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News Stories for Listenin and Discussion

oge Ba nard

Oxford niversity Press

Uo!ssn:JS!O pUE JOt
S a pe 's aN
Ox for d Uni ve rsity Press Editor ial Ma nager : Ch ris Foley
198 Mad ison Aven ue , New York, NY 10016 USA Proj ect Ma nage r: Paul Riley
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Co n tri bu ti ng Editor: Karen Brock
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OXFORD is a t radema rk of Ox for d Un iversity Press. Prin ting (last di git): 10 9 87 6

ISBN 0-19-434873-3 Prin ted in China
Co pyrigh t © 1998 Oxfo rd Univers ity Press
Library o f Congress Ca ta logi n g-i n- Pu blica t io n Da ta Illustrations by Ran dy Vero ugstrae te
Barna rd, Roger. Radio icon and illus t ratio n on p. 30 by Eliot Bergma n
Good news, bad n ews : news sto ries for liste ni ng a nd Co ve r design by Ma rk Kello gg
dis cu ssion / Roger Barn a rd .
Cove r illu stratio n by Ro b Sch us te r
p. ern .
JSBN 0-19-4348 73-3 The pu blisher wou ld like to thank the [ollowing {or their
1. English langu age--Text books for foreign sp eakers.
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2. Liste n ing--Proble ms, exercises, etc. 3. Disc ussio n--
Pro ble ms , exe rcises, etc. l. Title. Sto ries 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10,13, 15,16, 17: © Associa ted Press.
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Th e author and publish er would like to thank the follow ing

reviewers for their valua ble co m ments an d sugge stions:

Eleano r Barn es Terry O'Br ien

David Clay Dycus Jack Perkins
David Dyke s Ca rol Rinnert
Mar ion Friebus Tin a Row e
Ro be rt Hickling Peggy Rule
Keith Lane Sco tt Rule
Paul Lewis Oscar Ullo a
Mar y Sisk Noguchi Iunko Yam an aka
Introduction v
Acknowledgments vi
To the Student vii
Map viii

STORY 1: Dream JaclCpot

Choo sing the best Followin g a sequence: Ident ifying information Discussion: Have you ever had
que stion ordering pictures in contex t Dream s a dream abou t. .. 7

STORY 2: False Alar 4

Choosing th e best Following a sequence: Understand ing quest ions Preferences survey: Which do you
headline ord ering sentences and identi fyi ng the corr ect Flying prefer.. . 7

STORY 3 : A Fishy Story 7

Identifying the best Following a sequence: Identifying factual Story telling and " Wh " questions
summa ry ord ering pictures details fact checking :
Losing things

STORY 4 : A Long Trip. 10

Choo sing th e best Distin gui shing factual Using numbers in Making plan s: • Fir st/Then/Next/
question information : True or False context Travel After that
• " Wh " questions

STORY 5: Having a Ball 13

Choosing th e best Followin g a sequence: Ident ifying numerical Making plans: Using " would" to
headlin e ord ering sentences details Dream dwelling discuss hypothetical

_ 16
Choosing th e best Distingui shing factual Under standing questions Pair work activity: Which message is
response to a question information : True or False and identifying the Message in a th e most.. . 7
corr ect response bo ttle

STORY 7: Easy Come , Easy 19

Identi fying th e best Following a sequence: Ident ifying factual Group activity: Using "would"
sum mary ordering pictures details Shopping spree to discuss

STORY 8 : Best Commuter 22

Choosing the best Disting uishing factual Under standing questions Survey and di scussion : • How do .. . ?
qu estion information: True or False and producing an Com muting • How long does... ?
appro priate response • What do ... ?

STORY 9 : A Drop -out 2S

Choosing t he best Following a sequence: Understanding questions Role-play activity: Can I ask you a
headlin e ordering sentences and identifying the Int erviewing someon e few questions ... ?
correct response

STORY 10 : The Great Escop 28
Id enti fying the best Followi ng a seq uence: Using numbers in Pair w ork activity: Directions :
summa ry ord ering pictures context Break out of prison • Go straigh t..
• Turn left/right...

STORY 11 : Better Late Than Neve 31

Choo sing the best Distingu ishing factual Und erstand in g q uestio ns Role-play activity: Describin g th ings:
qu estion inf orm ati on: True or False and pr odu cin g an Reclaiming a stolen • It's made of. ..
appropriate response item • It has.. .

STORY 12 : Come Fly With Me 34

Choo sing the best Following a seq uence: Und erstandin g q uestio ns Discussion and "Wh " qu estions
headline ordering pictures and identifying the story tell ing :
correct respon se Accidents

STORY 13 : Strang 37
Ident ifyin g the best Distin gui shing factua l Ident ifying factual Class survey: • Do you believe
summary info rmation: True or False details Paranormal events in... ?
• Have you ever .. 7

STORY 14 : Chain Smolee 40

Choos ing the best Follo w ing a seq uence: Und erstanding q uestions Discussion: • He/ She can .
headline or dering sentences and produ cin g an Kicking bad habi ts • He/ She could .
appropriate respon se

Choo sing the best Follow inq a sequence: Identifying numerical Discussion: Cond ition al:
headli ne ord ering pictures details Being a senior citizen • If you are.. .

STORY 16 : The Longest Wait 46

Identify ing the best Distin g uishing factua l Identifying num erical Group activ ity: Superlatives:
summary information: True or False details Guinness Book of • biggest/talles t/
Records largest

STORY 17 : Romeo, 49
Choos ing th e best Foll owing a seq uence: Und erstanding q uestions Discussion: Think of a romantic...
q uestio n o rdering pic tures and pr od ucing an What is romant ic?
appro priate response

STORY 18 : Barney or Blu 52

Choos ing the best Distin gui shing fact ual Identifying factu al Discussion and story • Do you have a pet?
response to a question informati on: True or False details telli ng : Pets • I used to have...

STO RY 1: Dream Jackpot... 55 STO RY 7: Easy Com e, Ea sy Go 61 STORY 13 : Stranger Than Fiction ..67
STORY 2: False Alarm 56 STORY 8: Best Com mute r 62 STORY 14 : Chain Smo ker 68
STORY 3: A Fishy Story 57 STORY 9: A Drop -out 63 STO RY 15: Never Too Old 69
STORY 4: A Long Trip 58 STORY 10: The Great Esca pe 64 STO RY 16: The Lon gest Wait 70
STORY 5: Havin g a Ball 59 STORY 11: Bett er Late Than Neve r 65 STORY 17: Rom eo, Rom eo 71
STORY 6: Sea M ail 60 STO RY 12: Come Fly With M e 66 STO RY 18: Barney or Blue? .72

Good News, Bad News was written out of a desire to student does not have strong speaking or writing
help students take advantage of th e proliferation of skills.
English-language international news bro adcasts in
Althou gh the emphasis of Good N ews, Bad N ews is
recent years. While radio and satellite television
o n developing listening skills, th ere are ample
bro adcasts are available worldwid e, th e difficulty of
opportun itie s for speaking pract ice in each un it.
understanding the language used by the med ia
On ce studen ts com plete the struc tured listening
makes them inaccessible to many learners.
tasks, th ey are encourag ed to eng age in a variety
Good N ews, Bad N ews is a co urse designed to help of expansion activities th at promote speaking
pre-intermediate and in term ed iate st ud en ts and provid e opportunities to im prove their
improve their general listening and speaking co nversatio nal competency.
abilities while focusing on the skills needed to
understand broadcast news. It features a co llectio n Course Components
of entertaining stories based on new s taken from
actual wire service reports. Each thr ee-page unit A Student Book, comprised of 18 Units and an
focuses on a story presented in radio news format. Extra Practice section at the back of th e book.
By teaching students to recogni ze and exploit the An Audio Program of the news stori es available
organization of typical news storie s, Good N ews, on cassette and compact disc, featuring Ameri can,
Bad News prepares them to und erstand real news British, Australian, and Asian newsreaders.
A Teacher's Book, that contain s:
Each unit features a sequen ce of task-based
• step-by-step instructions for each unit
activities that lead students fr om general t o
detailed understanding of the story . First, st udents • optional speaking activities
are given a structured task that requires them to • p hotocopiable resource pag es
listen for the main point, or gi st, of the news • cultural and language notes
report. In the next two listening activi ties, they • photocopiable tape scripts with co n tent notes
" zoom in" on the important or interesting deta ils. • answe r keys
Aft erwa rd s, they discuss the co ntent or theme of
th e new s story in a structured speaking activi ty. An
optional Extra Practice sectio n in the back of the Student Book Organization
book provides studen ts an o ppo rt unity to The sto ries in Good News, Bad News have been
com plet e a modified cloze activity by fill ing in sequenced to balance serious and less serious
missing word s in the tapescript. topi cs. Each unit is self-contained, and the level of
Th e listening activities in Good N ews, Bad N ews are difficulty in terms of vocabulary and st ructures
primarily receptive tasks. Thi s m eans st udents rem ains relatively constant through ou t the course;
engage in activities such as m atchin g item s in thi s means the stories can be taught in any order.
co lum ns, answering multiple choi ce or true /false Each unit contains the following sections:
que stions, or ordering pictures in a seq uence to
show they have understood what th ey heard . A
Tuning In
minimal amount of languag e produ ction is
necessary. The rationale behind th is is the Exercise 1 is primarily a schema-build in g activi ty.
following : When students listen to som eth ing, they In other words, students are asked t o make
mu st use another skill, such as speaking or writ ing, observations about the illu stration th at introd uces
to express what they have und erstood . If a student th e story and predict what happens in the sto ry.
cannot say or write the corre ct answe r, thi s do es They di scuss general questions th at sti m ulate
not necessarily mean th e stud ent d id not interest in the topic, as well as activate the ir
und erstand the information . It m ay onl y mean the vocabulary and background knowl edg e.

