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J R Army Med Corps 2004; 150: 3-9

The Psychological Dimension Of Chemical, Biological,
Radiological And Nuclear (CBRN) Terrorism
I Palmer

ABSTRACT ripe for exploitation by a terrorist group. The

Terrorism is an increasing feature of media, in the USA at least, portrays Western
the World Scene. In the UK, our per- Society as confronted by the threat of apoca-
spective has changed from a largely lyptic asymmetric war scenarios in which
Ireland focused one to a more inter- latter-day kamikaze attackers may arm them-
national view. The United States of selves with weapons of mass destruction
America are, for the first time, seen as (WMD) yet, from 1975–mid 2000, there
major terrorist targets. We are now “at were only 126 chemical or biological attacks
war with terrorism”. The medical asp- worldwide. There are also unwarranted
ects of terrorism have been extensively assumptions about terrorist abilities and
discussed in this journal and elsewhere, capabilities, for example many terrorists have
this article specifically addresses the blown themselves up making or transporting
psychological consequences of the use bombs and in Japan Aum Shinrikyo failed in
of terror weapons. nine attempts to ‘use’ a biological agent.Terr-
orists don’t even have to possess a ‘physical’
Key words: terrorism; bioterrorism; CBRN; weapon to create fear, and are probably still
NBC; media; weapons of mass destruction; likely to choose simple, proven methods: a
culture; belief; medically unexplained symptoms; stampede in a confined place, or a simple
mass sociogenic illness; risk; iatrogenicity; fear; explosive device, for example, will kill many.
anxiety; trust; somatization; false positives; false
negatives; epidemics; contagion; genetic en- Death, Metaphysics & Culture
gineering; disasters. Unless provoked, most of us avoid
addressing questions about our ontological
Introduction insecurities. As they puncture our beliefs and
This paper aims to consider the unique belief systems, traumatic events provoke such
psychological impact of CBRN weapons and contemplation, and can draw from our
their use by terrorists. subconscious some of our worst fears.
Terrorists use terror for its psychological Terrorist acts aim to create disorder and
effects. Leon Trotsky recognised the indis- uncertainty where reality is experienced as
pensability of terrorism when he stated ‘War, fleeting and unstable, especially when they
like revolution is founded upon intimidation. A raise issues of mortality. In these circum-
victorious war, generally speaking, destroys only stance NOTHING is more important than
an insignificant part of the conquered army, information in restoring trust following
intimidating the remainder and breaking their terror and danger – but how and where do
will … Terror…kills individuals, and intimidates individuals get such information?
thousands’ (1). The Enlightenment led us to embrace
CBRN agents are weapons of terror. By its reason, order and predictability as a basis for
very definition, terror is a “mortal fear or societal development (2). In our Modern or
dread” and the possibility of the use of such Post-Modern times, however, instability is
weapons by terrorists can create uninformed underpinned, or further undermined, by
and irrational fears. The experience of mili- fragile, absent or meaningful connections in
tary psychiatry is that fear, like cowardice, is the modern world. Culturally then, Western-
Col Ian Palmer contagious and, therefore, the psychological ers may be seen as living their lives without
L/RAMC effects of these agents will be felt by both recourse to firm foundations – just the sort of
individuals and groups; before, during and culture to lay bear our insecurities (3). Our
Tri Service Professor of after exposure. An acute phase of panic is culture is dominated by ‘information’ fed by
Defence Psychiatry likely to be followed by prolonged anxiety, the media, whose basic message seems to be
Royal Centre for both individual and societal, due to the un- that something dreadful is likely to happen
Defence Medicine, certainty surrounding the long term effects somewhere in the world at anytime (soon).
Oak Tree Lane,
Selly Oak,
of any agent used, and fuelled by the media. Events such as September 11th 2001
Birmingham, B29 6JF Terrorist attacks may or may not be demand attention to issues of belief. In a
predictable. In either case they create uncer- belief based culture, death whilst still perhaps
Email: tainty which is fuelled by lack of under- feared, is more likely to be accepted as ‘part standibility and media reporting; conditions of life’ perhaps even the whole reason for life.
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4 Pyschological Dimension of CBRN

