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Neoplasms involving the heart, their simulators, and

adverse consequences of their therapy


Primary cardiac tumors involving the heart may be either benign or ma-
Table 1. Primary benign neoplasms of the heart (1976–1993)*
lignant. Most of the benign tumors are myxomas, which are most com-
monly located in the left atrium. Primary malignant neoplasms usually Age <15 years
involve the myocardium and the interior of the cardiac cavities, whereas Tumor† Total Surgical Autopsy at diagnosis
neoplasms metastatic to the heart most commonly involve pericardium,
and pericardial effusion and constriction are the most common conse- Myxoma 114 102 12 4
quences. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are Rhabdomyoma 20 6 14 20
becoming the most useful instruments of precision for the diagnosis of Fibroma 20 18 2 13
cardiac tumors. Pericardial cysts, teratomas, lipomatous hypertrophy of Hemangioma 17 10 7 2
the atrial septum, papillary fibroelastomas, thrombi, and sarcoid are fre- Atrioventricular nodal 10 0 10 2
quently mistaken for cardiac neoplasms. There are a number of cardiac Granular cell 4 0 4 0
consequences of malignancy, including radiation heart disease, cardiac
Lipoma 2 2 0 0
hemorrhages, cardiac infection, cardiac adiposity or the corticosteroid-
Paraganglioma 2 2 0 0
treated heart, cardiac hemosiderosis, and toxicity due to anthracycline
chemotherapy. Myocytic hamartoma 2 2 0 0
Histiocytoid cardiomyopathy 2 0 2 2
Inflammatory pseudotumor 2 2 0 1

n the past 40 years, our recognition of cardiac neoplasms has Fibrous histiocytoma 1 0 1 0
progressed from clinical curiosities described primarily in nu- Epithelioid
merous case reports with diagnosis mainly at autopsy to fairly hemangioendothelioma 1 1 0 0
rapid antemortem diagnosis and frequent curative operative Bronchogenic cyst 1 1 0 0
therapy. Diagnosis has been greatly facilitated by 2-dimensional Teratoma 1 0 1 1
echocardiography and, in select cases, the use of magnetic reso- Totals 199 146 (73%) 53 (27%) 45 (23%)
nance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT). This ar- *Modified from Burke A, Virmani R. Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Tumors of the Heart
ticle describes a classification of cardiac neoplasms, their and Great Vessels. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1996:231.
location, techniques for diagnosis, and specific benign and ma- †Excludes papillary fibroelastoma and lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum.
lignant neoplasms. It also describes secondary tumors of the heart
and conditions frequently mistaken for cardiac neoplasms. It
closes with a section on adverse consequences of therapy. quently encountered secondary tumor at autopsy, with cancer of
the breast, lymphoma, and leukemia as the next leading causes
CLASSIFICATION (Table 3). The order of frequency of secondary tumors is differ-
There is no perfect classification for cardiac neoplasms. As ent, however, if the frequency of each different type of tumor that
in any organ or tissue, neoplasms involving the heart may be metastasizes to the heart is determined. For example, Table 4 lists
primary or secondary. The primary ones may be benign or ma- the frequencies of metastases to the heart in 100 cases of each
lignant, and the secondary or metastatic ones are, by definition, of 20 separate tumors; melanoma has the highest frequency of
malignant. Metastatic neoplasms are far more frequent than pri- metastases to the heart, followed by malignant germ cell tumor,
mary neoplasms by a ratio of at least 30 to 1 (1, 2). leukemia, lymphoma, cancer of the lung, and then the various
The frequencies of the primary benign and primary malig- sarcomas (3).
nant tumors vary from report to report, approximately 0.1% to
0.3% in most autopsy series. A list of primary benign neoplasms
From the Baylor Heart and Vascular Center and the Division of Cardiology, De-
gathered by investigators at the Armed Forces Institute of Pa-
partment of Internal Medicine, and Department of Pathology, Baylor University
thology is presented in Table 1, and primary malignant tumors Medical Center, Dallas, Texas.
encountered are listed in Table 2 (3). The frequencies of the Corresponding author: William C. Roberts, MD, Baylor Heart and Vascular Cen-
metastatic neoplasms also vary from report to report, but nearly ter, Baylor University Medical Center, 3500 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75246
all studies have listed carcinoma of the lung as the most fre- (e-mail:

358 BUMC PROCEEDINGS 2001;14:358–376

Table 2. Primary malignant tumors of the heart (1976–1993)* Table 4. Metastatic neoplasms in the heart at necropsy: order of
frequency of metastases of each different primary tumor
Age <15 years
Tumor Total Surgical Autopsy at diagnosis Percentage with
Sarcoma 137 (95%) 116 21 11 (8%) Primary tumor Number of autopsies metastases to the heart*
Angio 33 22 11 1 Melanoma 100 46
Unclassified 33 30 3 3 Germ cell 100 38
Fibrous histiocytoma 16 16 0 1 Leukemia 100 33
Osteo 13 13 0 0 Lymphoma 100 17
Leimyo 12 11 1 1 Lung 100 17
Fibro 9 9 0 1 Sarcoma 100 15
Myxo 8 8 0 1 Esophagus 100 13
Rhabdomyo 6 2 4 3 Kidney 100 11
Synovial 4 4 0 0 Breast 100 10
Lipo 2 0 2 0 Mouth and tongue 100 9
Schwannoma 1 1 0 0 Thyroid gland 100 9
Lymphoma 7 (5%) 1 6 0 Uterus 100 8
Totals 144 (100%) 117 (81%) 27 (19%) 11 (8%) Urinary bladder 100 6
*Modified from Burke A, Virmani R. Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Tumors of the Heart Stomach 100 5
and Great Vessels. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1996:231. Colon and rectum 100 5
Prostate gland 100 4
Pancreas 100 3
Table 3. Metastatic neoplasms in the heart at necropsy: order of Nose (interior) 100 3
frequency of cancers encountered* Ovary 100 1
Pharynx 100 1
Primary tumor Total autopsies Metastases to heart Miscellaneous 100 0
1. Lung 1037 180 (17%) *Modified from Burke A, Virmani R. Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Tumors of the Cardio-
2. Breast 685 70 (10%) vascular System. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1978:111–119,
and Mukai K, Shinkai T, Tominaga K, Shomosato Y. The incidence of secondary tu-
3. Lymphoma 392 67 (17%)
mors of the heart and pericardium: a 10-year study. Jpn N Clin Oncol 1988;18:195–
4. Leukemia 202 66 (33%) 201. Burke and Virmani combined studies of McAllister HA and Fenoglio JJ Jr.
5. Esophagus 294 37 (13%)
6. Uterus 451 36 (8%)
8. Stomach 603 28 (5%) Cardiac neoplasms may involve only the endocardium, only
9. Sarcoma 159 24 (15%) the myocardium, only the epicardium, or any combination of
10. Oral cavity and tongue 235 22 (9%) these (Figure 1). By far the most common location of metastatic
11. Colon and rectum 440 22 (5%) cardiac neoplasm is the epicardium. Neoplasms limited to pari-
12. Kidney 114 12 (11%) etal pericardium without extension into the epicardium are not
13. Thyroid gland 97 9 (9%) considered cardiac neoplasms. The epicardial tumor deposits may
14. Larynx 100 9 (9%) be multifocal or single, or they may be extensive and essentially
15. Germ cell 21 8 (38%) diffuse or nearly so. Likewise, the intramyocardial masses may be
16. Urinary bladder 128 8 (6%) focal or multifocal. The most common locations for intramyo-
17. Liver and biliary tract 325 7 (2%)
cardial masses are the left ventricular free wall and the ventricular
septum, which are, of course, the portions of the heart with the
18. Prostate gland 171 6 (4%)
greatest myocardial mass. The endocardial neoplasms are the
19. Pancreas 185 6 (3%)
intracavitary ones. They may involve a single cardiac cavity or
20. Ovary 188 2 (1%)
more than one. They may be limited to either the right or left
21. Nose (interior) 32 1 (3%)
side of the heart, or they may involve both. Intracavitary tumors
22. Pharynx 67 1 1%)
produce obstruction to inflow into the heart or into a ventricu-
23. Miscellaneous 245 0
lar cavity or outflow from a ventricular cavity. The intracavitary
6240 653 (10%) neoplasms are the ones that may partially dislodge and produce
*Modified from Burke A, Virmani R. Atlas of Tumor Pathology. Tumors of the Cardio- either pulmonary or systemic emboli or both. They have the
vascular System. Washington, DC: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1978:111–119, potential of producing the triad of obstruction, embolization, and
and Mukai K, Shinkai T, Tominaga K, Shomosato Y. The incidence of secondary tu-
mors of the heart and pericardium: a 10-year study. Jpn N Clin Oncol 1988;18:195–
constitutional symptoms.
201. Burke and Virmani combined studies of McAllister HA and Fenoglio JJ Jr.