Exercise 2 is a vocabulary-building activity that purpose for choo sing the book: li stening or
identifies and teaches new language conta ined in speaking . For a listening course, you may decide to
the news story. Fill-in-the blank, matching, and skip the Signing Off activities. However, for a
sentence completion exercises are used. Students conversation class, less time may be spent on the
are encouraged to work tog ether to share what listening act ivities, and the news story may be used
they already know. as the foundation for a variety of speaking tasks.
The Teacher's Book provides expansion activities
Good News, Bad News for each unit. These activities can be adapted to
multi-level classes.
Exercise 1 asks students to listen for the main idea
of the story. They identify the best headline, a one-
line summary, or the best question or answer in a Photocopiable Teacher Resource
conversational exchange. The primary goal at this Pages
stage is general understand ing .
The Teacher's Book includes photocopiable
Exercise 2 gives students the opportunity to listen activity and assessment pages, along with
to the story again and asks them to identify the photocopiable tapescripts . The activity sheets,
important points of the story. This exercise may be particularly suitab le for use with expansion
in the form of a true/false activity, ordering activities outside of class, include a weekly listening
pictures, or ordering sentence s based on the story. log , a vocabulary record, and a note-taking
Again, listening for every word is di scouraged . su m mary sheet.
Exercise 3 focuses on additional factual details of It is important that students be exposed to as many
the story. Exercise types include multiple-choice, examples from the broadcast media as possible.
fill- in-the-blanks, and in later units, supplying short Students should be encouraged to listen to both
answers in an interview. Some of the items include radio and television news outside of class and use the
sound discriminations, particularly with numbers. photocopiable activity sheets to guide their listening .

Signing Off Assessment

This is a com m unicative speaking activity that
Assessing student performance and progress is an
bu ilds on the theme of the story and provides
integral part of teaching. Tips on evaluating
opportunities for student personalization . Students
students during classroom activities are provided in
work in pairs or small groups to exchange ideas
the Teacher's Book.
and information through a variety of tasks, such as
surveys, discussions, and role plays.

Extra Practice
This is a modified doze acti vity that presents the
tapescript of each story with 12 words or phrases I dedicate thi s book to my parents.
missing. The deletions include the six items in the
Tuning In 2 section, plus six items selected to I would like to thank everyone at Oxford University
promote vocabulary development. This is an optional Press, particularly Chris Foley, Paul Riley, Ellen
consolidation act ivity, and can be used before or Kisslinger, Steve Maginn, Eleanor Barnes, Karen
after Signing Off. Students will benefit most by Brock, Bev Curran, and Anita Raducanu for their
turn ing to the Extra Practice section only after encouragement, patience, skill, wisdom, and hard
completing the other listening activities in the unit. work. I would also like to thank the management,
teaching staff, and students of Athenee Francais,
Tokyo, for their help in developing and piloting the
Flexibility material in th is book. In addition, thanks to the
The complete unit is designed to take 60-90 reviewers for their valuable comments on early
m inutes of class time. The amount of time devoted versions of the manuscript.
to a particular section will depend on th e main Roger Barnard

This course is designed to help you take advantage of the news reports available to you
in the broadcast media. It focuses on the skills you need to understand English
language broadcasts and then talk about what you hear.

e Here are some some ways you can make the most of the course:
• Try to relax when you listen.
• When you are listening for the main points of a story, try to listen for the gist,
not every word.
• Don't focus on a word you don't know. You may understand it later in the story if
h you keep on listening.
I· • Don't be afraid to guess if you are unsure of something; we often have to guess
when listening in everyday situations .

1 • Don 't expect to understand everything after one or two listenings. Each time you
] hear the story you will understand a little bit more.

• Don 't confuse "Iistening ability" with "remembering." We often understand

something in our own language that we can't remember after a short time.

• Don't look at the Extra Practice section before doing the listening exercises. Your
listening skills will improve faster, and the lessons will be more interesting if you

• After listening to the stories, talk about them and share your reactions.

• Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Participate in discussions and listen to your

classmates' ideas.

• Listen to the news outside of class. Try to use the skills you learn in class.






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Dream lac . oct

Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about a dream . Look at the
picture. What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. The

first one has been done for you .

1. Hit the jackpot means win a big prize .

2. If you a place, you go toward it. pours out

3. A is a person who has a million take a nap

dollars or more .
• buckets of money
4. If you have , you have a lot of it.
. millionaire
5. When you , you sleep for a short
time. hit the jackpot
6. If something , a lot of it comes head for
out quickly.
, I II

Good News, Bad News _ ,

1 Two people are talking about the story. Listen to the story.
Then check (V) the best question .

you hear about the <,

woman who dreamed of (Yes, and it )'

o finding a lot of money? i'
/ ,
y, true, right?
. ,/
o losing a lot of money?
""--- - - - - - - - - -

2 Before you listen again , try to number the pictures in the

order the events happened . Then listen and check your
work. The first one has been done for you .

A. '----'------"- ....

3 Listen to the story again. Then circle the correct information.
The first one has been done for you.

1. Mrs. Anderson lives in Reno.

2. She's 44 1 54 years old.

3. She has 5 1 6 child ren.
4. She has 18/19 grandchildren .
./ 5. She's a nurse 1 a nurse's assistant in a hosp ita l.
6. She arrived in Reno at 2 A.M . 12 P.M .

7. She paid $5 1 $3 for each try on the slot mach ine .

8. She won the second 1 third time she played .

Signing Off
A Look at these types of dreams and write down
some true information about yourse lf.

Have you ever had a dream about. .. ?

• the future, and it came true

• flying
• a famous person
• falling
• someone chasing you
• a strange house
• being worried
• find ing money

• the sea

B Now work with a partner. Take turns talking about your dreams .
A: Have you ever had a dream about.. .?
B: I No, I haven't. How about you?
Last week/month/year,
Yes, I have. I About a year ago, I I had a dream about...
When I was a child,
False A arm
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about something that happened
on a plane. Look at the picture. What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the questions .

1. What's a(n) 7

It's when a plane lands in a dangerous way. false alarm

2. What does mean? dozen
It's another way of saying hurry.
3. What's a(n) 7

That's someone who looks after passengers on a plane. flight attendant

4. What does a(n) mean? crash landing

Twelve . rush
5. What's a(n) 7

One meaning is a long narrow passage between rows of seats.

6. What does mean?
It's a warning that something dangerous is going to happen, but it doesn't.
\1' 'I
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check (V' ) the best headline.

D _
Wrong Message
Played on Plane ---
- ... .. .. .


- - =-
2 Before you li sten again , read the sentences below. Then listen
and number them in the order the events happened . The first
one has been done for you .

a. The message told the passengers they were
going to land on water.

b. The passengers heard a taped message.

[[] c. A plane took off in Portugal.

D d. A flight attendant then explained that it was a

false alarm.

D e. The cabin crew rushed into the aisles.

D f. It told them to get their lifejackets.


D g. The plane started to cross the English Channel. I

3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct answer for
each question . The first one has been done for you .

1. How long did the passengers prepare for a crash landing?
For two minutes . b . For twenty minutes .
2 . When did the false alarm happen?
a . Wednesday morning. b . Wednesday afternoon .
3. Where was the flight going?
a. To London. b. To Lisbon .
4. How many passengers were there on the plane?
a. 103. b. 113 .
5 . What was the flight number?
a. BA32. b. VA32.
6 . How many message tapes were there?
a. Less than 12. b. More than 12.

Signing Off FLYING IS SO \\

You are going on a 12-hour flight ISN'T IT?
in a jumbo jet. You are going to fly
alone in economy class . For each
item, check (......) which option you
prefer. If you don 't care, draw a
dash (-) in both boxes . When you
have finished , discuss your choices
with a partner. Talk about your
own ideas, too .

1. 0 a window seat OR o an aisle seat

2. 0 the smoking section OR o the non-smoking section
3. 0 a large movie screen OR o a personal TV screen
4. 0 a quiet neighbor OR o a friendly, talkative neighbor
5. 0 a female flight attendant OR o a male flight attendant
6. 0 the front of the plane OR o the rear of the plane

A: Wh;chdo you preier. a window seat or an aisle seat?

