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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126

DOI 10.1007/s00170-013-5463-2


A hybrid model of fuzzy goal programming and grey numbers

in continuous project time, cost, and quality tradeoff
Seyed Hossein Razavi Hajiagha &
Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji & Shide Sadat Hashemi

Received: 22 February 2012 / Accepted: 25 October 2013 / Published online: 20 November 2013
# Springer-Verlag London 2013

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to develop current Keywords Project management . Time, cost, and quality
mathematical models of cost, time, and quality tradeoffs in tradeoff . The iron triangle . Fuzzy goal programming .
conditions that parameters of project activities are estimated Grey numbers
uncertainly by grey numbers. In some projects like construc-
tion projects, activities can be done within a much shorter time
by increasing in the resources, while project's cost may rise at 1 Introduction
the same time. In such situations, managers are usually re-
quired to determine the best combination of cost, time, and Project management is one of the most important fields in
quality parameters of the activities, although their information business and industry. Every task in an organization can be
regarding these parameters is limited and rather incomplete. taken into account as a project, i.e., a temporary endeavor
The greyness of these parameters in the proposed method can undertaken to produce a unique product, service, or result
aid managers to deal with these conditions. The most impor- [33]. In this context, the purpose of project management is to
tant aspect of the proposed model is that it considers uncer- foresee as many of the dangers and problems as possible and to
tainty of the project planning data in the form of grey numbers. plan, organize, and control activities so that the projects will be
A combination of fuzzy goal programming and grey linear completed successfully despite all the exposed risks [39]. Ac-
programming is also developed to solve the proposed model. cording to PMBOK Guide, the nine knowledge areas in a
Finally, this model will provide the managers with a stronger typical project management case are project integration, time,
ability to face with uncertainty in project management and cost, quality, human resource, communication, and risk and
planning. The application of this model is examined in a procurement management [46]. There are three main points
numerical example. As its major finding, the model deter- that are the most important factors for a successful project: (1) a
mines an optimal range in which the project managers can project must meet the customer requirements, (2) it has to be
respond to intrinsic changes that may occur in the parameters within budget, and (3) it has to be on time [47]. These three
during a project. criteria often are referred to as The Iron Triangle [6].
One important aspect of the project management is to acquire
the information related to an optimum balance between the pro-
ject's objectives. According to the iron triangle, time, cost and
S. H. Razavi Hajiagha (*) quality are important objectives of a project. Heretofore, extensive
Productivity and Systematic Research and Studies Group, researches have been conducted to develop cost–time tradeoff
Institute for Trade Studies and Research, Tehran, Iran
problems. Nowadays, the quality of a project is also added to the
project time and cost. The aim of these problems (TCQTP) is to
H. A. Mahdiraji select a set of activities for crashing as well as an appropriate
Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran execution method for each activity such that the project's cost and
time is minimize, while the project quality is maximized [50].
S. S. Hashemi
Management and Accounting Faculty, The problem of project's time–cost tradeoff was first intro-
Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran duced by Kelly [31]. By assuming that direct cost of an
118 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126

