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Incidental Teaching

Author/Citation Research Question Participants Settings

How will incidental

teaching affect
preschool student's
verbal responses and Preschool Small group
Compound Sentences Betty Hart, and Todd Risley intiations students preschool

3 preschool boys
between the ages
of 4 and 5 years
old with an ASD
diagnosis The research
Will incidental participated. As was conducted
teaching and stimulus well as 4 in the
fading procedure typically preschool
promote the use of developing boys setting, during
social phrases by and girl between early
Gail G. McGee and Teresa
preschoolers with the ages of 3 to 5 childhood
Social Phrases Daly autism years old activities
The study was
conducted in a
high school of
1100 students
within 3
used for art,
reading room,
and a math
1 male student resource
This study examined age 16 attending room. The art
the results of high school with and reading
incidental teahing on an IEP showing room is where
social skills by a difficulties in social
Lowell K. Oswald, Benjamin
students with areas of social behavior was
Social Behavior Lignugaris disabilities behavior generalized.

Participants of
this study
included 5 men
between the ages
of 19 and 38
with a diagnosis
of "mental
This study evaluated retardation" or
the success of peer- Autism. These
delivered incidental- men lived at a
teaching group home for
to teach requests men with Kitchen, and
during disabilities and dining/family
evening lunch behavioral room of the
Adults with DD VALmu FARMER-DOUGAN preparation . deficits. group home
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
(Intervention) Describe and (Target Behavior)
list of intervention Describe and list
Implementers "actions" change Results

Incidental Teaching-
Arrangement: Materials
were placed within eye sight
but out of reach.
Prompting:teachers asked
questions to prompt
compound sentences (Why Amount of vocabulary
do you want the block? What Amount of words used, increased, use of complex
are you going to do with it?). amount of vocabulary sentence structures, and
and praise: upon correct used, and complete elaborate language all
Teacher trained in inci respons "very good" sentences increased

Incidental Teaching:
Arrangement: teacher
provided opportunities of
when to use "all right" and
"you know what" phrases.
Conversation teacher- Praise: when the child said
research assistant who all right within 5 seconds, the
completed IT sessions child was given praise,
ans baseline data. Reinforcers: Access to the
Teacher- implemented desired toy was given after All of the children's
free-play manager the correct toy, and (typically and atypically
routine. Both had prompting: If the child did Social phrases, "all developing) social phrases
been provided with not respond correctly, teacher right" and "you know increased during
training. said "say all right" what" unprompted sessions.
There were 5
participant observers;
resource reading Incidental Teaching-
teacher, resource 1.environmental
math teacher, art arrangement: provided
teacher, and 2 opportunities to use social
interobservers for phrases 2. reminders: when
agreement checks. the student did not use the
One interobserver phrases, 3.discussion: when,
was in the training where, and why to use "thank
setting, and the other you" and "please", and
interobserver verified 4.corrective feedback: when By the fifth session the
observational the student did not respond student was using plase and
agreement in the correctly. and 5.praise for Social phrases, "thank thank you with 100%
other two settings correct responses "good job" you" and "please" accuracy

incidental teaching- 1.
arrangement of the room:
materials for lunch
preparation were set out in
the kitchen 2. wait time:
peer tutors waited until peer
initiated toward one of the
lunch materials (initiation
was defined as vocalization,
reaching, touch, etc.) 3.
prompting: when the peer
would not initiate, the peer
3 Peer tutor trained by tutor would ask "what do you
the residential want" and 4. modeling: incidental teaching was
therapist. oberservers When the peer did not shown to be successful in
were trained initiate, the peer tutor increasing requests during
undergraduate modeled the apporpriate lunchtime and dinnertime
students initiation Verbal request of item across all 3 participants.
Anything Additional
Social you would like to
Validity/Usability add…

This study outlined

the incidental
teaching process, and
occassions to
implement incidental
teaching which shows
usabilitiy for other
research articles in
the future

This study was usable

as evident by the
success of social
phrases and ease of
This study was usable
as evident by the
success of
generalization, and
incidental teaching on
the use of social

This study proved the

skill was generalized
once intervention was
removed. It also
showed that peer-
delivered incidental
teaching increased
spontaneous use of
incidental teaching
during other settings

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