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Rumus causative verb terbagi menjadi active dan Passive:

1. Active Sentence.
Masing-masing causative verb mempunyai grammarnya sendiri:
a. Have/Make.
Rumus: Subject + Have/Has + Infinitive/V1.
My teacher make me do my home work
(guru saya memerintahkan saya untuk mengerjakan PR)
b. She has me come to her house right now.
(dia menyuruh saya untuk datang ke rumahnya sekarang juga)
c. Let.
Rumus: Let + Objek + Infinitive/V1.
Never let her go, or you will regret forever.
(Jangan biarkan dia pergi atau kau akan menyesal selamanya).
d. Get.
Rumus: Subject + Get + O + to Infinitive/V1.
I get you to like this explanation.
(aku menyuruhmu to meng-like penjelasan ini)

2. Passive Sentence.
Rumus causative dalam bentuk passive rumusnya sama. Hanya let saja yang tidak
memiliki bentuk passive.
Rumus: S + Have/Make/Get + O + V3.
a. Have.
She has her car fixed
(dia menyuruh seseorang agar mobilnya diperbaiki).
I have the speaker loaded.
(aku minta speakernya dikeraskan).
b. Make.
I make this house cleaned.
(saya minta (kepada seseorang) agar rumah ini dibersihkan).
Alfonso makes John killed.
(Alfonso menyuruh (seseorang) agar John dibunuh).
c. Get.
Do you get your clothes washed?
(apakah kamu menyuruh bajumu dicuci).
Sandy gets her hair cut.
(Sandy minta agar rambutnya dipotong).

We use a causative verb when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or
for another person. It means that the subject caused the action to happen, but didn't do it
themselves. Maybe they paid, or asked, or persuaded the other person to do it. For example, we
can say:

 I cleaned my house. (This means I cleaned it myself).

If I paid someone to clean it, of course I can say:

 A cleaner cleaned my house.

But, another way is to use a causative construction. So I can also say:

 I had my house cleaned.

In a sense, using a causative verb is similar to using a passive. The important thing is that the
house is now clean. We don't focus on who did the cleaning.
Have + object + past participle (have something done)

We usually use 'have something done' when we are talking about paying someone to do
something for us. It's often used for services. The form is 'subject + have + object + past

 I had my car washed.

 John will have his house painted.

Get + object + past participle (get something done)

We can also use 'subject + get + object + past participle'. This has the same meaning as 'have',
but is less formal.

 The students get their essays checked.

 I'll get my hair cut next week.
 He got his washing machine fixed.

Try an exercise about 'have something done' and 'get something done' here.

Have someone do something (have + person + infinitive)

We can also use the construction 'subject + have + person + infinitive'. This has a very similar
meaning to 'have something done', which we've already talked about, but this time we say who
did the thing - we talk about the person who we asked to do the thing for us.

 I had the electrician look at my broken light.

 The doctor will have the nurse call the patients.
 The teacher had the students write the answers on the whiteboard.

Get someone to do something (get + person + to + infinitive)

Finally, we can also use the construction 'get + someone + to + infinitive'. Again, this means that
you cause the other person to do the action, maybe by paying them to do it, or by asking them to
do it, or by persuading them to do it.

 She gets her son to do his homework by promising him ice cream when he's finished.
 I got the cleaner to clean under the cupboards.

Sometimes, this construction has the feeling that we needed to convince someone to do
something, while the other constructions on this page are neutral.

1. The cleaner cleaned the house. (have) I had the cleaner clean the house.
2. The taxi driver colletced us. (have) I had the taxi driver collect us.
3. John arrived on time. (get) I got John to arrive on time.
4. The mechanic fixed the brakes. (have) I had the mechanic fix the brakes.
5. The teacher explained the lesson. (have) I had the teacher explain the lesson.
6. My husband looked after our children. (get) I got my husband to look after our children.
7. The waiter brought some water. (have) I had the waiter bring some water.
8. The nurse took your temperature. (have) I had the nurse take your temperature.
9. The students stopped sleeping in class. (get) I got the students to stop sleeping in class.
10. The teenagers went to bed early. (get) I got the teenagers to go to bed early.
11. The dentist cleaned my teeth. (have) I had the dentist clean my teeth.
12. My friend took her car. (get) I got my friend to take her car.
13. The window cleaner washed the windows. (have) I had the window cleaner wash the
14. The toddler ate her vegetables. I got the toddler to eat her vegetables.
15. The teacher checked my writing. (get) I got the teacher to check my writing.
16. The secretary typed the report. (have) I had the secretary type the report.
17. The shop assistant gave me a discount. (get) I got the shop assistant to give me a
18. The shop delivered the food. (have) I had the shop deliver the food.
19. The children did their homework. (get) I got the children to do their homework.
20. My colleague helped me write the report. (get) I got my colleague to help me write the


