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T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Table of Contents
I - Managing projects and cartography .............................................................................................. 2
A Set and load a project........................................................................................................................................ 3
B Manipulate the cartography................................................................................................................................ 5
C Read the cartography ........................................................................................................................................ 7
D Change the current map .................................................................................................................................... 9
E Add vectors on the map ................................................................................................................................... 10
II - Creating Stations ........................................................................................................................ 11
A Place a station on the map............................................................................................................................... 12
B Set the station parameters ............................................................................................................................... 14
C Save the station in a file................................................................................................................................... 19
III - Station coverage ....................................................................................................................... 20
A Calculate the coverage..................................................................................................................................... 21
B Display the coverage........................................................................................................................................ 24
C Calculate the coverage of a network ................................................................................................................. 25
D Display the coverage in different ways .............................................................................................................. 26
IV - Optimizing station location ........................................................................................................ 27
A Cover one set of points .................................................................................................................................... 28
B Cover an area.................................................................................................................................................. 30
V - Database/Printing ....................................................................................................................... 32
A Use the internal database................................................................................................................................. 33
B Import stations/sites from external database..................................................................................................... 34
C Set the print parameters .................................................................................................................................. 37
D Select and set the output device....................................................................................................................... 37
VI - Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers ......................................................... 39
A Import / generate Subscribers .......................................................................................................................... 40
A1 Import Subscribers ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
A2 Generate Subscribers........................................................................................................................................................ 42
B Relocate and subscribers parameters ................................................................................................................ 44
C Search sites manually to cover subscribers........................................................................................................ 46
D Parent subscribers to found stations ................................................................................................................. 48
E Automatic site searching - Prospective planning................................................................................................. 50
F Subscribers management ................................................................................................................................. 53
F1 Use the left click............................................................................................................................................................... 53
F2 Use the rectangle tool....................................................................................................................................................... 53
F3 Use the polygon tool......................................................................................................................................................... 54
F4 Use Subscribers’ menu...................................................................................................................................................... 54
VII – Adaptive Modulation ................................................................................................................ 56
VIII – Spectrum Analysis .................................................................................................................. 58
Frequency allocation.................................................................................................................................................. 58
Interference analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 61

Managing projects and cartography 1

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied or
reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

I - Managing projects and cartography

A project in ICS Telecom is a file that combines the different layers of information required in
a planning project. It includes pointers toward cartographic layers, and also references to
network files, parameter files, etc...

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• Set and load a project.

• Manipulate the cartography.

• Read the cartography.

• Change the current map.

• Add vectors on the map.

Managing projects and cartography 2

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied or
reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Set and load a project

1. On top menu Left click on Files/Project Manager.

2.a Browse to select DEM file, Image file, Palette file and Clutter File. Left click on each Content row to open
the appropriate GEO, IMG, PAL and SOL browser.

Managing projects and cartography 3 Set and load a project

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

2.b Once you’ve completed assigning the file paths for your project files, left click on the Save Project
button - Name your project in the ‘Update project window’ -
Load your project by left clicking on the Load button.

3 Go back to Files/Project Manager. Change resampling factor to any integer .

Left click on ‘save’ to save this new configuration.
Left click on Load to load project.

4 Go back to File/Project Manager.

Clear window by left clicking on New Button.
Left click ‘Open’.
Browse and Select previous or any other project .
Load it.

Managing projects and cartography 4 Set and load a project

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Manipulate the cartography

1 Select Layer/DEM to display DEM Layer, Layer/Image to display image layer, Clutter to overlay
clutter on image or DEM.

2 Zoom in/x2, Zoom out/:2, view as 1 to 1 or FIT display to window or do a scalable Zoom in/+, Zoom
out/-. You can also zoom in by pressing the + and – keys on the key board or by holding down the Shift key,
THEN left clicking twice to select an area of interest to zoom into.

3a Display DEM/IMAGE in 3D. Select Map/3D display/DEM or image layer.

