to the aircraft. Æ…dzUD« w Vd w¬
The log books shall contain the particulars
specified in the Third Schedule to these
t???c??Š q? s œd???HM  ö???Š— q−???Ý ≠ ‡ł
Regulations. Æ…dzUÞ w Vd ©Wý«d® „d; Wuײ
2. Each entry in the log book shall be made qO UH²« vKŽ  ö?−« Ác¼ Íu²% Ê« V−¹Ë
as soon as is practicable after the
oeeurrence to which it relates, but in no ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ s YU¦« ‰Ëb'« w WMOF*«
event more than seven days after the return r²¹ Ê« V−¹  öŠd« q−?Ý w bO q ≠ ≤
of the aircraft to its base.
ÀœU??(« b??FÐ p– ¡«d??ł« ÊUJ?ôUÐ d??O??B¹ U*U??Š
3. Every entry in a log book maintained in
compliance with this Regulation shall be ÂU¹_« W?F?³?« sŽ p– d?šQ?²¹ ô√ vKŽ tÐ oKF?²*«
written in ink or in delible pencil. ÆUNðbŽU v≈ …dzUD« Ÿuł— cM
4. Entries in a log book may refer to
other documents, which shall be clearly
«cNÐ öLŽ rzU  ö?Šd« q−Ý w bO q ≠ ≥
identified, and any other documents so Æv×1 ô rKIÐ Ë√ d³×Ð ÊËb¹ Ê« V−¹ ÂUEM«
referred to shall be deemed, for the purpose Ê«  ö???Šd« q−???Ý w œu??O???IK “u???−¹ ≠ ¥
of these regulations to be part of the log
book. ·d??Fð Ê√ V?−¹ Ác¼Ëò Èd??š√ ozUŁË v?≈ d??O??Að
5. Every log book shall be preserved by «c??NÐ U??N???O≈ d??O??ý√ Èd??š√ W??I??OŁË q?Ë Õu??{uÐ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
the operator of the aircraft until a date two s ¡e?−? W??LE½_« Ác¼ ÷«d?ž_ d?³?²??Fð qJA«
years after the aircraft has been destroyed
or has been permanently with drawn from
Æ öŠd« q−Ý
use. ¨ ö????Šd«  ö????−???Ý s? q−????Ý q ≠ μ
12 - Equipment of aircraft not radio b?FÐ 5²MÝ W¹U?G …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR?*« bMŽ kH?×¹
1. An aircraft shall not fly unless it is so
s? X³??????×?????Ý Ë√ X?HK?ðÔ« b????? …d?zUD?« ÊuJ?ð Ê«
equipped as to comply with the law of the ÆUOzUN½ ‰ULF²Ýô«
country in which it is registered, and to
åu¹œ«d« …eNł√ «bŽ …dzUD« …eNł√ò ≠ ±≤
enable lights and markings to be displayed,
and signals to be made, in accordance with X½U??? «–« ô« d???ODð Ê« …dzU?D« `L???¹ ô ≠ ±
these regulations. U?N?O WK?−*« œö?³« Êu½U?IÐ  b?O?Ið b? UNðe?N?ł√
2. In the case of aircraft registered in —u???NEK? WKÐU??? U???NðU???ö??ŽË U???Nz«u???{√ X½U???Ë
Kuwait the equipment required to be
ÆWLE½_« ÁcN UIË ‰UÝ—û UNð«—Uý«Ë
provided (in addition to any other
equipment necessary for the airworthiness Ê« X¹u?J« w W?K−????*«  «d?zUD« v?KŽ ≠ ≤
of the aircraft) shall be that specified in …e??N??ł_« vKŽ …Ëö??Ž® …e??N??ł_U?Ð …œËe?? ÊuJð
such parts of the Fourth Schedule to these w WMO?F*« ©Ê«dODK W?(U …dzUD« qF?' WÐuKD*«
regulations as are applicable in the
W???LE½_« Ác???N lЫd« ‰Ëb???'« s ¡«e???ł_« pKð
circumstances and shall comply with the
provisions of that schedule. The equipment, lC?ð Ê√Ëò ·ËdE« Ác¼ w U?N?I?O?³Dð »uKD*«
except that specified in paragraph 3 of the «b??Ž …e??N???ł_« ÊuJð Ê«Ë ‰Ëb??'« p?– ÂUJŠ_
said Schedule shall be of a type approved ‰Ëb???'« s Y?U???¦« bM?³« w WM?O???F*« …e???N???ł_«
by the Administration on the
¡UMÐ …—«œù« s t??OKŽ ‚œU?B*« ŸuM?« s å—u?c*«
recommendation of the Registration Expert.
3. The equipment carried in compliance ÆqO−²« dO³š WO uð vKŽ
with this Regulation shall be so insalled or ÂUEM« «c?NÐò öL?Ž WKL;« …eN?ł_« vKŽ ≠ ≥
stowed and kept stowed, and so maintained U?N??²½U?O? Ë rz«b« U??NKO?L??% Ë√ U?N?³?O??dð ÊuJ¹ Ê√
and adjusted, as to be readily accessible and
U?NO≈ ‰u? u« qN?« s qF?& WI¹dD?Ð UNK¹b?³ðË
capable of being used by the persons for
whose use it is intended. s¹c« ’Uý_« q³ s UN?ULF²Ý« sJL*« sË
4. The position of equipment provided ÆrNULF²Ýô XF{Ë
for emergency use shall be indicated by ‰U?L?F??²?Ýö …b?F*« …e?N??ł_« l{u? U?√ ≠ ¥
clear marking in or on the aircraft.
 U??ö??FÐ t??O?≈ —U??A¹ Ê« V−??O??ò Δ—«uD?« bMŽ
5. All equipment installed or carried in
an aircraft, whether or notin compliance ÆåUNł—Uš Ë√ …dzUD« qš«œ W×{«Ë
with this Regulation, shall be so installed or vKŽ WK?L?;« Ë√ W?³?d?*« …e?N?ł_« lO??L?ł ≠ μ
stowed or kept stowed and so maintained ¨ô Â√ bM³« «c?NÐ åöL?Ž p– ÊU ¡«u?Ýò …dzUD«
and adjusted as not to be a source of danger
W?Lz«œ …—u?BÐ WKL?× Ë√ ¨W?³?d? ÊuJð Ê« V−¹
in itself or to impair the airworthiness of the
aircraft or the proper functioning of any ÊuJð Ê√ s? U??N??FM9 o¹dD?Ð ‰b??Fð Ë√ ÊU??Bð Ê√Ë
equipment or sorvices necessary for the W?OK¼√ ·U?F{ô ÎU?³?³?Ý Ë√ dDš —b?B U?Nð«– b?×Ð

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
safety of the aircraft. W¹œQð s U??Nðe??N?ł√ ·U??F?{« Ë√ Ê«d??ODK? …dzUD«
13 - Radio equipment of aircraft
W?“ö«  U?b?)« ·U?F?{« Ë√ V?ł«uU? U?NKL?Ž
1. An aircraft shall not fly unless it is so
equipped with radio apparatus as to comply Æ…dzUD« Wö
with the law of the country in which the å…dzUD« u¹œ«— …eNł√ò ≠ ±≥
aircraft is registered and to enable
X½U??? «–≈ ô« d??ODð Ê« …d?zUDK `L???¹ ô ≠ ±
communications to be made and the aircraft
to be navigated, in accordance with the w²« œö??³?« Êu½U??IÐ ö??L??Ž u?¹œ«— “U??N??−Ð …œËe??
provisions of these Regulations. ¡«d??ł« ÊUJôUÐ d??O??B??O U??N??O?? …dzU?D« XK−??Ý
2. In the case of aircraft registered in
Ác¼ ÂUJ?Šô U?I??Ë …dzUD?« d?O??O??ðË  ö?? «u*«
Kuwait the aircraft shall be equipped with
radion apparatus in accordance with the ÆWLE½_«
Fifth Schedule to these Regulations. Ê« X¹u?J« w‡?‡ WK?−????*« …d‡‡?zUD« v?KŽ ≠ ≤
3. The radio apparatus provided in
fU)« ‰Ëb−K UI?Ë u¹œ«— “UN−Ð …œËe‡ ÊuJð
compliance with this Regulation in an
aircarft registered in Kuwait shall always be ÆWLE½_« Ác‡‡¼ s‡‡
maintained in serviceable condition. …d?zUÞ t?Ð …œËe?*« u¹œ«d?« “U???????N???????ł vK?Ž ≠ ≥
4. All radio apparatus installed in an ÊuJ?¹ Ê« bM³?« «c???NÐ ö???L???Ž X¹u?JUÐ W?K−??????
aircraft registered in Kuwait (whether or not
in compliance with these Regulations) shall
ƉULF²Ýö W(U WU×Ð ULz«œ UþuH×
be of a type approved by the Administration …dzU?Þ w W???³??d?*« u¹œ«d«  ô¬ lO???L???ł ≠ ¥
on the recommendation to the Registration Ác?NÐ öL?Ž p– ÊU ¡«u?Ý® X¹uJ« w WK−?
Expert in relation to the purpose of which it
o«u?*« ŸuM« s? ÊuJð Ê« V?−¹ ©ô « W???L?E½_«
is to be used, and shall be installed in a
manner approved by him. Neither the qO?−?²« dO?³š W?O uð vKŽ ¡UMÐ …—«œô« s t?OKŽ
apparatus nor the manner in which it is Vdð Ê«Ëò U?NKłô qLF?²?ð w²« W¹U?GK W³?MUÐ
intalled shall be modified except with the
w d?O?O?Gð ¡«d?ł« “u?−¹ ôË åU?NO?KŽ o«u¹ W?I¹dDÐ
approval of the Administeration on the
recommendation of the Registration Expert. W??I??«u0 ô« t??³?O??dð W??I¹dÞ w? Ë« t???H½ “U??N??'«
14 - Aircraft Weight Sehedule ÆqO−²« dO³š WO uð vKŽ ¡UMÐ …—«œô«
1. Every aircraft in respect of which a
å…dzUD« Ê“Ë ‰Ëbłò ≠ ±¥
certificate of airworthiness rendered valid
under these regulations is in force shall be W?OK¼√ …œU?Ný U?Nð“U?O?Š w …dzUÞ q vKŽ ≠ ±
weighed, and the position of its centre of Ác¼ Vłu0 WOŽdý XKF?ł ‰uFH*« W¹—UÝ Ê«dOÞ
gravity determined, at such times and in
UN?O qI?¦« ed? lu œb×¹Ë Ê“u?ð Ê«ò WLE½_«
such manner as the Administration on the
Registration Expert may require in the case UN?³KDð Ê« …—«œû “u−¹ w?²« WOH?OJ«Ë Xu« w
of that aircraft. d???O???³????š W???O??? u?ð vKŽ ¡UM?Ð …dzUD?« pKð œb????BÐ
2. Upon the aircraft being weighed the ÆåqO−²«
operator of the aircraft shall prepare a
weight schedule showing the difference (if …dzUD« d¹b?? Âu?I¹ …dzUD« Ê“Ë r?²¹ U*U?Š ≠ ≤
any between the weight of the aircraft U? ©błË «–«® ‚d?H« t?O 5?³¹ Ê“Ë ‰Ëbł œ«b?ŽUÐ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
empty upon such weighing and the position lu??Ë W?ž—U?? w¼Ë U??N½“Ë bMŽ …d?zUD« Ê“Ë 5Ð
of its centre of gravity at that time, and the
weight of the aircraft empty as shown in the
…dzUD« Ê“Ë 5ÐË 5(« p– w UN?O qI¦« e?d
certificate of airworthiness and the position UN½«dOÞ WOK¼« …œUN?ý w 5³ u¼ UL Wž—U w¼Ë
of its centre of gravity determined for the pKð ÷«džô œb?× u¼ UL? qI¦« ed? luË
purposes of that certificate, together with
particulars of the changes in the aircraft and
wË …dzUD« w  «d?OO?G²« qO? UHð lò …œU?NA«
its equipment which have caused such Æå‚dH« p–  błË« w²« UNðeNł√
difference. sŽ ‰ËR???*« b?MŽ Ê“u« ‰Ëb???ł kH???×¹ ≠ ≥
3. The weight schedule shall be
preserved by the operator of the aircraft VIFð w?²« —uNý W?²« …b? wN²Mð UL?¦¹— …dzUD«
until the expiry of a period of six months «c¼ ÷«dž_ …d?zUD« Ê“Ë ¡«dłô W?OU²« W³?ÝUM*«
following the next occasion on which the
aircraft is weighed for the purposes of this ÆÂUEM«
å…dzUD« w  U½öŽ«ò ≠ ±μ
15 - Notices in Aircraft
Notices indicating that smoking is w W?K−????????? …dzU?Þ q qš«œ ÷d?????Fð ≠ ±
prohibited shall be exhibited in every U??I???Ë ŸuM2 5?šb??²« Ê« 5³?ð  U½ö??Ž« X?¹uJ«
aircraft registered in Kuwait in accordance
with any conditions with regard to smoking
Vłu0 5šb²« vKŽ ÷d?H¹ Ê« sJ1 ◊dý Í_
which may be imposed by the certificate of ÆÊ«dODK …dzUD« WOK¼« …œUNý
airworthiness relating to the aircraft.
å…dzUD« s ÃËd)« qzUÝËò ≠ ±∂
16 - Exits in Aircraft
1. In every public transport aircraft …dzUÞ s ÃËd?)« qzU??ÝË s WKO?ÝË q ≠ ±
registered in Kuwait, every means of exit r? q sË X¹uJ« w WK−?? W?Ou?L?Ž qI½
from the aircraft and from every passenger
vI??³ð Ê« V−¹ »U?d?K hB?<« U??N?U???« s
compartment therein shall be kept free of
any obstruction and shall not, when the WKO??ÝuÐ Ë√ oK?G0 jÐdð ô«Ë ozU??Ž q s W??OU??š
aircraft is in flight, be fastened by locking ÆΔ—«uD« bMŽ UNULF²Ý« oOFð Ê« sJ1 Èdš√
or otherwise so as to hinder the immediat
q bMŽ W?×?{«Ë W??ö?Ž l{uð Ê« V−¹ ≠ ≤
use thereof in an emergency.
2. The position of every such means of W???B????B???<« Ác¼ ÃËd????)« qzU????ÝË s WK?O???ÝË
exit, being a means of exit provided for use »UÐò U??N??OK?Ž V²J¹ Δ—«uD?« bMŽ ‰U??L??F??²??Ýö
in an emergency, shall be clearly marked pKð `?²?? W??O??H???O?? sŽ  U??L???OKFð l? åΔ—«uD«
inside with the words “Emergency, Exit”
and with instructions as to how the means Ê« u¼ Δ—«uD?« »UÐ rO??L??Bð ÊU?? Ê«Ë W?KO??Ýu«
of exit can be opened; if the emergency exit W?ö?F« pKð l{u?ð Ê« V−?O? ×U?)« s `²?H¹
is designed to be opened from the outside, ÆÎUC¹√ …dzUD« ×Uš s
the aircraft shall be marked outsied in like
manner. …dzUD« W?OK¼√ ÷«džô g?O²?H²«Ë ‰u?šb«ò ≠ ±∑
17. Access and inspection for
airworthiness parposs
The Adminstration on the d???O????³???š W????O??? u?ð vKŽ ¡U?MÐ …—«œù« lO?D²????ð
recommendation of the Registeration Ë√ WÐd& Ë√ Y×Ð Ë√ gO²Hð Í√ Íd& Ê« qO−²«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Expert may cane such inspections. U¹—Ëd{ tO?¾ðdð U VŠ w³¹d& Ê«dOÞ Ë√ —U?³²š«
investigations, tests, experiment and flight
h?ý qË åW?LE½_« s ¡e?'« «c¼ ÷«d?ž_ò
trisls to be made as he deems necessary for
the purpose of this Part these Regulations Ác??Nò l?OD²???¹ …—«œù« q³?? s pc?Ð ÷u??H??
and any person authorised to do so in X?Ë Í√ w q?×?????? Í√ q?šb?¹ Ê« å÷«d??????žô«
writting by the Administration may, for
UNðeN?ł√ s Ë√ …dzUÞ s ¡eł Í√ g²HO ‰u?IF
such purposes, go upon any premiss at any
reasonable time to inspect and part of or ÆUNÐ WöŽ  «– WIOŁË W¹√ Ë√ UN œU²Ž Í√ Ë√
material for an aircraft or its equipment, or åÂuÝd«ò ≠ ±∏
any documents relating thereto.
18 - Fees
Âu??????Ýd?« q?O?????? U??????H?ð sK?F?ð Ê« …—«œù« vK?Ž
Details of fees to be charged for the W??O?K¼«  «œU??N??ý b?¹b??& vKŽ U???N??{d?? »u?KD*«
renewal of certificate of airworthiness and Æ…eNł_« WœUB vKŽË Ê«dODK …dzUD«
for the approval of equipment etc. shall be
notified by the Administration.
YU¦« ¡e'«
PART - III ©rNBOšdðË …dzUD« uŠö ®
19 - Composition of flight crew of å…dzUD« wŠö nOQðò ≠ ±π
aricraft w{«—√ ‚u d?ODð Ê« …dzUÞ W¹_ `L¹ ô ≠ ±
1. No aircraft shall fly over the œbFUÐ s¹uł 5Šö qL% X½U «–« ô« X¹uJ«
territories of Kuwait unless it carries flight
WK−?*« œö?³« Êu½U Vłu?0 5ÐuKD*« nMB«Ë
crew of the number and description
required by the law of the country in which Æ…dzUD« pKð UNO
it is registered. Ê« X?¹uJ?« w? WK?−???????*« …dzU?D?« vK?Ž ≠ ≤
2. An aircraft registered in Kuwait shall nK²¹ ôË r¼œbŽ qI¹ ô 5¹u?ł 5Šö qL%
carry a flight crew of at least the number
…dzUD?« W??OK¼√ …œU???N??ý w »uK?D*« sŽ rN???HM
and description specified in the certificate
of airworthiness. ÆÊ«dODK
3. An aircraft registered in Kuwait and w²«Ë X?¹uJ« w WK?−??*« …dzUD?« vKŽ ≠ ≥
flying for the purpose of public transport vB?« w? wu?L?F« q?IM« b?B?? U?N½«d?OD?Ð Âu?Ið
with a maximum total weight authorised of
more than 22,500 Ib shall carry not less
qÞ— ©≤≤[μ∞∞® sŽ b¹e?ð U?NÐ Õd??B? Wu??L?Š
than two pilots as members of the flight sL???{ s¹bzU??? sŽ qI?¹ ô U?? qI?Mð Ê« Íe??O?KJ½«
crew thereof. Æ5¹u'« UNOŠö
4. An aircraft registered in Kuwait
X?¹u?J?« w? W?K?−???????????*« …d?zU?D?« v?K?Ž ≠ ¥
engaged in a flight for the purpose of public
transport shall carry a duly licensed flight Ê« wu?L??F« qIM« qł_ W¹u??ł WKŠdÐ W?L?zU?I«Ë
navigator as a member of the flight crew in tò UB?šd W¹u'« WŠö*« sHÐ U?O UB²?š« qL%
addition to the members thereof whose
5Šö*« v≈ W?U?{ùUÐ U?N?O?Šö? b?ŠQ? åU?O½u½U?
carriage is required under paragraph (2) of
this Regulation when carrying out any «c¼ s? ©≤® …d???I???H« V?łu0 rN?KL???Š »uK?D*«
flight: ∫WKŠ— W¹QÐ UNUO bMŽ ÂUEM«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
(a) The Proposed route of which as q³? Âu??Ýd*«Ë Õd?²?I?*« U?N?I¹dÞ v?KŽ b¹eð ≠ √
planned prior to take-off exceeds a great
U‡b?MŽ Íd‡×Ð q?O?? μ∞∞ W??U???? sŽ U??N??Žö??«
circle distance of 500 nautiocal miles when
measured alogn either: U« ”UIð
(i) The route as intended to be flown if Ê«ò U??N??FD œu???B??I*« o¹dD« ‰u?Þ vKŽ ≠ ±
conditions permit, or
Ë√ åpcÐ ·ËdE« X×LÝ
(ii) That route as it may be valid by any
diversion planned prior to take-off as an d?????O????G?ð Ê« sJ?1 w²?« o¹d?D« p?Kð v?KŽ ≠ ≤
alternative for adoption if necessary in the Ÿö??ô« q³?? rÝ— b?? ÊuJ¹ ‰u??% Í√ U?N??³??łu0
course of the flight, from the point of
ÆÊ«dOD« ¡UMŁ√ …—ËdC« bMŽ c²¹ q¹b³
take-off to, in case (i), the point of first
intended landing or, in case (ii), the point of …œuBI*« vË_« WDIM« v≈ò Ÿöô« WDI½ s
first landing specified for the purpose of ©±® W?O?Žd?H« …d?IH« w? WMO?³*« WU?(« w å‰ËeMK
any such diversion; and
‰u?% Í√ W?O??GÐ WMO?F*« ‰Ë_« ‰ËeM?« WDI½ v≈ Ë√ò
(b) In the course of which the aircraft in
following any route planned or varied as Ë ©≤® WOŽdH« …dIH« w WMO³*« WU(« w
afforesaid will fly over any part of an area Í√ U???N?zUM²???« b?MŽ U¼¡U?MŁ√ …dzU?D« d???O?Dð ≠ »
specified in the Sixth Schedule to these Í√ ‚u ÁöŽ√ dOý√ UL Wu× Ë√ WuÝd o¹dÞ
5. An aircraft registered in Kuwait which
s ”œU« ‰Ëb?'« w …œb×? WŠU? s ¡eł
is required by the provisions of Regulation ÆWLE½_« Ác¼
13 to be equipped with radio X?¹u?J?« w? W?K?−???????????*« …d?zU?D?« v?K?Ž ≠ μ
communication apparatus shall carry a
flight radio operator as a member of the
Ê« ±≥ØÂU?EM?« ÂUJ?Š√ Vłu?0 U?????NM? »uK?D*«Ë
flight crew, who shall not, if he is required ö?UŽ U?NF? qL% Ê« u¹œ«— “U?N−Ð …e?N−? ÊuJð
to operate radiotelegraph apparatus, be the Ê«® åt “u−¹ ôò UNOŠö œ«d√ bŠQ åUOJKÝôò
same person as a person performing other
©wJKÝô w«d?GKð “UNł d¹b¹ Ê« tM U?ÐuKD ÊU
duties in compliance with this Regulation.
6. If it appears to them to be expedient to Èd??š√ W??H??OþuÐ r?zU??I« h??A« fH?½ ÊuJ¹ Ê«
do so in the interests of safety, the ÆÂUEM« «cNÐ öLŽ
Administration may direct any particular
s t½« U??N? `Cð« «–≈® å…—«œù«ò lO?D²??ð ≠ ∂
operator that the aircraft operated by him
shall not fly in such circommstances as the …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR??*« d?Qð Ê« ©W?ö?« W??×KB?
Administration may specify unless they r U?‡ å…—«œù«ò U???N?MO???Fð ·Ëd?þ w åd???O?D¹ ô√ò
carry such additional members of the flight
œb×¹ 5Šö*« s‡‡‡ UOU{« «œb‡‡Ž …d‡‡zU‡‡D« qL%
crew as he may specify in the direction.
7. An aircraft registered in Kuwait ÆtO≈ UNM —œUB« d‡_« w
carrying twenty or more passengers on a X¹uJ?« w WK−???*« …dzUD« vK?Ž V−¹ ≠ ∑
flight for the purpose of public transport
qIMK WKŠ— w åd?¦√ Ë√ò U?³«— s¹d?AŽ WK?U(«Ë
shall carry as a member of the crew a
steward who shall perform such duties in œ«d?√ b??ŠQ? U??H?O??C? U?N??F? qL??% Ê« wu?L??F«
the interest of the safety of passengers as w²« ÂUN*UÐ »Ud« WöÝ W?×KB* ÂuI¹ UNOŠö

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
may be assigned to him by the operator or U¼bzU? Ë√ …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR?*« q³ s? t 5F²?Ý
commander of the aircraft, but who shall
Õö? Ë√ —U?OÞ ÂU?N0 Âu?I¹ ÊQÐ t? `L?¹ ô tMJË
not act as a pilot, flight navigator, flight
engineer or flight radio operator of the ÆwJKÝô qUŽ Ë√ Ê«dOÞ ”bMN Ë√ Íuł
aircraft. å5¹u'« 5Šö*« hš—ò ≠ ≤∞
20 - Members of Flight Crew-Licences
1. Subject to the provisions of this `L??¹ ô ÂUEM?« «c¼ ÂUJŠQÐ b??O??I??²« l ≠ ±
Regulation, a person shall not: ÆhA
(a) Act as a member of the flight crew
wC??I?ð s¹c« 5Šö?*« b??ŠQ?? qL???F¹ ÊQÐ ≠ √
required by or under these Regulations to
be carried in an aircraft registered in w W?K−??????? …d?zUÞ w? rNK?L???Š W????LE?½_« Ác¼
Kuwait; or Ë√ X¹uJ«
(b) undertake the duties of a pilot
additional to the members of the flight crew v≈ W??U?{ùUÐ —U??OÞ  U??³?ł«uÐ Âu??I¹ Ê« ≠ »
so required, Ác¼ r?N???O???C???²???I?ð s¹c« …d?zUD« w?Šö??? œ«d???√
unless he is the holder of an appropriate
X×M W?Lzö W?Bš— ö?U?Š sJ¹ rU W?LE½_«
licence granted under the law of any
Contracting State and validated by the …—«œù« ÊuJðË …bU?F² WËœ W?¹√ Êu½U Vłu0 t
Administration. ÆWBšd« pKð WOŠö X²³Ł b
2. A person shall not act as a member of
the flight crew in an aircraft registered
b????ŠQ??? q?L???F¹ Ê« h????A? `L????¹ ô ≠ ≤
outside Kuwait flying over the territories of ¡UMŁ√ X?¹uJ« ×U??š WK−??? …dzU?Þ w 5Šö*«
Kuwait unless he is the holder of an ö?U??Š sJ¹ rU? X¹uJ?« w{«—√ ‚u? U?N?I??OK%
appropriate licence granted or rendered
valid under the law of the country in which U???O??Žd???ý X²??³?Ł Ë√ t X×M? W??Lzö??? W??B???š—ò
the aircraft registered. ÆUNO …dzUD« XK−Ý w²« œö³« Êu½U Vłu0
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of
«c?¼ s v?Ë_« …d????????I???????H?« ÂU?JŠ« r?ž— ≠ ≥
paragraph (1) of this Regulation, a person
may act as the pilot of an aircraft registered …dzUD —UOD qLF¹ Ê« U? hA “u−¹ ¨ÂUEM«
in Kuwait for the purpose of becoming W“ö« …¡UHJ« »U²« WOGÐ X¹uJ« w WK−
qualified for the grant or renewal of a
pilot’s licence or for the inclusion, renewal
Ë√ U¼b¹b??−??² Ë√ —U??O?Þ W?B??š— v?KŽ ‰u??B??×K
or extension of a rating thereon, without U?N??O?  U??¾?H« Èb??Š« b¹b9 Ë√ b¹b??& Ë√ ‰U?šœô
being the holder of an appropriate licence, q¦??²?« «–≈ W?L?zö? W?B??š— ö?U??Š ÊuJ¹ Ê« ÊËœ
if the following conditions are complied
with: ≠∫WOU²« ◊ËdA«
(a) no other person shall be carried in the «bŽ hý Í√ …dzUD« w t?F qL×¹ ô√ ≠ √
aircraft except a person carried as a
…dzUD« wŠö? b?ŠQ? tK?L?Š »uKD*« h?A«
member of the flight crew in copliance with
these Regulations, or, if the pilot in ‰ËR?*« —U?OD« ÊU? Ê« Ë√ åW??LE½_« Ác?NÐ ö?L?Ž
command of the aircraft is the holder of an qLŠ “u−¹ t½U WLzö WBš— qL×¹ …dzUD« w
appropriate licence, any person carried for
the purpose of being trained as a member of b??B?I?Ð …dzUD« wŠö?? b??ŠQ? d??š¬ h??ý Í√
the flight crew of an aircraft; ÆV¹—b²«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
(b) he shall not be the pilot in command …dzU?D« sŽ ‰ËR????? —U???OD qL???F¹ ô√ ≠ »
of the aircraft unless within the period of
six months immediately preceding he was
…d?ýU³? WIÐU?« —uN?A« W²?« sL{ò sJ¹ rU?
either the holder of a pilot’s licence (other —U??OÞ W???B??š— ·ö??š® —U???OÞ W??B??šd ö???U??Š
than a student pilot’s licence) rendered åW??LE½_« Ác¼ Vłu0 U??N?²??O?Žd??ý X³??¦ð ©VUÞ
valid these regulations and his physical
condition has not, so far as he is aware, so  ¡UÝ b? WO×B« t?²UŠ ÊQÐ dF?ý b ÊuJ¹ ô√Ë
deteriorated during that perios as to render ‰u?B×K `U? d?Ož tKF?& YO?×Ð …b*« pKð w
him unfit for the licence for which he
ÆUN q‡¼Q²« Âe²F¹ w²« WBšd« vK‡Ž
intends to qualify.
4. An appropriate licence for the «c¼ ÷«d?ž_ W?Lzö? WB?š— s b?B?I¹ ≠ ¥
purposes of this Regulation means a licence Âu??I?¹ Ê« U??NK?U??Š ‰u???ð w²« W???B??šd« ÂU?EM«
which entitles the holder to perform the
duties which he undertakes in relation to
ÍuM?*« WKŠd?UÐË …dzU?DUÐ W???B????²???<« nzUþu?UÐ
the aircraft concerned and the flight on ÆUNÐ ÂUOI«
which it is engaged.
21 - Students Pilot’s Licences
å—UOÞ VUÞ hš—ò ≠ ≤±
1. No person may fly as a student pilot in —U?OÞ VUD dOD?¹ Ê« hý lOD²?¹ ô ≠ ±
charge of a flying machine without a valid tð“u?????Š w Êu?J¹ Ê« ÊËœ …d?zUÞ t?ðb????N?????Ž wË
Student Pilot’s Licence issued by an
authorised person in accordance with the q³?? s  —b?? VUÞ —U??OD W?O??Žd??ý W?B??š—
provisions of this Regulation. ÆÂUEM« «c¼ ÂUJŠô UIË ÷uH hý
2. (i) Application for a Student Pilot’s
vKŽ VUÞ —U?OÞ W?Bšd VKÞ Âb?I¹ ≠ ±≠≤
Licence shall be submitted on a from
suplied for the purpose and shall contain ∫WOU²« qO UH²« sLC²¹ ’Uš Öu/
the following particulars: ÆWKUJÐ VUD« rÝ« ≠ √
a) Applicant’s full name;
b) His permanent address;
Ærz«b« t½«uMŽ ≠ »
c) His Nationality; Æt²OMł ≠ ‡ł
d) The date and place of his birth; Æ…œôu« ÊUJË a¹—Uð ≠ œ
e) A statement of any previous
application by him for any licence to pilot a ‰u?B×K t?b o?ÐUÝ VKÞ Í√ sŽ ÊU?OÐ ≠ ‡¼
flying machine; Æ…dzUÞ …œUOI WBš— vKŽ
f) A declaretion by him that since the
w³D« h×?H« a¹—U?ð cM t½« tM `¹d?Bð ≠ Ë
date of the medical examination referred to
hereinafter the applicant has not suffered Ë√ w½ULł qKš Í√ ÊUF¹ r b?FÐ ULO tO≈ —UA*«
from any physical defect or disability or Æ÷d Í√ Ë√ s¼Ë
from any disease.
odð VU?Þ —U?OÞ W??B?šd V?KÞ q l ≠ ≤
(ii) Each application for a Student Pilot’s
licence shall be accompanied by a W????OK¼√ X?³????¦ð a?½ ÀöŁ vK?Ž W???O????³?Þ …œU???N????ý
certificate, in triplicate, of medical fitness 5F? VO³?Þ s WF?u? WB?šd« pK² h?A«
to Hold such a licence signed by a Medical
officer appointed for the purpose by the w W???U??F« W???×??B« …d?z«œ q³?? s W?¹U??G« Ác???N
Public Health department of Kuwait. ÆX¹uJ«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
3. The authorised person on being d?L??Ž Ê« ÷u?H*« h??A« lM²?I¹ U??bMŽ ≠ ≥
satisfied that the applicant is not less than
t½«Ë ÎU???U???Ž d???A???Ž W??F???³???« s?Ž qI¹ ô VU?D«
17 years of age and is a fit and proper
person to hold a licence may, on payment W???B??šd« q?L??×?¹ Ê_ rzö??Ë `?U?? h???ý
of a fee of Rs.5/- grant him a Student w²« …b?LK åVUÞ —U?OÞ W?B?š— t?×M lOD²?¹ò
Pilot’s Licence for such period as he thinks
vKŽ U?¼d??NE¹ Ê« t???OKŽ w²?«Ë W??³??ÝUM? U¼d??³??²???F¹
fit which period shall be endorsed on the
licence. Æ UOÐË— fLš rÝ— qÐUI WBšd«
4. Applications for renewal of licences fHM?Ð hšd« b¹b??−??²  U??³K?D« Âb??Ið ≠ ¥
shall be made in the same manner as
¡UDŽ« “u?−¹ ôË WO½U?¦« …d?IH« w WM?OF*« W?I¹dD«
prescribed in paragraph (2) and no renewal
may be made until the authorised person Ê« ÷u????H*« h?????A« lM?²????« «–≈ ô« b¹b????& Í√
has satisfied himself that the provisions of ÆUNÐ qLŽ b W¦U¦« …dIH« ÂUJŠ«
paragraph (3) have been complied with. —UOÞ W?Bš— vKŽ e?zU(« hAK? “u−¹ ≠ μ
5. The holder of a Student Piolot’s
—U?OD d??OD¹ Ê« å·ËdE« t `L??ð 5Šò VUÞ
Licence may, when circumstances allow,
fly as a pilot in charge of an aeroplane for ‰u?B?×?K t??H½ qO?¼Qð W?O?GÐ …dzUÞ s?Ž ‰ËR??
the purpose of qualifying himself for a ≠∫◊dý WO uBš —UOÞ WBš— vKŽ
Private Pilot’s Licence provided that: vKŽ ezUŠ hý …d« X% ULz«œ dOD¹ Ê« ≠ √
(a) He flies at all times under the orders
vKŽË Ʊ¥ØÂUE?M« wC?²?I?¹ U?L? ”—b?? W?ł—œ
of a person holding an instructor’s rating as
required by Regulation 24, who shall  «—ËUM0 Âu‡‡I¹ s‡‡ VUD« Ê« b?Q‡‡²¹ Ê« ”—b*«
ensure that the student does not undertake  U??L?OKF??²« lO?D¹ Ê«Ë t‡‡ð¡U??H?Ë tð—b?‡‡I?? ‚u‡‡
kaneauvres beyond his capacity, and obeys Æ”—b*« tO≈ U‡‡¼—b‡‡B¹ w²«
the instructions given by such instructor;
(b) He does not carry passengers;
ÆUÐU— tF qL×¹ ô√ ≠ »
(c) He does not fly outside Kuwait and U????N¼U????O?????Ë X¹uJ?« ×U????š d????OD?¹ ô√ ≠ ‡ł
its territorial waters except with the express h???ý s? `¹d??? wDš Ê–U?Ð ô« W???O??L???O?Kô«
written permission of an authorised person; Æ÷uH
(d) All flights shall begin and end the
same aerodrome except cases of emergency
fH½ s wN?²MðË  öŠd« lO?Lł √b?³ð Ê« ≠ œ
involving the safety of the aircraft or its U???N??O??? ÷d??F???²ðò Δ—«u?Þ  ôU??Š w ô« —U?D*«
occupats. The instructor however may p– l?Ë ådD?K U???N?ÐU???— Ë√ …d?zUD« W????ö???Ý
authorises intermediate landing on any  UD×?? w? ◊u??³?N?UÐ Ê–Q¹ Ê« ”—b*« lO?D²??¹
flight for the purpose of giving the student
practice in cross country flights.
‚u? Ê«d??OD« vKŽ VU?D« s¹d9 W?O??GÐ WDÝu??²?
22 - Validation of Licences to Members ÆoÞUM*« lOLł
of Flight Crew å…dzUD« wŠö* hšd« WOŽdý XO³¦ðò ≠ ≤≤
1. The Administration may issue a
certificate (hereinafter referred to as a
—U?A¹® …œU??N?ý —b?Bð Ê« …—«œù« lO?D²?ð ≠ ±
validation) rendering valid for the purpose X³?¦?ð ©W?O?Žd??ý XO?³??¦ð …œU?N?A?Ð b?FÐ U?L??O? U??N?O≈
of these hegulations licences of any of the W¹√ W??O??Žd?ý åW??LE?½_« Ác¼ ÷«d??ž_ò U?N??³??łu0

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
following classes granted under the law of X×M b X½U ÁU½œ√ WMO?³*« ·UM _« s WBš—
any Contracting State.
ÆÈdš√ ÁbUF² tËœ W¹√ Êu½U Vłu0
Private pilot’s licence (Flying
Machines), Æ©…dzUÞ® WO uBš —UOÞ WBš—
Commercial pilot’s licence (flying Æ©…dzUÞ® Í—U& —UOÞ WBš—
machines), Æ©…dzUÞ® vË√ Wł—œ Í—U& —UOÞ WBš—
Senior commercial pilot’s licence (flying
ÆÍuł qI½ j) —UOÞ WBš—
Airline transport pilot’s licence (flying ÆÍuł Õö WBš—
machines), ÆÊ«dOÞ ”bMN WBš—
Flight navigator’s licence,
Flight engineer’s licence,
Flight radiotelophony operator’s general ÆWOJKÝô WMHKð qUF …œËb× WBš—
licence, ÆWOJKÝô WKÝ«d qUF WOuLŽ WBš—
Flight radio telophony operator’s
restricted licence,
Flight radiotelegraphy operator’s W????ŠuML?*«Ë nM Í√ s? W???B????šd« Ê« ≠ ≤
licence, ÂU??O?I« U??NKU??Š ‰u?ð W??ŽËd??A? WD?KÝ Vłu0
Flight radiotelegraphy operator’s ¡e?'« w WB?šd« pKð œb?BÐ WMO?F*«  U³?ł«uUÐ
temporary licence,
2. A licence of any class granted under Ê«uM?Ž X% —u???c*« lÐU????« ‰Ëb???'« s ‰Ë_«
the legal authority shall entitle the holaer to Æå «“UO²«ò
perform the duties specified in respect of
 U³ł«uUÐ ÂUOIK hA« ‰u¹ ô« ◊dý vKŽ
that licence in Part I of the said Seventh
Schedule under the heading “privileges”. »U??³?Ý√ t¹b X½U?? Ë√ rKŽ «–≈ t??²?B??š— w WMO??F*«
Provided that a person shall not be vKŽ p– qL?²A¹Ë® WO?×B« t?²UŠ Ê« b?I²F?¹ tKF&
entitled to perform the duties to which his
`U d?Ož —«d?L²?ÝUÐ Ë√ U²?R tKF?& ©tFL?ÝË ÁdE½
licence relates if he knows or has reason to
believe that his physical condition Æ U³ł«u« pK²Ð ÂUOIK
(including his sight and hearing) renders ¡e???'« w? WMO????F*« ·U?M _« s W????ł—œ W¹√ ≠ ≥
him temperarily or permanently unfit to
ÊuJð U?N½« d?³?²Fð —u?c*« lÐU?« ‰Ëb?'« s w½U?¦«
perform such duties.
3. A rating of any of the classes Âu??I?¹ Ê« U??N??³???ŠU?? ‰u???ðË W??B??šd« s? «¡e??ł
specified in Part II of the said Seventh ‰Ëb???'« s w½U???¦« ¡e???'« w WMO???F*«  U???³??ł«u?UÐ
Schedule shall be deemed to form part of ÆWł—b« pK²Ð ’U)« —uc*«
the licence and shall entitle the holder to
X²????³Ł W????B???š— t?¹b h????ý q v?KŽ ≠ ¥
perform such duties as are specified in Part
II of the said Schedule in respect of that Æw½UF¹ åWLE½_« Ác¼ Vłu0ò UOŽdý
rating. w²«  U?³ł«u« t?²¹œQð ¡UMŁ√ åUO?B?ýò öDŽ ≠ √
4. Every holder of a licence rendered Ë√ t²BšdÐ WK UN
valid under this Regulation who suffers:
(a) Any personal injury in the course of sŽ Áb????F????I¹ d?‡š¬ w?B???????ý q?DŽ Í√ ≠ »
the duties to which his licence relates; or Ë√ qLF«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
(b) Any other personal injury involving s¹dA?Ž …b* qLF?« sŽ ÁbFI?¹ ÷d Í√ ≠ ‡ł
incapacity for work; or
(c) Any illness involving incapacity for WDK?«Ë å…—«œù«ò WÐU??²??? mK³¹ Ê« d??¦???√ Ë√ ÎU??u¹
work throughout a period of twenty days or U?N½u?½U? Vłu0 w²« W?Ëb« w W?O??Šö?B«  «–
wËò ÷d*« Ë√ qDF« p– sŽ W?Bšd« X×M
shall notify the Administration and the
competent authority of the State under the »d??√ w mOK³??²« Íd?−?¹ Ê« V−¹ åqDF« WU??Š
law of which the licence is granted of such b?????F?Ðò ôU?????Š å÷d?*« WU??????Š wËò s?J2 X?Ë
injury or illness in writing. Such notice
shall be given as soon as the period of
ÆåUu¹ s¹dAF« …b ¡UCI½«
twenty days has elapsed in the case of «c¼ Vłu0 U??O?Žd??ý W?²?³??¦*« W?B??šd« Ê« ≠ μ
illness. q¦ ÀËb?Š bMŽ Wuu d?³²Fð W?LE½_« s ¡e'«
5. A licence rendered valid under this
Part of these Legulations shall be deemed UNMŽ ÁuM*« ÷d*« …b ¡U?CI½« bFÐ Ë√ qDF« p–
to be suspended upon the occurence of such ÆÂUEM« «c¼ s WFЫd« …dIH« w
an injury, or the elapse of such period of
illness as is referred in paragraph (4) of this
ÆWBšd« nOuð vN²M¹
Legulation: the suspension of the licence VŠ U?O³Þ UNK?UŠ h× Íd?−¹ UbMŽ ≠ ±
shall cease: X×M UN½u½U Vłu0 w²« WËb« tÐ ÂuIð VOðdð
(i) Upon the holder being medically
examined under arrangements made by the tKL??Ž n½Q??²??¹ Ê_ `?U? t?½« sKF¹Ë W??B??šd«
competent authority of the State under the Ë√ WBšd« Vłu0
law of which the licence is granted and
W??HU??« W?B??²?<« W?DK« wH??Fð U??bMŽ ≠ ≤
pronounced fit to resume his duties under
the licence; or X% w³D?« h×?H« …—Ëd?{ s? U?NKU??Š d?c«
(ii) Upon the competent authority as ÆWLzö WB²<« WDK« U¼«dð ◊Ëdý
aforesaid exempting the holder from the
requirement of a medical examination, åwBA« W¹u'«  öŠd« q−Ýò ≠ ≤≥
subject to such conditions as the competent w WK?−???? …dzU?Þ wŠö?? s œd??? Í√ vKŽ
authority as aforesaid may think fit.
 ö?ŠdK åU?O?B??ýò ö?−?Ý wM?²?I¹ Ê« X¹uJ«
23 - Personal Flying Log Book
Every member of the flight crew of an ∫WOU²« qO UH²« q−¹ YOŠ W¹u'«
aircraft registered in Kuwait shall keep a Æt½«uMŽË tLÝ«
personal flying log book in which the
following particulars shall be recorded: tu??ð w²« © b?łË Ê«® t??²?B??š— qO? U??Hð
The name and address of employer (if Æ…dzUÞ w ÕöL qLF«
Æ©błË Ê«® nþu*« Ê«uMŽË rÝ«
Particulars of all flights made as a
member of the flight crew of aircraft, u?C?F? UNÐ ÂU? w²?«  öŠd« W?U? qO? U?Hð
including: ÆtMLC² …dzUD« wŠö s
(a) The date, time, duration, and places
of arrival and departure of each flight; ‰u? u?« WMJ√Ë Â«Ëb«Ë se«Ë a¹—U??²« ≠ √
(b) The type and registration marks of ÆWKŠ— qJ ‚öD½ô«Ë
the aircraft;
(c) The capacity in which the holder
Æ…dzUD« qO−ð  UöŽË “«dÞ ≠ »
acted in flight; ÆWKŠd« ¡UMŁ√ UNÐ ÂU w²« WHOþu« ≠ ‡ł

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
(d) Particulars of any special conditions U?N?³?łu?0 w²« W? U?)« ◊Ëd?A« q?O? U?Hð ≠ œ
under which the flight was conducted,
including night flying and instrument w?KO?K« Ê«d?????O?D« p?– w U?0ò WK?Šd« X?¹d?????ł√
flying; Æ ôü« W³«d vKŽ bL²F*« Ê«dOD«Ë
(e) Particulars of any test or examination
¡UMŁ√ Íd?ł√ —U?³²?š« Ë√ WÐd?& W¹√ qO? U?Hð ≠ ‡¼
undertaken whilst in flight.
24 - Instruction in Flying ÆÊ«dOD«
1. A person shall not give any instruction
åÊ«dOD« vKŽ V¹—b²«ò ≠ ≤¥
in flying or any direction to fly to any
person flying or about to fly a flying V¹—bð ÍQ?Ð Âu?I?¹ Ê« h??A `L??¹ ô ≠ ±
machine for the purpose of becoming h??A  «œU‡ý—« W?‡¹√ ¡U‡DŽU?Ð Ë√ Ê«d?OD?« vKŽ
qualified for:
(a) The grant of a pilot’s licence; or
…d‡?zU‡?Þ w‡? Ê«d?????O‡?D« p?‡ýË v?KŽ Ë√ d?????O?D¹ Ê«
(b) The inclusion in a pilot’s licence of ÆtK¼Qð b‡BIÐ
an aircraft rating entitling the holder of the Ë√ —UOÞ WBš— vKŽ ‰uB×K ≠ √
licence to act as the pilot of a multi-engined
flying machine if he has not been —U??OÞ W??B?š— w? …dzUÞ nM ‰U??šœô ≠ »
previously so entitled, or a seaplane if he …œb?F??²? …d?zUÞ —U?OD q?L?×¹ Ê√ U??NKU?Š ‰u??ð
has not been previously so entitled, or a
Ë√ åU???IÐU???Ý p– ‰u???š s?J¹ r Ê«ò  U???d???;«
helicopter if he has not been previously so
entitled; or Ë√ U???IÐU??Ý p?– ‰u??š s?J¹ r Ê« W¹d???×Ð …dzU?D
(c) The inclusion or variation of any ‰uš sJ¹ r Ê« ©WOI?√ WŠËd0 …dzUÞ® d²ÐuJOKN
rating, other than an aircraft rating, in a
pilot’s licence, unless:
(i) The person giving the instruction ·UM _« s nM Í√ dOOGð Ë√ ‰Ušœô ≠ ‡ł
holds a licence, rendered valid under these Ær U —UOD« WBš— w å…dzUÞ W¾ «bŽò
regulations entitling him to act as pilot in
command of the aircraft for the purpose and
 «œU???ý—ô« wDF¹ Íc?« h??A?« sJ¹ ≠ ±
in the conditions under which instruction is Ác¼ V?łu0ò U???O???Žd???ý X²???³Ł W???B???š— q?L???×¹
to be given; and sŽ ‰ËR?????? —U???OD? qL???F« tu????ð åW??L?E½_«
(ii) If payment is made for the
instruction, such licence entitles the holder U?N?³?łu0 w²« ·ËdE« wË W?¹U?G« qł_ …dzUD«
to act as pilot in command of an aircraft Æ «œUý—ô« vDFð
flying for the purposes or public transport;
…d?ł√ lœ W?U?Š wò W?B?šd?« pKð sJð ≠ ≤
(iii) Such licence includes a rating ‰ËR? —U?OD qLF¹ Ê« U?NKU?Š ‰uð årOKF?²K
entitling the holder, in accordance with the ÆwuLF« qIM« bBIÐ dODð …dzUÞ sŽ
relative privileges specified in the Seventh
Schedule to these Regulations, to give such
‰u?ð W?ł—œ vKŽ WB?šd« pKð qL?²?Að ≠ ≥
instruction in flying; U??I???Ë Ê«d??OD« ¡U?MŁ√ rOK?F??²UÐ Âu???I¹ Ê« U??NK?U??Š
Provided that sub-paragraph (ii) of this lÐU« ‰Ëb'« w WMOF*«Ë UNÐ WIKF²*«  «“UO²ö
paragraph shall not spply if the aircraft is
owned, or is operated under arrangements Ÿd???H?« o³D?¹ ô« ◊d???ý vKŽ ÆW????LE½_« Ác?¼ s
entered into, by a flying club of which both ÍœU½ …dzUD« pK?1 ÊU? «–« …d?I?H« Ác¼ s w½U?¦«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
the person giving and the person receiving  U?L?OKF?²« wDF¹ Íc« h?A« ÊuJ¹ ÆÊ«d?OÞ
the instruction are members.
2. For the purpose of this Regulation ÆtO ¡UCŽ√ UNLK²¹ Íc« hA«Ë
payment shall be deemed to be made fot WŽub …dł_« d?³²Fðò ÂUEM« «c¼ ÷dG ≠ ≤
instruction if any reward is given or
Ë√ XOD?Ž« b?? …Q??UJ W?¹√ ÊuJð U??b?MŽ rOKF???²K
promised by any person to any other person
in consideration of the flight being made or qÐU?I d?š¬ h?ý v≈ h?ý q³ s  b?ŽË
of the instruction being given or if the b? rOKF?²« ÊuJ¹ U?bMŽ Ë√ W¹u?'« WKŠdUÐ ÂU?O?I«
instruction is given by a person employed
¡UDŽô U?BO?B?š nþu h?ý q³? s vDŽ«
for reward primarily for the purpose of
giving such instruction. Æ…dł√ qÐUI rOKF²«
25 - Fees
åÂuÝd«ò ≠ ≤μ
Fee eargeable for the validation or renewal
of a validation of any of the licences set out W??B??š— W?¹√ vKŽ U??N???{d?? »uKD?*« Âu??Ýd«
in Regulation 22 shall be Rs. 5/- for each w 5³ u¼ U?L ¨U¼b¹b?−² Ë√ UN?²OŽd?ý XO³?¦²
such validation or renewal.
qJ  U??O?ÐË— fL??š® l«uÐ ÊuJð ©≤≤® ÂU?EM«
PART IV Æ©b¹b& Ë√ XO³¦ð
26 - Operations Manual
lЫd« ¡e'«
1. This Regulation shall apply to public
transport aircraft registered in Kuwait «dzUD« qLŽ
except aircraft used for the time being å ULOKF²« V²ò ≠ ≤∂
solelyed for:
(a) The purpose of training persons to
q?I?M?«  «d?zU?Þ v?K??Ž ÂU?E?M?« «c?¼ o?³?D?¹ ≠ ±
perform duties in an aircraft; or  «dzUD« «b?Ž U? X¹uJ« w WK−?*« W?Ou?L?F«
(b) Local pleasure flights begining and ØbBIÐ U XË w WKLF²*«
ending at the same aerodrome with no
intermediate landing elswhere.
w nzUþu?Ð ÂU?O??I« vKŽ ’U????ý√ s¹d9 ≠ √
2. The operrator of every aircraft to ØåË√ò …dzUD«
which this Regulation applies shall cause an √b‡‡³?ð W‡‡‡¼eM?‡K W?O?K×?  ö‡?ŠdÐ ÂU?O??I« ≠ »
operations manual to be prepared which
w?‡ ◊u??????³?????N?« ÊËœ —U‡?D?*« fH?½ w‡? wN??????²M?ðË
shall include such information and
instructions as are necessary, in addition to ÆÈdš√ W‡DÝu²  «—U‡D
the particulars in the certificate of U?NOK?Ž o³DM¹ …dzUÞ q sŽ ‰ËR?*« vKŽ ≠ ≤
airworthiness in force in respect of the
sL??C??²¹ V?O??²?? d??O??C??×??²Ð Âu??I¹ Ê« ÂUE?M« «c¼
aircraft, the enable his operating staff to
perform their duties in relation to the v≈ W?U{ùUÐ W¹—Ëd?C«  «œUý—ô«Ë  U?uKF*«
conduct of the aircraft and in particular …dzU?D« W???O?K¼√ …œU????N???ý w W?½Ëb*« qO???? U???H????²«
information and instruction relating to the
s t?O??Hþu? sJL??O ‰u?F??H*« W¹—U?« ¨Ê«d??ODK
matters specified in Part A of the Eight
Schedule to these Regulations. The w …dzUD?« d?O?ð v≈ W??³?MUÐ rN?ðU?³?ł«uÐ ÂU??O?I«
operations manual shall be revised or  U?uKF*« ’u?B?)« vKŽËò …œu?B?I*« U?N?²KŠ—

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
replaced from time to time so as always to ¡eł w WMOF*« ÊËR?AUÐ oKF²ð w²«  «œUý—ô«Ë
be kept up to date and copy thereof shall be
ÆWLE½_« ÁcN sU¦« ‰Ëb'« s ©√®
furnished or made available to each
member of the operating staff. XË s ‰b³¹ Ë√ `IM¹ Ê« V−¹ VO²J« «c¼Ë
3. The operator of the aircraft shall, if vDFð Ê«Ë b?N?F« Y?¹b?Š U?Lz«œ kH?×?O d?š¬ v≈
the Administration shall so require, furnish u?C?Ž qJ b??O« ‰ËUM²? w l{uð Ë√ W???½ tM
the Administration with a copy or the
Æ5KUF« …dzUD« ¡UCŽ√ s
whole of the operations manual for the time
being in effect, or of such parts thereof as …—«œù« œËe¹ Ê« …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR?*« vKŽ ≠ ≥
the Administration may specify.  U?LO?KF²« W?U? sŽ W?M?Ð p– tM X³KÞ «–≈ò
4. For the purposes of this Regulation åd?{U?(« Xu« w qL?F?²?*« V²J« w W½Ëb*«
and the Eighth Schedule to these
Æ…—«œù« Áœb% UL tM ¡«eł√ iF³Ð Ë√
Regulations “operating staff” means the
servants and agents employed by the s sU??¦« ‰Ëb??'«Ë bM³« «c¼ ÷«d??ž_ ≠ ¥
operator, whether or not as members of the wMFðò Êu?KU?Ž Êu??Hþu? å…—U??³?Žò W??LE½_« Ác¼
crew of the aircraft, to ensure that the ‰ËR*« q³ s 5Hþu*«Ë ¡öu«Ë 5b²*«
flights of the aircraft are conducted in a safe
W¹u'«  öŠd« WöÝ «uMRO …dzUD« dOOð sŽ
27 - Public Transport Operators ÆW½uLC WI¹dDÐ
Responsibilities åwuLF« qIM« sŽ 5ËR*«  UOËRò ≠ ≤∑
1. Before an aircraft registered in Kuwait
WKŠdÐ X¹u?J« w WK−?? Âu??Ið Ê« q³? ≠ ±
engages on a flight for the purpose of
public transport, the operator of the aircraft vK?Ž V−¹ò w?u???L???F« q?IM« ÷«d???ž_ W?¹u???ł
shall: Ø…dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR*«
(a) Designate a pilot to be the ¡UM?Ł√ …dzUDK? «bzU??? ÊuJO «—U???OÞ 5?F¹ Ê« ≠ √
commander of the aircraft for the flight;
(b) Satisfy himself that the aerodrome at
which it is intended to land and any t???O?? j³???N??²???Ý Íc« —UD?*« Ê« lM²???I¹ Ê« ≠ »
alternate aerodrome are suitable for the W¹U???G?« Ác???N `U???? t q¹bÐ —U?D Í√Ë …dzU?D«
purpose and in particular are adequately
 ôü«Ë ‰U??łdUÐ W?¹U??H?? e??N??−?? t½QÐ W?? U??šË
manned and equipped to enable the aircraft
to land and take off safely; ÆÊUQÐ tM Ÿöô«Ë ◊u³N« s …dzUD« 5JL²
(c) Satisfy himself that the aeronautical W¹u??'« W?OJK?Ýö«  UD;« Ê« lM²??I¹ Ê« ≠ ‡ł
radio stations and navigational aids serving W???b??š vK?Ž W??L?zU??I« W?¹u??'« W???Šö*« qzU???ÝËË
the intended route or any planned diversion
WO?U åtM jD q¹u% Í√ Ë√ò œu?BI*« o¹dD«
therefrom are adequate for the safe
navigation of the aircraft; and Æ…dzUD« Ê«dOÞ WöÝ 5Q²
2. The operator of an aircraft registered w W?K−???????? …d?zUÞ s?Ž ‰ËR????*« v?KŽ ≠ ≤
in Kuwait shall not permit any person to be
«u?C?Ž ÊuJ¹ Ê« h?ý Í_ `L?¹ ô« X¹uJ«
member of tae crew thereof during any
flight for the purpose of public transport wuLF« q?IM« bBIÐ WKŠ— W¹√ ¡UMŁ√ UN?OŠö s
(except for the sole purpose of training ’U????ý√ s¹d9 jI?? b??B??I« ÊU?? «–≈ «b??Ž U??®

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
persons to perform duties in aircraft) unless p– ÊU??? «–≈ ô« ©…d?zUÞ w  U???³???ł«uÐ ÂU???O???I?K
such persons has had the training,
…d???³???)«Ë V¹—b???²?« vKŽ qB???Š b??? h????A«
experience, practice and periodical tests
specified in part B of the Eighth Schedule ¡e??ł w W???OMF*« W¹—Ëb?« »—U??−??²«Ë s¹d???L??²«Ë
to these Regulations, and unless the r U??Ë ¨W?LE½_« Ác??N sU?¦« ‰Ëb??'« s ©»®
operator has satisfied himself that such
p?– Ê« lM?²?????« b????? …dzU?D« s?Ž ‰ËR?????*« s?J¹
person is competent to perform his duties,
and in particular to use the equipment ‰ULF²Ýô W UšË tðU?³ł«uÐ ÂUOIK RH hA«
provided in the aircraft for that purpose. vKŽË W?¹U??G« Ác??N …dzUD?« U??NÐ …œËe*« …e??N??ł_«
The operator shall maintain the records
 «œu?O?IUÐ kH?²?×¹ Ê« U?C¹√ …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR?*«
specified in part B of the said Schedule.
28 A - Prevention of Excessive Fatigue of Æ—uc*« ‰Ëb'« s ©»® ¡eł w WMOF*«
Flight Crew å…dzUD« wŠö* ◊dH*« œUNłô« wýU%ò ≠ ≤∏
The Operator of an aircraft registered in
X¹uJ« w W?K−?? …dzUÞ sŽ ‰ËR??*« vKŽ
Kuwait and the flight crew thereof shall
comply with the provisions for the w WŽu?{u*« ÂUJŠú «uK¦²1 Ê« U?NO?Šö vKŽË
prevention of excessive fatigue of flight lM?9 w²?«Ë W?????LE?½_« Ác¼ s? lÝU?????²« ‰Ëb?????'«
crew laid down in the Ninth Schedule to
these Regulations.
Æu'« wŠö* ◊dH*« œUNłô«
29 - Loading of Public Transport åwuLŽ qI½  «dzUÞ qOL%ò ≠ ≤π
q?I?M?«  «d?zU?Þ v?K??Ž ÂU?E?M?« «c?¼ o?³?D?¹ ≠ ±
1. This Regulation shall apply to public
transport aircraft registered in Kuwait Ø«bŽ U X¹uJ« w WK−*« WOuLF«
except: sŽ hšd*« U?N½“Ë b¹e?¹ ô w²«  «dzUD« ≠ √
(a) Aircraft of which the maximum total
ÆÍeOKJ½« qÞ— ©≤μ∞∞®
weight authorised does not exceed 2.500
1b.; ÆU XË w WKLF²*«  «dzUD« ≠ »
(b) Aircraft used for the time being nzUþuÐ ÂU?O?I« vKŽ ’U?ý_ s¹d?L?²« ≠ ±
solely for:
(i) The purpose of training persons to
Æ…dzUÞ w
perform duties in aircraft; or √b?³ð w²« W¼eM?K W?OK×?  ö?ŠdÐ ÂU?O?IK ≠ ≤
(ii) Local pleasure flights beginning and
 «—UD w ‰ËeM« ÊËœ ¨—UD*« fH½ w wN²MðË
ending at the same aerodrome with no
intermediate landing elsewhere. Ædš¬ ÊUJ w WDÝu²
2. The operator of every aircraft to U??N??O?KŽ o³D*« …d?zUD« sŽ ‰ËR???*« vKŽ ≠ ≤
which this Regulation applies shall
sŽ ôËR?? Êu?JO U?B??ý 5F?¹ Ê« ÂUEM« «c¼
designate a person to be responsible for the
loading of the aircraft before each flight for qI?M« b????B????IÐ W?KŠ— q q?³???? …dzUD?« qO????L????%
the purpose of public transport and shall  U??L??OKF??²Ð h??A« p?– œËe¹ Ê«Ë wu??L??F«
furnish to such person written instructions
relating to the distribution and securing of v²???Š Wu??L??(« j?³??{Ë l¹“u???²Ð oKF???²ð W??OÐU???²??
the load so as to ensure: ∫sLC¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
(i) The the load may safely be carried on ÆWKŠd« ¡UMŁ√ ÊUQÐ WuL(« qI½ ≠ √
the flight, and
(ii) That any conditions subject to which
 —b?? U?N??³?łu0 w?²« ◊Ëd?A?« c?O??HMð ≠ »
the certificate of airworthiness relating to s×???AÐ W???IKF???²*«Ë Ê«d???ODK …d?zUD« W???O??Šö???
the aircraft was issued or rendered valid, Æ…dzUD«
being conditions relating to the loading of
the aircraft, are complied with. q³??ò qJ?A« «c??NÐ 5F*« h??A?« vKŽ ≠ ≥
3. The person so designated shall, before s×?A« W×zô lu¹Ë d?C×¹ Ê« åWKŠ— W¹QÐ ¡b?³«
the commencement of any such flight,
prepare and sign a load sheet in duplicate
s ‰Ë_« ¡e??'« t???³KD²¹ U?* U??I??Ë 5²?????½ vKŽ
confirming to the reqairments in Part I of pKð Âb?I¹ Ê«Ë W?LE?½_« Ác¼ s d?ýU?F« ‰Ëb?'«
the Tenth Schedule to these Regulations
bzU u?¼ sJ¹ r U® U?NB×?H bzUI« v≈ W?×zö«
and shall (unless he is himself the
commander of the aircraft) submit the load Æ©tHMÐ …dzUD«
sheet to the commander for examination. U??N??F¹“uðË W?M×??A« X½U?? «–≈ t?½« ◊d??ý vKŽ
Provided that, if the load and the
distribution and securing thereof upon the v≈ WIÐU« W?KŠd« s UNUŠ vKŽ WO?UÐ UND³{Ë
next intended flight are to be unchanged ôuLF? …dIH« Ác¼ d³?²Fð WOU²« …œu?BI*« WKŠd«
from the previous flight, this paragraph
s×?A« W?×zô lO?uðË d?O?N?E²Ð bzU?I« ÂU? «–≈ U?NÐ
shall be deemed to be complied with if the
commonder of the aircraft makes and signs UMO??³? ’u?B?)« «c??NÐ t?IÐU??« WKŠdUÐ W?IK?F?²*«
an endorsement to that effect upon the load ‰u? u« e?d?Ë ‰UI?²½ô« e?d?Ë d?O?NE²« a¹—Uð
sheet relating to the previous flight,
indicating the date of the endorsement the ÆwU²«
place of departure and the next intended W????×?zô s W?????????½ …d?zUD?« w k?H????% ≠ ¥
place of destination.
W?M«Ë UNÐ WIKF?²*«  öŠd« r²ð UL?¦¹— s×A«
4. One copy of the load sheet shall be
carried in the aircraft until the flights to ‰ËR?*« bMŽ kH?% qÐ …dzU?D« w qIMð ô W?O½U?¦«
which it relates have been completed and vKŽ —u??N?ý W??²?Ý …b?? ¡U??C?I½« 5( …d?zUD« sŽ
one copy shall be presrved by the operator
until the expiration of a period of six Æp–
months thereafter, and shall not be carried åWOuLF« qIM«  «dzUD qLF« ◊Ëdýò ≠ ≥∞
in the aircraft.
30 - Public Transport Aircraft Operating b?B?IÐ U? WKŠdÐ Âu?Ið Ê« …dzUD “u?−¹ ô ≠ ±
Conditions U?N?b?¼ w²«  ö?Šd« ¡UM¦??²?ÝUÐ wu?L??F« qIM«
1. An aircraft shall not fly for the
purpose of public transport, except for the
r U? …d?zUÞ w nzUþuÐ ÂU??O?IK ’U???ý√ s¹d9
sole purpose of training persons to perform s w½U??¦?« ¡e??'«  U??O??C??²??I* XK¦???²??« b?? sJð
duties in aircraft, unless the requirements in
 «¡«d?łô«Ë U?N?½“Ë ’u?B?Ð d?ýU??F« ‰Ëb?'«
respect of its weight and related
performance in Part II of the Tenth ÆpcÐ WIKF²*«
Schedule are coplied with. ‰«u?Šú v½œ_« b(UÐ W? U)«  U?³KD²*« ≠ ≤
2. The requirement in respect of weather
minima for take-off, approach to landing in v≈ ‰ËeM?K b?O??N??L?²?«Ë Ÿö?ö W??³??ÝUM*« W¹u??'«
Part III of the Tenth Schedule shall be ‰Ëb?'« s YU¦« ¡e?'« w U?NO≈ —U?A*« ÷—_«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
complied with in resoect of every aircraft to o³D?M¹ …dzUÞ q ’u??B??Ð U??NÐ qL??F¹ d??ýU??F«
which Regulation 26 applies.
3. (i) A flying machine registered in Æ≤∂ØÂUEM« UNOKŽ
Kuwait flying over water for the purpose of X¹u?J« w? WK−???????? …dzU?Þ W¹√ v?KŽ ©±≠≥
public transport shall fly, except as may be Ê√ ¨wu?L??F« qIM« b?B?I?Ð t¼U?O? ‚u? W??IK×?
necessary for the purpose of take off or
landing, at such an altitude as would enable ∫UNMJ1 ŸUHð—« vKŽ dODð
the aircraft. WU??Š wò «b??Š«Ë „d??×??  «– X½U?? «–« ≠ √
(a) If it has one engine only, in the event Æå„d;« p– nuð
of the failure of that engine.
(b) If it has more than one engine, in the
wò b?Š«Ë „d?×? s d?¦?√ U?N ÊU? «–≈ ≠ »
event of the failure of any one of those Êu?J¹Ë  U?????d?????;« p?Kð s? Í√ nu?ð WU?????Š
engines ans with the remaining engine or —«d??L?²??ÝUÐ qL??Fð W??O?U??³«  U??d?;« Ë√ „d??;«
engines operating within the maximum
continuous power conditions specified in
U?N?²?OK¼√ …œU??N?ý w WMO?F*« U?N?²?U?Þ vB?√ sL?{
the certificate of airworthiness, VO???²??? w? Ë√ U???NK?G???ý ‰Ëb???ł w Ë√ Ê«d???OD?K
performance schedule or flight mannual Æ…dzUDUÐ h²<« Ê«dOD«
relating to the aircraft, to reach a place at
which it can safely land at a height v≈ j³?Nð Ê« tO? lOD²ð lu? v≈ ⁄uK³« s
sufficient to enable it do so. Æp– s UNMJ1 ·U uKŽ s ÊUQÐ ÷—_«
(ii) The assessment of the ability of a
vKŽ W???O??u??L???Ž qI½ …dzU?Þ …—b??I?? v?M³ð ≠ ≤
public of a public transport flying machine
to comply with paragraph (i) of this «c¼ s v?Ë_« W??O??Žd??H?« …d??I??HK? U??I??³Þ q?L??F«
Regulation shall be based on the …œU?N?ý w WMO?³*«  U?uKF*« ”U?Ý√ vKŽ ¨ÂUEM«
information as to its performance contained
in the certificated of airworthiness,
VO² w Ë√ qGA« ‰Ëbł w Ë√ Ê«dODK UN²OK¼√
performance sohedule or flight manual to Ê« Àb?????Š «–≈Ëò …d?zUD?UÐ h?²?????<«  ö?????Šd«
the aircraft, In the event of the information
Ë√ å÷dG« pc WOU dOž UNO WMO³*«  UuKF*«
given therein being insufficient for that
purpose or in the event of no such Ë√  —b???? b??? sJ?ð r ozU?Łu« pK?ð WU????Š w
documents having been issued or rendered s??Š√ vKŽ d?¹b?I??²« p?– wM³¹ò U??O??Žd??ý X²??³Ł
valid, such assessment shall be based on the
Æå…dzUD« bzU Èb …d«u² WOuKF
best information available to the pilot of the
aircraft. W???IK?F???²*« W¹u???'« ‰«u???Šú? v½œ_« b???(«ò ≠ ≥±
31 - Aircraft not Registered in
Kuwait-Weather Minima
åX¹uJ« w WK−*« dOG«  «dzUDUÐ
1. An aircraft other than an aircraft on w WK−*« …dzUD« «bŽò …dzUD `L¹ ô ≠ ±
the Kuwait register shall not fly over b?BIÐ W?O²¹uJ« w{«—_« ‚u? oK% Ê« åX¹uJ«
territories of Kuwait for the purpose of
public transport unless the operator thereof b? …dzUD« pKð d¹b? ÊU? «–≈ ô« wu?L?F« qIM«
shall have furnished to the Administration pK?²Ð w?²¹u?J« w½b?*« Ê«d????O?D« …—«œ≈ f?Oz— œË“
such particulars as he may from time to
v≈ 5Š s UNO≈ ÃU²×?¹ Ê« “u−¹ w²« qO UH²«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
time have required relating to the weather WMOF*« W¹u'« ‰«uŠú v½œ_« b?(UÐ WIKF²*«Ë dš¬
minima specified by the operator in relation
to aerodromes in Kuwait for the purpose of  «—UD*« v≈ W??³?½ …dzUD« sŽ ‰ËR??*« q³? s
limiting their use by the aircraft for take-off  «dzUD« s UNULF²Ý« b¹b% bBIÐ X¹uJ« w
or landing, including any instruction given
…UDF*«  U?L?OKF?²« p– w U0ò ‰ËeM«Ë Ÿö?ö
by the operator in relation to such weather
minima. b???(« p?– v≈ W???³????½ …dzUD?« sŽ ‰ËR????*« s
2. The aircraft shall not take-off or land ÆW¹u'« ‰«uŠú v½œ_«
at an aerodrome in Kuwait in weather
conditions less favourable than the minima w U? —UD s lKIð Ê« …dzUD« `L?¹ ô ≠ ≤
so specified in relation to that aerodrome, q√ W¹u???ł  ôU??Š w t???OKŽ j% Ê« Ë√ X?¹uJ«
or in contravention of the instruction
p– v‡?≈ W??³???½ 5F*« v½œ_« b???(« s W??L?zö??
referred to in paragraph (1) of this.
32 - Pre-flight Action by Commander of w‡ U??N?O≈ —U??A*«  U??L?OKF??²K W‡?HU‡?? Ë√ —U‡D*«
Aircraft ÆÂUEM« «c‡¼ s‡‡ vË_« …dIH«
The commander of an aircraft registered
in Kuwait shall satisfy himself before the
åŸöô« q³ …dzUD« bzU ‰ULŽ√ò ≠ ≥≤
aircraft takes off: lM²?I¹ Ê« X¹uJ« w WK−? …dzUÞ bzU? vKŽ
(a) that the flight can safely be made, ∫…dzUD« Ÿö« q³
taking into account the latus information
available as to the route and aerodrome to w ÎU?F?{«Ë ÊU?QÐ U¼ƒ«d?ł« s?J1 WKŠd« Ê« ≠ √
be used, tae weather reports and forecasts o¹d?D« sŽ …d???«u??²???  U???uKF??? d??š¬ t?ÐU?????Š
available, and the alternative course of
…d?«u²*« d¹—U?I²«Ë U?NUL?F²?Ý« œuB?I*«  «—UD*«Ë
action in case the flight cannot be
completed as planned; Ê«dODK dš¬ o¹dÞË W¹u'«  U³KI²«Ë fID« sŽ
(b) that the equipment (including radio ÆjD u¼ UL WKŠd« ÁU&« ‰ULF²Ý« u ULO
apparatus) required by or under these
u¹œ«d« “U?Nł U?NML?{ s® …eN?ł_« Ê«Ë ≠ »
Regulation to be carried is carried and is in
a fit condition for use; …œu?łu?? W?LE½_« Ác¼ V?łu0 U?NKL??Š »uKD*«
(c) that the aircraft is in every way fit for W??????(U??????? WU??????Š w?Ë …d?zUD?« q?š«œ Îö??????F??????
the intended flight, and, in the case of a
flight for the purpose of public transport,
that the certificates of maintenance required Áu?????łu« q? s W?????(U???? …d?zUD?« Ê«Ë ≠ ‡ł
by these Regulations are in force and will qIM« b?B?IÐ WKŠ— W?U?Š wËò …œu?B?I*« WKŠdK
not cease to be in force during the intended
Ác¼ Vłu0 WÐuKD*« W½UOB« …œUNý Ê« åwuLF«
(d) that the load carried by the aircraft is s UNu?FH Ê«Ë ¨‰uFH*« W¹—U?Ý ‰«eð ô WLE½_«
of such weight, and is so distributed and Æ…œuBI*« WKŠd« ¡UMŁ√ wN²M¹
seured, that it may safely be carried on the
intended flight; YOŠ s …dzUD« vKŽ WKL;« WM×A« Ê«Ë ≠ œ
(e) that sufficient fuel, oil and engine WK?Šd« w? ÊU????QÐ q?IM?ð Ê_ W????(U???? w?¼ Ê“u«
coolant (if requirred) are carried for the
ÆUNMU√ w XO³¦²« WLJ×Ë WŽ“uË …œuBI*«

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
intended flight, and that a safe margin has X¹e«Ë œu??u« s W??O?U??  U??O?L?? Ê≈Ë ≠ ‡¼
been allowed for coatingencies, and that a
vKŽ XKI?½ b? ©p– vC?²?« Ê«® „d??;« œd?³?Ë
safe margin has been aloowed for
coatingencies, and, in the case of a flight ‰u?IF? wÞU?O²?Š« Ê«Ëò …œu?BI?*« WKŠdK …dzUD«
for the purpose of public transport, that the b?B?IÐ WKŠ— WU?Š wË ¨Δ—«u?DK ¡w¼ b? U?NM
instructions in the operations manual or
other instructions to the crew relating to
VO?² w W½Ëb*«  U?LOKF?²« Ê« ¨wuL?F« qIM«
fuel, oil and engine collant have been v≈ W?N??łu*«  U?L?OKF??²« s U¼d?O??ž Ë√ ‰U?L?Ž_«
complied with; œd????³????Ë X?¹e«Ë œu????uU?Ð W????IK?F????²*«Ë 5?Šö*«
(f) that, having regard to the
performance of the aircraft in the conditions
ÆUNÐ qLŽ b „d×LK
to be expected on the intended flight, and to  ôU?(« w …dzUD« qL?Ž v≈ dEMUÐ t½«Ë ≠ Ë
any obstructions at the places of departure dEMUÐË ¨…œu??B?I*« WKŠd« ¡UMŁ√ U?NŁËb??Š dE²M*«
and intended destination and on the
intended route, it is capable of safely taking
◊u?³N«  U?NłË Ÿö?ô« e?«d w W?³I?Ž W¹√ v≈
off, reaching and maintaining a safe height Ÿö????ô« …dzUD?« lO?D²????ð …œu????B????I*« o¹d?D«Ë
thereafter, and making a safe landing at the 5√ uKFÐ p– b?FÐ ÿU?H?²Šô«Ë ÊU?QÐ ŸU?Hð—ô«Ë
place of intended destination;
ÆœuBI*« q;« w ÊUQÐ ÷—_« vKŽ ‰ËeM«Ë
(g) that any pre-flight check system
established by the operator in the operations q?³????? …dzU?D« h?×?????H W?????I?¹dÞ W?¹√ Ê«Ë ≠ “
manual or otherwise has been complied w …dzUD?« sŽ ‰ËR??*« q³? s W?MO?F*« Ÿö??ô«
ÆUNÐ qLŽ b ÁdOž Ë√ ‰ULŽ_« VO²
33 - Pilots to remain at controls
The commander of an aircraft registered in åU¼œuI*  «dzUD« …œU W“öò ≠ ≥≥
Kuwait shall cause one pilot to remain at Ê« X¹u?J« w? WK?−????*« …d?zUD« b?zU???? v?KŽ
the controls and be properly secured in his
ÁbFI vKŽ U²³?¦ œuI*« vKŽ —UOÞ ¡UIÐ vKŽ qLF¹
seat at all times while the aircraft is in
flight. If the aircraft is required by these œu???łË »uKD?*« ÊU?? Ê«Ëò …d?zUD« Ê«d???OÞ WK?OÞ
Regulations to carry two pilots, both pilots vKŽ 5²?³¦? UO?I?³¹ Ê« UL?NOK?F …dzUD« w s¹—U?OÞ
shall remain at the controls, and shall be Æå‰ËeM«Ë Ÿöô« bMŽ ULN¹bFI
properly secured in their seats, during
take-off and landing. qIM?«  «dzUDÐ W??U??)« bzU??I«  U??³??ł«Ëò ≠ ≥¥
34 - Public Transport of Passengers åWOuLF«
Duties of Commander w?²«  ö??????Šd?« vK?Ž ÂUE?M?« «c¼ o?³D?¹ ≠ ±
1. This Regulation applies to flights for
the purpose of the public transport of WÞU??ÝuÐ »U?dK? wu?L??F« qIM« b??B?I?Ð Íd?&
passengers by aircraft registered in Kuwait. ÆX¹uJ« w WK−  «dzUÞ
2. In relation to every flight to which this «c¼ U?N?OKŽ o³D¹ WKŠ— qJÐ o?KF²?¹ UL?O?Ë ≠ ≤
Regulation applies the commander of the
aircraft shall: ∫å…dzUD« bzU vKŽò ÂUEM«
a) before the aircraft takes off ensure lO???L??ł Ê« …d?zUD« Ÿö???« q³??? b??Q???²¹ Ê« ≠ √
that all passengers are make familiar with
‰U?LF?²Ý« W?I¹dÞË ÊUJ vKŽ «u?FKÞ« b »U?d«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
the position and method of use of safety U¼d?OžË Δ—«uD?« »«uÐ√ Wö?« …b?ŽË We?Š_«
belts, safety harness, emergency exits and
¨W?????LE?½_« Ác¼ V?łu0 W?ÐuKD?*« qzU?????Ýu?« s
all other devices required by or under these
Regulations and intended for use by Áœd?H0 q »Ud« q³? s U?NUL?F²?Ý« œuB?I*«Ë
passengers individually in case of an b??? r?N½«Ë U???L???ò …d?zUDK? Δ—UÞ Í√ Ÿu???Ë b?MŽ
emergency occurring to the aircraft, and
WÐuKD*« Èdš_« qzUÝu« WU ÊUJ vKŽ «uFKÞ«
with the position of al other device required
by or under these Regulations and intended s U?N?U?L?F?²??Ý« œu?B?I*«Ë W?L?E½_« Ác¼ Vłu0
for sue by passengers collectively in case of Δ—UÞ Í√ Ÿu?‡Ë W‡?U???Š w? åôU???L????ł« »U????d«
such an emergency:
…e?N??ł_«Ë W?ö?« W?e??Š√ v≈ W?³?½ t?½« ◊d?AÐ
Provided that, in relation to life jackets
and other equipment designed to enable Ë√ ¡U*« w …U?−M?K U?NU?L?F?²?Ý« œu??B?I*« Èd?š_«
persons to survive in or on the water, this XË Í√ vC²?I*« «cNÐ qLF« “u?−¹ t×DÝ vKŽ
requirement may be complied with at any
time before the aircraft reaches a point
W?U?*« “ËU−?²ð WDI½ t?O? XGKÐ b? …dzUD« ÊuJð
beyond gliding distance from land. Æ÷—_« v≈ ‰ËeMK WMOF*«
b) if the aircraft is not a flying boat take WU c?²¹ Ê«ò WOzU …dzUD« sJð r Ê«Ë ≠ »
all reasonable steps to ensure that before
the aircraft reaches a point more than 30 WDI½ …dzUD« ⁄uKÐ q³ bQ²K WuIF*«  «¡«dłô«
minutes flying time, determined in the TÞUý »d?« s Ê«dOÞ WIO?œ 5ŁöŁ WU b?F³ð
manner specified in the Fourth Schedule ‰Ëb?'« s ©œ® WO½U?¦« …d?IH« w …—d?I? w¼ UL?
paragraph 2 (d) from the nearest shore, all
passengers are made familiar with the ÊUJ vKŽ «uFKÞ« b »Ud« lOLł Ê« s lЫd«
poisition, and given practical demonstration WÐuKD?*« …e?N??ł_« s U¼d??O?žË W??ö??« W?e??Š√
of the method of use, of the life jackets and »Ud?« q³ s U?NUL?F²?Ý« WI¹dÞ U?OKLŽ «uMO?³ðË
other equipment required by of under these
Regulations and designed for use by ÆtD×Ý vKŽ Ë√ ¡U*« w …U−MK ÁœdH0 q
passengers individually in order to enable Ê« b??Q??²¹ Ê« ¨W?O?zU? …d?zUD« X½U?? Ê«Ë ≠ ‡ł
them to survive in or on the water; …U−M« Áb²Ž« ÊUJ vKŽ «u?FKÞ« b »Ud« lOLł
c) if the aircraft is a flying boat, ensure
that all passengers are made familiar with U?L?ò ‰U?L?F?²?Ýô« W?I¹dD U??OKL?Ž U?Šd?ý «uDŽ«Ë
the position and given a practical Æ…dzUD« Ÿö« q³ åÁöŽ« d–
demonstration of the method of use, as ÷—_« v≈ U?N?Ëe½Ë …dzUD« Ÿö??« q³?Ë ≠ œ
aforesaid, before the aircraft takes off;
d) before the aircraft takes of and before Ê« s b?Q?²K WuI?F*«  «¡«d?łô« W?U c??²¹ Ê«
it lands, take all reasonable steps to ensure nOC*« Ê«Ë r¼bŽUI w Êu²³¦ …dzUD« wŠö
that the crew of the aircraft secured in their s t?MJ1 ÊUJ? w U??C?¹√ X³???¦?? u¼ åb???łË Ê«ò
seats and that the steward, if any, is securd
in a seat in a position which will enable him …dzUD« qL?% Ê« v?C?²?« «–≈Ëò »U?d« …b?ŽU??
to assist passengers. If the aircraft is ÊuJ¹ ©±π® ÂUEM« s ©∑® …dIH« Vłu0 UHOC
required under paragraph (7) of Regulation
Æ»UdK hB<« rI« w t½UJ
19 to carry a steward, that position shall be
in a passengers compartment. U?bM?ŽË U?NÞu?³?¼ Ë√ …dzUD« Ÿö?« q?³?Ë ≠ ‡¼
e) before the aircraft takes off, or lands, ¡«u?N« »«dD{« V³??Ð W¹—Ëd?{ WDO?(« Ê« Èd¹

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
and when by reason of turbulent air or any WU? c²¹ Ê«ò Ê«d?OD« ¡UMŁ√ qB×¹ Δ—UÞ Í√ Ë√
emergency occurring during flight he
considers the precaution necessary, take all
»U?d« lOL?ł Ê« s bQ?²K W?³ÝUM*«  «¡«d?łô«
reasonable steps to ensure that all passengrs ÆWö« œbFÐ Ë√ WeŠQÐ UU9 Êu²³¦
are properly secured by safety belts or W??????U??????? c????????????²?¹ Ê« ¨Δ—U?Þ Í√ bM?ŽË ≠ Ë
safety harness;
f) in any emergency, take all reasonable »U?d« lOL?ł Ê« s bQ?²K W?³ÝUM*«  «¡«d?łô«
steps to ensure that all passengers are ÁuKFH¹ Ê« V−¹ ULŽ W“ö«  ULOKF²« «uDŽ« b
instructed in the appropriate emergency ÆΔ—«uD« bMŽ
action which they should take;
g) except in a case where a pressure
lO?L?ł qš«œ ÿU?H?²?Šô« WU?Š w «b?Ž U? ≠ “
greater than 700 millibars is maintained in Ê«d????OD« …b???? ¡UMŁ√ 5?Šö*«Ë »U????d« ÂU???????√
all passengers and crew compartments W?U?? c???²¹ Ê« ¨—U??OK ©∑∞∞® s vKŽ√ jG??CÐ
throughout the flight take all reasonable
v≈ …dzUD« ⁄uKÐ q³ò b?Q²K W³?ÝUM*«  «¡«dłô«
stops to onsure that, before the aircraft
reaches an altitude of over 13.000 ft above åd??×??³« `?DÝ ‚u?? Âb?? ±≥∞∞∞ sŽ b¹e?¹ uKŽ
mean sea level, the method of use of the tÐ …œËe*« 5−????Ë_« ‰U?L??F?²??Ý« W??I¹dÞ Ê« s
oxygen provided in the aircraft in
qJ X?×??{Ë« b?? ©±≤® ÂUEMUÐ ö??L??Ž …d?zUD«
compliance with Regulation 12 is
demonstrated to covery passenger; that on V?«— q? Ê« s u?K?F?« p– ⁄u?K?Ð b?MŽË V?«—
reaching such altitude every passenger is Õö? q sË ¨5−??Ë_« ‰U?L?F?²?ÝUÐ w Ë«
recommended to use osygen and that, ¡UMŁ√ 5−?Ë_« qLF²Ý« b? …dzUD« wŠö s
during the whole time in which the aircraft
is flying at an altitude exceeding 13.000
ÁdzU?????Ý …dzUD?« U????NÐ Êu?Jð w?²« U????N?KL????Q?Ð …b*«
feet above mean sea level, oxygen is used ‚u?? Âb?? ±≥∞∞∞ sŽ b¹e?¹ uKŽ vKŽ U??N?½«d??ODÐ
by every member of the crew of the Æd׳« `DÝ
35 - Operation of Radio in Aircraft å…dzUD« w u¹œ«d« qLŽò ≠ ≥μ
1. The radio station in an aircraft shall ÊQ?Ð …dzU?Þ w u?¹œ«d?« WD?; `L???????¹ ô ≠ ±
not be operated whether or not the aircraft ◊Ëd?A U?I?Ë ô« åô Â√ Ê«d?OD« ¡UMŁ√ ¡«u?Ýò —«bð
is in flight, except in accordance with the
conditions of the licence issued in respect
Êu½U??? Vłu0 WD?;« pK² …—œU???B« W??B???šd«
of that station under the law of the country hý q³ sË UN?O …dzUD« XK−Ý w²« œö³«
in which the aricraft is registered, and by a Èd?š√ W??I¹dDÐ t Õd?B?? Ë√ U?O?L?Ý— t? hšd?
person duly licensed or otherwise permitted
ÆÊu½UI« p– Vłu0 u¹œ«d« WD× d¹bO
to operate the radio station under that law.
2. Whenever an aircraft is in flight in w U???N?½«d???OÞ ¡UM?Ł√ …dzUÞ  b???łË U???L?K ≠ ≤
such cricumstances that it is required by or Ê« W?????L?E½_« Ác?¼ Vłu?0 U?????NM? VK?Dð ·Ëd?þ
under these Regulations to be equipped
V−?¹ò u¹œ«— ‰U???B?ð« “U???N???−Ð …e????N???−??? Êu?Jð
with radio communication appartus, a
continous radio watch shall be maintained vK?Ž …d??L???²????? W??O?JKÝô W???³??«d0 ÿU???H??²???Šô«
on such frequency as is for the time being is b??B??I?Ð Xu« p– w U???NÐ ‰u??L??F*«  U?ÐcÐc«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥
use for the purpose of ending messages to WD;« q³?? s …dzUD« pKð v?≈  «—U?ý« ‰U?Ý—«
that aircraft by the air-ground control radio
¡U?C??H« Âb?ð w²« W?¹u?'« W?³??«d?LK W?O?JKÝö«
station serving the airspace in which the
aircraft is flying. Æ…dzUD« tO dOð Íc« Íu'«
Provided that radio watch may be WOJKÝö« W³«d*« p?Kð ·UI¹« “u−¹ t½« ◊dAÐ
discontinued during such period as may be
p– vK‡‡Ž W?I?«u*UÐ …—U‡‡ý« Âö?²?Ý« bF?Ð U‡‡ …b‡‡*
approved for that purpose by a signal
received from that station. ÆWD;« pKð s‡
3. The radio station in an aircraft shall —«bð Ê« …d?zUÞ w? u¹œ«— WD?; “u????−¹ ô ≠ ≥
not be operated so as to cause avoidable
 ö???? «u?*« w ö?????š«bð V?³?????ð U???? W?????I¹d?DÐ
interference with, or otherwise to impair the
efficiency of aeronautical Ê« Ë√ò tÐUM²??ł« sJ1 W¹u?'« W??Šö?LK W?O?JKÝö«
telecommunications, and in particular Æå ö «u*« pKð …¡UH nFCð
emission shall not be made except as follos:
ô«  UŁU?F?³½UÐ ÂU?O?I?« “u?−¹ ô hš_« vKŽË
a) emmissions of the class and frequency
for the time being in use, in accordance ∫X½U «–≈
with general international aeronautical p– w U???NÐ Wu???L??F?*« WÐcÐc«Ë Ÿu?M« s ≠ √
practice, in the airspace in which the W¹u?'« W??Šö*« w l³??²*« ÕöD ö U?I??Ë Xu«
aircraft is flying;
b) distress, ungency and safety messages Æ…dzUD« tO dOð Íc« Íu'« ¡UCH« w WOËb«
and signals, in accordance with general Δ—«uÞ W‡‡?U?ŠË dDš  «—U??ý«Ë qzU?Ý— ≠ »
international aeronautical practice;
w l³???²*« ÕöD ö åU??I???Ëò W??ö??UÐ oK?F??²ð
c) messages and signals relating to the
flight of the aircraft, in accordance with ÆWOËb« W¹u'« WŠö*«
general international aeronautical practice; …dzU?D« d???O???Ð oKF???²?ð  «—U???ý«Ë qzU???Ý— ≠ ‡ł
d) such public correspondance messages
ÆWOËb« W¹u'« WŠö*« w l³²*« ÕöD ö åUIËò
as may be permitted by or under the aircraft
radio station licence referred to in Vłu0 UNÐ ÕuL? WUŽ WKÝd  «—Uý« ≠ œ
paragraph (1) of this Regulation. …d?zUD?« w u?¹œ«d« W?D; v?DF?*« h?O?????šd?????²?«
4. In every aircraft which is equipped
with radio communication apparatus a ÆÂUEM« «c¼ s vË_« …dIH« w tO≈ —UA*«Ë
telecommunication log book shall be kept u¹œ«— ‰UBð« “UN−Ð …e?N− …dzUÞ q w ≠ ¥
in which the following entries shall be YO???Š W??OJKÝö?«  ö?? «u??L?K q−??Ý kH???×¹
a) the identification of the aircraft radio ≠∫WOU²« œuOI« ÊËbð
station; Æ…dzUD« u¹œ«— WD× WO¼U ≠ √
b) the date and time of the beginning and
t‡‡Ð w?N?²MðË √b‡?‡³ð Íc« Xu«Ë a¹—U??²« ≠ »
end of every radio watch maintained in the
aircraft and the frequency on which it was w²« WÐcÐc?«Ë …d‡‡zU‡‡D« w? W?OJKÝô W‡³??«d? q
maintained; ÆUNO XKLF²Ý«
c) the date and time, and particulars of
Ë√ qzUÝd« W?U qO U?HðË XËË a¹—Uð ≠ ‡ł
all messages and signals sent or received,
including in particular details of any qO UHð UNML{ s WLK²*« Ë√ WKÝd*«  «—Uýô«
distress traffic sent or received; ÆXLK²Ý« Ë√ XKÝ—« dOÝ dDš …—Uý« W¹√

¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
d) particulars of any action taken upon w q?B??Š n?uð Ë√ qD?Ž Í√ qO??? U???Hð ≠ œ
the receipt of a distress signal or messages;
Æt³³ÝË WOJKÝö«  ö «u*«
e) particulars of any failure or
interruption of radio communications and W??³???«d*« vKŽ rzU???I« wJK?Ýö« qU??F?« vKŽ
the cause thereof. q?−?????Ý w?  «œu??????O?????I?« lu?¹ Ê« W??????OJ?KÝö?«
The flight radio operator maintaining √bÐ U?NÐ w²«  U?Ë_« UMO?³? W?OJKÝö«  «dÐU?<«
radio watch shall sign the entries in the
ÆW³«d*« pKð vN½«Ë
telecommunication log book indicating the
times at which he began and ended the wJKÝô ‰UBð« q−?Ý kHŠ VKD¹ ô√ ◊dAÐ
maintenance of such watch. W???OJK?Ýô WD×??? l W?œU??³???²?*«  ö?? «u?*« sŽ
Provided that a telecommunication log ÆwJKÝö« nðUN« WÞUÝuÐ W¹u'« WŠöLK
book shall not be required to be kept in
‰ËR??*« s?Ž  ö?? «u*« q−??Ý k?H??×¹ ≠ μ
respect of communication by
radiotelephony with an aeronautical radio bO d‡‡š¬ a¹—Uð b‡‡FÐ —uN?ý W²Ý W¹UG …dzUD« sŽ
station. Æq−« w q‡‡šœ«
5. The telecommunication log book shall
å¡UOý√Ë ’Uý√ ◊UI²«Ë dDò ≠ ≥∂
be preserved by the operator of the aircraft
until a date six months after the date of the “u???−¹ ô ÂUE?M« «c¼ ÂU?JŠ« …U???Ž«d??? l ≠ ±
last entry therein. qzU???ÝuÐ ¡wý Í√ dDI?ð Ê« U??N½«d???OÞ ¡UMŁ√ …d?zUD
36 - Towing and Picking up of Persons
and Articles Ë√ h?ý Í√ l?dð Ë√ jIKð Ê« Ë√ U?NM?Ž W?ł—U?š
1. Subject to the provisions of this U??N???²??OK¼√ …œU???N??ý X½U?? «–≈ ô« ¡wý Ë√ Ê«u???O??Š
Regulation, and aircraft in flight shall not,
vKŽ qL²Að ‰uFH*« W¹—U« U?N²OŽdý Ë« Ê«dODK
by means external to the aircraft, tow any
article, or pick up or caise any person, Ác??N? …dzUD« ‰U???L??F??²???Ý« ‰u??¹ `¹d??? ◊d??ý
animal or article, unless the certificate of ÆW¹UG«
airwarthiness or validation in force in
dDIð Ê« u?'« w W?I?K×? …dzUD “u?−¹ ô ≠ ≤
respect of that aircraft includes an express
provision that the aircraft may be used for W¹u?'« W¹ƒd« ÊuJð U?bMŽ Ë√ qOK« ¡UMŁ√ ¡wý Í√
that purpose. ÆbŠ«Ë qO s q√
2. An aircraft in flight shall not tow any
article, at night or when flight visibility is ÂUEM« «c¼ w ¡wý ô ≠ ≥
less than one mile. WI¹dDÐ dDIð Ê« u'« w? WIK× …dzUÞ lM1 ≠ √
3. Nothing in this Regulation shall:
W¹√ Ë√ ©‰U¹d¹«®  u??BK jö« pK?« Wu?I??F?
a) prohibit the towing in a reasonable
manner by an aircraft in flight of any radio Ë√ …—U?ý« W¹√ Ë√ —U?³?²šô« ÷«d?ž_ WK?LF?²?? W¬
aerial, any instrument which is being used Ác¼ Vłu0 tÐ ÕdB? Ë√ »uKD ¡wý Ë√ “UNł
for experimental purposes or any signal,
w …d?zUÞ WÞU???ÝuÐ ÷d???F¹ Ë√ dD?I¹ Ê« W??L?E½_«
apparatus or article required or permitted by
or under these Regulations to be towed or Æu'«
displayed by an aircraft in flight; Ê«uOŠ Ë√ hý Í√ l— Ë√ ◊UI²« lM1 ≠ »
b) Prohibit the picking up or raisning or
any person, animal or article in an …U???O??Š –U???I½« b??B???IÐ Ë√ Wz—U?Þ WU??Š w? ¡wý Ë√
emergency or for the purpose of saving life. Æhý

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
37 - Dropping of Persons and Articles å¡UOý√ Ë√ ’Uý√ ¡UI«ò ≠ ≥∑
1. Articles and animals (whether or not
attached to a paracute) shall not be dropped,
s ¡U??IôU?Ð `L??¹ Ë√ wI?K¹ Ê« “u??−¹ ô ≠ ±
or permitted to drop, from an aircraft in ’U??ý√ Ë√  U½«u?OŠ Ë√ ¡U?O?ý_ u?'« w …dzUÞ
flight so as to endanger persons or property. b?? ô Â√ © u??ýd?Ю WKE0 W?D³ðd?? X?½U?? ¡«u??Ý
2. Articles, animals and persons
(whether or not attached to a prachute) shall
ÆdDK  UJK²L*« Ë√ ’Uý_« ÷dFð
not be dropped, or permitted to drop, to the v≈ ¡U??IôUÐ `L??¹ Ë√ wIK¹ Ê« “u??−¹ ô ≠ ≤
surface from an aircraft flying within the ¡«u??Ý® ’U?????ý√ Ë√  U½«u???O??×?Ð ÷—_« `DÝ
territeries of Kuwait.
Provided that this paragraph shall not
‚u W?IK×? …dzUÞ s ©ô Â√ WKE0 WD³ðd X?½U
apply to the descent of persons by ÆWO²¹uJ« w{«—_«
parachute from an aircraft in emergency, ◊u??³¼ vKŽ …d??I?H« Ác?¼ o³Dð ô√ ◊d??ý vKŽ
nor to the dropping of articles by, or with
Ë√ Δ—«uD« W?U??Š w …dzUÞ s W?KE0 ’U????ý√
the authority of, the commander of the
aircraft in the following circumstances: w ÁdQ?Ð Ë√ …dzUD« bzU q³? s ¡UOý√ ¡U?I« vKŽ
a) the dropping of articles for the ∫WOU²« ·ËdE«
purpose of saving life;
…UOŠ –UI½« bBIÐ ¡UOý√ ¡UI« ≠ √
b) the jettisoning, in case of emergency,
of fuel or other article in the aircraft; UNKLŠ nOH² …d‡‡zU‡‡D« Êu×A ÕdÞ ≠ »
c) the dropping of material for U?¾O?ý Ë√ «œu?Ë p– ÊU ¡«u?Ý Δ—«uD« WU?Š w
agricultural, public health or similar
Æ…dzUD« w dš¬
purposes, if the certificate of airworthiness
in force in respect of the aircraft includes an W?×?B« Ë√ W?Ž«—e« ÷«d?ž_ œ«u? ¡U?I« ≠ ‡ł
express provision that the aircraft may be W??OK¼√ …œU?N??ý X½U?? «–≈ p– tÐU?ý U?? Ë√ W?U??F«
so used.
bMÐ vKŽ qL?AK ‰uF?H*« W¹—U« Ê«d?ODK …dzUD«
d) the dropping of articles solely for the
purpose of navigeting the aircraft in ÆqLF« «cN …dzUD« «b²ÝUÐ `L¹ `{«Ë
accordance with ordinary practice or with U?I??Ë …dzUD« d??O?O??ð b?B?I?Ð ¡U?O?ý√ ¡U??I« ≠ œ
the provisions of these Regulations;
ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_ Ë√ WF³²*« …œUFK
e) the dropping in a place appointed for
that purpose by the person in charge of an Ë√ dD?I« w WK?L??F???²??*« Âö???Žô« ¡U??I?« ≠ ‡¼
aerodrome, of banners or similar article W¹U?G« Ác?N 5F? ÊUJ w U?N W?NÐU?A*« ¡U?O?ý_«
used in towing;
Æ—UD*« sŽ ‰ËR*« hA« q³ s
f) the dropping of persons or articles in
accordance with a special permission in `M ’U?š Ê–SÐ ¡UO?ý√ Ë√ ’Uý√ ¡U?I« ≠ Ë
writing granted by the Administration and b¹b??% Ë√ ◊d??ý Í_ W??{d??ŽË …—«œù« s WÐU??²??
subject to any conditions or limitations
ÆÊ–ù« p– w id
imposed in such permission.
3. For the purpose of this Regulation qLAð å¡UI«ò …—U?³Ž ÂUEM« «c¼ ÷«dž_ ≠ ≥
dropping includes projecting and lowering. Ɖ«e½«Ë ÕdÞ

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
38 - Carriage of Munition of War
åWOÐdŠ …dOš– qI½ò ≠ ≥∏
1. An aircraft shall not carry any
munitions of war. ÆWOÐdŠ …dOš– qL% Ê« …dzUD `L¹ ô ≠ ±
2. It shall be unlawful for any person to Ë√ qIM¹ Ê« h?ý Í√ v?KŽ U½u½U? Âd?×¹ ≠ ≤
load or cause to be loaded on board an
qL??F¹ Ë√ rK¹ Ê« Ë√ …dzUÞ w? qIM« vKŽ qL??F¹
aircraft, or to deliver or cause to be
delivered for loading thereon, any goods rKF¹ WŽUCÐ W¹_ UN?OKŽ qIM« bBIÐ rOK²« vKŽ
which he knows or has reason to believe or tKF??& »U?³?Ý√ t?¹b ÊuJ¹ Ë√ W?OÐd??Š …d?O??š– U?N½«
suspect to be munitions of war.
3. for the purposes of this Regulation
ÆWOÐdŠ …dOš– UN½UÐ pA¹ Ë√ bI²F¹
“munitions of war” means such weapons …d???O‡?š–ò …—U‡‡³???Ž ÂU?‡EM« «c?‡¼ ÷«d???ž_ ≠ ≥
and ammunition as are designed for use in W??Ëd?‡F?? …d???O‡š– Ë√ W?‡×KÝ√ W?¹√ wMFð åW?‡‡OÐd?‡‡Š
war fare.
39 - Carriage of Dangerous Goods ƉU²I« w‡ UNULF²ÝUÐ
1. Dangerous goods shall not be carried å…dDš lzUCÐ qI½ò ≠ ≥π
in an aircraft expect as follows:
a) goods carried with the written
…dzU?Þ w …d?Dš l?zU????CÐ q?I½ “u?????−¹ ô ≠ ±
permission of the Administration, and in ∫ÈuÝ
accordance with any conditions to which s w?Dš Ê–« Vłu0 W?KL??;« l?zU??C???³« ≠ √
such permission may be subject;
b) goods carried in an aircraft with the W?{dŽ Ê–ù« p– ÊuJ¹ ◊d?ý Í_ UI?Ë …—«œù«
consent of the operator thereof for the Æt
purpose of ensuring the proper navigation
W???I????«u0 …dzU?Þ w WK?L???;« lzU???C????³« ≠ »
or safety of the aircraft or the well-being of
any gerson on board; UN?²ö?Ý Ë√ UN½«d?OÞ 5Qð bB?IÐË UNMŽ ‰ËR?*«
c) goods permitted to be carried under ÆUNKš«œ w hý Í√ WO¼U— Ë√
the laws of the country in which the aircraft
is registered, if there is in force in relation
5½«u? Vłu0 U?NKIMÐ Õu?L*« lzU?C?³« ≠ ‡ł
to such country an agreement between the W?O?U??Hð«  b?łË «–≈ …dzUD« U??N?O? WK−??*« œö?³«
Government of His Highness the Emir and W?uJŠ 5?Ð œö?³« pK² W??³?MUÐ ‰u?F??H*« W¹—U?Ý
the governemnt of that country permitting
the carriage of dangerous goods within qIMÐ `?L?ð œö??³« pKð W??uJŠË d??O?_« u??L?Ý
Kuwait in aircraft registered in that country. WK−???? …dzUÞ w? X¹uJ« qš«œ …d?Dš lzU??CÐ
2. Dangerous goods permitted by or
Æœö³« pKð w
under this Regulation to be carried in an
aircraft shall not be loaded in the aircraft as …dzUDÐ U??NKIMÐ Õu?L??*« …dD)« lzU??C?³« ≠ ≤
cargo to be carried therein unless the …dzUD« w? qL?% Ê« “u?−¹ ô ÂUE?M« «c¼ Vłu0
consignor of the goods has clearly marked
the goods or the container in which they are
l{Ë b? sŠU?A« sJ¹ r? U? U?N?O? qIMð WM×?A?
contained with a label or stencil indicating Íc« dD)« Ÿu½Ë l?zU?C?³« vKŽ W?×?{«Ë W?ö?Ž
the identify of the goods and the nature of sŽ ‰ËR?*« œË“ b ÊuJ¹ Ê«Ëò U?NMŽ V³?²¹ b
the danger to which they give, rise, and has
furnished the operator of the aircraft with a p–Ë W????O¼U*« p?Kð 5³?ð s×???ý …d????c0 …dzU?D«
consignment note stating such identity and U¼bzU? mK³¹ Ê« …dzUD« sŽ ‰u¾?*« vKŽË ådD)«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
danger. The operator shall notify the UN?²OLË U?N½“Ë sŽË lzUC³« …—uDšË W?O¼U sŽ
commander of the aircraft of the identity
and dangerous nature of the goods, and of Æ…dzUD« w UNF{Ë q³
the eight or quantity thereof, before the s×?A?¹ Ê« h?ý Í√ vKŽ U½u½U?? Âd?×¹ ≠ ≥
goods are taken on board the aircraft.
qLF¹ Ë√ rK¹ Ë√ …dzUÞ w s×A« vKŽ qLF¹ Ë√
3. It shall be unlawful for any person to
load or cause to be loaded on board an U?N½« rKF¹ WŽU?CÐ W¹√ U?NOKŽ s×?AK rOK?²« vKŽ
aircraft, or to aeliver or cause to be b?I²?F¹ tKF& »U?³?Ý√ t¹b ÊuJ¹ Ë√ …dDš WŽU?CÐ
delivered for loading thereon, any goods
which he knows or has reason to believe or …dDš W???ŽU??CÐ w¼ W??ŽU???C??³« pKð ÊU?Ð pA¹ Ë√
suspect to be dangerous goods the carriage ÆÂUEM« «c¼ Vłu0 UNKLŠ ŸuM2Ë
of which is prohibited by this Regulation.
ÂUJŠô W?O?U?{« ÂUEM« «c¼ ÂUJŠ« d?³?²?Fð ≠ ¥
4. The provisions of this Regulation
shall be additional to and not in derogation ÆtO WK XOË WLE½_« Ác¼ s ©≥∏® ÂUEM«
from the provisions of Regulation 37 of å’Uý_« qI½ WI¹dÞò ≠ ¥∞
these Regulations.
40 - Method of Carriage of Persons
lË …—«œù« s W?ÐU??²? `?M1 ’U??š Ê–≈ ÊËbÐ
Except with a special permission in Ê–ù« p– w ÷d?H¹ b¹b% Ë√ ◊d?ý Í√ …UŽ«d?
writing granted by the Administration and
W¹√ qš«b?Ð ÊuJ¹ Ê« U??? h??A `?L??¹ ô t?½U??
subject to any conditions or limitations
impsed in such permission, a person shall fO U???NM ¡e??ł Í√ vK?Ž Ë√ U??N½«d??OÞ ¡UM?Ł√ …dzUÞ
not be in or on any part of an aircraft in hA `L¹ ô W UšË ’U?ýú UBB
flight which is not a part designed for
accommodation of persons and in particular
U??Nz«e?ł√ X?% Ë√ …dzUÞ W?×?Mł√ vKŽ ÊuJ¹ Ê« U??
a person shall not be on wings or ÊuJ¹ Ê« U?? h??A `L??¹ ô pc? W??OKH??«
underearriage of an aircraft. A person shall Ë√ …d?zUD?Ð —u?D?I??????? ¡w?ý Í√ ×U???????š Ë√ q?š«œ
not be in or on any object towed by or
attached to an aircraft in flight. “u???−¹ t½« W?D¹d???ý ÆU??N?½«d??OÞ ¡U?MŁ√ U???NÐ ◊uÐd???
Provided that a person may have ∫s U²R u½b¹ Ê« hA
temporary access to:
qL?Ž Í√ ¡«d?ł« b?B?IÐ …dzUÞ s ¡e?ł Í√ ≠ √
a) any part of an aircraft for the purpose
of taking action necessary for the safety of Ë√ h??ý Í√ W??ö? Ë√ U??N??²?ö?? Í—Ëd??{
the aircraft or of any person or goods in the ÆUNKš«bÐ WŽUCÐ
b) any part of an aircraft in which cargo Ë√ WM?×???ý WKL???×??? …dzU?Þ s ¡e???ł Í√ ≠ »
or stores are carried, being a part which is U??B??O??B??š U??ŽuMB?? ¡e??'« p– Êu?J¹ W??ŽU??CÐ
designed to enable a person to have access
ÆUN½«dOÞ ¡UMŁ√ tO≈ u½b¹ Ê« hA« 5JL²
thereto while the aircraft is in flight.
41 - Imperilling Safety of Aircraft ådDK …dzUD« i¹dFðò ≠ ¥±
A person shall not wilfully or Ê« å‰U?L¼« sŽ Ë√ò å«bL?Žò hA “u?−¹ ô
negligently act in a manner likely to imperil
the safety of an aircraft or of any person Í√ Ë√ …dzUD« ÷d??F¹ Ê« qL?²?×¹ U? qL??FÐ Âu?I¹
therein. ÆdDK UNO hý

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
42 - Negligent Flying of Aircraft å…dzUD« oOK% ¡UMŁ√ ‰UL¼ô«ò ≠ ¥≤
A person shall not wilfully or
Ê« å‰U?L¼« sŽ Ë√ò å«bL?Žò hA “u?−¹ ô
negligently cause or permit an aircraft to
imperil the safety of any person or property. i¹d?Fð w V?³??²ð ÊQÐ …dzUD `L??¹ Ë√ qF?−¹
43 - Drunkeness in Aircraft ÆdDK WF²√ Ë√ hý Í√
1. A person shall not enter any aircraft å…dzUD« w dJ«ò ≠ ¥≥
when drunk, or become drunk in any
…dzUÞ v?≈ ‰u??šbUÐ h??A? `L??¹ ô ≠ ±
2. A person shall not, when acting as a
Æ…dzUÞ W¹√ w öLŁ `³B¹ Ê« Ë√ qLŁ u¼Ë
member of the crew of any aircraft or being WH?OþuÐ tUO? ¡UMŁ√ò U h?A `L¹ ô ≠ ≤
carried in any aircraft for the purpose of so …dzU?Þ W¹√ w t?KL???Š ¡UM?Ł√ Ë√ …dzUÞ W?¹√ w Õö???
acting, be in condition in which his capacity qF??& WU?Š w? ÊuJ¹ Ê« åW?H??Oþu« pK²?Ð ÂU?O??IK
so to act is impaired by reason of his having
V³?Ð W?KDF? qL?F« p?cÐ ÂU?O?I« vKŽ t?ð—b?I?
taken any intoxicating liquor or having
taken or used any sedative narcotic or Ë√ tËU?Mð Ë√ dJ??? »Ëd???A?? W???O??L??? W¹√ tËU?Mð
simulant drug or preparation. Ë√ ÎU?uM Ë√ «—b?? «d?O?C?% Ë√ «—U?I?Ž tU?L?F?²?Ý«
44 - Smoking in Aircraft ÆU−ON
A person shall not smoke in any
å…dzUD« w 5šb²«ò ≠ ¥¥
compartment of an aircraft registered in
Kuwait at a time when smoking is
r?? Í√ w sšb¹ Ê« U?? h??A `L??¹ ô
prohibited in that compartment by a notice  UË_« w X¹uJ« w WK− …dzUÞ ÂU√ s
exhibited in accordance with Regulation 15. Êö?Ž« V?łu0 U?ŽuM2 5?šb?²« U??N?O? Êu?J¹ w²«
45 - Authority of Commander of Aircraft Æ©±μ® ÂUEMK UIË ÷ËdF
Every person in an aircraft registered in
å…dzUD« bzU WDKÝò ≠ ¥μ
Kuwait shall obey all lawful commands
which the commander of that aircraft may WK−??? …d?zUÞ w œu?łu?? h??ý q vKŽ
give for the purpose of securing the safety w²« WO?ŽdA« d«Ë_« lO?Lł lOD¹ Ê« X¹uJ« w
of the aircraft and of persons or property W?öÝ 5Q?ð WO?GÐ …dzUD« bzU? U¼—b?B¹ Ê« sJ1
carried therein, or the safety, efficiency of
Ë√ U?N?O? Wu?IM*« W?F?²?_« Ë√ ’U??ý_«Ë …dzUD«
regularity of air navigation.
ÆÊ«dOD« ÂUE²½« Ë√ …¡UH Ë√ WöÝ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ
PART V f U)« ¡e'«
46 - Documents to be Carried
1. An aircraft shall not fly unless it
åUNKLŠ Vł«u« ozUŁu«ò ≠ ¥∂
carries the documents which it is required X½U??? «–≈ ô≈ d???OD?ð Ê« …dzUD? `L???¹ ô ≠ ±
to carry under the law of the country in Êu½U??? Vłu0 U???NKL???Š »uKD?*« ozUŁu« q?L??%
which it is registered.
ÆUNO XK−Ý w²« œö³«
2. An aircraft registered in Kuwait shall,
when in flight, carry documents in Ê« X?¹uJ?« w? WK?−???????*« …dzU?D?« vK?Ž ≠ ≤
accordance with the eleventh schecule to d?ýU?F« ‰Ëb?−K U?I?Ë ozUŁË U?N½«d?OÞ ¡UMŁ√ qL?%
these regulations provided that, if the flight
WKŠd«  √b?Ð «–≈ t½« ◊d?ý vKŽ W?L?E½_« Ác¼ s
degins and ends at the same aerodrome and
does not include passage over the territeries ‚u? oOKײ« qL?Að rË —UD*« fH½ w XN?²½«Ë
of any country ther than Kuwait the ozUŁu« kH?Š “u?−?¹ X¹uJ« w{«—√ d?O?ž ÷«—√
documents may be kept at that aerodrome
Æ…dzUD« w UNKLŠ sŽ U{uŽ —UD*« w
instead of being carried in the aircraft.
47 - Production of Documents åozUŁu« “«dЫò ≠ ¥∑
1. The commander of an aircraft shall, tM VKÞ ÊuJ?¹ Ê« bF?Ð …dzUD« bzU? vKŽ ≠ ±
within a reasonable time after being
requested to do so by an authorised person,
p– v≈ Âb?I¹ Ê« ÷u?H? h??ý q³? s p–
cause to be produced to that person: ∫WuIF …b ·dEÐ hA«
a) the certificates of registration and U?N?²??OK¼« …œU?N?ýË …d?zUD« qO?−??ð …œU?N?ý ≠ √
airworthiness in force in respect of the
ƉuFH*« w²¹—U« Ê«dODK
b) the licences of its flight crews; ÆUNOŠö hš— ≠ »
c) such other documents, in the case of WK−?? …dzUÞ WU?Š w Èdš√ W?I?OŁË W¹√ ≠ ‡ł
an aircraft registered in Kuwait as the
U??N½«d?OÞ ¡U?MŁ√ U?NK?L?Š U??NM »uKD X?¹uJ« w
aircraft is required by Regulation 45 of
these regulations to carry when in flight, or w? Ë√ ¨W?????LE?½_« Ác¼ s? ©¥∂® ÂUE?M« V?łu0
in the case of an aircraft not so registered, W?I??OŁË W¹√ X¹u?J« w WK−??? d??O?ž …dzUÞ W?U?Š
such documents as correspond thereto,
WK−???*« œö?³?« Êu½U?? Vłu0 U??NKL??Š »u?KD
being documents which the aircraft is
required to carry under the law of the ÆUNO
country in which it is registered. w W?K−???????? …d?zUÞ s?Ž ‰ËR????*« v?KŽ ≠ ≤
2. The operator of an aircraft registered
tM VKÞ ÊuJ¹ Ê« b?FÐ Wu?I?F? …b? w X¹uJ«
in Kuwait shall, within a reasonable time
after being requested to do so by an p– v≈ ÂbI¹ Ê« ¨÷uH? hý q³ s p–
authorised person, cause to be producted to ÊuJ¹ ÁU½œ√ WM?O?³*« ozUŁu« s W?I?O?ŁË W¹√ h?A«
that person such of the following
ÊuJ?ð Ê« ÂeK¹ w²?«Ë h??A?« p– U??N???³KÞ b???
documents as may have been requested by
that person documents which re required, Vłu0 Wþu?H?×? Ë√ Wu?L?× Ë√ ‰u?F?H*« W¹—U?Ý
by carried or preserved: ÆWLE½_« Ác¼

μ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
a) the documents referred to in the ÍœU??(« ‰Ëb??'« w? U??N??O≈ —U??A*« o?zUŁu« ≠ √
Eleventh Schedule to these Regulations as
Æ©‚ ¨“ ¨» ¨√® ozUŁu dAŽ
documents, A, B, G and K;
b) in the case of a public transport …dzU?Þ Ë√ wu??L???Ž qI½ …d?zUÞ WU???Š w ≠ »
aircraft or aerial work aircraft, the ≠ ‡¼ ≠ œ ozUŁu UNO≈ —UA*« ozUŁu« ¨Íuł qLŽ
documents so referred to as Documents D,
»uKD*« 5¹u?'« 5?Šö*UÐ W? U?)« œu?O?I«Ë ≠ Ë
E and F and the records relating to the
flight crew required by paragraph 8 of s w½U?¦« r?I« s ©∏® …d?IH« Vłu0 U?NEH?Š
Section II of the Ninth Schedule to these ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ s lÝU²« ‰Ëb'«
Regulations to be maintained;
 ö?????−????ÝË …d?zUD«  ö?????Š— q−?????Ý ≠ Ã
c) the aircraft log book, engine log books
and variable pitch propeller log books (Variable Pitch dO?G²*« U¼dÝ«œ W?cŠ UNðUd?×
required under these regulations to be kept; ÆPropeller Log Books)
d) the weith schedule. ÆÊ“u« ‰Ëbł ≠ œ
3. The holder of a licence granted or
rendered valid under these retulations ahll,
X×M WBš— qU?(« hA« q vKŽ ≠ ≥
within a reasonable time after being …b wËò WLE½_« Ác¼ Vłu0 WOŽdý XKFł Ë√
requested to do so by an anthorised person, q³??? s p– tM? VKÞ ÊuJ?¹ Ê« b??FÐ W?u??I???F??
cause to be produced to that person his
licence, including any certificate of
h??A?« p– v≈ Âb??I¹ Ê« å÷u???H?? h??ý
validation. ÆWOŽdý XO³¦ð …œUNý W¹√ l WBšd« pKð
4. Every person required by Regulation Ê«d?OÞ q−?Ý kH?×Ð n?KJ h?ý vKŽ ≠ ¥
23 of these Regulations to keep a personal
Ê« W??LE½_« Ác¼ s ≤≥ØÂUEM?« Vłu0 wB???ý
flying log book shall cause it to be
produced within a reasonable time after tM VKÞ «–≈ Wu?IF …b? sL{ q−?« p– “d³¹
being requested to do so by an authorised d?š¬ a¹—Uð s 5²MÝ sL?{ ÷u?H h?ý p–
person within two years after the date of the
Æq−« w bO
last entry therein.
48 - Cancellation Suspension, Endorse- åozUŁu« dOOGðË dONEðË nOuðË ¡UG«ò ≠ ¥∏
ment and variation Documents åU?Lzö? p–  Qð—« «–≈ò …—«œù« lOD²?ð ≠ ±
1. The Administration may if they think
XO³¦ð Í√ WOC?I« Y׳ð Ê« v≈ ¨U²R nuð Ê«
fit provisionally suspend any validation or
other document granted by them under U???NK³??? s X×?M Èd??š√ W???I???OŁË W¹√ Ë√ wŽd???ý
these Regulations, pending investigation of vK?Ž …—«œù« lO?D²????ðË ¨W????LE?½_« Ác¼ V?łu0
the case. The Administration may, on
d?O??Gð Ë√ nuð Ë√ wG?Kð Ê« ¨·U?  U?³?Ł« ”U?Ý√
sufficient ground being shown to their
satisfaction after due enquiry, cancel, ÆÈdš√ WIOŁË W¹√ Ë√ wŽdý XO³¦ð Í√
suspend or vary any such validation or Ë√ tð“U??O?×Ð ÊuJ?¹ Ë√ qL?×¹ h??ý Í√ ≠ ≤
other document.
W??I??OŁË W?¹√ Ë√ wŽd??ý XO??³??¦?ð Í√ t??²??Ý«d??Š X%
2. The holder or any person having the
possession or custody of any validation or  d??O??G?ð Ë√ XH??uð Ë√ X?O??G√ b?? Êu?Jð Èd??š√
other document which has been cancelled, …—«œû U???N??L?K¹ Ê« t???OKŽ W???LE½_« Ác¼ V?łu0

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ
suspended or varied under these Æp– tM VKD¹ Ê« bFÐ WuIF …b sL{
Regulations shall surrender it to the
Administration within a reasonable time åozUŁuUÐ oKF²ð  UHUò ≠ ¥π
after being required to do so by them. ∫Ÿ«b)« bBIÐ U hA “u−¹ ô ≠ ±
49 - Offences in Relation to Documents Ë√ d¹Ëeð vK?Ž b?ŽU??¹ Ë√ d?O??G¹ Ë√ —Ëe¹ Ê« ≠ √
1. A person shall not with intent to
deceive: Ë√ …œU?Ný W¹√ d?OO?Gð Ë√ d¹Ëeð vKŽ qL?F¹ Ë√ d?OO?Gð
a) forge, alter, assist in forging or Vłu0 WÐuKD Ë√ …—œU Èdš√ WIOŁË Ë√ WBš—
altering, or procure to be forged or altered, Ë√ØWLE½_« Ác¼
any certificate, licence or other document
issued or required by or under these Ë√ WB?šd« Ë√ …œUNA« pKð qLF?²¹ Ê« ≠ »
Regulations; or  d?O?ž Ë√  —Ë“ b ÊuJð w?²« Èdš_« W?I?OŁu«
b) use any such certificate, licence or
Ë√ØtBð w²« Ë√ XHuð Ë√ XOG« Ë√
other document which has been forged,
altered, cancelled or suspended or to which W¹√ Ë√ W??B??š— Ë√ …œU??N??ý Í√ d??O???O??F¹ Ê« ≠ ‡ł
he is not antitled; or Ác¼ V?łu0 WÐu?KD Ë√ …—œU???? Èd???š√ W???I????OŁË
c) lend any certificate, licence or other
t `?L?????¹ Ë√ d?????š¬ h?????ý Í√ v≈ W?????L?E½_«
document issued or required by or under
these egulations to, or allow it to be used Ë√ UNULF²ÝUÐ
by, any other person; or qL?×¹ Ë√ q?L?Ž vKŽ b?ŽU??¹ Ë√ qL?F¹ Ê« ≠ œ
d) make, assist in making, or procure to
t?HM ‰u?B(« b?BIÐ »–U? ÊUOÐ Í√ qL?Ž vKŽ
be made, any false representation for the
purpose of procuring for himself or any b¹b& Ë√ —«b « Ë√ `M vKŽ dš¬ hý Í_ Ë√
other person the grant, issue renewal or ÆÈdš√ WIOŁË W¹√ Ë√ WBš— Ë√ …œUNý W¹√ dOOGð Ë√
variation of any such certificate, licence or
Ë√ Áu??A¹ Ê« «b?L??Ž U? h??A “u??−¹ ô ≠ ≤
other document.
2. A person shall not wilfully mutilate, Ë√  ö?Š— q−Ý Í√ ¡ƒd?I? dO?ž qF?−¹ Ë√ dO?G¹
alter or render illegible any log book or »uKD åU?N?O d?š¬ b?O? Í√ Ë√ò Èdš√  ö?−?Ý
other record required by or under these
Regulations to be maintained or any entry
sŽ qL??F?¹ Ê« Ë√ò W??LE½_« Ác¼ Vłu?0 U??NEH??Š
made therein, or knowingly make, or b?O?? Í√ qL??Ž vKŽ b?ŽU??¹ Ë√ qL?×?¹ Ë√ W?d??F?
procure or assist in the making of, any false Èdš√  ö?−Ý Ë√  ö?Š— q−Ý Í√ w? »–U
entry in or material omission from any such
log book or record or destroy any such log
Í√ nK²?¹ Ê« Ë√ U??NM b??O?? Í√ Îö??F?? qL??N¹ Ê« Ë√
book or record during the period for which kH?Š UN?O? »uKD*« …b*« ¡UMŁ√ U?NM b?O Ë√ q−?Ý
it is required under those regulations to be åW?LE?½_« Ác¼ Vłu0 œu?O??I«Ë  ö?−??« pKð
preserved. All entries in such log books and
records shall be made in ink or indelible ozUŁu?«Ë  ö??−???« pKð w? œu??O???I« lO???L??łË
pencil and pages shall not be removed from ŸeM¹ ô√Ë v×?1 ô rKIÐ Ë√ d?³?(U?Ð ÊËbð Ê« V−¹
any such log book. ÆUNM q−Ý Í√ s W×H W¹√
3. A person shall not wilfully or
negligently make in a load sheet any entry Ê« ôU?L¼« Ë√ «b?L?Ž U? h?A “u?−¹ ô ≠ ≥
which is incorrect in any material Ë√ `O?×? d?O?ž b?O? Í√ s×?A« W?—Ë w qšb¹

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
particular, or any material omission from ÆpKð s×A« W—Ë w U ¡wý qO−ð qLN¹
such a load sheet.
4. A person shall not purpot to issue any
WD?KÝ w?Žb¹ Ê« U???? h????A? “u????−¹ ô ≠ ¥
certificate or maintenance or other r U Èdš√ …œUNý W¹√ Ë√ W½UO …œUNý W¹√ —«b «
certificate unless he is authorised to do so ÆWLE½_« Ác¼ Vłu0 pcÐ U{uH sJ¹
under these Regulations.
5. A person shall not issue any such
…œUN?ý W¹√ —bB¹ Ê« U? hA “u?−¹ ô ≠ μ
certificate as aforesaid unless he has ÊUÐ lM?²?« «–≈ ô« U??HU??Ý …—u??c*«  «œU??N??A« s
satisfied himself that all statements in the ÆW×O× UNO  U½UO³« lOLł
certificate are correct.