contour of the cardiac silhouette, mediastinal widening, or a hilar
mass may suggest pericardial involvement. Calcium within an
intracardiac neoplasm can be seen on occasion by chest radio-
graph or fluoroscopy. The lung fields may have a paucity of pul-
monary markings in patients with large right atrial or right
ventricular neoplasms. Patients with neoplasms in the left atrium
may have pulmonary changes similar to those in mitral stenosis.
Left ventricular neoplasms causing obstruction to left ventricu-
lar inflow or outflow may produce similar pulmonary arterial
vascular changes.

More cardiac tumors today are diagnosed by echocardiog-
raphy, at least initially, than by any other instrument of preci-
sion. Diagnosis of left atrial myxoma has been one of the
principal uses of echocardiography since the introduction of the
technique (11–15). The classic left atrial myxoma is a mobile
echogenic mass that is in the body of the left atrium in ventricu-
lar systole and passes into the mitral orifice in ventricular dias-
tole. Occasionally, an echocardiogram will detect a left atrial
myxoma that is small or not close to the mitral orifice, and it is
therefore clinically silent.
Although it is usually possible to detect intracardiac tumors
Figure 1. Various locations of cardiac neoplasms. RA indicates right atrium; LA, left
atrium; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle. Reprinted from Roberts WC. Primary
with transthoracic echocardiography, the transesophageal exami-
and secondary neoplasms of the heart. Am J Cardiol 1977;80:671–682 with permis- nation produces spectacular images and makes diagnosis, particu-
sion from Excerpta Medica Inc. larly of atrial masses, relatively easy (16, 17). The transesophageal
examination not only offers a higher sensitivity for detecting left
TECHNIQUES FOR DIAGNOSING CARDIAC NEOPLASMS atrial tumors, for example, but also permits a clearer picture of
Symptoms and physical signs the attachment or stalk of the tumor and more precise charac-
The signs and symptoms produced by the various cardiac terization of the size, shape, and location of the mass. A major
neoplasms are determined primarily by the tumor’s location in advantage of echocardiography is its ability to provide serial stud-
the heart. Physical examination is rarely diagnostic (4–7). ies. Thus, this technique may be used to monitor progressive
increase in size of a neoplasm or detect recurrence once the ini-
Electrocardiogram tial tumor is excised.
The electrocardiogram is usually nonspecific (8, 9), but it The echocardiogram has been useful in detecting intracar-
could be far more useful than has been appreciated in the past. diac tumors other than myxomas, including rhabdomyomas and
The problem has been that the electrocardiogram may be re- rhabdomyosarcomas, neoplasms that occur primarily in infants
corded when diagnosis is first considered, but subsequently elec- and are usually located in the ventricles. The echocardiogram is
trocardiograms are not taken very frequently as the disease also helpful in detecting metastases to the heart. This is particu-
progresses. One study compared electrocardiographic findings in larly true in neoplasms that migrate up the inferior vena cava into
patients with malignant lymphoma who had cardiac involve- the right side of the heart, such as renal cell carcinoma or adre-
ment with another group of patients with lymphoma who did not nal cell carcinoma. Echocardiography, particularly transesopha-
have cardiac involvement (8). The percentage with abnormal geal, has been extremely helpful in detecting mediastinal or
tracings (62%) was similar in the 2 groups. Fewer than half the extracardiac masses, which may compress the cardiac structure.
patients had >1 electrocardiogram during the entire illness. Find-
ings included sinus tachycardia; low voltage; ectopic tachycar- Computed tomogram
dia, including atrial fibrillation; atrial flutter; atrial tachycardia; CT is useful in diagnosing cardiac tumors (18, 19); it may be
atrial ventricular block, including prolonged PR interval; second- especially useful in defining the degree of intramyocardial exten-
or third-degree block; premature ventricular complexes; right or sion or the lack thereof and determining whether the tumor is
left axis deviation; right bundle branch block; T-wave abnormali- present in adjacent extracardiac structures. Ultrafast CT appears
ties; and ST-T wave changes, usually of nonspecific nature. The to be particularly well suited for assessing intracardiac masses.
sudden development of some of these electrocardiographic find-
ings in a patient who previously lacked these changes suggests Magnetic resonance imaging
cardiac involvement. MRI appears to be of greater value than CT in delineating
cardiac tumors (20). It may be able to depict the size, shape, and
Radiograph surface characteristics of the tumor more clearly than CT. This
The chest radiograph may be helpful, particularly when an technique also can provide information regarding tissue compo-
epicardial neoplasm is present (10). Enlargement or an irregular sition that can help to differentiate neoplasms from thrombi.


Angiogram a b
A cardiac catheterization and selective angiography are no
longer necessary in all patients with cardiac neoplasms because
adequate preoperative information can usually be obtained by
echocardiography, CT, or MRI. For cases in which the latter 3
techniques have not fully defined the location and attachment
of the neoplasm, in which all 4 chambers of the heart have not
been well delineated, or in which another type of cardiac con-
dition is suspected (such as coronary arterial narrowing), cardiac
catheterization with angiography might be necessary.
Angiography in patients with cardiac neoplasms is particu- Figure 2. Clinically silent left atrial myxoma found at necropsy in a 60-year-old
larly useful in detecting compression or displacement of cardiac woman who died of metastatic carcinoid. The myxoma was not large enough to
cavities or large masses and determining the magnitude of the prolapse through the mitral orifice during ventricular diastole. (a) Cephalad view
intracavitary filling defects. The most frequent angiographic find- of the left atrium. (b) Longitudinal view showing attachment of the myxoma to
the atrial septum by a relatively broad base. Reprinted with permission from
ings are intracavitary filling defects, which may be fixed or mo- Roberts WC, Perloff JK. Mitral valvular disease. A clinicopathologic survey of the
bile, lobulated or smooth, and attached over a broad base or by conditions causing the mitral valve to function abnormally. Ann Intern Med
a narrow stalk. Coronary angiography is sometimes helpful in 1972;77:939–975.
visualizing the vascular supply of the neoplasm and the relation
of the neoplasm to the coronary arteries. The vascular pattern a
is not helpful, however, in differentiating benign from malignant
In contrast to the other diagnostic techniques, cardiac cath-
eterization can be a bit risky in patients with intracardiac neo-
plasms, because the catheter may dislodge a fragment of the
tumor with resulting embolus. Thus, the noninvasive techniques
are preferred to cardiac catheterization in a patient suspected of
having an intracardiac mass. The transseptal approach to the left
atrium is not advised if a left atrial tumor is suspected, because
the stalk of the left atrial myxoma is usually attached to the fossa
ovale membrane, where the transseptal catheter courses.


