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Cardiovascular Differentiation of Happiness,

Sadness, Anger, and Fear Following Imagery
and Exercise1

Article in Psychosomatic Medicine · September 1981

DOI: 10.1097/00006842-198108000-00007 · Source: PubMed


237 1,963

3 authors, including:

Jefferson A Singer
Connecticut College


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Cardiovascular Differentiation of Happiness,
Sadness, Anger, and Fear Following Imagery and



This study examined cardiovascular patterns following happiness, sadness, anger, fear,
relaxation, and control imagery in 32 subjects while they were seated and while they exercised.
Affective imagery was an effective strategy for inducing reliable patterns of systolic and
diastolic blood pressure and heart rate associated with particular emotional states. Anger, rather
than fear, produced the greatest overall increases in cardiovascular measures and was distinctly
opposite from relaxation. Anger differed from fear and all other conditions in terms of greater
increases in diastolic pressure following imagery and greater increases in heart rate and slower
recovery of systolic pressure following exercise. Sadness was unique in that systolic pressure
and heart rate were virtually as high when subjects were still as when they were actually
moving. Furthermore, sadness was the one emotional state that seemed to interfere with the
cardiovascular adjustments normally associated with exercise. Implications of these findings
for current biobehavioral models of emotion, including the role that specific emotions may play
in the pathogenesis and treatment of cardiovascular disease, are considered.

INTRODUCTION Webster (cited in ref. 5, p. 17) that emo-

tional reactions are characterized, in part,
Amid the diversity of human lan- by integrated "neuromuscular, respira-
guages, cultures, and values, the subjec- tory, cardiovascular, hormonal, and other
tive experiences and facial expressions bodily changes" in anticipation of re-
associated with fundamental emotions sponding to significant environmental
such as happiness or fear are remarkably challenges.
universal (1, 2). Emotions are largely co- Not surprisingly, since the inception of
ordinated in the limbic system or "vis- psychosomatic medicine, individuals' au-
ceral brain" (3). Thus, they are more com- tonomic emotional responses have been
plex than simple reflexes but not as varied considered primary links between psy-
or readily modifiable as reactions of chosocial functioning and proneness to
the cerebral hemispheres (4, p. 244). Most various physical diseases. However, for
psychophysiologists, would agree with numerous theoretical and pragmatic rea-
sons (6, 7), the requisite basic research on
the psychophysiology of emotion has had
'Presented at the American Psychosomatic Soci- an uneven and problematic history.
ety meeting March 29, 1980, New York, New York. In the early part of this century, Cannon
From the Department of Psychology, Yale Univer-
sity, New Haven, Connecticut. (4) described visceral emotional responses
Address requests for reprints to: Dr. Gary E. in terms of a basic emergency reaction of
Schwartz, Department of Psychology, Yale Univer- "fight" or "flight." Many prominent in-
sity, Box 11A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520.
Received for publication October 4,1980; revision vestigators (e.g., refs. 8-10) continue to
received February 5, 1981.

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 343

Copyright © 1981 by the American Psychosomatic Society, Inc. 0033-3174/81/04034322$02 50
Published by Elsevier North Holland, Inc.
52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York; NY 10017

believe that autonomic emotional reac- or qualitatively different from fear and
tions are best thought of in terms of un- anxiety.
idimensional arousal. Unfortunately, merely participating in
There is currently little doubt that Can- a psychophysiological experiment often
non accurately described a basic "flight" elicits moderate fear and anxiety, making
response that corresponds in many ways it difficult to study other emotions in
to preparation for isotonic exercise relatively pure form. Indeed, it is quite a
(11-13). The pattern represents general feat to make someone covered with elec-
"arousal" primarily in the sense that it trodes and unable to move distinctly
includes the wide variety of changes happy. In addition, most methods of reli-
which are reinforced by the release of ably instigating sadness or anger in the
adrenaline (epinephrine) (14, 15). Within laboratory are unethical by current stan-
the cardiovascular system, heart rate, sys- dards.
tolic blood pressure, and muscular blood Studies in the 1050s by Ax (24), Fun-
flow all increase. However, net peripheral kenstein et al. (25), and Schachter (26)
vascular resistance declines, keeping remain the major references on the au-
diastolic blood pressure relatively low. tonomic differentiation of fear and anger.
In humans, this pattern is not only Using such strategies as malfunctioning
connected to fear of physical harm but to polygraphs and abusive confederates,
the more general (see ref. 16) reaction of these researchers found that anger is im-
anxiety or apprehension. Contributing to portantly different from fear. For example,
the view that the "flight" response is the Ax (24) found significant differences in
only major autonomic reaction to emo- seven of fourteen physiological measures,
tional stimuli, fear and anxiety are readily including indices of cardiovascular, elec-
produced in the laboratory and, therefore, trodermal, respiratory, and muscular ac-
widely studied. The mere threat of shock tivity.
can produce 15 beat per minute increases The most well-documented findings
in heart rate (17), while mildly threaten- across studies are differences in car-
ing mental arithmetic can produce 300 diovascular response. While fear primar-
percent increases in muscular blood flow ily resembles an epinephrine-like re-
(18). sponse, anger more resembles a combined
Most current discussions of "stress- epinephrine- and norepinephrine-like re-
related" disorders implicitly, if not sponse. Heart rate and systolic blood pres-
explicitly, consider fear and anxiety to be sure tend to increase equally, but diastolic
principal mediators. However, there is a blood pressure increases more during
growing body of literature suggesting that anger. While fear conditions uniformly
an individual's regulation of other emo- produce considerable dilation of periph-
tions, such as anger (19-21) and sadness eral arteries, anger conditions tend to
and depression (22, 23), may play unique produce net vasoconstriction in major
and possibly primary roles in cardiovas- muscle groups, differentially elevating
cular and other diseases. Thus, it remains diastolic pressure (26). Peripheral norepi-
of major clinical as well as theoretical nephrine, whose primary effect is vas-
significance whether various emotions af- oconstriction, may actually partially
fect bodily functioning in ways similar to mediate these differences. Endocrine

