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14- The History of Life

14.1- Fossil Evidence of Change
Earth’s Early History
Land environments
•  Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago.
•  After about 500 million years, a solid crust formed on the
•  The gases were from volcanoes, such as water vapor
(H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2),
carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen (N2), and hydrogen
•  the early atmosphere had little to no free oxygen.

Clues in Rocks- The fossil record


Fossil any preserved evidence of

an organism!
Paleontologist- scientist that
studies fossils !
99% of the species that have
ever lived are now extinct, but
only a small percentage remain
as fossils. Most organisms
decompose before they have a
chance to become fossilized.!

Dating fossils
•  Relative dating
determines the age of
rocks by comparing
them with those in other
•  law of superposition
younger layers of rock
are deposited on top of
older layers!

•  Radiometric dating
uses the decay of
radioactive isotopes
to measure the age
of a rock.!
•  Uses the half life –
the time it takes for
half of the original
isotope to decay!
The Geologic Time Scale
geologic time scale a model for the major
events in Earth’s history.!

•  Geologic time is divided into two segments, the

Precambrian and the Phanerozoic eon!
•  Epochs are the smallest units of geologic time(>1m years).!
•  Periods are composed of two or more epochs (10m years).!
•  Eras consist of two or more periods (100m years).!
•  Eons the longest unit of time in the geologic time scale,
can include billions of years.!
•  First 4 billion years (90 percent) of Earth’s
•  Life first appears during the Precambrian!
•  Autotrophic prokaryotes enriched the
atmosphere with oxygen.!
•  Eukaryotes emerged; first animals appeared.!
•  Food chains were generally short and
simple. !
The Paleozoic Era
•  The ancestors of most major animal groups
diversified in what scientists call the Cambrian
•  First life on land emerges during this era!
•  A mass extinction ended the Paleozoic Era,
with 90% of marine organisms going extinct.!
The Mesozoic Era
•  Dinosaurs, birds, and mammals evolved
during the Mesozoic Era !
•  The K-T boundary is a layer of material
in between the rocks in the Cretaceous
and Paleogene periods with unusually
high levels of iridium!
•  Iridium is rare on Earth, but common on
meteorites, suggesting a massive
meteorite struck the Earth about 65
million years ago. !
•  This meteorite impact changed the
climate on Earth, wiping out the
dinosaurs, many marine invertebrates,
and many plant species. !
The Mesozoic Era
•  Geologic changes took place during the Mesozoic
Era that shaped the course of evolution.!
•  Plate tectonics describes the movement of several
large plates that make up the surface of the Earth.!
•  These plates, some of which contain continents,
move atop a partially molten layer of rock
underneath them.!
The Cenozoic Era
•  Mammals became the dominant land
•  After the mass extinction at the end of the
Mesozoic era, mammals of all kinds
began to diversify.!
•  Humans appeared very recently, in the
current Neogene Period.!
14.2- The origin of Life
Spontaneous generation, one of the
earliest ideas, suggested that life arises
from nonlife.!
•  Redi tested the idea that flies came from meat.!
theory of biogenesis- only living
organisms can produce other living
•  Louis Pasteur designed an experiment to show
that biogenesis was true even for microorganisms. !


primordial soup hypothesis-
organic molecules could have been
made from the elements available
and UV energy from the Sun!

Miller and Urey showed
that inorganic compounds
could produce organic
molecules, including
amino acids.!
Later, scientists found that
precursor to nucleotide bases
could be formed from even
simpler molecules in simulated
early Earth environments.!
Genetic code
RNA likely came before DNA.!
RNA can act like enzymes called
ribozymes and may have carried
out early life processes.!
The first cells
Scientists hypothesize that the first
cells were prokaryotes.!
• Smaller, simpler !
• similar to modern day archaea
Modern archaea are found in extreme
environments that are similar to early Earth. !
Cyanobacteria- Photosynthesizing
prokaryotes that evolved soon after
the first cells.!
Earth lacked oxygen until about 1.8 billion years
ago. Cyanobacteria eventually produced enough
oxygen to support the formation of the ozone layer.!
Endosymbiont theory- eukaryotic
cells absorbed prokaryotic cells,
which evolved into organelles. !
•  Prokaryotes entered as undigested food!
•  Their relationship became mutually beneficial. !
•  The theory explains the double membranes
around mitochondria and chloroplasts. !

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