activity changes with time, mathematical programming cost tradeoff problem while the parameters are considered as
models were developed to minimize the project's direct cost stochastic.
[7]. Thereafter, many researchers have developed mathemat- The main contribution of this work is to investigate the
ical programming model for these problems. uncertainty concept in TCQTP based on a combination of
How to balance time, cost, and quality is crucial to any fuzzy sets and grey numbers. The advantages of grey numbers
project manager. Tradeoff optimization is also significant for in the uncertain decision making with no need to any
improvement of overall benefits of the projects. This paper predefined membership or probability function made it an
presents a multiple objective mathematical programming appropriate framework to approximate the parameters of time,
model that allows quality to be explicitly considered in plan- cost, and quality. This study, proposes a method which uses a
ning and scheduling of a project while addressing the tradeoffs fuzzy grey goal programming (FGGP) approach for modeling
between quality, time, and cost. Completion of any tradeoff the multiobjective TCQTP. In this FGGP model, the goal
problem in project management is dividable into three stages. values are defined as fuzzy numbers, whereas the parameters
At first, time–cost tradeoff problems were considered by the are determined by grey numbers.
researchers. At this stage, finding optimal processes in project The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
networks through balancing time and cost was analyzed by tion 2 is an overview on the fuzzy goal programming
[15]. Simense [51], Goyal [21], Harvey and Patterson [24], (FGP) and Section 3 briefly introduces the grey numbers as
Prabudha et al. [45], Phillips [43], Demeulemeester et al. [16], well as the grey linear programming. The contents of these
and Akkan [3] present heuristic models for discrete time–cost two sections are used then to solve the proposed TCQTP
tradeoff problems. By improvements in the mathematical model. Section 4 introduces the suggested model develop-
programming, Deckro et al. [14] developed a nonlinear ment. An application of the proposed model will be also
model. Metaheuristic methods also made a new generation of illustrated via a numerical example in Section 5. Finally,
models in the project management [20, 25, 34, 61]. Section 6 makes some conclusions in addition to some sug-
At the second stage, quality was addressed by some re- gestions for the future work.
searchers, but some others presented models for measuring the
quality costs in the project management [5, 30, 40]. Thus,
time–cost–quality tradeoff models are considered as the third 2 Fuzzy goal programming
stage of classification. At this stage, some studies were con-
ducted to incorporate the quality as a new factor in the time– Multiobjective programming includes a set of approaches
cost tradeoff problems like those of Babu and Suresh [7], which are utilized in decision-making problems with several
Tareghian and Taheri [52], and Pollack-Johnson and objectives. Goal programming (GP) is an approach to solve
Liberatore [44]. Other studies were just focused on optimizing multiobjective problems and was first introduced by Charnes
this tradeoff mostly in construction projects [19, 55]. At this et al. [10, 29]. As currently available information is rather
stage, meta heuristic methods were still regarded as an appro- partial or approximate, determination of the goal value might
priate tool for solving these kinds of problems for example in be difficult for each objective in GP. Zeleny [59], Can and
some works of Afshar et al. [2], Huang et al. [27], Yang [56], Houck [9], Bouyssou [8], and Inuiguchi and Kume [28] are
Tareghian and Taheri [53], Liberatore and Johnson [35], and the main contributions which have incorporated the uncertain-
Lakshminayaranan et al. [32]. ty into the GP.
One of the most important issues in modeling this kind of Narasimhan [42] proposed an initial FGP, while Hannan
problems is data uncertainty. This uncertainty is caused as the [22, 23] andYang et al. [57] performed some studies in FGP,
available information is often approximate or partial [58]. The and Yang et al. [57] formulated the FGP problem as follows:
project managers require approximating the values of time,
cost, and quality of the activities, and all these approximations Max β
deal with uncertainty. Many of the models, however, applied S:T:
the crisp data as approximations of the parameters. These Gk ðxÞ−bk
β ≤ 1−
models neglect the inexact nature of such approximation. d k2 ð1Þ
Some researchers including Cohen et al. [13], Abbasnia bk −Gk ðxÞ
β ≤ 1−
et al. [1], and Zhang and Xing [60] considered the uncertainty d k1
problem of CTQT based on stochastic or fuzzy data. Mean- β; X ≥ 0; for all k
while, Mokhtari et al. [41] developed a hybrid approach for
the stochastic time–cost trade-off problem in PERT networks.
Amiri and Golozari [4] applied fuzzy multi-attribute decision Where b k represents the aspiration level of the kth goal,
making techniques in project planning. Salmasnia et al. [49] and d k1 and d k2 are the maximum allowable negative and
regarded quality as an additional aspect in the traditional time– positive deviations from b k , respectively.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126 119

Tiwari et al. [54] have presented a simple additive model to that some constraints like μ k ≥μ ∗k are added to the system of
formulate an FGP problem. They used Zimmermann [62, 63] constraints. Finally, the FGP problem with K different goals is
linear membership function and formulated a simple additive transformed into such a following problem:
model. Let G i (X) be the ith fuzzy goal and g i be its aspiration
level. Then, if optimization direction be on maximizing f ðμÞ ¼ wk μk ð6Þ
G i (X ), then its membership function μ i is defined as: k¼1