Managing projects and cartography 5 Manipulate the cartography

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

3b Manipulate the 3D image. A separate set of directions are used for manipulating Real-time 3D.

Change azimuth of display . Change tilt of display .

Change position North South Map . Change position right left .

Change height of display . Reinforce altitude discrimination .

Return to 2D mode or left click left map .

Managing projects and cartography 6 Manipulate the cartography

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

C Read the cartography

1a Set the geographic coordinate system selecting menu Tools/Cartographic conversions.

1b Change the output coordinates datum by selecting the wanted output datum.
‘no conversion’ checked= no output conversion in any other datum but input one.

Except for some precise cases, never change input code.

2 Read the coordinates, the altitude, the clutter code on the top bar.

Managing projects and cartography 7 Read the cartography

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

3 Look for the highest point. First left click on map then select ‘Highest point’.

Then enter max distance at which highest point has to be found .

4 Filter altitudes by selecting menu Map/Filter/Elevation filter. Then enter min and max elevation filter.

Managing projects and cartography 8 Read the cartography

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

D Change the current map

1 Check image layer is displayed.

Right click on map.

*Select change Map * then .

*Browse to select wanted image and corresponding palette.

2 To switch between available maps, right click on map.

*Select change map then .

Managing projects and cartography 9 Change the current map

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

E Add vectors on the map

1 Create a vector file.

Menu Map/Vector map/New vector file.
Browse and name your vector file.
Update your project with the file.

2 Add vector

Right click on the map .

Add vector point - Change color, size, ident.

Add vector text - Change Background color, text color, font and string.
Add vector circle - Change Background color, color, size, ident, radius.

3 Save vector file in menu Files/Save/Save vector file.

Edit vector file in menu Map/Vector map/Edit vector file.

4 Menu Tools/Object properties. Check or uncheck ‘Display vector’ to display or hide them.

5 Import SHP files.

Menu Map/Vector map/Import SHP.
Browse to select your SHP file.

Managing projects and cartography 10 Add vectors on the map

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

II - Creating Stations

The station object is the standard item with which you will work everyday. It includes the
geographic parameters of the sites, the technical configuration of the station, and also some
multimedia general information that can be used for administrative management, history,
visual aids …

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• Place a station on the map.

• Set the station parameters.

• Save the station in a file.

Creating stations 11
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Place a station on the map

1 Place a station on the map with the mouse. Left click mouse on map

2 Place a station on the map with the coordinates. Keyboard p key. Enter long or X and lat or Y.

Creating stations 12 Place a station on the map

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

3 Move the station with the mouse. Left click on new created station.

Then left click on move

And left click to place station where wanted.

4 Delete a station. Left click on existing station as in 3. Then left click DELETE.

Creating stations 13 Place a station on the map

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Set the station parameters

1 Enter the basic parameters of the station. Left click on existing station.
Then left click on parameters.

Enter the technical parameters :

Creating stations 14 Set the station parameters

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

2 Convert units (power, field). Left click on p . Then convert in wanted units.

Left click on f . Then calculate wanted threshold, max distance, max distance taking into account
reliability and rain.

Creating stations 15 Set the station parameters

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

3 Set the antenna characteristics (Horizontal, Vertical, 3D). Left click again for station parameters.
Choose Patterns submenu.
Define Horizontal and Vertical pattern or use RPE files.

Creating stations 16 Set the station parameters

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

4 Enter advanced parameters.

Creating stations 17 Set the station parameters

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

5 Use the databases (equipment, antenna, multimedia).

Left click on in 'General' submenu to add a new item in antenna database (with
specific technical parameters).

Left click on in 'General' submenu to add multimedia information (audio, video, txt
files) about current station.

Left click on in patterns submenu to add a new item in antenna database( with
specific antenna patterns).

Creating stations 18 Set the station parameters

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

C Save the station in a file

1 Save the station in an EWF file.

Go to Files/Save/Save network file (.EWF).

Name the file that will contain current stations.