Myxomas are by far the most common type of primary car-
diac tumor; 75% of them are located in the left atrial cavity (Fig-
ures 2 and 3), about 23% in the right atrial cavity (Figure 4), and
about 2% in a ventricular cavity (21–33) (Figure 5). On rare
occasions, the tumor is present in >1 cavity. Generally, when
located in the left atrium, the neoplasm produces symptoms when
it reaches about 7 cm in size. Neoplasms in the right atrium that
produce symptoms are usually about twice as large and sometimes
several times larger. The cell of origin of the myxoma is still
unclear (22, 34–36).
How fast atrial myxomas grow has never been clarified. An
attempt to answer this question was provided by a study that
examined the size of recurrent myxomas and divided their mass
in grams by the interval between the first and second operations
(37). It was estimated that recurrent left atrial myxomas grow Figure 3. Clinically silent left atrial myxoma discovered at necropsy in an 80-year-
old woman who fractured her hip and femur 5 days before a fatal pulmonary
an average of 0.15 cm per month or 1.8 cm per year, or an aver- embolus. She had never had symptoms of cardiac dysfunction or myocardial is-
age of 1.2 g per month or 14 g per year. Whatever the exact chemia. (a) A radiograph showing calcific deposits in the myxoma. (b) A longi-
growth rate may be, both recurrent and initial left atrial myxo- tudinal view of the myxoma arising from the fossa ovale area and from the atrial
mas appear to grow rather rapidly (38, 39). septum both cephalad and caudal to it. The cephalad portion of the atrial sep-
Morphologic diagnosis of myxoma is readily made by gross tum was thickened mainly by adipose tissue (lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial
septum). Reprinted from Shirani J, Isner JM, Roberts WC. Are autopsies still use-
inspection, and its appearance is clearly different from that of ful? Thank goodness we didn’t know. Not all tumors are bad tumors. Most of
thrombi. The surface is smooth but irregular, shiny, and usually the cavity has to be filled before trouble occurs. Am J Cardiol 1993;72:371–372
multicolored. Although there are exceptions (29–32, 40–43), the with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.
tumor is nearly always attached to the atrial septum if it is in the
left atrium, and the stalk is most commonly much smaller than

a tiple (50% of the time) and to have a ven-
tricular cavity location (13% compared with
<1% in the nonfamilial or sporadic myxo-
mas). Patients with familial myxoma typically
have exterior facial freckling; they have non-
cardiac myxomas (breast or skin) and also
endocrine neoplasms. Both the NAME (nevi,
atrial myxoma, neurofibromas, ephelides) and
the LAMB (lentigines, atrial myxoma, and
balloon nevi) syndromes are associated with
the familial variety of cardiac myxoma. Chro-
b mosomal abnormalities for atrial myxoma
have been described on chromosome 2
(Carney’s) and chromosome 12 (Ki-ras genes).
Myxomas probably present the most var-
ied clinical picture of all primary cardiac neo-
plasms (4–6, 23, 25, 26, 45). Several major
syndromes have been observed, including pre-
sentation with signs of emboli, obstruction of
blood flow, and various constitutional syn-
dromes. Fragments of tumor located in the
right side of the heart may embolize to the
Figure 4. Right atrial myxoma operatively excised from the right atrium of a 46-year-old man who had lungs, and those in the left side of the heart,
had evidence of cardiac dysfunction for 12 years. (a) The tumor was attached to the atrial septum by a
relatively small stalk (surrounded by dashed circle). The myxoma weighed 142 g, and its largest diam-
of course, to various systemic organs. Diagno-
eter was 8 cm. (b) A view of the cut section of the tumor. Reprinted from Roberts WC. Primary and sec- sis may be made, on occasion, by finding typi-
ondary neoplasms of the heart. Am J Cardiol 1997;80:671–682 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. cal myxomatous endothelial-like cells—
which are elongated and spindle shaped with
Figure 5. Right ventricular myxoma op- round or oval nuclei and prominent nucleoli—in surgically re-
eratively excised in a 21-year-old man moved emboli.
who was well until 10 months before
excision of the cardiac tumor, when he
Obstruction of blood flow may occur at the orifice of any
had the first of 3 syncopal episodes valve, most commonly, of course, the mitral valve. Interference
during exertion. A precordial murmur with flow through the mitral orifice may mimic signs of mitral
was heard for the first time after the stenosis, including signs of pulmonary congestion, diastolic api-
first syncopal spell. When he was cal rumble, opening snap, and accentuated first heart sounds. A
examined shortly before the cardiac
operation, a grade 4/6 holosystolic
murmur of mitral regurgitation may also be present as a result of
murmur was audible and was loudest chronic damage to the valve leaflets or of interference with
along the left sternal border. Catheter- proper closure of the valve by tumor. Differentiation between a
ization showed the right ventricular left atrial tumor and primary mitral stenosis is suggested by the
pressure to be 63/5 and the pulmonary influence of position on symptoms and on the intensity of the
arterial pressure to be 15/7, yielding a
45–mm Hg peak systolic pressure gra-
precordial murmurs and the opening snap.
dient. Angiography disclosed a large The constitutional symptoms associated with atrial myxomas
filling defect in the right ventricle. The include fever, weight loss, Raynaud’s phenomenon, digital club-
right ventricular tumor weighed 82 g. bing, anemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated
During each ventricular systole, the tu- leukocyte count, decreased platelet count, positive seroreactive
mor extended out the outflow tract to
contact the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk. Reprinted with permission from
protein, and abnormal serum proteins (usually increased gamma
Lindsay J Jr, Goldberg SD, Roberts WC. Electrocardiogram in neoplastic and he- globulins). These constitutional symptoms may mimic infective
matological disorders. Cardiovasc Clin 1977;8(3):225–242. endocarditis, collagen vascular disease, or occult malignancy. A
myxoma also may become infected (46).
the maximal diameter of the mass. On occasion, the site of at- The proper treatment of myxoma in any cavity of the heart
tachment to the atrial septum is broad. The mean age of patients is operative resection, because no medicine is known to shrink
with sporadic myxoma is 56 years, and at least 75% are women. myxomas or to prevent their continued growth (21, 27, 33).
During the past 10 years at Baylor University Medical Center, at Some surgeons advise a biatrial approach for full visualization of
least 15 left atrial myxomas have been excised; 14 were in women. both sides of the heart and then complete removal of a left or
Familial cardiac myxomas constitute approximately 10% of right atrial myxoma, excising the full thickness of the atrial sep-
all myxomas, and they appear to have an autosomal-dominant tum if the neoplasm is attached to the region of the fossa ovalis.
transmission (44). These occur in younger patients (mean age, If a large portion of the atrial septum is removed, a patch must
25 years) and have less female gender predominance. The myxo- be used to close the defect. Because fragmentation and embo-
mas in the familial syndrome are much more liable to be mul- lization of the tumor is an ever-present threat, vigorous palpa-