There are two basic structures for the causative sentences
Have usually indicates that the person used his or her authority to obtain the result.
We use causative have to show that you ask someone to do something. When we use “have”, we usually have power over
somebody. We don’t need to persuade them, you are paying them to do something or you are in charge.
Pattern : S + have(has/had) + someone + infinitive without “to”
1. I will have Rudy paint my room tomorrow.
2. Susi has had her sister buy a tin of candy.
3. Did you have the supplier send me more samples?
4. Does the teacher have the student read the book?

Get refers to a situation in which the person persuaded rather than ordered someone to carry out an action or someone
convinces another person to do something.

 We want to talk about something which we arrange for something or someone else to do
for us.

 One thing or person causes another person or thing to do something.

 We had some kind of work done for us.

Pattern : S + get(gets/got) + someone + infinitive with “to”

1. She gets her mother to cook some food.
2. They get the children to clean the house.
3. Did you get the experts to fix the damage?
4. Will he get them to follow the meeting?
We use causative have or get when we had some kind of work done for us.
Pattern : S + have + O + V3 (past participle)
S + get + O + V3 (past participle)
1. We have had our house repainted.
2. I have my jacket cleaned at a laundry.
3. Who is having his room cleaned?
4. Who must have the work finished on time?
5. She gets her car fixed by a mechanic.
6. They get their taxes done every year by an accountant.
7. Who will get her letters mailed tomorrow?
8. Who got her letter typed by a friend?

We use causative have and get when :

 We want to talk about something which we arrange for something or someone else to do
for us.

 One thing or person causes another person or thing to do something.

 We had some kind of work done for us.

Causative verb adalah kata kerja yang biasa dipakai untuk menandakan bahwa seseorang
menyebabkan orang lain melakukan sesuatu untuk dirinya. Dalam kenyataan sehari hari,
kita dapat meminta, menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan cara meminta,
menyuruh, memaksa atau mungkin juga membayar. Causative verbs ini terdiri dari have, get,
make. Kita akan membahasnya satu persatu.

1. Have / get

Clause yang mengikuti have / get dapat bermakna active maupun passive.
Pola Active :
Subject + have + object + verb 1
Subject + get + object + verb to inf
Keterangan :
Subject : I, you, we, they, he, she, it
Causative : Have (have, had, has)
Get (get, got)
Perhatikan contoh berikut ini : (Lihat kata yang diberi garis, “had” diikuti V1, sedangkan “get”
diikuti “To inf”)
a. I had my friend repair my cell phone. (my friend repaired my cell phone)
(saya meminta temanku memperbaiki hand phone ku)
b. I got my friend to repair my cell phone. (my friend repaired my cell phone)
(saya meminta temanku memperbaiki hand phone aku.)
c. The president had his advisors arrange a press conference.
(President meminta penasihatnya mengatur konferensi pers.)
d. Indra has had a friend type all of his papers.
(Indra telah meminta seorang teman untuk mengetik semua tugasnya.)
e. Edo is having his father contact an English teacher.
(Edo sedang meminta ayahnya menghubungi seorang guru bahasa Inggris)
f. The editor had the contributor attend acomposition workshop.
(Editor meminta kontributor menghadiri workshop menulis)
g. Joko got his son to type his poems.
(Joko meminta anak laki lakinya mengetik puisi – puisinya)

Pola Passive
Subject + have + object + Verb 3
Keterangan :
Subject : I, you, we, they, he, she, it
Causative : Have (have, had, has)
Get (get, got)
Perhatikan contoh berikut:
a. Ali is having his car repaired this week.
(Ali sedang meminta mobilnya diperbaiki minggu ini)
b. Siska got her paper typed by a friend.
(Siska meminta tugasnya diketik oleh seorang temannya)
c. The president is having a press conference arranged by his advisors.
(Presideng sedamg meminta sebuah konferensi pers diatur oleh penasihatnya.)
d. Angga was having his hair cut when Ani called.
(Angga sedang meminta rambutnya dipotong ketika Ani memanggil.)