344 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


studies of urinary and plasma levels of ever, recent data (16) suggest that sadness
catecholamines have suggested an associ- situations elicit particularly complex pat-
ation between norepinephrine secretion terns of emotion, making sadness rela-
and aggressive behavior (27-29). tively difficult to study in a pure form.
Even relative to anger, there has been Averill's sad stimulus, a film on John F.
little study of the autonomic concomitants Kennedy including the aftermath of the
of happiness and sadness. Two investiga- assassination, was clearly emotionally
tions have explicitly compared these complex. Four of the eighteen subjects
emotions, both using films as stimuli. actually reported higher anger or anxiety
Sternbach (30) recorded six physiological than sadness. Ratings of sadness corre-
measures while ten 8-year-olds watched lated 0.51 (p<0.05) with anger and 0.58
"Bambi." Unfortunately, the study con- (p<0.05) with excitement. Averill seemed
tains a number of methodological difficul- to be measuring what Ekman and Friesen
ties. The hour-long film was shown un- (32) call "distress," which tends to in-
edited, and the children were individu- volve more anger and active protest than
ally asked to remember which scene was does the resignation of sadness.
"saddest," "scariest," "nicest" ("hap- Interestingly, Averill (31) found that
piest"), and "funniest." Prestimulus the film about Kennedy produced signifi-
levels used to determine autonomic re- cant increases in blood pressure with a
sponse were arbitrarily determined 30 to larger mean increase in diastolic pressure,
60 seconds before each child's designated which is similar to an anger pattern. Mirth
scenes with no explicit control for what did not differ from control on any car-
they were responding to at that time. This diovascular measure except phasic in-
may explain why the largest relative in- creases in heart rate that seemed related to
crease in heart rate was reported to be 0.35 laughter.
beats per minute, even though mean heart As an alternative to the deceptions of
rate was 81.4 during the "happy" scene, confederates and complicated films, the
86.3 during "sad," 88.4 during "funny," use of affective imagery has recently
and 91.6 during "scary." emerged as a means of reliably generating
Especially when prestimulus level is emotional states. Humans not only have
considered, there was a clear tendency in the capacity to visualize an affect-
the Sternbach study for skin resistance arousing situation but also to respond to
level to increase and for eye blinks to this internal image as an emotionally sig-
decrease during sadness. Both of these nificant event. Thus, as Lang (6) has re-
changes indicate an inhibition rather than cently indicated, the whole psychophysi-
activation of sympathetic activity. Al- ological experience can be created in
though appropriate statistics are not miniature as an integrated "perceptual-
available, respiration and finger pulse motor set."
volume were also lower during sadness Schwartz et al. (33, 34) have demon-
than during the other three conditions. strated one major component of this pro-
Averill (31), using three independent cess in that subjects imagining happy,
groups of college students, found a dif- sad, or angry scenes recreate correspond-
ferent pattern of response for sadness in ing facial expressions. These facial mus-
comparison to "mirth" and control. How- cle changes are typically too small to be

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 345


seen by observers but produce distinct similar emotional activation is considered

patterns of electromyographic (EMG) ac- pathogenic? Is it possible that exercising
tivity. Hence, these expressions do not in an angry state has very different conse-
seem related to communication, but quences for health than exercising in a
rather to the recreation of the experience. normal or relaxed state?
Weerts and Roberts (35), using pre- The present study was designed to
selected subjects and individually tai- examine cardiovascular patterns follow-
lored anger and fear imagery scenes, re- ing happiness, sadness, fear, anger, relax-
plicated the cardiovascular patterns found ation, and control imagery while subjects
by Ax and others. As in response to act- were seated and while they exercised in
ual environmental manipulation, dias- the standard one-step test. To maximize
tolic pressure increased significantly perceptual-motor coupling (6) and com-
more during anger than fear imagery; parability of the imagery and exercise
heart rate and systolic pressure increased conditions, subjects in the seated imagery
equally. conditions imagined expressing the des-
Although not all subjects have vivid ignated emotional state while exercising
imagery (36), there is no evidence to on the step; they then proceeded to actu-
suggest that the patterns of physiological ally exercise while continuing to generate
response to affective imagery differs qual- the desired emotion. To highlight the
itatively from those in the actual situation. practical as well as theoretical signifi-
Indeed, psychophysiological research cance of cardiovascular patterning in
suggests that clinical methods such as emotion, blood pressure and heart rate
systematic desensitization may be effec- assessed by standard clinical procedures
tive precisely because of this isomorph- were chosen as dependent measures.
ism (37).
All of the studies of emotion mentioned
in this review have required subjects to
remain still. However, as the word 'e-
motion' suggests, there often is a tendency Subjects
to want to move when expressing happi- Thirty-two healthy, college-aged, paid volunteers
ness, anger, or fear. Interestingly, in sad- participated in the study. Eight males and eight
ness there is an equally distinct desire not females each were recruited from both Amherst
to move (38). College and Hampshire College. The only require-
At a neurophysiological level, it re- ment for participation in the study was some high
school or college acting experience. This criterion
mains unclear whether exercise and emo- was chosen to increase the likelihood that subjects
tional behavior actually utilize distinct would be relatively comfortable in the otherwise
neural pathways and produce qualita- novel task of publicly self-generating emotional
tively different cardiovascular ad- states. On the other hand, it was hypothesized that
justments (12). In other words, when one this criterion would only minimally restrict the
generalizability of findings concerning within sub-
is exercising, are the cardiovascular ef- ject differences.
fects of emotional state redundant, addi-
tive, or, in some cases, genuinely interac-
tive? Why is cardiovascular activation Design
during exercise used to ameliorate Each subject participated in six trials, one for
stress-related disease, while supposedly each condition (happiness, sadness, anger, fear, con-

346 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


trol, and relaxation). The order of conditions was ily would. After each of the six exercise periods,
counterbalanced across subjects. Each trial included subjects returned to their seats and resumed a nor-
a 4-minute rest period, a 2-minute imagery period, a mal state.
60-second or 25-step exercise period, and a 6-minute
postexercise recovery period.
To avoid interference in the natural expression of Dependent Measures
emotion during exercise, subjects' pace was not Systolic and diastolic blood pressure was rec-
rigidly controlled. Pretesting determined that during orded from subjects' nondominant arm using a
a minute of normal exercise, subjects tended to take Lumi-tronics II electronic sphygmomanometer. The
approximately 25 steps. To investigate the relative brachial artery was palpated and marked to increase
effects of length of time exercising versus the consistency of readings within subjects. Im-
amount of physical movement (number of steps), mediately prior to each blood pressure reading, heart
half of the subjects exercised for 25 steps and half forrate was recorded manually by counting the number
60 seconds. Thus, for example, if subjects walked of pulses in 15 seconds. For each trial, heart rate
unusually slowly during relaxation, one could inves- systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings were
tigate whether the cardiovascular response of sub- taken: 1) in the middle of the rest period, 2) at the
jects who exercised for 60 seconds was comparable end of rest period, 3) at the end of the imagery
to those exercising for a longer period of time in period, 4) immediately following the exercise
order to move a fixed distance. period, 5) midway through the exercise recovery
period, and 6) at the end of the exercise recovery
Procedure period.
At the end of each trial, subjects rated how happy,
Two male undergraduates unfamiliar with the sad, angry, fearful, and relaxed they felt on a 1 to 5
specific hypotheses of the study each ran half of the scale, separately for the imagery and exercise
males and females from each college. Except during periods. Subjects were instructed to rate each condi-
exercise, subjects sat in a straight-backed chair next tion as honestly as possible on all five feelings. They
to a desk in a moderately sized laboratory room. The were also encouraged to use decimals if the 1 to 5
experimenter sat in front of the desk in easy reach of scale did not provide them with sufficient dif-
the subjects' nondominant arm to obtain the car- ferentiation.
diovascular measures. A wooden platform about 40
Subjects were informed that the experimenter was
cm high, similar to the one used in the Harvard Step
completing the same scales based on his observa-
Test, was situated a few feet in front of the subjects'
tions of their behavior. The experimenter estimated
how intensely subjects were experiencing each feel-
For the happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and relax-
ing based on relative facial expressions and body
ation conditions, subjects were asked, after the ini-
postures (see ref, 7). This procedure may have
tial rest period, to close their eyes and to select a
further encouraged subjects' honest reporting.
particular situation from their past or future that
Finally, for the 60-second exercise conditions, the
would evoke the desired state. Then, during the
number of steps taken per trial was recorded. For the
imagery phase, subjects were asked to recreate as
25-step conditions, the number of seconds taken to
vividly as possible the feelings and physical sensa-
complete the task was recorded.
tions associated with that scene while imagining
expressing themselves walking up and down the
step. For the control imagery condition, subjects Data Analysis
were asked to imagine walking up and down the step
as they normally would without creating any par- The two resting values per trial for each car-
ticular emotion. diovascular measure were separately averaged to
At the end of the 2 minutes of imagery, subjects produce indices of baseline activity. All analyses of
opened their eyes and following a brief measurement the cardiovascular data were performed on change
period, proceeded to actually walk up and down the scores with the appropriate baseline value sub-
step. During the relaxation and the four emotion tracted from each measurement. Analysis of var-
conditions, subjects nonverbally (facially and post- iance, multiple regression, and discriminant func-
urally) expressed the feelings appropriate to the tion analysis were each used to answer specific
imagined situations. For the neutral, control condi- questions about the patterns of changes in the car-
tion, subjects performed the step test as they ordinar- diovascular measures.