2 Include the EWF file in the project.

Left click Yes to Update project.

Go to Files/Project manager to check EWF file attached to current project.

3 Change the EWF included in the project.

Go to Files/Project manager.
Double click on a row to change EWF file. Once file is defined, save project and Load.

Station coverage 19
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

III - Station coverage

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• Calculate the coverage of a single station.

• Display the coverage.

• Calculate the coverage of a network.

• Display the coverage in different ways.

Station coverage 20
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Calculate the coverage

1 Place a single station on the map.

See chapter II A.

2 Set the propagation model.

Select menu Tools/Propagation model.

Station coverage 21 Calculate the coverage

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Customize Models + Diffraction geometry + Subpath attenuations + Climate + Slope coefficient + Reflections.
Save your model left clicking on Save (.PRM) and you can attach it to the project.

3 Set the calculation parameters

Check antenna paramaters are OK (azimuth...) see II B.

Check Max distance of calculation

and field threshold .

4 Start the calculation.

Select Coverage/Network calculation/TxRx coverage.

Station coverage 22 Calculate the coverage

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

You will receive a summary box that will ask you to confirm everything once more and enter a Rx
antenna height in meters. Calculations can be launched directly from this menu option as well, by
passing all the other menus and tool bar options.

Station coverage 23 Calculate the coverage

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Display the coverage

1 Display the coverage of the station.

Left click ctrl to display station composite coverage .

2 Change the color palette (Tools/User palette).

Customize the colors and values of PR/FSR.
Enter the threshold value as the first field in the >=dBm or dBµV/m column :

In Chapter VII on Adaptive Modulation, it is explained how the user palette can be used to correlate
FSR/PR with bit rate to achieve for different modulations.

3 Display the coverage in 3D.

See I B.

4 Save the coverage in a EWF file and include it in the project.

See II C.

Station coverage 24 Display the coverage

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

C Calculate the coverage of a network

1 Add various stations on the map.

2 A Activate / de-activate/isolate stations with the “tab” key.

B Activate/ de-activate/delete stations using polygon .

Left click on map and then draw your polygon to encircle stations.
Once the polygon is drawn, right click and select ‘continue’ . Select activate/de-activate/delete

C Menu Objects: Activate/Delete stations.

D Go to List/Station list . Select as many stations as you want. You

can then Mask (deactivate) or isolate these station.
Double left click or right click on one particular station, and you can change its parameters,
activate, de-activate, isolate or delete it.

3 After having de-activated some stations if needed, start the coverage calculation for activated objects.

Station coverage 25 Calculate the coverage of a network

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

D Display the coverage in different ways

Station coverage 26 Display the coverage in different ways

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

IV - Optimizing station location

In ICS Telecom, the planning methodology often starts with achieving a coverage, and then
optimise the technical parameters of the station (power, pattern…). Therefore, the first
parameter you may optimise when planning a network is the location of the station to reach
a certain coverage percentage.

In this chapter, you will learn how to optimize the location of a station in order to :

• Cover a set of points.

• Cover an area.

Optimising Station location 27

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Cover one set of points

1 Search site location (with line-of-sight or field strength calculation) from various points on the terrain.

A Select Direct/Search sites/Intervisibility.

Define transmitter antenna height and receiver antenna height.

Select points to be reached by clicking on the map.

B Select Direct/Search sites/Field strength calculation.

This option uses the selected propagation madel to perform calculation (see III A 2).
Define Frequency, EIRP, transmitter antenna height and receiver antenna height.

Select points to be reached by clicking on the map.

Optimising Station location 28 Cover one set of points

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

2 Read the results and place a station.

Filter zones covering the highest number of points with Map/Filter/General filter.
Set clutter filteroptions (if needed).
Enter Min value for number of points covered.
Max value for number of points displayed.
Compute the area corresponding to the criterias.

Then Close and place a station in the area offering the highest number of points reached.