2. Make
Kata causative “make” hanya dapat diaplikasikan pada kalimat active (active clause). Make
memiliki makna yang lebih kuat daripada have atau get.
Pola kalimat active
Subject + Make + Object + V1

Contoh penerapan causative “make” dalam kalimat:

a. The robber made the teller give hime the money.
(Perampok membuat petugas teller memberikan uangnya)
Catatan :
Kalimat tersebut sama dengan artinya “the robbers forced the teller to give him the money”
(Perampok memaksa petugas teller memberikan uangnya)
b. The manager made the employee attend the meeting.
(Manager meminta/memaksa karyawan menghadiri pertemuan itu)
c. The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.
(Guru selalu memaksa/meminta anak anak tetap tinggal di tempat duduknya)
d. Heny made her son be quiet in the meeting.
(heny membuat anak laki lakinya dia dipertemuan itu)
e. The president is making his cabinet members sign this document.
(President sedang membuat/memaksa anggota kabinetnya menandatangani dokumen ini.)

3. Let dan Help

Kata let dan help sebenarnnya bukan kata kerja causative, namun banyak orang memasukan kata
kata tersebut kedalam kata kerja causative, mengapa kata kata ini tidak termasuk kata kerja
causative? Ini karena pada kedua kata kata tersebut tidak mengimplikasikan bahwa seseorang
meminta orang lain melakukan sesuatu untuknya. Namun mari kita bahasa kedua kata tersebut:

a. Let : Kata let mempunyai arti persamaan arti dengan kata allow atau permit yang berarti
Pola kalimat ini adalah:
Subject + let + Object + Verb 1

Contoh penggunaan let dalam kalimat:

1. Mr. Bronto let his daughter swim with her friends.
2. Mr. Bronto allowed his daughter to swim with her friends.
3. Mr. Bronto permitted his daughter to swim with her
NOTE : ketika kalimat diatas mengandung kata yang sama yaitu “Pak Bronto mengizinkan anak
perempuannya berenang dengan teman temannya”

4. The teacher let the children leave the class early.

(Guru mengizinkan murud murid pulang awal”
5. Dr. Andi let the students hand in the paper on Monday.
(Dr. Andi mengizinkan murid muridnya mengumpulkan tugasnya hari Senin)
6. Mr. Indra always lets his children watch cartoons on Saturday morning.
(Pak Indra selalu membiarkan/mengizinkan anak anaknya menonton kartun pada Sabtu pagi)

b. Help : Bila di masukkan kedalam kata kerja causative, kata ini biasa diikuti oleh kata kerja
bentuk pertama.
Pola kalimat :
Subject + help/assist + Object + verb 1
Contoh dalam kalimat
1. John helped mary wash the dishes.
(John membantu Mary mencuci piring)
2. The teacher helped Mary find the research materials.
(guru membantu Mary menemukan materi penelitian)

Causative Verb (Let, Make, Have, and Get)

Pengertian, Contoh Dan Penggunaan Causative Verbs

Pengertian Causative Verb

Causative verb adalah kata kerja utama yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa
seseorang menyuruh atau menyebabkan orang lain atau benda lain melakukan sesuatu
untuk dirinya, atau menyebabkan sesuatu berubah. Secara berurutan dan berdasarkan
kadar pemaksaan atau kekuatan dari yang paling kuat sampai lemah causative verb
tersebut adalah make, get, have, dan let.
Causative verb merupakan bentuk kalimat yang lazim digunakan dalam bahasa
inggris, dengan maksud seseorang tidak melakukan sendiri secara langsung, tetapi dengan
menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukkannya. Struktur dasar kata kerja kausatif terdapat
dua bentuk, yaitu kalimat aktif dan pasif. Pada kalimat active causative verb, agent (yang
mengerjakan aksi) yang mengerjakan aksi diketahui. Sebaliknya, pada kalimat passive
causative verb, agent (yang mengerjakan aksi) biasanya tidak disebutkan.
Umumnya ada empat kata kerja causative verb yang sering digunakan, yakni
let, make, have, dan get ada dengan menggunakan action verb berupa bare infinitive
(infinitive without to) dan to infinitive.
Bagaimanakah kegunaan dan contoh dari Causative Verbs tersebut? Berikut ini
beberapa penggunaan dan contoh dari Causative Verb.