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 347


The analyses of the cardiovascular data may be tolic pressure for control imagery and another's for
summarized as follows: anger during exercise were missing, and the
1. To examine mean changes in the cardiovascular analyses were adjusted accordingly.
measures, two sets of analyses were performed— It should be noted that all of the significance
one for the six imagery conditions and one for the levels reported for the multivariate analyses of var-
three measurements of the comparable six exercise iance and discriminant analyses in this study are
conditions. In each case, a multivariate analysis of conservatively biased because standard multivariate
variance of systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, computer programs do not readily handle within-
and heart rate was followed by separate univariate subjects designs. However, since all of the affected
analyses of each cardiovascular measure. In turn, statistics were highly significant, there was no need
the Newman-Keuls procedure was used to assess to adjust the values. Each statistical procedure will
specific comparisons within the univariate be discussed in more detail within the context of the
analyses. specific analyses.
2. Correlational and regression analyses of the
cardiovascular data were then performed sepa-
rately for imagery and for the first measurement of RESULTS
exercise. The other two measurements of exercise
were not included in these and subsequent
analyses because questions concerning patterns of Analyses of Variance of the
response rather than recovery were being ad- Cardiovascular Changes
dressed. The correlational analyses assessed rela-
tions among the cardiovascular measures within
each condition. The regression analyses directly Imagery Conditions. The cardiovas-
investigated the ways in which interactions of cular measures were first analyzed using
various emotional conditions with diastolic pres- analysis of variance techniques to
sure or heart rate diverged from a linear "arousal"
examine the effects of condition on mean
model in the prediction of systolic pressure. Un-
like analysis of variance techniques, these changes. For the imagery conditions, a
analyses allowed a number of conclusions to be one-way multivariate analysis of variance
drawn about the hemodynamics underlying the of condition (happiness, sadness, anger,
various cardiovascular patterns. fear, relaxation, control) was performed
3. Discriminant analysis was employed to address with diastolic blood pressure (DBP), sys-
a number of additional questions. This was the tolic blood pressure (SBP), and heart rate
only analysis in which the cardiovascular changes
during imagery and exercise were directly com- (HR) as dependent measures. A Wilks' A
pared. The procedure was used to assess what (lambda) of 0.636 (approximate F (15,
patterns of relative changes in the three cardiovas- 502.8 = 6.0, p <0.001) clearly revealed
cular measures during imagery and the first mea- that imagery conditions differentially af-
surement of exercise allowed maximal discrimina-
tion among the six conditions. This analysis could fected patterns of cardiovascular activity.
determine, for example, that levels of heart rate The results are illustrated in Figure 1.
and diastolic pressure during imagery relative to As a follow-up procedure, one-way re-
levels of heart rate and systolic pressure during peated measures analyses of variance
exercise most effectively differentiated among the
various conditions. were used to investigate each cardiovas-
The data analysis was performed using standard cular measure separately. Each analysis
computer packages. Statistical Analysis System was significant, and the Newman-Keuls
(SAS) was used for the multivariate analyses of procedure was employed to compare in-
variance, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences dividual means (see Table 1).
(SPSS) for the discriminant and regression analyses,
and Data-Text for the repeated measures analyses of For diastolic blood pressure (omnibus F
variance including those with slightly unbalanced (5, 1550) = 3.60, p = 0.005), the mean
cell sizes. increase during anger was significantly
Due to equipment difficulties, one subject's dias- higher than during any of the five other

348 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


Increases during fear were similar to those

during happiness; changes during both
conditions were not significantly different
from the normal control, although they
were different from relaxation. Contrary to
Averill's (31) findings, diastolic changes
in sadness were virtually identical to
those in the control condition and not
significantly different from relaxation.
As expected, systolic pressure was not
as differentiating. Although the anger
condition produced the highest mean in-
crease, it was not significantly different
from fear, sadness, or happiness. All four
of the emotion conditions raised systolic
pressure above the level of the two control
conditions (omnibus F (5,155) = 6.99, p
Fig. 1. Mean changes in heart rate (HR) and in <0.001).
systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood Increases in heart rate were also higher
pressure separately for the happiness
(HAP), sadness (SAD), anger (ANG), fear
during the four emotion conditions than
(FEAR), control (CON), and relaxation during relaxation and the control (om-
(REL) conditions following seated imagery. nibus F (5,155) = 15.23, p <0.001). How-
ever, unlike systolic pressure, fear and
anger produced significantly larger in-
conditions (see Table 1). Consistent with creases than happiness, while sadness fell
previous research, 25 of 32 subjects had in between (see Table 1).
greater increases in diastolic pressure dur-
ing anger than during fear (t(31) = 2.56, p Exercise Conditions. As an initial
<0.02). Mean arterial pressure (DBP global assessment, the exercise data were
+ (SBP -DBP) 13) was also higher in anger analyzed in a two-way multivariate
than in fear (t(31) = 2.04, p = 0.05). analysis of variance with condition (hap-

TABLE 1 Newman-Keuls Analysis of Mean Changes in Cardiovascular Measures During Imagery



blood pressure (N=31) 3.58a 1.68a'6 6.94 3.44a 1.53a'b -0.896
blood pressure (N = 32) 4.98a 6.42a 7.31 a 6.72a 0.45b 0.55b
6 C
Heart rate (N = 32) 5.63 a fa
7.13 ' 10.50" 10.22" 0.19 0.03c
*AII values in a given row without a common superscript letter are signmcanuy airrerem at oeiow me level.
Abbreviations refer to happiness (HAP), sadness (SAD), anger (ANG), fear (FEAR), control (CON), and relaxation