8 S:T:
> 1 if Gi ðX Þ ≥ g i
< G ðX Þ−L ðaÞSystem constraints
i i
μi ¼ if Li ≤ Gi ðX Þ≤ g i ð2Þ
: g i −Li ðbÞ μk ≥ μl ; ∀ðk; l Þ∈f1; 2; …; K g
0 if Gi ðX Þ ≤ Li ðcÞμk ≥ μ*k ; ∀k∈f1; 2; …; K g

And if decision maker desires to minimize G i (X ), its Where, (b) and (c) are determined by the decision maker
membership function can be written as below: when he/she prefers. Here in this study, the model of Chen and
8 Tsai [11] is used to transform the Fuzzy Gray Goal Program-
> 1 if Gi ðxÞ ≤g i
< U −G ðX Þ ming into a Linear Grey Programming.
i i
μi ¼ if g i ≤ Gi ðX Þ≤ U i ð3Þ
: Li −g i
0 if Gi ðX Þ≥ U i
3 Grey Theory and grey linear programming
Where, L i and U i are defined as lower and upper allowed
Liu and Lin [37] introduced grey system as one of the prom-
tolerance for G i (X ), respectively.
inent frameworks in dealing with the uncertainty issues. Grey
Chen and Tsai [11] compared the results obtained from the
systems developed by Deng [17] and Deng [18] present grey
models of Tiwari et al. [54] and Yang et al. [57] within a
decision-making systems. Many other researchers applied this
numerical example and showed that the sum of achievement
concept in their decision-making problems. There are several
degrees of Tiwari et al. [54] method is greater than Yang
types of grey numbers which are reviewed by Liu and Lin
et al.'s [57].
[38]. Interval grey numbers are a common form of the grey
To take into account relative importance of the goals,
numbers. The exact values of these numbers are unknown, but
Tiwari et al.[54] have proposed a weighted additive model
they usually lie within a known range [36, 38]. Hereafter, such
enters each goal's weight into the objective function. There-
numbers are called grey numbers for simplicity. Symbol “⊗”
fore, the objective function would be modeled as below:
is generally used to demonstrate the grey numbers. A grey
Xn number is written as ⊗ðaÞ∈½a; aŠ , where a stands for the
f ðμÞ ¼ wk μk ð4Þ definite known lower bound and a stands for the definite
k¼1 known upper bound [35]. Arithmetic operations of the grey
numbers are also shown by Liu and Lin [37]. Roughly speak-
Where w k denotes the weight of the k th fuzzy goal, ing, if ⊗ 1 and ⊗ 2 are two grey numbers and ∗∈{+,−,×,÷} is
an operator, then ⊗=⊗ 1 ∗⊗ 2 will itself be a grey number.
∑ wk ¼ 1 and μ k represents the degree of objective
k¼1 In this paper, the grey linear programming is used as a
achievement k which is defined as a linear membership func- decision tool for TCQTP problem with the grey information.
tion. Chen and Tsai [11] have shown that this model may Huang [26], Chen et al. [12], and Razavi Hajiagha et al. [48]
produce undesirable solutions when the weights are changed. proposed some methods to solve the grey linear programming
Conversely, Chen and Tsai [11] proposed a preemptive model problems. In this paper, the method presented by Huang [26]
to explicitly determine a desirable degree of objective achieve- is used, involving three rules. First, for the grey number
ment for each fuzzy goal as the importance of the fuzzy goal. ⊗(x)∈[a,b] it can be said that:
In this model, the more important the goals, the higher the
desirable achievement degrees. Thereby, the objective func- ⊗ðxÞ≥ 0 if a ≥0 and b≥ 0
tion of the FGP problem is like Eq. (4), and a set of preemptive ð7Þ
⊗ðxÞ≤ 0 if a ≤0 and b≤ 0
preferences over goals are added to the model:

