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Whys and wlierefares’ Of

power s)iskm blackouts
An examinatioti of the factors that increase the
likelihood and ihe frequency of system failure
Serious power interruptions or blackouts occur at the rate 15 minutes or longer and are caused by the outage of
of about 35 .per year in the United States, or about once facilities operated at 69 kV or more. Less severe outages
every ten days somewhere in the country. And about half must be reported if they exceed half the annual peak load
of these, on the average, exceed 100 MW and involve of an affected system.
45 Ooo customers at a time. In fact, the number of Table 1 summarizes these reported outages for the years
reported outages appears to be increasing tit a rate of 6 1971 through 1976, and Fig. 1 illustrates the increasing
percent per year. On the other hand, that rate is about number of reported outages. By grouping the data, it is
equal to the average growth in served load over the same possible to gain further quantification of their severity.
period. Further, despite all the publicity, and the damage Among the data shown are the amount of load inter-
that has been caused by individual incidents, the major rupted by each outage, and the length of time before all or
rep.orted interruptions represent only about 100 GWh per most service was restored. The least load interrupted was
year of unserved energy. Compared with the 2 miltion 2.4 MW and the most was 3632 MW.
GWh generated in the U.S. during 1976, this loss amounts If the 211 outages are plotted graphically, the data seem
to just 50 parts per million-a remarkable record. to be distributed in a Gaussian or normal fashion (Fig. 2).
What causes blackouts? In general, a combination of Finding a set of ccordinates that permits a straight line to
circumstances that stresses the network beyond its represent the data, as was done here, is helpful because
capability. Stressful events-including natural then it is possible to interpolate readily between points,
phenomena (such as severe storms), human error and and to venture a modest degree of extrapolation. Based
associated equipment malfunction-combine with on Fig. 2, the following statements can be made with
predisposing factors such as inadequate design, some certainty.
weaknesses in maintenace or testing procedures, and defi- l Ten percent of the reported outages, between three
cient system-protection schemes to ieaken the bulk- and four per year, exceeded 2900 MW. Each involved
power system and lead to its eventual bteakdown. Uncon- over 300 000 customers.
trolled cascading results and causes a failure that must be l One percent of the reported outages, or one every
contained in a portion of the.system so that it does not ex- three years, exceeded 2900 MW. Each of these involved
pand to unmanageable proportions. , over 1 300 000 customers.
Can blackouts be avoided? Probably not entirely. But it l One-third percent of the reported interruptions, or one
is encouraging to note that New York City experienced an every ten years, can, be expected to exceed 5500 MW and
initiating event on September 26, 1977, that may have involve over 2 500 000 customers.
been more severe than the one that precipitated the July The New York City blackout of July 13, 1977, which
13 blackout two months earlier, yet the system coped by occurred after the period covered by these statistics, inter-
shedding only 200 MW of load for one hour. No uncon- rupted 6000 MW of load and involved about 2 725 000
trolled cascading took place. customers. Note that New York City was also affected in
Careful analysis and reports of each interruption can the 1965 blackout that involved much of the Northeast.
determine and correct, to’some extent, the root causes, A similar analysis uses the length of time required to
such as component or system desigri deficiencies, opera- restore service to customers. These data do not follow a
tion and maintenance deficiencies, or inadequate infor- normal distribution, but rattier appear to be well fitted to
mation and display. Action can then be taken to assure a compound exponential distribution (Fig. 2). Again us-
that these and similar generically related conditions are ing interpolation or extrapolation, the following
corrected. Thus, once the contributing factors are iden- statements can be made.
tified and corrected, tomorrow’s power systems will be l Ninety percent of the reported outages, or on average
even less subject to load interruptions than today’s 31 per year, required more than one hour to restore all
systems are. service.
l Sixty percent of the reported outages, or on average 21
Power interruptions per year, required more than one hour to restore all ser-
For the past several years, most power companies in the vice.
United States have been required by the Federal Power l Ten percent of the reported outages, or between three
Commission (now the Federal Energy Regulatory Com- and four per year, required more than eight hours to
mission) to report outages of 100 MW or greater that last restore all service.
l One percent of the reported outages, or one every
three years, required more than a week to restore all ser-
D. N. Ewart General Electric Company vice.

