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Lesson plan

GRADE: 5 th
LEVEL: pre-intermediate
UNIT: Number 8 “Can I come, too? –Food”
TYPE OF LESSON: Teaching vocabulary
METHODS: conversation, explanation, dialogue, exercise
SKILLS: listening, reading, speaking, writing
CLASSROOM INTERACTIONS: individual work, pair work
TEACHING AIDS: blackboard, worksheets, posters, coloured chalk, fake money.
AIMS: - to read correctly and fluently the respective text
- to identify the new words
- to understand the meaning of the unknown words
- to be capable to use them in new circumstances
- to solve correctly the exercises from the worksheet
- to be capable to express themselves without the teacher’s help
- to participate with pleasure at the lesson

Nr Stage of lesson Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Aids Aims

1. Checking T. greets the pupils and then he checks attendance T. greets the pupils and then he - To check attendance
attendance “Who is absent today?” checks attendance “Who is absent
2. Warm-up T. asks the Ss to write on their notebooks a fruit, a Ss must write a fruit, a vegetable and - To check the
favourite vegetable and a verb. a verb on their notebook and after that accomplishment of
After that he asks them to complete the following to complete the respective text. given instructions
text with the word written on their notebooks, in the In the end they will be amused by
mentioned order: the sense of the respective sentences
“ I like to eat bread and......, but I eat honey and....I from the text.
always like to ..... with the milk.”
3. Checking T. checks the Ss homework and helps them to correct Ss read their homework and correct Notebooks To check the
homework the mistakes. the mistakes, if necessary accomplishment of
given instructions
4. Announcing the T. writes on the blackboard the name of the new Ss listen to the teacher Blackboard To make Ss. aware
new lesson and lesson “Can I come, too?”. about the items they
the objectives T. tells the Ss they will learn a new vocabulary about will learn
food and how to shop in a food store.

5. Introducing the T. gives the pupils a text about food and asks the Ss do as required. Worksheet
new lesson pupils to look at the text and try to guess what is it
about. Ss listen carefully the teacher’s
T. starts to read the text, loudly. After that he asks the pronunciation. After that they start
children to read certain fragments from the text. reading fragments from the text and
Each pupil must read correctly a number of sentences when they make a mistake they are To be capable to
and if he mistakes the T. will correct him. corrected by the teacher. identify the new
T. asks the Ss to recognize the unknown words and Ss write on their notebook the new words
to write them on their notebook. T. also writes the new words.
words on the blackboard: melon, quince, pineapple,
leek, celery, cauliflower, junk food, pounds, dairy
products. Ss repeat the new words in chorus
After that the T. asks the Ss to repeat after him the new and, then, individually. To enrich Ss’
word in chorus and individually. Ss pay attention to the T. vocabulary
T. explains the unknown words.
6. Aquiring T. gives the pupils the worksheet with the exercises Ss have to solve the exercises by Worksheet To check
performance that involve the the vocabulary. completing some sentences; or saying comprehension of
T. reads from the book an exercise with the English whether is true or false; or to choose new vocabulary
money, and explains the polite phrases: “How much is the right answer.
a hamburger? Here you are! Thank you!” Ss listen the teacher and write on
their notebook the polite phrases.

T. asks the Ss to came to the blackboard and to buy Ss have to asks the shop assistant,
some food, just like in a shop, even with money which is either the T. or a colleague of To be capable to
(pounds, pence) his, how much is that food. Posters, fake express themselves,
Then they have to pay for them with money freely.
the respective money.
7. Feed-back T. asks the pupils about the theme that they have Ss answer that the theme was food Getting a proper
debated. and tell some of the new words from feed-back
the lesson.
8. Assigning the T. asks the pupils to imagine and write a short Ss write the instructions on their
homework dialogue between them and a shop assistant, for the notebook.
next time.

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