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Level 12

Worksheet #1 - Unit 9

Name: BYRON VIDAL FAJARDO Date: 27/09/2016

Answer the following questions.

1. Mention one advantage and one disadvantage for each form of government.
Democracy, dictatorship, monarchy.

It promotes equality.
Generally, democracy is based on the rule of equality, which means that all people are equal as far as the
law is concerned. Every person has the right to experience and enjoy equal political, social and economic
rights, and the state is not allowed to discriminate him on the standard of sex, class, religion and property.

It instigates corruption.
Those who are elected to power might resort to unethical means for personal interests and engage in
corrupt practices. During their tenure in office, they might take advantage of authority for personal gains,
putting the interests of the masses at the backseat.

Dictatorship in this case would mean that the decision making power would lie with a single individual and
hence a faster decision making is possible. The ever growing delay for anything is overcome in a
dictatorship set up.

We have seen many instances where the dictators have used their powers particularly for accumulating the
wealth and live luxury not caring anything about the life of the people in the country.

Monarchy reduces the heavy amount of expenditures of the nation in the elections as there is no need to
elect the next ruler. The existing ruler will choose who his/her successor is.

In monarchy, a single person will rule the entire country as long as he/she lives. Therefore, the masses do
not have the power to remove him/her from leadership even is he is not functioning according to the will of
the masses.

2. What´s the form of government in Guatemala?

Guatemala has a constitutional democratic republic. The county's governing structure includes
legislative, judicial and executive branches. The unicameral Congress makes law, and the president,
who is the head of government and head of state, holds executive power.
3. What are the 3-branches system in Guatemala? Describe each one.

Executive power.
Its represented by the President of the Republic.

Legislative power.
It's who makes the laws, is represented through Congress. Congress is unicameral and consists of 158
deputies elected for a term of four years. Guatemala is a member of the Central American Parliament, which
has 22 representatives.

Power of attorney
It ensures that the laws are applied, is represented by the Supreme Court, composed of at least seven
judges elected by Congress for a period of five years. The Court appoints judges of the lower courts.

4. What are the 2 strong political parties in Guatemala?

 National Convergence Front (FCN)

 National Unity of Hope (UNE)

5. What is your opinion about corruption in Guatemala?

In my opinion is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority,
often to acquire personal benefit for this reason the corruption represents a major obstacle for businesses
operating or planning to invest in Guatemala.

6. Mention 3 controversial issues in Guatemala.

1. Poverty reduction in Guatemala remains as one of the key challenges to be dealt with before a
more balanced and socially inclusive economic growth could be achieved.

7. What do you think are the most serious problems in the world today? Mention 5 problems.

 Poverty.
 Global warming.
 Racism.
 Terrorism.
 The scarcity of natural resources.

Write a statement with the following non count nouns for abstract ideas related to Guatemala.

1. Justice
2. Poverty
3. Education
4. Progress

Today, we need a justice system that helps us move forward, thus poverty reduced, this will allow people
with no education have it, if we do all this, progress will be noticeable and move forward as Guatemalan

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