0018-9200/78/0400-036$00.7501978 IEEE IEFE spectrum APRlt 197R


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0 Extrapolating to l/3 of 1 percent of reported outages, During this stage, and depending upon its perceived
once every ten years an outage might require a full month degree of seriousness, operators would make judgments
to restore all service. by taking into account both the security of the network
The longest outage shown, which lasted I6 days and in- and economic factors. Two, three, or more levels of alert
volved an estimated 1500 MW, was due to a massive ice may be passed through in succession as increased weight is
storm. The integrity of the bulk-power system was main- given to security rather than economics. The probability
tained over this period. of avoiding an emergency diminishes sharply as each new
Thus, power interruptions do occur frequently, and alert level is entered. There is no doubt that the initial
probably more often than most people realize. They can alert states are the most difficult and demanding for
be severe when considered in terms of their duration, the human operators. In the face of limited and often conflic-
amount of power involved, and the number of customers ting data, operators must provide an appropriate measure
interrupted. Although the loss is infinitesimal when of response at all times. There are obvious hazards in
measured against the total load served, power interrup- underresponding, but overresponse also can be damaging.
tions-and blackouts in particular-are very significant Usually, progression is from the initial alert stage to a
when measured in terms of their social and political im- state of restoration, leading promptly back to a restora-
pact. Increased attention is being applied to ways of tion that quickly leads, in turn, back to a state of normali-
minimizing their frequency and severity. ty. Sometimes progression from the restoration state leads
back to an alert state when restorative steps do not suc-
Sequence of steps ceed. An unsuccessful attempt at resynchronization, for
Over the years, various authors have described the example, would lead back to a state of alert.
states that a power system passes through following a Progression to a state of emergency can occur when the
disturbance (see Mar. 1978, p. 48). Although there has operator has separated (islanded) the stressed parts from
not been a concerted effort to develop exact definitions of the rest of the system. Almost simultaneously, some load
these states, the formalism is helpful because it results in is shed under controlled conditions and all efforts are
more structured thinking. Under emergency conditions, a directed toward preventing a widespread blackout.
power system may experience a transition from the so- Economic operation has been abandoned; established and
called normal state into states of alert, emergency,
restoration, and, in a few cases, in extremis.
In general terms, a state of alert exists following an in- I. Summary of ower lnterru tlons reported to the
itiating event (a first lightning stroke, for example) when Federal Power c! ommlsslon 8urlng 1971- 1976
the system has been weakened by the loss of transmission
lines and/or generation plants. The system is thus exposed Total’
Number of Total Load Number of
and vulnerable to further stress, either in the form of in- Customers
Interruptlons Involved
dependent natural events (such as a second lightning Year Reported Involved
stroke), or equipment malfunction-perhaps an
overstressed generating plant triping off after its response 1971 31 7 664 t
to the initial state of alert. 1972 26 4 206 1 450 000
1973 37 14 551 9 419 000
1974 32 9 455 2 694 000
1975 40 5 730 2 432 000
[l] Cumulatlve~probablllty function of magnltude 01 load 1976 35 9 632 3 602 000
dlsconnected In 211 reported Interruptions durlng the
years 1971-1978. The logarlthm of the magnltude Is used ‘A customer Is s bllllng center such 8s a residence or an lnduslrlal Complex.
as the ordlnate because of the wide range of magnltudes The number 01 lndivlduels effected Is ssvsral times larger than the number Of
Involved. The stralght line represents a log.normal pro. customers.
bablllty dlstrlbutlon. tNo( reoorled prior to 1072.

[2] Cumulative probablllty of tlme to restore nearly all ser.

vice for 211 reported lnterruptlons (Table I). The stralght
line representi a log+ompdund exponentlal probablllty

100 ooo-

10 ooo-
E looO-
g loo-
f log

100 !

Percentage of occurrences greater than ordmate Percentage of occurrences greater than ordinate