Optimising Station location 29 Cover one set of points

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Cover an area

1 Draw a polygon to encircle the area .

2 Left click on map and then draw your polygon.

3 Once the polygon is drawn, right click and select 'continue' . Then select search site.

A Use clutter filter if needed to place the sations on the wanted clutter layer.

Optimising Station location 30 Cover an area

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Decide if you want antenna inside or outside the polygon or both.

C Choose a max random points number for the tool to work on

D (Optional) You can choose the random points between a subscriber database. Then select
Min and Max bit rate for points that can be chosen for calculation.

E Enter height of antennas.

Source antennas concern the receiving points (not used if From DB subscriber is checked) and destination
antennas concern the transmitting points.

F Check Max Distance.

4 Extract the highest percentage areas.

See A 2.

Optimising Station location 31 Cover an area

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

V - Database/Printing

ICS Telecom proposes a classical way to store the network parameters and coverage in a file.
But for large networks, it becomes indispensable to use the internal database of ICS Telecom
to easily handle the stations.
Moreover ICS Telecom uses the Windows layer to print documents. In addition, it provides a
good level of customisation to clarify and adjust the output. Virtually all the objects, layers
and results that appear in the ICS Telecom window can be printed as they appear.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• Use the Internal Database.

• Import stations/stes from external datas.

• Set the print parameters.

• Select and set the output device.

Database/Printing 32
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Use the internal database

1 Set the database parameters (name, location).

Left click on Base/DB station.
Browse to create a new database (three characters).

2 Save stations in the database.

Left click on Base/DB station and select the working database.
Then use Database/Station Database/Export activated elements.
Check stations are imported.

3 You can delete stations on map.

Go back in database.
Click on

Click to export stations on map.

Check stations are on map.

4 Perform calculations inside the database.

Database/Printing 33 Use the internal Database

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Import stations/sites from external database

1 Select the internal database into which you want to import datas (See A).

2 A Import datas from ASCII files (.TXT or .CSV) :

- Use Database menu / Station database / Import.

- Choose the format corresponding to the data file.

- Then browse to select the data file.

- Check stations are imported.

B Use ODBC link to import external Tables.

- Use Database/ODBC/Station table.

Database/Printing 34 Import stations/stes from external datas

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

- In the following window, click on Change and choose new connection to create a new

- Then choose a name for the link and check ODBC (any case) or DAO (only for MS
Access database). Then click on OK.

- Then folow the instruction to import the datas. Be careful, the table format must be
the same as the one given in ICSTel2000.mdb.

Database/Printing 35 Import stations/stes from external datas

T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s
C Set the print parameters

1 Display the layers you want to print (DEM, Image, Clutter).

2 A Print total screen menu : Files/Screen.

B Print total map menu : Files/Print.

C Print part of map. Select and encircle area to be printed.

Select print and check .

3 Select output layer to be printed .

4 Define object properties to be printed .

5 Define Legend and palette .

6 Define Color and contrast .

D Select and set the output device

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 37 37

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

1 A Select the file type where you want to save your bitmap (check dpi, BMP or targa,
nb of colors).

B Select the printer.

2 Set the output format (scale, resolution, size…).

3 to preview the output.

4 Print.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 38 38

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

VI - Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers

The aim of Wireless local loop is to link subscribers to an existing or a new network.
Those subscribers need to be precisely described and modeled in the tool. This modeling is
vital to a significant radio pre-design.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

• Import / generate Subscribers.

• Relocate and parameter Subscribers.

• Search sites manually to cover Subscribers.

• Parent Subscribers to found stations.

• Automatic site searching: prospective planning.

• Subscriber management.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 39 39

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A Import / generate Subscribers

A1 Import Subscribers

1 Create a Database with a name. Select Base/DB Subscriber.

Left click new link.

Browse and give a name to database (*.SUR) and close.

Double left click the newly created database.

