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Classroom Management Plan

Lulu Steele
Cal State Dominguez Hills


My volunteer hours took place in Mrs. Rojas kindergarten class at Leo Politi Elementary. The

classroom consisted of twenty one students. Out of the twenty one students, twenty of them were

of latino descent and one child filipino. After spending some time with the children and having

the chance to be hands on when it came to helping them with classwork and activities, I was able

to notice the ones that were struggling due to different obstacles. For example, student A seemed

to struggle in processing information which, in return seemed to affect his writing. Based on the

the student’s struggles, the teacher will be requesting an evaluation assessment. Student B, was

one of the youngest students in the classroom and had difficulties when it came to speech. It was

difficult to understand what was being said which in return, made it difficult to help her. This

seemed to affect her understanding of classwork and kept her from completing her work. Student

C “Sarah”, had difficulties in completing her classwork due to not being a proficient english


The classroom is spacious and accommodates all of the students. The teacher has stations that

students can visit during free time, which consists of blocks, ipads and whiteboards with

markers. A reward system is utilized by the teacher which she finds to work for her students.

When students are not behaving properly, they get a warning which can lead to a red card if they

continue to misbehave. As a future teacher I place myself towards the reward and routine

spectrum as well as, engagement focus. I believe that by staying engaged with my students I will

be able to recognize that all of my students will have cultural indifferences and this in return will

help me better understand their character.


Routine and Procedures:

● Soothing morning starter​:In order to prepare my students for a day of learning I will

have soothing music playing quietly as they are settling in. I find it important for students

to know that they are able to accomplish anything no matter what the situation is.

● Pledge to do our best & respect others​: I will begin the day with a short pledge for

students to recite to remind them that they can achieve anything if they try their best. The

daily schedule will always be displayed and we will read over it together in order to

provide students structure and direction.

● Creating a tri-folde​r: I will create a tri-folder for each of my students which I will use

to collect important classwork that can help me see their progress at the beginning,

midway, and at the end of the year.

● Brain breaks​: After every lesson I find it important to give students a short brain break. I

will do this by asking the students to stand up and stretch. If the children like to dance, I

will play a short kids song and have them wiggle the wiggles out by dancing.

● Smooth transition​: In order to get my students attention when it is time to transition to a

new activity, I will be using meditation gongs. Meditation gongs are soothing and just

loud enough to grab their attention. I will do this twice expecting for students to be ready

by the third time.

Discipline and Rule

● Respect others​: This specific rule can consists of keeping our hands to ourselves,

listening when others are talking, and using our manners.


● Take responsibility for our actions​: An apology is a great way to take responsibility for

their actions. Having the students apologize to their classmates or staff members when

their actions were not okay, is one way the students will be taking responsibility for their


● Be safe​: Safety is an important rule to reinforce since not being safe can lead to

dangerous situations. This rule consists of walking in and out of the classroom, using

objects and school materials given in a safe manner, and keeping hands and feet to


● Staying on task​: This rule is meant to help students stay on task with classwork and

homework. If students do not complete classwork or homework in a timely manner, it

will keep them from being able to stay on task and join their classmates for fun free time.

Reward system (monitoring)​: The Fun Jar: Students will be given objects such as fuzzies,

marbles, legos (this depends on the grade), for doing something kind individually or by working

together as a community. Students will place the object given into the jar and once the jar is

filled, we will plan a fun activity. This will teach the children to work as a community would,

and the students having a difficult time will not feel left, because there is no negative reaction,

but instead, feel inspired to help his community accomplish a goal.


● Warning​: Giving my student a warning will be a good way to give him/her a chance to

adjust their behavior.

● Note Home: ​Sending a note will come only after the student is not cooperating after

being warned. The note home will be informing the parent of the behavior their child is

having in the classroom and how it is affecting them. The note will have space for parent

comments and will also need to be signed by both the parent and child. I believe that the

note should be specific on what the student is doing in order for the parent to understand

and be able to discuss it.

● Call home​: A call home to the parent will be my last resort. I find it be important to call

home and talk to the child’s parent to determine if the improper behavior can be

something that they are bringing into rather than creating in the class. The phone call will

be to ask the parent if they have a noticed a change in their child, and it will also lead to

an open invitation to volunteer in our classroom in order to get an understanding of what

their child is doing.

Student Autonomy

● Daily Responsibilities​: Students’ names will be written on a popsicle stick and everyday

I will randomly give a student their responsibility for the day, such as door monitor,

helper of the day, clean up crew, and handing out papers. This can be a way of helping

my students become autonomous and responsible.

● Student-led conferences​: I will adopt the process of student-led conferences so that the

students take on the responsibility of taking their parents around the room and explaining

the student work that is being showcased on the bulletin boards. Students will also show

their parents their desk and how they manage their desk space. By the time the parents

circle back to the teacher station, they will have a pretty good idea of how their student is

doing in class. At that time I would review the report card scores and answer any

questions the parents might have. Student-led conferences can also help bilingual parents

feel welcomed.

Use of Time

1.​Collecting homework & classwork​: I will use baskets to collect homework and classwork


students have completed. The baskets will be labeled with both words and pictures to support

English Learners, newcomers, and students with learning disabilities.

2. ​Providing centers for students​:When it is time for students to work independently on

classwork more than likely, there will be some students that end their task quicker than others.