Ewarl-Whys and wherclores of power syrtem blackouts

ad hoc procedures are being implemented to increase vulnerability. Pressure to locate transmission corridors on
generation, restore transmission, shed load if required, terrain not suitable for other purposes (such as over rocky
and generally work toward relieving overloaded facilities ground or ravines) is another predisposing factor. In these
until more orderly restoration procedures can begin. cases, exposure to lightning stroke increases; tower-
In a small percentage of cases, these measures are not footing resistances may be higher than normal; the danger
successful and uncontrolled separation and/or loss of of fires or rock slides is increased; and visual inspection is
load occurs. The system can then be said to be in extremis. more difficult. All these factors contribute to higher
If generation cannot be made equal to the load that re- outage rates.
mains following automatic load shedding, the electrical
island will shut down. Operator training
One area that has been receiving increased attention is
Predisposing factors the state of operator training. An IEEE Power Engineer-
When one looks for causes of power interruption and ing Society Task Force on Operator Training has found
blackouts, it is helpful to draw a parallel with the medical that training practices and standards vary widely from
profession, where the concept of “predisposing factors” utility to utility and that management largely has to rely
has found use. A history of high blood pressure, for ex- on in-house and on-the-job training for its dispatchers
ample, is considered to be a strong predisposing factor to and operators, supplemented where possible by training
the occurrence of strokes. Heredity is a predisposing fac- courses and materials available from the outside. There is
tor for diabetes. Cigarette smoking and obesity are con- a dearth of formal, intensive training available, par-
sidered to be predisposing factors for heart disease. Note
that there are some factors over which an individual has
[3j Sequence of events leading to a blackout. The se-
little or no control, and others than can be changed. uence Is usually interru ted by automatic or manual ac-
A predisposing factor is not to be confused with an in- t9 on before a complete b P ackout occurs. Upon separation
itiating event, or to be interpreted as the cause of an ( s t e 4), a 12.percent imbalance between generatfon and
loaB will result In a frequency change of about 1 Hz. A
outage. Rather, adverse predisposing factors increase the blackout occurs in an electrical Island only when the re-
likelihood that the initiating event will lead to power inter- malning generation Is not equal to at least the load re-
malnlng after all load-shedding steps have been com-
ruptions and blackouts rather than to a normal sequence pleted.
of protective actions designed to contain the disturbance.
To the author’s knowledge, no formal studies have
been made to identify predisposing factors for power initiating event
blackouts, and we have to rely on our own observation
and conjecture at this point.

A power system bound by geographic features such as
water or mountains, and thus unable to interconnect with
neighbors on all sides, would tend to have less inherent
ability to withstand disturbances than a system not so
constrained. Peninsular Florida, for example, was in-
volved in 12 of the 211 interruptions summarized in Table
I. This portion of the Eastern Interconnection (which
links approximately the eastern two thirds of the U.S. and
Canada) contains about 3.3 percent of the installed
capacity in the United States, and, using total U.S. system
capacity as a measure, it turns out that seven out of I I is
the most likely number of reportable interruptions that
will occur within that six-year period. Statistically, there is
only a IO-percent chance that 12 or more would occur in
this geographical area.
The fact that interconnections can be made only into
northern Florida, Georgia, and Alabama must be con-
sidered a predisposing factor, even though compensating
measures have been taken in system design and operation.
Of course, other factors would also be active here, such as
a salty atmosphere, hurricanes, and a greater-than-
average frequency of lightning storms.