2 Click Database menu then subscriber database / import. Select Import subscriber file. The following
window appears :

3a Select corresponding format:

Format 1 : Expected TXT or CSV subscriber file must have the described format.
Format 2 : Expected TXT or CSV subscriber file must have the described format and must be used
with a location flie containing X, Y, Z, ...
Format 3 : Expected TXT or CSV subscriber file must have the described format and the subscribers
parameters can be set using Parameters ...
3b Browse File . Left click Convert.

4 Go back to Base/DB subscriber. Double left click DB path. Select (all) subscribers.

5 Check subscribers on map.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 40 Import / generate Subscribers

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

The user can also use the Import from ASCII file in the Objects menu:
1 Configure the import

n : click on the […] button in order select the ASCII file to import (.txt or .csv).
o : select the type of separator of the ASCII file you are bout to import. For .CSV files, the separator is

a comma. Then click on .

p : specify the content of each column of the csv file :

q : once the converter has been configured, click on the "Import on Map" button. The following
message will be displayed :

Click on "OK".
Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 41 Import / generate Subscribers
The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

A2 Generate Subscribers

1 Create a Database with a name. Select Base/DB Subscriber (see A1).

2a Use the rectangle tool and generate subscribers. The following window appears :

Then set the distribution parameters : Clutter area(s) and elevation range where Subscribers will be
generated, the Subscribers parameters (or change them later) and the number of Subscribers per km² in the
Clutter options (Station/km² field).

2b Or use the polygon tool and generate subscribers. The following window appears :

Then set the distribution parameters : Clutter area(s) and elevation range where Subscribers will be
generated, the Subscribers parameters (or change them later) and the total number of Subscribers.

2c Or Subscribers / Generate random subscribers. The following window appears :

Then set the distribution parameters : Clutter area(s) where Subscribers will be generated, the number of
Subscribers per km² for each clutter area and the Subscribers parameters (or change them later).

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 42 Import / generate Subscribers

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Select the random Tx parameters (or chage Subscribers parameters later) and choose name and location for
RTX database.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 43 Import / generate Subscribers

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

B Relocate and subscribers parameters

1 Go to Subscribers/Parameters/relocating.

A Choose the appropriate clutter code to relocate the subscribers on.

B Check Max distance.

A given subscriber is relocated on the first pixel found which has one of the chosen clutter
codes. If no pixel is found, the subscriber is not relocated.

C Enter 1 if max elevation wanted. If yes give max distance in pixels.

If Find max elevation is checked, a subscriber can jump to another area

(corresponding to the clutter filter) if a higher point is found at n pixels from the current
location. Do not use several times.

2 Check percentage of relocated subscribers.

Note : If Find max elevation is checked, all subscribers are declared relocated.

3 Go back to base/DB subscriber.

a Use one of the following functions to select the subscribers to be considered :

Select all : Selects all subscribers.

De-select : Unselects selected subscribers.
Delete : Removes selected subscribers from database.
Del unselected: Removes unselected subscribers from database.
Filter : Selects subscribers depending on defined criteria and unselected
subscibers are removed from displaying and calculations (not from
Select : Selects subscribers depending on defined criteria.
Hide : Hides selected subscribers from displaying and calculations.
Add subscriber: Adds one subscriber in the database.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 44 Relocate and subscribers parameters

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

b Use one of the following functions to set the selected subscribers parameters :

Load TRX : Sets the selected subscribers parameters using a parameter file .TRX.
Bit rate is not modified.
Changes : Changes parameters of selected subscribers.
Change ant. : Changes antenna patterns, tilt, azimuth and polarization of selected subscribers.
Modify bit rate: Changes selected subscribers bit rate only.

c Other functions are also available in subscribers database :

Check parent : Verifies if the subscriber parented station is removed (call sign) and
renames it as orphan.
Convert to T/R: Converts selected subscriber to station and import them on the map.
Vector : Add selected subscribers location to the current vector file.
Print object : Prints selected subscribers on the current map.
Reset : Upgrades database and catalog to update record status.
Copy : Copies the database into another one.
ODBC : Exports database into an external database (MS ACCESS for example).
List : Exports selected subscribers parameters into an Excel file.

d Use the mouse

Left click on a subscriber, and the following window appears :

Then :
Set or change subscriber parameters or parent station parameters (if connected).
Draw a profile from/to parent station (if connected).