a b

Figure 6. Diagram of an intramyocardial fibroma seen at necropsy

in a 5-month-old boy who was found dead in his crib. The neoplasm
had been diagnosed by biopsy during the child’s first few days of
life. It was considered nonresectable. Reprinted from Roberts WC.
Primary and secondary neoplasms of the heart. Am J Cardiol 1997; c d
80:671–682 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.
Figure 7. Benign hemangioma of the epicardium. This 36-year-old man suddenly developed
tion and other manipulations of the heart should be transient but severe anterior chest pain a few hours after playing basketball. When he was
examined after the pain had disappeared, there was a 3 × 3–cm area of precordial pulsation
avoided until cardiopulmonary bypass is initiated. and a grade 2/6 short systolic murmur. Fluoroscopy disclosed a mass along the left cardiac bor-
Most surgeons induce ventricular standstill with car- der, which enlarged during ventricular systole. Left ventricular angiography, however, showed
dioplegia solution before manipulating the heart to a smooth endocardial surface and no aneurysm. Coronary angiography showed the left cir-
reduce the possibility of fragmentation of portions of cumflex artery to be dilated and tortuous and the left anterior descending and right arteries
the tumor. Left atrial myxomas have been removed to be normal. The pressures (in mm Hg) were pulmonary artery, 28/14; right ventricle, 28/9;
right atrial mean, 9; pulmonary artery wedge mean, 13; left ventricle, 118/19; and aorta, 118/
successfully during pregnancy. On occasion, an atrio- 80. (a) The electrocardiogram showed left axis deviation. At thoracotomy, a nonexpansile, solid,
ventricular valve has been so traumatized by the 7 × 3 × 2–cm mass was found on the posterolateral surface of the left ventricle. The tumor
tumor’s prolapsing through it during ventricular di- was covered by a capsule attached to the epicardium of the left ventricle, which was involved
astole that valve excision and replacement are nec- by the tumor. On sectioning, the tumor was cystic, hemorrhagic, and firm. (b, c, d) Histologi-
essary. Fortunately, recurrences of atrial myxomas are cally, the tumor consisted of numerous small and large vascular channels lined by either me-
sothelial or endothelial cells. Between the vascular channels was fibrous tissue containing
rare, and if they do recur, the recurrence usually oc- hemosiderin deposits. The tumor was judged to be benign. Hematoxylin-eosin stains: (b) ×15,
curs within 4 years of surgical resection of the initial (c) ×63, and (d) ×400. Reprinted with permission from Roberts WC, Spray TL. Pericardial heart
tumor (38, 39). disease. Curr Probl Cardiol 1977;2(3):1–71.

Rhabdomyoma or MRI. Prenatal detection of intracardiac rhabdomyoma by in-

The most common cardiac neoplasm in infants and children trauterine echocardiography has been reported. The occurrence
is rhabdomyoma (47). There is some question whether this par- of >1 tumor does not prevent operative intervention. On rare oc-
ticular tumor is a true neoplasm or a hamartoma. These neo- casions, these tumors have produced ventricular tachycardia in
plasms are usually multiple, most often involve the ventricular infants, and this arrhythmia has disappeared following successful
myocardium, and project into the cavity or move freely as a pe- operative removal.
dunculated mass (48–50). Associated tuberous sclerosis is present
in about one third of the patients. The diagnosis is suggested by Fibroma
the presence of yellow-brown angiofibromas (“adenoma seba- Fibromas usually appear within a ventricular wall (i.e., intra-
ceum”) on the face, subungual fibromas around the fingernails, mural) (3, 52) (Figure 6). Most also occur in infants and children.
café au lait spots, and subcutaneous nodules. Presenting symp- Calcific deposits may be present within the neoplasm. Sudden
toms may be caused by obstruction to inflow to or outflow from death has occurred in about a third of the patients, presumably
the ventricles, arrhythmias, atrioventricular block, or pericardial the result of a conduction defect, arrhythmia, or obstruction to
effusion; at times the “presenting symptom” is sudden death (51). outflow from a ventricle. Left axis deviation has been seen on
These neoplasms may mimic pulmonic valve stenosis and produce electrocardiogram. Total or partial resection of the neoplasm may
hypoxic spells resembling those seen in tetralogy of Fallot. They relieve obstruction with an excellent probability of long-term
are usually readily diagnosed by echocardiography, angiography, survival.


b c

Figure 8. Primary cardiac sarcoma, undifferentiated type. This

tumor caused mitral stenosis in a 46-year-old woman who
had been well until 8 months before death. Cardiac catheter-
ization disclosed a 20–mm Hg mean diastolic gradient be-
tween the pulmonary artery wedge position and left Figure 9. Primary cardiac sarcoma, undifferentiated type, with neoplastic emboli to the lung and other
ventricle. The right ventricular pressure was 105/18 mm Hg. organs in a 26-year-old man who had been well until 3 months before death. (a) Exterior of the heart
The neoplasm was located in the walls of the left atrium and containing blood, fibrin, and tumor. (b) Opened right ventricle (RV), left ventricle (LV), left atrium,
in both anterior and posterior mitral leaflets. Reprinted from and aortic valve showing numerous tumor deposits. (c) Section of the left ventricular wall showing
Domanski MJ, Delaney TF, Kleiner DE Jr, Goswitz M, Agatston the neoplasm extending through the entire wall and with extension beneath the posterior mitral
A, Tucker E, Johnson M, Roberts WC. Primary sarcoma of the leaflet and through the epicardium. Pap indicates papillary muscle; RA, right atrium; Rt PA, right
heart causing mitral stenosis. Am J Cardiol 1990;66:893–895 pulmonary artery. Reprinted from Roberts WC. Primary and secondary neoplasms of the heart. Am J
with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. Cardiol 1997;80:671–682 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.

Lipoma Figure 10. Primary cardiac histio-

Lipomas involving the heart may be extremely small and cytic lymphoma. This 64-year-old
woman had had evidence of con-
represent incidental necropsy findings, or they may be massive gestive heart failure for 7 months.
(53–56). The largest cardiac neoplasm ever reported apparently The cause of the heart failure was
was an intrapericardial lipoma. They may be mistaken for peri- not apparent until necropsy. The
cardial cysts, cause pericardial effusion, or be asymptomatic and wall of the left atrium was mas-
suggested by a widened mediastinum on chest radiograph. sively thickened by the neoplasm.
Reprinted with permission from
Intramyocardial lipomas are encapsulated and usually small. Li- Roberts CS, Gottdiener JS, Roberts
pomas also have been located on cardiac valves, where they may WC. Clinically undetected cardiac
simulate vegetations or myxomas (55). MRI permits preopera- lymphoma causing congestive
tive identification of these fatty tumors. heart failure. Am Heart J 1990;
Hemangiomas are best diagnosed by coronary angiography,
which yields a characteristic “tumor blush.” Spontaneous reso-
lution without treatment has been reported. Total excision is
possible only in some cases (Figure 7).


Angiosarcoma flowing through them may produce a continuous precordial
Nearly all primary malignant cardiac neoplasms are sarcomas, murmur. About 25% of all angiosarcomas are, at least in part,
and the most frequent one is angiosarcoma (57–62), which char- intracavitary with valvular obstruction and cause right-sided
acteristically originates from the right atrium or from the epicar- heart failure and pericardial tamponade with a hemorrhagic-type
dium of the right atrium. The large quantity of vascular channels fluid. The course is rapid with widespread metastases, and op-
within these tumors and the subsequent large quantity of blood erative intervention is usually unsuccessful.


a Rhabdomyosarcoma
Rhabdomyosarcoma is the second most frequent primary sar-
coma of the heart, and, like angiosarcoma, it is most common
in males (63–65). In contrast to angiosarcoma, however, this
neoplasm has no predilection for a specific cardiac chamber.
Indeed, the neoplasm may be in all 4 cardiac chambers, or at least
in >1, and obstruction may occur in ≥1 valve orifice. Again,
prognosis is poor, survival is short, and operative intervention is
usually futile.