These students if asked to sit at their desk and wait, will eventually get bored and this can lead

them to distracting​ ​their classmates. Centers will help keep students from becoming bored by

keeping them engaged in a new activity. In return, this would allow me extra time to​ ​help those

students that are struggling in completing their assignments.

3. ​Schedule Displayed​: Displaying our classroom schedule on one of our classroom walls will

help keep me and my students on track. Both the students and myself will have a visual to follow

without any confusion of what our day will look like. Every morning students and I can read our

schedule for the day together and set a goal we want to accomplish. Right before revisiting our

task of the day, we will reflect on the goal we talked about that morning and determine if we

were able to accomplish it. If by any chance we were not able to accomplish our goal of the day,

we will discuss what we can do differently next time. At the end of the day we will reflect on

what we learned for the day so that students are able to share this information with their parents.


Simple accommodations such as modeling assignments before giving them to students can help

my English language learners as well as, students will learning disabilities. Gifted students will

need to feel more challenged than other students, in order to keep them striving without getting

discouraged or bored, I will offer them the chance to pick a learning station when they are done

with their classwork. Keeping in mind of all my students cultural references and their diverse

way of learning will help me create stations that will give all of my diverse students reach their

academic milestones.

Peer Interaction

Peer interaction is important amongst or for students for the reason that they are able to connect

with someone their own age. Different ways I plan to incorporate and support peer interaction

into my classroom throughout the day is by ​:

1. Group work​:​ ​When it comes to lessons I will design activities that require teamwork and

cooperative learning, so that students can interact with one another with a common end

goal. Group work can help students feel included, valued, as well as keep them engaged

with one another. Emergent bilingual students can also benefit from working in groups

because they can practice new vocabulary and oral speech. By placing emergent bilingual

students in groups with more advanced bilingual students, it can help students feel more

confident and/or secure in and later participating in whole group class discussions. It can

also help them feel inspired to take more chances when it comes to engaging in English

conversations with classmates both in and out of the classroom.


2. Discussion time on the rug/desk​: Whether students are sitting on the rug or at their desk,

they will have peers around them. It is important to me to give students time and

opportunities to have discussions with each other in order to learn from one another.

Opportunities for discussions can come after read aloud time or can be as simple as

talking about what they did during the weekend. Discussions with their neighbor is a

great way to give every student a chance to talk and be heard. This can also support

students to learn how to be active listeners and respect others opinions, learn to take

turns, and give them the opportunity to further understand the lesson by retrieving

information given back to them from someone their age.

3. Sentence Frames/Stems​: Sometimes students know the answers or have an opinion but

struggle getting started. A way I can promote peer interaction is by posing a prompt,

providing think time, and posting sentence frames to help them formulate their thoughts

and responses. The sentence frames will support emergent bilingual speakers and

students with special needs.

Fairness, Equity and Respect

In order to have fairness in my classroom I have to keep in mind that my students are individuals

and at times will have different needs.

Equity vs Equality​: As a teacher I have to be mindful that different students may have different

needs and in order for me to support students in reaching their milestones, I must understand

what their needs are first. Setting​ ​up centers around my classroom can be a way of supporting

students with diverse learning styles such as, visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic

learners, children with motor or cognitive difficulties, students with special needs, and emergent

bilingual students who are learning the language. For example, a center with visual instructions

can benefit both my visual learners and my emergent bilingual students. Therefore assisting

students in completing their classwork. By respecting my students’ needs or embracing their

differences I will be providing them with scaffolds to help them succeed.

● Classroom Decor​: When the time comes to decorate the classroom I will be asking

students to bring into class something that is part of their culture, or something that

reminds them of their family. I will also be asking students to bring in a family picture

that we can display around the room. Having objects around the room that students bring

in will help the students feel safe and comfortable and this will also help the parents feel

the same.

Parent Involvement

Teacher and parent interaction is important in order to help the student succeed. Research shows

that the more the parent is involved in their child’s academics in and out of a school setting, the

more benefits a child receives. In order to help the parents of my students feel welcomed and part

of our classroom, I plan to:

● Writing personal invitations for parent conferences, back to school night, open

house all in addition to the flyer being sent home​: A personal note shows parents that

as the teacher of their child I am taking the time to personally invite them to school

functions. Personal notes for the holidays are also a nice way to show students that I care

for them and their family.


● Project based assignments for parents to help the students at home​ : On the 100th

day of school, students will be asked to bring to class something they made using 100

pieces of anything they want. The activity will be sent out with enough time given so

that the student’s parent/guardian can participate. Project based assignments are a great

way to get parents involved.

● Sunshine phone calls​: In the first week of class I will make it a goal to personally call

every one of my students parents in order to introduce myself. Everyday for that week, I

will pick one quality that I noticed in every child and make note of it in order to mention

this to the parent. This is a way of opening communication between the parent and

teacher. A phone call should not always be a sign of bad improper behavior, it should

also be one to feel proud of.

● Connecting with parents at dismissal​: Dismissal at times can be hectic since students

are eager to go home but, at dismissal I would like my parents to feel welcomed to come

talk to me if needed. Since my attention has to be on making sure the students are safely

living school grounds, I will ask the parent to allow me to get that done first in order for

us to talk. Another way of connecting with the parents at dismissal is to learn the parent’s

name or whoever it is that is picking them up. A simple hello followed by their name can

help a parent know that not only is their child important to me but, them as well.



45 classroom management strategies​. LOS ANGELES: SAGE PUBLICATIONS.

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