PART VI ”œU« ¡e'«

50 - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic
Control åW¹u'« Wd(« W³«dË u'« WLE½√ò ≠ μ∞
1. Subject to the provision of paragraph «c¼ s? ©≤® …d??I???H?« ÂUJŠ« …U???Ž«d??? l ≠ ±
(2) of this Regulation the Rules of the Air W??LE½√Ë u??'« W??LE½√ W??HU???? “u?−¹ ô ¨ÂU?EM«
and Air Traffic Control contatined in the
Twelfth Schedule shall not be contravened.
w½U??¦« ‰Ëb?'« w WM?O?³*« W¹u??'« W?d??(« W?³??«d?
2. It shall be lawful for the Rules of the ÆdAŽ
Air and Air Traffic Control to be departed Ê« …dzUÞ Ë√ h??ý Í_ U??O??Žd?ý “u??−¹ ≠ ≤
from by any person or aircraft to the extent
necessary for avoiding immediate danger
W?d?(« WÐU?—Ë u?'« W?LE½√  U?O?C?²?I? sŽ b?O?%
and for complying with the law of any dýU³ dDš VM−?² Í—Ëd{ u¼ U —«bI0 W¹u'«
country within which the aircraft then is. U?N??O? …dzU?D« ÊuJð w²« œö??³« Êu½U?IÐ b??O?I??²KË
3. If any departure from the Rules of the
Air and Air Traffic control is made by an
aircraft for the purpose of avoiding u???'« W????LE½√ sŽ ÃËd????š Í√ Àb???Š «–≈ ≠ ≥
immediate danger, the commander of the VM& bBIÐ …dzU?Þ q³ s W¹u'« Wd(« W?³«dË
aircraft shall cause written particulars of the
mK³?¹ Ê« …dzUD« b?zU?? vK?Ž V−¹ò d???ýU??³??? dDš
departure, and of the circomstances giving
rise to it, to be given within ten days thereof w²?« ·ËdE«Ë ÃËd???)« p?– qO??? U???Hð W?ÐU???²???
to the comptent authority of the State in w²« WËb« pKð w WB?²<« WDK« v≈ tðbłË«
whose territery the departure, was made, or «–≈ …—«œù« v≈ Ë√ åU?N?O?{«—√ ‚u ÃËd?)« qB?Š
if the departure was made over the High
seas, to the Administration. p–Ë ¨d??×?³« ÷d??Ž w lË b?? ÃËd?)« ÊU??
4. Nothing in the Rules of the Air and ÆtŽuË bFÐ ÂU¹√ …dAŽ sL{
Air Traffic Control shall exonerate any W??d???(« W??³??«d??Ë u???'« W??LE½√ w? fO ≠ ¥
person from the consequences of any
neglect of any precautions required by
‰U?L¼« Í√ ZzU?²½ s? h?ý Í√ Δd?³¹ U? W¹u?'«
ordinary aviation practice or by the special w W?uQ*« …œU?F« U?N?O?C?²?I?ð WDO?Š W¹√ –U?ð« w
circumstances of the case. ÆÀœU(UÐ W U)« ·ËdE«Ë Ê«dOD«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ¥
PART VII lÐU« ¡e'«
51 - Restrictions of Landing Places
An aircraft shall not use as a place of å◊u³N« sU√ b¹b%ò ≠ μ±
landing or departure in the territories of
‰ËeMK ÊUJ Í√ qLF?²ð Ê« …dzUD `L¹ ô
Kuwait any place other than an aerodrome
or aerodromes at Kuwait. —UD ·ö??š tM Ÿö??ô« Ë√ X¹uJ?« w{«—√ w
Provided that this prohibition shall not ÆX¹uJ«  «—UD Ë√
apply to landing due to accident, stress of V³?Ð ◊u?³?N« vKŽ lM?*« «c¼ o³D¹ ô√ ◊d?AÐ
weather or other unavoidable cause.
52 - Use of Aerodromes d?š¬ V³?Ý Í√ Ë√ Íu‡ł jG?{ Ë√ Δ—U‡Þ ÀœU‡Š
Every aircraft making use of the ÆtMŽ ÈbF ô
aerodrome or aerodromes at Kuwait shall å «—UD*« ‰ULF²Ý«ò ≠ μ≤
comply with the requirement of the
controlling authority at that aerodrome
w  «—UD Ë√ «—UD qLF?²ð …dzUÞ q vKŽ
respecting such use. U??N?{d??Hð w?²«  U?O??C??²??I*UÐ b??O??I?²ð Ê« X?¹uJ«
53 - Application of Laws and Regulations p– ÊQ??AÐ —U?D*« W??³??«d?? vKŽ W??LzU??I« WD?K«
in Force in Kuwait
Subject to provisions of these
regulations, the laws and regulations for the w U?NÐ ‰u?L?F*« W?LE?½_«Ë 5½«u?I« oO?³Dðò ≠ μ≥
time being in force in Kuwait concerning åX¹uJ«
the entry into and the departure from the 5½«u??I« ÊU? W?L?E½_« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ« …U?Ž«d?? l
territories of Kuwait, of persons by sea and
land and concerning the importation and
WIKF²*«Ë X¹uJ« w UOU?Š UNÐ ‰uLF*« WLE½_«Ë
exportation from the territories of Kuwait w{«—_« s r?N??łËd??šË ’U?????ý_« ‰u??šbÐ
of goods by sea and land shall apply U?C¹√ W??IKF?²*«Ë d??³«Ë d?×?³?« o¹dÞ sŽ W?O??²¹uJ«
respectively to the entry and departure of
U¼d¹b?BðË w{«—_« pKð v≈ lzU?C?³« œ«d?O²?ÝUÐ
persons and the importation and exportation
of goods by air. ÃËd???šË ‰u????šœ vK?Ž o³D?𠨫d???×ÐË «d?Ð U???N?M
54 - Netification of Time of Arrival for o¹dÞ sŽ lzUC³« d¹bBðË œ«d?O²Ý«Ë ’Uý_«
Purpose of Customs, Public Health and
Police Administrations.
Prior notice of the time of the intended „—U??L?'« dz«Ëb? ‰u?u« b??O??Ž«u? m?OK³ðò ≠ μ¥
arrival of an aircraft from aboard at any ås_«Ë WUF« W×B«Ë
Kuwait aerodrome and of departure of an W?U?F« W?×?B«Ë „—U?L?'« …dz«b U?b?I? mK³¹
aircraft for abroad from any Kuwait
aerodrome shall be given to the Customs,
W?œU?? …dzUÞ ‰u? Ë b??Žu? X¹u?J« w s_«Ë
Public Health and Police Administration of b???Žu????Ë X¹u?J« w —U?D Í√ v≈ ×U????)« s
Kuwait. Æ×U)« v≈ X¹uJ« w —UD Í√ s UNŽö«
55 - Application of Public Health
åWUF« W×B« WLE½√ oO³Dðò ≠ μμ
Every aircraft, and the persons on board, v≈ U????Nu???? Ë b???FÐ ¨«u?ð …dzUÞ q? lC????ð
shall immediately on landing in the s U?NKO?Š— q‡³?Ë Ã—U?)« s W?O?²¹uJ« w{«—_«

μμ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
territories of Kuwait from abroad and prior s¹c« ’U???ý_«Ë ¨Ã—U?)« v?≈ w{«—_« pKð
to deprture from those territories for
s W??{Ëd?H*« W??O?×??B«  «¡«d?łô« v?≈ ¨U?N??O?
abroad, submit to the sanitary formalities
laid down by the Public Health
ÆX¹uJ« w WUF« W×B« …dz«œ
Administration of Kuwait. ådH«  «“«ułò ≠ μ∂
56 - Passports w{«—_« v≈ ¨«uł 5œUI« ’Uý_« vKŽ
Persons on board an aircraft in the d??H?Ý  «“«u??ł rNð“U?O??Š w ÊuJ¹ Ê« W??O??²¹uJ«
territories of Kuwait shall be in the
possession of valid national passport or
U¼Ë“d?³¹ Ê«Ë ozU?Łu« s U?NœU?F¹ U? Ë√ ¨W??O½u½U?
equivalent documents and shall produce VKD?¹ ôË ¨VKD« b?MŽ ÷u??H*« h???A« v≈
them on demand to any authorised person. …d?OýQ?ð X¹uJ« v≈ ÊueM¹ ô s¹c« »U?d« s
Through passengers not breaking Journey,
will not require transit visas. Passengers
breaking journey, or leaving the aerodrome
s¹c?« Ë√ U????N????O≈ Êu“U?M« ’U????????ý_« U????«
will need visas issued by, or en behalf of vKŽ 5K U?Š «u½u?J¹ Ê« rN?OKF? —UD*« ÊË—œU?G¹
the Responsible Quarters. ÆWB²<«  UN'« sŽ …—œU …dOýQð

GENERAL s U¦« ¡e'«
57 - Power to Prevent Aircraft Flying in ©W UŽ œ«u ®
Contravention of the Regulations or
nU¹ U0 Ê«dOD« s …dzUÞ lM* WOŠöB«ò ≠ μ∑
while unfit for Flight.
1. If it appears to an authorised person åÊ«dODK W(U dOž X½U «–≈ Ë√ WLE½_«
that any aircraft is intended or likely to be …dzUÞ W¹√ Ê« ÷u??H?? h??A `Cð« «–≈ ≠ ±
flown: ∫lKIð Ê« qL²×¹ Ë√ Ÿöô« bBIð
a) in such circomstences that the flight
U??HU???? U?N?½«d?OÞ q?F?& ·Ëd?þ w w¼Ë ≠ √
would in contravention of the provisions, or
any provision, of Regulations 1, 3, 5, 6, 19, ≤∞Ë ±πË ∂Ë μË ≥Ë ± r?— W??????LE?½_« ÂUJ?Šô
20, 21, 37 or of the conditions governing W????I?KF?????²*« ◊Ëd?????AK? Ë√ U????N?M Í√ Ë√ ≥∏Ë ≤±Ë
the use of the aerodromes at Kuwait, or
Ë√ X¹uJ« w  «—UD*« ‰ULF²ÝUÐ
b) is such circumstances that the flight
would be in contravention of any other ÂUJ?Š√ W¹_ W????H?U???????? ·Ëdþ w? w¼ ≠ »
provision of these Regulations and be cause dD?K ÷d????Fð b????Ë W???LE?½_« Ác¼ s? Èd???š√
of danger to persons in the aircraft or goods UN?OKŽ WKL?;« lzUC?³« Ë√ UN?O s¹c« ’U?ý_«
carried for hie or reward therein or to other
persons or property on land or water or in
Ë√ s¹dš¬ ÎU U?ý√ Ë√ i¹uF²« Ë√ …dł_« rÝdÐ
the air’ or w Ë√ ÁU?O*« ‚u? Ë√ ÷—_« vKŽ Èd?š√  UJK²2
c) while in a condition unfit for flight ØË√ u'«
whether the flight would otherwise be in
¡«uÝ ¨Ê«dODK W(U? dOž WUŠ w w¼ ≠ ‡ł
contravention of any provision of these
Regulations or of the aforesaid conditions Ác¼ ÂU?JŠ√ s bM?Ð Í_ U??HU????? Ê«d???OD« ÊU???
or not; Æô Â√ dc« WHU« ◊ËdAK Ë√ WLE½_«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ
Such authorised person may give such s —b?B¹ Ê« ÷uH*« h?A« p– lOD²?¹
instructions and take such steps by way of
o¹dÞ s?Ž  «¡«d??łô« s c?????²¹Ë  U??L??OK?F??²«
detention or otherwise as appear to him
necessary in order to prevent the flight. ÆÊ«dOD« lM* öOH Á«d¹U töš Ë√ nOu²«
2. For the purposes of paragraph (1) of ÂUE?M« «c?¼ s ©±® …d?????I????H?« ÷«d????ž_ ≠ ≤
this Regulation the aircraft may be Æ÷uH hý q³ s …dzUÞ gO²Hð “u−¹
inspected by an authorised person.
3. If any person contravenes any ÁUDF  ULOKFð W¹√ hý Í√ nUš «–≈ ≠ ≥
intructions given under paragraph (1) of UHU d³²F¹ ÂUEM« «c¼ s ©±® …dIH« Vłu0 t
this Regulation, he shall be deemed to have W???HU?????? …d?zUÞ W¹√ X?FK√ «–≈Ë W???LE?½_« Ác???N
contravened these Regulations and if any
aircraft flies in contravention of any such b?  «¡«dł« W?¹√ rždÐ Ë√  UL?OKF?²« pKð Èb?Š≈
instructions, or notwithstanding any steps U?N½«dOÞ lM* t?öš Ë√ nO?u²U? UN?I×Ð  c?ð«
taken by way of detention or otherwise in ÆWLE½_« ÁcNÐ XKš« UN½« d³²Fð
order to prevent the flight, it shall be
deemed to have failed to comply with these åÈdš√ WMJ√Ë  «—UD*« v≈ ‰uu« oŠò ≠ μ∏
Regulations. q³?? s W?ÐU?²?? t? ‰u??? h???ý Í_ o×¹
58 - Right of Access to Aerodromes and
other Places
qOK?« w ‰u??I?F?? XË Í√ w? qšb¹ Ê« …—«œù«
Any person authorised in writing by the Æ—UNM«Ë
Administration shall have the right of
ÆtAO²Hð bBIÐ —UD Í√ v≈ ≠ √
access at all reasonable times by day or
night: tO? …dzUÞ W¹√ gO²Hð b?BIÐ —UD Í√ v≈ ≠ »
a) to any aerodrome for the purpose of W?LE½_« Ác¼ Vłu0 U?N?³K?Þ t o×¹ W?I?OŁË W¹√ Ë√
inspecting the aerodrome.
Ác¼ ÂU?JŠQÐ ö???L???Ž …dzU?Þ W¹√ e???−???Š b???B???IÐË
b) to any aerodrome for the purpose of
inspecting any aircraft on the aerodrome or ÆWLE½_«
any document which he has power to t?O? XD³¼ …dzUD« Êu?Jð ÊUJ Í√ v≈Ë ≠ ‡ł
demand under these Regulations, and for
the purpose of detaining any aircraft under UN?³KÞ t o×¹ WIO?ŁË W¹√ gO²Hð Ë√ U?NAO?²Hð qł_
the provisions of these Regulations, and …dzUÞ W?¹√ e??−??Š b??B??I?ÐË W??LE½_« Ác?¼ Vłu0
c) to any place where an aircraft has
landed, for the purpose of inspecting the
aircraft or any document which he has Í√ lM?1 Ë√ oO????F¹ Ê« h?????ý Í_ “u????−¹ ô
power to demand under these Regulations ÂU9« s Ë√ tðUO?Šö WÝ—UL0 ÂUO?I« s hý
and the provisions of these Regulations.
59 - Obstruction of authorised Persons
ÆWLE½_« ÁcN UI³Þ tðU³ł«Ë
No person shall obstruct or impede any ÂU???O???I« s? 5{u???H*« ’U??????ý_« l?Mò ≠ μπ
person acting in exercise of his powers or
the performance of his duties under these årN³ł«uÐ
Regulations. å UÐuIF«ò ≠ ∂∞
60 - Penalties
1. If any aircraft fails to comply whith «–≈ Ë√ WLE½_« Ác?NÐ …dzUÞ W¹√ bO?I²ð r «–≈ ≠ ±
these Regulations of if any act is committed U??NÐ oKF??²¹ U?L??O? Ë√ …d?zUD« w qL??Ž Í√ VJð—«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
in or in respect of, the aircraft UNMŽ ‰ËR*« d³²FO ¨WLE½_« ÁcN UHU ÊuJ¹
incontravention of these Regulations, the
operator and commander of the aircraft
X³Ł« «–≈ ô« WLE½_« Ác¼ UHUš b ULN½UÐ U¼bzUË
shall be deemed to have contravened these ∫“ËU−²« Ë√ WHU<« Ê«
Regulations, unless he proves that the Ë√ Íu??ł jG?{ Ë√ ÷—U??Ž sŽ U?&U½ ÊU?? ≠ √
contravention or default:
a) was due to accident, stress of weather Ë√ tMŽ ÈbF ô dš¬ V³Ý
or other unavoidable cause; or ÆRÞ«uð Ë√ tM œuBI QDš ÊËœ lË ≠ »
b) took place without his actual fault Ác???NÐ b???O???I??²?« “ËU??& Ë√ n?U??š s? q ≠ ≤
2. Any person who contravenes or fails ÊËœË W?O½u½U? WH?U? VJð—« b? ÊuJ¹ W?LE½_«
to comply with these Regulations shall be sJ1 U???NM b???ý√ Ë√ Èd??š√ WÐu???I??Ž W¹QÐ ”U???*«
guilty of an offence, and, without prejudice Vłu0 t??H½ ‰U?L¼ô« p– ’u?B?Ð U?N?{d?
to any other or higher penalty which may
be imposed in respect of the same act of f³(UÐ W½«œô« bFÐ VU?F¹ ÂUE½ Ë√ dš¬ Êu½U Í√
omission under any other law or regulation, b¹e?ð ô W??«d???GÐ —u???N??ý W???²???« sŽ b¹e?ð ô …b*
shall be liable, on conviction, to Æ5²ÐuIF« U²KJÐ Ë√ WOÐË— ©±∞∞∞®
imprisonment for aperiod not exceeding six
months or to a fine not exceeding 1000 åWLE½_« oO³Dðò ≠ ∂±
rupees or to both such imprisonment and WLE½_« Ác¼ oO³Dð
fine. X¹uJ« w WK−*«  «dzUD« lOLł vKŽ ≠ √
61 - Application of Regulations
These Regulations apply to: ÆX½U UL¦OŠ
a) all aircraft registered in Kuwait U??bM?Ž Èd??š_«  «dzUD« lO???L??ł vKŽ ≠ »
wherever they may eb, ÆX¹uJ« qš«œ ÊuJð
b) all other aircraft when within Kuwait.
62 - Interpretation å «dOH²«ò ≠ ∂≤
In these Regulations unless the context p– dOž WM¹dI« Ÿb²ð r U WLE½_« Ác¼ w
otherwise requires: ∫ÊU
“Aerial Work” means any purpose other
than the carriage of persons or goods, for «b??Ž ÷d???ž Í√ wMFð åÍu???ł qL??Žò …—U???³??Ž
which an aircraft is flown, if hire or reward …dzUD« dODð tKł_ l?zUC³« Ë√ ’U?ý_« qLŠ
is given or promised in respect of the flight oKF²¹ ULO UC¹uFð Ë√ …dł√  bŽË Ë√ XODŽ« «–≈
or the purposes of the flight;
“Aerial work aircraft” means an aircraft ÆWKŠd« pKð ÷«dž_ Ë√ WKŠdUÐ
flying or intended by the operator to fly, for w²« …dzUD« w?MFð åÍu?ł qL?Ž …dzUÞò …—U?³?Ž
the purpose of aerial work; oOKײ« U?NMŽ ‰ËR*« UN?M b¹d¹ Ë√ u'« w oK%
“Aerobatioc manoeuvers” includes
loops, spin folls, bunts, aileron turns, stall ÆÍuł qLŽ bBIÐ u'« w
turns and any other similar manoeuvers; qL???Að åW???O?z«u¼ W???O½«uKN?Ð  «—ËUMò …—U???³???Ž
“Aerodrome” means any area of land or …dzUD?« `M−Ð VF?K«Ë Ê«—ËœË W??O??³KIð  U??d??Š
water designed, equipped, set apart or
commonly used for affording facilities for U¼d?O?žË „d?;« nO?uð l?  U?HK«Ë ¨ U?HK«Ë
the landing and departure of aircraft; ÆWKŁUL*«  «—ËUM*« s

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ
“Aerodrome traffic zone” in relation to Í√ v≈ W?³MU?Ð å—UD*UÐ Wd?(« W?IDMò …—U³?Ž
any aerodrome means the airspace
—UD*« `DÝ s b?²L*« Íu?'« ¡UC?H« wMFð —UD
extending from aerodrome level to a height
of 2..000 feet over the area comprising the qL?Að w²« W?ŠU?*« ‚u? Âb? ©≤∞∞∞® uKŽ v≈
aerodrome and the surrounding land or WU sL{ UNÐ WDO;« ÁUO*« Ë√ w{«—_«Ë —UD*«
water within a distance of 3.000 yards of its ÆU¼œËbŠ s …œ—UÐ ©≥∞∞∞®
u¹œ«— WD× wM?Fð åW¹uł u¹œ«— WD×ò …—U?³Ž
“Aeronautieal Radio Station” means a
radio station on land or abroad ship W??b??Ð Âu?I?ð WMO??H?Ý d??Nþ vK?Ž Ë√ ÷—_« vKŽ
providing a service for aircraft radio Æ «dzUD« w WOJKÝö«  UD;«
w …e????d??? å…d?zUÞ W¬ w?MFð …d?zUÞò …—U????³???Ž
“Aeroplance” means a flying machine
supported in flight by fixed wings; ÆW²ÐUŁ W×Mł√ vKŽ UN½«dOÞ
“Aircraft radio station” means a radio WD×?? wMFð å…d?zUÞ w u¹œ«— WD×??ò …—U?³??Ž
station on board and aircraft; Æ…dzUÞ qš«œ u¹œ«—
“Air-ground Control radio station”
s W¹u???'« W??³???«d??L?K u¹œ«— WD?×??ò …—U???³??Ž
means an aeronautiocal radio station having
primary responsibility for handling U??N?²??OËR???? W¹u?ł u?¹œ«— WD×?? wMFð å÷—_«
communications pertaining to the operation ‰U?L??ŽQÐ W? U??)«  ö? «u*« d?¹bð Ê« W?O??ÝU?Ý_«
and control of aircraft in a given area, Æ…œËb× WŠU vKŽ  «dzUD« W³«dË
“Air transport undertaking” means
person whose usual business, includes the
wMF?ð åW¹u?'« W??d??(« W??³??«d* …b?ŠËò …—U??³??Ž
carriage of persons or goods by air for hire dš¬ hý Í√ Ë√ …—«œù« UN²M?OŽ W¾O¼ Ë√ hý
or reward; W??d?(« W??³??«d? W??b??š Âb?I??O —UD t?ðb?N??Ž w
“Alternate aerodrome” means an
aerodrome selected prior to take-off to
which a flight may proceed when landing at h??ý wMF?ð åÍu??'« qIMUÐ b??N??Fðò …—U??³??Ž
the intended destination becomes Ë√ ’U?????ý_« q?I½ qL???A¹ ÍœU???O??²???Žô« tKL???Ž
inadvisable; Æi¹uFð Ë√ …dł√ qÐUI «uł lzUC³«
“Authorised person” means a person
q³ d?O²?š« —UD wMFð å»ËUM²UÐ —UDò …—U?³Ž
authorised in writing by the Administration
for any purpose under these Regulations; d??O??ž s? `³??B¹ U???LMO??Š t???O?? ◊u??³??N?K Ÿö??ô«
“Certificate of airworthiness” includes ÆœuBI*« ÊUJ*« w ◊u³N« sײ*«
any validation thereof and any flight
‰u? hý w?MFð å‰u? hýò …—U?³Ž
manual performance shedual relating to the
Certificate of Airworthiness and issued,
ÆWLE½_« ÁcN UI³Þ ÷dž Í_ …—«œù« s WÐU²
approved or rendered valid under the law of qL?Að åÊ«d?ODK …dzUD« W?OK¼√ …œU?N?ýò …—U³?Ž
the country in which the aircraft is Ë√ Ê«d?OÞ VO?²? Í√Ë …œUN?AK wŽd?ý XO?³?¦ð Í√
—b? Ê«d?OD« W?OK¼√ …œUN?AÐ oKF?²¹ qL?Ž ‰Ëb?ł
“Commander” in relation to an aircraft
means the member of the flight crew œö³« Êu½U? Vłu0 UO?Ždý X³Ł Ë√ t?OKŽ ‚b Ë
designeted as commander by the operator ÆUNO …dzUD« XK−Ý w²«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
of the aircraft or failing such person, the å…dzUÞ v≈ W??³?M?UÐ ©—b½U?u??® bzU?ò …—U??³?Ž
person who is for the time being the pilot in
‰ËR*« q³ s 5F*« …d?zUD« wŠö bŠ√ wMFð
charge of the aircraft;
“Competent Authority” means in «c¼ q?¦?? œu???łË Âb??Ž WU???Š wË …dzU?DK «bzU???
relation to Kuwait the Civil Air c??¾MO??Š rzU??I« h??A« bzU??I« Êu?J¹ h??A«
Administration, and in relation to any other w W?O?KF?H« …œU?O??I« sŽ ‰ËR??*« —U?OD« W?H??OþuÐ
country the authority responsible under the
law of the country for promoting the safety
of civil aviation. W???³???MU?Ð wMFð åW???B???²???<« WD?K«ò …—U???³???Ž
“Contracting State” means any State Í√ v≈ W???³??MU?ÐË w½b*« Ê«d???OD« …—«œ≈ X¹u?JK
which is a party to the convention;
bK³?« p– w U??O?L??Ý— W??LzU??I« WD?K« d??š¬ bKÐ
“Control Area” means airspace which
has been notified as such, and which ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WöÝ qzUÝË 5ײ
extends from a notified altitued above ÊuJð WËœ W¹√ wM?Fð å…bU?F?²*« WËb«ò …—U?³?Ž
means sea level; Æ…b¼UF*« w ÎUdÞ
“Controlled airspace” means control
Íu?'« ¡U??C?H« wMFð åW??³?«d*« W?IDM?ò …—U?³?Ž
areas and control zones;
“Control Zone” means airspace which ‚u 5F? uKŽ s b²L*«Ë qJA?« «cNÐ tMŽ mK³*«
has been notified or such and which Æ÷—_« `DÝ s «œuF Ë√ ¨d׳« `DÝ
extends upwards from the surface; wM?Fð åV?«d*« Íu?????'« ¡U?????C?????H«ò …—U?????³?????Ž
“The Convention” means the
Convention of International Civil Aviation
ÆW³«d*« oÞUMË  UŠU
signed at Chicago on the seventh day of W??? U???)« …b?¼U???F*« wM?Fð å…b¼U???F?*«ò …—U???³???Ž
December, nineteen hundred and w u?žUJO?ý w W?F?«u*« wËb?« w½b*« Ê«d?ODUÐ
forty-four; and in respect of which
w²?«Ë ±π¥¥ ÂU??Ž d???³???L???¹œ s l?ÐU???« Âu???O«
Kuwait’s instrument of adherence was
desposited on May 1960.. u¹U??? ±∑ w? U??N?u???³??? W???I???OŁË X¹uJ?« XŽœË«
“Co-pilot” in relation to an aircraft Ʊπ∂∞
means a pilot who in performing his duties wMFð …dzUÞ v≈ W?³?MUÐ å—U?OÞ ÊËU?F?ò …—U³?Ž
as such is subject to the supervision of
Ád?« X% W?H?Oþu« pK²?Ð t?U?O? ¡UMŁ√ ÊuJ¹ «—U?OÞ
another pilot carried in the aircraft;
“Crew” Every person employed or Æ…dzUD« w ‰uL× —UOÞ
engaged in an aircraft in flight on the Ë√ nþu?? h??ý q wMF?ð åÕö?ò …—U??³??Ž
buisness of the aircraft shall be deemed to U??N½«d??OÞ ¡UMŁ√ …dzUÞ w? U? qL??Ž w Âb????²???
be a member of the carew thereof;
“Dangerous goods” means an explosive
Æ…dzUD« pKð wŠö s «uCŽ d³²F¹Ë
substance and any other goods (wether …d?−H?²? …œU W¹√ w?MFð å…dDš lzU?CÐò …—U³?Ž
explosive or not) which by reasons of their —U?−?H½ö WKÐU? X½U? ¡«uÝ® Èd?š√ lzU?CÐ Í√Ë
nature are liable to endanger the safety of
Ë√ …dzUD?« W?ö??Ý U??N?²??F??O?³D?Ð ÷d?Fð b?? ©ô Â√
the aircraft or of persons on board the
aircraft; ÆdDK UNKš«œ w s¹c« ’Uý_«
“Duty” includes any function unaertaken wMFð åW‡L?Nò Ë√ åW?H?OþËò Ë√ åVł«Ëò …—U³?Ž

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
or performed, wether or not in pusuance of U????I???³?Þ ÊU??? ¡«u?‡‡Ý - Ë√ t?‡‡?Ð lKD?{« q‡L????Ž Í√
a legal obligation;
Æô Â√ w½u½U «e²‡ô
“Flight” and aircraft shall be deemed to
be in flight from the moment when, after Ê«d?O?Þ WU?Š w …d?zUÞ q d?³??²?Fð ≠ åÊ«d??OÞò
the embarkation of its crew for the purpose bBIÐ UNO≈ UN?OŠö œuF l³²ð w²« WE×K« cM
of taking off it first moves under its own
power, until the moment when it next
v²?Š W?? U?)« U?N?²??UDÐ Ÿö?ö wË_« „d??×?²«
comes to rest after landing and the U?NÞu³¼ b?FÐ W?d(« sŽ nu?²ð U?NÐ w²« WE×K«
expressions “aflight” and “to fly” shall be UI³Þ cšRð ådODðËò åÊ«dOÞò …—U³ŽË ÷—_« v≈
construed accordingly;
“Flight Crew” the flight crew of an ÆdOH²« «cN
aircraft shall consist of these members of …dzUD« u??Šö? nQ?²¹ ≠ åÊu¹u??ł Êu?Šö?ò
the crew who respectively undertake the
—U?OÞ ÂU?N0 Êu?u?I¹ s¹c« 5Šö*« ¡U?C?Ž_« s
duties of pilot, flight navigator, flight
engineer and flight radio operator; wJKÝô q?U?ŽË Íu?ł ”bMN??Ë Íu?ł Õö?Ë
“Flight Information Region” means ÆÍuł
airspace notified as such, as being a region
¡UCH« wMFð åW¹u'«  U?uKF*« WIDMò …—U³Ž
within which flight information and alerting
services are provided;  UuKF*« wDFð YOŠ W?IDML tMŽ sKF*« Íu'«
“Flying Machine” means and aircraft ÆtO³M²«  UbšË W¹u'«
heavier than air and having means of
mechanical propulasion;
¡«u?N« s qIŁ√ …dzUÞ wMFð å…dzU?Þ W¬ò …—U³?Ž
“General Classification of Aircraft”. The ÆwJO½UJO*« lb« qzUÝuÐ …eN−Ë
expressions appearing in the General wM?Fð å «dzU?DK? ÂU???F?« nOM?B???²?«ò …—U???³????Ž
Classification of Aircraft set forth in the
Thirteenth Schedule to these Regulations Ác¼ s d?A?Ž Y?U?¦« ‰Ëb?'« w WMO?³*« d??OÐU?F?²«
shall have the meanings therein indicated;  «dzUDK åÂU?F« nOMB?²«ò …—U?³?Ž X% W?LE½_«
“Glider” means an aircraft heavier than
ƉËb'« p– w W×{u*« w½UF*« UN ÊuJ¹Ë
air not fixed to the ground and having no
means of mechanical propulsion, but …—U?OÞ wMFð ©—b¹ö® åW?O?Ž«dý …—U?OÞò …—U³?Ž
having means of directional control; d??O??žË ÷—_« v≈ W??²??³??¦?? d?O??ž ¡«u??N« s? qIŁ«
“Goods” includes mails and animals;
“Helicopter” means a flying machine
…œËe? U??NMJ wJO?½UJO*« lbK qzU??ÝuÐ …e?N??−?
supported in flight by rotating wings; ÆU¼dOÝ jš tOłu² “UN−Ð
“Kite” means a non-mechanically driven Æ U½«uO(«Ë b¹d³« qLAð ålzUCÐò …—U³Ž
aircraft, heavier than air, moored to or
towed from the ground or water;
w …eJðd? …dzUÞ W¬ w?MFð åd?²ÐuJOK¼ò …—U?³?Ž
“Land” and “Landing” in relation to ÆWOI√ WŠËd vKŽ UN½«dOÞ
aircraft, heavier than air, moored to or å…dzUÞ v≈ W?³MUÐ ÷—_« v≈ ◊u?³¼ò …—U³?Ž
towed from the ground or water;
Æ¡U*« vKŽ ‰ËeM« qLAð
“Licence” includes any certificate of
competency or certificate of validity issued Ë√ …¡U?H?? …œU?N?ý W¹√ qL??Að åW?B?š—ò …—U??³?Ž
with the licence or required to be held in Ë√ W??B?šd« l? …—œU? W??O??Žd?ý XO??³??¦ð …œU?N??ý

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
connection with the licence by law of the Vłu0 W??B??šdUÐ U??N??²??ö??F U¼ƒUM?²?« »u?KD
country in which the licence is granted.
ÆUNO WBšd« X×M w²« œö³« Êu½U
“Modification” includes any change in
the type of engines, or of the components, “«dÞ w? d??O???O??G?ð Í√ qL??A?ð åq¹b???Fðò …—U??³???Ž
instruments, accessories, equipment or Ë√  U???I???×K Ë√  «Ëœ√ ¡«e???ł√ w Ë√  U???d???;«
apparatus of an aircraft or its ingines or any
s ¡eł Í√ Ë√ U?NðUd×? Ë√ …dzUÞ …eNł√ Ë√ Áb?²Ž«
part of such engines, components,
instruments, accessories, equipment or  U?I×K*« Ë√  ôü« Ë√ ¡«e?ł_« Ë√  Ud?;« pKð
appartus. Æ…eNł_« Ë√ Áb²Žô« Ë√
“Nautical Mile” Means a distance of
∂[∞∏∞ W??U??? wM?Fð åÍd?×?Ð qO??ò …—U?³??Ž
6,080 feet;
“Operator” in relation to an aircraft ÆUb
means the person entitled for the time being wMFð å…dzUÞ v≈ W³MUÐ ¨sŽ ‰ËR*«ò …—U³Ž
to fly the aircraft or, if that, person is the
d?OOD²Ð ÂU?OI« U? XË w t o×¹ Íc« h?A«
servant or agent of another person and is
acting in the course of his employment such öOË Ë√ ÎUHþu? hA« p– ÊU Ê« Ë√ …dzUD«
other persons; Ædšü« hA« p– ÊuJO dš¬ hA
“Pilot in command” means a person who
ôËR? U?B?ý wMFð å‰ËR? —U?OÞò …—U³?Ž
for the time being is in charge of the
piloting of an aircraft, without being under Í√ …—«œ≈ X% Êu?J¹ Ê« ÊËœ ¨…d?zUÞ …œU????O???? sŽ
the direction of any other pilot in the ÆXu« p– w …dzUD« w dš¬ —UOÞ
Í_ Ê«d???O?Þ wMF?ð å’U???š Ê«d????OÞò …—U????³???Ž
“Private flying” means flying for any
purposes other than public transport or qL???F?« Ë√ wu???L???F?« qIM?« d???O???ž ÊU??? ÷d???ž
aeriel work; ÆÍu'«
“Privilege” means a right conferred by a
WB?š— Vłu0 `M UIŠ wMFð å“U?O²«ò …—U?³Ž
licence entitling the holder of the licence to
perform any function to which the licence pK²?Ð oKF??²ð W??L??N?? W¹QÐ ÂU??O??I« U??NKU??Š ‰u??ð
relates; ÆWBšd«
“Public transport”, For the purposes of
q W?LE½_« Ác¼ ÷«d?ž_ åw?u?L?F« qIM«ò
these regulations an aircraft in flight shall
be deemed by fly for the purpose of public qIM?« b??B??I?Ð d??ODð U???N½« d??³???²??Fð W???IK×??? …dzUÞ
transport if; ∫wuLF«
a) hire or reward is given or promised i¹u??F?ð Ë√ …d??łQÐ  b??ŽË Ë√ X?ODŽ« «–≈ ≠ √
for the carriage of persons or goods in the
aircraft; or
Ë√ lzUCÐ Ë√ ’Uý√ qIM
b) hire or reward is given or promised i¹u?Fð Ë√ …dłQÐ  b?ŽË Ë√ XODŽ« «–≈ ≠ »
for the right to fly the aircraft; or Ë√ …dzUD« ‰ULF²ÝUÐ oŠ vKŽ ‰uB×K
c) persons or goods are carried
s U½U?−? lzUC?Ð Ë√ U U??ý√ XKI½ «–≈ ≠ ‡ł
gratuitously in the aircraft by an air
transport undertaking, Provided that: t½« ◊dý vKŽ Íuł qI½ WÝR q³
1) for the purpose of Part III and Part IV Ác¼ s l?Ыd«Ë YU??¦« ¡e??'« ÷«d??ž_ ≠ ±

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
of these Regulations, hire or reward shall vDŽ« b i¹uF²« Ë√ …dł_« Ê« d³²F¹ ô WLE½_«
not be deemed to be given or promised by
roason of a payment being made or
ÍœUM wDŽ« b bŽu« Ë√ lb« ÊU «–≈ tÐ bŽË Ë√
promised to a flying club by a member ÆtzUCŽ√ bŠ√ q³ s Ê«dOÞ
thereof; Ác¼ s l?Ыd«Ë YU??¦« ¡e??'« ÷«d??ž_ ≠ ≤
2) for the purpose of Part III and Part IV
of these Regulations an aircraft shall not be
bB?IÐ UN½«d?OÞ w WLzU …dzUD« d?³²?Fð ô WLE½_«
deemed to fly for the purpose of public …d?łQÐ U¼b?ŽË Ë√ U?NzUDŽ« œd?−0 wu?L?F« qIM«
transport solely by reason of hire or reward ÆUNULF²Ý« oŠ vKŽ ‰uB×K i¹uFð Ë√
being given or promised for the right to fly
the aircraft;
X?‡?K?‡?I?½ «–≈ ©Ã® …d??‡?‡?I???????????H?« o?‡?‡?³?D?ð ô ≠ ≥
3) Paragraph (c) shall not apply if the ÆjI …d‡‡zU‡‡D«
aircraft carried only: rNML{ s W?ÝR*« W?bš w U U?ý√ ≠ ±
(i) Persons in the employment of the
undertaking (including, in the case of a
WU?Š wËò åU¼ƒ«—b?? WMU?C?²? W?¾??O¼ WU?Š wò
body corporate, its Directors and, in the ÆåWdA« pKð ¡UCŽ√ò åÊ«dOÞ Wdý
case of any Airway Corporation, members ¡U?C?Ž√ò Ê«d?OÞ ÍœU?½ W??ÝR*« X½U? «–≈ ≠ ≤
of the Corporation);
(ii) if the undertaking is a flying club,
ÆåÍœUM« p–
members of the club; s h????ý Í√ ‰U????L???F???²????Ýô lzU????CÐ ≠ ≥
(iii) goods intended to be used by any ÆWÝR*« Ë√ ÁöŽ√ s¹—uc*«
such person as aforesaid, or by the
Ë√ dODð …dzUÞ wMFð åÂU?F« qIMK …dzUÞò …—U³Ž
“Public Transport Aircraft” means an d??ODð Ê_ U??N?MŽ ÂU‡F« ‰ËR?‡*« q‡³?? s‡? WMO??F??
aircraft flying or intended by the operator ÆÂUF« qIM« bBIÐ
of the aircraft to fly, for the purpose of
public transport;
d???Hð Ê« V−¹ åw?JKÝôò Ë√ åu¹œ«—ò …—U??³?Ž
“Radio” is to be interpreted as a general  U??łu*« ‰U??L??F??²?Ý« v?KŽ o³D ÂU??Ž b¹b??×??²??
term applied to the use of lectro-magnetic 5Ð U??  U?ÐcÐc«  «– W??O????OÞU?MG*« W??OzU?Ðd??NJ«
waves of frequencies between ten
kilocycles a second and three million 5¹ö??? WŁö?Ł W???O½U???¦« w q?JO???Ý u???OK …d???A???Ž
megacycles a second; ÆWO½U¦« w qJOÝUJO
“Radio appartus” includes all apparatus, U0 …eNł_« lO?Lł qLAð åu¹œ«— “UN?łò …—U³Ž
including any ancilary equipment, for
sending and receiving by means of radio; ‰U??Ý—ö WKL??F?²??*« U??N W?FÐU??²« …b??²?Žô« U??N?O??
“Radio Navigation Apparatus” means ÆwJKÝö« WDÝ«uÐ ◊UI²ô«Ë
radio apparatus designed to assist the “U??N?ł wM?Fð åW?Šö??LK u¹œ«— “U??N??łò …—U?³??Ž
navigation of aircraft;
“Rating” means an entry in a licence Æ…dzUD« …œUO …bŽU* hB<« u¹œ«d«
specifying a privilege or limiting the effect U WBš— wò «bO w?MFð åWł—œ Ë√ W¾ò …—U³Ž
of a privilige; Æ“UO²« ‰uFH œb% Ë√ å«“UO²« 5³ð
“Repair” in relation to any part of an
aircraft or of its equipment includes Ë√ …dzUÞ s ¡eł Í_ W³MUÐ å`OKBðò …—U³Ž
replacement; Ɖ«b³²Ýô« qLAð UNð«bF s

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
“Schedule Journey” means one of a WKŠ— wMFð å‰Ëb?'« w WK− WKŠ—ò …—U?³Ž
series of journeys which are undertaken
between the same two places and which
5MO???F?? 5½UJ 5Ð W???LzU??  ö??Š— WK?KÝ s
together amount to a systematic service qF??& W??I¹dDÐ —«bð W??LEM? W?b??š U??F? Êö?JA¹
operated in such manner that the benefits 5Š s Vžd¹ Íc?« —u?N?L?−K W?ŠU?²? U¼bz«u?
thereof are available to members of the
public from time to time seeking to take WLzU? WKŠ— qLAð ôËò U?NM …œUH²?Ýô« w dšü
advantage of it and does not include a ∫WOU²« ÷«dž_« s Í_
journey made for any of the following vKŽ j?I? rN??L??OKFð b??B??IÐ »U?d?« qI½ ≠ √
a) the carriage of passengers for the sole Æ5¹u'« 5Šö*« rN qł_ Ë√ Ê«dOD«
purpose of instructing them in flying or the œ«b??Ž« b?B??IÐ lzU??C??³« Ë√ »U??d« qI½ ≠ »
duties of flight crews;
Æ–UI½« WbÐ ÂUOI« Ë√ Íuł qIM² vHA²
b) the carriage of passengers or goods
for the sole purpose of providing an air Ê«® rN??²??F??²???«Ë »U??d« s o¹d?? q?I½ ≠ ‡ł
ambulance or rescue service; b?? ÊuJð d??¦??√ Ë√  ö??Š— WŁöŁ vKŽ © b??łË
c) the carriage, in accordance with
»U??d« p¾Ë√ W??F??²* W??O??ŠU??O??Ý Wu??−? X?LE½
arrangements approved by the
Administration as being in the public …—«œù« U??N??OKŽ X?I??«Ë  U??³?O?ðd??² U??I??Ë p–Ëò
interest, of a party of passengers and their ÆåÂUF« `UBK U¼—U³²ŽUÐ
baggage (if any) upon a series of three or
more journeys organised as a tour for the
wŠö?? s? «u??C??Ž wMFð ån?O??C??ò …—U??³??Ž
common enjoyment of these passengers; oKF²ð WHOþuÐ U?HKJ 5¹u'« 5Šö*« dOž …dzUD«
“Steward” means a member of the crew Δ—«uD« WUŠ wË Ê«d?OD« ¡UMŁ√ »Ud« W?öÐ
of an aircraft other than a member of the
flight crew, charged with duties concerned ÆåWHOC*« qLAðËò
with the safety of passengers in flight and ¡U*« Ë√ ÷—_« `?DÝ w?MF?ð å`DÝò …—U?????³????Ž
in emergency and includes stewardess; Ë√ ÷—_« v?KŽ ¡w?ý Ë√ h?????ý Í√ q?L?????AðË
“Surface” means the surface of the
ground or water and includes any person or Æ¡U*« vKŽ
thing on the ground or water; u?L??Ý w{«—√ wMFð åX¹uJ« w?{«—√ò …—U?³?Ž
“Territories of Kuwait” means the
ÆWOLOK_« UN¼UO l X¹uJ« dO√
territories of His Highness the Ruler of
Kuwait together with their territorial o«u*« W?OMH« ‰Ë«b?'« wMFð å‰Ë«b?'«ò …—U?³?Ž
waters; Ác¼ —«b??? « XË X?¹uJ« W???uJ?Š s U???N??O?KŽ
“Schedules” shall be the technical
Ê«d????O‡?‡D?« …—«œ≈ Èb‡ Êu?JO????Ý w?²«Ë W????L?E½_«
schedules approved by the Kuwait
Government at the date of issue of these ‰u‡?B???(« d???‡?OðË U???NM?Ž W‡Žu?‡³‡D? a½ w?½b*«
Regulations and to be made available in ÆUN³KD¹ s* UNOKŽ
printed from at the Civil Aviation
Note: w U¼d?– œ—«u« ‰Ë«b??'« ë—œ« Âb?F —c?²?F½
We appologize for not listing the ÆUNOKŽ U½—u¦Ž ÂbŽ V³Ð Êu½UI« «c¼
schedules mentioned in this law because we
could not find them.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
Decree-Law No. (5) of Year 1987AD. ± WM μ r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
About Approving Joining In The Two
5uuðËdÐ v ÂULC½ô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Protocols On Amending The Two
Agreements of Joint Financing of Some „d²A*« q¹uL²« w²OUHð« q¹bF²Ð
Aviation Services In Greenland, Faro w W¹u'« WŠö*« U bš iF³
Islands And Iceland ÁbMK¹ wË Ë—U —eË b½öM¹dž
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
After examining the Amiri Decree issued a¹—U²Ð —œUB« ÍdO_« d_« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
on 27th Shawal 1406AH. corresponding to ≥ o«u*« ‡¼±¥∞∂ WMÝ ‰«uý s ≤∑
3rd July 1986AD., and Article 70 (Para No. …dI® ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË ±π∏∂ WMÝ uOu¹ s
2) of the Constitution, —u²Ýb« s ©WO½UŁ
And upon the proposal of the Deputy Prime ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, WOł—U)« d¹“ËË
And following the approval of the Council
Êu½UI« U½—b « ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
of Ministers,
We have enacted the following law: ∫tB½ wðü«

Article (1)
It has been approved for the State of Kuwait
©±® …œU
to join in the two protocols on amending the
v≈ X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ oËË
two agreements of Joint Financing of Some „d²A*« q¹uL²« w²OUHðô 5bF*« 5uuðËd³«
Aviation Services in Greenland, Faro b½öM¹dž w W¹u'« WŠö*«  Ubš iF³
Islands and Iceland, which were signed in 5²Fu*« ¨ÁbMK¹√ wË Ë—U —ełË
Montréal on 3rd November 1982AD., and ±π∏≤ d³Lu½ s ≥ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u w
their texts are attached to this law. Êu½UI« «cN ULN uB½ WI«d*«Ë
Article (2)
All ministers, each in his jurisdiction, shall
enforce this law, which shall enter into
©≤® …œU
force as of the date of being published in
«c¼ cOHMð ≠ tB¹ ULO q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
the official gazette.
…b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë ¨Êu½UI«
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed X¹uJ« dO√
bLŠ_« dÐUł
Prime Minister
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³

Issued at Sief Palace on: 25th Jumada II 1407AH. ‡¼±¥∞∑ WO½U¦« ÍœULł ≤μ w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 24th February 1987 ±π∏∑ d¹«d³ ≤¥ o«u*«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
On Decree-Law No. (5) of Year 1987AD.
± WM μ r— Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝdLK
About Approving Joining In The Two
5uuðËdÐ v ÂULC½ô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Protocols On Amending The Two
Agreements of Joint Financing of Some iF³ „d²A*« q¹uL²« w²OUHð« q¹bF²Ð
Aviation Services In Greenland, Faro b½öM¹dž w W¹u'« WŠö*« U bš
Islands And Iceland ÁbMK¹ wË ¨Ë—U —eË

On 3/11/1982AD., a Protocol was signed ‰U¹d???²?½u??? w lË Â±π∏≤ر±Ø≥ a?¹—U???²Ð

in Montréal on amending the Agreement of ±πμ∂ ÂU??Ž W??O??U??H?ð« q¹b??F??²Ð ‰u??uðËd?Ð vKŽ
year 1956AD. concerning the joint WŠö*«  Ubš iF³ „d²?A*« q¹uL²UÐ W U)«
financing of some aviation services in
Greenland and Faro Islands, which are
5²???F??{U??)« Ë—U??? —e??łË b½ö?M¹d??ž w W?¹u??'«
under the rule of the Kingdom of Denmark. ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ lË UL? ¨„—U/b« WJK2 …œUO
Moreover, another protocol was signed on q¹u?L??²UÐ W? U?)« ±πμ∂ ÂU??Ž W?O?U?Hð« q¹b??F?²Ð
amending the year 1956AD. agreement
concerning the joint financing of some
w W?¹u??'« W???Šö*«  U???b??š i?F??³ „d???²???A*«
aviation services in Iceland. ÆÁbMK¹√
The two agreements amended by the two s¹c????NÐ ÊU???²?b???F*« ÊU????²???O????U???Hðô« ·b????NðË
protocols by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO), together
w½b?*« Ê«d??OD?« W??LE?M q³??? s 5u???uðËd???³«
with the governments of Denmark and a¹—U??²Ð ÁbMK¹√Ë „—U?/«b« w²?uJ?Š l wËb«
Iceland on 25/9/1956AD. are aiming at …—«œ≈Ë ¡U??????????????A??½«Ë q?¹u??9 v?≈ ±πμ∂ØπØ≤μ
financing, establishing and managing
sL?C¹ Èu??²?0 W?O??Šö?  ö?O?N??ðË  U?b?š
aviation services and facilities at a level
guaranteeing the safety of aviation Íu?'« q?IM« W?d??ŠË Ê«d?OD«  U??OKL?Ž W??ö?Ý
operations and international air-transport 5u??uðËd???³« v≈ ÂU??L??C½ô« d??³??²??F?¹Ë W??OËb«
traffic. Joining in these two protocols is
p–Ë 5?ð—u??c*« 5?²??O???U??H?ðô« v≈ U???U??L???C½«
deemed as taking part in the said two
agreements pursuant to Article (15/4) of the b½ö?M¹d????ž ‰u?????uðËdÐ s? ¥Ø±¥ …œU*« V?łu0
Greenland and Faro Islands Protocol as ‰u???????u?ðËdÐ s? ¥Ø±¥ …œU?*«Ë Ë—U??????? —e???????łË
well as Article (14/4) of the Iceland
Since the State of Kuwait benefits from  Ub?)« s bO?H²ð X¹uJ?« WËœ X½U U*Ë
the services provided by these two W???ÝR? Ê« –≈ Êôu?u?ðËd?³« Ê«c¼ U¼d??u¹ w²«
protocols, given the fact that the Kuwait
W?LE²M  ö?Š— qG?Að W?O?²¹uJ« W¹u?'« ◊uD)«
Airways Corporation operates regular
flights to New York that are likely to be ÊU rŁ sË Æö?³I²? …œU¹eK WKÐU? „—u¹uO½ v≈
increased in the future, hence joining in the U?³ł«Ë `³?B¹ 5u?uðËd³« s?¹c¼ v≈ ÂUL?C½ô«
two protocols represents a necessity for the
ÆU¼d¹uDðË  Ub)« Ác¼ W¹—«dL²Ýô
continuation and development of these
services, W×KB? ÊUII×¹ ÊôuuðËd?³« Ê«c¼ ÊU U*Ë
Besides, since these two protocols WOËb« UNðU«e²« l ÊU{—UF²¹ ôË X¹uJ« WËœ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
realize the interest of the State of Kuwait X³KÞË U?L?N?OKŽ XI?«Ë b? W?OMF*« W?N?'« Ê« U?L?
and do not contradict with its international
obligations, and since the body concerned
ÆULNO≈ ÂULC½ö W“ö«  «¡«dłô« –Uð«
has approved these two protocols and 5?u???????u?ðËd????????³« s?¹c?¼ ÂU?JŠ« Ê_ «d?E?½Ë
ordered undertaking all the procedures qL??×?²ð Ê« …b??U?F??²*«  U?uJ?(« vKŽ ÊU?{d??Hð
necessary for joining them,
And in view of the fact that these two …bL²F*« W?OKFH« n¹—UJ²« s •πμ w W—UA*UÐ
protocols impose on the contracting Íu?'« ŸU??H?²½ô« l VÝU?M²UÐ p–Ë  U?b??K
governments to shoulder a participation of
pKð s …b?U?F?²? W?uJŠ q t?OKŽ qB?% Íc«
95% of actual costs approved for the
services in proportion to the aviation ¥ …œUË ÁbMK¹√ ‰uuðËdÐ s ≥ …œU®  Ub)«
benefits received by each contracting t½U pc ¨©Ë—U —ełË b½öM¹dž ‰uuðËdÐ s
government from these services (Article
No. 3 of Iceland Protocol and Article No. 4
hM UIË Êu?½UIÐ ULNO≈ ÂU?LC½ô« ÊuJ¹ Ê« ÂeK¹
of Greenland and Faro Islands Protocol), Æ—u²Ýb« s WO½UŁ …dI ∑∞ …œU*«
therefore joining in these protocols must be Êu½UIÐ Âu?Ýd*« bŽ« bI ÷d?G« «cN UIO?I%Ë
effected in accordance with the text of
Article 70 Para No. 2 of the Constitution. s¹c?¼ v≈ ÂU?????L????C?½ô« vKŽ W?????I????«u?*UÐ o?«d*«
In order to realize this purpose, the Æ5uuðËd³«
attached Decree-Law was drafted to
approve joining in these two protocols.
Note: ’u???B½ vK?Ž …d??L???²???*«  ö¹b???F???²K Ϋd?E½
Due to contineous amendments on the
two joint financing agreements of some
WŠö*«  Ubš iF³ „d²?A*« q¹uL²« w²OUHð«
aviation services in Greenland, Faro Islands ¨©„—U/b?«® Ë—U?? —e???łË b½ö?M¹d???ž w W¹u???'«
(Denmark), and Iceland as well as the l{Ë Âb?Ž v?≈ U½b?L?Ž U?N?ðU?I?×KË «bM?K¹« wË
appendices thereto, we in tended not to
include the texts of these two agreements in Êu½U?I« vK?Ž ¡U?IÐô«Ë W??M« Ác¼ w U??L?N?O?B½
this edition but kept the law and the ÂU??L?C½ô« Ê«b??O??H¹ Ê«cK« W??O?ŠU??C¹ô« …d??c*«Ë
explountsry memorandum there indicate the
Ÿu?łd« U?LN?O?B½ W?Fł«d? œ«—√ s vKŽË ÆU?N?O≈
joining in these agreements. Whomever
wanting to examine these texts kindly refer Æ»U²J« «c¼ s ‰Ë_« —«b ô« v≈
to the first edition of this book.

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
w½U¦« q‡BH«

Íu‡‡‡‡« q‡‡I‡M‡«
M. H. Political Agency œUL²Žô« —«œ
Kuwait μ r— ± fDž  X¹uJ«
27th of August, 1960 (No. 59)

His Highness aOA« uL« VŠU …dCŠ

Shaikh Sir Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³Ž dÝ
G. C. M. G., C. I. E., ÆwzÆÍ«ÆwÝ ≠ ÆwłÆ«ÆwÝÆwł
The Ruler of Kuwait, Kuwait. X¹uJ« ≠ rEF*« X¹uJ« rUŠ

Your Highness,
I have the honour to refer to my letter 5IzU U«d²Š«Ë WO%
No. 24 of the 24th of May, 1960, about the ≤¥ a¹—Uð ≤¥ r— wÐU?² v?≈ dO?ý√ Ê√ ·d²?ý«
adherence of Kuwait to the Chicago ‚U¦O v≈ X¹uJ« ÂULC½« ’uBÐ ±π∂∞ u¹U
Convention on International Civil Aviation
ÂU??F W??OËb?« W??O½b*« W¹u??'« W??Šö??LK? u??žUJO??ý
of 1944, and to enclose the following
documents which have been received from
w²«Ë ÁU½œ√ W?ł—b*« ozUŁu« t?ODÐ o—« Ê«Ë ±π¥¥
the United States Government: ∫…bײ*«  U¹ôu« WuJŠ s UNö²Ý« Èdł
(i) a certified copy of the Convention WOËb« WO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« ‚U?¦O W½ ©±®
on International Civil Aviation; ÆUNOKŽ ‚œUB*«
(ii) a certified copy of the International
W?OËb« W?¹u?'«  U?b?)« W?O?U?H?ð« W??½ ©≤®
Air Services Transit Agreement;
ÆUNOKŽ ‚œUB*« ©XO½«dð®
(iii) two copies of a tabulation listing the
dates of all the signatures affixed to lO???L??ł a?¹—«uð wDF?¹ ‰Ëb??ł w?²?????½ ©≥®
the Agreement formulated at the X9 w²« WOUHðô« vKŽ W?Žu{u*« lO«u²«
International Civil Aviation užUJOý w W¹u'« W?Šö*« ‚U¦O d9R w
Conference at Chicago and
q³? s czb?F?Ð  c?ð« w²«  «¡«d?łô«Ë
subsequent action taken by the
various States; and
Ë ÆWHK²<« ‰Ëb«
(iv) a copy of the United States …—«“Ë s —œU? Í—Ëœ Êö?Ž« s W??½ ©¥®
Department of State’s circular Note ±∏ Œ—R?? ≠ …b?×??²*«  U¹ôu« W??O?ł—U??š
Dated 18th of July containing ’u?B??Ð —U?F??ý« vKŽ Íu??²?×¹ ≠ u??Ou¹
information regarding Kuwait’s u??žU?JO??ý ‚U???¦??O??? v≈ X¹u?J« ÂU??L???C½«
adherence to the Chicago
W?OËb« W¹u?'«  U?b?)« W?O?U?Hð« U?Nu?³?Ë
Convention and acceptance of the
Air Services Transit Agreement.
Please accept, Your Highness, the vL?Ý« ‰u³?IÐ uL?« VŠU U¹ «uKC?HðË «c¼
assurance of my highest consideration. r²œË wðU«d²Š« rOEŽË Íd¹bIð  U¹¬

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
± WM ±± r— ÂuÝd
wÝUL)« wLÝd« hM« ÊQAÐ ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
©±¥¥ užUJOý® wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WOUHðô UGK«

¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ

XKšœ w²« ö¹b?F²«Ë ±¥¥ W?MÝ d³?L¹œ w u?žUJO?ý w …—d;« wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?OU?Hð« vKŽË


w²«Ë ±μ d?³?L?²?³? Ý d?N?ý ‰ö?š ‰U¹d?²½u? w b?I?FM*« w?Ëb« d9R*« U¼d? w²« W?O? U?²?)« W??I?Ou« vKŽË

¨©±¥¥ užUJOý® wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WOUHðô UGK« wÝUL)« wLÝd« hM« ÊQAÐ ‰uuðËd³« UNMLCð

¡«—“u« fK WI«u bFÐË ¨WO—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK fOzd ‰Ë_« VzUM« ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË


©vË …œU ®
wLÝd« hM?« ÊQAÐ ±μ d³?L²³?Ý dNý ‰ö?š ‰U¹d²½u? w wËb« d9R*« Ád Íc« ‰uu?ðËd³« vKŽ oËË

uB½ W?I?«d*«Ë ±¥¥ d³?L?¹œ s w užUJý w …—d?;« wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?OU?Hðô U?GK« wÝUL?)«

ÆÂuÝd*« «cN

©WO½U …œU ®
vKŽË ¨W?O?L?Ýd« …b¹d??'« w d?AM¹Ë Âu?Ýd*« «c¼ c?O?HMð  t?B??¹ U?L?O? q  ¡«—“u« vKŽ
ÆW _« fK v tžöЫ ¡«—“u« fK fOz—

X¹uJ« dO
ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐU

¡«—“u« fK fOz—
ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ

WO—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK fOzd ‰Ë_« VzUM«

dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³

‡¼±¥± Âd× ± w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b

± u¹U  o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
on the Authentic Quinquelingual Text of
the Convention on International
Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944) w lË ©±¥¥ užUJOý® wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD«

±μ ‰uK¹« d³L²³Ý  w ‰U¹d²½u

CONSIDERING the 29th Session of the
Assenbly, in Resolution A19-21, requested
wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM
inter alia, the council and the Secretary W???F????ÝU???²« …—Ëb?« Ê√ U¼—U???³????²???Ž« w l?Cð –≈
General to take the necessary measures for sL?{ X³KÞ b? W?O?u?L?F« W?O?F?L?−K s¹d?A?F«Ë
strengthening the use of the Arabic lan- fK?:« s ≤±≠≤π —«d????I?« w ¨Èd????š√ —u????√
guage in ICAO and to closeiy monitor these
e¹e???F???² W???“ö?« ¡«d??łô« –U????ð« ÂU??F?« 5_«Ë
measures with the objective of achieving
the utilization of the Arabic language in W¦O¦(« WFÐU²*«Ë ¨WLEM*« w WOÐdF« WGK« «b²Ý«
ICAO on the same level as the other lan- W?OÐd??F« W?GK« «b???²?Ý« ·b?NÐ  «¡«d??łô« Ác?N
guages in the Organization: ÆWLEM*« w Èdš_«  UGK« l …«ËU*« Âb vKŽ
CONSIDERING that the English text of
vK?Ž lO???u???²« »UÐ Ê√ U¼—U???³???²???Ž« w l?CðË
the Convention en International Civil Avia-
tion was opened for signature at Chicago on wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?O?U?Hðô Íe?OK$ô« hM«
7 December 1944. d?N??ý s lÐU?« Âu??O« w u?žU?JO?ý w `²?? b?
CONSIDERING that, pursuant to the WzU??L??F??ðË n?√ ÂU??Ž ‰Ë_« Êu½U?? Ø d??³??L??¹œ
Protocol signed at Buenos Aires on 24 Sep-
tember 1968 on the authentic tringual text
of the covention on International Civil Ava- ‰u?uðËd?³UÐ ö?L?Ž ¨t?½√ U¼—U?³?²?Ž« w lCðË
tion done at Chicago. 7 December 1944, the ‰uK¹√ Ø d?³L?²³?Ý ≤¥ Âu¹ ”d¹¬ fM¹uÐ w lu*«
text of the Covention on International Civil  U???GK« w?Łö???¦« wL???Ýd« h?M« ÊQ???AÐ ±π∏∂
Avation (Hereinafter called the contention)
w W????F???u*« wËb?« w½b*« Ê«d???O?D« W???O???U????Hðô
was udopted in the French and Spanish lan-
guages and together with the text of the
¨±π¥¥ ‰Ë_« Êu½U? Ø d?³L?¹œ∑ Âu¹ u?žUJO?ý
Convention in the English language, consti- wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WOU?Hð« h½ œUL?²Ž« - b?I
tutes the text equally authentic in the three 5²?GKUÐ ©W?O?U?Hðô« rÝUÐ b?FÐ U?N?O? U?N?O≈ —U?A*«®
languages as provided for in the final ciause
h½ l q?JA¹ `³?? √Ë W??O½U??³???Ý_«Ë W??O??½d??H«
of the Convention:
CONSIDERING that a Protocol Relating
w ÍËU??²*« hM« ¨W¹e?O?K$ô« W?GKUÐ W?O?U?Hðô«
to an Amendment to the covention on Inter- w —u?c*« u?×M« vKŽ Àö?¦«  U?GKUÐ W?O?−?(«
national Civil Aviation and a Protocol on ÆWOUHðô« s wU²)« bM³«
the Authentic Quadrilingual Text of the Co- oKF??²*« ‰u??uðËd??³« Ê√ U¼—U??³??²?Ž« w? lCðË
vention on International Civil Aviation
wËb?« w½b?*« Ê«d?????OD?« W?????O?????U?????Hð« q?¹b?????F?????²Ð

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
(Chicato. 1944) were adopted on 30 Sep- wŽUÐd?« wL??Ýd« hMUÐ ’U??)« ‰u??uðËd??³«Ë
tember 1977. providing for the authenticity
u?žUJý® wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?OU?Hðô  U?GK«
of the text of the Covention and amend-
ments thereto in the Russian language; ‰uK¹√ Ø d?³L?²?³Ý ≤∞ Âu¹ w «b?L?²Ž« b? ©±π¥¥
CONSIDERING accordingly, that is is W????O???U????H?ðô« h½ W????O???−????Š v?KŽ U????B½Ë ±π∑∑
approprate to make the neccessary provi- ÆWOÝËd« WGKUÐ UNðö¹bFðË
sion for the text of the Convention to exist s `³ √ t½√ ¨pc U?F³ð U¼—U³?²Ž« w lCðË
in the Arabic language; W??O??U??Hðô« h½ —«d??ô “ö« hM« œ«d?¹« rzö*«
CONSIDERING that in making such
provision account must be taken of the ex-
«c¼ —«d??« bMŽ V−¹ t?½√ U¼—U?³??²??Ž« w lCðË
isting amendments to the Convention in the
English, French, Russian and Spanish lan- vK?Ž XKšœ√ w?²«  ö¹b????F???²?« …U???Ž«d??? r?J(«
guages, the texts of which equally authentic WO½U?³Ý_«Ë W?O½dH«Ë W?OÝËd«  U?GKUÐ WO?UHðô«
and that according to Article 94 (a) of the ¨WO−(« w UN uB½ ÍËU²ð w²« ¨W¹eOK$ô«Ë
convention. any amendment can come into 5F??²«Ë W?FЫd« …œU?*« s ©√® …d?I?HK U?I?³Þ t½√Ë
force only in respect of any State which has ÁU?&ô« U¹—U??Ý q¹b?Fð Í√ `³??B¹ ô W?O?U??Hðô« s
ratified it;
ÆtOKŽ Xb w²« WËb«
HAVE AGREED as follows: ∫wK¹ U vKŽ XIHð« b
Article (1) ©±® …œU
The text of the convention and of the
od*« U??NK¹b??FðË W??O??U?Hðö? wÐd?F?« hM« Ê«
amendments thereto in the Arabic language
annexed to this Protocol. together with the
W??O???U??H?ðô« h½ l qJ?A¹ ¨‰u??u?ðËd??³« «c???NÐ
text of the Convention and of the amend- W???O???½d???H?«Ë W???O???ÝËd«  U???GK?UÐ U???Nðö?¹b???FðË
ments thereto in the English, French. Rus- WO?−(« w U¹ËU²? UB½ ¨W¹eOK$ô«Ë WO½U?³Ý_«Ë
sian and Spanish languages, constitutes a ÆfL)«  UGKUÐ
text equaily authentic in the five languages.
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
If a State party to this Protocol has rati- b? ‰u?uðËd?³« «c?¼ w ·dÞ WËœ X½U? «–≈
fied or in the future ratifies any amendment q¹bFð Í√ vKŽ q?³I²?*« w ‚bB²?Ý Ë√ Xb
made to the Convention in accordance with
W???FЫd« …œU?*« s ©√® …d???I??H?K U???I??Ë W???O???U??H?ðö
Article 94 (a) thereof. then the text of such
amendment in the English, Arabic, French, W?OÐdF«  U?GKUÐ q¹b?F²« «c¼ h½ ÊU? 5F?²«Ë
Russian and Spanish languages shall be ¨W¹e?O?K$ô«Ë W?O½U??³?Ý_«Ë W?O??½d?H«Ë W??O?ÝËd«Ë
deemed to refer to the text equally authentic w ÍËU??²*« hM« v≈ d?O?A¹ t½√ c?¾MO?Š d?³²?F?O?Ý
in the five languages, which results from
«c¼ tM?Ž d?H???¹ Íc« fL??)«  U??GKUÐ W??O??−??(«
this Protocol.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
1. The States members of the Interna-
Ê«dOD« W?LEM w ¡UC?Ž_« ‰ËbK sJ1 ≠ ±
tional Civil Aviation Organization may be-
come parties to the present Protocol either «c?¼ w? U??????????«d?Þ√ `?³??????????B?ð Ê√ w?Ëb?« w?½b?*«
by: ∫WOU²« ‚dD« s ÍQÐ ‰uuðËd³«
(a) signature without reservation as to Ɖu³I« vKŽ kH% ÊËbÐ lOu²« ©√®
acceptance, or
rŁ ‰u?³?I?« vKŽ kH?×?²« l l?O?u?²« Ë√ ©»®
(b) signature with reservation as to ac-
ceptance followed by acceptance, or Ɖu³I«
(c) acceptance. Ɖu³I« Ë√ ©Ã®
2. This Protocol shall remain open for ‰u?uðËd??³« «c¼ vKŽ lO?u??²« »UÐ qE¹ ≠ ≤
signature at Montreal until 10 October 1995
dNý s d?ýUF« ÂuO« v²?Š ‰U¹d²½u w UŠu?²H
and thereafter at Washington, D.C.
3. Acceptance shall be effected by the p– b?FÐ qE¹Ë ¨±ππμ ‰Ë_« s¹d?Að Ø dÐu²?√
deposit of an instrument of acceptance with ÆWL UF« sDMý«Ë w lOu²K UŠu²H
the Government of the United States of W??uJ?Š Èb W??I??OŁË Ÿ«b?¹UÐ ‰u??³??I?« r²¹ ≠ ≥
ÆWOJ¹d_« …bײ*«  U¹ôu«
4. Adherence to or ratification or ap-
proval of this Protocol shall be deemed to Ë√ ‰u?uðËd?³« «c¼ v≈ ÂU?LC?½ô« d³?²?F¹ ≠ ¥
be acceptance thereof. Æt ôu³ tOKŽ WI«u*« Ë√ tOKŽ o¹bB²«
Article (4)
©¥® …œU
1. This Protocol shall come into force
on the thirtieth day after twelve States shall, w c?O?H?M²« e?O?Š ‰u?uðËd??³« «c¼ qšb¹ ≠ ±
in accordance with the provisions of Article b?? WËœ d?A??Ž U?²M?Ł« ÊuJð Ê√ b?F?Ð 5Łö?¦« Âu??O«
III. have signed it without reservation as to lO?u??²UÐ U?« W??¦U?¦« …œU*« ÂU?JŠ_ U?I?³?Þ ¨XU?
acceptance or accepted it and after entry
b?FÐË ¨tu³?IÐ U«Ë ‰u?³?I« vKŽ kH% ÊËbÐ t?OKŽ
into force of the Protocol relating to an
amendment to the convention on Interna-
WOUHðô q¹bF²« ÊQAÐ ‰uuðËd³« ‰uFH ÊU¹dÝ
tional Civil Aviation signed on 29 Septem- lÝU?????²?« w l?Ë Íc« w?Ëb« w?½b*« Ê«d?????O?D«
ber 1995, which provides that the text of ±ππμ ‰uK¹« Ø d??³??L??²??³?Ý d??N??ý s s¹d??A??F«Ë
the Convention in the Arabic language is of
W??GKUÐ W??O??U??Hðô« h½ ÍËU??ð vK?Ž h½ Íc«Ë
equal authenticity.
2. As regards any State which shall sub- ÆÈdš_«  UGK« l WO−(« w WOÐdF«
sequently become a party to this Protocol in XË w? U???dÞ W?Ëœ Í√ `³????Bð U???b?MŽ ≠ ≤
accordance with Article III, the Protocol ¨W?¦U?¦« …œU?LK U?I?Ë ‰u?u?ðËd?³« «c¼ w oŠô
shall come into force on the date of its sig-
w U??≈ U??N W??³??MU?Ð U¹—U??Ý ‰u?u?ðËd??³« `³??B¹
nature without reservation as to accptance
or the date of its acceptance. U«Ë ‰u?³I« vKŽ kH% ÊËbÐ t?OKŽ UNF?Ouð a¹—Uð
Æt UNu³ a¹—Uð w

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Article (5) ©μ® …œU
any adherence of a State to the conven-
‰u?šœ b?FÐ W?OU?Hðö? WËœ Í√ ÂUL?C½« d?³?²?F¹
tion after this Protocol has entered into
force shall be deemed to be acceptance of «c???N ôu???³??? c???O???H?M²« e???O???Š ‰u???uðËd???³?« «c¼
this Protocol. ƉuuðËd³«
Article (6)
©∂® …œU
Acceptance by a State of this Protocol
shall not be regarded as ratification by it of ‰u??uðËd??³« «c??N? WËœ Í√ ‰u??³?? d??³??²??F¹ ô
any amendment to the convention. ÆWOUHðö q¹bFð Í√ vKŽ UNM UI¹bBð
Article (7)
©∑® …œU
As soon as this Protocol comes into
force, it shall be registered with the United
Ê√ W?OJ¹d?_« …b?×?²*«  U¹ôu?« W?uJŠ vKŽ
Nations and with the International Civil ÈbË …b?ײ?*« 3_« Èb ‰uuðËd?³« «c¼ q−?ð
Aviation Organization by the Government XË »d???√ w? wËb« w½b?*« Ê«d???OD« W???LE?M
of the United State of America. ÆcOHM²« eOŠ tušœ bFÐ sJ2
Article (8)
1. This Protocol shall remain in force so ©∏® …œU
long as the Convention is in force. X«œ U??? U¹—U???Ý ‰u???uðËd???³« «c¼ q?E¹ ≠ ±
2. This Protocol shall cease to be in ÆW¹—UÝ WOUHðô«
force for a State only when that State ceases
W?³MUÐ ‰u?uðËd?³« «c¼ ÊU¹dÝ wN?²M¹ ô ≠ ≤
to be a party to the Convention.
Article (9) W?H? WËb?« pKð sŽ wH?²Mð U??bMŽ ô« WËœ Í_
The Government of the United State of ÆWOUHðô« w ·dD«
America shall give notice to all States
©π® …œU
members of the International Civil Aviation
Organization and to the Organization itself:
W??O?J¹d??_« …b???×??²*«  U¹ôu?« W??uJ?Š vKŽ
(a) of any signature of this Protocol and Ê«dOD?« WLEM w ¡U?CŽô« ‰Ëb« lOL?ł —UDš«
the date thereof, with an indication whether ∫wK¹ U0 UNH½ WLEM*«Ë wËb« w½b*«
the signature is with or without reservation
a¹—UðË ‰u??uðËd??³« «c¼ v?KŽ lO??uð Í√ ©√®
as to acceptance;
(b) of the deposit of any instrument of
lO?u²« ÊU? «–≈ U? ÊUOÐ l? ¨lOu?²« «c¼
acceptance and the date thereof; Ætu³ vKŽ kH% ÊËbÐ Ë√ kOHײÐ
(c) of the date on which this Protocol ÆŸ«b¹ô« a¹—UðË ‰u³ WIOŁË Í√ Ÿ«b¹« ©»®
comes into force in accordance with the
U???I???Ë ‰u???uðËd???³?« «c¼ ÊU¹d???Ý a?¹—Uð ©Ã®
provisions of Article IV, paragraph 1.
Article (10)
ÆWFЫd« …œU*« s ©±® …dIH« ÂUJŠ_
This Protocol, drawn up in the English, ©±∞® …œU
Arabic, French, Russian and Sapanish lan- W???OÐd???F«  U??G?KUÐ —d???;« ‰u???uðËd??³?« «c¼
guages. each text being equally authentic,
¨W¹e?O?K$ô«Ë W?O½U??³?Ý_«Ë W?O??½d?H«Ë W??O?ÝËd«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
shall be deposited in the archives of the  UþuH× w Ÿœu¹ WO−(« w UFOLł W¹ËU²*«Ë
Government of the United States of Ameri-
V−¹ w²« ¨WOJ?¹d_« …b×?²*«  U¹ôu« WuJŠ
ca, which shall trnsmit duly certified copies
thereof to the Governments of the States
u?×M?« vKŽ …b?L??²?F? tM «—u?? qÝdð Ê√ U?N??OKŽ
members of the International Civil Aviation w ¡U?????C?????Ž_« ‰Ëb«  U?????uJ?Š v≈ V?ł«u«
Organization. ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the under- ¨ÁU½œ√ 5F??u?*« 5{u??H*« ÊU?? ¨pc? UðU??³Ł«
signed Plenipotentiaries, duly authorized,
«c¼ v?KŽ Êu???F???u?¹ ‰u??? _« V???Š 5?u???<«
sign this Protocol.
DONE at Montreal on the twenty-ninth ƉuuðËd³«
day of September of the year one thousand s¹dA?F«Ë lÝU²« Âu?O« w ‰U¹d²½u? w —dŠ
nine hundred and ninety-five. WzUL?FðË n√ ÂUŽ s ‰uK¹√ Ø d³?L²³Ý d?Ný s

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Relating to and amendment to the
wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WOUHðô q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
Convention on International Civil Aviation
±μ d³L²³Ý  w ‰U¹d²½u w lu*«
Signed at Montreal on 29 September 1995


5Łö?¦?«Ë W¹œU?(« U?Nð—Ëœ w? XF?L?²??ł« b?Ë
HAVING MET in its thirty-first Session
at Montreal on 22 September 1995. Ʊππμ d³L²³Ý ≤≤ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u WM¹b0
HAVING NOTED that it is the general ‰Ëb« Èb? W????U?????F?« W????³?????žd« X?EŠô –≈Ë
desire of Contracting States to make a pro- wL???Ý— h½ œu???łË vKŽ qL???F« w …b???U??F???²*«
vision that the convention on International
w½b*« Ê«d??OD« W?O??U?Hðô W?OÐd??F« W?GK?UÐ b?L?²??F?
Civil Aviation done at Chicago on 7 De-
cember 1994 exist in authentic Arabic text,
s lÐU??« w u?žUJO?ý w  —d??Š w²« wËb«
HAVING CONSIDERED it necessary to Æ±π¥¥ d³1œ
amend the said Convention, for the pur- U???I??O???I???% ¨Í—Ëd??C?« s t½√  d???³??²???Ž« –≈Ë
spose aforesaid, W?O?U?H?ðô q¹b?Fð ¡«d?ł≈ ¨Áö?Ž√ —u?c?*« ÷d?GK
1. APPROVES, in accordance with the
ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD«
provisions of Article 94 (a) of the conven-
tion aforesaid, the following proposed s ©±® …d???I???H« ÂUJ?ŠQÐ ö???L??Ž ∫o?«uð ≠ ±
amendment to the convention: vK?Ž ¨W??O???U???H?ðô« s 5F??????²«Ë W???FЫd?« …œU*«
Replace the present text of the final para- ∫WOUHðô« pK² Õd²I*« wU²« q¹bF²«
graph of the Convention by:
s lÐU???« Âu??O« w? u??žUJO???ý w  —d??Šò
“Done at Chicago the seventh day of De-
cember 1994 in the English, Arabic,
¨W¹e??OK?$ô« W?G?KUÐ ±π¥¥ ÂU??Ž d??³??L??¹œ d??N??ý
French, Russian and Spanish languages are W?OÐdF?«  UGKUÐ W?O?UH?ðô« Ác¼ ’uB½  b?Ž√Ë
of equal authenticity. These texts shall be w¼Ë W¹eOK$ô«Ë WO?½U³Ý_«Ë WO½d?H«Ë WOÝËd«Ë
deposited in the archives of the government Èb ’u??BM« Ác¼ ŸœuðË ¨W??O??−?(« W¹ËU???²??
of the United States of America, and certi-
¨WOJ¹d_« …bײ*«  U¹ôu« WuJŠ  UþuH×
fied copies shall be transmitted by that gov-
ernment to the Governments of all the U?NM …b?L?²?F? —u? rOK?²Ð W?uJ(« Ác¼ Âu?IðË
States which may sign or adhere to this Ác¼ v?KŽ l?uð b???? w?²« ‰Ëb?« q  U????u?J(
Convention. This convention shall be open vKŽ lOu²« »UÐ `²H¹Ë ¨UNO≈ rCMð Ë√ WOUHðô«
for signature a Washington, D.C.”,
ÆåWL UF« sDMý«Ë w WOUHðô« Ác¼
2. SPECIFIES, pursuant to the provi-
sions of the said Article 94 (a) of the said
…œU*« s ©√® …d?I?H« ÂUJŠ_ U?I?Ë ∫œb?% ≠ ≤
convention, one hundred and twenty-two as œb?Ž ¨…—u??c*« W?O?U?H?ðô« s 5F??²«Ë W??FЫd«
the number of contracting States upon vK?Ž ‚b????Bð Ê√ V?−¹ w?²« …b????U????F????²?*« ‰Ëb«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
whose ratification the proposed amendment WzU0 ¨c?O?H?M²« e?O?Š qšb¹ wJ Õd?²??I*« q¹b?F?²«
aforesaid shall come into force, and,
ÆWËœ s¹dAŽË 5²MŁ«Ë
3. RESOLVES that the Secretary Gen-
eral of the International Civil Aviation Or-
Ê«dOD« W?LEM* ÂUF« 5_« Âu?I¹ Ê√ —dIð ≠ ≥
ganization draw up a Protocol in the Eng- WO?ÐdF«  U?GKUÐ ‰uuðËdÐ œ«b?ŽSÐ wËb« w½b*«
lish, Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish W¹e??OK$ô«Ë W??O½U??³??Ý_«Ë W?O??½d??H«Ë W??O??ÝËd«Ë
languages each of which sall be of equal ¨W???O??−???(« w W¹ËU?????²??? U??NM? W??G q? ÊuJðË
authenticity embodying the proposed
—u?_«Ë Áö?Ž√ —uc*« Õd?²?I*« q¹b?F?²« UMLC?²?
amendment above mentioned and the mat-
ter hereinafter appearing. ∫bFÐ ULO WMO³*«
CONSEQUENTLY, pursuant to the WO?uLF« W?OFL?'« tð—d U0 öL?ŽË ¨tOKŽ ¡UMÐ
aforesaid action of the Assembly, ∫ÁöŽ√
This Protocol has been drawn up by the
«c?¼ œ«b?????ŽSÐ W??????LE?ML?K ÂU??????F« 5?_« ÂU?????
Secretary General of the Organization.
The Protocol shall be open to ratification
by any State which has ratified or adhered q³ s? ‰uuðËd³« vK?Ž o¹bB²« »UÐ `?²H¹
to the said Convention on International Civ- w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?O?U?H?ð« vKŽ Xb? b? WËœ Í√
il Aviation. ÆUNO≈ XLC½« Ë√ wËb«
The instruments of ratification shall be
Ê«d??O?D« W??LE?M Èb o¹b???B??²« o?zUŁË Ÿœuð
deposited with the International Civil Avia-
tion Organization. ÆwËb« w½b*«
The Protocol shall come into force in re- ‰ËbK W³?MUÐ cOHM²« eOŠ ‰u?uðËd³« qšb¹
spect of the States which have ratified it on o¹b?Bð WI?OŁË Ÿ«b¹≈ a¹—Uð w t?OKŽ Xb? w²«
the date on which the one hundred and
u??×M« vKŽ W?zU*« b??FÐ s¹d??A??F«Ë W??O½U?¦?« WËb«
twenty-second instrument of ratification is
so deposited.
The Secretary General shall immediately ‰Ëb« lO?L?ł —UDšS?Ð «—u? ÂU?F« 5_« Âu?I¹
notify all Contracting States of the date of vK?Ž o¹b?????B?ð q Ÿ«b?¹≈ a¹—U?????²?Ð …b?????U?????F?????²*«
deposit of each ratification of the Protocol. ƉuuðËd³«
The Secretary General shall immediately
notify all States parties to the said Conven-
lO?????L????ł —UD?šSÐ «—u???? ÂU?????F« 5_« Âu?????I¹
tion of the date on which the Protocol ‰u??šœ a¹—U??²Ð …—u??c*« W??O??U?H?ðô« w ·«dÞ_«
comes into force. ÆcOHM²« eOŠ ‰uuðËd³«
With respect to any Contracting State
ratifying the Protocol after the date afore-
Í_ W?³?MUÐ c?O?HM²« e?O?Š ‰u?uðËd?³« qšb¹
said, the Procotol shall come into force tO≈ —U?A*« a¹—U²« bFÐ t?OKŽ ‚bBð …bUF?² WËœ
upon deposit of its instrument of ratification W??LEM Èb? U??N?I?¹b?B?ð W??I?O?ŁË Ÿ«b¹≈ bMŽ Áö??Ž√
with the International Civil Aviation Organ-
ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President q ‰u?uðËd??³« «c¼ vKŽ lu¹ ¨pc? UðU?³Ł«
of the aforesaid Thirty-first Session fo the
W??O??F???L??−K 5Łö???¦«Ë W¹œU??(« …—Ëb« f?Oz— s
Assembly and the Secretary General of the
Organization, being authorized thereto by
Êôu??<« ¨W??LE?MLK ÂU??F« 5?_«Ë W??O??u??L??F«
the Assembly, sign this Protocol. ÆWOuLF« WOFL'« s pcÐ
DONE at Montreal on the twenty-ninth s¹dA?F«Ë lÝU²« Âu?O« w ‰U¹d²½u? w —dŠ
day of September of the year one thousand WLšË WzU?LFðË n√ ÂUŽ s d³L²?³Ý dNý s
nine hundred and ninety-five, in a single
W???OÐd???F«  U???GKU?Ð …b???Š«Ë W??I???OŁË w? 5F???ðË
document in the English, Arabic, French,
Russian, and Spanish languages, each of W¹e??OK$ô«Ë W??O½U??³??Ý_«Ë W?O??½d??H«Ë W??O??ÝËd«Ë
which shall be of equal authenticity. This «c¼ q?E¹Ë ¨W???O??−???(« w? U??F???O???L???ł W¹ËU??????²*«
Protocol shall remain deposited in the ar- W??LEM?  Uþu??H??×?? Èb U??Žœu?? ‰u??uðËd??³«
chives of the International Civil Aviation
ÂU????F?« 5_« Âu?????I¹Ë ¨wËb?« w½b?*« Ê«d????O?D«
Organization, and certified copies thereof
shall be transmitted by the Secretary Gener-
lO?L??ł v≈ tM …b?L?F?²?? —u? ‰U?Ý—SÐ W?L?EMLK
al of the Organization to all States parties to wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WOUHð« w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb«
the convention on International Civil Avia- s lÝU??²?« Âu??O« w u??žUJO??ý w?  —d??Š w²«
tion done at Chicago on the seventh day of W?F?З√Ë WzU?L??F?ðË n√ ÂU??Ž s d?³??L?¹œ d??N?ý
December 1944.
Thorgeir Pálsson
President of the 31st Session ÊuUÐ dOž —uŁ
of the Assembly 5Łö¦«Ë W¹œU(« …—Ëb« fOz—
Philippe Rochat
Secretary Generl
ÂUF« 5_«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 
wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÊQAÐ WOUHð«

r¼UH²«Ë W«bB« ¡U?IÐ«Ë œU−¹« vKŽ «dO¦ bŽU¹ Ê√ sJ1 ö³I?² wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« —uDð ÊU U*
ÆÂUF« s_« vKŽ «dDš qJAð Ê√ t«b²Ý« …¡UÝô sJ1 ULMOÐ ¨tÐuFýË rUF« 3√ 5Ð
bL²F¹ Íc« ÊËUF²UÐ UNMOÐ ULO ÷uNM«Ë »uFA«Ë 3_« 5Ð  Uö)« VM& tO »užd*« s ÊU U*Ë
w½b*« Ê«d?ODK sLCð WMO?F  U?³OðdðË ΔœU?³ vKŽ XI?Hð« bË ¨ÁU½œ√ WF?u*«  UuJ(« ÊU? ¨pc
R??U?Jð ”U??Ý√ vK?Ž Íu??'« qIM?K W??OËœ ◊u?Dš ¡U??A½« o?I??%Ë ¨rEM?Ë s¬ u??×½ v?KŽ —uD²?« wËb«
Æ÷«dž_« ÁcN UIOI% WOUHðô« Ác¼ XdÐ√ b

‰Ë_« »U³«
W¹u'« WŠö*«

‰Ë_« qBH«
WOUHðô« oO³DðË W UŽ œU³

©±® …œU
ÆUNLOK« uKF¹ Íc« Íu'« ¡UCH« vKŽ WIKD*«Ë WKUJ« …œUO« WËœ qJ ÊQÐ …bUF²*« ‰Ëb« ·d²Fð
©≤® …œU
W?F?{U)« U?N W?L?šU?²*« WO?L?OKô« ÁU?O*«Ë W¹d?³« w{«—_« WËb« rOK« d?³?²?F¹ ¨W?OU?Hðô« Ác¼ ÷«d?ž_
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©≥® …œU
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ÆWËb«  «dzUÞ vKŽ o³Dð ôË jI WO½b*«  «dzUD« vKŽ WOUHðô« Ác¼ o³Dð ©√®
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ÆWO½b*«  «dzUDK W¹u'« WŠö*« WöÝ —U³²Žô«
©¥® …œU
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w½U¦« qBH«
…bUF²*« ‰Ëb« rOU ‚u Ê«dOD«

©μ® …œU
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◊uDš w W?b?²?*« dO?ž Èdš_« …b?UF?²*« ‰Ëb«  «dzUÞ lO?L' Ê√ vKŽ …b?U?F²? WËœ q o«uð
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 U³ł«u«Ë ÂUN*« iFÐ qI½
w WK−?? …d?zUÞ —U?L?¦?²?Ý« bMŽ ¨©√® ©≥≤®Ë ©≥±®Ë ©≥∞®Ë ©±≤® œ«u*« ÂUJŠ√ sŽ d?EM« iGÐ ©√®
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WËb« p?Kð l ‚U??HðôUÐ ¨qO??−???²?« WËb “u??−¹ ¨Èd??š√ …b?U??F??²?? WËœ w ¨w??Oz— qL??Ž
…dzUD« pK² W?³?MUÐ qO?−?ð WËb? U?NðU?³?ł«Ë Ë√ UN?U?N? iFÐ Ë√ q U?N?O≈ qIMð Ê√ ¨Èd?š_«
oKF?²¹ ULO? WOËR?*« s qO−?²« WËœ vH?FðË Æ©√® ©≥≤®Ë ©≥±®Ë ©≥∞®Ë ©±≤® œ«u*« Vłu0
ÆWuIM*«  U³ł«u«Ë ÂUN*UÐ
q−Ý b? tMLC²¹ Íc« ‚U?Hðô« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ q³ Èdš√ …b?UF²? ‰Ëb W³MUÐ «c?U½ qIM« `³B¹ ô ©»®
‰Ëb« Ë√ WËb«  U?DKÝ ÊuJð Ê√ q³?? Ë√ ¨5½U??L?¦«Ë W??¦U?¦« …œU??LK U??I?Ë sK?Ž√Ë fK:« Èb
w ·dÞ WËœ W?DÝ«uÐ t?U?D½Ë ‚U?Hðô« œu??łuÐ …d?ýU??³?  dD?š√ b? W??OMF*« Èd?š_« …b??U?F??²*«
W??F?ÐU??« …œU?*« U??NKL???Að w²?«  ôU??(« vKŽ p?c?? Áö???Ž√ ©»®Ë ©√® 5ðd??I???H« ÂUJŠ√ Íd???ð ©Ã®

©«—dJ ©® …œU*« WU{«®

10/5/1984 ±¥Øμر
∫WOU²« …b¹b'« —dJ W¦U¦« …œU*« ¨W¦U¦« …œU*« bFÐ ·UCð
b??{ W??×KÝ_« ‰U??L??F??²??Ý« v≈ ¡u??−K« lM?²9 Ê√ WËœ q vK?Ž V−¹ t½QÐ …b??U??F??²*« ‰Ëb« r?Kð ©√®

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±±

Õ«Ë—√ ÷d??Fð ô√ ¨÷«d??²??Ž« ÀËb??Š WU??Š w ¨V?−¹ t½QÐË ¨U??N½«d??O?Þ ¡UMŁ√ W??O½b*«  «d?zUD«
‰b?F¹ t½√ vKŽ rJ(« «c¼ d?H¹ ôË ÆdDK …dzUD« W?öÝË …d?zUD« 7 vKŽ s¹c« ’U?ý_«
Æ…bײ*« 3_« ‚U¦O w UNOKŽ ’uBM*« ‰Ëb«  U«e²«Ë ‚uIŠ ‰UJý_« s qJý ÍQÐ
5F —UD w ◊u?³NUÐ ÂeKð Ê√ ¨UNðœUO?Ý WÝ—U2 w ¨WËœ qJ o×¹ t½QÐ …bU?F²*« ‰Ëb« rKð ©»®
Ê√ UNM Z²M²?¹ WuIF »U³?Ý√ WLŁ X½U «–≈ Ë√ ¨bMÝ ÊËbÐ UN?LOK« ‚u dODð W?O½b …dzUÞ Í√ U
Ê√ UC¹√ WËbK “u?−¹Ë ¨WOU?Hðô« Ác¼ ÷«dž√ l oH?²¹ ô ÷dž Í_ UNU?LF²?Ý« Íd−¹ …dzUD«
“u?−¹ ¨÷d?G« «c?NË Æ U?U?N²½ô« p?K² b?Š l{u Èd?š√  UL?OKF?ð Í√ …dzUD« pK² —b?Bð
¨pcÐ WKB«  «– wËb« Êu½U?I« bŽ«u? l oH²ð W?Lzö qzU?ÝË Í_ Q−Kð Ê√ …b?UF?²*« ‰ËbK
o«uðË Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©√® …d?IH« b¹b?ײUÐË ¨W?OU?Hðô« Ác¼ w WKB«  «– ÂUJŠ_« p– w U0
ÆWO½b*«  «dzUD« ÷«d²ŽUÐ oKF²¹ ULO W¹—U« UNLE½ dAMð Ê√ vKŽ …bUF² WËœ q
q lCð ÷d?G« Ác?NË Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©»® …dI?HK U?IË —œU? d?√ Í_ WO½b? …dzUÞ q q¦?²9 ©Ã®
UO?«e« ‰U¦?²ô« «c¼ qF?' WOMÞu« UN?LE½ Ë√ UNMO½«u? w W¹—ËdC« ÂUJŠ_« l?OLł …b?UF?² WËœ
Ë√ wOzd« tKLŽ d?I ÊuJ¹ dL¦² U¼—U?L¦²ÝUÐ ÂuI¹ Ë√ WËb« pKð w WK−? WO½b …dzUÞ Í_
WI³D*« rEM« Ë√ 5½«uI« pK² „UN²½« q …bU?F² WËœ q qF&Ë ÆWËb« pKð w WLz«b« t²U«
÷«dž√ l oH²¹ ô ÷dž Í_ «bLŽ qLF²ð Ê√ dE% w WLzö*« dOЫb²« …bUF² WËœ q c²ð ©œ®
tKLŽ dI ÊuJ¹ dL¦² U¼—UL¦?²ÝUÐ ÂuI¹ Ë√ WËb« pKð w WK− WO½b …dzUÞ Í√ WOUHðô« Ác¼
w ¡U?ł U0 q¹ Ë√ ©√® …dI?H« w rJ(« «c¼ dŁR¹ ôË ÆWËb« pKð w W?Lz«b« t²?U« Ë√ w?Ozd«
Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©Ã®Ë ©»® 5ðdIH«

©åμò …œU*« q¹bFð®

6/10/1989 ±رØ
WF?ðò …—U³?FÐ å«uC?Ž dAŽ W?L?šò …—U³?Ž sŽ ÷UF²?¹ ¨WO?UHðô« s 5?L)«Ë WÝœU?« …œU*« w
Æå«uCŽ dAŽ

©› ¤ åμò …œU*« q¹bFð®

26/10/1990 ±رØ
q×? å5Łö?ŁË XÝò ‰ö?ŠUÐ W?O½U?¦« W?KL?'« ‰b?Fð ¨W?O?U??Hðô« s 5?L?)« …œU*« s ©√® …d??I?H« w
Æå5ŁöŁË ÀöŁò

±±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Law No. (13) of Year 1986 ± WM ©±® r— Êu½U
Concerning Approving The Protocol …b¼UF q¹bFð ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Amending The Chicago Convention On
w½b*« Ê«dODK užUJOý
Civil Aviation Following perusal of:

- Articles 65 & 70 (Second Para) of the ©WO½UŁ …dI® ∑∞Ë ∂μ 5ðœU*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
Constitution, and
- The International Convention on Civil ¨—u²Ýb« s
Aviation signed in Chicago on 7th w WFu*« w½b*« Ê«dODK WOËb« …b¼UF*« vKŽË
December 1944,
¨±π¥¥ d³L¹œ ∑ a¹—U²Ð užUJOý
The Kuwaiti National Assembly has
endorsed the Law which text is shown bË ¨tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« vKŽ W_« fK− o«Ë
below, and we have ratified and ∫ÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ UMb
promulgated same:

Article (1) ©±® …œU

We have approved the protocol amending
Chicago Convention on Civil Aviation,
užUJOý …b¼UF q¹bFð ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ oËË
signed in Montreal city on 10th May ±∞ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u WM¹b0 lu*«Ë w½b*« Ê«dODK
1984AD., and a copy thereof is attached to Êu½UI« «cN t uB½ WI«d*«Ë ¨Â±π∏¥ u¹U
this Law.

Article (2) ©≤® …œU

All the Ministers - each within his
jurisdiction - must execute this law, and it
«c¼ cOHMð ≠ tB¹ ULO q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
shall enter into force as of the date it is …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë ÆÊu½UI«
published in the official gazette. WOLÝd«

Emir of Kuwait X¹uJ« dO√

Jaber Al-Ahmed
bLŠ_« dÐUł

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±±

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
Concerning The Protocol Amending The užUJOý …b¼UF q¹bFð ‰uuðËdÐ ÊQAÐ
Chicago Convention On Civil Aviation
w½b*« Ê«dODK

On 10/5/1984, the State of Kuwait

signed a protocol amending the Chicago ±π∏¥Øμر∞ a¹—U?²Ð X¹uJ« WËœ XF?Ë
Convention on Civil Aviation of year 1944.
w½b*« Ê«dODK užUJOý …b¼UF q¹bFð ‰uuðËdÐ
The Protocol stipulates among other things
that a new Article under No. (3 Repeated) t?OKŽ hM?¹ U?L?O? ‰u?uðd?³?« hM¹Ë Â±π¥¥ WMÝ
shall be inserted after Article (3). rd?Ð …b¹b??ł …œU??? ©≥® …œU*« b???FР×bð Ê√ v?KŽ
The protocol was keen to prevent the
contracting States from using armed force Æ—dJ ©≥®
against civil aircraft, otherwise, the lives of ‰Ëb« lM²9 Ê√ v?KŽ ‰u?uðËd?³« ’d?Š b?Ë
their passengers and the safety of the
W?O½b*«  «dzU?D« b?{ W?×K*« …u?IK? ¡u?−K« sŽ
aircraft would be compromised. Instead, the
member state may oblige the aircraft which pc?????Ë d?DK? »U????d?« Õ«Ë—√ ÷d?????Fð ô«Ë
enter its airfield without a prior permission ÂeKð Ê√ ‰Ëb?K p– qÐU??I?? wË …dzUD« W??ö??Ý
to comply with its instructions and the State
shall be entitled to take the necessary legal Ê–« ÊËbÐ Íu??'« U?N?U?−?? qšbð w²?«  «dzUD«
action against the aircraft in breach. U???NU???O???Š c??????²ð Ê«Ë ¨U???NðU???L???OKF???²?Р«e??²?ôUÐ
Whereas, the protocol is in favor of the
interest of Kuwait and protects its rights
ÆW“ö« WO½u½UI«  «¡«dłô«
without any prejudice to the International X¹uJ« W?×KB? oI?×¹ ‰uuðËd?³« ÊU? U*Ë
commitments of Kuwait,
ôË s¹d?šü« s?¹b?U?F??²*« q³? U?N??u?I?Š k?H?×¹Ë
Whereas the concerned authority - the
Directorate of Civil Aviation - has ÆWOËb« X¹uJ«  U«e²« l ÷—UF²¹
approved the protocol and requested to take w½b*« Ê«d?OD« …—«œ≈ ≠ WOMF*« W?N'« Ê√ YO?ŠË
the endorsement procedures thereon
pursuant to the text of the said protocol, and
 «¡«d???ł« –U???ð« X³KÞË ¨t???OKŽ X?I??«Ë b??? ≠
Whereas this proposed amendment is ÆtH½ ‰uuðËd³« hMÐ öLŽ tOKŽ o¹bB²«
related to the State's sovereignty over its
oKF???²¹ Õd??²??I*« q?¹b??F??²« «c¼ Ê√ Y?O??Š sË
own territories,
The attached Draft-Law for approving b??Ž√ b?I?? pc ÆU??N?O??{«—√ vKŽ WËb?« …œU?O??Ð
said protocol has been prepared pursuant to hM UIO?³Dð tOKŽ WI«u*UÐ o«d*« Êu½U?I« ŸËdA
the Second Para of Article (70) of the
Constitution. Æ—u²Ýb« s ©∑∞® …œU*« s WO½U¦« …dIH«

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

"Protocol" å‰uuðËdÐò
" In Respect of The Amendments Ê«dOD« …b¼UF vKŽ q¹bFð ‰Ušœ« ÊQAÐò
Made On The International Convention wËb« w½b*«
On Civil Aviation
å±¥Øμر w ‰U¹d²½u w lË
Signed In Montreal On 10/5/1984AD.
The General Assembly of the w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WLEM* W?Ou?LF« W?OF?L'« Ê« ¿
International Civil Aviation Organization in wËb«
its Twenty Fifth Extraordinary Session held s¹d??A?F«Ë W???U?)« U??Nð—Ëœ w  b?I??F½« «–≈
in Montreal in May 1984AD.,
Whereas, the future development of
Ʊπ∏¥ —U¹√ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u0 ©WOzUM¦²Ýô«®
international civil aviation can greatly help sJ1 w?Ëb« w½b*« Ê«d??OD?« Ê√ XEŠô «–≈Ë
to create and preserve friendship and W??«b??B« ¡U??I?Ð«Ë œU??−¹« vKŽ «d??O???¦?? b??ŽU??¹ Ê√
understanding among the nations and Ê« d?O?ž ¨WÐu?F?ýË rU?F« 3√ 5Ð r¼U?H?²« s?ŠË
people of the world, yet its abuse can
become a threat to the public security, `³??B?¹ Ê« sJ1 Ê«d??OD« p?– «b????²??Ý« …¡U??Ý«
Whereas, it is desirable to avoid friction ÆÂUF« sú b¹bNð
and promote cooperation between nations V?M& t??????O?????? »u??????žd*« s? Ê√ XE?Šô –≈Ë
and people upon which the peace of the
»u??F?A«Ë 3_« 5Ð ÊËU??F??²« W?O??LMðË „UJ²??Šô«
world depends,
Whereas, it is important for the Civil Æw*UF« Âö« tOKŽ nu²¹ Íc« d_«
Aviation to be developed in a certain and w½b*« Ê«d?ODK Í—Ëd?C« s Ê√ XEŠô –≈Ë
organized manner, ÆWLEMË …bO√ WI¹dDÐ —uD¹ Ê√ wËb«
Whereas, it is essential to ensure the
W???????ö???????Ý q?H?Jð Ê√ V?−?¹ t?½√ XE?Šô –≈Ë
safety of the persons on board the civil
aircraft and to protect their lives in W????O½b?*«  «dzU?D« 7 v?KŽ s?¹c« ’U????????ý_«
accordance with the primary considerations W?OË_«  «—U?³??²?Žô« l U?O?A9 r?N?Š«Ë—√ ÊU?BðË
of humanity, ÆWO½U½û
Whereas, the contracting States of the
Convention on International Civil Aviation
W??O??U??H?ð« w …b??U??F??²*« ‰Ëb?« Ê√ XEŠô –≈Ë
signed in Chicago on the 7th December w u?žUJO??AÐ U?N?OKŽ lu*« wËb« w?½b*« Ê«d?OD«
1944AD., ÆÂ±π¥¥ ‰Ë_« Êu½U Ø d³L¹œ s lÐU« ÂuO«
- Recognize that every State has complete WIKD*«Ë WKUJ« …œUO?« WËœ qJ ÊQÐ ·d²Fð
and exclusive sovereignty over the
airspace above its territory. ÆUNLOK« «uKF¹ Íc« Íu'« ¡UCH« vKŽ
- Undertake when issuing regulations for W??IKF??²?*« b??Ž«u??I« lCð U??b?MŽ ¨b??N??F??²ðË ≠
their State aircraft, that they will have W?Šö*« W?ö?Ð b?²?Fð ÊQÐ ¨U?N?O? WËb«  «dzUDÐ
due regard for the safety of aviation of
ÆWO½b*«  «dzUDK
civil aircraft.
- Agree not to use civil aviation for any w½b*« Ê«d?OD« ‰U?L?F?²?Ý« Âb?Ž vKŽ o«uðË ≠
purpose inconsistent with the aims of ÆWOUHðô« Ác¼ ÷«dž√ l oH²ð ô ÷«dž√ w
this Convention. vKŽ …b???U??F??²*« ‰Ëb?« rO??L??B?ð XEŠô –≈Ë
Whereas, the contracting States insist to
¡U?CH« „U?N²½« lM* W?O«d?« WLzö*« d?OЫb²« –U?ð«
take necessary actions aiming at preventing
the violation of the airspace of other States, Ê«d?OD?« ‰U?L?F??²?Ý« lMË Èd??š_« ‰Ëb« Íu?'«
preventing the use of civil aviation for any W?O??U?Hðô« ·«b¼√ l? oH?²ð ô ÷«d??ž√ w w½b*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±±¥

purpose inconsistent with the aims of this w½b*« Ê«d??OD« W?ö?Ý d??³?√ u?×½ vK?Ž “e?Fð Ê«Ë
Convention, and fostering the international
civil aviation safety to a greater extent, and
Whereas, the contracting States w …bUF²*« ‰ËbK W?UF« W³žd« XEŠô –≈Ë
recognize that every State must refrain from W?×KÝ_« «b?²?Ý« ÂbŽ √b?³? b¹bł s b?Rð Ê√
resorting to the use of weapons against civil
ÆUN½«dOÞ ¡UMŁ√ WO½b*«  «dzUD« b{
aircraft during flying,
1- It has been decided that it is desirable ‰bFð Ê√ pc UF³ð t?O »užd*« s t½« —dIð ≠ ±
to amend the Convention on U?N?OKŽ lu*« wËb?« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?O?U?Hð«
International Civil Aviation signed in Ø d??³?L??¹œ s lÐU??« Âu?O« w? u?žUJO??AÐ
Chicago on 7th December, 1944.
2- We approve, in accordance with the
Æ±π¥¥ ‰Ë_« Êu½U
provision of Article 94 (a) of the said W?O?U?Hðô« s ©√® π¥ …œU*« rJ( U?I?Ë o«uð ≠ ≤
Convention, the following amendment to Õd???²??I?*« wU??²?« q¹b???F??²?« vKŽ ¨…—u???c*«
the aforesaid Convention.
Ædc« WH½ü« WOUHðö

* To be listed following Article (3) as new —dJ ©® …b¹b …œU ©® …œU*« bFР×bð ¿
article (3 Repeated)
WËœ q vKŽ V−¹ t½QÐ …b?UF?²*« ‰Ëb« rKð ≠√
A - The contracting countries acknowledge
that each State must refrain from using W?×?KÝô« ‰U?L??F?²??Ý« v≈ ¡u?−K« s?Ž lM²9 Ê√
arms against the civil aircraft while in t½Q?ÐË ¨U???N½«d???OÞ ¡UM?Ł√ W???O½b*«  «dzU?D« b???{
the air, and that in case of interception, ô« ¨÷«d????²?????Ž« ÀËb????Š WU?????Š w ¨V?−¹
the people aboard the aircraft must not
be exposed to danger. Moreover, this 7 v?KŽ s¹c?« ’U??????ýô« Õ«Ë—√ ÷d????Fð
provision must not be construed as d????H¹ ôË ÆdD?K …dzUD« W??ö??ÝË …d?zUD«
amending, in any way whatsoever, the s? q?J?ý ÍQ?Ð ‰b?????????F?¹ t½« v?K?Ž r?J?(« «c?¼
rights and obligations of the State as
provided for the United Nations Charter.
’u?BM*« ‰Ëb«  U«e?²«Ë ‚uI?Š ‰UJýô«
B - The contracting countries acknowledge Æ…bײ*« 3ô« ‚U¦O w UNOKŽ
that each State, while exercising its ¨WËœ qJ o×?¹ t½QÐ …b?U?F?²?*« ‰Ëb« rKð ≠»
sovereignty, is entitled to force any civil
aircraft to land on a specific airport if
—UD w ◊u?³NUÐ ÂeK?ð Ê√ UNðœU?OÝ W?Ý—U2 w
such aircraft is flying in its sky region U?N?L?OK?« ‚u? d?ODð W?O½b? …dzU?Þ W¹√ U?√ 5F?
without a permit or if there were Wu??I?F? »U??³?Ý√ W??LŁ X½U?? «–≈ Ë√ bMÝ ÊËbÐ
reasonable reasons assuming that the
aircraft is being used for any purpose not Í_ UNUL?F²Ý« Èd−¹ …dzUD« Ê√ U?NM Z²M²¹
consistent with the purpose of this W??O???U??H?ðô« Ác¼ ÷«d??ž√ l? oH??²?¹ ô ÷d??ž
Converntion. Moreover, the State may W?¹√ …dzU?D« p?K²? —b?????Bð Ê« U?????C?¹√ WËb?KË
issue any other instructions to such
aircraft in order to prevent such p?K?² b????????Š l?{u Èd????????š√  U???????L????????O?KF?ð
intrusion, and therefore the contracting …b?UF?²*« ‰ËbK ÷d?G« «c?NË ¨ U?UN?²½ô«
States may resort to any appropriate b?Ž«u? l o?H?²ð W?Lzö? qzU??ÝË W¹_ Q?−Kð Ê√
measures congruent with the rules of the
relevant International Law including the w? U0 ¨p?cÐ W?KB?«  «– w?Ëb« Êu?½U?????I?«
related provisions in this Convention and ¨W?O?UHðô« Ác¼ w? WKB«  «– ÂUJŠô« p–

±±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

particularly Paragraph (A) of this clause. o«uðË ¨…œU*« Ác¼ s? ©√® …d?I?H« b¹b?×?²UÐË
Besides, each contracting State agree to
publish its prevailing procedures
W¹—U« UNLE½ dA?Mð Ê√ vKŽ …bUF² WËœ q
concerning intercepting the civil aircraft. ÆWO½b*«  «dzUD« ÷«d²ŽQÐ oKF²¹ ULO
C - Each civil aircraft must comply with U??I?Ë —œU?? d?√ Í_ W??O½b? …dzU?Þ q q¦9 ≠ Ã
every order issued in accordance with
Pragraph (B) of this Article, and for this ÷d???G?« «c???NË …œU*« Ác?¼ s ©»® …d???I???H?K
purpose each contracting State must ÂUJ?Š_« lO???L???ł …b???U???F????²??? WËœ q l?Cð
incorporate all the necessary provisions
within its laws and regulations to make
«c¼ qF??' U??N?L?E½ Ë√ U??NMO½«u?? w W¹—Ëd??C«
this compliance obligatory to any civil w WK−?? WO½b? …dzUÞ W¹ô U?O?«e« ‰U?¦²?ô«
aircraft registered with that State, or for dI ÊuJ¹ dA²M UNKOGA²Ð ÂuIð Ë√ WËb« pKð
these aircraft to be operated by an
investor whose workplace or residence is pK?ð w W????OMJ?« t????²???U????« ÊuJ?ð Ë√ tKL????Ž
situated in that State. Each contracting „U?N?²½« q …bU?F?²? WËœ q qF?&Ë ¨WËb«
State shall stipulate that every breach to
such applicable laws or regulation shall t?}K?Ž U?³?U?F?? W?I?³?D*« rEM« Ë√ 5½«u?I?« pK²
receive severe punishments, and that vK?Ž WU????(« ÷d???FðË ¨…b?¹b???ý  U?Ðu???I????FÐ
each case will be presented to its ÆUNLE½ Ë√ UNMO½«uI UIË WB²<« UNðUDKÝ
competent authorities in accordance with
its laws and regulations. w W?Lzö*« d?OЫb²?« …bU?F?² WËœ q? c?²ð ≠ œ
D - Each contracting State shall undertake oH?²¹ ô ÷d?ž Í_ «b?L?Ž q?L?F?²?ð Ê√ dE%
the appropriate measures to prohibit the
deliberate use of the civil aircraft W??O½b*«  «d?zUD« W??O??U??H?ðô« Ác¼ ÷«d??ž√ l
registered with it for any purpose U??NKO??G??A??²Ð Âu??I¹ Ë√ WËb« pKð w? WK−??*«
contradictory to those of this
Convention, or for these aircraft to be
t??²?U??« ÊuJð Ë√ tKL??Ž d?I?? ÊuJ¹ d??L?¦??²???
operated by an investor whose Ác¼ rJ?Š dŁR¹ ôË ¨WËb?« pKð w W???Lz«b«
workplace or permanent residence is w ¡U????ł U0 q?¹ Ë√ ©√® …d???I???H?« w …d???I????H«
situated in that State. Besides, the
provision of this paragraph shall not Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©Ã® Ë ©»® 5ðdIH«
prejudice Paragraph (A) nor contravene ©√® π¥ …—u??c*« …œU*« ÂUJ?Šô U?I??Ë œb??%Ë ≠ ≥
with the content of both Paragraphs (A)
& (B) of this Article.
‰Ëb« œb???Ž Ê√ U???N??O?« —U??A*« W???O???U??H?ðô« s
3 - According to the provisions contatined Õd?²?I*« q¹b?F?²« `³??B¹ ·u?Ý w²« …b?U?F?²*«
in Article 94 (A) of the said Convention, ÆÊU²MŁ«Ë WzU u¼ ¨tOKŽ UNI¹bBð bFÐ U¹—UÝ
it is specified that the number of the
contracting States endorsing the Ê«d?OD« W??LEM* ÂU?F« 5ô« l?C¹ Ê√ —d?IðË ≠ ¥
proposed amendment to come into force W¹e?OK?$ô«  U?GKUÐ ôu?uðËd?Ð wËb« w½b*«
shall reach One Hundred & Two.
4 - It has been decided that the Secretary ÊuJð ¨W???O½U??³??Ýô«Ë W??O??ÝËd«Ë W??O???½d??H«Ë
General of the International Civil q¹bF?²« Íu²×¹Ë W?O−?(« w W¹ËU²? UFO?Lł
Aviation Organization shall put in
U?L?O? WMO?³*« —u?ô«Ë ÁöŽ√ t?O≈ —U?A*« Õd?²?I*«
writing a protocol to English, French,
Russian and Spanish languages, where ≠∫wK¹
all shall have equal legal pretext. The W???O???F????L???'« fO?z— ‰u???uðËd???³?« vKŽ l?u¹ ≠ √
proposed amendment mentioned above
contains the following matters as ÆÂUF« UNMO√Ë WOuLF«
described here below: ‰u???u?ðËd???³« v?KŽ o¹b???B????²« »UÐ Êu?J¹ ≠ »
A - The protocol shall be signed by the both

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±±

the Chairman and the Secretary General W??O???U??Hð« vK?Ž Xb?? WËœ q?J U??Šu??²???H??
of the General Assembly.
B - Endorsement of the Protocol shall XL???C½« Ë√ …—u??c*« w?Ëb« w½b*« Ê«d???OD«
remain open for each State that has ÆUNO≈
sanctioned the said International Civil
Aviation Convention or joined it.
Ê«d??OD« W?L?EM Èb o¹b??B?²?« ozUŁË Ÿœuð ≠ Ã
C - The endorsement documents shall be ÆwËb« w½b*«
deposited with the International Civil w²« ‰ËbK W?³MU?Ð «cU½ ‰u?uðËd³« `³?B¹ ≠ œ
Aviation Organization.
D - For the States that have already WIOŁË tO? Ÿœuð Íc« a¹—U²« w tOKŽ Xb
endorsed it, the Protocol shall come into ÆWzU*« bFÐ w½U¦« o¹bB²«
force effective from the date the
endorsement document number One ‰Ëb?« q? —UD?šU?Ð ÂU???????F?« 5?ô« Âu???????I?¹ ≠ ‡?¼
Hundred & Two shall be deposited. Íc« a¹—U²UÐ …—uc*« W?OUHðô« w ·«dÞô«
E - The Secretary General shall notify all
the States parties to the said Convention
ÆU¹—UÝ ‰uuðËd³« tO `³B¹
of the date the Protocol has become in vK?Ž ‚b??Bð …b???U??F???²??? WËœ W¹ô W???³??M?UÐ ≠ “
force. `³???B?¹ —u??c?*« a¹—U???²« b???F?Ð ‰u??u?ðËd???³«
F - For any contractying State that endorses
the Protocol after the mentioned date, UNI¹bBð WIOŁË UNŽ«b¹« bMŽ U¹—UÝ ‰uuðËd³«
the Protocol shall come into force on the ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM Èb
date such State deposits its endorsement
document with the International Civil W???O??F???L??'« ¡«d???ł« vK?Ž ¡UMÐË ¨pc? U??F???³ðË
Aviation Organization. ‰uuðËd?³« «c¼ œ«bŽ« - b?I ¨Âb?I²*« W?Ou?LF«
Accordingly and pursuant to the
foregoing procedure of the General
fOz— ÊS pc? UðU³Ł«Ë WLEM*« ÂU?Ž 5√ WDÝ«uÐ
Assembly, this Protocol was drafted by the W¹œUF« dOž s¹dA?F«Ë WU)« …—Ëb« ÂUŽ 5√Ë
Secretary General of the Organization. In ÂbI?²*« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WLEM* W?Ou?LF« W?OFL?−K
witness whereof, the Chairman and the
Secretary General of the 25th Extraordinary W??O?F??L??'« q³?? s 5{u??H?? U¼—U?³??²??ŽUÐ U¼d??–
Conference of the General Assembly of the ƉuuðËd³« «c¼ UFË b WOuLF«
Internationl Civil Aviation Organization,
have executed this Protocol as being duly d?N?ý sd?ýU?F« Âu?O« w? ‰U¹d?²½u? w —d?Š
authorized by the General Assembly. w 5½U???LŁË W??FЗ√Ë WzU???L??F??ðË n√ WM?Ý u¹U??
It was drawn up in Montreal on the
Tenth day of May, year One Thousand
W??O??½d??H«Ë W¹e??O?K$ô«  U??GKUÐ …b??Š«Ë W??I??O??œ
Nine Hundred Eighty Four within one WO½u½U WO−Š UNM h½ qJ WO½U³Ýô«Ë WOÝËd«Ë
minute, in English, French, Russian and w ‰u?uðËd?³« «cNÐ k?H²?×¹ ·u?ÝË ¨W¹ËU?²?
Spanish languages where each text holds
equal legal pretext. This Protocol shall be qÝdðË w?Ëb« w½b*« Ê«d???OD« W???LEM n?O??ý—√
kept in the archive of the International Civil v≈ W?L?EM*« ÂU?Ž 5√ WDÝ«u?Ð tM …b?L?²??F? a½
Aviation Organization, and approved
copies thereof shall be forwarded by the w½b*« Ê«dOD« …b¼UF? w ·«dÞô« ‰Ëb« lOLł
Organization’s Secretary General to all the lÐU« ÂuO« w u?žUJOý w  —dŠ w²« wËb«
States parties to the International Civil
Aviation Convention which was executed
Â±π¥¥ ÂUŽ d³L¹œ s
drawn up in Chicago on 7th December, jOD bFÝ«
1994AD. s¹dAF«Ë WU)« W¹—Ëb« fOz—
Assad Qutait
Chairman of The 25th Conference

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Decree No. 14/92 ر¥ r— ÂuÝd
Concerning Approving The Protocol of WU{UÐ ’U)« ‰uuðËd³« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Adding A New Article
…b¹b …œU
To The International Convention For
w½b*« Ê«dODK WOËb« …b¼UF*« v
Civil Aviation

Following perusal of:

- The constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- The International Convention for Civil …—d;« w½b*« Ê«dODK W?OËb« …b¼UF*« vKŽË
Aviation executed in Chicago on 7th ±π¥¥ WM?Ý d???³????L???¹œ s? ∑ w u????žUJO????ý w
December 1944, and its subsequent
amendments, ¨UNOKŽ XKšœ« w²«  ö¹bF²«Ë
Ê«d?OD« WLEM* W?Ou?LF« W?OF?L'« —«d? vKŽË
- The Decision of the General Assembly w …b?I?FM?*« s¹d?A?F«Ë W?¦U?¦« U??Nð—Ëœ w w½b*«
of the International Civil Aviation ±π∏∞ WM?Ý dÐu????²????√ s ∂ a¹—U????²?Ð ‰U¹d????²½u????
Organization (ICAO) in its 23rd session,
held in Montreal on 6th October 1980, on ∏≥® rd?Ð …b¹b??ł …œU??? W???U???{« vKŽ W???I??«u?*UÐ
approving the addition of the new Article ¨…b¼UF*« Ác¼ v≈ ©«—dJ
No. (83 Repeated) to this Convention, ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— V?zU½ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
- Upon the proposal of the Deputy Prime ¨WOł—U)« d¹“ËË
Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs,
- And after the approval of the Council of ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
∫wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
We decreed as follows: ©vË√ …œU®
Article (1) ‰U¹d??²½u?? w lu*« ‰u??uðËd?³?« vKŽ oËË
It has been approved on the Protocol signed WU{UÐ ’U)«Ë ±π∏∞ WMÝ d?Ðu²√ s ∂ a¹—U²Ð
in Montreal on 6th October 1980 to add the Ê«d?O?DK W?O?Ëb« …b¼U?F*« v?≈ ©Î«—dJ ∏≥® …œU*«
new Article No. (83 Repeated) to the
International Convention for Civil Aviation
d??³??L??¹œ s ∑ w u??žUJ?O??ý w …—d??;« w½b*«
executed in Chicago on 7th December ÆÂuÝd*« «cN t uB½ WI«d*«Ë ±π¥¥
1944, which texts are attached to this
Decree. ©WO½UŁ …œU®
Article (2)
«c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All ministers, each in his jurisdiction, shall …b¹d?'« w Ád??A½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qL??F¹Ë ¨Âu?Ýd*«
execute this Decree, which shall enter into ÆWOLÝd«
force as of the date it is published in the
Official Gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Emir of Kuwait ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
Saad Al-Abduallah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
Foreign Affairs ÕU³B« rUÝ
Salem Al-Sabah

Issued on: 20th Rajab 1412AH. ‡¼±¥±≤ Vł— ≤∞ ∫a¹—U²Ð —b

Corresponding to: 25th January 1992AD. ±ππ≤ d¹UM¹ ≤μ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±±

relating to an amendment to the
w½b*« Ê«dOD« …b¼UF q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
Convention on International Civil Aviation
signed at Montreal on 6 October 1980 ± dÐu²  w ‰U¹d²½u w lË wËb«


w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?L?EM* W?O?u?L?F« W?O?F?L?'« Ê«
HAVING MET in its Twenty-third w s¹d?AF«Ë W?¦U¦« U?Nð—Ëœ w XFL?²ł« b?
Session at Montreal on 6 October 1980,
U?N??ŽöÞ« b?FÐË ¨±π∏∞ dÐu??²?« ∂ w ‰U¹d??²½u?
HAVING NOTED Resolutions A21-22
and A22-28 on lease, charter and ÊQ?AÐ A≤±≠≤≤Ë A≤≤≠≤∏ r— s¹—«d?I« vKŽ
interchange of aircraft in international  U?OKLF« w  «dzUD?« ‰œU³ðË —U?−¾?²Ý«Ë —U?−¹«
operations, ÆWOËb«
HAVING NOTED the draft amendment
to the Convention on International Civil …b¼U?F* q¹b?F?²« …œu?? vKŽ U?N?ŽöÞ« b?FÐË
Aviation prepared by the 23rd Session of q³????? s?  b????Ž√ w?²« w?Ëb« w?½b*« Ê«d?????O?D«
the Legal committee, vKŽ U?NŽöÞ« b?FÐË ¨W?O½u½U?I« WM−K ≤≥ …—Ëb«
HAVING NOTED that it is the general
desire of Contracting States to make a
¡U?A½U?Ð …b?U?F?²*« ‰Ëb?« s W?U?Ž W?³??ž— „UM¼ Ê√
provision for the transfer of certain WËœ s W??? U??š  U??³??ł«ËË ÂU???N?? qIM?Ð ÂUJŠ√
functions and duties from the State of WU???Š w …d?zUD« qG???A??? WËœ v≈ q?O??−??????²«
registry to the State of the operator of the
 U?³O?ðdð W¹√ Ë√ ‰œU³?²« Ë√ —U?−?¾²?Ýô« Ë√ —U?−¹ô«
aircraft in the cases of lease, charter or
interchange or any similar arrangements Æ…dzUD« ÁcNÐ oKF²ð WKŁU2
with respect to such aircraft, Âb?I²*« ÷«d?žú Í—ËdC« s  b?łË bI?
HAVING CONSIDERED it necessary to
 —dŠ w²« w½b*« Ê«dOD« …b¼U?F q¹bFð U¼d–
amend, for the purpose aforesaid. the
Convention on International Civil Aviation WMÝ d??³?L??¹œ s lÐU??« Âu?O« w? u?žUJO??ý w
done at Chicago on the seventh day of Ʊπ¥¥
December 1944. s ©√® π¥ …œU?*« ÂUJŠ_ U????I???³Þ ¨o?«uð ≠ ±
1. APPROVES, in accordance with the
q¹b??F??²« vKŽ ¨U¼d??– Âb??I??²*« …b¼U??F*«
provisions of Article 94 (a) of the
Convention aforesaid, the following ∫…b¼UF*« pK² wU²« Õd²I*«
proposed amendment to the said ∏≥ W?OU?²« …b¹b?'« …œU*« ∏≥ …œU*« b?FÐ `{uð
Convention: —dJ
Insert after Article 83 the following new
Article (83) Bis —dJ ©∏≥® …œU*«
Transfer of certain functions and duties WUš  U³ł«ËË ÂUN qI½
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of ≥±Ë ≥∞Ë ±≤ œ«u?*« ÂU?J?Š√ s?? r?žd?U?Ð ©√®
Articles 12, 30, 31 and 32 (a), when
an aircraft registered in a contracting WK−?? …dzUÞ q?O?G?Að bMŽ t½U? ©√® ≥≤Ë
State is operated pursuant to an —U?−¹ö ‚UHð« vC?²?I0 …bU?F²? WËœ w

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

agreement for the lease. charter or W¹√ Ë√ …d?zUD« ‰œU???³ð Ë√ —U???−???¾??²???Ýô« Ë√
interchange of the aircraft or any
similar arrangement by an operator ed ÊuJ¹ qGA WDÝ«uÐ WKŁU2  U³Oðdð
who has his principal place of e?d? t sJ¹ r «–≈ Ë√ ¨w?Ozd« tU?L?Ž√
business or. if he has no such place
of business, his permanent residence
WËœ w? W??Lz«b?« t??²???U???« ÊuJð ¨qL???Ž
in another contracting State, the qO−²« WËb “u−¹ t½U Èdš√ …bUF²
State of registry may, by agreement
qIMð Ê√ Èdš_« WËb?« Ác¼ l ‚UHðôUÐ
with such other State, transfer to it
all or part of its functions and duties U??NðU?³??ł«ËË U?N??U??N? iF?Ð Ë√ q U?N??O≈
as State of registry in respect of that …dzUD« Ác?NÐ oKF?²¹ U?L?O? qO?−?ð WËb?
aircraft under Articles 12, 30, 31 and
32 (a). The State of registry shall be Æ©√® ≥≤Ë ≥±Ë ≥∞Ë ±≤ œ«u??????*« X??????%
relieved of responsibility in respect UL?O W?OËR*« s qO?−²« W?Ëœ vHFðË
of the functions and duties
ÆWuIM*«  U³ł«u«Ë ÂUN*UÐ oKF²¹
(b) The transfer shall not have effect in W??³??MU?Ð ‰u??F??H*« c??U½ qIM?« `³??B¹ ô ©»®
respect of other contracting States
before either the agreement between qO??−??ð q³?? Èd?š_« …b??U??F?²?*« ‰ËbK
States in which it is embodied has fK?:« Èb t?ML?????C????²?¹ Íc« ‚U?????Hðô«
been registered with the Council and
made public pursuant to Article 83 ÊuJ¹ Ê√ Ë√ ∏≥ …œULK UI?³Þ ÁdA½ ÈdłË
or the existence and scope of the …b????U???F????²*« ‰Ëb?«  UD?KÝ ⁄öЫ - b????
agreement have been directly
communicated to the authorities of WDÝ«uÐ …d?ýU³? WOMF*« ‰Ëb« Ë√ Èd?š_«
the other contracting State or States «c?¼ œu???????łu?Ð ‚U???????H?ðô« w? ·dÞ W?Ëœ
concerned by a State party to the
agreement. ÆÁ«u²×Ë ‚UHðô«
(c) The provisions of paragraphs (a) and
t?OUŽ ©»®Ë ©√® 5?ðdI?H« ÂUJŠ√ Íd?𠩇ł®
(b) above shall also be upplicable to
cases covered by Article 77. Æ∑∑ …œU*« UNKLAð w²«  ôU(« vKŽ
2. SPECIFIES. pursuant to the
provisions of the said Article 94 (a)
s ©√® π¥ …œU?*« ÂUJŠ_ U????I???³?Þ ¨œb???% ≠ ≤
of the said Convention, ninety-eight …bU?F²*« ‰Ëb« œb?F π∏ ¨…b¼U?F*« Ác¼
as the number of Contracting States
upon whose ratification the proposed q¹b?F²« `?³B¹ U?NðU?I¹bBð vC?²?I0 w²«
amendment aforesaid shall come ƉuFH*« cU½ Ád– ÂbI²*« Õd²I*«
into force; and
3. RESOLVES that the Secretary Ê«d??OD« W??L?EM ÂU??Ž d??OðdJÝ ¨n?KJ¹Ë ≠ ≥
General of the International Civil sLC²¹ ‰uuðËdÐ W?žUOBÐ wËb« w½b*«
Aviation Organization draw up a
Protocol, in the English, French, t????O?U????Ž —u?????c*« Õd????²?????I*« q?¹b????F?????²«
russian and Spanish languages, each  U?GKUÐ bFÐ U¼d?– œ—«u«  UŽu?{u*«Ë
or which shall be of equal
authentieity, embodying the WO½U³Ýô«Ë WOÝËd«Ë WO½dH«Ë W¹eOK$ô«
proposed amendment
above-mentioned and the nature
W?O½u?½U? W?O?−??Š U?NM qJ ÊuJ?O?Ý w²«Ë
hereinafter appearing: ÆW¹ËU²

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

a) The Protocol shall be signed by the WO?uLF« WO?FL'« fOz— ‰u?uðËd³« lu¹ ©√
President of the Assembly and its ÆÂUF« U¼dOðdJÝË
Secretary Generl.
b) The Protocol shall be open to
W¹√ q³ s o¹bB²?K ‰uuðËd³« ÷dF¹ ©»
ratification by any State which has v≈ XL???C½« Ë√ Xb?? b?? Êu?Jð WËœ
ratified or auhered to the said ∫wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« …b¼UF
Convention on International Civil Ê«dOD« WLEM Èb? o¹bB²« ozUŁË Ÿœu𠩇ł
ÆwËb« w½b*«
c) the Protocol shall come into force in
respect or the States which have
W?³??MUÐ ‰u?F?H*« c??U½ ‰u?uðËd?³?« `³?B¹ ©œ
ratified it on the date on which the w t??O?KŽ Xb?? b??? ÊuJð w²?« ‰ËbK
ninety-eighth instrument of o¹b??B?²« ozUŁË t??O? Ÿœuð Íc« a¹—U??²«
ratification is no deposited. ÆÊuF²«Ë WMU¦«
e) The Secretary General shall
‰Ëb« q? ⁄öÐUÐ ÂU???F?« d???Oðd?J« Âu???I?¹ ©‡¼
immediately notify all Contracting
States of the date of deposit of each
o¹bBð q Ÿ«b¹« a¹—U²Ð …dýU?³ …bUF²*«
ratification of the Protocol. ƉuuðËd³« vKŽ
f) The Secretary General shall ‰Ëb« q? ⁄öÐUÐ ÂU????F« d????OðdJ?« Âu????I¹ ©Ë
immediately notify all States parties …d????ýU?????³???? …b¼U?????F*« p?Kð w? ·«dÞ_«
to the said Convention of the date on
cU½ ‰uuðËd³« tO `³B¹ Íc« a¹—U²UÐ
which the Protocol comes into force.
g) With respet to any Contracting State ƉuFH*«
ratifying the Protocol after the date vKŽ ‚b??Bð …b?U?F??²? WËœ W¹_ W?³??MUÐË ©“
aferesaid. the Protocol shall come ¨Ád?– Âb?I?²*« a¹—U?²?« b?FÐ ‰u?uðËd?³«
into force upon deposit of its W³MUÐ ‰uFH*« Í—UÝ ‰uuðËd³« `³B¹
instrument of ratification with the
Èb U??N?I¹b??Bð ozUŁË Ÿ«b¹« a?¹—Uð s U*
International Civil Aviation
Organization. ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM
CONSEQUENTLY. pursuant to the W?O?uL?F« W?O?F?L?'« —«dI U?I?³ÞË pc U?F?³ðË
aforesaid action of the Assembly. ‰u??uðËd??³« «c¼ œ«b??Ž« - b??I?? ÆÁd??– Âb??I??²*«
This Protocol has been drawn up by the
Secretary General of the Organization.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President ÂUŽ d?OðdJÝË fOz— ÊU ¨p– vKŽ «œU?Ný«Ë
and the Secretary General of the aforesaid W?O??u?L?F« W??O?F?L??−K s¹d?A??F«Ë W?¦U??¦« …—Ëb«
Twenty-third Session of the Assembly of
U???L¼—U???³???²???ŽUÐ ¨wËb« w?½b*« Ê«d???OD« W???LE?M*
the International Civil Aviation
Organization. being authorized thereto by «c¼ UFË b ¨WOuLF« WOFL'« q³ s 5{uH
the Assembly, sign this Protocol. ƉuuðËd³«
DONE at Montreal on the sixth day of
s ”œU????« Âu???O« w ‰U¹d???²?½u??? w —d???Š
October of the year one thousand nine
hundred and eighty, in a single document in W?I??OŁË w 5½U??LŁË WzU??L?F??ðË n√ WMÝ dÐu??²?«
the English, French, Russian, and Spanish W?O?ÝËd«Ë W?O?½d?H«Ë W¹e?O?K$ô«  U?GKUÐ …œd?H?

