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Most Pygmies live in the jungles of Central Africa where the temperature is usually above 27ºC. Far from being
“uncivilized”, however, each village in the area has its own culture and way of life. A typical Pygmy measures
between 1.32m and 1.45m in height and has skin which is chocolate in color. He has black hair and a wide nose.
He is reserved and generally does not like close contact with strangers. In general, Pygmies live in small groups
and do not have permanent houses. They build temporary huts which they make from the trees in the jungle. The
jungle also provides the Pygmies with food. They collect nuts and fruits, which grow in abundance, and they also
hunt animals.The Pygmies are very superstitious. They attribute magical significance to many phenomena, but they
also believe there is one supreme God who controls the lives of all men. An increasing number work in towns, but
some of them prefer to follow their traditional way of life in the jungle.

1. Utilizando a técnica de skimming, diga qual o assunto geral do texto.

2. Utilizando a técnica de scanning, descreva fisicamente um pigmeu.

3. Retire do texto 2 grupos nominais e indique seus núcleos e modificadores.

4. Observe a oração: “[...] but they also believe there is one supreme God who controls the lives of all men”.
O termo em negrito pertence a que categoria gramatical? Qual sua tradução nesse contexto?

5. Retire do texto uma oração que contenha um verbo regular e um verbo irregular.

6. Retire do texto 5 palavras cognatas e traduza-as.

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