In densely populated areas transmission corridors often
have to be compressed, with several lines installed on the
same right-of-way, in order to maximize the power densi-
ty of the system. This practice, although unavoidable,
must be considered a predisposing factor. There are many
events, such as fires, tornadoes, and earthquakes, that
can remove all lines in a right-of-way for extended periods
and thus expose the remaining network to increased
Power-system structure
A bulk-power system consists of generating
sources, transmission substations, and a network
of high-voltage transmission lines integrating the
two. The illustration shows the way these elements
are interconnected, and their functional structure.
Generating sources consist mostly of individual
synchronous generators driven by steam, gas, or
hydro turbines. Most generating plants contain
more than one generating unit. At the generating
plants, energy is delivered directly to the transmis-
sion system through a step-up transformer.
The transmission system consists of several
separate successive networks servicing the same
geographical area; these networks operate at dif- - 1 --Tielinetoneighbor +-I Load bus
ferent voltages, and are tied together at substa-
tions. The voltage level of each successive network Generating plant Large drstribution network
is generally of the order of two times, and the
resulting capacity of transmission circuits of the (A) One-line diagram
order of four times, that of the underlying system.
Although generation and load substations may
connect to the transmission system at the highest
voltage level or at any of the lower levels, larger and
newer generating units are frequently tied to the
hlgher-voltage networks. The transmlsslon network
also serves to integrate neighboring power systems
with the underlying system by forming an intercon-
nection between them.
The distribution system is similar in structure to
the transmission system but any one network
covers a much smaller geographlcal area. Distribu-
tion networks may be fed from the transmission
system. Network systems, in which the voltage is
stepped down in stages by several substations,
generally are used for all higher voltage levels. For industrial
the remaining levels, at two steps above the utiliza-
tion voltage, radial systems are common. In radial
systems, alternative sources may be available
through switching arrangements to provide in-
creased reliability. However, direct one-step reduc-
tion all the way down from the transmission voltage
L&L Transformer
to the low-voltage-utilization level is common in
large metropolitan areas.
The combination of multiple generating sources
and several layers of transmission and distribution (B) Functional structure
networks provides a high degree of engineered
structural redundancy that enables the system to
withstand single and most multiple contingencies
without loss of service to any user. Superimposed
on this physical structure Is a control and automa-
tion system that is also highly distributed, and
which is designed to provide redundancy in a man-
ner similar to that provided by the power system.
The primary function of the human operator,
whether in a power plant or the central system’s
control center, is one of managing resources,
monitoring performance and reliability, and ad-
justing control parameters to maintain the desired
quantity and quality of electrical supply over a long
term. He is thus an important and indispensable
link at various levels and key points in the system.
The human operator is particularly adept at respon-
ding to abnormal situations where information from
diverse but related sources must be integrated
quickly to form a corrective strategy and to move
toward a more secure operating condition.
Another important function of the human
operator is to provide a backup to some of the
automatrc control systems. Electric-energy supply
must be provided continuously 24 hours a day, 365
days a year. Automatic control systems require
periodic maintenance and sometimes fail, so the
human operator is trained to take over some of Distribution centers Generating units Generating units
these slower control functions and enhance overall
system reliability. (C) Automation and control hierarchy
Power interruptions: an outllne of case hlstorles
Case 1: One 345.kV line was out of service for of two generating units to hold the generation
maintenance. A fault occurred on a parallel over- plcked up under governor actlon. One generatlng
loaded 345kV transmission line when It sagged In- unit was backed off manually to relieve a condition
to a tree. Automatic reclosure was unsuccessful. of low boiler pressure; the second had gone above
Elther the fault or the attempts at automatic Its operating range and was also backed off
reclosure apparently created an electrlcal translent manually. No further transmlsslon disturbances oc-
that contributed to closure of a feed-water control curred and no addltlonal load was lost. Frequency
valve at a nearby generatlng unit. Thls unit trlpped was back to normal within approximately 13
on low water level 20 seconds after the lnltlal fault, minutes of the disturbance.
causing a loss of 510 MW to the system. Over- Case 4: This case Involved the western part of the
loadlng, c o m p o u n d e d b y a d d l t l o n a l f a u l t s o f U.S., which was operatlng under normal condltlons.
malfunctions, resulted In the formatlon of flve While deenerglzlng a section of 230.kV transmis-
Islands. A total of 1650 MW of load was lost, over 90 s l o n Ilne, a protective r o d - g a p f l a s h e d o v e r t o
percent of which was restored wlthln 30 minutes of ground.
the inltlal event. Automatic load sheddlng was Clearlng the fault resulted In the loss of the hlgh-
believed to be an Important factor In llmltlng the ex- voltage dc transmlsslon line llnklng the Pacific
tent of thls disturbance. Northwest to the Paclflc Southwest. Despite
Case 2: In thls case the power system was expor- automatic lnsertlon of series capacitors on the ac
tlng power. Temporary connections were In place system, the power surge caused a swlng sufficient
on some 230.kV lines because of constructlon. to cause loss of the 500-kV ac Ilnes, which also con
Mlcrowave clrcults normally used as part of the nect the Paclflc Northwest to the Southwest. Due
relay protectlon system had been rerouted due to to an error In connecting generators to a generatlon
nolsy transmlsslon. dropplng scheme In the Paclflc Northwest, 600 MW