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

languages. each of which shall be of equal W??O?½u½U?? W???O??−???Š U??NM? qJ w²«Ë W???O½U???³??Ýô«Ë
authenticity. This Protocol shall remain
deposited in the archives of the
International Civil Aviation Organization, W?LEM nO?ý—√ w ‰u?uðd?³« «c?NÐ kH?²?×¹Ë
and certified copis thereof shall be ÂU????Ž d????O?ðdJ?Ý qÝd¹Ë w?Ëb« w?½b*« Ê«d????O?D«
transmitted by the Secretary General of the
Organization to all States parties to the
‰Ëb« lO??L??ł v≈ t?M …b??L??²??F? U?????½ W?L?EM*«
Convention on International Civil Aviation w²« wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« …b¼U?F? w ·«dÞ_«
done at Chicago on the seventh day of d³?L¹œ s lÐU« Âu?O« w užUJO?ý w  —dŠ
December 1994.
R. S. Nyaga
Æ±π¥¥ WMÝ
President of the 23rd Session UłUO½ Æ”« Æ—¬
of the Assembly
WOuLF« WOFL−K ≤≥ …—Ëb« fOz—
Yves Lambert  d³ô fOUÐ
Secretary General

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Decree No. 87/93 Ø r— ÂuÝd
Concerning Approving The Protocol of © ® …dIH« q¹bF²Ð ’U)« ‰uuðËd³« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Amending Para (A) of Article (50) of The ©μ® …œU*« s
International Convention For Civil
Aviation (Chicago 1944) ©±¥¥ užUJOý® w½b*« Ê«dODK WOËb« WOUHðô« s
Following perusal of: ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- The constitution,
- The International Convention For Civil …—d;« w½b*« Ê«dODK W?OËb« …b¼UF*« vKŽË
Aviation executed in Chicago on 7th ±π¥¥ WM?Ý d???³????L???¹œ s? ∑ w u????žUJO????ý w
December 1944, and its subsequent ¨UNOKŽ XKšœ« w²«  ö¹bF²«Ë
amendments, Ê«d?OD« WLEM* W?Ou?LF« W?OF?L'« —«d? vKŽË
- The Decision of the General Assembly
of the International Civil Aviation w …b?I?FM?*« s¹d?A?F«Ë WMU?¦« U??Nð—Ëœ w w½b*«
Organization (ICAO) in its 28th session, WI?«u*UÐ ±ππ∞ dÐu²√ s ≤∂ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d?²½uË
held in Montreal on 26th October 1990, on s? ©μ∞® …œU*« s? ©√® …d??????I?????H?« q¹b??????F?ð vK?Ž
approving the amendment of Para (A) of ¨w½b*« Ê«dODK WOËb« WOUHðô«
Article (50) of the International Convention
For Civil Aviation, f?O?zd? ‰Ë_« V?zU?M?« ÷d??????????Ž v?K?Ž ¡U?M?ÐË
- Upon the proposal of the First Deputy W?I?«u b?FÐË ¨W?O?ł—U?)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK−?
Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign ¡«—“u« fK−
- And after the approval of the Council of
Ministers, ∫wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
©±® …œU
We decreed as follows: ‰U¹d??²½u?? w lu*« ‰u??uðËd?³?« vKŽ oËË
Article (1)
It has been approved on the Protocol signed q¹b?F??²Ð ’U?)«Ë ±ππ∞ dÐu?²?√ s? ≤∂ a¹—U?²Ð
in Montreal on 26th October 1990 W?O?Ëb« W?O??U?Hðô« s? ©μ∞® …œU*« s ©√® …d?I??H«
concerning Amendment of Para (A) of WMÝ d??³??L???¹œ s ∑ w …—d??;« w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK
Article (50) of the International Convention fK?−??? ¡U???C????Ž√ …œU¹e?Ð wC???I?¹ Íc«Ë ±π¥¥
For Civil Aviation executed in Chicago on
7th December 1944, which stipulates 5ŁöŁË W?²Ý v≈ Ϋu?CŽ 5ŁöŁË WŁöŁ s W?LEM*«
increasing the Board members of the ÆÂuÝd*« «cN t uB½ WI«d*«Ë ΫuCŽ
Organization from Thirty Three to Thirty
Six members, the texts of which are
attached to this Decree. ©≤® …œU
Article (2) «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All ministers, each in his jurisdiction, shall vKŽË ¨W??O??L??Ýd« …b¹d??'« w d??AM¹Ë ¨Âu??Ýd*«
execute this Decree, which shall be ÆW_« fK− v≈ tžöЫ ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
published in the Official Gazette. The
Prime Minister shall report this Decree to
the National Assembly. X¹uJ« dO√
ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Emir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah WÐUOMUÐ ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Acting Prime Minister dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOzd ‰Ë_« VzUM«
First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
of Foreign Affairs
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 14th Thulqida 1413AH.
‡¼±¥±≥ …bFI« Ë– ±¥ ∫w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 5th May 1993AD. ±ππ≥ u¹U μ ∫o«u*«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

releasing to an amendment to
WOUHð« s © ® μ …œU*« q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
Article 50 (a) of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation Signed at ‰U¹d²½u wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD«
Montreal on 26 October 1990 ± dÐu² 


HAVING MET in its Twenty-eighth
Session (Extraordinary) at Montreal on 25 s¹d?A?F«Ë WMU?¦?« U?Nð—Ëœ w XF?L?²?ł« b?Ë
October 1990; dÐu???²???« ≤μ w? ‰U¹d???²½u???? w ©W???OzU?M¦???²???Ýô«®
HAVING NOTED that it is the desire of
s d??O?³? œb??Ž W?³??ž— ÊQÐ XÞU??Š√ b?Ë ¨±ππ∞
a large number of Contracting States to
enlarge the membership of the Council in 5Q??² f?K:« W¹u??C??Ž …œU¹“ …b??U???F??²*« ‰Ëb«
order to ensure better balance by means of ‰Ëb« qO??¦9 w lÝu??²« o¹dÞ sŽ qC??√ Ê“«uð
an increased representation of contracting
States; Æ…bUF²*«
HAVING CONSIDERED it appropriate W¹u?C?Ž …œU?¹“ VÝUM*« s t½√  d?³??²?Ž« b?FÐË
to increase th membership of that body
Æ5ŁöŁË W²Ý v≈ 5ŁöŁË WŁöŁ qOJA²« «c¼
from thirty-three to thirty-six;
HAVING CONSIDERED it necessary to q¹b??Fð Í—Ëd??C« s t?½√  d?³??²??Ž« Ê√ b??FÐË
amend, for the purpose aforesuld, the w  —d??Š w²« wËb?« w½b*« Ê«d??OD« W??O?U??Hð«
Convention on International Civil Aviation
done at Chicago on the seventh day of
±π¥¥ ÂUŽ d³?L¹œ s lÐU« ÂuO« w? užUJOý
December 1994; ÆÁd– ÂbI²*« ÷dGK
1. APPROVES, in accordance with the s ©√® π¥ …œU*« ÂUJ?Š_ U?I?Ë ¨b??L?²??Fð ≠ ±
provisions of Article 94 (a) of the
Convention aforesald, the following Õd??²??I*« q¹b??F??²?« ¨…—u??c*« W??O??U??Hðô«
proposed amendment to the said ∫WOUHðô« pK² wU²«
s ©√® μ∞ …œU*« s W?O½U??¦« WKL?'« ‰b?Fð
“In Article 50 (a) of the convention
the second sentence shall be WŁöŁ q× 5ŁöŁË W²Ý ‰ö?ŠUÐ WOUHðô«
amended by replacing ‘thirty-three’ Æ5ŁöŁË
by ‘thirty-six’.”
2. SPECIFIES, pursuant to the s ©√® π¥ …œU*« ÂU?JŠ√ vKŽ «¡UMÐ ¨œb??% ≠ ≤
provisions of the said Article 94 (a) ‰Ëb« œb?Ž WO½U?LŁË WzU? ¨W?OU?Hðô« pKð
of the said Convention, one hundred
vK?Ž U??N???I¹b???Bð Âe???²?K¹ w²« …b???U???F???²*«
and eight as the number of
Contractiong States upon whose qšb¹ wJ Ád?– ÂbI?²*« Õd²?I*« q¹bF?²«
ratification the proposed amendment Æ–UHM« eOŠ
aforesaid shall come into force;
3. RESOLVES that the Secretary Ê«d??OD« W??LEM ÂU??Ž 5√ Âu??I¹ Ê√ —d??Ið ≠ ≥
General of the International Civil W??GKU?Ð ‰u??uðËdÐ œ«b??ŽUÐ wËb?« w½b*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

Aviation Organization draw up a W????O?????ÝËd«Ë W?????O????½d?????H«Ë W?¹e????O?K$ô«
Protocol, in the English, French,
Russian and Spanish languages; U???N?M q Êu?J¹ Y?O???×Ð ¨W????O½U????³???Ýô«Ë
each of which shall be of equal q¹b?F?²« UML?C?²? ¨W?O?−?(« w U¹ËU??²?
authenticlty, embodying the
U??L???O?? …œ—«u« ÂU?JŠ_«Ë Áö??Ž√ —u???c*«
amendment above-mentioned and
the matter hereinafter appearing: ∫wK¹
a) The Protocol shall be signed by the ÂUF« UNMO?√Ë WOuLF« WO?FL'« fOz— lu¹ ©√
President of the Assembly and its
ƉuuðËd³« vKŽ
Secretary General.
b) The Protocol shall be open to s ‰uuðËd?³« vKŽ o¹bB?²« »UÐ `²H¹ ©»
ratification by any State which has Ë√ X?b?????? b?????? Êu?J?ð WËœ W?¹√ q?³??????
ratified or adhered to the said
w½b?*« Ê«d???OD?« W???O???U???H?ð« v≈ XL????C½«
Convention on International Civil
Aviation. Æ…—uc*« wËb«
c) The instruments of ratification shall Ê«dOD« W?LEM Èb o¹bB?²« ozUŁË Ÿœuð ©Ã
be deposited with the International
ÆwËb« w½b*«
Civil Aviation Organization.
d) The Protocol shall come into force in W?³??MUÐ ‰u?F?H*« c??U½ ‰u?uðËd?³?« `³?B¹ ©œ
respect of the States which have Ÿ«b¹« a¹—Uð w tOK?Ž Xb w²« ‰ËbK
ratified it on the date on which the
one hundred and eighth instrument
ÆWzU*« bFÐ WMU¦« o¹bB²« WIOŁË
of ratification is so deposited. ‰Ëb« q ⁄ö?ÐUÐ «—u?? ÂU?F?« 5_« Âu??I¹ ©‡¼
e) The Secretary General shall vKŽ o¹b??Bð q Ÿ«b¹« a¹—U??²Ð …b?U??F?²*«
immediately notify all Contracting
States of the date of deposit of each
ratification of the Protocol. ‰Ëb« q ⁄ö?ÐUÐ «—u?? ÂU??F« 5?_« Âu??I¹ ©Ë
f) The Secretary General shall ‰ušœ a¹—U²Ð W?OUHðô« pKð w ·«dÞ_«
immediately notify all States parties
to the said Convention of the date on
Æ–UHM« eOŠ ‰uuðËd³«
which the Protocol comes into force. W¹_ W??³?MUÐ ‰u??uðËd?³« ‰u??F?H? Íd??¹ ©“
g) With respect to any contracting State a¹—U?²« b??FÐ t?OKŽ ‚b?Bð …b?U??F?²? WËœ
railfying the Protocol after the date
aforesaid, the Protocol shall come
W?I?OŁË Ÿ«b¹« a¹—Uð s ¨Áö?Ž√ t?O≈ —U?A*«
into force upon deposit of its w½b?*« Ê«d??OD?« W??LE?M Èb U???N??I¹b???Bð
instrument of ratification with the ÆwËb«
International Civil Aviation
Organization. W???O???F???L??'« —«d??? v?KŽ Ϋ¡UMÐË ¨p?c U???F???³ðË
CONSEQUENTLY, pursuant to the ÆÁd– ÂbI²*« WOuLF«
aforesaid action of the Assembly, 5√ q³?? s ‰u?u?ðËd?³« «c¼ œ«b??Ž« - b?I??
This Protocol has been drawn up by the
Secretary General of the Organization. ÆWLEM*« ÂUŽ
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President …—Ëb« ÂU??Ž 5?√Ë fOz— ÊU?? ¨pc U?ðU??³Ł«Ë

±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

and the Secretary General of the aforesaid WOFL−K ©WOzUM¦?²Ýô«® s¹dAF«Ë WMU¦« …—uc*«
Twenty-eighth Session (Extraordinary) of
the Assembly of the International Civil
¨wËb?« w½b*« Ê«d????OD« W????LE?M* W???O????u???L????F«
Aviation Organization, being authorized b WOuLF« WOFL'« q³ s 5{uH UL¼—U³²ŽUÐ
thereto by the Assembly, sign this Protocol. ƉuuðËd³« «c¼ UFË
DONE at Montreal on the twenty-sixth
day of October of the year one thousand
”œU?????« Âu?????O?« w ‰U?¹d????²?½u????? w —d?????Š
nine hundred and ninety, in a single WzU??L?F??ðË n√ WMÝ s d?Ðu?²??√ s s¹d?A??F«Ë
document in the English, French, Russian W¹e?OK$ô«  U?GK?UÐ …b?Š«Ë W?I?OŁË w ¨Êu?F?ðË
and Spanish languages, each text being
equally authentle. This Protocol shall
remain deposited in the archives of the w ‰u??u?ðËd??³« «c¼ Ÿœu¹ ÆW¹ËU?????²?? W??O??−??Š
international Civil Aviation Organization, qÝdðË ¨wËb« w?½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?LE?M nO?ý—√
and certified copies thereof shall be
transmitted by the Secretary General of the
v≈ W?L?EM*« ÂU?Ž 5√ WDÝ«u?Ð tM …b?L?²??F? a½
Organization to all States parties to the w½b*« Ê«d???OD« W??O???U??Hð« w ·«d?Þ_« ‰Ëb« q
Convention on International Civil Aviation lÐU« ÂuO« w u?žUJOý w  —dŠ w²« wËb«
done at Chicago on the seventh day of
December 1944.
Æ±π¥¥ ÂUŽ d³L¹œ s

Assad Kotaite jOD bFÝ√

President of the Twenty-eight Session s¹dAF«Ë WMU¦« …—Ëb« fOz—
(Extraordinary) of the Assembly
S. S. Sidhu
u¼bOÝ Æ”√ Æ”√
Secretary General
ÂUF« 5_«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Amiri Decree of Year 1963AD.
Concerning Ratification of The ± WM ÍdO ÂuÝd
Agreement of The First And The Second WO½U¦«Ë vË_« 5²¹d(« WOUHð« vKŽ o¹bB²UÐ
Freedoms For The Arabian Civil
WOÐdF« WO½b*« «dzUDK

We, Abduallah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³Ž s×½

Amir of the State of Kuwait X¹uJ« WËœ dO√
Following perusal of: Article (70) of the
—u²Ýb« s ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
And upon examining the proposal of both WOKš«b«Ë WOł—U)« Íd¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
the Minister of Foreign Affairs and ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Minister of Interior,
And after the approval of the Council of

We decreed as follows: ©±® …œU

W?O½U?¦«Ë vË_« 5²?¹d?(« W?O?U?Hð« vKŽ ‚b?B¹
Article (1)
WI«d*« WOÐdF« WO½b*«  «dzUDK
The Agreement of the First and the Second
Freedoms for the Arabian Civil Aircraft WOÐdF« ‰Ëb« WFUł s …UM³²*«Ë ÂuÝd*« «cN
attached to this Decree and adopted by the
League of Arab States, shall be ratified. ©≤® …œU
ÂuÝd*« «c¼ ⁄öЫ ¡«—“u« f?K− fOz— vKŽ
Article (2)
The Prime Minister must report this Decree ¨W_« fK− v≈
to the National Assembly, and to be WOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë
published in the Official Gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Emir of Kuwait
Abduallah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³Ž

WOł—U)« d¹“Ë
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³

Minister of Interior WOKš«b« d¹“Ë

Saad Al-Abduallah Al-Salem rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ

Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—

Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« ÕU³
Issued on: 21st Rajab 1383AH.
Corresponding to: 7th December 1963AD.
‡¼±≥∏≥ Vł— ≤± w —b
±π∂≥ d³L¹œ ∑ o«u*«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Agreement WOUHð«
On The First And Second Freedoms WO½U¦«Ë vË_« 5²¹d(« ÊQAÐ
For The Arabian Civil Aircraft WOÐdF« WO½b*« «dzUDK

Governments of: ∫ UuJŠ

Kingdom of Jordan WO½œ—_« WJKL*«
Republic of Tunisia WO½u²« W¹—uNL'«
Republic of Algeria W¹dz«e'« W¹—uNL'«
Republic of Sudan Ê«œu« W¹—uNLł
Republic of Iraq WO«dF« W¹—uNL'«
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia W¹œuF« WOÐdF« WJKL*«
United Arab Republic …bײ*« WOÐdF« W¹—uNL'«
State of Kuwait
X¹uJ« WËœ
Republic of Lebanon
WO½UM³K« W¹—uNL'«
United Kingdom of Libya
…bײ*« WO³OK« WJKL*«
Arab Republic of Yemen
Kingdom of Morocco
Realizing the goals of the Charter of the
¨WOÐd?F« ‰Ëb« WF?Uł ‚U?¦O ·«b¼_ U?IO?I%
League of Arab States, desiring the unity of
the League's efforts in the field of Ê«dOD« Ê«bO w U¼œuN?ł bOŠuð w UNM W³ž—Ë
commercial civil aviation and working on qIM« WŽUM —U¼œ vKŽ qLF«Ë ¨Í—U−²« w½b*«
flourishing of the industry of air-transport w XI?Hð« ¨UNM?OÐ UL?O j?ЫËd« oOŁu²Ë ¨Íu?'«
and strengthening the bonds amongst them, ∫wK¹ U
they have agreed on the following:

Article (1)
©±® …œU
Each contracting State shall grant the other Èd??š_« ‰Ëb« v?≈ …b??U??F??²?? WËœ q? `M9
contracting States, so as to its civil aircraft,
5²¹d??(« W?O½b*« U??Nð«dzUDÐ oKF??²¹ U?L??O? …b?U??F?²*«
the following two sky freedoms:
1- The freedom of aviation in its territory ∫5²Oðü« 5²¹u'«
without landing ¨◊u³¼ ÊËbÐ UNLOK« d³Ž Ê«dOD« W¹dŠ ≠ ±
2- The freedom of landing in its
international airports for W????OËb« U????Nð«—U?D w ◊u????³????N« W¹d????Š ≠ ≤
non-commercial purposes ¨W¹—U& dOž ÷«dž_
And that is while observing all the rules set
out for regulating the air traffic to ensure its
W?Žu?{u*« b??Ž«u?I« lO?L?ł …U??Ž«d? l p–Ë
safety. ÆUN²öÝ ÊULC W¹u'« Wd(« rOEM²

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Article (2) ©≤® …œU
Without prejudice to the texts of the present
b?Ž«u?I«Ë W??O?U?Hðô« Ác¼ ’u?B?½ …U?Ž«d? l
agreement and observed international rules
and regulations, each contracting State shall o¹dD« 5Fð Ê√ …bUF²? WËœ qJ WOŽd*« WOËb«
designate the route to be taken by an air pc??Ë W¹u?ł WKŠ— U??N?L??OK« ‚u? tJ?Kð Íc«
flight over its territory and also the airports
ÆUN«b²Ý« sJ1 w²«  «—UD*«
that can be used.
Article (3)
Contracting States shall ratify the present ©≥® …œU
agreement and ratification documents shall …bU?F²*« ‰Ëb« s W?OUHðô« Ác?¼ vKŽ ‚bB¹
be deposited at the General Secretariat of
the League of Arab States, which shall
WF?U' W?UF« W½U?_« Èb o¹bB?²Ð ozUŁË ŸœuðË
prepare a minutes for that purpose and v≈ tGK³ðË pc «dC×? bFð w²« WOÐdF« ‰Ëb«
reports it to other contracting States. ÆÈdš_« …bUF²*« ‰Ëb«
Article (4)
Each Arab State, which becomes a member ©¥® …œU
of the League of Arab States, has the right Ê√ W?FU?'« w «u?C?Ž `³Bð W?OÐd?Ž WËœ qJ
to join the present agreement by a
declaration to be sent to the Secretary 5_« v≈ tKÝd?ð Êö?ŽUÐ W?O?U?Hð« Ác?¼ v≈ rCMð
General of the League of Arab States, who U?NU?LC½« mK³¹ Íc« W?OÐd?F« ‰Ëb« WF?U' ÂU?F«
in turn will report same to the contracting
Æ…bUF²*« ‰Ëb« v≈

Article (5) ©μ® …œU

The present agreement shall enter into force
after one month following depositing d?Ný b?FÐ ‰u?F?H*« …c?U½ WO?U?Hðô« Ác¼ `³?Bð
ratification documents of four contracting …b??U??F??²?? ‰Ëœ lЗ_ o¹b??B??²« ozU?ŁË Ÿ«b¹« s
States at the General Secretariat of the
League of Arab States. ÆWOÐdF« ‰Ëb« WFU' WUF« W½U_« Èb
Moreover, the present agreement shall enter w²« ‰ËbK W?³?MUÐ ‰uF?H*« …c?U½ `³?Bð UL?
into force for the States joining the
agreement after one month from the date of
W???I???OŁË Ÿ«b¹« a¹—U?ð s d???N???ý b??F?Ð U??N???O≈ r?Cð
depositing the joining document. ÆÂULC½ô«
Article (6)
Any contracting State to the present ©∂® …œU
agreement may withdraw from this Ê√ W?OU?Hðô« Ác¼ w …b?U?F²? WËœ W¹_ “u?−¹
agreement after the elapse of One Year
from the date of declaring its withdrawal by Êö??Ž« a¹—Uð s? WMÝ wC?? b??FÐ U??NM V?×??Mð
virtue of a letter to be sent to the Secretary ÂU?F« 5_« v≈ tKÝdð »U?²? Vłu0 U?NÐU?×?½«
General of the League of Arab States, who
in turn will report same to the rest of the
W??O?IÐ v≈ t??žöÐUÐ Âu??I??O W?OÐd??F« ‰Ëb« W??F?U??'
contracting States. Æ…bUF²*« ‰Ëb«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

In witness whereof, ¨ÂbIð U* UðU³Ł«Ë
The authorized representatives, whose
names are appearing at the end of this
bFÐ r?¼ƒULÝ√ WMO?³*« Êu{u?H*« ÊuÐËbM*« lË
Agreement, have signed the present ¨rNðUuJŠ sŽ WÐUO½ WOUHðô« Ác¼
agreement on behalf of their governments.
The present agreement was drawn up in
a¹—U??²ÐË X?¹uJ« w W??O??U??Hðô« Ác?¼ XKL??Ž
Kuwait on 7/12/1963 in one copy to be kept w k?H????% …b?????Š«Ë W?????????½ s ±π∂≥ر≤Ø∑
at the General Secretariat of the League of
Arab States and a true copy of the original
…—u rKðË WOÐdF« ‰Ëb« WF?U' WUF« W½U_«
will be handed over to each contracting Æ…bUF²*« ‰Ëb« s WËœ qJ q _« o³Þ UNM
∫ UuJŠ sŽ
For Governments:

Statement On The Agreement of The First 5²¹d(« WOUHð« sŽ ÊUOÐ

And Second Freedoms For The Arabian WOÐdF« WO½b*« «dzUDK WO½U¦«Ë vË_«
Civil Aircrafts
Arab States signed the present agreement, W???O??U???Hðô« Ác¼ v?KŽ W???OÐd???F« ‰Ëb« XF???Ë
feeling the dire need to cooperate among
them in the field of civil aviation, to UNMOÐ U?LO ÊËU?F²« v≈ WÝU*« W?łU(UÐ UNM «—u?Fý
encourage the flourishing of air-transport —U¼œ“« lO???−??A??²Ë ¨w?½b*« Ê«d??OD« ‰U???−?? w
and to affirm Arab bonds in order to realize U??I?O??I?% W??OÐd?F« j?ЫËd« b?O??QðË ¨Íu??'« qIM«
the goals of the Charter of the Arab League.
The Arab States, by virtue of the present
‰Ëb« ‰œU?³²ðË ÆW?OÐd?F« W?FU?'« ‚U?¦O? ·«b¼_
agreement, shall exchange granting the U?N?C??FÐ `M ≠ W?O??U?Hðô« Ác¼ Vłu0 ≠ W??OÐd?F«
freedom of aviation through their territories ¨◊u?³¼ ÊËœ UN?LOU?« d³?Ž Ê«d?OD« W¹dŠ iF?³«
without landing and the freedom of landing
in their international airports for
dOž ÷«dž_ WOËb« UNð«—UD w ◊u³N« W¹dŠË
non-commercial purposes, which have been vË_« 5?²¹d????(U?Ð XO?????L????Ý U???? w¼Ë ¨W?¹—U????&
called the First and Second freedoms. ÆWO½U¦«Ë
The present agreement is only an
«b???O???Qð Êu?Jð Ê√ W???O???U???Hðô« Ác?¼ Ëb???Fð ôË
affirmation of the State of Kuwait's internal
laws and its obligations as one of the States ÈbŠS? UNðU?«e²ôË ¨WOKš«b« X¹u?J« 5½«uI
joining the International Civil Aviation ¨wËb?« Ê«d???OD« W????LEM v?≈ W???L???CM?*« ‰Ëb«
Organization (ICAO) and amongst those
ÆWOËb« X¹e½«d²« WOUHð« vKŽ WFu*«Ë
that have signed the International Transit
Agreement. W?O??U?Hðô« vK?Ž lO?u?²?UÐ X¹uJ« XU?? b?Ë
The State of Kuwait have signed the Íd?O?_« Âu?Ýd?*« tML?Cð Íc« o¹b?B??²« ◊d?AÐ
present agreement, conditional upon being …œU*« s vË_« …d??I?H« ÂUJ?Š_ oO?³D²?UÐ o«d*«
ratified which was included in the attached
Amiri Decree in implementation of the Æ—u²Ýb« s ∑∞
provisions of Article (70) of the

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Decree-Law No. (63) of Year 1979 ±  WM  r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Concerning Approving Joining The WIKF²*« WOUHðô« v ÂULC½ô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Agreement vKŽ ‚uI(UÐ wËb« ·«d²Žô« ÊQAÐ
Related To The International
Recognition of Rights To The Aircraft

Following perusal of: —œU???B« Íd???O???_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ

- The Amiri Decree issued on 4th ‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥ a¹—U²Ð
Ramadan 1316AH., corresponding to 26th `O??IM²Ð ±π∑∂ WM?Ý fD??ž√ s ≤π o«u*«
August 1976AD. concerning Revising the —u²Ýb«
Constitution, —u²Ýb« s ©WO½UŁ …dI® ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
- Article (70) - Second Para of the
Constitution, and
WOł—U)« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Minister ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
of Foreign Affairs, and tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
- And after the approval of the Council of
Ministers, ©±® …œU
We have promulgated the law which text WOUHðô« v≈ X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ oËË
reads as follows: vKŽ ‚u??I?(UÐ w?Ëb« ·«d?²??Žô« ÊQ?A?Ð W?IKF??²*«
Article (1)
It has been approved for the State of
±π¥∏ W?M?Ý nO?M?ł w? …œu????????I????????F?*«  «dzU?D?«
Kuwait to join the agreement related to the ©¿®Êu½UI« «cN WI«d*«Ë
International Recognition of Rights To The
Aircraft, which is signed in Geneva in year ©≤® …œU
1948, and attached to this law. «c¼ c?O?H?Mð ≠ t?B?¹ U?L?O?? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Article (2) ¨Êu½UI«
The Ministers shall, each within his …b?¹d??????'« w? Ád??????A?½ a¹—U?ð s? tÐ q?L??????F?¹Ë
jurisdiction, execute this law, which will
become operational effective from the date
it is published in the official gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah

Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs WÐUOMUÐ WOł—U)« d¹“Ë

Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rUÝ

Issued at the Sief Palace on: 18th Thulqida 1399AH. ‡¼±≥ππ …bFI« Ë– ±∏ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 6th October 1976 ±π∑∂ dÐu²√ π ∫o«u*«

Ʊ≤∑± œbFUÐ WOUHðô« lł«— ¿

Ʊπ∑πر∞Ø≤± w …—œUB« WOLÝd« …b¹d'« s ±≤∑± r— œbFUÐ dA½ ©±®

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum of The WOŠUC¹« …dc
Concerning Approving The State of ÂULC½« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK
Kuwaiti Joining
WIKF²*« WOUHðô« v X¹uJ« WËœ
The Agreement Related To The
International Recognition of Rights To vKŽ ‚uI(UÐ wËb« ·«d²Žô« ÊQAÐ
The Aircraft

Pursuant to the recommendation of the w½b*« Ê«d?ODK wËb« d9R*« WO? uð vKŽ ¡UMÐ
International Conference of Civil Aviation d?³L?¹œË d?³L?u½ Íd?N?ý w užUJý w? bI?FM*«
held in Chicago in November and
W?O?JK qIMÐ W??IKF?²?? W?O??U?Hð« œ«b??ŽUÐ ±π¥¥ WMÝ
December of year 1944 concerning drafting
the agreement related to transferring the W??³ðd*« ‚u??I?(« v×??Cð Ê√ w W??³??ž—Ë  «dzUD«
aircraft titles, and desiring to have the rights w  b??Ž√ b?I?? U??OËœ U?N?Ð U?d??²??F? …dzU?D« vKŽ
to the aircraft internationally recognized,
therefore, this agreement was prepared in ·«d??²??Žô« ÊQ??AÐ ±π¥∏Ø∂رπ a¹—U??²Ð n?OMł
Geneva on 19/6/1948 with regard to the Æ «dzUD« vKŽ ‚uI(UÐ wËb«
International Recognition of Rights To The
…b?Ž ÊU?OÐ W?O?U?Hðô« s ©±® …œU*« XËUMð b?Ë
Article (1) of the Agreement addressed a vKŽ UNÐ ·d²?Fð ÊQÐ …bUF²*« ‰Ëb« bNF?²ð ‚uIŠ
number of rights the contracting countries Æ «dzUD«
undertake to recognize toward the aircraft.
Article (2) stipulated that the law of each s WËœ q Êu½U? œb??×¹ ÊQÐ ≤ …œU*« XC?Ë
of the contracting countries must identify d?O?G« W?N?ł«u? w W?³ðd?²*« —UŁ_« …b?U?F?²*« ‰Ëb«
the consequent impact toward third parties
in relation to recording any of the rights
w U??N?OKŽ ’u??BM*« ‚u??I?(« s? oŠ b?O?? vKŽ
provided for in Article (1) of the Æ…b¼UF*« s vË_« …œU*«
Íd????³???'« l?O???³?«  «¡«d????ł« Ê« ∑ …œU*« XM?OÐË
Article (7) indicated the procedures of
compulsory sale of an aircraft, which are Êu½U?? U¼—d?I¹ w?²«  «¡«d?łô«  «– w¼ …d?zUDK
the same as determined by the law of the »u?łË l? lO?³« Íd??−¹ YO?Š …b??U?F??²*« WËb«
contracting country, where the sale is to be
effected while taking into consideration Æ…œU*« Ác¼ UN²MOÐ WMOF ÂUJŠ« …UŽ«d
certain provisions explained in this Article. qIM¹ …dzUDK Íd³?'« lO³« ÊQÐ ∏ …œU*« XCË
Article (8) stipulated that the
UNK?HJ¹ r w²« ‚uI?(« WU? s WBU?š UN²?OJK
compulsory sale of an aircraft shall result in
transferring its title free from all rights ÆÍd²A*«
which are not assumed by the buyer. ô W???O??U???Hðô« Ác¼ ÂU?JŠ« Ê« ±± …œU*« XM?OÐË
Article (11) explained that the provisions
of this Agreement shall apply in each of the  «dzUD?« vKŽ ô« …b??U?F??²?? WËœ q w Íd??ð
contracting countries only to the registered ÆÈdš√ …bUF² WËœ w UN²OM' UIË WK−*«
aircraft by virtue of its nationality in
another contracting country.
ô W?O?U?Hðô« Ác¼ ÂU?JŠ« ÊQÐ ±≥ …œU*« XC?Ë
Article (13) stipulated that the provisions  U???b???K W??B???B???<«  «dzUD?« vKŽ Íd???ð

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

of this Agreement shall not apply to the …œU*« XËUMðË WOOu³« Ë√ WOdL'« Ë√ W¹dJF«
aircraft designated for used in military,
customs or police services. Ác¼ ÷«d???ž√ w? …dzUD?UÐ œu???B???I?*« b¹b???% ±∂
Article (16) addressed defining the v≈ d??O??³??F??²« «c¼ ·«d??B?½UÐ XC??Ë W??O??U??Hðô«
meaning of an "aircraft" for the purposes of
…e????N????ł√Ë ÕË«d?*«Ë  U????d????;« v≈Ë U????N?KJ?O¼
this Agreement, and stipulated that such
meaning shall include the airframe, W??b???)  «Ëœ√ s b??F?? u?¼ U?? qË wJ?KÝö«
engines, propellers, radio devices of the Æ…dzUD«
aircraft as well as everything deems as an
apparatus to service the aircraft.
v≈ ÂU???L???C½ô« W?Ëœ W¹_ ≤± …œU*«  “U???ł√Ë
Article (21) permitted any country to Ÿ«b¹« o¹d?Þ sŽ ÂU??L??C?½ô« r²¹Ë W??O??U???Hðô« Ác¼
join in this Agreement, by depositing its Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WOËb« WLEM*« Èb t²IOŁË
document with the International Civil
Aviation Organization, …bUF²? WËœ W¹_ “u−¹ t½QÐ ≤≤ …œU*« XCË
Article (22) stipulated that any —UD?š« Vłu0 W???O???U???Hðô« Ác¼ s V?×???Mð Ê«
contracting count8ry may withdraw from
Ê√ vKŽ w½b*« Ê«dOD?K WOËb« WLEM*« v≈ t?bIð
this Agreement by serving a notice to the
International Civil Aviation Organization, W?²??Ý —Ëd? b?FÐ »U?×??½ô« «c¼ ‰u?F?H?? Íd?¹
provided that such withdrawal shall take Æ—UDšô« «c¼ a¹—Uð s —uNý
effect after the elapse of six months from
…—«œù« w¼Ë ≠ W??B?²??<«  U??N?'« Ê« YO??ŠË
the date of such notice.
Whereas, the competent authorities - W¹u?'« ◊uD)« W??ÝR?Ë w½b?*« Ê«d?ODK W?U?F«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation and Ác¼ v≈ ÂU??L??C½ô« vKŽ XI??«Ë b? ≠ W??O??²¹uJ«
Kuwait Airways Corporation - have
approved the joining in this Agreement,
And since this Agreement falls within the ‚UD?½ w qšb?ð W????O???U????Hðô« Ác?¼ X½U???? U*Ë
scope of the air-navigation agreements and q¹b?F??²Ð  U?«e??²« sL?C??²ðË W?Šö*«  «b¼U??F?
incorporates the obligation of amending the
existing laws, therefore, the enclosed o«d*« Êu½U?I« ŸËdA? b?Ž√ bI? W?LzUI« 5½«u?I«
Draft-Law was prepared for endorsement in …œU*« s WO½U¦« …d?IH« rJ( UI³Þ UN?OKŽ o¹bB²K
accordance with Clause Two of Article (70)
Æ—u²Ýb« s ∑∞
of the Constitution.

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

wËb« ·«d²Žô« ÊQAÐ WIKF²*« WOUHðô«
«dzUD« vKŽ ‚uI(UÐ
±¥ WMÝ uO½u¹ ± w nOM

WMÝ d?³?L¹œË d?³?L?u½ Íd?Ný u?žUJO?ý w b?I?FM*« w½b*« Ê«d?ODK wËb« d9R*« W?O? uð vKŽ ¡UMÐ Í√
ÆV¹d XË w p–Ë ¨ «dzUD« WOJK qIMÐ oKF²ð WOUHð« œ«bŽUÐ ±π¥¥
vAð Ê√ q³I?²*« w wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« ‚UD½ ŸU?ð« d_ W¹UŽ— ¨o×Ð tO? »užd*« s ÊU U*Ë
ÆUOËœ UNÐ Ud²F …dzUD« vKŽ W³ðd*« ‚uI(«
∫WOðü« ÂUJŠ_« vKŽ ¨tKÐUI¹ UuK ¨rNðUuJŠ rÝUÐ ¨UŽdý Êu{uH*« ÁU½œ√ ÊuFu*« oHð«

©±® …œU
∫·d²Fð ÊQÐ …bUF²*« ‰Ëb« bNF²ð ≠ ±
Æ…dzUD« vKŽ WOJK*« oŠ ©√®
Æ¡«dA« o¹dÞ sŽ UN²OJK V²J¹ Ê√ w …dzUÞ “UŠ s* o(« ©»®
vKŽ —uN?ý W²Ý tðb? ÊuJð Ê√ vKŽ oHð« —U−¹« b?IŽ ÂUJŠ_ ôUL?Ž√ …dzUÞ ‰ULF?²Ý« w o(« ©Ã®
o¹dÞ sŽ QAM¹ …dzUÞ vKŽ ÊuJ¹ ULN WÐU?A oŠ qË ©ÃUł—u*«® oŠË ¨wLÝd« s¼d« oŠ ©œ®
∫b ‚uI(« Ác¼ ÊuJð Ê√ vKŽ s¹bÐ …UuK U½UL{ ‚UHðô«
ÆÆÆË UNzUA½« XË UN²OM' UIË …dzUD« qO−ð - YOŠ …bUF²*« WËb« Êu½UI UI³Þ XA½√ ©±®
XK−?Ý b …dzUD« ÊuJð Y?OŠ …b?UF?²*« WËb« w ŸU{Ëö U?I?³Þ ÂUF« q−?« w U¼bO? - ©≤®
bO?I«  UOKL?Ž VOðdð Wö?Ý ¨UN²?OM' U?IË …dzUD« XK−Ý Y?OŠ …bU?F²Ð« WËb« Êu½U? œb×¹Ë
ÆUNM WOKLŽ q œ«dł« bMŽ …bUF²*« ‰Ëb« nK² w W³UF²*«
U?N½u½U?I oO?³D²UÐ ≠ …b?U?F?²*« ‰Ëb« w ·«d?²?Žô« ÊËœ ‰u?×¹ U? W?O?UHðô« Ác?¼ ÂUJŠ√ w fO ≠ ≤
Æ…dzUD« vKŽ W³ðd*« Èdš_« ‚uI(« W×BÐ ¨wMÞu«
w U¼d– œ—«u« ‚u?I(« pKð vKŽ oŠ Í_ WOKC_UÐ ·d?²Fð Ë√ …bUF?²*« ‰Ëb« rKð ö p– lË
Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ‰Ë_« oA«
©≤® …œU
Æq−« fH½ w r²ð Ê√ 5F²¹ …dzUDÐ WIKF²*« bOI«  UOKLŽ lOLł ≠ ±
¨o(« bO - YOŠ …b?UF²*« WËb« Êu½U œb×¹ ¨WOUHðô« Ác?¼ ÂUJŠ√ nU¹ U vKŽ hM¹ rU ≠ ≤

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

…œU*« s ± …d?IH« w U?NOKŽ ’u?BM*« ‚uI?(« l oŠ bO? vKŽ dO?G« WNł«u? w W³ðd?²*« —UŁô«
U?I?Ë ÎU?×?O?×?? Q?A½ b? sJ¹ r U? …dzU?Þ vKŽ oŠ b?O? ÊËœ ‰u?% Ê√ …b?U?F?²?? WËœ q oŠ s ≠ ≥
ÆwMÞu« UN½u½U ’uBM
©≥® …œU*«
Æq−UÐ ÿUH²Š«ô« UNÐ ◊uM*« WN'« Ê«uMŽ UN²OM' UIË …dzUÞ q qO−ð …œUNAÐ dc¹ ≠ ±
UNOKŽ U?bB  Ułd?² Ë√ «—u Ë√  ö?Ý«d WN'« Ác¼ s rK?²¹ Ê√ w o(« hý qJ ≠ ≤
ÆUNJŽ vKŽ qOb« ÂuI¹ v²Š q−UÐ œ—Ë U* W−Š ÊuJðË q _« o³Þ
«c¼ vK?Ž Vðdð ¨Áb??O?? sŽ wMG¹ nK?*« w bM²???? Ÿ«b¹« Ê« vKŽ …b??U??F??²?? WËœ Êu½U?? h½ «–≈ ≠ ≥
«c¼ qF−¹ Ê√ t½Q?ý s U q p– bMŽ l³²¹Ë ÆW?OUHðô« Ác¼ ÷«dž√ w b?OI« —UŁ¬ fH½ Ÿ«b¹ô«
ÆWUJ« ‰ËUM² w bM²*«
ÿU?H??²?Šô« U?NÐ ◊uM?*« W?N?'« U?N¹œR?ð w²«  U?b?)« W??U? qÐU?I?? Wu?I?F?? Âu?Ý— qO?B??% “u?−¹ ≠ ¥
©¥® …œU*«
∫‡Ð WIKF²*«  U³UD*« ÊQÐ …bUF²*« ‰Ëb« rKð ≠ ±
Æ…dzUD« –UI½« sŽ WIײ*«  PUJ*« ©√®
Æ…dzUD« vKŽ WEU×LK W“ö« W¹œUF« dOž n¹—UB*« ©»®
o×Ð W½d?²?I?Ë …“U?²2 ÊuJð Ê√ ◊d?AÐË …dzUD« qIMð w²« Èd?š_«  UM¹«b?*«Ë ‚uI?(« W?U? vKŽ Âb?Ið
ÆkHײ« Ë√ –UI½ô« ‰ULŽ√ X9 YOŠ …bUF²*« WËb« Êu½UI UIË l³²²«
w¹—U??²?« VOðd??²« fJ?Ž vKŽ U??N??²??³ðd?? ÊuJð …œU?*« Ác¼ s ± …d??I??H« w …—u??c?*«  U??O½«b*« ≠ ≤
ÆUNðQA½ w U³³Ý X½U w²« Àœ«u×K
‰U?L²?ô WOU?²« —uN?ý WŁö¦?« ‰öš q−?« w U0 dO?ýQ²K? ö×?  UM¹«b*« Ác¼ ÊuJð Ê√ sJ1Ë ≠ ≥
ÆUNðQA½ w U³³Ý X½U w²« ‰ULŽ_«
¨Áö?Ž√ U?NOKŽ ’u?BM*« —u?N?ý WŁö?¦« …b? XCI?½« v² ¨Èd?š_« …b?U?F²?*« ‰Ëb« vKŽ lM²1Ë ≠ ¥
∫…b*« Ác¼ ‰öš Àb×¹ r U ¨…—dI*«  UMOQ²UÐ rK²«
Æ…“U²L*« WM¹«b*UÐ W¦U¦« …dIHK UIË q−« w dOýQ²« - b ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ©√®
«c?NÐ W³UD?LK WOzU?C? ÈuŽœ l— - b? ÊuJ¹ Ê√ Ë√ WM¹«b*« mK³? b¹b?% ¡U{— - b? ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ©»®
Æ…b*« Ác¼ ·UI¹« Ë√ ŸUDI½« »U³Ý√ Ÿ«eM« UNO≈ l— w²« WLJ;« Êu½U œb×¹ czbMŽË Æo(«
ÆvË_« …œU*« s WO½U¦« …dIH« ÂUJŠ√ s ržd« vKŽ …œU*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ√ Èd½ ≠ μ
©μ® …œU*«
mU?³*« lOL?ł v≈ vË_« …œU*« s ©œ≠√® …dI?H« w U?NO≈ —U?A*« ‚uI?(« UNÐ  “U?²« w²« W¹uË_« b?²9

±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

‰ö?š UNM XI?×?²Ý« b? ÊuJð pKð v≈ ô« W¹uË_« ‰u?ð ö bz«u?HUÐ oKF?²¹ UL?O? t½« vKŽ ÆW½uL?C*«
Æ «¡«dłô« Ác¼ ‰öš wË cOHM²«  «¡«dł« ¡bÐ vKŽ WbI²*« WŁö¦«  «uM«
©∂® …œU*«
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ÆUNI×K¹ lOuð

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decree-Law No. (108) of Year 1976AD. ±  WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Concerning Exempting
The Arabian And
Foreign Airline Companies From Taxes Vz«dC« s WO³M_«Ë

We, Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« dÐUł s×½
Deputy Amir of Kuwait and Crown Prince, bNF« wËË X¹uJ« dO√ VzU½
Following perusal of the Amiri Decree
—œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
issued on 4th Ramadan 1396AH. ‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥ a¹—U²Ð
corresponding to 29th August 1976AD. on `O?I?M²Ð ±π∑∂ WMÝ fD??ž√ s ≤π o«u*«
revising the Constitution,
Articles (61) and (134) of the Constitution, —u²Ýb«
Law No. (30) of year 1960 concerning —u²Ýb« s ±≥¥Ë ∂± 5ðœU*« vKŽË
issuance of Civil Air Navigation Systems,
Upon the proposal of the Minister of ±π∂∞ WM ≥∞ r— Êu½UI« vKŽË
Finance, and WO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√ —«b UÐ
Following the approval of the Council of
Ministers, WOU*« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
We promulgated the law which text read as ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «

Article (1)
©±® …œU
The Arabian and foreign airline companies w²« WO?³Mł_«Ë WOÐd?F« Ê«dOD«  Ud?ý vHFð
which aircraft are operating in Kuwait shall «–≈ Vz«d????C« s X?¹uJ« w? U???Nð«d?zUÞ qL????Fð
be exempted from taxes, if their respective
States decided to treat the Kuwaiti airline Ê«dOD«  U?dý WKUF? UN WFÐU?²« ‰Ëb«  —d
companies in the same manner. Æq¦*UÐ WO²¹uJ«

©≤® …œU
Article (2) tÐ qLF¹Ë ¨Êu½UI« «c¼ c?OHMð WOU*« d¹“Ë vKŽ
The Minister of Finance must execute this
law, which shall enter into force as of the WOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s
date of being published in the Official
X¹uJ« dO√ VzU½
ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Deputy Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
ÕU³B« rU« wKF« dÐUł
Deputy Prime Minister
Jaber Al-Ali Al-Salem Al-Sabah
WOU*« d¹“Ë
Minister of Finance wIO²F« rUÝ sLŠd« b³Ž
Abdulrahman Salem Al-Atieqi

Issued at the Seif Palace on: 8th Thulqida 1396AH. ‡¼±≥π∂ …bFI« Ë– ∏ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 29th November 1976AD. ±π∑∂ d³Lu½ ≤π ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

Explanatory Memorandum
WOŠUC¹« …dc
Of The Draft-Law Concerning
Exempting The Ê«dOD« Udý ¡UHŽUÐ Êu½U ŸËdA*
Arabian And Foreign Airline Companies WOÐdF«
From Taxes
Vz«dC« s WO³M_«Ë

Whereas, Kuwait Airways Corporation W??O??²¹uJ« W¹u??'« ◊uD)« W????ÝR?? X½U?? U*

is seeking to obtain tax exemptions from
the states in which it operates,
w Vz«d?C« s  «¡UHŽ« v?KŽ ‰uB×K v?Fð
And since this requires entering into ÆUNO qLFð w²« ‰Ëb«
bilateral or multilateral agreements between Ë√ W?OzUMŁ  UO?U?Hð« «dЫ wC?²I¹ p– ÊU? U*Ë
the State of Kuwait and these States,
And since the regulations of some of ƉËb« Ác¼ 5ÐË X¹uJ« WËœ 5Ð WOŽULł
those States ordain the exemption if there is ¡UH?ŽôUÐ wCIð ‰Ëb« Ác¼ iFÐ rE½ Ê« U?L
a law in Kuwait that stipulates the same
ÊËœ pc?Ð wC??I?¹ X¹uJ« w? Êu½U?? b???łË «–≈
without the need for signing any
agreements, Æ UOUHð« lOuð v≈ WłUŠ
Therefore, Article (1) of the present w o«d?*« Êu½U??I« ŸËd??A?? h½ b??I?? pc
Draft-Law provided for exempting the
Arabian and foreign airline companies
WOÐd?F« Ê«dOD«  U?dý ¡UH?Ž« vKŽ vË_« tðœU
which aircraft are operating in Kuwait from s X¹u?J« w U??Nð«dzUÞ q?L?F?ð w²« W??O??³Mł_«Ë
taxes, if their respective States decided to Ác¼ U????N W????FÐU????²« ‰Ëb«  —d???? «–≈ Vz«d????C«
treat the Kuwaiti airline companies in the
same manner. W??O??²¹uJ« Ê«d??OD«  U??d??ý WKU??F??  U??d??A«

±¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decree-Law No. (53) of Year 1979AD. ±  WM μ r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Concerning Amending Some Provisions
of Law No. (108) of Year 1976 Regarding ±  WM ± r— Êu½UI« ÂUJŠ iFÐ q¹bF²Ð
Exempting The Arabian And Foreign WO³M_«Ë WOÐdF« Ê«dOD« Udý ¡UHŽSÐ
Airline Companies From Taxes
Vz«dC« s
Following perusal of:
- The Amiri Decree issued on 4th
Ramadan 1396AH. corresponding to —œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
29th August 1976AD. concerning
revising the Constitution, ‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥ a¹—U²Ð
- Articles (134) and (179) of the `?O?????I?M²?Р±π∑∂ fD??????ž√ s? ≤π o«u?*«
Constitution, —u²Ýb«
- Law No. (108) of year 1976 concerning —u²Ýb« s ±∑πË ±≥¥ 5ðœU*« vKŽË
Exempting The Arabian and Foreign
Airline Companies From Taxes, ¡U?H??ŽSÐ ±π∑∂ WM ±∞∏ r— Êu½U??I« vKŽË
- Upon the proposal of the Minster of s W????O????³?Mł_«Ë W????O?Ðd????F« Ê«d????O?D«  U????d????ý
Finance, and ¨Vz«dC«
- Following the approval of the Council WOU*« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
of Ministers,
We have promulgated the law which text ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
reads as follows: ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
Article (1)
A new paragraph shall be added to ©±® …œU
Article (1) of the said Law No. (108) of
year 1976, which reads as follows:
±∞∏ r— Êu½UI« s vË_« …œU*« v≈ ·UCð
( This exemption shall apply to any hM?UÐ …b¹b????ł …d???I??? t???O≈ —U????A*« ±π∑∂ WM?
period prior to the date of implementing ∫wU²U
this law in respect of the Arabian or foreign vKŽ WI?ÐUÝ …d²? W¹√ sŽ ¡UH?Žù« «c¼ Íd¹Ë®
airline companies which respective States
decide to treat the Kuwaiti airline
 U?d?ý v≈ W?³?MUÐ Êu½U?I?« «c?NÐ qL?F« a¹—Uð
companies in the same manner. Besides, WËb« —d???Ið w²« W??O??³?Mł_« Ë√ W??OÐd??F« Ê«d???OD«
whatever collected from these taxes for the q¦*UÐ WO²¹uJ« Ê«dOD«  Ud?ý WKUF UN WFÐU²«
period covered by the exemption shall be sŽ Vz«dC« Ác¼ s tKOB?% - b ÊuJ¹ U œ—Ë
refunded). Æ©¡UHŽù« UNKLý w²« …d²H«

Article (2) ©≤® …œU

The Minister of Finance must execute w dAM¹Ë ¨Êu½UI« «c¼ cOHMð WOU*« d¹“Ë vKŽ
this law, and to be published in the Official qL??F« a¹—Uð s t?Ð qL?F¹Ë ¨W??O??L?Ýd« …b¹d??'«
Gazette. This law shall enter into force as
of the date the said Law No. (108) of year
ÆtO≈ —UA*« ±π∑∂ WM ±∞∏ r— Êu½UIUÐ
1976 became operational.
WOU*« d¹“Ë
wIO²F« rUÝ sLŠd« b³Ž
Minister of Finance
Abdulrahman Salem Al-Atieqi
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al-Abduallah Al-Sabah
X¹uJ« dO√
Emir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed bLŠ_« dÐUł

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

Decree Approving The Agreement of ‰œU³ð WOUHð« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ ÂuÝd
Exchanging Tax And Tariffs Exemption
ÂuÝd«Ë Vz«dC« s ¡UHŽô«
On The Activities And Equipment of The
Arabian Air Carriage Corporations qIM« UÝR «bF Ë UÞUA½ vKŽ
WOÐdF« Íu'«

Following perusal of Article 70 (Para 1) of s ©vË√ …d??I??® ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b??FÐ
the Constitution, and ±∞∏ r— Êu?½U??I?UÐ Âu???Ýd*« vKŽË ¨—u???²???Ýb«
Decree-Law No. (108) of year 1976 ±π∑∂ WM
concerning Exempting the Arabian and s WO?³Mł_«Ë WOÐdF« Ê«d?OD«  Udý ¡U?HŽUÐ
Foreign Airline Companies from Tax, as
amended by Decree-Law No. (52) of year WM μ≥ r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*UÐ ‰b?F*« Vz«dC«
1979, ¨±π∑π
And upon the proposal of the Deputy ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— V?zU½ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs ÂöŽô« d¹“Ë WOł—U)« d¹“Ë
and Minister of Information,
And following the approval of the wðüUÐ UMLÝ— ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Council of Ministers,
We decreed as follows: ©±® …œU‡
Vz«dC« s ¡UHŽô« ‰œU³ð WOUHð« vKŽ oËË
Article (1)
It has been approved on the Agreement  «bFË  UÞUA½ vKŽ ÂuÝd«Ë
of Exchanging Tax and Tariffs Exemption w W??F?u*« W?O?Ðd?F« Íu?'« q?IM«  U???ÝR?
on the Activities and Equipment of the ‡¼±¥∞± WMÝ ÊU³Fý s ∂ a¹—U²Ð f½uð
Arabian Air Carriage Corporations signed
W???I????«d*«Ë ±π∏± W?MÝ u???O?½u¹ s ∏ o?«u*«
in Tunis on 6th Shaban 1401AH.
corresponding to 8th June 1981AD., which ÂuÝd*« «cN UN uB½
texts are attached to this Decree.
©≤® …œU‡
Article (2)
«c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All ministers, each in his jurisdiction,
must execute this Decree. The Prime t???žöЫ ¡«—“u« fK?−?? fO?z— vKŽË ¨Âu???Ýd*«
Minister must report this Decree to the w ÁdA½ a?¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë ¨W_« f?K− v≈
National Assembly, and it shall enter into WOLÝd« …b¹d'«
force as of the date of being published in
the Official Gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Emir of Kuwait bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed

Prime Minister
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Saad Al-Abduallah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Acting WÐUOMUÐ ÂöŽô« d¹“Ë WOł—U)« d¹“Ë
Minister of Information

Issued in the Seif Palace on: 2nd Rabie II 1405AH. ‡¼±¥∞μ w½U¦« lOЗ ≤ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 24th December 1984AD. ±π∏¥ d³L¹œ ≤¥ ∫o«u*«

±¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Agreement of Exchanging Tax and Vz«dC« s ¡UHŽô« ‰œU³² WOUHð«
Tariffs Exemption on Activities and
Equipment of The Arabian Air Carriage «bF Ë UÞUA½ vKŽ ÂuÝd«Ë
Corporations WOÐdF« Íu'« qIM« UÝR

Introduction: ∫WbI*«
The contracting Governments of the
W?³??ž— …b?U??F?²*« W??OÐd?F« ‰Ëb«  U??uJŠ Ê≈
Arab States, desiring to realize cooperation
and coordination between them in the field U?NMOÐ U?‡‡L?O? oO?M²«Ë ÊËU?‡‡F?²« o‡O?I?% w‡?‡ U?NM
of air- transport and its development, U‡‡‡öD½«Ë ¨t?²?O?LMðË Íu‡‡‡'« qIM« —U?L?C? w‡‡
aspiring to achieve higher national goals,
qO??N??² U??O?F??ÝË ¨U?OKF« W??O?u??I« ·«b¼_« s
seeking to facilitate the business of Arab air
carriage corporations and their staff, W????OÐd?‡‡?F« Íu‡?'« qI?M«  U????????ÝR???? ‰U????L????Ž«
preventing double taxation, removing the W«“≈Ë Vz«d?C« 똓ô UFM?Ë UN¹b 5KU?F«Ë
complexities and difficulties which face
Ác¼ U??N??N??ł«uð w²?«  UÐu??F??B«Ë  «b??O??I??F??²«
such corporations and relieving their
financial burdens, and organizing the tax rOE?MðË W??OU*« U??NzU??³??Ž« nO??H????²Ë  U????ÝR*«
treatment among them, and for the …—Ëd?CË U?NM?OÐ U?L?O? w³¹d?C« qU??F?²« »uKÝ√
necessity of establishing controls to benefit
 «¡U??H??Žô« Ác¼ s …œU??H??²??Ýö? jЫu??{ l{Ë
from such exemptions, hence they have
agreed on the following: ∫wK¹ U vK‡‡Ž XIHð«
©±® …œU‡
Article (1)
The following phrases in this Agreement W??O?U??Hðô« Ác¼ w W??OU?²«  «—U??³?F?UÐ b?B??I¹
shall have the meanings appearing opposite ≠∫U¼¡«“« WMO³*« w½UF*«
to them:
ÆÍu'« qIM«  UÝR ≠ √
A - Air Carriage Corporations
Corporations appointed by the …b?U?F²*« ·«dÞ_« q?³ s WM?OF*«  U??ÝR*«
contracting parties by virtue of the Air ôË UN?UI? ÂuI¹ U Ë√ W¹u?'«  UO?UHðô« Vłu0
Agreements or similar agreements, but not
Æ5UF« ¡öu« p– qLA¹
including the general agents.
B - Air Carriage Activities ∫Íu'« qIM«  UÞUA½ ≠ »
Transporting individuals, luggage,  U½«u????O???(«Ë W????F????²???_«Ë ’U???????ý_« q?I½
animals, cargo and mail by the corporations
w …—uc*«  U?ÝR*« q³? s b¹d³«Ë lzU?C³«Ë
mentioned in Para (A) above, investing the
aircraft including selling air-tickets or any p– w U0  «dzUD« —U?L¦²?Ý«Ë ¨ÁöŽ√ ©√® …d?IH«
other similar documents for the purpose of qIM« ÷dG WKŁU2 Èd?š√ ozUŁË W¹√ Ë√ d«c²« lOÐ
air-transport, as well as practicing services
—u?c*« ◊UAMK? WL?L²*«  U?b?)« pcË Íu?'«
complementing the said activity and agency
works carried out between air carriers of qIM«  UÝR? 5Ð ULO r²ð w²« WU?u« ‰ULŽ√Ë
contracting States. Æ…bUF²*« ‰ËbK Íu'«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥¥

Law No. (30) of Year 2002  WM ©® r— Êu½U
Approving The Agreement on iFÐ bOŠuð WOUHð« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
nification Certain Rules of The
wËb« Íu'« qIM« bŽ«u
International Air-Transport Signed in
±ØμØ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u w WFu*«
Montreal on 28/5/1999

- Following perusal of the Constitution, —u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞù« bFÐ ≠

- Law No.(20) of year 1975 concerning ±π∑μ W?M? ≤∞ r?— Êu?½U????????I« v?K?ŽË ≠
approving the joining of the State of v≈ X¹u?J« WËœ ÂU??L??C?½« vKŽ W??I??«u?*« ÊQ??AÐ
Kuwait to Warsaw Convention on unifying
Íu'« qIM« bŽ«u iFÐ bOŠu² uÝ—«Ë …b¼UF
certain rules of the international
±πμμ ÂU?????F? U?????NK?¹b?????Fð ‰u?????u?ðËdÐË w?Ëb«
air-transport, its amending protocol of year
1955 and its supplementary agreement of ¨±π∂± ÂUF UN WKLJ*« …b¼UF*«Ë
year 1961, and ±π∏∂ W?M?? ∏ r?— Êu?½U???????????I?« v?K?ŽË ≠
- Law No. (8) of year 1986 approving the ± wL?— 5O?U{ô« 5?uuðËd?³« vKŽ W?I?«u*UÐ
two additional protocols Nos. (1) and (2) of iFÐ b?O??Šuð W?O?U?Hðô 5b??F*« ±π∑μ WM ≤Ë
year 1975 amending the Agreement on
u?Ý—«Ë w? W?F??u*« wËb« Íu??'« qIM« b??Ž«u?
unifying certain rules of the international
¨±π≤π WMÝ
air-transport signed in Warsaw in year
1929, wðü« Êu½U???I« vKŽ W??_« fK?−?? o«Ë ≠
- The National Assembly has sanctioned ¨ÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ UMb bË ¨tB½
the law having the following text, and we
have endorsed and issued same, ©±® …œU
qIM« b?Ž«u i?FÐ bO?Šuð W?OU?Hð« vKŽ oËË
Article (1)
‰U¹d²½u w WFu*« wËb« Íu'«
The Agreement on unifying certain rules of
the international air-transport signed in
U?N? uB½ W?I?«d*«Ë ¨±πππ u¹U? ≤∏ a¹—U?²Ð
Montreal on 28th May 1999, which texts Êu½UI« «cN
are attached herewith, has been approved.
©≤® …œU
Article (2) «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
The Ministers, each in his jurisdiction, must
ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë ¨Êu½UI«
execute this law, which shall enter into
force as of the date it is published in the
WOLÝd« …b¹d'« w
Official Gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Emir of Kuwait ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah

‡¼±¥≤≤ …bFI« Ë– ≤± ∫w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b

Issued at Bayan Palace on: 21st Thulqida 1422AH.
Corresponding to: 3rd February 2002AD. Â≤∞∞≤ d¹«d³ ≥ ∫o«u*«

±¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
Of The Draft-Law On Approving The
Agreement on nifying Certain Rules of
The International Air-Transport Signed wËb« Íu'« qIM« bŽ«u iFÐ bOŠuð
In Montreal on 28th May 1999AD.
± u¹U  a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u WFu*«

The State of Kuwait joined the b??O??Šu?ð W??O??U??Hð« v?≈ X¹uJ« WËœ X?L??C½«
Agreement on unifying certain rules of the
w W??F???u*« wËb« Íu??'« q?IM« b??Ž«u??? iFÐ
international air-transport signed in Warsaw
for year 1929, and the protocols amending U?N Wb?F*«  ôu?uðËd?³«Ë ±π≤π WM u?Ý—«Ë
same. On 28/5/1999, a new Agreement was ‰U¹d??²?½u?? w  —d??Š ±πππØμØ≤∏ a?¹—U??²ÐË
drafted to unify certain rules of the
international air-transport in order to Íu'« qIM« b?Ž«u iFÐ bO?Šu² …b¹bł WO?UHð«
achieve more conformity and codification iF³ 5M?I²«Ë o«u²« s b¹e? oOI?ײ wËb«
of certain rules governing the international
w?Ëb« Íu???????'« q?IM?« r?J% w?²?« b???????Ž«u??????I?«
air-transport. The Ministry of Foreign
Affairs explained that the State of Kuwait X¹u?J« WËœ ÊQÐ W???O???ł—U??)« …—«“Ë X×???{Ë√Ë
has signed the Agreement and that the W¹c???O???HM²« W?M−K« Ê√Ë U???N???OKŽ lO???u???²UÐ XU???
Executive Committee of the Civil Aviation
for the Cooperation Council of the Gulf
ZO?K)« ‰Ëb ÊËU????F????²« fK?: w½b*« Ê«d????OD?K
Arabian Countries has called on the w U?Nð—b? √ W??O? uð vC?²?I0 XŽœ b?? W?OÐd?F«
member states to sanction the said a¹—U?²Ð ÷U¹d« w b?IŽ Íc« lÝU?²« U?NŽU?L²?ł«
Agreement upon a recommendation issued
by it in its Ninth Session held in Riyadh on ¡U??????C?????Ž_« ‰Ëb?« ÂU??????O????? v?≈ ≤∞∞∞Ø≤Ø≤∞
20/2/2000. Æ…—uc*« WOUHðô« vKŽ o¹bB²UÐ
The aforesaid Agreement contained
WF?³Ý ‰uB vKŽ W?OUHðô« pKð  u²?Š« bË
Seven Chapters, where the First Chapter
was designated for the general provisions sL??C?ðË W??U??F« ÂUJ?Šú U??NM? ‰Ë_« hB??š
and contained two articles, the first dealt WO?UHðô« oO³Dð ‚UD½ U?NM vË_« XËUMð 5ðœU
with the scope of implement the agreement
while the second dealt with the transport to
¨t????O?KŽ Íd?????ð Íc?« qI?M« W????O?½U????¦?« XËU?MðË
which it shall apply. The Second Chapter  «bM?²???*« ÂU?JŠ_ w½U????¦« q?B???H« h?B???šË
was designated for the rules of »U??d« qIMÐ o?KF?²?¹ U?L??O?? ·«dÞ_«  U?³??ł«ËË
documentation and the duties of the parties
in relation to transporting passengers, ±∂≠≥ s œ«u*« s?L??CðË lzU??C??³«Ë W??F??²??_«Ë
luggage and freight. The Articles from (3) vKŽ o³Dð w²« ÂUJŠ_« œ«u*« pKð XËUMð YOŠ
till (16) dealt with such stipulations
lzU??C??³« W???F??O??³DÐ W??IKF??²?*« W??F??²??_«Ë »U??d«
applicable to passengers and luggage in
respect of the nature of the freight, content ‰U??B¹« Ë√ Íu???'« s×??A« W???I??OŁË  U¹u???²??×??Ë
of the airway-bill or the freight voucher, ÆlzUC³« WFO³DÐ WIKF²*« WIOŁu«Ë lzUC³«
and the document pertaining to the nature
of the freight.
 «bM²???*«Ë Íu??'« s×??A« W??I???OŁË n ËË
This in addition to, the description of the vKŽ W?³ðd?²?*« W?−?O?²M«Ë …œb?F?²*« œËdDU?Ð W?IKF?²*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

airway-bill, the documents relating to  «bM?²???*U?Ð W???IK?F???²*« ÂUJ?Š_UР«e???²?ô« Âb???Ž
multiple packages, result of
non-compliance with the required …œ—«u«  U½UO?³« sŽ WOËR?*« ÂUJŠ√Ë ¨WÐuKD*«
documents, responsibility for the oŠË  «b?M²???*« pKð W???O??−???ŠË  «bM²???*« w
information stated in the documents and
validation of such documents, right to qÝd*« W?³UDË UN?LO?KðË lzUC?³« w ·dB?²«
dispose of and deliver the freight, claims of U???L??NM?OÐ W??ö???F«Ë U???L??N???u??I???×Ð t??O?≈ qÝd*«Ë
both consignor and consignee for their
rights and the relation between them, the
„—UL'«  «¡«dł≈Ë dO?G« 5Ð WœU³²*«  UöF«Ë
reciprocal relations between third parties, ÆÈdš_« WUF«  UDK«Ë WÞdA« Ë√
and the formalities of customs or police as
well as the other public authorities.
W?OËR?? ÊU?O?³ YU?¦« qB?H« hB?š b?Ë
The Third Chapter was designated for œ«u*« sLCðË —dC« sŽ i¹u?F²« ÈbË qUM«
clarifying the liability of the carrier and
W??OËR??*UÐ W??IKF??²*« ÂUJŠ_« X?ËUMðË ≥∑≠±∑
extent of compensation for damage.
Articles 17 - 37 dealt with provisions oŠö?« —d???C«Ë t???²?ÐU??? ≈ Ë√ V«d« …U????Ë sŽ
relating to liability for passenger's death or —d??C«Ë l?zU??C??³UÐ o?Šö« —d??C«Ë W??F???²??_UÐ
injury, damage to luggage, harm to the
freight, damages resulting from delay, WOËR*« s ¡UHŽù« ÂUJŠ√Ë dOšQ²« sŽ TýUM«
provisions on release from liability, t???²ÐU?? ≈ Ë√ V?«d« …U??Ë W?U??Š w i?¹u??F???²«Ë
compensation in case of passenger's death
W?N??ł ÂU?O?? »u?łËË W¹b??IM«  «b?Šu« q?¹u?%Ë
or injury, conversion of monetary notes and
necessity of verification of the limits by the “«u???łË ¨W???O?ËR???*« œËb???Š W???F???ł«d?0 Ÿ«b¹ù«
depositing party, permissibility of
œËb??(« s v?KŽ√ W??OËR?????LK œËb???Š ◊«d??²??ý«
stipulating higher limits of liability than
those provided for in the Agreement, and ÂUJŠ_« ÊöDÐË W??O?U?Hðô« w U?N?O?KŽ ’u?BM*«
the invalidity of contractual provisions in 5³*« b?(« s v½œ√ bŠ l{Ë W?UŠ w W¹b?UF?²«
case of setting a limit lower than that
provided for therein. These Articles also b?U?F?²« W¹d?Š vKŽ œ«u?*« Ác¼ XB½ U?L? ¨U?N?O?
stipulated the freedom to contract, advance  U?³U?D*« ”U?Ý√Ë W?I??³?*«  U?Žu??b*« ÂUJŠ√Ë
payments, and basis of claims as well as the
¡ö??u?«Ë 5FÐU???²UÐ W???IKF???²*« ÂUJŠ_« p?c??Ë
provisions relating to subsidiaries, agents,
and aggregate claims, deadline for vKŽË ¨ÃU?−?²?Šô« ‰U?ł¬Ë  U?³UD*« Ÿu?L?−?Ë
submittal of claims, those whom an action ‰ËR*« hA« …UË WUŠ w ÈuŽb« ÂUIð s
can be brought foreword in case of death of
liable person, jurisdiction, arbitration, ÂœU???IðË rO?J×???²«Ë wzU???C???I« ’U???B???²???šô«Ë
prescription of lawsuits, successive vK?Ž Ÿu???łd« o?ŠË lÐU????²???²*« q?IM«Ë ÈËU????Žb«
transport, and right of recourse against third
parties. ÆdOG«
The Fourth Chapter included Article vKŽ q?L??²??ý« Íc« lЫd« q?B??H« hB??šË
(38) that dealt with the provisions …b???????????F??Ð q?I?M?« ÂU?J?Š√ X?ËU?M??ð w?²?« ≥∏ …œU?*«
applicable to the combined transport. The
Fifth Chapter was designated for qIM?K fU??)« qB??H« hB??š U??L?? ¨jzU??ÝË
air-transport performed by a person other b?UF?²*« qUM« d?O?ž hý t?Ð ÂuI¹ Íc« Íu?'«

±¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
than the contracting carrier. Articles 39 - 48 ÂU?JŠ_« X?ËUM?ðË ¥∏≠≥π s œ«u?*« sL?????C?ðË
dealt with provisions relating to the
contracting carrier and the actual carrier
together with the respective liability of each t??O??łu?ðË ¨W??OMU???C??²« W??OËR???*«Ë U??L??N?M q
of them and the joint liability, submittal of …œU??H??²?Ý« Èb??Ë  U??L??OKF??²«Ë  U??łU?−??²??Šô«
claims and instructions, extent of benefit to
the subsidiaries and agents from the W?OËR?*« œËb?ŠË ◊Ëd?ý s ¡ö?u«Ë 5FÐU?²«
conditions and limits of liability under the mU??³?? Ÿu??L?−??Ë ¨W??O??U??Hðô« vC??²??I0 …—d??I*«
Agreement, aggregate money sums for
qUM« s U?N?OK?Ž ‰u?B?(« “u?−¹ w²« i¹u?F?²«
damage that can be obtained from the
carrier, addressing the claims for ’U??B???²??šô«Ë ¨i¹u???F??²?« ÈËU??Žœ t??O???łuðË
indemnification, additional jurisdiction, ’u?BM« ÊöDÐ  ôU?ŠË ¨wU?{ù« wzU?C?I«
invalidity of contractual texts, and
b?UF?²*« qUM« 5?Ð WœU³?²*«  U?ö?F«Ë W¹bU?F?²«
reciprocal relations between the contracting
and actual carrier. ÆwKFH« qUM«Ë
The Sixth Chapter of the Agreement was W???O???U???Hðô« s ”œU???« q?B???H« hB???šË
designated for other provisions, which were
explained in articles 49 - 52 in relation to oKF?²ðË μ≤≠¥π s œ«u?*« U?N?²MOÐ Èd?š√ ÂUJŠ_
the mandatory application of the 5Q??²?« b??Ž«u??Ë W??O???U??Hðö w«e?ù« oO??³D?²UÐ
Agreement, rules of insurance and transport
performed in extraordinary circumstances, n¹d?F²ÐË W¹œU?Ž dO?ž ·Ëdþ w r²¹ Íc« qIM«Ë
and definition of the days as calendar days ÆqLF« ÂU¹√ fOË WO1uI²« ÂU¹_« UN½QÐ ÂU¹_«
and not business days.
Finally, the Seventh Chapter was
WOU²)« œuM³K lÐU?« qBH« hBš «dOš√Ë
designated for the final provisions and ÂUJ?Š_« XËUMðË μ∑≠μ≥ s? œ«u*« sL???C???²¹Ë
included Articles 53 - 57, which dealt with UN?OKŽ o¹b?B²«Ë W?OU?Hðô« vKŽ lOu?²UÐ WIKF?²*«
the provisions relating to agreements'
signing, sanction and validity period as well iIM?ð Ê√ w WËœ Í√ oŠË U??Nu??F??H?? ÊU¹d??ÝË
as the right of any State to revoke the U?N½√Ë uÝ—«Ë W?OU?HðUÐ W?OU?Hðô« W?öŽË W?OU?Hðô«
Agreement, the relationship of the
W??IK?F??²*« ÂUJ?Š_« XËUMð U??L??? ¨U??N??OK?Ž `łdð
Agreement to that of Warsaw Convention
and that it prevails over it. Theses Articles b??Š«Ë w½u½U?? ÂUE½ s? d?¦??√ U??N¹b w²?« ‰ËbUÐ
also dealt with provisions relating to the “u?−¹ ô t?½√ X×?{Ë√Ë W?O??U?HðôUÐ oK?F?²¹ U?L??O?
States that have more than one system of
law. These Articles further clarified that it Í_ “u−¹ U/≈Ë WOUHðô« pKð vKŽ  UEH% ¡«bÐ≈
is not permitted to show reservations on the W??N??ł v?≈ t??łu¹ —UDš≈ v?C??²??I0 sK?Fð Ê√ WËœ
such Agreement, however, it is permitted
qIM?« vKŽ Íd??ð ô W??O??U??Hðô« Ác?¼ ÊQÐ Ÿ«b¹ù«
for any State to declare by means of a
notification addressed to the Depositing WËb« pKð …d?ýU?³ tÐ Âu?Ið Íc« wËb« Íu?'«
party that the this Agreement is not UNHzUþuÐ oKF?²¹ ULO W¹—U& d?Ož ÷«dž_ ·dD«
applicable to international air-transport
performed directly by that member State for ’U??ý_« qI½ Ë√ …œU?O?Ý  «– WËb? U?N?U?N?Ë
non-commercial purposes with respect to 7 vKŽ W¹dJ?F« UN?²DK W?F²?_«Ë lzUC?³«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

its functions and duties as a sovereign State …d??łQ??²???? Ë√ WËb« pKð w W?K−????  «dzUÞ
or transporting passengers, freight and
luggage for its military authority onboard WDÝ«uÐ WOKJ« UN²uL?Š  e−Š w²«Ë UN²DÝ«uÐ
aircraft registered in that State or leased ÆUNMŽ WÐUOMUÐ Ë√  UDK« pKð
through it and where the whole capacity
W×KB? oI% UNO?≈ —UA*« WOU?Hðô« Ê√ YOŠË
was reserved by or on behalf such
authorities. w U???NðU???«e??²« l? ÷—U??F???²ð ôË X¹uJ?« WËœ
Whereas, the said Agreement realizes
…—«œù« X³?KÞ b??Ë ¨w?Ëb«Ë wÐd???F« 5U???:«
the best interest of the State of Kuwait and
does not contradict with its obligations on –U?ð« W??OMF*« W??N?'« w¼Ë w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U?F«
both the Arabian and International arenas,
U??L?? U??N?O?KŽ o¹b??B??²K W¹—u??²??Ýb«  «¡«d??łù«
and the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation being the concerned authority has W??O?½u½U??I« …«œ_« œ«b???Ž≈ W??O??ł—U??)« …—«“Ë X?³KÞ
requested undertaking the constitutional
procedures for ratifying the same, and since
ÆU¼–UHM W“ö«
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also  U?O?UH?ðô« s …—uc?*« WO?U?Hðô« Ê√ YO?ŠË
requested the preparation of the legal
instrument required for its entry into force.
s ∑∞ …œU*« s W?O½U?¦« …dI?H« U?NO≈  —U?ý√ w²«
And whereas, the said Agreement is Êu½U?IÐ U?N??OKŽ W?I?«u*« ÊuJð r?Ł sË ¨—u?²?Ýb«
among the agreements mentioned in Para 2
of Article (70) of the Constitution, hence its Æ…dIH« Ác¼ rJ×Ð ÎöLŽ
ratification must be through a law in o«d?*« Êu½U???I?« ŸËd???A??? b????Ž√ b???I??? p?c
accordance with this Para.
Therefore, the enclosed Draft-Law was ÆUNOKŽ WI«u*UÐ
prepared for ratification.

±¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

wËb« Íu'« qIM« bŽ«u iFÐ bOŠuð
¨WOUHðô« Ác¼ w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb« Ê«
dAŽ w½U¦« w uÝ—«Ë w W?Fu*« wËb« Íu'« qIM« bŽ«u iFÐ bOŠuð WOUHð« t?²b U* UNM U«—œ«
Èdš_« ozUŁu?«Ë ≠ åuÝ—«Ë WO?UHð«ò rÝUÐ b?FÐ UL?O UN?O≈ —UA*« ≠ ±π≤π ÂU?Ž ‰Ë_« s¹dAðØdÐu?²√ s
Æ’U)« wËb« u'« Êu½U ÂUJŠ√ w o«u²« oOI% u×½ dO³ ÂUNÝ« s ¨UNÐ WKB²*«
ÆUNÐ WKB²*« ozUŁu«Ë uÝ—«Ë WOUHð« bOŠuðË Y¹b% v≈ WłU×K UNM U«—œ«Ë
‰uB?(« v≈ WłU?(«Ë wËb« Íu?'« qIM« w 5JKN²?*« `UB? W¹UL?Š 5Qð WO?L¼_ UNM? U«—œ«Ë
Æ—dC« sŽ i¹uF²« √b³ ”UÝ√ vKŽ ‰œUF« i¹uF²« vKŽ
Ê√Ë rEM u?×?½ vKŽ wËb« Íu?'« qIM«  U?O?KL?Ž —uD²ð Ê√ t?O? »u?žd*« s? t½√ «œb?−? b?ŠRð –≈Ë
w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WOU?Hð« ÷«dž√Ë ΔœU?³* UI?³Þ ¨oz«uŽ ÊËbÐ lzU?C³«Ë W?F²_«Ë »U?d« qI½ Wd?Š sRð
Æ±π¥¥ ÂUŽ ‰Ë_« Êu½UØd³L¹œ s lÐU« w užUJOý w Wd³*« ¨wËb«
bŽ«uI« iF³ 5MI²«Ë o«u²« s b¹e oOIײ ‰Ëb« q³ s WOŽULł dOЫbð –Uð« ÊQÐ UNM UŽUM²«Ë
‰œUŽ Ê“«uð oOI?ײ WLzö d¦_« W?KOÝu« u¼ ¨…b¹bł WOUHð« ‰ö?š s wËb« Íu'« qIM« rJ% w²«
Æ`UB*« 5Ð
∫wK¹ U vKŽ XIHð« b

‰Ë_« qBH«

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∫oO³D²« ‚UD½
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ÆÍu'« qIMK WÝR tÐ ÂuIð Íc« ¨…dzUDÐ wU:« qIM« vKŽ UC¹√ ÍdðË
b?B?I*«Ë …—œU?G*« U?²DI½ t?O? ÊuJð qI½ Í√ åwËb« qIM«ò …—U?³?Ž wMFð ¨W?O?U?Hðô« Ác¼ ÷«d?ž_ ©≤®
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öI½ d?³²F¹ ôË ÆU?dÞ WËb« pKð sJð r Ê«Ë v²Š ¨Èdš√ WËœ rOK?« w UNOKŽ oH?² nuð WDI½ „UM¼
oH?²?? nuð WDI½ ÊËbÐ ·d?Þ …b?Š«Ë WËœ rOK« qš«œ 5?²DI½ 5Ð qIM« W??O?U?Hðô« Ác¼ ÷«d??ž_ U?OËœ
ÆÈdš√ WËœ rOK« qš«œ UNOKŽ
√e−²¹ ô «b?Š«Ë öI½ 5FÐU²²*« 5KUM« s œbŽ tÐ Âu?I¹ Íc« qIM« d³²F¹ ¨WO?UHðô« Ác¼ ÷«dž_ ©≥®
WKKÝ Ë√ b?Š«Ë bI?Ž …—u w ÂdÐ√ b? t½QAÐ ‚U?Hðô« ÊU ¡«u?Ý ¨…bŠ«Ë W?OKLŽ ·«dÞ_« tðd?³²?Ž« U «–≈
qš«œ ö?U «cO?HMð UNM? WKKÝ Ë√ œuI?F« bŠ√ c?OHMð »u?łË œd: W?OËb« t²?H bI?H¹ ôË ÆœuI?F« s
ÆWËb« fH½ rOK«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±μ

◊Ëd?A« …U?Ž«d l? ¨fU)« qB?H« w t?OKŽ ’u?BM*« qIM?« vKŽ U?C¹√ WO?U?Hðô« Ác¼ Íd?ð ©¥®
ÆqBH« p– w …œ—«u«
©≤® …œU
∫W¹b¹d³« œ«u*« qI½Ë WËb« tÐ ÂuIð Íc« qIM«
ÊËd??šü« Êu¹—U??³??²??Žô« ’U????ý_« Ë√ WËb« tÐ Âu??I?ð Íc« qIM« vK?Ž W??O??U?H?ðô« Ác¼ Íd??ð ©±®
Ʊ …œU*« w UNOKŽ ’uBM*« ◊ËdAK UIË ÂUF« Êu½UIK ÊuF{U)«
w²« b?Ž«uIK U?I³Þ W?B²?<« b¹d?³« …—«œ≈ ÁU& jI? ôËR? qUM« ÊuJ¹ ¨W¹b¹d?³« œ«u*« qI½ bMŽ ©≤®
Æb¹d³«  «—«œ«Ë 5KUM« 5Ð WöF« vKŽ o³DMð
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w½U¦« qBH«
lzUC³«Ë WF² _«Ë »Ud« qIMÐ oKF²¹ ULO ·«dÞ_« U³«ËË «bM²*«

©≥® …œU
WF²_«Ë »Ud«
∫wK¹ U sLC²¹ wŽULł Ë√ Íœd qI½ bM² rOKð 5F²¹ ¨»Ud« qI½ WUŠ w ©±®
ÆwzUNM« bBI*«Ë …—œUG*« w²DI½ ÊUOÐ ©√®
wzU?NM« b?B?I*«Ë …—œU?G?*« U?²DI½ X½U? «–≈ ¨nu?²« ◊U?I½ s q_« v?KŽ …b?Š«Ë WDI½ ÊU?OÐ ©»®
oH²? nuð ◊UI½ Ë√ nuð WDI½ „UM¼ X½U? «–≈ p–Ë …bŠ«Ë ·dÞ WËœ rOK« w 5²?F«Ë
UNÐ q−?ð Èdš√ WKOÝË ÍQÐ ©±® …d?IH« w tO≈ —U?A*« qIM« bM² rOKð s?Ž W{UF²?Ýô« “u−¹ ©≤®
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ÆWK−*« WF²_« s WFD q sŽ n¹dFð WUDÐ V«d« rK¹ Ê√ qUM« vKŽ ©≥®
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ÆWOËR*« b¹bײРWIKF²*« bŽ«uI« UNO U0 WOUHðô« Ác¼ bŽ«uI UF{Uš p– l qE¹
©¥® …œU
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©∏® …œU
…œbF²*« œËdDUÐ WIKF²*«  «bM²*«
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Æ¥ …œU*« s ©≤® …dIH« w UNO≈ —UA*« Èdš_«
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WÐuKD*«  «bM²*UÐ WIKF²*« ÂUJŠ_UР«e²ô« ÂbŽ
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oKF²¹ U?LO WHK²? WO½u½U rE½ UN?O o³Dð d¦√ Ë√ ÊU?²OLOK« ÊUðbŠË ‰Ëb?« ÈbŠ≈ Èb X½U «–≈ ©±®
ÂULC½ô« Ë√ WI«u*« Ë√ ‰u³I« Ë√ o¹bB²« Ë√ lOu²« bMŽ UN “u−O ¨WOUHðô« Ác¼ UNËUM²ð w²« qzU*UÐ
Ác¼ s d?¦?√ Ë√ …b?Š«Ë q?L?A¹ Ë√ W?O?L?OKô« U?Nð«b?ŠË lO??L?ł U?N½U¹d?Ý qL?A¹ W?O?U?H?ðô« Ác¼ Ê√ sKFð Ê√
ÆXË Í√ w dš¬ ÊöŽ« .bIð o¹dÞ sŽ ÊöŽô« «c¼ q¹bFð UN “u−¹Ë jI  «bŠu«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
 «b??Šu« v?KŽ W??Š«d?? hM¹ Ê√ V?−¹Ë Ÿ«b¹ô« W??N??' qO???³??I« «c¼ s Êö??Ž« Í√ ⁄ö?Ы V−¹ ©≤®
∫ÊöŽô« «c¼ q¦  —b √ ·dÞ WËœ ÍQÐ oKF²¹ ULO ©≥®
…b??Šu« WKL??Ž v≈  «—U??ý« U?N?½√ vKŽ ≤≥ …œU*« w åW??OMÞu« W?KL?F?«ò v≈  «—U?ýô« d????Hð ©√®
ÆWËb« pKð s WOMF*« WOLOKô«
…b??Šu« Êu½U?? v?≈ …—U??ý« U??N½√ vKŽ ≤∏ …œU*« w? åwMÞu« Êu½U??I?«ò v≈ …—U??ýô« d????HðË ©»®
ÆWËb« pKð s WOMF*« WOLOKô«
©μ∑® …œU
∫ UEHײ«
XË Í√ w? sKFð Ê√ ·d?Þ WËœ Í_ “u??−?¹ t½√ ô« ¨W???O??U???Hðô« Ác¼ v?KŽ kH???% Í√ ¡«bЫ “u???−¹ ô
∫vKŽ Ídð ô WOUHðô« Ác¼ Ê√ Ÿ«b¹ô« WNł v≈ tłu —UDš« Vłu0
oKF²¹ ULO W¹—U& dOž ÷«dž_ ·dD« WËb« pKð …dýU³ tÐ ÂuIð Íc« wËb« Íu'« qIM« ©√®
w WK−  «dzUÞ 7 vKŽ W¹dJ?F« UNðUDK WF²_«Ë lzUC?³«Ë ’Uý_« qI½ Ë√ØË ©»®
 UDK« pKð WDÝ«uÐ W?OKJ« UN²uL?Š  e−Š w²«Ë ¨U?N²DÝ«uÐ …dłQ²? Ë√ WËb« pKð
ÆWOUHðô« Ác¼ lOu²Ð ¨‰u _« VŠ Êuu<« ¨ÁU½œ√ ÊuFu*« Êu{uH*« ÂU ¨pc UðU³Ł«
5F?ðË WFðË W?zULF?ðË n√ ÂUŽ s —U?¹√ u¹U dN?ý s s¹dA?F«Ë sU¦« w? ‰U¹d²½u? w  —dŠ
Ác?NÐ ’u?B?M« q ÊuJðË ¨W?O½U?³??Ýô«Ë W?O?ÝËd«Ë W?O?½d??H«Ë W?OMO?B«Ë W?¹e?OK$ô«Ë W?OÐd?F«  U??GKUÐ
¨wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD?« WLEM  UþuH?× w WŽœu? WOU?Hðô« Ác¼ qEðË ÆWO−?(« w W¹ËU²?  UGK«
q v≈Ë ¨W?O?U??Hðô« Ác¼ w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb« q v≈ U?NM? U?O?L?Ý— …b?L?²?F? «—u? Ÿ«b¹ô« W??N?ł rKðË
WM¹b?? ‰u?uðËdÐË ¨«—U??šô«œ«u?ž W?O??U?Hð«Ë ¨ÍU¼ô ‰u??uðËdÐË ¨u?Ý—«Ë W??O?U?H?ð« w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb«
ƉU¹d²½u  ôuuðËdÐË ¨ôULOð«už

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Decree No. (359) of Year 2004 ¥ WM μ r— ÂuÝd
Concerning Licensing The Establishment WO²¹u WL¼U Wdý fOÝQð w hOšd²UÐ
of A Kuwaiti Public Shareholding
Company nder The Name of WO*UF« Ê«dOÞ Wdý rÝUÐ W UŽ
International Aviation Cargo Company - W UŽ WO²¹u WL¼U Wdý  Íu'« s×AK
A Kuwaiti Public Shareholding
¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠
Following perusal of:
—œU???B« W?¹—U???−???²«  U???d???A« Êu½U??? v?KŽË ≠
- The Constitution,
- The Commercial Companies Law ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë ±π∂∞ WM ±μ r— Êu½UIUÐ
promulgated by virtue of Law No. (15) of year Wd?A wÝUÝ_« ÂUEM«Ë fO?ÝQ²« b?IŽ vKŽË ≠
1960, and its amending laws,
- The Memorandum of Incorporation and WO²¹u W?L¼U Wdý® Íu'« s×A?K WO*UF« Ê«dOÞ
Articles of Association of International ¨©WUŽ
Aviation Cargo Company (Kuwaiti public
shareholding company), ≤∞∞¥ W?M??? ≥¥∂ r??— Âu???????????????Ýd?*« v??K?ŽË ≠
- Decree No. (346) of year 2004 W?UŽ W?O²¹u? W?L¼U? Wd?ý fO?ÝQð w hOšd?²UÐ
concerning Licensing the Establishment of a
Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Company under
W?dý ≠ Íu?'« s×AK W?O*UF« Ê«d?OÞ Wd?ý® rÝUÐ
the name of (International Aviation Cargo ¨©WUŽ WO²¹u WL¼U
Company - Kuwaiti Public Shareholding
¨WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
Company), and
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Minister ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË ≠
of Commerce & Industry, wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
- And after the approval of the Council of
Ministers, ©±® …œU
We have decreed as follows: ∫…œUK hšd¹
Article (1)  «¡UA½û w«d)« Wdý ≠ ±
It is licensed for Messrs.:
1- Al-Kharafi Construction Company w½U³LK WO*UF« WdA« ≠ ≤
2- Al-Alamiya Buildings Co. ÁœôË√Ë w«d)« s;«b³Ž bL× Wdý ≠≥
3- Mohammed Abdulmehsen Al-Kharafi &
Sons Co.
 ôËUI*«Ë WUF« …—U−²K bŠ√ Wdý ≠¥
4- Uhod General Trading & Contracting Co. WCÐUI« œUH¹≈ Wdý ≠μ
5- Efad Holding Co. s¹e²«Ë WO²łuK«  UbK ‰UÐuKł Wdý ≠∂
6- Global Logistics Services & Warehousing
Co. W¹—UIF« ‰UÝdHO½u¹ Wdý ≠ ∑
7- Universal Real Estate Company Êö?Žù«Ë W¹U?ŽbK U¹b?O? ‰U?Ýd?H?O½u¹ W?d?ý ≠ ∏
8- Universal Media, Advertising, Publicity, l¹“u²«Ë dAM«Ë
Publication & Distribution Co.
9- Universal Air-Cargo Services Íu'« s×A«  Ub) ‰UÝdHO½u¹ WÝR ≠ π
Establishment +UG« 5¼UA« sLŠd«b³Ž +Už ≠ ±∞
10- Ghanim Abdulrahman Al-Shaheen
·«dB« rÝU —uBM bO− ≠ ±±
11- Mageed Mansour Qassim Al-Saraf rÝU'« WHOKš bLŠ√ bL× ≠ ±≤
12- Mohammed Ahmed Khalifa Al-Jassem wËd« sLŠd«b³Ž nÝu¹ b2 ≠ ±≥
13- Momed Yousef Abdulrahman Al-Roumi
14- Najeeb Abdulaziz Abdullah
wCOL(« tK«b³Ž e¹eF«b³Ž VO$ ≠ ±¥
Al-Humaidhi 5U−MÐ ‰ƒËUý sË ≠ ±μ
15- Wilson Shaoul Benjamin ÕU³B« ZOŽœ ÊULKÝ WHOKš ≠ ±∑
17- Khalifa Salman Duaij Al-Sabah
18- Khalifa Ali Khalifa Al-Sabah ÕU³B« WHOKš wKŽ WHOKš ≠ ±∏
19- Duaij Salman Duaij Al-Sabah ÕU³B« ZOŽœ ÊULKÝ ZOŽœ ≠ ±π

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

21- Khalid Mansour Qasim Al-Saraf ·«dB« rÝU —uBM bUš ≠ ≤±
22- Ezzat Aziz Ahmed Abu Amara …—ULŽ uÐ√ bLŠ√ e¹eŽ  eŽ ≠ ≤≤
23- Aziz Ahmed Ezzat Abu Amara …—ULŽ uÐ√  eŽ bLŠ√ e¹eŽ ≠ ≤≥
24- Essam Mubarak Al-Sayed Abdullah
wŽUd« tK«b³Ž bO« „—U³ ÂUBŽ ≠ ≤¥
25- Ali Hussein Ali Dashti
w²ýœ wKŽ 5Š wKŽ ≠ ≤μ
26- Ahmed Khalifa Ahmed Al-Jassem rÝU'« bLŠ√ WHOKš bLŠ√ ≠ ≤∂
27- Nasser Abdullah Al-Sabah ÕU³B« tK«b³Ž d U½ ≠ ≤∑
To establish in Kuwait a Kuwaiti public W?L¼U??? W?d??ý X¹uJ« w «u???ÝR¹ Ê√ w
shareholding company under the name of s×A?K WO*UF« Ê«d?OÞ Wd?ýò rÝUÐ WU?Ž WO?²¹u
"International Aviation Cargo Company"
≤∞[∞∞∞[∞∞∞ Á—«b???I???? ‰U??? ”√d?Ð åÍu???'«
with a capital amounting to KD. 20,000,000
(Twenty Million Kuwaiti Dinars).
Æ©w²¹u —UM¹œ ÊuOK ÊËdAŽ®
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
The founders mentioned in the previous W?IÐU?« …œU*« w rN?O?≈ —U?A*« 5?ÝR*« vKŽ
article undertake to abide by the provisions …—u?c?*« W?d?A?« fO?ÝQð b??I?Ž ÂUJŠQР«e??²ô«
of the Memorandum of Incorporation and
¨Âu???Ýd*« «c???N 5?I??«d?*« wÝU???Ý_« U???N??U?E½Ë
the Articles of Association of the said
Company, which are attached to this  U????d????A?« Êu½U???? ÂUJ?ŠQР«e????²?ô« rN????O?KŽË
Decree. They must also abide by the 5½«u???I« dzU???ÝË ¨Wb??F?*« 5½«u??I?«Ë W¹—U??−???²«
provisions of the Commercial Companies Æ…cUM« Èdš_«
Law and its amending laws, as well as all ©≥® …œU
the other applicable laws.
Article (3)
Í√ …—u??c*« W??d?A?K hO??šd?²« «c?¼ `M1 ô
This license does not grant said company W?OËR?? W?¹√ t?OKŽ Vðd?²ð ôË “U?O??²?« Ë√ —UJ²?Š«
any monopoly or privilege, nor would it ÆWuJ(« vKŽ
result in any responsibility on the part of ©¥® …œU
the Government.
Article (4) —UA*« ≤∞∞¥ WM ©≥¥∂® r?— ÂuÝd*« vGK¹
The mentioned Decree No. (346) of year ÆtO≈
2004 shall be annulled. ©μ® …œU
Article (5) «c¼ c????O???HM?ð W???ŽUM?B«Ë …—U???−????²« d¹“Ë v?KŽ
This Decree must be executed by the
Minister of Commerce & Industry, and
ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë ¨ÂuÝd*«
must be published in the Official Gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah

Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—

Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Minister of Commerce & Industry WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 24th Shawal 1425AH.
Corresponding to: 6th December 2004AD. ‡¼±¥≤μ ‰«uý ≤¥ ∫ w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Â≤∞∞¥ d³L¹œ ∂ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ± 
Decree No. (308) of Year 2004 ¥ WM  r— ÂuÝd
Concerning Shifting The Supervision On
uD)« WÝR vKŽ ·«dýù« qIMÐ
Kuwait Airways Corporation
WO²¹uJ« W¹u'«
Following perusal of:
- Law No. (21) of year 1965 concern- Æ—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠
ing the Articles of Association of Kuwait w? ±π∂μ WM?? ≤± r— Êu?½U??????I?« vK?ŽË ≠
Airways Corporation issued by Decree- WO²¹uJ« W¹u'« ◊uD)« W?ÝR ÂUE½ ÊQý
Law No. (116) of year 1992AD., ¨Â±ππ≤ WM ±±∂ r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*«
- The Decree issued on 12th August fDž√ ±≤ a¹—U²?Ð —œUB« ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
1986 concerning the Jurisdictions of the
¨ ö «u*« …—«“Ë  U UB²š« ÊQý w ±π∏∂
Ministry of Communications,
- The Decree No. (108) of year 1990
±ππ∞ W?M?? ±∞∏ r?— Âu??????????Ýd?*« v?K?ŽË ≠
concerning Adding Some Jurisdictions To d¹“Ë v?≈  U???? U?????B????²?????šù« iF?Ð W????U?????{SÐ
The Minister of Communications, ¨ ö «u*«
- The Decree No. (145) of year 2003 ±ππ∞ W?M?? ±∞∏ r?— Âu??????????Ýd?*« v?K?ŽË ≠
concerning Setting Up the Ministry, and d¹“Ë v?≈  U???? U?????B????²?????šù« iF?Ð W????U?????{SÐ
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Prime
¨ ö «u*«
≤∞∞≥ W?M?? ±¥μ r?— Âu??????????Ýd?*« v?K?ŽË ≠
- And after the approval of the Council
of Ministers ¨…—«“u« qOJA²Ð
We have decreed as follows: ¨¡«—“u« fK− fOz— ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
Article (1) ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË ≠
The supervision on Kuwait Airways ∫wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
Corporation shall be shifted to the Minister ©±® …œU
of Communications, who would be entrust-
vK?Ž ·«d????ýù«   ö???? «u*« d?¹“Ë v≈ qI?MÔ¹
ed directly with the jurisdictions deter-
mined for the Minister of Finance as stipu-
t?O≈ b??N?F¹Ë ¨W?O?²¹u?J« W¹u?'« ◊uD)« W???ÝR?
lated in the said Law No. (21) of year 1965. w W?OU*« d?¹“u …—d?I*«  U? U?B?²??šô« …d?ýU?³0
Article (2) ÆtO≈ —UA*« ±π∂μ WM ≤± r— Êu½UI«
The Prime Minster and Ministers shall, ©≤® …œU
each within his respective jurisdiction, exe- q ≠ ¡«—“u?«Ë ¡«—“u« f?K−???? f?Oz— v?KŽ
cute this Decree, which will become opera- s tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨ÂuÝd*« «c¼ c?OHMð ≠ t?B¹ U?LO?
tional as of its issuance date, and must be
ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë ¨Á—Ëb a¹—Uð
published in the official gazette.

Amir of Kuwait X¹uJ« dO√

Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł

Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—

Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 6th Ramadan 1425AH. ‡¼±¥≤μ ÊUC— ∂ ∫ w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 20th October 2004AD Â≤∞∞¥ dÐu²√ ≤∞ ∫o«u*«

± ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
¥ WM  r— ÂuÝd
…d¹e'« Ê«dOÞ Wdý rÝUÐ WO²¹u WL¼U Wdý fOÝQð w hOšd²UÐ
W UŽ WO²¹u WL¼U Wdý

¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠

¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë ±π∂∞ WM ±μ r— Êu½UIUÐ —œUB« W¹—U−²«  UdA« Êu½U vKŽË ≠
¨©WUŽ WO²¹u WL¼U Wdý® …d¹e'« Ê«dOÞ WdA wÝUÝ_« ÂUEM«Ë fOÝQ²« bIŽ vKŽË ≠
¨WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË ≠
©±® …œU
≠∫…œUK hšd¹

‰Ë√ ·dÞ W¹—U−²«  ôœU³*«Ë  «eON−²« Wdý ∫ÎôË√

w½UŁ ·dÞ WOÝbMN« ZOK)« Wdý ∫ÎUO½UŁ
YUŁ ·dÞ  UuKF*«  UJ³A WOIO³D²« WO²¹uJ« WdA« ∫ÎU¦UŁ
lЫ— ·dÞ W¹—UIF« lÐd*« Wdý ∫ÎUFЫ—
fUš ·dÞ W¹—U−²« rÝUłË e¹eF«b³Ž Wdý ∫ÎUUš
”œUÝ ·dÞ w*UF« —UL¦²Ýô« XOÐ Wdý ∫UÝœUÝ
lÐUÝ ·dÞ ÍœuÐ l¹—UA Wdý ∫ÎUFÐUÝ
sUŁ ·dÞ ¡UM³« œ«u* Wd²A*« WdA« ∫ÎUMUŁ
lÝUð ·dÞ  ôËUI*«Ë …—U−²K …—Uù« Wdý ∫ÎUFÝUð
dýUŽ ·dÞ WŽU³DK dýUM« Wdý ∫ΫdýUŽ
dAŽ ÍœUŠ ·dÞ dðuO³LJ«  «—UA²Ýô q«u Wdý ∫dAŽ ÍœUŠ
dAŽ w½UŁ ·dÞ jOL« bL× ‰œUŽ ∫dAŽ w½UŁ
dAŽ YUŁ ·dÞ WI _« tK«b³Ž .dJ«b³Ž qFA ∫dAŽ YUŁ
dAŽ lЫ— ·dÞ ÊU¼dA« `U »uIF¹ ∫dAŽ lЫ—
dAŽ fUš ·dÞ Íb¹uN« ÊULOKÝ `U ∫dAŽ fUš
dAŽ ”œUÝ ·dÞ VOD)« »UIŽ qC ∫dAŽ ”œUÝ
dAŽ lÐUÝ ·dÞ ÍœuÐ ‚Ë“d rÝUł WLÐ ∫dAŽ lÐUÝ
dAŽ sUŁ ·dÞ Ê«“uH« d U½ bL× ∫dAŽ sUŁ
dAŽ lÝUð ·dÞ qO−F« bŽU ÊU½bŽ ∫dAŽ lÝUð
ÊËdAŽË w½UŁ ·dÞ ÊU¼dA« »uIF¹ `U ÊU½bŽ ∫ÊËdAŽË w½UŁ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ± 
ÊËdAŽË lЫ— ·dÞ ¡UM³« œ«u* ŸUFý WÝR ∫ÊËdAŽË lЫ—
ÊËdAŽË fUš ·dÞ wÝuFF« WHOKš d U½ ∫ÊËdAŽË fUš
ÊËdAŽË ”œUÝ ·dÞ VOD)« bL× »UIŽ b¹“ ∫ÊËdAŽË ”œUÝ
ÊËdAŽË sUŁ ·dÞ WL¼ö'« bLŠ√ —cM ∫ÊËdAŽË sUŁ
ÊËdAŽË lÝUð ·dÞ wCOL(« `U nÝu¹ W¹—u½ ∫ÊËdAŽË lÝUð
ÊuŁöŁ ·dÞ ÊU¼dA« »uIF¹ `U bL× ∫ÊuŁöŁ
ÊuŁöŁË w½UŁ ·dÞ ÊU¼dA« »uIF¹ `U —u½√ ∫ÊuŁöŁË w½UŁ
ÊuŁöŁË lЫ— ·dÞ +UG« ÊUOMŁ bL× WOý ∫ÊuŁöŁË lЫ—
ÊuŁöŁË fUš ·dÞ WL¼ö'« bL× d³ł UN ∫ÊuŁöŁË fUš
ÊuŁöŁË ”œUÝ ·dÞ ÍœuÐ vHDB bLŠ√ ∫ÊuŁöŁË ”œUÝ
ÊuŁöŁË lÐUÝ ·dÞ WL¼ö'« bLŠ√ ‚—UÞ ∫ÊuŁöŁË lÐUÝ
ÊuŁöŁË sUŁ ·dÞ ÍœuÐ ‚Ë“d WAzUŽ ∫ÊuŁöŁË sUŁ
ÊuŁöŁË lÝUð ·dÞ Íb¹uN« ÊULOKÝ bŽU ∫ÊuŁöŁË lÝUð
ÊuFЗ√ ·dÞ dOD*« tK«b³Ž bL× w½UNð ∫ÊuFЗ√
ÊuFЗ√Ë ÍœUŠ ·dÞ wÝuFF« WHOKš d U½ tK«b³Ž ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë ÍœUŠ
ÊuFЗ√Ë w½UŁ ·dÞ Ÿ—u« tK«b³Ž Èb¼ ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë w½UŁ
ÊuFЗ√Ë YUŁ ·dÞ ZÐU« tK«b³Ž Ê«“u b¹d ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë YUŁ
ÊuFЗ√Ë lЫ— ·dÞ ÊUFA*« sLŠd«b³Ž ¡UË ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë lЫ—
ÊuFЗ√Ë fUš ·dÞ ÍœuÐ ‚Ë“d Ê«Ëd ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë fUš
ÊuFЗ√Ë sUŁ ·dÞ ÍbM³I« wKŽ bLŠ√ —bÐ ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë sUŁ
ÊuFЗ√Ë lÝUð ·dÞ w׳«d« bOFÝ bý«— bLŠ ∫ÊuFЗ√Ë lÝUð
ÊuLš ·dÞ l¹bł —UN½ œuFÝ —UN½ ∫ÊuLš
ÊuLšË ÍœUŠ ·dÞ ÊUL¦F« bLŠ `U …œUž ∫ÊuLšË ÍœUŠ
ÊuLšË w½UŁ ·dÞ WUF« …—U−²K WOËb« wU Wdý ∫ÊuLšË w½UŁ
ÊuLšË lЫ— ·dÞ ”«u(« wŠU{ `KH —bMÐ ∫ÊuLšË lЫ—
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Â≤∞∞¥ q¹dÐ√ ±¥ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ± ¥
Decree No. (89) of Year 2004
Concerning Licensing The Establishment of A Kuwaiti
Shareholding Company nder The Name of
Ja eera Aviation Co. - Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Co.

Following perusal of:

- The Constitution,
- The Commercial Companies Law issued by Law No. (15) of year 1960, and its
amending laws,
- The Memorandum of Incorporation and Articles of Association of the Jazeera Aviation
Company (Kuwaiti public shareholding company), and
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Minister of Commerce & Industry,
- And after the approval of the Council of Ministers,

We have decreed as follows:

Article (1)
Its is licensed to Messrs.:

First: Commercial Supplies & Exchange Company 1st Party

Second: Gulf Engineering Co. 2nd Party
Third: Kuwaiti applied company for information network 3rd Party
Fourth: Al-Murabba Real Estate Company 4th Party
Fifth: Abdel Aziz & Jassem Trading Company 5th Party
Sixth: Global Investment House Co. 6th Party
Seventh: Boodi Projects Co. 7th Party
Eighth: United Building Materials Company 8th Party
Ninth: Al-Emara Trading & Contracting Company 9th Party
Tenth: Al Nasher Printing Company 10th Party
Eleventh: Co Axcel Computer Consultancies 11th Party
Twelfth: Adel Mohamed Al-Summait 12th Party
Thirteenth: Mash'al Abdel Kareem Abdullah Al-Asqa 13th Party
Fourteenth: Yaqoub Saleh Al-Sharhan 14th Party
Fifteenth: Saleh Suleiman Al-Huwaidi 15th Party
Sixteenth: Fadhl Eqab Al-Khateeb 16th Party
Seventeenth: Basma Jassem Marzouk Boodi 17th Party
Eighteenth: Mohammed Naser Al-Fawzan 18th Party
Nineteenth: Adnan Mussaed Al-Ujail 19th Party
Twentieth: Moustafa Jassem Boodi 20th Party
Twenty First: Farah Jassem Marzouk Boodi 21st Party
Twenty Second: Adnan Saleh Yaqoub Al-Sharhan 22nd Party

± μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Twenty Third: Yousef Ahmed Al-Jalahma 23rd Party
Twenty Fourth: Shua'a Building Materials Establishment 24th Party
Twenty Fifth: Naser Khalifa Al-Assousi 25th Party
Twenty Sixth: Zeid Eqab Mohammed Al-Khateeb 26th Party
Twenty Seventh: Jassem Marzouk Boodi 27th Party
Twenty Eighth: Monther Ahmed Al-Galahma 28th Party
Twenty Ninth: Noriya Yousef Saleh Al-Humaizi 29th Party
Thirtieth: Mohamed Saleh Yaqoub Al-Sharhan 30th Party
Thirty Second: Anwar Saleh Yaqoub Al-Sharhan 32nd Party
Thirty Third: Ghanima Moustafa Jassem Boodi 33rd Party
Thirty Fourth: Sheikha Mohamed Thunaian Al-Ghanim 34th Party
Thirty Fifth: Maha Gaber Mohammed Al-Galahma 35th Party
Thirty Sixth: Ahmed Mustafa Boodi 36th Party
Thirty Seventh: Tareq Ahmed Al-Galahma 37th Party
Thirty Eighth: Aysha Marzouk Boodi 38th Party
Thirty Ninth: Mussaed Suleiman Al-Huwaidi 39th Party
Fortieth: Tahani Mohammed Abdullah Al-Mutair 40th Party
Forty First: Abullah Naser Khalifa Al-Assousi Fifty Fifth:
Forty Second: Huda Abdullah Al-Warr'e 42th Party
Forty Third: Fareed Fawzan Abdullah Al-Sabij 43th Party
Forty Fourth: Wafa' Abdulrahman Al-Mesha'an 44th Party
Forty Fifth: Marwan Marzouk Boodi 45th Party
Forty Sixth: Abdullah Ali Ahmed Filkawi 46th Party
Forty Seventh: Abdullah Ali Ahmed Filkawi 47th Party
Forty Eighth: Bader Ahmed Ali Al-Qabandi 47th Party
Forty Ninth: Hamad Rashed Saeed Al-Rajhi 49th Party
Fiftieth: Nahar Suad Nahar Judai' 50th Party
Fifty First: Ghada Saleh Hamad Al-Othman 51st Party
Fifty Second: Safi International for General Trading 52nd Party
Fifty Second: Basel Khalid Suleiman Al-Jarallah 53rd Party
Fifty Fourth: Bandar Mefleh Thahi Al-Hawas 54th Party
Fifty Fifth: Mohamed Ali Dayer Al-Utaibi 55th Party
Fifty Sixth: Salah Salem Zayed Al-Marta' 56th Party
Fifty Seventh: Wa'el Suleiman Al-Huwaidi 57th Party
Fifty Eighth: Aysha Yousef Ahmed Al-Jalahma 58th Party
Fifty Ninth: Marzouk Jassem Boodi 59th Party
Sixtieth: Abdulaziz Jassem Boodi 60th Party

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ± 
To establish a Kuwaiti public shareholding company under the name of (Jazeera Aviation
Company) with a capital amounting to KD. 10,000,000/- (Ten Million Kuwaiti Dinars).
Article (2)
The founders mentioned in the previous article undertake to abide by the provisions of the
Memorandum of Incorporation and the Articles of Association of the said company, which
are attached to this Decree. They must also abide by the provisions of the Commercial
Companies Law and its amending laws, as well as all the other applicable laws.
Article (3)
This license does not grant the said company any monopoly or privilege, nor would it
result in any responsibility on the part of the Government.
Article (4)
The Minister of Commerce & Industry must execute this Decree, which must be published
in the Official Gazette.

Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah

Prime Minister
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

Minister of Commerce Industry

Issued at in Bayan Palace on: 24th Safar 1425AH.

Corresponding to: 14th April 2004AD.

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Decree No. (312) of Year 2005 μ WM ± r— ÂuÝd
Concerning The Establishment of The
Aviation Technology College UOuuMJð WOK ¡UA½SÐ hOšd²UÐ
Following perusal of:

- The Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠

- Law No. (34) of year 2000 concern-
ing the Establishment of Private Universi-
¡U???A½SÐ ≤∞∞∞ W?M ≥¥ r— Êu?½U?? v?KŽË ≠
ties, ¨W U)«  UFU'«
- The Resolution of the Council of
Ministers No. (1106) of year 2000 concern-
©±±∞∂® r— ¡«—“u« f?K−?? —«d??? vKŽË ≠
ing the Issuance of the Executive Bylaw of Êu½U??I W?¹c?O??H?M²« W??×zö« —«b?? UÐ ≤∞∞∞ W?M
the Law of Establishing Private Universi-
ties, and
¨W U)«  UFU'« ¡UA½«
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Minis- ¨wUF« rOKF²« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
ter of Higher Education,
- And after the approval of the Council ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË ≠
of Ministers, wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
We Have Decreed As Follows:
Article (1) ©±® …œU‡
Al-Hayat College for Educational Ser- WOLOKF²«  UbK …UO(« WOK WdA hšd¹
vices Company (Kuwaiti Shareholding
Company - Closed) has been licensed to es-
rÝUÐ WO?K ¡UA½UÐ ©WKHI? WO?²¹u WL¼U? W?dý®
tablish a college under the name of (Tech- Technology College Ê«d?OD« UO?łuuMJð W?OK®
nology College of Aviation). Such college
W¹—U??³?²??Ž« W?O??B???ý U??N ÊuJ¹Ë ©of Avaiation
shall have an artificial independent person-
ality, manage its money by itself through fK−? o¹dÞ sŽ UN?HMÐ U?N«u√ d¹bðË WK?I²?
the Board of Trustees, and shall be repre- ¨d?O??G«Ë ¡U?C?I?« ÂU?√ U?N???Oz— U?NK?¦1Ë ¨¡UM_«
sented before the judiciary and third parties
by its President. The fiscal year of the col- W¹UNM?Ð wN²MðË d³?L²?³Ý ‰Ë√ s W?OU*« UN²?MÝ √b³ðË
lege shall begin on 1st September and con- ÆWMÝ q s fDžÏ√
cludes at the end of August each year.
Article (2) ©≤® …œU‡
The college shall endeavor to flourish W¹d?JH?« W????d????(« ¡«dŁ≈ v?KŽ W????OK?J« q?L????Fð
the intellectual and applied movement and
WO?³KðË w²¹uJ« lL²:« w V¹—b?²«Ë WOI?O³D²«Ë
training in the Kuwaiti society, and to meet
the needs of the vocational labor market in  ôU??:« w wM?N*« qL??F« ‚u??Ý  U??łU??O??²??Š«
the scientific and technological fields. It W??O??LMð w W??—U??A*«Ë ¨W??O??łuuMJ?²«Ë W??O?L?KF«
shall also participate in developing the
community and solving its problems Y×??³« o?¹dÞ sŽ tKU??A?? W??'U??F??Ë lL??²??:«
through scientific research and through pre- .b?IðË W¹d?A?³« d UM?F« d¹uDðË œ«b?Ž≈Ë wLKF«
paring and developing the human resources,
providing scientific consultation, and fos-
W?OMN*«  UM?{U?(« W¹U?Ž—Ë W?O?LKF«  «—U?A?²?Ýô«
tering vocational and technical institutes. ÆWOMI²«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ± 
Article (3) ©≥® …œU‡
The college shall be entitled to own
movable and immovable funds, conclude d?O??žË Wu??IM*« ‰«u?_« pK?9 w o(« W?O?KJK
contracts including sale, mortgage and loan lO??³« œu??I??Ž p?– w U0 œu??I??F« «dÐ«Ë W?u??IM*«
contracts, accept and offer donations, grants
 U??Žd???³??²« `MË ‰u???³??Ë ÷«d??²???ô«Ë s¼d«Ë
and bequest, and execute all other legal ac-
tions not contradicting to its purposes.  U??d??B??²« dzU??Ý ¡«d??ł«Ë U?¹U?? u«Ë  U??³??N«Ë
Article (4) ÆUN«b¼√ l ÷—UF²ð ô w²« WO½u½UI«
The college shall grant diplomas in avia-
tion engineering and technology and the ©¥® …œU‡
branches thereof, provided that the students U?OłuuMJ?ðË WÝbM¼ w  U?uKÐœ W?OKJ« `M9
must have passed the secondary school or
W?UF« W¹u½U?¦« “UO?²ł« ◊d?AÐ ¨UN?ŽËdË Ê«d?OD«
its equivalent, and also satisfied the prereq-
uisites of academic acceptance according to œU??L???²??Žô«  U??³KD?²?? “U??O???²??ł«Ë U??NœU???F¹ U?? Ë√
what is determined by the Private Universi-  U??F???U??'« f?K−?? Á—d???I¹ U* U???I??Ë w?1œU??_«
ties Council.
Article (5)
ÆW U)«
The college shall have a Board of Trus- ©μ® …œU‡
tees consisting of not less than five experi-
enced and specialized members who are in-
ô œb?Ž s ÊuJ? ¡UM√ fK−? W?OK?JK ÊuJ¹
terested in higher and applied education and …d?????³??????)« ÍË– s ¡U?????C??????Ž√ fL?????š s?Ž qI?¹
training. The Minister of Higher Education wU???F« rO?KF??²?UÐ 5L???²??N*« s? ’U??B???²??šô«Ë
shall issue a resolution appointing these
members upon the recommendation of the s —«d? r?NMO?O?F??²Ð —b?B¹ V¹—b??²«Ë wI?O??³D²«Ë
Private Universities Council. The tenure of fK−??? W??O?? uð vK?Ž ¡UMÐ wU???F« rOKF???²« d¹“Ë
the Board of Trustees shall be four years
which can be renewed.
fK−? w 5O?F?²« ÊuJ¹Ë ¨W? U?)«  U?F?U?'«
Article (6) Æb¹b−²K WKÐU  «uMÝ lЗ√ …b* ¡UM_«
The Board of Trustees is the governing
©∂® …œU‡
authority of the college which looks after
its interests, develops its general policy, W??OK?J« w U??OK?F« WDK?« u¼ ¡UM_« f?K−??
monitors the execution thereof, and super- W?U?F« U?N??²?ÝU?O?Ý lCðË ¨U?N?(U?B?? vŽdð w²«
vises the academic and research work there-
in in addition to all other matters related to qL?F« vKŽ ·«d?ýô« vu?²ðË ¨U¼c?O?HMð V«dðË
the activities and systems thereof according Èd?š_« —u?_« W?U?Ë U?N?O? w¦?×?³«Ë w1œU?ô«
to the laws, regulations, and resolutions
regulating its work. The Board of Trustees
shall particularly: fK−LKË ¨U?NKLF WL?EM*«  «—«dI«Ë `z«uK«Ë
1- Approve the internal systems and
regulations required for the perfor-
∫wK¹ U ’uB)« tłË vKŽ
mance and management of work, and d?O?O??² W?OKš«b« `z«uK«Ë rEM« œU?L?²?Ž« ≠ ±
establishes the organizational struc-
ture and the Articles of Association
qJO???N« l{ËË U??N?ð—«œ≈Ë W??OKJ?« ‰U??L??Ž√
thereto. ÆwÝUÝ_« ÂUEM«Ë wLEM²«

±  w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
2- Determine the language of educa-  U??B???B?????²« w rO?KF??²?« W??G b?¹b??% ≠ ≤
tion in different specializations taught
at the College.
ÆWOKJ« U¼dýU³ð w²« WHK²<«
3- Manage the College funds, deter- œU??L??²??Ž«Ë b¹b??% l W??OKJ« ‰«u??√ …—«œ≈ ≠ ≥
mine and approve the annual budget ÆWOKJK W¹uM« WO½«eO*«
s¹d?šü« 5¹œUO?I«Ë WOKJ« fOz— —U?O²?š« ≠ ¥
4- Choose the college president and
other executives. ÆUNO
5- Accept the donations, grants, be- `M*«Ë U¹U u«Ë  U³N«Ë  U?Žd³²« ‰u³ ≠ μ
quests, gifts, and endowments which WOKJ« WU?Ý— l ÷—UF?²¹ ô U0 ·UË_«Ë
do not conflict with the mission and
goal of the college and after obtaining
rOKF?²« d¹“Ë W?I?«u? cš√ b?FÐË U?N?«b¼√Ë
the approval of the Minister of Higher fK− U¼œb?×¹ w²« dO¹UFLK U?IË wUF«
Education according to the criteria de- Æ¡«—“u«
termined by the Council of Ministers.
5O???ł—U???š  U?ÐU??????Š w³???«d??? 5?O???Fð ≠ ∂
6- Appoint external chartered auditors.
Article (7) Æ5Bšd
The sources of fund for the college shall ©∑® …œU‡
consist of:
∫wK¹ U2 WOKJ« œ—«u ÊuJ²ð
1- The capital allocated by the found-
ers amounting to KD. 1,000,000 (One 5??ÝR*« q?³? s? hB??<« ‰U*« ”√— ≠ ±
Million Kuwaiti Dinars only) fully Êu??OK jI?? ©„Æœ 1,000,000® Á—«b??I?Ë
owned by the founders. q?UJ?UÐ „u?K?2 d??????O??????ž ô w²?¹u?????? —UM?¹œ
2- The tuitions for registration, study,
researches, consultations, and contin-
uous education, bequests, grants, and ÀU????×?Ð_«Ë W????Ý«—b«Ë b????O????I?« Âu????Ý— ≠ ≤
endowments accepted by the Board of U¹U? u«Ë dL²?*« rOKF?²«Ë  «—UA?²Ýô«Ë
Trustees after the approval of the
fK?−??? U????NK?³???I?¹ w²?« ·U???Ë_«Ë `?M*«Ë
Minister of Higher Education accord-
ing to the criteria determined by the wU??F« rOK?F?²« d?¹“Ë W?I??«u?? b?F?Ð ¡UM_«
Council of Ministers. fK?−?? U¼œb???×¹ w?²« d???O¹U??F???LK? U??I???Ë
3- The returns on investing the finan- Æ¡«—“u«
cial surplus investment resulting from
the college activity.
sŽ "UM« wU?*« izU?H« —U?L?¦??²?Ý« bz«u?Ž ≠ ≥
4- The returns of contribution in the ÆWOKJ« ◊UA½
businesses, companies, and technolo- ‰U??L?Ž_« s{U??×?? w W?L¼U??*« bz«u??Ž ≠ ¥
gies related to the college's outcomes
 U??łd??0 WD³?ðd*« U??OMI??²«Ë  U??d??A«Ë
and programs.
Article (8) ÆUN−«dÐË WOKJ«
The college shall be subject to the super- ©∏® …œU‡
vision of the Private Universities Council
and the Minister of Higher Education re-  U??F?U??'« fK−?? ·«d?ýù W??OKJ« lC??ð
garding the academic level, educational oKF??²¹ U? q w w?U?F« rOK?F?²« d¹“ËË W?? U?)«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

curriculum, as also the provisions of the dzU??ÝË W?O?L??OKF??²« Z¼UM*«Ë w1œU??_« Èu?²??*UÐ
Private Universities Law and its Executive
Bylaw, as well as the provisions of this De- W¹cOHM²« t²×zôË W U)«  UFU'« Êu½U ÂUJŠ√
cree. ÆÂuÝd*« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√Ë
The college shall present an annual re-
fK?−???? v≈ ÎU?¹uMÝ Î«d?¹d????Ið W????O?KJ?« Âb????IðË
port to the Private Universities Council
containing d7etails of its activities. The fK−?LKË ¨UNÞUA?½ ÎUMLC²? W U?)«  UF?U'«
Council shall be entitled to delegate repre- ZzU???²½ l—Ë U??N?z«œ√ rO??O??I???² tM?Ž 5K¦2 i¹u???Hð
sentatives to evaluate the performance of
ÆwUF« rOKF²« d¹“Ë v≈ rOOI²«
the college and present the results of such
evaluation to the Minister of Higher Educa- ©π® …œU
«c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Article (9)
The ministers shall, each within his juris- d?AM¹Ë ¨Á—Ëb?? a¹—Uð s tÐ qL??F¹Ë ¨Âu?Ýd*«
diction, execute this Decree, which shall ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w
enter into force effective from its issuance
date, and must be published in the official
gazette. X¹uJ« dO√
ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah ÕU³B« dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³

Minister of Higher Education

wUF« rOKF²« d¹“Ë
Dr. Rasheed Hamad Mohammed Al-Hamad
bL(« bL× bLŠ bOý— Æœ
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 11th Thulqida 1426AH.
Corresponding to: 13th December 2005AD.
‡¼±¥≤∂ …bFI« Ë– ±± ∫w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Â≤∞∞μ d³L¹œ ±≥ ∫o«u*«

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

 WM  r— Êu½U
X¹uJ« W¹u'« uD)« WÝR q¹u% ÊQý w
WL¼U Wdý v

¨—u²Ýb« ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠

¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë W¹—U−²«  UdA« Êu½U —«bSÐ ±π∂∞ WM ±μ r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ ÊQAÐ ±π∂¥ WM ≥∞ r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF«  UBUM*« Êu½U ÊQAÐ ±π∂¥ WM ≥∑ r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
5½«u?I«Ë W?O²¹uJ?« W¹u'« ◊uD?)« W?ÝR? ÂUE½ ÊQ?ý w ±π∂μ WM ≤± r— Êu½U?I« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*«
¨WœUI« ‰UOł_« wÞUO²Š« ÊQAÐ ±π∑∂ WM ±∞∂ r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
W?O??ŽU?L?²??łô«  UMO?Q??²« Êu½U? —«b?S?Ð ±π∑∂ WM ∂± r— Êu½U??IUÐ Íd?O?_« d??_« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë
 U??¾??O??N« iFÐ Ÿu??C??š s? W?F?½U*« ’u??BM« ¡U??GS?Ð ±ππ∏ WM ∂∂ r— Êu½U??I?« vKŽË ≠
¨WUF«  UBUM*« Êu½UI Ë√ W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ WÐUd WUF«  UÝR*«Ë
 UN'« w qLFK UNFO−?AðË WOMÞu« WULF« rŽœ ÊQý w ≤∞∞∞ WM ±π r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WOuJ(« dOž
∫ÁU½—b√Ë tOKŽ UMb bË ¨tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« vKŽ W_« fK− o«Ë ≠
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WM ±π ∫r— Êu½U?I« s W?F?ÝU²« …œU?*UÐ ‰öšù« Âb?Ž l t½√ XC?I? Êu½UI?« s WFÐU?« …œU*« U?√
Wd?A« w WO²¹uJ« WU?LF« W³?M v½œ_« b(« ¡«—“u« fK− œb?×¹ ¨WOMÞu« WUL?F« rŽœ ÊQAÐ ≤∞∞∞
W?“ö«  «¡«d?łù«Ë WOKO?C?H?²« ◊ËdA« fK?:« lC¹ UL? ¨W??ÝR*« w tOK?Ž X½U U?L?Ž qIð ô√ vKŽ
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ÆW³M«  «c
W??FÐU??²«  U??d??AUÐ 5?KU??F« v≈ ¨W????ÝR*UÐ 5?KU??FK …—d??I*« U¹«e?*« b?? vKŽ WMU??¦« …œU?*« XB½Ë
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 «¡«d?ł≈ wN²Mð Ê√ v≈Ë ¨ U?BU?MLK W¹ed*« WM?−K«Ë W³?ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ w¼Ë W?¹ed*« WÐU?d« …eN?ł√ s
qOJA?²Ð …—«œù« fK− ÂuI¹ Ê√ v?KŽ ¨»d√ UL?N¹√ ¨≤∞∞πر≤Ø≥± a¹—Uð v²Š Ë√ W?dý v≈ U?NK¹u%
W?FÐU?²?Ë U¼—«d?≈ WO?H?O?Ë  U?B?UM Í√ ÕdD W?“ö«  «¡«d?łù«Ë ◊Ëd?A« U?N lC¹  U?BU?MLK WM'
W?O?uJŠ W?N?ł fK:« nKJ?¹Ë ¨W?³ÝU?;« Ê«u?¹œ W?F?ł«d b?F?Ð ¡«—“u« fK−? s rO?O?I?²« b?L?²?F¹Ë
«c?NÐ qLF« a¹—U?ð s 5²MÝ ‰öš ÎU?OzU?N½ Wd?A« fO?ÝQð sŽ sKF¹ Ê√ vKŽ W?dý v≈ W??ÝR*« q¹u×?²Ð
Í√ sŽ ‰“UM²«Ë V?×?« XFML? ¨…b¹b?'« W?d?A?« rŁ sË W??ÝR*« ‚u?I?Š W?O½U?¦?« …œU*« XML?{Ë
vKŽ vKŽ XB½Ë ¨U?N W?ŠuML*«  U?b?)« Ë√ ◊uD)« q¦? UNðU?d?A Ë√ W?ÝR?LK —d?I? oŠ Ë√ “U?O²?«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
ô√ vŽ«d¹Ë UNO ·dB?²« oŠ U¼bŠË UN ÊuJ¹Ë UNOÝQð bFÐ …b¹b'« W?dA« v≈  «“UO²ô« Ác¼ ‰ËRð
W??UM  U?dA ‚u?I?(« Ác¼ q¦? `M lM U?L? ¨W?O{—_«  U?b?K W?d?A« —UJ²?Š« v≈ p– ÍœR¹
ÆqzUÝu« s p– dOž Ë√ WdA« rÝUÐ qOGA²« Ë√ dOłQ²« Ë√ lO³UÐ ¡«uÝ WKOÝË ÍQÐ p–Ë
WO²¹uJ« W¹u'« ◊uD)« Wdý rÝUÐ WO²¹u WL¼U? Wdý fOÝQð W¦U¦« tðœU w Êu½UI« sLCð bË
‚uI?Š s UN U? wË UN{«d?ž√ cOHMð w? UNK× q%Ë W?ÝR*« ÂuB?šË ‰u √ U?NO≈ ‰ËRð ©„ÆÂÆ‘®
s UNF³?²¹ U Ë√ UNð«– WÝRLK „uK2 u¼ U? qLAð ‚uI(« Ác¼ Ê√ ÂuKF*« sË ¨ U«e²?« s UNOKŽ UË
ÆrNK ‰œUF« dF« b¹bײ rNÝ√ v≈ tLOIð r²¹Ë rOOI²« ZzU²½ ¡u{ w WdA« ‰ULÝ√— œb×¹Ë
∫W?OU?²«  U¾?H« 5Ð U?N?L?NÝ√ l¹“u?ð V½Ë ¨Wd?A« fO?ÝQð d? UMŽ W?FЫd« tðœU? w Êu½U?I« rE½Ë
l W?B?B??²*« W?O?³Mł_«Ë W?OMÞu« W?L¼U?*«  U?d?A« 5Ð W?OMK?Ž …b¹«e0 ÕdDð •≥μ W?³?½ vË_« W?¾?H«
 U?N−K •≤∞ W?³?½ WO?½U¦« W?¾?H«Ë ¨…b¹«e*« w W?—UA*« s W?LzU?I« WO?²¹uJ« Ê«d?OD«  U?dý œU?F?³²?Ý«
ÍËU²UÐ Ÿ“uð •μ W³?½ rNË ¨WdA« v≈ 5uIM*« W?ÝR*UÐ 5KUFUÐ W Uš W¦U¦« W?¾H«Ë ¨WOuJ(«
W¾H«Ë ¨œ«b« w W½Ëd Ë√ rNK WCH W³½ b¹b% q¦ WOKOCHð ◊ËdýË jЫuCÐ rN `M9Ë ¨rNMOÐ
Æ5O²¹uJK ÂUF« »U²²ö ÕdDð •¥∞ w¼Ë WFЫd«
•μ∞ W³½Ë WËbK ÂU?F« wÞUO²Šö •μ∞ W³?MÐ rNÝ_« WU lOÐ WKO?BŠ ‰ËRð Ê√ vKŽ ÎUC¹√ XB½Ë
ÆWœUI« ‰UOł_« wÞUO²Š« »U(
qIð ô bUF²Ð ¨WdA« w qLFUÐ 5³ž«d« W?ÝR*UÐ 5O²¹uJ« 5KUF« qI½ WU)« …œU*« XLE½ UL
W?³???²J*« ‚u?I??(« W?UJ WËb« ÊU??L?{Ë ¨q√ …b? w? qU?F« Vžd¹ r? U? ¨ «uMÝ fL?š s?Ž tðb?
‚u?I(« Ë√ W?d?A« w qUF« q?LŽ …d?² ‰ö?š W?OMO?F«Ë W¹bIM« U?¹«e*«Ë  U³ðd*« ¡«u?Ý W?O²¹uJ?« WUL?FK
qHJð w²«  «¡«d?łù«Ë b?Ž«u?I« ¡«—“u?« fK−? lC¹ Ê√ vKŽ ¨W?d?A« w qL?FK? t?dð bMŽ W?OMO?Q?²«
vKŽ ‰u?B(« vKŽ W?dA« l qU?F« ‚UHð« ¡u?{ w b¹eð b w?²«Ë q_« vKŽ U¹«e*« Ác¼ vKŽ tu?BŠ
Æd³√ U¹«e
Ác¼ qšbð ôË ¨ «uMÝ ÀöŁ U¼—«bI …b WU{≈ ‰œUF¹ U0 qUFK W?OMOQ²« ‚uI(« …œU¹“ XKH UL
 UMO?Q?²« Êu½U? s ©≤μ® …œU*« s W?O½U?¦« …d?I?H« w U?NO?KŽ ’uB?M*« bŽU?I?²« …Q?UJ »U??Š w …b*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Agreement of Exchanging Tax and Vz«dC« s ¡UHŽô« ‰œU³² WOUHð«
Tariffs Exemption on Activities and
Equipment of The Arabian Air Carriage «bF Ë UÞUA½ vKŽ ÂuÝd«Ë
Corporations WOÐdF« Íu'« qIM« UÝR

Introduction: ∫WbI*«
The contracting Governments of the
W?³??ž— …b?U??F?²*« W??OÐd?F« ‰Ëb«  U??uJŠ Ê≈
Arab States, desiring to realize cooperation
and coordination between them in the field U?NMOÐ U?‡‡L?O? oO?M²«Ë ÊËU?‡‡F?²« o‡O?I?% w‡?‡ U?NM
of air- transport and its development, U‡‡‡öD½«Ë ¨t?²?O?LMðË Íu‡‡‡'« qIM« —U?L?C? w‡‡
aspiring to achieve higher national goals,
qO??N??² U??O?F??ÝË ¨U?OKF« W??O?u??I« ·«b¼_« s
seeking to facilitate the business of Arab air
carriage corporations and their staff, W????OÐd?‡‡?F« Íu‡?'« qI?M«  U????????ÝR???? ‰U????L????Ž«
preventing double taxation, removing the W«“≈Ë Vz«d?C« 똓ô UFM?Ë UN¹b 5KU?F«Ë
complexities and difficulties which face
Ác¼ U??N??N??ł«uð w²?«  UÐu??F??B«Ë  «b??O??I??F??²«
such corporations and relieving their
financial burdens, and organizing the tax rOE?MðË W??OU*« U??NzU??³??Ž« nO??H????²Ë  U????ÝR*«
treatment among them, and for the …—Ëd?CË U?NM?OÐ U?L?O? w³¹d?C« qU??F?²« »uKÝ√
necessity of establishing controls to benefit
 «¡U??H??Žô« Ác¼ s …œU??H??²??Ýö? jЫu??{ l{Ë
from such exemptions, hence they have
agreed on the following: ∫wK¹ U vK‡‡Ž XIHð«
©±® …œU‡
Article (1)
The following phrases in this Agreement W??O?U??Hðô« Ác¼ w W??OU?²«  «—U??³?F?UÐ b?B??I¹
shall have the meanings appearing opposite ≠∫U¼¡«“« WMO³*« w½UF*«
to them:
ÆÍu'« qIM«  UÝR ≠ √
A - Air Carriage Corporations
Corporations appointed by the …b?U?F²*« ·«dÞ_« q?³ s WM?OF*«  U??ÝR*«
contracting parties by virtue of the Air ôË UN?UI? ÂuI¹ U Ë√ W¹u?'«  UO?UHðô« Vłu0
Agreements or similar agreements, but not
Æ5UF« ¡öu« p– qLA¹
including the general agents.
B - Air Carriage Activities ∫Íu'« qIM«  UÞUA½ ≠ »
Transporting individuals, luggage,  U½«u????O???(«Ë W????F????²???_«Ë ’U???????ý_« q?I½
animals, cargo and mail by the corporations
w …—uc*«  U?ÝR*« q³? s b¹d³«Ë lzU?C³«Ë
mentioned in Para (A) above, investing the
aircraft including selling air-tickets or any p– w U0  «dzUD« —U?L¦²?Ý«Ë ¨ÁöŽ√ ©√® …d?IH«
other similar documents for the purpose of qIM« ÷dG WKŁU2 Èd?š√ ozUŁË W¹√ Ë√ d«c²« lOÐ
air-transport, as well as practicing services
—u?c*« ◊UAMK? WL?L²*«  U?b?)« pcË Íu?'«
complementing the said activity and agency
works carried out between air carriers of qIM«  UÝR? 5Ð ULO r²ð w²« WU?u« ‰ULŽ√Ë
contracting States. Æ…bUF²*« ‰ËbK Íu'«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

C - Air Carriage ∫Íu'« qIM« ≠ ‡ł
Any transport via aircraft by the Air
Carriage Corporations
 U???ÝR? q³? s Âb???²?ð …dzU?DÐ qI½ Í√
ÆÍu'« qIM«
Article (2)
©≤® …œU‡
A- Each contracting party shall exempt
the air carriage corporation and its  U??ÝR? …b?U?F?²*« ·«d?Þ_« s q vH?F¹ ≠ √
activities of the other contracting party ·dD?K W???FÐU???²?« U???N???²D?A½√Ë Íu???'« qI?M«
from all governmental and domestic
ÂuÝd«Ë Vz«d?C« lOLł s dšü« b?UF²*«
taxes, tariffs and fees. This shall not
apply to landing, harboring and transit o³?DM¹ ôË W????OK;«Ë W????O???u?J(«  «¡«œô«Ë
tariffs. Æ—u³F«Ë ¡«u¹ô«Ë ◊u³N« ÂuÝ— vKŽ p–
B- Each of the contracting parties shall 5KU??F« …b?U?F??²*« ·«dÞ_« s q v?H?F¹ ≠ »
exempt staff working in air carriage
corporations from the nationals of the
wM?Þ«u?? s Íu???'« qI?M«  U?????ÝR??? w
other party from all taxes resulting from W?³ðd??²*« Vz«d?C?« lO?L?ł s d??šü« ·dD«
their income from salaries, allocations,  UBB<«Ë Vð«Ëd« s rNðôušb vKŽ
wages, awards and bonuses, which they
ÊuKB??×?¹ w²«  P??UJ?*«Ë `M*«Ë —u??ł_«Ë
obtain in return for their formal work at
the air carriage corporation and who are qIM« WÝR w wLÝd?« rNKLŽ ¡UI UNOKŽ
subject to the applicable laws in their w W???O??Žd*« 5½«u???IK Êu???F??C???¹Ë Íu??'«
homelands. Ær¼—UD√
C- The exemption shall apply to supplies,
equipment and means of advertisement
 «b?F*«Ë  «e?O?N−?²« vKŽ ¡U?H?Žô« Íd?¹ ≠ ‡ł
and media pertaining to the air carriage  U?ÝR* bzU?F« Âö?Žô«Ë W¹UŽb« qzU?ÝËË
corporations as outlined in Tables (A Æ©»Ë √® 5Ëb'« WMO³*« Íu'« qIM«
and B).
∫wK¹ U ©»® ‰Ëb'« w ◊d²A¹Ë
For Table (B) the following are conditional:
1- The import of material must not be ÆlO³« bBIÐ œ«u*« œ«dO²Ý« ÊuJ¹ ô Ê√ ≠ ±
for the purpose of sale. ◊U??????A?M« b??????B??????I?Ð œ«u*« Ác?¼ ÊuJ?ð Ê√ ≠ ≤
2- These materials shall be for the
«c?N q?L?F?²??ð Ê√Ë W?OMF*« W???ÝR?LK? w½ö?Žô«
purpose of the advertisement of the air
carriage corporation concerned and shall ÆjI ÷dG«
only be used for that purpose. W?ö?Ž W??O?ö?Žô« œ«u*« lO?L??ł qL?% Ê√ ≠ ≥
3- All promotional material shall bear
a logo with the name of the designated air
 «œd?H W?L?O ÊuJ?ð Ê√Ë ¨WOMF*« W??ÝR*« rÝUÐ
carriage corporation and of a value ÆW¹UŽbK WuQ œ«u*«
common in advertisement. ÊR?*« ¨Âu??????Ýd?«Ë V?z«d???????C« s? v?H??????F?ð ≠ œ
D- Reserve supplies and foodstuff, spare
parts, fuel and lubricating oils stored œu?u«Ë —UO?G« lDË WOÞU?O²?Šô« WL?FÞ_«Ë
onboard the aircraft of contracting States vKŽ W?½Ëe??<« rO??×??A??²«  u?¹“Ë  u¹e«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

or with which the land in airports, shall w²« Ë√ …b???U??F??²*« ‰ËbK? W??FÐU??²«  «d?zUD«
be exempted from taxes and fees.
E- Each contracting party shall exempt
Æ «—UD*« w UNÐ ‰eMð
the air carriage corporation of the other W???ÝR?? …b?U??F?²?*« ·«dÞ_« s q vH??F¹ ≠ ‡¼
party and the staff thereof from the U?N?O? 5KU?F«Ë d?šü« ·dD?K Íu?'« qIM«
nationals of the other party from social
insurance subscriptions and  U???«d???²???ý« s ·d?D« p– wM?Þ«u??? s
contributions and they shall be subject to ¨W??O???ŽU??L??²???łô«  UMO??Q???²«  U??L¼U?????Ë
the laws of their countries.
Ær¼—UD√ 5½«uI ÊuFC¹Ë
Article (3)
iolations: ©≥® …œU‡
Every air carriage corporation affiliated  UHU<«
with a contracting party, which violates the
provisions determined in the Arab boycott, …b?U?F?²? WËb W?FÐU?ð Íu?ł qI½ W??ÝR? q
shall be obliged to present a clarification to Âe?²Kð W?O?Ðd?F« W?FÞU?I*«  «—d?I? ÂU?JŠ√ nU?ð
the office of boycott within a maximum
period of one month as of the date of the U¼UB?√ …b ‰öš W?FÞUI*« V²J* ÕUC¹« d¹b?I²Ð
violation or the date of being reported to the s U??N??G??OK³ð a?¹—Uð Ë√ W??HU??<« a¹—Uð s d??N??ý
office of boycott. The air carriage
corporation affiliated with one of the qIM?« W???ÝR?? b?O??H??²??ð ôË ¨W?F?ÞU?I*« V?²J
contracting states, which is in violation of w²?« …b??U???F??²*« ‰Ëb?« Èb??Šù W???FÐU??²?« Íu??'«
the provisions of the decisions of the
boycott, shall not benefit from the benefits U¹«e s W?OÐdF« W?FÞUI*«  «—«d ÂU?JŠ√ nUð
of the present agreement, building on a
WOÐd?F« WFÞUI*« V²J s W?O u²Ð WO?UHðô« Ác¼
recommendation from the office of boycott
as of the date of the violation. ÆWHU<« a¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž«
Article (4) ©¥® …œU‡
Settlement of Disputes:
If any dispute occurred between two or  Uö)« W¹uð
more contracting parties over the d¦√ Ë√ s¹bUF?² 5dÞ 5Ð ·öš Í√ QA½ «–≈
interpretation or implementation of the
present agreement, such parties shall settle W¹u??ð rN??OKF?? W?O??U??Hðô« Ác¼ oO??³Dð Ë√ d??O???Hð
their disputes by means of direct r «–S? ¨…d?ýU³*«  U?{ËU?H*« o¹dÞ vKŽ ·ö?)«
negotiations. If such negotiations failed to
find a solution during 60 days as of the date
U?u¹ 5?²?Ý Èb? vK?Ž q(« w  U?{ËU?H?*« `KHð
of the dispute, any of the parties concerned l— W?OMF*« ·«dÞ_« s Í√ vKF ·ö?)« ¡bÐ s
shall refer the dispute to the
Socio-Economic Council of the League of
wŽU??L???²??łô« ÍœU??B??²??ô« fK?:« v≈ ·ö??)«
Arab States, where the dispute shall be —bB¹ —«d?IÐ tO qB?H¹ Íc« WOÐdF« ‰Ëb« lO?L'
awarded a decision issued by two thirds of
W??O??U??Hðô« Ác¼ vKŽ 5?F?u?*« ¡U?C??Ž_« w¦?KŁ sŽ
the signatories to the present agreement and
such a decision shall be binding to the ÆWOMF*« ·«dÞú UeK —«dI« «c¼ ÊuJ¹Ë
parties concerned. ©μ® …œU‡
Article (5)
Amending the Agreement: WOUHðô« q¹bFð
The present agreement may be amended w¦K?Ł W??I???«u0 W??O???U??Hðô« Ác¼ q?¹b??Fð “u???−¹

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

upon the approval of two thirds of the bFÐ ô« q¹bF?²« cHM¹ ôË UNO≈ 5L?CM*« ¡UCŽô«
acceding members. The amendment shall
only be valid after one month of the date of
‰Ëœ WFЗ_ o¹bB?²« ozUŁË Ÿ«b¹« a¹—Uð s dNý
depositing ratification documents of four ÆWOÐdF« ‰Ëb« WFU' WUF« W½U_« Èb UOÐdŽ
Arab States at the General Secretariat of the
League of Arab States.
Article (6) ©∂® …œU‡
Ratifications and ithdrawal: »U×½ô«Ë  UI¹bB²«
A- The present agreement will be
prepared for ratification by any Arab
WËœ W¹√ s UN?OKŽ lOu²K WOU?Hðô« Ác¼ bFð ≠ √
State and ratification shall be carried out rEM?K U??I?³?Þ U?N??O?KŽ o¹b??B??²« r²¹Ë W??OÐd??Ž
according to the internal regulations of
Èb ozUŁu?« ŸœuðË ¨U?N?M q w W??OKš«b«
each Arab State. Ratification documents
shall be deposited with the General `³BðË W?OÐdF« ‰Ëb« W?FU?' WU?F« W½U_«
Secretariat of the League of Arab States
s U?u¹ 5ŁöŁ ¡U?C??I½« —u? ‰u?F?H*« W¹—U?Ý
and shall enter into force after the
passage of Thirty days from the date the U??N?I¹b??Bð ozUŁË W??FЫd« WËb?« Ÿ«b¹« a¹—Uð
Fourth State deposits its documents of ÆUNOKŽ
ratifying same.
B- After entering into force, the present …c??U½ `³??Bð Ê« b??FÐ W??O??U?Hðô« Ác?¼ ÊuJð ≠ »
agreement shall be ready for the W?OÐd?F« ‰Ëb« wUÐ ÂU?L?C½ô …b?F ‰u?F?H*«
accession by the rest of the Arab States
by means of a notification sent to the W??U??F« W½U??_« v?≈ qÝd¹ —UDš« o?¹dÞ sŽ
General Secretariat of the League of ÂU?LC½ô« «c¼ Vðd¹Ë W?OÐdF« ‰Ëb« W?FU?'
Arab States. Such accession shall be
effective on the 30th day of receiving the WUF« W½U_« Âö?²Ýô 5Łö¦« ÂuO« w ÁdŁ√
aforesaid notification by the General ‰Ëb« d?D?ð Ê« U?????N?????OK?ŽË —UD?šô« «c?????N
Secretariat, which must notify member
States of such accession.
C- Every contracting party has the right to W½U?_« —UDš« w o?(« b?U?F?²? ·dÞ qJ ≠ ‡ł
notify the General Secretariat of the w t??²??³?ždÐ W??OÐd??F« ‰Ëb« W??F??U?' W??U??F«
League of Arab States with its desire to
withdraw from the present agreement …b wC? bFÐ WO?UHðô« Ác¼ s »U?×½ô«
after the passage of a period not less than t???I??Š w? U¼–U???H½ a¹—Uð s? WMÝ sŽ q?Ið ô
One year from the date of its
b?FÐ ô« ‰u?FH?*« cU½ »U?×?½ô« `³?B¹ ôË
enforceability. Withdrawal shall only be
effective after the elapse of One year v?K?ŽË —U?D?šô« ‰u?????????? Ë a?¹—U?ð s? W?M?Ý
from the date of the notification. The ⁄öЫ W?O?Ðd?F« ‰Ëb« W?F??U?' W?U?F?« W½U?_«
General Secretariat of the League of
Arab States shall notify contracting
w W?³??ždUÐ —UDš« q?JÐ …b?U?F??²*« ·«dÞ_«
parties of each notification of Æ»U×½ô«
©∑® …œU‡
Article (7)
General Provisions: WUŽ ÂUJŠ√
Representatives of the contracting …b sL?{ U¹—Ëœ …bU?F²*« ‰Ëb« uK¦2 lL?²−¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

parties shall convene periodically within a ÂUJŠ√ c?O?HMð qO?N??ð ·b?NÐ WMÝ vB?_« U¼b?Š
maximum period of One year with the aim
to facilitate the implementation of the t?ł«uð w²«  U³?I?F«Ë qUA*« W?Ý«—œË W?OU?Hðô«
provisions of the present agreement, w U¼“ËU??−?² W?KO?HJ« q?³?« œU??−¹«Ë U?N??I?O??³Dð
considering problems and obstacles facing
ÆwdL'«Ë w³¹dC« ¡UHŽô« ‰œU³ð d¹uDð qO³Ý
its implementation and finding ways
capable of overcoming such problems and ©∏® …œU‡
obstacles for the sake of exchanging tax WOzUM¦«  U?UHðô« l ‚UHðô« «c¼ ÷—U?F²¹ ô
and customs exemptions.
Article (8) ‰U?:« «c¼ w ¡U?C?Žô« ‰Ëb« 5Ð U?L?O? W?LzU?I«
The present agreement does not conflict ÆU¼bIŽ ÊËœ ‰u×¹ ôË
with existing bilateral agreements between
member states in this field nor does prevent ©π® …œU‡
their conclusion. ‰Ëb« 5?Ð W?????O????U?????Hðô« Ác?¼ ÂUJ?Š√ Íd?????ð
Article (9)
W?IÐU?« Âu?Ýd«Ë Vz«d?C?« W?U? vKŽ …b?U?F?²*«
The provisions of the present agreement
shall be applicable to contracting States on ÆWIKF*«
all previous outstanding taxes and fees. WMO?³*« Êu?{u?H*« ÊuÐËbM*« lË Âb?Ið U* UðU?³Ł«Ë ≠
- In witness whereof, the duly
sŽ W?ÐU??O?½ W???O??U???H?ðô« Ác¼ b???FÐ r¼ƒU???L???Ý√
authorized representatives, whose names
are appearing at the end of this Agreement, ÆrNðUuJŠ
have signed this Agreement on behalf of d????N????ý s? Âu????O« w? —d????Š ≠
their respective governments.
W¹d−¼ WMÝ
- Executed on day of month of
year AH. WMÝ d???N??ý s? o«u*« ≠
- Corresponding to of W¹œöO
month of year AD.
kH?% WOÐdF?« WGKUÐ W?OL?Ý— …bŠ«Ë W?½ s
In one official copy in Arabic language
to be kept in the archives of the General W?OÐdF« ‰Ëb« W?FU?' W?UF« W½U?_«  UþuH?×0
Secretariat of the League of Arab States. Ác¼ s q ú? W?IÐUD …b??L?²?F? «—u?? qÝdðË
Certified true copies of the original of this
Æ¡UCŽô« WOÐdF« ‰Ëb« s q v≈ WOUHðô«
Agreement shall be forwarded to all Arab
States members.  «bF*« ‰Ëbł
Equipment Table:
qIM«  U????ÝR?  «b??F?Ë ÀUŁ√ ≠ √ ‰Ëb??ł
Table (A): Furniture, equipment and
offices of air carriage corporations shall be ∫UI³ U¼b¹b% r²¹ UN³ðUJË Íu'«
determined in advance: U?¼b¹b??????% r²?¹® VðU?J*«  «b??????F?????Ë ÀU?Ł√ ≠ ±
1- Office furniture and equipment (to be
determined in advance).
2- Domestic furniture for staff, to be UI³? œb% 5HþuLK WOeM  «e?ON& ÀUŁ√ ≠ ≤
determined in advance (not exceeding Æ©5Hþu WŁöŁ “ËU−²¹ ô U0®
three staff members).
3- Miscellaneous furniture cards, air d???H???« d???«cðË W???ŽuM²*« g?H??F?«  U??U?DÐ ≠ ≥
tickets and shipping documents. Æs×A«  «bM²Ë