I prefer a window seat. I can see out of the window.
How about you?
B: I don't care. Either is fine with me.
A Fishy Story
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about fishing . Look at the
picture. What do you think happened?

...... o


2 Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending. The

first one has been done for you .

_e_ 1. Discover means the same as a. it goes from your mouth to your
stomach .
2. If you swallow someth ing,
b. difficult to believe.
3. One meaning of incredible is
c. sometimes made of gold or precious
4. If you bite something,
5. One meaning of a spot is
d. a place.
6. Jewelry is
e. find.
f. you take hold of it w ith your teeth .
· " ,,
Good News, Bad News iiii!
1 Listen to the story. Then check (V') the best summary.

0( -It's about a woman o - _ .-......

It's about a man
who lost her earring
who found his wife's
while she was fishing.
J earring in a fish.

0 - It's about a man .f'

who lost his earring

in a fish.

2 Before you listen again, try to number the pictures in the order
the even ts happened. Then listen and check your work.

A. l--L..- -----I B. c. '---'----_-'--'- ...u...-I

D. l--L..- -----I
3 Listen to the story agai n. Then circle the correct informalion.

1. Waldemar Andersen went fishing last Wednesday / weekend.

2. He went fishing near / in Bergen.

3. Bergen is in Sweden / Norway.

4. His wife had lost a gold / silver earring.

5. Andersen found the earring in the mouth / stomach of a fish.

6. He knew / didn't know that he was fishing from the same

place where his wife had lost the earring.

Signing Off
A Think of a story about losing something . Your story must be
100 % tru e or 100 % false! Use the questions below to help you .

Sample questions: AND WHAT COLOR 15

What did you lose?
Was it valuable?
Where did you lose it?
What were you doing when you lost it?
How did you feel when you lost it?
How did you lose it?
Did you get it back?
How did you get it back?

. B When you are ready, your partner will ask you questions.
He/S he can use the questions in the box, as well as other
questions. If your story is true, try to make your partner think it
- is false. If it is false, try to make your partner think it is true.

C After you finish answering, your partner should decide if your

story is true or false.
A Long Trip
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about , trip. Look at the pictu res.
What do you think happened?


2 Use the w ords in the box to complete the senten ces.

1. A(n) is someone who works

for a company. to save money
2. When you are tr aveling , the place you are heading for record
is your _
. settle down
3. If you run faster, higher, or longer than anyone else
ever has, you set a new _ employee
4. A(n) is a person who protects security guard
a build ing.
5. One way is to bring your own
lunch to work or school.
6. If you , you stop traveling and
live in one place.
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check (V') the best que stion .

hear about the guy

o cycled around the world?

' (----Yes, he just
o cycled around Africa? _ >' back, right? .J
walked around the worldF

2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the story, th en check (V')

True or Fal se. The first one has been done for you .
True False

1. Masami Kono owned a supermarket. 0 [t:f

2 . He started his trip in Tokyo. 0 0
3. His final destination was in Africa . 0 0
4. He set a new Japanese bicycle trip record . 0 0
5. He spent all his savings during his trip. 0 0
6. He worked at a variety of jobs . 0 0
7. He usually slept in cheap hotels to save money. 0 0
8. He doesn't want to go on another long trip . 0 0
3 Listen to the story again . Then complete the answers, using the
numbers in the box .

1. How old is Masami Kono?

He's 34
2. How long did it take him to complete his trip? 5
3. How many kilometers did he cycle?
4 . How many continents did he cross? 8
He traveled across 59,464
5. How much longer was his trip than the previous Japanese record?
Over kilometers.
6. How much money did he save for his trip?
He saved ¥ _

Signing Off
A You are going to travel around the world for
at least three months. You can visit up to
five countries . Look at the map on page viii
to plan your route . Think about:
• how you will travel
• what you will take with you
• what you will do and see
• where you will sleep

B Get toge ther with another student and ask

each other about your plans.

Sample questions:
Where are you going to go first/then/next/after that?
How areyou going to travel?
What are yougoing to take with you?
What do you want to do/see in (Egypt)?
Where are you going to sleep?
Having a Ball
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about some people who bought a
new house . Look at the picture . What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the questions.

1. What does mean?

One meaning is hit or attack continuously. property
2. What does mean?
It means connected with the law. bombard
3. What kind of place is a(n) ? war zone
It's a place where battles are fought.
4 . What's a(n) ?
It's a person who builds houses and other buildings to sell. evidence

5 . What does mean? to sue

It means to try to get money from someone in a court of law.
6. What is ?
It's facts or objects that help to prove something is or is not true.
\ I I I

Good News, Bad News iIiJ'

1 Listen to the story. Then check (v) the best headline .




2 Before you listen again, read the sentences below. Then listen
and number them in the order the events happened .

D a. They paid a higher price because the house was

next to a golf course.

D b. They won the legal battle and got a new house.

D c. Because of that, they couldn't use the backyard.

D d. They soon discovered there was a problem .

D e. The Punzos decided to sue the property


D f. Golf balls hit by bad players often landed in the


D g . Emilio and Margaret Pun zo bought a new

house .
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct information .

1. The Punzos got a new house after a four-year / five-year

legal battle.
2. The Punzos paid $113,200 / $132,000 for their house.
3. They paid an extra $8,000/ $18,000 because the house
was next to a golf course.
4. They filled a dozen / eight dozen grocery bags with golf balls.
5. They collected more than 2,000 / 10,000 golf balls from
their backyard.

Signing Off
A What would your dream house or apartment be like? Look
at the questions below and write down some ideas.

• Would it be old or new?
• Would the style be modern or
• How many floors would it have?
• How many rooms would it have?
• Would it have a big backyard?
• What kind of area or neighborhood
would it be in?
• What would be special about it?
Apartment o
• What floor would it be on?
• How many rooms would it have?
• Would it have a balcony?
• Would it have a roof garden? 0 ..

• What kind of view would it have?

B Get together with anothe r student and ask each other

about your ideas.

Sea Mail
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about a girl who sent a letter.
Look at the picture . What's in the bottle? Why?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

1. If you something into something else,

you push it in tightly. contest
2. A town is a place that is next to the coastal
3. If something is onto a beach, it is
carried there by the sea and left there.
4. A is another way of saying a
competition. washed up
5. If you something, you throw it gently.

6. If you a picture, you put it in a border

of wood, metal , or other materials.
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check (V') the best response to
the question .
Oh, yes. Some kids found it \

Did you hear obout

o in Southampton, didn't they?
the American girl o near New York, didn't they?
who put a message o on an English beach, right?
in a bottle? - - - - - - - - - - - - - _/ /

2 Read t he sentences below. Listen to the story, then check (V')

True or False.
True False

1. Kimberly Corbisiero tossed a bottle into the Atlantic Ocean. 0 0

2. She lives in Atlantic City. 0 0
3. It washed up three months later on the English coast. 0 0
4. Some English schoolgirls found it. 0 0
5. There was only a letter inside the bottle. 0 0
6. The letter said that Kimberly was in a contest. 0 0
7. The letter told whoever found the bottle to keep the
dollar bill. 0 0
8. The students haven't written to Kimberly. 0 0
3 Listen to the story again . Then check (V') the correct response to complete
the interview with one of the schoolboys who found the bottle .

REPORTER: Where were you when you found the bottle, Dick?
DICK: 0 On the beach . 0 In a boat.
REPORTER: How far did the bottle travel?
DICK: 0 4, 800 km. 0 3,800 km .
REPORTER: How far did it travel per day?
DICK: 0 150 km. 0 160 km .
REPORTER: What was in it?
DICK: 0 A letter and a dollar bill . 0 A letter, an envelope, and a dollar bil l.
REPORTER: Did you send the letter back?
DICK: 0 Yes . 0 No .
REPORTER : Where is t he doll ar bill now?
DICK: 0 In the school library. o In our classroom.

Signing Off
A Imagine that you and your partner
are going to stuff a message into a
bottle and throw it into the ocean .
Write the message on a piece of 11'5
paper. Remember to sign it.
B Put your message on the wall of the
classroom .

C With your partner, go around the room

and read the messages. Decide which
ones are the most interesting, amusing,
etc. Write your answers below.
(L.L. Bean is a mail orde r com pany
for cloth ing and sporting good s
Which message is... Names of senders located in Freeport , Maine, USA. )

• th e most interesti ng?

• the most am using ?

• th e strangest?
• th e most neatly written?
Easy Come, Easy Go
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about someone who went
shopping . Look at the picture. What do you think happened?

2 Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending .

1. If you are accused of something, a. another word for taxi.

2. When someone is arrested, b. the money you pay for a trip by bus,
ny train, taxi, etc.
3. If you hire someone,
c. three or more.
4. Cab is
d. someone says you have done
5. Several means
something wrong.
6. A fare is
e. you pay someone to do something .
f. he or she is caught by the police.
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check (v) the best summary.

