Anda di halaman 1dari 4



Case Processing Summary

N %

Cases Valid 20 100.0

Excludeda 0 .0

Total 20 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all variables in the


Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha
Based on
Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items

.925 .927 20

Item Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

p1 2.55 .686 20

p2 2.75 .639 20

p3 2.80 .616 20

p4 2.85 .671 20

p5 2.95 .605 20

p6 2.90 .447 20
p7 2.80 .616 20

p8 2.50 .607 20

p9 2.55 .686 20

p10 2.45 .826 20

p11 2.90 .553 20

p12 2.75 .716 20

p13 3.20 .696 20

p14 2.75 .639 20

p15 3.05 .605 20

p16 2.80 .696 20

p17 2.80 .523 20

p18 2.80 .616 20

p19 2.50 .607 20

p20 3.00 .459 20

Inter-Item Correlation Matrix

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p

p1 1.000 .330 .399 .303 .197 .532 .274 .442 .888 .376 .291 .401 .309

p2 .330 1.000 .402 .399 .375 .461 .134 .475 .450 .624 .224 .546 .118

p3 .399 .402 1.000 .433 .537 .306 .306 .563 .648 .497 .093 .716 .467

p4 .303 .399 .433 1.000 .370 .298 .178 .452 .417 .318 .383 .685 .744

p5 .197 .375 .537 .370 1.000 .370 .537 .215 .197 .153 .142 .456 .400

p6 .532 .461 .306 .298 .370 1.000 .497 .194 .532 .271 .383 .411 .237

p7 .274 .134 .306 .178 .537 .497 1.000 .141 .274 .290 .248 .119 .344

p8 .442 .475 .563 .452 .215 .194 .141 1.000 .569 .578 .314 .666 .498
p9 .888 .450 .648 .417 .197 .532 .274 .569 1.000 .562 .291 .616 .419

p10 .376 .624 .497 .318 .153 .271 .290 .578 .562 1.000 .219 .378 .110

p11 .291 .224 .093 .383 .142 .383 .248 .314 .291 .219 1.000 .332 .465

p12 .401 .546 .716 .685 .456 .411 .119 .666 .616 .378 .332 1.000 .634

p13 .309 .118 .467 .744 .400 .237 .344 .498 .419 .110 .465 .634 1.000

p14 .570 .226 .402 .276 .238 .276 .000 .475 .570 .225 .522 .546 .474

p15 .311 .715 .311 .409 .439 .214 .170 .502 .311 .585 .173 .395 .100

p16 .242 .355 .393 .271 .725 .440 .516 .249 .242 -.018 .219 .422 .522

p17 .322 .473 .360 .510 .632 .585 .360 .331 .322 .097 .656 .562 .549

p18 .523 .535 .306 .433 .254 .688 .167 .423 .523 .186 .557 .477 .344

p19 .442 .611 .282 .452 .215 .194 .282 .429 .442 .578 .157 .303 .125

p20 .501 .359 .559 .342 .569 .513 .559 .378 .501 .417 .415 .320 .330

Item-Total Statistics

Scale Mean if Item Scale Variance if Corrected Item- Squared Multiple Cronbach's Alpha if
Deleted Item Deleted Total Correlation Correlation Item Deleted

p1 53.10 58.726 .619 . .921

p2 52.90 59.042 .638 . .920

p3 52.85 59.082 .661 . .920

p4 52.80 58.800 .628 . .921

p5 52.70 60.116 .558 . .922

p6 52.75 61.355 .593 . .922

p7 52.85 61.292 .419 . .925

p8 53.15 59.187 .659 . .920

p9 53.10 57.674 .726 . .918

p10 53.20 58.484 .519 . .924

p11 52.75 61.250 .481 . .924

p12 52.90 57.147 .744 . .918

p13 52.45 58.997 .583 . .922

p14 52.90 59.779 .560 . .922

p15 52.60 60.147 .554 . .922

p16 52.85 59.397 .544 . .923

p17 52.85 60.134 .654 . .921

p18 52.85 59.187 .649 . .920

p19 53.15 60.345 .530 . .923

p20 52.65 60.661 .677 . .921

Scale Statistics

Mean Variance Std. Deviation N of Items

55.65 65.713 8.106 20

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