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

The Amiri Decree endorsing Law ÊQý w ± WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
No. (31/1987) on regulating the Air
X¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð
Transportation in Kuwait Market

ponpersuing: a¹—U²?Ð —œUB« ÍdO?_« d_« vKŽ Ÿö?Þô« bFÐ

The Amiri Decree issued on 27 Shawwal u??O?u¹ s ≥ o«u?*« ‡¼±¥∞∂ WMÝ ‰«u???ý s ≤∑
1409 AH, 3 July 1986 AD, ±π∏∂
And Article (20) of the Constitution,
Æ—u²Ýb« s ©≤∞® …œU*« vKŽË
And Law No. (32/1964) regulating
commercial activities licences,
ÊQ?ý w ±π∂¥ WM ©≥≤® r— Êu½U?I« vKŽË
And Law No. (20/1985) in respect of ÆW¹—U−²«  ö;« hOš«dð rOEMð
Kuwait adherance to Warsaw Convention W?I«u*UÐ ±π∏μ WM ©≤∞® r— Êu½U?I« vKŽË
for the unification of some of the bO?Šu² u?Ý—«Ë …b¼UF? v≈ X¹uJ« ÂUL?C½« vKŽ
International Air Transport Rules and ‰u???uðËdÐ wËb?« Íu??'« q?IM« b???Ž«u?? i?FÐ
Amending Protocol thereof the year 1955
Ʊπμμ ÂUF UNK¹bFð
And on presentation of the Minister of
ÊËR????????A W?Ëb?« d?¹“Ë ÷d???????Ž v?K?Ž ¡UM?ÐË
State for Services Affairs, Æ Ub)«
And after agreement of the Council of Æ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
the Ministers, ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b√
we have issued the following law:
©±® …œU‡
Article (1)
For the implementation of the provisions b??????B?????I?¹ Êu½U??????I« «c?¼ ÂU?JŠ√ o?O?????³?Dð w?
of this Law, the following expressions shall q U?√ t?OK?Ž ’u?BM*« vMF*« W?OU?²?«  «—U?³?FUÐ
mean as stated infront of each of them: ∫UNM
1. Minister:
Æ Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë ∫d¹“u« ≠ ±
The Minister of State for Services
Affairs. ∫Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ ≠ ≤
2. Air Transport Market: dH« d«cð lO?³Ð oKF²¹ X¹uJ« w ◊UA½ q
All activities in Kuwait relted to the sale
lzUC³« s×ý h«uÐ —«b «Ë ‰u³Ë  «dzUDUÐ
of Air Transportation tickets, acceptance
’U)« ◊U?AM«Ë W U)«  öŠd« o¹u?ðË «uł
and issuance of Airways Bills, marketing of
private flights, activity of despatching smal «uł W?F¹d« q?zUÝd«Ë …dO?GB« œËdD?« ‰UÝ—UÐ
parcels, express letters by air and ÆWKUA«  öŠd« rOEMðË
organizing of inclusive tours.
∫‚u« ’Uý√ ≠ ≥
3. Market bodies:
s  öŠ— dOð w²« Ê«dOD«  Udý lOLł
All Airlines who operate air services to
and from Kuwait International Airport or X¹uJ« w WK¦L*« Ë√ wËb« X¹uJ« —UD v≈Ë
represented in Kuwait by General Sales Ê«dO?D«  Ud?ý ¡öËË 5U?Ž  UF?O³ ¡ö?uÐ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±¥

Agents, approved airlines general Agents in dH?«Ë WŠUO?« VðUJË X¹uJ« w s¹bL?²F*«
Kuwait Tourism and Travel offices dealing
…d????O????G????B?« œËdD?« qI½ V?ðUJ?Ë  U????d????ýË
with air transport of small parcels and
express letters.
ÆWF¹d« qzUÝd«Ë
4. Inclusive Tours: ∫WKUA«  öŠd« ≠ ¥
Groups flights which pricws include air qIM« —u?ł√ U¼—U?FÝ√ s?LC?²ð w²«  ö?Šd«
transportation, hotel accommodation, meals ‰«uÞ Ã—U?)« w W?KUJ« W?U?ù« nO?UJðË «u?ł
and sightseeing tours in the visited cities.
w W?OŽöD²?Ýô«  ôu'« nOUJðË WKŠd?« …b
5. International Convention:
Æ…—«e*« Ê«bK³«
The Convention which pertatin to the
unification of some air transport rules ∫WOËb«  «b¼UF*« ≠ μ
which is known as the 1929 Warsaw treaty qIM« b??Ž«u?? iFÐ b??O?Šu??²Ð W?? U?)« …b¼U??F*«
and the amending and suplementary ±π≤π ÂUF uÝ—«Ë …b¼UF? rÝUÐ WËdF*«Ë Íu'«
protocols, thereto: ∫WOðü« UN WJKL*«Ë WbF*«  ôuuðËd³«Ë
- 1955 The Hague Protocol,
Ʊπμμ ÂUF ÍU¼ô ‰uuðËdÐ ≠
- 1961 Jawada Lakhara Protocol,
Ʊπ∂± ÂUF —Ušô «œ«uł ‰uuðËdÐ ≠
- 1975 Montreal Protocols No. 1 and 2
- Any other Protocols perlinent to this
ÂUF ©≤® ¨©±® wL— ‰U¹d?²½u wuuðËdÐ ≠
Convention to which the State of Kuwait Ʊπ∑μ
may become party. Ác???NÐ W??? U???š Èd???š√  ôu???u?ðËdÐ Í√Ë ≠
Article (2) Æö³I² X¹uJ« WËœ UNO≈ rCMð …b¼UF*«
No one shall practice any activity in the
©≤® …œU‡
air transporation market, unless under a
w ◊U???A?½ Í√ W???Ý—U2 h????ý Í_ “u???−¹ ô
licence issued by the Ministry of
sŽ —œU? hO?šdð Vłu0 ô≈ Íu?'« qIM« ‚u?Ý
Commerce and Industry. Passengers
ransportation and air freight activities shall 5Ð lL???'« “u??−¹ ôË ¨W??ŽUMB?«Ë …—U??−??²« …—«“Ë
not be combined under one licence or in w Íu????'« s×???A?«Ë ’U??????ý_« q?I½ wÞU????A½
one place. The approval of the Ministry of …—«“Ë W??I?«u?? d?³??²?FðË ¨b??Š«Ë ÊUJ Ë√ hO??šdð
Information and The Directorate General of Í√ WË«e* w½b?*« Ê«d?ODK W?U??F« …—«œù«Ë Âö?Žô«
Civil Aviation to run such activities «c¼ —«b???? ù U????O????ÝU????Ý√ U?Þd???ý  U?ÞU????AM?« s
essential for the issuance of this licence, ÆtOKŽ  ö¹bFð Í√ ‰Ušœ« Ë√ Áb¹b& Ë√ hOšd²«
renewal or amending it.
©≥® …œU‡
Article (3)
All airlines General Agents, or General
Ê«d?OD«  Ud?A 5UF« ¡ö?u« vKŽ V−¹
Sales Agents shall provide the Directorate œuI?F« s a½ .b?Ið 5UF«  U?FO?³*« ¡öË Ë√
General of Civil Aviation with copies of the X³????¦?ð w²?«Ë Ê«d????OD«  U????d????ý l? W????F????u*«
contracts concluded showing their agency Ê«d??ODK W??U??F« …—«œù« v≈ WU??uUÐ rN??C¹u??Hð

±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

authorization after registring it with the …—U?−??²« …—«“Ë Èb U?NKO??−?ð b?F?Ð p–Ë w½b*«
Ministry of Commerce and Industry as well ÆX¹uJ« WŽUM Ë …—U& WdžË WŽUMB«Ë
as the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and
industry. ©¥® …œU‡
Article (4) ô≈ Íu????'« q?IM?«  U????OK?L????Ž ÂU9« “u?????−¹ ô
Air carriage operations whether for …b¼U???F*« U??N???OKŽ h?Mð w²« q?IM« ozU?ŁË Vłu0
passengers or cargo shall not be carried out
’U??????????ý_« qI?M W?????³??????MU?Ð p–Ë W?????O?Ëb«
unless against the carriage documents as
required in the International Convention. In qI?½Ë Íu???'« w???U???²« WU???Š wË ¨s?×???A«Ë
case of air taxi and despatch of express qIM«  U?O?KL?Ž r²?²? W?F¹d?« q?zU?Ýd«Ë œËdD«
parcels and letters the carriage operations …—«œù« Èb WK−?? Á—UF?Ý√ ÊuJð b?I?Ž Vłu0
shall be made vide a contract which prices
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF«
are filed with the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation. ©μ® …œU‡
Article (5) s bQ?²« ‚u« ’Uý√ lO?Lł vKŽ V−¹
All market bodies shall be sure that the c?U?½ d?H??« W?I??OŁË vKŽ X³??¦*« e?−??(« a¹—Uð Ê«
booking date fixed in the carriage
W?F?ł«d? …—Ëd?CÐ »U?d« vKŽ t?O?³M²«Ë ‰u?F?H*«
documents are confirmed, and they shall
inform the passengers to contact the office
b?O?Q?² d??H?« a¹—Uð q³? W?I?OŁu?« —«b? « V²J
prior to the date of travel for reconfirmation WU??Š w Ê«d?O?D«  U?d??A “u??−¹Ë ¨r¼e?−??Š
of their booking. The airlines, in case of no Á¡U???G« œb???;« b??Žu*« w? e??−???(« b???O??Qð Âb???Ž
reconfirmation, may have the right to ÆUOzUIKð
cancel the booking automatically.
Article (6)
©∂® …œU‡
All airline carrying transit passengers qI?Mð w²?« Ê«d???O?D«  U???d????ý lO????L???ł v?KŽ
through Kuwait International Airport X¹uJ?« —UD w Êu???H??u??²¹ ·u??Ý U??? U????ý√
whether direct or indirect transit shall Èd???š√  ö??Š— vK?Ž r¼d??H???Ý WK «u?* wËb«
finalize all formalities to continue their W?U? ¡U?N½« Xu« s …d?²? bF?Ð Ë√ …dýU?³? ¡«u?Ý
travel immediately after their landing, and
s rNÞu??³¼ œd?−0 rN??²KŠ— WK «u??  «¡«d?ł«
to provide all necessary facilities and care
to them till the time of their departure.
rN? W???“ö«  U????b???)« W???U??? .b????IðË …dzU?D«
Under no circumstances, the passengers ¨rNð—œUG 5Š v≈ —u³?F« …b ‰«uÞ rN²¹UŽ—Ë
shall not stay in the Transit Lounge more ¡ôR¼ ¡U????IÐ ‰«u???Šô« s? ‰U???Š ÍQÐ “u????−¹ ôË
than the period permitted by the Directorate w²« …b*« s d?¦?_ »U?d« vM³? qš«œ »U?d«
general of Civil Aviation. Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« U¼œb%
Article (7)
Market bodies could organise inclusive
©∑® …œU‡
tours in accordance with rules issued by the  ö???Š— rO?EMð ‚u????« ’U??????ý_ “u???−¹
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, WU?F« …—«œù« U¼—bBð w²« b?Ž«uIK UI?³Þ WKUý

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Provided that they shall obtain the vKŽ U???I??³???? ‰u??B??(« V?−¹Ë w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK
Directorate’s approval prior to its ÆUNMŽ ÊöŽô« q³ UN²I«u
Article (8) ©∏® …œU‡
Any of the market bodies shall not make Êö?Žô« ‚u??« ’U??ý√ s? Í_ “u?−¹ ô
advertising about fares or sectors with t Õd?B? d?Ož  U?ŽUDI  ö?Š— Ë√ —U?F?Ý√ sŽ
points they, or on whose behalf they are ÆX¹uJ« v≈ Ë√ s UNOKŽ qIMUÐ t ‚u¹ s* Ë√
marketing, are not authorised to exercise
traffic rights from and to Kuwait. ©π® …œU‡
Article (9) w W?KU???F« Ê«d???OD?«  U??d???ý l?O???L??ł v?KŽ
All airlines operating to Kuwait and of  U??d??A 5KU??F«  U??F??O?³?*« ¡ö?Ë Ë√ X?¹uJ«
line general sales agents in Kuwait, and
qI½ V?ðUJË X¹u?J« w WKU???F« d??O??ž Ê«d???OD«
office of parcels and express letters, after
l ‚U???Hðô« b???F?Ð ¨W???F¹d???« qzU???Ýd«Ë œËd?D«
agreement with Kuwait Airways
Corporation shall file withe the Directorate vK‡Ž ‰u‡B?(«Ë WO²¹uJ« W¹u?'« ◊uD)« W?ÝR
General of Civil Aviation the fares and q‡I?M« —u‡ł√Ë —U?‡F??Ý_« q?O??−???ð ¨U??N???²??I???«u‡
reates and its conditions which will be Èb‡ ‚u« w UNIO³Dð Íd‡−OÝ w²« U‡NÞËd‡ýË
applicable in Kuwait market at least sixty p–Ë U¼œU?L?²?Žô w½b‡*« Ê«d?O‡?DK W‡U?F« …—«œù«
days before the date it will become
Æq_« vKŽ Uu¹ 5²Ý …b0 UNÐ qLF« a¹—Uð q³
Article (10) ©±∞® …œU‡
The fares and rates and its conditions —u????ł_«Ë —U????F?????Ý_« sŽ Êö????Žô« Íd?????−¹
shall be published through all media that —u?N?L??−K `O?²ð w²?« qzU?Ýu« W?UJÐ U??NÞËd?ýË
enable the public to become aware thereof, UNIO³D²Ð WI«u*« vKŽ ‰u?B(« —u UNOKŽ ·dF²«
as soon as approval is obtained to apply in
vKŽ ÊöŽô« WOËR? lIðË ¨X¹uJ« ‚uÝ w
the Kuwait market. The filing body is
responsible about the publishing.
ÆUNKO−²Ð XU w²« WN'«
Article (11) ©±±® …œU‡
The reponsibility for the compliance —uł√Ë —U?FÝ_« oO³D²?Р«e²ô« WOËR? lIð
with the approved fares and rates is that of
Wdý q¦1 Íc« d¹b*« s q vKŽ …bL²F*« qIM«
the manager who presents the airline in
Kuwait, the owners and the managers of
d???H????« VðU?J wJ?U???Ë X¹uJ?« w Ê«d???O?D«
travel and tourism offices. Æ5ËR*« UN¹d¹bË WŠUO«Ë
Article (12) ©±≤® …œU‡
Without prejudice to any severe penalty
UN?OKŽ hM¹ bý√ WÐu?IŽ ÍQÐ ‰ö?šô« ÂbŽ l
imposed by another Law, any roving person
excluding Sales Representative, who
WŁöŁ vKŽ b¹eð ô …b* f³?(UÐ VU?F¹ dš¬ Êu½U?
exercise any activity relating to sale or Ë√ w²¹u —UM¹œ WzU?LL?š “ËU& ô W«dGÐË d?Ný√
airway bills shall be subject to incarceration s ”—U?1 s q? 5²?Ðu?????I????F?« 5ðU?¼ Èb?????ŠSÐ

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
for a period not exceeding three months and Í√ ≠  U?F?O³*« w?K¦2 ·öš ≠ 5?u−?²*« œ«d?_«
a fine of not more than five hundred Ë√ d??H???« d??«c?ð o¹u??ð Ë√ l?O??³Ð o?KF??²¹ ◊U???A½
Kuwaiti Dinars or either penalties.
Æs×A« h«uÐ
Any one of the market bodies employees
helps or facilitates such activity shall be t²LN t qN¹ s q WÐuIF« fHMÐ VUF¹Ë
subject to the same punishment. Marketing Íd¹Ë ‚u?« ’U?ý√ wHþu s Áb?ŽU¹ Ë√
tickets issued outside Kuwait will be s …—œU?B« d?H?« d«cð Z?¹Ëdð vKŽ dE(« «c¼
similarly calssified. ÆX¹uJ« ×Uš
Article (13)
1. A travel and tourism office, who fixes ©±≥® …œU‡
false booking on tickest shall be fined five Íc« W?ŠUO?«Ë d?H?« V²J vKŽ lu¹ ≠ ±
hundred Kuwaiti Dinars for each d?H??« d?«cð vKŽ wL¼Ë e??−?Š qO?−???²Ð Âu?I¹
q sŽ w²¹u —UM¹œ WzULL?š U¼—b WOU W«dž
2. When the passenger arrives at the
Airport in the proper time, the airline shall
accept him. If the air carriage document is w —UD?*« v≈ d??U??*« ‰u?? Ë W?U??Š w ≠ ≤
not executed at the confirmed timing and «–S tu³IÐ Ê«dOD«  U?dý Âe²Kð VÝUM*« bŽu*«
date fixed thereon the airline shall arrange a¹—U?²«Ë b?Žu?*« w Íu?'« qIM« W?I?O?ŁË c?HMð r
for his departure to his destination on the
v≈ tKO??Šdð U??N?OKŽ VłË b??R*«Ë U?N??OKŽ X³??¦*«
first flight leaving Kuwait at the same day
«c¼ w X¹uJK …—œU?G? WKŠ— ‰Ë√ vKŽ Áb?BI?
whether on its flights or other airlines
flights and shall be fines five hundred  U?dý  ö?Š— Ë√ UNðö?Š— vKŽ ¡«uÝ a¹—U?²«
Kuwaiti Dinars for every misconduct, —UM¹œ WzU?L??L?š mK?³? U?N1d?Gð l Èd?š√ Ê«d?OÞ
unless flight is not operated due to ·Ëdþ „UM¼ sJ?ð r U? W?HU?? q? sŽ w²¹u?
unexpected circumstances beyond their
qO?G?Að ÂU9« Âb?Ž v?≈  œ√ U?N𜫗≈ ×U?š Wz—UÞ
Article (14)
In case of infringement to the provisions ©±¥® …œU‡
of Article (6) or this Law the airline in s WÝœU?« …œU*« ÂUJŠ_ W?HU Ÿu?Ë bMŽ
default shall bear the costs of accomodating
nU??<« ‚u??« h??ý q?L?×??²?¹ Êu½U??I« «c¼
the passengers and arrange for their
departures on the first flights leaving
Ÿu{u »Ud« ¡«u¹« sŽ W&UM« nOUJ²« lOLł
Kuwait to their final destination and shall …—œUG W?KŠ— ‰Ë√ vKŽ rNKOŠd²Ð Âe²K¹Ë W?HU<«
be fined five hundred Kuwaiti Dinars for mK³? t1d?G?ð l wzU?NM« r¼b?B?I? v?≈ X¹uJK
each violating flights. ÆWHU WKŠ— q sŽ w²¹u —UM¹œ WzULLš
Article (15)
The market body who violates the rules
©±μ® …œU‡
regulating the inclusive tour, its prices or b??Ž«u??I n?U??<« ‚u??« h??ý vK?Ž lu¹
the approved conditions shall be fined five UNÞËdA Ë√ U¼—UFÝ_ Ë√ WKUA«  öŠd« rOEMð

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

thousand Kuwaiti Dinars which will be —UM¹œ ·ô¬ W??L??š U¼—b? W?OU? W?«d?ž …b??L?²?F*«
repeated for each violation. ÆWHU q sŽ W«dG« —dJ²ðË w²¹u
Article (16)
In case of violating the approved fares ©±∂® …œU‡
and rates the manager of the vioating Íu?'« qIM« —u?ł√Ë —UF?Ý√ W?HU? WU?Š w
airline, the owner of the violating travel & W?d??ý d¹b?? s q vKŽ W??«d?ž luð …b??L?²??F*«
tourism office and his executive manager W?ŠUO?«Ë dH?« V²J pUË W?HU<« Ê«d?OD«
shall be fined five hundred Kuwaiti Dinars
—UM¹œ WzU?L?Lš U¼—b ‰ËR?*« Ád¹bË n?U<«
which will be multiplied by the defaulted
ÆWHU<« d«c²« œbF²Ð W«dG« œbF²ðË w²¹u
Article (17) ©±∑® …œU‡
The execution of fines stipulated in w U?N??OKŽ ’u?BM?*«  U?«d?G« lO??uð ÊuJ¹
Article (13), (14), (15) and (16) of this Law
«c?????¼ s???? ©±∂® ¨©±μ® ¨©±¥® ¨©±≥® œ«u?????*«
will be by a decision from the Minister of
State for Services Affirs upon the d¹b?? ÷d??Ž vK?Ž ¡UMÐ d¹“u« s —«d??I?Ð Êu½U??I«
presentation of the Director General of Êö?Ž« V−¹Ë w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?U?F« …—«œù« ÂU?Ž
Civil Aviation and The violator have to be Ác¼ l?O????u????²?Ð …—œU????B«  «—«d????I?UÐ 5H?U????<«
informed with the decisions taken by a Ɖu Ë rKFÐ tOKŽ w u »U²JÐ  U«dG«
registered letter against an
acknowledgement of receipt.
 «—«dI« Ác¼ w sFD« ÊQ?A« ÍËc “u−¹Ë
Those who are concerned can appeal s U?u¹ dAŽ W?L?š ‰öš W?OKJ« WLJ?;« ÂU√
such decisions before the first instance w W??L?J;« rJŠ ÊuJ?¹Ë ¨U??NÐ rN½ö???Ž« a¹—Uð
Court within 15 days from the date of their ÆUOzUN½ sFD«
notfication and the with executing any other
lO?????u?????²Ð  U?‡«d?‡G?« Ác‡¼ l?O?????uð q?¹ ôË
penalties stipulated in the panel code any
other Law. Êu½U?? w U?N??OKŽ ’u?B?M*« W?Oz«e??'«  UÐu?I??F«
Ædš¬ Êu½U Í√ Ë√ ¡«e'«
General Provisions
Article (18)
Employees devoted by the minister upon
the nomination of the Director General of ©±∏® …œU‡
Civil Aviation from amongest the staff in v?KŽ ¡U?MÐ d?¹“u?« rN?Ðb?M¹ s?¹c« 5?H?þu??????LK?
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation
5KU?F« 5Ð s w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂU?Ž d¹b `O?ýdð
shall have the right of supervision and
inspection on the market bodies, request of W????³???«d?*« oŠ w?½b*« Ê«d????ODK? W????U???F?« …—«œùUÐ
particulars and investigation of necessary  U½UO³« V?KÞË ‚u« ’Uý√ vKŽ gO?²H²«Ë
documents to ascertain the implementation s b???Q??²?K W???“ö«  «bM²???*« vK?Ž ŸöÞô«Ë
of the provisions of this Law.
5Hþu*« ¡ôR¼ vK?ŽË Êu½U?I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ oO?³Dð
Those employees shall maintain secrets
which they come across when discharging Êu???FKD¹ w?²« —«d??Ý_« v?KŽ WEU???;UР«e???²ô«
their duties. ÆrNHzUþË rJ×Ð UNOKŽ

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (19) ©±π® …œU‡
Every market body undertakes to keep
Ê√ ‚u??« ’U?????ý√ s h??ý q Âe???²K¹
with the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation a cash deposit or a letter of Ë√ U¹bI½ UMO?Qð w½b*« Ê«dODK WU?F« …—«œû ÂbI¹
guarantee from a Kuwaiti Bank the amount Á—b? W?O²¹uJ?« ·—UB*« b?Š√ s ÊU?L?{ »UDš
of five thousand Kuwaiti Dinars valid for
«c¼ ‰u?F?H?? Íd?¹Ë w²¹u? —UM?¹œ ·ô¬ W??L?š
one year after the termination of the licence
period. Giving this guarantee is a main …b???? ¡U?????N????²?½« a¹—U?????² W????O?Uð W?MÝ …b?* 5Q?????²«
condition for issuing the licences stated in UÞd???ý 5Q???²« «c¼ .b???Ið ÊuJ¹Ë ¨h?O??šd???²«
Article (2) of this Law. w t?OKŽ ’u??BM*« hO?šd?²« —«b?? ù U?O?ÝU?Ý√
All Financial fines executed pursuant to
the provisions of this Law shall be deducted
ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ s WO½U¦« …œU*«
from this deposit and in this case, the W???OU*«  U???«d???G« 5Q???²« «c¼ s? rB???¹Ë
deposit shall be replenished to the extent WU(« Ác¼ wË Êu½U?I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ_ UI³Þ W?Fu*«
provided for in the preceeding paragraph
t??OKŽ ’u??BM*« —b??I« v≈ 5Q??²« WKL?Jð V−¹
within thirty days from the date of notifying
the market body of the deduction. a¹—Uð s U?u?¹ 5ŁöŁ ‰ö?š W?IÐU?« …d??I?H« w
Article (20) ÆrB)« ¡«dłUÐ ‚u« hý —UDš«
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation
set up under the patronage chairmanship or
©≤∞® …œU‡
the Director General of Civil Aviation or WM?' w½b*« Ê«d????OD?K W????U????F« …—«œù« qJ?Að
Whoever be deputised from amongest the
senior officials in air transport affairs, and
s tÐbM¹ s? Ë√ w½b*« Ê«d?OD« ÂU?Ž d¹b?? W?ÝUzdÐ
membership of each of: qIM?« ÊËR??ý w 5?B??²??<« 5?Hþu*« —U??³??? 5Ð
- Representative of the Ministry of
∫s q W¹uCŽË Íu'«
- Representative of the Ministry of ÆÂöŽô« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM ≠
Commerce and Industry
ÆWŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM ≠
- Representative of the Kuwait Chamber
of Commerce and Industry ÆX¹uJ« WŽUM Ë …—U& Wdž sŽ »ËbM ≠
- Representative of the Kuwait Travel
W?ŠUO?«Ë d?H?« VðUJ œU?%« sŽ »ËbM ≠
and Tourism offices Association
- A member of the State Department of Æw²¹uJ«
Legal Advise & Legislation Æl¹dA²«Ë Èu²H« …—«œ≈ s uCŽ ≠
A decision from the mandate minister
shall be issued concerning the formation of Æd¹“u« s —«d WM−K« qOJA²Ð —bB¹Ë
the committee. ÊuJ¹Ë U???N????Oz— s …u??Žb?Ð WM−K?« lL??²??&Ë
The committee shall convene upon
invitation of its chairman. Æ¡UCŽ_« WO³Kž√ —uC×Ð U×O× UNŽUL²ł«
The meeting shall be legal upon the
©≤±® …œU‡
attendance of the majority of the members.
Article (21) U0 WIÐU« …œU*« w UN?O≈ —UA*« WM−K« h²ð
The committee referred to in the ∫wðQ¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

preceeding Article will be concerned about ’Uý√ b{ WbI*« ÈËUJA« w dEM« ≠ √
the following:
A. Examine the complaints against s U??N??O???FÐUð s Ë√ U??NM? lI¹ U?? V³???Ð ‚u??«
market bodies due of infringements WM−K ÊuJ¹ WHU<«  u³Ł WUŠ wË ¨ UHU
committed by them or other subordinates
and in case of substantiation of the
…—œU?B?? Ë√ —«c½ôUÐ nU??<« h?A« …«“U??−?
violation, the committee may penalize the nË Ë√ t?????ŽœË« Íc« 5Q?????²« s ¡e?????ł Ë√ q
violating person by serving a warning,
¨tzU?G« Ë√ d?N?ý√ W?²?Ý “ËU?−?²ð ô …b* hO?šd?²«
confiscating all or part of the deposit,
suspending the4 license for a period not oO??I?×??²«  UD?KÝ —UDšUÐ ‰ö??šô« ÊËœ p–Ë
exceeding six months or revoke it, without ÆWOzUMł W1dł vKŽ  uD½« «–≈ WF«uUÐ
prejudice to give notice to the
investigations authority of the incident if it w r?OJ% W????¾???O?¼ U???N????²???H????BÐ qB????H« ≠ »
involves a penal crime. 5ÐË Ê«d?O?D«  U?d?ý 5?Ð Âu?Ið w²«  U??Ž“UM*«
B. To settle any dispute, as an arbitral
tribunal, arises between an airline and its s s¹d?U?*« 5Ð Ë√ X¹uJ« w b?L?²F*« U?NKO?Ë
aproved agent in Kuwait, or between the W??N??ł s ‚u??« ’U?????ý√ s Í√ 5ÐË W??N??ł
passengers on one hand and any of the
market bodies on the other hand, when such
Ác¼ W?Ë«e0 oKF???²ð W???Ž“UM*« X½U??? v²??? Èd??š√
dispute is related to the practices of such lO?Lł p– U?NO≈ VKÞ «–≈ U?NUL?Ž_ ’U?ý_«
persons of their functions if all parties
ÆŸ«eM« ·«dÞ√
request it to do so.
The committe’s decisions in setting the ¨UOzU?N½ Ÿ«eM« w qBHUÐ WM−?K« —«d ÊuJ¹Ë
dispute shall be final.
WO³KžQÐ » ¨√ 5²U(« w? UNð«—«d WM−K« —bBðË
The committee shall reach its decisions
in both cases (A) and (B) by a majority of V½U?'« l?ł—  «u? _«  ËU?ð «–S?? U?NzU??C?Ž√
votes, and in case of equivalency of votes,
ÆfOzd« tO Íc«
the side with whom the chairman’s vote
shall prevail. ©≤≤® …œU‡
Article (22)
W????“ö« `?z«uK?«Ë  «—«d???I?« d¹“u?« —b????B¹
The Minister issues the decisions and the
regulations necessary for the implemention v?KŽ q?L?????A?ðË Êu½U??????I?« «c¼ ÂU?JŠ√ c??????O?????H?M²?
of this Law. They will include the ∫hš_«
following in particlar:
1. The conditions to be fulfiled at the e???d?? w U?¼d??«uð V?−¹ w²« ◊Ëd???A« ≠ ±
centre where the market bodies parctice ÆrNÞUAM ‚u« ’Uý√ WË«e
their activities.
2. Means of media on air transport fares. ÆÍu'« qIM« —UFÝ√ sŽ ÊöŽô« qzUÝË ≠ ≤
3. Fixing the period necessary for q³?? e?−??(« b?O??Q?² W??“ö« …b*« b¹b??% ≠ ≥
confirming the booking before travel.
4. Rules of organising the inclusive ÆdH« a¹—Uð
tours. ÆWKUA«  öŠd« rOEMð bŽ«u ≠ ¥
5. Fixing the notice period required for
the existing market bodies to abide by the
‚u??« ’U??ý_ W??“ö« WKN*« b?¹b?% ≠ μ
provisions of this law. ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠQÐ bOI²K qLFUÐ 5LzUI«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

6. Establish the fees pertaining to gO²H²«Ë nAJUÐ WIKF²*« ÂuÝd« b¹b% ≠ ∂
examination and inspection on requesting
Ë√ hO???šd??²?« —«b?? « vK?Ž W??I???«u*« VKÞ b?MŽ
approval for the issue of license, renewal
thereof or shifting the center of activities to Ê«uMŽ v?≈ ◊U?AM?« WË«e? e??d?? qI½ Ë√ Áb¹b??&
a new address. Æb¹bł
Article (23)
©≤≥® …œU‡
The ministers, each as so far he is
concerned, shall execute this law, and shall «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
become effective as of the date of …b¹d??'« w Ád?A½ a¹—Uð s? tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Êu½U??I«
publishing in the official gazette. ÆWOLÝd«
Amir of Kuwait
X¹uJ« dO√
bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al Ahmed
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister ÕU³B« rU« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al Abdulla Al Salem Al Sabah
 Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë
Minster of State for Services Affairs

‡¼±¥∞∑ ‰«uý ≤∑ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b

Issued at Al Seef Place,
±π∏∑ uO½u¹ ≤≥ ∫o«u*«
on 27 Shawal 1407 AH,
Corresponding to 23 June 1987 AD.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

WOŠUC¹« …dc
X¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQAÐ ©±® r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*

„d??×??²« XŽb??²?Ý« W?U?Š v?≈ …d?O??š_« W½Ëü« w X?¹uJ« w Íu??'« qIM?« ‚u?Ý w l?{u« q Ë
Ÿœd wUJ« wF¹d?A?²« rOEM²« œu?łË Âb?Ž V³?Ð t?O …d?A?²M*« …œb?F?²*«  UH?U?LK b?Š l{u l¹d?«
v≈ W?Nłu*« —«c½ô«  UÐU?DšË w½b*« Ê«dODK W?U?F« …—«œù« UNð—b? « w²« rO?UF?²« `KHð rË 5HU?<«
Æ UHU<« Ác¼ s ‚u« nOEMðË W¾ÞU)«  UÝ—UL*« VM& v≈ dEM« XHK ‰U:« «c¼ w 5KUF«
ÆwF¹dA²« ⁄«dH« «c¼ ¡q* Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝd œ«bŽ« - pc
w  œ—Ë w²«  «—U??³?F« iFÐ s? œu?B?I*« `?O?{uð vKŽ Êu½U??I« Ác¼ s vË_« …œU*« X?B½ b?Ë
ÆWOËb« …b¼UF*«Ë WKUA«  öŠd«Ë ‚u« ’Uý√Ë Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝË d¹“u« w¼Ë Êu½UI« œ«u
hOšdð Vłu0 ô« ‚u?« w ◊UA½ Í√ WÝ—U2 dDš vKŽ WO½U?¦« …œU*« XB½ ‚u« rOEMð ÂUJŠ_Ë
…—«œù« X½U? U*Ë ¨ÊQA« «c¼ w ’U?B²?šô«  «– WN'« U?¼—U³²?ŽUÐ WŽUMB?«Ë …—U−²« …—«“Ë s?Ž —œU
Íu?'« q?IM« ÊËR?ý w W??OËb«  «b¼U??F*« ÂUJŠ√ c?O??HM²Ð W??B?²?<« WD?K« w¼ w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W?U??F«
XÞd²?ý« bI Èdš_« ‰Ëb«Ë X¹uJ?« WËœ 5Ð U Íu'« qIM« rOEM² W?OzUM¦«  UOU?Hðô« cOHMð W³?«dË
 ö¹b?Fð W¹√ ‰Ušœ« Ë√ Áb¹b?& Ë√ hO?šd²« —«b? « vKŽ w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WU?F« …—«œù« W?I«u? …œU*« Ác¼
t½_ «dE½  UÞUAM« Ác¼ s Í√ WË«e* UOÝUÝ√ UÞdý UC¹√ ÂöŽô« …—«“Ë WI«u Êu½UI« qFł UL ¨tOKŽ
ÆWOŠUO« Êu¾A« W¹UŽ— UN UB²š« w qšb¹
WO³Mł_« Ê«d?OD«  Udý l Wd³*«  ôUu« œu?IŽ s a½ Ÿ«b¹« …—Ëd{ W¦U¦« …œU*« XÞd?²ý« UL
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« Èb
vB?_« b??(« oO?³D?²Ð W?³UD*« w? U?N?I??ŠË W?OMO?Q??²« W?OD?G?²« Ê«b?I?? s Ê«d?OD«  U??d?A W¹U??L?ŠË
 «– wË ¨Íu?'« qIM« b?Ž«u? i?FÐ b?O?Šu?²Ð W? U?)« W?OËb« …b¼U?F*« U?N?OKŽ hM?ð w²«  U?C¹u?F?²K
Ÿu?Ë WUŠ w WKUM?« Wd?A« vKŽ Ÿułd?« w sŠUA« Ë√ d?U?*« hA« oŠ vKŽ W?EU×?LK Xu«
U??N??OKŽ hMð w?²« ozUŁu« Vłu?0 qIM«  U??OKL??Ž ÂU9« »u??łË vK?Ž W?F?Ыd« …œU*« XB½ b??I?? ¨—d??C«
ÆWOËb« …b¼UF*«
 Ud?ý W¹ULŠ UC¹√Ë ¨‚u?« w WFzUA«  UH?U<« dBŠ b?FÐË s¹dU*« —uN?Lł ‚uI( W¹U?LŠË
oŠ vKŽ WU)« …œU*« XB½ bI ¨…—UK U?N{dF¹ U2 œ«d_« tÐ ÂuI¹ Íc« wL¼u« e−(« s Ê«dOD«
dš¬ V«d W? dH« WŠUðô p–Ë ÁdH?Ý bOQ²Ð t?³ŠU ÂUO? ÂbŽ WUŠ w UOzU?IKð e−(« ¡UG« w W?dA«
ÆdH« w
s …d?²H? X¹uJ« —UD w Êu?Hu?²¹ s¹c« X¹e½«d?²« »U?— q³? Ê«dOD?«  Ud?ý W?OËR?* «bO?QðË
w²« Ê«dOD«  U?dý «e²« vKŽ WÝœU« …œU*« X?B½ bI ¨Èdš√  öŠ— vKŽ r¼d?HÝ WK «u* Xu«
 U?b)«Ë  ö?ON?²« W?U .b?IðË Èdš_  ö?Šd« vKŽ r¼dH?Ý WK «u? 5Q²Ð »U?d« ¡ôR¼ qIMð

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

¡ôR¼ „d?²ð X½U?  U?d?A« i?FÐ Ê√ s Àb?Š U* p–Ë ¨X¹uJ« w rN?zU?IÐ …b? ‰«uÞ rN W?“ö«
…“uŠ w sJ?¹ rË ÂU¹√ …bF ÊUO?Šô« iFÐ XK Ë …d²?H W¹UŽ— ÊËœ —UD*U?Ð X¹e½«d²« WU? w »Ud«
Æ‚œUMH« bŠ√ w rN²U« n¹—UB Ë√ rNUFD “ö« ‰U*« rNCFÐ
sL?{ r¼dH?Ý WUŠ w t Êu?{dF?²¹ s¹c« q¹U×?²«Ë gG« s WŠU?OK s?¹dU?*« —uN?L' W¹U?LŠË
bI? ¨WOŽöD²Ý«  ôu?łË  U³łËË WU?≈Ë dHÝ s nOUJ²« WKU?ý U¼—UFÝ√ ÊuJð WO?ŠUOÝ  UŽU?Lł
Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« U¼—b?Bð w²« bŽ«uIK UI³Þ  öŠd« Ác¼ rOEMð »u?łË vKŽ WFÐU« …œU*« XB½
»U¼c« w? d?H??« sU??√ e??−??Š X³?¦?¹ U0 …—«œù« v≈ Âb??I?²?« …—Ëd?{ hš_« v?KŽ rEMð w²?«Ë w½b*«
—U?FÝ√ vK?Ž WI?³? W?I?«u v?KŽ ‰uB?(«Ë s¹d?U?*« U¼—ËeO?Ý w²« œö?³« w W?Uô« s?U√Ë …œu?F«Ë
d?O?ž  U?ŽUDI  ö?Š— —U?F?Ý√ sŽ Êö?Žô« ‚u?« ’U??ý√ s Í√ vKŽ W?MU?¦« …œU*«  dEŠ b?Ë
ÆUNOKŽ qIMUÐ t ‚u¹ s* Ë√ t ÕdB
‚u?Ý w? Ê«d?OD«  U??d?A W??¾?UJ?²*«Ë WœU?F« W?? d?H?« W?ŠUð«Ë W??H¹d?A« W???UM?*« b?Ž«u?I? ¡U?Ý—«Ë
l ‚U?Hðô« bFÐ Ê«d?OD«  U?dý ÂU?O? …—Ëd{ vK?Ž Êu½UI« s ±±Ë ±∞Ë π œ«u*« XB?½ bI? ¨X¹uJ«
…—«œù« Èb X¹uJ« ‚uÝ w? UNI?O³Dð Íd−?OÝ w²« —UF?Ý_« qO−?²Ð WO²¹u?J« W¹u'« ◊uD)« W?ÝR
ô v²ŠË UNIO³D²Ð «e²ô«Ë UNOKŽ ·dF²K qzU?Ýu« WUJÐ UNMŽ ÊöŽô«Ë U¼œUL²Žô w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF«
WOËR? Êu½UI« qLŠ b?I WMKF*«Ë …bL²?F*« —UFÝ_« oO³Dð W?OËR s »dN?²« vKŽ q¹U% „UM¼ ÊuJ¹
UNOJUË dH«Ë WŠUO« VðUJË rNzö?ËË Ê«dOD«  Udý r¼Ë o¹u²« ·«dÞ√ lOLł vKŽ oO³D²«
Æ5ËR*« UN¹d¹bË
5HU<« vKŽ luð w²« W¹—«œù«  U«dG«Ë WO?z«e'«  UÐuIF« v≈ hM« ±∂≠±≤ s œ«u*« XMLCðË
Ë√ dH« d«cð o¹uð Ë√ lO³Ð oKF?²¹ ◊UA½ q dEŠ vKŽ ±≤ …œU*« XBM Êu½UI« ’uB½ «d²Š« qHJðË
WŁöŁ vKŽ b¹eð ô …b? f³(UÐ dE(« «c¼ nU?¹ s q W³?UFË 5u?−²? œ«d√ q³ s s×?A« h«uÐ
W¹QÐ ‰ö?šô« Âb?Ž l p–Ë 5²Ðu?IF« 5ðU?¼ ÈbŠSÐ Ë√ —UM¹œ W?zUL??Lš sŽ q?Ið ô WOU? W?«d?GÐË dN?ý√
œ«d√ ÂUO w¼Ë X¹uJ« ‚uÝ w  dA²½« …d¼Uþ WÐuI?F« Ác¼ tł«uðË Ædš¬ Êu½U UNOKŽ hM¹ bý√ WÐuIŽ
u¼Ë rNðU?FO?³ vKŽ U?N½u?{UI?²¹  ôuL?Ž qÐUI? w s×?A« h«uÐ o¹uð Ë√ d?H?« d«cð lOÐ 5u?−²?
hO?šdð ÊËbÐ t²Ë«e? sŽ öC? WŠUO?«Ë dH?« VðUJ »U?× _ WŽËd?A d?Ož W?UM qJA¹ ◊U?A½
Æœ«d_« ¡ôR¼ o¹dÞ sŽ rNðUHU WÝ—U2 ‚u« ’Uý√ iF³ qN¹ b U2 t²³«d WÐuF Ë
WOKLŽ ÂU9« Âb?Ž WUŠ w Ë√ wL¼Ë e−Š qO−?ð WUŠ w WOU  U«d?ž lOuð vKŽ ±≥ …œU*« XB½Ë
…œU*« ÂUJŠ√ W?HU?? WU?Š WO?U W?«d?ž lO?uð vKŽ ±¥ …œU*« XB½ U?L? ¨b?R*« œb?;« b?Žu*« w qIM«
W?«d?G«  œb?Š bI? ±μ …œU*« U?« ¨X¹e½«d?²« »u?d  ö?O?N?²« .b?Ið ÊQ?ý w Êu½U?I« s W?ÝœU?«
W«d?G«Ë ¨…bL²?F*« UNÞËdý Ë√ U¼—U?FÝ√ Ë√ WKUA«  ö?Šd« rOEMð bŽ«u W?HU bMŽ l?uð w²« WOU*«
Æ…bL²F*« Íu'« qIM« —uł√ Ë√ —UFÝ√ WHU WUŠ w luð wN ±∂ …œU*« UNOKŽ XB½ w²«
WO?z«e'«  UÐu?IF« lÐUÞ qL?% ô ±∂ ¨±μ ¨±¥ ¨±≥ œ«u*« w UN?OKŽ ’uBM*«  U?«dG« X½U? U*Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

lO?uð ÊuJ¹ Ê« vKŽ ±∑ …œU*« XB½ bI? ¨W¹—«œ≈  «—«d Vłu0 …—«œù« U?NF?uð WOU?  U«d?ž w¼ U/«Ë
rOEMð l w½b*« Ê«dODK WU?F« …—«œù« ÂUŽ d¹b ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐ h²<« d¹“u« s —«d?IÐ  U«dG« Ác¼
lO?uð q¹ ô«Ë U?OzU?N½ sF?D« w —œU?B« rJ(« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ vKŽ ¡U?C?I« ÂU?√ —«d?I« «c¼ w? sFD« o¹dÞ
Ædš¬ Êu½U Í√ Ë√ ¡e'« Êu½U w UNOKŽ ’uBM*« WOz«e'«  UÐuIF« lOu²Ð  U«dG« Ác¼
«c¼ ÂUJŠ√ c??O??HMð W??³?«d?? s w½b?*« Ê«d?OD?K W?U??F« …—«œû 5F?ÐU?²« 5?O?L??Ýd« 5Hþu??LK U?MOJ9Ë
Ê«d?OD« ÂUŽ d¹b? `Oýdð vKŽ ¡UM?Ð d¹“u« rNÐbM¹ s¹c« 5Hþu*« oŠ vKŽ ±∏ …œU*« XB½ b?I ¨Êu½U?I«
VKÞË ‚u« ’U?ý√ vKŽ gO?²H²«Ë W?³«d*« w w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WUF« …—«œùUÐ 5KU?F« 5Ð s w½b*«
5Hþu*« ¡ôR¼ «e²« l Êu½U?I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ oO³Dð s bQ?²K W“ö«  «bM²*« vKŽ ŸöÞô«Ë  U½U?O³«
 U«dG« qOB% WuNË ‚u« w? rNÞUA½ ÊuË«e¹ s Èb W¹b'« s wUJ« —bI« du²¹ v²ŠË
s h?ý q «e?²?« vKŽ ±π …œU*« XB½ Êu½U?I« «c?¼ ÂUJŠ_ U?I?³Þ ‚u?« ’U??ý√ vK?Ž luð w²«
hO?šd²« —«b ô w?ÝUÝ√ ◊dA? p–Ë w²¹u? —UM¹œ ·ô¬ W?Lš Á—b 5?Qð .bI?²Ð ‚u« ’U?ý√
ÆÊu½UI« s WO½U¦« …œU*« w tOKŽ ’uBM*«
wK¦2 s WM?' qOJAð vKŽ ≤∞ …œU*« XB½ b?I? ‚u?« ’U??ý√ tË«e¹ Íc« ◊U?AM« W?F?O?³D ΫdE½Ë
’U??ý√ b{ W?b?I*« ÈËUJA« w d?EMUÐ WM−K« Ác¼  U? U?B?²š« ≤± …œU?*«  œbŠË W?OMF*«  U?N?'«
rOJ% W¾ON ≠ WM−K« ÂUO pcË ¨nU<« h?A« vKŽ UNFOuð WM−K w²«  «¡«e'« b¹b%Ë ‚u«
s s¹d?U?*« 5ÐË X¹uJ« w? bL?²?F*« U?NKO?Ë 5ÐË Ê«d?OÞ W?d?ý 5Ð lIð w?²«  U?Ž“UM*« w qF?HUÐ ≠
WM−K« vKŽ t{d?Ž vKŽ Ÿ«eM« ·«dÞ√ oHð« «–≈ p–Ë Èdš√ WN?ł s ‚u« ’Uý√ s Í√ 5ÐË W?Nł
ÆUOzUN½ WU(« Ác¼ w WM−K« —«d ÊuJ¹ Ê√ vKŽ
W?łU(« XŽœ U?LK U¼c?OHM² W?OKO?BHð b?Ž«u l{Ë Âe?K²ð Êu½U?I« «c¼ w …b¹b?Ž ’uB½ X½U? U*Ë
h²<« d¹“u?« i¹uHð vKŽ ©≤≤® …œU*« XB½ b?I ¨ UL?OEM²« ÁcN W?½Ëd*« s —b dO?uð l p– v≈
UN?OKŽ ’u?BM*« —u_« hš_« vKŽË Êu½U?I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ c?OHM² W?“ö« `z«uK«Ë  «—«dI« —«b? « w
Æ…œU*« Ác¼ w

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decision of The Minister of State For U b)« Êu¾A WËb« d¹“Ë —«d
Services Affairs ± WM ± r—
No. (13) of Year 1987AD.

On The Issuance of The Executive Bylaw Êu½U?IÐ Âu??Ýd?LK W¹c??O?HM²« W?×?zö« —«b? UÐ
For The ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r—
Decree-Law No. (31) of Year 1987AD. X¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQý w
Regulating The Air-Transport Market In  Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë
≥± r— Êu½U??IUÐ Âu??Ýd*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b??FÐ
Minister of State for Services Affairs,
Following perusal of: Íu??'« qIM?« ‚u?Ý r?OEMð ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∑ W?M
- Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987 X¹uJ« w
concerning Regulating The Air-Transport fD??ž√ s ±≤ w? —œU?B?« Âu?Ýd?*« vKŽË
Market in Kuwait, WËb« d¹“Ë  U?? U?B??²?š« ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∂ WMÝ
- Decree issued on 12th August 1986  Ub)« ÊËRA
regarding the jurisdictions of the Minister
w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
of State for Services Affairs,
- And upon the proposal of the —d‡‡
Director General of Civil Aviation,
It Has Been Decided: ©±® …œU
r— Êu½UIÐ Âu?ÝdLK W¹cOHM²« W?×zö« —bBð
Article (1) q?IM?« ‚u?????Ý rO?EM?ð ÊQ?????ý w ±π∏∑ W?M? ≥±
It is to issue the Executive Bylaw for the
Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987
concerning Regulating The Air-Transport —«dI« «cN WI«d*«Ë X¹uJ« w
Market in Kuwait, a copy of which is
attached to this Decision. ©≤® …œU
Article (2) qLF?UÐ 5LzUI« ‚u?« ’Uý_ WKN? `M9
A grace period shall be granted to the WM? ≥± r— Êu½U???IÐ Âu??Ýd?*« ÂUJŠQÐ b???O??I???²K
individuals in the market who are
administering the work so as to adhere to
the provisions of the said Decree-Law No. ≥± w wN??²Mð W¹c??O?HM²?« t?²??×zôË t?O≈ —U??A*«
(31) of year 1987 and its Executive Bylaw ±π∏∑ d³L¹œ
which shall be concluded on 31st December
1987. ©≥® …œU
Article (3)
—«dI« «c¼ cOHMð w½b?*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b vKŽ
The Director General of Civil Aviation
shall execute this Decision, which shall
WOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë
enter into force as of the date it is published
in the Official Gazette.  Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë
Minister of State For Services Affairs
Issued on: 28th Muharam 1408AH. ‡¼±¥∞∏ Âd× ≤∏ ∫w —b
Corresponding to: 21st September 1987AD. ±π∏∑ d³L²³Ý ≤± ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Executory Order of the Law No.: (31/1987) w½b*« Ê«dODK W UF« …—«œù«
Regulating the Kuwait ± WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK W¹cOHM²« W×zö«
Air Transportation Market X¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQý w
Article (1)
Applications for obtaining the approval ©±® …œU‡
of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation …—«œù« W??I???«u?? v?KŽ ‰u??B???(« VKÞ Âb???I¹
to perform any activity in the Kuwait Air
‚u?Ý w ◊UA½ Í√ W?Ë«e* w½b*« Ê«dOD?K WU?F«
Transportation Market shall include the fol-
lowing details:  U½U??O??³« tÐ U??×?{u?? X¹uJ?« w Íu?'« q?IM«
1. The name of applicant and his nation- ∫WOU²«
Æt²OMłË VUD« rÝ« ≠ ±
2. The Commercial name of activity
center. Æ◊UAM« ed* Í—U−²« rÝô« ≠ ≤
3. The address of the activity center. Æ◊UAM« ed Ê«uMŽ ≠ ≥
4. The name of the manager in charge,
sŽ Öu/Ë t²O?MłË ‰ËR*« d¹b*« rÝ« ≠ ¥
his nationality and a specimen of his
signature. ÆtFOuð
5. The telephone numbers, telex or sita. ÆU²O« Ë√ fJK²«Ë nð«uN« ÂU—√ ≠ μ
6. Kind of activity.
Æ◊UAM« Ÿu½ ≠ ∂
Article (2)
Copy of the rent contract of the activity ©≤® …œU‡
center and copy of the civil identity card or e??d?? —U?−¹« b??I??Ž s W????½ VKDU?Ð od¹
nationality certificate of the applicant and
the manager in charge shall be attached to Ë√ W???O½b*« W???UD?³« s …—u??? Ë ◊U??A?M« WË«e???
the application. ƉËR*« d¹b*«Ë VUD« s qJ WOMł …œUNý
In case the applicant is a company, a
od¹ Wdý VKD« ÂbI? ÊU «–≈ U WUŠ wË
copy of the foundation contract, official let-
ter showing the name of the autorised per- W???d??A?« fO???ÝQð b??I???Ž s W??????½ VKD?« w
son to act on their behalf and specimen of U?N?MŽ ÷u?H*« h??A« rÝUÐ b??L?²?F?? »UDšË
his singnature shall be attached also the the
application. ÆtFOuð sŽ Öu/Ë
Article (3) ©≥® …œU‡
The Directorate General of civil Avia-
tion will issue the approval to perform the w½b*« Ê«d?O?DK W?U?F« …—«œù« W?I??«u? —b?Bð
activity for a period of one year and neces- V−?¹Ë …b????Š«Ë W?MÝ …b* ◊U?????AM« W?Ë«e???? v?KŽ
sary actions shall be taken for renewal at
U??NzU???N??²½« a¹—Uð q?³?? U¼b¹b??&  «¡«d???ł« –U??ð«
least thirty days before the expiry date.
As a condition for the issuance of this Ác¼ —Ëb??B ◊d??²??A¹Ë q_« v?KŽ U??u¹ 5Łö??¦Ð
approval, the deposit stipulated in Article ¨©±π® …œU*« w t?O≈ —U?A*« 5Q²« Ÿ«b?¹« WI?«u*«
(19) of the Law No. (31/1987) shall be
handed to the Directorate General of Civil
±π∏∑ W?M? ≥± r?‡— Êu?½U???????I?Ð Âu‡?‡?Ýd‡?*« s?‡‡?
Aviation. ÆtO≈ —UA*«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
After the approval of Ministry of Infor- —Ëb?? Ë Âö?Žô« …—«“Ë W??I?«u?? b??FÐ V−¹Ë
mation and issuance of the licence by the
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, a copy
b¹Ëeð W??ŽU?MB«Ë …—U??−??²« …—«“Ë s? hO??šd??²«
of this licence shall be provided to the Di- s W??????????MÐ w?½b*« Ê«d????O?DK? W????U?????F« …—«œù«
rectorate General of Civil Aviation, and no vKŽ q?¹b??Fð Í√ ‰U??šœ« “u??−¹ ôË ¨h?O??šd??²«
ammendments to this licence shall be made
unless after obtatining the approval of Min-
…—«œù«Ë ÂöŽô« …—«“Ë W?I«u bFÐ ô≈ hO?šd²«
istry of Information and the Directorate Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF«
General of Civil Aviation. ©¥® …œU‡ ¿
Article (4)
◊Ëd??A« ◊U??AM« e??d?? w d??«u?²?ð Ê√ V−¹
The activity center shall have the follow-
ing conditions: ∫WOU²«
a) To be in the ground floor or mezza- 5½«e????O*« Ë√ w?{—_« —Ëb« w Êu?J¹ Ê√ ≠ √
nine if in a commercial complex.
ÆÍ—U& lL− w ÊU «–≈
b) The area shall not be less than 32
square meters in case the center ac- d??«c??²« lO?Ð e??d?? W??ŠU???? qIð ô Ê« ≠ »
tivity is for selling teckets and pas- v?KŽ ≤Â≥≤ s?Ž »U?????d«  U?????b?????šË
sengers services whether on one or
e??d??Ë 5?¹u??²???? Ë√ b??Š«Ë Èu???²????
two levles and in case the center ac-
tivity is for air frieght not less than Æ≤Â¥∞ sŽ Íu'« s×A«
40 square meters. ÆWOłUł“ WNł«u« ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ Ã
c) Glazed frontage.
ƉËR d¹b t ÊuJ¹ Ê« ≠ œ
d) Shall has a manager in charge.
e) To be equiped with the necessary W“ö« ‰UBðô« qzUÝuÐ «eN− ÊuJ¹ Ê« ≠ ‡¼
communications with the airlines for  ö??U?F?? “U??$ô Ê«d?OD?«  U?d??ý l
the completion of apssengers formal-
Ë√ dðu?O³?L “U?N?ł WDÝ«uÐ ¡«uÝ »U?d«
ities whether through computer or
sita equipment, and in case of centers rEMð w²« VðUJLK W?³MUÐË U?²OÝ “U?Nł
organising inclusive tours there shall ÊuJð Ê« V−¹ WKU?ý W?O?ŽUL?ł  ö?Š—
be a commercial telex.
ÆÍ—U& fJK²Ð eN−
f) To be furnished suitably according to
the kind of activity. Æ◊UAM« Ÿu½ l W³ÝUM² tð«eON& ÊuJð Ê« ≠ Ë
Article (5) ©μ® …œU‡ ¿
To whom the licence is granted shall
Vł«u?« ◊Ëd??A« …U???Ž«d0 t h?šd*« Âe??²?K¹
abide with the conditions of the activity
center during the whole period of the li- hO?šd?²?« …b? ‰«uÞ ◊U?AM« e?d?? w U¼d?«uð
cence, and the Directorate General of Civil —UD?šUÐ w½b?*« Ê«d???ODK? W???U???F« …—«œù« Âu????IðË
Aviation will notify the defulted to fulfil
U¼U?B?√ …b? ‰ö?š ◊Ëd?A« ¡U?H?O?²?Ýô nU?<«
the conditions within three months from the
date of notification, otherwise, the licence ÆÁ¡UG« VKDð Ê« UN “Uł ô≈Ë —uNý WŁöŁ
may be cancelled.

©≤∞∞¥® WM ©≤∞® r— Í—«“Ë —«d Vłu0 ÎUC¹√ UNK¹b?Fð -Ë ¨©≤∞∞≤® WM ©∂¥® r— Í—«“Ë —«d Vłu0 ©¥® …œU*« q¹bFð - ¿
Æ…—uc*« …œULK ÂUJŠ_« iFÐ WU{ù
ÆWOU²«  U×HB« lł«— Æ©≤∞∞≤® WM ©∂¥® r— Í—«“Ë —«d Vłu0 ©μ® …œU*« q¹bFð - ¿

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Article (6) ©∂® …œU‡
The fares and rates along with the asso- Íu?'« qIM« —u?ł√Ë —U??F?Ý√ sŽ Êö?Žô« r²¹
ciated conditions approved according to Ar- …œU*« ÂUJŠ_ U??I??Ë U¼b¹b??% r²¹ w²« ◊Ëd??A«Ë
ticle (9) or the Law No. (31/1987), shall be ±π∏∑ WM? ≥± r— Êu½U???IU?Ð Âu??Ýd?*« s ©π®
published in at least two daily newspaper ¨q_« vKŽ 5²??O?u¹ 5²?H??O?×? w t??O≈ —U?A*«
and shall be shown in the activity center. Æ◊UAM« ed0 ÊöŽô« s …—u oBKðË
Article (7) ©∑® …œU‡
Market bodies shall inform the passen-
vK?Ž t??O???³?M²« ‚u???« ’U??????ý√ vKŽ V?−¹
gers to confirm their bookings (72) hours
before the date specified in their tickets,
∑≤ q³ r?¼dHÝ e?−Š b?OQ?²Ð s¹dU?*« —uN?Lł
and in case they decided not to travel they wË d?H?« …d?cð v?KŽ œb?;« b?Žu*« s W?ŽU?Ý
have to advise the concerned airline within W??d??ý —U?Dš« d??H??« w? rN??²??³??ž— Âb???Ž WU??Š
this period to cancel their booking or to fix ¡U?Gô …—u?c*« …b*« ‰ö?š pcÐ W?OMF*« Ê«d?OD«
another date for travel on the ticket. vKŽ d???H??K? b¹b??'« b???Žu*« XO???³??¦ð Ë√ e???−??(«
The airlines carrying indirect transit pas-
sengers through Kuwait shall confirm their
booking on the flights they will continue
e??−???Š b??O??Qð W?KUM« Ê«d???OD« W??d???ý vKŽË
their travel before their arrival to Kuwait ÊuK «uOÝ w²«  ö?Šd« vKŽ X¹e½«d²« »U—
International Airport, taking into considera- X¹uJ« —UD*« v?≈ rNu? Ë q³ U?N?OKŽ r¼d?H?Ý
tion that the minimum transit time is one X¹e½«d???²« …d???²??H v?½œ_« b??(« ÊuJ?¹Ë ¨wËb«
hour and half 1 1/2 hrs.). ÆnB½Ë WŽUÝ
Article (8)
©∏® …œU‡
The airlines carrying indirect transit pas-
sengers through Kuwait shall recieve those »U?????d W?KU?M« Ê«d?????OD?«  U????d?????ý Âu?????Ið
passengers upon their arrival to Kuwait In- —UD v≈ rN?u? Ë —u? rNU??³?I?²?ÝUÐ X?¹e½«d?²«
ternational Airport and guide them to com- l rNðöUF ¡U?N½ù rNNOłuðË wËb« X¹uJ«
plete their formalities with the other airlines ÊuK «u¹ ·u?Ý w²?« Èd?š_« Ê«d?OD«  U?d?ý
on whose flights they will continue their
—UD w rN??H?uð …d?²? X½U? «–≈ r¼d?H??Ý U?N?OKŽ
travel if their transit time will not exceed
w U??√  U??ŽU??Ý ∏ sŽ b?¹eð s wËb« X?¹uJ«
(8) hours, and if it exceeds this period they
shall arrange accommodation for those who –Uð« V−¹ t½U …b*« Ác¼ sŽ rN?Huð …œU¹“ WUŠ
have no right to enter the country, at the w œö?³?« ‰u?šœ oŠ t fO s? ¡«u¹«  «¡«d?ł«
Airport Transit Hotel or other hotels with …U?Ž«d? l dš¬ ‚bM Í√ Ë√ —U?D*« X¹e½«dð ‚bM
the observation of regulations applied by Ê« v≈ —UD*«  «“«uł q³ s WI³D*«  «¡«dłô«
the Airport Immigration and Passports Of-
 U?d?ý W?I??H½ vKŽ p–Ë r¼d?H?Ý b??Žu? 5×¹
fice, at the cost of the inbound airline until
the time of their travel.
In all cases, the transit passengers shall »U???— qE¹ Ê« V−?¹ ‰«u??Š_« l?O??L???ł wË
be onder the supervision and care of the v≈ WOMF*« Ê«dOD«  U?dý W¹UŽ— X% X¹e½«d²«
concerned airline until they leave Kuwait. Ær¼dHÝ r²¹ Ê√

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (9) ©π® …œU‡
All airlines operating to Kuwait Interna-
tional Airport shall make sure that all pas-
—UD? w W?KU????F« Ê«d????O?D«  U????d????ý v?KŽ
sengers bringing to Kuwait are holding the 5œU??I« rNÐU??— Ê√ s b?Q??²« wËb?« X¹uJ«
necessary entry visa or valid resident permit W¹—UÝ W?U≈ Ë√ ‰ušœ …dO?ýQð rN¹b X¹uJ« v≈
that gives them the right to enter the coun- WUŠ wË œö³« v≈ ‰ušbUÐ rN `Lð ‰uFH*«
try, and in case of violating this regulations
5HU?<« »U?d« …œU?ŽSÐ W??d?A« Âe?²Kð W?HU?<«
defaulted passengers shall be deporated at
the airline cost on the same flight they ar- Ë√ UNOKŽ 5œUI« …dzU?D«  «– vKŽ UNÐUŠ vKŽ
rive or on any other flight going to the tM ÂœU???I« bK?³« v≈ W???N??−??²??? Èd??š√ …d?zUÞ W¹√
country they came from in the same day, if —cFð WUŠ wË ¨Âu?O«  «– w nU<« V«d«
this is not possible on the same day they
w 5HU??<« »U?d?« ¡«u¹UÐ W?d??A« Âe??²Kð p–
will be accomodated in the Airport Transit
Hotel at the airline cost until they leave Ku- vK?Ž r¼d????H???Ý r?²¹ Ê√ v≈ —U?D*« X?¹e½«dð ‚b?M
wait on the first flight available. ÆWKŠ— »d√
Article (10)
©±∞® …œU‡
The tourism and Travel Offices, before
advertising any inclusive tours, shall submit q³??? d??H???«Ë W??ŠU???O??« V?ðUJ vK?Ž V−¹
applications to the Directorate General of .b?Ið WK?U?ý W?O?ŽU?L?ł  ö??Š— W¹√ sŽ Êö?Žô«
Civil Aviation to obtain their approval to ‰uB×K w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« v≈ VKÞ
organise these tours, and the application
Ê√ V−¹Ë  ö?Šd« Ác?¼ rOEM²Ð U?N?²??I?«u? vKŽ
shall include the following details:
a) Flight routing, serial number, date of ∫WOU²«  U½UO³« vKŽ VKD« qL²A¹
departing Kuwait and date of return. a¹—U?ðË U???N????L???—Ë W?KŠ— q? d???O????Ý jš ≠ √
b) The price of each tour to be marketed
Æ…œuF« a¹—UðË X¹uJ« UNð—œUG
to the public, the facilities and services to
be rendered to the tour participants indicat-
—u??N??L??'« v≈ WK?Š— q o¹u??ð d??F??Ý ≠ »
ing the level of the hotels in which they will Âb‡?I?????²????Ý w?²«  U?‡b?‡)«Ë  ö?????O????N??????????²«Ë
be accomodated. ‚œUMH?« W??ł—œ ÊU??OÐ l W?KŠd*« w 5—U??A???LK
There shall be attached with the applica-
tion the documents that assure their agree-
ment with the concerned airlines for the X³¦ð w²«  «bM²?*« VKDUÐ od¹ Ê√ V−¹Ë
groups booking on their travel and return, e?−?( W?OMF*« Ê«d?OD?«  U?d?ý l V²J*« ‚U?Hð«
and with the concerned hotels for the reser- lË ¨…œu?‡F«Ë d????H????K  U?‡Žu????L???:« sU????√
vation of the necessaty rooms to be accom-
odated in the countries they are going to
w W?U?û W“ö« ·d?G« e?−?( W?OMF*« ‚œUMH«
visit, as well as the form of the contract b???I???Ž Öu/ pc???Ë r?N½—Ëe???O???Ý w²« Ê«bK?³«
which will be concluded between the office w 5d²A*«Ë V²J*« 5Ð U Âd³OÝ Íc« ‚UHðô«
and the tours participants for approval.
Article (11)
The following shall be binding on the ©±±® …œU‡
tourism and travel offices after obtaining UN WI?«u*« bFÐ dH«Ë WŠU?O« VðUJ Âe²Kð

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

the approval to organise the inclusive tours: ∫wK¹ U0 WKUý WOŽULł  öŠ— rOEM²Ð
a) To show the reference and date of the
W??U??F« …—«œù« W??I??«u?? r— v≈ …—U??ýù« ≠ √
Directorate General of Civil Aviation
approval to organsie inclusive tours a¹—UðË WKŠd« rOEMð vKŽ w½b*« Ê«dODK
when advertising. ÆWKŠd« Ác¼ sŽ ÊöŽô« bMŽ WI«u*«
b) To present a cash deposit or a letter Á—b???? W?KŠ— q?J Íb?????I½ 5?Qð .b?????Ið ≠ »
of guarantee from a local bank for
pMÐ s ÊU??L??{ »UDš Ë√ „Æœ ©μ∞∞®
the amount of five hundred Kuwaiti
Dinars (KD. 500,000) for each tour
√b³ð U?u¹ 5²Ý …b* ‰uFH*« Í—U?Ý wK×
valid for a period of sixty days after b?FÐ 5Q?²« œd¹Ë W?KŠd« …œu?Ž a¹—Uð s
the date of the returning flight. The ÈuJý „UM¼ sJð r U …b*« Ác¼ ¡U?CI½«
deposit will be returned to the office ÆWKŠd« Ác¼ ÊQAÐ oOIײ« bO
after the expiry of this period, unless
ÊUO³Ð w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WUF« …—«œù« b¹Ëeð ≠ Ã
there is complain relating to this tour
under investigation. Ác¼ w? 5d????²???A*« ¡U????L???Ý√ s?L???C????²¹
c) to provide the Directorate General of s¹d?U??*« Ê«d?OD«  U?d??ýË  ö?Šd«
civil Aviation, at least one day before p–Ë UNO ÊuLOIOÝ w²« ‚œUMH«Ë UNOKŽ
the specified date of commencement
Âu?OÐ WKŠ— q d?H? œb;« a¹—U?²« q³?
of each tour, with the list of pastici-
pants, the airlines they will fly and Æq_« vKŽ
the hotels, they will stay. …dU? WŽuL?− q l UI?«d qÝd¹ Ê√ ≠ œ
d) each group shall be accompanied “U??$«Ë U??N???²¹U??Ž—Ë U??N?ðU??d??% qO??N?????²
with a tour guide to take care of them
o«d?*« ÊuJ?¹ Ê« V−?¹Ë rN?ðö?????U????F?????
and complete their formalities. The
tour guide shall be a good speaker of vKŽ W??O??³Mł_«  U??GK« Èb??Šù «b??O?−??
one foriegn language at least and has 5½«u?????Ë W?????O????«d?????G?????−Ð U?????LK?Ë q_«
a good knowledge about the coun- U?¼—Ëe??????²??????Ý w?²« œö??????³?«  «¡«d??????ł«Ë
tries they are going to visit and its
Laws and Regulations.
©±≤® …œU‡
Article (12)
The partcipants of the inclusive tours W?O??ŽU?L??'«  ö?Šd« w? 5d?²??A?LK “u??−¹
may present their complaints to the Directo- oH?²*« tðU?«e?²UÐ V²J*« ‰ö?š« WU?Š w WKU?A«
rate General of Civil Aviation within thirty W?U??F« …—«œù« v≈ r¼«uJA?Ð «u?b?I??²¹ Ê√ U?N??OKŽ
days of their return in case the organiser s d¦?_« vKŽ ÎUu¹ 5ŁöŁ ‰ö?š w½b*« Ê«dODK
does not fulfil with his obligations.
Æ…œuF« a¹—Uð
Article (13)
Inspection fee of seventy Kuwaiti Dinars
©±≥® …œU‡
(KD. 70.000) shall be charged when apply- w²?¹u??? —UM¹œ ©∑∞® U?¼—b??? Âu???Ý— qO???B???%
ing approval for licence issuance, licence —«b « vKŽ WI«u*« VKÞ bMŽ gO²H²«Ë nAJK
renewal or shifting the center of activity to ◊UAM« W?Ë«e ed? qI½ Ë√ Áb¹b& Ë√ hO?šd²«
a new address. Æb¹bł Ê«uMŽ v≈

±± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Ø¥ r— Í—«“Ë —«d
± WM ± r— Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝdLK W¹cOHM²« W×zö« s ©μ®Ë ©¥® 5ðœU*« q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQý w
± WM ± r— Í—«“u« —«dI« Vu0 …—œUB« X¹uJ« w

 ö«u*« d¹“Ë
WËœ w Íu??'« qIM?« ‚u?Ý rO?EMð ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r?— Êu½U?I?UÐ Âu?Ýd?*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b??FÐ
Æ ö«u*« d¹“Ë v≈  UUB²šô« iFÐ WU{SÐ π∞ر∞∏ r— ÂuÝd*« vKŽË
—«b?SР±π∏∑ d??³?L?²??³?Ý ≤± Œ—R*« ±π∏∑ WM? ±≥ r—  U?b??)« ÊËR?A WËb« d¹“Ë —«d?? vKŽË
ÆX¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQý w ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝdLK W¹cOHM²« W×zö«
∫w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« fOz— ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
©±® …œU‡
rOEMð ÊQ?ý w ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd?LK W¹c?OH?M²« W×zö?« s ©¥® …œU*« h½ ‰b³?²?¹
d??³?L??²?³??Ý ≤± a¹—U??²Ð ±π∏∑ WM? ±≥ r— Í—«“u« —«d??IUÐ …—œU?B?«Ë X¹uJ« w Íu??'« qIM« ‚u??Ý
∫wðü« hMUР±π∏∑
∫WOU²« ◊ËdA« ◊UAM« WË«e ed w d«u²ð Ê√ ◊d²A¹ ∫ôË√
vKŽ UŠu²?H ÊU «–≈ »«œd« —«Ëœ√ bŠ√ w ÊuJ¹ Ê√ “u?−¹Ë w{—_« —Ëb« w ed*« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ≠ √
Æ‚bM Ë√ Í—U& lL− w ÊU «–≈ 5½«eO*« —«Ëœ√ bŠ√ w Ë√ UOKF« —«Ëœ_«
Ë√ bŠ«Ë Èu²? vKŽ ≤Â≥≤ sŽ WŠUO«Ë dH?«  UbšË d«c²« lOÐ ed W?ŠU qIð ô Ê√ ≠ »
Æ≤Â¥∞ sŽ Íu'« s×A« edË 5¹u²
ÆWOłUł“ WNł«u« ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ Ã
ƉËR d¹b t ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ≠ œ
ÆUNOKŽ ·—UF²*« W³ÝUM*« ‰UBðô« qzUÝË p– w U0 ◊UAM« Ÿu½ l W³ÝUM² tð«eON& ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ ‡¼
∫wK¹ U Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ w WŠUO«Ë dH« VðUJ w ◊UAM« WË«e* ◊d²A¹ ∫ÎUO½UŁ
qIM« œU?%« Ád?I¹ q¹bÐ ÂUE½ Í√ Ë√ ©BSP® W?OJM³«  U¹u??²« WDš ÂUE?M U?LCM? V²J*« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ≠ √
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« ÁbL²FðË ©UðU¹«® wËb« Íu'«
s2 d?H?« d?«c?ð  U?F?O?³?Ë e?−?Š w 5KU??F« s ≠ q_« vKŽ ≠ ÊUMŁ« V²?J*« Èb ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ≠ »
∫5OU²« 5ÞdA« ö Ë√ bŠ√ Êuu²¹
wU−? w q_« vKŽ ©WO?ÝUÝ√® V¹—bð …—Ëb nþu*« “UO?²ł« bO?Hð WOL?KŽ …œUNý vKŽ ‰u?B(« ≠ ±
ÆdH« d«cð —«b ≈ Ë√ØË e−(«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

s¹—u?c*« 5U:« w nþu*« qL?FÐ bO?Hð WŠU?O«Ë d?H« VðUJ? bŠ√ s …d?³š …œU?Ný …“U?OŠ ≠ ≤
Æq_« vKŽ  «uMÝ ÀöŁ …b* ÁöŽ√
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©e?«d*«® b?¼U?F*« ¡U?L??Ý√ sL?C??²ð W?LzU?? w½b*« Ê«d?OD?K W?U?F?« …—«œù« —b?BðË Æ©UðU¹«® w?Ëb« Íu?'«
Æ©UðU¹«® wËb« Íu'« qIM« œU%« s …bL²F*«
©≤® …œU‡
d?c« W?HU?Ý ±π∏∑ W?M ≥± r— Êu½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd?LK? W¹c?O?HM²« W?×zö« s ©μ® …œU?*« h½ ‰b?³?²?¹
∫wU²« hMUÐ
hOšd²« …b ‰«uÞ W×zö« Ác¼ s ©¥® …œU*« w UN?OKŽ ’uBM*« ◊ËdA« …UŽ«d0 t hšd*« Âe²K¹
—u?Ný WŁöŁ U¼U?B√ …b? ‰ö?š ◊ËdA« ¡U?HO?²?Ýô nU<« —UDšUÐ w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?UF« …—«œù« Âu?IðË
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©≥® …œU‡
ÆÂ≤∞∞≥ u¹U ≥± w wN²Mð —«dI« «c¼ ÂUJŠQÐ bOI²K qLFUÐ 5LzUI« ‚u« ’Uý_ WKN `M9
©¥® …œU‡
…b¹d??'« w Ád??A½ a¹—U?ð s tÐ qL??F¹Ë —«d??I« «c¼ c??O??HM?ð w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U??F« …—«œù« fO?z— vKŽ
 ö«u*« d¹“Ë

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Â≤∞∞≤ d³Lu½ ≥∞ ∫o«u*«

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¥ WM ©® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
ÂuÝdLK W¹cOHM²« W×zö« s ©¥® …œU*« v ÂUJŠ_« iFÐ WU{ ÊQAÐ
X¹uJ« w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð ÊQý w ± WM ©±® r— Êu½UIUÐ

∫W¹—«œù« WOLM²« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“ËË jOD²« d¹“ËË  ö«u*« d¹“Ë

ÆW¹—U−²«  ö;« hOš«dð ÊQý w ±π∂¥ WM ©≥≤® r— Êu½UI« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
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ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë —«dI« «c¼ cOHMð w½b*« Ê«dOD« fOz— vKŽ ∫ÎU¦UŁ
 UH«u*« d¹“ËË WOöÝù« Êu¾A«Ë ·UË_« d¹“Ë
w³KO;« œuFÝ tK« b³Ž
∫v≈ W½
Ê«dOD« WöÝ Êu¾A ÂUF« d¹b*« VzU½ æ Æw½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b V²J æ Æw½b*« Ê«dOD« fOz— V²J æ
ÆnzUþu« VOðdð r æ ÆWM−K« ¡UCŽ« lOLł æ ÆÍu'« qIM« …—«œ≈ d¹b æ ÆÍu'« qIM«Ë

±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decision No. (6/458) Dated 1st ± u¹U ± a¹—U²Ð ©¥μØ® r— —«d
May 2001
Regarding Amending The Standards for …—«œù« UI«u `M fÝ« q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
Granting The Directorate General of —«b
« U³KÞ vKŽ w½b*« Ê«dODK W UF«
Civil Aviation Approvals on The
Ê«dOD« Udý UA½ WË«e hOš«dð
Applications For Issuing Licenses To
Practice The Activities of Airline dH«Ë W‡ŠUO« VðUJ Ë öu«Ë
Companies, Agencies, Travel Tourism Íu'« s×A«Ë
Offices, And Air-Cargo

Following perusal of: r?— Í—«œù« —«d??????I?« v?KŽ Ÿö?Þù« b??????F?Ð ≠

- Administrative Resolution No. (1/94)
issued on 2/1/1994AD. regarding the ÊQ??A?Р±ππ¥Ø±Ø≤ a¹—U??²Ð —œU???B« ©π¥Ø±®
Standards for Granting The Directorate w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«  UI«u `M fÝ«
General of Civil Aviation Approvals on the
Applications for Issuing Licenses to Ê«d??OD«  U??d??ý ◊U?A?½ WË«e?? hO?š«d?ð vKŽ
Practice the Activities of Airline ÆdH«Ë WŠUO« VðUJË  öu«Ë
Companies, Agencies, and Tourism &
Travel Offices, a¹—U?²Ð —œU?B« ©∞∂∑≤® r?— —«d?I« vKŽË ≠
- Decision No. (0672) issued on `?M? f?Ý« q?¹b????????F?ð ÊQ?????????A?Р±ππ¥Ø∑Ø≤∂
26/7/1994AD. regarding Amending the
Standards For Granting the Directorate vKŽ w?½b*« Ê«d??O?DK W??U???F« …—«œù«  U??I???«u??
General of Civil Aviation Approvals on  U?d?ý ◊U?A½ WË«e? hO?š«dð —«b? «  U?³KÞ
The Applications For Issuing Licenses to
Practice the Activities of Airline ÆdH«Ë WŠUO« VðUJË  öu«Ë Ê«dOD«
Companies, Agencies, and Tourism & W???U??F?« …—«œù«  U??I???«u?? `?M* U???L??OE?MðË ≠
Travel Offices,
- Seeking to regulate the granting of  ôU???Ë ◊U??A½  ôË«e??? vKŽ w?½b*« Ê«d??O?DK
the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
s×??A«Ë d??H???«Ë W??ŠU??O??« VðUJ?Ë Ê«d??OD«
approvals for practicing the activities of
airline agencies, tourism & travel offices, Âu???Ýd???L?K U???I???Ë X?¹uJ« ‚u????Ý w Íu???'«Ë
and air-cargo in the Kuwaiti market
pursuant to Decree-Law No. (31) of year rOE?Mð ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∑ WM ©≥±® r?— Êu½U??IUÐ
1987 concerning Regulating The ÆÍu'« qIM« ‚uÝ
Air-Transport Market,
- In order to provide the service to the s¹d?U?*« —uN?L?' Wb?)« d?Ou?² U?I?OI?%Ë ≠
passengers and freighters throughout the
ÆX¹uJ« WËœ ¡U×½« lOLł w 5MŠUA«Ë
State of Kuwait,
It has been decided: ∫wK¹ U —dIð bI
First: Granting approvals on the
—«b?? «  U?³K?Þ vKŽ  U??I?«u*« `?M ÊuJ¹ ∫ôË√
applications for issuing licenses to
practice the activities of tourism & d?H?«Ë W??ŠU?O?« ◊U?A½ WË«e?* hO?š«dð
travel and air-cargo inside the city of
X¹u?J« WM?¹b???? qš«œ Íu????'« s×????A«Ë
Kuwait shall be restricted to the
following categories: ∫WOU²«  U¾H« vKŽ «d U

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

A- The airline companies of the fK−?? ‰Ëb W??FÐU??²« Ê«d??OD«  U??d??ý ≠ √
Cooperation Council of Gulf Arabian
countries. WOÐdF« ZOK)« ‰Ëb ÊËUF²«
B- The General Agents of the WOMF*« Ê«dOD«  UdA ÊuUF« ¡öu« ≠ »
concerned airline companies
qIM?« rOEM?² W??OzUM?Ł  U??O??U??Hð« vK?Ž ¡UMÐ
according to bilateral agreements to
regulate the air-transport between the Ác¼ U?N W?FÐU?²«  U?uJ(« 5ÐU? Íu?'«
governments of the said airline
ÆX¹uJ« WËœ WuJŠË  UdA«
companies and the Government of the
State of Kuwait. ‰Ëb Ê«dOD«  U?dA ÊuU?F« ¡öu« ≠ Ã
C- The General Agents of the North w qL?FUÐ U?N Õd?B*« W?OU?L?A« UJ¹d?«
American airline companies
authorized to operate in Kuwait
W?O?Dš  U?I?«u?? Vłu0 X¹uJ?« ‚u?Ý
market by virtue of written approvals ÆUNðUuJŠ s
from their respective governments.
Ê«d???O?D«  U???d???A? Êu???U???F« ¡ö????u« ≠ œ
D- The General Agents of the airline
companies of which are Active (Active Members) 5KU??F« ¡U??C??Žô«
Members of the International Íu??????????'« q?I?M?K? w?Ëb?« œU??????????%ô« w?
Air-Transport Association (IATA).
E- The General Agents of airline Æ(IATA)
companies operating directly to w²« Ê«d?OD«  U?d?A ÊuU?F« ¡ö?u« ≠ ‡¼
Kuwait International Airport upon a
temporary permit from the
X¹uJ« —UD v≈ d?ýU³*« qO?GA²U?Ð ÂuIð
Directorate General of Civil Aviation. s? XR????? `?¹d?????B?ð vK?Ž ¡UM?Ð wËb?«
All the approvals and licenses issued
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
prior to the date of this Decision shall be
excluded from these conditions.  U?????I?????«u*« l?O????L?????ł p?– s wM?¦?????²?????¹Ë
Second: Granting the approvals on the Æ—«dI« «c¼ a¹—Uð q³  —b w²« hOš«d²«Ë
applications of issuing licenses to
practice the activities of airline —«b? «  U?³KÞ vKŽ  U?I?«u?*« `M ÊuJ¹ ∫U?O½UŁ
companies, tourism & travel offices Ê«d??OD«  U??d???ý WDA½√ WË«e?* hO??š«dð
and all the other air-cargo offices in
VðUJ W??U?Ë d??H?«Ë W??ŠU?O??« VðUJË
the districts outside the city of Kuwait
shall be for the parties that are not W?F?«u« oÞUM*« w Èd?šô« Íu?'« s×?A«
satisfying the conditions stated in Para
t?O? d?u²?ð ô s qJ X¹uJ« WM¹b? ×U?š
Third: In all cases, the approvals on the ÆôË√ …dIH« w …—uc*« ◊ËdA«
applications for issuing licenses to vKŽ  U?I?«u*« Êu?J𠉫u?Š_« lO?L?ł w ∫U?¦UŁ
practice any activity in the
air-transport market shall be subject to
◊U??A½ Í√ WË«e* hO??š«dð —«b?? «  U??³KÞ
the endorsement of the president of the œU??L?²??Žô W?F??{U?š Íu??'« qIM« ‚u??Ý w

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation s Ë√ w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U??F« …—«œù« fOz—
or his assignee.
Fourth: Decision No. (1/94) issued on ÆtMŽ »uM¹
2/1/1994 and Decision No. (0672) a¹—U?²Ð —œUB« ©π¥Ø±® r— —«d?I« d³?²F¹ ∫UFЫ—
issued on 26/7/1994 stated above shall
—œUB« ©∞∂∑≤® r— —dI*«Ë ±ππ¥Ø±Ø≤
be deemed as annulled.
The Director of Air-Transport Áö?Ž√ U?L?N?O« —U?A*« ±ππ¥Ø∑Ø≤∂ a¹—U?²Ð
Department must enforce this Decsion Æ5Ožô
Decision effective from the date herein.
oO??³Dð …U??Ž«d?? Íu?'« qI?M« …—«œ≈ d¹b?? vKŽ
President of Civil Aviation Æt¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž« p–
w½b*« Ê«dOD« fOz—

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

Council of Ministers Resolution ± Øر a¹—U²Ð ¡«—“u« fK —«d
Dated 1/8/1976AD.

About Considering All Staff orking At

Kuwait International Airport To Be X¹uJ« —UD w 5KUF« WU —U³²Ž« ÊQAÐ
nder The Supervision of The w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« ·«dý« X% wËb«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation

The Secretariat General of the Council rJGK³ð Ê« ¡«—“u« f?K: WU?F« W½U?_« d?¹
Ministers is pleased to inform you that the
Council of Ministers in its Session (32/76) a¹—U??²Ð …b?I??FM*« ©∑∂Ø≥≤® t??²?K?−Ð fK:« Ê«
held on 1/8/1976 has discussed the report of W????HKJ?*« WM−?K« d?¹d???I?ð gU½ b???? ±π∑∂Ø∏ر
the Committee commissioned to prepare a
study aiming at improving the service at the —UD*« w Wb)« 5?% v≈ ·bNð WÝ«—œ œ«bŽUÐ
civil airport. The esteemed Council of W?I?«u*UÐ d?u*« fK:« Í√— d?I?²?Ý« b?Ë Æw½b*«
Ministers has decided on approving the
following: ∫wK¹ U vKŽ
First: Considering all the staff …e?N??ł√ nK²?0 5KU??F« W?U? —U??³?²?Ž« ∫ÎôË√
working in the various bodies of
Kuwait International Airport to be …—«œ≈ ·«d???ý« X?% vËb« X?¹uJ« —U?D
under the supervision of Directorate Æw½b*« Ê«dOD«
General of Civil Aviation.
Second: Approving all the  «—«dI«Ë  UO u²« WU vKŽ WI«u*« ∫ÎUO½UŁ
recommendations and decisions W?????????b?????????I?*« W????????Ý«—b?« w?  œ—Ë w?²?«
stated in the study presented to the
Council of Ministers ÆfK−LK
Third: Requesting each of the ≠ W???OK?š«b« …—«“Ë s q? s VK?D« ∫ÎU???¦UŁ
Ministry of Interior, Directorate
General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of W??OKš«b« …—«“ËË ¨≠ w?½b*« Ê«d??OD« …—«œ≈
Interior - Naturalization, Passports ¨≠ W?U?ù«Ë  «“«u?'«Ë W??O?M'« …—«œ≈ ≠
and Residency Department, Ministry
of Communications - Customs & „—U?????L??????'« …—«œ≈ ≠  ö????? «u?*« …—«“ËË
Ports Department and Ministry of ≠ W???U???F« W???×???B« …—«“ËË ¨≠ ¡w?½«u*«Ë
Public Health - Health Quarantine to
hold a meeting amongst themselves in UNMO?Ð ULO? ŸUL?²ł« bI?Ž ≠ w×B« d?−;«
order to set up a careful coordination v≈ ·b???N?¹ oO???œ oO????Mð l{Ë q?ł√ s
aiming at realizing the decision of the
Council of Ministers and implement l{u???? t???F???C?¹Ë fK?:« —«d??? oO????I???%
same. ÆcOHM²«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Council of Ministers Resolution
Dated 1/8/1981AD. ‡¼±±Øر a¹—U²Ð ¡«—“u« fK —«d

Sub ect: Follow- p on Implementing

The Council of Ministers Resolution ¡«—“u« fK− —«d oO³Dð WFÐU² —U³²Ž« ÊQAÐ
Concerning The Supervision of The vKŽ w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« ·«dýUÐ ’U)«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation On
The Personnel Operating At Kuwait wËb« X¹uJ« —UD0 5KUF«
International Airport.

We would like to inform you that the t????²????K−Ð ¡«—“u?« fK?−??? Ê√ r?JðœU????« œu½
Council of Ministers, in its Session No.
(44/81) held on 4/10/1981, has perused
b?? ±π∏±Ø±∞Ø¥ a?¹—U??²Ð …b??I???FM*« ©∏±Ø¥¥®
your letter dated 29/9/81 No. 13656 rd?*«Ë ∏±ØπØ≤π Œ—R*« rJ?ÐU???²???? vKŽ l?KÞ«
concerning the follow-up on implementing
the Resolution of the Council of Ministers
fK−??? —«d?? o?O??³D?ð W??FÐU???²?? ÊQ???AРƱ≥∂μ∂
undertaken in its Session No. (32/76) on a¹—U²Ð ©∑∂Ø≥≤® r— t?²Kł w c?²*« ¡«—“u«
1/8/1976 concerning the supervision of the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation on
W??U??F« …—«œù« ·«d??ýUÐ ’U??)«Ë ±π∑∂Ø∏ر
the personnel operating at Kuwait X¹u?J« —U?D0 5?KU?????F« v?KŽ w?½b*« Ê«d?????OD?K
International Airport. The Council of
Ministers has decided to grant you the
¡«—“u« fK−?? —«d?? c?O??HMð „dð —d??Ë ÆwËb«
authority to implement the above ¡«d???łù rJ Áö???Ž√ t???O≈ —U??A?*« ©∂∑Ø≥≤® r—
mentioned Council of Ministers' Resolution
No. (32/76) so as carry out the
UL?O d_« W?¹u² W?OMF*«  UN?'« l  ôUBðô«
communication with the concerned bodies ÆUNMOÐ
to settle the matter between them.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Council of Ministers Resolution
© Ø® r— ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No.: (32/76) (44/81)
Date: 2/1/1984 ±¥Ø±Ø a¹—U²Ð ©±Ø¥¥®Ë

Sub ect: The Recommendations of The

Committee To Improve The Service At Wb)« 5% WM'  UOuð ∫Ÿu{u*«
Kuwait International Airport wËb« X¹uJ« —UD w

©∏¥Ø±® t?²?K−Ð ¡«—“u« f?K−? lKÞ« b?I?

The Council of Ministers, in its Session No.
(1/84) held on 2/1/1984, has perused the WM'  U?O? uð vK?Ž ±π∏¥Ø±Ø≤ a¹—U?²Ð …b?FM*«
recommendations of the Committee To
Improve The Services At Kuwait
¨w?Ëb« X?¹uJ?« —UD? w W??????b?????)« 5??????%
International Airport, and issued its vK?Ž W??I???«u*U?Ð ©±≤ØUMUŁ® r?— Á—«d?? —b??? √Ë
Resolution No. (Eight/12) concerning
approving determining the competencies of WKUF«  U?N'« s WN?ł q  U UB²?š« b¹b%
each body operating at the Airport in order »uKD*« oO?M²« s —b? d³?√ oO?I×?² —UD*« w
to achieve the highest level of coordination
between these bodies, especially in relation ≠ `¹—U?Bð —«b «®‡Ð oKF?²¹ UL?O WB? UšË U?NMOÐ
to (issuance of permits - uses of the private
dO?OGð ≠ W U)« ‰U?³I²?Ýô«  ôU  U«b?²Ý«
lounges - changing the duty-shifts at the
passports - following-up the health card). ©W?O?×?B« W??UD³« W?FÐU?²? ≠  «“«u??'« w WÐuM«
And in implementation of the two
©∑∂Ø≥≤® wL— ¡«—“u« fK−? Í—«d oO³DðË
Resolutions of the Council of Ministers No.
(32/76) and (44/81) stipulating that the W?U?F« …—«œù« vu?²?ð ÊQÐ 5O?{U?I« ©∏±Ø¥¥®Ë
Directorate General of Civil Aviation shall
assume supervising the personnel and …e?Nł_«Ë 5KU?F« vKŽ ·dýô« w½b*« Ê«d?ODK
equipment at Kuwait International Airport, v?≈ —«d??????I?« W?U??????Š«Ë ¨w?Ëb?« X¹u?J?« —UD?0
and also referring the Resolution to the
Higher Council of Civil Aviation for ÆÁcOHM² w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:«

Secretary General of ¡«—“u« fK: ÂUF« 5_«

The Council of Ministers

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Council of Ministers Resolution ± WM ©  ® r— ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No. (767) of Year 1989

Sub ect: International Civil Aviation

wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM ØŸu{u*«
Organi ation (ICAO)

The Council of Ministers has perused, in

©∏πØ≥¥® t²K−Ð ¡«—“u« fK−? lKÞ« bI
its Session (34/89) held on 20/8/89, the
recommendations of the Preparatory WM−K«  UO? uð vKŽ ∏πØ∏Ø≤∞ a¹—U²Ð b?IFM*«
Ministerial Committee in its Meeting No.
(32/89), and issued its Decision No. (767)
∏πØ® r— U?N??ŽU?L?²?ł« w? W¹d?O?C?×??²« W¹—«“u«
acknowledging the report of the Fifth d¹d?I??²Ð rKFUÐ ©∑∂∑® r— Á—«d?? —b? √Ë ¨©≥≤
Meeting of the Ministers in-charge of Civil
Aviation in the Gulf Cooperation Council Ê«dOD« sŽ 5ËR*« ¡«—“uK fU?)« ŸUL²łô«
Arabian countries, and decided the WOÐdF« ZOK)« ‰Ëb ÊËUF²« fK− ‰ËbÐ w½b*«
1- Confirming the Council of Ministers' ∫wU²« —dË
Decision taken in its Session (27/87) c????²*« ¡«—“u« fK−?? —«d?? vKŽ b??O??Q??²« ≠ ±
where the obligation of settling the
contribution of the State of Kuwait in the œ«b?Ý  U?«e?²« ÊuJð Ê√ ©∏∑Ø≤∑® t?²?K−Ð
costs of entering the Arabic language as ‰U??šœ« n?OUJð w? X¹uJ« W?Ëœ W??L¼U?????
a working language in the International
Civil Aviation Organization for a period Ê«d?OD« W??LEM w qL?Ž W??GK W?OÐd?F?« W?GK«
of 3 years only (3 installments), ≥® j?I??????????????  «u?M?Ý ≥ …b??* w?Ëb?« w??½b?*«
provided that this obligation shall
afterward be within the budget of the p– b???FР«e??²ô« Êu?J¹ Ê√ vKŽ ¨©◊U?????√
organization (ICAO).
ÆWLEM*« WO½«eO sL{
2- Requesting from the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation to provide the w½b?*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F?« …—«œù« s VK?D« ≠ ≤
Council of Ministers with the annual
W??OU‡*«  U??«e??²ôU?Ð ¡«—“u‡« fK−?? b‡?¹Ëe‡ð
financial obligations resulting from
operating the Joint Bureau of the Gulf „d?²?A*« V²J?*« qO?G?Að vKŽ W?³ðd?²?*« W¹uM«
Cooperation Council countries at the
International Civil Aviation
Ê«d??OD« W??LEM Èb ÊËU??F??²« fK−?? ‰Ëb
Organization (ICAO) and the share of ÆUNM X¹uJ« WBŠË wËb« w½b*«
Kuwait therein.
This with reference to the letter of the Ê«d??ODK W??U??F« …—«œù« »U?²?? v≈ …—U??ýùUÐ
Directorate General of Civil Aviation dated ¥μ≤± r???d????*«Ë ±π∏πØ∏Ø∑ Œ—R???*« w????½b???*«
7/8/1989 reference No. 4521, and the letter
of the Ministry of Planning dated 12/8/1989 ±π∏πØ∏ر≤ Œ—R*« jO?D??²« …—«“Ë »U??²??Ë
reference No. 284. Æ≤∏¥ rd*«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Council of Ministers Resolution ©® r— ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No. (228) Dated 12/3/2000 Øر a¹—U²Ð

Sub ect: Canceling Two Council of

s¹c²*« ¡«—“u« fK− Í—«d ¡UG≈ ∫Ÿu{u*«
Ministers Resolutions Adopted in Its
Meetings Nos. (51/81) and (11-55/96) ©π∂Øμμ≠±±® ¨©∏±Øμ±® wL— tOŽUL²ł« w

The Council of Ministers has perused, in t???ŽU???L???²???ł« w ¡«—“u« fK?−??? lKÞ« b???I???
its Meeting No. (11/2000) held on
12/3/2000, the minutes of meeting No. ≤∞∞∞Ø≥ر≤ a¹—U????²Ð b???I???F?M*« ©≤∞∞∞ر±®
(7/200) of the Committee For Economic Êu¾A« W?M−K ©≤∞∞Ø∑® ŸUL²łô« dC?× vKŽ
Affairs held on 1/3/2000, and following the
b?FÐË ¨≤∞∞∞Ø≥ر a¹—U²?Ð bI?FM*« W¹œU?B²?ô«
review of the recommendations stated
therein, the Council of Ministers has issued —b?? √ ¨tML?{ …œ—«u?«  U?O?? u?²« ÷«d??F?²??Ý«
its Resolution No. (228/ Fourth) as follows: ∫wU²« ©ÎUFЫ— Ø≤≤∏® r— Á—«d fK:«
Approving canceling the following two
Council of Ministers' Resolutions: ¡«—“u« fK?−?? Í—«d??? ¡U??G≈ v?KŽ W??I???«u*«
1- The Resolution adopted in its ∫5OU²«
Meeting No. (51/81) held on 23/11/1981, ©∏±Øμ±® r— t?ŽU?L?²łUÐ c??²*« —«d?I« ≠ ±
which stipulates "Approving the request of
Kuwaiti Airways Corporation to improve w?{U?????I« ±π∏±Ø±±Ø≤≥ a?¹—U?????²?Ð b?????I?????FM?*«
its current services offered by the W¹u??'« ◊uD)« W????ÝR?? VKÞ v?KŽ W??I??«u*UÐò
information system and the automated
centre by installing computer devices at the ÂUE½ UNbI¹ w²« WOU(« UNðUbš d¹uD²Ð WO²¹uJ«
offices of the travel agencies for the dðuO?³L …eN?ł√ VOd²Ð wü« e?d*«Ë  UuKF*«
purpose of establishing a more ÂUE½ œU??−¹≈ ÷d??GÐ d??H??«  ôU?Ë VðU?J w
comprehensive system and of larger
capacity in this domain". Æå‰U:« «c¼ w WFÝË ôuLý d¦√
2- The Resolution No. (498/ Second) c????????????²*« ©U??????O½U?Ł Ø¥π∏® r?— —«d?????I?« ≠ ≤
adopted in its Meeting No. (11-55/96) held
on 22/12/1996, which stipulates
a¹—U??²Ð b?I??FM*« ©π∂Øμμ≠±±® r— t??ŽU?L?²??łUÐ
"Approving restricting the provision of d?B?Š vKŽ W?I?«u*UÐò w{U?I« ±ππ∂ر≤Ø≤≤
ground services for the airline companies Ê«d??O?D«  U??d???A W??O???{—_«  U??b??)« .b???Ið
operating at Kuwait International Airport to
Kuwaiti Airways Corporation or to the W?????ÝR?? w wËb?« X¹uJ« —U?D w WKU???F«
companies established by the said w²?«  U???d???AUÐ Ë√ W???O???²?¹uJ« W¹u???'« ◊u?D)«
corporation for this purpose, and for this to
be for a period of 10 years starting from
d?A?Ž …b* p?–Ë ÷d?G« «c?N W??ÝR*« U??NðQ?A½√
22/12/1996". Æå±ππ∂ر≤Ø≤≤ s «—U³²Ž«  «uMÝ
Authorizing the Directorate General of …d?ýU³0 w?½b*« Ê«dODK W?U?F« …—«œû Ê–ù«Ë
Civil Aviation to initiate qualifying and
assigning the provision of some or all  U??b??)« lO??L??ł Ë√ i?FÐ .b??Ið œUMÝ≈Ë q?O¼Qð
ground services at Kuwait International  U??d???AK w?Ëb« X¹uJ« —U?D w W???O??{—_«
Airport to the companies and
sŽ ¨‰U??:« «c¼ w W??B??B????²*«  U????ÝR*«Ë
establishments specialized in this field,
through a public tender with the aim to vK?Ž ‰u???B???(« ·b???NÐ W???U????Ž W???B???UM o?¹dÞ
attain distinct services and to allow for the 5Ð W?????UM*« √b???³?? W??ŠUð≈Ë …e???O??L??²??  U???b??š
principle of competition between
companies specialized in this field. ƉU:« «cNÐ WBB²*«  UdA«
This is for your kind review, ¨ŸöÞôUÐ qCH²K

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Council of Ministers Resolution  WM © ® r— ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No. (937) of Year 2002

—UD w Íu'« s×A« vM³ ∫Ÿu{u*«

Sub ect: The Air-Cargo Building At wËb« X¹uJ«
International Airport
r— t?ŽU?L??²?ł« w ¡«—“u« fK−? l?KÞ« b?I?
The Council of Ministers has perused in ≤∞∞≤ØπØ≤≤ a¹—U????²Ð b???I???F?M*« ©≤∞∞≤Ø¥≥®
its Meeting No. (43/2002) held on
WM−K ©≤∞∞≤Ø≤∞® r— ŸUL?²łô« dC?× vKŽ
22/9/2002 the minutes of meeting No.
(20/2002) of the Committee for Economic ≤∞∞≤ØπØ a¹—U?²Ð b?I?FM*« W¹œU?B?²?ô« ÊËR?A«
Affairs held on 16/9/2002, and after ¨tML{ …œ—«u«  UO u²« ÷«dF²Ý« bFÐË ¨±∂
examining the recommendations stated
©≤ØôË√ Øπ≥∑® r?— Á—«d??????? fK?:« —b??????? √
therein, the Council of Ministers issued its
Resolution No.(937/ First/ 2) as follows: ∫wU²«
Commissioning the Directorate General –U?ðUÐ w?½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?U?F?« …—«œù« nOKJð
of Civil Aviation to undertake all the
necessary procedures to ensure WU?L?F« W?³?½ qG?ý ÊU?L?C W?“ö«  «¡«d?łù«
implementing the quota of the national W?B?UM w …ezU?H« W?d?A« v?KŽ …—d?I*« W?OMÞu«
workforce determined on the company
W??OMÞu« WU??L??F« s W??O??{—_«  U?b??)« .b??Ið
awarded the tender for providing ground
services, and who are to be from amongst W¹u????'« ◊uD)« W???????ÝR??? s q w? WKU????F«
the national workforce operating at both Ê«d??OD«  U?b??) W?O??²¹uJ« W??d?A?«Ë W?O??²¹uJ«
Kuwait Airways Corporation and Kuwait
Aviation Services Company (KASCO).
For your kind review, ¨ŸöÞôUÐ qCH²K

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Council of Ministers Resolution  WM © ® r— ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No. (937) of Year 2002

Sub ect: Requests For Establishing WO²¹u  Udý fOÝQð  U³KÞ ∫Ÿu{u*«
Kuwaiti Companies In The Field of
Íu'« qIM« ‰U− w qLFð

The Council of Ministers has perused, in r— t?ŽU?L??²?ł« w ¡«—“u« fK−? l?KÞ« b?I?
its Meeting No.(43/2002) held on
22/9/2002, the minutes of meeting No.
≤∞∞≤ØπØ≤≤ a¹—U????²Ð b???I???F?M*« ©≤∞∞≤Ø¥≥®
(20/2002) of the Committee for Economic WM−K ©≤∞∞≤Ø≤∞® r— ŸUL?²łô« dC?× vKŽ
Affairs held on 16/9/2002, and after
≤∞∞≤ØπØ a¹—U?²Ð b?I?FM*« W¹œU?B?²?ô« ÊËR?A«
examining the recommendations stated
therein, the Council of Ministers issued the ¨tML{ …œ—«u«  UO u²« ÷«dF²Ý« bFÐË ¨±∂
Resolution No. (937/ Second) as follows: ∫wU²« ©UO½UŁ Øπ≥∑® r— Á—«d fK:« —b √
Approving, in principle, the
qI½ W?dý ¡U?A½≈ vKŽ √b?³*« YO?Š s WI?«u*«
establishment of a regional company for
passengers transport and an air-cargo l²??²ð Íu???'« s×??AK W??d??ýË W??O??L???OK≈ »U??—
company enjoying premium quality vK?Ž X¹uJ« l?Cð …œu???'« W???OU???Ž  U???H??? «u0
specifications in order to place the State of
Kuwait on the international cargo map, and s q? s VK?D«Ë ¨wËb?« s×????A« WÞ—U????š
requesting from both the Directorate ◊uD)« W??ÝRË w½b?*« Ê«dODK W?U?F« …—«œù«
General of Civil Aviation and Kuwaiti
¨5Žu?{u*« ‰u?Š W—Ë œ«b?ŽSÐ W?O?²¹uJ« W¹u?'«
Airways Corporation to prepare a paper on
the subjects and report to the Council of p–Ë t????O≈ q? «u???²« r?²¹ U0 f?K:« …U????«u???Ë
Ministers the results thereof within one Æt¹—Uð s Ÿu³Ý√ ‰öš
week from the date herein.
This is for your kind review,

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Council of Ministers Resolution ¡«—“u« fK —«d
No. (1098/ Fifth) Dated
Âر±Ø a¹—U²Ð ©U Uš ر® r—

Sub ect: Applications For Establishing

WO²¹u  Udý fOÝQð  U³KÞ ∫Ÿu{u*«
Kuwaiti Companies Operating In The
Field of Air-Transport Íu'« qIM« ‰U− w qLFð

The Council of Ministers has perused, in

its Meeting No. (48-2/2003) held on
r— t?ŽU?L??²?ł« w ¡«—“u« fK−? l?KÞ« b?I?
9/11/2003, the minutes of meeting No. ≤∞∞≥ر±Øπ a¹—U²Ð b?IFM*« ©≤∞∞≥Ø≤≠¥∏®
(17-2/2003) of the Economic Affairs
©≤∞∞≥Ø≤≠±∑® r— ŸU??L?²??łô« d??C?×?? vKŽ
Committee held on 3/11/2003, and after
examining the recommendations stated a¹—U???²Ð b???I???F?M*« W¹œU???B???²???ô« Êu???¾???A« WM−?K
therein, the Council of Ministers has issued  U?O?? u?²« ÷«d??F?²?Ý« b??FÐË ¨≤∞∞≥ر±Ø≥
its Resolution No. (1098/ Fifth) as follows:
r?— Á—«d????? f?K:« —«b?????? « ¨tM?L?????{ …œ—«u?«
1- Approving allowing the licensing of
establishing companies for air-cargo ∫wU²« ©UUšØ±∞π∏®
services, passengers transport services, and ¡U?A½SÐ hO?šd?²UÐ ÕUL?« vKŽ W?I?«u*« ≠ ±
air-transport services without
complementary services, this in accordance qI½  U?bšË Íu?'« s×?A«  Ub?)  Ud?ý
with the restrictions and conditions set out  U?b?)« ÊËbÐ Íu?'« qIM«  U?b?šË »U?d«
by the Ministry of Commerce & Industry
w²« ◊Ëd??A«Ë jЫu?C?« oË p–Ë ¨W?OU??LJ«
and in collaboration with the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation, provided that the l ÊËU??F?²UÐ W??ŽUMB«Ë …—U??−?²« …—«“Ë U??N?F??Cð
founders must own a share not exceeding ÊuJ?¹ Ê√ vKŽ ¨w?½b*« Ê«d???ODK? W???U???F« …—«œù«
30 and the remaining is to be launched as
public offering.
wU?³« ÕdD¹Ë •≥∞ “ËU?−²ð ô W?³?½ 5ÝR?LK
2- Commissioning the Directorate ÆÂUF« »U²²ö
General of Civil Aviation to carry out the
w½b?*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F?« …—«œù« nOK?Jð ≠ ≤
necessary procedures that would ensure
activating and facilitating the air-transport WdŠ qONðË jOAM²Ð WKOHJ«  «¡«dłù« –UðUÐ
traffic and opening the airspace for s b¹e*« ‰U?³?I?²?Ýô ¡«u?ł_« `²?Ë Íu?'« qIM«
receiving more air traffic.
Secretary General of The Council of
Ministers ¡«—“u« fK: ÂUF« 5_«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Council of Ministers Resolution ¡«—“u« fK —«d
Dated 15th November 2005 μ d³Lu½ ±μ a¹—U²Ð

Sub ect: Allowing The Ministers to se

Different Airlines ◊uDš «b²ÝUÐ ¡«—“uK ÕUL« ∫Ÿu{u*«
For The Official Missions WOLÝd« ÂUN*« w WHK² Ê«dOÞ
Upon the request of the Minister of
Planning and the Minister of State for WËb« d¹“ËË jOD??²« d¹“Ë ÷d?Ž vKŽ ¡UMÐ
Administrative Development Affairs ¡«—“u« fK− —«d ‰uŠ W¹—«œù« W?OLM²« Êu¾A
concerning the Council Ministers
Resolution No. (15/6) adopted in its r— t?????ŽU?????L?????²?????ł« w c??????????²?*« ©∂Ø±μ® r—
Meeting No. (31/84) held on 15/7/1984, ±π∏¥Ø∑رμ a?¹—U?????²?Ð b??????I??????FM?*« ©∏¥Ø≥±®
which stipulates "Obligating all the staff of
the Government Ministries, Institutions and
 «—«“u« wHþu?? lO?L??ł d?H?Ý Â«e≈ò‡Ð w?{U?I«
Authorities to travel onboard Kuwaiti w rN?UO b?MŽ WO?uJ(«  U¾?ON«Ë  U?ÝR*«Ë
Airways Corporation aircraft when carrying vKŽ jI?? W?O?L??OKFð  U?¦??FÐ Ë√ W?O??L?Ý—  U?L??N?
out official missions or educational
delegations". ÆåWO²¹uJ« W¹u'« ◊uD)« WÝR  «dzUÞ
The Council of Ministers has discussed, r— t?ŽU?L?²?ł« w ¡«—“u« f?K−? gU½ b?I?
in its Meeting No. (49/2005) held on
30/10/2005, the subject matter of restricting
≤∞∞μر∞Ø≥∞ a¹—U??²Ð b??I??FM*« ©≤∞∞μØ¥π®
the travel of the Ministers and their official œu???u«Ë ¡«—“u?«  ö???IMð —U????B???²???« Ÿu???{u???
delegates on official missions to the use of vKŽ W??O??L??Ýd«  U??L??N*« w W??I??«d*« W??O??L??Ýd«
the said aircraft. And since the timing and
routes of some of these flights are W?³??ÝUM Âb??F «dE½Ë ¨ «dzUD« p?Kð «b???²?Ý«
inconvenient for the starting and ending l  ö?????Šd« pK?ð ◊uD?šË b????O????Ž«u???? i?FÐ
dates of these missions, which in turn
requires designating private aircraft and
VKD²¹ U?2 ¨ U?L?N*« pKð ¡U?N?²½« Ë√ ¡bÐ b?O?Ž«u?
thus increases the travel costs of the vKŽ Vðd??²¹ U?Ë W? U??š …dzUÞ hO?B??ð d?_«
delegation, and seeking to facilitate the U?O?F?ÝË ¨b??u« d?H?Ý nOUJ?ð w …œU¹“ s p–
transportation of the Ministers in order to
carry out their official missions, therefore ¨W?OL?Ýd« rN?U?N? “U$ù ¡«—“u« qI?Mð qON??²
the Council of Ministers has issued its ∫wU²« ©±±∂∂® r— Á—«d fK:« —b « bI
Resolution No. (1166) as follows:
Approving for the Ministers and their
w rNO?I«dË ¡«—“u« «b?²Ý« vKŽ W?I«u*«
delegates on official missions the use of Ê«d???OD?« ◊uDš  «dzU?Þ W???O???L???Ýd«  U???L???N*«
different airlines which timing are Z«d?ÐË b????O????Ž«u???? l VÝU?M²?ð w²« W????H?K²????<«
convenient with the timing and programs of
their missions, and this shall represent an fK?−?? —«d??? s ¡UM?¦??²???Ý« p–Ë ¨r?NðU???L??N???
exception to the Council of Ministers' r— t??ŽU?L?²??ł« w c???²*« ©∂Ø±μ® r— ¡«—“u«
Resolution No. (15/6) issued in its Meeting
No. (31/84) held on 15/7/1984.
Ʊπ∏¥Ø∑رμ a¹—U²Ð bIFM*« ©∏¥Ø≥±®
This is for your kind review, ¨ŸöÞôUÐ qCH²K

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Ministerial Resolution ±¥ ÂUF ©® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
No. (38) of Year 1994AD. ‰Ëb WFÐU²« WOMÞu« öUM« oŠ ÊQAЮ
Minister of Commerce
Industry X¹uJ« WËbÐ dýU³*« lO³UÐ ÊËUF²« fK
©wK× qOH Ë ÂUŽ qOË v WU(« ÊËœ

Following perusal of:

- Law No. (36) of year 1964 WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë
concerning Regulating The Commercial ±π∂¥Ø≥∂ r— Êu½UI« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠
Agencies, ÆW¹—U−²«  öu« rOEMð ÊQAÐ
- Law No. (32) of year 1969 regarding
Regulating The Licenses of Retail Shops, ÊQ??AÐ ±π∂π WM ≥≤ r?— Êu½U?I?« vKŽË ≠
- Law No. (44) of year 1981 ÆW¹—U−²«  ö;« hOš«dð rOEMð
concerning Approving The Articles of ±π∏± W?M?? ¥¥ r?— Êu??½U???????????I?« v?K?ŽË ≠
Association of the Cooperation
Council of The Gulf Arabian States, fK?: wÝU???Ýô« ÂU?EM« v?KŽ W???I???«u?*UÐ
- Law No. (58) of year 1982 regarding ÆWOÐdF« ZOK)« ‰Ëb ÊËUF²«
Approving The Unified Economic ±π∏≤ W?M?? μ∏ r?— Êu??½U???????????I?« v?K?ŽË ≠
Agreement between the Cooperation
Council States, and …bŠu*« W¹œUB²ô« W?OUHðô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
- The Decisions of the 14th Session of ÆÊËUF²« fK− ‰Ëœ 5Ð
the Higher Board of the Cooperation …d???A????Ž W???F?Ыd« …—Ëb«  «—d????I??? v?KŽË ≠
Council of The Gulf Arabian States,
held in Riyadh during the period 20th
‰Ëb ÊËU??F??²« f?K: vKŽ_« fK?−??LK
-22nd of December 1993, ‰öš ÷U¹dUÐ  bIŽ w²« WOÐdF« ZOK)«
- It Has Been Decided - Ʊππ≥ d³L¹œ ≤≤≠≤∞ s …d²H«
Article (1)
The national airline companies "National
Carriers" of the Gulf Arabian States of the ©±® …œU
Cooperation Council are permitted to sell  ö??UM«ò W??OMÞu?« Ê«d?O?D«  U??d?A? `B¹
directly inside the State of Kuwait without
ZO?K)« ‰Ëb ÊËU???F??²« f?K−?? ‰Ëb? åW??OM?Þu«
the need for a general agent or a local
sponsor. W?łU(« ÊËœ X¹uJ« WËb?Ð dýU?³*« lO?³UÐ WOÐd?F«
Article (2) ÆwK× qOH Ë√ ÂUŽ qOË v≈
The implementation of Article (1) of this
©≤® …œU
Decree shall not prejudice the rights
resulting from the existing contracts —«d????I« «c?¼ s v?Ëô« …œU*« oO????³?Dð q?¹ ô
between the national airline companies of  Ud?ý 5Ð WLzUI« œuI?F« vKŽ W³ðd²*« ‚u?I(UÐ
the Gulf Arabian States of the Cooperation
ZOK?)« ÊËU?F??²« fK?−? ‰Ëb? W?O?MÞu« Ê«d??OD«
Council and their agents inside the State of
Kuwait. ÆX¹uJ« WËbÐ UNzöËË WOÐdF«
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
This Resolution shall be published in the
qL?F¹Ë W?OL?Ýd« …b¹d?'« w —«d?I« «c¼ d?AM¹
Official Gazette, and shall enter into force
as of its publishing date. Æ…dA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ
Minister of Commerce Industry. WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Ministerial Resolution No.( 21) of ¥ WM ©±® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Year 2004
Concerning The Rules of Regulating e (« rE½ qOGAðË rOEMð bŽ«u ÊQAÐ
And Operating The X¹uJ« WËœ w wü«
Computer Reservation System In The
State of Kuwait
∂∏ r— Êu½U??IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽ Ÿö?Þô« b?FÐ ≠
Following perusal of:
- Decree-Law No. (68) of year 1980 ¨…—U−²« Êu½U —«bSÐ ±π∏∞ WM
concerning the issuance of the Commercial ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
- Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987
X¹uJ?« w Íu??'« q?IM« ‚u??Ý r?OEMð ÊQ???ý w
concerning Regulating the Air-Transport ¨W¹cOHM²« t²×zôË
Market inside Kuwait and its Executive w½b*« Ê«d??ODK? W?U??F« …—«œù« s ÎU??d??ŠË ≠
Bylaw, and
- Given the endeavors of the WËœ w? Íu??'« q?IM« ‚u???Ý rO?EMð s???Š v?KŽ
Directorate General of Civil Aviation to X¹uJ«
properly regulate the air-transport market
inside the State of Kuwait, ∫wK¹ U —dIð bI
The following has been decided: ©±® …œU‡
Article (1)
The provisions of the "Code of Conduct qO?G??AðË rOEM² b??Ž«u? W½Ëb?ò ÂUJ?Š√ o³Dð
for Regulating and Operating The Ê«d?OD« W??LEM sŽ …—œU?B« åwü« e??−?(« rE½
Computer Reservation Systems" issued by
the International Civil Aviation ÊU?¹d???????????Ý √b?Ð w?²?«Ë ©ËU??J?¹ô«® w?Ëb?« w?½b?*«
Organization (ICAO) that became W¹√Ë ±ππ∂ر±Ø± s? Ϋ—U???³????²???Ž« U???N?u???F????H???
operational effective from 1/11/1996 and
any amendments effected thereon in the  Ubš l¹“uð vKŽ Îö³I²? UNOKŽ œdð  ö¹bFð
future, shall be applied to the distribution of wü« e??−??(« rE½ W?DÝ«uÐ wËb« Íu??'« q?IM«
the international air-transport services
through the Computer Reservation System
ÆX¹uJ« WËœ w
inside the State of Kuwait. ©≤® …œU‡
Article (2) ≥ …dI?H« w 5³ÞU?<« ‚u« ’U?ý√ vKŽ
The persons operating in this market
who are addressed in Para (3) of Article (1) ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½UIUÐ Âu?Ýd*« s ± …œU
of the Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987, U?N?³ÞU?ð  U?N?ł W¹√Ë wü« e?−?(« r?E½ wFzUÐË
the vendors of the Computer Reservation
Systems, and any entities addressed by the «e²ô« W?IÐU« …œU*« w …—uc*« bŽ«u?I« W½Ëb
said Code of Conduct in the previous  U?L?OKFð Í√ —UÞ≈ w p–Ë W?½Ëb*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠQÐ
Article, all must abide by the provisions of
this Code within the framework of any «c???NÐ w?½b*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F« …—«œù« U?¼—b???Bð
instructions to be issued by the Directorate Æ’uB)«
General of Civil Aviation in this regard.
Article (3) ©≥® …œU‡
The provisions of this Resolution shall a¹—Uð s? Ϋ—U?³??²??Ž« —«d??I« «c¼ ÂUJ?ŠQÐ qL??F¹
enter into force as of the date it is published
in the official gazette, and the concerned W?OMF*«  U?N?'« vKŽË W?OL?Ýd« …b¹d?'« w Ád?A½
authorities must execute same. ÆÁcOHMð
Minister of Communications Minister
of Planning jOD²« d¹“ËË  ö«u*« d¹“Ë
Minister of State For Administrative W¹—«œù« WOLM²« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“ËË
Development Affairs

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Code of Conduct
bŽ«u W½Ëb
For Regulating And Operating The
Computer Reservation Systems wü« e (« rE½ qOGAðË rOEM²

The Board of International Civil
Aviation Organization ICAO recognizes wËb?« w½b?*« Ê«d???O?D« W????L?EM f?K−???? Ê«
that the Computer Reservation Systems vKŽ …dO³ lUM0 œuFð wü« e−(« rE½ Ê√ „—b¹
provide substantial benefits to both the
air-transport industry and air-transport qIM?« wb????²???? v?KŽË Íu??'« qIM« W???ŽUM
users. However, such systems can also be rEM« Ác¼ ÊQ p– lË Æ¡«u?Ý bŠ vKŽ Íu'«
used in abusive ways. To promote
qł_Ë Æ…—U??{ ‚dD?Ð U?C?¹√ Âb???²???ð Ê√ sJ1
desirable practices and avoid harmful ones
in the distribution of air-carrier products  U?Ý—U??L*« VM&Ë W??F?UM«  U??Ý—U?L*« lO??−?Að
through the Computer Reservation
±ππ±Ø±≤ر∑ w? f?K?:« o«Ë ¨…—U?????????C?«
Systems, the Board has approved on
17/12/1991 the ICAO Code of Conduct for ¨wü« e??−???(« rE½ b??Ž«u??I? ËUJ¹« W½Ëb??? vKŽ
the Computer Reservation Systems and ÆUNŽU³ð« vKŽ ‰Ëb« YŠË
urged the States to adopt same.
The Board undertook, at the time, to
¡u?{ w W½Ëb*« WF?ł«d0 „«c½¬ fK:« bN?Fð
review the Code in the light of experience. fK:« l{Ë W??F??ł«d*« pKð ‰ö??šË ÆWÐd?−??²«
In the course of that review the Board has ËUJ¹« Èb …b?UF?²*« ‰Ëb« ÂUO? Èb Á—U?³²?Ž« w
taken into account application of the Code
by ICAO Contracting States, the need to
v≈ W??łU???(«Ë ¨„uK« b??Ž«u??? W½Ëb?? oO??³?D²Ð
strengthen the effectiveness of the Code, ÊQ?A?Ð ÂU?F« ‚U?H?ðô« dŁ√Ë ÆW½Ëb*« W?O?U?F? W¹u??Ið
the implications of the General Agreement ¨wü« e?−?(« rE½ qL?A¹ Íc«  U?b?)« …—U?&
on Trade in Services (GATS) which
includes Computer Reservation Systems,
w²« wü« e?−?(« rE?MÐ W? U?)«  U?łU?²M²?Ýô«Ë
the conclusions of the Computer —«d??I«Ë ¨Íu???'« qIMK? w*U??F« d9R?*« U¼—b?? √
Reservation Systems issued by the World ©±≥ ≠ ≥± œ® wü« e??−?(« r?EMÐ ’U??)« `IM*«
Air-Transport Conference, and a revised
resolution on Computer Reservation WO?FL−K ÊuŁö¦«Ë W¹œU?(« …—Ëb« tð—b √ Íc«
Systems (D31-13) promulgated by the 31st b??Ë ÆwËb« w½b*« Ê«d??OD« W?L?EM* W?O??u?L??F«
Session of the General Assembly of the v≈ W??łU?Š W??LŁ ÊQÐ ŸUM?²?ô« v≈ f?K:« q uð
International Civil Aviation Organization.
The Board has concluded that a more w t?«b?²?Ý«Ë tI?O?³Dð sJ1 UÞU?³C?½« d¦?√ ÂUE½
formal system with world-wide w fK?:« ÂU?? pcË ¨r?U??F« ¡U??×½√ l?O??L??ł
applicability and use was warranted, the
W×IM*« W½Ëb*« Ác?¼ vKŽ WI«u*UÐ ±ππ∂Ø∂Ø≤μ
Board therefore approved on 25/6/1996 this
revised Code to replace the existing Code s «—U??³?²??Ž≈ U?N??²?dÐ W??OU?(« W½Ëb?*« q×? q×??²
in its entirety, effective from 1/11/1996. Ʊππ∂ر±Ø±

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

This Code does not require formal WOLÝ— o¹bBð WOKLŽ v≈ W½Ëb*« Ác¼ ÃU²% ô
ratification, but each Contracting State that
decides to adopt it is expected to inform
UN?F³?²ð Ê√ —dIð …b?UF?² WËœ q s lu?²¹ sJË
ICAO of its decision. The Code does not ôË V??& ô W?½Ëb??*«Ë Æp?c??Ð ËU?J??¹« d?D???ð Ê√
replace nor preclude any single or q³?? s W?O??ŽU?L?ł Ë√ …œd??HM  «¡«d??ł« Í√ aMð
collective procedures by the State or the
States concerning regulating the Computer
e?−??(« rE½ rOEM?²Ð oKF?²¹ U??L?O?? ‰Ëb« Ë√ WËb«
Reservation System, nor does it imply that ¡«d?ł« ŸU³ð« vKŽ —«d? ô« sLC?²ð ô UL? ¨wü«
any particular means of regulation must be W½Ëb*« ŸU³ð« —U?²ð Ê√ WËbK sJ1 «cJ?¼Ë ÆtMOFÐ
employed. A State may choose to employ
the Code itself as a regulatory instrument, rEM? W?O?MÞË b??Ž«u?? —uDð Ê√ Ë√ ¨rOE?M²K W??OP??
develop its national rules to for the Ê√ Ë√ ¨W½Ëb?*« Ác¼ ”U????Ý√ v?KŽ w?ü« e????−????(«
Computer Reservation System based on
vA?L²?² …—ËdC« V?Š WOMÞu« U¼b?Ž«u ‰b?Fð
this Code, modify the its national rules if
necessary for consistency with the Code, w W?LzU??I« ÂUJŠ_« Âb??²??ð Ê√ Ë√ ¨W½Ëb*« l
employ the provisions of the existing ÊU U?LM¹√ WUM*« Ë√ …—U−?²UÐ W U)«  UF¹d?A²«
legislations on trade or competition where
W?³«d*  U?³?Oðdð l−?Að Ë√ ◊d²?Að Ë√ ¨«œ—«Ë p–
relevant, require or encourage
self policing arrangements by the 5KUM«Ë w?ü« e?−?(« rE½ wFzUÐ q?³? s  «c«
Computer Reservation System's vendors, WŽuL− Í√ Âb?²ð Ê√ Ë√ ¨5d²A*«Ë 5¹u'«
air-carriers and subscribers, apply it in its
w U?N?I?³Dð Ê√ Ë√ ¨U?Nðö?O?¦? Ë√ qzU?Ýu« Ác¼ s
bilateral or multilateral relations with other
States by means of undertaking the ideal ‰Ëb« l ·«d?Þ_« …œb?F??²??Ë W?OzU?M¦« U??NðU?ö??Ž
model of Computer Reservation System, or rE?M w?ł–u?????LM?« bM?³« ë—œU?Ð p–Ë Èd?????š_«
to use any combination of these and similar
s W?Žu?L?−? Í√ Âb???²?ð Ê√ Ë√ ¨wü« e?−?(«
Article (1) of the Code describes its ÆWKŁUL*« q³«Ë qzUÝu« Ác¼
purpose and objectives, Article (2) U??N?M ÷d??G« W?½Ëb*« s vË_« …œU?*« nBð
establishes the relevant terminologies,
 U???×KDB?*« W??O½U???¦« …œU*« w?ÝdðË ¨U??N???«b¼√Ë
while Article (3) defines the Code's scope
of application. These are followed by ÆW½Ëb*« oO³Dð ‚UD½ W¦U?¦« …œU*« œb%Ë ¨W³ÝUM*«
Articles defining certain obligations of the …œU*«® ‰Ëb?«  U????«e????²« œb????% œ«u?*« Ác¼ w?K¹Ë
States Article©¥® , the vendors of Computer
s œ«u?*«® wü« e????−????(« rE½ w?FzU?ÐË ©W???F?Ыd«
Reservation Systems Articles (5 through 8),
the air-carriers Article (9) and the …œU*«® 5¹u??'« 5KUM«Ë ©WM?U?¦« v²??Š W???U?)«
subscribers to the Computer Reservation …œU*«® wü« e−?(« rE½ w 5d²?A*«Ë ©WF?ÝU²«
System Article (10). Article (11) deals with W¹U??L??Š d?A??Ž W¹œU??(« …œU*« ‰ËUM²ðË ¨©…d??ýU??F«
safeguarding the privacy of personal data,
while Article (12) is concerning
WO½U¦« …œU*« U√ ¨WOB?A«  UuKF*« WO uBš
application, revisions and exceptions to  «¡UM¦²Ýô«Ë `OIM²«Ë oO³D²UÐ oK?F²ð UN½S dAŽ
certain provisions. The Code covers a ôU?−? wDGð W½Ëb*«Ë ÆÂUJŠ_« iF?³Ð W? U?)«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

rapidly changing field, since Computer w W??F¹d??«  «—uD²?« Ê√ YO??Š d?O??G??²« l¹d??Ý
Reservation Systems activities are driven
qJA?ð …—U?−??²«Ë rO?EM²«Ë U??O??łuuMJ²« ‰U??−??
by fast moving technological, regulatory
and commercial developments. ÊS‡ w?U?²?UÐË Æwü« e??−??(« rE½ WDA?½√ lbðË
Consequently, Article (12) provides for the lł«d?¹ Ê√ fK−???LK `O???²ð …d???A??Ž W???O½U??¦?« …œU*«
Board to revise the Code when
ÆpcÐ ·ËdE« wCIð UbMŽ W½Ëb*«
circumstances warrant that.
The text of the Code is followed by oKF?²ð W?OKO?LJð  U?EŠö? W½Ëb*« h½ l³?²¹Ë
complementary notes on the application of  U?EŠö?*« Ác¼ Õd?????A?ðË Æ…œU????? q o?O?????³D?²Ð
each Article. These notes explain the
q«u??F« 5?Fð U??L?? œ«u*« s b??B???I«Ë ÷d??G«
purpose and intent of the Articles and
identify relevant factors to be taken into oO³Dð bMŽ —U³²?Žô« w U¼cš√ V−¹ w²« W³ÝUM*«
account when applying the Code. ÆW½Ëb*«
Article (1) ©±® …œU
Purpose: ∫÷dG«
This Code is based on transparency, W????O½U?J≈Ë Õu????{u« vK?Ž W½Ëb?*« Ác¼ Âu????Ið
accessibility and non-discrimination, and
v≈ ·bNð w¼Ë ¨eOOL²« sŽ U¼b?FÐË UN«b²Ý«
aims at enhancing fair competition among
airlines and among Computer Reservation 5ÐË Ê«d?OD«  U?dý 5?Ð WœUF« W??UM*« e¹e?Fð
Systems and at affording international qI?M« wb??????²????? b¹Ëe?ðË wü« e???−??(« r?E½
air-transport users access to the widest
 «—U??O?)« s sJ?2 ‚UD½ lÝËQÐ wËb« Íu??'«
possible choice of options in order to meet
their needs. To this end, the Code takes into W¹U?G« ÁcN U?IOI?%Ë ÆrNðUłU?O²?Š« WO?³Kð qł√ s
account current market practices, the w WË«b²*«  UÝ—UL*« UN?½U³Š w W½Ëb*« cšQð
particular interests of developing countries,
¨WOUM« Ê«bK³K WOMF*« `UB*«Ë ¨UOUŠ ‚«uÝ_«
and the critical need for harmonization of
the various national and regional Computer W??OMÞu«  U?L??OEM²?« ‚U?ð« v≈ W??ÝU*« W??łU?(«Ë
Reservation Systems regulations. Æwü« e−(« ÂUEM WŽuM²*« WOLOKù«Ë
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
In this Code: ∫ U×KDB*«
A- "Computer reservation system (CRS)" ∫W½Ëb*« Ác¼ w
means a computer system that provides
dðuO?³L? ÂUE½ wMF¹ ©CRS wü« e−?(« ÂUE½® ©√
displays of schedules, space availability
and tariffs of air-carriers, and through W??ŠU??²*« s?U??_«Ë b??O??Ž«u??LK U???{d??Ž d??u¹
which reservations on air-transport ¡«dł≈ t?²DÝ«uÐ sJ1 5¹u'« 5KUM« —U?FÝ√Ë
services can be made.
ÆÍu'« qIM« ◊uDš vKŽ e−(«
B- "System Vendor" means an entity that
operates or markets the Computer Âu?????????I?¹ Íc?« ·d?D?« w?M?F¹ ©ÂU?E?M?« l?zU?Ю ©»
Reservation System. Æw¬ e−Š ÂUE½ o¹uð Ë√ qOGA²Ð

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

C- "Participating Carrier" means an Íc« Íu???'« qUM« w?MF¹ ©„d???²??A*« q?UM«® ©Ã
air-carrier that uses one or more
wü« e?−?×K d?¦?√ Ë√ «bŠ«Ë U?UE½ Âb??²?¹
Computer Reservation System to
distribute its air-transport services, either lzU??³?? ¡«u?Ý ¨Íu??'« tKI?½  U?b??š l¹“u??²
as the system vendor or as a result of an ÆÂUEMK lzUÐ l ‚UHðô W−O²½ Ë√ ÂUEMK
agreement with the system vendor. d???H??Ý WU???u??? ¨·dÞ Í√ wMF?¹ ©„d??²???A*«® ©œ
D- "Subscriber" means an entity such as a
Vłu0 wü« e??−??(« ÂUE½ Âb???²??¹ ¨ö?¦??
travel agent that uses the Computer
Reservation Systems under contract with Íu'« qIM«  Ubš lO³ ÂUEMK lzUÐ l bIŽ
a system vendor for the sale of Æ—uNL−K
air-transport services to the general
©≥® …œU
Article (3) oO³D²« ‚UD½
Scope of Application:  U??????−??????²?M l?¹“u?ð vK?Ž W½Ëb?*« Ác?¼ o³?DM?ð ©√
A- This Code shall apply to the
rE?½ WDÝ«uÐ w?Ëb« Íu??'« q?IM«  U???b??š
distribution of international passenger air
service products through Computer …—Ëd??{ WËb« —d??Ið U?bM?ŽË Æwü« e?−??(«
Reservation Systems. Where a State U?N?OKŽ V−¹ ¨W½Ëb*« s ± …œU*« ÷d?ž W?O?³Kð
determines it is necessary to meet the bO?Ž«u* U{ËdŽ d?uð w²« wü« e−?(« oO³Dð
purpose of the Code in Article (1), it
…d?«u??²*« sU?_«Ë 5?¹u?'« 5KUM?«  ö?Š—
shall also apply to computer information
systems which provide displays of ¡«d??ł« vKŽ …—œU?? ÊuJð Ê√ ÊËœ ¨—U?F??Ý_«Ë
schedules, space availability and tariffs Æe−(«
of air-carriers, without the capability of W?ýU?ý vK?Ž w?Ozd« ÷d?F« qL??A¹ U?bMŽ ©»
making reservations.
t¹uM?²« V−¹ ¨W??LE²?M d??O??ž  ö?Š— ÂU?EM«
B- Where unscheduled flights are
included in principal displays they shall  ö??Šd« Ác?¼ ÷d??Fð Ê√ V−¹ U??L??? pcÐ
be identified as such, displayed under  ö?Šd« U?NÐ ÷d?Fð w²?«  U?H? «u*« fHMÐ
the same conditions as scheduled  Ub?š wb?² —UDš≈ V−¹Ë ¨W?LE²M*«
services and air-transport users shall be
ÆWI³DM W Uš ◊Ëdý ÍQÐ Íu'« qIM«
informed of any special applicable
conditions. ©¥® …œU
Article (4)
∫‰Ëb«  U«e²«
Obligations of States: U0 Âu??Ið Ê√ W½Ëb*« Ác¼ l³??²ð w²« W?Ëb« vKŽ
A State that follows this Code shall: ∫wK¹
A- Ensure compliance with this Code by
5KU?M« q³?? s W½Ëb*« Ác?¼ ŸU??³ð« s b??Q??²ð ©√
air-carriers, subscribers (where
practicable) and system vendors for their
wFzUÐË ©ÊUJô« VŠ® 5d?²A*«Ë 5¹u'«
Computer Reservation Systems' wü« e−?(« rEMÐ W U)« rN?²DA½√ w rEM«
activities in its territory. ÆUN{«—√ w