Fibrosarcoma, liposarcoma, primary malignant lymphoma,
and occasional sarcomas of other cell types constitute the remain-
ing but infrequent primary malignant coronary neoplasms (66–
69) (Figures 8–10). All of these neoplasms may obstruct valvular
orifices, obliterate chambers, obstruct arteries exiting the heart
(Figure 11), and produce peripheral emboli (70). Hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy has been suggested by heavy tumorous infiltra-
b tions of the ventricular septum (71).


Metastatic or secondary tumors of the heart with a primary
tumor in another body organ or tissue are far more frequent than
primary tumors of the heart (72) (Figure 12). The secondary
tumors are far more commonly carcinomas than sarcomas sim-
ply because carcinomas are far more common. The diagnosis can
be suspected whenever cardiac manifestations occur in a patient
diagnosed as having a primary tumor in an organ or tissue other
than the heart. The development of cardiac enlargement, tachy-
cardia, arrhythmias, or heart failure in the presence of a neoplasm
elsewhere in the body is highly suggestive of cardiac metastases.
Only rarely are metastases limited to the heart. Thus, the pres-
ence of a metastatic tumor in the heart usually indicates wide-
spread metastases in a number of body organs. On rare occasions,
cardiac involvement may be the first or only expression of a non-
Figure 11. Primary sarcoma of the pulmonary trunk. This 34-year-old woman was
well until 20 days before operative excision of the tumor, when she suddenly ex-
cardiac primary neoplasm. The most common sign is tampon-
perienced severe substernal chest pain with radiation to both arms, associated ade (73). Direct invasion of the heart via the vena cava or
with dyspnea and nausea, while climbing stairs. A minute or so later she fainted; pulmonary veins may lead to obstruction of an atrioventricular
she awoke about 15 minutes later lying on the floor in a pool of urine. Shortly valve; it may also lead to pulmonary or systemic emboli or both
thereafter she was hospitalized. She appeared healthy. A grade 3/6 systolic, ejec- (74–76).
tion-type precordial murmur, loudest in the pulmonic area, was heard. The lungs
were clear. The electrocardiogram was normal. Chest radiograph showed enlarge-
Carcinoma of the lung and carcinoma of the breast tend to in-
ment of the “pulmonary segment.” The following pressures in mm Hg were re- vade the parietal pericardium and then the visceral pericardium,
corded: intrapulmonary pulmonary artery, 20/10; pulmonary trunk, 60/25; right leading to myocardial constriction and/or pericardial effusion
ventricle, 60/18; right atrial mean, 7; pulmonary arterial wedge mean, 11; and (Figure 13). Another presentation of lung cancer is invasion of
aorta, 100/60. (a) Angiography with injection into the right ventricular cavity the pulmonary veins within the lung, with spread of the cancer
disclosed large filling defects in the pulmonary trunk and in both right main and
left main pulmonary arteries with total lack of filling of arteries to the lower half
within the lumen of the pulmonary veins into the left atrium.
of the left lung and markedly diminished filling of those to the upper left lung. From there, the cancer can continue into the mitral orifice, some-
(b) At thoracotomy, the large tumor completely filled the pulmonary trunk (PT) times causing obstruction (77, 78) (Figure 14). Cancer in medi-
and main right (MRPA) and left (MLPA) pulmonary arteries, and it was excised. astinal lymph nodes also may obstruct pulmonary arteries (Figure
The tumor was attached to the pulmonary trunk over a large base. Histologically, 15). In addition, lung cancer metastases in the adrenal gland may
the tumor was an undifferentiated sarcoma. Although the early postoperative
course was unremarkable and the pulmonary arterial and right ventricular pres-
extend into the inferior vena cava and then into the right side of
sures returned to normal, repeat right ventricular angiogram 7 months postop- the heart (Figure 16), just as primary adrenal gland or renal can-
eratively disclosed a filling defect in the pulmonary trunk. She then underwent cer may (79). Cancer of the lung or breast surrounding the main
resection of the pulmonary trunk containing the sarcoma recurrence and replace- right or left pulmonary artery can lead to pulmonary arterial ob-
ment with a graft. Reprinted from Shmookler BM, Marsh HB, Roberts WC. Pri- struction (80). Carcinoma of the lung may also invade the myo-
mary sarcoma of the pulmonary trunk and/or right or left main pulmonary
artery—a rare cause of obstruction to right ventricular outflow. Report on two
cardium from the endocardial side only (Figure 17).
patients and analysis of 35 previously described patients. Am J Med 1977;63:263– Of all neoplasms, melanoma has the highest frequency of
272 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. metastases to the heart per 100 cases (81, 82). The metastases

Figure 12. Relative frequencies Noncardiac a
of cardiac metastases producing malignant
cardiac dysfunction. Reprinted neoplasms
from Roberts WC. Primary and 1000
secondary neoplasms of the
heart. Am J Cardiol 1997;80: + 0
671–682 with permission from Metastases
Excerpta Medica Inc. to
100 900

+ Signs
symptoms of
cardiac dysfunction
10 90

9 1 b mm Hg
Signs and/or Signs and symptoms 60
symptoms 2° 2° to intracavitary Proximal
to pericardial or intramyocardial RPA
involvement involvement 50



a b
Figure 13. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung metastatic to the heart. This 61- c
year-old man had fatal cardiac tamponade. The entire heart and great vessels
were encased in tumor. Reprinted with permission from Roberts WC, Spray TL.
Pericardial heart disease. Curr Probl Cardiol 1977;2(3):1–71.

Figure 15. Carcinoma of the lung causing pulmonary arterial stenosis. This 55-
year-old man had been well until 11 months before death, when left anterior
chest pain and dyspnea first appeared and tissue from the left main bronchus
disclosed small cell carcinoma. (a) Chest roentgenogram disclosed complete opaci-
fication of the left lung field. Precordial examination disclosed wide splitting of
the second heart sound at the base, increased intensity of the pulmonic compo-
nent of the second sound, and a grade 3/6 systolic murmur over the entire pre-
cordium, loudest at the upper left sternal border. (b) Cardiac catheterization
disclosed the pressure (in mm Hg) in the distal right pulmonary artery to be 22/
10; pulmonary trunk, 55/10; and right ventricle, 55/10. A right ventricular angio-
Figure 14. Sarcoma, undifferentiated type, in the lung (primary uncertain, pos- gram showed severe narrowing of the left main and moderate narrowing of the
sibly in the pulmonary vein). In this 29-year-old woman, an echocardiogram dis- right main pulmonary arteries. (c) At necropsy, cancer was widespread in both
closed the tumor in the left atrium (LA) moving about “like a yo-yo.” The left lungs, and both the left main bronchus and left main pulmonary artery were
lung and its left atrial extension were operatively excised. LV indicates left ven- severely compressed by tumor deposits. RA indicates right atrium. Reprinted with
tricle. Reprinted from Roberts WC. Primary and secondary neoplasms of the heart. permission from Waller BF, Fletcher RD, Roberts WC. Carcinoma of the lung caus-
Am J Cardiol 1977;80:671–682 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. ing pulmonary arterial stenosis. Chest 1981;79:589–591.


Figure 16. Cancer of the lung
metastatic to the right adrenal
gland with extension into the
inferior vena cava (IVC) and
then into the right side of the
heart. An echocardiogram in
this 57-year-old man showed
the right atrial mass, which
prolapsed through the tricus-
pid valve in atrial systole. RA
indicates right atrium; RV,
right ventricle. Reprinted from
Roberts WC. Primary and sec-
ondary tumors of the heart.
Am J Cardiol 1997;80:671–682
with permission from Excerpta
Medica Inc.

