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Be going to: plans and predictions '5 goii in. ()_______am going to tts going to rain Be going to <—(he - He - It) is going to ou - We- They) _are going to Planes 0 intenciones Cuando decides hacer algo en el futuro haces un plan o tienes una intencion. ‘Un plan puede cambiar, asi que no es el 100% cierto. Carol ha comprado su boleto de tren y se ha anotado en un curso. She is going to study in France next month. (Este es su plan o intencién) Predicciones de la situacién ‘A veces podemos ver que algo va a pasar. Look out! Those books are going to fall on your head. Afirmativas He’ going to cook dinner. _ Linda is going to learn Chinese. Mike’s going to rum in the Marathon in April. T'm going to cook He’ going to cook We're going to cook You're going to cook She’ going to cook They're going to cook Its going to cook Negativas Clare isn’t going to cook dinner. I'm not going to cook He isn't going to cook —_ We aren't going to cook You aren't going to cook She isn’t going to cook They aren't going to cook It isnt going to cook Yes/No Questions Are you going to cook dinner? ‘Am I going to cook? Is he going to cook? Are we going to cook? Are you going to cook? Is she going to cook? _—_Are they going to cook? Is it going to cook? Wh- questions What are you going to do in the summer? When are you going to phone me? Is it going to rain? Will: predictions _ 1'll be late. Una prediccién es lo que pensds que sucederd o no sucederd Jim will pass all his exams, It will rain tomorrow. Tl be late tonight. It won't rain tomorrow. Afirmativas They'll leave tomorrow. I will leave tomorrow. Short form: Pl leave tomorrow. Twill leave he will leave we will leave you will leave she will leave they will leave it will leave Negativas I won't be at school on Friday. won't = will not I won't leave he won't leave we won't leave you won't leave she won't leave they won't leave it won't leave Interrogativas Will I leave? Willhe leave? Will we leave? Will you leave? Will she leave? Will they leave? Will it leave? Will: promises, decisions, refusing I'll see you at 7.30. Usamos will y won't cuando hacemos promesas 0 tomamos decisiones, y cuando rechazamos hacer algo. © Meetings and appointments © Promises PI see you outside the cinema at 7.30. I'll give you the money tomorrow. © Decisions of the moment © Refusing Waiter: What would you like? Come here!” ‘No, I won't!” Customer: PU have chicken, please. TRABAJO PRACTICO AULICO BE GOING TO: PLANS AND PREDICTIONS 1 Look at the pictures. Complete each sentence with a verb from the box. 2 think it 3 Look out! You .. 4 Oh dear, I think he .... the tree! 5 Hurry up, we .. the bus. BE GOING TO: PLANS AND PREDICTIONS 2 Complete each sentence. Use going to and the verb in brackets. 1 (you, buy) Are. you going to buy... .. anew bike? 2 Tom (not study) history. 3. I (buy)... some new shoes. 4 (Helen, travel) by train? 5 What (buy)... at the shops? 6 Jim and Dinah (not get). married. 7 Sam (take) . a holiday. 8 What time (you, phone) me? 9 Where (we, eat) sa . tonight? Dave a birthday present! 10 I (not give)..... WILL: PREDICTIONS 1 Complete each sentence or question. Use will or won't and the verb in brackets. wilh.ehast. 1 I (choose) 2. You (not have) 3 Mr Jones (be)... 4. Dimitri (not know) 5 I'm sure Jane (like) . back at about 7.30. . the answer. her birthday present. 6 (yougive) .. us any homework on Friday? 7 There (not be) any lessons tomorrow. 8 (we see) vm» You tomorrow evening? . Alan White's new book. . the match. 9 Texpect lots of people (buy) 10 1 think our team (win) .. WILL: PROMISES, DECISIONS, REFUSING 1 Look at the pictures and make sentences with will or won't. 1 Decide to have the giant pizza 2. Promise to be home before midnight. 3 Arrange to meet tomorrow at 6.30. 4 Decide to take the red pair 5 Refuse to do this! 6 Promise to pay your friend back at the end of the week,

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