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

B- Remove regulatory obstacles, if any, w²« ¨ b?łË Ê≈ ¨WOL?OEM²«  Uu?F*« q¹eð ©»
to investment in Computer Reservation
w wü« e?−?(« rE½ w —U?L?¦²?Ýô« ÷d?²?Fð
Systems domiciled in its territory by
air-carriers or other entities domiciled in ·«dÞ_« Ë√ 5¹u'« 5KU?M« q³ s UN?O{«—√
the territory of another State which l³??²ð Èd?š√ W?Ëœ w{«—√ w WMzUJ« Èd??š_«
follows this Code.
ÆW½Ëb*« Ác¼
C- Allow system vendors which comply
with this Code to provide their Computer Ê√ W½Ëb*« Êu?F?³?²¹ s¹c« rEM« wFzU?³ `L?ð ©Ã
Reservation Systems services in its UNO{«—√ w wü« e−?(« rE½  Ubš «Ëdu¹
territory on a non-discriminatory basis
and consistent with any bilateral or Í√ l vA??L?²¹ U0Ë e??O?O9ö« s ”U??Ý√ vKŽ
multilateral agreements or arrangements Í√ Ë√ ·«dÞ_« …œb???F??²?? Ë√ W??O?zUMŁ  U??U???Hð«
to which the State is a party.
D- Treat all system vendors impartially
ÆUNO UdÞ WËb« ÊuJð  U³Oðdð
regarding their Computer Reservation UL?O eOO?9 ÊËbÐ rEM« wFzUÐ lOLł l qU?F²ð ©œ
Systems activities in its territory.
E- Permit the free flow across and within
ÆUNO{«—√ w wü« e−(« WDA½√ h¹
its national borders of the information W¹—Ëd??C«  U?u?KF*« ‚öD½« W¹d??×Ð `L??𠩇¼
needed to meet the reservation and
related requirements of air-transport  U?³KÞ W?O?³K² U¼œËb?Š d?³ŽË U?N?O?{«—√ qš«œ
users. ÆÍu'« qIM« wb² s UNO≈ UË e−(«
F- Use intergovernmental consultation
processes to resolve any dispute l Q?AM?¹ Ÿ«e½ Í√ q(  U?uJ(« l —ËU??A?²ð ©Ë
involving another State following this h?¹ U???L??O??? W?½Ëb*« Ác¼ l?³??²?ð Èd???š√ WËœ
Code, regarding the distribution of
air-transport products through Computer rE?½ WDÝ«u?Ð Íu???'« qIM?«  U???−???²M l?¹“uð
Reservation Systems, that cannot be s WO{d …—uBÐ tKŠ sJ1 ôË wü« e−(«
resolved satisfactorily by the parties
immediately concerned. ÆdýU³ qJAÐ WOMF*« ·«dÞ_« q³
G- Not allow or require air-carriers or W???LE½_« w?FzUÐË 5¹u???'« 5?KUMK? `L???ð ô ©“
system vendors under its jurisdiction to
take actions not in conformity with this ÊQ‡Ð rN??³UD?ð ôË U?N?? U?B??²?š« w? 5Kš«b«
Code, except to address, in an ô≈ W‡½Ëb*« Ác‡¼ l? ÷—UF?²?ð dO?‡Ð«b‡ð «Ëc‡?²¹
appropriate and proportionate manner, a
lack of Computer Reservation Systems Âb‡Ž  ôU‡Š W?³ÝUM²?Ë W?LOKÝ …—u‡BÐ q¹e?²
reciprocity or the consequences of a Ë√ w?ü« e??????−??????(« r?E?½ w q?¦?*UÐ W?‡K?U?‡F?*«
failure of intergovernmental consultation
processes to resolve any Computer qŠ w  U?uJ(« 5Ð —ËUA?²« qA V«u?Ž
Reservation Systems dispute. Æwü« e−(« rE½ ‰uŠ  UŽ“UM Í√
Article (5)
©μ® …œU
Obligations of System endors to
Air-carriers: 5¹u'« 5KUM« ¡«“« rEM« wFzUÐ  U«e²«
A system vendor shall: ∫wK¹ U0 ÂuI¹ Ê√ ÂUEM« lzUÐ vKŽ V−¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

A- Permit participation in its Computer ÂuÝd« lb bF² qU½ Í√ „«d²ýUÐ `L¹ ©√
Reservation Systems by any carrier
UN³KD¹ w²« …bŠu*« ◊ËdA« ‰u³IË WÐuKD*«
prepared to pay the requisite fees and to
accept the system vendor's standard ÆÂUEM« lzUÐ
conditions. tUE½ w «ud²A¹ Ê√ 5KUM« vKŽ ◊d²A¹ ô ©»
B- Not require carriers to participate in its s WMOF W³½ w Ë√ dBI« tłË vKŽ u¼
Computer Reservation Systems
exclusively or for a certain proportion of
their activities. e?−?×K? t?UE½ w „«d?²?ýô« v?KŽ ÷d?H¹ ô ©Ã
C- Not impose any conditions on WOKLFÐ dýU³? qJAÐ WD³ðd dOž ◊Ëdý wü«
participation in its Computer
ÂUE½ o¹dÞ sŽ Íu?'« q?UM«  U?−?²M l¹“uð
Reservation Systems that are not directly
related to the process of distributing a Æwü« e−(«
carrier's air-transport products through e−(« ÂUE½  Ub?š w dš¬Ë qU½ 5Ð eO1 ô ©œ
the Computer Reservation Systems. qO????N???ð p?– w U0 ¨U????N???b????I¹ w²?« wü«
D- Not discriminate among participating
carriers in the Computer Reservation
v≈ e???O??O?9 öÐË VÝUM?*« Xu« w ‰u??? u«
Systems services it offers, including œËb??Š w p–Ë ¨ U??b?)« 5??% qzU??ÝË
timely and non-discriminatory access to  «—U³²?Žô« s p– dOž Ë√ WOMH?«  UH «u*«
service enhancements, subject to
ÆÂUEM« lzUÐ …dDOÝ Ã—Uš lIð w²«
technical or other constraints outside the
control of the system vendor. ∫U¼U{UI²¹ w²« ÂuÝd« Ê√ sLC¹ ©‡¼
E- Ensure that any fees it charges are: ÆW¹eOO9 dOž ©±®
1- Non-discriminatory. W?I¹dDÐ ‰u?×¹ ”UÝ√ v?KŽ WOM³? X?OË ©≤®
2- Not structured in such a way that
small carriers are unfairly precluded
Æ5KUM« —UG W—UA ÊËœ WH¹dý dOž
from participation. UÞU?³ð—« j³?ðdðË ôu?I?F? U?³?O?d?ð W?³?d?Ë ©≥®
3- Reasonably structured and W????b????I?*« W????b????)« nO?UJ²?Ð ôu????I????F????
reasonably related to the cost of the
tłË vKŽ …bŠu ÊuJð Ê√Ë ¨Wb²*«Ë
service provided and used and shall,
in particular, be the same for the same ÆWbš Èu² qJ ’uB)«
level of service. ÂUEM?«  U?b??š Âu??Ý— sŽ  U??u?KF*« Âb??I¹ ©Ë
F- Provide information on billing for ¨t??M?? V??K??Þ «–≈ ¨p??– w??? U??0® q??J??A??U??Ð
the services of a system in a form
(including, if requested, via or on electronic
5KO??HJ« qO??B?H??²«Ë ©W?O½Ëd??²Jù« jzU??Ýu«
media) and in sufficient detail to allow vKŽ oOI?ײ« s 5d?²A*« 5KUMK ÕU?LUÐ
participating carriers to verify promptly the ÆdOð«uH« W× s WŽd« tłË
accuracy of the bills.
ÊQÐ Íu'« qUMK `L?¹ «bMÐ œuIF« w ×b¹ ©“
G- Include in contracts a provision
permitting an air-carrier to terminate a 5Þd?AUÐ o?³?? —UDš≈ Vłu0 b?I??F« wNM¹
contract by giving notice: ∫5OU²«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

1- Which need not exceed six months, q³? w?N?²M¹ ô√Ë ¨d?N??ý√ W?²?Ý “ËU??−?²¹ ô√ ©±
to expire not before the end of the
ÆvË_« WM« W¹UN½
first year.
2- As prescribed by national law. Êu½U????I« t???O?KŽ hM¹ U?* U???I???Ë Êu?J¹ Ê√Ë ©≤
H- Load information provided by ÆwMÞu«
participating carriers with consistent and
ÊuK?UM?« t U¼d????u?¹ w²«  U????uK?F*« q?šb¹ ©Õ
non discriminatory standards of care,
accuracy and timeliness, subject to any e?O?O9 öÐË W¹UMF« s ËU??²? —bIÐ Êu?d?²?A*«
constraints imposed by the loading œËb?(« w p–Ë VÝUM?*« Xu« wË W?bÐË
method selected by the participating
Á—U??²??¹ w²« ‰U??šœù« W?I¹d?Þ U?N??{d??Hð w²«
I- Not manipulate the information Æ„d²A*« qUM«
provided by carriers in any way that t U?¼d???u¹ w?²«  U????uKF?*« w VŽö????²¹ ô ©◊
would lead to information being
÷d????????Ž v?≈ ÍœR?ð W????????I?¹d?Þ ÍQ?Ð Êu?KU?M?«
displayed in an inaccurate or
discriminatory manner. Ë√ W?IO?œ dO?ž …—uBÐ W?ýUA« vKŽ  U?uKF*«
J- Make any information in its Computer ÆeOO9 tO qJAÐ
Reservation Systems directly concerning
a single reservation available on an equal  U?uKF?? Í√ wü« e?−?×K t?UE?½ w d?u¹ ©Í
basis to the subscriber concerned and to ”UÝ√ vKŽË e?−Š Í√ …dýU³? WI¹dDÐ hð
all the carriers involved in the service
5KUM« lO?L?'Ë vMF*« „d?²A?LK …«ËU?*« s
covered by the reservation but to no
other parties without the written consent Âb?I¹ ôË ¨e?−(« t?KLA¹ Íc?« j)UÐ 5OMF*«
of such carriers and the air-transport ÊËb?Ð Èd?????š√ ·«d?Þ√ Í_  U??????uK?F*« Ác?¼
K- Not discriminate among participating wb²Ë 5OMF*« 5?KUM« s WODš WI«u
carriers in making available any ÆÍu'« qIM«
information, other than financial
information relating to the Computer
d????O???uð w? 5d????²???A*« 5?KUM?« 5Ð e????O1 ô ©„
Reservation Systems itself, generated by W?? U?)« W??OU*«  U??uK?F*« W?&U?M«  U?u?KF*«
its Computer Reservation Systems in an
ÆtH½ wü« e−(« ÂUEMÐ
aggregated or anonymous form.
Article (6) ©∂® …œU
Obligations of System endors to
Subscribers Regarding Commercial W³MUÐ 5d²A*« ¡«“« rEM« wFzUÐ  U«e²«
∫W¹—U−²«  U³Oðd²K
A system vendor shall not:
A- Discriminate among subscribers in ∫wK¹ U0 Âe²K¹ Ê√ ÂUEM« lzUÐ vKŽ V−¹
the Computer Reservation System ÂUE½  U???b??š w 5d???²??A*« 5Ð e???O1 ô√ ©√
services it offers.
ÆUNbI¹ w²« wü« e−(«
B- Restrict access by subscribers to
other Computer Reservation Systems rE½ v≈ 5d?²A*« ‰u? Ë W¹dŠ b?OI¹ ô√ ©»
by requiring them to use its Computer Ê√ rNM V?KD¹ ÊQÐ Èd?š_« wü« e??−?(«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Reservation System exclusively or by e?−??×K t?UE?½ «b??²??Ý« vKŽ «Ëd?B??²?I¹
any other means.
ÆÈdš√ WKOÝË ÍQÐ Ë√ wü«
C- Charge prices conditioned in whole
or in part on the identity of carriers Ë√ WOKJ« UN²LO nK²ð UuÝ— ÷dH¹ ô√ ©Ã
whose air-transport services are sold Âu??I¹ s¹c« 5K?UM« W¹u¼ V??Š W??Oze??'«
by the subscriber. ÆW¹u'« rNðUbš lO³Ð „d²A*«
D- Require subscribers to use its
«ub²¹ Ê√ 5d²A*« vKŽ ◊d²A¹ ô√ ©œ
Computer Reservation System for
sales of air-transport services Íuł qU½  Ubš lO³ wü« e−(« ÂUE½
provided by any particular carrier. ÆÁdOž ÊËœ tMOFÐ
E- Tie any commercial arrangements vKŽ hMð W¹—U&  U³Oðdð Í√ 5Ð jÐd¹ ô√ ©‡¼
regarding the sale of air-transport
services provided by any particular
ÂUO 5ÐË 5F Íuł qU½ Í√  Ubš lOÐ
carrier to the subscriber's selection or e?−(« ÂUE½ ‰U?L?F²?Ý« Ë√ —UO?²?šUÐ „d²?A*«
use of the system vendor's Computer ÆÂUEM« lzU³ wü«
Reservation System.
«u?b??²?¹ Ê√ 5d?²?A*« vKŽ ◊d?²?A¹ ô√ ©Ë
F- Require subscribers to use its
terminal equipment or prevent them «b?²?Ý« s rN?FM1 ô√Ë W?OdD« tð«b?ŠË
from using computer hardware or s rN?MJ9 dðu???O??³??L?? Z«d?Ð Ë√  «b??F??
software that enables them to switch ¨wü« e?−×?K dš¬ v≈ ÂUE½ s? ‰u×?²«
from the use of one Computer
Ác¼ ÊuJ?ð Ê√ ◊d??²???A¹ Ê√ tMJ?1 p– lË
Reservation System to another,
although it may require technical t?UE½ l U?OM? W?I?«u?²? Z«d?³«Ë  «b?F*«
compatibility with its Computer Æwü« e−×K
Reservation System. «u???F???u¹ Ê√ 5d???²???A*« v?KŽ ◊d???²???A¹ ô√ ©“
G- Require subscribers to enter into
contracts which:
1- Exceed five years, or Æ «uMÝ fLš vKŽ b¹eð ©±
2- Cannot be cancelled by the Í√ w U??N??O??GK¹ Ê√ „d??²?A??LK? sJ1 ô ©≤
subscriber at any time after one year, —UD?š≈ Vłu?0 WMÝ —Ëd???? b????F?Ð XË
with notice and without prejudice to
nOUJ²« œ«œd²?Ý« o×Ð ”U*« ÊËbÐË
recovery of actual costs, and
3- Contain provisions that undermine
contract termination. ¡U?N½« U??N?³?³?Ð —c??F?²¹ UÞËd?ý sL??C?²ð ©≥
Article (7) ÆbIF«
Obligations of System endors ©∑® …œU
Regarding Information Display:
A system vendor shall:  UuKF*« ÷dŽ ÊQAÐ rEM« wFzUÐ  U«e²«
A- Make available a principal display or ∫wK¹ U0 ÂuI¹ Ê√ ÂUEM« lzUÐ vKŽ V−¹
displays of schedules, space availability 5KUM?« b?O?Ž«u* d??¦?√ Ë√ ÎU?O???Oz— ÎU?{d??Ž d?u¹ ©√

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
and tariffs of air-carriers which is fair, r¼—U?F??Ý√Ë rN¹b W?ŠU?²*« sU??_«Ë 5¹u?'«
non-discriminatory, comprehensive, and ÍœUOŠË qUýË Íe?OO9 ôË ‰œUŽ qJAÐ 5³ð
neutral in terms of:
∫wK¹ U …UŽ«d l
1- Not being influenced, directly or
indirectly, either by the identity of d?ýU?³?? d?O?ž Ë√ d?ýU??³? qJAÐ dŁQ??²« Âb?Ž ©±
participating carriers or by airport Æ—UD*« W¹uNÐ Ë√ 5d²A*« 5KUM« W¹uNÐ
W?³??MUÐ ËU???²? q?JAÐ  U?uKF?*« VOðdð ©≤
2- With the information ordered in a
manner which is consistently applied
qJ W??³??MUÐË 5d??²?A*« 5KU?M« lO?L??'
to all participating carriers and to all ÆÊb ÃË“
city-pair markets. qEO??Ý ÕU??²? w??Oz— ÷d??Ž q Ê√ sL??C¹ ©»
B- Ensure that any principal display made
fHM?Ð ‰U?L??F??²??Ýô« qN??ÝË qO??G??A??²« qU??
available is as fully functional and at
ÆÁdu¹ dš¬ ÷dŽ Í√ ‰ULF²Ý« WuNÝ
least as easy to use as any other display
it offers. U??³KÞ rK?ð «–≈ ¨ÎU?O????Oz— ÎU??{d?Ž U??Lz«œ d??u¹ ©Ã
C- Always provide a principal display Íu??'« qIM« wb????²??? b‡Š√ s?‡ «œb?×??
except where there is a specific request Ædš¬ ÷dŽ «b²ÝUÐ
from an air-transport user which requires ÷d????F« w?  U????b????)« VOðd?ð w l?³????²¹ Ê√ ©œ
the use of another display.
 ö???Š— r?OEM?ðË —U???O????²???š« w?Ë Æw???O?zd«
D- Base the ordering of services in a
b?O??Ž«u? q?¦?® W?O??Žu?{u?? U???Ý√ qO? u??²«
principal display and the selection and
construction of connecting services on
wU?????L????łô« Xu?«Ë ¨‰u???? u«Ë …—œU?????G*«
objective criteria (such as wK? _« —UD*« s? …—œU???G*« ¡b?Ð 5Ð Âd???B?M*«
departure/arrival times, total elapsed o¹dD«Ë ¨b?B?I*« —U?D v≈ ‰u? u« W¹U?N½Ë
time between initial flight departure at œb????ŽË ¨n?u????²«  «d????? œb????ŽË ¨Íu????'«
origin and final flight arrival at v≈ U???Ë ¨—U???F??Ý_«Ë ¨q?O?? u???²«  ö???Š—
destination, routing, number of stops,
number of connexions, fares, etc.).
∫wK¹ U2 ÎU¹√ 5d²ALK du¹ ©‡¼
E- Provide to subscribers:
1- A principal display of flight options vKŽ W³ðd Ê«dOD«  öŠd UOOz— ÷dŽ ©±
ranked in the order of all non-stop  ö??Šd« lO??L??ł d??H??Ý b?O??Ž«u?? ”U??Ý√
flights by departure time, other direct b?????O????Ž«u????? r?Ł Ænu?ð ÊËbÐ …d?????ýU?????³*«
flights not involving a change of ô w?²« Èd?????š_« …d??????ýU?????³*«  ö?????Šd?«
aircraft and all connecting flights by  öŠ— lOLł rŁ ¨…dzUD« d?OOGð wŽb²ð
elapsed journey time. W?KŠd?« XË ‰u?Þ V?????Š q?O????? u?????²?«
2- A principal display of flight options
ranked in any other order based on
VOðdð ÍQÐ Ê«dOD«  öŠd ÎUOOz— ÎU{dŽ ©≤
objective criteria.
ÆWOŽu{u fÝ√ vKŽ vM³

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

3- Principal displays based on 1 and 2. ©≤Ë ©±”UÝ√ vKŽ WOM³ ÎUOOz— ÎU{ËdŽ ©≥
F- In the ordering of services in a
wOz— ÷dŽ w  U?b)« VOðdð bMŽ wŽ«d¹ ©Ë
principal display, take care that no
ÆWœUŽ dOž …eO vKŽ qU½ Í√ qB×¹ ô√
carrier obtains an unfair advantage.
G- In any principal display of schedule w???Oz— ÷d???Ž Í√ w wK¹ U??? Õu??{u?Ð 5³¹ ©“
information: ÆbOŽ«u*« sŽ  UuKFLK
1- Clearly identify unscheduled flights, ÊU «–≈ UË ¨WLE²M*« dOž  öŠd« w¼ U ©±
scheduled en route changes of
U‡Ë ¨WKŠd?« ¡U‡MŁ√ …dzUÞ d?O?O??Gð —d?I*« s
equipment, use of the designator code
of one air-carrier by another q‡UM« t‡b²?¹ Íc« W‡¹uN« e— ÊU «–≈
air-carrier, the name of the operator rÝ«Ë ¨d?š¬ Íuł qU½ v?≈ wL²M¹ Íu?'«
of each flight, the number of
 «d‡? œb??ŽË ¨WK?Š— qJ wK?F??H« q?UM«
scheduled en route stops, and any
surface sectors or changes of airport  «dOOGð Í√Ë ¨WKŠd‡« w‡ …—dI*« nu²«
required. Æ «—UD*« Ë√ WO{—_«  U‡ŽUDI« w
2- Clearly indicate that the information W????? U?????)«Ë W????{Ëd?????F?*«  U?????uK?F*« Ê√ ©≤
displayed regarding direct services is
X½U «–≈ WK?Uý XO …d?ýU³*«  U?b)UÐ
not comprehensive, if information on
participating carriers' direct services
W??? U??)« 5?d??²???A*« 5K?UM«  U???uKF???
is incomplete for technical reasons or W?OM »U³?Ý_ WKU? dO?ž …dýU?³*« ◊uD)UÐ
if any direct services operated by ÎUÞu?Dš „UM¼ Ê√ ·Ëd???F*« s ÊU??? «–≈ Ë√
nonparticipating carriers are known to rË 5d?²A d?Ož ÊuK?U½ UNKG?A¹ …dýU?³
exist and are omitted.
Æ÷dF« w ×bð
H- In the selection and construction of
connecting services in a principal WŠU²*«  «—UO)« s Í—Ëd?{ —b d³√ —U²¹ ©Õ
display, select as many alternative ”UÝ√ vKŽ WK u*« jIMK ©…œbF?² Ë√ W¹œd®
(single or multiple) connecting points on
¨—U?O?²šö l?Ý«Ë ‰U−? ÊU?L?C Íe?OO9 d?O?ž
a non discriminatory basis as is
necessary to ensure a wide range of qO? u?²« ◊uDš rE?M¹Ë —U?²?¹ U?bMŽ p–Ë
options. ÆwOzd« ÷dF« w UNOM³OÝ w²«
I- Not intentionally or negligently display
inaccurate or misleading information.
d??O?ž  U??uKF?? ÎôU?L¼« Ë√ Ϋu??N?Ý ÷d??F¹ ô ©◊
J- In cases where States do not find it ÆWKKC Ë√ WIOœ
practicable to ensure that subscribers
q l? Áb???U??F?ð w W???³???ÝUM ÎU?ÞËd???ý ×b¹ ©Í
comply with Article ±∞\ include
appropriate provisions regarding …œU*« ÂUJŠ_ „d?²A*« «d?²?Š« sLCð „d?²A?
compliance in its contract with each Ê√ WËb« vK?Ž VF?B« s ÊU?? «–≈ …d?ýU??F«
Æ«d²Šô« «c¼ s oIײð
K- Where participating carriers have joint
venture or other contractual 5KU?½ WŁöŁ W¹U???G ≠ sF?? q?U½ qJ `?L??¹ ©„
arrangements requiring two or more of edÐ …bŠ vKŽ tðöŠ— ÷d?FÐ ≠ vB√ b×

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

them to assume separate responsibility ŸËd???A??? w Ϋu???C???Ž q?UM« ÊU??? «–≈ t???²?¹u¼
for the offer and sale of air-transport
Ê√ vKŽ hMð W¹b?UFð  U?³Oðdð w Ë√ „d?²A?
products on a flight or combination of
flights, permit each carrier concerned≠ sŽ WKI??²?? W?OËR??? d?¦?√ Ë√ Êö??U½ c?šQ¹
up to a maximum of three ≠ to have a Æ öŠ— WŽuL− Ë√ WKŠ— lOÐË ÷dŽ
separate display using its individual
©∏® …œU
designator code.
rEM« wFzU³ Èdš_«  U«e²ô«
Article (8)
Other Obligations of System endors: ∫wK¹ U0 Âe²K¹ Ê√ ÂUEM« lzUÐ vKŽ V−¹
A system vendor shall: VKÞ ¡UMÐË ¨VÝUM*« Xu« wË W?ÐU² ¨d?u¹ ©√
A- Make available in written form and in sŽ  U?uK?F? ¨vMF? ·dÞ Í√ s? »u?²J
a timely manner, on the written request
¨wü« e??−?(« ÂUE?½ U?N??b?I?¹ w²«  U?b??)«
of any interested party, information on
the services offered by its Computer ‰Ušœô  «¡«dł« sŽË ¨ŸU?H²½ô« ÂuÝ— sŽË
Reservation System, the associated fees, ¨wü« e??−??(« ÂUE½ w  U??uK?F*« s¹e??ðË
the procedures it applies for entering and
q¹bFðË d¹uD² UN?b²¹ w²« ‚dD«Ë sŽË
storing information in its Computer
Reservation System, and the methods it v?KŽ W???????{Ëd???????F*«  U???????uK?F?*« Y¹b???????%Ë
uses for developing, editing and Æ5d²A*«
updating information displays provided oO????Fð Ë√ `?³Jð w?²«  U????Ý—U???L?*« sŽ lM?²1 ©»
to subscribers.
5Ð Ë√ r?N???C???F?ÐË rEM? 5FzUÐ 5?Ð W??????U?M*«
B- Refrain from practices which inhibit or
impair competition among system ÆrNCFÐË 5¹u'« 5KUM«
vendors or air-carriers. ©π® …œU
Article (9) 5¹u'« 5KUM«  U«e²«
Obligations of Air-carriers:
∫wK¹ U0 Âe²K¹ Ê√ Íu'« qUM« vKŽ V−¹
An air-carrier shall:
A- Be responsible for the accuracy of UN?bI¹ w²«  U?uKF*« Wœ sŽ ôËR? ÊuJ¹ ©√
information it provides to a system e???−???(« ÂU?E½ w U????NU???šœô ÂUE?M« lzU?Ð v≈
vendor for inclusion in a Computer Æwü«
Reservation System.
qI?M« ◊uDš s?Ž  U???uKF*« Âb???I?¹ U??b?MŽ ©»
B- In providing information on its
air-transport services to system vendors: ÆrEM« wFzUÐ v≈ Íu'«
1- Ensure that it does not misrepresent U????{d????Ž ◊uD?)« ÷d????F¹ ô Ê√ s?L????C¹ ©±
services. ÆU¾ÞUš
2- Clearly identify the unscheduled
d????O????ž  ö????Šd« w?¼ U???? Õu????{uÐ 5?³¹ ©≤
flights, if it is decided to change the
d??O??O??Gð —d???I*« s ÊU?? «–≈ U??Ë ¨W??LE?²M*«
aircraft during the journey, if the "ID.
Code" used by the air-carrier belongs e????— ÊU??? «–≈ U????Ë ¨WK?Šd« ¡U?MŁ√ …dzU?D«
to another air-carrier, the actual name wL²M¹ Íu'« qUM« tb?²¹ Íc« W¹uN«
of the air-carrier for each flight, the wKF?H qU?M« rÝ«Ë ¨d?š¬ Íu?ł qU½ v≈

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

number of stop-over determined for …—d?I*« n?u?²«  «d? œb?ŽË ¨W?KŠ— qJ
the flight, and any changes in the  U?ŽUDI« w  «d?O?O?G?ð Í√Ë ¨WKŠd« w
ground sectors or the airports.
Æ «—UD*« Ë√ WO{—_«
C- Not refuse, unless for legitimate
technical or commercial reasons, to WŽËd?A W¹—U?& Ë√ WOM »U?³Ý_ ô« id¹ ô ©Ã
participate in any Computer Reservation tb²¹ wü« e−×K ÂUE½ Í√ w „«d²ýô«
System used by subscribers in a State «e?d? UN?O? qUM« q²?×¹ WËœ w Êu?d?²?A*«
where the carrier holds a dominant
WK t? ÊU?? «–≈ p–Ë ¨‚u??« w U?ML??O??N??
market position, if it is financially linked
or otherwise affiliated with any other
d?š¬ w¬ e?−Š ÂUEM?Ð Èdš√ WK Í√ Ë√ W?OU?
Computer Reservation System (other lzUÐ l „«d²?ý« ‚UHðô W?−O²½ Q?AM¹ «bŽ UL?O®
than as a result of a participation Æ©ÂUEM«
agreement with the system vendor). d??????????u?¹ Ê√ Êu?½U?????????I?« V?łu?0 ô« i?d?¹ ô ©œ
D- Not refuse, except where permitted by
law, to provide information on schedules ÂUE½ lzU?³ —U?F?Ý_«Ë b?O?Ž«u*« sŽ  U?uKF*«
or tariffs to a system vendor whose w wü« e?−?×K t?UE½ Êu?d?²A*« Âb??²?¹
Computer Reservation System is used by d???u¹ ÊU???? «–≈ p–Ë ¨qU?M« sÞu??? W?Ëb«
subscribers in the carrier's State of
domicile, if it already provides such
d?????š¬ ÂUE½ l?zU????³?  U????u?KF?*« Ác¼ q?F????H?UÐ
information to another system vendor w wü« e?−?×K t?UE½ Êu?d?²A*« Âb??²?¹
whose Computer Reservation System is ÆWËb« pKð
used by subscribers in that State, and
E- Not require subscribers to use a
ÂUE½ «ub?²¹ Ê√ 5d?²A*« vKŽ ◊d?²A¹ ô ©‡¼
particular Computer Reservation System ¨W¹u?'« r?NÞuDš  U?F?O??³* tMO?FÐ w?¬ e?−?Š
for sales of its air-transport services, nor l …œu?I?F? W¹—U?&  U?³?O?ðdð Í√ 5Ð jÐd¹ ôË
tie any commercial arrangements with
subscribers regarding the sale of its W¹u?'« ◊uD)«  U?b?š lOÐ ÊQ?AÐ 5d?²?A*«
air-transport services to the subscriber's ÂUE½ Í_ „d?²?A*« ‰U??L?F?²?Ý« Ë√ —U?O?²?š« 5ÐË
selection or use of a particular Computer
∫5²OU²« 5²U(« Í√ w tMOFÐ w¬ e−Š
Reservation System where:
1- The air-carrier has a financial UbMŽ Ë√ WOU W×KB qUMK ÊuJð UbMŽ ©±
interest or is otherwise affiliated with that Æ«c¼ wü« e−(« ÂUEMÐ UD³ðd ÊuJ¹
Computer Reservation System, or
2- This would unfairly favour that
‰œU?Ž d?O??ž qJAÐ d?_« «c¼ c?³?×?¹ U?bMŽ ©≤
Computer Reservation System. Æ«c¼ wü« e−(« ÂUE½
Article (10) ©±∞® …œU
Obligations of Subscribers: 5d²A*«  U«e²«
A subscriber shall:
A- Use or provide a principal display ∫wK¹ U0 Âe²K¹ Ê√ „d²A*« vKŽ V−¹
meeting the requirements of Article (7) wH¹ WOKLŽ qJ UOOz— U?{dŽ du¹ Ë√ Âb²¹ ©√
for each transaction, except where a
preference indicated by an air-transport
Íu'« qUM« sJ¹ r U W?FÐU« …œU*« ◊ËdAÐ
user requires the use of another display. Ædš¬ U{dŽ qCH¹ t½√ 5Ð b

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

B- Not manipulate information supplied ÂUE?½ U¼d???u¹ w?²«  U???uK?F*UÐ V?Žö???²¹ ô ©»
by a Computer Reservation System in a
manner that would result in inaccurate or Âb² ¡UDŽ« sŽ dHð WI¹dDÐ wü« e−(«
misleading information being given to ÆWKKC Ë√ WIOœ dOž  UuKF Íu'« qIM«
an air-transport user.
C- Be responsible for the accuracy of any
UNK?šb¹  UuKF? Í√ Wœ sŽ ôËR? ÊuJ¹ ©Ã
information it enters into a Computer Æwü« e−(« ÂUE½ w
Reservation System.
X½U?? «–≈ U?0 Íu??'« qIM?« Âb????²???? d?D¹ ©œ
D- Where unscheduled flights are
included in a Computer Reservation ◊Ëd??A?Ð tÞËd??A??? Ë√ W??L?E²M d???O??ž W?KŠd«
System, inform an air-transport user if a sL??C??²¹ w?ü« e??−??(« ÂUE½ ÊU?? «–≈ W?? U??š
flight is unscheduled or conditional upon
any special terms. ÆWLE²M dOž  öŠ—
E- Inform air-transport users if it is s ÊU «–≈ U0 Íu?'« qIM« wb²? dD¹ ©‡¼
decided to change the aircraft during the
ÊU «–≈ U?Ë ¨WKŠd« ¡UMŁ√ …dzUD« d?OOG?ð —dI*«
journey, if the "ID. Code" used by any
air-carrier belongs to another air-carrier, 5KU?M« b??Š√ t??b?????²??¹ Íc« W¹u???N« e??—
the actual name of the air-carrier for rÝ«Ë ¨d??š¬ Íu??ł q?U½ v≈ wL??²?M¹ 5¹u??'«
each flight, and any changes in the
w  «d?O?O?Gð Í√Ë ¨WKŠ— qJ w?KF?H« qUM«
ground sectors or the airport for each
flight. ÆWKŠ— q w  «—UD*«Ë WO{—_«  UŽUDI«
F- Not make fictitious reservations e−Š ÂUE½ WDÝ«uÐ Í—u? e−Š ÍQÐ ÂuI¹ ô ©Ë
through a Computer Reservation
Article (11) ©±±® …œU
Safeguarding The Privacy of Personal
A- States shall take appropriate measures
∫WOBA«  UuKF*«
to ensure that all parties involved in W³?ÝUM*« dOЫb?²« c?²ð Ê√ ‰Ëb« vKŽ V−¹ ©√
Computer Reservation System  U½U?O??³« W?O? u?B??š W¹U?L?Š sL??Cð w²«
operations safeguard the privacy of w W?d?²?A*« ·«dÞ_« l?O?L?' W?O?B??A«
personal data. Æwü« e−(« rE½  UOKLŽ
B- Air-carriers, system vendors, r?E?M?« Êu????????F?zU?ÐË Êu?¹u?????????'« ÊuK?U?M?« ©»
subscribers and other parties involved in
W?d²?A*« Èd?š_« ·«dÞ_«Ë Êu?d²?A*«Ë
air-transportation are responsible for
W¹U???L??Š sŽ ÊuËR????? Íu??'« qI?M« w
safeguarding the privacy of personal
data included in Computer Reservation
W?ł—b*« WO?B?A«  U?uKF*« WO? uB?š
Systems to which they have access, and ¨U?N½uKL??F?²?¹ w²« wü« e??−?(« rE½ w
may not release such data without the p?K?ð s?? ÍQ?Ð ¡ôœ_« r?N? “u????????????−?¹ ôË
consent of the passenger. ÆV«d« WI«u ÊËbÐ  UuKF*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Article (12) ©±≤® …œU
Application, Revision And Exceptions:
A- This Code shall be applicable with
∫¡UM¦²Ýô«Ë `OIM²«Ë oO³D²«
effect from 1/11/1996. It may be revised s? «—U??????³??????²??????Ž« W½Ëb?*« Ác?¼ ÊU¹d??????Ý √b??????³?¹ ©√
by the Board when it deems that UN×?IM¹ Ê√ fK−LK sJ1Ë Æ±ππ∂ر±Ø±
circumstances warrant, provided that any vKŽ ¨p?– wC?²??Ið ·Ëd?E« Ê√ Èd¹ U??bMŽ
revised Code shall supersede its
W???IÐU???« W½Ëb*« W???×??IM? W½Ëb?? q? V& Ê√
predecessor in its entirety.
B- Any State committing to adopt this ÆUN²dÐ
Code must declare this by serving a Ác¼ ŸU?????³ðU?Ð Âe????²?Kð w?²« W?Ëb« v?KŽ V?−¹ ©»
notice to ICAO. Besides, any State v≈ —UDš« t??O?łu??²Ð p– sŽ sK?Fð Ê√ W½Ëb*«
deciding to discontinue such Âb???Ž —d??I?ð w²« WËb?« vKŽ V−?¹Ë W??LE?M*«
commitment must declare this by
p– sŽ sKFð Ê√ «e?²ô« «c¼ w? —«dL?²?Ýô«
serving a notice to ICAO.
C- Any State ranked by the United
ÆWLEM*« v≈ —UDš≈ tOłu²Ð
Nations as a developing country and œ«bŽ w …b?ײ*« 3_« UN?²HM WËœ Í_ sJ1 ©Ã
which has notified ICAO that it adopts l³??²?ð U??N½QÐ W??LE?M*«  dDš√Ë W??O??U?M« ‰Ëb«
the Code may (decline to follow Clause …œU*« s ©Ã …d?IH« ŸU³ð« sŽ ·e?Fð Ê√ W½Ëb*«
C) of Article (4) until 31/12/2000,
5Þd????A?UÐ ≤∞∞∞ر≤Ø≥± W¹U????G W????F?Ыd«
conditional upon these two terms:
1- To notify ICAO of same. ∫5OU²«
2- For this action to be taken in ÆpcÐ WLEM*« dDð Ê√ ©±
accordance with any bilateral or Í_ U??I??Ë c????²?? ¡«d??łô« «c?¼ ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ©≤
multilateral agreements or
arrangements which the State is a
…œb??F??²? Ë√ W??OzUM?Ł  U?³??Oðd?ð Ë√  U?O??U??Hð«
party of. ÆUNO UdÞ WËb« ÊuJð ·«dÞ_«
D- Any State that had notified ICAO of ËU??J??¹«  d??D??š√ w??²??« W?Ëb??« v??K??Ž V??−??¹ ©œ
its commitment to adopt the Code and
X³UÞ Ë√ X?×?L?ÝË W½Ëb*« ŸU??³ðUÐ U?N?«e??²UÐ
had allowed or demanded actions not in
conformity with the Code pursuant to U??I???Ë W½Ëb*« Ác?¼ l vA???L??²ð ô  «¡«d???łUÐ
Clause G of Article©¥® , must notify W??LEM*« dDð Ê√ W??FЫd« …œU*« s? ©“ …d?I??HK
ICAO of these actions.
Æ «¡«dłô« ÁcNÐ
E- The Board will regularly advise all
States of the notifications made pursuant ‰Ëb« Âö??ŽUÐ W¹—Ëœ W?H??BÐ fK:« Âu??I?O??Ý ©‡¼
to Clauses® B) through (D) above. v≈ ©»  «d?I??HK U?I?Ë …œ—«u?«  «—UDšôUÐ
F- the multi-access Computer Reservation ÆÁöŽ√ ©œ
Systems shall be exempted from
ŸU³ð« s cUM*« …œbF² wü« e−(« rE½ vHFð ©Ë
compliance with Clauses (H) through
(K) of Article (5) and Clauses (A) W????????U????)« …œU?*« s ©„ v≈ ©Õ  «d?????I????H«
through (K) of Article (7). ÆWFÐU« …œU*« s ©„ v≈ ©√  «dIH«Ë

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

YU¦« q‡BH«

—U‡‡‡D‡‡L‡Ð W‡‡ U‡‡ ‡« q‡‡zU‡*«

w‡‡Ëb‡‡ « X‡¹u‡‡J‡ «
Ministerial Resolution No. (1) of Year 1965
±μ WM ± r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Concerning The Regulations of
Kuwait International Airport wËb« X¹uJ« —UD WLE½UÐ ’Uš

Minister of Interior,
WOKš«b« d¹“Ë
- Following perusal of Law No. (30)
concerning Issuance of The Regulations of ’U???)« ≥∞ r— Êu½U???I« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
Civil Air-Navigation, and ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√ —«b UÐ
- Pursuant to the proposal of the Æw½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Director General of Civil Aviation,
It Has Been Resolved

Article (1) ©±® …œU

The attached Regulations shall be
X¹u?J« —UD w? W??I???«d*« W???LE?½ôUÐ qL???F¹
applied at Kuwait International Airport, and
the provisions contradicting same shall be ÆUN W{—UF*« ÂUJŠô« vGKðË ¨wËb«
©≤® …œU
Article (2)
The Director General of Civil Aviation «c¼ c???O????HMð w?½b*« Ê«d???OD?« ÂU???Ž d¹b??? v?KŽ
shall execute this Resolution, which will …b¹d??'« w? Ád??A½ a¹—U?ð s tÐ qL??F?¹Ë ¨—«d??I«
become operational as of the date it is ÆWOLÝd«
published in the official gazette.

Minister of Interior WOKš«b« d¹“Ë

Issued on: 9th Ramadan 1384AH.

‡¼±≥∏¥ ÊUC— π w —b
Corresponding to: 11th January 1965AD.
±π∂μ d¹UM¹ ±± o«u*«

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Chapter (1)
‰Ë_« qBH«
se of The Airport
—UD*« ‰ULF²Ý«

Article (1)
This Regulations shall be apply to all the ©±® …œU
personnel of the Airport or those benefiting
from this facility such as the Governmental
w 5K?U??F« lO???L??ł vK?Ž ÂUEM« «c¼ Íd???¹
authorities and institutions, the companies, W?O?u?JŠ  U?¾?O¼ s t?Ð 5F?H?²M*« Ë« —U?D*« od?
the passengers, the employees, and the 5Hþu??Ë s¹d??U????Ë  U??d??ýË  U???ÝR??Ë
Article (2)
The Airport shall be permanently open ©≤® …œU
to provide its services and all the units …—u??BÐ tðU??b??š ÍœR¹ U??Šu??²?H?? —UD?*« qE¹
thereof shall work around the clock except W?ŽUÝ ©≤¥® …b? tð«b?ŠË nK²? qL?FðË W?Lz«œ
during emergencies which the Directorate
vKŽ wG³M¹ w²« W?z—UD« ·ËdE« w ô≈ ÂuO« w
General of Civil Aviation must announce in
advance. U????NMŽ s?KF?ð Ê√ w½b*« Ê«d????OD?K W????U????F« …—«œù«
Article (3) ÆUI³
The Airport shall not be used and nor
©≥® …œU
shall any of its areas be occupied unless
upon license issued by the Minister, in
r? Í√ ‰U?G?ý« Ë√ —UD*« ‰U?L?F?²?Ý« “u?−¹ ô
accordance with the prevailing laws. 5½«u?IK UI?Ë d¹“u« sŽ —œU? hOšd?²Ð ô« tM
Article (4) Æ…cUM«
The Airport Administration shall be
entitled, in exceptional cases, to allow for
©¥® …œU
placing supplies, goods, or equipment in the  ôU??????(« w `?L??????ð Ê√ —UD?*« …—«œù o×?¹
places it designates for a period not  «bF*« Ë√ lzUC³« Ë√  ULN*« l{uÐ WOzUM¦²Ýô«
exceeding Twenty Four (24) hours
lЗô« “ËU??−??²ð ô …b?* U??NMO??Fð w²?« sU??ô« w
(otherwise such items may be removed
outside the Airport) at the expense and ×U??š v≈ U??NKI½ “U??ł ô≈Ë® ¨W??ŽU??Ý s¹d??A??ŽË
responsibility of its owners after notifying b??FÐ U???NÐU??×?? √ W??OËR?????Ë W??I??H½ vK?Ž ©—UD*«
them. Ær¼—«c½«
Article (5)
The runways designated for the aircraft ©μ® …œU
takeoff and landing, the lanes for their  «dzU?D« Ÿö????ô W????B????B????????? ׫b*« Ê«
approach, and the spaces for their parking, UNuu  UŠU«Ë U?Nł—b²  «dL*«Ë UNÞu³¼Ë
loading and discharging their loads, and
œu?u?UÐ U¼b¹ËeðË U??N?²u??L?Š m¹d??Hð Ë« qO??L?%Ë
fuelling, and except for that such places
may not be used for any other purpose sU?ô« pK?ð ‰U?L?F?²??Ý« dE×¹ p– «b?Ž U??L?O?Ë
unless a prior license by the Directorate s h?O???šdð vK?Ž ‰u???B???(« q³??? ÷d???ž Íô

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

General of Civil Aviation is obtained Õ«d??²??« vKŽ ¡U?MÐ w½b*« Ê«d??OD?K W??U??F« …—«œô«
pursuant to a proposal from the Airport
Æ—UD*« d¹b
Article (6) ©∂® …œU
It is forbidden to leave behind any type vKŽ X?½U?? Ÿu½ Í√ s l?zU??C??³« „dð d?E×¹
of luggage on the runways, passageways or Æ UŠU« Ë√  «dL*« Ë√ ׫b
©∑® …œU
Article (7)
Carrying out any commercial activity or
.b????Ið Ë« Í—U????& ◊U???A?½ ÍQÐ ÂU????O????I« dE?×¹
type of service provision at the Airport area UNO?KŽ hMð ô dł√ ¡UI —UD*« WIDM w?  Ubš
for charge is forbidden, unless it is provided hO????šd?ð ÊËbÐË …c????U?M« W????L?E½ô«Ë 5?½«u????I«
for in the prevailing laws and regulations, ÆoÐUÝ
and unless a prior license is issued thereto.
©∏® …œU
Article (8)
It is forbidden to: ∫dE×¹
1- Demand or accept donations, grants, Ë«  U½U?Žô« Ë«  U?Žd³?²« ‰u?³? Ë√ VKÞ ≠ ±
or gratuity at the Airport for any purpose Ê–SÐ ô≈ X½U?? W¹U??ž Í_ —UD*« w  U??O?«d??ô«
without permission from the Minister or a
W??B?²??<«  UDK?« s hO??šd?²?Ð Ë« d¹“u« s
license from the competent authorities,
depending on the matter's requirements. Ædô«  UOC²I VŠ
2- Post advertisements in any place at —UD*« s? ÊUJ Í√ w  U½ö???Žô« oB ≠ ≤
the Airport or any of the areas belonging to Æt WFÐU²« oÞUM*« w Ë«
W???OzU???L?MO???« Âö???ô«Ë —u???B« ◊U???I?M« ≠ ≥
3- Take photos, shoot movies
(audio/video), and practice broadcasting ô≈ W?O?Ž«–ô« ‰U?L?Žô« WË«e?Ë ©W?Ozd*« W?O?Ž«–ô«®
works unless upon permission from the Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« s Ê–UÐ
Directorate General of Civil Aviation.
©π® …œU
Article (9)
Animals are not allowed into the Airport Ë« —UD*« WD?×? w  U?½«u?O??(« ‰u??šœ dE×¹
station or aircraft hangars and parking «–≈ ô≈ U?Nu?Ë  UŠU?ÝË  «dzUD« ‡¼ oÞUM v≈
spaces, except for dogs pulled by its owners ÊuJð Ê√ YO?×?Ð U?NÐU?×? _ U¼d?−¹ U?Ðö? X½U?
and which must be muzzled and had
W?O??×?B«  «¡«d?łô« U?N?½Q?ý w c?ð«Ë W??L?LJ
undergone the necessary health procedures.
Article (10) ÆW“ö«
Any person who finds lost items must ©±∞® …œU
submit same to the Airport Administration
…œuI?H ¡U?Oý√ vKŽ —UD*« qš«œ d¦?F¹ s vKŽ
where it shall remain under its
X?% vI???????³ðË ¨—U?D?*« …—«œ≈ v≈ U???????N??????L?K?¹ Ê√
responsibility until delivered to the owners
thereof and disposed of according to the ·dB²«Ë UNÐU× √ UNLOKð r²¹ v²Š UN²OËR
legal procedures. ÆWO½u½UI«  «¡«dłö UIË UNO

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Chapter (2) w½U¦« qBH«
General Cleanliness

Article (11) ©±±® …œU

Litters and cigarette butts must not be dzU???−????« »U???I???Ž«Ë  U¹U???HM?« l{Ë dE?×¹
thrown outside the containers designated
ÆUN WB²<« WOŽËô« ×Uš
Article (12) ©±≤® …œU
It is forbidden for all the personnel and w 5KUF« 5b²*«Ë 5Hþu*« lOLł lM1
employees working at the Airport to use the
toilets designated for the passengers.
W???? U???)« ÁU????O*«  «—Ëœ ‰U???L????F???²????Ý« s —U?D*«
Article (13) Æs¹dU*UÐ
It is forbidden to consume food or drinks ©±≥® …œU
and the like on the work counters of the
companies and enterprises.
U?L??NÐU?ý U?Ë  U??³Þd*«Ë ÂU?FD« ‰ËUM?ð dE×¹
Article (14) W????? U????)« © «d?????²½u?????® q?L????F?« VðU?J v?KŽ
Companies, enterprises, and Æ UÝR*«Ë  UdAUÐ
Governmental authorities at the Airport
shall be responsible for the cleanliness of ©±¥® …œU
the premises and areas used by them, its WO?uJ(«  U¾O?N«Ë  UÝR*«Ë  U?dA« Ê«
regular maintenance, and not causing any  UŠU?«Ë sUô« WUE½ sŽ WËR? —UD*« w
damage to them. These entities may not
effect alteration or modification on these
U?N?²½U?O? vK?Ž WEU?;« U?N?OKŽË U?NKL??F?²?ð w²«
premises and areas without the prior Âb?ŽË ¨—d??CK U?N??C¹d?F?ð Âb?ŽË W?Lz«œ …—u??BÐ
approval of the Directorate General of Civil W?I??«u? q³?? U?N?OK?Ž q¹b?Fð Ë√ q¹u??% Í√ ‰U?šœ«
Aviation thereon, and with must be
Õ«d??²??« vKŽ ¡U?MÐ w½b*« Ê«d??OD?K W??U??F« …—«œù«
pursuant to a proposal from the Airport
Director. Æ—UD*« d¹b

Chapter (3)
YU¦« qBH«
Employees And orkers
Article (15) Êu b²*«Ë ÊuHþu*«
The employees and workers of the ©±μ® …œU
companies and enterprises at the Airport are
 U???d???A« u???b???????²??????Ë Êu???Hþu*« l?M1
forbidden from sitting in the waiting rooms
designated for the passengers. w? ”uK?'« s —U?D*« w? w?²«  U???????????ÝR?*«Ë
Article (16) Æs¹dULK WBB<« —UE²½ô«  UŽU
The porters and labors operating at the
©±∂® …œU
air-transport companies are forbidden from
gathering in the public hall and behind qIM«  U??d?ý w ÊuKU??F«Ë ÊuU?L??(« lM1
reservation counters, and they are not lL?−?²«Ë W?U?F« W?ŽU?I« w lL?−?²« s‡ Íu‡'«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

permitted into this hall except for the rN `L¹ ôË å «d²?½uJ«ò e−(« VðUJ ¡«—Ë
departure of the aircraft of the company
 «dzUÞ q?O?Šd??² ô≈ W??ŽU?I?« pKð v≈ ‰u??šbUÐ
they are working for.
ÆUNO ÊuKLF¹ w²« WdA«
Article (17)
The porters of the air-transport ©±∑® …œU
companies are forbidden from using the s Íu?'« qIM«  U?d?ý Èb ÊuU?L?(« lM1
entrances and exits of the passengers, W????B????B???<« ×U????<«Ë q?š«b*« ‰U????L???F????²????Ý«
except in cases of emergency.
ÆW¹—ËdC«  ôU(« w ô≈ s¹dULK
Article (18)
The staff of the Government authorities ©±∏® …œU
and the employees and workers of the wb?²?Ë WO?uJ(«  U¾?ON« wHþu? vKŽ
air-transport companies as well as the other  U?????ÝR?*«Ë Íu??'« q?IM«  U???d???ý ‰U??L???ŽË
enterprises must wear the uniform Áœb??×?¹ Íc« wL???Ýd« Íe« «Ëbðd?¹ Ê« Èd??š_«
determined by the codes of such authorities,
ôË ¨ U?ÝR*«Ë  UdA«Ë  U¾?ON« pKð ÂUE½
companies, and enterprises. None of these
ÆUN½ËbÐ Wd;« oÞUM*« ‰ušœ rNM Í_ `L¹
persons shall be allowed to enter the
restricted areas without such uniform. ©±π® …œU
Article (19) qIM?«  U?d??ý Èb 5KU??F« 5U??L??(« vKŽ
The porters of the air-transport
«uKL??×¹ s s¹d??L??¦?²??*« Èb ‰U??L?F«Ë Íu??'«
companies and also the workers of the
ÆW Uš UU—√
investors must carry special numbers.
Article (20) ©≤∞® …œU
The porters and workers of the Êu??FÐU???²« ‰U??L??F«Ë Êu???b????²??*« l?C??¹
air-transport companies and the other
Èd??šô«  U????ÝR?*«Ë Íu??'« qIM«  U???d??A
enterprises must undergo a medical
vKŽË ¨q?ô« vKŽ WM?« w …d??? w³Þ h×???H
check-up at lease once a year and the
company must forward copy of the medical w³D« d?¹d?I?²?« «c¼ s W???½ qÝdð Ê« W?d??A«
report to the Airport Administration. In «c?¼ .b?????Ið Âb?????Ž W?U?????Š wË ¨—U?D*« …—«œ≈ v?≈
case of failure to submit such report, their Æ—UD*« ‰ušœ  UUDÐ rN œb& ô d¹dI²«
pass cards into airport shall not be renewed.

Chapter (4) lЫd« qBH«

Aircraft «dzUD«
Article (21) ©≤±® …œU
The aircraft shall not take-off or land in
·ËdE?« w  «d?zUD?« ◊u????³?¼Ë Ÿö????« l?M1
emergencies that may endanger the lives of
passengers and buildings according to the
’U?ýô« …U?OŠ i¹d?Fð UN½Q?ý s w²« Wz—UD«
instructions of the Directorate General of …—œU?B«  U??L?OKF?²?« vKŽ ¡UMÐ dDK?  P?AM*«Ë
Civil Aviation. Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« s

μ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (22) ©≤≤® …œU
The aircraft cockpit crew are forbidden
ÂU??N?? Âö??²?Ý«  «d?zUD« wŠö?? vKŽ d?E×¹
from assuming their job duties onboard the
aircraft while being under the influence of  UÐËd?A*« d?O?ŁQð X% r¼Ë U?NM²? vK?Ž rN?HzUþË
alcoholic drinks or drugs. Æ «—b<« Ë√ WOŠËd«
Article (23) ©≤≥® …œU
The control tower shall, in all cases,
determine the location of the aircraft on the
vK?Ž  «dzUD?« nu??? W???³????«d*« ÃdÐ œb????×¹
parking spaces, and no aircraft is allowed to dE×?¹Ë  ôU??(« lO??L??ł w ·u??u«  U??ŠU??Ý
move from the airport without the W???I??«u?*« ÊËœ —UD*« s „d???×???²« dzUÞ Í√ v?KŽ
permission of the tower, provided that such
‰U?B?ð« vKŽ ÊuJð Ê√ vKŽ Ãd??³« s U?N? …UDF*«
aircraft must stay in constant contact with
the tower through radio devices or light Ë√ W?OJKÝö« …eN?ł_« WDÝ«uÐ Ãd?³« l dL?²?
signs in case of devices breakdown. Æ…eNłô« qDFð WUŠ w WOzuC«  «—Uýô«
Article (24)
©≤¥® …œU
No aircraft shall land in the Airport or
take-off from it unless it has a temporary or
Ê« Ë« —UD*« w? j³??Nð Ê« …dzU?Þ Í_ “u??−¹ ô
permanent permit from the Directorate …—«œù« s `¹d?Bð vKŽ WK U?Š sJð r U? lKIð
General of Civil Aviation, except in cases ¡UM¦??²??Ý« U?L?z«œ Ë√ U?²??R?? w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U??F«
of emergency. ÆW¹—«dD{ô«  ôU(«
Article (25)
The captains of the aircraft landing in ©≤μ® …œU
Kuwait International Airport or taking-off —U?D w? W?DÐU??????N?«  «d?zUD?« Íb?zU?????? vK?Ž
from it, either in case of IFR or VER, shall  ôU????Š w? ¡«u????Ý W????FK?I*« Ë« wËb?« X¹u?J«
abide by the instructions provided in
Ê√ IFR or VER wzd*« Ê«d?OD« Ë« wü« Ê«d?OD«
Kuwait Aviation Manual "AIR" issued by
the Directorate General of Civil Aviation
Ê«d??O?Þ qOœ w …œ—«u?«  U??L??O?KF??²U?Ð «Ëb??O??I???²¹
(Navigation Division). Ê«d?ODK W?UF« …—«œù« s —œU?B« AIR X¹uJ«
Article (26) Æ©WŠö*« r® w½b*«
The aircraft equipped with skidpan are
©≤∂® …œU
forbidden from landing in the Airport or
taking-off from it without prior devices,
W?ôeÐ …eN?:«  «dzUD« Ÿö«Ë ◊u?³¼ dE×¹
except in cases of emergency.  ôU??(« ¡UM¦?²??ÝUÐ W??IÐU?Ý …e??N??ł√ ÊËœ —UD*« w
Article (27) ÆW¹—«dD{ô«
The jet aircraft are forbidden from
©≤∑® …œU
proceeding to the landing areas, approach
lanes, spaces, or any other location in the o?ÞUM? vK?Ž WŁU?????H?M«  «d?zUD?« ×bð d?E×?¹
Airport if the combustion gas released from d?š¬ r? Í√ Ë√  U?ŠU?« Ë«  «d?L*«Ë ◊u?³?N«
their engines is harmful to the persons or sŽ —œU???B« ‚«d???²???Šô« “U???ž ÊU??? «–≈ —UD?*« s

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

the facilities. In such case, the engines must Ë√ ’U??????ýö? «—«d???{« V³???ð U???N?ðU???d???×???
be stopped and the aircraft must be towed ·U?????I?¹≈ V−?¹  ôU?????(« Ác?¼ w?Ë ¨ P?????AM?*«
to the intended place.
ÆœuBI*« ÊUJ*« v≈ …dzUD« dDË  Ud;«
Article (28)
The aircraft engines may not be started ©≤∏® …œU
for the purpose of testing or warming up b????B???IÐ  «d?zUD«  U????d???×???? …—«œ≈ dE?×¹
unless in the areas designated for such W?B?B?<« sU?ô« w ô≈ 5??²« Ë« WÐd?−?²«
purpose by the control tower.
ÆW³«d*« ÃdÐ s pc
Article (29)
The aircraft are forbidden from ©≤π® …œU
accessing to the Airport locations marked —U?D*« o?ÞUM? œU?????O?ð—«  «dzU?D« v?KŽ d?E×?¹
with the international signs indicating ƉULF²Ýô« ÂbF WOËb«  UöFUÐ …eOL*«
©≥∞® …œU
Article (30)
The aircraft landing in the Airport must
„d??²ð Ê« —UD*« w? j³??Nð w²«  «dzUD?« vKŽ
leave the runway immediately after landing, W?ŠU?Ý v≈ t?łu?²ð Ê«Ë ◊u?³?N« b?FÐ ôU?Š ×b*«
and must taxi to the parking space ÃdÐ  U??L??OKF??² U??I??Ë U?N? W?B??B??<« ·u??u«
designated for it according to the ÆW³«d*«
instructions of the control tower.
©≥±® …œU
Article (31)
It is forbidden for the aircraft to park in ◊u???³???N« oÞU?M w  «dzU?D« ·U???I¹≈ dE?×¹
the landing areas and runways, except in ÆW¹—«dD{ô«  ôU(« ¡UM¦²ÝUÐ  «dL*«Ë
cases of emergency.
©≥≤® …œU
Article (32)
After parking the aircraft in the spaces
W?B?B?<« sU?ô« w  «dzU?D« ·U?I¹≈ bMŽ
designated for them, they must be fixed to Ë« ¡UC²?ô« bMŽ ÷—ô« vKŽ UN²O³?¦ð Vłu²¹ UN
the ground if necessary or have its brakes  ö??−???F« ÂU???«  «œUMÝ l{ËË U???NK«d??? b??ý
engaged, and place stakes in front of the Ác¼ V?×??Ý qN?????O? ‰U??O???Š Ë« d¹“UM−?Ð …œËe??
wheels with chains or ropes to pull such
dDš Í√ Ÿuu U¹œUHð …bO?FÐ WU s  «œUM«
stakes from a distanced place to avoid any
risk to the workers. ƉULF« vKŽ
Article (33) ©≥≥® …œU
It is forbidden to start the aircraft engine sJ¹ r?U??  «dzUD«  U??d??×?? …—«œ≈ d?E×¹
unless the person doing so is holds a license Æpc ‰u¹ Íc« hOšd²« vKŽ «ezUŠ
granting him such authority.
©≥¥® …œU
Article (34)
It is forbidden for any person to start the
 U????d????×???? …—«œ≈ h?????ý Í√ vK?Ž dE?×¹
aircraft engines unless he holds the license Íc« hO?šd²« vKŽ Ϋe?zUŠ sJ¹ r U?  «dzUD«
authorizing him to do so. Æp– tu¹

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (35) ©≥μ® …œU
The two-blade propellers of the perching
5?²?K?BM?«  «– ÕË«d?*« Êu?J?ð Ê√ V?łu????????²?¹
aircraft must be on horizontal position in
relation to the ground. W??³???MU?Ð W??O???I??√ W???O??F???{uÐ W??L?ŁU??'«  «dzU?DK
Article (36)
©≥∂® …œU
The period determined for parking the
n«u*« w  «dzUD« ·u?u …œb;« …b*« Ê«
aircraft in the public aprons is:
1- Half an hour if there are no ∫w¼ WUF«
passengers or load on board. ÊËd?U? UN?OKŽ sJ¹ r «–≈ WŽU?Ý nB½ ≠ ±
2- An hour if there are passengers or ÆWuLŠ Ë√
load on board. ÆWuLŠ Ë√ ÊËdU UNOKŽ ÊU «–≈ WŽUÝ ≠ ≤
Any surpassing to this period entails that
…dzUD« ÊUЗ s VKD?²¹ …b*« ÁcN “ËU?& qË
the captain of the aircraft or his
representative must obtain prior license
hO?šdð vKŽ U?I?³?? ‰u?B?(« t?MŽ »uM¹ s Ë√
from the Air-Navigation Division, and in W?O?zUM¦?²??Ýô«  ôU?(UÐË W¹u??'« W?Šö*« r?? s
exceptional cases it may be issued by the Æ—UD*« d¹b Á—bB¹
Airport Director.
©≥∑® …œU
Article (37)
vKŽ W?LŁU?'« Ë√ ö?O W?ł—b?²?*«  «dzUD« vKŽ
The aircraft taxiing at night or perching
in public aprons must switch on their legal W?????O½u?½U?????I« U?¼—«u½√ ÊuJ?ð Ê√ W?????U?????F« n?«u*«
lights. Æ…¡UC
Article (38) ©≥∏® …œU
There must be red lights around the
 «dzUD?« ‰u?Š ¡«d??L??Š —«u½√ l{Ë Vłu??²¹
aircraft fixed at night outside the hangars to
avoid collision.
Æ«bD ô« wö² dzUE(« ×Uš öO XO³ð w²«
Article (39) ©≥π® …œU
The speed of the aircraft taxiing in the W?ł—b??²*« …dzUD?« W?Žd??Ý Èb?F??²ð ô Ê√ V−¹
Airport must not exceed 20 miles per hour.
ÆWŽU« w öO ©≤∞® —UD*« ÷—√ vKŽ
Article (40)
The aircraft must have the absolute ©¥∞® …œU
"right of way" and freedom to taxi on the W¹d?ŠË WIKD*« d?O« W?OKC?√  «dzUD« vDFð
airport runways, lanes, spaces. Æ—UD*«  UŠUÝË  «d2Ë Ã—«b vKŽ —Ëd*«
Article (41)
©¥±® …œU
All the air-transport companies must
assume the procedures necessary to prevent
–U???ð« Íu???'« qI?M«  U???d??ý l?O???L??ł v?KŽ
the spill of oils and fluids from the aircraft qz«u?«Ë  u?¹e« »UJ½« lM* W?“ö« d??OЫb?²«
on the ground. Æ «dzUD« s ÷—ô« vKŽ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ¥

Article (42) ©¥≤® …œU
Following the occurrence of an accident
and after concluding the investigation, the ÀœU??Š t???Žu??Ë b???FÐ  «dzUD?« wJU??? vKŽ
aircraft owners must remove the wreckage v≈ rN?ð«dzUÞ ÂUDŠ q?I½ oO??I??×??²« ¡U??N?²?½« bMŽË
of their aircraft outside the airport, and if
vu??²ð p?– sŽ rN??FM9 ‰U??Š w?Ë —UD*« ×U??š
they rejected doing so the then the Airport
Administration shall remore same on the Æt?²?Ou?¾??Ë pU*« W?I?H½ vK?Ž U?NKI½ —UD*« …—«œ≈
expense and responsibility or the owner.
©¥≥® …œU
Article (43)
In case of any violation to the Kuwaiti
ÀËb??Š WU??Š w? Ÿö??ô« s  «dzUD?« lM9
Civil Aviation Law and the Kuwaiti and WŠö*« W?LE½_Ë w²¹uJ« Ê«dOD« Êu½UI WH?U
international air-navigation regulations, the Èb?Š« b?Qð WUŠ w?Ë WOËb«Ë W?O?²¹uJ« W¹u?'«
aircraft will be prohibited from taking-off,
ÀËb?Š s —UD*« w WKU?F« W?O?uJ(«  U¾?O?N«
and in case any governmental authority
operating at the Airport verifies the ÂeK²?ð U??NÐ W? U?)« 5½«u?I«Ë W?LE½ú? W?HU??
occurrence of any violation to the Âb??I?²?ð Ê√ U?N??OKF?? ¨U??N½«d?O?Þ sŽ …dzUD« ·U??I¹≈
Regulations and its laws that necessitates …—«œ≈ v≈ wM?F*UÐ U??N??²??OR????? vKŽ wDš V?KDÐ
suspending the aircraft from flying, such
V³?????Ý ‰«Ë“ —u???? U????OD?š U¼d?????F????Að Ê√Ë —U?D*«
authority shall present a written request, at
its own responsibility, to this effect to the Ænu²«
Airport Administration and shall notify ©¥¥® …œU
such administration the moment the cause
of suspension is no longer present. s e??łU?Š l{Ë Íu?'« q?IM«  U?d??ý vKŽ
Article (44) s¹d?U?*« œuF?B …b?F*« rö?« ÂU√ qÝö?«
The air-transport companies must put a
ÍœU????H?????² p–Ë U?????NM ‰Ëe?M« Ë√  «d?zUD?« v≈
barrier of chains in front of the stairs
designated for the ascending or descending ÆÕË«d*«Ë  Ud;« s rNЫd²«
of passengers to/from the aircraft in order
©¥μ® …œU
to avoid their closeness to the engines or
propellers. dzUEŠ ‰u??Š  «b?F*«Ë rö??« l{Ë dE×¹
Article (45) ÆUNO≈ WłUŠ „UM¼ sJ¹ rU  «dzUD«
The stairs and equipment shall not be
placed around the aircraft hangars without ©¥∂® …œU
any need to such stairs or equipment. W???? U????)«  «d?zUD?« »U????×???? √ vK?Ž dE?×¹
Article (46)
ÊËœ —UD*« ‰U?LF?²?Ý« b¼UF*« Ë√ Íœ«uM?K WFÐU?²«Ë
The owners of private aircraft and those
belonging to clubs or institutes must not use U?L?? w½b*« Ê«d?ODK? W?U?F« …—«œù« s h?O?šdð
the Airport without license from the dł√ ¡U?I lzUC?³« Ë√ s¹dU*« qI½ rN?OKŽ dE×¹
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, nor
shall they transfer passengers or cargo for Æi¹uFð Ë√
charge or compensation. ©¥∑® …œU
Article (47)
When the case necessitates changing the ÂU????—« q¹b????F?ð …—Ëd????C« w?C????²????Ið U????b?MŽ
aircraft numbers due to transfer of title or vKŽ V?−¹ U??N??²???O??Mł Ë√ qI?½ V³??Ð  «d?zUD«

μμ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

nationality, the owner or his representative W???U????F« …—«œù« Âö????Ž« tMŽ »u?M¹ s Ë√ p?U*«
must notify the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation before effecting such change. Æ—uc*« q¹bF²UÐ ÂUOI« q³ w½b*« Ê«dODK
Article (48) ©¥∏® …œU
The Director of Kuwait International Ÿö???« lM w?Ëb« X¹u?J« —UD d?¹b?? v?KŽ
Airport must prevent the take-off of any
¡UM¦???²??ÝUÐ …—d??I*« Âu???Ýd« œb??ð r? –≈ …dzUÞ Í√
aircraft not paying the agreed duties, except
for the companies that provide routes and b??? ÊuJ?ð w²«Ë U?ÞuDš s?Rð w²?«  U???d???A«
had submitted bank guarantees to the W???U??F« …—«œù« v?≈ W??O???d??B??? WU??H?JÐ Xb???Ið
Directorate General of Civil Aviation or the b?NF?²¹ w²« W{—U?F«  «dzUD« Ë√ w½b*« Ê«d?ODK
casual flights whose agents undertake to in
ÆUNMŽ ÂuÝd« lbÐ UODš U¼ƒöË
writing to pay the duties thereof.
Chapter (5) f U)« qBH«
General Protection W UF« W¹Uu«
Article (49) ©¥π® …œU
It is forbidden to carry out any works
t W?FÐU?²« oÞUM*« Ë√ —UD*« qš«œ ÂU?O?I« dE×¹
inside the Airport or at the areas belonging
to it which may endanger the lives of the Ë√ ’U??ýô« …U?O?Š i¹d?F?ð U?N½Q?ý ‰U?L?Ž√ ÍQÐ
persons or the facilities. ÆdDK  PAM*«
Article (50) ©μ∞® …œU
It is forbidden to smoke in the aircraft
parking spaces, the area for storing fuel, the
 «dzUD« ·u?Ë  UŠU?Ý w 5šb?²« dE×¹
hangars, or in the areas marked with Ë√ dzUE(« Ë√ œu??uUÐ W? U?)« Ÿœu?²??*« sU?√Ë
No-Smoking signs, and must maintain a vKŽ 5šb??²« lM?  U?ö??FÐ …e??O?L*« o?ÞUM*« w
distance of 25 meters from these areas.
ÆUNM «d² ≤μ WU
Article (51)
It is forbidden to use fire of any type in ©μ±® …œU
any place at the Airport and for any purpose Í√ wË Ÿu½ Í√ s Ê«d??OM« ‰U?L??F?²??Ý« dE×¹
whatsoever without a special permit from ÊËœ X?½U???????? ÷«d????????ž√ W?¹_Ë —U?D?*« s ÊU?J?
the Airport Administration.
Æ—UD*« …—«œ≈ s ’Uš hOšdð
Article (52)
It is forbidden to store explosives of any
©μ≤® …œU
type or any other inflammable materials or Ë√ X½U? Ÿu½ Í√ s  «d?−?²??H*« Êe?š dE×¹
pressured gas, or to possess these items ◊uGC? “Už Ë√ ‰UF²ýô« WF¹d?Ý Èdš√ œ«u W¹√
anywhere in the airport without special
hO???šdð ÊËœ —UD?*« s ÊUJ? w U??N?ð“U??O???Š Ë√
license from the Airport Administration,
and the officer in charge must implement oO????³Dð ‰u????¾???*« vK?ŽË —UD*« …—«œ≈ s? ’U???š
all the conditions stated in the said license. .tO≈ —UA*« hOšd²« w W½Ëb*« ◊ËdA« lOLł

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

Article (53) ©μ≥® …œU
The operators of the warehouses and
facilities at the Airport must be equipped w  P??AM?Ë ¨Ê“U???? ÊuKG??A¹ s¹c?« vKŽ
with fire extinguishers, in accordance with U?I?Ë o¹d?(« b?{ ¡U?HÞ√ …e?N?łQÐ ËœËe¹ Ê√ —UD*«
the instructions of the Airport
Æ¡UHÞ_« rË —UD*« …—«œ≈  ULOKF²
Administration and the Fire Fighting
Department. ©μ¥® …œU
Article (54)
w  U?Žœu?²?Ë dzU?EŠ ÊuKG?A¹ s¹c« vKŽ
The operators of the hangars or
warehouses at the Airport must be equipped  UU?FÝ« vKŽ Íu²?% W½«eÐ U¼Ëe?N−¹ Ê√ —UD*«
with a cabinet containing the first aid V²J¹Ë d¼Uþ tÐ oKFð iOÐ√ ÊuKÐ W½u¼b?Ë WOË√
supplies, which must be painted in white
and fixed on a visible place together with d?L?Š_« ÊuKU?Ð åW?OË√  U?U?F?Ý√ò …—U?³??Ž U?N?OKŽ
the phrase "First Aid" to be written on it in ÆWO³Mł_«Ë WOÐdF« 5²GKUÐË
red color and in both Arabic and English
”œU« qBH«
Chapter (6) —UD*« w o¹d(« s W¹Uu«
Fire Prevention In The Airport
©μμ® …œU
Article (55)
Any person discovers or witnesses a fire w U?I¹dŠ b¼U?A¹Ë√ nA²J¹ h?ý Í√ vKŽ
in any place in the Airport must follow the ≠∫WOU²«  ULOKF²« cOHMð —UD*« w ÊUJ Í√
following instructions:
ÍQÐ —U?D*« w ¡U????HÞ_« W????d???H?Ð qB????²¹ Ê√ ≠
- Contact the fire-fighting squad in the
Airport by any means as quickly as ÆWŽdÝ vBQÐË X½U WKOÝË
possible. »d??« W?DÝ«uÐ o¹d???(« œU??L??š« ‰ËU???×¹ Ê√ ≠
- Try to extinguish the fire by the
Æ¡UHÞ« »u³½√
nearest fire extinguisher.
- Request help if the fire-fighting  ô¬ sJð r «–≈ …b?ŽU?*« V?KDÐ ÍœUM¹ Ê√ ≠
equipment is not available close by. Such »d?√ w UC?¹« tOKŽË tM »d?IÐ …d?u?² ¡U?HÞô«
person shall present a written detailed —UD?*« …—«œ≈ v≈ Âb????I????²¹ Ê√ ÀœU????(« b????F?Ð XË
report on the accident signed thereby to the
Airport Administration as quickly as U?F?u? ÀœU?(« sŽ öB?H? U?OÐU?²? «d¹d?Ið Âb?I¹Ë
possible. ÆtK³ s tOKŽ
Article (56)
©μ∂® …œU
a - It is absolutely forbidden to load or
unload any petrol from the aircraft inside  U?Ëd;UÐ  «d?zUD« W¾?³?Fð UðUÐ U?FM lM1 ≠ √
the hangars and near the facilities. Such  P?A?M*« »d?Ë dzUE?(« qš«œ U?NM U??N?G¹d??Hð Ë√
processes shall only be executed at distance
W?U? vKŽ ô≈ 5²?OKLF?« 5ðU¼ ¡«dł« “u?−¹ ôË
of more than (25) meters from hangars and
facilities. Æ PAM*«Ë dzUE(« s «d² ©≤μ® sŽ b¹eð
b - The remains of the petrol may be s  U???Ëd???;« U¹U???IÐ m¹d???H???²Ð `L???¹ ≠ »

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
unloaded from the aircraft inside the s UN?Ý«dŠ 5Qð ◊d?ý dzUE(« qš«œ  «dzUD«
hangars provided that one of the company
TUD0 Áb?¹ËeðË W?d??A« wb???²??? b?Š√ q?³?
employees shall stand guard thereof and
shall be equipped with the carboniferous WłU(« bMŽ UNULF²Ýô …užd« Ë√ w½uÐdJ« “UG«
gas or foam to be used in necessary cases tM? ⁄d???Hð Íc?« ¡U???Žu?«Ë …dzUD?« ÊuJð Ê√ v?KŽ
provided that the aircraft and the container
ULNCF³Ð 5ÞuÐd m¹dH²« …b ‰öš  UËd;«
from which the petrol is unloaded during
the unloading period shall be tightly linked ö???? u¹ Ê√Ë „ö????ÝQ?Ð rJ×???? q?JAÐ i?F????³«
together and are earthed by an earth-wire. EARTHING® w½b??F??? pKÝ WD?Ý«uÐ ÷—ôUÐ
In case of the flow of the petrol on earth,
such petrol must be quickly cleaned using v?KŽ  U??????Ëd??????;« o?b?ð WU??????Š w?Ë ©WIRE
sand or sawdust. The stand or sawdust must Ë√ qd« ‰ULF²ÝUÐ WŽdÐ UNHOEMð V−¹ ÷—_«
be carried outside the hangars and placed in v≈ …—U??AM« Ë√ qd?« «c¼ qI½Ë VA??)« …—U??A½
another area. The container must be
immediately removed outside the hangars
t½√Ë U?L d?š¬ ÊUJ w U?NF?{ËË …dOE(« ×U?š
upon the termination of the unloading ¡UŽu« qI½ m?¹dH²« W?OKLŽ s ¡UN?²½ô« bMŽ V−¹
process. Æ…dOE(« ×Uš v≈ —uH« vKŽ
c - The company or the responsible
Ê√ WËR???*« W????ÝR*« Ë√ W??d??A« v?KŽ ≠ ‡ł
corporation shall take the procedures
necessary to avoid the drop of petrol or jU??????ð Âb????F? W?????“ö«  «¡«d?????łô« c??????????²ð
flammable materials from tanks, pips,  U½«e)« s »UN²ö WKÐUI« œ«u*«Ë√  UËd;«
wastes, Carburetor, or similar sources and U???? Ë√ —uð«—u?ÐdJ?« Ë√  U¹U????HM?« Ë√ d????O????Ý«u*«Ë
shall perform work on aircraft inside the
 «dzUD« vKŽ q?LF?«Ë  «eO?N?−?²« s U?N?NÐU?ý
d - The filling up process of machinery ÆdzUE(« qš«œ
and different locomotives that serve the  «dÞU?I« nK²?Ë  U?Oü« W¾?³Fð Èd?& ≠ œ
aircraft which are equipped with liquid  U??d?×0 …e??N?:«Ë  «dzU?D« W?b??Ð W? U??)«
fuel-fired engines from the approved tanks
U?NÐ ÕdB?*«  U½«e)« s qzU?« œu?uUÐ …d?O?
shall be performed at not less than (15)
meters from any hangar entrance provided qšb?? Í√ s «d?²?? ±μ sŽ qIð ô W??U??? vKŽ
that the facilities approved for such purpose  «e???O??N???−??²K? ÊuJð Ê√ ◊d???ý dzUE(« w? ÊU??
shall meet the imposed prevention ÆW{ËdH*« W¹Uu« ◊Ëdý W¹UG« ÁcN …bL²F*«
Article (57) ©μ∑® …œU
It is forbidden for the aircraft to be U?NðU?d% Ë√ U?N?ł«d?š«Ë  «dzUD« ‰U?šœ« lM1
brought in, taken out, or be moved inside
the hangars unless be using towing
W??O???u??²?????  «dÞU?? W?DÝ«uÐ ô≈ dzU?E(« qš«œ
locomotives which meet the technical ·U???I¹« V−?¹Ë pc W??? U???)« W???OM?H« ◊Ëd???A«
conditions for that. Moreover, when
bringing the aircraft into the hangar, it must
…d??OE(« v≈ U??NU??šœ« bMŽ  «dzU?D«  U??d?×??
ensured that the aircraft engines are lM1Ë ¨UNKšb s «d² ©±μ® qIð ô WU vKŽ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

checked from a distance not less than (15) «–≈ ô≈ dzU?E(« qš«œ  U???d???;« …—«œ≈ UðU?Ð U??F?M
meters from the hangers' entrance. It is
absolutely forbidden to start the engines ¡UMŁ√ wË W??OzUÐd?NJ«  «bu*« WD?Ý«uÐ p– ÊU?
inside the hangars except through electrical ÆjI UN²½UO
generators and only for the purpose of
maintenance only. ©μ∏® …œU
Article (58) …dzUÞ Í√ —«dD?{« ‰U?Š w W??³?«d?*« ÃdÐ vKŽ
In case any aircraft is obligated to fire …dzU?D« Ác?¼ —c????×?¹ Ê√ W¹—U½ r?N????Ý√ ‚ö?Þ« v≈
flares, the control tower must warn and
guide such aircraft so as not to drop such
vKŽ rN?Ýô« Ác¼ ◊uI?Ý VM−²ð wJ U¼b?ýd¹Ë
flares on the Airport facilities to avoid ÆUNO o¹dŠ À«bŠ« ÍœUH² —UD*«  PAM
causing fire therein.

lÐU« qBH«
Chapter (7)
The Rules of Fueling The Aircraft œuuUÐ «dzUD« W¾³Fð bŽ«u
Article (59) ©μπ® …œU
The fuel companies must print the
W? U)«  U?LOKF?²« l³Þ œu?u«  Ud?ý vKŽ
instructions concerning fueling the aircraft
and distribute such instructions to the  U?dý vKŽ U?NF¹“uðË œu?uUÐ  «dzUD« W¾?³F?²Ð
airlines companies. Moreover, such vKŽ  U??L??OKF??²« Ác¼ oB V?−¹ U?L?? Ê«d??OD«
instructions must be posted on a special WłU(« bMŽ UNO≈ Ÿu?łd« vM²¹ w W Uš WŠu
signboard in order to refer to them when U?N?O?≈ —U?A*«  U?L?O?KF?²« Õd?ýË …¡«d?? Vłu?²¹Ë
necessary. Besides, the said instructions
‰U?LŽQÐ rN?HOKJð q³? œb'« 5b?²?LK Áö?Ž«
must be read and explained to the new
employees before commissioning them to ÆW¾³F²«
perform the fueling function. ©∂∞® …œU
Article (60) lO??L?ł å «dzUD?«  U?Ëd?×??ò …—U?³??FÐ b?B??I¹
"Aircraft petrol" means all types of fuel
U???N?U???L???F???²???Ý« s?J1 w²?«  u¹e«Ë œu???u?« Ÿ«u½√
and oils that can be used for the aircraft.
The preventive procedures applicable
¡UMŁ√ UNŽU³ð« Vł«u« W?OzUu« dOЫb²« Ê√Ë  «dzUDK
during fueling jet aircraft are not different sŽ nK²ð ô  U?Ëd;UÐ WŁUHM«  «dzUDK W¾?³F²«
from the procedures of other aircraft. Such oO?³Dð V?−¹Ë Èd?š_«  «dzUDUÐ oKF?²?ð w²« pKð
instructions shall be applicable in all cases. Æ ôU(« lOLł w  ULOKF²« Ác¼
Article (61)
©∂±® …œU
Fueling works are usually carried out in
the open-air and distanced by at least 15 oKD« ¡«u??N« w …œU?Ž W?¾??³?F?²« ‰U??L?Ž√ Íd?&
meters from the inhabited buildings, and Wu¼Q*« W??OMÐ_« s «d?²? ±μ sŽ qI?¹ ô b?FÐ vKŽ
must be at certain places designated by the Æ—UD*« …—«œ≈ q³ s WOMF*« sUô« wË
Airport Administration.
Article (62)
©∂≤® …œU
Fueling aircraft with petrol or unloading  «dzU?D« s¹u9 W???¾???³???F??²?« ‰U??L???ŽQÐ b???B???I¹

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

thereof, unloading tanks, transferring fuel  U½«e?)« m?¹d?HðË U?NM U??N?G¹d?Hð Ë√  U??Ëd?;UÐ
from one tank to another and the
experiments concerning the liquidating of
»—U??−??²«Ë d??š¬ v≈ Z¹d??N? s? œu?u?« qI½Ë
petrol. Æ UËd;« WUÝUÐ W U)«
Article (63) ©∂≥® …œU
The loading area shall be specified
…dz«bÐ W?¾³F?²« ‰UL?Ž« ¡UMŁ√ W¾?³F?²« WIDM? œb%
during the loading works by a circle of a
(15) meter radius around the source of fuel, œu??u« —b??B?? ‰u??Š «d??²?? ©±μ® U¼dD? nB½
aircraft's tank opening, and aircraft's Æ «dzUD«  «bFË …dzUD« Ê«eš tײË
equipment. ©∂¥® …œU
Article (64)
q³?? b???Q??²ð Ê√ œu??u?« l¹“uð  U??d???ý vKŽ
The fuel distribution companies shall
verify before and during any fueling works d?O?Ý Ê√ s U?N?zUMŁ√Ë W?¾?³?F?²« ‰U??L?Ž√ w ŸËd?A«
that the taxiing of the other aircraft does not Ác¼ v?KŽ dDš Í√ q?JA¹ ô Èd???šô«  «dzU?D«
represent any danger to such works. They ¡«u??N« W???Žd??Ý Ê√ kŠöð Ê√ U???N??OKŽË ‰U???L??Ž_«
shall note that the speed of the air bursting
 U??????d?????×??????Ë  «d?zUD?« ÕË«d?????? s l?bM?*«
from the aircraft' propellers and jet plane
engines differs according to the type of …dzUD« Ác?¼ ŸuM U?F??³ð nK²??ð WŁU?HM?«  «dzUD«
such aircraft and how it is moving. In jet  «dzUD?K W??Žd??« Ác¼ mK³ðË U?¼d??O?Ý W??O??H??O??Ë
aircraft taxiing in full engine power, said w«uŠ U?NðUd×? Èu qUJÐ U¼dO?Ý bMŽ WŁUHM«
speed reaches (80) Kilometers per hour,
…—«d???Š Ê√ U??L??? W???ŽU???« w «d???²??? uKO??? ©∏∞®
and the temperature of the gases bursting
there from reaches 37 degree Celsius at 10 Wł—œ 5ŁöŁË W?F³?Ð —bIð U?NM WFb?M*«  «“UG«
meters from the engine stern. Although ¨„d;« …d?šR s —U?²√ …d?AŽ b?FÐ vKŽ W¹u?¾
such temperature does not result in fire, the o¹d??Š »u??A½ v≈ ÍœR?ð ô …—«d??(« «c¼ Ê√ lË
power of burst of the gases may endanger
wU?Ð ÷d????Fð b?????  «“U????G« ŸU????b?½« …u???? ÊU????
other aircraft, persons, and equipment.
Article (65) ÆdDK  «bF*«Ë ’Uýô« Ë√  «dzUD«
The fuel loading tanks must be under ©∂μ® …œU
constant supervision and shall be parked in X% œu???u« W???¾??³???Fð Z¹—U???N?? l{Ë V?−¹
such a manner that facilitates the removal
U¼œUFЫ tF qN¹ qJAÐ U?NUI¹≈Ë WLz«b« W³«d*«
thereof away from the aircraft in
emergencies. Such tankers shall not be l?M?1Ë …d?D?)« w?  ôU?????????(« w  «d?zU?D?« s?
placed under the aircraft or in any other vA?¹ d?š¬ ÊUJ Í√ w  «dzUD« X% U?N?U?I¹«
place where dropping of petrol thereon is
ÆtOKŽ  UËd;« »UJ½«
Article (66)
©∂∂® …œU
The fuel distribution companies shall w  U?²ô l{Ë œu?u« l¹“uð  Ud?ý vKŽ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

place signs in the fuel areas during fueling Ê√ v≈ …—U???ýû W???¾???³??F???²« ¡UM?Ł√ œu??u?« W??ŠU???Ý
to indicate that the aircraft are being
supplied with fuel and that smoking is
Ê√ v≈Ë  U?Ëd?;UÐ s¹uL?²« b?O? w¼  «dzUD«
absolutely forbidden. ÆUðU²Ð —uE× 5šb²«
Article (67) ©∂∑® …œU
The equipment used in the fueling works
‰ö???š WKL???F??²???*«  «b???F*« ÊuJð Ê√ V?−¹
shall be made of metal materials such as
”U???×MU??? W??OM?F?? œ«u??? s W??¾???³??F???²« ‰U???L??Ž√
copper, aluminum and bronze but not iron.
Article (68) Æb¹b(« «bŽ U e½d³«Ë ÂuOMu*ô«Ë
The aircraft and fueling source or tanks ©∂∏® …œU
from which the petrol is taken in addition to Ë√ W???¾???³???F??²?« —b??B???Ë  «d?zUD« jЗ V?−¹
the hoses or any similar installations shall pc?Ë  U?Ëd?;« U?NM c?šRð w²« Z¹—U?N?B«
be connected with each other by metal
iF?³« U?N?CF?³Ð WKŁU?2  «eO?N?& W¹√ Ë√ rOÞ«d?)«
wires in order to insure the electric
W?N'« s U?NK Ë 5Q?² W?O½bF? „ö?Ý« WDÝ«uÐ
connection thereof. Such wires shall be
connected according to the following order U???I??Ë „ö???Ýô« Ác¼ q Ë V?−¹Ë W??O?zUÐd??N?J«
before fueling: ≠∫W¾³F²« q³ wU²« VOðd²K
1- The aircraft is connected to the ground. Æ÷—ôUÐ …dzUD« q Ë ≠±
2- The tank is connected to the ground
X½U????? «–≈ ô≈ ÷—_U?Ð Z¹d?????N?????B?« q Ë ≠ ≤
unless the type of frames does not
ÊËœ ‰u???????????×?¹ ô Íc?« Ÿu?M?« s?  «—U?Þô«
prevent the conduction of electronic
ÆwzUÐdNJ« Èd:« —Ëd
3- The aircraft is carefully connected to Z¹d??N?B« v≈ rJ?×? qJAÐ …d?zUD« q Ë ≠ ≥
the tank, reservoir, or petrol source pKÝ WDÝ«uÐ  UËd;« —b?B Ë√ Ê«e)« Ë√
through a metal wire fixed to certain …dzUD?« w WMO??F*« ◊U??IM« v≈ X³??¦?? w½b?F??
points in the aircraft by cables or related
ÆpcÐ ’U)« —bB*UÐ Ë√  öÐUJUÐ
ÕUMłË Ê«e?Ð WO½b?F*« rOÞ«d)« W¹U?N½ q Ë ≠ ¥
4- The end of the metal hoses is
connected to the aircraft tank and wing `²? q³ W?¹UG« Ác?N WMO?F*« ◊U?IM« w …dzUD«
at the points dedicated for such purpose ÆÊ«e)« ¡UDž
before opening the cover of the tank. ©∂π® …œU
Article (69) vKŽ  «e?O??N?−?²« wUÐË rOÞ«d??)« d?ł dE×¹
The hoses and other installations shall
W?IDM s?L?{ U?N?}KŽ U?NzU?I« Ë√ W??³K  U?ŠU??
not be pulled on solid areas or thrown on
the fueling area to avoid the sparks Z²Mð b? w²«  «—«d?A« b?ŽU?Bð s U?FM W?¾³?F?²«
resulting from the friction. Æ„UJ²Šô« ¡«dł s

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (70) ©∑∞® …œU
The fueling workers shall continually
rOÞ«d?)« W¹UNMÐ «uJ1 Ê√ W?¾³?F²« ‰UL?Ž vKŽ
hold the end of hoses from the beginning to
the end of the process of fueling the
WOKL?Ž UNdG²?ð w²« …b*« ‰«uÞ …dL²? …—uBÐ
aircraft. ÆUNzUN²½« ÂU9 v²ŠË  UËd;UÐ …dzUD« œ«b«
Article (71) ©∑±® …œU
The fueling workers shall not hold
Ë√  U?Š«bI« qL?Š W¾?³F?²« ‰UL?Ž vKŽ dE×¹
lighters, matchboxes or any iron made kit.
b¹b??(« s W?ŽuM?B? …b??Ž W¹√ Ë√ X¹d?³?J« VKŽ
Smoking shall be absolutely forbidden in
the fueling area. ÆW¾³F²« oÞUM w UðUÐ UFM 5šb²« lM1 UL
Article (72) ©∑≤® …œU
Equipment operated by electrical power
…u???IUÐ …d???O??*«  «b???F*« ‰U???L??F???²??Ý« dE?×¹
or regular petrol shall not be used in the
«–≈ W¾³F²« sL{ W¹œU?F«  UËd;« Ë√ WOzUÐdNJ«
fueling area if not especially designed for
such purpose. ÆW¹UG« ÁcN UBOBš WŽuMB sJð r
Article (73) ©∑≥® …œU
The fueling workers shall not wear any błuð w²« W¹cŠô« f³ s W¾³F²« ‰ULŽ lM1
shoes with soles made of iron or any other
ÆÈdš√ ÊœUF Ë√ b¹bŠ UNKF½ w
Article (74) ©∑¥® …œU
It is forbidden to start the aircraft W??¾?³??F?²« ¡U?MŁ√ …dzUDK  U??d??;« …—«œ≈ dE×¹
engines during fueling and the electric
¨UNMŽ U?ŽuDI wzUÐdNJ« —U?O²« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ V−¹Ë
current shall be disconnected there from. It
is also forbidden to test the electric, radio W?OJKÝö«Ë W?OzU?Ðd?NJ« …e?N?łô« WÐd?& lM1 U?L?
and radar devices, nor turn on the qL??F?ð w²« W??¾??b???²« …e??N??ł√ qO??G???AðË —«œ«d«Ë
petrol-operated heaters. Æ UËd;« WDÝ«uÐ
Article (75)
©∑μ® …œU
It is forbidden to carry out any work
using any of the aircraft iron machines or Ë√  ô¬ WD?Ý«uÐ q?L????Ž ÍQ?Ð ÂU?????O????I?« dE?×¹
tools while near the tanks during the fueling  U½«e??)« s »d?I?UÐ  «dzUD« W¹b¹b??Š  «Ëœ«
ÆW¾³F²« ‰ULŽ√ ¡UMŁ«
Article (76)
The passengers may stay on board ©∑∂® …œU
during the fueling process provided: 7 vKŽ ¡U??I?³?UÐ s¹d?U???LK? ÕU?L??« sJ1
1- The internal lightings of the aircraft
≠∫wK¹ U cOHMð …UŽ«d ◊dAÐ W¾³F²« ¡UMŁ√ …dzUD«
shall be on before the fueling process
and continues to be on till the W??¾??³?F??²« W??OK?L?Ž q?³? …d?zUD« qš«œ …¡U??{« ≠ ±
termination thereof. ÆUN²¹UN½ v²Š …¡U{ô« —«dL²Ý«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

2- The main entry of the aircraft shall be w??Ozd« …dzUD« qšb?? vKŽ W?Ý«d??Š 5Qð ≠ ≤
guarded by one of the company's
V−¹ U?L W?dAUÐ 5b?²?*« bŠ√ q³? s
employees. Such entry and the passage
leading thereto shall be free of any
U?OU?š t?O≈ ÍœR*« d?L*«Ë qšb*« «c¼ ÊuJ¹ Ê√
obstacles confronting the passengers and rK?« ÊuJ¹ Ê√Ë s¹d??U??*« oO??F¹ U?? q s
the stair shall be in place. t½UJ w U²³¦
3- Said employee shall report during the
‰U??L?Ž√ ¡U?MŁ√ t?O?≈ —U?A*« Âb????²??*« mK³¹ Ê√ ≠ ≥
fueling process any case that may lead to
Z²M¹ Ê√ s?J1 w²«  ôU??(« lO?L??−Ð W?¾??³?F??²«
a hazard and if he felt the leakage of
petrol fume inside the aircraft. »d???²Ð d?F?ý Ê« d??šü« vKŽË U? dDš U??NMŽ
4- The Company shall inform the Æ…dzUD« qš«œ  UËd;« —UÐ
passengers at the beginning of the W¾³F²« ‰UL?Ž« ¡b³Ð s¹dU*« WdA« rKFð Ê« ≠ ¥
fueling works and warn them against
`O?ðU???H*« ‰U???L???F???²???Ý« Ë√ 5šb???²« t???O???³M?²«Ë
smoking or use of any electrical switches
or matchboxes and lighters. Æ UŠ«bI«Ë X¹d³J« VKŽ Ë√ WOzUÐdNJ«
5- The passengers who left the aircraft to b?? «u½uJ¹ s?¹c« s¹d??U???L?K `L??¹ ô Ê√ ≠ μ
a remote place from the fueling area W?¾³?F?²« WIDM? sŽ bO?FÐ ÊUJ …dzUD« «Ë—œU?ž
shall not return thereto during fueling.
6- A special stairs shall be placed and
fixed on the aircraft cabin to facilitate »UÐ vKŽ ’U?š rKÝ XO?³?¦ðË l{Ë Èd?−¹ ≠ ∂
the quick ascent to the cockpit. ÊUJ v≈ œu?FB« qO?N?² …dzUD« …—u?BI?
7- The Company shall notify the ÆWŽdÐ …œUOI«
fire-fighting squad of the presence of
s¹dU œułË ¡UHÞô« Wd WdA« mK³ð Ê√ ≠ ∑
passengers onboard the aircraft to be
fueled in order to provide the protection
W¹U??u« 5Q??² U??N??²??¾??³??Fð ÍuM*« …dzUD?« vKŽ
necessary during fueling. ÆW¾³F²« sL{ W“ö«
Article (77) ©∑∑® …œU
At least two fire-extinguishers must be
W???ID?M w q?_« vKŽ 5ðQ???H?D l{Ë V?−¹
placed in the fueling area, which must be of
b?O???√ w½UŁ s  U?«d??ž uKO? W?¾?? s W?¾?³??F?²«
the category of Two kilograms carbon
dioxide or powder through all the phases of lO????L????ł ‰ö?????š s Ë√ …—œu????³« s? Ë√ ÊuÐd?J«
fueling. The training of workers in various w ‰U??L?F« V¹—bð w?C?²?I?¹Ë ¨W?¾?³??F?²« q?Š«d?
companies shall include how to use such
vKŽ Ë√ UNU?LF²Ý« WO?HO vKŽ  Ud?A« nK²
extinguishers and how to contact the
Æ¡UHÞô« WdHÐ ‰UBðô« WI¹dÞ
fire-fighting squad.
Article (78) ©∑∏® …œU
In case of any fire in the opening of any  U½«e)« bŠ« Wײ w o¹dŠ »uA½ WUŠ w

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

tanks in the aircraft the fueling process «—u? W?¾??³?F?²« ‰U?L??Ž« ·U?I¹≈ wC?²?I?¹ …dzUD« w
shall be immediately terminated and the
‰U?H?« WËU×? V−¹ U?L? «b?OFÐ ÂuÞd?)« ·c?Ë
hose shall be thrown as far as possible. The
tank opening must be closed through the
Èd?š« WKO?ÝË W¹√ Ë√ tzUDž WDÝ«u?Ð Ê«e)« W?×?²?
cover thereof or any other means and the Æ÷dG« «cN  UF³I« ‰ULF²Ý« WO½UJ« l
hats may be used for such purpose. ©∑π® …œU
Article (79)
ÊËœ WuKO??×K W??“ö« d??OЫb??²« –U??ð« V−¹
The necessary procedures shall be taken
 U½«e?)« Ë√ WOŽËô« Ë√ d?OÝ«u*« s œu?u« obð
to prevent the flow of fuel from pipes,
containers, or tanks after loading thereof. q³? …dzUD«  U?d?× …—«œ≈ dE×?¹Ë UNzö?« b?FÐ
The aircraft engines shall not be started XI??bð b? ÊuJ?ð w²«  U?Ëd??;« s U??N?H??OEMð
before cleaning such engines from the ÆUNOKŽ
petrol that may have flowed thereon.
©∏∞® …œU
Article (80)
ob²ð w²« WKOKI« œuu«  U?OL WODGð V−¹
Small amounts of fuel flowing on the
parking areas shall be covered with sand
qd« «c?¼ qI½Ë qdU?Ð ·u??u«  U??ŠU??Ý vKŽ
which shall be carried to a safe place. Æ5√ ÊUJ v≈
Article (81) ©∏±® …œU
In case of the flow of large quantities of vKŽ œu?u« s …d?O³?  U?OL? obð WU?Š w
fuel on the ground, the fueling works shall
Âö?Ž«Ë «—u W?¾³?F²« ‰U?LŽ√ ·U?I¹≈ V−¹ ÷—_«
be immediately stopped and the
fire-fighting squad shall be notified. Till the
W?d?H« Ác¼ ‰u? Ë —UE?²½UÐË ôU?Š ¡U?HÞô« W?d?
arrival of the fire-fighting squad, the œu??u« obð ÊU?? ‰u??Š W?“ö« W??Ý«d??(« sRð
necessary guards shall be provided around Õd?B*« dO?ž  UOô«Ë ’U?ýô« »«d?²ô U?FM
such area of the flow to prevent the persons vKŽ Êu?½uJ¹ s¹c« s¹d??U??*« ‰«e?½« V−¹Ë U??NÐ
or uncertified machinery to get closer. The
dE×¹Ë Æ5√ ÊUJ v≈ r?NN?O?łuðË …dzUD« 7
passengers onboard shall descend and be
WU? v≈ UNŽ«u½« ·ö²š« vKŽ  U?Oü« »«d²«
guided to a safe place. The machinery of all
kinds shall remain always from the place of obð ÊU?J s «d??²?? d??A??Ž W????L??š s?Ž qIð ô
flow by not less than fifteen meters. Æœuu«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Chapter (8) s U¦« qBH«
se of ehicle And Machinery UOü«Ë «—UO« ‰ULF²Ý«

Article (82)
©∏≤® …œU
The movement of vehicle and machinery
inside the Airport and the affiliated area —UD*« qš«œ  U?Oô«Ë  «—UO?« d?OÝ lC?¹
thereof shall be subject to the control of the —UD?*« …—«œ« W????³?????«d* t? W????F?ÐU????²?« W????I?DM?*« wË
Airport Administration and the instructions ÆUNMŽ …—œUB«  ULOKF²«Ë
Article (83)
©∏≥® …œU
The drivers of the vehicles and WK?U??F?«  U???Oô«Ë  «—U???O???« wI?zU??Ý v?KŽ
machinery working in the Airport shall  U??L???OKF??²?UÐ «Ëb??O??I???²¹ Ê√ —UD*« œËb???Š sL??{
abide by the instructions of the Airport Æ—UD*« …—«œ≈ q³ s rNO« WNłu*«
©∏¥® …œU
Article (84)
The entry of vehicles to the aircraft ·u?Ë W??ŠU?Ý v≈  «—U??O?« ‰u?šœ l?C?¹
aprons shall be subject to the Regulations W??I?DM*« v≈ ‰u???šbUÐ ’U??)« ÂU?EMK  «d?zUD«
of entering the restricted area and to a W??²?R?? Ë√ W??Lz«œ W? U??š W??O½Ë–Q?? v≈Ë W?d??;«
special, permanent or temporary permission
ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD d¹b U¼bB¹
of the Director of Kuwait International
Airport. ©∏μ® …œU
Article (85)  «—U???O??« Ác?¼ d??O???Ý jš —UD*« …—«œ≈ œb???%
The Airport administration shall ÆUNH«uË
determine the routes and parking lot of such
©∏∂® …œU
Article (86)  UOô«Ë  «—U?O« …œU?O œUMÝ« U?öÞ« dE×¹
The vehicles and machinery of all kinds  «dzUD« ·u?Ë WŠUÝ w U?NŽu½√ ·ö?²š« vKŽ
in aircraft aprons shall only be driven by a ÆWOLÝd« …œUOI« …œUNý wKU( ô≈
holder of the official driver's license.
©∏∑® …œU
Article (87)
It is absolutely forbidden to use these
5Ð —Ëd*«  «—U??O??« Ác¼ vK?Ž U?öÞ√ d?E×¹
vehicles to pass between the parking ‰Ëe½ WU??Š w hšô« vKŽË W?H??«u«  «dzUD«
aircraft especially if the passengers are bMŽË U?N?O≈ r¼œuF? Ë«  «dzUD« s s?¹dU?*«
descending from or ascending to the aircraft W¾³?F²«  UOKLŽ …b? Ë√ UNKOL% Ë√ lzU?C³« m¹dHð
and the cargo are being unloaded or loaded ÆœuuUÐ
or during the fueling process.
Article (88)
©∏∏® …œU
It is forbidden for the vehicles to enter v≈ ‰u???šb« U??ö?Þ«  «—U??O???« vKŽ d?E×¹
the aircraft runways or hangars except for W?U??????Š w?‡ ô≈  «d?zU?D« ×b??????? Ë√  «d??????L?*«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

emergency and after obtaining permit from W?³?«d*« ÃdÐ s U?N `?¹d?Bð c?š« b?FÐË Δ—«uD«
the control tower.
Æpc W¹u'«
Article (89)
It is forbidden for these vehicles and
©∏π® …œU
machinery to traverse the fuel trucks or stop  U??Oô«Ë  «—U?O??« Ác¼ v?KŽ U?ö?Þ« dE×¹
in front of them or behind them in case of ·u??u« Ë√ œu??u«  U?½U??ŠU??ý o¹dÞ ÷«d??²??Ž«
fueling the aircraft to facilitate the  «dzU?D« b¹Ëe?ð WU???Š w U???N???H?Kš Ë√ U???N???U???√
movement thereof in case of danger.  ôUŠ w U?Nd% W?ŽdÝ WuN? p–Ë œuuUÐ
Article (90) ÆdD)«
The maximum speed of vehicles shall be
©π∞® …œU
20 kilometers per hour except for
u¼  «—UO« dO U?NÐ `L¹ WŽdÝ wB« Ê«
ÆW¹—«dD{ô«  ôU(« «bŽ WŽU« Ø r ©≤∞®
Article (91)
The companies using locomotives shall ©π±® …œU
provide such locomotives with flashing red Ê√  «dÞU?? q?L??F??²??ð w?²«  U??d??A?« vKŽ
light for warning during nightly towing dLŠ√ —uMÐ WO½u½U?I« U¼—«u½√ v≈ WU{ùUÐ U¼œËeð
process apart from the legal lightings ÆöO dDI«  UOKLŽ ¡UMŁ√ p–Ë d¹cײK lDI²
©π≤® …œU
Article (92)
Vehicles and machinery permitted to U???N? Õu???L????*«  U????Oô«Ë  «—U???O????« v?KŽ
enter taxiways and runways shall fly on its vK?Ž ld?ð Ê√  «d????L*«Ë ׫b?*« v≈ ‰u????šb?UÐ
front the international flag of orange and wU???Iðd??³?« 5½uK« «– w?Ëb« rKF?« U??N???²??b???I??
black in size 90 cm (3ft.), and they shall be ©Â«b?√ ≥® lÐd d?²?L²M²?Ý ©π∞® ”U?OIÐ œu?Ý_«Ë
painted in those colors and must obtain the vKŽ qB?%Ë 5½uK« s¹c?NÐ W½u¼b? ÊuJð Ê« Ë√
permission of the control tower prior to
U??L?? U¼d??O??Ý q³?? W??³??«d*« Ãd?Ð s “ö« Ê–ô«
moving inside said area. They shall also be
‰U³I²?Ýö wJKÝô “UN−Ð …œËe ÊuJð Ê√ V−¹
equipped with a radio for sending and
receiving on the control tower frequency vK?ŽË W???³???«d?*« ÃdÐ  U????łu??? vK?Ž ‰U???Ý—ô«Ë
and shall remain in contact with the control ÆtÐ rz«œ ‰UBð«
tower at all times.  ô¬ ‰U?L?F?²?Ý« Âb?Ž  «—U?O??« lO?L?ł vKŽ
All vehicles shall refrain fro using the Æ—UD*« WŠUÝ qš«œ tO³M²«
horn inside the airport area.
©π≥® …œU
Article (93)
 «—U????O?????« w U?¼d????uð V?ł«u« ◊Ëd?????A«
Conditions to be met by the vehicles and
machinery working in the Airport: ≠∫—UD*« WŠUÝ w WKUF«  UOü«Ë
1- Must be in good mechanical condition. Æ…bOł WOJO½UJO WUŠ w ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ ±
2- Provided with all legal lightings. ÆWO½u½UI« —«u½ô« WUJÐ …œËe ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ ≤

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

3- Provided with a device to prevent W³MUÐ g¹uA?²« lM* “UN−Ð …œËe ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ ≥
interference with wireless devices.
4- The exhaust pipe shall be provided
with a device to prevent the leakage of lM “U?N?−Ð …œËe?? ÂœU?F« …—u?ÝU? ÊuJð Ê√ ≠ ¥
sparks to avoid any fire. Æo¹d(« ŸuË ÍœUH² —dA« »dð
5- Provided with a certificate of fitness to
UNU?LF²?Ý« WOŠö? …œUN?AÐ …œËe ÊuJð Ê« ≠ μ
work in the Airport issued from the
fire-fighting administration in the w T?UD*« …—«œ≈ q?³??? s? —UD*« W????ŠU????Ý w
Airport after the examination thereof. ÆrNK³ s UNOKŽ nAJ« bFÐ p–Ë —UD*«
6- Must be insured against all risks.
lO???L??ł b??{  «—U??O???« Ác¼ vK?Ž sR¹ Ê« ≠ ∂
7- Must obtain the necessary license from
Kuwait International Airport Æ—UDšô«
Administration. …—«œ≈ s “ö?« `¹d???B???²?« vKŽ q?B???% Ê« ≠ ∑
Article (94) ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD
The vehicles and machinery working in
Kuwait International Airport shall be ©π¥® …œU
biannually inspected by the fire-fighting —UD w WKU?F«  U?Oô«Ë  «—U?O?« lC?ð
administration and under the supervision of
s —u?Ný W?²Ý q …d? WM¹UF?LK wËb« X¹uJ«
the Airport Administration. Therefore, the
license thereof shall be renewed and the sË —UD*« …—«œ≈ W?³?«d? X?%Ë TUD*« …—«œ≈ q³?
number of the license and vehicle plates q−?Ý w ÊËb¹Ë U?N vD?F*« `¹d?B?²« œb?−¹ rŁ
number and date of the vehicle's inspection
…—U?O?« r—Ë `¹d?B?²?« r— W¹U?G« Ác?N ’U?š
and the results thereof shall be recorded in a
special register Æt²−O²½Ë UNB× a¹—UðË
Article (95) ©πμ® …œU
1- All vehicles or machinery not meeting ∫ÂUJŠ«
the above-mentioned conditions shall not U?N?O? d?u?²ð ô w²«  U?Oô«Ë  «—U?O?« q ≠ ±
be used or parked in the Airport area. U??N?«b????²?Ý« d?D¹ W??IÐU??« ◊Ëd?A?« W?U??
The Airport administration shall be
entitled to revoke the license given to
o(« —UD*« …—«œôË —UD*« W?ŠUÝ w U?Nu?ËË
any vehicle in violation of the «–≈ …—U??O?Ý Íô ÕuML?*« `¹d?B??²« V×??Ý w
instructions or seize thereof in case of «–≈ U¼e−Š Ë√  UL?OKF²UÐ XKš« b UN½«  √—
failure to meet one or some of the
Vł«u?« ◊Ëd???A« iF?Ð Ë« b???Š« XC???I????²½«
2- Any driver not abiding by said ÆUNO U¼duð
instructions shall not work inside the …—uc*«  UL?OKF²« cOHM²Ð bO?I²¹ ô ozUÝ q ≠ ≤
Airport for a period determined by the …d??²??H —UD*« W??ŠU??Ý qš«œ q?L??F« s Âd??×¹
Airport Administration or permanently
V??Š W???Lz«œ …—u??BÐ Ë√ —UD?*« …—«œ« U¼œb??%
according to the degree of the driver's
violation after revoking his restricted V×Ý bFÐ p–Ë UN?³Jð—« w²« WHU<« Wł—œ
area entry permit. ÆWd;« WIDM*« ‰ušb t ÕuML*« `¹dB²«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Article (96) ©π∂® …œU
Ground equipment (passenger stairs,
 «—uDIË »Ud« röÝ® WO{—ô«  «bF*«
shipping trailers, and passenger luggage)
and waste storage. Æ «—Ë–UI« s¹eðË ©»Ud« gHŽË s×A«
1- Only ground equipment necessary for  «b???F*UÐ ô≈ —UD?*« W??ŠU???Ý w kH???²???×¹ ô ≠ ±
the use of companies shall remain in the
q³? s? «b??²?Ýö ö??F? W?“ö« W??O?{—ô«
Airport area.
2- The Airport Administration shall Æ UdA«
dedicate to each company a place to U½U?J W?????d????ý qJ? —UD?*« …—«œ≈ hB?????ð ≠ ≤
assemble its ground equipment provided q Âu?Ið Ê« vKŽ W?O??{—ô« U?Nð«b?F? lO?L?−?²
that each company shall mark each part  «b???F*« Ác¼ s W???FD? q rO???d??²?Ð W??d???ý
of equipment and provide the Airport
ÆUNMŽ qBH ÊUOÐ —UD*« …—«œ≈ b¹“uðË
Administration with a detailed statement
thereof.  U????łU???łe?«Ë  «—Ë–U???I?« s¹e????ð dE?×¹ ≠ ¥
3- The waste and vacant bottles in —UD*« WŠUÝ w  «dzUD« W?UE½ "U½Ë Wž—UH«
addition to the outcome of aircraft ‰ËUÐ ôË« UNB¹ U qO?Šd²Ð Wdý q ÂuIðË
cleaning in the Airport area shall not be ÆWŠU« ×Uš
stored. Each company shall remove the
…—«œ≈ ÂuIð  U?LOKF²?« Ác¼ WHU? WUŠ w ≠ μ
wastes thereof outside the Airport.
4- In case of any violation to such
Ác?¼ qO?????Šd?????²?Ð X¹u?J« W?¹bK?Ð ⁄öÐS?Ð —UD?*«
instructions, the Airport Administration b??FÐ W??HU?<«  U??d??A« W??I?H½ v?KŽ ¡U?O??ýô«
shall notify Kuwait Municipality to —«c½« Vłu0 —UD*« …—«œ≈ U¼œb% WKN? ¡UCI½«
remove such waste at the expense of the Æ UdA« Ác¼
violating company after the elapse of a
period determined by the Airport
Administration according to a warning
to such companies. lÝU²« qBH«
©«d²½uJ«® WO³²J e«uŠ
Chapter (9) ©π∑® …œU
Office Barriers (Counters) å «d²½uJ«ò e?−(« VðUJ «b?²Ý« dB?²I¹
Article (97)
 U??d??ý vKŽ wËb?« X¹uJ« —UD? WD×?? w
The use of the reservation offices in the
Kuwait International Airport terminal shall
5F?Ð c??šô« b???FÐ U???Nzö??Ë Ë« W?KU???F« Ê«d??O?D«
be restricted to the operating airlines or the v≈ X¹uJ« s 5³¼«c« s¹dU*« œb?Ž —U³²Žô«
agents thereof after receiving the  «dzUD« U?NMRð w²?«  öŠd« W?³?½ Ë√ ×U?)«
percentage of the tours guaranteed by the Æ»U¼c« bMŽ  UdA« ÁcN WFÐU²«
aircraft thereof during departing.
©π∏® …œU
Article (98)
The aircraft handling shall be restricted  «dzU?D« —u???« n¹d???Bð ‰U???L???Ž« d???B???²???Ið
to: ≠∫©ZMb½U¼®

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

1- The airline companies on their account. Æ’U)« UNÐU( Ê«dOD«  UdAÐ ©±
2- The agents of companies in Kuwait for Ác¼ »U???( X¹u?J« w  U??d?A« ¡ö??uÐ ©≤
the account of such companies:
Æ UdA«
The aircraft handling on behalf of third
»U?(  «dzUD« —u?« n¹dBð ‰U?LŽ« d?B²?IðË
party shall be restricted to:
1- The national airline companies. ≠ ∫dOG«
2- The corporation(s) authorized by the ÆWOMÞu« Ê«dOD«  UdAÐ © ±
Directorate General of Civil Aviation to ÂU?O?I« U?N hšd*«  U???ÝR*UÐ Ë« W??ÝR*UÐ ©≤
carry out such works. Ê«d??OD?K WKU???F« …—«œù« s ‰U??L???Žô« Ác??NÐ
Article (99) Æw½b*«
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall provide the counters and ©ππ® …œU
offices to the airline companies and the  «d²½uJ« w½b?*« Ê«dODK WU?F« …—«œô« duð
agents of the companies whose aircraft  U?d??A« ¡ö??ËË Ê«d?OD«  U??d?A? VðUJ*«Ë
have transferred more than (500)
s d¦√ XKI½ b U?N WFÐU²«  «dzUD« ÊuJð w²«
passengers and that make at least fifty
journeys within six successive months. qô« vKŽ WKŠ— 5?LÐ Âu?IðË dU? ©μ∞∞®
Article (100) ÆWOU²² dNý√ W²Ý ‰öš
The Directorate General of Civil ©±∞∞® …œU
Aviation shall be entitled to retrieve the
œ«œd??²?Ý« w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U?F?« …—«œû o×¹
counters and offices if the Administration
recognized that the number provided in the 5³*« œb??F« Ê« U?N 5?³ð «–≈ VðUJ*«Ë  «d??²½uJ«
previous article was not fulfilled after Âö???Ž« b???FÐ p–Ë o?I???×¹ r W???IÐU???« …œU?*« w
notifying the operator in writing fifteen a¹—U?²« q³ U?u¹ dA?Ž W?L?š …b0 UODš qG?A*«
days before the date determined to evacuate
Æ©d²½uJ«® ¡öšô œb;«
the counter.
Article (101) ©±∞±® …œU
The vacant counters and offices shall be W??I?«u0 …d??žU?A« V?ðUJ*«Ë  «d?²?½uJ« Ÿ“uð
distributed after the approval of the
qJAÐË W?łU??×K U?I?Ë w½b*« Ê«d?O?D« ÂU?Ž d¹b?
Director General of Civil Aviation
according to need and in a way that —UD? WD×??? w s¹d???U???*« ÂU???Šœ“« t???F?? l?M1
prevents the crowd of passengers in Kuwait w  «d?zUD?« Ÿö???« d????O????šQðË w?Ëb« X¹u?J«
International Airport terminal and the delay
Æ…œb;« bŽ«u*«
of the aircraft takeoff.
Article (102) ©±∞≤® …œU
The Directorate General of Civil hO?Bð w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WU?F« …—«œû o×¹
Aviation shall be entitled to dedicate more
WKUF« Ê«d?OD«  UdA b?Š«Ë ©d²½u® s d?¦√
than one counter to the airlines companies
operating in Kuwait Airport in case of the  «d?²½uJ« œbŽ d?uð WU?Š w X¹uJ« —UD w
presence of the number of counters in the hB?<« œb?F?« Ê√ s X³?¦?²« b??FÐË WD;« w

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

terminal and after verifying that the number 5Q??² wHJ?¹ ô U?NK?O?Ë v≈ Ë√ Ê«d??OD« W??d??A
dedicated to the airlines company or the
s¹dU?*« dOÝ w WKdŽ V?³¹ wU²UÐË UNU?LŽ√
agent thereof is not enough for the works
thereof and consequently presenting an WD;« WŽU qš«œ
obstacle to the passengers in the terminal. ©±∞≥® …œU
Article (103)
 U?????ýËd??????H*« Ÿu?½Ë qJ?ý b?????O?????Šu?ð V−?¹
The form and type of furniture and
equipment used in the counters and © «d???²½uJ?«® qš«œ w WK?L??F???²???*«  «b???F*«Ë
affiliated offices shall be unified. ÆUN WFÐU²« VðUJ*«Ë
Article (104)
©±∞¥® …œU
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall be entitled to retrieve the œ«œd??²?Ý« w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U?F?« …—«œû o×¹
counters and offices if the Administration Ê√ U?????N? 5³??????²¹ U?????b?M?Ž VðU?J*«Ë  «d?????²?½uJ?«
recognized that the aircraft that were b??? t?M U???N?U???L???Ž√ sR?ð X½U??? w?²«  «dzU?D«
carrying out their works therefrom have
wËb« X?¹uJ« —UD? w ◊u??³???N« sŽ XF?DI½«
stopped landing in Kuwait International
Airport for one month after serving notice ÎU?O?Dš qG?A?*« mOK³ð b??FÐ p–Ë qU?? d?N??ý …b?
to the operator to in writting to valuate the Æ©d²½uJ«® ¡öšö ÎUu¹ …dAŽ WLš tzUDŽ«Ë
counter with grace period of (15) days.
©±∞μ® …œU
Article (105)
It is absolutely forbidden to hang posters ©d??²½uJ«® ‚u??  U??Šu oOKFð U?ðUÐ U?F?M lM1
on top of the occupied counters which show ÆÊ«dOD«  Udý rÝ« dOž vKŽ ‰bð WuGA*«
any name other than that of the airlines
©±∞∂® …œU
Article (106) —UD? w dzUE?(«Ë VðUJ*« d???O???łQð d??B???²???I¹
Rental of the offices and hangars at Íu????????'« q?I?M« ÊU???????? v?K?ŽË w?Ëb?« X¹u?J?«
Kuwait International Airport shall be rO??dðË W?½U??O??B«  U??d??ýË œu??u«  U??d??ýË
restricted to air-carriers, fuel, maintenance
U?????√ ÆjI????? W????O?????u?J(« `U?????B?*«Ë  «dzU?D«
and aircraft repair companies, and
governmental bodies. As for the other areas
v≈ ÍœRð Ê√ U?N½Q?ý s w²« Èd?š_«  U?ŠU?*«
that may lead to the commercial investment wËb« X¹u?J« —UD w Í—U??−?²?« —U?L??¦?²??Ýô«
in Kuwait International Airport such as UN½S Èd?š_« W¹—U−²«  U?ÝR*«Ë „uM³«Ë q¦
banks and other commercial corporations, Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F?« …—«œù« tMŽ w?MKŽ œ«e?0 d???łRð
theses shall be rented in a public auction to
be held by the Directorate General of Civil

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
Chapter (10) dýUF« qBH«
General Provisions
Article (107)
A- The Airport Administration shall be ©±∞∑® …œU
the only competent source to receive
queries and demand the facilities from
wI?K² h?²???<« l?łd*« —UD?*« …—«œ≈ d???³????²????Fð ≠ √
the companies operating in Kuwait  UdA« s  öONð VKÞË  «—UH²Ýô«
International Airport in respect to formal oKF?²¹ U?L?O wËb?« X¹uJ« —UD w WKU?F«
B- The Airport Administration shall ÆWOLÝd« ‰ULŽ_UÐ
receive the complaints submitted by the s W?????b????I*« ÈËU?JA« —U?D*« …—«œ≈ v?IK?²ð ≠ »
pubic, and the companies and
corporations operating in Kuwait
w WKU?F«  U?ÝR*«Ë  U?dA«Ë —u?NL?'«
International Airport and investigate UNO oOIײUÐ ÂuIðË wËb« X¹uJ« —UD
such complaints.
W?“ö«  UO? u?²« l oO?I×?²« ZzU?²½ ldð ≠ Ã
C- The results of such investigation,
attached thereto the necessary U???N???O??? dEMK? w½b*« Ê«d???OD?« ÂU???Ž d¹b??? v≈
recommendations, shall be presented to «c??NÐ W??³??ÝU?M U¼«d¹ w²?«  «¡«d??łô« –U??ð«Ë
the Director General of Civil Aviation to
consider and take the procedures he ÆÊQA«
deems suitable in this concern. ©±∞∏® …œU
Article (108)
Any person non intentionally causing b?B d?Ož sŽ U?³¹d?ð Ë√ Ϋ—d{ V³?¹ s q
damage or destruction to the buildings and Ë√ «œd?? ÊU?? ¡«u??Ý —UD*« …e??N??ł√ Ë√  P?A?M w
equipment of the Airport, either an
individual or entity, shall pay a …cU?M« 5½«uIK U?IË i¹u?F²« vKŽ d?³−¹ W?dý
compensation according to the applicable W???I???«u??? b??F?Ð t«bЫ sJ?1 U??? ‰«bÐUÐ ÂU??? «–≈ ô≈
law except if such person replaced the
ÊËœ tK? p–Ë w½b?*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U????F« …—«œù«
replaceable things after the approval of the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation 5½«u????I« U????N???O?KŽ hM?ð WÐu????I???Ž ÍQÐ ‰ö????šô«
without prejudice to any penalty provided
ÆWO²¹uJ« `z«uK«Ë  «—«dI«Ë
in the Kuwaiti laws, decrees, and
regulations. ©±∞π® …œU
Article (109) «c¼ ÂU?JŠ√ s rJ?Š Í√ W??H?U????? WU???Š w
In case of any violation to any of the
provisions hereof, the entry permit to the
‰u?šb?« `¹—U?Bð V×??Ý Ë√ nË “u?−?¹ ÂUEM«
restricted area in the Airport may be finally …b* Ë« U????OzU????N½ —U?D*« w? W???d????;« W????IDM?*« v≈
or temporally suspended or revoked upon a ÂU??Ž d¹b?? Á—b??B¹ —«d??IÐ p– ÊuJ¹Ë …œËb??×??
resolution by the Directorate General of
V?×?????Ý Ë« n?Ë sJ?¹ r U?????? w?½b*« Ê«d??????OD?«
Civil Aviation. If the suspension or
revocation of the permit is for a period not Ê« “u?−??O? U?u¹ ©±μ® “ËU??−?²ð ô …b* `¹d??B?²«
exceeding (15) days, same may be effected X?¹u?J« —U?D? d?¹b??????? s? —«d????????I?Ð p– Êu?J?¹
upon a resolution by the Director of Kuwait
International Airport.

 ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Council of Ministers Resolution
¡«—“u« fK —«d
Sub ect: Activating The Anti-Smoking
Law No. (15) of Year 1995 5šb²« W×UJ Êu½U qOFHð ∫Ÿu{u*«
∫±ππμ WM ©±μ® r—
The Council of Ministers has
reconsidered in its meeting No. (204/2003) r— t?ŽU?L?²?ł« w ¡«—“u?« fK−? œËU?Ž b?I?
held on 21/9/2003 the recommendation of
≤∞∞≥ØπØ≤± a¹—U??²Ð b??I??FM*« ©≤∞∞≥Ø≤∞¥®
the Committee on Legal Affairs in its
meeting No. (207/2003) held on 20/8/2003 w W?O½u½U??I« ÊËR?A« WM' W?O?? uð vKŽ ŸöÞù«
concerning Activating The Anti-Smoking a¹—U?²?Ð b?I?FM*« ©≤∞∞≥Ø≤∞∑® r?— U?N?ŽU?L??²?ł«
Law No. (5) of year 1995, on which the
W???×??UJ? Êu½U??? qO??F???Hð ÊQ???AÐ ≤∞∞≥Ø∏Ø≤∞
decision was adjourned by virtue of the
Council of Ministers' Resolution No. qO??łQð - Íc?«Ë ±ππμ WM ©μ® r?— 5šb??²«
(877/Forth) undertaken in the meeting No. r— ¡«—“u?« fK?−???? —«d???? Vłu0 t????O???? X?³«
(2040/2003) held on 14/9/2003.
≤∞∞≥Ø® r— tŽUL²ł« w c²*« ©UFЫ— Ø∏∑∑®
And the Council of Ministers has issued
its Resolution No. (901) as follows:
—b «Ë ¨≤∞∞≥Øπر¥ a¹—U²?Ð bIFM*« ©≤∞¥∞
1- The Ministry of Interior shall activate ∫wU²« ©π∞±® r— Á—«d fK:«
implementing Law No. 5/1995 Êu½UI« oO³Dð qOFH²Ð WOKš«b« …—«“Ë nOKJð ≠ ±
concerning anti-smoking by issuing
¨5šb????²« W???×???U?J ÊQ???A?Ð ±ππμØμ r—
violation tickets against the smokers in
public places in which smoking is 5Mšb?LK  U?H?U?<« d¹d?% o¹dÞ sŽ p–Ë
forbidden according to the provisions of U???N???O??? 5šb???²« —uE?;« W??U???F?« sU???_UÐ
Law No. 15/1995 and Law No. 17/1960
±ππμرμ r— Êu?½U????I« ÂU?JŠ√ vC?????²????I0
concerning the Penal Procedures And
Trials in coordination with the Ministry  «¡«d?łù« ÊQ??AÐ ±π∂∞ر∑ r— Êu½U??I«Ë
of Health. l oO???M²?UÐ p–Ë W??O?z«e??'«  U??L???U??;«Ë
2- Both the Ministry of Commerce &
ÆW×B« …—«“Ë
Industry and the Ministry of Information
shall, each within its jurisdiction, carry W??ŽUMB?«Ë …—U?−??²?« wð—«“Ë s q nO?KJð ≠ ≤
out the appropriate procedures to  «¡«d?łù« –UðUÐ t?B?¹ UL?O q Âö?Žù«Ë
execute the provisions of Law No. (5) of
WM ©μ® r— Êu½U?I« ÂUJŠ_ Ϋc?OH?Mð W³?ÝUM*«
year 1995 concerning Anti-Smoking
every time licenses about cigarettes are bM?Ž p–Ë 5šb???²« W??×???UJ ÊQ???AÐ ±ππμ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
issued and also the advertisements and  U½ö????Žù« p?c????Ë hO????š«d?????²« —«b???? ≈
commercials are published through the
sŽ W????HK?²???<« Êö????Žù« qzU???Ýu?Ð W¹U????Žb«Ë
mass media.
3- The Ministry of Health shall, in ÆdzU−«
coordination with Legal Advice & …—«œ≈ l o?O???M²?UÐ W???×???B?« …—«“Ë nOK?Jð ≠ ≥
Legislation Department, shall be
Êu½U?? ŸËd??A??? Õ«d??²??« l¹d??A??²?«Ë Èu??²??H«
commissioned to propose a draft-law to
amend the Law No. (5) of year 1995 in U0 ±ππμ W?M? ©μ® r— Êu½U?????I« q¹b????F?????²
order to give the other governmental »b½ w W?O?uJ(«  U?N'« W?O?I?³ o(« wDF¹
bodies the right to delegate some of its
d??O??G  U??HU???? d¹d??×??² U??N??O??Hþu?? iFÐ
employees to write up violation tickets
against the violators of the provisions of ÆÁöŽ« —uc*« Êu½UI« ÂUJŠQÐ 5e²K*«
the above mentioned Law.