Faith is based upon belief without evidence be in danger of risk avoidance which may lull
and offers a reason for the occurrence of un- us into a sense or belief that risk may be
pleasant events and solutions in coping and prevented. We may lose our autonomy and
rebuilding a life. In the West death is increa- joy in life without the ‘Dignity of risk’ (7).
singly portrayed as a failure. Yet everywhere
society looks to scientists to provide certain- Anxiogenic Factors
ty, and scientific knowledge would seem to The protean and non-specific nature of
be credited with near universal validity. symptoms related to CBRN exposure prom-
Those of us involved in science realise that it ote over-investigation and prevent reassur-
can never provide certainty as all its concepts ance in the context of the medicalization of
are prone to revision: ‘experts’ disagree. So distress and the rise of the ‘expert’ (thereby
where can the public go for information? undermining social and ‘folk’ management
of distress and deprecation of natural human
Information coping mechanisms). At the same time the
Information per se is not invariably positive old doctor-patient relationship is changing
and may amplify anxiety and fear as shown (8) with consumerism and an ambivalence
by examples of mass sociogenic illness (4), and suspicion towards science, which is a
spread by the pernicious effects of gossip, potent mix as it is associated with a tendency
rumour and the media. to blame and abrogate personal respon-
Is detection the answer? Well not really, sibility in health matters
given the high levels of false negative and
positive results and alarms. In the Gulf War Information & Trust
there were reportedly 4,500 false alarms and The purveyors of information are the only ones in
over 2,300 anthrax false alarms during the Society who have resisted the ‘revolution’ in
first 2 weeks of the campaign (5) substantially accountability (9).
amplifying anxiety. Is reassurance possible or desirable? As it
As we will see, trust in the veracity of infor- is impossible to be able to reassure with
mation sources is vital if anxiety is to be 100% certainty, care is required if false opti-
countered. Unfortunately the trust in State mism and positively dangerous or risky ac-
Institutions has been undermined over the tion or inaction is to be prevented. This has,
years to the extent that some feel that Gov- however, to be balanced against the risk of
ernments never tell the truth. Given the acc- promoting unnecessary panic. The psycho-
ess to uncorroborated information in the logical, social, and political consequences of
press and on the World Wide Web, conspiracy terrorist acts have been and continue to be
theories may flourish, indeed such organs substantial (10).
may be used to actively spread disin- Whilst we may believe that science offers
formation. the best solutions, we must be careful in
overstating our abilities or underplaying our
Risk inadequacies if we are to avoid medicine (sci-
But what is the threat? Ill informed assess- ence) seeming to offer the ‘answers’ or in-
ments of vulnerability and threat may readily deed a stable paradigm for ‘living’ to rival
lead to identification of infinite variables and belief based paradigms. Whilst credited with
situations which can easily lead to inapp- near universal validity and the ability to im-
ropriate use of resources in which high risk, prove our quality of life, science has its det-
low probability situations may be targeted for ractors, especially in an age of genetic mani-
funding (6). Such systems are open to abuse pulation. Much of the research reported in
and/or manipulation by various pressure or the media portrays science as a simultaneous
lobby groups. mixture of societal benefactor and bogey-
It is important not to focus on the risks to man. The honest doubt and divergence of
‘us’ alone. The risks to ‘others’ within our opinion in the scientific community is readily
Society may range from petty intolerance to exploitable by the media, especially as the
acts of violence by extremists who proselytise methodological complexities of science
stereotyping, vilification and scapegoating of seldom make good ‘copy’, even amongst
certain sub-cultural groups. Such actions doctors!
play into the hands of terrorists and other Science (and medicine), unlike politics and
extremist groups. the media, is subject to ever increasing
The risks to ‘us’ relate to our perceptions. accountability and so should be able to act in
Our reality will be related to our society a trustworthy way to provide unbiased infor-
where the media focuses on the unusual and mation. However, we must always be aware
thereby conflates the actual risks in the of less altruistic individuals and agendas
minds of many. Why do we fear rare terrorist within medical science as well as the media
acts? We are also at risk from iatrogenicity and politics. Information is power, and the
and the inappropriate investigation and man- media and politicians are the two groups par
agement of medically unexplained symptoms excellence who control information and have
and promotion of hypochondriasis with futile to date foiled most attempts at public
attempts to reassure the un-reassurable! accountability.
On the other hand we may psychologically Trust is required for healing; we have to
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I Palmer 5

