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Project Name: INS-EMSL

Description: TAILINGS

Partial Total %
Gravel = 0 0%
Weight (Dry Sample) 1748,6
Mat. < Nº 4 = 1748,6 100%
Starting Fraction = 1000
Weight (Washed and Dry Sample)
Washed Fraction = 364,1

Aperture Detained Weight Partial % Accumulated %

(mm) (gr) Detained Detanied Pass
3'' 76,2 0 100
2'' 50,3 0 0 0 100
1 1/2'' 38,1 0 0 0 100
1'' 25,4 0 0 0 100
3/4'' 19,05 0 0 0 100
1/2'' 12,5 0 0 0 100
3/8'' 9,525 0 0 0 100
Nº4 4,76 0 0 0 100
Nº10 2 0 0 0 100
Nº20 0,85 5 0,5 0,5 99,5
Nº40 0,425 16,6 1,7 2,2 97,8
Nº100 0,15 236,8 23,7 25,8 74,2
Nº200 0,075 105,7 10,6 36,4 63,6
Saucer 635,9 63,6 100 0

Sample Nº 1
Pycnometer Nº 1
Temperature ⁰C 15 ⁰C
Pycnometer + Water a (gr) 703,40

Weight Saturated Sample With Dry Surface b (gr) 500,00

(a+b)= d 1.203,40
Pycnometer + Sample + Water = c 1.031,00
Volume, Vsp 172,40
Specific Gravity G, Gb or Gbs (g/cm3) 2.900,00
Mesh Aperture Accumulated Passing %
Particles >3'' (%): --
D10 3'' 76,2 100
Gravel (%): D30 2'' 50,3 100
Sand (%): 36,4 D60 1 1/2'' 38,1 100
Silt and Clay (%): 63,6 Cu 1'' 25,4 100
Cc 3/4'' 19,05 100
Atterberg Limits: 1/2'' 12,5 100
LL(%): 0 3/8'' 9,525 100
LP(%): 0 Nº4 4,76 100
IP(%): 0 Nº10 2 100
Nº20 0,85 99,5
Mostiure(%): Nº40 0,425 97,8
Nº100 0,15 74,2
USSC Classification: Nº200 0,075 63,6

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