A false transfer trlp slgnal developed In the less generatlon than antlclpated was dropped.
microwave system, which caused three 230.kV tines Also, because of an error, the Four Corners Islan-
t o t r i p simultaneously. T h r e e m o r e 230.kV lines dlng scheme dld not work as planned and separa-
tripped 90 cycles later on receipt of another false tlon was accomplished on a backup rate-of-change-
transfer trlp slgnal. All but one line were restored of-power relay.
automatically wlthln three seconds but one-half se- Three Islands were formed around the western
cond later another false signal was received, which loop. In the Northwest, where generatlon exceeded
agaln cleared SIX clrcults. load, load frequency rose to 61.25 Hz Large voltage
The clrcults falled to reclose successfully. An ex- swlngs were experienced In Idaho durlng the period
cess of generatlon over load In the area was now of hlgh frequency and a high-voltage dc tie to Van-
flowing out over one 230.kV Ilne, which trlpped on couver Island was lost. About 475 MW of load was
Inverse tlme overcurrent thus formlng an electrlcal lost In the Northwest. In the generatlon-deflclent
Island wlth generatlon exceeding load by 30 per- Southwest, frequency dropped to 59 Hz and about
cent. Frequency lmmedlately rose to 62.5 Hz, then 650 MW of load was automatlcally shed. In the
fell to 59 Hz because governors overreacted and eastern Island, 140 MW of load was lost.
could not reopen the turblne valves fast enough to Case 5: In this case the high-voltage ac and dc
recover. One plant trlpped off due to Inadvertent lines between the Paclflc Northwest and Southwest
clrcult-breaker operatlon. The rapld frequency were relatively heavlly loaded at the time. An In-
decline operated frequency trend relays that shed * advertent relay operatlon tripped both 500.kV ac
load, resulting In a frequency overshoot to 62.2 Hz, lines. The dc line remalned In service.
which was followed by an undershoot to 56.7 Hz Generatlon dropplng In the Northwest failed to
and finally stabilization to 60.8 Hz. About 40 per- operate because two relays had been Inadvertently
cent of the system load was shed durlng the violent Interchanged. Presumably also because of the in-
frequency swings. The frequency swlngs and t e r c h a n g e d r e l a y s , t h e F o u r C o r n e r s lslandlng
resulting rapld changes In generatlon also resulted scheme was not automatlcally lnltlated and separa-
In coal pulverizer trlps and other mlnor problems, tlon In the Four Corners area was accomplished by
which delayed restoratlon. The power system was a backup rate-of-change-of-power relay.
reconnected wlthln four minutes and most load An out-of-step relay In Utah Initiated separation
was restored within 40 mlnutes. between Utah and Montana. A number of other
Case 3: This power system Is part of a small lnter- related trlpplngs resulted In the formation of three
connection that normally operates In Isolation. A electrical Islands. In the Northwest, where genera-
generatlng unit had tripped because of boiler pro- tlon exceededd load, frequency rose to 61.75 Hz, ac-
blems, a 345/138-kV autotransformer trlpped on companled by severe voltage swings In Idaho and
dlfferentlal and a runback from 450 MW to IO MW Montana. In the generatlon-deflclent Southwest,
occurred on another unlt. At the tlme of the incl- frequency dropped to 59.4 Hz. In the eastern island,
dent, the system was almost back to normal wlth frequency oscillated between 59.8 and 60.13 Hz and
splnning reserves levels slightly low but not critical. then settled out to 60.3 Hz.
Trouble started when an airplane cut the static In summary, sudden loss of the balance between
ground wires on a transmission rlght-of-way generation (electrlcal supply) and load (electrical
resulting In the loss of five 138.kV and two 69.kV demand) leads to sudden frequency variations
Ilnes. The loss of the transmission circuits resulted ( s w i n g s ) a n d s u b s e q u e n t g e n e r a t o r u n i t shut-
in 160 MW of load being cut off. Frequency rose downs. Breaker tripping results in the formation of
from 59.98 to 60.2 Hz. However, the Increased electrical Islands and the isolation of entire sec-
loading on the 138-kV transmlsslon lines and an tions from the overall system. The system operator
autotransformer resulted In the
tisulai-ly simulator training that can be used 10 indoc- the ~ypr and sequence of events that might lead to and
trinate new personnel and maintain the skills of experi- develop during a severe power interruption.
enced operators. It is fair to say that operator training
Prolonged short circuit
deserves and will receive a great deal of attention in the
future. Although there was a violent lightning storm in pro-
gress, lightning did not initiate this interruption. A crane
Other factors boom made contact with a 138-kV transmission line. The
Other predisposing factors fall into such categories as line opened normally under protective relay action but an
maintenance procedures, substation design practices, the erroneous indication on a supervisory control panel led an
quality of power-plant control and performance, the operator to reclose the line manually. The crane boom
degree to which protective systems can accommodate was still in contact with the line and, due to a faulty con-
growth and change over the years, the aggressiveness of trol, the breaker closed into the tine three times before
testing programs, the state of operator training, the locking out.
thoroughness and accuracy of design studies, and rhe Low voltage resulting from the severity and duration of
political and economic environment. the repeated short circuits caused two generating units
The identification of specific predisposing factors carrying 750 MW to trip off. The balance between genera-
leading to power blackouts is a fruitful area for study at tion and load was then lost when these two generating
this time. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) is units wer-e taken out of service. Power swings then
currently sponsoring research on a broad range of sub- resulted in the formation of an electrical island having
jects, including long-term power-system dynamics, the more load than generation. Frequency dropped to 58.2
dynamic behavior of loads under conditions of off- Hz and more than 2000 MW of load was shed. This
nominal voltage and frequency, advanced techniques in amont of shedding caused the frequency to rise to 62 Hz

