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Biggrouse is now Online.

Biggrouse: khevenhiller?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: *chops your fucking head off*

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: I need to achieve catharsis somehow

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: *begins killing other lads*

Biggrouse: only a Shriner would do that

Biggrouse is now Away.

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Maybe that's the way things are meant to be

Biggrouse is now Online.

Biggrouse: I gave you my money and you killed me anyway... Is this the Chaotic Evil run?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: *kills himself as well*

Biggrouse is now Online.

Biggrouse: we should bring shorun back into the lads

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Am I reading this correctly?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Have you two been speaking more...?

Biggrouse: *goes evil*

Biggrouse: So we can troll him more, yes.

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: *chops everyone's head off a second time*

Biggrouse: no but playing with gastro had been nostalgic, i have serious reservations about
how he acted before and if he's the same way, make no mistake I'll quickly change my mind

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: hm... yes... we should all play warcraft 3 together again

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: and begin a new chapter

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: reminiscent of the old

Biggrouse is now Online.

Biggrouse: any news on the monitor?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: it should be here on my desk, any day next week

Biggrouse: powerful

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: now i will havfe a massive advantage in hots...

Biggrouse: have you donw any investigating for parts?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: there is a particularly good supplier with reasonable prices...
however there is an issue

Biggrouse: hm?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: they are in the Republika Srpska entity.................................

Biggrouse: well it's still bosnia right? no problems using money/speaking there?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: No... of course no.. there's no technical problems...

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Just... possibly a matter of pride...

Biggrouse: You really think Serbian machines made any of those parts...?

Biggrouse: They're just brokers

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Ideally a pair of German hands would hand all my parts over to
me, but yes, you are right..

Biggrouse: That was my first plan, for the boy German to deliver to you, but alas he won't
be returning anytime soon

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: He's just a boy... this is a dangerous land to be a courier...
*tzurns this into something far more dangerous than it really is*

Biggrouse: that's the lads video game

Biggrouse: you have to fight through serbs to get to Kadruns House

Biggrouse: with the PC parts

Biggrouse: you choose a lad they all have different stats and abilities

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: wtf...

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: POWERFUL

Biggrouse: speedrunners always use Matty-G for his fast movespeed, or Atal for his ability
to commandeer any car
Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Biggrouse is able to wade through forests as shortcuts and call
upon beasts to aid him

Biggrouse: mighty

Biggrouse is now Online.

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Mantheraku is able to blend in as a fellow Eastern Orthodox but
his malus is that he gets distracted by every female he spots

Biggrouse: hm.. it's sad to think that me and gastro memeing about incels might've led him
down this path

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: I'll have to ask if he knew about them before that, or if he
investigated, that is

Biggrouse: gastro definitely knew about them before they were even remotely mainstream

Biggrouse: and joked about it a lot

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: but he has in-depth knowledge on the development of the Red
Pill, what came before it, then the Black Pill, he gave me a lecture once and it was
legitimately several paragraphs detailing the evolution of this trend

Biggrouse: redpilling is normal, it's a legitimate viewset to have

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: he's well aware from a researcher's perspective, but it's a
shame he's also... part of it

Biggrouse: blackpills are insane

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: he claims it's the final stage

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: and there's nothing after it

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: "When all that's left is to cope, it's time for the rope"

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: i've seen this spammed in all caps a thousand times

Biggrouse: Why doesn't he go to a fucking psychologist?

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: Well he's pretty normal apart from this, so I guess that helps
convince him that this is an anomaly and he's right about it 90%

Biggrouse: he's a fucking volcel normie

Biggrouse: incels would never accept him

Biggrouse: that's probably why he rants about it to you instead

Biggrouse: if they saw his picture they'd all laugh and call him a volcel

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: lol...

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: i hope this just deflates like a baloon soon

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: i want the old Coach back

Biggrouse: there's a lot of militant incels who like

Biggrouse: hate other types of incels

Biggrouse: a lot of the heightcels rage at anyone above average claiming to he incel

Biggrouse: especially 5'9 manth

Biggrouse: would be laughed at

Biggrouse: if hw said his height is a problem

Biggrouse: I might even be honestly

Biggrouse: mattyg wouldn't

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: the way he describes incels, it's gotten to the point where you
need to be at least slightly over average height and have a chiseled jaw and a charming
smile to be considered anything more than dead meat, and it's just so pessimistic I can't
believe people stay around and wallow in mud like this

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: possibly for years

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: possibly... for ever

Biggrouse: it makes no sense

Biggrouse: I thought it was a joke with manth

Biggrouse: but him being deeply serious is

Biggrouse: upsetting

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: he's not completely insane, like I said, he's not militant and he
does try to justify it instead of just foaming
Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: and his reasoning is that the newer generations of women are
all led to believe they deserve only the best and can wait for it, because it'll come to them,
whereas men will put up with more variety and below their standards or whatever

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: it's just so toxic when an ideology treats a whole gender as
simple drones

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: so it's hard to take him seriously when he says he wants
someone to spend his life with

Biggrouse: incels overlap significantly with the

Biggrouse: Nice Guys

Biggrouse: you know, the often neckbeard types who will claim to be respectful to women
but rage at them if they don't get sex

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: yeah

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: he claims it's hard to make female friends because of how small
his course is

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: and the cliques have built up by now

Biggrouse: I can't really speak for uni life

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: I never had trouble making acquaintances who remember me
well, of either gender, and I never read any of the guides on social interaction that he has,
but if I told him "just be natural... be yourself... be cool" he'd call it a stupid platitude

Biggrouse: i consider myself antisocial but i usually thrive in casual social environments

Biggrouse: lots of people like me and chat with me at school/work throughout my life, even
if I never take it out of context and never make serious friends

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: aye that's how I'd describe myself as well; I still have no or very
little desire to actively socialize in real life unless I have to be somewhere, but it's always
very smooth so it almost feels like there's an Other Kadrun that people outside the internet
and my home get to see

Biggrouse: there's nothing wrong with that, we behave differently in different places, it's
not deceit imo
Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: yeah I guess just being friendly and social on a whim isn't
enough to call it a different personality, since I'm still true to my views when topics that
concern them do come up

Biggrouse: anyway i should rest now

Biggrouse: farewell for now

Ripa 'Moramee Truly Alive: rest well, friend

Biggrouse is now Offline.

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