It's about a taxi It's about a guy who

driver who robbed stole a taxi and then
some stores. went shopping.

It's about a guy who

robbed a bank, then
went shopping by taxi.

2 Before you listen again, try to number the pictures in the order
the events happened . Then listen and check your work.

ob ,

A. '--..L...- ---'-_ _ ---'

3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct information .

1. The story happened in California / Florida.

2. It happened in December / January.
3. Willie Williams rode in a taxi for more than an hour / less than an hour.
4. Willie Williams is 27 years old / 37 years old.
5. He bouqhta suitcase and a plane ticket / clothing and a plane ticket.
6. The cab fare was $26.70/ $27.60.

Signing Off
A Imagine that you are the one millionth shopper at a department store
and you receive a $500 gift certificate. You can decide how to spend it,
but you must choose from the items in the pictures. Look at your choices.

B For each item you choose, write down the price . Also add information about the
item, such as color and brand name . Be careful not to spend more than $500!

Item Price Color Other information

jeans $40 blue Levi's 501

C Next, talk with othe r students in the A: What would you buy?
class. Com pare your lists and discuss
your decisions. Which items are the B: II decided to buy...
mo st popular? I would buy",
A: I Me, too.
Not me. I'd buy...
Best Commuter
Tuning In
1 You're going to hear a story about going to work . Look at the
pictures. Why do you think the man is being interviewed?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

1. A(n) is someone who travels

to and from work or school every day. spend
2. How much time do you _ cost of living
traveling every day?
3. Some men grow a beard so that they don't have to
4. Corn flakes are the most popular kind of breakfast shave

5. If you doing something, you
try not to do it.
6. The is the average amount of
money people pay for food, clothing, housing, etc.
Good News, Bad News iIiJ'
Liste n to the story. Then check (.,I) the best question .

you hear about the man who
...J sp e nd s hours traveling to
Yes, he must be J
w o rk by train every day? happy when he
...J spe nd s hours driving to work

eve ry day?
dri ves long-distance trains?
. gets home!

2 Read the se n tences be low. Li ste n to the story, then check (.,I)
True or False .
True False

1. Barry Haddow travels from Wales to London every day. 0 0

2. He has just won the "Commuter of the Year"
competition. 0 0
3. The competition was organized by an early
} morning TV program. 0 0
4. Mr. Haddow won because his commute takes the
longest time. 0 0
5. The commute takes about three hours each way. 0 0
6. He travels most of the way by taxi. 0 0
7. He doesn't like Wales, but it's cheap. 0 0
8. He won a rail vacation for himself and his family. 0 0
3 Listen to the story again . Then complete the interview with
Barry Haddow, using the information you hear in the story.

REPORTER: Congratulations on being named "Commuter of the Year," Barry.

HADDOW: Thank you.
REPORTER: Just a few questions. Exactly how far do you travel every day?
REPORTER: That's a long way. And what time do you get up?
REPORTER: That's pretty early! Do you have time for breakfast?
REPORTER: Uh-huh. Now, why do you live in Wales?
REPORTER: Why don't you want to live in London?
REPORTER: I see. Well, Barry, thanks for coming to speak to us, and enjoy your vacation.

Signing Off
A Popular activities on commuter trains (according
to a recent survey) are list ed below in jumbled
order. With a partner, rank them from 1 to 5.
_ reading ads on the train
_ reading a book
_ staring out the window
_ sleeping
_ reading a newspaper

B Talk to another pair and see if they agree. Then,

turn to page 62 to see the survey results .

C Now talk about your commute w ith other students .

. A: How do you get here/to school/to work?
B: By train/bus/car/bicycle.
I I walk.
A: How long does it take?
B: It takes about thirty minutes.
A: What do you db during the commute?
B: I listen to music.
if r;-' r"1

A Drop-out
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about an accident. Look at the
picture. What do you think happened?


2 Use the words in the box to co m p le te the questions.

1. What does mean?

One meaning is to be hurt because of an accident. 1,. hitchhike
2. What's a(n) 7

It's a kind of van that carries people to the hospital.

3. How do you ?
You stand by the side of the road and try to get a ride.
.. ' mmor

4. What's a(n) ?
It's a light bed used for carrying sick or injured people.
I stretcher

5. What does mean?
One meaning is not serious or not important.
6. What's a(n) 7

It's a car, bus, truck, etc. that carries things or people.

,-" f,
Good News, Bad News .'r
1 Listen to the story. Then check (II') the best headline .

- --

2 Before you listen again, read the sentences below. Then listen
and number them in the order the events happened .

..--J )
D a. The man was put into the ambulance .

D b. A truck driver gave the man a ride to the


D c. A man was injured in a car accident.

D d . The man was treated for his injuries at the


D e. The man fell out of the ambulance .

D f. The ambulance driver didn't close the doors


D g . An ambulance arrived to take him to the

........ ./
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct answer for
each question .

1. How old is Carmine Urciuolo?

a. 23 years old. b. 33 years old .
2. Where did the traffic accident happen?
a. Naples. b. Near Naples .
3. When did it happen?
a. Wednesday afternoon. b. Thursday afternoon.
4. When did the ambulance driver notice Carmine was missing?
a. At the hospital. b. Right away.
5. Was Carmine badly injured?
a. Yes. b. No.
6. Was Carmine hurt in his fall from the ambulance?
a. We don't know. b. Yes.

Signing Off
A In groups of three, prepare a role play of an
interview with Carmine Urciuolo at the hospital.
One student wi ll be Carmine and the other two
will be reporters. Ask questions. You can use the
questions below to help YOll .

B Act out the role play two or three times , with a

different student as Carmine each time .

Sample questions:
Can I ask you a few questions, Mr. Urciuolo?
How do you feel now?
How did the traffic accident happen?
Did you have to wait long for the ambulance?
How did you feel when you fell out?
How long did you spend hitchhiking?
What happened when you got to the hospital?
Are you going home by ambulance?
The Great Escape
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about an escape from pr ison.
Look at the picture. What do you think happened?

2 Match th e beginning of each sentence w ith its ending .

1. One meaning of prisoner is a. he or she has a weapon such as a knife

2. If someone is armed, or gun.
b. stay in the air in the same place.
3. One meaning of hover is
c. he or she stays in prison for a certain
4. Surrender means
amount of time.
5. If someone serves a prison
d. a gun that fires bullets quickly, one after
the other.
6. A machine gun is e. stop fighting or trying to escape, and
give up.
f. a person kept in prison for doing
something wrong.
Good News, Bad News
Listen to th e story. The n check (tI') the best sum mary.

It's about a man

who escaped from
L 0- - -
It's about two men
who escaped from
prison by helicopter. ,
! prison by helicopter. I

It 's about a woman J
[ who escaped from
,, prison by helicopter. ,
'-- ./

2 Before you listen again, try to number the pictures in the order
the events happened . Then listen and check your work.

A. I r /' '''''
C I I B. I I - c. I I e (J' / I

D. I I I F. I t=Y" C. - -
3 Listen to the story again . Then complete the summary of the
story, using the numbers in the box .
_ _ -year-old Michel Vaujour escaped from prison when _ _
people, including a woman of about __ , flew over the prison
in a helicopter and dropped a line down to him. At the time of
his escape, he was serving an __-year prison sentence for
armed robbery. Vaujour has escaped from prison __ times .

Signing Off
A Imagine you are a pr isoner and want to
escape. Luckily, there are lots of old tunnels
that the guards don't know about. Look at
the diagram and draw a line showing your
escape route. Don 't let anyone see your

B Now work with a partner. Take turns

describing the route you took. Listen
carefully and d raw your partner's route
on your diagram . Use a dotted line or a
different color. Don't look at each other's
books .

C Compare your routes . Did you draw your \--,

partner's route correctly? Did you choose the :: blocked 10 melers
same route? If not, whose route is shorter?

Useful language:
Turn left/right.
Go straight for about (10 meters).
Take the first/second/third tunnel on the left/right.
Turn left/right at the end.
Could you repeat that?
Did you say (10 meters)?
Was that (left)?

Better Late Than Never
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about some things that were
stolen. Look at the pictures. What do you think happened?

fOR. YO"'.

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

1. A(n) is someone who steals.

keep your word
2. Another way to say thing is
3. If you , you do something unwrap
that you promised to do . recall
4. When you a package, you retired
open it by tak ing the paper off.
5. A person who is has stopped
working, usually because he or she has reached a thief
certain age, for example, 60.

6. If you something, you

remember it.
:J...!I/ •

Good News, Bad News iiit,

1 Listen to the story. Then check (v') the best question .

Did you hear about the man who

o gave some things back after No, what
he stole them years ago?
o got some things back after
he lost them years ago?
o got some things back after
\. they were stolen years ago?