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 349


piness, sadness, anger, fear, control, re- steps during anger (29.5), fear (26.9), and
laxation) and measurement (first, second, happiness (24.7) than during control
third) as factors and DBP, SBP, and HR as (20.9) and fewer during sadness (15.3)
dependent measures. The Wilks' criteria and relaxation (13.1) (one-way analysis:
for condition (A = 0.804, approximate F F (5, 60) = 14.88, p <0.001).
(15, 1524) = 8.36, p <0.001), measure- In sharp contrast to the imagery condi-
ment (A = 0.567, approximate F (6, 1104) tions, during exercise, diastolic blood
= 60.34, p <0.001), and their interaction pressure was similar across conditions (F
(A = 0.817, approximate F (30, 1620) = <1). In all conditions, mean diastolic
3.84, p <0.001) were all highly signifi- pressure was lower than during rest, rang-
cant. Univariate analyses to be discussed ing from -0.67 for control to -2.13 for
in greater depth indicated that these ef- happiness. This tendency was stable
fects were primarily due to the differential across the three measurements (see Table
influence of condition on the response 2) and is consistent with the literature on
and recovery of systolic pressure and the physiology of isotonic exercise (11,
heart rate. 13).
For each cardiovascular measure, a For systolic pressure, the effects of con-
three-way Exercise Type (60 seconds, 25 dition (F (5, 150) = 13.10, p <0.001),
steps) x Condition x Measurement measurement (F (2, 60) = 73.45, p
analysis of variance was assessed with <0.001, and Condition X Measurement (F
repeated measures on the last two factors. (10, 300) = 8.50, p <0.001) were all highly
In none of the analyses were main effects significant. Although systolic pressure
or interactions involving Exercise Type recovered across measurements and
significant. Therefore, the quality of the recovered more in the more activating
exercise rather than the literal amount conditions, there remained a significant
was determining the physiological pat- condition effect during each of the three
terning. Cardiovascular changes during measurements (see Fig. 2 and Table 2).
relaxation, for example, were virtually Although the rate of exercise during
identical between groups on each mea- anger, fear, and happiness did not signifi-
sure even though one group took an aver- cantly differ, at the first measurement
age of 12.6 steps in 60 seconds while the anger produced higher systolic pressure
other group took 25 steps in 87.9 seconds than happiness with fear falling in-
(17.1 steps in 60 seconds). between. Control, sadness, and relaxation
As expected, in both exercise types, the all produced substantially smaller in-
nature of the condition systematically af- creases (omnibus F (5, 155) = 16.65, p
fected how rapidly subjects moved. For <0.001). By the second measurement, sys-
subjects exercising for 25 steps, anger tolic pressure during fear had recovered
(45.4), fear (51.4) and happiness (49.6) faster than during anger. At this reading,
conditions took significantly fewer sec- systolic pressure was significantly higher
onds than the control (63.9), while sad- in anger than in any of the other condi-
ness (85.1) and relaxation (87.9) took sig- tions (omnibus F (5, 155) = 9.05, p
nificantly longer (one-way analysis: F <0.001).
(5,65) = 13.13, p <0.001). Similarly, sub- By the third measurement, only anger
jects exercising for 60 seconds took more (5.16) and relaxation (0.55) were signifi-

350 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


TABLE 2 Newman-Keuls Analysis of Mean Changes in Cardiovascular Measures During Exercise



blood pressure (N = 31)
Measurement 1 -2.41" -0.83" -1.44 a -1.52 a -1.13" -1.45"
Measurement 2 -2.24" - 0 95" -1.00" -0.53" -0.91" - .92"
Measurement 3 -1.72" -0.67" -2.28" -1.05" 0.03" -1.62 a
blood pressure (N = 32)
Measurement 1 14.896 7.58C 19.53a 18.06"'6 5.92C 4.30c
Measurement 2 6.17" 3.33b 10.41 6.91" 3.026 0.806
Measurement 3 4.11"' 6 1.45"'h 5.16" 4.63"' b 1.77""b o.ss1'
Heart rate (N=32)
Measurement 1 26.75" 7.63fa 33.38 26 56" 14.13 5.41 b
Measurement 2 -0.94" -1.88" 1 25" -1.44 s -0.81a -1.34"
Measurement 3 0.31" 0.13" -0.19" -1.69" -0.69" 0.28"
•All values in a given row without a common superscript letter are significantly different at below the 0.05 level.
Abbreviations refer to happiness (HAP), sadness (SAD), anger (ANC), fear (FEAR), control (CON), and relaxation

cantly different as systolic pressure re- baseline (X = —0.86) by the second mea-
turned to baseline (omnibus F (5, 155) = surement and more closely approached
3.41, p = 0.006). baseline by the third (X = -0.31).
Heart rate was also significantly af-
fected by condition (F (5, 150) = 13.40, p Correlational and Regression
<0.001), measurement (F (2, 260) = 86.58, Analyses of the Cardiovascular
p <0.001), and their interaction (F (10, Changes
300) = 22.49, p <0.001). Most of the
condition main effect was contributed by Correlations among Cardiovascular
the first measurement (F (5, 155) = 24.90, Measures. Although the analyses of var-
p <0.001). At this point, exercising in iance revealed important differential ef-
anger raised heart rate an average of more fects of emotional condition on levels of
than 33 beats per minute. This change was cardiovascular response, they provided
significantly greater than during fear and little information regarding changes in
the other conditions, including a more the relations among the cardiovascular
than double increase over normal exer- measures. Table 3 includes the correla-
cise. On the other hand, both sadness and tions among the cardiovascular measures
relaxation produced less than half the within the various conditions for imagery
mean increase of normal exercise. Unlike and for the first measurement of exercise.
systolic pressure, there were no dif- Although subjects were visualizing exer-
ferences among conditions at the second cising while they were seated, the pat-
and third readings. Interestingly, heart terns of correlations clearly differed be-
rate rebounded slightly below resting tween the two phases. In general, during

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 351


sure. A major exception was sadness in

which the coupling between the diastolic
and systolic pressure actually increased
slightly. Also of note, systolic pressure
and heart rate, in general, became sub-
stantially more coupled during exercise
than they were during imagery, suggest-
ing an inhibition of the baroreceptor
mechanism. Among the imagery condi-
tions, fear most resembled the exercise