stability analysis, and the analysis of low-frequency and remain over 60 Hz for five minutes. The resulting
oscillations. The Department of Energy is sponsoring high frequency caused six generating units to go to zero
Emergency State Control research that can be expected to load, and trip.
bear fruit in future years. An unsuccessful attempt was made to iesynchronize the
island during this time, with the result that two more sec-
Learning from history tions were isolated accidentally. In one, frequency rose to
By examining each interruption in detail valuable infor- 62.2 Hz, and at the other, frequency declined to 59 Hz.
mation can be gained about conditions prior to the event The two islands were tied back to the interconnection two
so that it may be possible to determine why the system as minutes later, but in another minute a large unit ex-
designed failed to prevent loss of load. The resulting in- perienced a frequency fluctuation, thereby causing yet
formation can be applied to reduce the likelihood of another separation. Frequency in this new island dropped
future outages. Brief descriptions of typical interruptions to 58.95 Hz. In a series of successive steps, the generation-
are included in the following (and in box on p.40) to il- load balance within this new island was restored and the
lustrate how complex and varied cascading failures are, island was reconnected to the system. Within 25 minutes
and how difficult their prevention will be. (These descrip- of the initial incident with the crane all systems were final-
tions are based on research on the mechanisms of power ly reconnected.
failures sponsored by EPRI under Projects RP90-7 and When a severe fault condition develops in the system,
RP 764, “Long-Term Power System Dynamics.“) the subsequent electrical stresses lead to intolerable devia-
Each case shows a progression from an initiating event tions from the standard 60-Hz synchronous frequency. In
through various stages ultimately leading to an interrup- addition, the imbalance between the reduced available
tion of customer load (see Fig. 3). III several, if not most, generation at 60 Hz and the system load and power de-
of the cases described, load interruptions resulted from mand leads to consecutive generator shutdowns and in-
the failure of the system to cope, rather than from the evitable interruptions in service. A 12-percent imbalance
failure of the components. Apparently the rate of occur- between generation and toad results in a frequency change
rencr of major power interruptions would not approach of about 1 Hz. Resumption of service occurs when the fre-,
zero even if component failures were to be eliminated en- quency finally is restabilized at 60 Hz, generation is
tirely. Each of the complex systems that make up a bulk- restored to its previous operating level, and the balance is
power supply-including power-plant control and aux- reestablished between power supply and demand. +
iliaries, protective relay, communications, and data col-
lection and display systems-can be stressed beyond its
design limit. Such stress can come from unusually severe Donald N. Ewart (F), manager, System Performance
Engineering, Electric Utility Systems Engineering
events, alone or accompanied by an unfortunate com- Department, General Electric Company, Schenec-
bination of unfavorable circumstances. tady, N.Y., holds a B.E.E. degree from Cornell
These systems usually have many variables, so their University and an M.S.E. from Union College. He
modes of operation under conditions of extreme stress has been involved in studies of power system
may be difficult to predict. Further, it is seldom feasible dynamics and control and in the application of pro-
cess control computers for improving the security
to carry design studies far enough to explore all of the and economics of power system and power pool
consequences of a severe disturbance-even if these con- operation. He is currently responsible for conduc-
sequeuces could be predicted. The human operator is ting advanced analysis and research on power
relied upon, perhaps too heavily, to intercede when these system performance, encompassing power flow
and stability of large-scale high-voltage ac and dc
systems fait to respond correctly. The operator may have networks, and for studies of generator and excita-
too little information or too little knowledge to act always tion system dynamics and power system tran-
in the most effective way. sients.
The following account provides a realistic example of

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