2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the story, then check (v')
Tru e or False.
True False

1. Mr. McGarry's camera and credit card were stolen. 0 0

2. They were stolen seven years earlier. 0 0
3. They were stolen while Mr. McGarry was in Ireland. 0 0
4. He was there on business . 0 0
5. The ite ms were stolen from his hotel room. 0 0
6. Mr. McGarry was sleeping when the items were stolen. 0 0
7. The Irish police promised to find the items. 0 0
8. The police returned them last week. 0 0
3 Listen to the story agai n . Then complete the inte rvi ew with
Will iam McGarry, using the info rm at ion you hear in the sto ry.
REPORTER: Could I ask you a few questions, Mr. McGarry?
M CGARRY: Sure, go right ahead.
REPORTER : Can I ask a few personal questions first? How old are you?

REPORTER: Are you retired?
REPORTER: And where do you live now?
REPORTER: OK. Now where was the hotel you were staying at when the things were stolen?
REPORTER: What did the police officer say when he took the report? Do you remember?
REPORTER: Finally, how did you feel when you opened the package?

Signing Off C-\

A Work in groups of four to six . In each group, one
student is a police officer and collects one " st olen "
item from each of the others . The items sho u ld be
the same kind if possible, for example, watche s,
pens, or dictionaries, and shou ld be placed so that
only the police officer can see th em .

B One by one, speak to the police officer and try to

reclaim your stolen item . To ge t it back , you m ust
describe it in detail and say at least three correct
things about it.

Useful language:
What can I do for you? - My watch was stolen this morning.
What make is it? - It's a Swatch.
What's it made of? ---+ It's made of plastic.
What color is it? - It has a white face with a yellow sun on it.
Is it new? - No, it's about three years old.
Anything elsei>» It shows the date, and it has a blue band.
Is this it? - Yes! Thank you!
Come Fly With Me
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about a young girl. Look at the
picture. What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the questions.

1. What's a(n) ?
It's something you fly on the end of a string . miss
2. When does a plane ? land
When it touches the ground at the end of a flight.
3. What does mean?
let go
It means to stop holding something.
4. What's the meaning of 7 scared
One meaning is avoid hitting something. kite
5. What's another way of saying 7

At once or right away.

6. What's another word for 7

\ , I ,I

Good News, Bad News

1 Listen to the story. Then check (V) the best headline .

AFTER HITTING KITE .............................

-- -

2 Before you listen again, try to number the pictures in the order
the events happened . Then listen and check your work .

A. I II In u B. I I \ rI-_. t.:'q tJ T4- I

,.. .,.".,- -

D., I I I E• I t I F., I D .A
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct answer for
each question .

1. How old is DeAndra Anrig?

a. Seven years old. b. Eight years old.
2. Where is the park?
a. South of San Francisco. b. North of San Francisco.
3. What kind of plane was it?
a. Single-engine. b. Twin-eng ine.
4. How far was she carried?
a. Thirteen meters. b. Thirty meters.
5. When was she taken to the hospital?
a. Right after the accident. b. A while after the accident.
6. Was she scared when she was in the air?
a. Yes. b. No.

Signing Off
A Look at this Calvin and Hobbes comic strip . How old is Calvin (the boy)?
What's he doing? What happens? Do you think he's hurt?


B Think about an accident or near-accident you had when you were a
child . Write notes below. When you are ready, exchange stories with
a partner. If you prefer, you can talk about a friend or relative .

• How old were you?

• Where were you?
• What were you doing?
• What happened?
• Were you hurt?
Stranger Than Fiction
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about strange things that are
taking place in an American house . Look at the picture.
What do you see happening?

V ( r--. '""'"


2 Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending .

1. If something overturns, a. it is frightening.
2. A faucet is used to b. a meeting where news reporters ask
3. If something is splattered
on a surface, c. an expert in something.
4. A news conference is d. turn water on and off at a sink.
5. If something is scary, e. it turns on its side or upside down.
6. A specialist is f. small amounts of it are splashed over a
wide area .
\' ,'I
Good News, Bad News iliJl1
1 Listen to the story. Then check (V') the best summary.

0- - It's about a girl who

o It's about a girl who
causes things to causes things to fly
disappear in her home. around in her home.

I It's about a girl
who flies around in
her home.

2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the story, then check (V')
True or Fal se.

True False

1. The Resch family lives in Columbus, Ohio . 0 0

2. Strange things have been happening in their home
for about a year. 0 0
3. Tina Resch is a teenager. 0 0
4 . Strange things happen only when Tina is in the
living room. 0 0
5. A reporter who was visiting the house saw a chair
overturn. 0 0
6. The reporter d idn't know why the chair overturned . 0 0
7. Tina is very frightened by wh at is happen ing.
0 0
8. Tina wants the st range things to continue . 0 0
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct information .

1 . According to the story, lights and water faucets have turned

themselves on / off.
2 . Eggs have splattered against the kitchen walls / ceiling.
3. Telephones have risen / fallen from tables .
4. The news conference was on Thursday morning / afternoon.
5. Tina was / wasn't next to the chair when it overturned during the
news conference.
6. Tina's parents have taken her to several /seven specialists.

Signing Off
A Some people believe in ghosts, ESP,* and UFOs.** What
do students in your class think? Talk to five classmates.
Find out their answers to the questions below. Write
their names in the chart in the correct columns .

Do you believe
in ghosts?

Do you believe
in ESP?

Do you believe
in UFOs?

Have you ever

seen a UFO?
"ESP (Extrasensory Perception): The ability to sense
Do you think thing s that can't be perceived by th e five senses
(sight, sound, to uch, smell, taste).
there is life on
"" UFO (Unidentified Fly ing Objec t) : Somet hing seen
other planets? in th e sky tha t cannot be exp lained by science; a
flying saucer

8 In small groups, compare your information .

A: How many people said they believe in (UFOs)?

B: I talked to five people. One person does not believe in
(UFOs), one person does, and three people are not sure.
C: (Ken) believes in (UFOs) because...

Chain Smoker
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about smoking . Look at the
picture. Wha t do you think happened?

2 Use t he words in the box to complete the sentences.

1. If you , you stop doing

something that's bad for you. works
2. A(n) is someone who smokes kick a habit
one cigarette after another without a break.
med itation
3. If an idea , it is successful.
4. is an Asian health treatment chain smoker
using needles. persuade
5. When you practice , you stay
quiet and calm for a long time.
6. If you someone to do
something, you get him or her to do it by giving a
good reason.
Good News, Bad News _ ,
1 Listen to the story. Then check (v') the best headline .

D. . D - -- -
I.i .... _


--- =
2 Before you listen again, read the sentences below. Then listen
and number them in the order the events happened .

/ 0 ""\
a. Then his friends unchained him .

b. Thomas Warren had been a smoker for

20 years.

D c. His friends chained him up in his living room.

D d. He celebrated by taking a run.

D e. He decided to try to stop smoking.

D f. After three weeks he had kicked the habit.

D g. He persuaded his friends to help him.

3 Listen to the story again . Then complete the interview with
Thomas Warren, using the informa tion you hear in the story.

REPORTER: Now that you're a free man, Mr. Warren, how do you feel?
WARREN: Great, just great.
REPORTER: How long were you a smoker?

REPORTER : Did you try to give up smoking before?


REPORTER: What did you try?


REPORTER : How many cigarettes were you smoking a day before you stopped?

REPORTER: And how long was your celebration run?


REPORTER: Are you going to start smoking again?


Signing Off
Some people have these habits :

• oversleeping
• watching too much TV
• eating a lot of sweets and cakes
• being late for appointments
• biting their fingernails
• your own idea _
(See page 68 for an explan at ion of
how the wa ke-up syste m wo rks.)
In groups of three or four, think of some amusing and
unusua l ways of helping someone to kick these habits .

A: How can someone stop watching a lot of TV?

B: Well, he/she can paint half of the TV screen black.
can put the TV in the bathroom.
could stay out all the time.
could throwaway the remote control.

Never Too Old

Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about an active woman . Look at
the picture. What is the woman doing? Why?


- Fl..CCR


2 Use the words in the box to complete the questions.

1. How many states are there in the ?

Forty-eight (Alaska and Hawaii aren't included). regain your
2. What does the Prime Minister mean?
It means he or she is no longer alive. continental
3. How do you feel if you suffer from ? United States
You often feel very sad and don't want to do anything. depression
4 . What does mean? total
One meaning is exercising a lot to prepare physically for
something. training
5. What does mean? late
It means you become strong again.
6. What's a ?
It's the number you get when you add some numbers together.
,,, /

Good News, Bad News iIiI'

1 Listen to the story. Then check (v ) the best headl ine .

D D 9J"YEJ\It 0

D\ 91_YEAR-OLD \

2 Before you listen again , try to number the pictures in the order
the events happened . Then listen and check your work .

, I


3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct answer for each question .