Multiple Regression Analyses Predict-

ing Systolic BJood Pressure. Multiple
regression analyses were employed to
examine these cardiovascular patterns
more closely. If the cardiovascular system
responds along a linear, undimensional
arousal continuum, the best predictor of
Fig. 2. Mean changes in heart rate (HR) and in
one cardiovascular measure should be a
systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood second cardiovascular measure. Theoreti-
pressure separately for the happiness cally, emotional state should not substan-
(HAP), sadness (SAD), anger (ANG), fear tially alter that relation or independently
(FEAR), control (CON), and relaxation contribute unique information. To test
(REL) conditions during the first measure-
ment following exercise.
this hypothesis, four comparable regres-
sion analyses were performed. Because
imagery, systolic and diastolic pressure systolic pressure is importantly related to
tended to increase together. On the other both diastolic pressure and heart rate, it
hand, the major vasodilation associated was chosen as the most potentially infor-
with isotonic exercise reversed this pat- mative dependent measure.
tern, producing small negative correla- For both imagery and exercise, the
tions between systolic and diastolic pres- question was separately asked: How does

TABLE 3 Pearson Correlations among the Cardiovascular Measures during Imagery and Exercise0

Condition Imagery Exercise Imagery Exercise Imagery Exercise

Happiness 0.18 -0.05 0.22 0.53* 0.00 -0.02
Sadness 0.35* 0.46* 0.15 0.34* -0.14 0.09
Anger 0.57* -0.22 -0.21 0.43* -0.20 -0.38
Fear 0.49* -0.10 0.29 0.40* 0.28 -0.38
Control 0.19 -0.19 0.15 0.41* 0.43* -0.05
Relaxation 0.00
0.00 -0.10
-0.10 -0.03
-0.03 0.36* -0.23
-0.23 -0.20
The correlations are between systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), systolic pressure and heart rate (HR),
and diastolic pressure and heart rate. p <0.10; *p <0.05; **p <0.01; ***p <0.001.

352 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


emotional state interact with diastolic ticularly related to levels of diastolic pres-
pressure and how does it interact with sure. Thus, although the mean increases
heart rate in predicting systolic pressure? in systolic pressure during happiness,
Thus, for example, diastolic pressure, sadness, anger, and fear were equal, the
condition, and Diastolic Pressure x Con- hemodynamics of those increases were
dition (i.e., the products of the measures different.3 Especially during anger, rela-
with the main effects partialled out) were tive increases in peripheral resistance
used to predict systolic pressure in sepa- seem to have contributed to increases in
rate analyses of imagery and exercise. systolic pressure as a by-product of in-
Identical analyses were performed for creases in diastolic pressure. On the other
heart rate. hand, during sadness the increases in sys-
Condition and its interaction with the tolic pressure were particularly unrelated
cardiovascular measure were each entered to diastolic pressure, indicating that they
into the regression as a set of five effect were primarily mediated by cardiac out-
coded contrast variables representing the put.
five noncontrol conditions. In each con- As indicated in Table 3, heart rate dur-
trast, the designated condition was as- ing imagery provided little information
signed a " 1 " , the control condition a about systolic blood pressure. The slight
" — 1", and all other conditions a "0". This link between the measures did seem
procedure, like a standard analysis of var- primarily related to arousal. When emo-
iance, resulted in F tests comparing each tional condition was included along with
condition to the mean of all conditions.2 heart rate in the regression, the unique
The regression analyses are presented in information provided by heart rate be-
Table 4. came nonsignificant.
The results concerning diastolic pres- Only two conditions provided informa-
sure during imagery indicate, as tion about systolic pressure which did not
suggested before, that there was a moder- overlap with that provided by heart rate.
ate coupling of diastolic and systolic pres- During relaxation, systolic pressure was
sure during this phase. However, happi- significantly lower than average, inde-
ness and fear were the only conditions in pendent of heart rate. Anger, once again,
which diastolic pressure alone was the involved a particularly unusual pattern.
best predictor of systolic pressure. During The anger condition produced the highest
sad imagery, systolic pressure was signif- mean increase in both heart rate and sys-
icantly higher than expected, while dur- tolic blood pressure (see Table lj. How-
ing relaxation it was significantly lower. ever, unlike fear, happiness, and sadness,
During anger, systolic pressure was par- the correlation between systolic pressure
and heart rate during anger was actually

The regression analyses are based on Cohen and 3
Cohen (39). The significance tests for the condition Blood pressure is determined by the product of
and interaction effects are adjusted for a within- cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance.
subjects design by removing between-subjects var- Cardiac output is determined jointly by heart rate
iance from the error terms. Heart rate and diastolic and stroke volume. Systolic pressure equals diastolic
pressure were not simultaneously entered into these pressure plus the pulse pressure of a stroke of the
regressions because complex suppressor effects heart. Peripheral resistance primarily influences sys-
made interpretation questionable. tolic pressure through its effect on diastolic pressure.

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 353


TABLE 4 Multiple Regression Analyses Predicting Systolic Blood

Pressure during Imagery and Exercise"
Imagery Exercise

Predictors Beta r Beta r

Diastolic Blood Pressure 0.32"* 0.40"* -0.03 -0.07
Happiness 0.15* 9-0.2T"
Sadness 0.20" 0.21*** -0.16* 0.04
Anger 0.33"* 0.32*"
Fear 0.30"* 0.30*"
Relaxation -0.16* 0.00 -0.34"* -0.03
Condition x DBP
Anger 0.19* 0.26*"
Sadness 0.23*** 0.12*

Heart Rate 0.09 0.25*" 0.53"* 0.60"*

Anger 0.43*" 0.24*" 0.26** 0.33*"
Relaxation -0.23** 0.00 -0.15* -0.03
Condition x Heart Rate
Anger -0.24" 0.047
Systolic pressure was separately predicted from diastolic pressure (DBP) and from heart rate. Condition or its
interaction with the cardiovascular measure are reported only when the Beta weight significantly contributed to
prediction. The corresponding zero-order correlation (r) between the designated variable and systolic pressure is
also reported. Significant levels for the Beta weights are adjusted for a within-subjects design. The analysis of
diastolic blood pressure is based on 191 observations and of heart rate on 192 (i.e., 32 subjects x 6 conditions). *p
<0.05; " p <0.01; * " p <0.001.

negative (-0.21; see Table 3). Thus, the eral resistance may particularly activate
regression analysis revealed that being in inhibition of heart rate through barorecep-
the anger condition is especially predic- tor mechanisms.
tive of high systolic blood pressure when Although the imagery task included
one adjusts for the fact that high heart rate imagining exercising, the actual exercise
is predictive of lower systolic pressure. task produced qualitatively different
Linking the two regression analyses emotion-cardiovascular interactions. As
during imagery, one finds that high dia- mentioned earlier, compensatory vasodi-
stolic pressure is uniquely associated with lation during exercise resulted in diastolic
high systolic pressure during anger and, pressure having no relation to systolic
in turn, high systolic pressure during pressure. However, independent of dia-
anger is uniquely associated with lowered stolic pressure, systolic pressure was sig-
pulse rate. These relations may suggest nificantly higher than average during
that during anger the increases in systolic anger, fear, and happiness, and signifi-
pressure mediated by increases in periph- cantly lower than average during sadness

