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Lesson Plan 3-27

 Objectives
o Students will differentiate between piano and forte in the beginning legato section.
o The first four measures of the piece will properly set up and introduce the main theme
in m. 5.
o Students will have smooth transitions between voices for the main melody starting in m.
5 to m. 37.
o Students will give the teacher a list of things to work on and a list of things that I
personally can work on.
 Procedures
o Hello everyone! Welcome back from spring break!!! Did anyone do anything fun over
the break? Will all of you pull out the function chorale that I made and handed out at
the first rehearsal? Let’s start at the beginning. (3 MINUTES)
 As they play listen for direction and dynamics. If they aren’t what you want
here are some options
 Ask the ensemble
 Have them play the note as soft as they can and then bump it up to
add resonance. (What is another word we can use instead of tone?
What are some characteristics that we would want in this section?
 Smooth
 Dark
 Rich
 Pure
o Ultimately looking for it to be smooth and mysterious to
introduce the melody at m. 5.
o Awesome that was much better!! Now I want everyone to quietly stand up and
switch seats in 10 seconds. Once you get there listen for further instructions.
o Ok everyone start at m. 5.
 Listen for balance and intonation. (7 MINUTES)
 If intonation is bad just have the whole notes play and listen to
vertical alignment. You could also start them and not conduct them.
o This is another section that you could have them play as
quietly as possible and add volume to increase resonance.
 Same concept as far as tone production.
o What are some things we notice in this set up?
o Why would we do this?
 Have them go back to their seats and run the beginning section again. (3
o Ok, you all should have noticed a small half sheet of paper on your chair or stand this
afternoon, for these I want you to be completely honest. Write down three goals for
yourself for this next concert block, three goals for the ensemble, and your
expectations of me for this concert block. And that is all for today! Thank you all for a
great rehearsal!
 Assessment
o Did the students differentiate between dynamics at the beginning?
o Did the first four measures of the piece properly introduce the melody at m. 5
o Did the students pass the melody off smoothly from section to section?
o Did the teacher have a better understanding of what the students want to work on and
what they expected from you as the teacher?

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