1) Causative “Let” (mengijinkan)

Biasa digunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa seseorang/suatu hal telah memperbolehkan
atau mengizinkan Subjek utama untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.

Rumus Causative Verb :

S + (Let/Lets) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)

Example :
1. I can let this car cool
2. My father lets me choose my own car
3. The shepherd lets his sheep graze in the meadow
4. Danu let Rian borrow his car
5. The lecture let the students leave class early
6. Never let her go or you will regret forever
7. Randi let me drive his new car
8. I don’t know if my boss will let me take the day off.
9. I let Dimas take the ball
10. I’ll let you borrow my car

2) Causative “Make” (menyuruh, memaksa)

Digunakan untuk menunjukan bahwa aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh subjek dikarenakan
adanya paksaan dari orang lain, atau ada suatu hal yang memaksa subjek untuk melakukan
hal tersebut.

Rumus Causative Verb :

S + (Make/Makes/Made) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive)

1. I make my father do my homework
2. Ronald made Wahyu carry his book
3. The manager makes her staff work hard
4. I make this radio work
5. My teacher make me do my homework
6. Sad movies make me cry
7. I make this house cleaned
8. The robber made the teller give him the money
9. I made the machine work
10. The teacher always makes the students stay in their own seats
11. The manager made the salesman attend the confrence
3) Causative “Have” (menyuruh)
Causative have dapat digunakan dalam bentuk aktif maupun pasif. Causative have
dimaksudkan untuk menunjukkan pemberian tanggung jawab terhadap seseorang dalam
melakukan sesuatu atau menyuruh dan menghendakinya.

Bentuk Aktif
Rumus Active Causative Verb

S + (Has/Have/Had) + Agent + Action Verb (Bare Infinitive) + Object

Example :
1. I had my sister take that ball
2. Alfin had Bayu wash his car
3. The police had the suspect stop his car
4. We had the carpenter fix our window
5. I have him clean my clothes
6. She has me come to her house right now
7. I had my brother take that glass
8. Rani has Yudi climb the tree
9. Julia had her friend take her result test
10. The student had the teacher speak slowly
11. My father had the craftsman decorate the house last week
12. My boss has me type all the documents
13. Rani had her brother do her homework

Bentuk Pasif
Rumus Passive Causative Verb

S + (Has/Have/Had) + Object + Action Verb (V3)

Example :
1. I had my car cleaned yesterday
2. My father had the house decorated by craftsman last week
3. I have your computer fixed
4. Alfin had his car washed
5. I had my jacket cleaned yesterday
6. We are going to have our car fixed before we go to Bandung.
7. I had my laptop fixed
8. I had my house renovated last week
9. He had his book returned as soon as possible
10. I have the speaker loaded
11. I had dress sewed by the dressmaker yesterday.
12. She has her car fixed
13. Rangga had the window cleaned
14. We had our door fixed
4) Causative “Get” (menyuruh)
Biasa Digunakan untuk meyakinkan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan.
Fungsinya mirip dengan have namun dengan struktur kalimat yang berbeda.

Bentuk Aktif
Rumus Active Causative Verb

S + (Get/Gets/Got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)

Example :
1. She got her brother to buy her a basket ball
2. The government got the bridge built quickly
3. They get me to was the clothes
4. I got my friend to help this homework
5. Gina got Barry to wash the car
6. He gets Toni to brush the shoes
7. The boy got his cat to chase a mouse
8. My mother gets me to water the flowers
9. I get you to like this explanation
10. She got her parents to buy her a tennis racket
11. Alfin got Bayu to wash his car
12. We got the boy to repair the car yesterday
13. She got Andi to clean this room

Bentuk Pasif
Rumus Passive Causative Verb

S + (Get/Gets/Got) + object + action verb (V3)

Example :
1. Cindy got her bedroom cleaned
2. Barry got the money saved in the bank
3. I get my bicycle fixed
4. Alfin got his car washed
5. She got this room cleaned
6. Mila got her bedroom cleaned
7. I got calvin to pick me up in the car
8. Let’s get our car fixed first
9. Desi got the car washed
10. Some students will get their report checked
11. She got the assignment subbmitted five minute ago

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