354 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


and relaxation. As noted earlier (see Table experimental design. As expected, all
3), although sadness was associated with measures contributed unique information
lower than average systolic pressure, it to the discriminant functions except dia-
was the one condition in which diastolic stolic presure during exercise. To discrim-
pressure remained predictive of systolic inate among the six conditions, five or-
pressure. This pattern suggests that sad- thogonal linear functions were produced.
ness produced a psychobiological state However, only the first two functions
which was incompatible with the normal were significant, accounting for 96.3 % of
adjustments of exercise. the variance explained by the five func-
Unlike imagery, during exercise heart tions.
rate and systolic pressure were highly As a whole, the discriminant analysis
correlated. However, as in imagery, relax- produced a highly significant Wilks ' A of
ation and anger were notably different 0.478 (x2 (25) = 135.48, p <0.001). The
from the average. Independent of any rela- first linear combination of cardiovascular
tion to heart rate, systolic pressure was measures had a canonical correlation of
particularly high in anger and low during 0.65 with identification of condition, in-
relaxation. Because these changes were dicating that it could account for about
also virtually independent of diastolic 42% of the variance. This first function
pressure, one can infer that they resulted was a general measure of how consis-
primarily from differences in stroke vol- tently all aspects of the cardiovascular
system were activated. Heart rate (0.48)
and systolic pressure (0.30) during exer-
cise and heart rate (0.51) and diastolic
Discriminant Analysis of the
pressure (0.33) during imagery all had
Cardiovascular Changes
sizable discriminant weights in the same
A major question that has not been direction. The composite of these weights
addressed in the preceding analyses is correlated with the weighting of anger
how well can simple measures of heart (1.20) at one end and relaxation (-1.16) at
rate and blood pressure discriminate the other. On this dimension of activation,
among emotional states during imagery fear (0.77), happiness (0.36), sadness
and exercise? A stepwise discriminant (-0.35), and control (-0.80) were quite
analysis was employed to reveal both 1] symmetrically spaced between the ex-
what linear combinations of the car- tremes of anger and relaxation.
diovascular measures maximally distin- When this first function was removed,
guish among the six conditions and 2) the relation between cardiovascular mea-
how these functions tend to classify and sures and the designation of condition
misclassify individual observations. Wal- remained significant (Wilks' A = 0.829, x2
ter and Porges (40) have described a simi- (16) = 34.32, p = 0.005). The second
lar use of discriminant analysis in discriminant function had a canonical
physiologically differentiating among correlation of 0.38, explaining an addi-
various experimental conditions. tional 14 % of the variance in condition.
The three cardiovascular measures dur- Interestingly, this function revealed that
ing imagery and exercise were simultane- fear (0.21) and especially sadness (0.75),
ously entered into a stepwise analysis to unlike happiness (-0.31) and control
discriminate among the six trials of the (-0.46), had a pattern of relatively low

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 355


heart rate (-0.63) during exercise and low movement during exercise, these condi-
diastolic pressure (-0.35) during imagery tions were confused only at the level ex-
compared with changes in heart rate pected by chance (i.e., about 20% of the
(0.64) and systolic pressure (0.48) during time).
With six conditions, one would expect
to correctly identify an observation by Self-Reports of Emotional
chance about one-sixth of the time. Due to Intensity
missing data, 31 subjects had observations In the context of this report, it is impor-
for anger and control conditions, and all tant to know whether subjects were
32 subjects had complete data for the generating emotional states of comparable
remaining conditions. Therefore, without intensities. In other words, were subjects
any additional information, one would feeling as sad during the sadness condi-
assign a prior probability of 16.3% for tion as they were feeling angry during the
correctly classifying an observation as anger condition? In addition, were levels
anger or control by chance and a probabil- of happiness during imagery comparable
ity of 16.8% for the remaining four condi- to levels of happiness during exercise?
tions. To answer these questions, ratings (on
Overall, the cardiovascular measures comparable 1-5 scales) of happiness,
correctly identified the condition from sadness, anger, fear, and relaxation during
which an observation was taken 42.6% of their respective conditions were
the time. Interestingly, fear (5 of 32) was evaluated in a two-way repeated
the only condition that could not be iden- measures analysis of Phase (imagery,
tified at above chance levels. Fear was exercise ) x Emotional Condition (happi-
about equally confused with sadness, ness, sadness, anger, fear, relaxation). The
anger, and happiness, although these overall intensity of ratings during imagery
conditions were not nearly as likely to be (4.20) and exercise (4.21) were virtually
confused with each other. Anger (15 of 31) identical (F< 1). in both phases subjects
and sadness (15 of 32) could be correctly reported being quite successful in
identified in about half of the subjects. generating the desired states. In addition,
Happiness (10 of 32) could be distin- there was no main effect for emotional
guished about a third of the time and condition (F (4,120) = 1.44, ns). Across
control (17 of 31) and relaxation (19 of 32) phases, ratings of the predominant emo-
more than half the time. tions were similar, ranging from 4.10 for
On the basis of cardiovascular activity, ratings of sadness in the sadness condi-
control and relaxation were identified as tions to 4.33 for ratings of anger in the
one of the two control conditions about anger conditions.
80% of the time. In none of the subjects Importantly, there was a highly signifi-
was anger confused with relaxation; in cant Phase x Emotional Condition in-
only two individuals was anger confused teraction (F (4,120) = 7.92, p <0.001).
with sadness, even though these emotions Subjects reported being better able to gen-
tend to co-occur in a variety of situations erate states of happiness (4.35 vs. 4.24),
(16). Although sadness and relaxation in- anger (4.53 vs. 4.14), and fear (4.20 vs.
volved a similar amount of physical 4.08) while exercising. On the other hand,

356 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


they reported that movement reduced "stress" (41) producing undif-

their ability to create states of sadness ferentiated physiological arousal, the
(4.03 vs. 4.18) and relaxation (3.96 vs. three cardiovascular measures (dias-
4.36). tolic blood pressure, systolic blood
The control condition was not included pressure, and heart rate) responded to
in this analysis. During control imagery, the same set of specific emotions in two
subjects reported that they were fairly circumstances (movement vs non-
relaxed (3.55) and moderately happy movement) with six different patterns
(2.29). During exercise, they became of change (the six lines in Figs. 1 and 2).
somewhat less relaxed (3.03) and slightly 3. Anger clearly produced the greatest
more happy (2.41). overall activation of the cardiovascular
Although the emotions reported during measures and was distinctly opposite
the happiness, sadness, anger, fear, and from relaxation. The "fight" response of
relaxation conditions were relatively anger differed from the "flight" re-
pure, some of the ratings of the nondo- sponse of fear as well as from all other
minant emotions were notable. For exam- conditions in terms of greater increases
ple, especially during imagery, ratings of in diastolic pressure during imagery
happiness (2.88 vs. 2.60) during the relax- and greater increases in heart rate and
ation conditions and ratings of relaxation slower recovery of systolic pressure fol-
during the happiness conditions (2.75 vs. lowing exercise. Anger in the absence
2.19) were moderately high. In addition, of expression (i.e., movement) pro-
given the association between sadness duced a unique pressor response in-
and a lack of movement, it was notable cluding indirect evidence of relatively
that ratings of sadness during the anger high peripheral resistance concurrent
(2.21 vs. 1.94) and fear (2.01 vs. 1.65) with activated baroreceptor mechanisms.
conditions were particularly high when 4. Unlike anger, fear had no clearly
subjects were still. The only other non- unique cardiovascular effects. Discrim-
dominant rating above 2.0 during imagery inant analysis often confused it with the
was the rating of relaxation (2.10) during happiness, anger, and sadness patterns.
sadness. In contrast, the only other rating Happiness produced changes quite
above 2.0 during exercise was anger (2.09) similar to those in fear except happiness
during the fear condition. elicited less increase in heart rate dur-
ing imagery.
5. Sadness, like relaxation and unlike
happiness, anger, and fear, could not be
SUMMARY interpreted as a preparation for move-
ment as the word "emotion" (5) im-
The complex findings in this report plies. In sadness as well as relaxation,
may be summarized as follows. subjects moved slowly and reported
1. The use of affective imagery was an being somewhat better able to generate
effective strategy for inducing patterns the desired state while stationary. Un-
of cardiovascular change associated like relaxation and all other states, heart
with particular emotional states. rate and systolic blood pressure in sad-
2. Contrary to the view of emotional ness were virtually as high when sub-