Figure 19. Melanoma metastatic to the heart. Shown here is

the posterior surface of the heart with clinically silent mul-
tiple metastases in a 33-year-old man.

a b

Figure 17. Adenocarcinoma of the lung metastatic to the Figure 20. Acute lymphocytic leukemia involving the heart. This 18-month-old girl’s
heart. In this 59-year-old woman, silent metastases were illness lasted only 3 weeks. She died of massive intracerebral hemorrhage (plate-
present in the apex of the left ventricle and in the right ven- let count, 5000/mm3). (a) Necropsy disclosed nodular leukemic infiltrates in numer-
tricular outflow tract (not shown). Reprinted from Roberts ous organs, including the heart. Leukemic nodules were present in the walls of all
WC. Primary and secondary neoplasms of the heart. Am J 4 chambers. (b) The myocardial fibers in a tumor nodule were widely separated by
Cardiol 1997;80:671–682 with permission from Excerpta leukemic cells. Hematoxylin-eosin stain, ×360. Reprinted from Roberts WC, Bodey
Medica Inc. GP, Wertlake PT. The heart in acute leukemia. A study of 420 autopsy cases. Am J
Med 1968;21:388–412 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.

a b

Figure 21. Acute myelogenous leukemia in an epicardial coronary artery. During

the final day of his illness, this 41-year-old man developed hypotension, tachyp-
Figure 18. Melanoma metastatic to the heart. In this 53- nea, and diaphoresis without chest pain. An electrocardiogram was not recorded.
year-old man, a pericardial friction rub was audible, and the Necropsy disclosed severe diffuse coronary arterial atherosclerosis, complete occlu-
neck veins were quite distended. The parietal pericardium sion of the right coronary artery, and focal scars in the left ventricular wall. (a) The
at necropsy was everywhere adherent to the epicardium. final occlusion of the coronary artery was produced by leukemic cells. (b) A photo-
The superior vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, and micrograph of leukemic cells in the coronary artery (hematoxylin-eosin stain, ×315).
pulmonary trunk were severely compressed by the tumor. Reprinted from Roberts WC, Bodey GP, Wertlake PT. The heart in acute leukemia.
Reprinted with permission from Roberts WC, Spray TL. Peri- A study of 420 autopsy cases. Am J Med 1968;21:388–412 with permission from
cardial heart disease. Curr Probl Cardiol 1977;2(3):1–71. Excerpta Medica Inc.

a b c

d e

Figure 22. Lymphoma of the heart. This 38-year-old man with AIDS
developed complete heart block and a large hemorrhagic pericar-
dial effusion. A large tumor resided within the right atrial cavity,
and multiple tumor deposits (white in color) were present in the
right atrioventricular sulcus, atrial septum, ventricular septum
(cephalad portion), and left ventricular free wall.

may be anywhere in the heart; usually melanotic

metastases invade the walls of all 4 cardiac chambers
and also the epicardium and endocardium (Figures 18
and 19). The cancers in these patients are in so many
body organs that the presence of the neoplasm in the Figure 23. Osteogenic sarcoma metastatic to the heart. (a) This 39-year-old woman, who was
heart is almost incidental. Resection of an intracar- ill for 20 months, had episodic ventricular tachycardia during her last 10 months. (b) The lat-
eral chest radiograph shows a calcified tumor in the right ventricle (arrows). (c) The computed
diac melanoma has been accomplished (83). tomogram also shows the calcified tumor in the right ventricle as well as multiple metastases
Leukemia commonly invades the heart (84). In in the lungs and bone. (d, e) A large calcified tumor was present in the right ventricle. Reprinted
the days before platelet transfusions, extensive hem- from Seibert KA, Rettenmier CW, Waller BF, Battle WF, Levine AS, Roberts WC. Osteogenic sar-
orrhages into the myocardial walls and into the en- coma metastatic to the heart. Am J Med 1982;73:136–141 with permission from Excerpta Medica
docardium and epicardium were commonly found in Inc.
patients with fatal leukemia of various types. Histo-
logically, leukemic infiltration between myocardial
cells is quite common, and sometimes gross deposits
of leukemic cells are visible within the heart (Figure
20). A few patients with leukemia present with peri-
cardial effusion, which is usually hemorrhagic. Large
calcific deposits in the right side of the heart have
been reported (85). Leukemic cells have even caused
obstruction of coronary arteries containing athero-
sclerotic plaques (Figure 21).
Lymphoma also has a very high frequency of me-
tastases to the heart (8, 86–88). Nearly 25% of pa-
tients with lymphomas of various types have
involvement of the epicardium, myocardium, endo-
cardium, or some combination. In contrast to leuke-
mic involvement, the lymphomatous deposits are
usually grossly discernible (Figure 22). Figure 24. Osteogenic sarcoma metastatic to the heart. This 24-year-old man whose primary
Some cancers, like osteogenic sarcoma, may have tumor was in the tibia had widespread pulmonary and cardiac (epicardium and right atrial [RA]
calcium within them (89–91) (Figure 23). Others cavity) metastases. Transverse cut of the lungs and heart showing multiple metastatic masses.
RV indicates right ventricular cavity; VS, ventricular septum; LV, left ventricular cavity. Reprinted
may not (Figure 24). Adenocarcinoma of the colon from Seibert KA, Rettenmier CW, Waller BF, Battle WE, Levine AS, Roberts WC. Osteogenic sar-
may also nearly obliterate the right ventricular cav- coma metastatic to the heart. Am J Med 1982;73:136–141 with permission from Excerpta Medica
ity (Figure 25). Some sarcomas may involve the wall Inc.


a b
Figure 25. Adenocarcinoma from the colon metastatic to the heart. This 70-year- a b
old woman had widespread metastases. (a) She had multiple deposits of tumor in
the epicardium. (b) Much of the right ventricular cavity was filled with tumor. Re-
printed with permission from Lindsay J Jr, Goldberg SD, Roberts WC. Electrocardio-
gram in neoplastic and hematological disorders. Cardiovasc Clin 1977;8(3):225–242.

c d
c Figure 27. Choriocarcinoma metastatic to the heart. This 28-year-old woman died
of disseminated choriocarcinoma 3 months after delivering a normal infant by
cesarean section. The electrocardiogram, recorded 1 day before death, showed
prominent P waves and large QRS complexes. (a) A chest roentgenogram 2 weeks
before death showed a mass in the right lung and a normal-sized heart. (b) At
necropsy, the mass in the right lung had invaded the major right pulmonary veins
and via these veins extended into the left atrium and mitral valve orifice, obstruct-
a ing the latter. (c) The left atrium (LA) containing the choriocarcinoma is shown
from the back. (d) View of the mitral valve from the left ventricle containing the
“tongue” of the choriocarcinoma. RU and RL indicate right upper and lower
pulmonary vein; LU and LL, left upper and lower pulmonary vein; LAA, left atrial
appendage; LA, left atrium containing the neoplasm; LV, left ventricle; B, bron-
chus; PA, pulmonary artery. Reprinted from MacLowery JD, Roberts WC. Meta-
static choriocarcinoma of the lung. Invasion of pulmonary veins with extension
into the left atrium and mitral orifice. Am J Cardiol 1966;18:938–941 with per-
mission from Excerpta Medica Inc.