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 45 Relocate and subscribers parameters

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

C Search sites manually to cover subscribers

1a Use the polygon tool to encircle subscribers and then Search site. The following window appears :

1b Or use Subscribers/Site searching ...

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 46 Search sites manually to cover subscribers

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

2 - Define clutter and elevation filters.

- Antenna inside/outside selection is not considered.

- Max number of random points wanted for searching site is not considered.

- Select Min and Max bit rate to ensure Max random points are treated by the tool.

- Enter antenna height for base station to find.

- Check Max distance.

3 Filter the highest coverage percentages (Map/Filter menu). Place a site.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 47 Search sites manually to cover subscribers

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

D Parent subscribers to found stations

1 Check parameters of found stations.

2a Select Subscribers/Parenting/Global Parenting.

- Define parenting criteria.

Subscribers can be connected to the best server or the nearest server in terms of :

* Field strength received only : subscribers are connected if the received field is greater than the

* Field strength received and control bandwidth (FDMA systems) : subscribers are connected
if the received field is greater than the threshold AND required bandwidth on parent base station is
If the gain diffusion option is checked, the system will decrease the base station gain each time a subscriber
is connected, in proportion with the used bandwidth.

* Field strength received and control bit rate (TDMA systems) : subscribers are connected if
the received field is greater than the threshold AND required bit rate on parent base station is available.

* Field strength received and control service flow (WiMAX systems) : subscribers are
connected if the received field is greater than the threshold AND required service flow on parent base station
is available.

* Field strength received and control lines : subscribers are connected if the received field is
greater than the threshold AND required number of lines on parent base station is available.

* Field strength received and control grade of service : subscribers are connected to the
amount of the defined threshold (Grade of service). The required parameters are the number of lines
available at the base station and the subscriber Erlang value (Erlang B or Erlang C).
Subscribers-Create/optimize network with subscribers 48 Parent subscribers to found stations

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Subscribers can also be connected to the best server in terms of :

* Best server-Interference : subscribers are connected to the best server taking into account
interference results (C/N+sum(I)), i.e. offering the highest C/N+I value above a given threshold (Min C/N+I
for parenting). N is the subscriber Noise Level.

* Best server - CDMA (+ATPC) (for CDMA systems) : subscribers are connected in terms of Ec/I0
required. The ATPC option performs a power control on subscribers after parenting.

- Check Max distance for calculation, the stations and the subscribers database to
be considered and the threshold for parenting.

- Check orphan only to keep results from an existing parenting.

- Launch calculation.

2b Select Subscribers/Parenting/Prospective Parenting.

The prospective parenting connects subscribers by deploying activated stations. Only orphans (unconnected
subs) will be treated.

3 Check result. Save it in excel file.

Go back to C to ‘Search sites manually to cover Subscribers’ to repeat process for remaining
subscribers (if needed).

Subscribers-Create/optimize network with subscribers 49 Parent subscribers to found stations

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be copied
or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

E Automatic site searching - Prospective planning

1 Select menu Subscribers/Prospective planning.

2 Define filter on clutter and DEM for the site searching.

3 Define parenting rule (see D).

Subscribers-Create/optimize network with subscribers 50 Automatic site searching - Prospective planning

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

4 Select orphan subscribers to be considered and check the stations already on the map.

The Keep existing parenting option keeps a previously performed parenting.

5 Then set the simulation parameters :

Set the minimum received field value for parenting (Threshold), the maximum distance for
calculation and the propagation model.

Then, select if needed one or several of the following options :

- Mask subs if number < X : Unselect subscribers in a square of two times the maximum
distance if the number of neighboring subscribers is lower than "Remove site if subscriber(s)
connected <".