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 357


jects were still as when they were actu- for the summer. In addition, the findings
ally exercising. In addition, sadness were robust without major effects of sex.4
was the one case in which emotional Consistent with evidence of the special
state seemed to interfere with the car- role of hostility in hypertension (19, 48)
diovascular adjustments normally as- and cardiovascular disease (21), the
sociated with exercise. "fight" response of anger had a more
profound effect on cardiovascular func-
tioning than any other emotion. For
DISCUSSION example, in comparison to fear, anger
produced significantly greater increases
Based on the work of Cannon (4), Freud in diastolic and mean arterial pressure
(42), MacLean (3), and Plutchik (43), during imagery and significantly greater
among others (e.g., refs. 44 and 45), one increases in pulse rate and slower recov-
might summarize that emotions function- ery of systolic pressure during exercise.
ally (and anatomically) serve to link per- The evidence suggests that the de-
ceptions of the status of the environment mands of fighting in anger are substan-
to the status of internal needs and drives tially different from those of running in
(e.g., for survival, food, sex, comfort, af- fear. The present study is at least the fifth
filiation). Humans do not merely pas- replication (24-26, 35) of the phenome-
sively respond to the environment with non of greater mean increase in diastolic
pain or pleasure. "Paleomammalian" pressure in anger relative to fear in con-
structures (3) have evolved that anticipate strained (seated) subjects. The correla-
whether situational cues require, for tional and regression analyses indicated
example, preparation for flight (experi- that increases in systolic pressure in anger
enced as fear), physical combat (i.e., are particularly related to increases in
anger), loss and deprivation (i.e., sad- diastolic pressure. This finding is consis-
ness), or satisfaction (i.e., happiness) (cf. tent with previous research emphasizing
ref. 43). the role of peripheral vasoconstriction in
The present study provides evidence the pressor response in anger.
that emotional responses of happiness, Although the biological function of this
sadness, anger, and fear each evoke pattern may at first seem mysterious (49),
specific, biologically meaningful, patterns vasoconstriction and increased diastolic
of cardiovascular adjustment. The current blood pressure are associated with in-
experimental design capitalized on sub- creased isometric muscle strength (4, 13,
jects' ability to respond emotionally to 50), vigilant sensory intake (51), and pro-
recalled or imagined situations. In this tection against the acute effects of hemor-
experiment, as in similar ones (33-35), it rhage (52)—all of which may be necessary
was not essential to standardize stimuli during a physical fight. These cardiovas-
across subjects. The findings support the
view that emotions are triggered by struc-
tural factors that are common to a variety
of specific contents (46-47). It was not Differences between males and females were as-
relevant to this study whether individuals sessed in additional analyses of variance of each
cardiovascular measure separately for the imagery
were sad because they imagined a relative and exercise conditions. None of the main effects or
dying or a girlfriend or boyfriend leaving interactions were significant.

358 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


cular preparations for fighting as opposed when subjects were stationary but the
to fleeing are not unique to humans. For highest negative correlation (-0.22) when
example, Baccelli et al. (53) found that the subjects were expressing themselves
same cats that produced muscular vasodi- motorically. These findings may be con-
lation when scared by a dog reliably pro- sistent with considerable evidence that
duced vasoconstriction when confronted inhibited rather than expressed anger is
by an attacking cat. correlated with phasic high blood pres-
Interestingly, Ax (24) found that anger sure and chronic hypertension (19, 20, 48,
produced higher overall muscle tension, 55).
while fear produced a larger number of An important characteristic of anger in
intermittent bursts of tension. This pat- the absence of movement is the tendency
tern is also consistent with the differential for high systolic blood pressure to be
demands of isometric versus isotonic associated with relatively low heart rate as
exercise. The ability to fight in anger well as with high diastolic pressure (see
requires mustering maximal strength, Tables 2 and 3). This pattern suggests that
while the ability tofleeprimarily requires anger may especially elicit baroreceptor
speed and endurance. Given the nature of inhibition of heart rate even though other,
cardiosomatic coupling (49), it is not sur- possibly humoral (15, 27) and more
prising that the sustained muscle tension central mechanisms, seem to maintain
in anger may have more profound car- vasoconstriction. Anokhin's (56) work
diovascular consequences than more in- indicates that baroreceptors can only fire
termittent contractions in fear. continuously for about 25 minutes before
The comparisons of means, regression they fatigue and adjust to a higher level of
weights, and discriminant functions all pressure. Thus, as Meyer (20) has
highlighted anger as the opposite of re- suggested, anger that is maintained but
laxation. Although relaxation therapies suppressed beyond this period may play a
are virtually always discussed as counters special role in eliciting the "resetting"
for anxiety, they may actually be more mechanism observed in essential hyper-
related to alleviating the isometric tension tension (57).
of anger. The condition of simultaneous high
It is also notable that the peripheral systolic pressure, high heart rate, and vas-
vasoconstriction associated with anger is odilation seen in fear, exercise, and stimu-
antithetical to the major vasodilation as- lation of the "defense center" in the
sociated with exercise (11). Adams et al. hypothalamus seems less likely to over-
(54) actually found in fighting cats simul- load the barorecptors. There is evidence
taneous vasodilation in moving limbs and that in these states baroreceptor suppres-
vasoconstriction in stationary ones. In the sion of heart rate may be temporarily
present study, although subjects were im- deactivated through central inhibition
agining exercising while seated, the anger (58). Consistent with this phenomenon,
pattern definitely dominated during im- systolic pressure and heart rate were most
agery. However, when subjects were actu- highly correlated during fear imagery and
ally moving, the exercise pattern pre- during exercise (see Table 3).
vailed. The anger condition generated the Although the fear pattern during imag-
highest positive correlation (0.57) be- ery resembled the exercise pattern in
tween systolic and diastolic pressure terms of high heart rate and systolic pres-

