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Similar triangles have the same shape, but the size may be different.

Remember "≅ " means "is congruent to" and "~" is "similar to". Examples

Corresponding Corresponding Proportional Sides
Triangles Congruent Angles
a/f = b/d = c/e = factor

<A ≅ <F a/f = 6/3 = 2

∆ ABC ~ ∆ FDE <B ≅ <D b/d = 8/4 = 2
<C ≅ <E c/e = 10/5 = 2

<A ≅ <F a/f = 3/3 = 1

∆ ABC ≅ ∆ FDE <B ≅ <D b/d = 4/4 = 1
<C ≅ <E c/e = 5/5 = 1

Two triangles are similar if:

• two pairs of corresponding angles are congruent (therefore the third
pair of corresponding angles are also congruent).
• the three pairs of corresponding sides are proportional.
Notice the corresponding angles for the two triangles in the applet are the
same. The corresponding sides lengths are the same only when the scale
factor slider is set at 1.0. Study the side lengths closely and you will find that
the corresponding sides are proportional.
Check out this applet
If you know triangles are similar, you can use the proportion of
corresponding sides to help determine an unknown dimension.
Study the object below. You can change the triangles by dragging on the
slider or dragging vertex A or B. The proportions of the corresponding pairs
of sides changes as the scale slider position changes. Each time you stop
dragging, look at the proportions. If one of the sides was unknown you could
use two pairs of corresponding sides to calculate the missing dimension.
Congruent Triangles
Congruent triangles are a special type of similar triangles. Congruent
triangles have the same shape (similar triangles) and size.
Increase/decrease <A and <B by clicking and dragging the vertices of the left
triangle below. Notice the corresponding angles (<D and <E) remain
congruent. Since the sum of three angles must be 180o, the third pair of
corresponding angles must also be congruent when the first two pairs of
corresponding angles are congruent.

In the applet above:

<A ≅ <D, <B ≅ <E, <C ≅ <F
Notice the size and shape of the new pairs of triangles remains the same. The
patterns you may have observed and need to know for congruent triangles are
displayed below. Remember "≅ " means "is congruent to".
Two triangles are congruent if:
• all 6 pairs of corresponding angles and sides are congruent.

Corresponding Corresponding Congruent Sides
Triangles Congruent Angles factor = 1
a/f = b/d = c/e = 1
<A ≅ <D AB ≅ DE
Triangle Congruence Relations

May not form congruent

Always form congruent triangles triangles:
Top of Form Top of Form

These files may be slow loading on some computers. These files may be slow loading on some
Bottom of Form computers.
Bottom of Form

If three sides of one triangle are congruent

to three sides of a second triangle, the two
triangles are congruent. Two triangles with two sides and a
non-included angle equal may or may
not be congruent.

If two angles and the included side of one

If two angles on one triangle are equal,
triangle are congruent to two angles and the
respectively, to two angles on another
included side of another triangle, the
triangle, then the triangles are similar,
triangles are congruent.
but not necessarily congruent.

If two sides and the included angle are

congruent to two sides and the included
angle of a second triangle, the two triangles
are congruent.

If two angles and a non included side of one

triangle are congruent to two angles and the
corresponding non-included side of another
triangle, the two triangles are congruent.

If the hypotenuse and the leg of one right

triangle are congruent to the corresponding
parts of the second right triangle, the two
triangles are congruent
Comments to: Jim Reed
Started September, 1998. Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

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