1. How high is Mt. Fuji?

a. 3,776 meters . b. 3,767 meters.
2. How high is Mt. Whitney?
a. 4,412 meters. b. 4,420 meters.
3. When did Ms. Crooks last climb Mt. Whitney?
a. When she was 87. b. When she was 89.
4. How many days is she going to spend climbing Mt. Fuji?
a. Two days. b. Three days.
5. How many times did she climb 60 steps on Monday?
a. 15. b. 50.
6. How many mountains has she climbed since her 65th birthday?
a. 87. b. 97.

Signing Off
A Many senior citizens (people over 65) are
quite active and enjoy life. Write down a
few advantages and disadvantages of
being a senior citizen . Then discuss your
ideas in small groups.

Advantages Disadvantages
you can {3et a seat on a bus or a train you're too tired to {3O to parties every ni{3ht

Useful language:
If you are a senior citizen...
you don't have to . you have to .
(maybe) I you don't need to . (maybe) I you can't .
you can... it's difficult to...

B By yourse lf, take a minute to think about a senior citizen

you know personally or you know about from the media .
When you are ready, get into groups again and take turns
telling each other about the person .
The Longest Wai t
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about someone waiting for someth ing .
Look at the picture . What do you think the people are waiting for?

, , .

, I

t '

. 0


2 Match the beginning of each sentence with its ending .

1. A department store a. in an English pound.

2. There are one hundred pence b. you walk back and forth.
3. An electrician c. for example, the size of the largest
pizza ever made.
4. An annual event happens
d . is a large store with separate sections
5 . If you pace up and down,
for selling many kinds of goods .
6. The Guinness Book of Records
e. once a year.
contains some really strange facts,
f. is someone who installs and repairs
electrical equipment.
J 1' 1

Good News, Bad News

1 Listen to the story. Then check (v) the best sum m ary.

o It's about a young

- -
It's about a young
guy who waited a long I I guy who waited a long
time to buy something : I time to apply for a job
expensive. ;< at a department store.

I ...
' It's about a young )
guy who waited a long
. time for a sale to begin .
, /

2 Read the sentences below. Listen to the story, then check (v)
Tru e or False .
True False

1. Phil IIlsley waited for a department store sale. 0 0

2. He waited for more than two weeks. 0 0
3. He was the first person allowed in the sale. 0 0
4. It took him a long time in the store to decide what to buy. 0 0
5. He bought a pen and pencil set at the sale . 0 0
6. Phil Ilisley said he wanted to set a new world record . 0 0
7. He spent most of his time sleeping. 0 0
8. He slept in a sleeping bag . 0 0
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct information .

1. Phil IlIsley shopped at the sale on Tuesday / Wednesday.

2. He saved 65 / 75 pence.
3. Phil IIlsley is an electrician / optician .
4 . Th e ite m he bought cost £1.50 / £1.15 .
5. He w aited for 316 / 360 hou rs.
6. The previou s record for the long est w ait w as 302 / 312 hours, 40 minutes.

Signing Off
A Look at these records
from the Guinness Book
of Records. Work in
groups and try to guess
the missing information .
Fill in your guesses. When a. Susan Montgo mery Williams
of California blew the bigg est
you have finished , turn to
bubble-gu m bu bble in 1994.
page 70 to find out the It was centi mete rs in b . Yogesh Sharma shook hands
correct information . The diam eter. w it h _ _ different peop le
group that guesses an in eig ht hour s in Gwal ior,
item correctly or is the Ind ia, in 1996.
closest, wins a point. The
group with the most
points wins .

c. Ashrita Furman of New York

balanced beer
glasses on his chi n in 1996 .
d. The tallest snowman was
made in Yamagata, Japan,

B In groups, try to think of new kinds of records for the in 1995 . It w as

meters tall.
Guinness Book of Records. The stranger the better!

Examples: .
Eating the most slices of pizza at one sitting.
Knitting the largest sweater.
Standing on one leg for the longest time .

Romeo, Romeo
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a roma ntic story. Look at the picture .
What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences .

1. The is the full-length movie at

a movie theater. subtitles
2. A movie is one without speaking. date
3. If you are someone, you are
true to
faithful to him or her.
4. are words written at the main feature
bottom of the movie screen. propose to
5. When you someone, you go
out regularly together.
6. If you someone, you ask him
or her to marry you.
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check C......) the best question .

! Did you hear about the man who

o proposed to a movie star?
o proposed to his girlfriend
from the movie screen?
o got married in a movie '

2 Before you listen again, try to number the pictures in the order
the events happened . Then listen and check your wo rk.

A. '---J:....-;;;::.....;;;;"--- ----'

D.'----'-- E. F.
3 Listen to the story again. Then complete the interview with
Beth Corey, using the information you hear in the story.

REPORTER: Beth, I understand both you and Kevin are in your twenties.
BETH: That's right. We're both 25.
REP ORTER: How long have you been dating?
REPORTER: Tell me about the movie. How many people were in it?
REPORTER : How long did Kevin spend making the film, do you know?
REPORTER: And how long was the film?
REPO RTER: How did you feel when you saw Kevin on the screen?
REPORTER: Do you remember exactly what the subtitles said?

Signing Off
When you hea r the word "roma ntic," do you think of
red roses or yellow tulips? Paris in spring or Rome in
summer? First, complete the list below. Then, with a
partner, compare your ideas . Give examples and reasons .

Think of a romantic. ..

• color

• kind of food

• foreign city

• city in your country

• movie (title)

• actor/actress

• song

• singer
Barney or Blue?
Tuning In
1 You are going to hear a story about a pet. Look at the picture .
What do you think happened?

2 Use the words in the box to complete the questions.

1. When is a noise ?
When it's high-pitched and unpleasant. burglar
2. What happens if you somebody? suspected
You don't pay attention to him or her.
3. What's a ?
A person who breaks into buildings to steal things.
4. What happens if you a baby's foot? piercing
The baby laughs, usually! ignore
5. What does someone mean?
It means identify or know someone you have seen or met before.
6. What does it mean if someone is a criminal?
It means the police think the person is guilty, but they are not sure yet.
Good News, Bad News
1 Listen to the story. Then check (v) the best response
to the question .
I heard part of it.

./ Did you hear the '"1 A woman was sent to jail for
stealing a parrot, wasn 't she?
story on the news
about the parrot? <.
o A parrot was sent to jail for
burglary, right?
o A parrot sent a man to jail,
/ r--. ../

2 Re ad th e se n tences below. Listen to the story, then check (v)

True or False .
True False

1. Ms. Morgans' parrot was stolen. D D

2. The police found a parrot in Eric Buckley's home. D D
3. The police thought Eric Buckley stole the parrot. D D
4 . In court, Buckley said the parrot was his pet
named Barney. D D
5. Ms. Morgans said that the parrot was her pet and
that its name was Blue. D D
6 . The parrot flew into the courtroom. D D
7. The parrot flew straight to Ms. Morgans . D D
8 . The parrot squawked its own name, "Blue." D D
3 Listen to the story again . Then circle the correct answer for
each question .

1. Where did the story happen?

a. In the United States. b. In England.
2. What kind of parrot was stolen?
a. African gray. b. Amazon.
3. How much is he worth?
a. $1,000 . b . $10,000 .
4. Who is 27 years old?
a. Eric Buckley. b. Georgina Morgans. .
5. Who whistled in the courtroom?
a. The parrot. b. Eric Buckley.
6. Who tickled the parrot under the beak?
a. Georgina Morgans. b. Eric Buckley.

Signing Off
A Take a minute to think about a pet you have or
have had . It can also be a friend 's or a relative 's 5IDNEY. WHERE 15 MY
pet. Then write answers to the questions below. GUITAR?

• What kind of anim al is (was) it ?

• What is (was) its nam e?
• What does (did) it look like?
• How long have you had (did you have) it?
• What does (did) it like to do?
• Does (Did) it ever do anything funny or

B Now, in pairs, interview each other about your pets.

Use the question s above . Add questions of your own .

A: Do you have 0 pet?

B: Yes, I do.
No, but I used to have...
No, but my (friend) has 0 ...

C Decide whose pet has done the funniest or most

interesting thing .
Dream Jackpot
(pages 1-3)
.J..l 'I First, try to w rite in t he missing words in the
iiIiJ' blanks belo w. Then listen and check you r work .

A woman from Oakland, California, dreamed of money (1) _

of a slot machine, then drove to Nevada and hit the $1 million slot machine
(2) _

Fifty-four-year-old Pearl Anderson drove to Nevada in the (3) _

of the night. "1 (4) in the afternoon before I went to work,
and dreamed of (5) pouring out of the machine. I told my
(6) about it when he came home and he told me to go to

Anderson has five children and 18 (7) , and works evenings as

a nurse's (8) at a hospital. She left for Reno after work, arrived
at 2 A.M., and (9) the slot machines at the Club Cal Nueva.