μk ≥ μl ð5Þ In addition,

When, the kth goal is proffered to the lth one. In addition, Signð⊗ðaÞÞ ¼ 1; if ⊗ðaÞ≥ 0
decision maker may choose a set of satisfaction degree μ ∗k , so −1; if ⊗ðaÞ≺0
120 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126

For the grey number ⊗(a), its absolute value is defined as properties of ⊗ b i is incorporated into left hand side as
below based on [26]: follows:
h i    
⊗ðjajÞ∈ ⊗ðjajÞ; ⊗ − ð a Þ ¼ ⊗; if ⊗ ≥ 0 X

j j ⊗ aij  Sign aij x j =bi þ ⊗ aij  Sign aij x j =bi ≤ 1; ∀i
−⊗; if ⊗≺0 j¼1 j¼k 1 þ1

Grey linear programming (GLP) is a generalized form of
ordinal linear programming in which its parameters, including ⊗ aij  Sign aij x j =bi þ ⊗ aij  Sign aij x j =bi ≤ 1; ∀i
coefficients and technological matrix of the objective function, j¼1 j¼k 1 þ1

are expressed as the grey numbers, i.e., if ⊗B ∈⊗(R)m ×1, ⊗ ð16Þ

C ∈⊗(R )1×n , and ⊗X ∈⊗(R )n ×1, a GLP problem can be
represented as follows: The GLP problem (10) is solved in the following two steps.
MaxðminÞ ⊗ f ¼ ⊗C:⊗X Firstly, a whitened sub model corresponding to f (with
S:T: ⊗A:⊗X ≤ ð ≥ Þ⊗B ð10Þ maximization objective) is solved which is composed of
⊗X ≥ 0 Eq. (11) as the objective function and Eq. (15) as the con-
straints. Then, the relevant sub model corresponding to f is
According to Huang [26], as the objective function is a formulated. First model determines the values of x j ; j ¼ 1; 2;
grey variable, the goal here is to find its optimal value …; k 1 and x j ; j ¼ k 1 þ 1; k 1 þ 2; …; n , whereas the second
h i
⊗ f ∈ f ; f . Upper and lower bounds of ⊗f are also given model generates the values of x j ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; k 1 and x j ; j ¼
k 1 þ 1; k 1 þ 2; …; n . Then, two sets of additional constraints
are added to the second stage model:
k1 X
f ¼ cj  xj þ cj  xj ð11Þ x j ≤ x *j ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; k 1 ð17Þ
j¼1 j¼k 1 þ1

k1 X
f ¼ cj  xj þ cj  xj ð12Þ x j ≥ x *j ; j ¼ k 1 þ 1; k 1 þ 2; …; n ð18Þ
j¼1 j¼k 1 þ1

 h i
Where, ⊗ c j ∈ c j ; c j ; j ¼ 1; 2; …; k 1 and ⊗(c j ), j =
4 Model development
k 1 +1,k 1 +2,…,n are found as positive and negative coeffi-
cients of the objective function, respectively using Eq. (7). A project is represented by a directed acyclic graph G =(V,E)
Constraints correspond to f can be developed as: consisting of m nodes and n arcs, in which V ={1,2,…,m} is the
set of nodes and E ={(i,j),…,(l,m)} is the set of direct arcs.
⊗ aij  Sign aij x j These arcs and nodes represent activities and events, respectively.
j¼1 Each project activity, saying (i,j)∈E, has two final forms: (1)
  normal form with time D ij , cost C ij and quality Q ij , and (2)

þ ⊗ aij  Sign aij x j ≤ ⊗ðbi Þ; ∀i ð13Þ crashed form with time d ij , cost c ij , and quality q ij . Now this
j¼k 1 þ1 problem involves finding the best combination of time, cost and
quality of the activities, so that goals of the project manager about
While, for f the relevant constraints are: the required time, cost and quality of project will be satisfied.
Notations used for formulation of the problem are as follows:
⊗ aij  Sign aij x j
j¼1 n Number of activities
   ⊗d ij Crashed duration of activity ij
þ ⊗ aij :Sign aij x j ≤ ⊗ðbi Þ; ∀i ð14Þ ⊗Q ij Quality of activity ij in normal duration
j¼k 1 þ1 ⊗q ij Quality of activity ij in crashed duration
⊗D ij Normal duration of activity ij
About right hand side (RHS) numbers, when they ⊗C ij Direct cost of activity ij in normal duration
are a grey number and do not contain a zero, the grey ⊗c ij Direct cost of activity ij in crashed duration
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126 121