Secretary General of The Council of

Ministers ¡«—“u« fK−LK ÂUF« 5_«

  w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
( Ministerial Resolution No. (920) of © WM  r— Í—«“Ë —«d®
Year 2000 )
Concerning: Specifying The Areas At Ë b«u²« dE×¹ oÞUM b¹b% ÊQAÐ
Kuwait International Airport Precinct X¹uJ« —UD WIDM w UNO W Uô«
here Presence and Occupancy Are

Minister of Interior,
∫WOKš«b« d¹“Ë
Following perusal of:
- Law No. 16/1960 regarding ±π∂∞ر∂ r— Êu½UI« v?KŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠
Promulgating The Penal Code and its Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë ¡«e'« Êu½U —«b SÐ
amending laws,
ÂUE½ ÊQ?AÐ ±π∂∏Ø≤≥ r?— Êu½U?I« vKŽË ≠
- Law No. 23/1968 concerning the
Police Force System and its amending laws, Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WÞdA« …u
- Law No. 6/1994 concerning the ÊQ?????ý w? ±ππ¥Ø∂ r— Êu?½U?????I?« vK?ŽË ≠
Crimes Related To The Safety of Aircraft
W???Šö*«Ë  «dzU?D« W???ö???Ð W???IK?F???²*« rz«d???'«
and Air-Navigation,
- Ministerial Resolution No. 980/1994 ÆW¹u'«
concerning the Ministry of Interior's Chain w±ππ¥Øπ∏∞ r— Í—«“u« —«dI« vKŽË ≠
of Command and Guidebook, and its W?OKš«b« …—«“u? wL?OEM²« qOb«Ë q?JO?N« ÊQ?ý
amending Resolutions, and
- Pursuant to the proposal of the
Æt WbF*«  «—«dI«Ë
Ministry Undersecretary, Æ…—«“u« qOË ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
It Has Been Resolved:
Article (1)
Without written permit (permanent or ©±® …œU
temporary) issued by the Directorate Ë√ rz«œò wÐU?²? `¹d?Bð ÊËb?Ð b?ł«u?²« dE×¹
General of Civil Aviation, it is forbidden
for anyone to have presence at Zone (A) of
w½b*« Ê«d?ODK? W?U?F« …—«œù« s —œU? åXR?
Kuwait International Airport, which w?Ëb« X?¹u?J« —U?D s? (A) ©√® W??????ID?M*« w?
includes all the aircraft runways and  U??ŠU??ÝË Ã—«b??? lO??L??ł vK?Ž qL??²??A?ð w²«Ë
parking spaces as well as the buildings
within these areas (as specified in the
 U??ŠU??UÐ …œu??łu*« w½U??³*«Ë  «dzUD« ·u??Ë
enclosed drawing). Such Zone is bordered b??×¹Ë åod?*« jD<UÐ `{u??? u¼ U?? V??Šò
from the North by Road No. (250) and the ©≤μ∞® r— o?¹dD« ‰U????L???A?« s W???I?DM*« p?Kð
passengers' terminal, while from the West,
»uM?'«Ë »d??G« s? U¼b???×¹Ë »U???d« vM³???Ë
South and East by the double security fence
of the Airport. Æ—UDLK ÃËœe*« wMô« —u« ‚dA«Ë
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
Without written permit from the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, …—«œô« s W?OÐU²? WI?«u? ÊËbÐ WU?ô« dE×¹
occupancy is forbidden in Zone (B) at s (B) ©»® W??IDM?*« w w½b*« Ê«d??OD?K W??U??F«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  ¥
Kuwait International Airport, which v?KŽ q?L???????²???????A?ð w²?«Ë w?Ëb?« X¹u?J?« —UD?
includes the sandy areas surrounding the
×U)« s —UD*« —uÐ WDO;« W?OЫd²«  UŠU«
Airport fence from outside (as specified in
the enclosed drawing). This zone is b??×¹Ë åod?*« jD<UÐ `{u??? u¼ U?? V??Šò
bordered from the West and North by the »uM?'«Ë »d????G« s U?¼b????×¹Ë ¨W????ID?M*« p?Kð
Two (2) kilometers long double security
ÃËœe*« wMô« —u?« s d?²? uKO? ÊUMŁ« W?U??
fence of the airport, and from the East by
Sabhan Road. ÆÊU׳ o¹dÞ ‚dA« s U¼b×¹Ë —UDLK
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
This Ministry Undersecretary must
tÐ qLF¹Ë —«d?I« «c¼ cOH?Mð …—«“u« qOË vKŽ
execute this Resolution, which shall
become operational on the next day of …b¹d?????'« w Ád?????A½ a?¹—U????² w?U????²?« Âu????O?« s
being published in the official gazette. ÆWOLÝd«

Minister of Interior
WOKš«b« d¹“Ë
Issued on: 5th Rabie I, 1421AH.
Corresponding to: 7th June 2000AD. ‡¼ ±¥≤± ‰Ë_« lOЗ μ ∫w —b
Â≤∞∞∞ uO½u¹ ∑ ∫o«u*«

 μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Ministerial Resolution No. (26) of
©¥ Ø ® Í—«“Ë —«d
Year 2004

Following perusal of: ∫vKŽ ŸöÞù« bFÐ

- Decree-Law No. (15) of year 1979 ±π∑π W?M? ±μ r— Êu?½U?????I?UÐ Âu?????Ýd?*« ≠
concerning the Civil Service, and the
Decree issued on 4/4/1979 in respect of the
a¹—U??²Ð —œU??B« Âu??Ýd?*«Ë W??O½b*« W??b??)« ÊQ??AÐ
Civil Service System, ÆWO½b*« Wb)« ÂUE½ ÊQAÐ ©±π∑πØ∞¥Ø∞¥®
- In implementation of the Council of
r?— ¡«—“u« f?K−?????? —«d??????I Ϋc??????O??????HM?ðË ≠
Ministers' Resolution No. (44) of year 1981
regarding Improving the Service at Kuwait —UD? w W???b???)« 5????% ÊQ???AÐ ©±π∏±Ø¥¥®
International Airport, ÆwËb« X¹uJ«
- Pursuant to the text of Resolution of
W??b??)« fK?−?? —«d??IÐ ¡U??ł U?? vK?Ž ¡UMÐË ≠
the Civil Service Council No. (1) of year
1983, Æ©±π∏≥ر® r— WO½b*«
- And the Ministerial Resolution No. ÊQ?AÐ ©±π∏πر∏® Í—«“u« —«d??I« vKŽË ≠
(18) of year 1989 in respect of Establishing
t??O??C??²??I?ð U* ΫdE½Ë ¨ ö??O??N?????²« WM' qO?JAð
the Facilities Committee, and for the work
interest requirement, ÆqLF« W×KB

It has been decided:

Article (1)
The Air-Transport Facilities Committee ©±® …œU
which consists of representatives of all Íu???'« qIM«  ö???O???N???ð WM' qO?JAð œU???F¹
bodies operating at Kuwait International
w WKU?F«  UN?'« WU? s 5ÐËbM rCð w²«Ë
Airport is to be restructured for the purpose
of improving the services, upgrading the
W?b?)« Èu?²?? 5?×?² wËb« X?¹uJ« —UD
performance level of the staff in all WD?A½_« W???U?JÐ 5K?U???F« ¡«œ√ Èu????²??????? l—Ë
activities, and developing the adopted work vKŽ p–Ë WF³²*« qL?F« VOUÝ√ d¹uD²Ð cš_«Ë
methods, in the following manner:
∫wU²« u×M«
Eng. Zuhair Abdulmehsen Al-Zamel
Deputy Director General of Civil w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b VzU½
Aviation wËb« X¹uJ« —UD ÊËRA
For Kuwait International Airport Affairs
Íu'« qIM« …—«œ≈ d¹b
Mr. Bader Nasser Al-Mershid
Director of Air-Transport Department, w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation  UOKLF« …—«œ≈ d¹b

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
Mr. Abdulhamid Abdullah Dashti w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
Director of Operations Department,
Directorate General of Civil Aviation wËb« —UD*« W¹ULŠ …—«œ≈ d¹b
Colonel/ Ahmed Mohammed Al-Dirbas WOKš«b« …—«“Ë
Director of Kuwait International Airport
Protection Department cUM*« …—«œ≈ d¹b bŽU
Ministry of Interior
WOKš«b« …—«“Ë
Lieutenant Colonel/ Mohammed
Abdullatif Al-Berjes X¹uJ« W¹u'« …uI«
Assistant Director of Exits Department
Íu'« „dL'« …—«œ≈ d¹b
Ministry of Interior
Staff Colonel Pilot / Waleed Khaled „—UL−K WUF« …—«œù«
Kuwait Air Force
Mr. Khaled Abdullah Abdulmehsen ©≤® …œU
Al-Seif ∫WM−K« ÂUN
Director of Air Customs Department
General Department of Customs W????U???F?« W???ÝU????O????« l{uÐ W?M−K?« h²????ð
Article (2) ÎU???I??Ë w?Ëb« X¹u?J« —UD w?  ö??O???N?????²?K
Committee Duties:
The Committee shall be charged with Y×ÐË ¨užUJOý WOUHðù lÝU²« o×K*« ÂUJŠ_
setting the general policy of facilities at t??łu« vKŽ U??N?I??O?³Dð ÊËœ ‰u??% w²«  U??³?I??F«
Kuwait International Airport under the
regulations of 9th Annexure of Chicago ¨U???N½Q???A?Ð W???“ö«  «—«d???I« –U????ð≈Ë qL???_«
Convention, studying the obstacles that
w dšü XË s WÝU?O« Ác¼ w dEM« …œUŽ≈Ë
prevent the proper implementation of this
Convention, taking necessary decision in wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WLEM sŽ —b?B¹ U? ¡u{
this regard and regularly re-examining this
s W???O?Ëb«  ö???O???N??????²?«  «d9R???Ë ©ICAO®
policy in view of the resolutions and
recommendations of International Civil  √— U???? «–≈ WU????Š wË Æ U???O???? uðË  «—«d????
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the
wMÞË l¹d?Að —«b?B?²Ý« wC?²?I¹ d?_« Ê√ WM−K«
international facilities conferences. If the
Committee decides that the case requires wMÞË l?¹d??Að vKŽ  ö?¹b??Fð ‰U??šœ≈ Ë√ ’U??š
issuing a special national legislation or
bŽ«uIK UN²¡«u? Ë√  öON²« Ác¼ d¹uD² rzU
amending an existing national legislation to
develop such facilities or adapt them to the vK?Ž_« fK:« v?≈ pcÐ d?¹d???Ið l?dð W???O?Ëb«
international rules, it shall submit a report
–U???????ð«Ë Ÿu?????{u?*« X?×??????³ w?½b*« Ê«d??????O?DK?
in this regard to the Supreme Council for
Civil Aviation to discuss the matter and W??U?F« …—«œù« l o?O?M²?UÐ W?“ö«  «¡«d??łù«
take necessary action in coordination with
 «– Èd??š√ …—«“Ë Ë√ W??N???ł W¹√Ë w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK
the General Department for Civil Aviation
or any concerned authority or ministry. ÆŸu{u*UÐ ’UB²šô«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
The Committee shall have the right to W“ö«  «d?³)« s Á«dð s0 5F?²ð Ê√ WM−KË
make use of any necessary experts and
s U?N??O≈ tKO?% U? W??Ý«—b qL?F« ‚d?? qOJAðË
form work groups to study the issues
referred by the Committee and shall submit ÆUN½QAР“ö« d¹dI²« l—Ë  UŽu{u
necessary report in this regard. ©≥® …œU
Article (3)
WŁöŁ q …d? W¹—Ëœ  U?ŽU?L²?ł« WM−K« b?I?Fð
The Committee shall convene regularly
at least once every three months and p–Ë W??łU??(« X?Žœ U??LKË q_« v?KŽ —u??N??ý
whenever necessary upon request from the “ö« »U?BM« qL?²J¹Ë WM−K?« fOz— s VKDÐ
Committee Chairperson. Half of the
Ê√ vKŽ ¡U?CŽ_« nB?½ —uC?×Ð W?K'« W×?B
Committee members including the
Chairperson shall constitute a quorum. ÆrNMOÐ s WM−K« fOz— ÊuJ¹
Article (4) ©¥® …œU
The Committee shall submit a copy of
the minutes of its sessions to the President
U???NðU???Kł d???{U???×?? s a?½ WM?−K« Âb???Ið
of Directorate of Civil Aviation for review. ÆŸöÞû w½b*« Ê«dODK …—«œù« fOzd
Article (5) ©μ® œU
The President of Civil Aviation shall
appoint a reporter for the Committee. Ϋ—d????I???? 5?O????Fð w?½b*« Ê«d????O?D« f?Oz— v?KŽ
Article (6) ÆWM−K
This resolution shall be communicated
©∂® …œU
to the parties concerned for execution or
acknowledgment, and it shall enter into tÐ rK?F« Ë√ Ác??O??H?M² ÂeK¹ s?* —«d??I« «c¼ m?K³¹
force as of the date it is issued. ÆÁ—Ëb a¹—Uð s Ϋ—U³²Ž≈ tÐ qLF¹Ë

Minister of Communications & Minister of

Planning jOD²« d¹“ËË  ö «u*« d¹“Ë
Minister of State for Administrative
W¹—«œù« WOLM²« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“ËË
Development Affairs
Chairman of Supreme Council for Civil Aviation w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« fOz—

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
lЫd« q‡BH«

w‡½b‡*« Ê«d‡O‡ ‡D« s‡

Decree-Law No. (19) of Year 1979 ±  WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
About Approving The La Hague ±  WM ÍU¼ô …b¼UF vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Convention For The Suppression ¡öO²Ýô« lL ÊQAÐ
of nlawful Sei ure of Aircraft «dzUD« vKŽ ŸËdA*« dOž

Following perusal of the Amiri Decree

issued on 4th Ramadan 1396AH. w —œU?B« Íd?O?_« d??_« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b?FÐ
corresponding to 29th August 1976 on ¨‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥
revising the Constitution, `O?I?M²Ð ±π∑∂ WMÝ fD??ž√ s ≤π o«u*«
Article 70 (Second Para) of the ¨—u²Ýb«
Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« s ©WO½UŁ …dI® ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
Pursuant to the proposal of the Foreign ¨WOł—U)« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
And after the approval of Council of
∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
We have promulgated the law which text
reads as follows: ©±® …œU
lL???? …b¼U????F???? v≈ ÂU????L????C½ô« vK?Ž oËË
Article (1) …œuIF*«  «dzUD« vKŽ ŸËdA dOž ¡öO²Ýô«
It has been approved to join the ±π∑∞ WM?Ý d??³???L??¹œ ±∂ a?¹—U??²Ð ÍU?¼ô w
Convention of the Suppression of Unlawful uJÝu w X¹uJ« UN²FË w²«Ë
Seizure of Aircraft held in La Hague on
a¹—U??²?Ð ÊbMË ±π∑± WM?Ý u??O½u¹ ≤∏ a?¹—U??²Ð
16th December, 1970 which was signed by
Kuwait in Moscow on 28th June 1971, in sDMý«ËË ±π∑± WMÝ uOu¹ ±≥
London on 13th July 1971 and in W?????I?????«d*«Ë ±π∑± W?MÝ u?????O?u¹ ≤± a?¹—U?????²Ð
Washington on 21st July 1971, the texts of ÆÊu½UI« «cN UN uB½
which are attached to this Law.
©≤® …œU
Article (2) «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All the ministers, each in his jurisdiction,
shall implement this Law, and it shall enter
into force as of the date it is published in
…b?¹d??????'« w Ád???????A½ a?¹—Uð s? t?Ð qL??????F?¹Ë
the official gazette. ÆWOLÝd«

Amir of Kuwait X¹uJ« dO√

Jaber Al-Ahmed bLŠ_« dÐUł
Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah
ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of
Foreign Affairs WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Issued at Sief Palace on: 2nd Jumada II 1399AH. ‡¼±≥ππ …dšü« ÍœULł ≤ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 29th April 1979AD. ±π∑π q¹dÐ√ ≤π ∫o«u*«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
For The Decree-Law Approving vKŽ WI«u*UÐ ’U)« Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK
The La Hague Convention of Year ±  WM ÍU¼ô …b¼UF
1970 Concerning The Suppression
vKŽ ŸËdA*« dOž ¡öO²Ýô« lL ÊQAÐ
of nlawful Sei ure of Aircraft
On 16th December 1970, the member
states of the International Conference for ‰Ëb« XF?Ë ±π∑∞ WMÝ d³?L¹œ ±∂ a¹—U?²Ð
Sky Law convened in La Hague and signed Íu?'« Êu½U?I?K wËb« d9R*« w Xd??²?ý« w²«
the Convention for the Suppression of d?O?ž ¡ö??O?²?Ýô« lL? …b?¼U?F? ÍU¼ô w b??I?FM*«
Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft. Article (13)
s ±≥ …œU*« XB½ bË Æ «dzUD« vKŽ ŸËdA*«
of this Convention stated that it shall enter
in force Thirty days after the deposit of 5ŁöŁ b?FÐ –UHM« e?OŠ U?Nušœ vKŽ …b¼U?F*« Ác¼
ratification documents by Ten states parties s U??N?OKŽ o¹b??B?²?« ozUŁË Ÿ«b¹« a¹—Uð s U??u¹
to the La Hague Conference, and stated that w W?d²?A*« ‰Ëb« s U?N?OKŽ WF?u? ‰Ëœ …dA?Ž
any country which did not sign the
luð r? WËœ W¹_ “u??−¹ t½√ vK?ŽË ÍU¼ô d9R??
Convention may join the Convention before
it enters into force by signing in any of the
Ê√ –UHM« e?OŠ v≈ U?Nušœ q³ …b¼U?F*« Ác¼ vKŽ
deposit cities i.e. Moscow, London and Ÿ«b¹ô« ‰Ëœ w lOu²UÐ X?Ë Í√ w UNO≈ rCMð
Washington. ÆsDMý«ËË ÊbMË uJÝu w¼Ë
This Convention aims at fighting the …d¼U?þ WЗU???×??? v?≈ …b¼U???F*« Ác?¼ ·b???NðË
international terrorism phenomenon which
W?½Ëü« w?? v?A???????????????H?ð Íc??« w?Ëb??« »U?¼—ô«
recently expanded. Due to the fact that the
United Nations General Assembly issued 3ú W??O?u??L?F« W??O??F?L??'« Ê_ «dE½Ë ¨…d?O??š_«
many resolutions calling for joining this v≈ U?NO? XŽœ  «—«d …b?Ž  —b √ b? …b×?²*«
Convention and that the Council of the fK−? b?ýU½ U?L? ¨…b¼U?F*« Ác¼ v≈ ÂU?L?C½ô«
Arab League of States called upon the
v≈ rCM?ð r w²« ‰Ëb« W??OÐd?F« ‰Ëb?« W?F??U?ł
countries which did not join the convention
to rush in joining it, the State of Kuwait
b??I?? U??N??O≈ ÂU???L??C½ôUÐ Ÿ«d??ÝôUÐ …b?¼U??F*« Ác¼
signed the Convention in the three deposit w¼Ë WŁö??¦?« Ÿ«b¹ô« ‰Ëœ w X¹u?J« U??N??²??F??Ë
cities i.e., Moscow on 28th June 1971, a¹—U???²Ð ÊbM?Ë ±π∑±Ø∂Ø≤∏ a¹—U???²Ð uJÝu???
London on 13th July 1971 and Washington uOu¹ ≤± a¹—U²Ð sDMý«ËË ±π∑± WMÝ uOu¹ ±≥
on 21st July 1971.
Ʊπ∑± WMÝ
The First article of this convention
defined the crime of Unlawful Seizure of
…b¼U????F*« Ác?¼ s vË_« …œU?*« Xd???Ž b????Ë
Aircraft as the seizure by force or the  «dzUD« v?KŽ ŸËd?A*« d??O??ž ¡ö?O??²?Ýô« rz«d??ł
attempt to seize the aircraft. The second Ë√ …dzUD« vKŽ b¹bN²UÐ Ë√ …uIUÐ ¡öO²Ýô« w¼Ë
article stated that each Contracting State UNM W?O½U¦« …œU*« XC?Ë ¨UNOKŽ …dDO?« WÝ—U2
undertakes to make the offence punishable ÊQÐ …b¼U??F*« Ác¼ vKŽ W?F??u*« ‰Ëb« b?N?F??²ð ÊQÐ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

by severe penalties in their respective laws. WÐuIŽ W1d'« Ác¼ vKŽ UN?MO½«u w WÐuIF« qF&
The Third article defined the scope of Æ…œbA
applying the convention that it should not
Ác¼ o?O????³?Dð ‚U?D½ W?????¦U?????¦« …œU?*«  œb????ŠË
be applied unless the aircraft is in flight. It
shall not be applicable to the military,
w w¼Ë ô« …d?zUD« vKŽ o³?Dð ô U??N½QÐ …b¼U??F*«
customs or police aircrafts unless the take WKL?F?²?*«  «dzUD« v?KŽ o³Dð ôË Ê«d?OÞ WU?Š
off or landing actual venue falls outside the ô UL? WÞdA«Ë WO?dL?'«Ë WOÐd(«  U?b)« w
filed of the country in which the aircraft is ÊUJ? Ë√ …dzU?D« Ÿö????« ÊUJ? ÊU???? «–≈ ô« o³?Dð
qO???−???ð WËœ ×U??š U???F??«Ë w?KF??H?« U??NÞu???³¼
The Fourth article of the convention
states that each Contracting State shall take Æ…dzUD«
such measures as may be necessary to ÊQÐ W??F??u?*« ‰Ëb« W??FЫd« …œU*« X?e« U??L??
establish its jurisdiction when the offence is
UN UB²š« fO?ÝQ² W¹—ËdC«  «¡«dłô« c²ð
committed on board an aircraft registered in
that State and when the aircraft on board of …dzUÞ 7 v?KŽ W1d?'« V?Jðdð U?b?MŽ wzU?C??I«
which the offence is committed lands in its X³Jð—« w²« …dzU?D« j³Nð U?bMŽË U?N?O W?K−?
territory with the alleged offender still on vKŽ ‰«“U? rN²*«Ë UN?LOK« w W?1d'« UNM²? vKŽ
board and the offender is not extradited
according to the provisions of this
ÂbŽË U?NL?OK« vKŽ rN²*« b?ł«uð WUŠ wË U?NM²
convention. Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_ UI³Þ tLOK²Ð UNUO
The Sixth article obligates the w²?« WËb« v?KŽ W????ÝœU????« …œU*« X³????łË√Ë
Contracting State in the territory of which
the offender or the alleged offender is Ê« W1d?'« »U?Jð—UÐ rN?²*« U??N?O?{«—√ w b??ł«u?²¹
present, to take him into custody, makes the lzUu« w vË√ oOI% qL?ŽË tOKŽ i³IUÐ ÂuIð
preliminary investigation and shall
promptly report its findings to the aircraft WËb«Ë …d?zUD« qO???−???ð WËœ pcÐ d?Dð Ê«Ë
registration country and the country of the ÆUN²OMł tOKŽ ÷u³I*« hA« qL×¹ w²«
The Contracting State in the territory of rN?²*« vKŽ UN?O i³? w²« WËb« rIð r «–≈Ë
which the alleged offender is found shall, if
U?NðUD?KÝ v≈ W?O?C??I« qO?% Ê√ U?N?O?KF? t?L?O?K?²Ð
it does not extradite him, be obligated,
without exception whatsoever and whether Æ©∑ …œU® t²LU; WB²<«
or not the offence was committed in its
territory, to submit the case to its competent WKÐU???I« rz«d???'« Èb??Š≈ W1d???'« Ác¼ d??³??²???FðË
authorities for the purpose of prosecution ÊuJð rO?Kð …b¼U?F?? Í√ U?NML?C??²ð w²« rOK??²K
(Article 7).
The offence shall be deemed to be ‰Ëb« b??N??F??²ð U??L?? …b??U??F??²*« ‰Ëb?« 5Ð W??LzU??
included as an extraditable offence in any
…b¼U??F?? Í√ w W1d??'« Ác?¼ ×bð ÊQÐ …b??U??F??²*«
extradition treaty existing between
Contracting States. Contracting States Æ©∏ …œU® ö³I² bIFð rOKð
undertake to include the offence as an
extraditable offence in every extradition v≈ …b???U??F??²*« ‰Ëb?« W??F??ÝU??²?« …œU*« XŽœË
treaty to be concluded between them vKŽ …dDO??« …œU?Žô W?³?ÝUM?*«  «¡«d?łô« –U?ð«
(Article 8).

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

The Ninth article called upon the
W1d?'« Ÿu??Ë WU?Š w wŽd??A« U¼bzU?I? …dzUD«
Contracting States to take all appropriate
measures to restore control of the aircraft to rN?²KŠd rUD«Ë »U?d« WK «u? qO?N?ð v≈Ë
its lawful Captain or to preserve his control
of the aircraft and to facilitate the
ÆW d »d√ w
continuation of the journey of the d¹d??I??²?UÐ …b??U??F??²*« ‰Ëb« ±± …œU?*« Xe«Ë
passengers and crew as soon as practicable.
Article (11) obligates the Contracting wËb?« w½b?*« Ê«d????O?D« W?????LE?M f?K−????? Èb
States to report to the Council of the  «¡«d????łô«Ë W?1d????'UÐ W????? U????)«  U????u?KF?*UÐ
International Civil Aviation Organization
IACO as promptly as possible any relevant Æ…c²*«
information concerning circumstances of
the offence and the measures taken.
 U?«e??²« sL??C?²ð W??O?U??Hðô« Ác¼ X½U?? U*Ë
Since this Convention includes ŸËd??A?? b??Ž√ b??I? ¨W??L?zU?I?« 5½«u??I« q¹b??F??²Ð
obligations to amend the existing laws, the
attached Draft-Law has been prepared for ÂUJŠô U??I??³Þ U??N?O?KŽ o¹b??B?²K? o«d*« Êu½U??I«
approval in accordance with the provisions Æ—u²Ýb«
of the Constitution.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

«dzUD« vKŽ ŸËdA*« dOž ¡öO²Ýô« lL …b¼UF

Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb« Ê√
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¨UNŽuË lM WOGÐ ‰UFô« Ác¼ q¦ w³Jðd W³UF* W³ÝUM œ«u œU−¹« v≈ W×K*« WłU(« s¹—bI
∫wK¹ U vKŽ «uIHð« b
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∫Ê«dOÞ WUŠ w w¼Ë …dzUÞ 7 vKŽ hý Í√
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ƉUF_« Ác¼ s Í√ »UJð—« w ŸdA¹ Ë√ ÂuI¹ hý Í√ l „d²A¹ ≠ »
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∫WOðü« ‰«uŠ_« wË W1d'« »UJð—« W³ÝUM0 rN²*«
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ÆwMÞu« Êu½UIK UI³Þ tðdýU³ ÊuJð wzUMł ’UB²š« Í√ …b¼UF*« Ác¼ bF³²ð ô ≠ ≥
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Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ rNðUuJŠ s i¹uHð s rN U0 wK¹ ULO ÊuFu*« Êu{uH*« lË pc UðU³Ł«
a½ ÀöŁ s Êu?F?³?ÝË WzUL?F?ðË n√ WMÝ d?³?L?¹œ s d?AŽ ”œU?« Âu?O« w ¨ÍU¼ô w —d?Š

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decree-Law No. (62) of Year 1979 ±  WM  r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Approving The Joining of The State of v X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Kuwait To The Convention Of The
‰UF_« lL …b¼UF
Suppression of nlawful Acts
Against Safety of Civil Aviation w½b*« Ê«dOD« W öÝ b{ WŽËdA*« dOž

—œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ

Following perusal of the Amiri Decree ‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥ a¹—U²Ð
issued on 4th Ramadan 1396AH.
corresponding to 29th August 1976 on
`O?I?M²Ð ±π∑∂ WMÝ fD??ž√ s ≤π o«u*«
revising the Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb«
Article 70 (Second Para) of the ¨—u²Ýb« s WO½UŁ …dI ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
Constitution, ¨WOł—U)« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Upon the proposal of the Minister of ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Foreign Affairs, and
Following the approval of the Council of
∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b √
We have promulgated the law which text ©±® …œU
reads as follows: …b¼UF v≈ X¹uJ?« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ oËË
Article (1) Ê«d?OD« W?öÝ b?{ W?ŽËdA*« d?O?ž ‰U?F_« lL?
It has been approved for the State of
Kuwait to join the Convention of the
W?I«d?*«Ë ±π∑± WMÝ ‰U¹d²?½u w W?F?u*« w½b*«
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the ÆÊu½UI« «cN
Safety of Civil Aviation signed in Montreal
in year 1971, which text is attached to this ©≤® …œU
law. «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Article (2)
All the ministers, each within his
…b¹d???'« w Ád??A½ a?¹—Uð s tÐ q?L??F¹Ë Êu½U???I«
respective jurisdiction, must implement this ÆWOLÝd«
law, and it shall enter into force as of the
date it is published in the official gazette. X¹uJ« dO√
bLŠ_« dÐUł
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
Salem Al-Jaber

Issued at the Sief Palace on: 18th Thulqida 1399AH. ‡¼±≥ππ …bFI« Ë– ±∏ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 9th October 1979AD.
(Published in Issue No. 1271 of the official gazette ±π∑π dÐu²√ π ∫o«u*«
on 21/10/1979AD.) w WOLÝd« …b¹d'« s ±≤∑± ∫œbFUÐ dA½®

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

w½b*« Ê«dOD« W öÝ b{ WŽËdA*« dOž ‰UF_« lL

ÆÆ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb« Ê« ¿

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W?ö??Ý w rU??F« »u?F??ý W?IŁ Ÿe??ŽeðË ¨W¹u‡'«  U??b‡)« qO??G?Að vK?Ž «d?ODš «d??OŁQð dŁRðË ¨d?DK
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∫wK¹ U vKŽ «uIHð« b ¿
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w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Decree-Law No. (64) of Year 1979 ±  WM ¥ r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Approving The Joining of The
v X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
State of Kuwait To The Convention
On Offences And Certain Other Acts w²« Èdš_« ‰UF_«Ë rz«d'« …b¼UF
Committed On Board The Aircraft «dzUD« 7 vKŽ VJðdð

Following perusal of the Amiri Decree

issued on 4th Ramadan 1396AH. —œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
corresponding to 29th August 1976AD. ≤π o«u*« ‡?¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊU??C??— s ¥ a?¹—U??²Ð
concerning revising the Constitution,
—u²Ýb« `OIM²Ð ±π∑∂ WMÝ fDž√ s
Article 70 (Second Para) of the
Constitution, —u²Ýb« s WO½UŁ …dI ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
Upon the proposal of the Minister of WOł—U)« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Foreign Affairs, and
¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Following the approval of the Council of
Ministers, ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
We have promulgated the law which text
reads as follows:
©±® …œU
Article (1) …b¼UF v≈ X¹uJ?« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ oËË
It has been approved for the State of 7 vKŽ VJðdð w²« Èd?š_« ‰U?F_«Ë rz«d?'«
Kuwait to join the Convention on Offences
d?³L?²?³Ý ±¥ a¹—U?²Ð u?OuÞ w W?F?u*«  «dzUD«
and Certain Other Acts Committed on
Board the Aircraft signed in Tokyo on 14th ÆÊu½UI« «cN WI«d*«Ë ±π∂≥ WMÝ
September 1963, which text is attached to
this law.
©≤® …œU
Article (2) «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All the ministers - each within his …b¹d??'« w Ád?A½ a¹—Uð s? tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Êu½U??I«
respective jurisdiction - must implement
this law, and it shall enter into force as of
the date it is published in the official X¹uJ« dO√
gazette. bLŠ_« dÐUł

Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Prime Minister
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs ÕU³B« rUÝ
Salem Al-Jaber

Issued at the Sief Palace on: 18th Thulqida 1399AH. ‡¼±≥ππ …bFI« Ë– ±∏ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 9th October 1979AD. ±π∑π dÐu²√ π ∫o«u*«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
An Explanatory Memorandum Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK WOŠUC¹« …dc
About The Decree-Law Approving The
Joining of The State of Kuwait To The v X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Convention On Offences And Certain w²« Èdš_« ‰UF_«Ë rz«d'« …b¼UF
Other Acts Committed On Board The
Aircraft Signed In Tokyo On 14th w WFu*« «dzUD« 7 vKŽ VJðdð
September 1963AD. ± d³L²³Ý ±¥ uOuÞ

On 14th September 1963, the

uOuÞ w XFË Â±π∂≥ d³?L²³Ý ±¥ a¹—U²Ð
Convention on Offences and Certain Other
Acts Committed on Board the Aircraft was
VJðdð w²?« Èd?š_« ‰U?F?_«Ë rz«d?'« …b¼U?F?
signed in Tokyo. The First chapter of the s ‰Ë_« »U???³« ‰ËUM?ð b??Ë  «d?zUD« 7 v?KŽ
Convention (Articles 1 & 2) defines its vKŽ UN?IO³Dð ‰U−? ©≤Ë ± 5ðœU*«® …b¼UF*« Ác¼
scope and that it shall apply in respect of Í√ U?NÐ ÂuI¹ w²« ‰U?F_« Ë√ VJðdð w²« r?z«d'«
offences committed or acts done by a
…bUF²? WËœ WK− …dzUÞ Í√ 7 vKŽ hý
person on board any aircraft registered in a
Contracting State, while that aircraft is in ‚u? Ë√ Ê«d?O?Þ WU?Š w …dzUD« Ác?¼ œu?łË ¡UMŁ√
flight or across high seas or of any other lIð Èdš√ WIDM Í√ ‚u? Ë√ —U׳« wUŽ« `DÝ
area outside the territory of any State. ÆWËœ Í√ rOK« ×Uš
The Second chapter of the Convention
≥ 5ðœU?*«® …b¼U???F*« s? w½U???¦« »U???³« r?E½Ë
(Articles 3 & 4) regulates the jurisdiction of
the Contracting State in which the aircraft …d??ýU?³0 …dzU?D« qO?−??ð WËœ ’U??B?²??š« ©¥¨
is registered over offences committed on rz«d??'UÐ oK?F??²¹ U??L??O? w?zU?C??I?« U?N?? U??B??²??š«
board aircraft registered in such State. Æ…dzUD« Ác¼ 7 vKŽ VJðdð w²« ‰UF_«Ë
The Third chapter of the Convention
©±∞ v≈ μ s? œ«u*«® YU???¦« »U???³« ‰ËU?MðË
(Articles 5 to 10) defines the powers of the
aircraft commander. The Sixth Article W??ÝœU??« …œU*«  “U?łQ?? …dzUD?« …bzU?  U?DKÝ
stated that the aircraft commander may, WuIF »U³Ý√ v≈ «œUM²Ý« bI²Ž« «–≈ …dzUD« bzUI
when he has reasonable grounds to believe b?Š√ »UJð—« w Ÿd?ý Ë√ VJð—« b? U?B??ý Ê«
that a person has committed, or is about to
commit, on board the aircraft, an offence or
oO??³Dð ‚UD½ w? qšbð w²« ‰U??F?_« Ë√ rz«d??'«
act falling under the scope of this W?“ö«  «¡«d?łô« Áb?{ c??²¹ Ê« …b¼U?F*« Ác¼
Convention, impose upon such person ‰«u??_«Ë ’U???ý_«Ë …dzU?D« W??ö?Ý W¹U??L??(
reasonable measures to protect the safety of
Ë√ WB²<«  UDK« v≈ tL?OKðË UNO …œułu*«
the aircraft, persons or property therein, or
deliver such person to competent Æ…dzUD« s t«e½«
authorities or to disembark him. ©±μ v≈ ±± s œ«u?*«® lЫd« »U??³?« ZU??ŽË
The Fifth chapter of the Convention
…dzUD?« vKŽ w½u½U??I« d??O??ž ¡ö??O??²??Ýô«  ôU??Š
(Articles 11 to 15) discusses the cases of
unlawful seizure of aircraft. The Eleventh W??U? –U??ðUÐ …b??U?F??²*« ‰Ëb« ±± …œU*« XeQ??
Article obligates the Contracting States to …dzUD« vKŽ …dDO?« …œU?Žô W“ö«  «¡«d?łô«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

take all appropriate measures to restore …dD?O???Ý vKŽ W?EU???×???LK Ë√ w?Žd???A« U¼b?zU???I
control of the aircraft to its lawful Captain
or maintains his control thereon.
The Sixth Chapter of the Convention v≈ ±∂ s œ«u?*«® ”œU??« »U???³« sL???CðË
(Articles 16 to 18) included other rOK??²« …œU?ŽUÐ W?I?KF?²? Èd?š√ ÂU?JŠ√ …b?Ž ©±∏
provisions related the re-extradition and the
…bU?F²*« WËb« oðU?Ž vKŽ lIð w²«  U?«e²ô«Ë
obligations of all the Contracting States
upon taking any measures for investigation bMŽ Ë√ i³I« Ë√ oOI?ײ«  «¡«dł« U¼–Uð« bMŽ
or arrest or otherwise exercising w²« rz«d'UÐ oKF²¹ ULO WUŽ WHBÐ UNðU UB²š«
jurisdiction in connection with any offence Æ…dzUD« 7 vKŽ VJðdð
committed on board an aircraft.
The Seventh chapter (Articles 19 to 21) ©≤± v≈ ±π s œ«u*«® lÐU??« »U?³« ‰ËUMðË
discusses some final provisions. Article 22 WËœ W¹_ ≤≤ …œU*«  “U?łQ? W?OU?²?š ÂUJŠ« …b?Ž
states that this Convention shall, after
 ôUu?« s WUË W¹√ Ë√ …b?ײ*« 3_« w u?CŽ
coming into force, be open for joining by
any State Member of the United Nations or r²¹Ë …b?¼U??F*« Ác¼ v≈ ÂU??L??C½ô« W??B??B????²*«
of any of the Specialized Agencies. The
W??O?Ëb« W??L?EM*« Èb t???IzUŁË Ÿ«b?¹UÐ ÂU??L???C½ô«
joining of a State shall be effected upon
depositing its documents with the s W¹_ ≤≥ …œU*«  “U??ł√ U?L?? Æw½b*« Ê«d??ODK
International Civil Aviation Organization. …b¼U??F?*« Ác¼ s »U??×???½ô« …b??U??F???²*« ‰Ëb«
Article 23 of the Convention stated that any
Contracting State may withdraw from this ¨wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« W?LEM v≈ tłu¹ —UDšUÐ
Convention by serving a notice addressed 5Ð Q???AM¹ Ÿ«e?½ Í√ qŠ W??O???H??O??? ≤¥ …œU*« XM?OÐË
to the International Civil Aviation
Organization. Article 24 indicated the way
Ë√ dOHð ‰uŠ …b?UF²*« ‰Ëb« s d¦√ Ë√ 5²Ëœ
of settling any dispute between two or more Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ oO³Dð
Contracting States concerning the
W?UF?« …—«œù« ≠ WB?²?<«  UN?'« Ê« YO?ŠË
interpretation or application of this
Convention. WO²¹uJ« W¹u'« ◊uD)« W?ÝRË w½b*« Ê«dODK
Whereas the concerned authorities, the Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼ v≈ ÂULC½ô« vKŽ XI«Ë b ≠
Directorate General of Civil Aviation and
the Kuwait Airways Corporation agreed to ‚U?D½ w? q?šbð …b?¼U??????F?*« Ác¼ X?½U?????? U?*Ë
join this Convention, and q¹b?F??²Ð  U?«e??²« sL?C??²ðË W?Šö*«  «b¼U??F?
Whereas, this Convention falls within
the scope of aviation conventions and o«d*« Êu½U?I« ŸËdA? bŽ√ b?I W?LzUI« 5½«u?I«
includes obligations to amend the existing …œU*« s WO½U¦« …dIH« rJ( U?I³Þ UNOKŽ o¹bB²K
laws, the attached draft-law has been
Æ—u²Ýb« s ∑∞
prepared for approval in accordance with
Article 70 of the Constitution.

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

7 vKŽ VJðdð w²« Èdš_« ‰UF_«Ë rz«d'« …b¼UF
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 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Decree-Law No. (71) of Year 1988 ± WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Approving The Protocol of The Suppression WŽËdA*« dOž nMF« ‰UF« lL ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
of nlawful Acts of iolence At Airports
Serving International Civil Aviation wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« Âbð w²« «—UD*« w

Following perusal of the Amiri Decree

issued on 27th Shawal 1406AH.
—œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
corresponding to 3rd July 1986AD., s≥o«u*« ‡?¼ ±¥∞∂ WMÝ ‰«u?ý s ≤∑ a¹—U??²Ð
Article 70 (Second Para) of the Ʊπ∏∂ WMÝ uOu¹
Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« s åWO½UŁ …dIò ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
Decree-law No. (62) of year 1979 ±π∑π WM ∂≤ r— Êu?½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË
approving the joining of the State of
Kuwait to the Convention of the …b¼U?F v?≈ X¹uJ« WËœ ÂU?LC½« vKŽ W?I?«u*UÐ
Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Ê«d?OD« W?öÝ b?{ W?ŽËdA*« d?O?ž ‰U?Fô« lL?
Safety of Civil Aviation, ¨w½b*«
Upon the proposal of the Minister of ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— V?zU½ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Foreign Minister, and
Following the approval of the Council of
¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË ¨WOł—U)« d¹“ËË
Ministers, ∫tB½ wðô« Êu½UI« U½—b «
We have promulgated the law which text
reads as follows: ©±® …œU
Article (1) d?Ož n?MF« ‰UF?« lL? ‰u?uðËdÐ vKŽ oËË
It has been approved on the Protocol of Âbð w²«  «—UD*« w WŽËdA*«
the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Vio-
lence at Airports Serving International Civil
‰U¹d???²?½u?? w? lu*« w?Ëb« w½b*« Ê«d???O?D«
Aviation signed in Montreal on 24th Febru- WOUHðô qLJ*«Ë ±π∏∏ d¹«d³ s ≤¥ a¹—U²Ð
ary 1988, which is supplementary to the W??ö??Ý b??{ W??ŽËd??A?*« d??O??ž ‰U??F??ô« lL??
Convention of the Suppression of Unlawful ‰U¹d²½u w XFË w²«Ë w½b*« Ê«dOD«
Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation W?I?«d*«Ë ±π∑± WMÝ d?³?L?²?³?Ý s ≤≥ a¹—U?²Ð
signed in Montreal on 23rd September ÆÊu½UI« «cN t uB½
1971, the texts of which are attached to this
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
All the ministers, each in his respective «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
jurisdiction, must implement this law, and it …b¹d???'« w Ád??A½ a?¹—Uð s tÐ q?L??F¹Ë Êu½U???I«
shall enter into force as of the date of it is WOLÝd«
published in the official gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed

Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—

Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of For- WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
eign Affairs dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
‡¼±¥∞π vË_« ÈœULł ≥ ∫ w nO« dBIÐ —b
Issued at the Sief Palace on: 3rd Jumada I, 1409AH.
Corresponding to: 12th December 1988AD. ±π∏∏ d³L¹œ ±≤ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

An Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
About The Decree-Law Approving The
lL ‰uuðËdÐ vKŽ WI«u*UÐ Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK
Protocol of The Suppression of nlawful
WŽËdA*« dOž nMF« ‰UF«
Acts of iolence At Airports Serving In-
ternational Civil Aviation wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« Âbð w²« «—UD*« w

In Montreal, on 24/2/1988, a group of

XF??Ë ±π∏∏Ø≤Ø≤¥ a¹—U??²Ð ‰U¹d??²½u?? w
States signed a Protocol for the Suppression
of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports ‰U?F« lL? ‰u?uðËdÐ vKŽ ‰Ëb« s W?Žu?L−?
Serving International Civil Aviation. This Âb??ð w²?«  «—UD*« w W??ŽËd??A*« d??O??ž n?MF«
protocol is deemed to be supplementary to
öLJ ‰u?uðËd³« «c¼ d³²?F¹Ë ¨wËb« Ê«dOD«
the Convention of the Suppression of Un-
lawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Avi- b{ W?ŽËdA? dOG« ‰U?F_« lL? WOU?Hð« ÂUJŠô
ation signed in Montreal on 23rd September a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u w W?Fu*« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WöÝ
1971. The first article of the protocol stated
…œU*« t??O?KŽ XB½U???«c¼Ë ±π∑± d??³??L???²??³??Ý ≤≥
that the contracting States shall interpret the
Convention and the Protocol as a single tOKŽ 5Fu*« ·«dÞô« vKŽ X³łË«Ë tM vËô«
document. The second and third articles of …b?Š«Ë W?I??OŁu? ‰u?uðËd?³?«Ë W?O?U?Hðô« d?O???Hð
the protocol added some paragraphs to the
‰u?uðËd³« s W?¦U?¦«Ë WO?½U¦« ÊUðœU*« XU?{«Ë
Convention incriminating the violence acts
against a person at an airport serving inter- ‰U?F« .d?−?²  «dI?H« iFÐ W?O?UHðô« œ«u? v≈
national civil aviation or destruction or seri- Âb?ð w²«  «—UD?*« w ’U??ýô« b?{ nMF«
ously damaging the facilities of an airport
w ŸËdA« Ë« UN?ðöONð dO?bð Ë« w½b*« Ê«dOD«
serving international civil aviation and stat-
ed that each contracting State shall likewise ¡U??A½« ¡U??C??Žô« ‰Ëb« vKŽ X?³??łË«Ë U?N?ÐUJð—«
take such measures as may be necessary to  UÐu?IF?« lOuðË U?N½Q?AÐ wzU?CI« U?N? U?B²?š«
establish its jurisdiction over the offences,
UN?O{«—« w rN²*« bł«uð W?UŠ w UN³?OJðd vKŽ
in the case where the alleged offender is
present in its territory and it does not extra- UI?³Þ WOMF*« ‰Ëb« ÈbŠô t?LOK²Ð U?NUO? ÂbŽË
dite him pursuant to Article 8 of the Con- …œU*«  œb?ŠË WO?U?Hðô« s WMU?¦« …œU*« ÂUJŠô
vention. The fourth article stated the proce-
tOKŽ lOu²K ‰uuðËd³« ÷dŽ  «¡«dł« WFЫd«
dures of presenting the protocol for the
purpose of signing thereon. The fifth article ‰u?uðËd?³« ŸuC?š vKŽ W??U?)« …œU*« XB½Ë
stated that the Protocol shall be subject to pc?Ë t??OKŽ W?F?u*« ‰Ëb?« s t?OKŽ o¹b??B?²K
ratification by the signatory States and any
p–Ë W???O???U???Hðô« w? U??d?Þ X???O w²?« ‰Ëb«
State which is not a contracting State to the
Convention on condition that it joins the ÊUðœU*« XB½Ë ÆW?O?UHðô« v≈ U?N?U?LC½« ◊d?AÐ
Convention. The sixth and seventh articles Ÿ«b¹ô«  «¡«d????ł« v?KŽ W????FÐU?????«Ë W????ÝœU????«
stated the measures of depositing the docu-
…œU*«  “U???ł«Ë Ɖu??uðËd???³« v≈ ÂU??L???C½ô«Ë
ments and the process of joining. The
eighth article permitted any party in the tM »U×½ô« ‰u?uðËd³« w ·dÞ Íô WMU¦«
Protocol to withdraw from it together with …œU*« XB½ ΫdO?š«Ë »U×½ô«  «¡«d?ł« ÊUOÐ l

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

indicating the withdrawal procedures. Last- o¹b????B???²?« ozUŁË Ÿ«b?¹« ÂUJŠ« v?KŽ W????F???ÝU????²«
ly, the ninth article stated the provisions of
depositing the documents of ratifying and
ƉuuðËd³« «c¼ v≈ ÂULC½ô«Ë
joining this Protocol. ÷—UF²ð ô ‰uuðËd³« «c¼ ÂUJŠ« Ê« YOŠË
And since the provisions of this Protocol wÐd?????F?« 5U?????:« w X?¹uJ?«  U????«e?????²?« l
do not contradict with the obligations of
Kuwait in the Arabian and International do-
…—«œù« ≠ w¼Ë W???OMF?*« W??N???'« Ê« U???L?? w?Ëb«Ë
mains, and since the concerned authority X³KÞË t?OKŽ XI«Ë b? ≠ w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WU?F«
which is the Directorate General of Civil o¹b??B??²«  «¡«d??ł« –U??ð« W?O??ł—U??)« …—«“Ë s
Aviation has approved same and requested
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to car-
ry out the procedures for ratifying it. W?OU?Hð« v≈ ÂUL?C½ô« vKŽ W?I«u*« Ê« YO?ŠË
And since the approval on joining the Ê«dOD« W?öÝ b?{ WŽËd?A dO?G« ‰UF?ô« lL
Convention of the Suppression of Unlawful
Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation
d?³L?²?³Ý ≤≥ a¹—U?²Ð ‰U¹d?²½u w? WF?u*«Ë w½b*«
signed in Montreal on the 23rd September U?N öLJ ‰u?uðËd?³« «c¼ d?³²?F¹ Íc«Ë ±π∑±
1971, which this Protocol is considered «c ¨±π∑π WM ∂≤ r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*UÐ X9
supplementary to it by virtue of the Decree-
law No. (62) of year 1979. Therefore, the
‰u??uðËd???³« «c¼ vKŽ W???I??«u*« ÊuJð Ê√ 5?F??²¹
approval on this Protocol must be also by b?Ž√ b??I? ÷d?G« «c??N U?I?O??I?%Ë Êu½U?I?Ð pc?
virtue of a law, and for this purpose, a draft «c¼ v?KŽ W????I????«u*U?Ð o«d?*« Êu½U????IU?Ð Âu????Ýd*«
for the Decree-law was prepared containing
approval on this Protocol.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ±

lL WOUHðô qLJ*«Ë wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« Âbð w²«  «—UD*« w? WŽËdA*« dOž nMF« ‰UF« lLI
Ʊπ∑± d³L²³Ý ≤≥ a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u w XFË w²«Ë w½b*« Ê«dOD« WöÝ b{ WŽËdA*« dOž ‰UFô«
w VJðdð w²?« WŽËd?A*« d?O?ž nMF« ‰U?F?« Ê√ d?³?²?Fð –≈ ÆÆƉu?uðd?³« «c¼ w ·«dÞô« ‰Ëb« Ê«
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± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Decree No. (144) of Year 1995 ±μ WM ©±¥¥® r— ÂuÝd
Approving The Convention WOUHð« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
On Marking The Plastic Explosives ÷dGÐ WOJO²Ýö³« «d H²*« eOO9 ÊQAÐ
For Purpose of Detection

Following perusal of Constitution and

the Law No. (35) of year 1985 concerning Êu½U??I« vKŽË ¨—u??²??Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b??FÐ
explosives crimes, and upon the proposal of ¨ UFd?H*« rz«dł ÊQý w ±π∏μ WM ≥μ r—
the First Deputy of the Prime Minister and fK?−?? fO?zd ‰Ë_« VzUM?« ÷d??Ž vK?Ž ¡UMÐË
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and following fK−? W?I?«u b?FÐË ¨W?O?ł—U?)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u«
the approval of the Council of Ministers,
We have decreed as follows:
∫wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
Article (1) ©±® …œU
It has been approved on the Convention  «d??−??H?²*« e??O??O9 ÊQ??AÐ W??O??U?Hð« v?KŽ oËË
on Marking Plastic Explosives for the Pur- fK−? U¼d√ w²«Ë U?NH?A ÷d?GÐ WOJO?²Ýö?³«
pose of Detection signed by the Council of a¹—U²Ð ‰U¹d²½u w wËb« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WLEM
the International Civil Aviation Organiza-
U???NÐ ’U???)« wMH« o?×K*«Ë ±ππ± ”—U??? s±
tion in Montreal on 1st March 1991 as well
as the technical appendix, the texts of
ÆÂuÝd*« «cN ULN uB½ WI«d*«Ë
which are attached to this Decree.
©≤® …œU
Article (2) «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
All the ministers, each in his respective …b¹d????'UÐ Ád????A½ a?¹—Uð s t?Ð qL????F¹Ë Âu????Ýd*«
jurisdiction, must implement this law, and it
shall enter into force as of the date of it is
published in the official gazette.
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ

First Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOzd ‰Ë_« VzUM«
Foreign Affairs WOł—U)«
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber dÐU'« bLŠ_« ÕU³
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 20th Safar 1416AH.
Corresponding to: 18th July 1995AD. ‡¼ ±¥±∂ dH ≤∞ ∫w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
±ππμ uOu¹ ±∏ ∫o«u*«

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≠ ≠ ≠ ô rF½ ô rF½ ô rF½ ≠ rF½ rF½ ±ππ∏ U½Už
≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ô rF½ bŽu œb×¹ r «bMK¹«
rF½ rF½ ô rF½ WI³DM dOž WI³DM dOž ô ô rF½ rF½ rF½ WI³DM dOž ±πππ bMN« ¿
 UEŠö ôË oOKFð ô «bMd¹«
≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ô rF½ rF½ rF½ rF½ rF½ ±ππ∂ Êœ—ô«
≠ ≠ ô ô ô ô rF½ rF½ ô ≠ ±ππ∂ X¹uJ«
≠ ≠ ≠ ô ô ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ô ≠ ≤∞∞∞ ÊU²ÝeOždO
≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ ≠ WËdF dOž ô rF½ ô rF½ rF½ ô uðuO
rF½ ô ô ô ô ô ô ô rF½ rF½ ô ≠ ±ππ∂ UO½«u²O
≠ ≠ ≠ WI³DM dOž —uE× œ«dO²Ýô« œ«u*« błuð ô WI³DM dOž ô rF½ WI³DM dOž WI³DM dOž WI³DM dOž ±ππ¥ WDU
eOOL²« œ«u ôË  «d−H²*« Z²Mð ô ±ππ≤ pOJ*«
≠ ≠ ≠ WI³DM dOž ô ô ô rF½ rF½ ô ≠ ±ππ∑ UËbu
Decree-Law No. (61) of Year 1979 ±  WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Concerning Approving The Joining of …b¼UF*« v X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
The State of Kuwait In The Convention
WO³M_« «dzUD« UNb% w²« —«d{ôUÐ WIKF²*«
Relating To The Damages Caused By
Foreign Aircraft To Third Parties On ÷—_« `DÝ vKŽ YU ·dD
The Ground

—œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ

Following perusal of the Amiri Decree
issued on 4th Ramadan 1396AH. ‡¼±≥π∂ WMÝ ÊUC— s ¥ a¹—U²Ð
corresponding to 29th August 1976AD. `O?I?M²Ð ±π∑∂ WMÝ fD??ž√ s ≤π o«u*«
concerning revising the Constitution, —u²Ýb«
Article (70) Second Para of the —u²Ýb« s WO½UŁ …dI ∑∞ 5ðœU*« vKŽË
WOł—U)« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Upon the proposal of the Minister of
Foreign Affairs, and ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Following the approval of the Council of ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
We promulgated the law which text ©vË√ …œU®
reads as follows:
…b¼UF*« v≈ X¹uJ« WËœ ÂULC½« vKŽ oËË
Article (1) WO³Mł_«  «dzUD« UNŁb% w²« —«d{_UÐ WIKF²*«
It has been approved for the State of w …œu??I??F*« ÷—_« `DÝ vKŽ Y?UŁ ·dD
Kuwait to join in the Convention on Êu½UI« «cN WI«d*«Ë ±πμ≤ WMÝ UË—
Damages Caused by Foreign Aircraft to
Third Parties on the Ground, held in Rome
in year 1952 and a copy of which is ©WO½UŁ …œU®
attached to this law. «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Article (2)
…b¹d??'« w Ád?A½ a¹—Uð s? tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Êu½U??I«
All Ministers, each in his jurisdiction, WOLÝd«
must execute this law, which shall enter
into force as of the date of being published X¹uJ« dO√
in the Official Gazette.
bLŠ_« dÐUł
Emir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al-Abduallah Al-Sabah
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs ÕU³B« rUÝ
Salem Al-Sabah

9th October 1979AD. ±π∑π dÐu²√ π

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
Of The Decree-Law No. (61) of Year
1979 Concerning Approving The Joining
of The State of Kuwait In The —«d{ôUÐ WIKF²*« …b¼UF*« v X¹uJ« WËœ
Convention On Damages Caused By ·dD WO³M_« «dzUD« UNb% w²«
Foreign Aircraft To Third Parties On
÷—_« `DÝ vKŽ YU
The Ground

Inspiring to guarantee a fair WÐU « s qJ ‰œUŽ i¹uFð ÊU?L{ w W³ž—

compensation to any party who sustained
damages on the ground by foreign aircraft,
 «d?zUÞ ¡«d???????ł s ÷—_« `?DÝ v?K?Ž —d??????{
and to reasonably limit the extent of the q¦ sŽ WLłUM«  UOËR?*« Èb b¹b%Ë WO³Mł√
liability resulting from such damage in ‰u×¹ U? ÍœUHð ¡UG²?Ы ôuIF «b¹b?% —dC« «c¼
order to avoid hindering the development of
international air-transport, the Convention w XF??Ë b??I? wËb?« Íu?'« qI?M« —uDð ÊËœ
on Damages Caused by Foreign Aircraft to W??I?KF??²*« …b¼U???F*« ±πμ≤ر∞Ø∑ a¹—U??²?Ð U??Ë—
Third Parties on the Ground was signed in
Rome on 7/10/1952.
·dD W?O?³Mł_«  «dzUD« U?NŁb?% w²« —«d?{ôUÐ
The First Chapter of the said Convention Æ÷—_« `DÝ vKŽ YUŁ
(Articles from 1 till 10) dealt with the …b¼U???F?*« Ác¼ s ‰Ë_« q?B???H« ‰ËU?Mð b???Ë
principles of liability, hence the First
Article stipulated that the right to XC?I?? W?OËR?*« ΔœU?³?? ©±∞ v≈ ± s œ«u*«®
compensation, when implementing the oO????³D²?UÐ i¹u????F???²« w? o(« ÊQÐ v?Ë_« …œU*«
provisions of this Convention, is
established for every individual who suffers
—d?{ WÐU? « s? qJ Q?AM¹ …b¼U??F*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_
damage on the ground upon proof that the b?? —d??C« Ê«  u???³Ł œd??−0 ÷—_« `D?Ý vKŽ
damage was caused by an aircraft in flight Ë√ h?ý s Ë√ Ê«d??OÞ WU?Š w …dzU?Þ s Q?A½
or by any person or thing falling therefrom.
The Second Article clarified that the Ê« W???O?½U???¦« …œU?*« XMO?ÐË ¨U???NM? jI???Ý ¡w?ý s
liability for compensating the said damage vKŽ l?I¹ t??O≈ —U??A?*« —d??C« i¹u??F??²?Р«e??²ô«
must be born by the operator of the aircraft.
The Second Chapter (Articles from 11
Æ…dzUD« qG² oðUŽ
till 14) regulated the extent of the liability ©±¥ v≈ ±± s œ«u?*«® w½U??¦« qB??H?« rE½Ë
in case of the occurrence of damages.  œb?×? —d?C« Ÿu?Ë WU?Š w W?OËR?*« Èb?
Hence, Article (11) specified the amounts
of compensation payable by all liable WDÝ«uÐ lb« W?³?ł«u« i¹u?F²« m?U³? ±± …œU*«
parties according to the provisions of this sŽ …b¼U??F*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_ U??I?Ë 5ËR??*« W??U?
Convention for damages falling within the
scope of implementing this Convention. Ác?¼ oO????????³D?ð ‚U?D½ w? q?šbð w?²?« —«d???????{ô«
The Third Chapter (Articles from 15 till Æ…b¼UF*«
18) specified the insurance designated for
©±∏ v≈ ±μ s œ«u*«® YU?¦« qBH« œb?ŠË
guaranteeing the liability of the operator.
The Fourth Chapter of the present ÆqG²*« WOËR ÊULC WBB<«  UMOQ²«
Convention (Articles from 19 till 22) dealt s œ«u*«® …b¼U??F*« s l?Ыd« qB??H« ‰ËUMðË
with the rules, procedures and timing of
litigations. Hence, Article (19) obligated w{UI²« bŽ«u?Ë  «¡«dł«Ë bŽ«u ©≤≤ v≈ ±π
the party suffering the damage to file Èu?Žœ W?UUÐ —d?C« W?I?( s ±π …œU*« XeQ?

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

compensation lawsuit against the operator W?²?Ý ‰ö?š U?NÐ t½ö?Ž«Ë qG?²?*« b?{ i¹u?F?²«
and to notify it of the said lawsuit within a
period of Six months from the date the —dC« tMŽ ZM¹ Íc« ÀœU(« Ÿu?Ë Âu¹ s dNý√
incident took place and resulted in the i¹u?F?²« w oŠ t Êu?J¹ ô p– qF?H¹ r ÊU?
damage. If failed to do so, the suffering
Íc«Ë t?M Ÿ“u?¹ r Íc?« wU?????³« ¡e?????'« w ô«
party shall only be entitled to compensation
out of the amount for which the operator lO??L?−Ð ¡U?u?« b?FÐ tMŽ ôËR??? qG??²?*« vI??³¹
remains liable after all claims made within …b*« Êu?C?ž w Xb? b? ÊuJ?ð w²«  U?³UD*«
that period have been met in full.
Article (20) explained that lawsuits Æ…—uc*«
under the provisions of this Convention W?????OzU?????C?????I« ÈËU?????Žb« Ê√ ≤∞ …œU?*« XM?OÐË
may be brought only before the courts of
rU?×? ÂU?√ ÂUI?ð …b¼UF?*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_ oO?³D²UÐ
the contracting State where the damage had
occurred, and also indicated the procedures XMO?ÐË U?N??O?? —d??C« lË w?²« …b??U??F?²?*« WËb«
for filing these lawsuits. ÆÈËUŽb« Ác¼ l—  «¡«dł«
The Fifth Chapter (Articles from 23 till
30) regulated several general provisions, ©≥∞ v≈ ≤≥ œ«u?*«® fU????)« qB????H« r?E½Ë
and explained the scope of implementing s …b¼U?F*« oO³Dð ‰U?− XMOÐ W?UŽ ÂUJ?Š√ …bŽ
the Convention with respect to the damages
w²« —«d?{ô«Ë UNOK?Ž Ídð w²« —«d?{ô« YOŠ
that are applicable and those that are
inapplicable. ÆUNOKŽ Ídð ô
As for the last Sixth Chapter (Articles ≥± s œ«u*«® d??O?š_«Ë ”œU??« qB?H?« U?√
from 31 till 38), it stated several final
provisions, where Article (34) permitted  “U?łQ W?O?U²?š ÂUJŠ√ …b?Ž œ—Ë√ bI? ©≥∏ v≈
any State not among the signatories of the Ê√ …b¼U?F*« v?KŽ W?F?u? d?O??ž WËœ W¹_ ≥¥ …œU*«
Convention to join in by means of
Èb ÂUL?C½ô« WIOŁË Ÿ«b¹« o¹dÞ sŽ U?NO≈ rCMð
depositing a joining document with the
International Civil Aviation Organization …œU*«  “U?ł√ U?L? wËb« w½b?*« Ê«d?OD« W?LEM
(ICAO). Article (35) also permitted every …b¼U?F*« s? V×?Mð Ê√ …b?U?F?²?? WËœ qJ ≥μ
contracting State to withdraw from the
Convention by serving a notice to the w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WOËb« W?LEM*« v≈ t?łu¹ —UDšUÐ
International Civil Aviation Organization W?²?Ý ¡U?C?I½« b?FÐ ÁdŁ√ —UDšô« «c?¼ Z²M¹ Ê« vKŽ
(ICAO), provided that such notice produces
Æ—UDšô« «c¼ a¹—Uð s —uNý
its effect after the elapse of Six months
from the date of this notice W??U?F« …—«œù« ≠ W??B??²?<« W??N?'« Ê« YO??ŠË
Whereas, the concerned authority - the v≈ ÂU?L?C½ô« vKŽ X?I?«Ë b? ≠ w½b*« Ê«d?ODK
Directorate General of Civil Aviation has
approved the joining in this Convention, Æ…b¼UF*« Ác¼
And whereas this Convention falls ‚U?D½ w? q?šbð …b?¼U??????F?*« Ác¼ X?½U?????? U?*Ë
within the scope of the air navigation
q¹b?F??²Ð  U?«e??²« sL?C??²ðË W?Šö*«  «b¼U??F?
conventions, and incorporates obligations
to amend the prevailing laws, therefore the o«d*« Êu½U?I« ŸËdA? bŽ√ b?I W?LzUI« 5½«u?I«
attached Draft-Law was prepared for …œU*« s WO½U¦« …dIH« rJ( U?I³Þ UNOKŽ o¹bB²K
ratification in accordance with the
provision of Paragraph (2) of Article (70) Æ—u²Ýb« s ∑∞
of the Constitution.

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

lu*« ÷—_« `DÝ vKŽ YU ·dD WO³M_« «dzUD« UNb% w²« —«d{ôUÐ WIKF²*«
±μ WMÝ dÐu² ¡Uö¦« Âu¹ w U Ë— WM¹b0 UNOKŽ

∫…b¼UF*« Ác¼ vKŽ WFu*« ‰Ëb«

 «dzUÞ ¡«dł s ÷—_« `D?Ý vKŽ —«d{√ WÐU « s qJ ‰œU?Ž i¹uFð ÊU?L{ w W³?ždUÐ WF³?A
U ÍœU?Hð ¡UG?²Ð« ôuI?F «b¹b?% —«d{ô« Ác¼ q¦? sŽ WL?łUM«  UOËR?*« Èb b¹b?% l p–Ë WO?³Mł√
Æp– sŽ öCË wËb« Íu'« qIM« —uDð ÊËœ ‰u×¹
nK²? w WF?³²*«Ë —«d{ô« Ác¼ sŽ  U?LłUM«  U?OËR*« bŽ«u? bOŠuð …—Ëd?{ w WI?¦UÐ WLF?H
ÆWOËœ …b¼UF bIŽ o¹dÞ s ŸUD² bŠ vB√ v≈ ¨rUF« œöÐ
Æ UDK« qUJÐ s¹œËe ÁU½œ√ 5Fu*« 5{uH*« 5ÐËbM*« ¨·«b¼_« Ác¼ oOIײ XMOŽ b
∫WOðü« ÂUJŠ_« vKŽ rNMOÐ ‚UHðô« -Ë

‰Ë_« qBH«
WOËR*« œU³ w

©±® …œU
…b¼U??F*« Ác¼ ÂU?JŠ_ oO??³D²UÐ i?¹u??F?²?« w o(« ¨÷—_« `DÝ vK?Ž —d?{ W?ÐU? √ s? qJ ≠ ±
q× ôË ÆUNM jIÝ ¡wý s Ë√ hý s Ë√ Ê«dOÞ WUŠ w …dzUÞ s QA½ b —dC« Ê√  u³Ł œd−0
—Ëd œd− s QA½ b —dC« ÊU «–≈ Ë√ ¨lË Íc« ÀœU×K …d?ýU³ W−O²½ —dC« sJ¹ r «–≈ i¹uF²K
ÆUNÐ ‰uLF*« W¹u'« —Ëd*« bŽ«uI UIË Íu'« eO(« w …dzUD«
…u?I« U?N??O? √b?³ð w²« WE?×K« cM Ê«d?OÞ WU??Š w …dzUD« d?³?²??Fð …b¼U?F*« Ác¼ ·«b¼_ U?I??O?I?%Ë ≠ ≤
U?√ ¨WO½UŁ …dzUD« ◊u?³¼ UN?O qL?²J¹ w²« WE×K« v²?Š ÷—_« `DÝ sŽ …dzUD« qB?H UNKL?Ž Wd?;«
…d?²H« v≈ Ê–≈ ·d?BM¹ åÊ«dOÞ W?UŠ wò d?O³?F²« ÊU? © UÝËd¹«® ¡«u?N« s nš_«  «dzUD« WU?Š w
ÆWO½UŁ tÐ UNK Ë UNO œUF¹ w²« pKðË ÷—_« `DÝ sŽ UNUBH½« WE( 5ÐU
©≤® …œU
Æ…dzUD« qG² oðUŽ vKŽ lI¹ …b¼UF*« Ác¼ s vË_« …œU*« w tO≈ —UA*« —dC« i¹uF²Ð «e²ô« ≠ ±
…dzUD« qLF?²¹ ÊU Íc« h?A« åqG²*«ò W?LKJÐ bBI¹ ¨…b¼U?F*« Ác¼ ·«b¼_ UIO?I%Ë ≠ √ ≠ ≤
v²Š WOŠö*« WÐUd« o×Ð tHM kH²Š« b? ÊuJ¹ Íc« p– öG² d³²F¹ p– lË ¨—dC« ŸuË XË
Æ…dzUD« ‰ULF²Ý« oŠ dýU³ dOž Ë√ dýU³ o¹dDÐ ÁdOž ‰uš uË
¡«uÝ rNHzU?þu rN²Ý—U2 ¡UMŁ√ tzöuÐ Ë√ W?OFÐU²Ð Ë√ t?HMÐ UNKLF²?Ý« s …dzUDK öLF²? bF¹Ë ≠ »
ÆrNðU UB²š« ‚UD½ w qš«œ dOž Ë√ öš«œ p– ÊU√
qOb« rI¹ r U ôËR ÊuJ¹ rŁ sË UN qG²*« t½√ ¨…dzUD« tLÝUÐ …bOI*« pU*« w ÷ËdH ≠ ≥

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

v² WU(« Ác¼ w —œU?³¹ Ê« tOKŽË qG²*« u¼ ÁdOž U?Bý Ê« vKŽ ≠ t²OËR? b¹b%  «¡«dł« ‰öš ≠
ÆÈuŽb« w UdÞ dOš_« «c¼ ‰Ušœô W“ö« dOЫb²« WU –UðUÐ ¨v{UI²«  «¡«dł« X×LÝ
©≥® …œU
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ÁU¹≈ tuš Íc« hA« ÊU? ¨o(« «c¼ UNO t buð w²« WE×K« s‡‡ U?NÐUŠ √b³ð Uu¹ d?AŽ WFЗ√ vKŽ
W?OËR*« œËb?ŠË …b¼U?F*« Ác¼ w …œ—«u« ◊ËdAK U?I?Ë UNM q Âe?²K¹Ë sU?C²U?Ð tF? ôËR? ÊuJ¹
ÆUNÐ …—dI*«
©¥® …œU
t½« X³?¦¹ rU d?O?š_« «c¼ ÊU U?N?²Šö? tO?łuð w o(« t s ¡U?{— d?OGÐ …dzUÞ h?ý qL?F²?Ý« «–≈
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…œ—«u« ◊ËdAK U?IË U?NM q Âe²KðË ¨vË_« …œU*« w t?O≈ —UA*« i¹uF?²K …—d³*« —«d?{ô« sŽ tzU{—
ÆUNÐ …—dI*« WOËR*« œËbŠË …b¼UF*« Ác¼ w
©μ® …œU
W−O²½ lI¹ Íc« —dC« i¹uF²Ð Âe²K¹ ô …b¼UF*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠô oO³D²UÐ t²OËR ÂuIð Íc« hA«
…dzUD« ‰U?L?F²?Ý« 5ÐË tMOÐ qO?Š b? hA?« «c¼ ÊU «–≈ Ë√ W?O½b?  UЫdD{ô Ë√ `K? Ÿ«eM …d?ýU³?
ÆWUF«  UDK« s —œU d√ vC²I0
©∂® …œU
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Ë√ Á«u?Ý ÊËœ —d?C« t?I( Íc« h?A« QD?š Ë√ ŸUM²« Ë√ ‰U?L¼« v≈ l?łd¹ —dC?« «c¼ Ê√ vKŽ qOb«
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Wł—œ l vAL²¹ «œdD? ôËe½ i¹uF²UÐ ‰ËeM« s Ê–« ’UM ö Á¡öË Ë√ tO?FÐUð Ë√ —dC« tI( Íc«
WU?Š w tÐ ‰ËeM«Ë i¹u?F?²« s ¡U?HŽö q×? ö? ‰U?Š W¹√ vKŽË Æ—d?C« À«bŠ√ w „«d?²?ýô« «c¼
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ÆrNðU UB²š«
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ÆWIÐU« …dIH« w UNO≈ —UA*« —UŁü« fH½ bu¹ Á¡öË Ë√ tŽU³ð« Ë√ dšü« hA« «c¼ QDš Ë√ ŸUM²ô«
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W³UD*« —d?³¹ —d{ bu² Èdš_« d?OÝ UL¼bŠ√ XU?Ž Ë√ Ê«dOÞ WUŠ w d¦?√ Ë√ ÊUðdzUÞ XœUBð «–≈
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ÆUNÐ …—dI*« WOËR*« œËbŠË

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ÆWOł—U)«  UöF« Ê«bO w UNKO¦L²Ð ÂuIð w²« rOU_« s UCFÐ Ë√ UMOF ULOK«
Ác¼ oO??³D𠜫b?²??UÐ wËb« w½b*« Ê«d?O?D« W?LEM ¨b??FÐ U?L??O? dDð Ê√ ¨…b??U?F?²?? WËœ qJË ≠ ≥
s WO½U?¦« …dI?H« w tMŽ ÁuM*« `¹dB?²« q× X½U w²« r?OU_« s 5F ¡e?ł v≈ Ë√ WU? v≈ …b¼UF*«
Âu?O« s ¡«b??²Ð« ¨ÁdŁ√ —UDšô« Ác¼ Ábu¹Ë Æ5?Łö?¦«Ë W?FÐU?« …œU*« s? W?¦U?¦« …d?I??H« w Ë√ …œU*« Ác¼
ÆÁU¹« WLEM*« wIKð a¹—U² wU²« 5F²«
¨5Łö?¦«Ë W???U?)« …œU*« ÂUJ?Š_ U?I?O?³Dð …b?¼U?F*« Ác¼ s V×??Mð Ê√ ¨…b?U?F?²?? WËœ qJË ≠ ¥
ÆWOł—U)«  UöF« Ê«bO w UNKO¦L²Ð ÂuIð w²« rOU_« WUJ Ë√ rOK_ W³MUÐ
©≥∑® …œU
sŽ nu?²ð …b¼UF*« Ác¼ ÊS? …b?UF?² d?Ož WËœ v≈ …b?UF?²? WËœ rOK« s ¡eł Ë√ q ‰¬ U? «–≈ ≠ ±
ƉP*« «c¼ a¹—Uð s p–Ë —uc*« rOKô« vKŽ oO³D²«
oO³Dð ÊS ¨W U)« WOł—U)« UN²öŽ sŽ WËR? WKI² WËœ …bUF² WËœ rOK« s ¡eł `³ √ «–≈ ≠ ≤
ÆöI² tð—ËdO a¹—Uð s ¡«b²Ð« p–Ë WKI² WËœ `³ √ Íc« rOKô« p– vKŽ Íd¹ ô …b¼UF*« Ác¼
rOK?ô« vKŽ …b¼U??F*« Ác¼ Íd??ð ¨…b??U??F??²? Èd??š√ v≈ W?Ëœ rOK« s ¡e??ł Ë√ q ‰¬ U?? «–≈Ë ≠ ≥
WËb« rO?K« s ¡e?ł `³?B?¹ r qI?²M*« rO?Kô« ÊU? «–≈ t½√ vKŽ ¨‰U??I?²½ô« «c¼ a¹—Uð s p?–Ë —u?c*«
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Æ…b¼UF*« ÁcN kH% Í√ q³I¹ ô
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 U?GKUÐ 5?LšË 5MŁ«Ë WzU?L?F?ðË n√ ÂUŽ dÐu?²?√ dN?ý s lÐU?« Âu?O« w UË— W?M¹b w —d?Š
ÆWO−(« fH½ Àö¦« aM« s qJË WO½U³Ýô«Ë W¹eOK$ô«Ë WO½dH« WOLÝd«
…œU?LK U?I?Ë U?N?O?KŽ lO?u?²K …b?F? qEð YO?Š w?Ëb« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« W?LEM Èb? …b¼U?F*« Ác¼ Ÿœuð
Ë√ WFu?*« ‰Ëb« WU v≈ q ú WIÐUD «—u? qÝd¹ Ê√ WLEMLK ÂUF« 5_« vKŽË ¨5Łö?¦«Ë W¹œU(«
Æ…bײ*« 3_« W¾O¼ Ë√ WLEM*« w ¡UCŽ_« ‰Ëb« lOLł v≈ pcË WLEM*«
±πμ≤ WMÝ dÐu²√ ∑ w UË—

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Decree-Law No. (73) of Year 1988 ± WM  r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Concerning Approving Joining In The
International Agreement Against The WOUHðô« v ÂULC½ô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ
Taking of Hostages
szU¼d« cš WC¼UM* WOËb«
Following perusal of:
- Amiri Order issued on 27th Shawal —œU???B« Íd???O??_« d???_« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
1406AH., corresponding to 3rd July
1986AD., s o?«u*« ‡¼±¥∞∂ W?MÝ ‰«u???ý s ≤∑ a?¹—U???²Ð
- Article (70) (Second Para) of the ¨Â±π∏∂ WMÝ uOu¹
Constitution, and ¨—u²Ýb« s ©WO½UŁ …dI® ∑∞ …œU*« vKŽË
- Pursuant to the proposal of the
d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− VzU½ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of
Foreign Affairs, WOł—U)«
- And after the approval of the Council ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
of Ministers, ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b «
We have promulgated the law which text
reads as follows:
©vË√ …œU®
Article (1) v?≈ X?¹uJ?« W?Ëœ ÂU????????L?????????C?½« vK?Ž o?ËË
It has been approved for the State of
w²?« szU¼d« c???š√ W??C?¼UM* W???OËb« W???O??U???Hðô«
Kuwait to join in the International
Agreement Against The Taking of ±∑ a¹—U²Ð …b×?²*« 3ú WUF« WO?FL'« UNðb?L²Ž«
Hostages, which was endorsed by the «c??N U??N?? u?B?½ W?I??«d*«Ë ±π∑π d??³??L??¹œ s
United Nations General Assembly on 17th s ©±® …d??I?H?« rJŠ vKŽ kH??×??²« l Êu½U??I«
December 1979. The texts of the
Agreements are attached to this Law, while ÆWOUHðô« s ©±∂® …œU*«
having reservation on the provision of
Clause (1) of Article (16) of the said ©WO½UŁ …œU®
«c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Article (2) …b¹d??'« w Ád?A½ a¹—Uð s? tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Êu½U??I«
The Ministers shall, each within his WOLÝd«
jurisdiction, execute this law, which shall
enter into force as of the date it is published
in the official gazette. X¹uJ« dO√
bLŠ_« dÐUł
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al- Ahmed
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister ÕU³B« tK« b³F« bFÝ
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
WOł—U)« d¹“ËË ¡«—“u« fK− fOz— VzU½
Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of
Foreign Affairs dÐU'« bLŠô« ÕU³
Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber
‡¼±¥∞∂ vË_« ÍœULł ≥ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b
Issued at Seif Palace on: 3rd Jumada I, 1409AH.
Corresponding to: 12th December 1988AD. ±π∏∏ d³L¹œ ±≤ ∫o«u*«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
On The Decree-Law Concerning
ÂULC½ô« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*«
Joining In The International Convention
Against The Taking of Hostages szU¼d« cš WC¼UM* WOËb« WOUHðô« v

On 17th December 1979, the United WO?FL?'«  bL?²Ž« ±π∑π d?³L¹œ ±∑ a?¹—U²Ð
Nations General Assembly endorsed the
International Agreement Against The cš√ WC¼UM* WOËb« WO?UHðô« …bײ*« Âú WUF«
Taking of Hostages, which entered into u???Ou¹ ≥ w? –U??HM?« e??O???Š XK?šœ w²«Ë szU?¼d«
force on 3rd July 1983, pursuant to Article
(18) - Para (1) thereof. ÆUNM ©±® …dI ±∏ …œULK UIË ±π∏≥
The Agreement aims at fostering the
international cooperation between the 5Ð wËb« ÊËU?F?²« WO?LM² W?O?UHðô« ·b?NðË
countries to set and undertake effective lO?L?ł lM* WU?F? d?O?Ыbð –U?ð«Ë l{Ë w ‰Ëb«
procedures to prevent all the acts of taking
hostages, prosecuting and punishing these ‰U??L??Ž_« Ác¼ W??I??Šö??Ë szU¼d« c??š√ ‰U??L??Ž√
acts as being a manifestation of
international terrorism. The Agreement
»U¼—ô« d¼U?E s U??N?H?? uÐ U??N?O?KŽ W?³??U??F*«Ë
particularly emphasizes on the necessity to »ułË v≈ W Uš WHBÐ WOUHðô« wdðË wËb«
deliver any person committing the crime of
hostages taking to trial or to turn such WL?U×LK szU¼d?« cš√ W1d' VJðd? Í√ .bIð
person in according to the provisions of this ÂU?L?C½ô« rŁ sË ÆU?N?UJ?Šô U?I?³Þ t?L?OKð Ë√
Agreement. As such, joining in this
Agreement shall contribute to the Ác¼ o?O??I???% w rN???¹ d???√ W??O???U??Hðô« Ác?¼ v≈
achievement of its purposes, helps to curb
the international terrorism, and reserves to »U¼—ô« o?¹uD?ð vK?Ž b?????ŽU?????¹Ë ¨÷«d?????ž_«
each person his right in a safe life and WMü« …U??O?(« w t??I?Š œd?? qJ kH??×¹Ë wËb«
personal freedom.
Whereas this Agreement realizes the ÆWOBA« WÐd(«Ë
interests of the State of Kuwait and does WËœ W?×K?B? oI?% W?O?U?H?ðô« Ác¼ X½U? U*Ë
not contradict with its international
obligations, ÆWOËb« UNðU«e²« l ÷—UF²ð ôË X¹uJ«
And since the provisions of this
Agreement incorporate amending some of sL????C???²ð W???O????U???Hðô« Ác?¼ ÂUJŠ« Ê_ «d?E½Ë
the existing laws, therefore it is necessary Ê« ÂeK¹ t½U? p?c ¨W?LzU?I« 5½«u?I?« w ö¹b?Fð
to take part in it through a law pursuant to
the text of Article (70) - Second Clause - of ∑∞ …œU*« hM UI?Ë Êu½UIÐ UNO≈ ÂU?LC½ô« ÊuJ¹
the Constitution.
Toward implementing this purpose, the
Æ—u²Ýb« s WO½UŁ …dI
attached Decree-Law was prepared to ÂuÝd*« ŸËdA bŽ√ bI ÷dG« «cN UIOI%Ë
approve joining in this Agreement while
having reservation on the provision of Ác??N ÂU??L??C½ô« vKŽ W??I??«u*UÐ o«d?*« Êu½U??IUÐ
Clause (1) of Article (16) therein which …d??I?H« rJŠ v?KŽ kH?×??²« l p–Ë W??O?U??Hðô«
relates to the commitment to being subject
to arbitration in respect of any dispute Ÿu?C??)UР«e?²ôU?Ð W?IKF??²*« ©±∂® …œU*« s ©±®
arising from this Agreement, and such
reservation is permissible pursuant to «c¼Ë U??Nu??Š œu??¦?¹ b?? Ÿ«e½ Í√ ÊQ??AÐ rOJ?×??²K
Clause (2) of the said Article. Æ…—uc*« …œU*« s ©≤® …dIH« ÁeO& kHײ«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

± WM  r— Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝd*«
szU¼d« cš WC¼UM* WOËb« WOUHðö

¨WOUHðô« Ác¼ w ·«dÞ_« ‰Ëb« Ê≈

e¹eFðË 5OËb« s_«Ë rK« kH×Ð W?IKF²*« …bײ*« 3_« ‚U¦?O ΔœU³Ë b UI U¼—U?³²Ž« w lCð –≈
¨‰Ëb« 5Ð ÊËUF²«Ë W¹œu«  UöF«
w 5³? u?¼ U?L? ¨t?B??ý W??ö?ÝË W¹d?(«Ë …U?O?(« w? o(« œd? qJ ÊQÐ ¨’U?š t??łuÐ ¨d?Ið –≈Ë
¨WOÝUO«Ë WO½b*« ‚uI(UÐ ’U)« wËb« bNF« wË ÊU½ù« ‚uI( w*UF« ÊöŽô«
3_« ‚U¦O w b:« u×M« vKŽ »uFAK dOB*« d¹dIðË ‚uI(« w …«ËU*« √b³ b¹bł s bRð –≈Ë
3_« ‚U?¦?O* U?I?Ë ‰Ëb« 5Ð ÊËU?F?²«Ë W¹œu«  U?ö?FUÐ W?IKF?²*« wËb« Êu½U?I« ΔœU?³? Êö?Ž«Ë …b?×?²*«
¨WKB«  «– WUF« WOFL'«  «—«d w pcË ¨…bײ*«
W1d?'« Ác??N VJðd? Í√ Ê«Ë ¨wËb« l?L?²?−?LK U??GUÐ U?IK V?³?ð W1d?ł szU?¼d« c?š√ Ê« Èdð –≈Ë
¨WOUHðô« Ác¼ ÂUJŠô UI³Þ tLOKð r²¹ Ë√ WLU×LK ÂbI¹ Ê« V−¹
lM* WUF? dOЫbð –Uð« l{Ë w ‰Ëb« 5?Ð wËb« ÊËUF²« W?OLM² W×K …—Ëd?{ WLŁ ÊQÐ UNM U?ŽUM²«Ë
¨wËb« »U¼—ô« d¼UE s UNH uÐ UNOKŽ W³UF*«Ë ‰ULŽ_« Ác¼ WIŠöË szU¼d« cš√ ‰ULŽ√ lOLł
∫wK¹ U vKŽ XIHð« b
©±® …œU*«
tK²IÐ œb1Ë Áe−²×¹ Ë√ ©åWMO¼d«ò WLKJÐ wK¹ UL?O tO≈ —UA¹® dš¬ hý vKŽ i³I¹ hý Í√ ≠ ±
W??OËœ W?L?EM Ë√ WËœ ÊU?? ¡«u?Ý ¨Y?UŁ ·dÞ Á«d??« qł√ s Á“U?−??²??Š« —«d?L??²??Ý« Ë√ tz«c¹« Ë√
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szU¼d« cš√ W1d?ł VJðd¹ ¨WMO¼d« sŽ ëdú wML{ Ë√ `¹d? ◊dA 5F qFHÐ ÂU?OI« sŽ
ÆWOUHðô« Ác¼ w œ—«u« vMF*UÐ
∫hý Í√ ≠ ≤
¨szU¼d« cš√ ‰ULŽ√ s qLŽ »UJð—« w ŸdA¹ ©√®
¨qLF« «c¼ q¦ tH uÐ szU¼d« cš√ ‰ULŽ√ s qLŽ w r¼Q¹ Ë√ ©»®
ÆWOUHðô« Ác¼ rJŠ w W1dł pc VJðd¹
©≤® …œU*«
cšQð W?³ÝUM  UÐu?IFÐ U?NOKŽ VUF¹ rz«d?ł ± …œU*« w UN?OKŽ ’uBM*« rz«d?'« ·dÞ WËœ q d³?²Fð
Ærz«d'« ÁcN …dD)« WFO³D« —U³²Žô« w

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

©≥® …œU*«
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ÆtŠ«d ‚öÞ« bFÐ ¨¡UC²ô«
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lÐU²« W?B²<«  UDK« v≈ Ë√ ¨WU×K U?F³ð ¨± …œU*« w tO≈ —UA*« YU?¦« ·dD« WËb« ÂuIð
©¥® …œU*«
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©∂® …œU*«
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ÆlzUu« w U¹bON9 UIOI%

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w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Law No. (6) of Year 1994 ±¥ WM  r— Êu½U
Regarding The Crimes Pertaining To «dzUD« W öÐ WIKF²*« rz«d'« ÊQý w
The Safety of Aircraft And Aviation W¹u'« WŠö*«Ë

- Following perusal of the

Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- Law No. (16) of year 1960 —«b?? QÐ ±π∂∞ WM? ±∂ r— Êu½U??I?« vKŽË
concerning promulgating the Penal Law
Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë ¡«e'« Êu½U
and its amending Laws,
- Law No. (17) of year 1960 regarding —«b?? SÐ ±π∂∞ WM? ±∑ r— Êu½U??I?« vKŽË
promulgating the Penal Procedures & Trials 5½«uI«Ë WOz«e'«  U?LU;«Ë  «¡«dłô« Êu½U
Law and its amending Laws,
±π∂π WM? ≤∂ r— Êu½U??I« vKŽË ¨t? Wb??F*«
- Law No. (26) of year 1969 on
Establishing the State Security Court, and Âu?Ýd*UÐ ‰b??F*« ¨W?OËb« s_ W?LJ×?? ¡U?A½SÐ
as amended by the Decree-Law No. (10) of Ʊππ± WM ±∞ r— Êu½UIÐ
year 1991, ±π∑π WM? ±π r— Êu½U???IÐ Âu???Ýd*« v?KŽË
- Decree-Law No. (19) of year 1979 on
Approving La Hague Convention for the
lL??? ÊQ???ý w ÍU?¼ô …b¼U???F??? vK?Ž W??I???«u?*UÐ
Suppression of Unlawful Seizure on board vKŽË ¨ «dzU?D« vKŽ ŸËd?A*« d??O?ž ¡ö?O??²?Ýô«
the Aircraft, the Decree-Law No. (62) of W??I???«u*UÐ ±π∑π W?M ∂≤ r— Êu?½U??IÐ Âu???Ýd*«
year 1979 on Approving the Joining of the
lL??? …b¼U???F?? v≈ X?¹uJ« WËœ ÂU???L??C?½« vKŽ
State Kuwait in the Convention for the
Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the ¨Ê«dOD« WöÝ b{ WŽËdA*« dOž ‰UFô«
Safety of Aviation, and ±π∑π WM? ∂¥ r— Êu½U??IÐ Âu??Ýd?*« vKŽ Ë
- Decree-Law No. (64) of year 1979 on
…b¼U?F v?≈ X¹uJ« WËœ ÂU?LC½« vKŽ W?I?«u*UÐ
Approving the joining of the State of
Kuwait to the Convention on Offences and 7 vKŽ VJðdð w²« Íd?š_« ‰U?Fô«Ë rz«d?'«
Certain Other Acts Committed on board the Æ «dzUD«
b??Ë ¨Êu½U??I?« «c¼ vKŽ W??_« f?K−?? o«Ë
The National Assembly has approved
this Law, and we ratified and promulgated ÆÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ UMb
same. ©±® …œU
Article (1)
s¹d WMO³*« w½UF*« W?OU²«  U×KDBLK ÊuJð
Unless otherwise provided for herein,
the following expressions shall bear the ∫p– ·öš vKŽ hM¹ rU UNM q
meaning corresponding to them: Ê«d?ODK bFð Ë√ qL?F?²ð WKO?ÝË q ∫ «dzUÞ ©√
A- Aircraft: Any means used or
Æ¡UCH« Ë√ u'« w WŠö*« Ë√
prepared for aviation or navigation in air or
space. Ê«d?OÞ WUŠ w …dzUD« d?³²?Fð ∫Ê«dOD?« WUŠ ©»
B- In flight: The aircraft shall be in flight œuF bFÐ WOł—U)« UNЫuЫ lOLł ‚öž« cM

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
once all its external doors are closed s Í√ `²?? r?²¹ v²??Š ¨U??NM?×??ý Ë√ »U??d«
after the boarding of passengers or
¨U??N??G¹d??Hð Ë√ rNËe½ qł√ s? »«uÐ_« Ác¼
loading until these doors are opened for
exit of passenger or unloading. In case of —U³?²Ž« dL?²¹ W¹—«dD{ô« ◊u³?N« WUŠ wË
emergency landing, the aircraft shall w?u?????²ð v?²?????Š Ê«d?????OD?« WU?????Š w? …dzU?D«
continue to be deemed in an in flight UË …dzUD« sŽ U?N²OR? WB?²<«  UDK«
state until the concerned authorities take
responsibility of the aircraft and the
Ɖ«u√Ë ’Uý√ s UNM² vKŽ
persons and properties on board. ¡bÐ cM Wb)« w …dzUD« d³²Fð ∫Wb)« …d² ©Ã
C- Service period: The aircraft shall be  Ub)« ‰UL?Ž WDÝ«uÐ Ê«dOD« q³ U¼œ«bŽ«
deemed in service once the ground
WKŠdÐ ÂU??O?I?K U?N??L?U?Þ WDÝ«uÐ Ë√ W?O??{—ô«
services workers or the crew starts its
preparation for a certain flight until the vKŽ W?ŽU?Ý s¹dA?ŽË lЗ√ wC? v²?Š WMOF?
elapse of twenty four hours after any qLA² Wb)« …d?² b²9Ë ¨…dzUDK ◊u³¼ Í√
landing thereof. The service period shall WU?Š w …dzU?D« U?N?O? d?³?²?Fð w²?« …d?²?H« q
be extended to include the whole period
s ©»® bM³« w œœb?;« tłu« vKŽ Ê«d?OÞ
in which the aircraft is in flight as
described in paragraph (B) of this article. Æ…œU*« Ác¼
D- Airport Perimeter: Means the airport w²«  «eO?N−²«Ë —UD*« tÐ b?BI¹ ∫—UD*« ÂdŠ ©œ
and the facilities supervising the control ‰U:« w Wd(« rOEM?ðË W³«d*« vKŽ ·dAð
and organizing the movement in the
U0 WDO??;« W?ŠU??«Ë WËbK l{U??)« Íu?'«
State's airspace and the area surrounding
the above and prepared for passengers
Æ U³d*«Ë »Ud« —UE²½ô …bF*«Ë ÂbIð
and vehicles waiting. ©≤® …œU
Article (2) sŽ tðb? qIð ô Íc« XR*« f³?(UÐ VU?F¹
Any person shall be punished by
‰U?F?ô« b?Š√ «b?LŽ V?Jð—« s q  «uMÝ l³?Ý
provisional imprisonment for not less than
Seven years if willfully committed one of
the following acts: b???{ n?MF« ‰U????L???Ž√ s? qL???F?Ð ÂU??? «–≈ ≠ √
A- Performs an act of violence against Ê«d??OÞ WU?Š w? …dzUÞ 7 vKŽ h??ý
any person on board any aircraft in Ác¼ W??ö???Ý ÷d??F¹ Ê√ t½Q???ý s ÊU??Ë
flight, if such act of violence is likely to ÆdDK …dzUD«
endanger the safety of such aircraft. l{uÐ Ë√ qLFÐ X½U? WKOÝË ÍQÐ ÂU «–≈ ≠ »
B- Places or causes to be placed on an
Ë√ W??b??)« w? …dzUÞ w …œU??? Ë√ “U??N??ł
in-service aircraft a device or substance
U¼d?O?bð t½Q?ý s? ÊU?Ë p– w V³?ð
which is likely to destroy such aircraft,
or to cause damage thereto rendering it sŽ …e?łU?Ž U?NKF?−?¹ U?NÐ nKð À«b?Š« Ë√
incapable of flying or endangering its w dD?K t??²??ö??Ý ÷d??F¹ Ë√ Ê«d??OD«
safety if in-flight. ÆÊ«dOD« WUŠ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

C- Performs any act which is likely to Ë√ d???O????bð t½Q???ý s? qL???Ž ÍQ?Ð ÂU??? «–≈ ≠ Ã
destroy or damage the airport perimeter qšb??²« Ë√ —UD*« Âd?Š  «e??O?N??& ·öð≈
facilities or interfere in their operation,
 «dzUD« W??ö?Ý ÷d?F?ðË U?NKO?G??Að w
thus endangering the aircraft in-flight.
D- Communicates information, knowing
WЖU? U??N½« rKF¹  U??uKF? ⁄ö?ÐSÐ ÂU? «–≈ ≠ œ
the information to be false thereby
endangering the safety of any in-flight
W???ö???Ý i?¹d???Fð p– ÊQ????ý s ÊQ???Ë
aircraft. ÆdDK Ê«dOD« WUŠ w  «dzUD«
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
Any person shall be punished by
sŽ tðb? qIð ô Íc« XR*« f³?(UÐ VU?F¹
provisional imprisonment for not less than
Ten years if he unlawfully uses force or «b??²?ÝUÐ oŠ t?łË d?O?G?Ð ÂU? s  «uMÝ d?A?Ž
threatens to use force or any other coercive s dš¬ qJý Í√ Ë√ UNU?LF²ÝUÐ b¹b?N²« Ë√ …uI«
means to hijack an aircraft in flight or gain WU??Š w …dzUÞ v?KŽ ¡ö?O??²??Ýö Á«d??ô« ‰UJý√
control over the aircraft to change its
d??O???O??G???² Ë√ t??O?KŽ …dDO???« W???Ý—U??L* Ë√ Ê«d???OÞ
destination. If this action is performed in
conjunction with forcing any passenger to a
v≈ h?ý “U−?²?ŠUÐ p– Êd²?« «–S? ¨U¼—U?
different destination, the penalty shall be WÐu?I?F« ÊuJð U?N?O« U?N?−?² ÊU? w²« W?N?'« d?O?ž
increased to life imprisonment or temporary tðb?? q?Ið Íc« XR?*« f³??(« Ë√ bÐR?*« f³??(«
imprisonment for not less than ten years.
Æ «uMÝ dAŽ sŽ
Article (4)
If any of the crimes specified in the two ©¥® …œU
forgoing articles leads to the injury of any UNOKŽ ’uBM*« rz«d'« s Í√ vKŽ Vðdð «–≈
person, damage of the aircraft or any of the t??²ÐU?? « Ë√ h??ý Õd?ł 5?²?I?ÐU?« 5?ðœU*« w
airport perimeter facilities, the penalty shall Í√ Ë√ U?N?Ð —«d?{« ‚U??(« Ë√ …dzUÞ d?O??bð Ë√ È–QÐ
be increased to death or life imprisonment. Ë√ «bŽô« WÐuIF« ÊuJð —UD*« ÂdŠ  «eON& s
In all cases, the criminal shall be sentenced
ÆbÐR*« f³(«
to pay the value of the damaged items. If
lbÐ w½U?'« vKŽ rJ×¹ ‰«u?Šô« lOL?ł wË
any of these crimes leads to the death of
ÆU¼dObð w V³ð w²« ¡UOý_« WLO
any person, the death penalty shall be
s Í√ vKŽ Vðdð «–≈ «bŽô« WÐu?IF« ÊuJðË
Article (5) Æhý  u rz«d'« Ác¼
Any person shall be punished by ©μ® …œU
imprisonment for more than Five years
 «uMÝ f?L??š “ËU???& …b?? f³???(UÐ VU???F¹
and/or fine not exceeding Five Thousand
Kuwaiti Dinars if he had knowledge of an Èb?ŠSÐ Ë√ —UM¹œ ·ô¬ W???L?š “ËU?& ô W?«d?GÐË
attempt to commit any of the crimes ŸËd???A?? œu???łuÐ rKŽ s? q 5²Ðu???I??F?« 5ðU¼

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

specified in the foregoing articles and does œ«u*« w? WM?O?????³*« r?z«d????'« s? W1d?????ł »U?Jð—ô
not convey such information to the
 UDK« v≈ U¼d√ mK³¹ rË UN?ŽuuÐ Ë√ WIÐU«
concerned authorities and whoever assists
the criminal to escape by hiding thereof,
t??łË s —«d??H« vKŽ w?½U??'« ÊU?Ž√ Ë√ W??B??²??<«
concealing or destroying the evidence, or U?Nöð« Ë√ W?1d'« Wœ√ ¡U?H?šUÐ Ë√ tzUH?šUÐ W«b?F«
concealing the tools used or intended to be  b??Ž√ w²?« Ë√ WKL??F???²??*« ¡U??O??ý_« ¡U???H??šUÐ Ë√
used in committing the crime. The penalty
may be aggravated for not more than its
double if the crime is committed during
nF?C« “ËU?−¹ ô U0 WÐu?I?F« b¹b?Að “u?−¹Ë
wartime or if the material laws are declared. w Ë√ »d????(« s“ w? W1d????'« Ác¼ X³?Jð—« «–≈
Article (6) ÆWOdF« ÂUJŠ_« ÊöŽ« WUŠ
Any criminal shall be exempted of the
penalties on crimes indicated in this law if ©∂® …œU
he reports the crime to the authorities prior UNO≈ —UA*« rz«d−K —dI*«  UÐuIF« s vHF¹
to embarking on executing the crime or
informs thereof about the occurrence of the
⁄ö?ÐUÐ …U?M?'« s —œU?Ð s q? Êu?½U??????I?« «c¼ w?
crime and those who took part therein U¼—U³?šUÐ Ë√ W1d'« c?OHMð w ¡b³« q³?  UDK«
before investigations and inspection. If this U??N??U??O?? q³?? U??N??O?? r¼U??Ý s?0Ë W1d??'« Ÿu??uÐ
information is conveyed to the authorities
after the inception of investigations and ¡bÐ b???FÐ ⁄öÐô« lË «–S??? gO??²??H???²«Ë Y×???³UÐ
inspection, this information must lead to the j³{ v≈ ö?F ÍœR¹ Ê« 5Fð gO²H?²« Ë√ Y׳«
apprehension of the other criminals or the
committers of another crime of same type
Èd?š√ W?1d?' 5³Jðd?*« j³?{ Ë√ s¹d??šü« …UM'«
and gravity. Æ…—uD)«Ë ŸuM« w UN WKŁU2
Article (7)
©∑® …œU
As exclusion from the provisions of
Article (83) of the Penal Law, it is not ¡«e'« Êu½U s ©∏≥® …œU*« ÂUJŠ« s ¡UM¦²Ý«
permitted when applying Article (4) hereof
to reduce the death penalty for life Êu½U?I« «c?¼ s W?FЫd« …œU*« oO?³?Dð w “u?−¹ ô
imprisonment, nor reduce the life ¨bÐR*« f³?(« WÐuI?Ž s «b?Žô« WÐuI?FÐ ‰ËeM«
imprisonment for less than the maximum
limit of temporary imprisonment vB?_« b?(« s?Ž bÐR*« f³?(« WÐu?I??FÐ ‰ËeM«Ë
ÆXR*« f³(« WÐuIF —dI*«
Furthermore, ruling in favor of
suspending the execution of pronouncing Ë√  UÐu?IF« c?OHM?ð nuÐ d_« “u?−¹ ô UL?
the judgment or abstaining from same is not
ÆrJ(UÐ oDM« sŽ ŸUM²ô«
Article (8) ©∏® …œU
The Court of State Security shall be rz«d???'« d?EMÐ WËb?« s√ W???LJ?×?? h?²???ð
charged with hearing the crimes stated in
this law as well as the crimes related
rz«d?‡'«Ë Êu?½U???I?« «c¼ w? U????N????OKŽ ’u????B?M*«
thereto. ÆUNÐ WD³ðd*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

Article (9) ©π® …œU
Subject to the provisions of Articles (11)
& (12) of the Penal Law, the provisions of
s ©±≤®Ë ©±±® 5?ðœU*« ÂUJ?Š√ …U???Ž«d??? l
this law shall be applicable to the crimes vKŽ Êu?½U??I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ Íd???𠨡«e??'« Êu½U??
stated herein regardless of the place ÊUJ? ÊU?? U?¹√ t??O??? U???N???OK?Ž ’u??B?M*« rz«d???'«
wherever they are committed in the
∫WOðü« ‰«uŠ_« w p–Ë UNÐUJð—«
following cases:
A- If the crime is committed against or on …dzU?Þ 7 v?KŽ Ë√ b????{ W?1d????'« X³?Jð—« «–≈ ©√
board an aircraft registered in the State …d?łR? …dzUÞ Ë√ ¨X¹uJ?« WËœ w WK−??
of Kuwait or on an aircraft chartered by
Ë√ wOzd« tU?LŽ« ed? ÊuJ¹ …dłQ²? v≈
a lessee whose registered business
address or residence is located in the ÆX¹uJ« WËœ w t²U« q×
State of Kuwait. ÷d?F²ð Ê√ W1d?'« »UJð—« ÊQý s ÊU? «–≈ ©»
B- If the crime is likely to endanger an u×M« vKŽ …dłQ² Ë√ WK− …dzUÞ dDK
aircraft chartered as indicated in Para
Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©√® bM³« w 5³*«
(A) of this article.
C- If the aircraft, on board of which the Ë√ U?¼b?????{ X?³J?ð—« w²?« …dzU?D« X?D³?¼ «–≈ ©Ã
crime has been committed, landed in the ‰«e¹ U?Ë X¹uJ« WËœ w W1d?'« UNM²? vKŽ
State of Kuwait with the criminal still
ÆUNM² vKŽ rN²*«
on board.
D- If the victim is a Kuwaiti national. ÆWOM'« w²¹u tOKŽ wM:« ÊU «–≈ ©œ
Article (10) ©±∞® …œU
The Prime Minister and all the ministers
U?????L?????O????? q ≠ ¡«—“u?«Ë ¡«—“u« f?Oz— v?KŽ
- each within his jurisdiction - must
implement this law, and it shall enter into a¹—Uð s tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Êu½U?I« U¼c?O?HMð ≠ t?B?¹
force as of the date it is published in the ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½
official gazette.

Amir of Kuwait X¹uJ« dO√

Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 7th Shawal 1414AH.
‡¼±¥±¥ ‰«uý ∑ ∫w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 19th March 1994AD.
±ππ¥ ”—U ±π ∫o«u*«

μ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum of The
ÊQý w Êu½U ŸËdA* WOŠUC¹« …dc
Draft-Law Concerning The Crimes
Pertinent To The Safety of Aircraft And WIKF²*« rz«d'«
Aviation W¹u'« WŠö*«Ë «dzUD« W öÐ

The sixth and seventh decades and the

early eighties of this century witnessed the
W¹«b?ÐË lÐU???«Ë ”œU????« Ê«b???I???F?« b???N???ý
expansion of the phenomenon of hijacking …d¼Uþ —U??A??²½«Ë W¹«bÐ Êd??I« «c¼ s  UMO?½U?L??¦«
and threatening the security and safety of vKŽ W¹u?'« W?Šö*« W?ö?ÝË s√ b¹b?NðË nDš
civil aviation. Since the motive for such
phenomenon is a political one, the
lzU?Ë rEF vKŽ Y?ŽU³« ÊU? U*Ë ¨lÝ«Ë ‚UD½
international legislator assumed a passive b?I?? wÝU?O?Ý Y?ŽUÐ d?_« W¹«bÐ w …d?¼UE« Ác¼
stance in face of such phenomenon. Ê√ ô≈ U?O?³KÝ U?H?u? U?N?U?√ wËb« Ÿd?A*« nË
However, the expansion and aggravation of
such phenomenon in a way that caused
‚U?(« v≈ Èœ√ u?×½ vKŽ U?NU?×?H²?Ý«Ë U¼—U?A?²½«
personal and material damages to innocent ¡U¹dÐô« ‰e?F« 5O½b*U?Ð W¹œUË W?O½U?L??ł —«d?{«
civilians and threatened the air d???¦????√ w¼Ë Íu????'« qIM?« WKO????ÝË b¹b???N?ð v≈Ë
transportation which is the world's most
important mean of transportation, forced wËb« ŸdA*« UŽœ WO?L¼√ w*UF« ‰UBðô« qzUÝË
the international legislator to disregard the w Èd?¹ ô `³??? √Ë YŽU???³« sŽ XH???²K?¹ Ê√ v≈
motive and consequently, when looking rz«dł ô≈ ≠ UNOKŽ YŽU?³« ÊU U¹√ ≠ ‰UFô« Ác¼
into such crimes, he only saw in them -
regardless of the motive - regular heinous sË »UIF« kKž√ o×?²ð ZzU²M« WLO?ł W¹œUŽ
crimes that deserve the severest ‰ËUM²ð W?OËœ  «d9R? b?I?Ž v≈ ‰Ëb«  œUMð rŁ
punishment. Thus, the different countries w U???N???L???OŁQ???²Ð wN???²M?ðË …d¼UE« Ác?¼ W??Ý«—b?UÐ
called for holding international conferences
to study this phenomenon and incriminate it u?O??uÞ d9R?? b?I??F« «c¼ vKŽË W??OËœ  U?U??Hð«
in international conventions. Hence, Tokyo W??I?«u?*UÐ ±π∂≥Øπر¥ w tU??L?Ž√ v?N½√ Íc«
Conference was held and concluded its ‰U?F?ô«Ë rz«d?'« ÊQ?ý w u?O?uÞ …b¼U?F? vKŽ
works on 14/9/1963 approving Tokyo
Convention on Offences and Certain Other XL????C½« b???Ë  «d?zUD« 7? vKŽ V?Jðdð w?²«
Acts Committed on board The Aircraft. ±π∑πر∞Øπ w? …b¼U??????F*« Ác?¼ v≈ X?¹uJ?«
Kuwait joined this convention on 9/10/1979
l³?ð rŁ±π∑π WM? ∂¥ r— Êu?½U???I?UÐ Âu???Ýd?*UÐ
upon the Decree-Law No. (64) of year
1979. This conference was followed by the W?I«u*« s?Ž dH?Ý√ Íc« ÍU¼ô d9R? d9R*« p–
La Hague Conference which on 16/12/1970 w? ÍU¼ô…b?¼U?????F????? vK?Ž ±π∑∞ر≤ر∂ w
brought about approving the La Hague
Íc« ŸËd??A*« d??O??ž ¡ö?O??²??Ýô« lL?? ’u?B??š
Convention for the Suppression of
Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft. The last of  «d9R*« Ác¼ d??š¬ ÊU?Ë  «dzUD« vK?Ž VJðd¹
these conferences was Montreal a¹—U????²Ð t???O??? o?ËË Íc« ‰U¹d????²½u??? d9R???? u¼

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

Conference, in which an approval was ÊQ??AÐ ‰U¹d??²½u? …b¼U??F?? vKŽ ±π∑±Ø±≤ر∂
obtained on 16/12/1971 to the Convention
for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts
Ê«d?OD« W?öÝ b?{ W?ŽËdA*« d?O?ž ‰U?Fô« lL?
against the Safety of Civil Aviation. Kuwait …b¼U????F???? v?≈ X¹uJ?« XL????C½« b????Ë ¨w?½b*«
joined the above mentioned La Hague
Âu??Ýd*U?Ð ±π∑πØ¥Ø≤π w d??c« W???H½¬ ÍU¼ô
Convention on 29/4/1979 upon the
Decree-Law No. (19) of year 1979 and v≈ XL?C?½« U?L? ±π∑π WM ±π r— Êu?½U?IUÐ
joined Montreal Convention on 21/10/1979 Âu?Ýd*UÐ ±π∑πر∞Ø≤± w ‰U¹d?²½u? …b¼UF?
upon the Decree-Law No. (62) of year
Ʊπ∑π WM ∂≤ r— Êu½UIUÐ
The texts of these conventions discussed U?UJŠ«  «b¼U?F*« Ác¼ ’u?B½ XËUMð b?Ë
procedural and subjective provisions. They
addressed the venue jurisdiction of the
X'U?Ž WO?ŠU½ sL? WO?Žu{u? U?UJŠ«Ë WOz«d?ł«
crimes targeting the aircraft in flight, during w²?« rz«d????'« ÊQ???ý w? w½U?J*« ’U????B???²????šô«
which the aircraft is in motion exiting the
Ác¼ w w¼Ë U??N½«d?OÞ ‰U?Š  «dzUD« ·b??N?²?ð
territorial jurisdiction of one state and
entering the territorial jurisdiction of ’U?B??²?šô« s? Ãd?ð W??d?×??²? ÊuJð W?U?(«
another. The conventions also described the
wL?OKô« ’U?B?²?šô« qšb?² W?ËbK wL?OKô«
procedures of curbing such crimes and
indicated the elements of the crimes pKð j?³?{  «¡«d??ł« XMOÐ U??L?? ¨Èd??š√ WËb
incriminated under same, and the
rz«d?'« d? UMŽ XM?OÐ Èd?š√ W?O?ŠU½ sË rz«d?'«
provisions of criminal participation in or
attempting to commit a crime. However, ŸËd?A«Ë WOz«e?'« W?L¼U?*« ÂUJŠ√Ë UN?²?LŁ√ w²«
these conventions abided by the jЫu??CÐ Xe??²«  «b¼U??F*« pKð Ê√ ô≈ ¨U??N?O??
international criminal legislation controls,
as they stated the crimes and their elements rz«d???'« v?KŽ XB?M wËb« w?zUM'« l?¹d???A???²«
but not their punishments, since same fall Ê√ –≈ U?N?OKŽ  UÐuI?F« ÊU?OÐ XKH?ž√Ë U¼d? UMŽË
within the power of the internal legislative
authorities. Since it is acknowledged that U*Ë ÆWO?Kš«b«  UF¹dA?²« ÊUDKÝ s ÊU?O³« «c¼
there is no crime or punishment without a WÐuI?Ž ôË W1dł ô Ê√ U?NÐ rK*« ΔœU³?*« s ÊU
provision, the absence of provisions that
incriminate and punish such crimes in the s W??O?Kš«b«  U??F¹d??A???²« uKš ÊU?? h?½ d??O??GÐ
internal legislation, makes the accession to qF????−¹ rz«d????'« pKð V?U???FðË Âd???& ’u????B½
such conventions an ineffective action. The
Kuwaiti Penal Law contains no provisions Z²M? d??O??ž Ϋd??√  «b?¼U??F*« Ác¼ v≈ ÂU???L??C½ô«
incriminating and punishing such crimes. ’uB½ s w²¹uJ« ¡«e'« Êu½U öš bË ¨ÁdŁ√
Therefore, this Draft-Law was prepared and
it adheres to the method of the Kuwaiti
œ«bŽ« - bI «c ¨rz«d'« Ác¼ vKŽ VUFðË Âd&
penal legislator in terms of setting special pK?0 U???e???²K ¡U???ł Íc?« ÷Ëd??F?*« ŸËd???A*«
criminal legislation for the crimes not
 UF¹dA𠜫d« YOŠ s w²¹uJ« wz«e'« ŸdA*«
included in the Penal Law as State Security
crimes or crimes of possession or Êu½U?? U??NKL??A¹ ô w²« rz«d??−K W?? U??š W?O?zUMł

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

acquisition of weapons, ammunitions and Ë√ …“U??O???Š rz«d??łË WËb?« s√ rz«d??−??? ¡«e??'«
The title of this Draft-Law reveals its Æ UFdH*«Ë dzUšc«Ë W×KÝô« “«dŠ«
inclusion of the provisions of the three W???Ou???L??ý sŽ ŸËd???A*« «c?¼ Ê«uMŽ nA?J¹Ë
conventions above mentioned. It is d?c« WH½¬ Àö?¦«  «b¼U?F*« ÂUJŠô t?Žu{u?
concerned with the punishment of crimes
W?ö??Ð W?I?KF?²*« rz«d??'« W?³??U?F?? ÊQ?ý w u??N?
related to the safety of aircraft and civil
aviation and not only with the aircraft, since –≈ V×  «dzUD« ô W¹u'« WŠö*«Ë  «dzUD«
it addresses everything connected to U?³K?Ý dŁR¹Ë W¹u?'« W?Šö?*UÐ oKF?²¹ U?? q ‰ËUM²¹
aviation and has positive and negative W1d?'« XFË ¡«u?Ý Ê«d?OD« Wd?Š vKŽ UÐU?−¹≈Ë
effects on the aviation movement, whether
the crime takes place during the aircraft
Ë√ UN½«dOÞ Ë√ UNŽö« WUŠ w …dzUD« rł vKŽ
take off, in flight or landing or targets the W??d?Š w«d??łô« qF??H« ·b?N??²??Ý« Ë√ U?NÞu??³¼
aviation movement through airport ground U0 —UD*« ÷—QÐ W?³«d*« …e?Nł√ ‰öš s Ê«d?OD«
control equipment thus endangering the
Æ…dzUD« WöÝË sQÐ ”U*« Vðd¹
security and safety of the aircraft.
In view of the above meaning and in l U?????U????−????½«Ë Âb????I?????²*« vM?F*« —U?Þ« wË
accordance with the international ŸËd?A*« qN?²??Ý« U?N?O≈ —U?A*« W?O?Ëb«  U?U?Hðô«
conventions referred to, the Draft-Law b w?²«  U×KDB*UÐ U?H¹dFð XML?Cð vË√ …œU0
begins with the definition of the terms that
…dzUDU?Ð n¹d?F??²« p– s U??N½Q??ý w f³ —U??¦¹
may be controversial including the
definition of an aircraft without limiting it Èu???I?«  «–  «dzUD?« w p– d???B????Š Âb???ŽË
to the engine powered aircraft. This Êu½U??I« s n¹d??F?²« «c¼ f?³?²??« b?Ë W??d?;«
definition has been quoted from the US Ê«d?O?D« WU?×Ð ÎU??H¹d??Fð sL?Cð U??L? ¨wJ?¹d?ô«
law. It included also a definition of the "in
flight" condition as quoted from the above
…—Uýô« oÐUÝ ‰U¹d²½u …b¼UF? s Á—ËbÐ U³²I
mentioned Montreal Convention. This Wb)« …d?²H UH¹dFð n?¹dF²« «cNÐ o(« b?Ë UNO≈
definition was followed by a definition of U?L ¨‰U¹d?²½u …b¼U?F ÂU?JŠ√ s UC¹√ U?³?²I?
the service period quoted also from the
v≈ tU: lO?Ýuð w —UD*« Âd×Ð n¹dF?²« Èdł
Montreal Convention. The airport perimeter
has also been defined to include the –≈ ¨t?ł—Uš w?  U³?d*«Ë »U?d« —UE²½« sU?√
external passengers and vehicles waiting W?öÝË sQÐ ”U?? sU?ô« ÁcNÐ —«d?{ô« w
areas as the damage of such areas may ÆW¹u'« WŠö*«
endanger the safety of aviation.
5ðœU*« h?½ ¡U?ł w?½U?F*« Ác?¼ s «œ«dD²??Ý«Ë
Pursuant to such definitions, the text of
the second and third articles included the ÂbI²*« vMFLK 5KUý ŸËd?A*« s W¦U¦«Ë WO½U¦«
above meanings. The second article qF?? Í√ v?KŽ »U??I??F« w?½U??¦« …œU*« XM?L??Cð –≈
included the penalty of any act endangering
WU?Š w …dzU?D« W?ö?ÝË sQÐ U?ÝU??? sL?C?²¹
the safety and security of an aircraft in
flight as described above. The third article …œU*« XB½ UL? UIÐUÝ ÂbI²*« u?×M« vKŽ Ê«dOD«
included the penalty for seizing an aircraft …dzUD« vKŽ ¡ö?O?²?Ýô« vKŽ »UI?F« vKŽ W?¦U?¦«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ¥

and aggravated the penalty thereof. The  «—U?³Ž nAJðË ¨p– vK?Ž »UI?F« kOKGð l
sentences of the texts of these two articles
s?d« ‰U?????F??????√ Ê√ sŽ 5?ðœU*« 5?ðU¼ w? hM?«
indicate that the cornerstone of these acts is
use of force and threat. They also comprise qLAð UL b¹bN²«Ë …u?I« ‰UF« w¼ ULNO ÍœU*«
any other acts including cunning acts, a w¼Ë WK?O??(« ‰U??F??√ p– sË Èd??š√ ‰U??F??√ W¹√
meaning included in the comparative
 —b? w²« W½—U?I*«  U?F¹d?A?²« tML?C?²ð vMF?
legislation issued in accordance with the
conventions which represent the source of ÆŸËdA*« «c¼ —bB  «b¼UFLK UIO³Dð
this Draft-Law. …œU*« v?KŽ W???IÐU???« w?½U??F?*« XJ?F½« b???IË
The above definitions have been
…—u?c*« …œU*« XML?C?ð b?I? ŸËd?A*« s W?FЫd«
reflected in the fourth article of this
5ðœU*« w? …œ—«u« rz«d??'« vKŽ »U??I??F« kO?KGð
Draft-Law. The said article included the
aggravation of penalty for the crimes stated s Í√ vKŽ Vðdð «–≈ U? WU?Š w W?¦U?¦«Ë W?O½U?¦«
in the second and third articles in case the W??O½U?¦« 5?ðœU*« w U?N??O≈ —U??A*« W?I?ÐU?« rz«d??'«
crimes mentioned in said articles resulted in t?²ÐU? √ Ë√ h?ý Õdł d?c« w²?HU?Ý W?¦U?¦«Ë
the personal injury of an individual. The
Vðdð «–≈ …b?O??ŠË WÐu?I?Ž vK?Ž XB½ rŁ È–√ ÍQÐ
article then provided for a single penalty,
the death penalty, in case the mentioned
 u?? U??N??O≈ …—U??ýô« nU??Ý W??L?z«d??'« Í√ vKŽ
crimes resulted in the death of an Æ«bŽô« WU(« Ác¼ w »UIF« XKF− hý
individual. On the other hand, the said Ê√ vKŽ …—u??c*« …œU*« XB½ Íd??š√ W?O??ŠU½ sË
article stated the death penalty or life Vðdð «–≈ bÐR*« f?³?(« Ë√ «b?Žô« WÐu?I?F« ÊuJð
imprisonment if the crimes mentioned in
ŸËd?A*« s W?¦U?¦«Ë W?O½U?¦« …œU*« rz«d?ł Í√ vKŽ
the above second and third articles resulted
in the destruction of an aircraft or damage
—«d{« ‚U?(« Ë√  «dzUD« s …dzUD dO?bð qŁU*«
to any of the airport perimeter equipment. Æ—UD*« ÂdŠ  «eON& s Í√ Ë√ UNÐ
The Draft-Law left the crime of ’U??ýô« nDš W1d?ł ŸËd?A*« „dð b?IË
kidnapping persons on board of the aircraft W'UF wH? ¡«e'« Êu½UI …dzUD« 7 vKŽ s¹c«
to the penal law which has sufficiently
provided for it.
ÆW¹UHJ« UN dOšô« Êu½UI« «c¼
It also addressed the false report of any s Í√ sŽ »–U?J« Ÿ«bÐô« WU??Š ZU??Ž U?L??
of the crimes mentioned in the Draft-Law vKŽ ŸËd??A*« w U??N?OKŽ ’u??BM*« rz«d??'« Ác¼
with details to prevent anybody from using –Uð« v≈ tH½ t ‰uð s dł“ tÐ bB qOBHð
this method to spread chaos in the aviation
Wd?Š w »«dD{ô« W?ŽUýô U³?³Ý WKO?Ýu« Ác¼
On the other hand, the Draft-Law ÆW¹u'« WŠö*«
provided for a penalty for the knowledge of »U?IF« vKŽ ŸËd?A*« h½ Èd?š√ WO?ŠU½ sË
the crime without reporting same and
tÐ ⁄öÐô« ÊËœ W??O??«d???łô« W??F??«uUÐ rKF?« vKŽ
detailed same, following the course of the
penal legislator in punishing the State Ÿd??A*« p?K?? l oH??²?¹ p– w qO??B??H?ð vKŽ
security crimes. ÆWËb« s√ rz«dł vKŽ »UIF« w wz«e'«

μμ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Although the mentioned conventions vK?Ž XB½ …—u???c*«  «b¼U???F*« X½U??? «–≈Ë
incriminate the attempt to commit and the
rz«d???'« w W???OzU?M'« W???L¼U???*«Ë ŸËd???A« rO?ŁQð
participation in committing the crimes
stated therein which are the subject of this ¨ŸËd?A*« «c¼ q×? w¼Ë UN?O? UN?OKŽ ’u?BM*«
Law, the Draft-Law left these two matters ¡«e?'« Êu½UI s¹d?_« s¹c¼ „dð ŸËd?A*« Ê√ ô≈
to the Penal Law being the general law for Æ¡«e'«Ë .d−²K ÂUF« Êu½UI« Á—U³²ŽUÐ
incrimination and penalties.
The Draft-Law also provided for the s ¡U???H??Žö? WU??Š v?KŽ ŸËd??A?*« h½ U??L???
case of exemption of the penalty to protect Ë√ WKU? U?N?Žu?Ë q³? W1d?'« s W¹U?Ë »U?I?F«
against the crime prior to its full execution
ÂUJŠô« w tOKŽ h½ U l oH²¹ U0 UNO ŸËdA«
or attempting thereof in accordance with
the provisions of Law No. (31) of year ÊQý w ±π∑∞ WM ≥± r?— Êu½UI« w …œ—«u«
1970 in respect of the State Security crimes. ÆWËb« s√ rz«dł
The Draft-Law established special
controls on reducing the penalties as an
ÂUJŠQ?Ð W? U??š jЫu??{ ŸËd??A*« l{Ë b??Ë
exception of the general rules stated in W??U??F?« b??Ž«u??I« s? ¡UM¦??²??Ý« W?Ðu??I??FU?Ð ‰ËeM«
Article (83) of the Penal Law to keep in
UOA9 p–Ë ¡«e?'« Êu½U s ∏≥ …œU*« w …œ—«u«
line with the purpose intended from
dedicating a special law for the crimes ’U???š Êu?½U??? œ«d???« s? …œu???B???I?*« W¹U???G?« l
related to the safety of aircraft and civil W??Šö?*«Ë  «dzUD« W???ö???Ð W??IKF???²*« rz«d???'UÐ
aviation which require special aggravated
Æ…œbA W Uš  UÐuIŽ Vłu²ð w²« W¹u'«
The Draft-Law charged the State W?Ëb« s?√ W?????LJ?×0 ŸËd??????A*« ◊U?½ U?????L?????
Security Court with the jurisdiction of tO? UNOKŽ ’u?BM*« rz«d'« w dEM« ’UB?²š«
hearing the crimes mentioned therein and
s rz«d?'« Ác??N U* U?NÐ WD³ðd*« r?z«d?'« pc?Ë
the crimes related thereto due to their
damaging effects to the State Security. Æœö« s√ vKŽ …—U{ —UŁ¬
The Draft-Law expanded the venue w½UJ?*« ’U??B??²??šô« w ŸËd??A*« b?? b??IË
jurisdiction and the jurisdiction of the
tO? œ—Ë U ÊQ?ý w w²¹uJ« Êu½UIK wB?A«Ë
person of the Kuwaiti law in respect of its
content in accordance with the three UN?O≈ —UA*« Àö?¦«  «b¼UF*« ÂUJŠ« l oH?²¹ U0
conventions mentioned in the premise …d?I?²*« jЫu?CUÐ «c?š√Ë …d?c*« Ác¼ —b? w
hereof and in accordance with the
5½«u??I« w U??N??OKŽ ’u??BM*« rz«d??'« ÊQ??ý w
established controls pertinent to the crimes
stated in the comparative laws including the W¹u??'« W??Šö?*« rOEMð Êu?½U?? U??NMOÐ s?Ë W½—U??I*«
Belgian Aviation Law No. 26/27 issued on ±π∑∂Ø∑Ø≤∞ a¹—U??²Ð ≤∑Ø≤∂ r— w?JO?−?K³«
20/7/1976, the French Law No. 624 of year
—œUB« ±π∑μ WM ∂≤¥ r— w½dH« Êu½UI«Ë
1975 issued on 11/7/1975 and the British
Aircraft Protection Law issued on …d?zUD?« W¹U??????L?????Š Êu?½U?????Ë ±π∑μØ∑ر± w?
25/7/1973. Ʊπ∑≥Ø∑Ø≤μ w —œUB« w½UD¹d³«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« μ

It goes without saying, that the general Êu½U? w WU?F« b?Ž«uI« Ê√ ÊU?O?³« sŽ wMžË
regulations of the Penal Law - for matters
w ’U??š h½ t?½Q??ý w œd¹ r U??L??O?? ≠ ¡«e??'«
not provided for in this Law - shall apply to
these crimes including the indemnities rz«d???'« Ác¼ v?KŽ Íd???ð ≠ ÷Ëd??F?*« Êu½U???I«
particularly the provisions of Articles (37) Á—d??Ið U?? W?? U???šË W??ŠUÐô« »U??³??Ý√ U??NM?OÐ sË
and (38) indemnifying and holding
W?????O?ËR?????*« l?—Ë W?????ŠUЫ s? ≥∏Ë ≥∑ ÊUðœU?*«
harmless the civil servants including public
authorities employees against the actions sË 5O??u?L?F?« 5Hþu*« s lI¹ U??L?Ž W?O?z«e?'«
falling under the scope of the foregoing w qšbð ‰U?F?√ s W?U?F« WDK?« ‰U?ł— rNMOÐ
articles above if mandated by their rNU?LŽ√ p– X?C²?« U «–≈ W?IÐU?« œ«u*« ‚UD½
functions and tasks assigned thereto to
W???ö????ÝË s_« k?H???Š w r?NÐ WÞu?M*« ÂU????N*«Ë
maintain the safety and security of citizens.
This is to keep the peace of mind of those bMŽ rN?Ýu?H½ w WMO?½QLD?K U?¦Ð p–Ë ¨5MÞ«u*«
employees when upholding this Law. ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ cOHM²Ð rNUO

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
f U)« q‡BH«

w‡½b‡*« Ê«d‡O‡ ‡D« W‡‡ö‡‡ Ý

± WM © ® r— ÂuÝd
Decree No. (37) of Year 1960
Concerning Aircraft Accidents
Regulations In Kuwait X¹uJ« w «dzUD«

We, Abdullah Al-Salem ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³Ž s×½

Al-Sabah Amir of Kuwait
X¹uJ« dO√
Upon the proposal of the President of
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation, w?½b*« Ê«d??????O?D« …d?z«œ fO?z— ÷d??????Ž b?????F?Ð
and following the approval of the Higher ∫wðü« Êu½UI« U½—d vKŽ_« fK:« WI«uË
We have enacted the following law:
©±® …œU
Article (1)
«c??NÐ W??I??d*« …dzUD?« Àœ«u?Š W??LE?½QÐ qL??F¹
The Aircraft Accidents Regulations …b¹d??'« w U?¼d??AM a¹—Uð s? «—U??³??²??Ž« Êu½U??I«
attached to this Law shall enter into force ÆWOLÝd«
effective from the date they are published
in the official gazette.
©≤® …œU
Article (2) Ác¼ o?O??³?Dð w½b*« Ê«d???OD?« …dz«œ fOz— v?KŽ
The President of The Directorate ¡bÐ a¹—Uð s «—U??³?²?Ž« U?N?UJŠ« c?O?H?MðË W?LE½_«
General of Civil Aviation must implement ÆUNuFH
these regulations and execute its provisions
as of the date they become operational.
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait ÕU³B« r*U« tK«b³Ž
Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah

Issued on : 24th Safar 1380AH.

Corresponding to: 17th August 1960AD.
‡¼±≥∏∞ dH ≤¥ w —b
±π∂∞ fDž« ±∑ o«u*«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Aircraft Accidents Regulations X¹uJ« w «dzUD« Àœ«uŠ WLE½«
In Kuwait

1- Definitions  UH¹dFð ≠ ±
Where mentioned, the following ≠∫…—U³Ž WLE½ô« Ác¼ w œdð YOŠ
expressions shall have the meanings as
stated: Ê«d???OD?« …dz«œ fO?z— wMF?ð U???N½S??? ©fO?zd«®
(President): The President of The ÆX¹uJ« w w½b*«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation in
Kuwait. tMOF¹ Íc« h?A« wMFð UN½S? ©—UD*« d¹b®
(Airport Director): The person assigned Æ—UDLK «d¹b qLFK fOzd«
by the President as the Director of the
Airport. h??A?« wMFð U???N½U?? å ÷u??H*« h???A«ò
(Authorized Person): The person WM¹UF* WUŽ Ë√ W U?š WHBÐ fOzd« t{uH¹ Íc«
authorized particularly or generally by the
President to inspect any aircraft involved in
ÆlË ÀœU×Ð WöŽ UN  «dzUÞ W¹√
an accident. w{«—√ lO??L?ł wM?Fð U?N½S?? åW?LE?½_« œËb?Šò
(Regulations Limits): All the lands of
His Highness the Amir of Kuwait including
W?O??L?OKô« U??N¼U?O?? U?N??O? U0 X¹uJ« d??O?√ u??L?Ý
their territorial waters and all the territories ÆWMDKÝ UNO« b²9 w²« oÞUM*« lOLłË
within His Highness's hegemony.
2- Accident Reporting ÀœU(« w ⁄öÐô« ≠ ≤
1- If any accident takes place, within the Ác¼ œËb?Š sL{ ÀœU?Š Í√ ŸuË WU?Š w ≠ ±
limits of these regulations, to any civil
aircraft during the period between the
5Ð WF«u« …d²H« w WO½b …dzUÞ W¹_ WLE½_«
time any person boards the aircraft with Ê«d?OD« bB?IÐ U?NO?≈ hý Í√ ‰u?šœ XË
the intention of flying until such time
b ’Uý_« lO?Lł tO ÊuJ¹ Íc« Xu«Ë
where all the persons have disembarked,
and this accident has resulted in: «c?¼ s??Ž r?$ «–≈Ë …d?zU??D?« p?K??ð «Ë—œU?????????????ž
A- Any person's death or sustaining a
serious injury while he is inside or on
board the aircraft, or due to his direct …dO?Dš Õ«d−Ð t?²ÐU « Ë√ h?ý Í√ …UË ≠ √
relation to the aircraft or any part Ë√ U???N????OK?Ž Ë√ …dzUD?« qš«œ Áœu???łË ¡U?MŁ√
thereof, ÍQÐ Ë√ …dzU?DUÐ …d??ýU??³*« t??²??ö???Ž V³??Ð
B- The aircraft being severely
damaged, ÆUNM Ϋ¡eł ÊuJ¹ ¡wý
Then a notice about the accident must be V−¹ t½S ¨mOKÐ —d?CÐ …dzUD« WÐU « Ë√ ≠ »
forwarded through the fastest possible ÀœU(« sŽ —UFý« ‰UÝ—« v≈ ÎôUŠ …—œU³*«
way available to the President and to
the Airport Director. Such personal v≈Ë fO?zd« v≈ …d??«u?²?? W??I¹dÞ Ÿd??ÝQÐ
notice shall be the responsibility of «cNÐ ÂUOI« sŽ ôËR ÊuJ¹Ë —UD*« d¹b
the person in charge of the aircraft at X% …dzU?D« ÊuJð Íc« h??A« ⁄ö??³«
the time of the accident had occurred.
Besides, in the case of the death or Ë√ …dzUD« pK² ÀœU?(« Ÿu?Ë XË tðd?«
physical preventing injury of this t??²ÐU?? « Ë√ h??A« «c¼ q²??I?? WU??Š w

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

person in charge then the notice u¼ ⁄ö??³« sŽ ‰ËR??*U?? w½U?L????ł l½U0
becomes the responsibility of any of
the aircraft crew members, the
Ë√ …dzUD« w 5KU?F« 5Šö*« œ«d?√ b?Š√
company's agent in Kuwait sŽ WËR?*« W?d?AK X?¹uJ« w qO?u«
responsible for operating the aircraft, d??łQ??²???? Ë√ p?U?? Ë√ ¨…dzUD« q?O??G??Að
the aircraft owner/ chartering party, or
any person in charge of the aircraft on
X% …dzU?D« ÊuJð h??ý Í√ Ë√ …d?zUD«
behalf of the owner or the chartering ÆdłQ²*« Ë√ pU*« p– sŽ WÐUOMUÐ tðd«
party. ¨—U?×?³« wU?Ž√ w ÀœU?Š Ÿu?Ë WU?Š wË ≠ ≤
2- In case of the occurrence of an
overseas accident, wherever it is, for any
X¹uJ« w WK?−?? …dzUÞ W¹_ ¨X½U? U?LM¹√
aircraft registered in Kuwait which …d?IH« w —u?c? u¼ UL? —«d?{« tMŽ V³?²¹
results in damages as mentioned in the v≈ ôU???Š …—œU???³?*« V−¹ t?½S??? Áö???Ž√ vË_«
First Paragraph above, such accident
WI¹dÞ ŸdÝQÐ —UD*« d?¹bË fOzd« v≈ tžöЫ
shall be immediately communicated to
the President and to the Airport Director …dIH« Ád?³²Fð Íc« hA« q³ sË …d?u²
by the fastest way available by the Æ⁄ö³« «c¼ .bIð sŽ ôËR WU³«
person deemed to be in charge of the
s? sJ?1 U????? ⁄ö?????³?« sL?????C?????²?¹ Ê√ V−?¹ ≠ ≥
notification as per the previous
≠∫WOU²«  UuKF*«
3- The notice must include the following  U????ö????ŽË U????N????²????O????MłË …d?zUD?« Ÿu½ ≠ √
information: ÆUNKO−ð
A- Type, nationality and registration Ë√ q?G?????????A?*«Ë ¨…d?zUD?« p?U????????? r?Ý« ≠ »
marks of the aircraft.
ÆbłË «–≈ UN dłQ²*«
B- Name of the aircraft owner,
X% …dzUD« X?½U? Íc« h?A« rÝ√ ≠ ‡ł
operator and lessee, if any.
C- Name of the person in command of Ætðd«
the aircraft during the flight. XË V?????×?Ð t????²?????ËË ÀœU????(« a?¹—Uð ≠ œ
D- Accident's date and time (GMT). Æg²M¹dž
E- Last point of the aircraft's take off WDIM«Ë U??NM …dzUD«  d?U?Ý W?DI½ d?š¬ ≠ ‡¼
and the next point of intended
‰ËeM« b??B??Ið …dzU?D« X½U?? w²« W??OU??²«
F- The location of the aircraft from a
point which geographic location can v≈ ·d?F?²« sJ2 WDI½ s …dzUD« lu? ≠ Ë
be easily identified. ÆWuNÐ w«dG'« UNF{u
G- Number of killed and/or seriously s¹c?« ¨«Ëb???łË «–≈ ¨’U??????ýô« œb???Ž ≠ “
injured persons, if any, as a result of W?−??O?²½ W?GUÐ Õ«d??−Ð «u?³?O?? √ Ë√ ØË «uK²?
the accident.
H- The nature of the accident so far as
known. ÆWËdF w¼ U —bIÐ ÀœU(« WFO³Þ ≠ ‡ł
I- Brief description of the aircraft Íc« —d??C« sŽ …d??B?²???  U??uKF?? ≠ ◊
damage. Æ…dzUD« »U √

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

3- Handling The Damaged Aircraft WÐUB*« …dzUDUÐ ·dB²« ≠ ≥
In case of an occurrence of an accident
w tO≈ —UA*« ŸuM« s ÀœU?Š ŸuË WUŠ w
as indicated in Article 2 in or above the
ô t½S???? U???N????u??? Ë√ X¹u?J« w{«—√ w? ≤ …œU*«
lands of Kuwait, no person other than the
÷uH*« h?A« «bŽ h?ý Í_ UIKD? “u−¹
authorized person shall come close to or
check the damaged aircraft. Additionally,
t½√ UL? ¨UNM¹U?F¹ Ë√ WÐUB*« …dzUD« s »d?²I¹ Ê√
this aircraft must not be moved without an tłË ÍQÐ U?NÐ Y³F« Ë√ …dzUD« pK?ð qI½ “u−¹ ô
authorization from the President, while p–Ë fOzd« s —œU i¹u?Hð Vłu0 ô≈ ÊU
taking into account: ∫wK¹ U …UŽ«d l s
A- The aircraft may be moved to the —b?IUÐ U?NÐ Y³?F?« Ë√ …dzUD« W?Š«“« “u?−¹ ≠ √
extent necessary to remove persons, Í√ h?O?K?????????²? U?¹—Ëd????????{ Êu?J?¹ Íc?«
animals, mail and valuables, to
Í√ c?š_ Ë√ ¨UN?O  U?½«uO?Š Ë√ ’U?ý√
prevent destruction by fire or other
causes, protect the wreckage from
Í√ l?M* Ë√ ¨…d?zUD?« tK?L?????% X?½U????? b¹d?Ð
further damage, or to eliminate any lM* Ë√ ¨dš¬ V³?Ý s Ë√ —UM« s V¹dð
danger or obstruction to air aviation, tI¹dÞ w? W³I?Ž Ë√ —uNL?'« vKŽ dDš Í√
to other transportation means or to the qIM« qzUÝË Ë√ W¹u'« WŠö*« o¹dÞ w Ë√
public. ÆÈdš_«
B- The luggage and belongings of the
passengers may be removed from the
s »U?d« WF?²?√ Ë√ lzUC?³« qI½ “u?−¹ ≠ »
aircraft under the supervision of a d¹b? Ë√ WÞdý jÐU?{ ·«d?ý« X% …dzUD«
police officer or the Airport Director, b???? …d?zUD« X?½U???? «–≈ t?½« ◊d????AÐ ¨—U?D*«
provided that, if the aircraft is from “u?−¹ ö X¹uJ?« ×Uš ÊUJ s  ¡U?ł
outside Kuwait, the cargo and
W??IDM s?Ž W?F??²??_«Ë lzU??C??³« Ác¼ œU??FЫ
luggage shall not be removed without
the approval of a customs officer or Ë√ „dL'« Í—uQ? bŠ√ WI«u0 ô≈ …dzUD«
after clearance by conventional ways. ÆWF³²*« ‚dDUÐ tM UNBOKð bFÐ
C- If the aircraft is wrecked in water, “u???−¹ t½S??? ¡U*« w …dzU?D« XLD?% «–≈ ≠ ‡ł
the aircraft or any of its contents may U??N?ðU¹u??²???×?? s? ¡wý Í√ Ë√ …dzUD?« qI½
be moved to the extent necessary to
Ë√ U¼—UC?Šô U¹—Ëd{ ÊuJ¹ Íc« —b?IUÐ
bring it or its contents to a safe place.
4- Investigation Order
ÆÊuQ ÊUJ v≈  U¹u²;« —UCŠ«
In case of an accident occurrence of oOIײ« ¡«dłUÐ dô« ≠ ¥
which Article (2) of these Regulations
Ác¼ s? ≤ …œU*« wC???²???Ið ÀœU???Š Ÿu??Ë b?MŽ
requires notification, the President may
order an investigation on the accident d??Q¹ Ê√ fOzdK “u??−¹ t½U?? tMŽ ⁄öÐô« W??LE½_«
circumstances. ÆÀœU(« ·Ëdþ w oOI% ¡«dłSÐ
5- Investigation Commission
oOIײ« W¾O¼ ≠ μ
The investigation shall be conducted by
persons assigned by the President rNM?O?F?¹ ’U???ý√ b?¹ vKŽ oO??I??×??²« Èd??−¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

(hereinafter referred to as "Investigation
©oO?I?×?²« W??¾?O?NÐ wK¹ U?L?O? rN?O≈ —U??A¹® fOzd«
Commission") and the members of the
Commission must perform the investigation ÆWu²J WHBÐ oOIײ« ¡«dł« rNOKŽË
6- Representation of the State of UNO WK− …dzUD« ÊuJð w²« qO¦9 ≠ ∂
Registration s b??L?²?F?? q¦2 oO??I?×?²?« d?C?×¹ Ê√ “u??−¹
An accredited representative may attend
the investigations on behalf of the State of U?N??O? WK−??? …dzUD?« ÊuJð w²«WËb« W??uJŠ
Registration of the aircraft. He may be
dš¬ h?ý Í√Ë t½ËbŽU?¹ s¹c« ÊË—UA?²*«Ë
accompanied by assisting advisers or any
other person assigned by the President for Æ÷dG« «cN fOzd« t{uH¹
such purpose.
oOIײ« W¾O¼  UOŠö ≠ ∑
7- Investigation Commission s Powers
For the purpose of any investigations ¥ …œU‡*« Vłu0 Èd‡‡&  U?IOI?% W¹√ ÷«dž_
conducted under Article (4) of these oO??I??×??²« W??¾??O??N? ÊuJð t‡½S?‡ W??LE½ô« Ác‡?¼ s‡
regulations, the Investigation Commission ≠∫WOU²«  UOŠö‡B«
shall have the following powers: s u?L?« VŠU rU?×? q¦? ·dB?²ð ≠ √
A- To act as the courts of His
s Èdð ’U?????ý√ Í√ ¡U???Žb??²??Ý« Y?O??Š
Highness in terms of requesting any
person to be present before it for ¨rN?F? oOI?×?²K U?NU?√ rNu?¦? VÝUM*«
questioning. It shall have the right to Ê√ ’U???ýô« ¡ôR¼ q¦? s? VKDð Ê√Ë
request those persons to answer any W¹√ «Ë“d?³¹ Ë√ UNM ‰«R?Ý Í√ vKŽ U¼u?³O?−¹
questions or justify any books,
b???  ôU???I?? Ë√ o?zUŁË Ë√ ‚«—Ë« Ë√ V²???
papers, documents or articles which
Ê«Ë ¨W??ö??Ž  «– oO???I??×??²« W??¾??O?¼ U¼«dð
the Investigation Commission deems
as associated with the investigation. It Ë√ V²J« Ác¼ q?¦? s ÍQÐ W?¾?O?N?« kH?²?%
may keep such books, papers, 5?Š v«  ôU?????I?*« Ë√ ozU?Łu« Ë√ ‚«—Ë_«
documents or articles until the ÆoOIײ« ‰UL«
completion of the investigation.
 «– …dzU?Þ Í√ v≈ ‰u?? u?UÐ o(« U???N ≠ »
B- Have full access to any relevant
aircraft, examination thereof and
v≈ ‰u? u«Ë U?N?B?×?Ë ÀœU?(UÐ W?ö?Ž
access to the accident scene. For this «c????NË ¨ÀœU????(« t????O??? l?Ë Íc« ÊU?J*«
purpose, the Commission is q¦? vI??³ð Ê√ VKDð ÊQÐ o(« U??N ÷d?G«
authorized to request that the aircraft U?N²U?Š vKŽ UNM ¡«e?ł√ Í√ Ë√ …dzUD« Ác¼
or any part thereof may remain intact
h×??H« ¡«d??ł« 5Š v≈ d?O??O??Gð Í√ ÊËbÐ
without any change until the
necessary examination is carried out. Æ“ö«
C- To check the aircraft or any part or U????NM ¡e????ł Í√ Ë√ …dzU?D« h?×???H?ð Ê√ ≠ ‡ł
contents thereof, test the aircraft or ¨U¼d³²ð Ë√ ¨UNK?¹eð Ë√ ¨UNðU¹u²× sË√

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

take any measures to preserve it or  «¡«dł√ W?¹√ Ë√ UNEH?(  «¡«dł« c?²ð Ë√
any other exceptional measures. ÆUNOM¦²ð Èdš√
D- To have full access to and enters
W?¹UM?Ð Ë√ ÊU?J Í√ h?×???????H?ðË qšb?ð Ê√ ≠ œ
any place or building it deems to be
W?B?× Ë√ tu?šœ Ê√ oO?I?×?²« W¾?O?N Ëb?³¹
necessary for the investigation
ÆoOIײ« ÷«dž_ Í—Ëd{
E- Take all reasonable measures to
U??“ô Á«dð U??  «¡«d??łô« s? c????²ð Ê√ ≠ ‡¼
protect the evidence. Æ U³Łô« Wœ√ kH(
8- Individual Responsibility W¹œdH« WOËR*« ≠ ∏
Where the Investigation Commission
Í√ Ëe?Ž sJ1 t½« oO?I?×?²« W¾?O?N d?NE¹ YO?Š
deems fit to attribute the responsibility to
any person and where the Investigation dNE¹ YOŠË ¨h?ý Í√ v≈ WOËR*« s —b
Commission deems necessary, it may send v≈ «—UFý« qÝdð Ê√ UN o×¹ t½Q U¹—Ëd{ W¾ONK
a notice to that person or to his attorney in
case of his death stating that the WU?Š w wŽd?A« t?KO?Ë v≈ Ë√ ¨h?A« p–
responsibility of the accident may be sŽ tO≈ ÂuK« tOłuð sJ1 b t½QÐ t?O bOHð ¨tðUË
attributed to him. The Commission shall
.b??I??²Ð —U??F??ýô« p– w t? `L??ðË ¨ÀœU??(«
allow such person to provide a statement or
affidavit. It may request the witnesses to be œu????N????A« —U????C?????Š« U????NË ¨…œU????N????ý Ë√ …œU????«
present or question any witness whose
Ê√ rNð«œU??N?ý s d??NE¹ œu?N??ý Í√ »«u?−??²?Ý«Ë
affidavit may indicate that such person is
responsible for the accident. ÆÀœU(« sŽ ÂuK hA« p–
9- Investigation Commission Report oOIײ« W¾O¼ d¹dIð ≠ π
Upon the completion of the
W??¾?O?¼ vKŽ vKŽ t½S?? oO??I??×?²?« ‰U?L??²??« bMŽ
investigation, the Investigation Commission
shall prepare and submit a report to the ¨fO?zd« v≈ t1b???IðË d?¹d??I?𠜫b??Ž« o?O??I???×???²«
President. It shall state the circumstances W?OC?I« ·Ëdþ dcð Ê√ d¹d?I?²« p– w UN?OKŽË
relating to an accident or incident and the
d?– l ¨ÀœU(« Ÿu?Ë V³Ý s?Ž UNðU?łU²M²?Ý«Ë
probable cause(s) thereof. It shall state any
notes or recommendations it deems W?ö?? W?³??ÝUM U¼«dð w «uð Ë√  U?EŠö? Í√
necessary for the safety of lives and w W?KŁU2 Àœ«u???Š Ÿu??Ë œU???F??³???²??ÝôË Õ«Ë—_«
avoidance of similar accidents in the future. sJ1 ÊU «–≈ U?LO dcð Ê√ U?C¹√ UNOKŽË q³I?²*«
It shall also indicate whether the
responsibility of the accident can be
sŽ W????O?ËR????*« s W????ł—œ W¹√ Ëe????Ž s?J1 ô Ë√
attributable to any person or not. The VOðdð fOzdK V?−¹Ë ¨hý Í√ v≈ ÀœU?(«
President shall arrange to publish the whole w²« WI¹dDUÐË tM r Í√ Ë√ d¹dI?²« lOLł dA½
report or a part thereof in the way he deems
sŽ d¹dIð ‰UÝ—ô U³Oðdð qLF¹ Ê«Ë ¨W³ÝUM U¼«d¹
fit and to send a report and the findings of
the investigation to the State of …dzU?D« ÊuJð w?²« WËb« v?≈ oO??I???×???²« ZzU???²½
Registration. ÆUNO WK−

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

10- Penalties  UÐuIF« ≠ ±∞
Any person who does not comply with a
subpoena of the Investigation Commission
oO?I×?²« W?¾O¼ s t «d?√ lOD¹ ô h?ý Í√
to appear as a witness to answer any Ë√ ‰«R???Ý Í√ vKŽ WÐU???łö b¼U???A??? —u??C???(UÐ
question or to provide or preserve any
…œU??N??ý Âb??I¹ Ë√  U??³Ł« qO?œ Í√ kH??Š Ë√ “«dÐô
evidence or who provides a false testimony
related to the investigation purposes will be VJð—« b? ÊuJ¹ oO?I×?²« ÷«džQ?Ð oKF²ð WЖU?
deemed to have committed a contravention. u???L???« VŠU?? r?U??; X?³Ł «–≈Ë ¨W??H?U?????
If the courts of His Highness find that he
has committed a contravention, it shall ô …b? t?³×Ð w?CIð U?N½S W?HU?<« Ác¼ tÐUJð—«
sentence him to imprisonment for not more ±μ∞∞ sŽ b¹eð ô W?«dGÐ Ë√ d?Ný√ WŁöŁ “ËU?−²ð
than three months and/or fine him by not
more than 1500 Rupees.