On her second try at the" $ 3 (10) slot machine," five sevens

appeared on the register, bells rang, and buzzers (11) , and
the crowd clapped and (12) _

husband pouring out millionaire

headed straight for took a nap jackpot
went off grandchildren cheered
buckets of money middle assistant
False Alarm
(pages 4-6)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

For two minutes on Wednesday afternoon, (1) aboard a British

Airways flight from Portugal to London prepared for a (2) in
the English Channel.

"This is an (3) ," said a taped message over the in-flight

loudspeaker. The message then told passengers they were going to land on water.
It told them to get their (4) from under their seats and
wait for further (5) from the cabin crew .

The 103 passengers on flight BA32 were very frightened when the cabin crew
(6) into the (7) _
A (8) then told everyone that it was a
(9) . She had pushed the wrong button, she said.

Out of more than a (10) tapes - from announcing

takeoff to selling duty-free alcohol - the flight attendant had made a
(11) and chosen the message that prepares passengers for
a crash landing on water, a BA (12) explained later.

rushed emergency passengers

spokesperson Iifejackets instructions
crash landing . mistake . dozen
flight attendant aisles false alarm


A Fishy Story
(pages 7-9)

ii! First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

Waldemar Andersen went fishing last (1) near the Norwegian city
of Bergen and found the gold earring his wife had lost in the North Sea a week previously.
He (2) the earring in the (3) of a
cod fish.

Mrs. Andersen lost her earring two weeks (4) while walking by
the sea . Then last Saturday, her husband went fishing in the same place . He caught a fish
and took it home. While he was (5) it, he discovered his wife's
earring inside. "I couldn't (6) my eyes," he said.

Andersen's wife, Ragnhild, had th is to say: "Think of all the fish swimming around
there and that the same cod that (7) my earring should
(8) on my husband's fishing hook a week later. It's
(9) /I

Andersen said he had not (10) he was fishing from

the (11) where his wife lost the piece of
(12) _

swallowed stomach ago

discovered spot realized
cleaning believe incredible
jewelry bite weekend
A Long-Trip
(pages 10-12)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blank s below. Then listen and check your work.

A 34-year-old man recently returned home after traveling around the world for eight years
by bicycle.

Masami Kana, a former supermarket (1) , started from Osaka and

cycled 59,464 kilometers in five (2) - Australia, North and South
America, Europe, and Africa - before reaching his final (3) _
Niamey, Niger, in Africa.

He beat the previous Japanese (4) for a bicycle trip by over 17,000

After (5) the ¥1,000,000 he had saved for the journey, Kana had
to work at (6) jobs along the way. He earned money as a judo
teacher, a waiter, a fisherman, a (7) , and a gardener. He usually
camped in a tent (8) _

When Kana was asked why he (9) to cycle around the world, he
said that before he got married and (10) he wanted to do
something that he could tell his children about. But he (11) that
after working for a while, he would like to try one more (12) _

to save money record employee

settled down ·destinatio n added
spending various decided
security guard continents journey
.- ....

Having a Ball
(pages 13-15)

ii, First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work .

A couple, whose home and backyard were (1) with thousands of

mis-hit golf balls, has won a new house after a five-year (2) battle.

Emilio and Margaret Punzo paid $132,000 for their "dream home" in San Ramon near San
Francisco. The price even (3) an extra $8,000 charge because the
house was next to a golf course.

After moving in, they soon discovered the (4) - golf balls
from bad players. They were unable to use their backyard because it was "like a
(5) ," according to Mr. Punzo.

They (6) the (7) who sold them

the house, and produced as (8) golf balls that had
(9) in their backyard. They showed the judge a dozen
(10) filled with more than 2,000 balls.

The Punzos won, and the judge told the property developer to pay for another house
for them. They are (11) moving into their new house soon
and (12) in the backyard .

looking forward to included bombarded

property developer evidence relaxing
grocery bags war zone legal
sued drawback landed
Sea Mail
(pages 16-18)

First, try to write in the m issing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

American schoolgirl Kimberly Corbisiero could have a big future in express mail.

Nine-year-old Kimberly (1) a message in a bottle and

(2) it into the Atlantic Ocean near her home in Staten Island,
New York, on December 10th. Just one month later, it (3) _
4,800 kilometers away, on the south coast of England.

The bottle was found by three schoolboys during a school trip near the
(4) town of Weymouth. The bottle had traveled about 160 km
a day. (5) was a letter, an (6) , and a
dollar bill. The letter read: "If you find this letter, please mail it back to me and
(7) the dollar. I am in a (8) . Please tell
me where you (9) this letter."

The students at St. Edward's, a boys' school near Southampton, have already sent Kimberly
a (10) - through the (11) mail.
Kimberly won't get her letter back, though . Both the letter and the dollar bill have been
(12) and hung in the school library.

Inside stuffed washed up

coastal keep reply
regular found tossed
envelope framed contest

Easy Come, Easy Go

(pages 19-21)
, , II
First, try to wr ite in the missing words in the
iiIIi' blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

A man has been (1) robbing a bank in Sarasota, Florida.

(2) , he wanted to do some Christmas shopping, so he
(3) a taxi outside the bank and rode from store to store for
(4) an hour before he was (5) _

After getting into the (6) ,37-year-old Willie Carroll Williams

first stopped at the Sarasota Airport to buy plane tickets, and then visited
(7) shopping centers.

According to police officers who arrested Williams on Monday, the cab was filled with
shopping bags (8) shirts, shoes, and pants. At the
(9) of his arrest, Williams' cab (10) _
was $26.70.

The cab driver said that during the (11) Williams told him,
"When you've got the money, you might as well spend it." The driver added that
Williams (12) to be having a good time.

seemed several Apparently

arrested cab hired
ride time more than
fare containing accused of
Best Commuter
(pages 22-24)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

Barry Haddow, who travels 547 kilometers from Wales to London and back each day, has
been named "(1) of the Year" by Brit ish Rail.

An early morning radio program (2) the competition to find the

person who commutes the (3) every day. Haddow, who
(4) more than six hours traveling each day, was the winner.

He saves time by (5) the night before, gets up before six

o'clock, and has (6) for breakfast (7) _
cooking . A high-speed train takes him to London at 200 kilometers an hour. In London,
he (8) a taxi to get to his office, where he works as an
(9) in the oil industry.

Why does he do it? "I love Wales, the golf, the low (10) _
London is noisy and dirty, the people are (11) , and th e houses
are expensive."

Haddow's prize was a rail (12) for himself, his wife, and their
two children .

ANSWERS TO Signing Off A, p. 24

to avoid organized Commuter
1 reading a book (35%)
shaving engineer vacation 2 reading ads on the train (33%)
cost of living unfriendly spends 3 staring out the window (26%)
4 sleeping /reading a new spaper
cereal jumps into furthest (both 24%)
A Drop-out
(pages 25-27)
" ,
iii.' i 1:1;1
First, try to write in the missing words in the
blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

According to Italian newspapers, an (1) man fell out of the back

of an (2) onto the road and had to (3) _
the rest of the way to the hospital.

Twenty-three-year-old Carmine Urciuolo was injured in a (4) _

accident near Naples on Thursday afternoon. An ambulance soon arrived at the
(5) , and Carmine was put onto a (6) and
into the ambulance. While the ambulance was taking him to the (7) _
hospital, Urciuolo and the stretcher he was lying on fell out of the ambulance. Apparently,
the driver had not correctly closed the doors of the (8) _

The driver didn't realize that he had lost the patient until the ambulance
(9) the hospital. He was quite surprised to find no one inside
when he opened the ambulance doors outside the (10) _

A (11) truck driver gave Urciuolo a ride to the hospital, where he

was treated for (12) injuries. The newspapers did not say which of
the injuries were from the car accident or which were from the fall from the ambulance.

passing injured nearest

hitchhike stretcher reached
minor emergency scene
vehicle ambulance traffic

The Great Escape

(pages 28-30)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

A helicopter piloted by a woman lifted a (1) from a

(2) of La Sante Prison in Paris on Monday and flew him out.

The escaped prisoner was (3) Michel Vaujour, 34, who was found
guilty of (4) robbery last year. He was (5) _
an 18-year sentence and this was his fourth escape from prison.

Police said that a second prisoner (6) at the last minute not to join
Vaujour and (7) _

According to police, the helicopter flew into the prison at about 10 :45 A.M . and
(8) over a prison building. Two people were
(9) the aircraft, one armed with a (10) _
They dropped a line to Vaujour and then flew away.

A spokesperson for Air Continent, who (11) the helicopter, said it

had been (12) by a woman about 30 years old .

hovered serving .rooftop

identified as own aboard
machine gun rented prisoner
. surrendered armed decided


Better Late Than Never

(pages 31-33)
\ If I

iIaJ' First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks belo w. Then listen and check your work.

It took 17 years, but William McGarry (1) got his camera and
driver's license back.