Variables: Equations (19) and (22) are just the suggested formulas for
relationship between time and cost/quality of the project, and
⊗X ij Actual time of activity ij
every form of the linear functions can be analyzed by same
⊗t ij Start time of activity ij

Two additional parameters are defined as follows: 4.2 Constraints

– Cost slope of activity ij: Cost of decreasing one unit from – Constraints on start and finish time of an activity: Sup-
⊗c −⊗C
normal time of activity ij: ⊗csij ¼ ⊗dijij −⊗Dijij pose that activity ij starts at time ⊗t i with its duration
– Quality slope of activity ij: Lost (or gained) quality of being ⊗x ij . Then, if finish time of the activity is ⊗t j , then
decreasing one unit from normal time of activity ij : the following relationship is valid for this activity:
⊗q −⊗Q
⊗qsij ¼ ⊗dijij −⊗Dijij
⊗t i þ ⊗xij ≤ ⊗t j ∀ij∈E; i; j ¼ 1; 2; …; n ð23Þ

4.1 Objective functions – Constraints on actual duration of an activity: If ⊗x ij is the

actual time of activity ij, then it must satisfy the following
This study has adopted the multiobjective programming conditions:
technique for solving the TCQTP. Practical decisions
involved in TCQTP must consider time, cost and qual- ⊗xij ≤ ⊗Dij ; ∀ij∈E ð24Þ
ity of the project. There are two assumptions in devel-
opment of the proposed model: (1) time of the project ⊗xij ≥ ⊗d ij ; ∀ij∈E ð25Þ
activities is a continuous positive variable between their
normal and crashed time, and (2) the relationship be- 4.3 The FGGP model for TCQT problems
tween time, cost, and quality is linear.
Three objective functions are simultaneously considered in The original grey multiobjective linear programming
development of the proposed model as follows. (GMOLP) model for TCQT problem (GMOLP-TCQT) can
– Minimization of total project cost: If two points be converted to a FGGP for the TCQT problem (FGGP-
(⊗D ij ,⊗C ij ) and (⊗d ij ,⊗c ij ) show the normal and crashed TCQT) by introducing membership functions to represent
statues of each activity ij in two dimensional space of time– fuzzy goals of decision makers. In this section, the member-
cost, then the cost model of activity ij will be as Eq. (19): ship functions will be introduced.

 4.3.1 Development of membership functions

⊗C ij þ ⊗csij ⊗xij −⊗Dij ð19Þ
Thus, the total project cost as summation of costs of all There are numerous examples in the literature in which the
activities can be expressed as follows: deterministic model is solved first and then the obtained
X X  solution values for each goal are used as a benchmark for
min Z 1 ≅ ij∈E ⊗C ij þ ⊗csij ⊗xij −⊗Dij ð20Þ the development of the membership function. Moreover, some
researchers have proposed use of decision makers' judgment.
However, the first approach is used in this paper. Three
– Minimization of required time of the project: Another
minimizing models are solved to obtain the membership
objective is to accomplish the project in a predetermined
function by the ordinal linear programming method as
time. If T n is the time of last node in the project and T 1 is
the time of its first node, then the time of this project can
be determined as follows: min Z 1 ðZ 2 or maxZ 3 Þ
Subject to :
min Z 2 ≅⊗T n −⊗T 1 ð21Þ Constraints ð23Þ−ð25Þ
Nonnegative constraints
– Maximization of quality of the project: As expressed
about total cost of the project, its quality can be formu- Every objective has an optimal grey value which is derived
lated as same way: from the method of Huang [26]. Suppose that ⊗Z ∗1 is the
optimal grey value of the first objective which is obtained by
X Xh i minimizing the lower bound function (Eqs. 12 and 16) and
max Z 3 ≅ ij∈E
⊗Qij þ ⊗qs ij ⊗x ij −⊗D ij ð22Þ minimizing the upper bound function (Eqs. 11 and 15). This
122 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126

