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with Your Board

Reaching Out to Your Board Member
• Find your board members. If you live in the district, reach out to the person who
represents you. Also, reach out to the member who represents your school. If you
are in an at-large district, contact all of your board members individually.
• In person. If you visit with a board member in person, make an appointment.
• In writing. Email is typically the quickest way because paper mail sent to a school
district address may not be distributed to the board until the following meeting.
• On the phone. Be polite and courteous.
• Online. Like, follow or friend your board on social media. Many board members
have social accounts, and it’s appropriate to send messages or ask questions.
Remember that social media is a public dialogue that everyone can see it, including
your students, parents and community members.

Tips for Your Conversations

• Know your message. Be sure you know what you want to say.
• Build a relationship. Think of your communication as building blocks not only for
this cause but other issues that may come up in the future.
• Follow up. Reach out to your board members after you communicate with them.
• Remember: they are volunteers. School board members in Oklahoma are paid
$25 per meeting, up to $100 a month. They put in countless hours outside of
meetings that are unpaid. Like you, they care about the district they serve.

Explain Your Request

• Explain the cause. Be sure they understand that we are demanding not only
raises but funding for education as a whole. School boards have had a front-
row seat to the devastating cuts from the Legislature. Make sure your board
understands that we are standing up for ourselves and our students.
• Ask for support. Tell them their actions are important.

Whereas the ___________________ Board of Education recognizes the chronic
underfunding of public school education and continued cuts for more than a
decade; and

Whereas the ___________________ Board of Education is a witness to the

consequences of this chronic underfunding and sees the victims in our teachers,
staff, students, families, community and state; and

Whereas the ___________________ Board of Education has supported and worked

for solution after solution to fund teacher pay raises and common education, only to
see the legislature fail to find common ground and pass legislation comprehensively
addressing this emergency; and

Whereas no one has worked harder nor waited longer for a raise and for resources in
the classroom nor sacrificed more than our teachers; and

Whereas on behalf of our students and families, we cannot allow this crisis to
continue through another legislative session, we support all measures taken by our
classroom teachers to demand the necessary funding for a meaningful teacher pay
raise and education funding; and

Whereas we are confident our community, including parents, families, caregivers,

faith leaders and followers, business leaders, laborers, teachers’ families and their
school district administrators, neighbors and friends will gracefully fill the gap and
make the sacrifices it will take while our teachers advocate for what they need to
educate our children and secure the future of Oklahoma in ways they see fit.

Be it resolved that the ___________________ Board of Education is in full support

of our teachers and stands ready to take any steps necessary to improve conditions
for our teachers – including a districtwide suspension of classes.

The ___________________ Board of Education urges the Oklahoma State

Legislature to work urgently on behalf of the children and families in our state
to take swift and meaningful action to develop a viable plan to pay teachers the
professional salaries they deserve.

Resolved this ___________________ day of ___________________ 2018.

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