believe someone or something; so to whom chronic injuries and diseases directly caused
do we turn for information? Who we choose by the toxic agent; questions about adverse
to trust will depend on when we seek infor- reproductive outcomes; psychological eff-
mation and what our mental state is at the ects; and increased levels of physical
time. In a way we have little choice as the symptoms (12-14).
only sources, other than social (with the inev-
itable risk of rumour and gossip) are Official Enduring Mental Health Issues
(Government, Military, Medical), Media, Exacerbation of pre-existing psychiatric
Spiritual and Religious or the ubiquitous disorders is possible, especially when there is
World Wide Web. There will always be a uncertainty over the potential chronic health
desire to believe technology over humans as effects of low level exposure to toxic agents
the information may appear unbiased but, as (15). There is a risk of mass sociogenic ill-
we have seen, false positives and negatives are ness occurring from time to time in greater
a major problem following real (or imagined) or lesser numbers, mirroring prominent
CBRN attack. social concerns that will change in relation to
diagnostic fads, context and circumstance.
CONSEQUENCES Twentieth-century reports feature anxiety
Consistent Psychosocial & symptoms triggered by sudden exposure to
Cultural Issues an anxiety-generating agent, most commonly
Guilt and shame following the elation of sur- an innocuous odour or food poisoning
vival and acts of omission and/or commission rumours.
are common and often coupled with the grief Such problems represent a significant
of bereavement(s). Issues of dependency financial burden to responding emergency
around receipt of charity and help may alter- services, public health and environmental
nate with anger and fears of abandonment. agencies and the affected school or occu-
Anger, bitterness, ‘projection’ and blame are pation site, which is often closed for days or
common, as is the feeling that ‘no one weeks (16). Indeed the social, psychological
understands or cares’; all these will interfere and economic impact of mass sociogenic ill-
with healing. Rehabilitation and reconstruc- ness and associated anxiety may be as severe
tion requires acceptance and assimilation of as that from confirmed attacks. In addition,
change and accommodation to new realities. there is the possibility that following a CBRN
Seeking retribution or compensation does attack public health facilities may be rapidly
not necessarily contribute to justice. overwhelmed by the anxious (worried well)
rather than just the (real) medical and
Enduring Medical Issues psychological casualties (17).
Possible toxic causes of chronic injuries and
diseases with delayed onsets and adverse re- Mass Sociogenic Illness
productive outcomes and subjective percep- No one is immune from mass sociogenic ill-
tions of ill health (illness & sickness) will ness as humans continually construct their
cover pages of medical journals and media reality in which a perceived danger need only
‘copy’. Medically Unexplained Symptoms, be plausible in order to gain acceptance and
hypochondrial preoccupations and somatis- generate anxiety within particular groups.
ing are common in all populations and are This is a group phenomenon and relates to
more frequent under stressful conditions prevailing social preoccupations, especially
(11). Psychogenic symptoms such as hyper- the unseen and unusual, and particularly
ventilation, headache and nausea may be when powerful generators of conditioned
misinterpreted and difficult to distinguish responses such as odour and taste, are in-
from the early stages of a CBRN attack. Ab- volved.
out 4,000 of a total 10,000 New York fire-
fighters who have visited the site of the World The 9 features of MASS
Trade Centre attacks have reported respirat- SOCIOGENIC ILLNESS are:
ory difficulties, dubbed ‘World Trade Centre • No plausible organic basis.
syndrome’. And somatization disorders are • Benign & transient symptoms.
likely to plague medical facilities, falling as • Rapid onset & recovery.
they do into current societal health preocc- • Occur in segregated groups.
upations which currently include: • Extraordinary anxiety.
• ‘Spread’ by oral and visual comm-
• Environmental Toxins:
• Spread from top down.
In the food chain.
• Age & status.
• Genetic Manipulations:
• Preponderance of females.
Of food
Of CBW agents.
• Immune compromise: THE PSYCHOLOGICAL
Adverse Reproductive Outcomes. WARFARE AGENTS
There are four major health concerns: The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation’s
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6 Pyschological Dimension of CBRN

definition of a chemical agent is “a chemical axillae and groin.