solution gives an idea for development of the membership

function according to Eq. 3 as follows:
> 1 if Z 1 ≤ Z 1*
<Z −*
1 −Z 1 −
μ1 ¼ if Z 1* ≤ Z 1 ≤ 1Z 1* ð27Þ
> −
> Z 1 −Z 1
* *
: −
0 if Z 1 ≥ Z 1*

The membership function for the second objective is ob-

tained in a similar way. Figure 1 depicts the membership
function of the first and second objectives based on Eq. 27.
As the third objective is of maximization type, having Fig. 2 Membership function of third objective
maximized it first by determining the upper bound value
(Eqs. 11 and 15) and its lower bound value (Eqs. 12 and is solved based on Eqs. 11 and 15. Then the lower bound
∗ ∗
16), the optimal grey values Z 3 ; Z 3 will be found. Then problem including Eqs. 12 and 16 is solved. The solutions of
its membership function will have such a form: these two problems will determine the grey solution of the
8 TCQT problem. Figure 3 shows the block diagram for devel-
> Z 3 ≤ Z 3*
if opment of a typical GMOLP-TCQT model.
< Z −Z *
if Z 3* ≤ Z 3 ≤ Z−3*
3 Note that when the Huang's [26] approach is used to solve
μ3 ¼ 3
> −* * the GLP model in step 4, some justifications are also made. In
> Z 3 −Z 3
: this context, first the lower bound model is solved to give the
1 if Z ≥ Z−*
3 3 lower bound values of the decision variables. In this phase, the
Figure 2 illustrates the membership function of the third linear programming model is constituted as follows:
objective. 3
The decision maker might have some kind of preemptive max μi ð30Þ
structure on importance of the objectives. Based on Chen and i¼1

Tsai [11], the following GLP model can be solved to yield the Z i* −Z i
μi ≤ ; i ¼ 1; 2
best combination of achievements. − *
Z i* −Z i
X −
max μi ð29Þ Z 3 −Z 3*
μ3 ≤

i¼1 Z 3* −Z 3*

Z i* −Z i
μi ≤ ; i ¼ 1; 2 ⊗xij ≤ ⊗Dij ; ∀ij∈E

Z i* −Z i* ⊗xij ≥ ⊗d ij ; ∀ij∈E
Z 3 −Z 3*
μ3 ≤
− System constraint ð23Þ
Z 3* −Z 3*
μ1 ; μ2 ; μ3 ; ⊗xij ; ⊗t i ≥ 0
System constraints ð23Þ−ð25Þ
μ1 ; μ2 ; μ3 ; ⊗xij ; ⊗t i ≥ 0 Start

Formulate the GMOLP-TCQT

The above GLP can be solved by the approach of Huang [Eqs. (19) - (25)]
[26] in two phases. In the first phase, the upper bound problem
Construct the membership
functions of objectives
[Eqs. (27) – (28)]

Transform to equivalent

Transform to equivalent GLP

model [Eq. (29)]

Solve GLP model [Eq. (29)]

No Ye
Modify the model’s membership
Is the solution satisfactory? Stop

Fig. 1 Membership function of first (second) objectives Fig. 3 The block diagram of GMOLP-TCQT model development
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126 123

Table 1 Project data to CTQTP

Activity Preceding Normal mode Crashed mode Cost Quality

slop slop
Time (day) Cost (/) Quality (%) Time (day) Cost (/) Quality (%)