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 359


sure relative to diastolic pressure, the pat- escaping from harm generated a larger
terns were not identical. For example, preparatory response than imagining
during fear imagery, systolic and diastolic expressing satisfaction. It is also possible
pressure maintained a considerable posi- that other measures, such as cardiovascu-
tive correlation, whereas during exercise lar variability or humoral changes, will
they did not. eventually reveal that running when
Given that the fear pattern is the one happy is importantly different from run-
usually studied as "emotional arousal," it ning when afraid.
is striking that it was the only condition Of all the emotions, sadness had par-
which the discriminant analysis had diffi- ticularly unusual cardiovascular effects.
culty identifying. In terms of overall car- In contrast to happiness, anger, and fear,
diovascular activation, fear fell about sadness curiously seems to involve a rec-
midway between anger and happiness. ognition that there is "nothing to be
However, fear resembled sadness in that done." Sad subjects moved more slowly
systolic pressure and heart rate during than normal (the control condition) and
imagery were high relative to diastolic reported being somewhat better able to
pressure during imagery and heart rate generate sadness while stationary.
during exercise. Although the current de- Quite dramatically, sadness was the
sign only measured emotional states at the one condition in which movement did not
point of recovery, one might speculate produce the cardiovascular adjustments
that exercising in fear initially produced a normally associated with exercise (see
cardiovascular response equal to that in Tables 3 and 4). Subjects moved an equal
anger, while more consistent exertion in amount during sadness and relaxation
anger may have eventually led to the and generated similar moderate increases
differential response. The experimenters in systolic pressure and heart rate; how-
informally reported that fearful subjects ever, systolic and diastolic pressure re-
were light-footed and that some would mained significantly positively coupled
intermittently cower as well as run. How- in sadness while negatively correlated in
ever, angry subjects tended to move relaxation and in all other conditions.
rhythmically and pound the step. Sadness and rapid movement seem to be
In the regression analyses, fear and very incompatible. In this study, subjects
happiness were notable in that they most moved slowly in a way that allowed the
often resembled the average cardiovascu- sadness pattern to persist. More strenuous
lar pattern. During imagery, happiness running may have interfered with this
produced a considerably smaller mean pattern and the subjective experience of
increase in heart rate than fear but during sadness (59). Interestingly, Griest et al.
exercise the mean responses were almost (60) have reported that running is quite
identical. Like fear (and anger), subjects effective in reducing patients' depressed
tended to generate greater happiness mood.
when they were moving. At one level, Somewhat paradoxically, during sad-
running away from someone in fear ness increases in systolic blood pressure
produces similar isotonic demands as and heart rate were as large when subjects
running towards them in happiness. were stationary as when they were actu-
However, not surprisingly, imagining ally exercising (see Table 1). Although

360 Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981)


sadness clearly does not entail a prepara- Subjects were chosen to be relatively un-
tion for movement, sad imagery resulted inhibited about publicly generating fairly
in increases in systolic pressure and heart intense emotion. In addition, they were
rate that were not significantly different encouraged to create as intense emotional
from those in fear and anger imagery. states as possible. Subjects seemed to be
Sadness in relatively pure form pro- quite successful at the task in that they
totypically requires an acceptance of and reported average intensity ratings of 4.2
adjustment to the loss of a significant on a 5 point scale. Subjects were also
relationship (38, 61). Intense sadness encouraged to maximize peripheral
seems literally to include physiological physiological involvement by imagining
preparation for a loss of nurturance. Espe- bodily expressing the emotions even
cially in contrast to anger, sadness is as- while seated (6).
sociated with considerable inhibition of Although subjects were not explicitly
gastrointestinal activity, including saliva- asked, it had probably been quite a while
tion, gastric secretion, and motility as since they were as intensely angry, sad, or
well as hunger (38). afraid in their personal lives as they were
The current data, including the regres- in imagination in this experiment. Even
sion analysis, suggest that sadness pro- though imagery has not traditionally been
duces a notable increase in cardiac out- considered a powerful stimulus, observers
put, as is the case in anemia and other could readily discriminate subjects' emo-
systemic distress in which bodily tissue tional state (see Schwartz (7) for further
experiences deprivation (62). As Hamburg discussion). For example, according to the
(63, p. 316) observed, "serious threat to a experimenters, some subjects' blood ves-
key relationship may be as much sels clearly protruded on their necks dur-
emergency in psychophysiological terms ing anger. As Zajonc (64) has recently
as threat of attack by a predator." The reiterated, emotions are inherently subjec-
"disruption of interindividual bonds may tive experiences. Thus, for example, hav-
have profound consequences in car- ing subjects' imagine their own mothers'
bohydrate, protein, fat, electrolyte, and deaths may be a more powerful stimulus
water metabolism and on crucial func- than showing all subjects the same film of
tions of circulation" (63, p. 316). The someone else's mother's death.
increase in cardiac output, decrease in The present study may be the first evi-
movement and digestion, and the other dence of the effects of mental imagery and
selective changes in sympathetic and emotional expression during exercise.
parasympathetic activity (30, 38) as- Exercising in an angry state produced
sociated with sadness may all be consis- overwhelmingly different cardiovascular
tent with its role in recuperation after the demands than exercising in a normal or
loss of someone or something of major relaxed state. These findings may be rele-
significance. vant to why jogging seems to be deleteri-
It is important to recognize that the ous for some with cardiovascular disease
present study was designed to maximize while recuperative for others. For exam-
subjects' psychophysiological responses ple, Type A running may be quite dif-
in the laboratory without the use of ferent from Type B running (65). Emo-
ethically questionable manipulations. tional state affected more than the mere

Psychosomatic Medicine Vol. 43, No. 4 (August 1981) 361


rate of movement. Anger differed in car- less, they seem to be unique, integral parts
diovascular response from fear and hap- of human psychobiology. Specific emo-
piness, and sadness differed from relaxa- tions seem to differentially mediate the
tion even though the respective rates of relation between environmental stress
movement were comparable. and cardiovascular responses in ways that
Although many of the specific findings may be consequential in the pathogenesis
in this report will require replication, the and treatment of cardiovascular and re-
data, as a whole, compellingly indicate lated diseases.
that physiological responses of sadness,
anger, and happiness depart in important The first two authors contributed
ways from the often studied "arousal" equally to this research and are listed in
pattern of fear. These fundamental emo- alphabetical order. The research was
tions seem to have such basic links to the supported in part by National Science
cardiovascular system that they can Foundation Grant 81045. The authors
genuinely interact with as well as aug- thank D. Blackmer, P. Crits-Christoph,
ment the massive adjustments associated and I. Roseman for their contributions to
with exercise. Emotions such as anger and the implementation of this research
sadness are difficult to study using tradi- and/or the improvement of the final man-
tional laboratory procedures; neverthe- uscript.


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