- Sort suscribers at : Set the maximum distance to check high density of subscribers areas.
A site will be positionned on the map when the weight of the neighborhood matrix is greater than
"Remove site if subscriber(s) connected <" and lower than "Deploy site when subscribers covered
>=". "Same as max" button sets the size of the neighborhood matrix at the maximum distance value.

- Isolate site after coverage at : If a subscriber is covered, the subscribers at X pixels are
also considered as covered for site searching only (not for parenting).

- Field strength calculation for site searching : If this option is checked, the site
searching will be performed in terms of field strength, instead of visibility. Note that the parenting is
always performed in terms of field strength.

Subscribers-Create/optimize network with subscribers 51 Automatic site searching - Prospective planning

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

6 Then set the site and station constraints :

Set the maximum number of site to deploy. A site may include several sectors or stations, so set
the number of stations per site and the azimuth spacing beetween two adjacent sectors. Set the
station parameters to deploy.

A minimum distance between two sites can be set. The max distance (highest point) option
choose the farthest (highest) point in case of several points giving same results in terms of
subscribers connected from the considered points.

A site will be deployed on the map if the number of connected subscriber is greater than "Deploy
site when subscribers covered>=". The proportional option takes into account the highest
number of subscribers covered if lower than the limit.

Calculation will end wether when the maximum number of sites has been deployed or when the
number of subscribers not connected is lower than the limit.

7 Launch calculation.

8 Check result, coverage and parented subscribers Save it in Excel file.

Subscribers-Create/optimize network with subscribers 52 Automatic site searching - Prospective planning

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

F Subscribers management

F1 Use the left click

1 Left click on a subscriber and select one of the following functions :

2 Then :

Subscribers parameters allows to check or modify the selected Subscriber parameters.

Move Subscriber to a new point on the map.
Draw a Profile to / from parent if the selected Subscriber is connected.
Draw a 3D view to parent if the selected Subscriber is connected.
Check subscriber interference (see III).
Add a subscriber on the selected point.
View subscribers to display Subscribers on the current map.
Import subscriber file (see A).

F2 Use the rectangle tool

1 Select an area with the rectangle tool and select one of the following functions :

2 Then :

Generate subscribers (see A).

Isolate parented subscribers in the selected area.
Isolate subscribers in the selected area.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 53 Suscribers management

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

F3 Use the polygon tool

1 Select an area with the polygon tool and select one of the following functions :

2 Then :

Assign subscribers to : Connect subscribers in the selected area to a given base station.
Isolate subscribers in the selected area.
Subscribers counter : Count subscribers in the selected area.
Generate subscribers (see A).
Search site from subscribers (see C).

F4 Use Subscribers’ menu

1a Go in the Subscribers/Parameters menu and select one of the following functions :

1b Then :
Re-locating... (see B).
Re-locating subscribers in coverage area. The following window appears :

The network coverage must be previously performed. Then set the minimum field strength to get and
the maximum distance for searching.

Change color according to result layer (or parent station) : Subscribers color can then
be set automatically.

Adjust subscribers parameters (polar/BW/freq)... : Only for parented subscribers.

Adjust power to parented subscribers... : Performs an automatic power control on

parented subscribers taking into account the base station carrier value and the received power from
the subscriber.

Adjust base station tilt... : The tilt of each base station will be set accordingly to the mean
value required. Each link from base station to its parented subscribers is considered.
2 Use Subscribers/Isolate subscribers :

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 54 Suscribers management

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Define a clutter filter, elevation filter and a result filter.

Compute counts subscribers filtered and OK isolates selected subscribers in database.

