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The thesis document is just about administrative purpose because each student should have its own

thesis and different with other student. I do this thesis from end to end (designnig surface facility,
reservoir modelling, and ecenomic evaluaion) but in the end we should split this thesis into 3

The mechanism of integrated carbon capture storage is about injecting CO2 which we get from
atmosphere by capture plant and transporting the co2 along 70 km with capacity 500 ton/day. From
our sensitivity analysis we are using five spot, so we inject 125 ton/day for each well. This project is
starts with 2 years pilot with purpose see reservoir respons due to co2 injection and from the
simulation there are increment in production rate so we continue the project to the real project for
the next 18 years

Reservoir Modelling
 Reservoir model
1. Size
-9 in x direction
-9 in y direction
-12 layers/z direction
-392 acre ft
-different thickness with total 241 ft
2. Rock Properties
-Avg Por= 0.11
-Avg Perm=17.8 mD
-Typically Sandstone water wet—perlu justifikasi lebih jelas dengan kurva Kr
vs Sw
3. Fluid Properties
-API 46
-Viscosity 0.454 cp
-FvF= 1.37 rb/STB
-MMP 1575 PSI (Multiple Contact Miscibility Calculation)
4. General
-Top of Res = 5200 ft
-38.26 MMSTB
-Overburden 1 psi/ft
-Fracture= 0.75 psi/ft (3900 psi)
5. Skenario
-Inject maks 50 ton/day through 4 wells on layer 10-12
-Produksi layer 1-6 (perfo)
-Minimum BHP 500 psi (productor)
-Maksismum BPH 3000 psi (Injector)
--Inject maks 500 ton/day through 4 wells on layer 10-12
-Produksi layer 1-6 (perfo)
-Minimum BHP 500 psi (productor)
-Maksismum BPH 3300 psi (Injector)
For MMP Consideration without exceeding the fracrure pressure the depth
should be greater than 2500 ft

For anticipating the hugh mbility ratio the viscositi should not be higher than
10 cp. Because the viscosity of CO2 is ranging between 0.05-0.1

For anticipating the gravity segregation the density or API of oil res not to be
lower than 22 API. Our is 46 API

Injection Pressure
Injection Pattern

Surface Facility
The gas is find by buy it from the market and transport it by truck (because it’s only 2 years
project). We inject maximum 50 ton/day through 4 well injector (because the patern is five
spot). If the response from the reservoir positive the project is continue by real project.
Gas Condition
-Find from gas field with produce CO2 transport by truck (50 ton/day)
-Gas is already processed with purity 99%
-The gas should be treated to the spesific transport condition (Temp 77 F, 0,1Mpa Temp
77 F, 8 Mpa (0.1-6.45 Mpa, 6,45-8 Mpa)
-Before injection we should increase pressure to level 10 Mpa by pump
Gas Condition
-Find from gas field with produce CO2 transport by truck (50 ton/day)
-Gas is already processed with purity 99%
-The gas should be treated to the spesific transport condition (Temp 77 F, 0,1Mpa Temp
77 F, 9.5 Mpa (0.1-6.45 Mpa, 6,45-9.45 Mpa), cooler (77 F5 F, 9,45 Mpa)For mantaining
in liq phase during transportation. Increase pressure to 10 Mpa before injection through 4
Economic Evaluation

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