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Ministerial Resolution No. (18) of ± WM ©±® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Year 1996AD.
w½b*« Ê«dOD« W öÝ WLE½ —«b
Concerning Kuwait Civil Aviation
Safety Regulations w²¹uJ«

Following perusal of:

- Law No. (30) of year 1960AD. issued
WM? ©≥∞® r?— Êu½U?????I« vK?Ž ŸöÞù« b?????FÐ ¿
on 30th Thulhija 1379AH. ‡¼ ±≥∑π W??−?(« Ë– ≥∞ w —œU??B« ±π∂∞
corresponding to 24th June 1960AD. —«b??? ≈ ÊQ????ý w ±π∂∞ u????O½u¹ ≤¥ o?«u*«
regarding the issuance of Civil Aviation
ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√
- Amiri Decree issued on 7th Jumada II, ÈœUL?ł ∑ w —œUB« Íd?O_« Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË ¿
1383AH., corresponding to 24th October ¨Â±π∂≥ dÐu?²« ≤¥ o«u?*« ‡¼ ±≥∏≥ WO½U?¦«
1963AD. concerning the Formation and
vK?Ž_« fK:«  U???? U???B???²???š≈Ë q?OJA????²Ð
Jurisdictions of The Supreme Council
for Civil Aviation, and its amending …—œU?B?« t Wb?F*« rO??Ý«d*«Ë w½b*« Ê«d??ODK
Decrees issued on 20th November WM q¹dÐ≈ ±≥ Ë Â±π∂∂ WM d³Lu½ ≤∞ w
1966AD., 13th April 1975AD., 27th Ë ±π∑π WM? ”—U????? ≤∑ Ë Â≤∑ Ë Â±π∑μ
March 1979AD. and 10th November
Ʊπ∏∂ WM d³Lu½ ±∞
- Amiri Decree issued on 8th Safar d??H? ∏ w? —œU?B« Íd??O??_« Âu?Ýd?*« vKŽË ¿
1399AH. corresponding to 7th January ÊQ????ý w ¨Â±π∑π d¹U?M¹ ∑ o«u?*« ‡¼ ±≥ππ
1979AD. regarding the Ministry of
Æ ö «u*« …—«“Ë
- Amiri Decree issued on 7th Thulhija Ë– ∑ w —œU????B?« Íd???O????_« Âu????Ýd*« v?KŽË ¿
1406AH. corresponding to 12th August f?D???????ž√ ±≤ o?«u?*« ‡¼ ±¥∞∂ W???????−???????(«
1986AD. concerning the jurisdictions of
…—«“Ë  U????? U????B?????²?????š≈ ÊQ?????ý w ±π∏∂
the Ministry of Communications,
- Amiri Decree number 108/90 issued in Æ ö «u*«
Thulhija 1410AH. corresponding to 16th w —œU?B« π∞ر∞∏ ÍdO?_« Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË ¿
July 1990AD. regarding adding some ±ππ∞ u?Ou¹ ±∂ o«u*« ‡¼±¥±∞ W?−?(« Ë–
jurisdictions to the Minister of
d¹“Ë v?≈  U??? U???B???²???šù« iF?Ð W???U???{SÐ
- Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of year Æ ö «u*«
1986 issued on 9th Jumada II, 1406AH. ±π∏∂ ÂU???F? ©≥® r— Í—«“u?« —«d???I« v?KŽË ¿
corresponding to 18th February
o«u*« ‡¼±¥∞∂ d?šü« ÈœULł π w? —œUB«
1986AD. regarding the issuance of air
aviation safety regulations, and W?L?E½√ —«b? ≈ ÊQ??ý w ¨Â±π∏∂ d¹«d??³? ±∏
- Ministerial Resolution No. (18) of year ÆW¹u'« WŠö*« WöÝ
1990AD. issued on 25th Thulqida
±ππ∞ ÂUF ©±∏® r— Í—«“u?« —«dI« vKŽË ¿
1410AH. corresponding to 18th June
1990AD. concerning the Authorizing the o«u*« ‡?¼ ±¥±∞ …b??F??I« Ë– ≤μ w? —œU??B«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation to …—«œù« i¹u??Hð ÊQ??ý w?  ±ππ∞ u??O½u¹ ±∏

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

approve and issue the necessary —«b??? «Ë œU???L???²??ŽS?Ð w½b*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F«
amendments on the aviation safety
WŠö*« W?öÝ WLE½√ vKŽ W“ö«  ö¹b?F²«
regulations issued by virtue of the
Ministerial Resolution No. (3) of year r— Í—«“u« —«d??I« Vłu0 …—œU??B« W¹u??'«
1986AD., and Ʊπ∏∂ ÂUF ©≥®
- Upon the proposal of the President of W???U??F?« …—«œù« ÂU??Ž d?¹b?? ÷d???Ž vKŽ ¡U?MÐË ¿
the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation, Æw½b*« Ê«dODK
We have decided as follows: ∫wðü« U½—d
Article (1) ©±® …œU
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall issue the Kuwaiti Civil
W??LE½√ w½b?*« Ê«d?O?DK W??U??F« …—«œù« —b??Bð
Aviation Safety Regulations attached to this «c¼ l W??I?d*« W??O?²?¹uJ« w½b*« Ê«d??OD« W??ö?Ý
Resolution. Æ—«dI«
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall issue and approve the w?½b*« Ê«d??????O?D?K W??????U???????F« …—«œù« —b??????B?ð
necessary amendments on these regulations v² U‡¼œUL²Ž«Ë W?LE½_« ÁcN W“ö«  ö¹bF²«
whenever required. Æp– v≈ WłU(« X‡Žœ
Article (3)
©≥® …œU
The President of the Directorate General
of Civil Aviation must implement this
w½b*« Ê«d?ODK? W?U?F« …—«œù« ÂU?Ž d¹b? vKŽ
Resolution, and it shall enter into force as a¹—Uð s W?LE½_« Ác?NÐ qL?F¹Ë —«dI« «c¼ c?O?HMð
of the date it is published in the official ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w —«dI« «c¼ dA½
gazette. ¡U*«Ë ¡UÐdNJ«Ë  ö«u*« d¹“Ë
Minister of Communications, Electricity ater
w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« fOz—Ë
Chairman of Supreme Council for Civil Aviation
25th May 1996
±ππ∂ u¹U ≤μ

v≈ U½bLŽ UM½U? UNOKŽ  ö¹bF²« ¡«dł« —«d?L²Ý«Ë WO²¹uJ« w½b*« Ê«d?OD« WöÝ WLE½QÐ oKF²*« bM²?*« WU¦J ΫdE½ ∫WEŠö
Æ»U²J« w UNF{Ë ÂbŽ

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Ministerial Resolution No. (23) of Year 2004 ¥ WM ©® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Concerning Issuance of The Air-Carrier s 5¹u'« 5KUM« hOš«dð —«b
Licenses And The Fees Thereof
Following perusal of: vKŽ ŸöÞù« bFÐ
- Law No. (30) of year 1960 —«b???? S?Ð ±π∂∞ WM? ©≥∞® r?— Êu½U?????I« ≠
concerning the Issuance of the Civil
ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√
Aviation Regulations,
- Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987 ±π∏∑ WM? ©≥±® r— Êu?½U???IUÐ Âu????Ýd*« ≠
concerning Regulating the Air-Transport X¹uJ?« w Íu??'« qIM?« ‚u??Ý rOEM?ð ÊQ??ý w
Market in Kuwait and its Executive Bylaw,
ÆW¹cOHM²« t²×zôË
- Amiri Decree issued on 24th October
1963 concerning the Formation of Supreme dÐu²?√ ≤¥ a¹—U²Ð —œUB« ÍdO?_« ÂuÝd*« ≠
Council for Civil Aviation and its amending w½b?*« Ê«d???ODK? vKŽ√ fK?−??? qOJ?A???²Ð ±π∂≥
Decrees, Æt WbF*« rOÝ«d*«Ë
- Decree No. (108) of year 90 issued
on 16th July 1990 concerning Adding Some a¹—U???²Ð —œU??B« ©π∞ر∞∏® r— Âu???Ýd*« ≠
Powers to the Minister of Communications,  U? U?B?²?šô« iFÐ W??U?{SÐ ±ππ∞ u?Ou¹ ±∂
- Ministerial Resolution No. (18) of Æ ö «u*« d¹“Ë v≈
year 1996 concerning the Issuance of The
Kuwaiti Safety Regulations for Civil
ÊQ?AÐ ±ππ∂ WM? ±∏ r— Í—«“u« —«d?I« ≠
Aviation, ÆWO²¹uJ« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WöÝ WLE½√ —«b ≈
- Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of ≤∞∞∞ W?M? ©±¥® r?— Í—«“u?« —«d????????I?« ≠
year 2000 issued on 29th March 2000
qÐU??I? ÊQ??AÐ ≤∞∞∞ ”—U? ≤π a?¹—U?²Ð —œU??B«
concerning the Consideration for The
Services Provided by the Directorate Ê«d??ODK W??U?F« …—«œù« U??N??b?Ið w?²«  U?b??)«
General of Civil Aviation to the aircraft and  U?b??)«Ë Ê«d?OD«  U??d?ýË  «dzUD?K w½b*«
airline companies as well as the other
ÆUN WKLJ*«Ë UNÐ WD³ðd*« Èdš_«
services related and complementary thereto,
- And Resolution of the Council of ر∞π∏® r?‡?‡— ¡«—“u?« f?K?−??????? —«d???????? ≠
Ministers No. (1098/ Fifth) issued on ÊQ??AÐ ≤∞∞≥ر±Øπ a¹—U??²Ð —œU??B« ©ÎU???U??š
9/11/2003 concerning the applications for ‰U−? w qLF?ð WO²?¹u  Ud?ý fOÝQð  U?³KÞ
establishing Kuwaiti companies operating
in the field of air-transport. ÆÍu'« qIM«
The following has been decided: wK¹ U —dIð
Article (1)
©±® …œU
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall issue its approval on the U?N?²??I?«u? w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W?U??F« …—«œù« —b?Bð
licenses for operating commercial airlines W¹—U?−??²« W¹u?'« ◊uD)« qO??G?A?² hO?šd??²« vKŽ
to the air-carriers registered in Kuwait
according to the determined rules and
ÎU???I???Ë X?¹uJ« W?ËbÐ 5K?−???*« 5¹u???'« 5?KUM?K
conditions. Such approval shall be titled W?I?«u*« Ác?¼ vL?ðË ¨…—d?I*« ◊Ëd?A«Ë j?Ыu?CK
"Air-Carrier License". No commercial W¹√ q?O???G???A?ð “u???−¹ ôË ÆåÍu???ł q?U½ hO????šdðò
airlines can be operated by the
above-mentioned carriers unless under this s¹—u???c*« 5?KUM« q?³?? s? W¹—U???& W¹u??ł ◊u?Dš
license. ÆhOšd²« «c¼ Vłu0 ô≈ ÁöŽ√

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
An amount of (KD. 5000) Five
Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars shall be collected W???L??š ©„Æœ μ∞∞∞® Á—b?Ë mK?³? qB??×¹
to issue an "Air-Carrier License". ÆåÍuł hOšdðò —«b ≈ sŽ w²¹u ·ô¬
Article (3)
©≥® …œU
This license shall remain valid unless it
is suspended temporarily or cancelled W??H??Ë r?²¹ r U?? U¹—U???Ý hO??šd??²« «c?¼ qE¹
permanently by the Directorate General of W??U??F« …—«œù« q³?? s U??OzU??N½ Á¡U??G≈ Ë√ ÎU??²??R??
Civil Aviation.
Article (4) Æw½b*« Ê«dODK
This decree shall be published in the ©¥® …œU
official gazette, and the Directorate General
vKŽË ¨W?OL?Ýd« …b¹d?'« w —«dI« «c¼ d?AM¹
of Civil Aviation must implement same.
This Resolution shall enter into force tÐ qL?F¹Ë ¨Ác?O?HMð w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?U?F« …—«œù«
effective from the date it is published, and vK?Ž ô≈ o³?D¹ ôË Ád?????A?½ a¹—Uð s? Ϋ—U?????³????²?????Ž«
it shall apply only to the licenses issued
after this date. Æa¹—U²« «c¼ bFÐ …—œUB« hOš«d²«

Minister of Communications And

jOD²« d¹“ËË  ö«u*« d¹“Ë
Minister of Planning
The Minister of State For fK:« fOz— W¹—«œù« WOLM²« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“ËË
Administrative Development w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_«
Affairs Chairman of The Supreme
Council For Civil Aviation ±¥≤μ dH ≤¥ ∫w —b
Issued of : 24th Safar 1425AH. ≤∞∞¥ q¹dÐ√ ±¥ ∫o«u*«
Corresponding to: 14th April 2004

 ± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
The General Provisions For Íu qU½ hOšd² W UF« ËdA«
Air-Carrier License

The Directorate General of Civil W??I??«u*« w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK W??U??F« …—«œù« —b??Bð
Aviation shall grant the approval necessary
to obtain the license to operate the ◊uD)« qO?G?A?² hO?šd?ð vKŽ ‰u?B?×K W?“ö«
commercial airlines of the air-carriers WËbÐ 5K?−?*« 5?¹u?'« 5KU?MK W¹—U??−?²« W¹u??'«
registered in Kuwait. Such approval is titled
"Air-Carrier License". No commercial
qU?½ hO???šdðò W???I???«u*« Ác?¼ vL???ðË ¨X¹u?J«
airline shall be operated by the W¹—U?& W¹uł ◊uDš W¹√ q?OG?Að “u−¹ ôË ÆåÈu?ł
above-mentioned carriers without such
«c¼ Vłu?0 ô≈ Áö??Ž√ s¹—u??c*« 5?KUM« q?³?? s
license. For granting an air-carrier license
and for the validity of same, the following Íu??ł qU?½ hO??šdð `M?* ◊d??²??A¹Ë ¨hO???šd??²«
conditions shall apply: ∫wK¹ U t½U¹dÝË
First: A formal application with specified
purposes must be submitted to the hOšdðò vKŽ ‰u?B×K wL?Ý— VKÞ .bIð ∫ÎôË√
Directorate General of Civil Aviation …—«œù« v≈ ÷«d???ž_« œb??×?? åÍu???ł qU½
to obtain an "Air-Carrier License".
Second: The applicant must be a Kuwaiti Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF«
public shareholding company WO?²¹u WL¼U? Wdý VKD« ÂbI? ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ∫ÎUO½UŁ
established pursuant to the Resolution
of the honorable Council of Ministers fK−? —«d?? v≈ ΫœUM²?Ý« U?N??O??ÝQð - W?U?Ž
(No.1098/ Fifth) issued in its Session —œUB« ©ÎUUš ر∞π∏® r— du*« ¡«—“u«
No. (48-2/ 2003) held on
11/9/2003AD. …b????I???F?M*« ≤∞∞≥Ø≤ ≠¥∏® r?— t???²????K?−Ð
Third: The Headquarters of the Æ©Â≤∞∞≥ر±Øπ® a¹—U²Ð
company's business must be based in
Kuwait. w Wd?A« ‰ULŽ_ wOzd« d?I*« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ∫U¦UŁ
Forth: The stake of the citizens of the ÆX¹uJ« WËœ
State of Kuwait must not be less than
(51 ) of the company's capital.
sŽ X¹uJ« WËœ wMÞ«u? W?OJK qIð ô√ ∫ ÎU?FЫ—
Fifth: The actual management of the ÆWdA« ‰U ”√— s ©•μ±®
company must be in the hands of the
b?O?Ð W?d?AK? W?OKF??H« …—«œù« ÊuJð Ê√ ∫ÎU???U?š
citizens of the State of Kuwait.
Sixth: A statement of financial ÆX¹uJ« WËœ wMÞ«u
worthiness, ability to meet the vKŽ …—b??I«Ë W??OU*« …¡ö?*« ÊU?O?Ð .b?Ið ∫ÎU??ÝœU??Ý
financial obligations and available
means of financing must be submitted q¹u?L?²« q³?ÝË W?O?U*«  U?«e?²ôUÐ ¡U?u«
along with the an economic feasibility ÈËb?????'« W?????Ý«—œ .b?????Ið l? ¨W?????ŠU?????²*«
study, cash-flow plan, and operational
WD)«Ë WO?U*«  UIb?²« WDšË W¹œUB?²ô«
plan for the first five years of the
starting operation. s vË_« f?L?)«  «u?MK W??OKO??G??A??²«
Seventh: Must submit a comprehensive Æ◊UAM« W¹«bÐ
insurance coverage in accordance
with the applicable international Vłu?0 WKU???ý W??OM?O??Qð W???OD?Gð .b??I?ð ∫ÎU??FÐU???Ý
agreements and legislations. Æ…cUM« WOËb«  UF¹dA²«Ë  UOUHðô«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
Eighth: Must obtain an Air-Operator Íu?ł qG?A hO?šdðò vKŽ ‰u?B?(« ∫UMUŁ
Certificate (AOC) issued by the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation WUF« …—«œù« sŽ —œU åAOC
in the State of Kuwait prior to q³????? X?¹uJ?« WËb?Ð w½b?*« Ê«d?????OD?K
commencing operation.
Ninth: An amount of (KD. 10,000) Ten ÆWOKOGA²« tðUOKLŽ …dýU³
Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars must be
deposited in the form of certified
©„Æœ ±∞[∞∞∞® Á—b???Ë mK³??? Ÿ«b¹≈ ∫U???F???ÝUð
check or unconditional letter of …—u? w p–Ë w²¹u? —UM¹œ ·ô¬ …dA?Ž
guarantee, to be valid throughout the
license validity period and issued by
d???O??ž ÊU???L??{ »U?Dš Ë√ ‚b???B?? pO???ý
one of the banks in the State Kuwait hO???šd??²« ÊU¹d???Ý …b* `U?? ◊Ëd???A??
in favor of the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation. X¹u?J« WËœ w? „uM³« b????Š√ s —œU???
Tenth: Must pay fees determined for the Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« `UB
Eleventh: Must submit an undertaking Æ…—dI*« hOšd²« ÂuÝ— b¹bð ∫«dýUŽ
letter affirming the correctness and Wö?ÝË W×?BÐ bN?Fð »U?² .bI?ð ∫dA?Ž ÍœUŠ
accuracy of the details and
information presented above. In Áö????Ž√ W???b????I*«  U????uK?F*«Ë  U½U????O????³«
addition to acknowledging, adhering b??O???I??²«Ë «e???²ô«Ë rK?F« v≈ W??U???{ùUÐ
to and abiding by the following
throughout the validity period of the ∫wK¹ U0 hOšd²« ÊU¹dÝ …d² ‰«uÞ
license: w½b*« Ê«dOD«  UDKÝ WI«u vKŽ ‰uB(« ≠ ±
1- Must obtain the approval of the Civil
Aviation authorities in the State of Í√ vKŽ qIM« ‚u?IŠ W?Ý—U?L* X¹uJ« WËbÐ
Kuwait to practice the carrier rights on qO??G???A??²UÐ V?žd¹ w²«  U???ŽUDI« s? ŸUD
any of the sectors desiring to operate at
according to the allocation requirements, 5O?F?²« d?O¹U?F?Ë ◊Ëd?A«Ë  U?³KD²?LK ÎU?I?Ë
conditions, and criteria determined by
Æ’uB)« «cNÐ  UDK« pKð U¼—dIð w²«
such authorities in this regard.
2- Must furnish the Directorate General w?½b*« Ê«d???????O?D?K W???????U???????F?« …—«œù« b¹Ëe?ð ≠ ≤
of Civil Aviation with the traffic
statistics and data transported on
vKŽ W?u?IM?*« W?d??(«  U½U??OÐË  U??OzU??B??ŠSÐ
board the licensee's flights, and also Ë√  U?½U??????OÐ Ë√  U??????u?KF?????? Í√Ë t?ðö??????Š—
any other information, data or
statistics requested by the Directorate
÷d??GÐ …—«œù« U??N??³K?Dð Èd??š√  U??OzU??B??Š≈
for the purpose of monitoring its vK?Ž …—b????I?« s b?????Q????²«Ë t?z«œ√ W????³?????«d????
performance and to ensure its ability
to continue performing the activity Æ…¡UHJÐ tÞUA½ WÝ—U2 w —«dL²Ýô«
efficiently. mK³? s rB??ð Ê√ w …—«œù« o×Ð —«d?ù« ≠ ≥
3- Must acknowledge the Directorate's
right to deduct from the guarantee WLO? ÁöŽ√ ©ÎUFÝUð ® bM³« w —u?c*« ÊULC«
amount provided in Article (9) above
the amounts of fines and
vKŽ o×??²??ð w²«  U?C?¹u?F??²«Ë  U?«d??G«
indemnifications payable by the w? Ád??????šQ?ð W?U???????Š w p?–Ë ¨t? hšd?*«
licensee in case of any default. The
licensee must reinstate the guarantee qLJ?¹ Ê√ t??OKŽË ¨…œb??;« …b*« v?KŽ œ«b??«
amount to its original state within five s qL??Ž ÂU¹√ W???L?š ‰ö?š ÊU??L?C« mK?³?
working days from the date of being
notified of same. ÆpcÐ Á—UDš≈ a¹—Uð

  w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
4- Must provide and operate all the W¹œU*«Ë W¹d?A?³« œ—«u*« W?U? qO?G?AðË d?O?uð ≠ ¥
human and financial resources necessary
to perform the operations effectively and ÆÊU√Ë …¡UHJÐ  UOKLŽ WË«e*
safely. ÷«d??ž√ nU??ð WDA½√ W?¹_ t?²??Ý—U2 Âb??Ž ≠ μ
5- Not to practice any activities in conflict
with the purposes of the license. ÆhOšd²«
6- Not to perform any air-transport d?O?G Íu?ł qI½  U?OKLŽ Í_ t?²?Ý—U2 Âb?Ž ≠ ∂
operation for the purposes not
determined for such license without the ÊËœ hO????šd????²?« w t …œb????;« ÷«d????ž_«
prior approval of the Directorate General WU?F« …—«œù« s WI³? WI«u vKŽ tu?BŠ
of the Civil Aviation.
7- Not to provide any ground or technical Æw½b*« Ê«dODK
service or services to third party. The  U??b?š Ë√ W??b??š Í√ .b?I??²Ð ÂU??O?I« Âb??Ž ≠ ∑
licensee may provide some or all of such
services to himself after obtaining a prior iFÐ .b?Ið t “u?−¹Ë ¨d?OGK? WOM Ë√ W?O?{—√
approval from the Directorate General of vKŽ ‰uB(« bFÐ t?HM  Ub)« Ác¼ q Ë√
the Civil Aviation.
8- Not to sign any contacts or ÆWI³*« w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« WI«u
arrangements with the bodies working at l  U????³???Oðd?ð Ë√  «b???U????Fð W¹√ «d?Ð≈ Âb???Ž ≠ ∏
Kuwait International Airport without
obtaining a prior approval from the
wËb?« X¹uJ?« —UD w? WKU???F?«  U???N???'«
Directorate General of the Civil …—«œù« s W?I³? W?I«u? vKŽ ‰uB?(« ÊËœ
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF«
9- Not to delegate to third party or assign
the provision of any services to a party Í√ .b????Ið œU?MÝ≈ Ë√ d????O????G« i?¹u????Hð Âb????Ž ≠ π
or parties on its behalf regarding any vKŽ ·«dÞ√ Ë√ ·d?Þ v≈ tMŽ WÐU??O½  U?b??š
new construction works or restorations
at the sites and facilities allotted to it and w  ö¹b??Fð Ë√ …b?¹b?ł W??OzU??A½≈ ‰U??L??Ž√ Í√
which it desires to carry out at Kuwait Vžd?¹ w²«Ë t? W???B???B???<« o«d*«Ë l?«u*«
International Airport. The performance
c?O?HM²«Ë ¨wËb« X¹uJ?« —UD w U¼c?O?HM²Ð
must be according to the specifications
and instructions of the Directorate, and …—«œù«  U????L????O?KFðË  U????H???? «u????? V????Š
the ministries and concerned bodies W?????O?MF?*«  U?????N?????'«Ë  «—«“uU?Ð ‰U?????Bðô«Ë
must be contacted to obtain the
necessary approvals and licenses bearing W“ö« hOš«d²«Ë  U?I«u*« vKŽ ‰uB×K
the consequent costs especially the fees nO?UJð s? p– vKŽ V?ðd???²¹ U??? q?L???% l
of consumption and the introduction and
jÐ—Ë qO? uðË „öN?²Ýô« Âu?Ý— hš_UÐË
connection of services related to the
main networks and lines inside and WOOzd« ◊uD)«Ë  UJ³AUÐ W?I«d  Ubš
outside the limits of Kuwait Airport U* U?I?Ë X¹uJ?« —UD œËb?Š ×U?š Ë√ qš«œ
according to the resolutions of the
concerned bodies.
ÆWOMF*«  UN'« Á—dIð
10- Must perform all the regular and W¹—Ëb?« W½U???O??B?« ‰U??L???Ž√ W???UJÐ ÂU???O???I« ≠ ±∞
urgent maintenance works to its
facilities, devices, equipment,
 «b?????F*«Ë …e?????N?????ł_«Ë o«d?????LK? Wz—U?D«Ë
machinery, and vehicles, which fall lIð w?²«Ë tÐ W?? U?)«  «—U??O??«Ë  U??Oü«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  ¥
under its responsibility on regular and …d?L?²? W¹—Ëœ W?H?BÐ p–Ë t?²OËR?? X%
constant manner throughout the license
validity period. ÆhOšd²« ÊU¹dÝ …b ‰«uÞ
11- Not to use any sites at Kuwait X¹uJ« —UD w l«u? W¹√ ‰UL?F²?Ý« ÂbŽ ≠ ±±
International Airport for purposes other
than those designated to it.
ÆUN WBB<« ÷«dž_« dOG wËb«
12- Must render the services representing oË hO??šd?²« Ÿu?{u??  U?b??)« .b?Ið ≠ ±≤
the subject matter of the license
s v½œ_« b??(« s?Ž qIð ô W??O??ÝU??O?? ◊Ëd??ý
according to the standard conditions but
not less than the minimum limit of the W???UJ ÎU???OËœ …—d???I*«  U??H??? «u*«Ë d???O¹U???F*«
internationally recognized standards and w½b*« Ê«d?O?D« W?d?Š ÂUE²½«Ë s?√Ë W?ö?ÝË
specifications for the sufficiency, safety,
security, and orderliness of the civil
Æ’uB)« tłË vKŽ Íu'« qIM«Ë ÎUuLŽ
aviation traffic in general and ¡eł Í√ Ë√ hOšd?²« «c¼ sŽ ‰“UM²« ÂbŽ ≠ ±≥
air-carriage in particular.
s WI³ WOÐU² WI«u0 ô≈ dOGK tM ¡«eł√ Ë√
13- Not to assign this license or any part
thereof to third party without prior Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
written approval from the Directorate w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?UF« …—«œù« o×Ð —«d?ù« ≠ ±¥
General of Civil Aviation.
vK?Ž WÐU???d«Ë ÂU???F?« ·«d???ýù« w tðUD?KÝË
14- Must acknowledge the right of the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation s qOG?A²«Ë eO?N−²« wðd?² ¡UMŁ√ t hšd*«
and the authorities thereof to generally W?OM_«Ë W?OKO?G?A?²?«Ë W?OMH«® V½«u?'« lO?L?ł
supervise and control the licensee during
W?FÐU²? w UN?IŠË ©W?O½u½UI«Ë W?OU*« W¹—«œù«Ë
the two periods of commissioning and
operation from all aspects (technical, —UD w? 5KU??F« sÞU??³UÐ t??F? s?¹b?U??F??²*«
operational, security, administrative, –U?ð«Ë r?NðU?HU???  U?³Ł≈Ë wËb?« X¹uJ«
financial, and legal) and the right thereof ÆrN½QAÐ W“ö«  «¡«dłô«
to follow up the subcontractors of the
licensee at Kuwait International Airport,
`z«uK«Ë W?LE½_«Ë bŽ«u?I« lO?L−Ð b?OI?²« ≠ ±μ
prove their violations and take the pKðË wËb« X¹uJ« —UD0 WI³D*« r?OUF²«Ë
necessary procedures against them. w½b*« Ê«d??OD?K W??U?F« …—«œù« U?¼—b?B?ð w²«
15- Must abide by all the rules, systems,
regulations, circulars applied at Kuwait
 U???F¹d???A??²«Ë 5?½«u??I?«Ë d??š¬ v≈ 5?Š s
International Airport and those issued by v≈ ·b?N?ð w²«Ë ÎU?OËœË U?O?K×? U?NÐ ‰u??L?F*«
the Directorate General of Civil Aviation ÊËR???ý Èu????²?????? d¹u?DðË rO?EMðË W????ö???Ý
from time to time as well as the locally
and internationally applicable laws and 5½«u???I«Ë d???š¬ v≈ 5?Š s w½b?*« Ê«d??O?D«
legislation that aim at the safety, w²«Ë ÎUO?ËœË ÎUOK× U?NÐ ‰uL?F*«  UF¹d?A²«Ë
regulation, and development of the civil
Èu??²??? d¹uDðË rO?EMðË W?ö??Ý v≈ ·b??Nð
aviation affairs and improvement of the
quality thereof in way that keeps abreast …—uBÐ UNðœuł 5?%Ë w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÊËRý
with the developments and updates  «b?−??²??*«Ë  «—uD²« l ¡ö??²¹ U0 W??U?Ž
witnessed by the air-transport sector on
the local, regional and international ÎU???O?K×???? Íu???'« qI?M« ŸUD? U¼b????N???A¹ w?²«

 μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
16- Must acknowledge and abide by the  «¡«e'« W×zô w œ—Ë U0 «e²ô«Ë rKF« ≠ ±∑
provisions of the penalties and fines
regulation (attached).
Æ©WId*«®  U«dG«Ë
17- Must acknowledge the right of the w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?UF« …—«œù« o×Ð —«d?ù« ≠ ±∏
Civil Directorate of Civil Aviation to bMŽ ÎUOzU?N½ tzUG≈ Ë√ U?²R hO?šd²« nË w
suspend or finally revoke the license in
case the licensee violated any of the
—U??A*« ◊Ëd??A?« s Í√ t hšd*« W???HU????
conditions mentioned above or lost ÆWOK¼_« t½«bI Ë√ ÁöŽ√ UNO≈
capacity. w½b*« Ê«d?ODK? W?U?F« …—«œù« W?³UD Âb?Ž ≠ ±π
18- Not to claim any compensation(s)
U?N??U?O?? ‰U?Š w  U??C¹u?Fð Ë√ i¹u??Fð ÍQÐ
from the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation in case it partially or totally Ë√ …d¼U »U³Ý_ ÎUOze?ł Ë√ ÎUOK qLF« ·UI¹SÐ
suspends work due to force majeure or ÆΔ—«uD«  ôUŠ w
in case of emergencies.
 P???AM?*«Ë o«d*«Ë l«u?*« lO???L???ł rOK?ð ≠ ≤∞
19- Must hand over all sites, facilities,
constructions, and buildings utilized by U?N?O? U0 t hšd*« q³? s? WKG?²?*« w½U?³*«Ë
it including the fixed installations and W?U??F« …—«œû W??²ÐUŁ  «b?F??Ë  «e?O?N??& s
equipment to the Directorate General of ©≥∞® “ËU??−??²ðô …b?? ‰ö??š w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK
Civil Aviation within a period not
exceeding 30 days from the date of final
p–Ë ÎU?OzU?N½ hO?šd?²?« ¡U?G≈ a¹—Uð s ÎU?u¹
revocation of the license, without any ÆqÐUI Í√ ÊËœ

iolations And Fines Regulation:  U«dG«Ë  UHU<« W×zô

The licensee must abide by all the lO???L??−Ð b???O??I???²«Ë «e???²ô« t hšd?*« vKŽ
applicable rules, systems, and regulations
concerning security and safety applicable at
s_U?Ð W??? U???)« `z«uK?«Ë W???LE½_«Ë b????Ž«u???I«
Kuwait International Airport and any later wËb« X¹uJ« —UD? w UN?Ð ‰uL?F*« W?ö?«Ë
amendments thereto. In case of the W?HU? ‰U?Š wË ¨UI?Šô UN?OKŽ  ö¹b?Fð W¹√Ë
violation of such rules, systems, and
regulations, the Directorate General of Civil …—«œû o?×¹ `z«uK?«Ë W??L?E½_«Ë b???Ž«u??I?« Ác¼
Aviation shall be entitled to impose fines vK?Ž  U???«d??ž ÷d??? w?½b*« Ê«d???OD?K W???U???F«
on the licensee for each case upon detecting
ŸuË œd−0 U?ND³{ r²¹ WUŠ q sŽ t hšd*«
same immediately upon the occurrence of
any of the violations mentioned below ÊËœ ÁU½œ√ …—u??c*«  U??H?U??<« s W??HU???? Í√
without the need to any notice or warning,  «¡«d?ł≈ W¹√ –U??ð« Ë√ —«c½≈ Ë√ t?O?³Mð v?≈ W?łU?(«
or taking any legal procedures and without
need to establish the occurrence of the
Íc« —d??C«  U??³?Ł≈ v≈ W??łU??(« ÊËœË W??O½u½U??
damage which shall be deemed sustained in ÆÎUIIײ ‰«uŠ_« lOLł w d³²F¹
all cases.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
W«dG« WHU<« qK
≤∞ ©WŽUÝ Ør ≥∞® —UD*« WŠUÝ w WŽdK tÐ ÕuL*« b(« “ËU& ±
≤∞ ·uu« ŸuM2 ≤
≤∞ ©eOËœ ¥® tÐ ÕuL*« s d³√  UÐdŽ Ë√ eOËœ œbŽ V×Ý ≥
≤∞ o¹dŠ …QHD duð ÊËœ W³d …œUO ¥
≤∞ dH√ dAK duð ÊËœ W³d …œUO μ
±∞  UOUŽb« vKŽ Í—uH j¹dý duð ÊËœ W³d …œUO ∂
±∞ 5šb²« ÂbŽ oBK duð ÊËœ W³d …œUO ¥
±∞∞ ¡«dL(« …—Uýù« lD ∏
±∞∞  «dzUD« —Ëd* W¹uË_« „dð ÂbŽ π
±∞∞ Ãd³« s Ê«c¾²Ýô« ÊËœ  «dzUD«  «d2 lD ±∞
≤∞ býd0 W½UF²Ýô« ÊËœ WKOIŁ …bF0 nK)« v≈ Ÿułd« ±±
≤∞ WO{—_« ◊uD)« ‰ub0 «e²ô« ÂbŽ ±≤
≤∞ W³d*UÐ tÐ ÕuL*« s d³√ ’Uý√ œbŽ qLŠ ±≥
μ∞ W×O×B« WI¹dDUÐ UN²O³¦ð ÊËœ WŽUCÐ Ë√  «bF qLŠ ±¥
≤∞ ÃUŽ“ùUÐ V³²«Ë WłU(« ÊËœ W³d*« t³M «b²Ý« ±μ
≤∞ WOUJ« …¡U{ù« duð ÊËœ W³d …œUO ±∂
≤∞ WUF« Wö«Ë W¹ƒd« vKŽ dŁRð YO×Ð WHOE½ dOž W³d …œUO ±∑
≤∞ UOJO½UJO W(U dOž W³d …œUO ±∏
μ WUF« W×B« vKŽdŁRð YO×Ð …dÐ_«Ë WMšœô« UNM Ãdð W³d …œUO ±π
∞≤∞ ÀœU(« d¹dIð s W½ œułË ÊËœ ¨ÀœUŠ dŁ√ œułË l W³d …œUO ≤∞
μ∞ …œUOIK W“ö« WBšd« vKŽ ‰uB(« ÊËœ W³d …œUO ≤±
μ∞ t WLLB*« ÷dG« dOG …bF Ë√ W³d «b²Ý« ≤≤
μ∞ qOAGð WUŠ w w¼Ë …dzUD« nKš—Ëd*« ≤≥
μ∞  «dzUD« W×Mł« X% —Ëd*« ≤¥
μ∞ —UD*« WŠUÝ w 5šb²« ≤μ
≤∞ —UD*« WŠUÝ w qLF« ¡UMŁ√ Í—uH XOUł ¡«bð—« ÂbŽ ≤∂
≤∞  «dzUD« s »dIUÐ qLF« ¡UMŁ√ Ê–ú w«Ë ¡«bð—« ÂbŽ ≤∑
±∞∞ lu*« w o¹dŠ …QHD dOuð ÊËœ ©—«dý® UNMŽ —bBð ‰ULŽ√ Ë√ rO( ‰ULŽQÐ ÂUOI« ≤∏
μ∞ W“ö« W¹œUý—ù«  UöF«Ë eł«u(« dOuð ÊËœ lu*« w qLF« ≤π
—dC« VŠ œb% Æ…—dI*«  «¡«dłù« –Uð« ÊËœ …dzUD« „d× Ë√  U³d*« Ë√  «bF*« s  u¹e« VJÐ V³²« ≥∞
±∞∞ sŽ qIð ôË
≤∞ “ö« `¹dB²« vKŽ ‰uB(« ÊËœ —UD*« WŠUÝ w qLF« ≥±
≤∞ —UD*« w qLF« ¡UMŁ√ ©bL²F*«® wLÝd« Íe« ¡«bð—« ÂbŽ ≥≤
≤∞ wLÝd« qLF«  UË√ dOž w …—uE;« WIDMLK ‰ušb« ≥≥
—dC« VŠ œb% —UD*« w WUF«  UJK²LLK nK²Ð V³²« ≥¥
≤∞ ©WUEM« ÂbŽ® —UD*« w  öLN*« ¡UI≈ ≥μ
dOšQð Âu¹ q sŽ ±∞∞ oײ mK³ Í√ b¹bð w dOšQ²« ≥∂
Âu¹ q sŽ μ∞
ÂbŽ WUŠ wË dOšQð ©W½UOB« ‰ULŽ√ WLO ÊËœ® W½UOB« ‰ULŽQР«e²ô« ÂbŽ ≥∑
•±μ ´ W½UOB«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
S. No. iolation Fine
1 Exceeding the allowed speed in the airport area (30 Km/h) 20
2 No parking 20
3 Pulling trolleys and carts more than the allowed number (4 trolleys) 20
4 Driving a vehicle without fire extinguisher 20
5 Driving a vehicle without yellow flasher 20
6 Driving a vehicle without phosphoric par on the supports 10
7 Driving a vehicle without "No Smoking" poster 10
8 Breaking the red sign 100
9 Not giving a priority to the aircraft traffic 100
10 Interrupting the aircraft taxiways without permission from the control tower. 100
11 Driving backward carrying heavy equipment without a guide 20
12 Not abiding by the ground lines significance 20
13 Carrying passengers more than the allowed number 20
14 Carrying equipment or cargo not properly fixed 50
15 sing the alarming signs and sounds without need and causing disturbance 20
16 Driving a vehicle without enough lights 20
17 Driving unclean vehicle that affects the vision and public safety 20
18 Driving a mechanically unfit vehicle 20
19 Driving a vehicle producing smokes and fumes that affect the public health 5
20 Driving a vehicle affected by accident without having a copy of the accident report 20
21 Driving a vehicle without obtaining the license necessary for driving 50
22 sing a vehicle or equipment for purposes not intended thereby 50
23 Passing behind the aircraft when in operation 50
24 Passing below the aircraft wings 50
25 Smoking in the airport area 50
26 Not wearing a phosphoric acket during work in the airport area 20
27 Not wearing an ear protector during work near aircraft 20
28 Executing the welding works or works producing sparks without having 100
a fire extinguisher on the site
29 orking on the site without providing the necessary barriers and guiding signs 50
30 Causing oil spills from the equipment, vehicles, or aircraft engine without Determined
according to damage,
taking the set procedures. not less than 100
31 orking in the airport area without obtaining the necessary license 20
32 Not wearing the (certified) uniform during work in the airport 20
33 Entering the restricted area outside the official work hours 20
34 Causing damage to the public properties in the airport Determined
according to damage
35 Throwing the wastes in the airport (lack of cleanness) 20
36 Delay in paying any due amount 100 per each day
37 Not abiding by the maintenance works (without the value of maintenance 50 per each day in case of
no maintenance:
works) maintenance value 15

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«  
The Directorate General of Civil ÷d w½b?*« Ê«dODK W?UF« …—«œû o×¹ U?L
Aviation shall be also entitled to impose
fines on the licensee who commits any new Í_ t?ÐUJ?ð—« b?MŽ t? hšd?*« v?KŽ  U???????«d??????ž
violations arising during the effective ¡UMŁ√ √dDð b hOšd²« ÂUJŠ_ …b¹bł  UHU
period thereof and not stated above. The
W«dG« t?O œb% Ê√Ë ÎUIÐUÝ dcð rË t½U¹d?Ý …d²
fine shall be determined according to the
type of violation provided that such fine ±∞∞® sŽ b?¹eð ô YO???×Ð W??H?U??<« Ÿu½ V???Š
shall not exceed (KD. 100) for each case, «e???²ô« t? hšd*« v?KŽË WU???Š q? sŽ ©„Æœ
and the licensee must abide by this.
The licensee shall, upon receiving the
notice of violation, pay the value —UFý≈ tö?²Ý« —u t hšd*« vKŽ Vłu²¹Ë
determined in the notice to the Contracts & —U?Fýù« w …œb?;« WL?OI« l?bÐ ÂUO?I« WHU?<UÐ
Tenders Section at the Financial Affairs
Department within a maximum period of WOU*« ÊËRA« …—«œSÐ  UB?UM*«Ë œuIF« r v≈
(5) working days from the date of notice a¹—U?ð s qL???Ž ÂU?¹√ ©μ® U¼U???B???√ …b??? ‰ö???š
without the need to prove the violation or
 U?³Ł≈ Ë√ W??HU?<«  U?³Łù W?łU??(« ÊËœ —U?F?ýù«
substantiate the damage, which shall be
deemed to have been actually sustained in ÆÎUF«Ë ‰«uŠ_« lOLł w d³²F¹ Íc« —dC«
all cases.

  w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Circular No. (109/ 2002) © Ø ±® r— rOLFð

General Restrictions on Operating Civil

Aircraft Flights For Training And V¹—b?²?«  ö?Š— qO?G?A??² W?U?F« j?Ыu?C«
Technical Testing Purposes Within The WO½b*«  «dzUDK wMH« h×H«  öŠ—Ë
Airspace of The State of Kuwait and —U?DË X?¹uJ?« WËb? Íu?????'« ‰U?????−????? w
Kuwait International Airport.
wËb« X¹uJ«
Following perusal of:
- Law No. (30) of year 1960 WM? ©≥∞® r— Êu?½U????I« vK?Ž ŸöÞù« b????FÐ
concerning issuing the Civil Aviation ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√ —«b SÐ ±π∂∞
Regulations, ±ππ∂ WM ©±∏® r— Í—«“u« —«d?I« vKŽË
- Ministerial Decree No. (18) of year
w½b?*« Ê«d???OD?« W???ö???Ý W???L?E½√ —«b??? ≈ ÊQ????AÐ
1996 concerning issuance of the Kuwaiti
Civil Aviation Safety Regulations and its
ÆUNðö¹bFðË WO²¹uJ«
amendments, W?Šö?*« W?d?Š r?OEMð t??O?C?²??I¹ U? v?KŽ ¡UMÐË
- And on account of the requirement of W?×?KB? t??O?C??²?Ið U??Ë X¹uJ« WËœ w W?¹u?'«
regulating the civil aviation traffic in the ¨wËb« X¹uJ« —UD w qLF«
State of Kuwait as well as the requirement
∫wK¹ U —dIð
of the work interest at Kuwait International
Airport,  «dzUÞ ◊u??³¼Ë qO??G?A?ðË Ÿö?SÐ Õd??B¹ ∫ôË√
The following has been decided: TRAINING® wKL??F« V¹—b?²?«  ö?Š—
First: Taking off, operating and landing wMH« h×H«  öŠ—Ë ©FLIGHTS
the aircraft for practical training and
‰ö????????????š ©TEST FLIGHTS® …d?zU??D?K?
technical testing flights is permitted
during the following two time periods WËb wK;« X?O?u?²UÐ 5²?OU?²?« 5ðd?²?H«
according to the State of Kuwait local ∫X¹uJ«
time: v≈ ∞≤∞∞ ∫W????ŽU????« s? ∫vË_« …d????²????H«
First period: From 2:00 hrs to 6:00 hrs
Æ∞∂∞∞ ∫WŽU«
Second period: From 14:00 hrs to
18:00 hrs. v≈ ±¥∞∞ ∫W???ŽU????« s ∫W???O½U???¦?« …d???²???H«
While observing prior coordination with Ʊ∏∞∞ ∫WŽU«
the concerned authorities at the Directorate W?OMF*«  U?N?'« l o³?*« oO?M²« …U?Ž«d? l
General of Civil Aviation regarding
Ác¼ qO?G?Að ÊQAÐ w½b?*« Ê«dODK W?U?F« …—«œùUÐ
operating such flights, at least 24 hours
prior to take off of practical training flights
Ÿö?≈ q?³? W?ŽU??Ý ≤¥ sŽ qIð ô …b0  ö??Šd«
and 8 hours prior to take off of technical ∏ sŽ q?Ið ô …b0Ë w?KL???F« V?¹—b???²«  ö???Š—
testing flights. ÆwMH« h×H«  öŠ— Ÿö≈ q³  UŽUÝ
Second: Take off, operating and landing  «dzUÞ ◊u?³?¼Ë qO?G?AðË Ÿö?≈ “u?−?¹ ô ∫ÎU?O½UŁ
the aircraft for practical training and
 ö????Š—Ë w?KL????F?« V¹—b????²?«  ö????Š—
technical testing flights is not
permitted outside the timings w WMO??³*«  U??Ë_« ×U??š wMH« h×??H«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

indicated in the two time periods Áö?Ž√ åôË√ò bM³« w 5ð—u?c*« 5ðd?²?H«
stated in Item "First" above, unless
…—«œù« s?Ž Ì—œU?????? `¹d??????B?ð Vłu?0 ô≈
upon a permit issued by the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation,
qG?A*« ÂUO? WD¹d?ý w½b*« Ê«d?ODK WU?F«
provided that the operator submits a  U½U?O?Ð UML?C??²? …—«œù« v≈ VKÞ .b??I?²Ð
request to the Directorate wL?????Ýd« «Ëb?«  U????Ë√ ‰ö?????š WK?Šd«
incorporating the flight details during wK;« XOu²UÐ ±≥∞∞ WŽU« q³ p–Ë
official business hours and before
13:00 hrs. local time, and at least 48
s W???ŽU??Ý ¥∏ sŽ q?Ið ô W??O?M“ …d??²???HÐË
hours prior to the flight take off time «c¼ vK?Ž ‰u??B??×K WK?Šd« ÂU??O?? b??Žu??
for obtaining such permit. Æ`¹dB²«
Third: Technical testing flights of the åU?O½UŁòË åôË√ò s¹bM³« w œ—Ë U2 vM?¦²?¹ ∫ÎU?¦UŁ
Amiri fleet aircraft are excluded from
Items "First" and "Second" above, as
 «dzU?D wMH?« h×??H?«  ö??Š— Áö???Ž√
they are allowed to take off, operate U?????N? Õd?????B¹ w?²« Íd?????O?????_« ‰u?DÝ_«
and land at any time provided that the XË Í√ w ◊u?³N«Ë qO?G?A²«Ë Ÿö?ùUÐ
operator coordinates beforehand with
oO?M²UÐ qGA?*« ÂUO? WD¹dý  U?Ë_« s
the concerned authorities at the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation W?U?F« …—«œùU?Ð W?OMF*«  U?N?'« l? o³?*«
regarding operating such flights at  öŠd« Ác¼ qOGAð ÊQAÐ w½b*« Ê«dODK
least two hours prior to flight take off
b?Žu? q³?? 5²?ŽU?Ý sŽ qIð ô W??OM“ …b0
Fourth: Operating the practical training ÆWKŠd« Ÿö≈
and technical testing flights shall be wKL?F« V?¹—b?²«  ö?Š— qO?G?A?ð ÊuJ¹ ∫ÎU?FЫ—
restricted to the Southern and Eastern
W?IDM*UÐ «œËb×? wMH« h×H«  ö?Š—Ë
zones within Kuwait airspace, which
are extending from KFR to SELEG Íu'« ‰U:« s WO?dA« WIDM*«Ë WOÐuM'«
points and at an altitude to be WDI½ v≈ KFR WDI?½ s …b??²??L*« w²?¹uJ«
determined in coordination with the
Civil Aviation Department at the
l oOM²UÐ Áb¹b?% r²¹ ŸUHð—UÐË SELEG
Directorate General of Civil Aviation. W?????U?????F?« …—«œùUÐ W?¹u?????'« W?????Šö*« …—«œ≈
As for operating the practical training  ö???Š— q?O???G???A?ð U???√ Æw½b?*« Ê«d???OD?K
flights within the perimeter of Kuwait
International Airport, this shall be X¹uJ« —UD jO?×? w wKLF« V¹—b?²«
restricted to the Western zone of the W?O?Ðd?G« W??IDM*UРΫœËb??×? ÊuJO?? wËb«
airport and at a radius not exceeding
‰UO√ ±∞ sŽ b¹e¹ ô dD nBMÐË —UDLK
10 miles and at an altitude not
exceeding 3000 feet, and this applies p–Ë Âb??? ≥∞∞∞ “ËU???−??²?¹ ô ŸU??H?ð—UÐË
to both runways 33L and 33R or Ë√ f?J?F?« Ë√ 33RË 33L 5?ł—b?*« ö?J?
vice-versa, or according to what the
air traffic controller deems
W¹u???'« W????d???(« V«d??? Á«d¹ U???? V???Š
appropriate. ÆÎU³ÝUM
Fifth: It is prohibited to operate practical

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

training flights within the perimeter wKLF« V¹—b?²«  öŠ— qOGAð dE×¹ ∫ÎU?Uš
of Kuwait International Airport
w? wËb?« X?¹uJ?« —UD? j?O??????×?????? w?
during bad weather conditions,
particularly when vision is less than 7
U?bMŽ ÎU? u?BšË W?¾?O?« W¹u?'« ·ËdE«
Kilometers or when clouds are less ŸU?Hð—« qI¹ U?bMŽ Ë√ r? ∑ sŽ W¹ƒd« qIð
than 3000 feet high from the ground Æ÷—_« `DÝ s Âb ≥∞∞∞ sŽ ÂuOG«
surface. s d??¦??√ Ë√ 5²KŠ— qO??G??Að “u?−?¹ ô ∫ÎU?ÝœU??Ý
Sixth: It is not permitted to operate two or
more practical training and/or
 ö?Š— Ë√ØË wK?L?F« V¹—b??²«  ö?Š—
technical testing flights at the same ÆbŠ«Ë ʬ w wMH« h×H«
time. wKL??F« V¹—b?²«  «dzU?Þ «ËbzU? ÊuJ¹ ∫ÎU??FÐU?Ý
Seventh: Pilots of the practical training sŽ 5?ËR????? wM?H« h×???H«  «d?zUÞË
and technical testing aircraft shall be
responsible for the following:
1- Abiding by the hours authorized for
qO?GA?² UNÐ Õd?B*« b?OŽ«u*UÐ b?OI?²« ≠ √
operating their flights. ÆrNðöŠ—
2- Adhering to the instructions and W?³?«d?  «œU?ý—«Ë  U?L?O?KFð ŸU?³ð« ≠ »
guidelines of air traffic control. ÆW¹u'« Wd(«
3- Avoiding dangerous approach to the s? dD?)« »«d????????²???????ô« ÍœU????????Hð ≠ ‡?ł
other aircraft.
ÆÈdš_«  «dzUD«
4- Avoiding carrying out dangerous
Æ…dDš  «—ËUM W¹QÐ ÂUOI« ÍœUHð ≠ œ
5- Avoiding flying close to prohibited w²?« oÞUM?*« s »«d???²???ô« ÍœU???H?ð ≠ ‡¼
zones. ÆUNO  «dzUD« oOK% dE×¹
6- Undertaking the required W?“ö« WOK?OG?A?²«  «¡«dłù« –U?ð« ≠ Ë
operational procedures to limit noise Ÿö????≈ ¡UMŁ√ Z?O???−????C« s? b???×?K
during aircraft take off and landing,
‰ö??š ÎU?? u???B??š …dzUD?« ◊u??³¼Ë
particularly during night time.
7- Assessing the prevailing weather
conditions to ensure flight safety. U0 bzU?« Íu'« fI?D« WUŠ d¹b?Ið ≠ “
Eighth: This Circular shall enter into ÆWKŠd« WöÝ l VÝUM²¹
force as on 1/8/2002, and the previous s «—U????³????²????Ž« r?O????L???F????²?« «c????NÐ qL????F?¹ ∫UM?UŁ
circulars issued by the Directorate W?I?ÐU?« rO??U?F?²?« wGKðË ¨≤∞∞≤Ø∏ر
General of Civil Aviation in this
w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W?UF« …—«œù« sŽ …—œU?B«
regard shall be annulled.
President of Civil Aviation
w½b*« Ê«dOD« fOz—

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

”œU« q‡BH«

W‡‡U‡‡‡)« W‡‡ O‡ U‡‡*« q‡‡zU‡‡*«

w‡½b‡*« Ê«d‡O‡ ‡DU‡Ð
Decree-Law No. (1) of Year 1989 ÊQý w ± WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd
Regarding Levying A Tax For rÝ— ÷d
Departing wËb« X¹uJ« —UD s …—œUG

From Kuwait International Airport

—œU???B« Íd???O??ô« d???ô« vK?Ž ŸöÞô« b???FÐ
Following perusal of: ≥ o«u*« ¨‡?¼ ±¥∞∂ WMÝ ‰«u??ý s ≤∑ a?¹—U??²Ð
- The Amiri Decree issued on 27th
Shawal 1406AH. corresponding to 3rd July
Ʊπ∏∂ WMÝ uOu¹ s
1986AD., ÊËR????????A? WËb?« d?¹“Ë ÷d????????Ž v?KŽ ¡U?M?ÐË
- And upon the proposal of the State
ÆWOU*« d¹“ËË  Ub)«
Minister of Services Affairs & Minister of
Finance, Æ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
- And following the approval of ∫tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« U½—b √
Council of Ministers,
We have promulgated the law which text ©±® …œU
reads as follows: —œU??G?¹ V«— q vK?Ž …—œU??G?? rÝ— ÷d???H¹
Article (1)
Each passenger leaving Kuwait  U????d????ý  «d?zUÞ v?KŽ wËb?« X¹u?J« —U?D
International Airport on board aircraft of s? Í√ vK?Ž Ë√ X¹u?J« w? WK?U?????F?« Ê«d?????OD?«
airline companies operating in Kuwait, or
on board any private aircraft or air taxis, an œb??×¹Ë Íu??'« w???U??²« Ë√ W?? U??)«  «d?zUD«
airport departure tax shall be levied, the Æ¡«—“u« fK− s —«dIÐ rÝd« «c¼ —«bI
amount of which shall be decided upon a
resolution by the Council of Ministers. ©≤® …œU
Article (2) …œU*« w? t???OK?Ž ’u???B?M*« rÝd?« s vH????F¹
The following categories shall be
∫WOU²«  U¾H« WIÐU«
exempted from the tax stated in the
previous Article: ÆÊuOLÝd« WËb« ·uO{ ≠ ±
A- Official guests of the State. ¨W???O???ÝU???uKÐb?« d???H???« ozUŁË W?KL???Š ≠ »
B- Holder of diplomatic travel
documents and diplomats accredited to the ÆX¹uJ« WËœ Èb ÊËbLF²*« ÊuOÝUuKÐb«Ë
State of Kuwait. Æ…dAŽ WO½U¦« sÝ ÊËœ ‰UHÞô« ≠ ‡ł
C- Children under twelve years of age.
 UDK?« s d??Q?Ð ÊËb??F??³*«Ë Êu?KŠd*« ≠ œ
D- Persons extradited and deported
upon orders from the competent authorities. ÆWB²<«
Other categories may be exempted of the iFÐ ¡UH?Ž√ ¡«—“u« fK− s —«d?IÐ “u−¹Ë
tax upon a resolution by the Council of
ÆrÝd« s Èdš_«  U¾H«
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
The State Minister of Services Affairs,
‚UHðôUÐ  Ub?)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë —bB¹
in coordination with the Minister of
Finance, shall issue a resolution indicating rÝd?« qO??B???% ÂUE½ 5?³¹ «—«d?? W???OU*« d?¹“Ë l
the way of collecting the tax stipulated in ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ w tOKŽ ’uBM*«
this law.
Article (4) ©¥® …œU
The Prime Minister and all the ministers, U?????L?????O????? q ≠ ¡«—“u?«Ë ¡«—“u« f?Oz— v?KŽ

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

each in his respective jurisdiction, must …b¹d??'« w d?AM¹Ë Êu½U??I« «c¼ c?O??HMð ≠ t?B??¹
implement this law. It is to be published in
the official gazette, and shall enter into WMÝ q¹d?Ы ‰Ë√ s «—U?³??²??Ž« tÐ qL??F¹Ë W??O?L??Ýd«
force as of 1st April 1989AD. Ʊπ∏π
Amir of Kuwait X¹uJ« dO√
Jaber Al-Ahmed bLŠ_« dÐUł
Prime Minister
 Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
State Minister of Services Affairs
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Minister of Finance ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ

Issued at the Sief Palace on: 7th Jumada II, 1409AH.

Corresponding to : 14th January 1989AD. WOU*« d¹“Ë

‡¼±¥∞π …dšü« ÈœULł ∑ ∫w nO« dBIÐ —b

±π∏π d¹UM¹ ±¥ ∫ o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Explanatory Memorandum WOŠUC¹« …dc
Of Decree-Law No. (1) of Year 1989
w ± WM ± r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝdLK
Regarding Levying A Tax For
Departing rÝ— ÊQý
Kuwait International Airport wËb« X¹uJ« —UD s …—œUG

One of the main principles agreed upon

W??L?EM U???Nðd??« w?²« W??O???ÝU??Ýô« ΔœU???³*« s
by the International Civil Aviation
Organization is that every State has the ÷d????? w? ‰Ëb« o?Š wËb?« w½b?*« Ê«d?????OD?«
right to levy the proper taxes for the U¼d?uð w²«  Ub?)« qÐU?I w W?³ÝUM*« Âu?Ýd«
services rendered at their international U¼e?????O?????N????& o?¹dÞ s?Ž W?????OËb« U?????N?ð«—UD? w
airports for the necessary facilities provided
¡«u?Ý Wd?(« obð WuN? W?“ö«  öO?N?²UÐ
to facilitate the flow of aircraft and
passengers. In pursuance of this principle, «c?N U??I?O?³D?ðË Æs¹d?U?*« Ë«  «d?zUDK W?³??MUÐ
most countries have levied an airport …—œUG rÝ— ÷dHÐ ‰Ëb« WO³Už XU bI √b³*«
departure tax on the leaving their UNCFÐ Ê« qÐ W?OËb« UNð«—UD s s¹dU*« vKŽ
international airports. Some of these
rÝ— V?½U???ł v?≈ U???C¹« ‰u???? Ë Âu???Ý— ÷d????
countries further levy arrival tax in addition
to the departure tax. Since the services and w  ö?O?N??²«Ë  U?b?)« Ê« YO?ŠË Æ…—œU?G*«
facilities rendered at Kuwait International w¼Ë ‰U??Ž Èu??²?????  «– wËb« X¹uJ?« —UD
Airport are of a high standard and based on «c¼ w W???OMIð s r?U??F« t??O≈ q? uð U?? Àb??Š«
a state-of-the-art world class technology, it
vK?Ž …—œU???G???? rÝ— ÷d???? ȃ— b???I???? ‰U???:«
has been decided to levy a departure tax on
the passengers departing Kuwait iFÐ WODG² wËb« X¹uJ« —UD s s¹dU*«
International Airport in order to cover some qOG?A² WOU? ¡U³Ž√ s …—«œô« WO½«e?O tKL×?²ð U
of the financial burdens of the Directorate U?N²½U?O Ë  U?b?)«Ë  öO?N?²« Ác¼  «e?ON?&
budget to operate, maintain and develop
such facilities and services.
For this purpose, the attached Âu??Ýd*« b???Ž« b??I?? ÷d??G?« «c??N U??I???O??I??%Ë
Decree-law has been prepared where the √b³? tM vË_« …œU*«  —d bË o?«d*« Êu½UIUÐ
first article established the principle of —UD —œU?G?¹ V«— q qŽ t?{d?Ë r?Ýd« ¡U?A½√
levying and charging the tax on every
V«d?« Ê√ ÊU???O???³« s?Ž wMžË ¨w?Ëb« X¹u?J«
passenger leaving Kuwait International
Airport. It is noteworthy to mention that the …d??cð qL??×¹ ÊU?? ¡«u?Ý rÝd?« «c¼ ¡«œQÐ Âe??²K¹
passenger shall pay this tax whether he/she Ë√ W?C??H??? Ë√ qUJUÐ W??L?O??I« W?Žu??b? d??H?Ý
holds a full fare, discounted or free tickets. œ«d???√ vK?Ž o³D¹ ô r?Ýd« «c¼ s?JË W???O½U???−???
However, this tax shall not apply to the
»U?d?? s¹d??U??? «u½U? «–≈ ô≈  «dzU?D« rIÞ√
flight crews unless traveling as ordinary
passengers and not on duty. It does not also vKŽ  U??³??ł«Ë W¹√ W¹œQ??²?Ð 5HKJ d??O??žË 5¹œU??Ž
apply to transit passengers whether the vKŽ UC¹√ o?³D¹ ô UL ¨U?NOKŽ s¹dU?*« WKŠd«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
transit is direct or indirect. The departure wËb« X¹uJ« —U?D* s¹dÐU?F« X¹e½«d?²« »U?—
tax applies to passengers traveling on board
d³?²F¹Ë ¨d?ýU³? dO?ž Ë√ «dýU?³ —u?³F« ÊU? ¡«uÝ
private aircraft whether owned to
individuals or to companies and to air taxi …—œU??G*« rÝ— W?¹œQð rN??OKŽ Vł«u?« »U??d« s
passengers. Since this is a service tax, it has X½U?? ¡«u??Ý W? U??)«  «dzU?D« vKŽ s¹d??U??*«
been decided to establish this tax by virtue UNb?²ð  UdA Ë√ œ«d?ô …dzUD« Ác¼ WOJK
of a law while the amount shall be decided
 «dzUÞ »U??— pc??Ë ¨W?? U??)« U??N??{«d??žô
upon a resolution by the Council of
Ministers. rÝ— r?Ýd« «c¼ —U????³???²???ŽUÐË Íu????'« w???U????²«
The second article of the law determined w rÝd« ¡U??A½UÐ ¡U??H?²??ô« ȃ— b?I??  U?b??š
the categories to be exempted of the s —«dIÐ p– b?FÐ Á—«bI œb?×¹ Ê√ vKŽ Êu½UI«
departure tax: the official guests of the
Æ¡«—“u« fK−
State, the holders of diplomatic travel
documents and diplomats accredited to the vHFð w²«  U¾H« v?KŽ WO½U¦« …œU*« XB½ bË
State Kuwait, children under twelve years W?Ëb« ·u?????O?????{ r?¼Ë …—œU?????G*« r?Ý— W¹œQ?ð s
of age and persons extradited and deported W??O?ÝU??uKÐb« d??H??« ozUŁË WKL??ŠË Êu??O?L??Ýd«
upon orders from the competent authorities.
¨X¹uJ« WËœ Èb ÊËb?L?²?F*« ÊuO?ÝU?uKÐb«Ë
The second paragraph of this article
stated that other categories may be ÊuK?Šd*«Ë d???A????Ž W???O½U????¦« sÝ ÊËœ ‰U????HÞô«Ë
exempted of the tax upon a resolution by ÆWB²<«  UDK« s dQÐ ÊËbF³*«Ë
the Council of Ministers. fK: …œU*« Ác¼ s? W?O½U?¦« …d?I?H«  “U?ł«Ë
The third article of the law stated that the
s Èd?š_«  U¾H« i?FÐ ¡UHŽ√ —d?I¹ Ê√ ¡«—“u«
State Minister of Services Affairs, in
coordination with the Minister of Finance, ÆrÝd«
shall issue a resolution indicating the way d¹“Ë —b?????B¹ Ê√ v?KŽ W????¦?U????¦?« …œU*« X?B½Ë
of collecting the tax stipulated in in the law. d¹“Ë l? ‚U??H?ðôUÐ ≠  U???b??)« ÊËR???A W?Ëb«
In implementation of the third article of
the Decree-Law, this tax shall be collected
w U0 rÝd?« «c¼ qO?B??% ÂUE½ 5³¹ «—«d?? WËb«
as of 1st April 1989, which is the date this ÆtKOBײРÂuIð w²«  UN'« p–
Law will enter into force. √b³¹ Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*« s W¦U¦« …œULK UIO³DðË
WMÝ q?¹dÐ√ ‰Ë√ s «—U??³??²??Ž√ rÝd?« «c¼ qO??B??%
ÆÊu½UIUÐ qLF« a¹—Uð u¼Ë ±π∏π

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

The Civil Service Council Decision No.(2) ± WM ©® r— WO½b*« W b)« fK —«d
of Year 1992
Concerning The Regulation of Travel ‰UI²½ô« UËdB Ë dH« UIH½ W×zô ÊQAÐ
Per Diem And Transportation Expenses

The Civil Service Council WO½b*« Wb)« fK−

- Following perusal of Articles 12, 14 and s? ±π ¨±¥ ¨±≤ œ«u*« v?K?Ž ŸöÞô« b??????F?Ð ≠
19 of the Decree-Law No. (15) of Year w ±π∑π WM? ©±μ® r— Êu½U??IUÐ Âu??Ýd*«
1979 regarding the Civil Service and its
Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WO½b*« Wb)« ÊQý
amending Laws,
- Articles 7 and 83 of the Decree issued w —œU??B« Âu?Ýd*« s ∏≥[∑ 5?ðœU*« vKŽË ≠
on 7th Jumada I, 1399AH. ¥ o«u?*« ‡¼±≥ππ W?MÝ v?Ë_« ÈœU????L?????ł ∑
corresponding to 4th April 1979AD. W?????b?????)« ÂU?E½ ÊQ?????ý w? ±π∑π WM?Ý q¹d?Ð√
regarding the Civil Service System, and
- The Decisions of the Civil Service
Council No. (8) of Year 1979 about the r— W??O?½b*« W??b??)« fK−??  «—«d??? vKŽË ≠
Regulation of Travel Per Diem and d?H??«  U?I?H½ W?×zô ÊQ??AÐ ±π∑π WM ©∏®
Transportation Expenses, No. (8) of ¨±π∏∞ WM? ©∏® ¨ ‰U?I??²½ô«  U??Ëd?B??Ë
Year 1980 and No. (3) of Year 1988
about Amending Some of the Provisions
ÂUJŠ√ i?FÐ q¹b???Fð ÊQ??AÐ ±π∏∏ W?M ©≥®
of this Regulation, ÆW×zö« Ác¼
- And pursuant to the Decision of the W???O½b*« W???b??)« f?K−??? Á—d?? U??? vKŽ ¡U?MÐË ≠
Civil Service Council in its Session No.
a?¹—U??????²?Ð …b??????I??????F?M*« ©π≤Ø¥® t???????²???????K−?Ð
(4/92) held on 3/6/1992 regarding the
Travel Per Diem and Transportation
d??????H???????«  U???????I??????H?½ ÊQ??????A?Ð ±ππ≤Ø∂Ø≥
Expenses. ƉUI²½ô«  UËdBË
It Has Been Decided: —d‡‡‡
First Chapter ‰Ë_« »U³«
Travel Costs dH« UIH½ w
Article (1) ©±® …œU
An employee commissioned to carry out
a mission outside the country, shall be ×U??š W??L??N0 n?KJ¹ Íc« nþu?*« o×??²??¹
entitled to per diem to cover the
qQ?*«Ë XO????³*« —u???ł√ q?L???A?ð  U???I????H½ œö????³«
accommodation, food and local
transportation expenses as follows: ≠∫wU²U WOK;«  ôUI²½ô«Ë
- 150 Dinars daily for the employees
within the group holding leadership
W?Žu?L??−? wKžU?A W??³?MUÐ U?O??u¹ —UM¹œ ±μ∞ ≠
positions. ÆW¹œUOI« nzUþu«
- 120 Dinars daily for the employees
 U?ŽuL?− wK?žUA W?³M?UÐ UO?u¹ —UM¹œ ±≤∞ ≠
within the groups holding other
positions. ÆÈdšô« nzUþu«

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (2) ©≤® …œU
An employee commissioned to carry out
a mission outside the country, shall be
œö??³« ×U??š W??L??N?0 nKJ¹ Íc« n?þu??LK
entitled to the travel per diem stated in the ÂU¹√ sŽ W??IÐU???« …œU?L?K d??H??Ý  U??I?H?½ w o(«
previous Article for the days attended at the v≈ tM …œuF«Ë UNzb³ œb?;« WLN*« dI* »U¼c«
venue of the mission and his return to his
workplace provided that it does not exceed: ∫“ËU−¹ ô U p–Ë UNzUN²½« bFÐ tKLŽ dI
A- Two-day travel per diem if the mission W?L??N*« d?I?? ÊU? «–≈ 5u¹ sŽ d??H?Ý  U?I??H½ ©√®
assigned is to any Arabian or European ¨W???????O?Ðd???????F« ‰Ëb?« Èb???????Š« U???????N?Ð n?KJ?*«
countries, Iran, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Thailand,
¨ÊU²UÐ ¨bMN« ¨Ê«d¹≈ ¨UOdð ¨WOÐË—Ëô«Ë
Singapore, Malaysia and Sri Lanka. ¨Á—uUGMÝ ¨b½ö¹Uð ¨g¹œö−MÐ ¨ÊU²½UG«
B- Four-day travel per diem if the mission ÆUJ½ö¹dOÝ ¨U¹eOU
assigned is to any country other than
d??I?? ÊU?? «–≈ ÂU¹« W??FЗ« sŽ d??H??Ý  U??I??H½ ©»®
those mentioned in Item (A) of this
article. w …œ—«u« ‰Ëb« d??O?ž w U??NÐ nKJ*« W??L?N*«
Article (3) Æ…œU*« Ác¼ s ©√® bM³«
The travel per diem stated in the two
previous Articles shall be reduced by one
©≥® …œU
fourth percent after Thirty days from its due 5ðœU*« w U?NO≈ —U?A*« d?H«  U?IH½ iH?ð
date, and by the same percentage after a¹—Uð s U?u¹ 5ŁöŁ bFÐ lÐd« —«b?I0 5²IÐU?«
Ninety days from the end of the first period.
…b*« ¡UN?²½« s Uu¹ 5Fð bFÐ tK¦?0Ë UNUI?ײݫ
If the assignment includes successive
missions and in different countries, each of ÆvËô«
them shall be considered separate when œöÐ wË WI?Šö²  U?LN0 nOKJ²« ÊU? «–S
applying the provision of the previous
oO?³Dð w WKI?²?? UNM q? —U³?²?Ž« “U?ł WHK²??
Paragraph, provided that same is to be
mentioned in the assignment letter. —«d w pc —U?A¹ Ê« vKŽ WIÐU« …d?IH« rJŠ
Article (4) ÆnOKJ²«
The travel per diem payable to the
©¥® …œU
employee shall be reduced by whatever is
paid to him in any form from any nþu?LK WI?ײ*« d?H«  U?IH½ s rB?¹
governmental or non- governmental W?OuJŠ W?N?ł Í« s …—u W?¹« w t ·dB¹ U?
authority whether internal or external
toward the same mission he is entrusted
WL?N*« sŽ ×U)« Ë√ qš«b« w W?OuJŠ d?Ož Ë√
with. Such deduction shall be within the w²?« œËb?????(« w r?B????)« Êu?J¹Ë U?????N?Ð nK?J*«
limits decided by the competent Minister, nB½ vKŽ b¹e¹ ô YO×Ð h²<« d¹“u« U¼—dI¹
provided that the deduction does not exceed
half of the travel per diem payable to the ÆnþuLK WIײ*« dH«  UIH½
employee. ©μ® …œU
Article (5)
W?OU*«  U?B?B?<« s W?³?½ rB?š “u?−¹ ô
It is not permitted to effect deduction
from the cash per diem in case of full q³??? s? WKU?J« W???U???O???C« W?U???Š w
hospitality by the hosting country. ÆWHOC*« WËb«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Article (6) ©∂® …œU
Upon the approval of the competent
Minister, it is permitted to disburse the
 U?I?H½ ·d? h²?<« d?¹“u« W?I?«u0 “u?−¹
travel allowance due by virtue of this Ê« vKŽ UbI —«dI« «c¼ Vłu0 W?Iײ*« dH«
Decision in advance, provided that the ÆWLN*« W¹UN½ w Èuð
same is settled at the end of the mission.

Second Chapter w½U¦« »U³«

Transportation Expenses
‰UI²½ô« UËdB w
Article (7)
The transportation (travel) of the ©∑® …œU
employees when commissioned to missions rN??H?OKJð bM?Ž 5Hþu*« åd?H??Ýò ‰U?I??²½« ÊuJ¹
outside the country, shall be at the expense
w W??uJ?(« W??I??H½ wKŽ œö??³?« ×U??š  U??L??N0
of the Government through the different
means of transportations as follows: ≠∫p–Ë WHK²<« ‰UI²½ô« qzUÝË
A- In First Class for the following ≠∫WOðô«  U¾HK W³MUÐ vË_« Wł—bUÐ ©√®
Ë« d¹“Ë W??ÝUzdÐ ÊuJ?¹ Íc« b?u?« ¡U?C??Ž√ ≠
- Members of a delegation headed by a
Minister or a Ministry Undersecretary. Æ…—«“Ë qOË WÝUzdÐ
- The employees holding positions in ÆW¹œUOI« nzUþu« WŽuL− uKžUý ≠
the leadership group.
WŽuL−? s å√ò ¨ å»ò 5²ł—b« «uKžUý ≠
- The employees holding the grades (b)
and (a) of the public jobs group. ÆWUF« nzUþu«
- Department directors and those in ÆrNLJŠ w sË  «—«œô« Ëd¹b ≠
their level. W??³???MU?Ð W??O???ŠU??O???« Ë√ W??O½U???¦« W???ł—bUÐ ©»®
B- In Second or Economy Class for the
employees who do not fall under the  U????¾?????H« w? ÊuK?šb¹ ô s¹c?« 5H?þu????L?K
categories specified in the previous Item (A). ÆoÐU« ©√® bM³« w …œ—«u«
Article (8)
©∏® …œU
The senior officer commissioned with an
official mission outside the country, WOLÝ— WL?N0 nKJ*« ÍœUOI« nþu*« oײ¹
whether alone or part of an official b??Ë W??I??dÐ Ë√ Áœd??H? ÊU?? «¡«u??Ý œö??³« ×U??š
delegation, shall be entitled to (KD. 100) wULł« sŽ —UM¹œ WzU jIò ©„Æœ ±∞∞® wLÝ—
One Hundred Kuwaiti Dinars only for the
whole period of the official mission to  UËdB W¹« WNł«u* p–Ë W?OLÝd« WLN*« …b
cover any other expenses. ÆÈdš√
Article (9)
©π® …œU
An employee commissioned with an
official mission outside the country, may be w W??O??L?Ý— W??L??N0 nK?J*« nþu??LK “u??−¹
accompanied by his wife if the mission's WL?N*« …b  œ«“ «–≈ t?²łË“ V×DB?¹ Ê« ×U)«
period exceeds Thirty days. In this case, the
nþu*« W??łË“ d??H??Ý ÊuJ¹Ë ¨U??u¹ 5Łö?Ł vKŽ
travel expenses of the wife shall be borne
by the Government and on the travel fair W???ł—bUÐË W???u?J(« W???I??H?½ vKŽ W?U??(« Ác?¼ w
determined for that employee. Æt Á—dI*«

± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (10) ©±∞® …œU
The Government shall not bear the
charges for transporting the employee's
nþu*« W?F?²« q?I½ —uł« W?uJ(« qL?×?²ð ô
personal excess luggage unless the V«dK tÐ Õu?L*« Ê“u« sŽ …bz«e« W?OB?A«
mission's period exceeds Thirty days, in …œb?????;« …b?*« X½U?????? «–≈ ô≈ qI?M« W?KO?????ÝË w?
this case the Government shall bear the cost
WU??(« Ác¼ wË U??u¹ 5Łö?Ł vKŽ b¹eð W??L??N??LK
of transporting such luggage provided that
the excess weight does not exceed half of p–Ë ¨W?F²?ô« Ác¼ qI½ —uł√ W?uJ(« qL×?²ð
the allowed weight. The Government shall U??L? t?Ð Õu?L??*« Ê“u« nB?½ qI½ “ËU??−¹ ô U0
also bear the cost of transporting the
W?F?²?ô«Ë ‚«—Ëô« qI½  U?I?H½ W??uJ(« qL?×?²ð
official papers and luggage.
Article (11) ÆWOuJ(«
The travel of the employees ©±±® …œU
commissioned with official missions
5?HK?J*« 5?Hþu?*« ‰U??????I?????²?½« ÊuJ?¹ Ê« V−?¹
outside the country, the delegates for study
or education leaves, those availing regular Ë√  U???¦??FÐ w? s¹b???u*«Ë ×U??)« w?  U??L???N0
leaves or for medical treatment abroad, and Ë√ W¹—Ëœ  «“U??łUÐ 5?LzU??I«Ë W??O??Ý«—œ  «“U??ł«
those contracted at the beginning and end
b?U?F?²« ¡bÐ bMŽ s¹b?U?F?²*«Ë ×U?)« w Ãö?FK
of the contract, must use the aircraft of
Kuwait Airways Corporation or with its W¹u'« ◊uD)« W?ÝR  «dzUÞ vKŽ t?²¹UN½ wË
knowledge, if could not accommodate Æp– —cFð Ê√ UN²dF0 Ë√ WO²¹uJ«
©±≤® …œU
Article (12)
The travel per diem and transportation  U??Ëd?B??Ë d??H??«  U??I?H½ w? dEM« œU??F¹
expenses shall re-examined on annual basis. ÆU¹uMÝ ‰UI²½ô«
Article (13)
©±≥® …œU
The provisions of this Regulation shall
enter into force as of the date they are a?¹—U?ð s W????????×?zö?« Ác?¼ ÂU?J?ŠUÐ q?L????????F?¹
issued. Any provision in conflict with these l? ÷—U???????F???????²¹ r?J?Š q v?G?K¹Ë U?¼—Ëb???????
provisions shall be annulled. And it must be ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAMðË ¨UNUJŠ«
published in the official gazette.

Chairman of Civil Service Council (Acting) åWÐUOMUÐò WO½b*« Wb)« fK− fOz—
Minister of State for Council of Ministers Affairs
¡«—“u« fK− ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë
Issued on: 11th Muharam 1413AH.
Corresponding to: 12th July 1992AD. ‡¼±¥±≥ Âd× ±± ∫ w —b
±ππ≤ uOu¹ ±≤ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Ministerial Resolution No. (10/ 98) ©ر® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Adding The Tax To The Travel
dH« …dcð WLO vKŽ …—œUG*« rÝ— WU{« ÊQý w
Ticket alue

Following perusal of: ©±® r— Êu?½U???IÐ Âu???Ýd?*« vKŽ Ÿö?Þô« b???FÐ ≠
- Decree-Law No. (1) of Year 1989
concerning Levying Tax for departing s …—œU?G? rÝ— ÷d? ÊQ??ý w ±π∏π WM
Kuwait International Airport, ¨wËb« X¹uJ« —UD
- The Amiri Decree issued on 12th ±≤ a¹—U??²?Ð —œU??B« Íd??O??_« Âu??Ýd?*« vKŽË ≠
August 1989 regarding the jurisdictions of
the State Minister of Services Affairs.
d¹“Ë  U? U?B²?š« ÊQ?ý w ±π∏π fD?ž«
- The Council of Ministers Resolution Æ Ub)« Êu¾A WËb«
No. (38/3) of Year 1989 concerning ©≥Ø≥∏® r?— ¡«—“u« f?K−????? —«d????? v?KŽË ≠
Determining The Tax for Departing Kuwait
s …—œU?G*« rÝ— b¹b??% ÊQ?ý w ±π∏π WM
International Airport, and
- Upon the proposal of the Chairman ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD
of Committee formulated pursuant to the U??I??³Þ WKJA*« W?M−K« fO?z— ÷d?Ž vK?Ž ¡UMÐË ≠
Ministerial Resolution No. (5/89) to
ÂU?E½ l?{u ©∏πØμ® r?— Í—«“u« —«d??????IK?
Establish A Precise and Simple System to
Collect The Departure Tax from those …—œU????G*« rÝ— q?O???B????×???²? j????³???Ë oO????œ
traveling from Kuwait International ÆwËb « X¹uJ« —UD s s¹dULK
It Has Been Decided:
Article (1) ©±® …œU
A departure tax shall be collected by the  U????d????ý WDÝ«u?Ð …—œU????G*« Âu????Ý— qB????%
airline companies and the travel & tourism
offices from the passengers at the time »U?d« s? W?ŠU?O?«Ë d??H?« VðUJË Ê«d??OD«
when buying their travel tickets by adding rÝd« WU{« o¹dÞ sŽ dH« d«cð rNz«dý bMŽ
the tax to the travel ticket value. The airline
companies shall be accounted at the end of
 U?dý W?³?ÝU×? r²ðË ¨d?H« …d?cð W?LO? v≈
each month according to the following ∫WOU²« fÝö UIË dNý q W¹UN½ w Ê«dOD«
Vłu0 œ«b???« W??I??×?²???*« Âu??Ýd« b¹b??% ≠ ±
1- The tax due for payment shall be
determined according to the passengers' b?F*« ÖuLM?«Ë WKŠ— qJ »Ud« X?O?UM
manifest of each flight and through the ÊU?O??³ w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U?F« …—«œù« q³?? s
form prepared by the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation to identify the b?F?Ð Âu?Ýd« lœ s? 5M¦?²??*« »U?d?« œb?Ž
number of passengers exempted from W?OM?F*« Ê«d?OD« W??d?ý q¦2 q³?? s ÁœU?L??²?Ž«
the paying the tax, after being endorsed
by the representative of the concerned oO???b??²?Ð ÂU?? Íc?« w½b*« Ê«d???OD« nþu???Ë
airline company and the civil aviation ÆXOUM*«
officer who had examined the manifest.
rz«u?? w½b*« Ê«d?ODK? W?U?F« …—«œù« —b??Bð ≠ ≤
2- The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation shall issue lists to collect the q Èb W?I?×?²?*« …—œU??G*« Âu?Ý— qO?B?×?²

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

departure tax due from each airline œbð Ê√ vK?Ž dNý q W¹U?N½ w Ê«dOÞ W?dý
company at the end of each month,
…b??? ‰ö??š rz«u???I« Ác?¼ Ê«d??O?D«  U??d???ý
provided that the airline companies must
settle these lists within a maximum U???N??ö???²???Ý« a¹—Uð s U???u¹ ©±μ® U?¼U??B???«
period of (15) days from the date they ÆW³UDLK
receive such claim.
5O?ÝU?uKÐbK W?³?MUÐ ¡U?HŽô« —U?O?F? ÊuJ¹ ≠ ≥
3- The exemption standard for the
diplomats shall be the diplomatic W???UD³?« Ë« W??O???ÝU???uKÐb?« d??H???«  «“«u???ł
passports and the red or blue personal sŽ 5ð—œU?B« ¡U?—e« Ë√ ¡«dL?(« W?O?B?A«
identification cards issued by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs specifically pK« ¡U?CŽô 5²?B?B<« W?Oł—U?)« …—«“Ë
for the diplomatic corps members ¨X¹uJ« W?Ëœ Èb s¹b?L??²?F*« wÝU??uKÐb«
accredited to the State of Kuwait. As for
¨5O????L????Ýd« W?Ëb« ·u????O????C W????³????M?UÐË
the official guests to the State, the
official letters issued by the Amiri Ê«u¹b?« sŽ …—œU????B« W????O???L????Ýd«  UÐU?D)«
Diwan, the Diwan of His Highness the Ë« b????N????F« w?Ë u????L????Ý Ê«u¹œ Ë« Íd????O????_«
Crown Prince or by the concerned
Ministries of the State addressed to the Ê«d?OD«  U?d?A WËb?« w W?OMF*«  «—«“u«
concerned airline companies. ÆWOMF*«
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
The Director General of the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation must issue the rOU?F²« —«b? « w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂU?Ž d¹b vKŽ
necessary circulars to implement this Æ—«dI« «c¼ oO³D² W“ö«

State Minister for Services Affairs  Ub)« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“Ë

‡¼±¥∞π Vł— ±∂ ∫w X¹uJ«
Kuwait on: 16th Rajab 1409AH. ±π∏π d¹«d³ ≤≤
Corresponding to: 22nd February 1989AD.

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Ministerial Resolution No. (1/98) ± WM ©ر® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
of Year 1998
w½b*« Ê«dOD« fOz— i¹uHð ÊQý w
The President to Civil Aviation and
Director General of Civil Aviation vKŽ lOu²UÐ w½b*« Ê«dOD« ÂUŽ d¹b Ë
Authori ation to Imfase The Fubes U «dG«

Following perusal of:

1- Decree-law No. (31) of Year 1987 ©≥±® r— Êu½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« b?FÐ ≠
regarding Regulating The Air-Transport q?IM?« ‚u??????Ý rO?EM?ð ÊQ??????ý w ±π∏∑ W?M?
Market in Kuwait,
ÆX¹uJ« w Íu'«
2- The Amiri Decree issued on 16th July
1990 concerning the Jurisdictions of the ±∂ a¹—U??²?Ð —œU??B« Íd??O??_« Âu??Ýd?*« vKŽË ≠
Minister of Communications, d¹“Ë  U??? U??B??²???š≈ ÊQ??ý w ±ππ∞ u???Ou¹
3- The Amiri Decree No. (15) of Year Æ ö «u*«
1979 regarding the Civil Service Law,
and ±π∑π WM ±μ r?— Íd?O??_« Âu??Ýd*« vKŽË ≠
4- The Ministerial Resolution No. (11/87) ÆWO½b*« Wb)« Êu½U ÊQý w
of year 1987, W?M? ©∏∑ر±® r— Í—«“u?« —«d?????I?« vK?ŽË ≠
e Have Decided As Follows:
Article (1) wðü« U½—d
The President of Civil Aviation and ©±® …œU‡‡
Director General of Civil Aviation shall be
ÂU??Ž d?¹b??Ë w½b*« Ê«d???OD« fOz— ÷u???H¹ ≠
authorized to impose the fines stated in
Articles (13), (14), (15) and (16) of Law ’uBM*«  U«dG« vKŽ l?Ou²UÐ w½b*« Ê«dOD«
No. (31) of Year 1987 indicated herein. s ©±∂® ¨©±μ® ¨©±¥® ¨©±≥® œ«u*« w UNOKŽ
ÆtO≈ —UA*« ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½UI«
Article (2)
The Ministerial Resolution No. (11/87) ©≤® …œU‡‡
of year 1987 shall be annulled. ∏∑Ø® r— Í—«“u?« —«d???IU?Ð qL????F« wG?K¹ ≠
Ʊπ∏∑ WM ©±±
Article (3)
This Resolution shall enter into force as ©≥® …œU‡‡
of the date of it is published in the official w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž« —«dI« «cNÐ qLF¹ ≠
gazette. ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'«
Minister of Communications Minister
of Electricity ater ¡U*«Ë ¡UÐdNJ« d¹“ËË  ö«u*« d¹“Ë

Issued on: 7th Ramadan 1418AH.

Corresponding to: 5th January 1998AD.
‡¼±¥±∏ ÊUC— ∑ ∫w —b
±ππ∏ d¹UM¹ μ ∫o«u*«

μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of Year  WM ©±¥® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Regarding The Fees For The Service …—«œù« UN bIð w²« U b)« qÐUI ÊQAÐ
Provided By The Directorate General of «dzUDK w½b*« Ê«dODK W UF«
Civil Aviation To The Aircraft And
Airlines Companies As ell As The Èdš_« U b)«Ë Ê«dOD« UdýË
other Services Associated And UN WKLJ*«Ë UNÐ WD³ðd*«
Complementary Thereto

Minister of Finance And Minister of  ö«u*« d¹“ËË WOU*« d¹“Ë

Following perusal of the following Laws r?O???????Ý«d*«Ë 5?½«u???????I« v?K?Ž ŸöÞô« b???????F?Ð
and Decrees: ≠∫WOU²«
- Law No. (30) of year 1960 concerning
Issuance of Regulations of Civil ÊQ???????ý w? ±π∂∞ WM?? ©≥∞® r?— Êu½U???????I?« ≠
Air-Navigation, ÆWO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√ —«b ≈
- The Decree issued on 24th October
1963 on the Formation And Jurisdictions
±π∂≥ dÐu???²???« ≤¥ a¹—U???²Ð —œU???B« Âu???Ýd*« ≠
of the Supreme Council for Civil vK?Ž_« fK:«  U???? U???B???²???š«Ë q?OJA????²Ð
Aviation, and its amending Decrees
issued on (20th November 1966, 13th
…—œU?B?« t Wb?F*« rO??Ý«d*«Ë w½b*« Ê«d??ODK
April 1975, 27th March 1979 and 10th ¨±π∑μ q¹dÐ√ ±≥ ¨±π∂∂ d?³??L?u½ ≤∞® w
November 1986),
Æ©±π∏∂ d³Lu½ ±∞ Ë ±π∑π ”—U ≤∑
- The Decree issued on 7th January 1979
and the Decree issued on 12th August ¨±π∑π d?¹UM?¹ ∑ a¹—U??????²Ð —œU??????B« Âu?????Ýd?*« ≠
1986 regarding The Jurisdiction of The
±π∏∂ fDž√ ±≤ a¹—U?²Ð —œUB« ÂuÝd*«Ë
Ministry of Communications, and
- The Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987 Æ ö «u*« …—«“Ë  U UB²š« ÊQý w
concerning Regulating the Air-Transport ÊQý w ±π∏∑ WM ≥± r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*« ≠
Market in the State of Kuwait.
And after perusal of the following ÆX¹uJ« WËœ w Íu'« qIM« ‚uÝ rOEMð
Ministerial Resolutions: ≠∫WOU²« W¹—«“u«  «—«dI« vKŽË
- Resolution No. (1) of year 1976 on
qÐU?I b¹b?ײР±π∑∂ WM ©±® r— —«d?I« ≠
Determining the Fees for The Services
Provided by Kuwait International X¹u?J« —UD? U???N???b???I¹ w²?«  U???b???)«
Airport to the aircraft, Æ «dzUDK wËb«
- Resolution No. (107/1982) regarding
Amending The Fees For The Services
q¹b???Fð ÊQ???AÐ ©±π∏≤ر∞∑® r— —«d???I« ≠
Provided by The Directorate General of W?U?F« …—«œù« U?N?b?Ið w?²«  U?b?)« qÐU?I?
Civil Aviation. Æw½b*« Ê«dODK
- Resolution No. (30/1984) regarding
Introducing And Altering Some Services À«b??×???²??Ý« ÊQ??AÐ ©±π∏¥Ø≥∞® r?— —«d??I« ≠
Not Included in Resolution No. (1) of U???NKL???A?¹ r w²«  U???b???)« iF?Ð q¹b???FðË
year 1976,
- Resolution No. (31) of year 1984
Ʊπ∑∂ WM ©±® r— —«dI«
concerning Amending The Fees For q¹b???F?ð ÊQ???AÐ ±π∏¥ W?M ©≥±® r?— —«d???I« ≠

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

Services Provided by the Directorate W?U?F« …—«œù« U?N?b?Ið w?²«  U?b?)« qÐU?I?
General of Civil Aviation,
- Resolution No. (3) of year 1986 Æw½b*« Ê«dODK
regarding Issuance of The Air- —«b?? ≈ ÊQ??ý w? ±π∏∂ WM ©≥® r?— —«d??I« ≠
Navigation Safety Regulations,
- Resolution No. (18) of year 1990
ÆW¹u'« WŠö*« WöÝ WLE½√
concerning Authorization The i¹uHð ÊQý w ±ππ∞ WM ©±∏® r— —«dI« ≠
Directorate General of Civil Aviation To —«b ≈Ë œUL²?ŽUÐ w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
Approve and Issue The Necessary
Amendments on Air-Navigation Safety
WŠö*« W?öÝ WLE½√ vKŽ W“ö«  ö¹b?F²«
Regulations issued by virtue of WM ©≥® r— —«d?I?« Vłu0 …—œU?B« W¹u?'«
Resolution No. (3) of year 1986, Ʊπ∏∂
- Resolution No. (12) of year 1992
concerning Amending, Introducing and
q¹b???F?ð ÊQ???AÐ ±ππ≤ W?M ©±≤® r?— —«d???I« ≠
Increasing Some Fees for The Services  U??b?)« Âu??Ý— iF?Ð …œU¹“Ë À«b??×?²??Ý«Ë
Provided by Kuwait International Æ «dzUDK wËb« X¹uJ« —UD UN¹œR¹ w²«
Airport to The Aircraft,
- Resolutions No. (24) of year 1992 and
©≤∑® Ë ±ππ≤ WM? ©≤¥® w?L????— s¹—«d?????I« ≠
No. (27) of year 1993 regarding —«d??I« œ«u? i?FÐ q¹b??Fð ÊQ?A?Ð ±ππ≥ WM
Amending Some Articles of Resolution Ʊππ≤ WM ©±≤® r—
No. (12) of year 1992,
- Resolution No. (27) of year 1994 on Âu?Ý— b¹b??×?²Ð ±ππ¥ WM ©≤∑® r?— —«d?I« ≠
Determining The Fees For Landing and ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD w —UE²½ô«Ë ◊u³N«
Waiting at Kuwait International Airport, —«b??? ≈ ÊQ???AÐ ±ππ∂ W?M ©±∏® r?— —«d???I« ≠
- Resolution No. (18) of year 1996
regarding Issuance of The Kuwaiti Civil ÆWO²¹uJ« w½b*« Ê«dOD« WöÝ WLE½√
Aviation Safety Regulations. —d‡‡
It Has Been Decided:
©±® …œU
The following Ministerial Resolutions,
which were indicated earlier, shall be oÐU???«Ë ¨W???OU???²?« W¹—«“u«  «—«d???I« vG?Kð
annulled and cease to be operational as of a¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž« UNÐ q?LF« nu¹Ë UNO≈ …—Uýù«
the date the Resolution was issued, and they
≠∫w¼Ë —«dI« «c¼ —Ëb
- Resolution No. (1) of year 1976.
Ʊπ∑∂ WM ©±® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (107) of year 1982.
Ʊπ∏≤ WM ©±∞∑® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (30/1984). Æ©±π∏¥Ø≥∞® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (31) of year 1984. Ʊπ∏¥ WM ©≥±® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (12) of year 1992. Ʊππ≤ WM ©±≤® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (24) of year 1992. Ʊππ≤ WM ©≤¥® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (27) of year 1993. Ʊππ≥ WM ©≤∑® r— —«dI« ≠
- Resolution No. (27) of year 1994. Ʊππ¥ WM ©≤∑® r— —«dI« ≠

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Article (2)
©≤® …œU
The airline companies and corporations
operating in the State of Kuwait and their WKU??F« Ê«d??OD«  U???ÝR??Ë  U?d??ý vKŽ
agents approved by the Directorate General Èb s?¹b????L???²????F?*« rNzö????Ë Ë√ X¹u?J« W?ËbÐ
of Civil Aviation shall:
1- Provide the Directorate General of ≠∫wK¹ U w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
Civil Aviation with the maximum vB?QÐ w½b*« Ê«dOD?K WU?F« …—«œù« …U«u? ≠ ±
permissible weight for the takeoff while
providing the seasonal operating .b??Ið ¡UMŁ√ U??Nð«dzUD Ÿö??û Õu??L??? Ê“Ë
schedules so that they are accounted on vM??²¹ v²??Š ¨W??O??L?Ýu?*« qO??G?A??²« ‰Ë«b??ł
the basis of such information. If such
schedules are not provided, the «e?²ô« ÂbŽ W?UŠ wË ¨U?N?³łu0 V?ÝU×?²«
companies shall be accounted on the U??I?Ë V?ÝU?×??²« r²¹ ¨‰Ë«b??'« pKð .b??I??²Ð
basis of the maximum permissible
weight for the type of the aircraft Âb‡Ž l ¨WKG?A*« …d?‡zU‡D« ŸuM Ê“Ë vB?_
operated regardless of any subsequent  UËd? ÊQAÐ W‡I?Šô  U³UD W¹QÐ œ«b?‡²Žô«
claims for price differences.
2- If the company or corporation wishes Æ—UFÝ_«
to be accounted for the due charges on
monthly basis, the undertaking form
ÊQ??AÐ U¹d??N?ý V?ÝU?×??²UÐ W??³??žd« WU??Š w ≠ ≤
designated for this purpose must be b?N?F?²« Öu/ W?¾?³?Fð r?²¹ ¨W?I?×?²?*« Âu?Ýd«
filled out and deposited with the
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, W??U?F« …—«œù« Èb? ÷d?G« «c??N hB??<«
provided that the accounting basis shall U??I?Ë VÝU??×??²« r²¹ Ê√ vK?Ž w½b*« Ê«d??ODK
be the maximum permissible weight for
the type of the aircraft in operation Âb??Ž l ¨WKG?A?*« …dzUD« ŸuM Ê“Ë v?B?_
regardless of any subsequent claims for  U?Ëd ÊQ?AÐ W?I?Šô  U³UD W?¹QÐ œ«b²?Žô«
price differences.
3- If the company or corporation wishes Æ—UFÝ_«
to be accounted for the due charges on ÊQ??AÐ U¹d??N?ý V?ÝU?×??²UÐ W??³??žd« WU??Š w ≠ ≤
monthly basis, the undertaking form
designated for this purpose must be b?N?F?²« Öu/ W?¾?³?Fð r?²¹ ¨W?I?×?²?*« Âu?Ýd«
filled out and deposited with the
W??U?F« …—«œù« Èb? ÷d?G« «c??N hB??<«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation,
provided that the clauses of such ÆÁœuM³Ð «e²ô« r²¹ Ê√ vKŽ w½b*« Ê«dODK
undertaking are complied with.
Article (3) ©≤® …œU
Aircraft Landing fees:
The following amounts shall be  «dzUD« ◊u³¼ qÐUI
collected as aircraft landing fees: ≠∫wU²« u×M« vKŽ ◊u³N« qÐUI qB×¹
A- Aircraft which weight does not exceed
(50) tons: ≠∫sÞ ©μ∞® sŽ UN½“Ë b¹e¹ ô w²«  «dzUD« ≠ √
- An amount of KD. 1/- shall be
collected for each ton or fraction Ë√ ©sÞ® q? sŽ—UM¹œ ±Ø≠ m?K³??? q×???B¹ ≠
thereof. ÆtM ¡eł
B- Aircraft which weight exceeds (50)
tons: ≠∫sÞ ©μ∞® sŽ UN½“Ë b¹e¹ w²«  «dzUD« ≠ »
1- An amount of KD. 50/- shall be
collected for the first (50) tons of the
©μ∞® ‰Ë√ sŽ —UM¹œ μ∞Ø≠ mK³? q×B¹ ≠ ±
aircraft's weight. Æ…dzUD« Ê“Ë s sÞ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« 

2- An amount of Fils 0.300 shall be q? sŽ f?K ∞[≥∞∞ m?K³?????? qB?????×?¹ ≠ ≤
collected for each ton or fraction
thereof for the remaining weight of Æ…dzUD« Ê“Ë wUÐ sŽ tM ¡eł Ë√ ©sÞ®
the aircraft.
Article (4)
©¥® …œU
Reductions For Aircraft Landing: ∫ «dzUD« ◊u³¼ qÐUI  UCOHð
1- A fee will be collected from the  «dzU?Þ vK?Ž •μ∞ W????³?????MÐ r?Ý— qB?????×¹ ≠ ±
Helicopters amounting to 50 of the
landing fees determined on the other
vKŽ —d?I*« ◊u³?N« rÝ— W?LO? s d?²ÐuJOKN«
aircraft of the same weight. ÆÊ“u« w UNðöO¦
2- A landing fee shall be collected from W???ÝR?  «dzUÞ v?KŽ ◊u?³¼ rÝ— qB??×¹ ≠ ≤
the aircraft of Kuwait Airways
 ö?ŠdÐ Âu?Ið w²« W?O?²?¹uJ« W¹u?'« ◊uD)«
Corporation conducting non-commercial
journeys for the purpose of training or q sŽ WÐd−²« Ë√ V¹—b²« ÷dGÐ W¹—U& dOž
testing for each training hour or fraction ¨…bŠ«Ë …d* UNM ¡eł Ë√ W?O³¹—bð Ê«dOÞ WŽUÝ
thereof for one time only, and according WD¹d???ý® W??b?????²??*« …d?zUD« Ÿu½ V???ŠË
to the aircraft type in use (conditional
upon a prior approval from the
Æ©WI³*« w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« WI«u
Directorate General of Civil Aviation). ©μ® …œU
Article (5)
∫…—U½ù« qÐUI
Lighting Fees:
An amount of Fils 0.100 shall be Ë√ ©sÞ® q sŽ fK? ∞[±∞∞ mK³? qB?×¹
collected for each ton or fraction thereof of ‚Ëd???A« b???O???Ž«u* U???I???Ë …dzUD?« Ê“Ë tM ¡e???ł
the aircraft weight according to sunshine b?L?²?F*« Íu??²?A«Ë wH?O?B« XO?u??²K »Ëd?G«Ë
and sunset times in the summer and winter
w pc?Ë ¨w½b*« Ê«d?O?DK W?U?F« …—«œù« Èb
timing as approved by the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation, and also in dOuð wC²Ið w²« Íu'« fID« ·Ëdþ  ôUŠ
weather conditions the require providing ÆWb)« pKð
such service.
©∂® …œU
Article (6)
aiting Fees: ∫—UE²½ô« qÐUI
A- An amount of Fils 0.100 shall be Ë√ ©sÞ® q sŽ fK ∞[±∞∞ mK³? qB×¹ ≠ √
collected for each ton or fraction thereof ¡e?ł Ë√ Âu¹ q sŽ …dzU?D« Ê“Ë s tM ¡e?ł
of the aircraft weight for every day or
part thereof.
B- These fees shall be applied to the b¹eð w²«  «dzUDK rÝd« «c¼ »U²Š« r²¹ ≠»
aircraft waiting for a period exceeding q sŽ 5?²??ŽU??Ý sŽ b¹eð …b* U¼—U?E²½« …d??²??
Two hours for every day or part thereof Æ◊u³N« XË s «—U³²Ž« tM ¡eł Ë√ Âu¹
with effect from the landing time.
Article (7) ©∑® …œU
Reductions On The Aircraft Landing, …—U½ù«Ë  «dzU?D« ◊u??³¼ q?ÐU??I??  U??C??O???H??ð
Lighting And aiting: —UE²½ô«Ë

 w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

The following aircraft shall be exempted ◊u??³??N« q?ÐU??I?? s W??OU???²«  «dzUD« v?H??Fð
from the landing, lighting and waiting fees:
≠∫—UE²½ô«Ë …—U½ù«Ë
1- The aircraft of the United Nations and
its agencies, and also the aircraft of the  «dzUÞË U??NðôU??ËË …b??×?²?*« 3_«  «dzUÞ ≠ ±
international and regional organizations. ÆWOLOKù«Ë WOËb«  ULEM*«
2- The aircraft of the official delegations WKU??F*« WD¹d??ý® W??O?L??Ýd« œu??u«  «dzUÞ ≠ ≤
(provided reciprocal treatment).
3- The aircraft dedicated to the services of
both the International Red Crescent and w²???LE?M  U???b???) W??B???B???<«  «dzU?D« ≠ ≥
the International Red Cross ¨5OËb« d?L?Š_« VOKB«Ë d?LŠ_« ‰ö?N«
organizations, and also any aircraft W??O½U??½≈  U?b??š Âb??Ið Èd??š√  «dzUÞ Í√Ë
dedicated to rendering general
humanitarian services.
4- The national and foreign governmental
W??O??uJ(«Ë ¨W??O?MÞu« W??O??uJ(«  «d?zUD« ≠ ¥
aircraft (provided reciprocal treatment). Æ©q¦*UÐ WKUF*« WD¹dý® WO³Mł_«
5- The military aircraft or civil aircraft Âb???I?ð w²« W????O½b*« Ë√ W?¹dJ????F«  «dzU?D« ≠ μ
providing military services. ÆW¹dJŽ  Ubš
6- Compulsory landing due to technical
W¹u?ł Ë√ W?OM »U?³?Ý_ Í—«dD{ô« ◊u?³?N« ≠ ∂
problems or weather conditions
immediately after takeoff from Kuwait X¹u?J« —U?D s …d????ýU????³???? Ÿö????ù« b????FÐ
International Airport, or upon q³????? s?  U?????L?????OK?Fð v?KŽ ¡U?MÐ Ë√ ¨w?Ëb«
instructions from the Directorate General Æw½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù«
of Civil Aviation.
s Ë√ w½b*« Ê«d??ODK W??U?F?« …—«œù« fOzd ≠ ∑
7- The President of the Directorate
General of Civil Aviation or his deputy s Èd?š√ Ÿ«u?½√ Í√ ¡U?H?Ž≈ WDKÝ ¨t?MŽ »uM¹
shall have the authority to exempt any Æ «dzUD«
other tyupes of aircraft.
©∏® …œU
Article (8)
The fees shall be collected in cash for vK?Ž …—d??I?*« Âu???ÝdK «b???I½ q?O??B???×???²« r?²¹
the airline companies not applying for œ«b??Ý V?KDÐ Âb??I???²ð r w²?« Ê«d??OD«  U???d??ý
monthly settlement of due fees, and also the  «dzUD« pc?Ë ¨U¹dN?ý UN?OKŽ …—dI*« Âu?Ýd«
aircraft operating irregular commercial
flights, this by monitoring the aviation p–Ë ¨W?LE²?M d?O?ž W¹—U?&  ö?Šd?Ð Âu?Ið w²«
information of the Air-Navigation …—«œù WFÐU²« Ê«dOD«  Uu?KF W³«d o¹dÞ sŽ
Department. The commander of the aircraft pKð b¹b??ð …dzUD« bzU? vKŽË ¨W?¹u?'« W?Šö*«
shall settle such fees before the departure of
the aircraft from Kuwait International X¹u?J« —UD? tðdzU?Þ …—œU???G??? q?O???³??? Âu????Ýd«
Airport. ÆwËb«
Article (9)
©π® …œU
The determined fees shall be collected in
cash in Kuwaiti Dinar or its equivalent in —UM?¹bUÐ «b???I?½ …—d???I*« Âu???Ýd?« qO???B???% r?²¹
foreign currencies acceptable to the Directorate W??O???³Mł_«  ö???L??F« s? tœU??F?¹ U?? Ë√ w²?¹uJ«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

General of Civil Aviation, and according to the ¨w½b?*« Ê«d??O?DK W???U???F« …—«œù« Èb? Wu???³???I*«
exchange rate published by it.
ÆUNK³ s sKF*« Í—U−²« ·dB« dF UIËË
Article (10)
Meteorological Information And ©±∞® …œU
eather Forecasts: W¹u'«  «dAM«Ë WOšUM*«  UuKF*«
The following amounts shall be charged
 U?uKF*« .b??Ið qÐU?I? W?OU?²« m?U?³*« qB?%
for the meteorological information and
weather forecasts provided by the œU?? —_« …—«œ≈ U¼—b??Bð w²?« W¹u??'«  «d??AM«Ë
Meteorological Department: ∫W¹u'«
Amount m‡K‡³‡*«
- Meteorological information 4 K.D. —UM¹œ ¥ WOšUM  UuKF ≠
- Weather and life 6 K.D. —UM¹œ ∂ …UO(«Ë ŒUM*« ≠
- Dust and sand storms in Kuwait 6 K.D. —UM¹œ ∂ X¹uJ« w WOЫd²« n «uF«Ë —U³G« ≠
- Kuwait weather (in English) 6 K.D. —UM¹œ ∂ ©W¹eOK$ù« WGKUЮ X¹uJ« ŒUM ≠
- Annual report (Book) 12 K.D. —UM¹œ ±≤ ©»U²® ÍuM« d¹dI²« ≠
- Monthly report 5 K.D. —UM¹œ μ ÍdNA« d¹dI²« ≠
- Weather briefs (Kuwait Airport 62 & 82) 20 K.D. —UM¹œ ≤∞ ©∏≤ Ë ∂≤ X¹uJ« —UD® WOšUM  UBK ≠
- Weather & Climate in Kuwait 10 K.D. —UM¹œ ±∞ X¹uJ« w ŒUM*«Ë fID« ≠

As for the meteorological studies not yet o³??¹ r w²?« W?O??šUM*«  U??Ý«—b« ÊQ??AÐ U??√
printed or prepared and require special r²?O ¨W? Uš œu?Nł VK?D²ðË U¼œ«bŽ≈ Ë√ U?NF?³Þ
efforts, the fees would be estimated in
Ê«dODK W?UF« …—«œù« l ‚UHðôUÐ UNKÐU?I d¹bIð
agreement with the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation. Æw½b*«
Article (11) ©±±® …œU
Subscription To Kuwait Aviation
w²¹uJ« Ê«dOD« qOœ w „«d²ýô«
A- An amount of KD. 25/- shall be s W??½ q sŽ —U?M¹œ ≤μØ≠ mK³? qB?×¹ ≠ √
collected for each copy of the Kuwait Æw²¹uJ« Ê«dOD« qOœ
Aviation Directory.
B- An amount of KD. 5/- shall be q¹b????Fð q s?Ž —UM¹œ μØ≠ m?K³??? qB????×¹ ≠ »
collected for every amendment issued in
Æw²¹uJ« Ê«dOD« qObÐ —bB¹
the Kuwait Aviation Directory.
C- The mail charges shall be added to the b¹d?³« —u??ł√ …—u?c*« Âu?Ýd« v?KŽ ·U?Cð ≠ Ã
said fees as determined thereon.
D- Free copies of the directory may be
provided free of charge to the other v≈ U?½U????−???? q?Ob« s? a?½ b¹Ëeð “u?????−¹ ≠ œ
airports according to the principle of
reciprocal treatment. Æq¦*UÐ WKUF*« √b³* UIË Èdš_«  «—UD*«

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (12) ©±≤® …œU
se of television unit, reception station
and flights announcement Television: Êu¹e?HKðË ‰U³?I²?Ý« WD×Ë “U?HKð …bŠË ‰U?LF?²Ý«
1- An amount of KD. 600/- shall be  öŠ— sŽ ÊöŽ«
collected annually for the use of
television unit and reception station to
d????OE½ U?¹uMÝ —U?M¹œ ∂∞∞Ø≠ m?K³???? qB????×¹ ≠ ±
indicate the weather condition for any ÊUO?³ ‰U³?I²?Ý« WD×Ë “U?HKð …bŠË ‰U?LF?²Ý«
party requesting such service from
s Wb)« pKð VKDð W?Nł W¹_ fID« WUŠ
Kuwait International Airport.
2- An amount of KD. 450/- shall be ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD
collected annually for the use of d????OE½ U?¹uMÝ —U?M¹œ ¥μ∞Ø≠ m?K³???? qB????×¹ ≠ ≤
television set for flights announcements
for any party requesting such service  öŠd« sŽ Êö?Ž« Êu¹eHKð “UN?ł ‰ULF?²Ý«
from Kuwait International Airport. —UD? s W?????b????)« p?Kð V?KD?ð W????N?????ł W¹_
3- The above amounts do not include the
ÆwËb« X¹uJ«
installation charges.
4- The President of the Directorate ÆVOd²« nOUJð —UA*« mU³*« sLC²ð ô ≠ ≥
General of Civil Aviation or his deputy
»uM¹ s? Ë√ w½b*« Ê«d??OD« fO?zd “u??−¹Ë ≠ ¥
shall have the authority to provide such
services free of charge to the  «—«œû q?ÐU???I??? ÊËbÐ W????b???)« .b???Ið t?MŽ
departments working at Kuwait Âb?Ið w²«Ë wËb« X¹u?J« —UD w WKU?F«
International Airport which are
providing services to the State.
ÆWËbK  Ubš
Article (13) ©±≥® …œU
Registration of Airport Taxi - Airport
Sign Replacement:
…—UD*« …—Uý≈ bU ‰bÐ ≠ —UD*« wUð qO−ð
The following amounts shall be ∫WOU²« mU³*« qOB%
w?Uð qO?−?ð qÐU?I? —UM¹œ ±∞Ø≠ mK³? ≠ √
A- An amount of KD. 10/- for
registering a taxi to work at Kuwait ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD0 qLFK
International Airport. w??Uð b¹b??% qÐU??I?? —UM¹œ μØ≠ mK³?? ≠ »
B- An amount of KD. 10/- for renewal
ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD0 qLFK
of a taxi to work at Kuwait
International Airport. …—U?ýù b?U? ‰bÐ W?L?O? —UM¹œ ≤Ø≠ mK³? ≠ Ã
C- An amount of KD. 2/- for the Æ—UD*«
replacement of airport sign.
Article (14) ©±¥® …œU
Cars Licenses And Equipment sed AT qš«œ Wb²*«  «bF*«Ë  «—UO« hOš«dð
The Airport Spaces By The Airline
Companies: Ê«dOD«  Udý q³ s —UD*«  UŠUÝ
An amount of KD. 10/- shall be ‰«b?³??²?Ý« qÐU??I? U¹uM?Ý ±∞Ø≠ mK³? qB??×¹

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

collected annually for the replacement of  «b????F?*«Ë  «—U????O?????U?Ð W???? U?????)«  U????Šu?K«
the plates of cars and equipment used inside
the airport by the airline companies - using
Ê«dOD«  U?dý q³ s? —UD*« qš«œ Wb?²*«
the plates issued by the Directorate General Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« U¼—bBð w²«  UŠuKUÐ ≠
of Civil Aviation. Æw½b*«
Article (15)
Renting Radio Instruments For se By ©±μ® …œU
The Employees Operating At The Airline 5KU?F« U?NKLF?²?¹ w²« wJKÝö« …e?N?ł√ dO?łQð
Companies: Ê«dOD«  UdAÐ
A- An amount of KD. 450/- shall be
collected annually and in advance UbI?Ë U¹uMÝ —UM¹œ ¥μ∞Ø≠ mK³ qB×¹ ≠ √
being the rental charges of radio sets 5KU??FK? wJKÝô “U??N??ł d??O??łQð qÐU??I??
for use by the employees of the
airline companies. Ê«dOD«  UdAÐ
B- An amount of KD. 150/- shall be w U?¹uMÝ —UM?¹œ ±μ∞Ø≠ mK³??? qB???×¹ ≠ »
charged annually in case of
requesting renewal. Æb¹b−²UÐ W³žd« WUŠ
Article (16) ©±∂® …œU
Replacements of IDs:
 U¹u¼ bU ‰bÐ
An amount of KD. 5/- shall be charged
for the issuance of replacements of the ‰bРëd?²Ý« qÐUI —UM¹œ μØ≠ mK³? qB×¹
following IDs: ∫WOU²«  U¹uNK bU
1- Work IDs.
ÆqLF«  U¹u¼ ≠±
2- IDs for access to restricted area at the
airport. Æ—UD*UÐ …—uE;« oÞUM*« ‰ušœ  U¹u¼ ≠ ≤
3- Airport parking entry IDs. Æ «—UO« nu ‰ušœ WUDÐ ≠ ≥
Article (17) ©±∑® …œU
Use Of Baggage Weighting Counters
And Passengers Bridges:
qI½ —ułË WF²_« Ê“Ë  «d²½ËU «b²Ý«
A- An amount of Fils 0.100 shall be »Ud«
charged to the airline companies for each  U???d???ý s? fK ∞ر∞∞ m?K³??? qB????×¹ ≠ √
passenger weighing his baggage except
¡UM¦??²?ÝUÐ t??²??F?²??√ Êe¹ V«— q sŽ Ê«d??OD«
for the transit passengers.
B- An amount of KD. 10/- shall be ÆX¹e½«d²« »U—
collected from the airline companies for  Udý s —UM¹œ ±∞Ø≠ mK³ qB×¹ ≠ »
the use of passengers' bridge for each sŽ »Ud« qI½ dł ‰ULF²Ý« qÐUI Ê«dOD«
C- In case of leaving behind any wastes,
lubricants or greases on the aircraft W¹√ „dð WUŠ w Ê«dOD«  Udý s qB% ≠ Ã
parking ground, the airline companies vKŽ  U?u??×?ýË  u¹“ VJÝ Ë√  U??HK?
shall be charged the cost of removing
pKð W«“≈ nOUJð ¨ «dzUD« n?«u W?O{—√
such wastes and cleaning the ground as

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

estimated by Kuwait International d¹bI² UIË n«u*« WO{—√ nOEMðË  UHK<«
Airport Management and in view of the
¡u?????????{ v?K?ŽË w?Ëb?« X¹u?J?« —U?D? …—«œ≈
actual costs of such works.
D- The Directorate General of Civil ƉULŽ_« pK² WOKFH« nOUJ²«
Aviation shall assume the responsibility l{Ë w½b?*« Ê«d??OD?K W??U???F« …—«œù« vu???²ð ≠œ
of setting a system to collect the charges
W?O?H??O?Ë  U?b?)« pK?ð qÐU?I? qO??B?% ÂUE½
of such services and application thereof.
Article (18) ÆtIO³Dð
ehicle Entry Permit (Sticker) ©±∏® …œU
An amount of KD. 5/- shall be collected ©oKB® W³d ‰ušœ `¹dBð
annually for every vehicle entry permit
`¹d?Bð q sŽ U¹uMÝ —UM¹œ μØ≠ mK³ qB?×¹
(sticker) to the Kuwait International
Airport. X¹uJ« —UD? W?ŠU?Ý v≈ ©oBK® W??³?d? ‰u?šœ
Article (19) ÆwËb«
Renting A Space At Kuwait
©±π® …œU
International Airport For Commercial
Purposes: ÷«džú wËb« X¹uJ« —UD w WŠU dOłQð
An amount of KD. 50/- shall be W¹—U−²«
collected monthly for each square meter or d?² q sŽ U¹d?Ný —U?M¹œ μ∞Ø≠ mK³ qB?×¹
less from the companies, corporations and
other parties desiring to rent any area inside
Ë√  U?????ÝR*«Ë  U??d??A?« s t½Ëœ U??Ë l?Ðd??
or outside Kuwait International Airport W?ŠU? W¹√ d?O?łQ²?Ð Vždð w²« Èd?š_«  UN?'«
building for use in advertising and publicity w?Ëb« X?¹uJ?« —UD? v?M³?????? ×U?????š Ë√ q?š«œ
purpose in accordance with the regulations
Êö??Žù«Ë W¹U??Žb?« ÷«d??ž√ w U??N??«b????²??Ýô
and terms set by the Directorate General of
Civil Aviation and without prejudice to the U¼œb?% w²« ◊ËdA?«Ë WLE½ú U?I?ËË ¨U¼dO?žË
commitments of the contracts entered into ÷—U?F?²?¹ ô U0Ë ¨w½b*« Ê«d?ODK W??U?F« …—«œù«
between the Directorate and the advertising
 Ud?ýË …—«œù« 5Ð Wd³*« œu?IF«  U?«e²« l
and media companies in this regard.
Article (20) Æ’uB)« «cNÐ ÊöŽù«Ë W¹UŽb«
This Resolution shall be published in the ©≤∞® …œU
official gazette, and shall enter into force as qLF¹Ë ¨WOL?Ýd« …b¹d'« w —«dI« «c¼ dAM¹
of the date it is issued.
ÆÁ—Ëb a¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž« tÐ
Minister of Finance and Minister of
 ö«u*« d¹“ËË WOU*« d¹“Ë
Chairman of The Supreme Council for
w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« fOz—
Civil Aviation

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

Ministerial Decree No. (36) of Year Â¥ WM ©® r— Í—«“Ë —«d
Concerning Amending Article (17) Í—«“u« —«dI« s ©± ® …œU*« q¹bFð ÊQAÐ
of The Ministerial Resolution No.  WM ©±¥® r—
(14) of Year 2000
W UF« …—«œù« UN bIð w²« U b)« qÐUI0 ’U)«
In Respect of The Fees for The Services
Provided By The Directorate General of Ê«dOD« UdýË «dzUDK w½b*« Ê«dODK
Civil Aviation To The Aircraft And Airline
UN WKLJ*«Ë UNÐ WD³ðd*« Èdš_« U b)«Ë
Companies As ell as The other Services
Associated And Complementary Thereto  ö«u*« d¹“Ë

Minister of Communications
∫vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
Following perusal of: ≤¥ a¹—U?????²Ð ±π∂∞ W?M ©≥∞® r?— Êu½U?????I« ≠
- Law No. (30) of year 1960 dated 24th
W?Šö?*« W?LE½√ —«b?? « ÊQ?ý w ±π∂∞ u??O½u¹
June 1960 regarding the Issuance of The
Civil Air-Navigation Regulations, ÆWO½b*« W¹u'«
- The Decree issued on 24th October
±π∂≥ dÐu???²???√ ≤¥ a¹—U???²Ð —œU???B« Âu???Ýd*« ≠
1963 on the Formation and Jurisdictions
of the Supreme Council for Civil vK?Ž_« fK:«  U???? U???B???²???š«Ë q?OJA????²Ð
Aviation, and its amending Decrees, Æt WbF*« rOÝ«d*«Ë w½b*« Ê«dODK
- The Decree issued on 7th January 1979
and the Decree issued on 12th August ¨±π∑π d?¹UM?¹ ∑ a¹—U??????²Ð —œU??????B« Âu?????Ýd?*« ≠
1986 in respect of the Jurisdictions of ±π∏∂ fDž√ ±≤ a¹—U?²Ð —œUB« ÂuÝd*«Ë
the Ministry of Communications,
- The Decree-Law No. (31) of year 1987
Æ ö «u*« …—«“Ë  U UB²š« ÊQý w
concerning Regulating the Air-Transport w ±π∏∑ W?M ©≥±® r— Êu?½U??I?UÐ Âu???Ýd*« ≠
Market in State of Kuwait, and
WËœ w? Íu?????'« qI?M« ‚u?????Ý r?OE?Mð ÊQ?????ý
- The Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of
year 2000 in respect of the Fees in ÆX¹uJ«
Return For The Services Provided by ÊQ??AÐ ≤∞∞∞ W?M ©±¥® r— Í—«“u?« —«d??I« ≠
The Directorate General of Civil
Aviation to The Aircraft And Airline W?U?F« …—«œù« U?N?b?Ið w?²«  U?b?)« qÐU?I?
Companies As Well as The Other Ê«d?O?D«  U?d?ýË  «d?zUDK w½b*« Ê«d??ODK
Services Associated And
Complementary Thereto.
ÆUN WKLJ*«Ë UNÐ WD³ðd*« Èdš_«  Ub)«Ë
The Following Has Been Decided: ∫wK¹ U —dIð bI
Article (1)
©±® …œU
The title of Article (17) of the
Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of year Í—«“u« —«d???I« s ©±∑® …œU?*« Ê«uMŽ ‰b???F¹
2000 shall be amended as follows: u??????????×M?« v?K?Ž Êu?J?O? ≤∞∞∞ W?M?? ©±¥® r?—
In return for using the equipment to
check-in the passengers and their luggage ∫wU²«
as well as the bridges for moving the »U???d« ‰u??³??? …e??N???ł√ «b?????²???Ý« qÐU??I???

¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

passengers, in addition to the costs of W«“≈ nOUJ?ðË »U?d« qI½ —u??łË rN?²?F?²?√Ë
removing the wastes from the aircraft
parking areas.
Æ «dzUD« n«u s  UHK<«
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
Paragraph (A) of Article (17) of the —«d?????I?« s ±∑ …œU?*« s ©√® …d?????I?????H?« vG?Kð
aforesaid Ministerial Resolution No. (14) of
year 2000 shall be annulled and replaced by d????c« nU????Ý ≤∞∞∞ W?M ©±¥® r?— Í—«“u«
the following Paragraph: ∫WOU²« …dIHUÐ ‰b³²ðË
A- A sum of Fils (0.400) shall be
collected from the airline companies for f?K W?zU?????L?????F?З√ Á—b?????Ë m?K³?????? qB?????×?¹ ©√®
each passenger commenced departure q sŽ Ê«dOD«  U?dý s fK ©∞[¥∞∞®
from the State of Kuwait and has
checked-in together with his luggage to
r²?¹ X¹u?J« WËœ s? ¡«b????²Ð≈ —œU????G???? V«—
the flights of these companies in the Ê“u« oÞUM w U?NðöŠ— vKŽ t²?F²√Ë tu?³
weighing counters (1-2-3-4) in the
—U?D?0 »U????????d?« v?M?³???????? w? ©¥≠≥≠≤≠±®
passengers' building at Kuwait
International Airport, according to the  U??????³?????O?ðd?????²?« o?Ë p–Ë w?Ëb« X?¹uJ?«
contractual agreements executed Ê«d?ODK W?U?F« …—«œù« U?N¹d?& w²« W¹b?U?F?²«
between the Directorate General of Civil
Aviation and the investor at Kuwait ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD w dL¦²*« l w½b*«
International Airport. ©≥® …œU
Article (3)
To add to Paragraph (A - Repeated) »U??— Âu?Ý— Ê«uM?FÐ —dJ ©√® …d??I? ·U??Cð
titled "Transit Passengers Fees" of Article r— Í—«“u« —«d??I« s ©±∑® …œU??LK X¹e½«d??²«
(17) of the Ministerial Resolution No. (14)
∫wU²« u×M« vKŽ ≤∞∞∞ WM ±¥
of year 2000 as follows:
A sum of Fils (100) shall be collected s f?K ©±∞∞® Á—b???Ë mK³??? q?O???B??% r?²¹
from the airline companies for each WKŠ— s ‰u×¹ V«— q vKŽ Ê«d?OD«  Udý
passenger transferring his flight to another
ÆwËb« X¹uJ« —UD d³Ž Èdš√ v≈
via Kuwait International Airport.
Article (4) ©¥® …œU
This Resolution shall be published in the
qLF¹Ë ¨WOL?Ýd« …b¹d'« w —«dI« «c¼ dAM¹
official gazette, and shall enter into force as
of the date it is issued. ÆÁ—Ëb a¹—Uð s «—U³²Ž« tÐ
Minister of Communications and
Minister of Planning jOD²« d¹“ËË  ö«u*« d¹“Ë
Minister of State for Administrative
Development Affairs W¹—«œù« WOLM²« ÊËRA WËb« d¹“ËË
Chairman of the Supreme Council for w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« fOz—
Civil Aviation

Issued on: 3rd Jumada I, 1425AH. ‡¼ ±¥≤μ vË_« ÈœULł ≥ ∫ w —b

Corresponding to: 21st June 2004AD. Â≤∞∞¥ uO½u¹ ≤± ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

WK UF« UN K W¹uM« dH« «“UO² « ÂUE½
wËb« X¹uJ« —UD w

∫w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« ∫ÎôË√

…dcð WCH …dcð …bŠ«Ë WO½U− …dcð

30WCH VŠ 50 vË√ Wł—œ 100 bOH²*«
dH« Wł—œ VŠ dH« Wł—œ
WŠu²H 1 vË√ Wł—œ WłËe«Ë fOzd«
WŠu²H 1 vË√ Wł—œ t²łË“Ë ÂUF« d¹b*«
WŠu²H 1 Wł—œ ØvË_« Wł—b« rNðUłË“ l ÂUF« d¹b*« »«u½
J/F ‰ULŽ_« ‰Uł—
WŠu²H 1 ‰ULŽ_« ‰Uł— rNðUłË“ l dz«Ëb« ¡«—b
WŠu²H 1 Y/J l 5?ÝbM?N*« ¡U?????݃—Ë Êu????³?????«d*«
WŠu²H 1 Y jÐU{ ≠ ÂU_« ¡U݃—
jÐU{ ≠ W¹u'« W³«d*«
jÐU{ ≠ Ê«dOÞ  UuKF
T³M² ≠ —«œ«d« W³«d
5ÝbMN*« ≠ Íuł
WŠu²H 1 Y/SL WUF« …—«œù« wHþu WOIÐ
w½b*« Ê«dODK
—«d ÂUJŠ_ WÝR*« w rNz«dEM …—dI*«  «“UO²ù« fH½ Ê«dOD« wA²H
ÆtOKŽ √dDð  ö¹bFð Í√Ë WÝR*« w tÐ ‰uLF*« dH«  «“UO²«

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Annual Travel Privileges System For Those
orking At Kuwait International Airport

First: Directorate General of Civil Aviation:

Discounted Discounted
Beneficiary 1 Free Ticket Ticket Ticket
100 First Class 50 As Per 30 As Per
Travel Fair Travel Fair

President and Spouse First Class 1 Open

Director General and Spouse First Class 1 Open
Deputies of Director General and First Class / 1 Open
Spouses Business Class J/F
Department Directors and Business Class 1 Open
Supervisors and Chief Engineers Y/J 1 Open
and spouses
Heads of Section - Officer
1 Open
Air Control - Officer Y
Aviation Information - Officer
Radar control - Weather
Forecaster - Engineers
Remaining employees of the Y/SL 1 Open
Directorate General of Civil
Aviation Inspectors Same privileges determined to their counterparts at the
Corporation as per the provision of the resolution
about the travel privileges applicable at the
Corporation and any amendments to take place thereon

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

 WM ± r— —«d
 r— WM¹b*« W b)« fK —«d q¹bFð ÊQAÐ

‰UI²½ô« UËdB Ë dH« UIH½ W×zöÐ

∫WO½b*« Wb)« fK−

W?b?)« ÊQ?ý w ±π∑∂ WM ±μ r— Êu½U?IU?Ð Âu?Ýd*« s ±π ¨±¥ ¨±≤ œ«u? vKŽ ŸöÞô« b?FÐ ≠
Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WO½b*«
±π∑πإإ o«u*« ±≥ππ W?MÝ ‰Ë_« ÍœU??L??ł ∑ w —œU??B« Âu??Ýd*« s ∏≥Ë ∑ 5ðœU?*« vKŽË ≠
Æt WbF*« rOÝ«d*«Ë WO½b*« Wb)« ÂUE½ ÊQAÐ
Æ≤∞∞∂Ø∏ر≥ a¹—U²Ð ≤∞∞∂Ø≥≠μ≤ r— tŽUL²łUÐ ∏¥μ r— ¡«—“u« fK− —«d vKŽË ≠
 U?Ëd??B?Ë d??H?«  U??I?H½ W??×zô ÊQ?AÐ ±ππ≤ W?M ≤ r— W?O?½b*« W?b??)« fK−? —«d?? vKŽË ≠
ƉbF*« ‰UI²½ô«
ÆWO½b*« Wb)« Ê«u¹œ ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË ≠
ÆWO½b*« Wb)« fK− WI«u bFÐË ≠
©±® …œU
∫wU²« hM« tO≈ —UA*« ±ππ≤Ø≤ r— WO½b*« Wb)« fK− —«dI vË_« …œU*« hMÐ ‰b³²¹
WOK;«  ôUI?²½ô« uKU*«Ë XO³*« qLAð dHÝ  U?IH½ œö³« ×Uš WLN?0 nKJ¹ Íc« nþu*« oײ¹
∫wK¹ UL
Æd¹“Ë Wł—bÐ 5MOFLK UOu¹ —UM¹œ ≥μ∞ ≠
ÆW¹œUOI« nzUþu« WŽuL− wKžUA UOu¹ —UM¹œ ≤μ∞ ≠
ÆÈdš_« nzUþu« wKžUý WŽuL: UOu¹ —UM¹œ ≤≤∞ ≠
©≤® …œU
ƉUI²½ô«  UËdB ‰U− w ¡«—“u« WKUF d¹“Ë Wł—bÐ ÊuMOF*« qUF¹
©≥® …œU
ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë Á—Ëb a¹—Uð s —«dI« «cNÐ qLF¹

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ÆÂ≤∞∞∂ fDž√ ±≥ ∫o«u*«

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lÐU« q‡BH«

W‡U‡)« W‡O‡L‡O‡E‡M‡²‡« q‡zU‡*«

w‡½b‡*« Ê«d‡O‡ ‡D‡UÐ
Amiri Decree Concerning Setting p vKŽ fK qOJA²Ð ÍdO ÂuÝd
A Higher Council For Civil Aviation
w½b*« Ê«dODK
We, Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, the
Amir of the State of Kuwait
Following perusal of: WËœ d???O???√ ÕU??³???B« r?U???« tK«b???³??Ž s?×½
s? ∑≥ …œU?*« v?K??Ž Ÿö?Þô« b???????????F??ÐË X?¹u?J?«
- Article (73) of the Constitution,
- The Law No. (30) of year 1960
concerning Issuance of the Civil —«b?? SÐ ±π∂∞ WM? ≥∞ r— Êu½U??I?« vKŽË
Air-Navigation Regulations, and ¨¨¨WO½b*« W¹u'« WŠö*« WLE½√
- The Amiri Decree No. (2) of year
1962 concerning Reorganization of the ±π∂≤ WM? ≤ r— Íd??O??_« Âu??Ýd?*« vKŽË
Ministries, d¹“Ë ÷d?Ž v?KŽ ¡UMÐË Æ «—«“u« rOEM?ð …œU?ŽUÐ
- And pursuant to the proposal of the
Minister of Interior,
- And following the approval of the Æ¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
Council of Ministers, wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
We have decreed as follows:
Article (1) ©±® …œU
The Higher Council of Civil Aviation
∫ s w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« qJA¹
shall comprise:
Minister of Interior ------------------- President UOz— WOKš«b« d¹“Ë
Director of Civil Aviation Department w½b*« Ê«dOD« …—«œ≈ d¹b
Director of Civil Airport
Representative of the Ministry of w½b*« —UD*« d¹b
Finance & Industry ¡UCŽ√ WŽUMB«Ë WOU*« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Representative of the Ministry of Members
WOł—U)« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Foreign Affairs
Representative of the Ministry of ¡U³½ô«Ë œUý—ô« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Information & News tÐ W½U?F?²?Ýô« Èd¹ s0 5?F?²?¹ Ê√ fK−?LKË
The Council may seek assistant, as it
deems, from experts and technical persons, s¹d¹b?*« wŽb??²??¹ Ê√ tË ¨5OM?H«Ë ¡«d??³??)« s
and it may call on the directors in charge of W??O??²¹uJ« Íu??'« qI?M«  U??d??ý sŽ 5ËR??*«
the Kuwaiti air-transport companies to hear
w??? o???Š r???N??? Êu???J???¹ Ê√ ÊËœ r???N???¹√— ¡«b???Ðô
their viewpoints without them having right
to vote on the decisions. Æ «—«dI« vKŽ X¹uB²«
Article (2)
The Higher Council of Civil Aviation
©≤® …œU
shall have the following jurisdictions: ∫w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« h²¹
1- Study and set up the State's policy in
ÊËR???ý w WËb« W???ÝU??O???Ý rÝ—Ë W???Ý«—bÐ ≠ ±
respect of the civil aviation affairs.
2- Devise the economic policy for Æw½b*« Ê«dOD«
aviation, which must aim toward w²«Ë Ê«d??ODK W¹œU??B??²?ô« W??ÝU?O??« rÝ— ≠ ≤
enhancing the air-transport industry.
3- Study and suggest the temporary ÆÍu'« qIM« WŽUM WOLMð v≈ wdð
bilateral transport arrangements and the W²?R*« WOzUM?¦« qIM«  U³?Oðdð Õ«d²?«Ë WÝ«—œ ≠ ≥

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

bilateral agreements, and also grant W?? U??)« W¹d??(« `MË W??OzU?M¦«  U??O??U??Hðô«Ë
special freedom as well as express
opinion thereon. ÆUN½QAÐ Í√d« ¡«bЫË
4- Study and propose the laws concerning ÊËR??AÐ W?? U??)« 5?½«u??I« Õ«d??²??«Ë W??Ý«—œ ≠ ¥
the civil aviation affairs and its ÆUNK¹bFðË w½b*« Ê«dOD«
5K?UM?« 5Ð W????H?K²????<«  ö????Šd?« oO?????Mð ≠ μ
5- Coordinate the different journeys
between the Kuwaiti carriers in both
w?uJ?(« 5?ŽUD?I« s? q? w 5?O??????²?¹uJ?«
governmental and private sectors. Æ’U)«Ë
Article (3) ©≥® …œU
The Council shall convene upon an
invitation from its Chairman. The sessions
◊d??²??A¹Ë t????O?z— s …u??ŽbÐ fK?:« lL??−¹
to be valid, they must be attended by the W??O???³Kž√ U¼d???C??×¹ Ê√ tðU???Kł œU???I??F½« W??×???B
majority of the members. The resolutions  «u?? √ W?O??³KžQÐ  «—«d??I« —b??BðË Æ¡U?C??Žô«
shall be issued upon majority vote of those
tM Íc« Í√d« `łd¹ ÍËU??²« bMŽË s¹d{U?(«
attending, and in case of equal votes, the
side of the Chairman shall prevail. ÆfK:« fOz—
Article (4) ©¥® …œU
The Chairman of the Council shall
appoint a secretary to service him, who will
ôËR ÊuJ¹ t dÝ 5√ fK:« fOz— 5F¹
be responsible for the secretarial works ÆtO W¹—UðdJ« ‰ULŽ√ sŽ
therein. ©μ® …œU
Article (5)
The Minister of Interior shall execute
qLF¹Ë Âu?Ýd*« «c¼ cOHMð W?OKš«b« d¹“Ë vKŽ
this Decree, and it shall become operational ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s tÐ
as of the date it is published in an official
gazette. X¹uJ« WËœ dO√
Amir of Kuwait ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³Ž
Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
ÕU³B« rU« ÕU³
Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah

Minister of Interior WOKš«b« d¹“Ë

Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ

Issued on : 7th Jumada II, 1383AH. ‡¼±≥∏≥ WO½U¦« ÍœULł ∑ w —b

Corresponding to: 24th October 1963AD. ±π∂≥ dÐu²« ≤¥ o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥±¥

Decree No. (52) of Year 1998
…œU*« q¹bF²Ð ± WM μ r— ÂuÝd
Regarding Amending The First Article
of The Amiri Decree On Setting p A ÍdO _« ÂuÝd*« s vË_«
Higher Council For Civil Aviation w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ fK qOJA²Ð

Following perusal of:

- The constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- The Decree issued on 7th Jumada II, s ∑ w? —œU???B« Íd???O???_« Âu???Ýd*« v?KŽË
1383AH. corresponding to 24th April
1963AD. concerning setting up a Higher s ≤¥ o?«u*« ‡¼ ±≥∏≥ W?MÝ W???O½U???¦?« ÈœU???L???ł
Council for Civil Aviation, and the its v?KŽ√ f?K?−??????? qO?J?A???????²Ð ±π∂≥ W?M?Ý q¹d?Ð√
amending decrees,
¨t WbF*« rOÝ«d*«Ë w½b*« Ê«dODK
- The Decree No. 108/90 concerning
Adding Some Jurisdictions to the Minister iFÐ W??U?{SÐ π∞ر∞∏ r— Âu??Ýd*« vKŽË
of Communications, and ¨ ö «u*« d¹“Ë v≈  U UB²šô«
- Pursuant to the proposal of the
Minister of Communications. ¨ ö «u*« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
- And after the approval of the Council ¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
of Ministers,
We have decreed as follows:
Article (1) ©±® …œU
The First Article of the Amiri Decree
concerning setting up a Higher Council for Íd?O??_« Âu?Ýd?*« s wË_« …œU*« hMÐ ‰b??³?²??¹
Civil Aviation shall be replaced by the
hM« tO≈ —U?A*« w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ√ fK−? qOJA²Ð
following text:
The Higher Council of Civil Aviation ∫wðü«
shall be formed as follows:
Minister of Communications Chairman ∫s w½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_« fK:« qJA¹
President of Directorate General
of Civil Aviation Member ÎUOz—  ö «u*« d¹“Ë
Director General of Directorate
General of Civil Aviation Member ΫuCŽ w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« fOz—
Representative of the Ministry
of Information (to be nominated ΫuCŽ
by its Minister)
w½b*« Ê«dODK WUF« …—«œù« ÂUŽ d¹b
Representative of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs (to be nominated ΫuCŽ U¼d¹“Ë tÐbM¹ ÂöŽù« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
by Minister) Member
Representative of the Ministry of ΫuCŽ U¼d¹“Ë tÐbM¹ WOł—U)« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Finance (to be nominated by its
Minister) Member ΫuCŽ U¼d¹“Ë tÐbM¹ WOU*« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Representative of Ministry of
Interior (to be nominated by its ΫuCŽ U¼d¹“Ë tÐbM¹ WOKš«b« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
Minister) Member
Representative of the Ministry ΫuCŽ U¼d¹“Ë tÐbM¹ ŸUb« …—«“Ë sŽ »ËbM
of Defense (to be nominated by
its Minister) Member ΫuCŽ ◊uD)« WÝR …—«œ≈ fK− fOz—
Chairman of Kuwaiti Airways
Corporation or his representative Member Æpc tÐbM¹ s Ë√ WO²¹uJ« W¹u'«

¥±μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

The Council may seek assistant, as it rNÐ W½UF?²Ýô« Èd¹ s0 5F²?¹ Ê√ fK−LKË
deems, from experts and technical persons
to hear their viewpoints without them ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ÊËœ r?N¹√— ¡«bÐô 5OM?H«Ë ¡«d??³??)« s
having right to vote on the decisions. Æ «—«dI« vKŽ X¹uB²« oŠ rN
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
The Ministers, each within his
ÂuÝd*« «c¼ cOHMð ≠ tB¹ ULO q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
jurisdiction, must implement this Decree,
which shall become operational effective …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë ¨Á—Ëb a¹—Uð s tÐ qLF¹Ë
from its issuance date, and it must be ÆWOLÝd«
published in the official gazette.

X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł

Prime Minister ¡«—“u« fK− fOz—

Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
 ö «u*« d¹“Ë
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 21st Thulhija 1418AH. ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ
Corresponding to: 18th April 1998AD.
‡¼±¥±∏ W−(« Ë– ≤± ∫ w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
±ππ∏ q¹dÐ√ ±∏ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥±

Decree No. (108) of Year 1990 ± WM ± ÂuÝd
Concerning Adding of Some
d¹“Ë v U
UB²šô« iFÐ WU{SÐ
To The Minster of Communications ö

Following perusal of: ¨—u²Ýb« s ∑≤ …œU*« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ

- Article (72) of the Constitution,
- The Decree-Law No. (77) of year
±π∏∂ WM ∑∑ r— Êu?½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË
1986 concerning Organizing the Public W??U??F?«  U????ÝR*«Ë  U??¾??O???N« rOEM?ð ÊQ??ý w
Authorities And Institutions and the ÆWKI²*«  «—«œù«Ë
Independent Departments,
ÈœU???L??ł ∑ a?¹—U??²?Ð —œU??B?« Âu??Ýd*« v?KŽË
- The Decree issued on 7th Jumada II,
1382AH., corresponding to 24th October ±π∂≥ dÐu????²????« ≤¥ o«u?*« ‡¼ ±≥∏≤ W????O½U????¦«
1963AD. concerning Setting up a Higher rO?Ý«d*«Ë w½b?*« Ê«d?ODK vKŽ√ fK−? q?OJA?²Ð
Council for Civil Aviation, and its Æt WbF*«
amending decrees,
- The Decree issued on 7th Thulhija
W??−??(« Ë– ∑ a?¹—U??²Ð —œU??B« Âu??Ýd?*« vKŽË
1406AH., corresponding to 12th August ÊQ?ý w ±π∏∂ fD??ž« ±≤ o«u*« ‡¼ ±¥∞∂
1986AD. concerning the Jurisdictions of Æ ö «u*« …—«“Ë  U UB²š«
the Minister of Communications,
- The Decree issued on 7th Thulhija Í– s ∑ a?¹—U?????²Ð —œU?????B« Âu?????Ýd*« v?KŽË
1406AH., corresponding to 12th August fD???ž√ s ±≤ o?«u*« ‡¼ ±¥∞∂ WM?Ý W??−???(«
1986AD. concerning the Jurisdictions of
WËb« d¹“Ë  U?? U?B??²?š« ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∂ WMÝ
the Minister of State for Services Affairs,
- The Decree concerning Setting Up Æ Ub)« ÊËRA
the Ministry, issued on 27th Thulqida ≤∑ w —œU?B« …—«“u« qOJAð ÂuÝd? vKŽË
1410AH., corresponding to 20th July
uO½u¹ s ≤∞ o«u*« ‡¼±¥±∞ WMÝ …bFI« Í– s
1990AD. and
- Pursuant to the proposal of the ¨Â±ππ∞
Council of Ministers. ¨¡«—“u« fK− fOz— ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐË
- And after the approval of the Council
¨¡«—“u« fK− WI«u bFÐË
of Ministers,
We have decreed as follows: wðüUÐ UMLÝ—
Article (1)
©±® …œU
The Minister of Communications shall
assume the following jurisdictions:
…d??????ýU??????³0  ö?????? «u?*« d¹“Ë v?≈ b??????N?????F?¹
1- Supervise the affairs of Shuwaikh ∫WOU²«  U UB²šô«
and Doha ports and the board of directors a¹u???A« T½«u??? ÊËR???ý vKŽ ·«d???ýô« ≠ ±
ÆUNð«—«œ≈ fK− WŠËb«Ë
2- Supervise the civil aviation affairs
and Kuwait International Airport, in w½b?*« Ê«d???O?D« ÊËR????ý vKŽ ·«d????ýô« ≠ ≤
addition to having the control over the …—«œù« tÐ o×?KðË ¨wËb« X?¹uJ« —UD? vKŽË

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Directorate General of Civil Aviation, and fK:« W???ÝUz— vu???²¹Ë w½b*« Ê«d??O?DK W??U???F«
presiding over the Higher Council of Civil
Æw½b*« Ê«dODK vKŽ_«
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
The Prime Minister and the Ministers, q ≠ ¡«—“u?«Ë ¡«—“u« f?K−???? f?Oz— v?KŽ
each within his jurisdiction, shall execute
s tÐ qL?F¹Ë Âu?Ýd*« «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B?¹ UL?O?
this Decree. This Decree shall become
operational effective from the its issuance ÆWOLÝd« …b¹d'« w dAM¹Ë Á—Ëb a¹—Uð
date, and must be published in the official
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait bLŠ_« dÐUł
Jaber Al-Ahmed
¡«—“u« fK− fOz—
Prime Minister
Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah
ÕU³B« rU« tK«b³F« bFÝ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥±

Law No. (26) of Year 1995 ±μ WM ©® r— Êu½U
Concerning The Free ones
…d(« oÞUM*« ÊQAÐ
Following perusal of:
- The Constitution, ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- Decree No. 3 of year 1955 regarding ÊQ??????A?Ð ±πμμ WM?? ≥ r— Âu??????Ýd?*« vK?ŽË
the Kuwaiti Income Tax its amending laws,
- Law No. 15 of year 1960 concerning
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WO²¹uJ« qšb« W³¹d{
Issuance of The Companies Law and its —«b?? UÐ ±π∂∞ WM? ±μ r— Êu½U??I?« vKŽË
amending laws, ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë  UdA« Êu½U
- Law No. 38 of year 1964 regarding
ÊQ??ý w ±π∂¥ WM ≥∏ r?— Êu½U?I?« vKŽË
Working In The Sector and its amending
laws, ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI« ŸUDI« w qLF«
- Law No. 43 of year 1964 concerning ÊQ??ý w ±π∂¥ WM ¥≥ r?— Êu½U?I?« vKŽË
Imports, Æœ«dO²Ýù«
- Decree-Law No. 133 of year 1977
regarding the Establishment of Kuwait W?M? ±≥≥ r?— Êu½U???????IU?Ð Âu??????Ýd?*« vK?ŽË
Ports Authority and its amending laws, 5½«uI«Ë T½«u?LK WU?F« W?ÝR*« ¡UA½SÐ ±π∑∑
- Law No. 13 of the year 1980
¨t WbF*«
concerning the Customs, and
- Decree-Law No. 68 of the year 1980 ÊQ??ý w ±π∏∞ WM ±≥ r?— Êu½U?I?« vKŽË
regarding the Issuance of The Commerce ¨„—UL'«
Law and its amending laws,
±π∏∞ WM ∂∏ r— Êu?½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË
The National Assembly has approved
the law which text reads as follows, and we ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë …—U−²« Êu½U —«b SÐ
have ratified and enacted same, ¨t?B½ wðü« Êu½UI« v?KŽ W_« fK−? o«Ë
Article (1)
¨ÁU½—b «Ë tOKŽ UMb bË
It is permitted - upon a resolution by the
Council of Ministers - to establish more ©±® …œU
free trade zone. The resolution shall ¡U??A?½≈ ≠ ¡«—“u« fK−??? s —«d??IÐ ≠ “u???−¹
indicate the locations and limits of such
—œU??B« —«d??I« 5³?¹Ë ¨d??¦??√ …d??Š …—U?& W??I?DM
Article (2) ÆU¼œËbŠË oÞUM*« pKð l«u
It is permitted upon a resolution by the ©≤® …œU
Minister of Commerce & Industry to grant
W???ŽU?MB«Ë …—U????−???²« d¹“Ë s? —«d???IÐ “u????−¹
license at the Free Trade Zones to carry out
the following: ∫wðQ¹ U0 …d(« oÞUM*« w hOšd²«
A- Storing and displaying products of any X½U?? Ÿu½ Í√ s lzU?C??³« ÷d?ŽË s¹e??ð ≠ √
type regardless of its place of origin or
U¼—bB Ë√ U¼RAM ÊU U¹√Ë
B- Performing the operations under which WUŠ d?OO?Gð UN½Q?ý s w²«  UOKL?F« ¡«dł≈ ≠ »
the condition of goods available at Free UF?³ð UN²¾?ONðË …d(« oÞUM*UÐ …œułu*« lzU?C³«

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Zones could be altered and arranged w²« Í—U???−??²« ‰œU??³??²« W??d??Š  U???O??C??²??I*
according to trade requirements of the
trade exchange needed by those ÆoÞUM*« qš«œ ÊuKUF« UNłU²×¹
operating at the Free Zones. ©≥® …œU
Article (3)
It is prohibited to enter into the Free
s¹e??????ðË ‰u?????šœ …d?????(« oÞU?M*« w? dE?×¹
Zones, and also prohibited to store and WU?Š wË …—u?E;« Ë√ W?HU?²« lzU??C?³« ÷d?ŽË
display the damaged or banned goods
ÆUNÐ ‰uLF*« `z«uK«Ë 5½«uI« o³D½ WHU<«
therein. In the event of violation, the
applicable laws and regulations shall be ©¥® …œU
w t??O≈ —U??A*« hO??šd??²« sL??C?²?¹ Ê√ V−¹
Article (4)
The license referred to in Article (2) WIDM*« qš«œ ◊UAM?« WÝ—U2 ÊUJ ÊUOÐ ©≤® …œU*«
hereof must contain the place of practicing
…b????Ë U????NKł√ s? `M? w²« ÷«d????ž_«Ë …d????(«
the activity inside the Free Zone as well as
the purposes for which the license was W¹œR?¹ Íc« w?U*« ÊU????L???C?« —«b????I???Ë t?½U¹d????Ý
granted, the validity period of the license Æt hšd*«
and the amount of financial guarantee to be
paid by the licensee. ©μ® …œU
Article (5) ∫WOdL'« ÂuÝd«Ë Vz«dC« s vHFð
The following shall be exempted from
the taxes and Customs' duties: ÕUЗ_«Ë …d(« oÞU?M*UÐ ÂUIð w²«  U?ŽËdA*« ≠ √
A- The projects established in the free Ác¼ qš«œ U??NÞU??A½ W?Ý—U2 s? U?N??I?I??% w²«
zones and the profits realized from the
activities practiced in these zones.
B- The products imported to or exported w²« Ë√ …d(« oÞUMLK œ—u²ð w²« lzUC³« ≠»
from the free zones. ÆUNM —bBð
C- The tools and equipment required for
the work inside the free zones regardless
qš«œ qL???FK W??“ö«  U???L??N*«Ë  «Ëœ_« ≠ Ã
of their types. ÆUNŽu½ ÊU U¹√ …d(« oÞUM*«
All without prejudice to the provisions of
’u?????BM? u¼ U?0 ‰ö?????šù« ÊËœ tK? p–Ë
this law.
Article (6) ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ w tOKŽ
Goods entered into Free Zones shall not ©∂® …œU
be subject to any restrictions regarding its
…d??(« oÞUM*« qšbð w?²« lzU?C??³« lC??ð ô
duration therein, save in the event of cases
necessitating their removal out of the Zones w²«  ôU(« w ô≈ UNzUIÐ …b? YOŠ s bO Í_
due to their relevant nature or failure of nKð Ë√ U??N?²?F?O??³D W?−?O?²?½ U?N?ł«d?š« wŽb??²?ð
owners to pay their financial obligations, or rN²?HU Ë√ WOU*« rN?ðU«e²« W¹œQð sŽ UNÐU?× √
in case of violating the provisions of this
ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ_
law. Furthermore, neither imports into the
Zone nor exports from the Zone shall be  «—œUB«Ë WIDMLK  «œ—«u« lCð ô UL
subject to import/export restrictions. Æd¹bB²«Ë œ«dO²Ýô« œuOI UNM

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Article (7) ©∑® …œU
The employees specified in a decision
issued by the Minister of Commerce & —«d r¼b¹b×?²Ð —bB¹ s¹c« 5HþuLK ÊuJ¹
Industry shall have the right to enter the oÞUM*« ‰u??šœ oŠ W??ŽUMB«Ë …—U??−??²« d¹“Ë s
Free Zones and as well as the entities
therein, and to seize any violations
 U??HU???? s lI¹ U?? j³??{Ë U??NðP??AMË …d??(«
committed against the provisions of this Ê√ rNË W¹c?O??HM²« t?×z«uË Êu½U??I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ_
law or its Executive Bylaws. They may also
ÆWÞdA« …u œ«dQÐ «uMOF²¹
seek assistance from the police forces.
Article (8) ©∏® …œU
The licensee undertakes, pursuant to the Êu½U??I« «c¼ ÂU?JŠ_ U??I?Ë t h?šd*« Âe??²K¹
provisions of this law, to insure all the
buildings, machines and equipment against
b???{  «b???F?*«Ë  ôü«Ë w½U???³*« v?KŽ 5Q???²?UÐ
all incidents, he also undertakes to remove t?²?I?H½ v?KŽ U?N?²«“SÐ Âe?²K¹ U?L?? Àœ«u?(« lO?L?ł
same at his own expenses within the period d¹“Ë s? —«d??IÐ œb???% w²?« …b*« ‰ö???š W?? U???)«
determined by a Resolution issued by the
Minister of Commerce & Industry as of the
…b? ¡U?N?²½« a¹—Uð s «—U?³??²?Ž« W?ŽUMB«Ë …—U?−?²«
date of his license period expires. ÆtBOšdð
Article (9)
©π® …œU
Entry into or residing at the Free Zones
shall according to the terms and situations UIË UNO WUù« Ë√ …d(« oÞUM*« ‰ušœ ÊuJ¹
prescribed in a resolution to be issued by d¹“Ë s —«d UNÐ —bB¹ w²« ŸU{Ë_«Ë ◊ËdAK
the Minister of Commerce & Industry.
Moreover, this resolution shall determine qÐU?I? —«d?I« «c¼ œb?×¹ U??L? W?ŽUMB«Ë …—U?−?²«
the consideration for occupying the spaces ÆlzUC³« UNÐ Ÿœuð w²« sU_« ‰UGý≈
where the goods are stored.
Article (10) ©±∞® …œU
It is forbidden to withhold, confiscate, or w …d?L??¦?²?*« ‰«u??_« vKŽ e?−??(« “u?−¹ ô
subject to receivership the money invested
in the Free Zones without a judicial
W??Ý«d??(« ÷d?? Ë√ U??Nð—œU??B?? Ë√ …d?(« o?ÞUM*«
process. ÆwzUCI« o¹dD« dOž sŽ UNOKŽ
Article (11)
©±±® …œU
The Ministry of Commerce & Industry
shall assume the responsibility of vKŽ ·«dýù« WŽUMB«Ë …—U?−²« …—«“Ë vu²ð
supervising the Free Zones. This Ministry bM?ð Ê√ …—«“u« Ác????N “u????−¹Ë ¨…d????(« oÞU?M*«
may entrust the management of said Zones
W?B??B???²*«  U?N??'« v≈ …—u?c?*« oÞUM*« …—«œ≈
to specialized entities from the private
sector after obtaining the approval of the ¡«—“u« f?K−?? W???I??«u??? b??F?Ð ’U??)« ŸUD?IUÐ
Council of Ministers and in accordance ÆU¼—dI¹ w²« ◊ËdAUÐË
with conditions it prescribes.
Article (12) ©±≤® …œU
The party authorized to manage the Free qO?³?Ý w …d?(« oÞUM?*« …—«œSÐ Wu?<« W?N?−K
Zones may, for the purpose of performing
its assigned functions and carrying out its
U?NðU?«e?²≈Ë U?NðU?³?ł«uÐ ÂU?OI?«Ë UN?UL?Ž√ …d?ýU?³?
duties and pertinent obligations, seek the w W?BB?²*«Ë W?OMF*«  U?N'« W?UJÐ W½U?F²?Ýù«

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

assistance of all competent Government w  ö?ON??²« .bIð  U?N?'« Ác¼ vKŽË WËb«
authorities of specialization, and such
authorities shall provide the facilities within Æ¡«—“u« fK− U¼«d¹ w²« œËb(«
the limits determined by the Council of
©±≥® …œU
Article (13) 5½«u????I?« ÂUJŠ√ …d????(« oÞU?M*« v?KŽ Íd????ð
The Free Zones shall be subject to the
W¾?O³« W¹U?LŠË wŽ«—e«Ë w×B« d?−(UÐ W?IKF²*«
provisions of the laws governing Health
and Agriculture Quarantine, Environment ÷«d_«Ë  Uü« s W¹Uu«Ë W¹UL(UÐ WIKF²*«Ë
Protection, including those provisions
prescribing safeguarding and protection
œd¹ r U?LO? w²¹uJ« l¹d?A?²« ÂUJŠ√ Íd?ð UL?
against plights and epidemic diseases. ÆÊu½UI« UNÐ ’Uš h½ t½QAÐ
Moreover, the provisions of the Kuwaiti
legislation shall apply to whatever not ©±¥® …œU
mentioned specifically in this law. QA?½ w²«  UŽ“UM*« W¹u?ð vKŽ ‚UHðô« “u?−¹
Article (14)
It is permitted to agree on settling the 5ÐË UNMOÐ Ë√ …d(« oÞUM*UÐ WUI*«  UŽËdA*« 5Ð
disputes that arise between the projects
established in Free Zones or between such
s U¼d?Ož Ë√ oÞUM*« pKð …—«œ≈ vu?²ð w²« W?N'«
enterprises and the party assuming the ◊U?AM?Ð WKB«  «– W¹—«œù« …e?N??ł_«Ë  UDK«
management of said Zones or any other
authorities and administrative bodies ÆrJײ« o¹dDÐ oÞUM*UÐ qLF«
having relation with Free Zones business
s q sŽ u?C?Ž s rO?J×?²« W?¾?O¼ qJAðË
activities, by means of arbitration.
The Arbitration Panel shall be set up of vK?Ž oH???²¹ `łd??? Y?UŁ u???C???ŽË Ÿ«eM« w?dÞ
one arbitrator for each party to the dispute
and a third umpire to be elected upon vKŽ U?I?H?²¹ r? «–S? Ê«—u?c*« Ê«u?C?F« Á—U?O?²?š«
mutual agreement of the said two
r²¹ U?L¼d?š¬ 5Fð s U?u¹ 5ŁöŁ ‰ö?š Á—UO?²?š«
arbitrators. In the event of disagreement to
elect him within a thirty day period from s Í√ VK?Þ vKŽ ¡UM?Ð `łd*« u??C???F« —U??O???²??š«
the date of appointing the latter one, the
umpire shall be elected at the request of ÆWŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë s —«dIÐ 5dD«
either party, under a resolution from the
 «¡«d???łù« b???Ž«u??? rOJ×???²« W???¾???O¼ l?CðË
Minister of Commerce & Industry. The
Arbitration Panel shall lay down the rules  U?F«d*« Êu?½U b?Ž«u?IÐ bO?I?²« ÊËœ U?NÐ W U?)«
of its procedure, without abiding by the
rules of the Civil and Commercial  U½U?L?CU?Ð U?NM oKF?²¹ U? ô≈ W¹—U??−?²«Ë W?O½b*«
Procedure Law, save in relation to sureties U?Nð«—«d? —b?BðË ¨w{U?I²?K WO?ÝU?Ý_« ΔœU?³*«Ë
and basic principles of litigation. It shall
pass its verdict by majority vote, which 5dDK W?eKË WOzU?N½ ÊuJðË  «u _« WO?³KžQÐ
shall be binding to all parties and duly
enforceable same as final judgments. The ÆWOzUNM« ÂUJŠ_« ÊQý UN½Qý cOHM²K WKÐUË
Panel shall fix the relevant arbitration fees sË r?J×????²« n¹—U????B??? W????¾????O???N« œb????%Ë
and identify the party who shall bear same.
Article (15) ÆUNKLײ¹
Without prejudice to more severe
punishment provided in another law, any
©±μ® …œU
person who violates any of the provisions UN?OKŽ hM¹ bý√ WÐu?IŽ ÍQÐ ‰ö?šù« ÂbŽ l

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

of this law or regulations and resolutions s rJŠ Í√ nU?¹ s q VUF¹ ¨d?š¬ Êu½U
thereof shall be punished by a fine not
exceeding Five Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars. ¨t …c?HM*«  «—«d?I«Ë `z«u?K« Ë√ Êu½U?I« ÂUJŠ√
Reconciliation may be made in respect Æ—UM¹œ ·ô¬ WLš “ËU& ô w²« W«dGUÐ
of this offence, and whoever executes the
minutes of the same shall after confronting —d×? vKŽË ¨W1d'« Ác¼ w `K?B« “u−¹Ë
the alleged offender, offer reconciliation
tO?KŽ ÷dF¹ Ê√ ¨U?NÐ rN²*« W?Nł«u? bFÐ d?C;«
and state such a fact on his record.
Consequently the alleged offender who is rN??²*« v?KŽË Ád??C??×?? w p– X³??¦¹Ë `?KB«
desirous to reconciling shall within five
days from the reconciliation offer date pay W????L??š ‰ö?š l?b¹ Ê√ `KB« w V?žd¹ Íc«
half of the maximum fine determined for vB?_« b(« nB½ t?OKŽ `KB« ÷d?Ž s ÂU¹√
the offence attributed to him up to an
amount not exceeding Five Hundred “ËU?−¹ ôË t?O≈ WÐu?M*« W?1d?−K …—d?I*« W?«d?GK
Kuwaiti Dinars. The reconciliation shall
¡U??C?I½« `?KB« vKŽ Vðd??²¹Ë —UM¹œ W?zU?L???L??š
result in abatement of the penal action at
law including all its effects, but `KB« “u−¹ ôË U¼—UŁ¬ lO?L−Ð WOz«e?'« ÈuŽb«
reconciliation may not be made in the event
of recidivism. ÆœuF« WUŠ w
Article (16) ©±∂® …œU
The Minister of Commerce & Industry
 «—«d???I« W???ŽUMB?«Ë …—U???−??²?« d¹“Ë —b???B¹
shall issue the regulating decisions and
executive procedures pertaining to the Free W?‡‡? U‡?‡)« W?‡¹c??????O?????H?M²?«  «¡«d‡?łù«Ë W?????L?EM?*«
Zones. Æ…d(« o‡ÞU‡M*UÐ
Article (17)
All Ministers, each within his
©±∑® …œU
jurisdiction, shall implement this law. «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
Amir of Kuwait
X¹uJ« dO√
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah
ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Issued at Bayan Palace on: 3rd Safar 1416AH.
Corresponding to: 1st July 1995AD.
‡¼ ±¥±∂ dH ≥ ∫ w ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
±ππμ uOu¹ ± ∫o«u«

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Explanatory Memorandum Êu½UI« ŸËdA* WOŠUC¹ …dc
For The Draft-Law Concerning The Free
…d(« oÞUM*« ÊQAÐ

The various countries began recently to w …d?O?š_« W½Ëü« w WHK?²<« ‰Ëb«  c?š√
take a new approach towards the
achievement of the commercial and
·«b¼√ oO?I×?² b¹b?ł —U? ÃU?N?²½« u×½ ÁU?&ô«
industrial development objectives, ‰U*« ”√— »c?łË W??O?ŽUMB«Ë W¹—U??−?²« W?O??LM²«
attraction of capital and limiting the ÊuJ¹ …dŠ oÞUM ¡UA?½SÐ p–Ë tðd−¼ s b(«Ë
investment of such capital in foreign
countries. They achieved this goal by
‘U?F½«Ë U¹—U??& «e?d? œö?³« qF?ł U??NM ·b?N«
creating free zones aiming at transforming ÂU??O? l?O?−??AðË W¹d??×??³« W??Šö*«Ë qIM?« W?d??Š
these countries into commercial hubs, Æ…dOGB«  UŽUMB«
refreshing the maritime transportation and
navigation movement and encouraging the
e???d???? …œU???F???²???Ý « X?¹uJ« W?Ëœ  √— b???Ë
small enterprises. Hence, the State of …œU¹“ ‰ö??š s? W??IDM?*« w Í—U??−??²?« …—«b??B«
Kuwait decided to recover its financial »cłË d¹bB²« …œUŽ≈Ë —u³F« wð—U& w r−(«
position in the region by increasing the
volume of transit trade, re-export of goods,
l{uÐ W?I?¦« œU?−¹≈Ë tðd?−¼ s b?(«Ë ‰U*« ”√—
attracting the capital reduce it investment in Èu??²?*« vK?Ž ÍœU?B??²?ô«Ë wÝU??O??« X¹uJ«
other countries and creating a confidence in o?ÞUM? ¡U?????A½≈ r?OE?M²?Ð p–Ë w?*U?????F«Ë w?K;«
Kuwait's political and economic position on
the local and international levels by
W?OËb« W¹—U?−?²« ŸU??{Ë_« d¹U?¹ U0 …d?Š W¹—U?&
establishing free trade zones to go along ŸËd?A b?Ž√ b?I ÷d?G« «c?N U?IO?I?%Ë …—uD²*«
line with the developed international Æ…d(« oÞUM*« ÊQAÐ o«d*« Êu½UI«
commercial positions. For this purpose, the
attached draft law on free zones has been “«uł vKŽ tM ©±® …œU*« w ŸËdA*« h½ bË
prepared. s —«d?IÐ p–Ë d¦?√ Ë√ …d?Š W¹—U& W?IDM ¡U?A½«
Article (1) of the draft law stated that a l«u??? —«d??I?« «c¼ 5³¹ Ê√ v?KŽ ¡«—“u« fK?−??
free trade zone may be established upon a
resolution issued by the Council of ÆU¼œËbŠË oÞUM*«
Ministers and that the resolution shall …—U?−?²« d¹“Ë ŸËd?A*« s ©≤® …œU*« Xu?šË
indicate the location and limits of such ÂU??O??IUÐ …d??(« oÞUM*« w? hO??šd?²?« W?ŽU?MB«Ë
Article (2) granted the Minister of UN?Žu½ ÊU U¹√ lzU?C³« ÷d?ŽË s¹eð  UO?KLFÐ
Commerce & Industry the power to license dOOGð UN½Qý s w²«  UOKLF« ¡«dł≈Ë U¼RAM Ë√
the Free Trade Zones to practice the W?d?Š  U?O?C?²?I* U?F?³ð U?N?²?¾?O?NðË lzU?C?³« WU?Š
activities of storage and display of products
of any type, origin or source and to perform Í√ WË«eË ‚«uÝ_«  U³KD²?Ë Í—U−²« ‰œU³²«
the process under which the condition of w²?«  U??b???)«Ë ◊U???AM« U???N???O≈ ÃU???²??×?¹ WMN???
goods are changed and prepared according vH?²??« b?Ë ¨oÞUM*« qš«œ ÊuK?U?F« U?N?łU??²?×¹
to trade and market requirements. The text
set only the main standards for such ÊËœ WDA½_« pK² WO?Ozd« dO¹UF*« l{uÐ hM«
activities leaving the details (i.e. selection,  «—«d???IK p– U???—Uð qO??? U??H???²« w ‰u???šb«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

cleaning, blending, mixing and packaging jK)«Ë n?OEM²?«Ë “d??H«  U??O?KL??F?? W?¹c??O??H?M²«
of goods) to the executive resolutions.
Article (3) prohibited the entry into,
storage and display of damaged or banned ÷d?ŽË s?¹e?ðË ‰u??šœ ©≥® …œU*«  dEŠË
goods at the Free Zones. The text was U?U?Ž hM« ¡UłË ¨…—u?E;« Ë√ WHU?²« lzU?C?³«
general and did not differentiate between
the internationally banned products like
vC??²?I0 U??OËœ W??d?;« lzU??C??³« 5Ð ‚d??H¹ rK
drugs and the products prohibited by local u¼ U??Ë U¼d??O??žË  «—b??<U?? W??OËœ  U??O??U??Hð«
laws such as the alcoholic beverages. The —u??L??)U? W??OK?š«b« 5½«u??I« vC??²??I0 —uE×??
Article stated that in the case of violation,
the applicable laws and regulations shall
o³Dð W??HU?<« WU??Š w t½√ hM« —d?Ë U¼d??O?žË
apply. `z«uK«Ë 5½«u?I« w U?NOK?Ž ’uBM*«  «¡«e?'«
Article (4) stated that the license referred ÆW¹—«œù«Ë WOz«e'« ¡«uÝ W¹—U«
to in Article (2) shall include the place, i.e.,
the site where a relevant activity is hO???šd???²« qL???²???A¹ Ê√ ©¥® …œU*« X³???łË√Ë
practiced within a Free Zone, the purposes WÝ—U2 ÊUJ ÊUOÐ vKŽ ©≤® …œU*UÐ tOKŽ ’uBM*«
for which the license is issued, the validity
`?M s? ÷d???????G«Ë W???????I?D?M*« q?š«œ ◊U???????AM?«
of its duration and the amount of guarantee
payable by the licensee. Such are the wU*« ÊU?L??C« —«b?I?Ë t½U¹d?Ý …b?Ë h?O?šd?²«
essential conditions required by the w?¼ ◊Ëd???????A?« Ác?¼Ë ¨t h?šd?*« t?¹œR¹ Íc?«
regulator to render the license valid.
Article (5) indicated the categories —U?³??²?Žô Ÿd?A?*« U?N?³KD?ð w²« W¹d¼u??'« ◊Ëd?A«
which shall be exempted from the customs ÆÁ—UŁü U−²M U×O× hOšd²«
and duty taxes being the projects
s?  «¡U?????H?????Žô« ÊU??????OÐ ©μ® …œU?*« XH?KJ?ðË
established in the free zones and the profits
realized from the activities practiced in W????³?????MU?Ð W????O????d????L????'« Âu?????Ýd«Ë Vz«d?????C«
such zones, the products imported to or ÕUЗô«Ë …d(« oÞUM*« w ÂUIð w²«  UŽËdALK
exported from the free zones and the tools
and equipments required for the work in the —b?Bð Ë√ U??N?O≈ œdð w²« lzU??C?³«Ë U?N?I??I?% w²«
free zones without prejudice to the qš«œ qL?FK W?“ö?«  U?L?N*«Ë  «Ëœô«Ë U?NM
provisions of the law.
t?O?KŽ ’u?BM u?¼ U0 ‰ö?š√ ÊËœ …d??(« oÞUM*«
Article (6) included another facility
related to the duration of remaining of ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ w
goods inside the Free Zones which shall not s d???š¬ Ÿu½ ÊU???OÐ ©∂® …œU?*« XML???Cð U???L???
be subject to any restrictions, save in the
event of cases necessitating their removal WIDM*« w lzUC³« ¡UIÐ …b w q¦L²¹  öON²«
out of Zones due to their relevant nature or wŽb????²????ð w²?«  ôU???(« w? ô≈ b???O???? Í√ ÊËœ
to failure of owners to pay their financial
sŽ UNÐU×? √ nKð Ë√ UN²F?O³D W−O²½ U?Nł«dš√
and legal obligations. Furthermore, the text
included the exemption of imports and the sL?Cð pc ¨W?O½u½UI«Ë W?OU*« rNðU«e?²« W¹œQð
exports into and from the Zone from d¹b??B??²«Ë œ«d??O??²?Ýô« œu??O?? s ¡U??H??Žô« hM«
import/export restrictions.
Article (7) stated the principle of control ÆUNM  «—œUB«Ë WIDMLK  «œ—«uK W³MUÐ
over the activities of the Free Zone and the vK?Ž WÐU??d?« √b??³??? ©∑® …œU*«  œb???Š pc???

¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

necessity of compliance of such activities U?I?³Þ U?N?O? qL?F« r?²¹ Ê√ …—Ëd?{Ë W?IDM*« ‰U?L?Ž√
with the law. For such purpose, the text of
this Article gave the Minister of Commerce
hM« bN?Ž bI …u?łd*« UN«b¼√ o?OI×?²Ë Êu½UIK
& Industry the power to determine the s¹c« 5Hþu*« b¹b% WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë v≈
officials who shall have the right to enter j³?{Ë U?N?ðP?AM Ë …d?(« oÞUM*« ‰u??šœ oŠ rN
Free Zones and the plants established
therein to investigate any contraventions. …u? œ«d??QÐ W½U??F?²?Ýù« rN?  “U?ł√Ë  U?H?U?<«
The text permitted such officials to seek the Æ¡UC²ô« WUŠ w WÞdA«
assistance of the police, if necessary.
Article (8) obliged the licensee to insure
v?K?Ž t?M? ©∏® …œU?*« w? ŸËd?????????A?*« V?łË√Ë
all the buildings, machines and equipment  ôü«Ë w?½U?????????³?*« v?K?Ž 5Q?????????²?« t? h?šd?*«
against all accidents to keep the insured
s q `U??B Àœ«u??(« lO?L??ł b?{  «b??F*«Ë
party and other parties dealing with the
plants insured against any loss or accidents. Ác¼ l? 5KU???F???²?*« Ë√ W???IDM?*UÐ d???O???G«Ë s?R*«
The Article obliges the licensee also to WU?Š w ŸU?O?CK W?{d?Ž ÊuJð ô v²?Š  P?AM*«
undertake to remove such buildings,
machines and equipment at on his own wN??²M¹ s vKŽ h?M« VłË√ pc?? ¨Àœ«u?(«
expense within the period determined by a w½U??³*« W?? U??)« t??²??I??H½ vK?Ž q¹e¹ Ê√ t??B??O??šdð
resolution issued by the Minister of
Commerce & Industry as of the date of the
w?²?« …b*« ‰ö????????š p?–Ë  «b????????F?*«Ë  ôü«Ë
license expiry. ÆWŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« d¹“Ë U¼œb×¹
Article (9) stated that the Minister of
s —«d????? —b?????B?¹ Ê√ vK?Ž ©π® …œU*« X?B½Ë
Commerce & Industry shall issue a
resolution on the conditions and ŸU{Ë√Ë ◊Ëd?ý b¹b×?²Ð WŽUMB«Ë …—U?−²« d¹“Ë
stipulations of entry into or residing at Free ‰UGý≈ qÐU?IË UNO WU?ù«Ë …d(« oÞUM*« ‰ušœ
Zones and the same resolution shall specify
the relevant storage charges for occupying ÆlzUC³« UNÐ Ÿœuð w²« sU_«
vacant places where goods are warehoused. vKŽ e?−?(« Âb?Ž vKŽ ©±∞® …œU*« XB½ U?L?
Article (10) stated that the property
and/or funds invested in Free Zones may UNð—œU?B Ë√ …d?(« oÞUM*« w …dL?¦²?*« ‰«u_«
not be attached, retained, confiscated or ¡U??C?I« o¹d?Þ sŽ ô≈ U?N??OKŽ W??Ý«d?(« ÷d?? Ë√
subject to sequestration or receivership,
save through a judicial process.
·«b¼_U?Ð oÞU?M*« Ác?¼ ÂU????O????I? U½U????L?????{ p–Ë
Article (11) indicated the way of ÆUNM …ułd*«
managing the free zones stating that the
…d(« oÞUM*« …—«œ≈ WOH?O ©±±® …œU*« XMOÐ UL
Ministry of Commerce & Industry shall
assume the responsibility of Free Zone oÞU?M*« p?Kð vK?Ž ·«d???ýô« œU?MÝ« v?KŽ XB?M
supervision and that the Ministry may bMð Ê√ U?N  “U?ł√Ë W?ŽU?MB«Ë …—U?−?²« …—«“u
entrust the management of said zones to
specialized entities of the private sector fK− W?I«u0 p–Ë ’U)« ŸU?DI« v≈ UNð—«œ≈
after securing the approval of the Council ÆU¼—dI¹ w²« ◊ËdAUÐË ¡«—“u«
of Ministers, and in conformity with its
prescribed conditions.
 U???N????'« W???U??? v?KŽ ©±≤® …œU*« X?³???łË√Ë
Article (12) stated that all competent …—«œSÐ Wu<« WN'« W½ËUF? WËb« w WBB²*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Government specialized bodies, shall assist œËb?(« wË p– UNM X?³KÞ U «–≈ …d?(« oÞUM*«
the authorities in charge of managing the
Free Zones within the limits determined by Æ¡«—“u« fK− U¼—dI¹ w²«
the Council of Ministers. v?K?Ž Íd???????????ð Ê√ v?K?Ž ©±≥® …œU?*« X?B?½Ë
Article (13) stated that the Free Zones
shall be subject to the provisions of laws
d??−??(UÐ W???IKF??²*« 5?½«u??I« ÂUJŠ√ …d??(« o?ÞUM*«
governing Health and Agriculture W??I?KF??²*«Ë W???¾??O???³« W¹U??L???ŠË wŽ«—e«Ë w×???B«
Quarantine, Environment Protection,
Ê_ ¨÷«d??_«Ë  U?ü« s W??OzU?u?« W¹U?L??(UÐ
including those provisions prescribing
safeguarding and protection against plights oO????³?Dð sŽ ¡U?MG????²????Ýô« s?J1 ô 5½«u????I?« Ác¼
and epidemic diseases as such laws are
W?×??BUÐ U?N?I?KF?² …d?(« oÞU?M*« vKŽ U?N?? u?B½
indispensable for the public health and
environment protection. Moreover, Kuwaiti ¡«u?Ý √e?−??²¹ ô q w¼Ë W?¾??O?³« W¹U?L?ŠË W??U?F«
legislation provisions shall be applicable to XB½ U?L? ¨WËb« qš«œ Ë√ …d?(« oÞUM*« qš«œ
matters not otherwise provided for in the
present law. l¹d????A?????²« ÂUJ?Š√ ÊU¹d????Ý v?KŽ …—u????c?*« …œU*«
Article (14) allowed the settlement of «c¼ w ’U??š h½ t½Q??AÐ œd¹ r U?L??O? w?²¹uJ«
disputes, arising between the projects
established in Free Zones or between such
enterprises and the party assuming the W¹u?ð vK?Ž ‚U?Hðô« ©±¥® …œU*«  “U?ł√ b?Ë
management of said Zones or between any W???U???I*«  U???ŽËd??A?*« 5Ð Q???AMð w²?«  U??Ž“U?M*«
other administrative authorities and/or
departments in connection with Free Zones vu???²ð w²« W???N??'« 5ÐË U???NMO?Ð Ë√ …d??(« oÞU?M*UÐ
business activities, by means of arbitration.  U?DK??« s? U¼d???????O???????ž Ë√ o?ÞU?M?*« pK?ð …—«œ≈
It indicated the way of composing the
w qL?F« ◊U?AMÐ WKB«  «– W¹—«œù« …e?N?ł_«Ë
Arbitration Panel. The Article empowered
the Arbitration Panel to lay down the rules …œU?*« X?M?O?ÐË ¨r?J?×?????????²?« o?¹dD?Ð o?ÞU?M?*« Ác?¼
of its procedures, without abiding by the XKË√Ë rOJ?×?²« W?¾?O¼ qOJAð W??O?H?O? …—u?c*«
rules of the Civil and Commercial
Procedures Code, save in relation to W? U)«  «¡«d?łù« bŽ«u? l{Ë W?¾O?N« pKð v≈
sureties and basic principles of litigation. W?O½b*«  U?F??«d*« Êu½U? b?Ž«u?IÐ b??O?Ið ÊËœ ¨U?NÐ
The Article stated that the Panel shall pass
its verdict by a majority vote, which shall
 U½U??L???CUÐ U??NM? oKF??²?¹ U??L??O?? ô≈ W¹—U???−??²«Ë
be binding on all parties and duly ¨w{UI²K WOÝUÝ_« ΔœU³*«Ë
enforceable as same as final judgments and
W?¾?O?N«  «—«d? Ê√ vKŽ …œU?*« pKð XB½ U?L?
that the Panel shall fix the relevant
arbitration fees and identify by which party W?eKË W?OzU?N½ Êu?JðË  «u? _« W?O?³KžQÐ —b?Bð
shall be borne. n¹—U?B W?¾O?N« œb%Ë ¨c?OHM²K WKÐU?Ë 5dDK
Article (15) indicated the penalty of
ÆUNKLײ¹ sË rOJײ«
violating any of the provisions of this law
or regulations and resolutions thereof v?KŽ …—d?????I?*« WÐu?????I?????F?« ©±μ® …œU*« X?MO?ÐË
without prejudice to a more severe p–Ë Êu?½U???I?« ÂUJ?Š√ s rJ?Š Í√ W???H?U???????

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
punishment provided in another law. This UNOK?Ž hM¹ bý√ WÐuIŽ W¹QÐ ‰ö?šô« ÂbŽ …UŽ«d0
Article permitted the reconciliation in
WÐu???I??Ž vKŽ `?U??B??²?«  “U??ł√Ë ¨d??š¬ Êu?½U??
respect of this offence, and that the
reconciliation shall result in abatement of vKŽ X³ð—Ë W?Ou?LF?« ÈuŽb« l— q³? W«d?G«
the penal action. ÆÈuŽb« Ác¼ ¡UCI½« `UB²« «c¼
Article (16) empowered the Minister of
d?¹“Ë v≈ ŸËd??????A?*« s ©±∂® …œU?*« XK?Ë√Ë
Commerce & Industry to issue the
regulating decisions and the executive W???LEM*«  «—«d???I« —«b??? ≈ W???ŽUMB«Ë …—U???−???²«
procedures pertaining to the Free Zones. Æ…d(« oÞUM*UÐ W U)« W¹cOHM²«  «¡«dłù«Ë

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥


© Ÿu³Ý√ ∫ …bŠu« ® X¹uJ« WËœ w …d(« WIDM*« ŸËdA* W¹cOHM²«  «uDK wM“ ‰Ëbł WŽUMB«Ë …—U−²« …—«“Ë

≥∞ ≤π ≤∏ ≤∑ ≤∂ ≤μ ≤¥ ≤≥ ≤≤ ≤± ≤∞ ±π ±∏ ±∑ ±∂ ±μ ±¥ ±≥ ±≤ ±± ±∞ π ∏ ∑ ∂ μ ¥ ≥ ≤ ± W¹cOHM²«  «uD)«
π∂ ”—U ∂≠≤ qO¼Q²«  «—UL²Ý« rOKðË ÊöŽô« —Ëb ©±
π∂ ”—U ≤∞≠π qO¼Q²«  «—UL²Ý« Âö²Ý« ≠ ≤
π∂ q¹dЫ ≥ ”—U ≤≥ qO¼Q²«  U³KÞ rOOIð ≠ ≥
π∂ q¹dЫ ±∑≠±≥ UOKF« WM−K« q³ s rOOI²« ZzU²½ œUL²Ž« ≠ ¥
Âb?I??²K U?NKO?¼Qð - w²«  U?d??A« …u?Žœ ≠ μ
π∂ q¹dЫ ≤¥≠≤∞ WOKOBH²«  UÝ«—bUÐ
 UdA« s WOKOB?H²«  UÝ«—b« Âö²Ý« ≠ ∂
π∂ uO½u¹ ±π ≠ q¹dЫ ≤∑ ©WO³Mł_« …d³)« b¹b% l® UNKO¼Qð - w²«
ÂU?√ U?N??{Ëd?Ž .b?I?²  U?d??A« …u?Žœ ≠ ∑
π∂ uOu¹ ±∞ ≠ uO½u¹ ≤≤ ÆqOUH²« w UN²AUMË WM−K«
W?dA« —U?O²?š« ÷ËdFK? wzUNM« rO?OI?²« ≠ ∏
π∂ uO½u¹ ≥±≠±≥ Æ…ezUH«
W½ËUF?0 WdA« l b?UF?²K ŸËdA? œ«bŽ« ≠ π
π∂ fDž« ≤±≠≥ WO½u½UI« ÊËRA« …—«œ≈
π∂ fDž« ≤∏≠≤¥ bIF« œuMÐ WAUM* WdA« …uŽœ ≠ ±∞
fK−?? vK?Ž b?U??F??²« ◊Ëd??ý ÷d??Ž ≠ ±±
fDž« ≥±
d³L²³Ý ±± ≠ ÆU¼—«d« w dEMK ¡«—“u«
±ππ∂ WdA« «e²« ¡bÐË bIF« vKŽ lOu²« ≠ ±≤
π∂ d³L²³Ý
Law No. (66) of Year 1998 ± WM  r— Êu½U
Concerning The Cancellation of The
Provisions Preventing The Submission of iFÐ ŸuCš s WF½U*« ’uBM« ¡UGSÐ
Some Public Authorities And Public W UF« UÝR*«Ë W UF« U¾ON«
Corporations To The Control of The
Audit Bureau Or The Public Tenders Êu½U‡ Ë W³ÝU;« Ê«u‡¹œ W‡ÐUd
Law W UF« U‡BUM*«

Following perusal of:

- The Constitution, —u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ
- Law No. (30) of year 1964AD.
concerning the Establishment of the Audit
¡UA½SР±π∂¥ WM ©≥∞® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË
Bureau, and its amending laws, ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ
- Law No. (37) of year 1964AD.
regarding Public Tenders, and its amending
w ±π∂¥ W?M? ©≥∑® r— Êu?½U?????I« v?KŽË
laws, and Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF«  UBUM*« ÊQý
- Law No. (1) of year 1993AD.
ÊQ?ý w ±ππ≥ WM ©±® r?— Êu½U?I« vKŽË
concerning Protecting the Public Funds,
and its amending laws, ¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF« ‰«u_« W¹ULŠ
The National Assembly has approved
¨t?B½ wðü« Êu½UI« v?KŽ W_« fK−? o«Ë
the law which text reads as follows, and we
have ratified and enacted same. ÆÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ UMb bË
Article (1)
Any provision stated in any law
©±® …œU
stipulating either setting up or regulating 5½«u?I« s Êu½U? Í√ w œ—«Ë h½ q vGK¹
the public authorities and public
 U??ÝR*«Ë W?UF?«  U¾?O?NU? W?LEM*« Ë√ W?¾?AM*«
corporations that are having appended and
separate budgets, shall be annulled in s lM0 ¨WKI²*«Ë WI?×K*«  UO½«eO*«  «– WUF«
respect of preventing the submission of
W³?ÝU;« Ê«u¹b? WI³?*« WÐUd?K UNU?LŽ√ Ÿu?Cš
these bodies' activities to the prior control
of the Audit Bureau as stipulated in the ±π∂¥ WM ≥∞ r— Êu½UI« w UNOKŽ ’uBM*«
aforesaid Law No. (30) of year 1964AD. or ≥∑ r— W?U?F«  U?B?UM*« Êu½U? ÂUJŠ_« Ë√ ¨Â
the provisions of the Public Tenders Law
No. (37) of year 1964AD. ÆUNO≈ —UA*« ±π∂¥ WM
As exception from the provisions of the pM?Ð W??IÐU???« …d???I???H« ÂUJ?Š√ s vM¦???²???¹Ë
previous paragraph is the Central Bank of
Kuwait, the selling operations of oil and its jHM?« lOÐ  U??OKL??Ž pc??Ë Íe??d*«Ë X?¹uJ«
derivatives, and the investment transactions UN?Ð ÂuIð w²« W¹—U?L¦?²Ýô«  UO?KLF«Ë tðU?I²?AË
carried out by the public authorities and
public corporations that were not subject to WF{Uš sJð r w²« WU?F«  U¾ON«Ë  UÝR*«
the prior control of Audit Bureau or to the Êu½U ÂUJŠ_ Ë√ W?³ÝU;« Ê«u¹b? WI³?*« WÐUdK
provisions of the law of Central Public
Tenders before the this law has become «c??N?Ð qL??F?« q³?? W???U??F?« W¹e??d?*«  U??B???UM*«
operational, this without prejudice to the Êu½UI« ÂUJŠ√ l ÷—UF²¹ ô U0 p–Ë ªÊu½UI«
provisions of Law No. (1) of year 1993
concerning the Protection of The Public
‰«u??_« W¹U???L??Š ÊQ??ý w ±ππ≥ WM? ©±® r—
Funds. ÆWUF«

¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Article (2)
©® …œU
The Director of the Audit Bureau shall,
after consulting the competent Minister, Í√— c??š√ b?FÐ W??³?ÝU??;« Ê«u¹œ fOz— —b??B¹
issue the decisions necessary for the Bureau
…d???ýU????³* W????“ö«  «—«d???I?« ¨h²???<« d?¹“u«
to execute the prior control provisions
stipulated in Law No. (30) of year U?NOKŽ ’u?BM*« W?I³?*« WÐU?d« ÂUJŠ_ Ê«u¹b«
1964AD., in a manner conforming with the U0 t????O≈ —U???A*« ±π∂¥ W?M ≥∞ r?— Êu½U???I?UÐ
nature of activity of each of these
authorities which are subject to this control, ÁcN WF{U)«  UN'« s q ◊UA½ WFO³ÞË oH²¹
realizing the public interest, and ensuring ‰Ë«bð qH?J¹Ë ÂU??F« `U??B« oI??×?¹ U0Ë WÐU??d«
exchange of information in such a way that
preserves its confidentiality. ÆUN²¹dÝ vKŽ kU% w²« WOHOJUÐ  UuKF*«
The Director of the Bureau may, in the ¨U¼—b???I¹ w²«  ôU???(« w Ê«u¹b« f?OzdË
cases of his discretion, determine to only
notify the Bureau of the contract or the Ë√ b???I???FU?Ð Ê«u¹bK? W???N???'« —UDšS?Ð ¡U???H???²???ô«
commitment within a period to be specified o×Ð ‰öšô« ÊËœ U¼œb×¹ WKN? ‰öš ◊U³ð—ô«
by the him, without prejudice to the right of
the Bureau to subsequent control of the Æ◊U³ð—ô« Ë√ bIFK WIŠö« WÐUd« w Ê«u¹b«
contract or the commitment. ©® …œU
Article (3)
The Ministers, each upon his «c¼ c?O?HMð ≠ t?B??¹ U?L?O? q ≠ ¡«—“u« vKŽ
jurisdiction, shall implement this law. ÆÊu½UI«
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah X¹uJ« dO√
Issued at: Bayan Palace: 23rd Rabi II 1419AH. ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł
Corresponding to: 16th August 1998AD.

‡¼±¥±π dšü« lOЗ ≤≥∫ ÊUOÐ dB ∫—b

±ππ∏ fDž√ ±∂ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Explanatory Memorandum of Êu½UIÐ Õ«d²ö WOŠUC¹ù« …dc*«
The Draft-Law
Concerning The Annulment of The iFÐ ŸuCš s WF½U*« ’uBM« ¡UGSÐ
Provisions Preventing The Submission of W UF« UÝR*«Ë U¾ON«
The Public Authorities And Public
Corporations To The Control of The Êu½U ÂUJŠ_ Ë W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ WÐUd
Audit Bureau And W UF« UBUM*«

The Public Tenders Law

In many laws concerning setting up or w …—œU???B« 5?½«u??I?« s b¹b???F« w Èd???ł
regulating the public authorities and public
corporations of separate and appended
W?UF«  U?ÝR*«Ë  U?¾O?N« rOEMð Ë√ ¡UA½≈ ÊQ?ý
budgets, it was customary to exempt some ¡U??H??Ž≈ vKŽ W??I??×K*«Ë WKI??²??*«  U??O½«e??O*«  «–
of these authorities and corporations either
from the prior control of the Audit Bureau
WÐU?d« s? U?≈  U??ÝR*«Ë  U?¾?O??N« Ác¼ iFÐ
or from the submission to the provisions of ÂUJŠ_ ŸuC)« s Ë√ ¨W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹b WI³*«
the Public Tenders Law, or both of them in
¨U?F? U?L?N??OK s Ë√ ¨W?U?F«  U?B??UM*« Êu½U?
order to provide a space of freedom and
flexibility in the works thereof that entail w W½Ëd?*«Ë W¹d??(« s —b??? d??O??uð ”U???Ý√ vKŽ
speed and cannot be referred to the Audit Ÿułd« qL?²% ôË W?Žd« wC²?Ið w²« UNU?LŽ√
Bureau or the Central Tenders Committee
as the length or slowness of such e?d*«  UB?UM*« WM' v≈ Ë√ W?³ÝU?;« Ê«u¹œ v≈
procedures may cause missing the chance U?NMDÐ Ë√  «¡«dłô« Ác¼ ‰u?Þ vKŽ Vðd²¹ b? U*
of timely determination or delay execution
of affairs leading to negative situations that Xu« w? U¼—u?√ w? X³« W?? d??H X¹u??Hð s
do not suit the nature of the public b? U0 U??N?O?? ·d?B?²« ÂU9ù q?ODFð Ë√ ¨W?³??ÝUM*«
authorities and corporations, but such
exemption is not common to all the Ác¼ WFÐUÞ l vAL?²ð ô WO³KÝ ŸU{Ë√ v≈ ÍœR¹
authorities, despite the unification of the ¡U?H?Žô« «c¼ Ê√ bOÐ W?U?F«  U??ÝR*«Ë  U¾?O?N«
reason thereof. As such law may be
misused in a way that harms the public œU??%« s r?žd« vKŽ ¨U??N???F??O??L??' ö??U???ý fO
interest, all the public authorities and U0 tULF²Ý√ …¡UÝ≈ vA?¹ t½√ sŽ öC ¨t²LJŠ
corporations shall be equal in the
submission thereof to the prior control of
Âe «c W?U?F« W?×KB*« vKŽ …—Ëd?{ fJFM¹ b?
the Audit Bureau and to the provisions of w …—u??c*«  U???ÝR*«Ë  U?¾??O?N« 5Ð …«ËU??*«
the Public Tenders Law in order to
maintain the requisites of public interest
W³?ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ WÐU?d UF?OL?ł UN?ŽuC?š »ułË
and the discipline at work therein. The prior vKŽ W?U?F?«  U?B?UM*« Êu½U? ÂUJ?Š_Ë W?I?³?*«
control shall be prior to the commitment to
W??×KB*«  U??O?C??²??I? vK?Ž U? d??Š ¨¡«u?Ý b??Š
an expense or already spent amount and the
scope of work thereof depends on the Ê√ p– ÆU?NO q?LF« ◊U?³C½ô U?IO?I%Ë ¨WU?F«
percentage of the public expenses and may ◊U??³?ð—ô« q³?? Íd???& w²« w?¼ W??I??³???*« WÐU???d«
be extended to include all the expenses or
restricted to certain types. The execution of ÊuJ¹ U?NUL?Ž√ ‰U?−Ë ö?F? ·d Ë√ ·Ëd?B0
such control entails the presence of UN?UD½ l?²¹ bË WU?F«  UËd?B*« v≈ W³?MUÐ
commitment to expenses only after such
commitment being approved by the Audit d?B?²I?O? oO?C¹ Ë√ ¨ U?Ëd?B*« lO?Lł q?LA?O?

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Bureau responsible for the financial control. U?¼ƒ«d?????ł≈ VK?D²?¹Ë U?????N?M W?MO?????F????? Ÿ«u?½√ vK?Ž
After verifying the safety of the
commitment or expense operation and lC?¹ U?  U?Ëd?B?0 ◊U?³ð—ô« Âb?Ž …—Ëd?CUÐ
comparing such operation to the provisions Ê«u¹œ s? p– …“U????ł≈ b???F?Ð ô≈ t???d???? Ë√ U????N
of financial laws and regulations and the
general rules of the budget in order to avoid s X³¦?²« bFÐ ¨W?OU*« WÐUdUÐ h²?<« W³?ÝU;«
the occurrence of any wrong or lawless U?N??²?IÐUDË ·d??B« Ë√ ◊U?³ð—ô« W??OKL?Ž W??ö?Ý
commitment or expense as such control is
regarded as protective with the aim to WUF« bŽ«u?IKË WOU*« `z«uK«Ë 5½«uI« ÂUJŠ_
preserve the public funds and conserving TÞU?š ·d Ë√ ◊U?³ð—« ÀËb?Š VM& W?O½«eO?LK
the expense thereof.
For the purpose of the aforesaid, this
WOzUË WÐU?— UNH uÐ p–Ë ¨Êu½U?IK nU Ë√
draft-law was enacted to provide, in Article ÆtUHð« w ÊuB²«Ë ÂUF« ‰U*« W¹ULŠ UNb¼
(1) thereof, for the annulment of any
provision in any of the laws for setting up
Êu½U??I« «c?¼ ŸËd??A?? b?Ž√ Âb??I?ð U?? qł√ s
or regulating the public authorities and s Í√ w h½ q ¡U?GUÐ ‰Ë_« tðœU w U?O{U?
corporations of appended and separate
 U?ÝR*«Ë  U?¾?O?NK WLE?M*« Ë√ W¾?AM*« 5½«u?I«
budgets, which prevents the submission of
the activities of these authorities to the prior lM1 ¨W?I×?K*« Ë√ WKI²?*«  U?O½«e?O*«  «– WU?F«
control of Audit Bureau or to the provisions WI³*« W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ W?ÐUd UNULŽ√ ŸuCš s
of the Public Tenders Law.
To provide a space of flexibility to some ÆWUF«  UBUM*« Êu½U ÂUJŠ_« Ë√
authorities or investment operations that Ë√  U??N?'« i?F?³ W?½Ëd*« s —b?? d?O??u??²Ë
entail speed in order not to miss the
opportunity of timely determination, the ÂbF WŽd?« wC²Ið w²« W¹—UL¦²?Ýô«  UOKLF«
second paragraph of the same Article has  ¡U??ł b??I?? ¨U¼—u??√ w X³?« W?? d?? X¹u??Hð
exempted the Central Bank of Kuwait, the
selling operations of oil and its derivative X¹uJ« pMÐ ¡UM¦²ÝUÐ …œU*« fH½ s W?O½U¦« …d²H«
products, and the investment operations pc?Ë tðUI?²?AË j?HM« lOÐ  UO?KLŽË Íe?d*«
executed by the government corporations
and authorities from prior control.  U?ÝR*« U?NÐ ÂuIð w²« W?¹—UL?¦²?Ýô«  UOKL?F«
In Article (2), the project, not the Audit ÆWI³*« WÐUd« s WOuJ(«  U¾ON«Ë
Bureau, is authorized in urgency situations
and in cases of its own discretion, that the
Ê«u¹œ fOË ŸËdA*« ‰u?¹ WO½U?¦« tðœU wË
concerned Authority to only notify the U¼—bI¹ w²«  ôU(« wË …—ËdC« bMŽ W³ÝU;«
Bureau of the contract or the commitment
within a period the Bureau would specify,
Ë√ b???I???FU?Ð Ê«u¹bK? W???N???'« —UDšS?Ð ¡U???H???²???ô«
together with practicing the subsequent WÐU?d t?²Ý—U?2 l U¼œb×¹ W?KN ‰ö?š ◊U?³ð—ô«
control on the contract or the commitment,
tÝ—UL*« d?OOð p–Ë ◊U³ð—ô« Ë√ bI?FK WIŠö«
in order to facilitate the practice of
activities for some authorities which may U0Ë p– VKD²ð b w²« UNU?LŽ_  UN'« iFÐ
need so, but in a manner that ensure vKŽ kU% w²« W?OHOJUÐ  U?uKF*« ‰Ë«bð qHJ¹
exchanging the information in a way that
maintains its secrecy. ÆUN²¹dÝ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

Law No. (19) of Year 2000  WM ± r— Êu½U
Concerning Supporting And
Encouraging The National orkforce To
ork At the Non-Governmental Bodies WO uJ(« dOž UN'« w qLFK

Following perusal of: ¨—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠

- The Constitution,
- The Decree No. (3) of year 1955AD.
ÊQ???ý w ±πμμ WM? ≥ r— Âu???Ýd*« v?KŽË ≠
concerning the Kuwaiti Income Tax, as ∏ r— Êu½UIUÐ ‰bF*« WO?²¹uJ« qšb« W³¹d{
amended by Law No. (8) of year Ʊπ∂∑ WM
±π∂∞ WM ±∞ r— Íd?O?_« Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË ≠
- The Decree No. (10) of year 1960AD.
concerning the Civil Service Bureau, and 5?½«u?‡I?«Ë W?‡?O½b?*« W?‡?b‡?)« Ê«u?¹œ Êu?½U???????I?Ð
its amending laws, Æt W‡bF*«
- The Law No. (15) of year 1960AD. —«b?? SР±π∂∞ WM ±μ r?— Êu½U?I?« vKŽË ≠
concerning Issuance of the Commercial
Companies Law, and its amending laws,
5½«u????I?«Ë W‡?‡¹—U????−????²?«  U????d‡?‡A« Êu?‡½U?‡
- The Law No. (37) of year 1964AD. Æt W‡‡b‡F*«
concerning the Public Tenders, and its ÊQ?ý w? ±π∂¥ WM ≥∑ r— Êu½U??I« vKŽË ≠
amending laws,
Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF«  UBUM*«
- The Law No. (38) of year 1964AD.
concerning Working at the Private ÊQ???ý w? ±π∂¥ WM? ≥∏ r— Êu?½U???I« v?KŽË ≠
Sector, and its amending laws, Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë wK¼_« ŸUDI« w qLF«
- The Law No. (28) of year 1969AD. ÊQ?ý w? ±π∂π WM ≤∏ r— Êu½U??I« vKŽË ≠
concerning Working in the Oil Sector,
and its amending laws,
5½«u??I«Ë W??ODHM« ‰U??L??Ž_« ŸUD w qL??F«
- The Law No. (32) of year 1969AD. t WbF*«
concerning Regulating the Licenses of ÊQ?ý w ±π∂π WM ≥≤ r?— Êu½U?I« vKŽË ≠
Commercial Shops, as amended by Law
Wb??F?*« W¹—U??−??²«  ö???;« hO??š«dð rO?EMð
No. (12) of year 1994AD.
- The Decree-Law No. (15) of year Ʊππ¥ WM ±≤ r— Êu½UIUÐ
1979AD. concerning the Civil Service, ±π∑π WM ±μ r— Êu?½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË ≠
and its amending laws, Æt WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WO½b*« Wb)« ÊQý w
- The Decree-Law No. (105) of year
1980AD. concerning the State's
W?M? ±∞μ r?— Êu?½U???????I?UÐ Âu????????Ýd?*« vK?ŽË ≠
Properties System, as amended by Law ‰b?F*« ¨WËb« „ö?√ ÂUE½ ÊQ?ý w ±π∏∞
No. (8) of year 1988AD., Ʊπ∏∏ WM ∏ r— Êu½UIUÐ
- The Decree-Law No. (14) of year
±ππ≤ WM ±¥ r— Êu?½U?IUÐ Âu?Ýd*« vKŽË ≠
1992AD. concerning Granting Increase
of Social Allowance, Pensions and  UýUF*«Ë W?OŽUL²?łô« …ËöF« w …œU¹“ `M0
Public Aids, ÆWUF«  «bŽU*«Ë W¹bŽUI²«

¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

- The Law No. (79) of year 1995 ÊQ???ý w ±ππμ WM? ∑π r— Êu½U???I« v?KŽË ≠
concerning the Fees and Financial Costs
for Benefiting from the Public Utilities
ŸU??H???²½ô« qÐU???I?? W???OU*« nO?UJ²«Ë Âu???Ýd«
and Services, ÆWUF«  Ub)«Ë o«d*UÐ
- The Law No. (56) of year 1996 ÊQ???ý w ±ππ∂ WM? μ∂ r— Êu½U???I« v?KŽË ≠
concerning Promulgating the Industry
Law, ÆWŽUMB« Êu½U —«b ≈
- The Decree issued on 4/4/1979 w ±π∑πإإ w? —œU???B« Âu???Ýd*« v?KŽË ≠
concerning the Civil Service System, Ætðö¹bFðË WO½b*« Wb)« ÂUE½ ÊQý
and its amendments, and
- The Decree issued on 14/8/1983AD. ±π∏≥Ø∏ر¥ w —œU????B?« Âu????Ýd*« v?KŽË ≠
concerning Regulating Kuwait Stock ÆWOU*« ‚«—Ëú X¹uJ« ‚uÝ rOEM²Ð
t??B½ wðü« Êu½U??I« vKŽ W??_« fK−?? o«Ë
The National Assembly has approved
the law which text reads as follows, and we ÆÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ UMb bË
have endorsed and enacted same, ©±® …œU
Article (1)
The following terms shall have the
q s¹d? 5³*« vMF*« W?OU?²«  «œdH*U?Ð bB?I¹
meanings assigned to them respectively: ≠∫UNM
1- Council: Council of Civil Service ÆWO½b*« Wb)« fK− ∫fK:« ≠ ±
2- Governmental Bodies: Ministries,
 «—«œù«Ë  «—«“u« ∫W??O??u?J(«  U??N??'« ≠ ≤
governmental administrations, and
bodies of appended and independent W??I??×K?*«  U??O½«e??O*« «–  U??N??'«Ë W??O???uJ(«
budgets. ÆWKI²*«Ë
3- Non-governmental bodies: Any body d?³?²?Fð ô W?N?ł q ∫W?O?uJ(« d?Ož  U?N?'« ≠ ≥
not a governmental body according to
the previous item.
Article (2) ©≤® …œU
Item (9) of Article (5) of Law Decree s WU)« …œU*« s lÝU²« bM³UÐ ‰b³²¹
No. 15/1979 shall be replaced with the
tO≈ —UA*« ±π∑π WM ±μ r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*«
following text:
(Considering the affairs of workforce ∫wU²« hM«
and civil service referred by the Council of s t?²?U?Š≈ ¡«—“u« fK−?? Èd¹ U?L?O?? dEM«®
Ministers) Æ©WO½b*« Wb)«Ë WKUF« ÈuI« ÊËRý
The following items shall be added to
said article:
∫WOU²« œuM³« …—uc*« …œU*« v≈ ·UCðË
10- Developing the policies of using the WKU??F« Èu?I« «b???²?Ý«  U?ÝU??O?Ý l{Ë ≠±∞
national workforce in the different U¼c?OHMð W?FÐU²?Ë WH?K²<«  U?N'« w W?OMÞu«
bodies and following the execution
lO?L?ł 5Ð ’d?H« R?UJ?ðË …«ËU?*« oI?×¹ U0
thereof in a way that achieves equality
and equal opportunity for all citizens. Æ5MÞ«u*«
11- Developing the systems that d??O??ž  U??ŽUDI« l?−??Að w²« rE?M« l{Ë ≠ ±±

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

encourage non-governmental sectors to W?OMÞu« WKU?F« ÈuI« qO?GA?ð vKŽ WO?uJ(«
employ the national workforce and
determining the suitable incentives to
v≈ ÈuI« Ác¼ »c?' W³ÝUM*« e«u?(« d¹dIðË
attract the workforce to such sectors in a U¹«e*« w? oO??M²?« qHJ¹ U0Ë ¨ U??N???'« pKð
way that guarantees equality in
w WKUF?« ÈuI« UN?OKŽ qB% w²« ‚u?I(«Ë
advantages and rights granted to the
workforce in all bodies. Æ UN'« lOLł
12- Taking the procedures necessary to oO??M²« v≈ ÍœRð w²«  «¡«d??łô« –U?ð« ≠ ±≤
strike a balance between the graduates of
educational and training institutions and WO³¹—b²«Ë WOLOKF²«  UÝR*«  Ułd 5Ð
work opportunities available in the ÆWHK²<«  UN'« w WŠU²*« qLF« ’dË
different bodies.
13- Developing a system for appointing nþu²« ÊËR?A 5³«d 5?OFð ÂUE½ l{Ë ≠ ±≥
supervisors of the employment affairs in  U???N??'«Ë W???O???uJ(«  «—«œù«Ë  «—«“u?UÐ
the ministries, governmental
departments, and affiliated bodies
ÆWO½b*« Wb)« Ê«u¹b 5FÐUð WI×K*«
subordinate to the Civil Service Bureau. W?³O?dð q¹b?F²Ð W?IKF?²*«  UÝU?O?« Õ«d²?« ≠ ±¥
14- Proposing the policies concerning the
amendment of the structure of workforce
jD?š c???O????HMð v?≈ ÍœR¹ U?0 WKU????F« Èu????I«
in order to implement the plans of …b?«u« WUL?F« q×? W?OMÞu« WU?LF« ‰ö?Š«
replacing the expatriates with the
ÆoO³D²«  UO½UJ« tÐ `Lð U* ÎUIË
national workforce according to
available implementation possibilities. ©≥® …œU
Article (3)
The government shall give the citizens,
sN?*« »U??×??? √ 5MÞ«u???LK? W??uJ?(« ÍœRð
professionals, and employees of all bodies a …Ëö?Ž  U?N'« lO?L?ł w ÊuKL?F¹ s*Ë ·d?(«Ë
social and children allowances.
The Council of Ministers shall issue,
ÆœôË√ …ËöŽË WOŽUL²ł«
upon proposal from the Council of Õ«d????²???« vK?Ž ΡUM?Ð ¡«—“u« fK?−??? —b????B¹Ë
Ministers, the resolutions organizing such
allowances. Such resolutions shall Ác¼ œb?????%Ë pc? W????LE?M*«  «—«d?????I« f?K:«
determine the value of the two allowances, 5ð—u??c?*« 5ðËö??F« s? q W??L??O???  «—«d??I«
the conditions of eligibility, and
professions, vocations, businesses, and ‰U?L?Ž_«Ë ·d(«Ë sN?*«Ë UN?U?I?ײ?Ý« ◊Ëd?ýË
bodies to which it shall be applied, and the d?L??²??ð w²« …b*«Ë U?N??OKŽ o³D?Mð w²«  U??N?'«Ë
period during which the government shall
continue to grant such allowances provided ÊuJ?ð Ê√ vKŽ ¨U???N???²¹œQð w? U??N?ö???š W??u?J(«
that the children allowances shall be Fifty v²?ŠË bË q sŽ Ϋ—UM¹œ 5?Lš œôË_« …Ëö?Ž
Kuwaiti Dinars for each child till the fifth
child. ÆfU)« bu«
This is to be carried out without
W³²J*« ‚u?I(UÐ ‰öšô« ÂbŽ l tK p–Ë
prejudice to the accumulated rights of the
employees of governmental bodies before «c¼ —Ëb? q³? W?O?uJ(«  U?N?'« w? 5KU?FK
the issuance of such law with respect to the
…Ëö??Ž s t½u??I?×??²??¹ U?? v≈ W??³??MUÐ Êu½U??I«
social and children allowances payable
thereto. ÆœôË√ …ËöŽË WOŽUL²ł«

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
Article (4)
©¥® …œU
Every unemployed Kuwaiti shall receive
a cash allowance. The Council of Ministers ÎôbÐ qL???F« sŽ qÞU??Ž w?²¹u?? q o×???²??¹
shall establish the rules governing the ‰b??³« «c¼ ·d??? b??Ž«u?? fK:« lC?¹Ë ÎU¹b??I½
payment of such allowance and the value
Article (5) ©μ® …œU
The government shall contribute to the
WKU???F« Èu???I« W??O???LMð w W???uJ(« r¼U???ð
development of national workforce in
non-governmental bodies by paying a s W??³??MÐ W??O?u?J(« d?O??ž  U??N??'« w W?O?MÞu«
percentage of the training costs thereof. The b?Ž«u? fK:« lCÐË Èu?I« Ác?¼ V¹—bð W?HKJð
Council of Ministers shall establish the
rules of such contribution.
ÆWL¼U*« Ác¼
Article (6) ©∂® …œU
As an exception to the provisions of Law
r— Êu½U??I« w …œ—«u« ÂUJ?Š_« s ¡UM¦??²?Ý«
No. (37) of year 1964AD., direct
contracting and awarding of limited tenders s Ϋ—U?³²?Ž« “u−?¹ ô tO≈ —U?A*« ±π∂¥ WM ≥∑
and tenders by government bodies ¡UÝ—≈Ë d?ýU³*« bU?F²« Êu½UI« «c?NÐ qLF« a¹—Uð
including military and oil sectors shall be
prohibited as of the effective date hereof U0 W?OuJ(«  U?N'« w  UB?UM*«Ë  UÝ—U?L*«
except for those who complied with the vKŽ ô≈ W?OD?HM«Ë W¹dJ?F«  U?ŽU?DI« p– w
quota determined by the Council of
fK−? U¼œb?×¹ w²« W?³?MUÐ Âe?²« b? ÊuJ¹ s
Ministers for the employment of national
workforce. ÆWOMÞu« WULF« «b²Ýô ¡«—“u«
Article (7) ©∑® …œU
One of the criteria of benefiting from the
in kind and cash support offered by the wMOF« r?ŽbUÐ …œUH²?Ýô« dO¹UF? 5Ð s ÊuJ¹
governmental bodies to any Í√ v≈ W?O??uJ(«  U?N?'« t?b??Ið Íc« wU*« Ë√
non-governmental body shall be the
compliance with the quota determined by U¼—d?I¹ w²« W?³?MUР«e?²ô« W?O?uJŠ d?Ož W?N?ł
the Council of Ministers for national ÆWOMÞu« WULFK ¡«—“u« fK−
The use of the powers given under …—d?I*«  U?O?ŠöB?« «b?²?Ý« bMŽ ◊d?²?A¹Ë
Articles 16, 17, and 18 of Decree-Law No. Êu½UIUÐ Âu?Ýd*« s ±∏[±∑[±∂ œ«u*« Vłu0
(105) of year 1980AD., shall be upon the
condition that the number of Kuwaitis œb??Ž mK³¹ Ê√ t??O≈ —U?A*« ±π∏∞ W?M ±∞μ r—
working at the beneficiary shall reach the U¼—d??I¹ w?²« W??³??M« b???O??H??²??*« Èb 5O??²?¹uJ«
quota determined by the Council of
Æ¡«—“u« fK−
Article (8) ©∏® …œU
The Council of Ministers shall determine
the percentage of national workforce which
W?OMÞu« W?U?L?F« W?³?½ ¡«—“u« f?K−? œb?×¹
shall be complied with by any person s q?B????×?¹ s q? U????N?Ð Âe????²?K¹ Ê√ V?−¹ w?²«
receiving a coupon or any other in kind or
W?OU? Ë√ W?OMO?Ž …e?O Í√ Ë√ W?L?O?? vKŽ W?uJ(«
cash benefit from the government for the

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

purpose of helping such person practice a WMN? Ë√ WdŠ W?Ý—U2 w tðbŽU? ·b?NÐ Èdš√
craft or vocation or undertake an industrial,
commercial, vocational, or agricultural Ë√ wMN?? Ë√ Í—U??& Ë√ wŽUM qL??Ž …d??ýU?³?? Ë√
business. The Council of Ministers shall b??O??I??²ð ô w²«  U??N??'« vK?Ž ÷d??H¹Ë ¨wŽ«—“
impose on the bodies not abiding by such
percentage an additional annual duty œ—«Ë u¼ U* ÎU?IË ÍuMÝ wU?{≈ rÝ— W?³M« Ác?NÐ
according to the provisions of Article (9) ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ s ©π® …œU*UÐ
Article (9) ©π® …œU
The Council of Ministers shall renew the WKU??F« Èu??I« W??³??½ ¡«—“u« fK−?? œb??−¹
percentage of the national workforce by
w W?OuJ(« d?Ož  U?N'« U?NÐ Âe²Kð w²« W?OMÞu«
which non-governmental bodies in different
jobs and professions shall abide. The  UN'« vKŽ ÷d?H¹Ë ÆWHK²<« sN*«Ë nzUþu«
Council of Ministers shall also impose on ÍuMÝ wU??{≈ rÝ— W??³?M« Ác??NÐ b??O?I??²ð ô w²«
the bodies not abiding by such percentage
an additional annual duty on each work
qJ? `M1 q?L???Ž Ê–≈Ë q?L????Ž `¹d????Bð q v?KŽ
permit presented to non-Kuwaiti worker —d?I*« œb?F« v?KŽ …œU¹“ t?³KDð w²¹u?? d?O?ž qU?Ž
added to the agreed number of expatriate ÆsN*«Ë nzUþu« Ác¼ w WOMÞu« dOž WULFK
workforce in jobs and professions.
The Council of Ministers shall issue, Õ«d????²???« vK?Ž ¡UM?Ð ¡«—“u« fK?−??? —b????B¹Ë
upon the proposition of the Council of Ác¼ œb?????%Ë pc? W????LE?M*«  «—«d?????I« f?K:«
Ministers, the regulating resolutions of this
process. Such resolutions shall determine  U??H?O?MBðË W??O?uJ?(« d?O??ž  U??N?'«  «—«d??I«
the non-governmental bodies and categories Ác¼ ÂUJ?Š√ U??N??OKŽ Íd???ð w²« sN*«Ë n?zUþu«
of jobs and professions on which the
provisions of this article shall be applied, in bOI²« »uKD*« WOMÞu« WKUF« ÈuI« W³½Ë …œU*«
addition to the required percentage of ÆtKOB% WOHOË rÝd« —«bIË UNÐ
national workforce and the value of and
manner of collecting the duty.
q …d? dEM« b?O?F?¹ Ê√ ¡«—“u« fK−? vKŽË
The Council of Ministers shall —d?I¹ Ê√ tË rÝd«Ë W?³M?« w q_« vKŽ 5²MÝ
reconsider the percentage and duty at least
once a year. The Council of Ministers shall
d???O??ž W???N??'« «e???²« Âb??Ž W?U??Š w r?Ýd« …œU¹“
be entitled to increase the duty in case fK−? U?¼œb?Š Ê√ o³?Ý w²« W??³?MUÐ W??O?uJ(«
non-governmental body does not abide by
the percentage previously determined by
the Council of Ministers. ©±∞® …œU
Article (10)
W????O?????uJ?(«  U????N?????'« w 5?O????F?????²« Êu?J¹
The appointment in governmental bodies
and companies which the state owns more nB½ s? d??¦??√ W?Ëb« pK²?9 w²«  U??d???A«Ë
than half of their capital shall be advertised 5²??H??O??×??? w Êö??Žù« o¹dÞ s?Ž U??NU??L??Ý√—
in two daily gazettes. The advertisement vL???? Êö?Žù« sL??C??²¹ Ê√ V−¹Ë ¨5²??O??u¹
shall include the job title and conditions of
occupying same. The results of acceptance
w ÊöŽù« V−¹ UL ¨UN?KGý ◊ËdýË WHOþu«
into said jobs shall be advertised in the Ác¼ w ‰u??³???I« W??−??O??²½ sŽ W??O??L???Ýd« …b¹d??'«
official gazette. The Council of Ministers b?¹b??????% fK?:« s —«d??????? —b??????B¹Ë n?zUþu?«

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

shall issue a resolution to determine the Æ…œU*« Ác¼ ÂUJŠ_ lCð ô w²« nzUþu«
jobs not subject to the provisions hereof.
Article (11) ©±±® …œU
The bodies abiding by the provisions of œ«u*« ÂUJŠ√ U?N?OK?Ž Íd?ð w²«  U?N?'« vKŽ
Articles (3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) hereof shall
Âb????Ið Ê√ Êu½U????I« «c?¼ s ©π[∏[∑[∂[μ[≥®
present to the Civil Service Bureau an
annual statement of the number of Kuwaiti 5Hþu*« œbFÐ ÎU¹uMÝ ÎU½UOÐ WO½b*« Wb)« Ê«u¹œ v≈
employees working therein and the œb??Ž wU??L??ł≈ v?≈ rN??²??³??½Ë U??N??O?? 5O??²?¹uJ«
percentage thereof to the total number of all w rN?³??MÐ W?³?M?« Ác¼ W½—U?I?Ë U?N?¹b 5Hþu*«
the employees thereof. Such bodies shall
provide in such statement a comparison  U½U?O?³« Ác¼ ×bð Ê√Ë W?IÐU?«  «uMÝ Àö?¦«
between the percentages of Kuwaiti ÆWIb*« W¹uM« UNðUO½«eO w
employees and all the employees thereof in W?Nł Í√ s V?KD¹ Ê√ WO½b*« W?b?)« Ê«u¹bË
the last three years and record such data in
the audited annual budgets thereof.  U?uKF?*«Ë  U½U?O?³« W?O??uJŠ d?O?žË√ W??O?uJŠ
The Civil Service Bureau is entitled to ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ oO³Dð UN³KD²¹ w²«
demand from any governmental or
non-governmental bodies the data and ©±≤® …œU
information necessary to apply the «c¼ ÂU?JŠ√ c???O??H?M² W???“ö« œ—«u*« d???O???u???²
provisions hereof.
Article (12) ∫Êu½UI«
To provide the resources necessary to wU? s •≤[μ UN?²³?½ W?³¹d{ ÷d?Hð ≠ ±
implement the provisions hereof:
1- A 2.5 tax of the net annual W??O?²¹uJ?«  U?d??A« vKŽ W¹u?M« ÕUЗ_«
earnings shall be imposed on the ÆWOU*« ‚«—Ëú X¹uJ« ‚uÝ w Wł—b*«
Kuwaiti companies listed on Kuwait
Stock Exchange. ÎU?u?Ý— ÷d?H¹ Ê√ ¡«—“u?« fK: “u?−¹ ≠ ≤
2- The Council of Ministers may W¹—U??−??²« h?šd« —«b?? ≈ vKŽ W??O??U??{≈
impose additional duties on the issue
and renewal of commercial, ¨U¼b¹b???& vKŽË W???O??d???(«Ë W??O??ŽU?MB«Ë
industrial, and vocational licenses and ÊË–√Ë qL?????F?« `¹—U?????B?ð vK?Ž pc?????Ë
on the work permit of the expatriates
in way that prevents such expatriates ‰u×¹ Íc« —bIUÐ …b«u?« WULFK qLF«
competing with the national p–Ë W??O?MÞu« WU??L???FK U??N??²?????UM ÊËœ
workforce, as an exception to the
provisions of the aforesaid Law No. WM ©∑π® r— Êu½UI« ÂUJŠ√ s ΡUM?¦²Ý«
(79) of year 1995AD. ÆtO≈ —UA*« ±ππμ
This in addition to the sums registered in
the general budget of the State for such w? ×bð w?²« m?U?????³*« v?≈ W?????U?????{ùUÐ «c?¼
purpose. Æ÷dG« «cN WËbK WUF« WO½«eO*«
Article (13)
The revenues and expenses resulting ©±≥® …œU
form the implementation of the provisions
hereof shall be registered in the budgets of
sŽ W????&U?M«  U????Ëd????B*«Ë  «œ«d?¹ù« ×bð
the ministries and governmental  «—«“u« W???O?½«e???O0 Êu?½U???I« «c¼ ÂU?JŠ√ c???O???H?Mð

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

departments in the relevant sections and »U?????³?«Ë r??????IU?Ð q W??????O?????uJ?(«  «—«œù«Ë
Article (14) Æh²<«
Any person who presents incorrect data ©±¥® …œU
with the purpose of non-righteously
b??B?IÐ W??×??O?×?? d?O??ž  U½U??OÐ Âb??I¹ s q
obtaining benefits provided herein shall be
sentenced to imprisonment for not more «c¼ w  œ—Ë U¹«e vKŽ oŠ tłË ÊËœ ‰uB(«
than one year and/or a fine not exceeding W«dGÐË WMÝ “ËU& ô …b? f³(UÐ VUF¹ Êu½UI«
One Thousand Kuwaiti Dinars. In all cases Æ5²Ðu?I?F« 5ðU?¼ Èb?ŠSÐ Ë√ —UM¹œ n√ “ËU?& ô
the court orders the return of the sums
mU?³*« œd?Ð W?LJ;« wC?I𠉫u?Š_« l?O?L?ł wË
non-righteously received.
Any person presents incorrect data with ÆoŠ tłË ÊËœ Xd b ÊuJð w²«
the purpose of evading the tax mentioned in b?B?I?Ð W?×?O?×? d??O?ž  U½U?OÐ Âb??I¹ s qË
article (12) shall be sentenced to
…œU*« w U??N?O≈ —U??A*« W??³¹d?C?« lœ s »d?N??²«
imprisonment of not exceeding three years
and/or a fine not exceeding Five Thousand  «uMÝ ÀöŁ “ËU& ô …b f?³(UÐ VUF¹ ©±≤®
Kuwaiti Dinars. Èb?ŠSÐ Ë√ —UM¹œ ·ô¬ W???L?š “ËU?& ô W?«d?GÐË
Article (15) Æ5²ÐuIF« 5ðU¼
As of the first of the second month of
implementing this law, all ©±μ® …œU
non-governmental bodies using workforce qL??F« a¹—U?² wU??²« d?N??A« ‰Ë√ s —U?³??²?Ž«
according to the provisions of Laws No. d??O??ž  U??N?'« l?O?L??ł vK?Ž 5F??²¹ Êu½U??I« «c??NÐ
(38) of year 1964AD. and No. (28) of year
ÂUJŠ_ ÎU??I??Ë WU??L?Ž Âb????²??ð w²« W??O??uJ(«
1969AD. shall pay the dues of non-Kuwaiti
employees working therein in their own
W?M? ≤∏ ¨Â±π∂¥ WM?? ≥∏ wL??????— Êu?½U?????I?«
accounts in local banks and send a copy of  U??I???×??²????? lbð Ê√ U???L??N??O≈ —U???A*« ±π∂π
the statements sent to bank in this concern rNðUÐU??Š w 5O?²¹uJ« d?O?ž s U?N¹b 5KU?F«
to the Ministry of Social Affairs and …—u? qÝdð Ê√Ë W?OK;« „uM³« Èb W?OB??A«
workforce. The Council of Ministers shall,
v≈ ÊQ????A« «c????NÐ „uM?³K W?KÝd*« ·u????AJ?« s
upon the proposition of the Minister of
Finance, issue a resolution of the rules —b?B?¹Ë ¨qL?F«Ë W??O?ŽU??L?²?łô« ÊËR??A« …—«“Ë
governing the dealings related to such d¹“Ë ÷d???Ž vKŽ ¡UMÐ ¡«—“u?« fK−?? s? —«d??
accounts regarding the expenses and the s  UÐU?(« ÁcNÐ W U?)« WKUF*« bŽ«u?IÐ WOU*«
bank charges thereof.
Article (16)
In case of violation of the provisions of ©±∂® …œU
the previous article, the employer shall be VU?F¹ WIÐU?« …œU*« ÂUJŠ√ W?HU? WU?Š w
sentenced to a fine not more than the total
Ÿu???L???−???? “ËU???& ô W???«d???G?Ð qL???F« V?ŠU???
dues of the employees the employer failed
to pay without prejudice to the obligation of ¨U?N??F?œ sŽ nKð w?²« 5KU?F«  U??I?×?²???
the employer to pay such dues to the Ác?¼ l?bÐ t????????«e?????????²U?Ð ‰ö????????šù« ÊËœ p?–Ë

¥¥± w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

employees through the same procedures  «¡«d????łù«  «cÐË 5?KU????FK  U????I????×????²????*«
provided in the previous Article.
ÆWIÐU« …œU*« w UNOKŽ ’uBM*«
Article (17)
Any provision contradictory to the ©±∑® …œU
provisions hereof shall be annulled and «c?¼ ÂUJ?Š√ l ÷—U??????F??????²?¹ rJ?Š q v?GK?¹
Article (18)
The Prime Minster and the Ministers, ©±∏® …œU
each within his respective jurisdictions, UL?O q ¡«—“u«Ë ¡«—“u« fK−? fOz— vKŽ
shall implement this law. This law shall
become operational after one year from the
s WMÝ bFÐ tÐ qLF¹Ë ¨Êu½UI« «c¼ c?OHMð tB¹
date it is published in the official gazette, 5ðœU*« «b??Ž ¨W?O??L?Ýd« …b¹d??'« w Ád??A½ a¹—Uð
except for Articles (3) and (4) which will —Ëb??? a¹—Uð s U???N???UJŠQ?Ð qL???F??O??? ©¥[≥®
become operational as of the date of issuing
‚Ëd?? Í√ ·d?? ÊËœ U??L???N W??LEM?*«  «—«d??I«
the resolutions regulating them, without
disbursing any financial differences for the Æw{U*« sŽ WOU
X¹uJ« dO√
Amir of Kuwait
Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah ÕU³B« bLŠ_« dÐUł

Issued at Bayan Palace on: 6th Safar 1421AH. ±¥≤± dH ∂ ∫ÊUOÐ dBIÐ —b
Corresponding to: 10th May 2000AD. ≤∞∞∞ u¹U ±∞ ∫o«u*«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

Explanatory Memorandum of The w Êu½UIÐ Õ«d²ö WOŠUC¹ù« …dc*«
Draft-Law Concerning Supporting And
Encouraging The National orkforce To
ork At The Non-Governmental Bodies WO uJ(« dOž UN'« w qLFK

As the constitution has guaranteed the ‚u?I?(« w …«ËU?*« qH? b —u?²?Ýb« ÊU? U*
equality in rights and duties for Kuwaiti
citizens including the right to work and
Ác¼ “d?Ð√ sË w²?¹uJ« s?Þ«u???LK  U????³???ł«u«Ë
guarantee stable social life, it is necessary WO?ŽUL?²ł« …U?OŠ ÊU?L{Ë qL?F« w o(« ‚u?I(«
to restructure the workforce and achieve the Èu?I« WKJO¼ …œU?Ž≈ wC²?I¹ d?_« ÊS ¨…d?I?²?
optimal use of the national human resources
œ—«u??LK? q¦??_« «b????²???Ýô« oO??I??%Ë WK?U??F«
and activate the role of non-governmental
bodies as a partner in the process of d??O??ž  U??N??'« —Ëœ qO??F??HðË ¨W??OMÞu?« W¹d??A??³«
administrative development and national wË W¹—«œù« WOLM²« WOKL?Ž w p¹dA WOuJ(«
workforce absorption. ÆWOMÞu« WKUF« ÈuI« »UFO²Ý≈
Therefore, this Draft-Law was enacted to
support and encourage the national
rŽœ ÊQ?ý w Êu½UIÐ Õ«d?²ô« «c¼ b?Ž√ pc
workforce to work in non-governmental dO?ž  UN'« w q?LFK WOMÞu« WU?LF« lO?−AðË
bodies through bridging the gaps between 5Ð ‚—«u??H« V¹d??Ið o¹dÞ sŽ p–Ë W??O??uJ(«
the salaries and advantages of work in
¨W??HK²??<«  U??N?'« w q?L?F« U?¹«e?Ë  U??³ðd??
different bodies. This law represents the
legal frame that contains the entire rules Íu²×¹ Íc« wF¹dA²« —UÞù« Êu½UI« «c¼ q¦1Ë
and main principals of achieving said goals oO?I?×?² W?O??Ozd« ΔœU?³*«Ë W?OKJ« b?Ž«u?I« vKŽ
and policies. ÆUNO≈ —UA*«  UÝUO«Ë ·«b¼_«
Article (1) provides for that some terms
mentioned in the Law must be defined. For
n¹d????Fð l{Ë v?KŽ vË_« …œU*« XB?½ b???Ë
the purpose of developing the Civil Service ÆÊu½UI« w …œ—«u«  «œdH*« iF³
Council established by the Decree-Law No. Q?A?M*« W?O½b*« W??b?)« fK?−? d¹uDð ·b??NÐË
(15) of year 1979AD., Article (2) provides
XB½ ¨Â±π∑π WM ±μ r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*UÐ
for that new competences shall be added to
said Council for the domination of the v≈ …b¹bł  U? UB?²š« W?U{≈ vKŽ WO½U?¦« …œU*«
policies of using the national workforce in  U??ÝU?O??Ý vKŽ ÎU?ML?O??N?? tKF??& —u?c?*« fK:«
governmental and non-governmental  U??N??'« w W??OMÞu« WK?U?F?« Èu?I?« «b???²??Ý«
bodies. Such article grants the Council the
right to put the plans, polices, and
l{Ë t X?KF?łË ¨W??O??uJ(« d??O?žË W??O??uJ(«
procedures that encourage l−??A?ð w²«  «¡«d??łù«Ë  U??ÝU??O???«Ë jD)«
non-governmental bodies to employ the WKUF« ÈuI« qOGAð vKŽ W?OuJ(« dOž  UN'«
national workforce and the citizens to work
ÆUNÐ qLF« vKŽ 5MÞ«u*« l−AðË WOMÞu«
Article (3) provides for that the W??uJ(« ÍœRð ÊQÐ wC??I?²?? W?¦U??¦« …œU*« U?√
government shall pays to any Kuwaiti ’U?)« ŸUDI« Èb? qL?FUÐ o×?²K¹ w?²¹u? qJ

¥¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

working in private or governmental sector a …Ëö??ŽË W?O??ŽU??L??²?ł« …Ëö??Ž wuJ(« ŸU?DI« Ë√
social and children allowance in the rates,
U?NF?C¹ w²« jЫu?C«Ë ◊Ëd?A«Ë VMUÐ œôË√
terms and criteria determined by the
Council of Ministers provided that the sŽ œôË_« …Ëö??Ž qIð ô√ v?KŽ ¡«—“u« fK−??
children allowance shall not be less than l p–Ë œôË√ W????L??š œb??FË Î«—UM¹œ 5??L??š
Fifty Kuwaiti Dinars and for five children w 5KU??FK W??³???²J*« ‚u??I??(UÐ ‰ö?šù« Âb??Ž
without prejudice to the accumulated rights
of the employees working in governmental
—Ëb bMŽ Wb)UÐ s¹œu?łu*« WOuJ(«  UN'«
bodies during the issue hereof. The Ác¼ w V???²J*« o(UÐ b??B??I¹Ë ÆÊu?½U??I« «c¼
accumulated right in the last phrase means b?? nþu*« ÊuJ¹ Íc« p?– ¨…d?O??š_« …—U?³??F«
the right already obtained by the employee
ÊQÐ ¨Êu½UI« «c¼ —Ëb bMŽ qF?HUÐ tOKŽ qBŠ
during the issue hereof as he has a child and
receives an allowance thereon, i.e. bearing ¨…Ëö???Ž vK?Ž tMŽ q?B???Š ΫbË V$√ b??? Êu?J¹
gives the accumulated right in allowance. If V?²J*« o(« wD?F¹ Íc« u¼ »U?$ù« Ê√ vMF0
the employee, during the issue hereof, have «c¼ —Ëb?? bMŽ nþu?*« ÊU? «–S?? ¨…Ëö??F« w
there children, such employee is entitled to
have an allowance for two children, but if
p– b?FÐ oײ?Ý« ¨œôË√ ÀöŁ V$√ b Êu½U?I«
such employee has obtained five allowance bMŽ q?B??Š b?? ÊU?? «–≈ U??√ ¨s¹b?Ë sŽ …Ëö??Ž
for five children during the issue hereof, he sŽ  «Ëö???Ž fL???š vKŽ Êu½U???I« «c¼ —Ëb???
shall not be entitled to any other allowance
Ϋb?O?Ið ÎU¾?O?ý p– b?FÐ o×?²¹ ö? ¨œôË√ fL?š
according to the number mentioned in the
first paragraph herein- five children. Ác¼ s vË_« …d??I?H« t??OKŽ XB½ Íc« œb??FUÐ
Article (4) provides for that money ÆœôË√ WLš u¼Ë ¨…œU*«
allowance shall be presented to any Íb???I½ ‰bÐ ·d??? vKŽ W??FЫd« …œU*« XB½Ë
unemployed Kuwaiti who is able and ready
to and searches for work, but he does not
t??}KŽ —œU??I« u¼Ë qL??F« sŽ qÞU??Ž w²¹u?? qJ
find such work. The Law authorizes the „dðË ¨Áb????−¹ ôË t?MŽ Y×????³¹Ë t????O??? V?ž«d«Ë
Civil Service Council to determine the «c¼ W??L?O?? b¹b?% W??O½b*« W?b??)« fK: Êu½U??I«
value and terms of such allowance.
ÆtUIײݫ ◊ËdýË ‰b³«
Article (5) provides for that the
government shall contribute to the r¼U???ð Ê√ vKŽ W???U??)« …œU*« XB½ U??L??O??
development of national workforce in w W??OM?Þu« WKU??F?« Èu??I« W??O??LMð w? W??uJ(«
non-governmental bodies by a percent of V¹—b?²« WHKJð s W?³?MÐ WO?uJ(« dO?ž  UN?'«
training costs according to the rules and
terms determined by the Civil Service
fK−?? U?N??F?C?¹ w²« ◊Ëd?A?«Ë b?Ž«u??IK ÎU?I??Ë
Council. ÆWO½b*« Wb)«
Article (6) provided for that direct “u??−¹ ô t?½√ vKŽ W??ÝœU??« …œU*« XB½ U??L??
contracting and transmission of practices
b?U??F?²« Êu?½U?I« «c?N?Ð qL?F« a¹—U?ð s Ϋ—U?³??²?Ž«
and tenders may not be permitted as of the
effective date hereof in governmental w  U???B??U?M*«Ë  U??Ý—U???L*« ¡U???Ý—≈Ë d??ýU???³*«
bodies including military and oil sectors  U??ŽUDI« p– w? U0 W?O??uJ(« d??O??ž  U?N??'«

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥¥

except for those who abide by the Âe??²« b?? ÊuJ¹ s vKŽ ô≈ W??ODH?M«Ë W¹dJ??F«
percentage determined by the Council of
¡«—“u« fK−? U¼œb?×?¹ w²« W?³?M« «b??²?ÝUÐ
Ministers for the use the national
workforce. ÆWOMÞu« WULFK
In Articles 7 and 8, the Law provides Êu½U??I« ’d?Š WMU?¦«Ë W?F?ÐU?« 5ðœU*« wË
that the criteria of benefits of any support in
kind and cash presented by the
d??????O?¹U??????F??????? 5Ð s? Êu?J¹ Ê√ v?KŽ h?M?« vK?Ž
governmental bodies to any wU???? Ë√ wMO????Ž wuJ?Š rŽœ ÍQÐ …œU???H????²???Ýô«
non-governmental body include the w²« W??³??MUР«e??²ù« W?O??uJ(« d??O?ž  U??N??−K
abidance by the percentage determined by
the Council of Ministers for the national pcË ¨WOMÞu« WULFK ¡«—“u« fK− U¼—dI¹
workforce, also during the use of the s ±∏[±∑[±∂ œ«u*« ÂUJŠ√ s …œUH?²Ýô« bMŽ
powers given by Articles 16, 17, and 18
r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*U?Ð —œUB« WËb« „ö√ ÂUE½
concerning the State Properties System
issued by Decree-Law No. (105) of year Ʊπ∏∞ WM ±∞μ
1980AD. fK−? œb??×¹ Ê√ vKŽ W?F?ÝU?²« …œU*« XB½Ë
Article (9) provides for that the Council
of Ministers shall determine the percentage d?O??ž  U?N?'« w W??OMÞu« WU??L?F« W?³??½ ¡«—“u«
of national workforce in non-governmental …UŽ«d l WHK²?<« nzUþu«Ë sN*« w WOuJ(«
bodies in different jobs and professions
r «–≈Ë ¨WMN? q vK?Ž VKD«Ë ÷d?F« ·Ëdþ
considering the circumstances of supply
and demand of each profession. In case any U¼œb??Š w²« W?³??MUÐ W?O??uJŠ d?O??ž W?N?ł Âe??²Kð
non-governmental body does not abide by rÝdÐ q?L?×??²ð Ê√ U??N?O?KŽ VłË ¡«—“u« fK−??
the percentage determined by the Council
of Ministers, such body shall pay an
qJ `M?1 qL?Ž `¹d??Bð q vKŽ ÍuMÝ w?U?{≈
additional annual duty on each work permit w²« W??³?MK? W?HU??<UÐ t?³K?Dð w²¹u? d??O?ž q?U?Ž
presented to non-Kuwaiti worker added
Æ¡«—“u« fK− U¼œbŠ
after reaching the percentage determined by
the Council of Ministers. nzUþu« w? 5O?F?²?« w …«ËU??LK? U?I?O??I?%Ë
For the purpose of equality in w 5OF?²« ÊuJ¹ Ê√ …dýUF« …œU*« X³łË√ W?UF«
appointment in general jobs, Article (10)
necessitates that appointment in general
s WOuJ(«  UN?'« s Í√ w WUF« nzUþu«
jobs in any of the governmental bodies  U?ÝR?Ë  U?¾O¼Ë W?O?uJŠ  «—«œ≈Ë  «—«“Ë
including ministries, governmental ”√— nB½ s d¦√ WËb« pK9  U?dýË WUŽ
administrations, public bodies and
corporations, and companies the state owns ¨5²O?u¹ 5²HO?× w ÊöŽù« o¹dÞ sŽ U?NU
more than half of the capital thereof shall tM —«dIÐ wM¦²¹ Ê√ W?O½b*« Wb)« fK: “u−¹Ë
be advertised in two daily gazettes. The
¨…œU?*« Ác¼ ÂU?JŠ√ o?O?????³D?ð s n?zUþu?« iF?Ð
Civil Service Council may exclude, by a
resolution thereof, some jobs as the V?ÝU?M?²?¹ ô U??????????? n?zU?þu?« s? „U?M?¼ Ê√ p?–
appointment in some jobs does not suit the q¦??? U??N??O?? 5?O??F??²« »u?KÝ√ l U??N?MŽ Êö??Žù«
nature of advertisement such as the jobs of
university teaching staff and the Public W?¾O?N«Ë W?FU?'UÐ f¹—b?²« W?¾O¼ ¡U?C?Ž√ nzUþË
authority for Applied Education and pc???Ë V¹—b??²«Ë wI???O??³D?²« rOKF???²K W??U???F«

¥¥μ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«

Training, in addition to appointment for the  U????ł—b« v½œ√ d????O????ž w …d???? ‰Ë_ 5O????F????²«
first time in jobs not in lower levels in
public jobs. ÆWUF« nzUþuK
Article (11) provides for that the bodies  U?N'« Âb?Ið ÊQÐ …d?AŽ W¹œU?(« …œU*« XCË
abiding by the provisions of Articles (3, 5,
≠∏≠∑≠∂≠μ≠≥® œ«u*« ÂUJŠ√ UN?OKŽ o³DMð w²«
6, 7, 8, and 9) hereof shall present to the
Civil Service Bureau an annual statement of W???O½b?*« W???b???)« Ê«u¹œ v?≈ Êu½U???I« «c?¼ s ©π
the number of Kuwaiti employees working U??N???O?? 5?O??²¹u?J« 5Hþu?*« œb??FÐ W?¹uMÝ  U½U???OÐ
therein and the percentage thereof to the
U???N¹b 5H?þu*« œb???Ž wU???L??ł≈ v≈ r?N??²???³???½Ë
total number of the employees thereof.
Such bodies shall provide in such statement  «uMÝ Àö?¦« w rN²?³?MÐ W³?M« Ác¼ W½—UI?Ë
a comparison between the percentages of WOuJ(«  UN'« WU vKŽ V−¹Ë «c¼ ¨WIÐU«
Kuwaiti employees and all the employees
thereof in the last three years. All W?IKF²*«  U½U?O³« W?U t d?uð Ê√ WO?uJ(« dO?žË
governmental and non-governmental bodies W?FÐU?²? t vM?²?O p?–Ë ¨U?N?O? WKU?F« Èu?IUÐ
shall provide the Bureau with all the data
b¹b?% wU?²?UÐË œö?³« w WKU?F« Èu?I?« W?³?O?dð
related to the workforce working therein in
order to enable the Bureau to follow the ·«b¼√ oO?³D² W?³?ÝUM*«  «¡«d?łù«Ë  UÝU?O?«
structure of the workforce in the State, and ÆUN W³MUÐ WËb«
consequently determine the suitable polices
WO½«e?O*« tM w½U?Fð Íc« dL²?*« e−?FK ΫdE½Ë
and procedures to achieve the goals of the
State in this concern. v≈ ·b?Nð …d?AŽ W?O½U?¦« …œU*« ÊS? WËbK W?U?F«
Due to the continual deficit of the c?OHMð nOUJð W?ODG?² W“ö« W?OU*« œ—«u*« dO?uð
general budget of the State, Article (12)
aims at providing the financial resources vKŽ W?³¹d?{ ÷d?HÐ p?–Ë ¨Êu½U?I« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√
necessary to cover the costs of executing X¹uJ« ‚u??Ý w W??ł—b*« W??O?²¹uJ?«  U?d??A«
this law by imposing a tax on the Kuwaiti
UN?ŠUЗ√ wU s •≤[μ UN?²³?½ WOU*« ‚«—Ëú
companies listed on Kuwaiti Stock
Exchange by a percentage of 2.5 of the ÷d? w ¡«—“u« fK− X{u? UL? ¨W¹uM«
net annual earnings thereof. The Article hšd?« b¹b??&Ë —«b??? ≈ vK?Ž W??O???U??{≈ Âu???Ý—
also authorizes the Council of Ministers to
vKŽ p?c??Ë W??O??d??(«Ë W??O???ŽUMB«Ë W¹—U???−??²«
impose additional duties on the issue and
renewal of commercial, industrial, and …b??«u« WU??L?F?K qL??F« ÊË–√Ë qL??F« `¹—U??Bð
professional licenses and on the work WU???L??FK? U??N???²?????UM ÊËœ ‰u???×¹ Íc« —b???IUÐ
permit of the expatriates in a way that
prevents such expatriates competing the ÆWOMÞu«
national workforce. ë—œ≈ vKŽ h?M² …d??A??Ž W??¦U??¦« …œU*« wðQðË
Article (13) provides for that the
ÂUJŠ√ c?O?HMð sŽ W?&UM«  U?Ëd?B*«Ë  «œ«d¹ù«
incomings and outgoings resulting from the
execution of the provisions hereof shall be  «—«œù«Ë  «—«“u?« W??????O?½«e???????O0 Êu?½U???????I« «c?¼
registered in the budgets of the ministries ÊuJ²? h²??<« »U??³«Ë r???IUÐ q W??O???uJ(«
and governmental administrations in the
W?&UM«  UËd?B*«Ë œ—«u?LK W¹uMÝ W?FÐU²? „UM¼
related departments and entries for the
annual follow-up of the earnings and ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ oO³Dð sŽ

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

expenses resulting from the application luð w²« WÐuIF« …dAŽ WFЫd« …œU*«  œbŠË
Article (14) determines the punishment
b?B?IÐ W?×??O?×? d?O?ž  U½U?OÐ Âb?I?¹ s q vKŽ
of any person presents incorrect data with hM¹ w²« U¹«e*« s …e?O vKŽ oŠ d?OGÐ ‰u?B(«
the purpose of non-righteously obtaining  U½UO?Ð ÂbI¹ s q pc?Ë ¨Êu½UI« «c¼ UN?OKŽ
benefits provided herein and also any
W?³¹d?C« lœ s »d??N?²« b?B?IÐ W?×?O?×? d?O?ž
person presents incorrect data with the
purpose of evading the tax mentioned in Ê√ Âu?N??H*« sË Æ©±≤® …œU*UÐ U??N?OKŽ ’u??BM*«
article (12). It is evident that the execution ô W³¹d?C« lœ s »d?N² …—dI*« W?ÐuIF« l?Ouð
of the penalty on tax evasion shall not
ÆWKU UNFœ s ‰uL*« wHF¹
exempt the taxpayer from paying the whole
tax. lO??L??ł «eUÐ …d?A??Ž W??U??)« …œU*« wC?IðË
Article (15) provides for that all ÎUI?Ë WUL?Ž Âb?²ð w²« W?OuJ(« d?Ož  U?N'«
non-governmental bodies that use WM ¨Â±π∂¥ WM ≥∏ wL— 5½u½UI« ÂUJŠ_
workforce according to the provisions of
s U?N¹b 5KU?F«  U?I?ײ?? lbð Ê√ ±π∂π
both Law No. (38) of year 1964AD. and
Law No. (28) of year 1969AD. shall pay Èb W??O?B???A« rN?ðUÐU???Š w 5O??²¹uJ« d??O?ž
the claims of non-Kuwaiti employees 5KU??F« ¡ôR¼ ‰u??B??( ÎU½U??L?{ W??OK;« „u?M³«
working therein in their own accounts in
Í√ Ë√  P??UJË Vð«Ë— s rN?ðU?I??×?²???? vKŽ
local banks to ensure that such employees
obtain their salaries and allowances or any ÆÈdš√  UIײ
other claims. w²« WÐu??I?F« …d?A?Ž W??ÝœU?« …œU*«  œb?ŠË
Article (16) determines the punishment sŽ t??HK?ð WU??Š w qL??F« VŠU?? vK?Ž luð
of the employer who fails to pay the claims
of the employees thereof according to the
tO?KŽ hMð U* ÎUI?Ë t¹b 5KUF«  U?I×?²? lœ
provisions of Article (15). Æ…dAŽ WU)« …œU*«
Article (17) provides for the cancellation q ¡U?GSÐ wC?²I?² …dA?Ž WFÐU?« …œU*« wðQðË
of any provision contradicts with the
ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√ l ÷—UF²¹ rJŠ
provisions hereof.
Article (18) provides for that this Law qL?F¹ Ê√ vKŽ d?A?Ž WM?U?¦« …œU*« XB½ U??L?O?
shall be effective after one year of the date …b¹d?'« w ÁdA½ a¹—Uð s WMÝ b?FÐ Êu½UI« «c?NÐ
of the publication thereof in an official l{Ë s? W??u?J(« sJ?L???²ð v²???Š ¨W???O???L???Ýd«
gazette in order to enable the government to
put the regulations necessary to execute the
5ðœU?*« «b???Ž p?–Ë ¨t???U?JŠ√ oO????³D?² `z«u?K«
provisions thereof, but Articles (3) & (4) —Ëb??? a¹—Uð s U???N???UJŠQ?Ð qL???F??O??? ©¥[≥®
shall be effective in the date of issuing the ‚Ëd?? Í√ ·d?? ÊËœ U??L???N W??LEM?*«  «—«d??I«
regulating resolutions thereof without
Æw{U*« sŽ WOU
paying any financial differences for the

¥¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«
 WM © ® r— Êu½U


WËb« „ö ÂUE½ ÊQý w ± WM ©±μ® r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*«

Æ—u²Ýb« vKŽ ŸöÞô« bFÐ ≠

¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë Í—UIF« qO−²« Êu½UIÐ ±πμπ WM ©μ® r— ÍdO_« ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
W??uJ( l¹d??²??A«Ë Èu??²??H« …—«œ≈ rOEMð Êu?½U?IÐ ±π∂∞ W?M ©±≤® r— Íd??O??_« Âu?Ýd?*« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë X¹uJ«
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë W¹—U−²«  UdA« Êu½U —«b SÐ ±π∂∞ WM ©μ±® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë ¨W³ÝU;« Ê«u¹œ ¡UA½SÐ ±π∂¥ WM ©≥∞® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF«  UBUM*« ÊQý w ±π∂¥ WM ©≥∑® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
‰bF*« ÂUF« r?OEM²« jš ×Uš WËb« „ö√ b¹b% ÊQ?ý w ±π∂π WM ©±∏® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨Â±π∏∂ WM ©∑∏® r— Êu½UIUÐ
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë Êu½UI« —«b SÐ ±π∏∞ WM ©∂∑® r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë …—U−²« Êu½U —«b SÐ ±π∏∞ WM ©∂∏® r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WËb« „ö√ ÂUE½ ÊQý w ±π∏∞ WM ©±∞μ® r— Êu½UIUÐ ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
¨WOJL« …Ëd¦«Ë WŽ«—e« Êu¾A WUF« W¾ON« ¡UA½SÐ ±π∏≥ WM ©π¥® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WUF« ‰«u_« W¹ULŠ ÊQAÐ ±ππ≥ WM ©±® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WOMJ« W¹UŽd« ÊQý w ±ππ≥ WM ©¥∑® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
5½«u?I«Ë W¹—U−?²« WO½b*« œ«u*« w? wzUC?I« rOJײ« ÊQ?AÐ ±ππμ WM ©±±® r— Êu½U?I« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*«
w{«—_« d?O?L??Fð w ’U?)« ŸUDI« ◊U?A½ ÂU??N?Ý≈ ÊQ?ý w ±ππμ WM ©≤∑® r— Êu?½U?I« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë WOMJ« W¹UŽd« ÷«dž_ WËbK „uKL*« ¡UCH«
¨WŽUMB« Êu½U —«b ≈ ÊQý w ±ππ∂ WM ©μ∂® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨t WbF*« 5½«uI«Ë W¹dJH« WOJK*« ‚uIŠ ÊQý w ±πππ WM ©∂¥® r— Êu½UIÐ ÂuÝd*« vKŽË ≠
WËœ w w³Mł_« ‰U*« ”√d d?ýU³*« —U?L¦²?Ýô« rOEMð ÊQý w ≤∞∞± WM ©∏® r— Êu½U?I« vKŽË ≠
¨ÊËUF²« fK− 5Ð …bŠu*« W¹œUB²ô« WOUH²« vKŽ WI«u*UÐ ≤∞∞≥ WM ©μ® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
¨X¹uJ« W¹bKÐ ÊQAÐ ≤∞∞μ WM ©μ® r— Êu½UI« vKŽË ≠
∫ÁU½—b √Ë tOKŽ ‚b bË ¨tB½ wðü« Êu½UI« vKŽ W_« fK− o«Ë ≠

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥¥

©±® …œU
ÊU??BM« t??O≈ —U?A?*« ±π∏∞ WM © ® r— Êu½U??IUÐ Âu??Ýd*« s ©±∂ ¨±μ® 5ðœU?*« hMÐ ‰b??³?²??¹
∫©±μ® …œU
W?OÐd?F?« W?O?ÝU?uKÐb«  U??¾?O?NK W¹—U?I??F« WËb« „ö?√ hO?B??ð ¡«—“u« fK−? s —«d??IÐ “u?−¹ò
o¹dÞ dO?GÐ p–Ë X¹uJ« WËbÐ WO?LOKù«Ë WOËb«  U?LEMLK pcË ¨q¦*UÐ WK?UF*« ◊dAÐ W?O³Mł_«Ë
ÆWOU*« d¹“Ë ÷dŽ vKŽ ¡UMÐ fK:« U¼—dI¹ w²« bŽ«uIK UIËË wMKF« œ«e*«
wMKF« œ«e*« o¹dÞ dOGÐ WuIM*« W U)« WËb« „ö√ d?OłQð Ë√ lOÐ ¡«—“u« fK− s —«dIÐ “u−¹ UL
—UM¹œ n√ μ∞ U?N?²?LO? b¹eð ô√ ◊d?AÐ ¨h²?<« d¹“u« Õ«d?²?« vKŽ ¡UMÐ fK:« U¼—d?I¹ w²« b?Ž«u?IUÐË
∫©±∂® …œU
«–≈ Wu?IM*« W? U?)« W?Ëb« „ö?√ w qÐU?I? ÊËœ ·d?B?²« ¡«—“u« fK−? s? V³?? —«d?IÐ “u?−¹ò
Æw²¹u —UM¹œ n√ 5Lš vKŽ UN²LO b¹eð ô X½U
WOLKF« b¼U?F*«Ë  U¾ON« v≈  U?HMB*« s U¼dOžË  UŽu³D*«Ë V²J« ¡«b?¼≈ h²<« d¹“uK “u−¹Ë
Æœ«d_«Ë  UuJ(«Ë
©≤® …œU
UL?NB½ ÊU?ðb¹bł ÊUðd?I tO?≈ —UA*« ±π∏∞ WM ±∞μ r— Êu½U?IUÐ ÂuÝd*« s ±∑ …œU*« v≈ ·U?Cð
Ë√ WËbK WOJK*« q¹u?%Ë qOGA²«Ë ¡UM³« ÂUEMÐ …—dI*«  U?ŽËdA*« vKŽ WIÐU« …d?IH« rJŠ Íd¹Ëò
WËb« „ö?√ v?KŽ ÂU?I¹ tÐU?A? d??š¬ ÂUE½ Í√ Ë√ WËbK W?OJ?K*« q¹u?%Ë qO?G?A??²«Ë pKL?²«Ë ¡UM?³« ÂUEMÐ
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q¹u%Ë qOGA²«Ë pKL²«Ë ¡UM³« ÂUEM ÎUIË Ë√ WËbK W?OJK*« q¹u%Ë qOGA²«Ë ¡UM³« ÂUEM ÎUIË W¹—UIF«
tÐUA d?š¬ ÂUE½ Í_ ÎUIË Ë√ WËbK WOJK*« q¹u%Ë qO?GA²«Ë pKL²«Ë ¡UM³« ÂUEM ÎU?IË Ë√ WËbK WOJK*«
b¹b& Í√ Ë√ hOšdð Ë√ wK _« bIF« …b ¡UCI½« a¹—U?ð s p–Ë ¨UNM hOšdð Ë√ UNF bIŽ Vłu0
ÆWUF« W×KBLK tzUN½≈ Ë√ bIF« a a¹—Uð s Ë√ ¨ULNM Í√ vKŽ -
Ë√  UŽËd?A*« Ác¼ hOš«dð Ë√ œuI?Ž vKŽ  ö¹bFð Í√ ¡«dł≈ ¨Êu½U?I« «cNÐ qLF« b?FÐ ¨“u−¹ ôË
Æp– ·öš vKŽ ‚UHð« q ÎöÞUÐ øø ¨U¼b¹b& Ë√ U¼b¹b9
ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ_ ÎUIË  UŽËdA*« Ác¼ …—«œ≈ ÕdÞ ÊuJ¹Ë

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W?OMH« wŠ«u?M« lO?L?ł s ŸËd?A?LK U?Nð“U?ł≈Ë U?O?KF« WM−K« vKŽ ŸËd?A?*« ÷d?Ž b?FÐ ô≈ øø d?š¬ ÂUE½
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ÆŸËdA*« ÕdD« a¹—Uð s Ϋ—U³²Ž« ÎUu¹ 5Fð sŽ  «¡UDF« .bI² WŠuMLK …b*« qIð ô√Ë
ÆÊu½UI« «c¼ ÂUJŠ√Ë oH²¹ U0 p– qË
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UOKF?« WM−K« XI«Ë Íc« ŸËd?ALK W¹œU?B²ô« ÈËb?'« WÝ«—bÐ …—b?I*« WOU?Lłù« WHKJ?²« X½U «–≈
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Ministrial Resolution Date 7/2/2005 μØØ a¹—U²Ð ¡«—“u« fK —«d
Defiance of Some Governmental Bodies
To The Resolution of The Council of W UF« …—«œù«Ë ŸUb« …—«“Ë l¹—UA ¡UM¦²Ý« ÊQAÐ
Ministers Concerning The Supervision of ·«dýô«Ë bUF²« rJŠ s w½b*« Ê«dODK
Ministry of Public orks On The
‰UGý_« …—«“Ë WDÝ«uÐ
Governmental Pro ects And The
Determined Rate For ariation Orders:
fK−? —«d?I W?OuJ?(«  UN?'« iFÐ “ËU?&
The Council of Ministers has examined,
vKŽ WU?F« ‰UGý_« …—«“Ë ·«d?ý≈ ÊQAÐ ¡«—“u«
in its meeting No. (4/2005) held on
30/1/2005, the minutes of the Meeting No. d??«Ëú …—d??I?*« W??³??M«Ë ¨W??O??uJ?(« l¹—U??A*«
(2/2005) of the Economic Affairs ∫W¹dOOG²«
Committee held on 11/1/2005, and after ∫r— t?ŽUL?²ł« w ¡«—“u« fK−? lKÞ« bI?
exploring the recommendations contained
therein, the Council issued the following
≤∞∞μرØ≥∞ ∫a¹—U????²Ð b???I???F?M*« ©≤∞∞μØ¥®
Resolution No. (82/ Four) which reads as WM−K ©≤∞∞μØ≤® ∫r— ŸUL?²łô« dC?× vKŽ
follows: a?¹—U?????²Ð b?????I?????F?M*« W?¹œU?????B?????²?????ô« Êu?????¾?????A?«
1- Confirming the two Resolutions of
 U?O?? u?²« ÷«d??F?²?Ý« b??FÐË ¨≤∞∞μرر±
the Council of Ministers No. (1126) and
(1253) undertaken in its two Meetings No. ∫r— Á—«d????? f?K:« —b????? √ ¨tM?L?????{ …œ—«u«
(49-2/2003) and (54-2/2003) held on ∫wU²« ©UFЫ—Ø∏≤®
16/11/2003 and 23/12/2003 respectively,
¡«—“u« f?K−??? Í—«d??? vK?Ž b???O???Q???²« ≠ ±
provided that the projects of the Ministry of
Defense and the Directorate General of w? s¹c???????????????²*« ©±≤μ≥® ¨©±±≤∂® w?L???????—
Civil Aviation shall be excluded from this ≠μ¥® ¨©≤∞∞≥Ø≤≠¥π® wL???— t???O???ŽU??L???²???ł«
condition of contracting and supervision by a¹—U?????²Ð w?«u????²« v?KŽ s?¹b????I????F?M*« ©≤∞∞≥Ø≤
the Ministry of Public Works.
vM?¦???²???ð Ê√ v?KŽ ¨≤ππ≥ر≤Ø≤≥ ¨±±Ø±∂
2- The governmental bodies shall
assume the contracting and supervision of W??U???F« …—«œù«Ë ŸU??b?« …—«“Ë s q l¹—U???A??
all the simple daily maintenance works of ·«d???ýù«Ë b???U???F???²« rJŠ s? w½b*« Ê«d???OD?K
its buildings within the limits of a budget
ÆWUF« ‰UGý_« …—«“Ë WDÝ«uÐ
not exceeding One Hundred Thousand
Kuwaiti Dinars per year. b???U???F????²« W???O???u?J(«  U???N???'« v?u???²ð ≠ ≤
This is for your acknowledgment, and to WDO??³« W½U?O?B« ‰UL?Ž√ lO?L?ł vKŽ ·«d?ýù«Ë
circulate same to the bodies under your U¼—«b?I WO?½«eO œËb?Š w p–Ë UN?O½U³?* WOu?O«
Please accept utmost regard and
ÆU¹uMÝ w²¹u —UM¹œ n√ WzU “ËU−¹ ô
ÊU{Ëd« tK« b³Ž nODK« b³Ž
Abdullatif Abdullah Al-Roudan

w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡« ¥

Circular r‡‡O‡L‡F‡ð

Sub ect: The Ministries And

Governmental Bodies Addressing The U?? ? N? ? ?'«Ë «—«“u?« W?? ? ³ÞU?? ? ? ? ? Ÿu?? ? {u?*«
Council of Ministers: ¡«“u« fK WO uJ(«

Due to the points raised by some

Ministers during the meeting of the Council w ¡«—“u?« …œU????« i?FÐ Á—UŁ√ U???? v?KŽ ¡U?MÐ
of Ministers No. (39/2003) held on
©≤∞∞≥Ø≥π® r— ¡«—“u?« fK?−??? ŸU????L????²????ł«
29/6/2003 concerning some corporations
and governmental bodies under their iFÐ ÂU?O? ‰u?Š ≤∞∞≥Ø∂Ø≤π a?¹—U?²Ð b?I?FM*«
supervision addressing the General rN W???FÐU???²« W??O???uJ(«  U???N??'«Ë  U?????ÝR*«
Secretariat of the Council of Ministers
directly to present the matters related to
…d?ýU??³? ¡«—“u« fK: W?U??F« W½U?_« W?³?ÞU?0
them to the Council without referring to the fK:« v?KŽ U?N?Ð W?IK?F?²?*«  U?Žu??{u*« ÷d??F
Minister in charge and take his opinion ”UM¦??²??Ýö h?²?<« d?¹“u« v≈ Ÿu??łËd« ÊËœ
about such matters. And since this approach
has been repeated by some corporations and q¦ —«dJ?² ΫdE½Ë ¨ UŽu{u*« pK?ð ‰uŠ t¹√dÐ
governmental bodies without any  U??N??'«Ë  U????ÝR*« i?FÐ Èb …d¼UE?« pKð
authorization from the Minister in charge,
i¹uHð v≈ ΫœUM²?Ý« p– ÊuJ¹ Ê√ ÊËœ WOuJ(«
and for reason of the political responsibility
of the Minister in charge of the works of w²« W?OÝU?O?« WOu?¾?LKË ¨h²?<« d¹“u« s
these bodies before third parties, the  UN'« pKð ‰ULŽ√ sŽ h²?<« d¹“u« UNKLײ¹
Council has issued its Resolution No. (618)
which reads as follows:
©∂±∏® r— Á—«d fK:« —b √ bI ¨dOG« ÂU√
Urging the corporations and ∫wU²«
governmental bodies under the supervision W?O?uJ(«  U?N?'«Ë  U??ÝR*« vKŽ b?O?Q?²«
of the Ministers to abide by the Resolution
of the Council of Ministers No. (25) ¡«—“u« fK?−? —«d??IР«e??²ôUÐ ¡«—“uK W??FÐU??²«
undertaken in its Meeting No. (20/91) held ©π±Ø≤∞® r— t?ŽU??L?²?ł« w c???²*« ©≤μ® r—
on 4/8/1991, which stipulates that
UN²³ÞU? ÊuJð ÊQÐ ±ππ±Ø∏Ø¥ a¹—U²Ð bIFM*«
addressing the Council of Ministers must be
through the Minister in charge unless there r U? ¨h²<« d¹“u« ‰ö?š s ¡«—“u« fK:
is an authorization by the respective ÆpcÐ d¹“u« s i¹uHð „UM¼ sJ¹
Minister to do so.
This is for your acknowledgment, and
vK?Ž p– r?O????L????FðË ¨ŸöÞôU?Ð qC????H????²?K
for circulating same to all the bodies under ÆrJ«dýù WF{U)«  UN'«
your supervision.

Secretary General of the Council of Ministers ¡«—“u« fK: ÂUF« 5_«

Abdullatif Abdullah Al-Roudan ÊU{Ëd« tK« b³Ž nODK« b³Ž

¥ w‡½b‡‡*« Ê«d?O?‡‡‡D‡«


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