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Bussell Traven

Mrs. Burr
English 2010
February 20, 2018
Safe Spaces are a Threat to Society
Safe spaces, you can not walts into a college or university capase without running into
some disgruntled Liberal or Socialist lunatic ranting on about how they help them not feel
triggered. A space where your rights are limited almost if not as much as a public school. Ironic,
how the place where students are sent to learn are confined to limited speech. Despite time after
time of losing court cases under the United States Supreme Court, with notable exceptions within
drug and sexual content.
While I believe that private schools should have the right to limit speech and form such
safe spaces for their weak willed students. I feel public schools paid for by taxpayers dollars
should be fined and those responsible removed from their positions. These actions are corrupting
and ruining our nation, we can not allow the enemies of the state to brainwash our youth as they
have been doing for the last decade. And yet, we do, we allow it, we praise it. That is all we do in
our world of today. Those who do not conform are shunned and attacked. I see it personally. All
the time, by my administrators and fellow students alike. If you do not conform to the society of
the local area, you are attacked. And in that case, I feel safe spaces could be useful, for those that
are attacked. They can escape those who hurt them and be around those like themselves. For
there is strength in numbers, and of course, in the will to continue your beliefs. That is why I
respect those of my opposition, they clearly make their points clear, in more ways than one.
Which is strange how they get away with their threats and cries for violence. Yet if their
opponents make simple arguments, they are attacked and punished.
I for one find what our country, the ​United​ States of America, has become disgusting.
For example, I read in a study done by the Washington Post that 44% of Millenials believe in
Socialism, while 16% in Communism, with another large portion Fascism. This is quite expected
though, our generation is quite weak willed. What is one thing that all of those ideologies had in
common? The answer: safe spaces. In several different regimes of those aforementioned
ideologies made use of safe spaces in order to spread pro-regime propaganda. One such being
Joseph Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the USSR for short. Adolf Hitler made
use of such places as the war came crashing down on him. Tito made use of them to brainwash
his people. Mao used them during the Cultural Revolution as he destroyed the history and culture
of the Chinese people in order to replace the history of the country with his Communist views.
All of these countries were totalitarian dictatorships. They feigned the illusion that the
government cared for them, of which in truth they wanted nothing more than to control the
people of their nation. The Soviet Union made such an immense effort to do this, so much so that
those who did not conform were quite literally removed from any and all history of them. The
Soviet Union believed in conforming to Communist beliefs, those who questioned them would
be killed. That is becoming a reality in our country. Those who question such a thing are stupid
fools. Not only has the Antifia been proclaimed a domestic terrorist organisation that the left
wing news media covers up, but there is video evidence to show them spreading knives and other
weapons around to cause as much pain and violence as possible to support their narrative. And
what is that narrative one may ask? The ideology of Socialism and Communism, “Call it what
you like, there is very little difference in the two”. And what do these ideologies enforce? Safe
spaces and political correctness, of which Stalin made an entire section of the government in the
Soviet Union dedicated to overseeing directly.
The simple thing is, safe spaces and political correctness is only for controlling the
people. I can see it in our schools around the nation, I have personally experienced these actions,
and I would like to see something done about it. I would like to urge our representatives and
senators to help put an end to these unconstitutional actions that our schools and colleges are
enforcing. As an Atheist in a Mormon area let one quote settle, “In Mormon culture, authority is
respected, obedience is revered, and independent thinking is not.” from the “Clan of One
Breasted Women”. This is the problem with our nation, separation of church and state is not in
effect as many people are brainwashed into believing. If you disagree with the ideals, you
interrupt the safe space that society has formed around the area for that culture, after that you
have become the victim of targets and suffering at the hands of their supporters. I find this
disgusting, especially over religion, of which anything that questions religion in society is
censored due to the fact that it interrupts that aforementioned safe space. Now, religion is great,
such a thing provides morals for those who are too weak to develop their own. Yet when people
attack those who believe differently, then demand that an entire society follows their beliefs.
Disgusting, absolutely disgusting. This is what our countries enemies want, they what these riots
and protests that split our nation. This could tear our nation apart, then what safety will any of us
have? With that said and done, thank you for your time, and good day.

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