3 Use Subscribers/analysis :

Then choose one of the following function :

- Attenuations... : Gives the different attenuations for each connection between base
stations and their parented subscribers : Free space loss, diffraction loss, clutter attenuation, rain and
gas attenuation.
- Global coverage... : Gives for each activated station the maximum traffic ad the number of
connected subscribers.
- Radius analysis... : Gives, within the extended radius of each base station, the number of
subscribers that are seen, the total number of subscribers and the number of orphan subscribers.
- Demand diagram... : Gives for each 5° angle the Erlang demand for each activated station
according to the parented subscribers found at each angle.
- Clutter distribution... : Gives the number of subscribers on each clutter code.
- Subscriber(s) in interfered area : Isolates subscribers in interfered area (255 code) on
map and on database. An interference calculation must be previously performed.
- Subscriber(s) at the same location : Set 255 code on each point shared by more than
one subscriber. Use isolate subscriber if needed.

4 Use Subscribers/Point to point/All servers/Subscriber exclusively covered :

This function gives the number and the name of subscribers that can be connected to only
one base station.

Subscribers - Create/optimize network with subscribers 55 Suscribers management

The following manual is copyright protected and remain the exclusive property of ATDI. No part of this manual, in whole or in part, may be
copied or reproduced in anyway without prior written authorization of ATDI.
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

VII – Adaptive Modulation

Parenting with regards to the adaptive modulation
The key parameter for traffic modeling (using adaptive antenna arrays or not) from a planning tool point of
view is the bit rate that can be offered for a given received signal level. This characteristic itself depends on
the modulation used, hardware algorithms, transmitting and receiving antenna specifications... As in ICS
Telecom nG the user can specify its own traffic parameters according to the power received, it is then
straightforward to deal with a large set of scenarios. In addition, ICS Telecom nG also includes features
dedicated to adaptive modulation, to offer the maximum bit rate according to the best modulation and the
signal level received:
• Traffic analysis between two BTS (backbone for instance): a connection between two WiMax stations is
created and the bit rate is set according to the margin above minimum received threshold.
• CPE connection at a parent WiMAX sector: The available bit rate at the BTS will be controlled and the
CPE (subscriber) connected according the power received (threshold versus modulation scheme). This
process can be done in both Uplink and Downlink.

dBs above
Modulation Bit rate Sensitivity the Bit rate ratio
[dBm] threshold
BFSK ½ 1.41Mbps -100 0 1
BFSK ¾ 2.12Mbps -98 2 0.66
QPSK ½ 2.82Mbps -97 3 0.5
QPSK ¾ 4.23Mbps -94 6 0.33
QAM16 ½ 5.64Mbps -91 9 0.25
QAM16 ¾ 8.47Mbps -88 12 0.17
QAM64 2/3 11.29Mbps 0.12
-83 17
QAM64 ¾ 12.71Mbps -82 18 0.11

Annex 56
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Thanks to the adaptive modulation process, all subscriber are connectable to the BS, even though the
traffic demand is higher than what the BS can offer.

Annex 57
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

VIII – Spectrum Analysis

Frequency allocation
ICS Telecom can be used in order to minimize the interference areas of the WiMAX BS. In order to do so,
go to :

Annex 58
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Step 1 : click on "List" Button in order to define what are the assignable frequencies.

If available, click on Load and load a previously saved .PRM file that contains the frequencies to be
assigned. Then click on close.

Step 2 : apply a frequency spacing of one channel (3.5 MHz for example) for the sectors that are part of
the same Base Station.

Annex 59
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Step 3 : Click on the "/I" button and define the protection corresponding to the WiMAX technology and the
bit rate to guarantee.

Step 4 : Select the Sequential methodology, with 3 passes.

Step 5 : take into consideration a directive diagram on the receiving side.

Click on H-pattern, and load the sph file located in C:₩ICS Telecom - a WiMAX tutorial₩Project₩Frequency
analysis :

Annex 60
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Launch the frequency allocation by clicking on the Start button.

Interference analysis
The result of the frequcny allocation can be validated by clicking on :

The interference + Best server mode will highlight for each location on the map what is the sector number
that is not interfered. Don't forget to apply a directive receiving antenna pattern before to click on Start.

Annex 61
T r a i n i n g R e s o u r c e s

Annex 62

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