e toms, including chest pain, dyspnea, cough, and tachycardia, as

a consequence of a pericardial cyst. The cysts are usually outside
Figure 26. Sarcoma metastatic to the heart. This 30-year-old woman was found the pericardial cavity and, therefore, really should not be con-
to have complete heart block and widespread metastatic cancer shortly before
dying suddenly. The site of the primary tumor was never determined, but histo-
sidered cardiac tumors.
logically the tumor was an undifferentiated sarcoma. (a) View of the heart show-
ing numerous tumor deposits on the epicardial surface and over the aorta and Teratoma
pulmonary trunk. (b) Transverse section of the cardiac ventricles showing tumor Teratomas are extracardiac in at least 99% of cases but are
deposits in the walls and a right ventricular intracavitary deposit. (c) Six “slices” still within the pericardial cavity (93–95) (Figure 29). They arise
of the ventricular walls showing multiple tumor deposits. (d) Close-up view of
one “slice.” (e) Longitudinal view of the most basal portion of the heart show-
and receive their blood supply from the ascending aorta or pul-
ing complete replacement of the most cephalad portion of the ventricular sep- monary trunk, presumably through the vasa vasorum. Most are
tum. This tumor deposition caused the complete heart block. found in infants and children, primarily in females. Recurrent
serous pericardial effusion in children should suggest intra-
of all chambers as well as being located within 1 or more cavi- pericardial teratoma. Because these tumors may become quite
ties and in the epicardium (Figure 26). Others may obstruct a large, they may compress various cardiac chambers and therefore
valve orifice (Figure 27). produce symptoms.

NONNEOPLASTIC CONDITIONS FREQUENTLY MISTAKEN FOR Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum
CARDIAC NEOPLASM Massive fatty infiltration of the atrial septum is an extremely
Pericardial cyst common condition occurring almost exclusively in persons >50
Pericardial or mesothelial cysts are the most frequent benign years of age and usually in individuals >65 years of age (96) (Fig-
“tumors” of the pericardium. These cysts are generally asymptom- ure 30). These lesions are essentially limited to obese people, and
atic and found on “routine” chest radiograph (92) (Figure 28). they are always associated with enormous quantities of subepi-
About a quarter of the patients, however, develop various symp- cardial adipose tissue, particularly in the atrioventricular sulci.

Figure 30. Lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum in a
74-year-old woman with huge fatty deposits in the atrial sep-
tum (except for the fossa ovale area). Reprinted with permis-
sion from the American College of Cardiology (Shirani J,
Figure 28. A pericardial cyst that was an incidental necropsy finding in a 75-year- Roberts WC. Clinical, electrocardiographic and morphologic
old woman. The cyst, which contained serous fluid, overlay the right atrium and features of massive fatty deposits (“lipomatous hypertrophy”)
arose from a pedicle attached to the right main pulmonary artery (RPA). SVC in the atrial septum. J Am Coll Cardiol 1993;22:226–238).
indicates superior vena cava. Reprinted with permission from Roberts WC, Spray
TL. Pericardial heart disease. Curr Probl Cardiol 1977;2(3):1–71.

a b
Figure 31. Photomicrographs of papillary fibroelastoma in a 36-year-old woman
with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and severe left ventricular outflow obstruc-
tion. These fibroelastomas were on the ventricular aspects of the aortic valve,
a b on the atrial aspect of the mitral leaflets, and on the left ventricular mural en-
Figure 29. Intrapericardial teratoma. This stillborn child’s heart weighed 8 g and docardium. (a) View of an aortic valve cusp with multiple fibroelastomas on the
the tumor, which weighed 20 g, greatly compressed the heart. Reprinted from cusp. (b) Close-up view of the fibroelastoma. Hematoxylin-eosin stains: (a) ×15,
Brabham KR, Roberts WC. Cardiac-compressing intrapericardial teratoma at birth. (b) ×84. Reprinted from Roberts WC. Papillary fibroelastomas of the heart. Am J
Am J Cardiol 1989;63:386–387 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. Cardiol 1997;80:973–975 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.

These hearts are almost always so fat that they float in water (97). 15% of patients, they also occur on left ventricular or ventricu-
Normally, the atrial septum is <1 cm in thickness. In patients lar septal mural endocardium (102–111), particularly in patients
with lipomatous hypertrophy of the atrial septum, the atrial sep- with small or relatively small ventricular cavities, such as in pa-
tum cephalad to the fossa ovale may be as thick as 7 cm, and the tients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (102, 108) or mitral
atrial septum caudal to the fossa ovale may be as thick as 4 cm. stenosis with or without aortic valve stenosis (106, 109, 110).
Extensive infiltration of fat into the atrial septum may be asso- When located on the aortic valve, papillary fibroelastomas are
ciated with atrial arrhythmias. These patients should not be usually found on the ventricular aspects of the cusps in the more
operated on to remove fat from the atrial septum. The treatment central portions. They also occur on the aortic aspects of these
is simply weight loss. The fatty deposits may be diagnosed by cusps, usually near the margins (112–115). On the mitral valve
echocardiography, CT, or MRI (98, 99). Fat in the subepicardial leaflets, they are usually on the atrial aspects near the margins
adipose tissue has been confused with pericardial effusion on (116–123). In patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or
echocardiogram (100). mitral stenosis, they may be on the ventricular aspects of the
anterior mitral leaflet and sometimes on mural endocardium,
Papillary fibroelastomas particularly over the papillary muscles. These lesions may be the
Papillary fibroelastomas are small avascular growths with result of contact of one valve leaflet with another or one mural
multiple papillary fronds usually limited to cardiac valves, mainly endocardial surface with another.
the aortic and mitral; they are common in older persons (101) A number of cases of papillary fibroelastomas and stroke have
(Figure 31). They consist of fibrous tissue covered by an elastic been reported (114–117, 121, 122, 124–128). Whether the
membrane, which in turn is covered by endocardium. In about stroke was truly connected with the cardiac fibroelastomas is


a b c
Figure 32. Aberrant thyroid gland attached to the ascending aorta. This 47-year-
old man, who died of intracerebral hemorrhage soon after injecting heroin into

a vein, at necropsy was found to have a brownish-red nodule weighing 15 g and
measuring 3.0 × 2.3 × 1.5 cm attached to the adventitia of the ascending aorta.

(a) A drawing of the location of the aberrant thyroid gland. (b) A photograph

of the aberrant gland. (c) A photomicrograph of a portion of the nodule show-
ing the thyroid gland (hematoxylin-eosin stain, ×80). Ao indicates aorta; PT, pul- Figure 34. Myocardial abscesses after bone marrow transplantation for chronic
monary trunk; RA, right atrium. Reprinted from Taylor MA, Bray M, Roberts WC. myelogenous leukemia. This 31-year-old morbidly obese man had a bone mar-
Aberrant thyroid gland attached to ascending aorta. Am J Cardiol 1986;57:708 row transplant 24 days before his death. Thereafter he had many complications,
with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc. including aspergillosis septicemia and pneumonia. Necropsy disclosed numerous
aspergillosis abscesses in the ventricular myocardial walls and also on the ven-
tricular mural myocardium (arrows).