A – [3, 5] [100, 115] [75, 80] [1.5, 2.5] [150, 200] [60, 70] [−200, −10] [−20, −1.75]
B A [3, 4] [45, 60] [75, 85] [1, 2.5] [90, 110] [50, 70] [−130, −10] [−13, −0.86]
C A [5, 7] [100, 120] [85, 90] [3, 4] [175, 210] [70, 80] [−110, −13.75] [−22, −2.75]
D B [6, 9] [150, 200] [65, 70] [2, 5] [200, 250] [75, 85] [−100, 0] [0, 20]
E B–C [4, 6] [100, 110] [60, 70] [2, 3] [120, 150] [75, 80] [−50, −2.5] [0.5, 10]
F B [6, 8] [125, 155] [75, 80] [3, 5] [185, 215] [85, 90] [−90, −6] [2, 18]
G E–F [6, 8] [120, 145] [85, 90] [3, 4] [200, 230] [75, 80] [−55, −11] [−22, −3.67]
H E–F [3, 4] [50, 75] [85, 90] [1, 2] [100, 135] [75, 80] [−85, −8.33] [−17, −1.67]
I D–I [4, 6] [100, 150] [60, 70] [1, 3] [150, 175] [75, 85] [−75, 0] [0, 15]
J H–I [9, 11] [195, 235] [90, 95] [5, 8] [265, 300] [75, 85] [−105, −5] [−21, −1.5]

Having solved the above model, the upper bound model in membership functions are constituted as follows:
phase 2 will be constituted via replacing the lower bound 8
> 1 if Z 1 ≤ 1; 085
variables in model (30) by the upper bound variables and < 1; 365−Z
adding some constraints that require the upper bound values μ1 ¼ if 1; 085 ≤ Z 1 ≤ 1; 365 ð31Þ
: 1; 365−1; 085
to be greater than or equal to those lower bound values. 0 if Z 1 ≥ 1; 365
<1 if Z 2 ≤ 15:5
5 Numerical example 25−Z 2
μ2 ¼ if 15:5 ≤ Z 2 ≤ 25 ð32Þ
: 25−15:5
0 if Z 2 ≥ 25
An application of the proposed model is shown in this section.
Let a project be consisting of ten activities the information of 8
which are listed in Table 1. As can be seen in Table 1, each >
<0 if Z 3 ≤ 546
Z 3 −546
activity has two modes, namely normal and crashed modes. μ3 ¼ if 546 ≤Z 2 ≤ 843 ð33Þ
The management team approximates the time, cost, and qual- >
: 843−546
1 if Z 2 ≥ 843
ity of each activity in every mode as the grey numbers.
The network of this project is shown in Fig. 4.
Note that the activity (3, 4) is a virtual activity and its time
is equal to 0. According to the proposed method, the GMOLP- For example, Eq. (32) implies that if the project completion
TCQT problem is solved in the following steps: date is shorter than 15.5 days, its utility is 100 % for the project
manager and if it takes time more than 25 days, its
Step 1. Formulating the GMOLP-TCTQT problem based on utility to the project manager is zero. Between these
Eqs. (19) to (23). two values, the project completion date demonstrates a
Step 2. Developing the membership function of objectives. utility according to Eq. (32).
As expressed earlier in Section 4.3.1, the member-
ship functions for these objectives are obtained by Step 3. Transformation to an equivalent FGGP-TCQT mod-
solving three distinct optimization problems for each el. By considering the lower and upper bound values
of the objective (Eq. 26). The results of these opti- of the objectives, the grey multiobjective model can
mization problems are Z ∗1 ∈(1,085,1,365), Z ∗1 ∈(15.5, be transformed to a FGGP model.
25) and Z ∗1 ∈(546,843). Based on these solutions, the Step 4. Transformation to an equivalent GLP model. The
equivalent GLP model for FGGP-TCQT model is
B 3 6 7 8 constructed as follows. Based on the approach put
forward by Chen and Tsai [9], the project manager
1 2
E can take some preferences among the objectives.
4 5 Suppose that there are no preferences between cost
Virtual activity and quality, but both of these objectives are pre-
Fig. 4 Project's network diagram ferred to the time objective. These considerations
124 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126