(2) in Ireland stole McGarry's camera and driver's

(3) while the American was traveling through the country on
vacation . The items were stolen from McGarry's (4) car while
he, his wife, and children were taking a nap in their hotel near Shannon Airport.
At the time, Irish police (5) they would find and return the
(6) . Last week they (7) _

McGarry (8) a package that arrived in the mail from County

Clare, Ireland, and pulled out the 35mm camera and license he had lost 17 years
(9) . Seventy-two-year-old Mr. McGarry, who is
(10) and lives in Cocoa, Florida, sa id that it was "just like

McGarry (11) that when police sergeant D.A. Foley took the
(12) on the stolen items after the robbery, he said, "We'li find
them for you ."

recalled Thieves earlier

retired unwrapped license
kept their word rental report
finally promised items
Come Fly With Me
(pages 34-36)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

A child flying a (1) is a common sight in the

(2) month of March , but not a kite flying a child.

As eight-year-old DeAnd ra Anrig was flying her new kite in a park south of San Francisco
on Sunday, a (3) plane th at was preparing to
(4) at nearby Palo Alto Airport caught the kite 's nylon stri ng
and (5) the child into the air. DeAndra was carried about
30 meters before she (6) , fell to the ground, and just
(7) a tree .

The girl was (8) taken to a nearby hospital, but doctors said that
she was not (9) hurt. The plane landed safely although one wing
was slightly (10) _

What had DeAndra thought about during her (11) flight?

/II wasn't thinking anything except how (12) I was."

twin-engine kite lifted

let go immediately brief
scared damaged windy
land seriously missed
Stranger Than Fiction
(pages 37-39)
\ If,
First, try to write in the missing words in the
blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

A family wants someone to explain why objects fly through the air and furniture
(1) in their Columbus, Ohio, home.

John and Joan Resch said that since Saturday strange things have happened whenever
their (2) daughter, Tina, is in the house . Some examples?
Lights and water (3) have turned themselves on, eggs have
(4) against the kitchen walls, and telephones have
(5) from tables.

At a (6) at the Resch home Thursday afternoon, one

(7) said she saw a chair overturn as 14-year-old Tina entered
from the (8) side of the room . The reporter could not explain
the movement.

Tina said the strange (9) didn't really frighten her. "It's just a little
(10) when things are flying around. I don't feel anything, but
I wish it would stop. I still don't (11) things like this happen."

Tina has visited several (12) , but so far they have no idea why
such strange things are happening.

news conference specialists overturns

occurrences teenage scary
splattered opposite risen
believe faucets reporter

Chain Smoker
(pages 40-42)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

A (1) in Missouri who wanted to (2) _

asked his friends to "chain" him to his living room sofa for three weeks, and it
(3) . He hopes this is the last time he will have to
(4) smoking .

Forty-two-year-old Thomas Warren (5) his freedom from both

the chained (6) and the chain-smoking late Sunday by taking a
three-kilometer run, then having dinner.

Warren said that he was a very happy man, and that during the run he "felt like a bird."
A (7) marathon runner, he had been smoking for 20 years.
He had (8) to give up the habit many times before, and
had tried (9) , joining Smokers Anonymous, and
(10) , all without success.

He was smoking around a (11) of cigarettes a day when he

(12) his friends to use a 7.5 meter steel cable to tie him to a
heavy sofa.
Signing Off, p. 42 : Wake-up system
A The sun rises .
B The rooster crows .
C The startled hen wakes up and lays an egg .
D The egg drops into the spoon .
kick the habit former worked E The weight of the egg causes the arm to
start the metronome.
persuaded sofa pack F The metronome goes back and forth,
pulling the string through the pulley.
meditation attempted celebrated G The string moves up and down, pulling on
the weighted rod with the feather.
chain smoker quit acupuncture H The feather tickles the man's foot to wake
him up.
Never Too Old
(pages 43-45)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

iIiJ' blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

In Los Angeles Monday, a 91-year-old American woman, Hulda Crooks,

(1) a plane for Japan to climb 3,776-meter Mt. Fuji,
saying her (2) is to get to bed early.

Ms. Crooks has climbed California's 4,412-meter Mt. Whitney 22 times and is the
oldest person to climb the mountain, the highest in the (3) _
She was 89 when she last reached the top.

Crooks (4) to spend two days climbing Mt. Fuji and has been
(5) for the climb. Before leaving Los Angeles on Monday, she
spent 45 minutes climbing 60 steps a (6) of 15 times .

Crooks began climbing mountains while in her (7) after an illness,

and has climbed 97 mountains since her 65th birthday. Her (8) _
husband, a doctor, (9) climbing as a way
(10) _

"There's too much (11) among old people. I try to show them
that they can still (12) life."

continental United States training forties

to regain her strength late total
suggested boarded plans
depression enjoy secret
The Longest Wait
(pages 46-48)
, ,fI

iIiJ! First, try to write in the missing words in the

blan ks below. Then list en and check your work.

After camping on the (1) for 15 days, Phil Ilisley bought a

ballpoint pen at Selfridges (2) in London Wednesday and saved
75 (3) . He also set a world record for waiting the longest time
for a sale.

IIlsley, a 21-year-old (4) from Windsor, near London, was

the first of (5) of shoppers allowed in for Selfridges'
(6) sale. After being (7) by store
chairman Roy Stephens, IIlsley walked straight to the pen (8) _
and bought a £2 .25 Parker ballpoint pen for £1 .50.

Why did he do it? " If it improves my (9) , it will have been

worth it."

Except for short (10) , Illsley spent 360 hours just outside
Selfridges' main entrance, mostly sitting and (11) , and using
a thermal sleeping bag for a bed.

According to the Guinness Book of (12) , the previous record for

the longest wait at a sale was 302 hours, 40 minutes.

handwriting Records thousands ANSWERS TO Signing Off A,

p. 48
pacing up and down sidewalk annual
a. 58.4 b .31,118
department store counter breaks
electrician pence greeted c. 57 d. 29.4
Romeo, Romeo
(pages 49-51)
, II,
First, try to write in the m issing words in the
blanks below. Then listen and check your work .

Twenty-five-year-old Beth Corey went to the movies with her boyfriend, Kevin O'Keefe,
last week and had a big (1) . As they waited for the
(2) to begin, she saw Kevin on the (3) _
When she asked Kevin what was happening, he told her to keep watching.

In a short (4) movie, three of O'Keefe's male friends, dressed

as women, (5) for his attention. But O'Keefe ignored the
"women" and remained (6) Corey, holding a photograph
of her to his (7) . He then spoke to the camera, and
(8) Corey.

"Beth, I love you, and I'll do (9) to have you

(10) ... Will you marry me?" said the
(11) _

O'Keefe, 25, who has (12) Corey for six years, had worked
for a year on the four-minute film. When it was done, he asked the movie theater to
play it before the main feature .

Corey said "yes ."

forever screen competed

main feature dated anything
proposed to surprise subtitles
chest silent true to
Barney or Blue?
(pages 52-54)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your w ork.

With a (1) whistle in a London court yesterday, a stolen parrot

(2) his owner and sent a man to jail.

Barney, an Amazon parrot (3) $1,000, had been

(4) from 27-year-old Georgina Morgans some months before,
and was found by police in the apartment of (5) _
(6) Eric Buckley.

In (7) , Buckley said the bird was his and that its name was Blue.
Ms. Morgans said the bird's name was Barney and that it was hers. So the bird was
(8) into court in a covered (9) and

released. When the door of the cage was opened, Barney completely
(10) Buckley. Instead, he flew straight toward Ms. Morgans,
(11) his own name, let out a whistle, and allowed her to
(12) him under his beak.

court recognized suspected

stolen ignored worth
tickle squawked cage
burglar piercing brought
a listening and
disc ussio n text designed aro und an ente rta in ing
collection of tru e stori es about in teresting characters and
events. Based all actual news reports, th e course is
intended for adu lts and yo ung adu lts at th e
p re-in ter me dia te an d in terme dia te levels. Each
three-p age unit focuses on a story pres ented in radio
news forma t. All units feature a series of task-based
activities designed to guide students from genera l to
detailed understandi ng of the news report and to provide
mean ingful fluency practice related to th e story's them e.

Goo e , ews
.. Short, focused units that can be completed in
one class period
.. Interesting, light-hearted listening passages
based on actual stories from the news
.. Vocabulary building exercises that introduce
and practice new language
.. A variety of communicative, t s -based
listening and speaking ctivltles
.. An ptlon I "Extra Practice" section to
consolidate new vocabulary
Good News, Bad News is accompanied by a Teacher's Book and
an audio program featuring a variety of international accents.

Oxford University Pre ss

IS B N 0 - 19 - 43 487 3-3
Good News, Bad News Student Book 0-19-434873-3
Good News, Bad News Teacher's Book 0-19-435057-6
Good News, Bad News Cassette 0-19-435058-4
Good News, Bad News Compact Disc 0-19-435059-2

9 780194 348737

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