a b
Figure 33. Mucormycosis of the heart. This 15-year-old boy had acute myelocytic
leukemia for 6 months. One month before death, acute bilateral pneumonia de-
veloped. (a) Necropsy disclosed hemorrhagic necrotizing pneumonia and a fungus
ball occluding the right pulmonary veins and invading the left atrial cavity. (b) A
Figure 35. Sarcoid heart disease. Longitudinal view of the heart in a 27-year-old
photomicrograph of mucor organisms in the left atrial mass (hematoxylin-eosin woman who died suddenly outside the hospital. Necropsy disclosed widespread
stain, ×400). Reprinted with permission from Buchbinder NA, Roberts WC. Active
sarcoid granulomas in many body organs, including the heart as shown here. The
infective endocarditis confined to mural endocardium. A study of 6 necropsy pa-
left ventricular sarcoid infiltrations were primarily subepicardial. Grossly, these sar-
tients. Arch Pathol 1972;93:435–440. coid deposits were similar to neoplastic deposits. Reprinted with permission from
Shirani J, Roberts WC. Subepicardial myocardial lesions. Am Heart J 1993;125:1346–
debatable. Some patients have been in their 20s or 30s without 1352.
other predisposing features or findings commonly associated with
cerebral infarction, and the occurrence of stroke in the younger tients with cardiac papillary fibroelastomas, mainly on the aor-
age group is suggestive of a connection. In contrast to myxoma, tic valve. These papillary growths may obstruct an aortic ostium
tissue from which has been seen in systemic emboli, papillary of a coronary artery (135, 136). On rare occasions, papillary
fibroelastomas have not been observed by histologic studies in a fibroelastomas have been observed on the right side of the heart,
cerebral artery of any patient with cardiac papillary fibro- mainly on the tricuspid valve (137–140).
elastomas who had a stroke. Furthermore, the papillary fibro- Papillary fibroelastomas have been operatively excised from
elastomas are firmly attached to valvular or mural endocardium, the cardiac valve and/or mural endocardium in patients with
and dislodgment of a fibroelastoma therefore would appear un- evidence of stroke or other peripheral events, and a few patients
likely. Thrombus, however, is occasionally superimposed on pap- have had cardiac valve replacement (106, 108, 110, 111, 114,
illary fibroelastomas, and thrombus may be the material that is 115, 117–119, 124, 125, 132, 136, 138, 140). When papillary
dislodged and is responsible for the stroke. fibroelastomas are detected by echocardiography in asymptom-
Angina pectoris (128), acute myocardial infarction (129– atic patients, operative excision rarely appears warranted.
133), and sudden death (129, 134) have been observed in pa-

Figure 36. Radiation heart disease for Hodgkin’s disease. This 26-year-old man was found to have Hodgkin’s disease 27 months earlier by biopsy of a painless nodule
in the neck. He received about 13,000 rads to the neck and mediastinum. He died from pericardial tamponade. Shown here is a radiograph with air in the pericardial
sac. Both the parietal and visceral pericardia were thickened, and a large pericardial effusion was present. Reprinted from Roberts WC, Glancy DL, DeVita VT Jr.
Heart in malignant lymphoma (Hodgkin’s disease, lymphosarcoma, reticulum cell sarcoma and mycosis fungoides). A study of 196 autopsy cases. Am J Cardiol 1968;22:85–
107 with permission from Excerpta Medica Inc.

Thrombi nary arterial narrowing at a very young age after radiation

Thrombi within an intracardiac cavity may be indistinguish- therapy. The intimal plaques resulting from radiation heart dis-
able from neoplasm by echocardiogram or radiograph. Grossly, ease cannot be distinguished from plaques occurring from typi-
however, they are very different. cal atherosclerosis. The distinguishing feature of radiation heart
disease involving the coronary arteries is extensive fibrous thick-
Thyroid gland ening of the adventitia, as well as loss, focally or diffusely, of in-
Aberrant thyroid tissue may be located with the pericardial ternal and external elastic membranes, particularly the latter
sac (141) (Figure 32). (Figure 37). Narrowing of coronary ostia also is common in ra-
diation heart disease (150). In addition, radiation can cause con-
Calcium siderable scarring within the subepicardial adipose tissue. The
Calcium deposits may occur within any cardiac cavity, and second most common manifestation of radiation heart disease is
some may be large (85, 142). mural endocardial thickening, most commonly of the right
atrium and ventricle, but focally also in the left ventricle. Its third
Abscess most common manifestation is interstitial fibrosis; its location
Large abscesses, mainly of fungal origin, may replace portions depends on the portal of entry, but it involves the anterior wall
of cardiac wall, protrude from the endocardial surfaces (mural of the right ventricle more than any other portion of the heart
endocarditis), and potentially obstruct inflow into or outflow (Figure 37). Radiation in excess also can cause focal thickening
from a cardiac chamber (143). Figure 33 shows mucormycosis of valves (Figure 38).
obstructing a pulmonary vein and occupying a portion of the left
atrial cavity. These abscesses are especially common after unsuc- Cardiac hemorrhages
cessful bone marrow transplantation (Figure 34). Thrombocytopenia, particularly if persistent, often results in
focal epicardial, myocardial, and mural endocardial hemorrhages.
Sarcoid If the hemorrhages are located in conduction tissue, various de-
When located in myocardium, sarcoid granuloma may grossly grees of heart block or arrhythmias may be the consequence.
resemble neoplasm (144–146) (Figure 35).
Cardiac infection
CONSEQUENCES OF THERAPY FOR NEOPLASMS IN THE HEART The most common cardiac infections today in cancer patients
Radiation heart disease are myocardial abscesses and mural endocardial and epicardial
Radiation heart disease was first recognized after radiation abscesses. These are particularly prevalent in patients with pro-
therapy for Hodgkin’s disease (147–150). Some of the earlier longed leukopenia (143, 151, 152). Patients having unsuccess-
patients with Hodgkin’s disease received >8000 rads, which ad- ful bone marrow transplants are particularly prone to these
versely affected the pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium. infections, which usually are produced by fungi, not bacteria. Gas
The most common manifestation of radiation heart disease is gangrene may involve the heart as well as most other body or-
pericardial effusion (Figure 36). Fibrin deposits occur on both the gans and tissues (153).
visceral and parietal aspects of the pericardia. Because coronary
arteries are located in subepicardial adipose tissue, they often Cardiac adiposity or the corticosteroid-treated heart
receive the effects of radiation. Many patients, particularly pa- Patients with various types of cancers, particularly leukemia
tients with Hodgkin’s disease, have been reported to have coro- or lymphoma, and those developing cancer after organ transplan-


a b c

Figure 38. Radiation heart disease. Shown here is a focally

thickened anterior mitral leaflet in a 30-year-old man who
received approximately 11,000 rads to the mediastinum 5
years earlier for Hodgkin’s disease. Although there was no
valve dysfunction, the amount of focal leaflet scarring was
abnormal for a 30-year-old man and suggested that this
unusual leaflet scarring was a consequence of the earlier
radiation. Reprinted from Brosius FC III, Waller BF, Roberts
WC. Radiation heart disease. Analysis of 16 young (aged
15 to 33 years) necropsy patients who received over 3,500
rads to the heart. Am J Med 1981;70:519–530 with permis-
sion from Excerpta Medica Inc.

a result of myocardial iron deposits has occurred, but dilation is

d e far more common (156).
Figure 37. Radiation heart disease. On routine chest radiograph at age 24, this
33-year-old man was found to have bilateral hilar masses, and histologic exami-
Anthracycline chemotherapy (doxorubicin and daunorubicin)
nation of one of the hilar nodes disclosed Hodgkin’s disease. He received approxi- Cardiac toxicity is a well-recognized complication of doxo-
mately 8000 rads to his mediastinum, 5000 from an anterior portal. Thereafter, rubicin and daunorubicin and is frequently the dose-limiting
he was asymptomatic until 21/2 hours before death when he developed severe factor in their administration (157–159). Clinical toxicity is
substernal chest pain followed by hypotension and a malignant ventricular ar- usually manifested by evidence of impaired left ventricular sys-
rhythmia. Necropsy showed considerable luminal narrowing of the (a) right, (b)
left anterior descending, and (c) left circumflex coronary arteries, mainly by fi-
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