substance which is intended for use in military • Blepharospasm, temporary blindness and
operations to kill, seriously injure or incapacitate pain.
people because of its physiological effects” (18). It • Seizures.
makes no mention of incapacitation of • Complications of atropinisation – euph-
populations through psychological impact or oria, delirium, heat injury, arrhythmias.
threat. However, chemical agents are ideal • Neuropsychiatric consequences of
terrorist weapons as the symptoms are chemical agents (23).
clinically difficult to disentangle from anxiety
and fear. The symptoms of chemical pois- THE PSYCHOLOGICAL
oning are, therefore, able to create a positive ASPECTS OF BIOLOGICAL
feed-back loop by increasing respiratory
effort (hyperventilation) with its attendant WARFARE AGENTS (24)
dyspnoea, palpitation and cognitive dysfunc- The psychiatric aspects of biological warfare
tion consequent upon hypocapnia. In Israel agents relate to the age old human battle with
this anxiety may have led to fatal misattrib- epidemics and contagion (25). Epidemic and
utions (19). contagion are value-laden terms and
During the First Gulf War, 39 SCUD catalysts in the genesis of societal anxiety and
missiles fell on Israel in a period of about 6 retain their power through media, pulp
weeks. Many missed their targets, but over fiction and movies given over to the subject.
this period in Tel Aviv 544 individuals were Popular culture has concerned itself with
admitted with a diagnosis of anxiety and 230 Genetic Engineering (GE) issues relating to
with Atropine overdose. It was estimated that fertility and food safety. Latterly it has ex-
about 75% of the casualties resulted from posed the potential for GE to develop biolog-
inappropriate actions or reactions on the part ical weapons targeted on specific plants or
of the victims (20). races (26), which resonates with the old
Fear is contagious; especially in vulnerable fictional themes of ‘mad scientists’ such as
groups and includes fear of or about: Frankenstein. BW agents generate fears rela-
• The unknown. ting to contamination of those things basic to
• Unseen, dreadful, choking death. our survival, for example, fresh air, clean
• Whether agents will be detected correctly water and uninfected food. Following a
and in time (21). biological attack, when or how will
• Whether protective kit and medication individuals know when their environment is
will work or be donned in time. safe?
• Seeing comrades dying awfully and Biological, and chemical, attack lend them-
whether you will be next. selves to epidemic hysteria (27) particularly
• Whether others will be able to recognize if when unexplained or repugnant odours are
you need help – and will render it. detected. Interestingly these link with the old
• How to communicate, eat, drink, urinate, human preoccupations with decay, miasmas,
or open bowels without endangering life? putrefaction, death and disease (28) and as
• Whether decontamination works? such ‘amplify’ the perception of the BW
• Becoming contaminated if you help or threat. Other ‘amplifiers’ (29) include:
render first-aid. • Time lag – dissemination before detection
• Of being able to trust the ‘all clear’? (30).
• Persisting chemical threat in the • Similar non-specific early symptoms.
environment? • Mysterious appearance within a
• How to know if food is safe to eat and community – who is/was the infected
water safe to drink? source.
The detection, protection, consequences • Potential to overwhelm medical resources.
and treatment of chemical exposure have • Selection of most virulent strain for
numerous psychological aspects, relating to release.
(22): • ‘Hoax’ announcement of release by terror
• False positives. • Inadequacy of decontamination systems.
• Protective equipment: • Inadequacy of protection or protective
which degrades performance and measures.
cannot be worn for very long periods • Small inoculums required (31).
which reinforces issues of • Agricultural and ecological impact.
contamination. • False alarms, positives and negatives (32).
• Decontamination and its effectiveness: • Media effects (33,34).
which may lead to excessive • Malicious hoaxes (35).
preoccupation with fears of • Availability of trained medical specialists
contamination or obsessive-compulsive in Infectious Diseases (36).
decontamination rituals in some.
• Respiratory tract injury, oedema and Whilst it is true that a level of fear may be
dyspnoea. protective, it is impossible to remain in such
• Burns in sensitive places such as the a state for long periods without adverse
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I Palmer 7