are properly shown in constraints μ 1 ≥ μ 2 and Table 3 Decision vari-

ables optimal grey Variable Grey value
μ 3 ≥μ 2. Then, the final model would have such a
form: ⊗x 12 [1.5, 2.5]
⊗x 23 [3, 3]
minf ðμÞ ¼ ⊗μk ð34Þ
⊗x 24 [5, 5]
⊗x 36 [6, 8.5]
Subject to : ⊗x 45 [2, 3]
X X  
μ1 ≤ 4:875−0:00357143 ij∈E
⊗C ij þ ⊗csij ⊗xij −⊗Dij ⊗x 35 [4, 5]
⊗x 56 [5.5, 5.5]
μ2 ≤ 5:56−0:22222222 ð⊗T 8 −⊗T 1 Þ
X X h i  ⊗x 57 [3, 4]
μ3 ≤0:00336700 ij∈E
⊗Qij þ ⊗qsij ⊗xij −⊗Dij −1:839 ⊗x 67 [1, 3]
⊗t i þ ⊗xij ≤⊗t j ∀ij∈E; i; j ¼ 1; 2; …; 8 ⊗x 78 [6.32, 8]
⊗t 1 [0, 0]
⊗xij ≤ ⊗Dij ; ∀ij∈E
⊗t 2 [1.5, 2.5]
⊗xij ≥ ⊗d ij ; ∀ij∈E ⊗t 3 [4.5, 5.5]
⊗t 4 [6.5, 7.5]
μ1 ≥μ2
⊗t 5 [8.5, 10.5]
μ3 ≥ μ2 ⊗t 6 [14, 14]
μ1 ≤1 ⊗t 7 [15, 17]
⊗t 8 [21.32, 25]
μ2 ≤ 1

μ3 ≤ 1

⊗xij ; ⊗t i ; μ1 ; μ2 ; μ3 ≥0; ∀i; j ¼ 1; 2; …; 8 The degrees of objective achievement for lower bound
solution are ⊗μ 1 =0.818 , ⊗μ 2 =0.818, and ⊗μ 3 =1. If the
Step 5. Solving the GLP model. Based on Huang's [26] project is accomplished through this way, then its cost will be
approach, the model (34) is solved in a two-phase 1,141.41, it will take 21.32 days to complete and its quality
method. In phase 1, the lower bound value of the will be 1,114.32. Now the second phase model is solved to
objective function is found based on Eqs. (12) and determine the lower bound of model. This model consists of
(16). The solution to this model is shown in Table 2. Eqs. (12) and (16). The optimal grey solution to the TCQT
problem is shown in Table 3.
In the case of upper bound solution, cost of the project will
Table 2 Decision vari- be 3362.5, its duration will be 25 days and its quality will be
ables lower bound values Variable Lower bound
618.54. The final degrees of objective achievement for such a
⊗x 12 1.5 problem would be ⊗μ 1 =[0, 0.818], ⊗μ 2 =[0, 0.818], and
⊗x 23 3 ⊗μ 3 =[0.245, 1]. Note that the lower bound solution is
⊗x 24 5 attained under this consideration that the parameters are all
⊗x 36 6 at their best situation, while the upper bound solution is solved
⊗x 45 2 under the worst possible situation. Now, the project manager
⊗x 35 4 (PM) has this possibility to choose the activity time according
⊗x 56 5.5 to the situation. Evidently, the best situation is that the PM can
⊗x 57 3 choose the lower bound values for activities time, but if for
⊗x 67 1 example the cost of an activity changes from its lower bound
⊗x 78 6.32 to its upper bound, the PM will have the ability to choose a
⊗t 1 0 time in an optimal range of the activity that is still optimal
⊗t 2 1.5 even in the grey condition.
⊗t 3 4.5
⊗t 4 6.5
⊗t 5 8.5 6 Conclusions
⊗t 6 14
⊗t 7 15 According to “The Iron Triangle,” time, cost, and quality are
⊗t 8 21.32 three main aspects of any project. In this paper, the continuous
CTQT problem is examined whereby each activity can take a
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2014) 71:117–126 125

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