effects, for example, screening may heighten 1. Threat Phase

anxiety and terror due to the inevitability of There is a natural human denial that
false positives and negatives (37). As a res- something may constitute a physical and/or a
ult, providing trusted sources of informa- psychological threat. This allows us to con-
tion is vitally important in dealing with BW tinue to function both on a daily basis and in
(38). extremis. Our intelligence, education and the
amount, quality and acceptability of
THE PSYCHOLOGICAL information is important in our appraisal of
ASPECTS OF threat: the greater the ambiguity the greater
RADIOLOGICAL & NUCLEAR the tendency to rely on trusted others for
information. However, anxiety can modify
our judgement, understanding and beha-
Nuclear deterrence may be said by some to
have created the current unprecedented viour and, if severe, may lead to irrationality
period of peace in the West. Both deterrence and unpredictability.
and terrorism act by way of the knowledge
(fear) of the consequences of their use and 2. Warning Phase
through our inability to calculate the dose of Simply because a warning is given, it does
radiation an individual has received. RN not mean that it will be headed. The myth of
attack can create chaos and uncertainty and existential omnipotence holds fast for some
lead us into irrational, emotional thinking even in the face of overwhelming evidence of
and incorrect risk assessments. impending catastrophe.
As with CB, RN events will challenge, in
the same way as any traumatic event, indi- 3. Impact Phase
vidual, group and societal constructions of Individuals believe they are at the centre of
meaning and order. Different parts of soci- the disaster. The so-called ‘Disaster
ety will react in different ways; at different Syndrome’ in which individuals become
times. A CBRN attack of any magnitude dazed, stunned, dejected and devastated
would cause great social disruption espec- follows the initial lability of emotion. Panic,
ially as it is likely to damage the very struc- however, is uncommon unless escape is felt
tures and contexts of an environment and (in reality or fantasy) to be impossible and
culture so vital in determining the outcome then it is contagious. After this, individuals
following disasters. may start to feel guilt and become apathetic,
Studies of populations following nuclear indecisive, unemotional and act mechan-
attack or accident (Hiroshima and Chern- istically.
oby) (39,40) reveal that ALL aspects of
future life are marked by the RN ‘experien- 4. Recoil Phase
ce’. ‘Why have I survived?’ may lead to a The need for explanations and support may
lifetime of inconclusive, futile and distres- engender or enhance dependency leading to
sing self-examination in search of ‘mean- rumour and marked gullibility, with their
ing’. Massive guilt and shame are common, attendant negative consequences. Later,
survivors feeling that their survival has been those helping at the scene may become a
‘paid for’ by the deaths of others. A joyless focus of resentment, feelings of frustration,
survival is endured in which the future is betrayal, anger, abandonment etc. Inter-
feared as late effects are unknown. personal, inter-group and role conflicts may
Survivors feel stigmatised and forsaken, occur. Group loyalties may shift where un-
which may often have a basis in reality clear or contradictory information, help and
when discrimination, ostracism and roles develop and, as such, are significant
resentfulness is expressed by non-affected factors in affecting individual and group
survivors towards those seen as ‘tainted’ by behaviours. An eventual and gradual return
death or contaminated or incubating to normality occurs after the period of
delayed illness. Such rejection may lead to excessive dependency common in the first 48
increased, or even over-identification with – 72 hours.
the dead and withdrawal from social A ‘(Concentration) Camp Mentality’ may
interaction as contact with new life may later be observed in which individuals act in
only serve to highlight the change and loss selfish, compassionless and egocentric ways,
experienced. A spiral of grief and preoccupied with personal survival often
resentment may lead to paranoia further seen as an absorption with procuring food.
diminishing the ability to integrate socially.
Local communities may breakdown and iss- 5. Post-Impact Phase
ues of disability and compensation may only Search for scapegoats is common and
serve to heighten problems. apportion of blame may ensue, but this and
legal proceedings may not necessarily
DISASTERS contribute to justice. Cultural norms are
Extrapolation from disasters has lead to a fundamental in the recovery process in which
useful chronological classification of a society has to accept, assimilate and
reactions to them (41). accommodate to change and the new
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8 Pyschological Dimension of CBRN

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The Psychological Dimension Of Chemical,

Biological, Radiological And Nuclear (CBRN)
Ian Palmer

J R Army Med Corps2004 150: 3-9

doi: 10.1136/jramc-150-01-01

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